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~Furry~Artists~Friends and Family~Misc~

~Furry Links~
Worlds, Comics, Literature, Resources.
Furcadia : Official Web Site for Furcadia, a magical land where animals have learned to walk on their hind legs and speak! (aka : 3-D Online Game Client for Chatting, RP, etc.) P.S. I'm in charge of their website and am a member of the Beekin Council. Wanna know what that is? Visit the website and find out!
See also; Marah~Fae's Furcadian Links.
Sabrina Online, the Comic Strip!
Sabrina Online, the Comic Strip! : Super Cool Comic by about a Skunk and her Amiga!
I love it, he loves it, she loves it... you'll love it! just go and see for yourself. :o)
Furry Grand Central
Furry Grand Central : The (self proclaimed) net's largest furry information resource!
Well they do have a neato function where you can join the database and upload a small pic of yourself and write a little bio, so the Furry world will know who you are! Also a great place to find out a little bit about that mysterious furry you saw the other day but didn't get a chance to talk to. Well, as long as they have a bio up. @.o Only problem I see with this site is it was last updated July 2000 ... Private bios are privately updatable though, that's good.
Redwall Abbey [Banner © Sean Rubin]
Redwall Abbey : The Redwall series is wonderful, Furry for Kids! Of all ages ;o)~

Furry and Otherwise
Tripshot Press : Amazing and Unique Furry Artist/Animator Kim Arndt's Site.
Sylph Studios : Another Delightfully Unique Furry Artist whose work I adore. An art exchange victim of mine. : Independent Furry Artists who Frolick in Furcadia Flaunt their Fabulous Wares.

~Friends and Family~
The Ones I Love
Nepenthe : It was as if her presence burst upon me as the first words flooded my ear...
What I did hear; a deep ruby spice smoldering, golden faerie dust sprinkling, black feathers flying.
A silken beauty from far away, gracing my heart with her presence this day... I swoon... I sigh... I cry...
for my love's beautiful burst of a bloom, emotion exploding in a glorious chorus of petals.

Ridere's Furcadia Cosmos : A Rosier Furre there cannot be. Personal website of the creator of Roseate and the Rah of The Rose Kingdom. And a very helpful Beekin, friend and all around good fellow to boot. Love 'm ta bits. ;o)~

This page Created and Maintained by P.J. Stone.
All Content, unless otherwise labelled is © Copyright 2001 P.J. Stone.
Site last updated April 08, 2001.