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The Developement of the Blue Faerie

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After searching through many photo gallery
pages I found this young woman in a bathing suit
and Pirated her profile. I then added wings and used
several other images to get the perspective on the front
and back.    

It then took me about an hour and a half to
transfer my drawings onto the block of wood.    


I cut the front veiw first.    

And then the side.    

This effort took another half hour.    

I had to pry out and chop out some wedges
that were left.    

Roughing out the overall shape took another
hour and a half. I mainly used a round gouge for this part.    

I had to redraw my pencil lines.    

I left the gouge marks on the wings because
I like the way they look. I will probably
put them back in as the final touch.    

It took me about three and a half hours to
get to the point where I could start carving with a normal knife.    

This is about one and a half hours of carving
with a knife. Working mainly on the left side.
I said before that she has begun to enchant me. The
fact of the matter is that she is so cute, I think
I am falling in love. Don't tell my wife.    

Haven't even started the hands.    

Or the right side.    

This is after about five hours of carving.    

These pictures are all starting to look
the same.    


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