Great Books of the Western World

Plutarch (45 - 120 C.E.)

Vol. 14: Plutarch

A web page by Alan Nicoll

Plutarch: Lives

Other Etext Links

The above link to the complete Lives (and other works of Plutarch) at the University of Adelaide is recommended for on-line reading, but no notes are provided; here are the other sources I've found:
  • Project Gutenberg has the complete Arthur Hugh Clough (Dryden) translation and just Volumes I and III of the Aubrey Stewart/George Long translation (24 lives total)
  • Bill Thayer's excellent site has annotated translations of the Roman lives and four Greeks (from LCL), plus some minor works and links
  • Perseus online texts, includes only 14 Lives, but with helpful hyperlinks and footnotes. Translations by Bernadotte Perrin and Thomas North.
  • Great Books Online has links to separate files for each life, but most of these are links to Classics Archives which have many truncated (incomplete) files.
  • Bartleby version of the Lives, the Harvard Classics text which has only 9 lives and 2 comparsions
  • Plutarch at, Wilmot McCutchen's site. Covers only the Greeks.

Links About Plutarch

  • Plutarch Wikipedia article
  • Perseus has a couple of pages in addition to the etext linked above
  • Harvard Classics brief lecture on Plutarch by Professor W. S. Ferguson.
  • Open Directory Project page on Plutarch. Many links, but the best are repeated on my page, and new links are always possible.
  • Chaironeia, self-described "Plutarch's Home on the Web" at the University of Texas. Links only, and most seem defective.
  • International Plutarch Society, apparently of little use other than for a bibliography

Page references, if any, are to Great Books of the Western World, vol. 14: , Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952

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