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This page is about my wonderful celloteacher René Geesing.

René Geesing was born in Enschede, and received his first cellolessons at the age of seven. He studied with Jean Decroos at the Royal Conservatorium in The Hague and received his diploma in 1982. An ITT-International Fellowship made it possible for him to study with Nelsova aan The University of Cincinnati, USA from 1982 'till 1984. After his study in America, he received a scolarschip of the Ministerie van WVC and went to Banff, Canada, where he studied with Janos Starker, Zara Nelsova and Florence Hooton. René has been first solo-cellist in the EEG-Jeugdorkest from 1978 'till 1982. Besides playing solo-recitals, he also likes chambermusic and plays in the Valerius Ensemble. He gave concerts in Spain, England, Canada, Japan, USA and Northern Afrika. At this moment, René is first solo-cellist of the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra (Orkest van het Oosten).

The Valerius Ensemble.
An interview with Zara Nelsova.
More about Janos Starker at this page.
Hear René play a scherzo by M. Reger.
The Official Website of Inge Lulofs.