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Philippines-America Performing Arts of Georgia, Inc.

Asian Cultural Experience

A Celebration of Asian Culture in Atlanta

PAPAG at ACE 2002

Saturday July 13th,

PAPAG Dancers at Ace 2002 Toni Daya Special Entertainment

Southern Indian Dance Legong Balinese Dancers

Traditional Balinese Dance - Indonesia Zero Taiko Japanese Drums

Photography by Richard O'Kelley

Note: All Ace Photos are high Ress

Close to 10,000 people from Asian-American Communites attended the ninth annual Ace 2002 at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, July 13th and 14th. Even with the rain everyone had a great time.

PAPAG Performed both on the Great Lawn and Day Hall. The Filipiniana Dance Troup , Kayumanggi Rondalla, Bighani perfomed, along with a special song by Toni Daya.

PAPAG Dancers at Ace 2002

PAPAG Dancers at Ace 2002

Zero Taiko Japanese Drums Chinese Classical Ribbon Dance

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