
This is Dunkin's third Poet's of the Poconos Tour. Author of; "A Vagabond's Eye View," and "The Very Basics in Safe Boating," published online by;


J. Stephen Keller, known to his shipmates, and poetry friends as Dunkin hails from Lorain, Ohio where he lives with his wife Jill, their cat Miss T, and various tropical fish. Winner of the Fourth Warm & Fuzzy Poetry Contest, Dunkin has been published in over 32 different anthologies, and too many online, and hard copy poetry magazines to put here. His work has been compared to Longfellow, and T.S. Elliot, though he denies vehemently ever knowing the two great poets personally.

His poetry web site:


"A Vagabond's Eye View"


GU00049P: Hard copy sells for $15.00

GU00049D: Electronic copy for PCs $7.99

GU00049A: Electronic copy for MAC $7.99

"The Very Basics in Safe Boating"


Still to be determined at this writing

After the Monsoon
by Dunkin

Day light sifted black
stars strained as pasta
gathered together
into one great orb
born of hellfire
sizzling on earth's edge.

After nine months online
we were trespassing
in God's shadow,
leasing a moment
as guns yield silence,
enjoying the salty peace.

Water tickled the ship's side,
slapping playfully
like children in a pool,
nipping at our 18 inch armor.

Seagulls slipping along
overhead, disdainfully
squawking at the tracers
in the jungle behind me
like protesters at a rally.

Soot, like black snow flakes
billowed out of our stacks
drifting lazily earthward
staining the air around us
in preparation for departure.

Water boiled at the stern
churning like a great
sea beast about to erupt
and breast the surface.

The boson's pipe
shrilled; “Attention,”
before announcing
over the loud speaker:
“Secure from War.”

Email Dunkin at  B432508@aol.com



All material copyright © 2001, 2000, 1999

Poets in the Poconos