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Title: The Beginning

Author: Aim

Pairing: A/X

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Angel and Xander have some unfinished business

Spoilers: The infamous Hospital scene...except I changed it a lil'...

Archive: Deadboy and Xander and my site (

Disclaimer: Angel and Xander do not belong to me...unfortunately they belong to Joss

Notes:uhm...guess I don't have any...Whoa! Yes, I do! FEEDBACK IS A MUST!! WOOHOOOoo...Ok...thanks...and before further ado here it is

The Beginning


Xander Harris stood, stock still, in the middle of the dim room. He was here, he didn't know why he was here but he was. Xander sighed, searching the darkness of the mansion. He could smell death and destruction here and he closed his eyes, breathing it in..wanting all of it.

He trailed a hand down his chest, caressing his flesh through his cotton tee-shirt, he lightly carried the pads of his finger tips up to his neck and then back down, twisting a nipple, as his thoughts traveled back to a few weeks before. Before Angelus was sent to hell...Before he came back as Angel...Before he was confused..Before every thing..The day everything changed...


Xander sat at Buffy's hospital door. He was patrolling, watching like a hawk and he was getting into the roll of protector. He was in charge, he was Da man, but he couldn't be proud, couldn't be happy, only confused. He knew it would happen, he knew Angel was a bad guy, he knew it all....and now a friend was dead and another in the hospital.

He sat, consumed in his thoughts when a noise distracted him and he gasped, swallowing the lump in his throat as he stood. Xander pushed his shoulders back and stood confidently, strongly, showing no fear. His legs were shaking but he played it off, speaking to Angelus with venom in his voice.

"Visiting hours are over."

Angelus glanced down, tightening his grip on the bouquet of white flowers he held, //He's defending her..Why?// "Well, I'm pretty much family."

Angelus wanted Xander, as a lover, as a student, as a childe, he just wanted him. The boy didn't know his own power, didn't know the darkness inside of himself, the darkness that could bloom so beautifully with the right training. It made him sick to see the boy protect the slayer.

"Yeah," Xander snorted. Angelus' voice was giving him chills and he had to fight back, had to try to gain the upper hand. He chose his weapon, his weapon of choice, a witty remark. "Why don't you come back during the day? Oh, gee, no, I guess you can't."

Angelus smirked, sensing Xander's discomfort, he stepped forward, a silent challenge, he loved a good challenge. "If I decide to walk into Buffy's room, do you think for one microsecond that you could stop me?"

"Maybe not," Xander replied, his voice was shaking as he recognized the challenge. He squared his shoulders and stepped forward, closing the space between them, "Maybe that security guard couldn't either. Or those cops . . . or the orderlies . . . but I'm kinda curious to find out." He could see Angelus' shock at the accepted challenge and smiled, he was gaining the upper hand and it felt good to be somewhat in control. "You game?"

Angelus stared in shock, resisting the urge to lick his lips as he searched Xander's face, //So much potential...So much..//, He thought over what Xander had said and smiled, it was true, he couldn't get through all those people without causing a scene, but it was so much fun to taunt the boy.

He studied Xander's face intently and frowned, "Buffy's White Knight. You still love her..... It must just eat you up that I got there first."

Angelus' words brought Xander back to the situation at hand, Angelus was so close, it was suffocating and he couldn't concentrate. He was only inches away, Xander could taste Angelus' breath on his lips, he could smell the musk of his sweet scent. He could feel the danger rolling off of Angelus' being in droves and he wanted it, it was almost was so close. Xander's heart was pounding and he opened his lips in a silent invitation, he wanted to taste it..wanted to taste him.....Xander's eyes widened as his thoughts surprised him and he lashed out saying, "You're gonna die." Xander's voice trembled slightly. "And I'm gonna be there."

Angelus licked his lips, watching as Xander's mouth moved, he tore his gaze away and looked into the young man's face, smirking //Someday Harris...Someday very soon...//

He had almost crunched the flowers in his hand and he pushed them into Xander's chest, "Tell her I stopped by..." he said turning, swiftly..sensually as he took his leave.

Xander almost fell back into his chair, he was gasping for breath and he was half hard. He had been so close to close to the man he close to his enemy. He put his head in his hands and when he looked up, Angelus was gone.


Xander felt warm breath at the back of his neck and then the soft caress of cool lips upon his ear, "What are you doing here, Harris?"

Xander jumped as chills traveled down his back, he felt hands at his shoulders turning him and he didn't dare open his eyes.

Angel smirked and whispered, "Open your eyes, Harris.."

Xander opened his eyes to the dim light of the mansion and stared into the dark eyes of Angel, standing in front of him, smiling.

"What are you doing here?", he repeated the question, searching Xander's face.

"I--I don't know..."

Angel's grin widened and he glanced ferally at Xander, walking forward. Xander followed his steps, stepping back each time he stepped towards him and he was soon pressed against a wall.

"Want me to tell you?", Angel asked seductively

Xander gulped, he couldn't respond couldn't move. His heart beat was thundering in his ears and his breathing was erratic as Angel trailed a finger down the slope of his cheek and then down, following the line of his artery to his neck and down to his shoulder.

Xander closed his eyes, lifting his chin as Angel touched him.

Angel placed his lips centimeters away from Xander's and breathed, watching as Xander pouted his lips, wanting everything Angel could give him.

"Mmmm...You're here because you cant stop thinking about it..", Angel said in a breathy whisper.

Xander pushed his head back against the wall as Angel trailed his lips down the pale slope of his throat, barely touching, so close and driving Xander insane.

"You cant stop thinking about what it would be like to touch me, to feel me against you..."

Xander couldn't speak, could only float on the desire and lust that filled his body.

"You cant stop thinking about what it would be like to lay naked beside me..."

Xander moaned as Angel's hands traveled lower, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Cant stop dreaming about what my cock would look like, would feel like.."

He could feel Angel's hardness against him now and gulped, moving his hips involuntarily to meet it with his own firm organ.

"Can you imagine what it would look like? What it would feel like? Cool and firm in your warm grasp.."

Angel licked up the side of Xander's neck as he removed the boys shirt.

"Or firm and hard in your warmth...inside of you..Mmm....Can you imagine it, Xander?"

Xander groaned, bucking his hips.

"Do you think about what it would feel like to be in my mouth? To be sucked off by me?"

Xander nodded and pushed his hips against Angel's hands as they moved to unbuckle his pants.

"Do you think about me? Do you dream about me?"

Xander nodded again and moaned as Angel's hand brushed against his cock. He moved his hips as Angel pulled his pants down and off of him, pushing them across the room and then standing up and kissing Xander's neck again. Tonguing a nipple as he spoke.

"Do you masturbate imagining it was me touching you? Imagining it was me you were thrusting into instead of your hand?"

Xander groaned and pushed his naked hardness against Angel's clothed one.

"Do you?"

Xander's throat was dry and he opened his eyes, looking at Angel. "Yes...", his voice was raspy and Angel gasped. He was beautiful. Xander's hair was curled gently over his forehead, framing his chiseled features. His eyes smoldered, a deep brown almost golden in the dim light. He looked feral, he looked beautiful, he looked sexy. Angel bit his lip as Xander's hand reached out to unbutton his silk shirt.

"Yes, I think about it...All the time..", he breathed against Angel's lips.

"I know you do...Because I do too...", He whispered before taking Xander's mouth.

He ravished his mouth, kissing him hard before slowing down and licking delicately around Xander's full bottom lip, smiling as the lips opened, allowing him access. He thrust his tongue inside, trembling as Xander moaned into his mouth. Xander scraped his teeth along the length of Angel's tongue before pushing his tongue against the vampire's, feeling the cool fire of his mouth against the warmth of his own.

They kissed passionately and deeply and when they pulled apart they were both gasping for breath.

Angel pulled back and stared at Xander's naked form. The dim light in the room was caused by the moons bright light, streaming through the window and the light was now dancing patterns across Xander's skin.

Xander blushed, his neck and face turning a nice shade of pink and Angel smiled, removing his own shirt and then looking down as he began to unbutton his pants. He was surprised to see Xander's hands join his and looked up to see Xander concentrating on removing his pants. He felt them fall to the floor and stepped out of them and forward, pushing Xander against the wall once more.

Angel nipped at Xander's lips before kissing him soundly and then moving down and kissing his jaw, laving at the pulse point.

Angel lowered his mouth, teasing a nipple with his teeth before licking a trail up his shoulder and to the curve of his neck making Xander groan and buck his hips against Angel's matching hardness. Xander lifted his arms and wrapped his fingers in Angel's hair, massaging the back of the vampire's neck in slow seductive circles, the same slow circles that his hips were grinding against Angel.

Angel moaned and wrapped his arms around Xander's back, his hands scrapping upon the wall behind the younger man.

He bit gently at Xander's neck and grinned as the boy shuddered and gasped.

Angel let his hands slid down to cup the mortal's firm buttocks. He moved his right hand gently down Xander's thigh, lifting it slightly and hooking it around his hip. Xander used his leg to pull Angel closer to him, thrusting against the vampires naked hardness. Xander threw his head back, rolling it against the wall.

Angel lifted his hand up to Xander's face, caressing his cheek as they kissed. He sipped his pointer finger into Xander's mouth and pulled back to watch as the young man sucked and nipped gently at his finger. Sliding it in and out of his mouth as he curled his tongue around it. Angel could've come right then but he wanted more...

Angel pulled his finger away from Xander's mouth and replaced them with his own mouth, losing himself in a deep kiss.

He trailed his now slick fingers down Xander's body, running the wet finger down the leg around his hip and pushing up towards Xander's anus.

Angel's slick, nimble, fingers circled around Xander's entrance, asking entry and Xander moaned. Angel kissed his kiss glossed lips and pushed one finger slowly into the opening. Xander screamed, it hurt, but felt wonderful...and he wanted more. He moved his hips, thrusting them down impaling himself on Angel's finger. Xander smiled and threw his head back as Angel began to thrust his finger in and out of his hole.

Xander started to move his hips to meet Angel's thrusts as Angel pushed another finger deep inside, making Xander scream in pleasure. //I'm dying..I'm dying from pleasure...from foreplay! Ohmygodohmygod..yes...//

Angel couldn't take it anymore..Xander's moans and movements were driving him crazy, he had to have him.

Xander whimpered as Angel's fingers were removed and gasped as he felt something thick and hard press at his entrance.

Angel looked into Xander's eyes, asking permission. Xander's eyes only radiated need and lust...and something else that Angel couldn't decipher.

Angel wiped his precum over his shaft, slicking it and preparing himself. He looked at Xander once more, silently asking if he was sure.

Xander nodded, kissing Angel and sucking gently on his tongue as Angel lifted both of his legs, placing Xander's thighs around Angel's hips before thrusting slowly into him.

Xander gripped Angel's shoulders as the vampire pushed into him, he dug his nail into Angel's pale flesh and moaned.

Angel watched the boys movements intently, Xander's mouth was open slightly, his lips pink and swollen from his kisses. He was smiling and his eyes were closed. When Angel was all the way in, Xander's eyes flew open and he stared into Angel's deep eyes.

Xander leaned his head down and kissed Angel tenderly before throwing his head back against the wall as Angel slowly moved out of him and then thrust inside again.

Angel was mesmerized, he had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life or unlife and for once he felt complete. Both he and his demon had what they wanted; Xander, and he was whole...he was one person again if only for a moment.

Angel began to thrust faster, pressing hard into Xander and moaning loudly.

Xander's back was rubbing against the wall behind him but he wasn't in pain, he could only focus on the sensations Angel was giving him as the vampire thrust in and out of him over and over again.

Xander wrapped his arms around Angel, holding him closer as they fucked. Xander's hardness rubbed against Angel's stomach, creating beautiful friction and he was coming, one more hit to his prostate and he was gone, screaming and cumming and digging his nails into Angel's back.

Angel watched as Xander came, watching how his face contorted and then calmed in absolute pleasure and suddenly Angel's face was changing to the visage of the demon as he came, hard, into Xander, his legs giving out and they tumbled to the floor.

Angel came back to the feeling of Xander touching, caressing, the ridges of his vampiric visage and he looked up at the young boy with a smile as his face went back to normal.

Xander laid his head on Angel's chest and sighed. They both had so many questions and so little answers...but they did know one thing...This was only the beginning.

Gods, the hellmouth was a fucked up place.