HELP FOR VISITORS: Thank you very much for your interest in my website. I'm not a computer-expert and so I've built my private site with the web editor of MS Word 2000. This program automatically creates the HTML source code. To view the website correctly you should have run a MS Windows system on your computer. The website is optimised for all MS Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browsers, and is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.But it works, too, on those new wide-screens. By the way, the title letters are written in the true type font "Edwardian Script ITC" (To view the original design you'll need this font which is a part of MS Works). You shouldn't have any problems to view the website if you use these programs and the standard preferences for screen resolution. You might encounter some minor problems if you try to view the website with another browser. Because the Microsoft Word editor doesn't work strictly with the HTML 4 standard, it's source code might create errors if you use another browser than MS IE or Mozilla Firefox. In case you have any problems to view the website correctly, even if you use one of the browsers mentioned above, please check the following preferences: 1. You cannot view the pictures and even links don't work? Check if you have added some filters or plug-in's to your browser. Or maybe you have turned off some elements in the web preferences dialog box of your browser? 2. The view of the website looks strange? In this case you have to change the size of the fonts. Click on VIEW in your browser, then FONTSIZE and BIGGER. Now it looks correct. I hope the forgoing was helpful to you. If you should have problems not described above, please write me. I really did my best to create my website as a little "artwork", but as I am not an expert for program source codes, the result depends on Microsoft's Word and how good it really works. As for the pop up advertisements of my provider Angelfire on my website, which are annoying to most visitors, please consider that it keeps my website free for you and me. It surely wouldn't exist as a paysite. And you can download one of these free little tools from the web which keeps the pop ups away (new browsers have pop-up blockers yet). If you want to tell me how you like this website, please feel free to write me any comments, critics or informations. I'm always very grateful for any feedback and contribution. If you like my website you can write me what contents you would like to see in the future. And if you have something to contribute for my archive or to share for the website, please write an e-mail to: And don't forget to look frequently for any news and updates at the "Rapunzel Long Hair Archive" website! Heiko W. THE RAPUNZEL LONG HAIR ARCHIVE index.html