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daisy About the Artist daisy

petunia My first art medium was pastels.  They were portable and inexpensive.  I briefly tried acyrlics.  The colors were bright and cheery, but they dried too fast for my level of inexperience.

petunia When an artist friend offered an oil painting class, I explored oil painting.  When my second child was born, I put the oils away.  Some oil paints are poisonous, and paintings need to be left out while they dry in between session.

petunia My next adventure in art was watercolors.  I started out with the little strips that you buy for children.  I could pick up a set inexpensively any time an artistic mood struck me.

petunia After a Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival watercolor class at the University of Alaska, I invested in tube water colors and 100-lb paper which made all the difference in the quality of my paintings.  My husband liked my birch tree study so much that I had it professionally framed for our anniversary.

petunia With the blank cards made especially for watercolors, I made greeting cards for my friends.

petunia At the same time I was learning watercolor painting, I took up sketching.  I found my artist eye developing because of the keen observation required for sketching.  Sketching is not only portable, but it also occupies my mind while I'm listening to a boring speech at a conference.

petunia Some time between the oil painting and the sketching, we purchased our first computer.  Try as I might, I couldn't find a program that allowed me to draw anything -- well, anything I'd want to keep.

petunia Enter Paint Shop Pro 5.  I immediately fell in love with this program.  I couldn't wait to draw with it.  After a few false starts, I found a tutorial on the web that got me started.  I wish I could remember where it was, but I've visited so many sites since then, and I've got a different computer so my bookmarks are gone from that period in