N. D. Hansen-Hill

The Trees Series
The Grave Images Series
The Light Play Trilogy
For More Information


Trees (book I), Crystals (book II), Mud (book III), Shades (book IV), and Fire (book V) of The Trees Series:

When Peter Trevick first noticed the Trees, he was fascinated. The chilly white bark and unyielding leaves were unlike anything he’d ever seen. It never occurred to him that his background and experiences were limited - that the Trees might be a clue to something far beyond anything he could have imagined.

He also never expected to get caught up in his work. To be trapped by a cloud of smoke, only to find - when the smoke cleared - that he’d left his humanity behind.

Peter’s vision has been expanded, and so have his travel plans. He is now seeing life differently - throughout a number of different worlds. Life is not limited to a single dimension.

In Light, book six of the Trees series, hope lies nearly crushed in the darkness - trapped beneath rock debris, and sliced by cadaverous claws. There are creatures of the dark, who might not be nearly as threatening - given a little light...

(isbn 07433 03601)