N. D. Hansen-Hill

The Trees Series
The Grave Images Series
The Light Play Trilogy
For More Information

Light Play

**Reader Comments & Reviews**

I just finished Light Play and it is SO INCREDIBLE! Is there any way that I can PLEASE read Light Plays.....and Lightning Play?...Thanks so much for sharing it w/ me! ...and may I add excellent characters, great story line (I couldn't wait to see what happened next) and just wonderful all around!
PS I'm spreading the word!

...... Science fiction at it's most imaginative. An awesome plot with vivid characters. Fast paced and very visual. Compulsive reading.
Cassandra Knight

It is very captivating and interesting...I was home very sick one weekend. About the only thing I managed to accomplish all weekend was getting out of bed and printing out more pages of it. It was quite a page turner especially considering how badly I felt. I have thought several times of sending you an email telling you how much I enjoyed it...
E. C.

It's an interesting and intriguing book...I love the way that N. D. Hansen-Hill describes her characters, especially Carolyn Denaro and her extra-corporeal manifestations.
T. H.

I'm about 80% through reading Light Play and am thoroughly enjoying it. I think it would make an excellent movie. I like the way the story moves along, and the problems continue to build upon each other. I think the dark building is very effective for the search for Denaro.
G. S.

Fast, racy, keeps you on your toes. You just have to read to the end. You don't want to put that book down.

**** Excellent
Dr. Richard Lockmann is a plant pathologist who not just studies plants and their diseases, but also searches for cures for the diseases and more. But now Rick has a bigger problem, one that no human doctor can cure, he has been infected by a plant virus, but he didn't infect himself, Caroline Denaro did the honors for him. How is he going to survive when he himself has been searching for a cure for this plant virus and has not yet been able to find one? More importantly, how did she manage to infect not only herself with this virus, but also him as well.
As Rick fights for his life, his friends Simon, Cole and Jason not just try to help him, but now they are also fighting to save their own lives as well. Genetechnic Industries and the Defense Security Office each want to get their hands on Rick. They want to study him and see what is going on with his system and how he is managing to survive. Genetechnic wants Rick to the extent that they have kidnapped him from the hospital and taken him to one of their buildings. Now DSO has gone in to take him back. But Rick's friends all know what will happen to him regardless of who wins, Rick will become nothing more than an experiment and something to study. Each in their own fashion has come up with a plan to rescue Rick, but who is going to rescue them from the horror that lives inside the walls of where Rick is being kept.
If you are a Dean Koontz fan then you absolutely must read the books by author N. D. Hansen-Hill, where Koontz has a tendency to provide too much detail and overkill, Hansen-Hill has found the perfect balance. LIGHT PLAY is yet another excellent book in what I expect to be one of many books by this author. This book is well written and flows smoothly; it gives you thrills and chills and yet at the same time gives you laughter and humor. The author has done an excellent job of breaking up the sections that could be overwhelming if left alone by interlacing it with just the right touch of humor to create the perfect balance. This is one book that you actually won't want to end because of all the different variables involved. There have read few books that have this affect, I couldn't put the book down because it is truly captivating, but at the same time, I also found myself deliberately not going back to it simply because I was afraid of what the outcome might be.
Review by: Tracy Eastgate - Tracy's Book Reviews

Genetechnic's star scientific researcher has succumbed to a bizarre accident. Caroline Denaro's genetic research has resulted in a tragedy. Caroline has somehow become a specter. She has been rejected by her body which is mutating into something horrible. Caroline's cries for help have been ignored by David Vizar and other members of Genetechnic's staff. She realizes that all Genetechnic wants is her research. Too late Caroline regrets her drive for power, recognition and wealth; she knows she is doomed.
Dr Richard Lockman encounters Caroline Denaro's out-of-body self at her former home and lab. She pleads with him to help her. Rick's friend Cole Calloway has rented the home from Genetechnic. Rick is so consumed with the need to try and help Caroline, that he works feverishly researching all he can into ghosts, afterlife, etc. Rick has gone as far as outbidding Cole for the house. After two weeks totally consumed by his research, Cole finds Rick looking feverish and exhausted. Jason Stratton is a medical doctor and friend of Cole and Rick. Jason fears Rick is suffering from pneumonia and admits him to the hospital.
Having left the hospital, Rick is in Caroline's home and she shows him where her research material is hidden. Unknown to Caroline a plant virus had infected one of her specimens. But Rick, who specializes in plants, immediately recognizes the virus and begins to suspect that it isn't pneumonia that has made him so ill.
Genetechnic has kidnapped Rick from the hospital, and have taken him to their labs. The kidnapping has resulted in Cole being wounded and Simon, another close friend, being shot. Now they are determined to rescue Rick. What will they find at Genetechnic? What has happened to Rick, he was in a coma, is he dead? How can Jason, a doctor who knows nothing about the violent nature of the people involved in Genetechnic, assist in Rick's rescue? How can Simon, even though he is a mercenary, help Rick when he is badly wounded? David Vizar and his clean-up crew only want to profit from Caroline's research, but she's already killed several of his people. How are they going to stop Caroline who is no longer capable of human compassion?
This is a tense and fast paced thriller. The author pulls out all the stops in this dark fantasy. If you love good writing and non-stop suspense, don't miss this book!
Number of Stars: 4
Reviewed By: Bea Henson

This book has a little something for everyone. There's science and spies; ghosts, epidemics, helicopters and even guns. The action isn't exceedingly fast-paced -- in fact, it may take some time to get into the flow of the story -- but the story does move. We follow the escalating problems encountered by Rick Lockmann as well as his friends, who are all equally devastated by their buddy's demise. Even while remaining skeptical about the true cause of his illness, they are all loyally trying to find a cure.
"Friendship, loyalty, justice, courage. " These would be a few choice words to describe what happens within Light Play. I think the major appeal of the story is its theme of sticking by your friends and banding together (sometimes even with your supposed enemy) in the face of disaster.
The science doesn't get too intense for the casual reader, and while the characters were almost overwhelmingly male, the action was not too testosterone-driven. N.D. Hansen-Hill tries to make the characters' reactions based in reality, though I doubt that people put through such trauma could still come up with snappy one liners.
With a plot sounding like something from a B movie, Light Play asks you to stretch credibility a bit, as any good science fiction does. Once you suspend your disbelief, this book is a well-spun tale. I give it a solid four stars. ****
Reviewed by Tricia Gilbert for Midnight Scribe Reviews