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Together at Past

Title: Together at Past

Author: Aim

Rating: NC-17 Bay-bay! What else?

Pairing: Angel/Xander...awww...aint they cuuuute?

Archive: deadboy&Xander, my site (, anywhere else, ask

Summary: Uhm...the usual, how they met.

Disclaimer: Joss is God, all though he was smokin' some serious shit when he put Angel and Buffy together in stead of A/X..but I can forgive him. Oh, yah..they all belong to him. But, the Thoth'Ikan demons are mine! all mine! MWAHAHAH..aint they cute lil' bastards?

Authors Notes: Major Sap factor ahead...but also hilarious if I do say so myself!

feedback! Yes, Please! need it, crave it...I'm addicted what can I say?!?

Notes: This story has a lot of flash back sequences, shown by this (******) in between the present and the past. This (~~~~~) shows a short passage of time in the past or present. If it gets confusing I'm sorry. I tried not to make it complicated but if it still is, forgive me! Please!


His back was clenched tightly straight, like a spring that was too tightly wound and would fall apart any second. To the audience he looked confident and proud but in truth his legs were shaking and he was sweating profusely. He glanced up into the velvet gaze of his lover and released a breath he had long been withholding.

His lover winked at him and Xander Harris couldn't help but smile despite his nervousness. His lover could always make him feel better, one look into his deep eyes and he melted, a goofy smile spreading upon his lips, he just couldn't help it!

'How did I get here?', he asked himself with a rueful smile.

Giles stood two steps away from them, making a speech that neither of them could really hear. 'Good thing Buffy is recording this', he thought as he turned his head and searched the faces of the captivated audience. 'So many friends here today. This has to be a dream, my friends couldn't care less about my future but here they are. It has to be a dream,' he looked back into his lovers gaze, 'But I'm glad it int,' he smirked and almost burst out in laughter as his lover raised his eyebrow, nodding towards Giles and rolling his eyes in a 'Is he EVER going to shut up?' kind of way.

Xander snorted his laughter and smiled, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he held in his mirth. 'How did I get here?', he asked himself again, but he knew. He already knew.


Two and a half years ago....

Xander LaVelle Harris was tired. Tired of a life that he didn't want. Tired of not being appreciated. Tired of trying to be something he wasn't and tired of not mattering to anyone, not even himself. He sighed, walking into his house, down the stairs, and then flopping down onto his bed. Anya... She was beautiful, funny, a great lay, nice, a little weird, but she cared for her way. Anya, the girl he had just broken up with. He just couldn't take it anymore. She was nice, she was great...she just wasn't what he wanted, what he needed. He didn't know what was, but somehow she wasn't fulfilling it for him.

He smiled sadly, her shrill voice was still echoing in his ears, 'But who will give me orgasms?' He had to suppress a laugh when she said that. He assured her that she would find another. She kissed him on the cheek, once again showing that inner strength that he fell for. She told him that she hoped he would be happy and he left. It was all too much.

'She hopes I'll be HAPPY?' Xander Harris has never been happy in his whole life. '*She* hopes *I'll* be happy, when I'm the one that just broke her heart. God I'm an asshole,' he thought as he roughly clenched his stomach and turned on his side on the bed.

He was so confused. She was great, wonderful. He didn't know why he broke up with her. It just wasn't enough for him, nothing was ever enough and it was driving him insane.

Xander looked at his bedside table and saw the remnants of the apple he had eaten last night and the knife he had used to cut it with. He reached out for the knife, his fingers lightly trailing across the blade and he briefly considered what it would feel like to slit his wrists, to watch his blood gush over onto the floor, the bed, the table. Like a fountain. He picked the knife up and with shaking hands placed it to his wrists. He pressed down gently and closed his eyes, throwing the knife across the room.

'What am I doing?', he thought, 'I need to get away...I need to go somewhere, where I'll just forget everything, and all will be better again...'

Xander walked over to the phone, he desperately needed to talk to someone, anyone who would listen, someone he could trust to actually give a damn.

'Willow? No, she has enough problems. Plus, she knows me too well; she'll mother me and tell me it will all be all right. But that's just the thing, what if it isn't? Buffy? No, definitely no. She wouldn't care. Never did before, wouldn't expect her to start now. Giles? Yah, right. He's happy for once in his life, don't screw it up by telling him about your problems. Anya? Yah, good one, Harris, call your recently claimed EX-girlfriend and tell her you need to talk about some problems you have,' Xander sighed. He was running out of options, fast. Glancing around he saw a picture frame sitting on the bedside table, a picture of the old Scooby Gang held under its glass. With a smile of remembrance he searched the faces and finally landed upon Cordelia. Without even thinking he dialed her number in L.A., getting nervous only when the second ring sounded.

//Angel's Investigations, how may we help you?// Cordelia's annoyingly cheerful voice passed through the phone and he jumped.

//Hello?!?// she said impatiently.

Xander gulped, "Cordy?"

//Yes, who is this?// she asked nonchalantly.

"Uhm...Hi, it's Xander," he smiled as he heard a gasp over the phone, "You might not remember me, we went to High School together and had some pretty cool times in broom closets. Well, that was all before you became a big star and moved to L.A. and...," he said sarcastically.

//Xander! Shut up!// she squealed in faked annoyance before speeding up her speech excitedly. //Hi, how are ya? I'm fine. It's been so long since you last called, are you ever going to visit? Oh god, how are you?//

Xander smiled, he was afraid she would react badly; he hadn't called in a long time and normally she would yell at him and hang up on him in vengeance, but apparently she had changed, as he had. They had stayed friends after their breakup, having friendly banter all the time but they were still friends. They knew they were there for each other.

"Hi, Cordy. Yes, I'm fine and yes, it's been a long time."

//Oh, Well...How's life? How's Anya?//

Xander cringed, "Anya... uhm, I broke up with her today. Actually that's why I called."

//No, Xander, I will never go back out with you!// she said with humor in her voice.

"No, no, I just needed to talk."

//Oh, Okay, what's up?//

"Nothing. Really nothing aside from the usual, being the zeppo, the donut boy...breaking up with a girl that was nothing but wonderful to me, having friends who don't give a shit about me."

Cordelia sighed sadly //They care about you...//

"No, no, they don't, and I just can't stand it, I need to get away...," he hated the desperation in his voice and sighed raggedly.

Cordelia's brow creased in sadness for her friend and she searched her surroundings for something to say. Anything to say. Her eyes finally landed on Wesley's glasses, 'British idiot left them down here' She looked around and saw many of Wesley's books lying open on the floor, 'God, how does he do it all? It must be stressful, he really needs an assistant. An assistant! Someone to help with research and help take notes! Cordelia Chase, you are a genius!'



"You just said 'Cordelia Chase you are a genius'."

Cordelia blushed //Oh, well, I am!//

"Yah, uh huh, riiiight. I'm so..."

//You're coming to LA.//

"...sure you're a genius. If you're a genius then I'm...What did you just say?"

//Okay, here's the deal: We need some help here with research and stuff. You could do that, you could help out! Here you would be needed and appreciated and...//

"And torn limb from limb by Angel."

Cordelia smiled mischievously //Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. I'll call the bus station in Sunnydale and get you a ticket. So pack your bags and I'll see ya tonight!//


//We'll be expecting you! **Click**//

"Cordy! Oh god...," he sighed, considering calling back, but then he heard his father's drunken voice screaming something incoherent down the stairs. He gave a fake smile, "L.A., here I come!"


After saying some quick and vague goodbyes to Willow, Anya, Buffy and Giles, he was on his way. He told them that he would be staying with Cordelia in L.A. for an unknown amount of time, explaining that he just needed to get away, to 'find' himself. They all sighed, hugging him and nodding in understanding, but he knew that they didn't understand, they could never understand. He didn't even understand. They believed him easily, taking any excuse he gave them, leaving them thinking that he was going on another self searching escapade and within a week he would give up and be back.

He was on his way.

A few hours later he was juggling his luggage and the directions Cordy had given him, hoping desperately that this was the right building. He stepped forward and pressed the illuminated button beside the massive door.

The doorbell rang and Xander stood back, stumbling over his bags as he waited for the door to open. A few seconds (that felt like forever) later the door opened. Xander raised his eyes slowly from the floor, gasping as his eyes fell upon the muscular build and then the dark gaze he tried so hard to pretend he hadn't fantasized about. Tried so hard to forget the times he masturbated or made love to Anya and her face always changed into Angel's at the last moment...right before he...

Xander cleared his throat, "H--hey Angel...," he said shakily, trying to look casual and only succeeding in managing his goofiest smile ever.


Giles was still droning on but Angel could only hear Xander's heart racing. He smiled in sympathy. If he were still mortal his heart would probably be smashing through his chest cavity right about now.

He was nervous but didn't show it, his shoulders were squared and he was beaming with happiness. They were getting married. They had been together for two years and had wanted each other for longer and now they would be together forever.

He could remember the day everything started, the day Xander Harris stood on his doorstep with an endearing goofy smile on his face. He could remember everything so clearly...


Angel opened the door sleepily. It was evening and he had just woken up when the doorbell rang.

He yawned and opened the door all the way, blinking twice at the person that stood before him.

"H--hey Angel...," Xander said shakily.

Angel took a moment to compose himself, clearing his throat and blinking once more to make sure he wasn't still asleep, "Xander..."

Angel just stood, confusion etched in every inch of his visage as Xander shifted nervously from foot to foot. A few seconds later Cordelia's voice was heard.

"Xander! You're here!" she ran to him, hugging him happily as his luggage fell to the floor. Cordy spoke all at once, dragging him into the main room. Xander looked behind himself and saw Angel picking up his bags and carrying them inside with little effort.

Angel closed the door behind him, placing the bags on the floor and raising a finger in interruption to Cordelia's tirade, "Uhm...Cordelia?"

Cordelia looked up and met Angel's eyes, her smile lessening, "Oh...Angel..."

"What--What is going on?"

Xander looked incredulously at Cordelia, 'She didn't tell him?!? Oh god!' Cordy patted his shoulder in reassurance and asked Angel to join her in the next room.

They walked into the next room, leaving a very fidgety Xander alone. Once the door was closed behind them Angel attacked.

"Why is he here?!"

"Uhm...He's gonna be staying here for a while."

"And you couldn't tell me? Say 'Gee, Angel, since this is your hotel do you think Xander could stay here a few nights?'"

"It might be longer than that," she mumbled.


"Angel, he's having problems at home and we need help with research and stuff. I just thought..."

Angel looked at her curiously, 'He was having problems at home?'

"Please let him stay, he's a friend and he needs help."

"He hates me."

"No, he doesn't, please?" she batted her eyelashes, "He'll be good, I promise."

Angel grumbled, "As long as he doesn't call me 'Deadboy'."

Cordelia shrieked in happiness and hugged him, kissing him lightly on the cheek. "You won't regret this! I promise!"

Angel rolled his eyes and followed her to the door.

Xander jumped back from the door frame, eavesdropping was bad, but sometimes necessary.

When they walked out of the room, Xander was sitting on a chair in the lobby, waiting patiently.

"So...," he smiled, just couldn't help it, "*Deadboy*, what's the verdict? Happy? Happy is good, very good, is it happy?" he asked, his fingers intertwining in a fidgety dance. Xander pouted, his bottom lip quivering, "Can I stay here, Pweease?!?"

Angel shifted, Xander's pout was making him hot and now was not a good time. He had cringed when Xander called him 'Deadboy', but when that delicious pout showed itself, he forgot everything, including his name and just stood.

Cordelia smiled, choosing to answer for her currently comatose boss, "Happy! You can stay!"

Xander faked surprise, didn't want them knowing of his eavesdropping and gasped, "I can?!" he looked at them both like a lost little boy whose dreams had just come true and couldn't believe it.

Angel's face shuttered, 'He's surprised. Well, why shouldn't he be? I'm nothing but The Evil Vampire Guy to him, nothing but 'Deadboy''.' He growled slightly, "Yes, you can stay, just be careful where you step; I'm not a baby-sitter!" he said as he walked out of the room.

Xander looked up at Cordelia quizzically and she shrugged, "He's like that sometimes."

"Okay...," he stood up and she moved to hug him again.

"Welcome to the family!" She turned, grabbing his bags and leading him up the stairs, "Oh, by the way, you'll be staying here...with Angel."


"In another room, of course."

"Oh. Okay."

"Another room next door to his..."


She smirked, walking the rest of the way up the stairs. This was going to be fun.



~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Months Later~~~~~


Xander and Angel both ran to Cordelia's side. Xander carrying the water and Angel the Aspirin.

Xander handed her the water and placed his hand in front of Angel. "Aspirin."

"Why can't I give it to her? What, you have to give it to her? Is it a law now?"

"YES! She needs it, so give me the damn Aspirin!"

Angel began to hand the Aspirin to Xander then moved at the last second and handed them to Cordelia with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Thank you," Cordelia said in exasperation. "HEY!"

Xander grabbed the Aspirin from her hand, staring pointedly at Angel as he handed them back to Cordelia.

"FOR GOD SAKE! GIVE ME THE DAMN ASPIRIN!" she grabbed the Aspirin from Xander's grasp and ignored the laughter from Gunn and Wesley as she swallowed them.

She closed her eyes, "I swear, Angel, you two act like an old married couple!"

Xander blushed and turned his head away from Angel as the vampire snorted in indignation. Angel sneaked a glance at Xander's beet-red face and smiled in triumph before changing the subject. "Uhm...the vision?"

"The vision? OH! THE VISION!" Cordelia said.

" 'Oh the vision?'," Xander said in amusement.

"Hey! Shut up! I'm the damned clairvoyant here!" she looked at Angel's angry, impatient gaze and gulped, "Anyway, I saw a pack of demons, purple with long red hair and four gold horns. They were attacking a child and an elderly woman at John's...," she squinted in concentration, "...Deli!"

Cordelia smiled, proud of herself as Wesley walked over to Xander, tapping him on the shoulder, "Come on then," he said softly as he led him to the books to look for a demon of that description.

Xander mumbled something and Wesley looked up, "What?"

"I--I, uhm...I think it's a Thoth'Ikan demon."

"You 'think'?" Gunn said with a laugh.

"Hey, if the man says he thinks, then he thinks," Angel said with a smile that lessened only when he saw the fleeting hurt expression on Xander's face. He cursed himself mentally and walked over to Xander, "Why do you think it's this Thoth'Ikan thing?"

"I read about them the other night and, well, it fits Cordy's description."

Wesley's head shot up from his book, "He's right! Good job, man," he said, patting Xander on the back.

Xander smiled at him and Angel turned his head away, his chest tightening, 'Why doesn't he ever smile for me? Just once....'

In the two months that the young man had stayed with them they had learned a lot about him. If given the chance he would do anything to help, even give up his life. That is, if Angel would ever let him fight. Angel had learned more about the boy that had haunted his dreams. He was smart, kind, compassionate, funny, sarcastic, loyal, courageous, valiant, and was currently becoming the object of Angel's secret affections. He had wanted the mortal for a long time, but now he feared that he was falling in love with him.

Angel was pulled from his thoughts but the monotone of Wesley. "It says here that the Thoth'Ikan travel in packs no larger than seven beings in each and they kill living beings by...," Wesley shifted his glasses and Xander finished for him, reciting what he had read the other night.

"...By taking their life energy out through their eyes. All they have to do is look into their victim's eyes and within about 13 seconds the victim is dead."

Wesley looked at Xander, shocked that he had remembered all of that information and just said, "Yes."

Xander smiled smugly and Angel couldn't help but smile back at the youth. Cordelia walked up behind Angel and whispered in his ear, "He's gorgeous when he smiles like that, isn't he?"

"Yah...I mean, what?!?"

Cordelia smirked and crossed a finger over her chest before bring it to her lips and making a locking gesture.

'Oh god! She knows. Does anyone else know? Does *he* know?,' he panicked until Wesley's words finally sunk in. "We better go then!" he said quickly. 'Any distraction will do,' he thought as he grabbed his duster. 'Always gotta go out in style'.

"Wait, you can only kill them by yurking them in the forehead," Xander said, rushing to get his own jacket.

Angel stared at him in amusement, "Yurk?"

"Yah. Ya know, 'yurk'. Stab."

"Uh huh. Just checkin' to see if you knew."

"Riiight," Xander said, smiling at Angel.

Angel was frozen, 'He smiled at me, a genuine smile, not a goofy, nervous smile, a real smile.'

Cordelia laughed and walked over to him, pushing him out the door, "Come on, big guy, time to go kick demon butt!"

He snapped out of it slowly and walked out the door and down to the car.

Xander rushed out the door, "Let me drive!"


"Because we don't have much time, just trust me!"

Angel looked at him nervously before handing him the keys.

Everyone jumped into the car, Xander in the driver's seat, Angel in the passenger and Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn in the back.

Cordelia did up her seat belt quickly, whispering to Wes and Gunn, "Buckle up, NOW!"

"Why?" Wesley asked.

The car screeched and speed down the road. Wesley and Gunn's heads being thrown back in the process.

"oh...," Wesley said as he hurriedly did his belt and watched as Gunn did the same.

Xander looked in the rearview mirror with a mischievous smile as he sped down the road and the highway to John's Deli.

A few minutes later and they were rushing out of the car, drawing their weapons and rushing towards the demons.

Angel saw Xander draw a weapon and he quickly placed a hand on the mortal's chest, pushing him back against a wall. "Stay here," he said before following the others to fight.

Wesley and Cordelia fought back-to-back, kicking and hitting demons left and right. Cordelia raised a knife and stabbed the beast in the head, watching as it fell, turning into goo. "EWWW!! You didn't say they melted and were all nasty!" she yelled at Wesley's back. "Are you listening to me?!? My shoes are ruined! I hope you're sorry." She turned around, watching as Wesley fought, "Yah, just ignore me!" she yelled, flailing her hand back and stabbing a demon with her knife. She turned around as the beast fell to the ground, "No one could warn me? Great, now my sweater is ruined!" she said, exasperated.

Angel grabbed his sword and a stake and made short work of three demons to Gunn's one. They got the woman and child to safety but they were afraid to even move, so Xander, very pissed and determined to do something to help, walked over to them. He reassured them and told them they had to leave and run to safety. He looked at the little boy, smiling and talking kindly to him when he saw a flash of red light. He thought he had seen things until the boy raised his hand and Xander saw that he had claws. Xander freaked as the boy slashed him across the chest and the woman stalked forward. He stumbled backwards to a not fully constructed brick wall of one of the new additions to the deli. He raised the brick, slamming it into the child's head, making the woman scream out in anger as the boy fell to the ground.

Angel killed the last demon and looked up in time to see Xander slam a brick into a mortal's head!

He ran forward, hoping desperately that he would not have to kill Xander, when he saw the woman's arm glow red and claws form on her blunt digits. The woman swiped for Xander and Angel rushed faster towards him, afraid for the boy's life. Xander smacked the brick into her head but she was not affected and Xander backed up further against the wall.

Angel raised his stake, stabbing the 'woman' in the back and watching as she fell.

He looked up into Xander's eyes. "What were you thinking?"


"No! I don't care! When I tell you to..."


Angel began to turn around but Xander pushed him out of the way, garbing his stake and stabbing the woman in the chest again until she fell and decomposed before their eyes, as did the boy.

Xander looked down at Angel, expecting a word of praise but all he saw was anger in the dark gaze. He looked away as Angel walked silently to the car and sat in the driver's seat.

Xander looked down and Gunn walked up behind him, "Hey, Dawg, don't take it personally. You did good, 'kay?"

"Yah. Thanks, man," he said, moving his hand out in a fist position and pushing it against Gunn's then over and under the man's fist in their secret handshake.

They began walking to the car and Cordelia wrapped an arm around Xander's waist as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She leaned up to his ear, "Well, at least your shoes aren't ruined."

He smiled at her. "No! Look! they are ruined!" she said, pointing to her shoes and he chuckled as they walked the rest of the way to the car and got in.

~~~~~Back at the building, in Angel's office.

"Why? I killed them, why can't I fight?!? Cordelia and Wesley fight!"

"Because you could get yourself killed!"

"So could you! What if one of those stakes hit you in the chest?!"

"Xander...," he said in exasperation.

"Angel...," Xander said, matching Angel's tone.

"This time you were lucky and you killed the demons, next time you might not be. Just...just stay where I tell you!"

"No! Angel, I am not going to be 'The Zeppo' again! I am not the donut boy!"

"No, you're not. You help us immensely in the research and..."

"And nothing! I want to fight, Angel. I want to be a part of the team!"

"You are a part of the team!"

"No! No, I'm not. You treat Cordy and Wes with more respect than you do me. I know we've never been friends, but, god, Angel! I'm trying!"

"I don't want you to get killed."

"Then train me to fight! I want to fight, please, Angel...Please."

Angel sighed, his eyes searching the floor as the door creaked open and Cordelia walked in, rubbing circles on Xander's back. "Xand, let me talk to Angel for a minute, please."

Xander threw his arms up in the air and stalked out of the room, "Fine."


"I know, I know. I should let him fight."

"Yes, you should. He's done nothing wrong so why are you punishing him?"

"Because...because I'm falling in love with him," Angel whispered.

Cordelia walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him, "Then let him fight. If you don't, he'll leave. This is exactly the reason he left Sunnydale. Please."

Angel nodded, and Cordelia left the room, walking up the stairs to tell Xander.

She knocked on his door and walked in, "You can fight."

Xander sat up on his bed, "What?"

"He's going to allow you to fight, Xand, he's just worried about you."

"Well, why should he care? He never did before!"

"Xand...," she said as she rubbed his back.

Angel stood in the doorway of Xander's room, looking in at them, 'I've always cared, Xander... Always.'

As if hearing his thoughts, Cordelia raised her head and looked towards the door.

He stepped in and spoke to Xander's back, "Training starts at 6:00 PM tomorrow in the basement."

When Xander didn't respond he walked out of the room, only to hear a whispered "Thank you" when he reached the end of the hallway.

"You're welcome, Xander," he whispered knowing that it would never be heard.


Another short disclaimer: "Back that thing up" belongs to 'Juvienille' and "Dreaming of You" belongs to the beautiful Selena, may she R.I.P. "Con tu adios te llevas mi corazon"


~~~~~~6:00 PM, the next day. The basement....

Xander walked gingerly down the steps leading towards the basement, almost afraid that Angel would jump out and kick his ass just on principle. He walked down the last step just in time to see Angel wipe his sweaty chest off with a towel before covering himself with a tank top.

Xander gasped as the cotton of the tank top caressed every ripple, every indentation of muscle on Angel's chest inch by inch. Angel pulled the shirt all the way down and Xander smacked his mouth shut, closing his eyes tightly and thinking, 'Don't embarrass yourself, don't embarrass yourself.'

Xander let out a breath and opened his eyes, walking forward.

'Don't embarrass yourself...,' he sucked in a breath for courage and walked the rest of the way across the room to Angel.

"Hey, Deadboy, ready to traaaaaiii..AH!" he tripped over a weight and fell forward.

Quicker than lightning, Angel rushed to him, catching him before he hit the ground. Xander grasped onto Angel's shoulders, "Wow. The ground is surprisingly soft," he said and Angel laughed. Xander pulled back in shock at the deep chuckle. Angel looked back at him and smiled, "Ready when you are."


"Ready when you train? If you think you can keep up," Angel said with an evil smile.

Xander smiled, 'Fine you wanna play hard ball, bring it on, Blood-breath,'

"So, where do we start?" he asked innocently.

"Knock me down."

"Excuse me?"

"Try and knock me down; as soon as I see how you attack your opponents I can decide what needs work and what you need to learn."

"oh...ok. That makes sense."

Xander watched curiously as Angel moved into a fighting stance. His back was straight and his knees bent, his arms out in a blocking form.

Xander mimicked Angel's stance while trying to calm his shaking. 'Knock him down, not that hard. I mean, I just go over there, get Bubonic on his vampire ass and knock him down. Piece of cake...Yah, riiight! All that believe that, raise their lil' hand. Ok, here goes.'

Xander steadied himself before running full force at Angel. When he was a couple of feet away from the vampire he did a switch kick, gaining air before he kicked out his right foot, extending it all they way and aiming straight for Angel's chest.

It seemed as if his kick was going in slow motion and just as his foot was about to connect to its target the vampire reached out, gripping Xander's foot at the ankle and twisting, sending the mortal crashing to the ground.

"Ow...Now that was *not* soft!"

"Again," Angel said in a strong monotone.

Xander sat up, massaging his ankle slightly before standing again and walking to his place, awaiting further instruction.

Angel blinked in shock. He had expected the boy to say 'No!' or 'Screw you,' or just plain give up, but instead the mortal stood up almost immediately, completely ready to try again. The vampire cleared his throat and got back in his fighting stance, trying to hide the shock on his face.

"Ok, this time use your fists *and* your legs, 'kay?"

"Got it," Xander said as he crouched down to the ground, favoring his ankle slightly for a minute but then he was off, running at Angel again with speed and determination. When he reached the vampire he shot his fist out, and just as Angel was about to grab his arm, Xander turned swiftly around, crouching to the ground and sweeping his leg to the side, knocking it into Angel's knees and knocking the vampire over on his stomach.

Angel rolled over onto his back, blinking up at Xander, "Whoa...wha happened?"

Xander laughed, "Dance class from the time I was five years old til' I was nine."

"Dance class?" Angel raised an eyebrow, a smirk spreading upon in lips.

"Ya, Willow wanted to join but she didn't want to go alone so she made Jesse and I join with her. Jess quit after a couple of weeks but I stayed. It was fun."

Angel smiled slightly, Xander had been here two months and although they talked on the phone the vampire could tell that the boy missed his best friend, Willow. His brow creased suddenly, "Well, if you liked it then why...?"

"Why'd I quit?" at Angel's nod he continued, a sigh of despair escaping his lips. "My dad found out. See, my Mom thought it was cute so she let me join as long as my father didn't find out...but he did."

"What did he do?" Angel asked, concerned.

"Beat me up. He said dancing was for sissys and 'what would his friends say if they found out?' So he hit me, repeatedly," Xander sighed, running a hand through his tussled hair, "I ended up in the hospital and when I got back home he had left, leaving a note that said it was my mother's fault for raising a gay boy. He came back a year later, though. With a new great trick...alcoholism. He had lost his job, he'd lost everything and somehow thought that my mom would fix everyth...I'm sorry, you don't care."

Angel's eyes softened in sympathy, "I'm so..."

Xander cringed, "Don't. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me. Especially someone who hates me, okay? Now is training over or should we go again?"

Angel looked at him sadly and then nodded as he got to his feet, "Again."

~~~~~~~3 months later

Angel looked at his watch for the fifth time. '6:45...Where is he? We're supposed to be training, everyday, 6:00 sharp in the basement, he knows that! ARGH! I could be still sleeping but no....'

Angel stomped back and forth through the basement. He ran a hand through his hair and grimaced, pulling it back. 'Ew. Oh gel.' He looked around for something to wipe his hands on and saw his towel by the stairs. He walked over, picking up the cloth and wiping his hand clean. Once he was done he looked up at the sound of music playing from upstairs.

He shrugged and walked up the steps to the main room, opening the door slowly. He walked quietly into the main room, almost falling over at the sight he saw.

Xander was dancing, he was bent over moving his backside and backing his 'thang' up as best he could. Cordelia walked up behind him and started pushing her hips against Xander's ass, grinding against him and making him laugh. He turned around and faced her, moving his hips forward and grinding against her as they both screamed out the few lyrics of the song that they did know.

"Dun dun dun dun...WHEN YA BACK THAT THANG UP! GIRL YA LOOK GOOD WHEN YA BACK THAT THANG UP! YOU A BIG FINE WOMAN WHEN YOU BACK THAT THANG UP...dun dun dun dun dun dun," they screamed while laughing and dancing.

They turned around and Xander's gaze fell upon Wesley and Gunn who were laughing at them. Wesley looked almost shocked but he couldn't contain his laughter and Gunn held one hand over his mouth, screaming, "Ohhh!"

He turned a little more as Angel came into view and he gasped, holding back a giggle as he saw the vampire shift from foot to foot in an imitation of a half-dance move. "Hey, Angel, you wanna dance? Be my guest," he said, waving a hand towards Cordelia. She stopped and stared at Xander shaking her head 'no' and whispering, "He'll kill my feet, please, Xander."

Xander smirked as he walked away and Angel walked forward, moving his arms and legs in a spastic convulsion of 'dance'. Wesley, Xander, and Gunn collapsed against the wall laughing and Xander gave both men a high five. When Angel finally reached Cordelia he kept dancing, but within a few seconds the music changed to a slow song. Angel stopped moving and suddenly looked uncomfortable. Cordelia took pity on him and grabbed his hands, placing them on her hips and her own arms around his neck. She began to sway and a few seconds later they were dancing.

The laughter of the three stooges in the corner quieted and Angel chose to focus on the song instead of the silence. He looked at Xander one last time before closing his eyes and listening to the song.

'Late at night when all the world is sleeping I stay up and think of you and I wish on a star That somewhere you are thinking of me too

Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight and there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be than here in my room dreaming about you and me

Wonder if you ever see me and I wonder if you know I'm there If you looked in my eyes would you see whats inside Would you even care?

I just wanna hold you close, but so far all I have are dreams of you So I wait for the day, and the courage to say How much I love you..'

It was as if the song was speaking to him. This is exactly what Angel wanted to say, this was everything he wanted to say. He suddenly wished it was Xander he was dancing with instead of Cordelia, and as the song played on Angel found himself pretending it was Xander in his arms. He pulled Cordelia closer, placing his cheek against her warm one and imagining it was Xander's lithe body, flowing gracefully in his arms.

Cordelia tensed as she was pulled closer but then gave in, it had been so long since she had been held by anyone and she found herself leaning into the strong body, laying her head on his shoulder as Angel fantasized it was Xander's hip he was caressing, Xander's body leaning against his for support, Xander's neck he was moving his lips to. Their dream world was interrupted when they heard a chair screech upon the floor. Angel and Cordelia opened their eyes to see Xander hurrying up the stairs to his room. Cordelia cursed herself and gasped, "Oh shit...Shit! Xander!" she called, running after him.

Angel looked up at Wesley and Gunn, "What just happened?" they shrugged and he just blinked. "Oook...well, when he comes back down tell him to come to the basement, we've still got to train," he said as he headed downstairs.

Wesley shook his head and Gunn clicked his tongue, "Ya know, for a centuries old vamp, he can be pretty dumb."


"Damn straight, 'Indeed!'. Shiiit."

Cordelia ran up the stairs and pushed open the door to Xander's room, sitting beside him on the bed.


"Xander...," he mimicked her in an annoying tone.

" was nothing, we danced together."

"Yah, well you were pretty close."

"He doesn't want me."


"No, he almost kissed my neck."


"Xander, he doesn't want me."

"What? He loves you?"

"No! DAMNIT XANDER! He loves you!"


"He does."

"No he doesn't."

"Are you so sure?"


"Let me tell you something, he doesn't love me, and even if he did I wouldn't want him. He loves you, Xander. It's obvious to everyone but you."

Xander shook his head.

"Yes, he does, and I suggest you do something about it. You like him, he likes you, now do *something*."

He shook his head again and Cordelia sighed, "You know, I always admired you for your courage under pressure, but now when it means the most you can't even lift a pinkie in that direction. Just try it," she said, placing a kiss on his forehead. "Now, I'm gonna go to my room and see if Dennis wants to play chess. I'll talk to ya later, okay? Okay?!?"

"Ok...Thanks, Cordy."

"You're welcome. Now use your incredible courage and find out what happens." Finally, she left the room and Xander sighed, collapsing against his pillows. He knew she was right but how was he supposed to be strong and courageous in a situation like this?

He found his courage three days later...


"The rings...," Giles voice brought Angel out of his memories and he smiled up at Xander as they waited for Spike to retrieve their rings from his jacket pocket. Spike was Angel's best man and Willow was Xander's...complete in a tux. Willow rubbed a hand down Xander's arm in reassurance and he smiled. She was in a tux but still looked beautiful; her hair, now long again, was pulled back in a French braid and her tux was tight fitting to her form. She looked like all the other men in tuxes except she was wearing a skirt instead of pants. When Xander had first seen her he laughed but then...

Xander was yanked from his thoughts when he heard a muttered cuss. He looked over at Spike who was currently dropping the wedding rings. The rings rolled by Xander and Angel's feet and at the same time they bent down to reach for them, banging their heads together in the process. When their heads hit, they both looked into each other's eyes and laughed to the confusion of many as they remembered their first kiss...


~~~~~~~~~~~~Three days later...In the basement

Angel turned them over. Xander was becoming a better fighter and once a month they would test out his skills in a fight like now. At the moment Angel was winning.

Angel pushed Xander down and held the mortal's hands above his head. Xander was effectively pinned and Angel smirked, "Give up?"

"No!" Xander gritted out before bracing his back and smacking his head full force into Angel's, shocking the vampire. When Xander saw that the vampire was temporarily slowed, he turned them over, straddling Angel's hips and pushing one arm under Angel's chin, the other grasped Angel's hands, holding them still. Xander switched hands, lifting his hand that rested on Angel's neck and slamming it into the vampires face. Angel growled and turned them over once more so that he was on top, in-between Xander's legs.

His face was only inches away from Xander's as he spoke, "Never let up, not even to hit your opponent, it will give them time to move. What you should have done is kept your arm on my throat and pushed down, forcing the information you needed, or moved your arm swiftly to the side, effectively breaking their ne..." Xander had heard but didn't listen. His heart was beating a mile a minute and he licked his lips, cutting off Angel's words by lifting his head and kissing the vampire softly on the lips. Angel immediately began to respond, parting his lips slightly and snaking his tongue out to lick at Xander's lips, when he heard Xander's moan, something inside of him snapped and he jumped up.

"Uhm...Okay, I think that's all for today. If you want you can work with the punching bag, but uhm, I'Il be in my room if you need me," he said as he rushed up the stairs. When he was in the main room he closed the door and leaned against it, touching a finger lightly to his lip and sighing in despair.

'What am I doing? I don't want this, I still love Buffy...don't I?'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 weeks later

Things had been quiet. Xander and Angel weren't talking and because of that everyone was tense, afraid that they were stuck in the eye of the storm and that any minute they would be plunged, head on, back into it.

Xander had spent most of his time in his room lately, only leaving to get food, grab another book, or help with research when asked. Other than that he had isolated himself, choosing to spend his time laying in bed, reading and listening to soft music as he pretended not to cry.

Xander flipped another page of his book, sitting up abruptly as his eyes landed upon what he was looking for.

For the last two weeks, Xander had searched every book on wizardry, magic, Gypsy's and curses, trying desperately to find anything that could lead to a cure for the hex on Angel's soul. He had realized in the last two weeks that he was in love with Angel and would do anything to ensure that the vampire be happy...even if it wasn't with him.

Xander dragged his finger across the page, reading each ingredient needed before rushing downstairs to use the phone.

After three rings a British monotone filtered through the phone lines.

//Hello, Giles' Magic Shop.// Another voice passed through the phone sounding further away.

//Giles' Shop of Magic. It sounds better.//

Xander chuckled, Willow and Giles had argued about how to answer the phone forever and still the conflict lived on, "Hi, G-man, wuzzup?"

//X-Xander? Wow, how are you?//

Again a voice from further in the background. //It's Xander?!? Let me talk to him!//, Willow squealed in excitement.

"Yah, hey Giles, uhm, I was wondering if you could help me with something..."

//Of course.//

Not so distant anymore, //What did he say?//

"I need some ingredients for a spell reversal." A long pause was on the line and then a shuffle before Willow's voice sounded on the phone.

//Hey sexy, comin' to visit anytime soon?//

Xander laughed, "No, sorry, Wills. I just needs some ingredients."

//For what?//

"Long story, can you just ask Giles to send me a goose egg, mandrake root, eye of a grasshopper, and the powdered blood of a black Siamese cat?"

Giles had picked up the other phone in the shop and had written down Xander's requests, //It may take a while, but I will try to send it by tomorrow.//

"Can you send it express?"

//Sure but...//

Willow's worried voice reverberated through the phone, //Xander, what's going on?//

"I'll have to explain later, Wills. It's complicated."

//I hope you know what you're doing.//

"I do. Thanks, Willow."

//For what?//

"Always being there...Always caring."

Giles coughed and broke their little conversation, //I will have these to you as soon as possible. And please, take care, Xander.//

"I will. Thanks, G-man. Bye, guys."


//Good bye, Xander.//


Xander sighed and hung up the phone, noticing the light blinking on their answering machine. He slowly played the message, hearing a strained deep voice over the cackle of static. It was some demon dialect but Xander couldn't disconcert what it was. His brow creased and he opened the tape deck, placing a new tape into the machine and bringing the tape containing the message up to his room to translate later. Right now he had a spell to plan.

The next day...

Giles' package had arrived over an hour ago, perfect timing. The former librarian had found the ingredients in a matter of hours and had sent them express over night.

Xander hurriedly opened the package and asked Wesley if he could help him. Angel would be up in another hour and he needed all the help he could get to be done in time. He explained to Wesley how he wanted to do this and Wesley agreed, they would give Angel his soul back, and also had another surprise in store for the vampire. Xander only hoped that this made Angel happy, he would do anything to see the immortal smile.

Part 4

Angel stood at the end of the hall, fixing the collar on his shirt as he followed the sounds of two heartbeats into the kitchen. He stepped inside to see Wesley and Xander laughing together, he ignored the slight pain in his chest and walked forward.

"What's so funny?", he asked slowly.

At the sound of Angel's voice, Xander looked up abruptly and then turned around, ignoring him and concentrating on cleaning some dishes.

Angel sighed and looked down at the floor. Ever since the...kiss, Xander hadn't spoken to him. They hadn't trained or even seen each other very much, Xander had chosen to spend most of his time in his room instead. When Angel heard Xander's voice, smelled his sweet musk downstairs, he had hoped that Xander had forgiven and forgotten every thing..'I guess not,' he thought sadly.

He was brought out of his reverie by Wesley's voice. "Uhm...Nothing is funny, it's just that Cordelia was cooking again," he said, hoping silently that he sounded convincing, he really wanted to do this for his young friend and the vampire, they were like family.

"AGAIN?!? Oh no...," Angel said in mock horror. Cordelia's cooking was known to be a little lacking of *everything* to be desired.

Wesley smiled and Xander snorted in amusement in the corner. Angel looked up, hoping that Xander would say something, anything. That half laugh was the most he had heard from the boy in two weeks and he longed to hear the boys voice again. 'Please..Xander, Yell at me, hit me, call me names, make a joke, *anything*. Please,' he sighed when nothing came and then put on a fake smile as Wesley spoke again, handing him a mug of something.

"Try it. It's really not all that bad..."

Angel looked at him incredulously and Wesley laughed, "Trust me..come on, just drink it..."

Angel took the cup in his hand and examined it as if it was toxic waste. Xander turned towards him and Angel looked up, the boy had a pleading look in his eyes that disappeared within a matter of seconds, to be replaced with a goofy smile. "Drink it. It wont kill you, Angel. I swear."

It was the first words Xander had spoken to him in so long, and before he knew it, he had swallowed every drop of the sour 'soup-like' substance, his eyes never leaving Xander's.

When he was done, he gave the mug back to Wesley and smiled, "Not too bad."

"Told ya, Angel. Angel! Are you all right?!?", Wesley asked as Angel clutched his side, falling against the counter.

Xander stood watching as Angel collapsed and within seconds he was by the vampire's side.

"Angel. Angel, can you hear me?"

Angel winced from the pain and through gritted teeth spoke as best as he could, fear evident in his voice, "Run...Angelus...Run...Coming..."

"No, Angel...No, it's not Angelus...," Xander said trying to calm the vampires pain, grabbing a cloth from the counter and wiping Angel's sweating brow.

Angel panicked, pushing Xander away and yelling, "Run!"

"No.," Xander said sternly, holding onto the vampire as he writhed in pain.

Suddenly the pain was gone, and Angel looked up into Xander's worried face. 'What's happening? Angelus. and. I...,' he was so confused and could only search Xander's face for the answers.

Xander smiled slightly, "Happy Birthday..."

Angel cleared his throat, trying to get over the confusion clouding his brain, "It..It's not my birthday."

"I know, but we got you a present anyway."

Angel's brow creased in confusion as Xander stood up, Giving Angel his hand and helping him up.


"Your soul...", Wesley interrupted going by the speech Xander told him to give, "We found the spell to give you back your soul, when Willow gave you your soul back it was only temporary, she was missing one ingredient", he wanted to tell his friend that it was Xander who had found it, that the missing ingredient was that the spell had to be performed by someone who loved him, and that Xander loved him, but he couldn't do that. He had promised Xander he wouldn't.

"So...Ok, what?", Angel asked again, thinking that this was all a sick joke.

"Your soul is permanent," Xander said, "it's anchored, nothing can pull it away, unless you want it. See the thing is that...," he stopped he didn't want to be the one to tell Angel that Angelus had always been a part of him, that the gypsy's spell only cursed him to separate the one into two, Angel and Angelus. Giving Angel no control over his evil side and Angelus no control over his good side. Making the two beings always fight inside of him. Now they were joined again, and Angel and Angelus were one, he could control everything he did.

Xander sighed and walked over to the counter, closing his eyes to give himself strength as he picked up a slip of paper from the table. When he turned around he had plastered a fake smile on his face. He handed the paper to Angel and watched silently as he read.

"Another present...", Xander said

Angel read silently and then looked up at Xander and Wesley, "What..what is this?"

Wesley smiled, patting his friend on the back, "It's a ticket."

"Yah, I know it's a ticket..I--"

Xander sighed, "Angel, We got you a ticket to Sunnydale, take it! You're not really happy here, you try to be, but you're still stuck on Buffy and your guilt for Angelus. Well, now you have the solution. Your soul is permanent, go find Buffy and be happy.", he said with a smile, silence filled the room and Xander smiled again, "I'm gonna go take a shower, Cordelia's taking me out to dinner tonight at an 'unforgettable club'..", Xander said with a roll of his eyes before walking out of the kitchen and closing the door behind himself.

Angel watched him leave in shock and turned as Wesley tapped him on the shoulder. "I suggest you get ready, those ticket are for nine o'clock and it's seven now, old friend."

Angel looked at him for a second, "Do you think I should go?"

"It is of no matter of what I think you should do...," he sighed, "Go, be happy.", he said with a smile as he too left the room.


Xander reached his room and closed the door behind him. He leaned against it and sighed raggedly, a sob escaping his throat. He'd done it, he had given Angel what he had always wanted, given the vampire a chance to be happy, even if it was without him. He sighed, 'Angel and Buffy were a legend, like Romeo and Juliet, lovers forever...but Romeo and Juliet were doomed from the start..Give it up, Xander. Don't do this to yourself...You have work to do.'

Xander stepped over to the bed, playing the answering machine tape once more and taking some more notes. He figured the last word out and smiled, his smile fading as he read the translation.

//We search for the one called Angel, to let him know that vengence shall be ours, you have killed our Thoth'Ikan leader and now we have risen again, with a new leader, and we challenge you! Meet us at the corner where our leader was slain at 8:30 PM on October second. We shall have our revenge!//

Xander looked up, his gaze searching the walls for answers, 'October, at 8:30?!?', he checked his watch, 'That gives me one hour,' he rushed out the door, sneaking down the steps into Angel's study to get some supplies before sneaking out of the building and down to John's Deli where they had killed a pack of Thoth'Ikan demons over two weeks ago.


Angel carried his bags into the main room, looking at the gloomy faces of Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn.

"I'm ready!", he said softly.

Cordelia smiled, "Well, have fun, and try to happy, it means a lot to us that you're happy," she said as she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

Wesley walked up to him and they shook hands, and next Gunn stepped forward to shake his hand, trying to get him to do a secret handshake before laughing and pulling him into a slight hug.

Angel looked around as if expecting more and then looked up in Cordelia's eyes, "I don't know where he is, he left...I'm sure he wanted to say good-bye, but..."

"No," Angel said, cutting her off, "No he didn't...Well, I guess I'll be on my way, then!", he said in mock cheerfulness as he walked towards the door.

Wesley opened the door for Angel saying a last good-bye when they heard Cordelia yell Angel's name and fall into Gunn's arms.

Angel rushed to her side, "What is it, Delia?"

"V--Vision...," tears streamed down her face and she tried to speak again, only to have it come out in a squeak. Wesley brought her some aspirin and water, and she guzzled them down hurriedly as Gunn held her and Angel petted her hair.

"Calm down, now tell me what it was..."

Cordelia looked up at him, more tears falling down her cheeks, "X--Xander, he's going to die..."

"What?", it was barely audible, as shock over took him. Suddenly his legs gave out and he fell onto the floor.

"It's those demons again, the Thoth'Ikans...there is a note in his bedroom, and...I saw the deli," she yelled as Angel ran up the steps to Xander's room. He saw the tape player and the translation on the bed and read it silently to himself, crumbling the paper when he was done. His eyes shut tightly, trying to suppress the anger at Xander for trying to be so courageous, and the anger at himself for not knowing that something was wrong. A tear fell down his cheek and he barely had time to realized that this was the first time he had really cried in years before he was back downstairs gathering his things and following an already ready Cordelia, Gunn, and Wesley out the door.

With in seconds they were there, infront of John's Deli, kicking Thoth'Ikan ass. Angel pushed his way past the demons, stabbing them nonchalantly in the head as he made his way to the center of the short alley. He saw Xander laying just a few feet away, a demon was standing over him and he was writhing in pain on the ground, not able to get up.

Angel rushed forward, attacking the demon over Xander and beating him, this one was stronger than the others, his hair had a streak of yellow down the middle and he guessed that he was one of importance, but didn't care as he reached for a weapon to stab it. He was just about to hit the demon when he made the mistake of looking into the creatures eyes. Suddenly he was frozen, not able to move at all, his weapon falling to the ground. He couldn't hear anything around him, only vibrations and wind, as if everything had stopped and he could just barely recognize Xander's yell as the demon infront of him raised something resembling a stake.

Xander crawled over to the demon, raising to his knees and finally to his feet, not caring for the slight bout of pain that filled him. When he was on his feet he forced himself forward, his desperation to save Angel moving him, he reached him, and pushed Angel out of the way, releasing the vampire from the demons spell, and taking his place infront of the demon as the stake came down upon his mortal chest.

Angel blinked, his mind making it blearily back to the present just in time to see Xander fall to the ground, "NO!"

He jumped to his feet, raising his weapon and smashing it into the demon's forehead, and watching bitterly as it fell to the ground and melted.

He turned, falling to his knees on the ground and lifting Xander's head to his chest. His eyes never left Xander's face, his brow was soaked with sweat and out of his mouth a trail of blood flowed, breath still blew from between his lips, but he was in a frail condition. A hand touched Angel's shoulder and the vampire spoke, his eyes not leaving Xander's form. "Save him..."

"I..I cant.." Wesley replied, as Cordelia burrowed her head into Gunn's chest, sobs heaving from her chest.

"Save him," Angel replied.

"I ca--"

Angel growled, yellow eyes glowing as they looked at Wesley. His face now that of the vampire, "Save him, or I will!", he barked out.

Wesley timidly nodded and moved down onto his knees to try and save the boy. "I'll try...," he said as he watched Angel's visage change back into his human form.

Angel nodded and watched as Wesley worked a healing spell that he had learned in his days as a watcher, the spell was to only heal small wounds, and he wasn't sure if it would work, minutes later he was sure it wouldn't work.

Suddenly, Xander coughed, and gasped as life came back to him, full force, his heart now beating normally and his breathing at a healthy pace.

Angel laughed, pulling the boy close to him and kissing him, hard, on the lips.

Xander was still in shock but then his eyes finally closed and he fell into the kiss also, the kiss only breaking when they heard their friends whooping and hollering. They laughed and looked at their friends as they danced and jumped around, Cordelia walking over to them and helping them up, hugging them both at once and whispering, "It's about fricken time!"

They laughed again as they were lead to the car and placed in the back seat together while the other three squeezed in front.

Cordelia grabbed the keys and started the ignition as Xander screamed over the rumble of the car, "Seat belts on, now!"


"Remember how I drive?"


"Cordy had a chauffeur most of her life"

"Aww..crap! Dawg, why you always gotta tell us this shit *after*we give the keys awayyyyyyyy", Gunn said as the car sped off in the direction of home.

~~~~~~~Later at home~~

Cordelia, Gunn, and Wesley had gone off to bed, leaving Xander and Angel on the couch in the main room, alone.

Xander couldn't help but fidget, his knees bounced up and down and his hands busied themselves with tearing every lose string from the pillow beside him.

Angel smiled at him and placed a hand on the boys cheek, stilling his movements all at once and beckoning Xander to look at him.

Finally he did, Xander rose his eyes to look at Angel and before he knew what he was doing he attacked, attaching his lips to the vampire's, He moved onto his knees as they kissed, only breaking the kiss to stand and then straddle Angel's hips on the couch as he had fantasized of doing so many times. They held each other close, kissing softly and then with growing passion as their lips parted at almost the same time, deepening their kiss, as they drowned in each other.

Xander slipped his tongue into Angel's mouth, urging the kiss to go further as they proceeded at their slow pace, every touch making the heat in the room grow and Angel almost felt like he was mortal again as Xander's heat seeped into him, making him warmer.

The mortal found himself moving against Angel, his hips thrusting in slow circles as his arousal grew. He could feel his erection bumping and rubbing up against Angel's stomach and moaned into Angel's mouth. The moan was Angel's undoing, he started to rub against the boy also, all thoughts of going slow forgotten as his own arousal became too much and his hardness pushed against Xander's clothed ass.

Xander gasped and Angel held him tighter as Xander writhed in his arms, the boy's movements becoming more urgent as were his own until he heard a weak cry that made him stop.


Angel stopped, looking at Xander as a tear trailed down his face. Xander stood up and walked to the other side of the room, arms around himself.

Angel stood, walking over to the boy, stopping when he saw the young man shake his head. "I'm sorry, Xander..I.."

"No. No, it's not your fault. I--I'm going to go to bed...," he said as he walked to the stairs, not turning back once to look at Angel as he stepped up step after step towards his room. He closed the door silently behind him and then turned, punching his hand against the wall.

'It's Angel...He cares, he's not your father...He's not like that...,' he kept trying to convince himself of that and finally walked over to the bed and laid down as those words played as a continuous mantra in his head, 'he's not you father. He's different,' within seconds he was asleep.


Angel stayed in the basement, beating a punching bag and wishing it was himself he was hitting, wishing he were mortal so that he could hurt himself again.

'Why was I so stupid, *punch*I promised myself I would take it slow, I finally realize what I want.*punch* I get it, *punch* and then I screw things up and throw my last chance away. *punch* God! I should have known he wasn't ready for anything, but no, I only thought about what I wanted. Now I've lost it all...' , he thought to himself furiously, punching the bag again until it fell to the floor.


Xander woke up only to hear a thumping from downstairs, he got up and went down to investigate. His mind was clearer now as he traveled the steps and he knew what he wanted, he was just afraid...He would tell Angel of his past, and hope that Angel would still want to be his future.

He walked into the basement in time to see the punching bag fall to the floor and sighed, gathering courage, "Angel?"

Angel looked up quickly and into Xander's eyes with sadness. Xander looked down as he spoke, "Hey, Angel...I was thinking, you know, we haven't trained in a while, and after tonight, I thought maybe it would be a good idea if we trained...," he looked back up, his eyes sparkling with mischief and Angel smiled.

"Uhm, sure..if you want."

Xander nodded and smiled, "I want."

"Well, where do you want to start?"

"How a bout I knock you down again?"

"Oh, confident, are we?"


"Ok, give me your best shot!", he said as he walked to his place and stood in his fighting stance.

Xander smiled and walked to his own place, bending down and stretching quickly before lunging in place and getting ready to run.

He spoke as he got ready, "And the crowd is silent, the tension is great here as the former gold medalist is back to try and get the gold again," he made a noise of a crowd cheering and stood and bowed and waved to an imaginary audience.

Angel smirked and Xander continued, "Oh..he's getting into position now, his legs in perfect angle for this feet..."

"...And if he doesn't hurry up his feet are going to be shoved up somewhere unpleasant," Angel said with a smile and Xander pouted sarcastically. Faking him out and looking behind him before setting off and running towards a very surprised Angel.

He ran up to him and then jumped, throwing his legs around the vampire's waist and pushing both men down onto the floor.

"Nice move," Angel said as Xander sat up, straddling his hips.

"I thought so..", Xander said as he blew on his nails and rubbed them on his shirt, "I call it 'The mount' "

"Mmmhmm...and who taught you that move?"

"I made it. Ingenious, no?"

"Noo...", Angel said with a nod.

"I have another move I made up, it's called 'Kiss the opponent to Death'. I find that it's very effective..."

"Hmmm...Sounds like it would be a good move, but I'd have to see you do it so that I would know if it would work or not..."

"Oh..Ok. Want me to show you?"


"Ok. First, you place your hand here...", he said as he placed his hand on Angel's hip. "And you other hand, here.", he placed his other hand in Angel's hair. "And you move like so...", he said as he leaned down and kissed Angel on the lips, kissing him hard and passionately until he needed to breathe. Finally he pulled back and looked into Angel's eyes, "So?"

"Oh yah, that would definitely work, but can I show you one move that is even more effective?"

"Oh, I insist..."

"First, you go like this," He said as he rolled them over, so that he was on top. "Then you go like this," he said as he moved down to kiss Xander, his hand traveling down the boys body and twisting a nipple through his shirt. He pulled back from the kiss and kissed the young man's neck, sucking on the skin there and then nipping at his earlobes.

Xander gasped and moved his hand to meet Angel's leading it down lower on his body, towards his center of need.

Angel's hand moved lower at Xander's urgings and soon he reached the boy's erection, he unzipped the boy's pants and reached inside, pulling his shaft out as they kissed again.

Xander moved his hands over Angel's chest, removing the vampire's shirt and returning to his exploration. His finger's trailing over the smooth flesh, and he lifted up, moving his mouth to Angel's nipple and sucking on it. He pulled on it with his teeth and Angel moaned, tightening his hold on Xander's erection, making the boy cry out in pleasure.

Xander's hands moved down Angel's body, reaching his pants and slipping his hands under the waist band. He stretched his hands further, feeling the roundness of Angel's ass and he squeezed, pulling the vampire closer to him, and rubbing his open erection against Angel's clothed one. Suddenly Angel backed off, sitting up.



"I don't want to do anything you're not ready to do, I mean, earlier when.."

"Shhh...No, that wasn't your fault, I want this, trust me. It just brought back bad memories..."

"Of your father?"

"Yes, how did y--?"

"I've lived over 240 years, I've learned how to tell if someone has been abused or hurt in their life."

Xander smiled sadly and looked at the floor. Angel placed a finger under Xander's chin, lifting it to have him meet his eyes, "Xander...If you not ready, then we shou--"

"I'm ready...," Xander said with a smile, he kissed Angel hard on the lips and pulled him close again, pulling back only to whisper in his ear, "Make love to me, Angel..."

Angel searched his eyes and nodded, kissing him again and standing up, pulling Xander up with him. Xander fixed his appearance and placed his hand in Angel's as the vampire led him up to his bedroom.

Part 6

Angel opened the door to his bedroom, leading Xander inside and closing the door behind them, he released his hold on Xander's hand and searched the mortal's eyes for a clue, any clue of what to do next.

Xander watched the vampire, surprised at the nervousness he saw in his eyes. The man was over two hundred years old and he was nervous? Xander smiled, stalking forward and pressing Angel against the wall, kissing him passionately.

Angel kissed him back, searching every inch of this mortal's beautiful mouth and enjoying every second of it. He gasped as Xander pushed his erection against his matching one, rubbing up and down and emitting short gasps and whimpers of Angel's name.

He moved his hands down to the slope of Xander's back, and then further down, squeezing his butt and pulling him closer. He lifted his arms up and helped Xander to wrap his legs around his waist before kissing him and carrying him to the bed across the room.

He leaned down carefully, extrapolating himself from Xander's embrace and lowering the young man to the bed. Angel sighed happily and fell onto the bed beside his love. His Xander.

The bed bounced when Angel fell upon it and Xander laughed, trying to cough to cover it up.

"Oh, you think that's funny, huh?", Angel asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Actually? Yah..."

"Oh, I see...Let's see what else you find funny!", he exclaimed as he attacked Xander's body, tickling the young man into a fit of breathless laughter. He looked down into Xander's chocolate brown eyes and smiled, his tickles slowing into a caress. Xander's breath hitched as Angel's fingers rubbed under a rib and he gasped when they danced down his abdomen.

Angel grabbed the hem of Xander's shirt and help Xander to sit up as he pulled the garment off of the young man's body.

His skin was so warm, so pale and perfect. Every muscle defined beautifully by the flawless skin that stretched upon them. Angel was fascinated and couldn't stop, his hands traveled the length of Xander's torso, caressing his chest, upper arms and abdomen. He couldn't remember touching something so alive, so warm. With Buffy, it was like she was dead, letting him do all the work, and she made no sounds, only her labored breathing. But Xander..He was different, he was gasping and writhing, moaning under Angel's touch and begging for more. Xander's hands clawed down Angel's back wanting to pull him down into another kiss but Angel wouldn't allow it, wanting to torture the boy some more.

Angel licked his lips as a thin sheen of sweat formed over Xander's torso and he sighed, happily, lapping up the salty musk from his lovers skin. His mouth kissing and licking down the same trails his hands had traveled only minutes before.

"A-Angel...please...," Xander gasped and Angel gave in, crawling back up Xander's body and kissing him passionately, letting him know that this was driving him as insane as it was Xander.

Angel lay between Xander's legs and Xander moved his feet, caressing the backs of Angel's calves as they kissed. Angel lowered more of his weight down onto the boy until their matching erections touched through the cloth of their pants and Xander gasped, moaning into Angel's mouth and thrusting up against him.

Angel knew that it wouldn't be long, they had both wanted this for so long and they were both already so hard. He reluctantly slowed his thrusting along with Xander's and leaned up, sitting upon his knees and trailing a finger down Xander's chest. He trailed the finger down further, onto Xander's abdomen and then lower to the button on Xander's jeans. He ignored the button for a moment and traced the line of Xander's erection through the pants and Xander lifted his hips, wanting more contact and groaning in frustration when the hand was taken away. Angel walked his fingers back up to the button of Xander's pants and unbuttoned it, then slowly pulled down the zipper. He smiled up at Xander before standing and removing his own pants as he watched Xander take his the rest of the way off before laying back down.

He reached into his bedside table and removed a bottle of lube before once again joining Xander on the bed. As soon as he had laid down Xander was kissing him and pulling the lube out of his hand.

Xander laid down on his back and opened the cap to the lube, pouring some out onto the hand he held in his.

"I want to see you..."

Angel nodded and smiled, he wanted to go slowly, this was the first time Xander had ever been with a man... that wasn't raping him. Angel suppressed the urge to punch the wall as he thought of Xander's father and pushed it out of his mind, 'No, tonight its only Xander and one else is going to cloud our minds, only us...,' he smiled as Xander lifted a hand to caress his cheek, sensing the tension in the vampire. He turned the hand, kissing the palm before lowering it back to the bed and settling himself between Xander's legs.

With one hand, Angel began to stroke Xander's erection, moving his mouth down to kiss the tip and whispering, "Just relax...," before taking the shaft into his mouth and licking around it. Xander moaned, he was shaking and Angel placed his hand on Xander's stomach to calm him down. Xander opened his eyes and looked down into his lovers dark gaze, he moved his hand to sweep it softly through Angel's hair, encouraging the vampire.

Angel sucked once more on the hard shaft in his mouth before releasing it and moving up to kiss Xander, just as Xander's mouth opened to deepen the kiss, Angel pressed on finger inside, making Xander moan into his mouth. He had been afraid before, but now he knew that Angel would be gentle and understanding, he also knew he was in for one hell of a night.

Angel took his time preparing Xander, thrusting one finger in and out slowly, then a little faster as Xander relaxed some more. He kissed Xander the whole time, only adding a second finger when Xander started to thrust back on his hand, wanting more. Xander was letting out whimpers and moans of 'Ohpleaseohplease, Angel!' , and he knew it would be long until he was ready. He stuck one more finger in, thrusting all three inside and watching as Xander arched his back off the bed, his eyes opening and looking at Angel with desire and need. Angel nodded, removing his fingers and then lubing his own hard shaft. He watched Xander for a sign that he was ready and when Xander licked his lips and nodded his head enthusiastically he knew now was the time.

He lifted Xander up, pulling the boy's legs up around his hips, settling his knees under Xander's back before thrusting inside.

Xander cried out in pleasure, opening himself up so that Angel could slide in easily. Angel went slowly, inch by inch, but Xander was so ready and wanted more that he felt himself being pulled in deeper by the younger man.

When he was all the way in Xander moaned, arching his back up off the bed and moving the sit up with Angel, sitting on his lap.

Angel held Xander close to him, helping him to move up and down his shaft as the boy raised himself on his knees.

Xander moved in and kissed Angel wanting everything he could get as he raised himself up and down on Angel's cock. Xander's mouth opened over Angel's begging for more, and gasping as he leaned in for more kisses.

Angel smiled and changed their position, making Xander yell as he pushed himself farther into the boy. He laid Xander back down on the bed and lay over him. He stilled himself before looking down into Xander's eyes as he slowly thrust in again, pushing himself in all the way and then pulling back and pushing back in again. Xander tightened his legs around Angel's hips, wanting more, pushing him deeper inside and screaming out in pleasure. "YES! Angel, Fuck me! OhGodohGod...F--fuck me"

Angel moved harder now, egged on by Xander's screams of pleasure. He slammed in and out of him, no longer able to stay in control.

Xander raked his nails down Angel's back and then lower down and grabbing his ass. Angel hit his prostate over and over and Xander cried out, it was all too much, he never even knew that this could bring him pleasure and he was ecstatic to find out that it did, it brought him so much pleasure that he found it only fair to share.

He slipped his fingers down the cleft of Angel's ass, slipping one finger inside and matching Angel's thrust inside of him pushed inside of Angel. Angel cried out, screaming Xander's name as the boy hit his prostate.

Xander moaned and reached up to kiss Angel, as the vampire grabbed his cock and began to stroke it, with in seconds he was seeing stars and he came, feeling warmth spill inside of him seconds later signally Angel's own explosion.

Angel fell beside Xander on the bed, breathing heavy as they both came down from their high. A few minutes later Xander had calmed down enough and he leaned up on his arm, his fingers caressing the ridges of Angel's vampire visage.

Angel flinched and pulled back slightly, "It doesn't scare you?"

Xander smiled and kissed his lover, slipping his tongue inside and scrapping it upon the fangs there, when he pulled back he only whispered, "No," with a smile before resting his head on Angel's chest and falling asleep.

Angel pulled the covers up around them and sighed. Everything was so perfect, but he needed something...He and his demon were now one, they could both feel each other and understand each other, and right now they both wanted the same thing...

Angel petted Xander's hair as the mortal slept, hoping that the boy would allow it.

Xander awoke about an hour later, blinking in the light of the lamp to his right, he looked up and saw Angel looking down at him, a worried look on his face.

Xander sat up immediately, afraid that Angel had changed his mind, "Wh--What is it?"

Angel smiled, "Nothing, I just...Can I ask you something?"

Xander gulped, "Anything."

"Can I claim you?"


"Bite you."

"What?", Xander's hands flew to his neck, "I don't want to be changed...Not yet."

Angel smiled and then laughed, "No, it's not a changing bite...there are three types of vampire bites, the one in which we feed from, the one that makes a childe, the one where they take a fledgeling, and the claim..."


"Ok, uhm...Ok, you know that wolves, when they choose a mate, they choose for life, right?"


"Well, the claim is like that. It means that I choose you to be my mate, for life. A vampire only gives this bite once or twice in his existence and.."

"Have you ever given it?"


"But, Buffy..."

"I bit Buffy, once, yes, but it was to feed so that I could become healthy again. This is different."

"You wont change me?"

"Someday I will, if you'll let me, but now? No"

Xander looked almost disappointed, "oh."

Angel laughed and then sobered, caressing down the pale column of Xander's throat, "Let me..."

Xander looked up at him and nodded, tilting his neck to the side, "Like this? I mean, how do I do this?"

Angel laughed, "That's fine...," he lowered his mouth to Xander's neck and kissed there, feeling Xander shaking under his touch. He closed his eyes and let his face change before sinking his teeth deep into Xander's flesh. He could smell the blood just under the surface and then the taste attacked his mouth in a flood of bitter tasting life. He drank it down eagerly and then pulled back, licking the holes until they closed.

He pulled back and looked into Xander's face, his eyes were shut and he was smiling, "That..That's nice...," he said as he opened his eyes.

Angel laughed and kissed Xander once before pushing him down on to the bed and telling him to get some rest. Now that he had claimed his mate he could rest, within seconds they were both asleep.

~~~~~~~A month and a half later~~~~

Xander woke up, moving away from the warm cavern of his lovers embrace. He had basically moved into Angel's room now, but a lot of his things were still in his room, like things he didn't need when with Angel...You know, like clothes and stuff.

He sighed, looking around him. His stomach was growling and he had nothing to wear downstairs. It was the middle of the day, he wasn't about to walk down stairs naked.

'You could always wear the wash cloth you wore last night...Yah, great move, Harris. Just had to surprise your lover with a naked-except-for-a-wash-cloth Xander. And you just had to be cute and say something stupid like, 'I'm cold....All I have to warm me is this wash cloth,' well it got the desired effect, Angel ravished you but now you are butt naked and hungry so where does that leave ya, huh?'

He sighed, looking over at Angel's closet. He walked over and silently opened the door, he pulled a bathrobe off of its hook and was about to close the door when something fell at his feet. He lifted it up and saw it to be a drawing pad. He opened it and saw a very life like picture of Buffy. His brow creased and curiosity over took him, he flipped through the whole book only to find all 40 pages or more covered with pictures of her likeness. He looked back up at Angel as a tear fell down his face, 'Of course he's not over her..not like he ever said 'I love you' to *you* Xander...God, how stupid can you be? Life isn't a fairy tale, you learned that a long time ago, why forget now?'

He let a sob escape his throat and resisted the urge to tear the book of drawings into small unrecognizable pieces. He bent the book in his hands before opening the closet door and placing it back up on top of the top shelf, over a pile of clothes.

He wrapped the bathrobe around himself before hurrying silently out of Angel's room and into his own.


Cordelia sat up on the edge of Angel's bed, waiting for the vampire to wake up, finally he did.

Angel reached over beside him, reaching for Xander and finding only his sheets in his hand, he opened his eyes and yawned saying, "Xander?"


Angel opened his eyes in shock, "Cordy? What are you doing in my room?"

"Oh nothing, just waiting for you took wake up, I mean, God! it's seven thirty! What did you do last night?"

Angel smiled and she smiled back putting her hands up, "Never mind, I don't want to know"

Angel shrugged and looked around, "Where's Xander?"

Cordelia hung her head, picking at her skirt and letting out a long breath.

"Delia? Where is he?", he said in a worried tone.

"He's gone, Angel..."

"What? Where?"

She reached beside her and pulled up a small book, handing it to Angel, "He found this in your closet this morning..."

Angel looked puzzled and opened his drawing pad, seeing that it was the one with pictures of Buffy in it, "So?"

"So..he thinks you are still in love with her. I tried to convince him other wise but he didn't listen, and called the bus station to buy a ticket..."


Cordelia jumped at the anger in her bosses voice, "He didn't see the other drawing pads?"


"Yes...", Angel opened his closet door and lifted a pile of cloth from the top shelf.

He unraveled the cloth and revealed three other books.

"These are all filled with pictures of Buffy?", she asked

Angel growled angrily, "No! These are each books of drawings of the people I have loved, so that I can remember what they looked like, who they were...Just because I'm immortal doesn't mean they are."

Cordelia opened the first book to see a picture of Darla, "Darla?"

"Yes, my first love..When I left her I drew those to show myself of the mistake I made by trusting her, to remind myself of who she was and what she did to me, good and bad."

Cordelia flipped through it, each picture was different, pictures of her happy, sad, crying...everything. She turned the next book, and opened it to find Spike.

"Spike, I wanted him as did Drusilla. He had so much anger and intelligence, we knew he would be a great childe. I loved him for his pure ruthlessness...He was beautiful when he killed. I drew those to remind myself of my selfishness, my demon, who I was, and how I never knew true love. So that I would remember who he was."

Cordelia nodded and opened the next book to see pictures of Drusilla.

"Those speak for themselves, really," Angel said sadly.

She looked at the pictures, seeing Drusilla's fear when he killed her family, the look on her face when he changed her. Her insanity. A tear trailed down Cordelia's face, it was all so real.

"But, Buffy?", she asked, wanting to know what he wanted to remember of her.

"I wanted to remember how I forgot who I was, pretended to be someone else, pretended to be happy. The prophesy said that I would fall in love with the slayer, but...," Angel turned to Cordelia, sadness in his eyes, "..But what if it meant I would fall inlove with one of the slayerettes?"

Cordelia looked down as Angel stumbled across the room and reached under his bed, he handed her a book of crossed out pictures of Xander, "I cant draw him...I've tried, so that I will always remember how much I love him. But I cant draw him, and I don't want to have to...I want to be with him forever, and look at his face and know I made the right choice, not look at pictures of him to remember, I want it to all be right here, ", he said pointing to his chest, "For once I want forever, I want eternity, and I want it with him!", Angel finished with a sob.

Cordelia walked over to him and hugged him, "Tell him what you just told me, don't let him get away...Promise me.."

"I promise.."

"Good, now go find him, he was headed to the bus station and left half an hour ago, Go bring him back.", she said with a smile. She kissed him on the cheek and left to let him get ready.

Fifteen minutes later, Angel as at the bus station searching everywhere he could for Xander. Over head he heard a last call for a bus to New York and rushed forward, hoping that he was right.

He got to the boarding place and looked all a round, he was frantic now and when he saw a brown headed young man walking to his left he ran at them yelling Xander's name, he turned the person around and apologized when he noticed it wasn't him

He looked over at the bus again and saw Xander looking at him, he was on the first step of the bus and just staring at Angel in disbelief. Angel smiled at him but then his smile disappeared as he saw Xander's eyes turn downward, the light that always enthralled Angel was gone now and he screamed at himself, "No!", as Xander walked the rest of the way onto the bus.

Before he knew he was moving, Angel was pushing open the now closing bus door and bounding onto the bus screaming Xander's name.

The bus driver yelled at him some profanities about suing him and did he have a ticket and Angel couldn't stand it, he turned on the bus driver and grabbed his shirt collar, his face changing to it's vampiric visage, "Shut. Up.", he growled and suddenly the man was silent as was the whole bus, he left the driver back down and looked out across the bus, his face changing back.

Xander stood up near the back of the bus and spoke over the silence, "What do you want Angelus?"

Angel cringed, Xander never used his full name. He sighed and whispered a single word, "you..."

"What?", Xander asked in impatience.

"You!", Angel yelled it this time and he stared as shock over came Xander's features.

"Angel, go find someone else to use..go back to Buffy.", Xander said is resignation.

"I don't want Buffy! I want you.", he said with certainty.

Xander opened his mouth to protest but before he could Angel spoke, "Marry me."

"You--Wait, What?"

"Marry me."

Xander just stood there for a moment before running at Angel and tackling him, knocking him down onto the floor of the bus.

Angel laughed, "Well, what do ya know, you actually knocked me down.."

"I've had good training," Xander replied with a laugh before kissing Angel softly.

Some people on the bus clapped while others impatiently looked at their watches. One or two threw money at them.

They stood and walked off of the bus, kissing as it drove away. Suddenly Xander pulled back from the kiss, "My luggage!"

Angel laughed, "What do you need clothes for any way?"

Xander paused, considering his question before answering, "Let's go home, Deadboy..."

***********2 year later, Present day.

"I now pronounce you partners for life..", Giles voice sounded through the hotel and Xander and Angel smiled at each other.

They waited for permission but after a few seconds became impatient and looked up at Giles who was currently cleaning his glasses. Angel cleared his throat and Giles looked up, "Oh! Oh, yes! You may now kiss, and all that..."

Angel smiled, pulling Xander to him by the collar of his suit and kissing him hard. Xander wound his arms around his lover and they kissed for minutes. When they pulled back everyone was shouting and yelling in happiness.

Angel and Xander began to walk back down the aisle. Spike stood back, moving his hands in the cabbage patch and screaming, "Go Peaches, Go Peaches!", He stopped when Willow tapped him on the shoulder and shook her head.

"What? I'm happy the bloody ordeal is over!"

Willow shook her head again and started walking down the steps, "Red! It was funny..."

She smirked and kept walking, knowing that Spike would follow.

As soon as Angel and Xander had stepped down the stairs Buffy had attacked them, kissing them each on the cheek and hugging them before going back to her own fiance, Riley.

Everything happened in a rush, every one was hugging them and wishing them luck but they were in a state of shock. Before they knew it, it was an hour later and they had to go to the dinner.

Everyone sat and ate, the vampires drank blood while the humans drank champagne, every thing was perfect until, "Ok...It's time for our newlyweds to dance!"

Whoops and hollers were heard all around them as Xander stood up and offered his hand to Angel. Angel just shook his head. Xander smiled, "Come on...time to dance.."

"No, I..I can't dance, I'll step all over your feet.."

Buffy nodded, "he will! Trust me!"

Xander smiled and pulled Angel up, "No nookie if you don't dance..."

In an instant Angel was on the dance floor waiting for Xander to join him. Soft music began to play and they held eachother as Xander counted out the steps. By the tenth time Angel stepped on his foot he couldn't feel it anymore and didn't really care, they were married. They were official.

All around them couples gathered to dance and they sighed, tightening their hold on each other.

Wesley and Gunn watched the scene around them with limited interest until Gunn spoke up, "OK! Time to get drunk!", He wrapped his arm around Wesley's shoulder and dragged him towards the bar where Cordelia and Dennis were serving drinks.

"Hey, Delia, Scotch?"

"Make that two.."

"Sure, coming right up...", she handed them their drinks and sighed watching the couples dance, "Beautiful wedding, huh, guys?"

" was nice."

"Dennis, can I have a soda?", she asked nonchalantly, a soda was infront of her in seconds, she thanked him and then felt a breeze behind her, "Dennis? Where are you going? DENNIS!"

Wesley and Gunn looked up at her in shock, "What? What happened?"


Wesley and Gunn fell into a fit of laughter, Gunn screaming something about 'Even ghosts have gotta get play'.

They two boys felt slender fingers caress their backs and they turned slowly, "Oh dear..."

Drusilla stood before them, "The stars like you, dance with me?"

Wesley gulped and Gunn pushed him forward, "Here, lady! He'd love to dance!"

"Oh goodie!", she squealed before leading him out onto the dance floor.

Cordelia scowled at Gunn as he laughed and then moved out from behind the bar to talk to some guest.

The chair beside Gunn moved and he looked over to see who it was. A pale blond girl sat beside him, and he smiled. She smiled back, opening her mouth and then snapping it shut. He laughed slightly, "What?"

"Is it true what they say?", Anya asked.

"Is what true?"

"That people of your skin color are bigger.", she asked curiously.

Gunn laughed and looked away, biting down on his fist to keep from laughing, he turned back a second later and smiled, "True and then some...AH!"

"Good", Anya said as she jumped upon him, straddling his hips, "I like orgasms, do you like orgasms?"

"Yah, I guess, I ..Humphhh...", he said as she kissed him and writhed against him.

Willow hopped over to Angel and Xander as they moved to sit back down, "hey guys! Congratulations!"

"You're leaving, aren't you?"

"Well, Spikey is getting impatient and so...uhm, yah were heading up to bed. I suggest you do the same", she said with a wink before heading off towards Spike.

Xander leaned over towards Angel, whispering in his ear, "Sounds like a good idea...", he suckled on Angel's ear and bit down on it gently making the vampire shiver.

"Very good idea."

Xander smiled, snaking his hand under the table and caressing it up his loves thigh. He slide his hand up further as he whisper in Angel's ear, "It would be great, dontcha think? Us together officially, we could spend all day making love...the way we like, me underneath you as you pound into me and then me over you, riding you until we both cum....," he bit down on the tender flesh of Angel's neck, sucking on it, as his hand fondled his lovers growing erection.

"And then me inside of you, thrusting in and out. Screaming your name...", Xander said.

Angel stood up immediately, almost knocking the table over in his haste, he turned to Xander with lust filled eyes, "We are going to bed NOW!"

"Yes, sir..", Xander said with a mock salute and then he sniggered, looking down his lovers body, "Oh look, you're saluting me too..."

Angel growled, pulling Xander to him and kissing him furiously. He pulled back with a smile, "Bed, now..."

"Mmmhmm..", Xander said with a dazed expression as he let Angel led him to the top of the stairs. Once there Angel turned around, "Excuse me! Excuse me!", every one in the room turned around and cheered and he smiled, "Thank you all for coming! It wouldnt have been the same with out you, but now were going to leave you too..."

Giles sat in the back of the room, interrupting Angel's speech, "You can do it! You can do it all night long!", he said with a giggle before taking another swig of his beer.

Xander laughed, "Giles is drunk?"

Angel snorted and nodded, "Uhm, were going to leave you now and have some adult fun, you know the XXX-rated, PaperView only, stuff. And uhm...Joyce, get Giles some coffee before he hurts himself.", the crowd laughed and then left them to travel the rest of the way to their room.

Angel hurriedly pushed Xander inside and locked the door behind them with a sigh, "free at last..."

Xander smiled sheepishly and removed his jacket, his eyes not meeting Angel's, instead choosing to search the room. Their bedroom was now lit with candle light and adorned with rose petals everywhere. Xander gasped, his eyes following a ribbon on the floor to their bedside table where two covered dishes lay. He walked over to the table, removing one lid and finding a huge piece of their wedding cake underneath along with a note which read, 'I believe you know how to share, Have a good night and uhm...SWEET dreams. Love, Wills'

Xander smiled and gave out a snort of laughter as his lover wrapped his arms around him and read over his shoulder, "That was nice of her...", he said before kissing Xander's neck and teasing it with a bite from blunt teeth. Xander nodded, unconsciously tilting his head to the side to give his lover better access. Angel breathed in the scent of his lovers already growing arousal and anticipation and smiled, licking a trail up his neck , "What's under the other dish?"

"huh? Oh, uhm...I don't know...", he said as he slowly picked up the cover on the next dish. Laying upon the silver dish was a tube of lube, some condoms, and a pair of handcuffs, another note accompanied this gift and Angel read aloud as Xander buried his face in his lovers chest, trying to suppress his laughter. "To Peaches and his 'Nummy Treat'. I believe you know what to do with these items. Have fun. Love, Spike."

Xander laughed harder and Angel wrapped an arm around him, laughing also. Suddenly Xander's laughter subsided as he moved a tentative hand up Angel's chest, curling his nimble fingers to caress and then twist a nipple. Angel's laughter cut off in a gasp and he growled slightly at the innocent look Xander threw his way before twisting his other nub through his shirt. Angel moaned slightly as Xander kissed up his neck, walking his fingers over to the buttons on his lovers shirt, unbuttoning each one slowly. Angel groaned deep in his throat, trailing his hands down Xander's back and then down to his round ass.

Xander got impatient as he felt his lover trail a finger down the cleft of his ass through his pants and he ripped the rest of Angel shirt off. Angel gasped and Xander looked up at his lover with an apologetic half-smile. The vampire growled and Xander let out an 'Eeep' of playfulness before running to the bed and rolling over it to the other side.

Angel growled again and began to chase Xander around the bed. Finally Angel caught his lover and wrestled him down onto the bed. With one hand he held his lover down while he reached for the handcuffs with his other. He raised Xander's arms above his head and chained the boy to the headboard of their bed. Xander's eyes were dilated until they were almost black and Angel could feel his lovers hardness rubbing against his own.

Angel sat up, ignoring the rolling hip and needy eyes of his lover. He had plans and he was going to go through with them. Slowly he leaned down unbuttoning his lover's shirt and then spreading the cloth apart. Xander smiled up at him curiously as Angel reached over to one of the silver plates and rubbed a finger through the frosting of the piece of wedding cake that lay on the dish. He took his frosting covered finger and rubbed it down Xander's chest, drawing simple designs with the creamy frosting. When he was done he smiled up at his lover before leaning down and kissing the trail, licking the remnants of sweet goodness off of his lovers body. "So sweet...", he said with a sigh.

Xander moaned and Angel smirked, "Wanna taste?", Xander opened lust darkened eyes and nodded imploringly to his lover. Angel smiled and reached over, getting more frosting and then painting it onto Xander's lips before kissing his lover. When he pulled back Xander's eyes were still closed as he licked his lips, "Good?"

"Mmhm..", Xander nodded, "So good..."

"Want more?"

Xander nodded and Angel laughed, "well, you'll have to be patient, me first", he said before unbuttoning Xander's pants, "I'm still kind of hungry..", he said in a low growl as he pulled Xander's pants down and off.

Xander smiled in ecstasy as Angel took him into his mouth, 'Oh yah..Married life is going to be fun...'

The End

Aims FanFiction