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Philippines - America Performing Arts of Georgia, Inc.





||| Story ||| Directions ||| Information ||| Reservations ||| PAPAG |||


1. All masquerade entrants must register at the PAPAG Masquerade registration table before 7:00 PM on the Saturday of the Masquerade.

2. There will be an Entrants Meeting at 7 PM on Saturday. This is when you will receive your entry number. Any entry with special light or sound requirements or visibility or mobility restrictions must attend. All Tapes must be turned in at this time.

3. Costumes that have won a major award (Best of Show, Best Costume or Best Presentation) at a previous PAPAG Masquerade are not permitted to compete. You as the winner are not ineligible; only the winning costume. Please join us with another entry or if you wish, enthrall the audience again with your costume as a Showpiece. For further information, please contact the Masquerade Director.

4. All Entrants must pay the $15.00 Registration fee and buy a Masquerade Admission. You need not to disclose your identity to win. All Registration information is kept confidential by PAPAG. The Grand Prize will be a min. of $400.00. The PAPAG President will announce this before Midnight. Award will be made in check and presented at the Masquerade by the President and issued by the Treasurer.

5. The 5 finalist may have presentations. Presentations may not exceed two minutes on stage. Action is generally better than words. Plan your presentation to give the judges enough time to view your costume from all sides. The presentation should draw attention to any particularly interesting aspect of the design or construction. Presentation can make a mediocre costume great, or can break a good one.

6. Microphones will not be available to contestants. Any text must be taped for presentation, or read by the Masquerade Emcee.

7. We will have audio available for taped musical and/or vocal accompaniment to your presentation. Tapes must be cued up and labeled as to the correct side. CDs must have the track # clearly marked on the jewel box. Please be sure your name and phone # are on the jewel box, as well.

8. Some special effects (strobe, fog machine, and wind generator) may be available by prior reservation. Please contact the Masquerade Director and Costume Contest Committee in advance, if you wish to use special effects.

9. Weapons and combat routines must be cleared with the Masquerade Director prior to the contest. Fire, flame or projectiles of any sort will not be allowed.

10. You must leave the stage as clean as it was when you set foot on it. Arrange to pick up any props, costume pieces (like dramatically discarded capes) or any mess that your costume generates.

11. No messy or sticky substances (wet, dry or oily) are allowed as part of the costume or presentation.

12. All costumes must be PG 13. If you think your costume might be too risqué, it probably is. Contact the Masquerade Director if you have questions.

13. No live animals will be allowed on stage, except animal guides.

14. Surprise the audience, surprise the judges, and surprise yourself! But do not surprise the Masquerade Director or his staff. The Director has the right to disqualify Entrants.

15. Finally, the Masquerade Director has full and final authority over all aspects of the Masquerade. He also has the authority to waive the above rules if the Entrant can convince him of the merit of the exception.

16. The Independent Board of Judges will choose one Entrant to win the Grand Prize. This must be approved and presented by the current PAPAG President. All judgements are final.

If you need any clarification or have question, please contact the Masquerade Director:

Richard O’Kelley

at (770) 968-0662

E-Mail Here






Web Design by

Richard Web Design by Richard O'Kelley Story of MASQUERADE CopyR. R. OKelley 2001,2002,2003 O'Kelley

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