"Just Remember..."
Just Remember...
Yesterday, I was no-one
You just met me
Yesterday, gave me another reason
to look forward till tomorrow
Just because You are now involved...
In my Tomorrow's there are memories
to create with you...
Yesterday, we had our own plans
Our own lives to lead..
Today, because of Yesterday
We have just one more reason
to get up in the morning..
Today, because of Yesterday
We are who we are,
We do
what we do
Today, I would'nt be the person I am
Because of your
presence in my world
Yesterday, Today and Forevermore
I'm forever changed...
Today, because of Yesterday
I will be more careful of what
I say and do
Today, because of Yesterday
Is more important than before
Important for me to show you
that I appreciate your
presence, Today, and our Tomorrows...
I made the mistake
of not noticing the little things
Today, I'm more careful
to accept those little things
that are important than Yesterday...
Yesterday, I was
Today, I am
Tomorrow, I will be
Will be more aware
of my
Yesterdays, Todays
and my Tomorrows
If it was'nt for Yesterday,
We would'nt be here,
time would'nt
allow for us to meet...
Just Remember... that I was
there Yesterday,
here Today...
hopefully Tomorrow
if time will
allow us....
Just Remember,
no matter
what the day brings,
I did my best
My best to make our days
just as important as Yesterday...
Just Remember,
I'll always remember our Yesterdays,
Todays, and Tomorrows.....
**written by "alycatz" 2001.**