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Prince Edward Island Numismatic Association

Notice of January 2000 Meeting

The Library, at Colonel Gray Senior High School
175 Spring Park Road, Charlottetown
Monday January 17th, 2000 at 7:30 pm

Greetings to all Members of the PEINA!

The “new millennium” is here, and I wish all members of the PEINA a happy and healthy New Year. We closed last year with a most satisfying dinner at Rodds and thanks are due Ralph Bagnall for organizing this and to Ralph Dickieson for obtaining two videotapes on numismatic subjects for us to enjoy. We’ll have the videos at the January meeting, in case any member who did not see them in December would like to take a peek.

Please note that our next meeting is on the 17th in the Colonel Gray library. Park in the teachers’ parking lot on the north side of the building, then follow the first floor corridor to the library located in the south-east corner. Note too, that “in case of inclement weather” we shall meet at the same place, same time, on the 24th the following week.

Enclosed you will find an agenda. For the first meeting of the new century we’ll try to keep the formal part of the meeting as short as possible, to allow time for other activities. A copy of the club’s proposed constitution will be available at the meeting. I do not intend to mail out this document in order to save on postage, however if you cannot attend the meeting and do want a copy of the draft constitution then please write/telephone/e-mail me and I’ll be happy to put one in the mail for you.

To touch upon ancient history for a moment, the November meeting produced a good debate regarding our financial affairs, membership dues, and membership renewals. It was resolved, that for the year 2000, membership dues will be $15 per member, with a Junior or student (up to grade 12) category set at $10 and a special family membership category set at $20. Membership renewal also provoked some discussion. In the past, it was the custom to ask for payment by October for the upcoming year and each year, some folks paid, some folks were late with their payment, and other folks forgot completely. This did not help the Club’s cash position and certainly created additional bookkeeping for the Treasurer. It was therefore resolved that payment of dues for the year 2000 must be received on or before the date of the January 17th meeting. So, if you have not already done so, don’t forget to bring cash or a cheque or send in your dues by mail to the address given at the top of the page.

Please note also, that it was resolved that anyone who was not paid up by the time of the meeting will be dropped from the mailing list. We think that enjoyment of our hobby is greatly enhanced by your active membership in the Association. Come out to our meetings and join in the fun. We have a number of interesting evenings planned for the New Year and we hope to see you there.

One item that may attract a few members: a chance to see all the new Canadian twenty-five cent coins that will be released for the year 2000. There are some super designs coming our way.

Members who subscript to Canadian Coin News or saw the January 4th item in the Charlottetown Guardian about Michael Wilson at Moncton’s “Coin Cabinet”, are probably aware that some 1999 millennium quarters have been minted with the obverse of the regular quarter, thus the value of the coin does not appear. Seems that several of these “mules” have been found in sets, and the asking price for the September and November quarters is in the $360-$390 range. I’ll bring these articles along to the meeting, along with flyers and catalogues received during the past month from several dealers in Canada, the U.S. and Britain.

Meanwhile, if you have access to a computer, you might enjoy a browse at which promoters say they want to make the “Yahoo” for the coin collector. We’ll see. I have been having fun checking out the illustrations at which is run by Richard Mitchell in Oklahoma City and features “exonumia”, everything from notes from broken banks and a wonderful range of tokens to encased coins (quite a few Canadian). I couldn’t resist, and bought a brass token issued by the U.S. military for the “Sergeants Club / Newfoundland Base Command / Good For 5 c In Trade”. There’s an interesting research project. I wonder if similar tokens were ever issued for CFB Summerside?

See you in the Colonel Gray library on the 17th, and don’t forget to visit our own site at

Mark Holton
President, PEINA

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