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Mary Tucker at the door of her Californian home in the early Sixties.









Unknown Schoolgirl in front of the mirror.














Stan had always much luck to find pretty models for his work.











Sylvia Rodriquez was a young Californian girl of Spanish descent when Stan discovered her at a wedding in 1977. She was 5 ft. 1 in. tall and had 57 inches (144 cm) of length to her auburn tresses. She usually braided her dense hair in two round coils at each side of her head.










Sylvia Rodriquez at the L.A. University campus. The bright green of the lawn enhances the red-brown color of her hair. Such photos in full color are rare and often faded now if not carefully stored over the years.








An amazing cloak of hair.










California dreaming…









What a mane!









Sylvia in the backyard of her house.









Stan photographed her from 1977 to 1979 on various locations.









Sylvia combs her mane.









Sylvia again. Many of these rare photos are published here for the very first time.











Sylvia’s photos are among the best of Stan Shuttleworth’s late color series.










Sylvia at the University campus again.











At Another location.











Sylvia once more.









Sylvia is resting at a well in a churchyard.









Again a t the well.









Each of Stan’s original photos is worth as much as 50 Dollars and more nowadays.









Almost completely enveloped in her hair.









Mary Tucker at a reunion session in the late Seventies. She has still her great ankle-length mane. By the way: because Mary is quite tall (5 ft 10 in or 175cm), her hair looks really long.









Another rare shot from this last session.










Mary, an extraordinary beauty even in the sunset of her life.








A pretty Blonde.



There is a fine memorial site at “The International Longhair Club” by Dave Tichenor. Look there for more photos!






She was among of Stan’s last models in the late Seventies. Stan Shuttleworth died on October 29, 1983 at 67.









If you know more details about Stan’s life and his models, please write to: