Blue, White, and Red The late Krzysztof Kieslowski's trilogy of quirky stories set in modern Europe. Blue is a dark tale of how a woman reacts to the sudden death of her husband and daughter; it's my favorite of the three and I remember being quite moved by it. White is worth seeing, I suppose, but I didn't like it much despite recognizing its originality and quality. I just couldn't warm up to the characters. Red stars the devastatingly beautiful Irene Jacob and for me, at least, is worth watching just to look at her face. But it's a good movie, too, which is damning with faint praise. Go read Ebert's review, eh?
Chicago Very good musical with a great cast that holds your interest throughout. Some numbers, however, seem to be all about T & A (tits and ass, did I need to mention that?) to the point of becoming offensive. It's not one I'm keen to see again, however.
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