Mousse attacks! Big Trouble in Nekonron, China


Vital Statistics:
Name: Mu-su (wash thread)
Age: 16 (in the Chinese system he'd be 17)
Entrance: Nettouhen episode 5. V.5 part 7
Sex: Male (well duh)
Hair: black
Eyes: green (?)
Dimensions: yeah right, go somewhere else
Martial Arts: Wu Shu, Hidden Weapons style
Distinguishing Features: thick glasses, white robes
Weapons: anything under the sun
Aliases: Master of Hidden Weapons and All-things Avian
Loves: Shampoo
Loved by: Nobody
Friends: Nobody
Enemies: Ranma, Cologne
Voice: Seki Toshihiko (Japan), Brad Swaile (US)

This member of the China gang is the most practical, as Mousse isn't entirely caught up with Chinese Amazon tradition. He's been in love with Shampoo since they were both three years old, but Shampoo doesn't share that love. He works at the Nekohatten under the hated leader, Cologne, just so he can be near Shampoo.

Mousse wears thick glasses, as he's as good as blind without them. It's perhaps pride that tells him not to wear his glasses all the time, resulting in mistaking others/objects for people (especially Shampoo).

Mousse is cursed to become a duck when splashed with cold water, as a result of blindly walking into the Spring of Drowned Duck in Jusenkyo. As a duck Mousse retains his hidden weapons, and his sight is such that he can still throw them with accuracy.

If it weren't for his hopeless devotion toward Shampoo, and his poor eyesight, Mousse would be your typical average guy, personality-wise (of course, Shampoo IS his life).

Martial Arts

Wu Shu is a Chinese martial art involving flashy techniques and acrobatics. Since Mousse is a Chinese acrobat, it's reasonable to assume that this is the art he bases his moves on (and the fact that his moves are all visually-impressive).

Mousse practices the art of hidden weaponry-- if the weapon exists, there's a good chance Mousse has it. After all, the body's the most dangerous weapon. All of his special attacks have names having to do with any type of bird, hence his title.

Many of Mousse's attacks involve throwing darts or chained weapons.

The Fist of the White Swan involves attacking so quickly the opponent thinks Mousse is attacking with thin air. In actuality, Mousse attacks with a porcelain training potty shaped like a duck.

The Raking Hawk Talons technique involves attacking from the air with hooked nails attatched to his feet. Mousse claims this technique was passed to a single student every generation.

The Ostrich Kick is a nearly-vertical kick.

The Hen Egg Blow is throwing bombs shaped like eggs at the opponent.

Mousse is perhaps one of Ranma's deadliest opponents (in fact, he's one of the few to actually HURT Ranma). Except for one glaring weakness: Mousse is helpless without his glasses. Unlike other suitors or fiancees, Mousse isn't distracted by Shampoo's presence during battle.

If, during the battle, Mousse determines that Shampoo's in danger, then he'll fight even more fiercely than before, even to the extent of death if it'll help Shampoo. Bottom line is, if Shampoo's life is threatened during the course of a battle, Mousse becomes impossible to beat.

Relationships with Others

Ranma. Neutral. While Ranma could care less about Mousse, Mousse wants to kill Ranma because he possesses Shampoo's heart. Mousse also blames Ranma for his curse. At some point Mousse realizes he has a better chance at getting Shampoo if Ranma and Akane married (especially since Mousse can't beat Ranma).

Akane. Neutral. Sometimes Mousse uses her against Ranma, or recruits her aide to stop Shampoo's schemes.

Shampoo. Mousse is in love with Shampoo, but Shampoo doesn't share those feelings. While she generally acts hostile and uncaring toward Mousse, she does care about his safety (perhaps as a fellow warrior).

Ukyo. Neutral. Of course, they're at odds when Ranma's concerned.

Kodachi. Neutral. The two hardly meet.

Kuno. Neutral. Sometimes an ally in the battle against Ranma.

Ryoga. Neutral. Sometimes an ally in the battle against Ranma.

Cologne. Hate each other; Mousse hates Cologne because she won't let him marry Shampoo, and Cologne hates him for bothering Shampoo when she's already rejected him. Also, Cologne likes to beat-up Mousse whenever he's being disrespectful to her, or is getting in the way of her plans.

The most you'll see Mousse interact with is the China gang or Ranma and Akane, therefore the other characters have little need to feel any differently toward him. His life revolves around Shampoo, and he can't stand to see harm come to her.

You Know You Like Mousse Too Much When...

DUCK Karuta card

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