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What I believe.

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I believe that God, our Heavenly Father, created all of us as His spirit children before the earth was created. Then His eldest and most outstanding spirit son was given the responsability of creating this earth and everything on it. He then came to this earth as Jesus Christ, lived a perfect life, established his church, suffered for our sins, and sacrifided His life for us, and three days later was resurected, so that we may return and live with Him and the Father in the Kingdom of God forever.

What does this have to do with angels?

Exactly this:

We were created as spirit children and awaited our turn on earth. While waiting many of us worked as angels, carrying out the tasks that were required of us. I believe that we were among the multitudes of angels that sang at the birth or the saviour in Bethlehem. I believe that many of us will work as angels after we leave this earth life. I believe that my sister Susan, who died when I was only two, is an administrating/quardian angel to her family that remains here on earth. I believe that she she waved goodbye to my younger brother when he left the pre-earth life to join our family a year after Susan left this earth life. I believe that she will be among those to great me when I walk down the tunnel to the bright light.

I, like all members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe in angels.

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Notice: This web site is under construction and was last updated on 02/07/01