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7/9/2002: Err... yeah. ^^;; I should never ever give a deadline of when I'll get stuff done if it barely happens and I apologize (again). I've finally got the kaos section up. Of course, if some might have figured out, you could have used the back-up at the bottom of the collectives page to find it. I've got the links main page back up with an exception of the resource page. ^^;; I keep forgetting to update it and I need to add links there still, so give me a while and I'll get it done soon. Check out the re-opened sections. >_^

6/27/2002: I have finally re-opened every section in the collectives except for the kao-anis. The only downside of me re-opening it is that I think I've viewed the pages one too many times, which means bandwidth have been limited for the day (gomen...), but I think it should be fine (if not...sue me =P j/k). If the bandwidth is used up, check the link at the bottom of the collectives page. Also if there are any dead links, please e-mail me. I will definitely get it done tomorrow and maybe try to squeeze the links in too. It has been taking me waaayy too long to finish it all up, but it just gets tiring working on it (I apologize). I'll try to rap it all up tomorrow (again... tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow ^^;;) but in the meantime, check out what has been re-opened. Thanks! =)

6/26/2002: I have started re-opened some of the sections in the collectives, but it really isn't much. I wanted to do more today but don't worry, I'll probably finish the rest tomorrow. Here are the following sections that have been opened: Not really much but I guess better than nothing. ^^;; Expect more from me tomorrow as stated! >_^

6/25/2002: It has been well....over three long months since I last did any updating and I apologize for that (as I have for almost every single update...^^;;). School has consumed much of my time, but now that exams are over, I finally have time to change the layout. The last one was getting quite old and boring so I decided to give it a change. What do you all think? =) Hah hah...in my opinion, I think it's okay (colour a little bit dull I suppose), it's a change alrite, but I think I could have done better. Unfortunately, I'm not done reconstructing the whole site yet. The stuffs section (also known as the collectives now) has not been touched yet, so I'm still working on that. It will take me a day or two to finish it. Oy...>_< I remember last time doing it, it took me waaaayy too long (more than six hours), and over time I had to use serveral servers so it will take a while. The links section is also under construction and as some of you may have noticed, half of the links are practically....dead, so I am going to fix that up and add some new links. Other than that, well that's about it. ^^;; I know there's nothing much really on this site to see now, but I'll start adding stuff tomorrow. I haven't got to the e-mails for more over two months now. o_O I'm so sorry, my e-mail system is rather slow loading so it stops loading, and I've kind of avoided it checking my e-mails (heh heh....^^;;) because of it. I'll try to get through it tonight. The other site I've been working (which I said will be ready in April and never happened) on server has gone down, so I'm trying to move that to another server, which will take a while. Ah....! >_< I'm like all over the place, so out of place but please bare with me. I'd like to thank you all who have (or perhaps maybe not) been patient waiting for a new layout, and for my response. I've been rather slow with everything and although I can't promise I'm going to be 100% with everything, I'll try my best to get as much done and completed as possible. Thank you!

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