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My Sailor Scouts

Welcome. I am Sailor Kat, created by Kat herself. I am here to greet you through your travels. These are all scouts that Kat has created from her own imagination. No fan fiction is being planned right now since she is still working on other short stories for the Millennium. But for now she has slowly made a photo gallery of the following scouts. Click on their name to see their pictures! I now let you back into Kat's hands....

All information on the following pages concerning the stones was found on the following website:


Please visit their website as they have lots of information about gemstones and jewelry.

And last a very big thanks to Realm of the Crystalstars and Empire Madora for inspiring me to attempt this project. Without stumbling onto their websites and finding all the other fan sites I would never have thought of trying to create my own scout much less try to draw one.

And a special thanks to Shadowyng for being the first one to sign my guestbook! (It's in the Caverns ) The wings for my scouts were inspired by Shadowyng and her characters, though I did try to make my wings different from hers! I'm sorry I didn't add her link here earlier! Please visit Empire Madora to see her awesome artwork! Thanks again!

There is one picture of each scout that I "made" with a Kiss viewer and a download from Sailor Orion's page. These pictures are at the bottom of each scout's page. These are what they would look like with an original fuku. The above picture of Sailor Kat was created with this program also.

Go here to Sailor Orion's Sailor Generator. You will also have to download a Kiss Viewer here . If you want some heavy information, see Sailor Orion's site for more details and check out her site when you're finished! It's really awesome! Enjoy!

Sailor Peridotite

Sailor Ametrine

Sailor Alexandrite


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