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Prince Edward Island Numismatic Association

Notice of October 2000 Meeting

c/o 10 Edinburgh Drive, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 3E8

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Newsletter of the Prince Edward Island Numismatic Association [Vol 1 No 8] October 2000 _____________________________________________________________________________

Notice of Meeting

The next general meeting of the PEINA will be held on Monday, October 16th, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. in the Library of Colonel Gray Senior High School at 175 Spring Park Road, Charlottetown. The executive of the Club is supposed to meet at 7 pm, 30 minutes before the general meeting, and one of these days I'm sure we will! Parking is available in the teachers' lot, on the north side of the school. Come a few minutes early to browse through the month's accumulation of magazines and newsletters.

On our agenda:

an informal presentation on bimetallic coins by Gary Woodhouse. Following this, an informal show-and-tell of treasures picked up at the fall APNA rally in Fredericton.

Your president will endeavour to have coffee available as well as munchies of some sort. Come on out and have a good time! There will also be a draw for "valuable prizes" of a numismatic nature but as this is written I am not sure what they will be.

The September Meeting

We had a small-ish turnout for the September meeting. However, those present seemed to enjoy the slide show of coins in Britain and the "tour" of the History of Money gallery in the British Museum.

Not a great deal of business was conducted, although we did acknowledge the generous gift of books from the J. D. Ferguson Historical Research Foundation. A letter from Foundation Chairman Geoffrey G. Bell was read aloud and the president promised to write a formal letter of thanks to Mr. Bell.

Fall APNA Rally

If you are wondering why this newsletter is a wee bit late, your editor has been anxiously awaiting the APNA newsletter containing the agenda for the Fredericton gathering. Also, he's been busy with his usual back-at-school activity including that parent-oriented event called by some students the "Meet-the-Creature" night. And, there is the evening chore of marking homework. It goes without saying he looks forward to the weekend in Fredericton!

Enclosed with this brief newsletter is the Program for this month's APNA Fall Coin Convention, and for those PEINA members not members of APNA (and not on the APNA mailing list nor a subscriber to "The Atlantic Numismatist" newsletter) you'll find a Membership form. It does say "Renewal" but I'm sure if you crossed out that word and wrote in "new application" they'd be happy to take your money and add your name to the list.

The Fredericton Inn (1-800-561-8777 or 506-455-1430) is the convention hotel. Call, mention APNA, and get the convention rate. The bourse will have at least 20 tables, set up in the Regent Mall located right next to the Inn. It can't get much easier than that! The newsletter didn't mention displays but I am assuming they're welcome. If you are thinking of taking a table, contact Richard Bird at 506-450-3106 And, until we meet again, that's that! See you in Fredericton and then shortly after at our meeting on the 16th.

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