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Title: Changes- Memories (2/?)

Author: Aim

Rating: will be NC-17 soon

Pairing: None...Jack/Daniel Pre-slash...

Summary: Weird things happen after Jack's mission...

Archive: Sure..if ya want to, JD's and Area 52, and my site!

Feedback? Of course

Warning: A lil' depressing....heh..m/m sex...eventually

Series: Yup..I'll try posting two parts a week..or more..if you're really good

Jack held him, held him as he cried.

The rapid tears that fell only moments before were now drying in the red rimmed baby blues of the anthropologist. The only proof that they had fallen was the ragged breathing and the occasional sniffles as he pulled away and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

Daniel had pulled back from Jack's embrace but Jack still held him close, his arms still wrapped around Danny's back.

Daniel looked up into the brown eyes beside him and smiled, before one last tear trailed down his face.

Jack smiled, pulling Daniel into his chest again and ruffling the younger mans hair.

Daniel laughed and Jack hugged him reassuringly ,"Everything will be fine, Spacemonkey....Everything will be fine, ok?"

Daniel nodded into his chest and they hugged.


Jack had said the words, but knew that they weren't true.

'Everything will be fine...ya right...I can't remember anything that happened on that damned planet with SG-9, and I'm saying everything will be fine? That's a laugh.'

Jack held Daniel closer to himself, for his own comfort as well as the younger mans.

Everything was fuzzy, distorted...

...He remembered leaving with SG-9, going through the gate and feeling the familiar flip flop of his stomach when traveling through the gate...but then everything stopped and everything was like static...his mind just couldn't remember....

Next thing he knew, he was walking back out of the gate, and stepping into the gate room at the SGC..being greeted by the gun brigade, until the General and Major Carter, came and everyone calmed down.

He strained his mind to think of anything he could remember...and all he could see in his memories was returning to SGC headquarters, talking to Hammond and then to Major Carter.

Suddenly, his conversation with her came back, fresh, in his mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'Nice to have you back, Sir"

'Thank you, Carter'

She giggled slightly and then rested a hand on my arm, 'How are you?'

I looked down at her hand on my shoulder and then into her eyes, realizing that she wasn't asking if I was ok physically..seeing it in her eyes, this experience had brought us both to a realization...

I nodded, 'Fine, Major..fine..'

She smiled when I called her Major instead of Carter..She knew it, it was enough to be said. It was all that needed to be said. We both realized our mistake. Both realized what was best. Both realized that we never felt the way we thought....

It was sort of disconcerting to find out that you knew someone well enough to be able to know their thoughts but my calm reverie was broken when Teal'c stepped up to us.

When Teal'c walked over I had become afraid again, realizing that I still couldn't remember anything from the mission.....I was scared and the first thing that came to mind was 'Where's Daniel? He'll know what to do...' and then I saw him....

And now I'm here.....


Daniel rubbed a hand up and down Jack's back and whispered, "You're shaking..."

Jack laughed slightly and pulled Daniel closer to him, laying the younger man's head on his shoulder as he felt something inside of himself move, something inside his mind.

He cringed, feeling a deep pain in his temples...a sudden headache and then his stomach lurched and he was gone....


Jack glanced around the room, his finger nails digging into the cloth of Daniel's shirt.

Everything looked different, new...strange....

His pupils dilated and then shifted in the diamond shape of a cats.

His eyes glowed bright yellow in the darkness of the room and a small, evil smile lit upon his face as he rubbed a hand down Daniel's back, laughing cruelly to himself.

In the deepest recesses of his mind, the real Jack O'Neill was heard screaming and yelling in fear and pain. Hidden behind the deep glowing gaze.
