Kimber Lee Cole

Kimber Lee Cole is from New York and has been published in several newspapers (one was an award winning NY paper) as well as several anthologies and small literary magazines.  She received a letter of praise from Guy Mollinari, her borough president and an editors choice award .

The Glass Secret
by Kimber Lee Cole

His shower
Consumes her slender build
wild summer lace
Clings damply….

Immense Glass Secret

Bruises teach her liquid skin
With love?
Sharp crack! 
Blue! Black!
Could this be love?
She cannot tell.
Raised well,
she cannot tell
Never, ever tell

She enters
Pronounces morning bouquet
Fresh, defiant
Sweet scent
Fresh, defiant roses

She staggers
Harsh violet lessons
Down her back
Fear scent permeates

She stumbles
With the song on her face
Pressed upon her lips
The Blues - she would sing
The Blues
Deep, purple, swollen blues
Split along her lips
Can't sing now
Only burned,
dark mewling cries

Man sliced her tongue
His red work buys him silence
she cannot tell
Never, ever tell

His shower
Immense Glass Secret
Rinses the blood and blossoms
Down the drain

Grow fast little girl
Grow fast, run away
Silent little bird
too scared,
His gift of  pain

New bruises teach her liquid skin
Pronounceing Evening Vespers
Another set of lessons
( Say it will be over soon?)
she whispers in her head
so he can't hear

Pages float away
Blossoms on the dirty wind
Finding freedom she can
Never win

Trapped in his Glass Secret
Mute beneath his 'teaching'
She can never tell
never scream
Man sliced her tongue
Too scared to run

Trapped in his Glass Secret
     Till its done

Kimber Lee Cole
©Lizard Bitch Boots Inc.

email Kimber at



All material copyright © 2001, 2000, 1999

Poets in the Poconos