Al's Miscellaneous Movie Reviews

These are movies I saw more than six months ago and felt like saying something about.

Blue, White, and Red The late Krzysztof Kieslowski's trilogy of quirky stories set in modern Europe. Blue is a dark tale of how a woman reacts to the sudden death of her husband and daughter; it's my favorite of the three and I remember being quite moved by it. White is worth seeing, I suppose, but I didn't like it much despite recognizing its originality and quality. I just couldn't warm up to the characters. Red stars the devastatingly beautiful Irene Jacob and for me, at least, is worth watching just to look at her face. But it's a good movie, too, which is damning with faint praise. Go read Ebert's review, eh?

Chicago Very good musical with a great cast that holds your interest throughout. Some numbers, however, seem to be all about T & A (tits and ass, did I need to mention that?) to the point of becoming offensive. It's not one I'm keen to see again, however.

Ghost World

Ghost World Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson are dis-engaging teens in this quirky coming-of-age romance. Steve Buscemi is creepy but you get to like him after a while. I liked this a lot. Maltin missed the boat again. Viewed in late 2003, I only list it here because I wanted to and haven't quite found a final home for it. Finally got to read the comic book in May '04; it's very different and much sadder, and the two female leads (Enid and 'Becca) are so foul-mouthed and snide that one finds it hard to like them. Really, the movie is excellent and the comic book is better (though the drawing is less than dazzling). The movie reminds me of Heavenly Creatures, up to a point.

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