
(Updated 27 January 2002)

Greetings, everyone! This page has presented links for and about Indigenous people around the world for
some years now. Sad to say, the last update seems to have been 25 August 1999 - a significant week in
this pendragon's life. All links, however, have, as of 27 January 2002, been checked, and the ones still
working (plus a few others no previously included) are to be found below. More will be added as Pen is made
aware of them.The links are in random (sounds better than chaotic) order.
- Native American Art Studies Association
- Native American Resources Site from Lisa Mitten, Librarian, University of Pittsburg
- Native American Law Materials
Native American Resources -
good stuff here
Bill's Aboriginal Links
- Worldwide links, including some you might not have thought of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Commission - (Australian site) - for info on native title, cultural issues,
heritage protection, Law and Justice, International indigenous issues,
and for enormously good links to related sites
- Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet
- Cyber-Quechua - for Quechua language, bibliographies, etc. - maintained by Serafin M. Coronel-Molina
- Literacy and
Indigenous Language Links - maintained by Serafin M. Coronel-Molina - "
Indigenous Languages and Cultures of America" section is huge and hugely satisfying, good for the dabbler as well as the expert
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy
Research - CAEPR describes itself as "a multi-disciplinary social sciences research centre at the Australian National University with a primary focus on Indigenous Australian economic policy and economic development issues, including native title and land rights, social justice, and the socioeconomic status of Indigenous Australians."
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch
Committee - from Western Australia- with appropriate warnings
Akha Zauh - Journal of the Golden Triangle -
for info on the Akha Zauh, Indigenous people of the region - a beautifully
presented webpage with superb information. Note: this page takes a little time
to download, but well worth the slight degree of patience required!
Aboriginal Studies WWW
Virtual Library
Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Page - comes to you from Australia
Arctic Circle - from U Connecticut
on Arctic peoples and region
First Nations index - check this out too - it's a HUGE site!
Native Peoples -
Many many links
- Canadian Aboriginal Links - a breathtaking list of links - from Bill's Aboriginal Links
- Michaell's Pacific Islands links - Pacific Islands internet resources homepage
- Ara Nui - from Lincoln University, Aotearoa/New Zealand - a good hefty list of Maori and Maori-related sites
- www.maori.org.nz/ - Maori Organizations on the Web - happy browsing
- Maori Links
RETURN to HOME - and make another selection!