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Marah's Player

Marah's Hyoomun, Click on the Pic to see more.
-The Furrless Oddity Behind Marah~Fae-
    My RL name's Persephone. Yes, really Persephone, my mother gave me the name at birth. It comes from Greek Mythology, Persephone is the Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld. She is the child of Demeter the Earth Goddess, and is kidnapped by her uncle, Hades (God of the Underworld) to be his Queen. Needless to say, living with a name like this has made me a little fascinated by Mythos. I also find myself, like Persephone the Goddess, to be a very dualistic being. My emotions range from one extreme to the other and I love the Day as much as the Night, Summer as much as Winter, Spring as much as Fall. I've been drawing and frolicking within the realm of my imagination for as long as I can remember... though, school did a good job of trying to destroy that part of me rather than cultivating it as they could, and should have. I've been a furry all my life as well, though until I got online around 1995/1996 I didn't know there was a whole sub-culture of furries out there waiting for me to find and befriend. I've been spiritual all my life as well, having an innate love for the Magick of Creation. I was raised Roman Catholic, which was fine up until the dogma started to get to me and I realised that I didn't believe in that 'God'. Then I began to seek out other faith systems. I found many that made just as much sense (if not more to me) and began to develop my own personal set of beliefs. If you're curious about what those are, drop into Harmony House sometime. I have felt close to faerie and magick all my life and it has expressed it's self greatly though my art. I've come to look at my art, not only as a way for me to express myself and share my experiences with the world... but also a way for me to learn about myself. It also provides me with a constructive use for my emotions... whatever hue of that spectrum they may be. I love Nature and all of Creation. I love reading, writing, web building, singing, dancing, star gazing, hiking, good movies and music, good food and good wine (in moderation ;o)~ and a wide variety of other things. I am a 24 yr old single (by choice) mother of one who is presently residing in the south eastern USofA. I have a pet bunny whom I love almost as dearly as my cub and a small circle of very beloved friends whom I adore most exceedingly. I pray I bring half as much light to them as they do to me.

- For IC Info on Marah see Marah~Fae Fireheart -


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All Content, unless otherwise labelled is © Copyright 2001 P.J. Stone.
Site last updated March 30, 2001.