N. D. Hansen-Hill

The Light Play Trilogy
**Sci-Fi Suspense**
Light Play
Light Plays
Lightning Play

The Grave Images Series
The Trees Series
For More Information

Light Plays

In Light Play, Dr. Caroline Denaro’s experiments with plant and animal genes had lethal consequences. Some of the gene sequences she transferred contained a virus. First, her rats, and then Denaro herself, succumbed to her experimental error.

In a desperate effort to save herself, Denaro contacted Rick Lockmann, and pleaded for assistance. Unfortunately for Rick, that moment of contact was to prove nearly fatal. Denaro’s touch carried with it both the virus, and an unexpected dose of plant genes.

Now, Rick’s problems are far from over. He is no longer fully human. Not only are his physical needs different, but he has to come to terms with his mutant status - and the knowledge that he harbours the world’s most valuable DNA within his cells. DNA that some people will do anything to possess.

(isbn 07433 00645)