(Updated 1 February 2002)
Here Pen has brought together links to regular journals and e-journals, both scholarly and otherwise, plus a few news links.
Because these links had not been checked for some considerable time, many are lost. What remains, however, is a workable list as of the date given above. Some links lead to articles past and current, others to Guidelines for Submission or Subscription Information (Pen will try to annotate these in the next little while).
Links to newspapers and newsletters follow immediately in a (brief) list of their own.
As Pen says above, many links have been lost. If you do not find what you are looking for in the list below (by far the fastest way to contact a journal if you don't have the link yourself), try this site:
Journals on the World Wide Web - a huge LIST of on-line journals!
Also, at end of this list of journal links, there are a couple of other huge sites to search for the journal you are looking for. If you have anything you think should be added here, please email Pen HERE and put "New Link" in your subject line. Many thanks!
- ALA Bulletin -
African Lit. Assoc.
- Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities
- ARIEL (A Review of International English Literature) - from Calgary, Canada.
- Australian-Canadian Studies
- Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire - "Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire publishes essays, fiction, reviews,
and art work that address the full range of contemporary Black concerns."
Blithe House Quarterly features new short stories by emerging
and established gay, lesbian and bisexual authors
British Journal of Arthurian Studies -
page OF the Pendragon Society and, most importantly, the British Journal of Arthurian Studies
- The Caribbean Writer
CTHEORY - international journal of culture out of North Caroline State University
- Crossings - Crossings: A Counter-Disciplinary Journal - out of Binghampton
- Cultural Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Folklore and Popular Culture
- Culture Machine - Culture Machine
European Journal of Cultural Studies - international journal of Cultural Studies edited out of U of Tampere, Finland
C19 Feminisms - new feminist journal
from Canada
- Goa Today -
Goa Today magazine's subscription page, but with links to articles and, at end
of lower left column, Archives
- Henry Street: A Graduate Review of Literary Studies - is an international forum for [post]graduate students of English and related disciplines - out of Dalhousie University, Canada
International Journal of Modernism - print journal on modernism in literature
In[v]isible Culture - Take a look
The Journal of African Travel-Writing -
a new journal looking for contributors
Kerala Journal - the Keral Journal
- Kunapipi
- Latino Cultural Studies - new e-journal out of Buffalo, NY, USA.
- Nepantla: Views from South - journal published by Duke University Press
- New Literatures Review - New Literatures Review - from the University of Wollongong, Australia
- New Media & Society
Nga Korero o te Wa - A monthly summary of Maori news and views thoughout Aotearoa / New Zealand
- OCULUS: Journal for the History of Art - publishes [post]graduate student papers - from Indiana University, USA.
Scope - on-line film journal
Sexuality and Culture
- Tribal Arts / Le Monde de L’Art Tribal - online
magazine, with, of course, links
- Wasafiri
- And Finally -
- Gutter Press - publications, biographies, and links to smal -press sites
- many little mags -
electronic poetry mags - Pen is still checking this out
- New Jour - site for new journals and newsletters available on the internet
Scroll down for Newspapers and Newslinks OR
Newspapers, Newsletters and Newslinks
A whole buncha Pen's links seem to have gone off all by themselves, and Pen has
to go and find them. Very BoPeep-ish. If you don't find what you want here, check back
another time soon.
Wanna email Pen? Send HERE