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Prince Edward Island Numismatic Association

November 1999 Newsletter

This meeting will be our first for the Club since the Annual Meeting held last month and the first with Ralph Dickieson as Past-President. Note too, that we will be changing our venue from the Ellis Bros. Location to the Library at Colonel Gray Senior High School. We appreciate the kindness of vice-principal Leo Broderick is making this space available to us at no cost. Many of you know that the Stamp Club has met here and has found the Library's conference room to be a comfortable meeting place. Parking is available in the teachers' lot, on the north side of the school. Enter via the "teachers' door" (go up the cement steps) and follow the signs to the Library, located on the ground floor. A map is enclosed, but there will be lots of signs posted to guide you to the right place.

A copy of the Agenda is enclosed. Note that membership dues are now payable for the coming year. Dues are an important part of our club and help to keep us going, covering the cost of monthly notices, postage, envelopes and the like. Note too that we'll be hearing from Ralph on the Thomas N. Rogers collection auction sale held during the Toronto TOREX weekend, October 22 to 24. We'll also be wrapping up the fine A.P.N.A. weekend and out Past-President has letters and some final bills in that regard. And, with luck, I have copies of the Draft Constitution available for discussion.

We look forward to seeing you on the 15th. Bring along any coins you may have that are not identified; perhaps our collective wisdom will be able to tell you what you've got and how valuable it might be. A special prize will be offered to whoever can identify the evening's "mystery coin".

Mark Holton, Club President

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