#1: Moments of Transition The Wheel of Fire, Part 1: The New Cycle Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Author's note: This series, aptly called 'The Wheel of Fire,' takes place after the final manga story, Vol.38. It sort of runs over the wedding fiasco story. The scene opens just after the Jusenkyo-cursed return from battling Saffron in Jusenkyo. The first story of Part 1: The New Cycle, dealing with Ranma and friends after the final manga story. This story's kinda depressing, but it is NOT a darkfic. Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. The waters of Jusenkyo have mixed during a hard rain, raising the water levels of the springs to overflowing, meaning that the curses are jumbled together now. The cursed believe the Jusenkyo springs' curses are messed-up permanently. Of course none of them thought to ask the Guide about it.... 2. Nodoka knows of Ranma's curse, but thinks him manly. Her idea of manly is pretty much Happosai.... In any case she now lives at the Tendo dojo after the destruction of the ancestral Saotome home at the hands of Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi. 3. In her mind Akane hears Ranma confess his love. That's about as far as it goes, anyway, as he never actually SAID it. ------------------------------------------------ Opening: Love Seeker * Can't Stop It (featuring the Ranma guys: Ranma, Mousse, Ryoga, Kuno) (a hard rock, upbeat tune-- the seventh season opening) (Ranma) The building wall is a giant screen (M,R,K) [oh yeah!] (Ranma) Goddess of the big city, Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Smiles down, (All) so sweet (Ranma) I found you (Ranma) For each 100 million dreams, (M,R,K) [oh yeah!] (Ranma) there's a billion chances (M,R,K) [oh yeah!] Is there such thing as the right path? No! No! No! No one knows, so (All) Don't cheat! (Ranma) [oh yeah!] In this labyrinthine city, together with you (All) Carry on, carry on, (Ranma) as we start to run, (M,R,K) Can't stop it! (Ranma) No way out (M,R,K) Can't stop it! (Ranma) Forever'n'ever (M,R,K) Can't stop it! (Ranma) It's unstoppable How can you hold me on? * * * * * It was the week after Ranma's greatest challenge, a week after saving Jusenkyo from the bird people of Phoenix Mountain, a week after nearly losing Akane, a week since Ranma emerged triumphant, having defeated his greatest opponent yet, Saffron, a week since the rain that caused the pools of Jusenkyo to flood. It was a quiet Sunday morning. It was also the morning the lives of many Nerimans would change forever. It was the day which Ranma and Akane were to be wed. * * * * * A wedding invitation? Ryoga walked alone in the quiet streets of Nerima as he unsealed the envelope. The Eternally Lost Boy read it over once, twice, three times. He sighed. Continuing to walk in silence, Ryoga thought, Akane, I wish you the best. It wouldn't do any good to think of Akane anymore. It was the day Ryoga half-expected from the beginning. Sure, he thought he had a chance with Akane, but now.... Thinking of Akari, Ryoga thought, I'm going on another journey, Akari. I'm afraid the gift I got for you expired. A few blocks away Ucchan's was closed, but passer-bys could hear the sizzle of okonomiyaki on the grill. Ukyo stood behind the grill, absorbed in her cooking, Konatsu being the only other occupant in the dining room. "Ukyo-sama?" started Konatsu, "are you okay?" "I'm making special okonomiyaki," Ukyo replied. "Just for such an occasion as this." "Are you sure you're all right?" Konatsu persisted, thinking back to the moment Ukyo read over the wedding invitation. It shocked her, to say the least. The repercussions were unknown to the lowly servant. Ukyo lifted her head from the grill, staring out into nothing. "I knew this day would come." She sighed. "All there's left for me to do is devote myself to my cooking." Konatsu let a single tear slip as he turned away. Ukyo-sama is strong, he thought. Everything will be fine. The Nekohanten was also closed for the day. Shampoo busied herself wiping tables that didn't need cleaning. She stopped as Mousse approached. "Shampoo," Mousse started, "I know you won't give up on Ranma easily, but I want you to know.... I'll always be here for you." "Shampoo understand," Shampoo replied. She turned her head over her shoulder, smiling. "Can you help me prepare some nikuman?" [Note: nikuman is a sort of round dumpling/bun with beef in it; if you play KOF that's the thing Kensou chokes on :) ] Mousse burst with joy. "Oh thank you Shampoo!!" If he'd been wearing his glasses, Mousse would've noticed he'd been hugging old Cologne. Nabiki and Kasumi, both dressed in kimonos, looked on as their father, Soun Tendo, clutched a barrel, sporting a malicious grin. The side of the barrel read 'Drowned Man Water,' enough, according to the Jusenkyo Guide, for one. The Guide sent the barrel as a gift for helping save Jusenkyo from the bird people of Phoenix Mountain, retrieved after the flood levels of the springs subsided. After all, it wasn't the first time the Jusenkyo springs overflowed in its long, tragic history. Had his honored customers listened, they would've known that the springs were back to normal now. "Really, Daddy, did you have to hide it from Ranma?" asked Nabiki. "I won't let Ranma have it until he and Akane are happily married!" cried Soun, his eyes flowing with tears of joy in anticipation. Already he envisioned the two youths happily married.... "Is that how you persuaded Akane to marry him?" accused Nabiki, not the least bit surprised. A hand planted on Soun's shoulder. "I'm surprised you had it in you to keep it to yourself, Tendo." Soun looked over his shoulder, and saw his old friend, Genma Saotome, dressed in a tuxedo, but retaining his bandanna, covering his bald head as usual. "Did you think I'd try to take it for myself?" asked Genma. Not waiting for a reply, Genma snatched the barrel in his arms, and dashed off. "It's mine!!!" At that moment one of the dojo walls burst. Ryoga popped his head through the new hole, shouting, "Where the hell am I this time?!" Mousse burst through the dojo entrance, shouting, "Ranma, Akane! Hurry up and get married before you change your minds!" Genma ran into Mousse, sending the barrel flying. Both Mousse and Ryoga saw the label on the barrel. "Drowned Man water!" the two shouted. They scrambled after the flying barrel, Genma close behind. Ranma, wearing a white tuxedo, burst into the dojo, Akane behind him, wearing a Western-style wedding dress. "What?!" Throwing a hard look at Akane, he shouted, "Why didn't you say something sooner?!" With that Ranma joined the other men in the mad dash for the barrel. At least, until a nikuman and okonomiyaki flew his direction. The resulting explosion knocked Ranma down. Shampoo, in a hugging dress, and Ukyo, in a kimono, were at the entrance, holding plates of nikuman and okonomiyaki respectively, with hard, cold expressions on their faces. "Aiyaaa!" Shampoo cried. "That one was for pervert-girl!" Blast it, Ranma got in the way! Ukyo reached for another okonomiyaki on her plate, fires burning in her eyes. "Yeah, well there's still plenty of special okonomiyaki to go around!" Konatsu shook his head as he descended from the dojo ceiling. Perhaps the news hurt Ukyo-sama far more than he expected. Kodachi descended from her position in the rafters with the help of her ribbon. She wore a black wedding dress adorned with roses. She helped Ranma to his feet. "Ranma-sama! Speak to me!" Shampoo and Ukyo reached Kodachi and Ranma at that moment. "Ranma belong to Shampoo, crazy-girl!" cried Shampoo. "Get away from him, you impudent bitch!" spat Ukyo. Kodachi dropped Ranma on the floor. "How DARE you speak to me in such tones, plebeians!" Ranma regained his senses, just as his sight caught a flash of cold steel. He leaped out of the way in time as Kuno's sword cut the air where Ranma was a moment before. Kuno brandished his sword in one hand, and held a fan in the other, with the characters of 'reject' on it. "I, Tatewaki Kuno, never gave permission for this wedding!" Throwing the fan away, gripping his blade in two hands, he spat, "Now taste the ancestral blade of Kuno, cretin!" Ranma dodged Kuno's violent swings. "Get away from me! I've no time for you!" "Ahhahahahahahaha!" Kuno laughed as he swung. "This very sword was passed for generations in our family! The blade tasted the blood of enemies and traitors, and now it hungers for you, Ranma Saotome!" Great, not only was he swinging a real sword, Ranma thought, but he was also spouting stupid Kuno historical crap. Kuno proceeded to list off the names of his great ancestors and their honors with each swing. Shampoo and Ukyo discarded their explosives, and proceeded to brawl with Kodachi. Akane confronted Nabiki, and shouted, "You sent out the invitations to them, didn't you?!" It wasn't supposed to be like this! Nabiki produced a fat wad of yen. "Look at the bright side, Sis!" Kasumi commented, "My, look at all that money. It won't be a problem to pay for the wedding with that." Meanwhile Ryoga, Genma, and Mousse fumbled with the barrel. "It's mine!" shouted Genma greedily. "No, it's mine!" protested Ryoga. "Give it to me!" shouted Mousse. The barrel was sent flying. It tipped over as it flew in the air, the watery contents of the barrel spilling. "The water!" Ranma shouted, breaking free of Kuno's assault. Happosai entered, carrying a bag filled with his treasures. He noticed the spilling barrel in mid-flight, and shouted, "Sake!!!" The water went down the old lecher's throat as the Jusenkyo-cursed men watched in horror. Happosai smashed the barrel in anger. "It's... water!" The four cursed men stared. "He drank it all...." Genma grabbed Happosai's body as the others set to work at prying open his mouth. "Give back the water!" "Happodaikarin!!" the old lecher shouted. The explosion was brilliant, as it caused a chain reaction with the discarded nikuman and okonomiyaki. Just outside the dojo the other guests arrived. Miss Hinako danced with joy, the thought of food foremost in her mind. Gosunkugi sobbed to himself, carrying a straw doll. Hiroshi and Daisuke glanced over their wedding invitations with skepticism. "Ranma and Akane getting married?" voiced Hiroshi. "Seems too good to be true...." said Daisuke. The guests entered the dojo. The scene was total chaos. Miss Hinako lamented, "Aaaaahhh, the wedding cake...." Sure enough, the table the wedding cake once rested on tipped over from the explosion. Nabiki approached Hiroshi with an open hand. "Cash please." Kodachi ran all about, calling, "Ranma-sama! Where are you, my darling?!" Kuno ate Akane's foot as he said, "Akane Tendo! We'll have a wedding this very instant!" To which Akane replied, "In your dreams!" Happosai clung to Akane's skirt, ever ready to fetch another prize. "Heeheee... my young bride...." Genma threw cold water on himself, and pretended to play with a ball. Hopefully nobody would notice.... Depression built in Ryoga as he sat alone in the corner. Mousse called, "Shampoo!" as he grabbed Cologne. His glasses were nowhere to be found. Shampoo and Ukyo held Ranma in their arms. "Ranma! Speak to Shampoo!" "Ranchan!!" Konatsu tried to melt in the shadows, too afraid to approach Ukyo. Soun passed out from the disaster. Nodoka tried to revive him. Kasumi couldn't help but say, "My, what activity we have today." In light of the disaster, the wedding was postponed until Ranma and Akane could put their affairs in order. Until then, it was overtime.... * * * * * It was the day after. The day after Ranma and Akane were to be married. The day after friends and enemies alike ruined the wedding. The day after the last of the water from the Spring of Drowned Man was lost, consumed by Happosai. It was the day after everything changed. It was the beginning of a new future. It was Monday. Ranma and Akane walked together to school not the least bit angry at each other, hand-in-hand. If this were truly not love, then nothing was. As class proceeded as usual, Ranma couldn't help but notice that Ukyo wasn't in school. It wasn't like Ucchan to skip school for no reason, he thought. Maybe she's sick? Or, was she trying to avoid me? Other classmates gave their condolences, for what it was worth. The skeptics can have their way, for now. Kuno behaved as usual, announcing to all that he'd successfully thwarted the unwarranted marriage between Ranma and Akane. A scoundrel such as Ranma Saotome certainly didn't deserve Akane Tendo, he claimed. Ranma couldn't help but let his blood boil, but Akane stopped him from confronting the upperclassman, as the words were semi-flattering to her. "Are you trying to say you agree with him?!" demanded Ranma. "Of course not!" replied Akane. "It's just that... well, that might've been the nicest thing Kuno said about me." Which was definitely odd, since the most Kuno used to say about her was one-sided love. "He seems... different, from the usual Kuno." "I didn't notice a thing," commented Ranma. It was then when Kuno approached the couple. "As the days pass the flower that is Akane Tendo blooms unto greater beauty that all the goddesses of beauty would envy." To Ranma he said, "Let this serve as a warning, cretin, as I, Tatewaki Kuno, refuse to bestow upon you that which you surely do not deserve!" Kuno turned and walked away, back exposed. Ranma wanted to sock Kuno, but Akane stopped him. "Ranma, let it go. Let him have his fifteen-minutes in the spotlight, for that is all he's going to get in his miserable life." "Why?" asked Ranma. "He's jealous," finished Akane, slightly amused by Kuno's behavior. Jealousy never got one anywhere but trouble. Ryoga walked alone in the empty streets of Nerima. For the second day in a row, in fact. Of course planning had nothing to do with an extra day in Nerima, as Ryoga's lousy direction sense landed him in the Tendo dojo yesterday. It was when a cure for his curse was within his grasp, yet fell away at the same time. Curse the old man, Ryoga thought. The water was in my grasp! It wasn't until after the explosion Ryoga realized where he was: at the Tendo dojo. Well, that would've explained why Ranma and the others were there. Of course after he absorbed his surroundings Ryoga realized he helped crash the wedding. Sure, he helped clean up the mess, but that did little to ease his guilt. Akane, I'm sorry about your wedding, Ryoga thought. I'm off on another journey to clear my mind. Ranma certainly doesn't deserve you, but you've made your choices. I'd kill Ranma for this, but that wouldn't make you happy. I wish you the best. Then Ryoga's thoughts drifted to Akari-- oh, how he missed her! Wait for me, Akari, I'll be back soon. Considering this was Ryoga, that could be from a few hours to weeks. Soon the Eternally Lost Boy left the city limits to follow the sun's path across the sky. Mousse watched Ranma and Akane leave the school grounds from his perch in a nearby tree. They weren't mad at each other, that's for sure. Maybe the wedding disaster drew them closer rather than farther apart. Love was such a complicated matter. One day Shampoo would have to give up on Ranma; the wedding would've pushed that day up, Mousse thought. The sooner Ranma married Akane, the sooner Mousse could have Shampoo. Well, at least, that's how it worked out on paper. To ensure your own happiness, Mousse thought, must you allow your enemy happiness? Of course, the timetable can be sped up if Ranma were put out of his miserable life. Shampoo would definitely be yours then. No, that won't work. How many times have you tried to beat up Ranma, and how many times have you succeeded? None. Well, you never know, one day you might get lucky! By the time Mousse finished his thoughts, the couple was long gone. Ranma and Akane stood just outside Ucchan's. This was usually the time in which business was slow, with only the occasional customer. It was this time Ranma usually dropped by for a bite to eat. Of course that was usually on a Friday, but Ranma had to talk to his old friend. Now. He turned to Akane. "Are you sure you want to go in? You don't have to, you know. This is something I have to do." "No, it's okay," assured Akane, visibly fighting to remain calm. "I need to do this too." Ranma shook his head. The couple walked into the familiar restaurant unceremonially. The dining room was empty, save for Ukyo, standing behind the grill, and Konatsu, sitting on a stool reading a manga. "Hiya, Ranchan!" Ukyo greeted Ranma cheerily. But when Akane stepped inside, the cheeriness faded. "Uh, hey, Akane." "You seem to be in good spirits," Akane replied, each word dripping with venom. A dark cloud seemed to hover over Akane; her sour-looking mood spread throughout the dining room like air rushing into vacuum. "We just stopped by to see how you were," Ranma began, stepping in front of Akane. "You weren't at school today." "Yeah, well, I had stuff that needed to be taken care of," answered Ukyo. "Sometimes my restaurant has priority over my education." Especially if said restaurant paid for said education. "I needed to supervise the suppliers this morning, so I skipped school. Those jackasses were supposed to be here last Saturday." She leaned over the grill and whispered to Ranma, "What's wrong with her?" "We need to talk," Ranma said flatly, ignoring Ukyo's question. You should know, Ranma wanted to say, but the words remained only as thoughts. He could tell that Akane was trying her best to control her temper. Ukyo set down her spatula. She gave a look to Konatsu, who set his manga down on the counter and left the room. This one's got to be about yesterday. "No hard feelings about the special okonomiyaki, Ranchan?" Ukyo forced a soft, nervous giggle. Well, here it was, the aftermath of the wedding fiasco. Now's the time to make or break, honey. Ranma nodded. "That's not what I'm here to talk about, but if it makes you feel any better, no hard feelings." "Thanks," replied Ukyo, who seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. So far, so good. He continued, "I don't know what you were thinking when you came to the wedding yesterday, or why you did what you did, but...." He paused, allowing the words to form in his mind. "You're still my friend. Let bygones be bygones. We've known each other for too long just to throw it all away now." Even if there was a ten-year gap in-between. "Not over something so relatively-insignificant as...." "As your own 'wedding?'" finished Ukyo, placing light emphasis on the last word. Before Ranma could correct her, she continued, "Oh come on, Ranchan, there's no need for apologies. Everybody knows you were forced into it. What are friends for? I'm glad that we made it in time...." "Ukyo," Akane said, cutting Ukyo off, "I thought WE were friends." "Ah, Akane...." Ranma started, but Akane cut him off. This wasn't going to be pretty.... Akane threw down her book bag in anger. "What the hell is the matter with you?! Dammit, Ukyo, Ranma may forgive you for whatever the reason may be, but I certainly won't!" She picked up Konatsu's manga, and tossed it in Ukyo's direction, missing her target completely. "I deserve an explanation out of you! You have the nerve to ruin my own wedding! What kind of a friend are you?!" The words bit into Ukyo like a swarm of angry wasps. Now, that was rather unexpected, Ukyo told herself. Regaining her composure after the initial shock, Ukyo replied, "Shame on you, Akane, for forcing Ranchan to marry you. I was doing him a favor! We all were! I admit, Kuno went a little overboard, but he was just as angry as we were. What did you expect from holding another forced wedding? Had we more advance warning than when Nabiki informed us, it wouldn't have been this way. But you left us no choice. Like Shampoo said, it was now or never, so we decided on the direct approach. And from where I stood, we were just in time." "I'm willing to let this pass," finished Ukyo. "I mean, come on, Akane. Why don't we just put this terrible mess behind us, and get on with our lives? If Ranchan can do it, and I can do it, why can't you?" "I don't think so," replied Akane angrily, folding her arms. "Akane, Ukyo, I think that's enough," Ranma said, standing between the two girls. "There's no need to fight about this...." Akane pushed Ranma away, her temper flaring, and stalked around the grill to Ukyo. "Your behavior was the sort of thing I expected out of Shampoo, but you!" The youngest Tendo girl jabbed an accusing finger into Ukyo's gut. Ukyo threw Akane's hand aside, her anger building inside. She raised a finger of her own, and waved it across Akane's face menacingly. "Don't you DARE touch me like that." "You'd be really happy to hurt me, right?!" continued Akane. "That explosive okonomiyaki of yours was meant for me, wasn't it!? I expected more out of you, my FRIEND!" Ukyo couldn't contain herself any longer. You asked for it, pal. Without warning, she confronted Akane with a hard, cold look, smashing her fist on the counter, barely missing the hot grill. The okonomiyaki chef allowed her anger to ferment foremost in her mind, allowing it to utterly consume her emotions. Akane took an involuntary step back, terror washing over herself as the fires ignited in Ukyo's eyes. "Ukyo...." Ranma started cautiously, but Ukyo cut him off. "You... call... yourself... a friend...." Ukyo rumbled slowly, ominously. It was all she could do to prevent herself from breaking down then and there. She reached into a pocket and produced her wedding invitation. Ukyo held it before her, almost pressing it into Akane's face. "Do... you... see... this? It's an invitation... to your wedding...." The card shook violently in her hand. "When it came to me yesterday morning.... DO YOU DAMN WELL KNOW HOW I FELT ABOUT IT?! HUH???!!!!" All control burst in Ukyo's wave of anger. Red-hot chi radiated from her body dangerously, threatening to consume the dining room. "U...Ukyo?" Akane took another step back, shielding her eyes from Ukyo's brilliant, hellish aura. She had never seen Ukyo so angry before.... Ranma shuddered at Ukyo's tone of voice. Words failed to reach his lips, leaving an open jaw hanging in surprise. The visage he saw of his old friend right now was as if he were staring at someone standing in the midst of Hell itself, much more intense than Akane had ever been before. "DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO GET NEWS SUCH AS THIS SECOND-HAND, FROM YOUR MISERLY SISTER AT THAT?!" Ukyo bellowed, spitting out each word as if it were fire. "IF ANYTHING, AKANE, YOU BETRAYED ME!!" Several deep breaths followed as Ukyo fought to regain her composure. Ukyo threw the invitation on the floor, the note sticking itself into the ground, with one side embedded into the wood, as if it were a metal dart. She turned her back, unwilling to show the tears gathering in her eyes. "I was willing to forget about this, but you left me no choice. I trusted you Akane, I really did! You're the only one I trusted to be with Ranma without pulling something like this. Then, you went ahead and forced Ranma to marry you. I'm Ranma's fiancee as well, you traitor; how dare you go behind my back and try to marry him without me knowing?" "It wasn't supposed to be that way!" protested Akane. It was Nabiki's fault that any of them knew about the wedding, it was supposed to be a secret. When Akane's father approached her that morning, he explained to her that he had in his possession a cask of water from the Spring of Drowned Man, and he won't let Ranma have it until after he was married. Akane knew how much Ranma desired to be rid of his curse, so she agreed. She even got Ranma to agree, hinting at the barrel's existance just before the others attacked. "I went along with this all for Ranma's sake. And don't you dare call me a traitor, you traitor! The person I see before me right now isn't the Ukyo I call my friend! You self-centered, egotistical bitch, you didn't deserve to know!" "So when would you have told me about your marriage, hmmm? Would you have told me, or the others, for that matter? We have the right to know, especially me!" "Your behavior at the wedding was why! You, nor the others, deserved him! He's MY fiancee. I got betrothed to him first!" "You yourself weren't betrothed to him specifically; I was! Have *I* ever tried to force Ranchan to marry me!? If anything, you're behaving more like Shampoo than I am! You never gave him a choice! I should've known, since the day you tried to pretend to be already married with Ranma, that you'd try to pull something like this! From where I stand, you got what you deserved, traitor!" "Stop calling me that! He agreed to marry ME! He loves ME, not you, you self-deluded moron!" "Oh, sure!" Ukyo shouted sarcastically. "Stop trying to justify yourself, you two-bit, self-rightious little bastard! I'd call you a liar, but I suppose that's a given! Ranma loves ME!" "Ukyo, Akane, that's enough!!" Ranma boomed, his voice echoing like thunder in the dining room. His hands were clamped to his ears, as if it would help the two girls stop fighting. "Stop fighting like I'm some prize!" Silence followed. Ukyo and Akane continued to stare each other down, each breathing quickly. Ranma waited until the auras of both girls died down a bit before speaking. "What is the matter with you two?!" shouted Ranma, unable to comprehend the nature of the argument, unable to control his mixed emotions. He didn't know WHAT to think anymore. Ukyo folded her arms, and turned her head away smugly. "Go ahead, Ranchan, tell Akane who you love!" "Why don't you tell HER?!" Akane flared at Ranma, pointing at the okonomiyaki chef with a critical finger. "Fine!" Ranma shouted back. He grabbed Ukyo by the shoulders, almost jerking her around. To others it would seem as if Ranma were going to hurt Ukyo-- the excited gaze in Ranma's eyes gave good reason for such an assumption. Trying to remain calm (but failing miserably), he announced, "Ukyo, I love Akane!" "Wha...?" Ukyo seemed to stiffen at those words. Her head turned in alarm toward Ranma, and, staring into his eyes, she could tell he was being serious. Her eyes crystallized, staring beyond Ranma, at nothing. The dominos in her mind started to fall. T-minus thirty seconds until impact.... Only one word echoed though her mind. No.... Akane couldn't help but think, this was the first time he'd actually said it.... Oh, Ranma... did you have to say it now? Konatsu, waiting in the next room, heard everything that transpired amongst the three friends. And there was no way the kunoichi could have missed Ranma's bold announcement. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Oh no, what am I going to do?! Konatsu wondered in panic, knowing full-well the impact it would have on Ukyo. Shit, did I say that out-loud? Ranma thought to himself. Well, no turning back now. "I wanted to marry her," he continued. "I WANT to marry her. I have to ask you to respect my wishes. That is why I'm here today; I'm asking you as my friend for a promise. Promise me that you won't interfere next time. Promise me you won't try to hurt Akane next time." Ukyo couldn't answer. All she could hear was the pounding in her chest, what was left of a failing heart. She didn't want to believe what she'd just heard. Tears gathered in her eyes as Ukyo gathered and processed the full force of the shock. There were no more dominos, T-minus zero seconds until impact.... Impact. Akane had won. No.... Everything in Ukyo's mind collapsed, one after another. NO!!! "Promise me, Ucchan!" Ranma persisted. The okonomiyaki chef's head lowered toward the floor. "Ranchan...." she whispered to herself in a barely-audible tone, the words in her mouth choking on tears. She broke free of Ranma's grip, and, fighting the urge to cry, Ukyo placed several slaps across Ranma's surprised face. She screamed, "Damn you, damn you, damn you! Damn it all!" Finally, she gave her friend a well-planted kick in the stomach, sending Ranma sprawling across the floor. She quickly turned and ran, exiting the dining room, passing Konatsu, tears streaming down her eyes. Konatsu, from his position in the doorway, sighed deeply. "Ukyo-sama is not herself." How he wished he could help her, but Konatsu didn't know where to start. The stomping of feet up the wooden stairs echoed the kunoichi's troubled thoughts. Even in the dining room, one could hear Ukyo's wailing. Ranma gathered himself from the floor, shaking his head. What did I say? Konatsu reentered the dining room, folding his arms, and leaned against the back wall. He stared at the two customers with what he thought was a cold gaze, but it betrayed concern. All that would leave his lips was, "I think you two should leave." Silently, Akane retrieved her book bag from the floor, her eyes fixed on the doorway Ukyo exited. What have we done? Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, Akane announced, "Let's go." She walked out of the restaurant, never looking back. Ranma stood there for a moment, glancing at the entrance, then at the door leading to the back. What was the matter with Ucchan? He shrugged, then followed Akane out. Silently from her room Ukyo watched Ranma and Akane walk home. Retreating from the window Ukyo buried her head in her pillow. For the first time in ten years, Ukyo let herself cry. Really cry. Crying never experienced since Ranma left her behind ten years ago. Ironic that it would happen in the same way: Ranma was leaving her behind. It was over, then. He said the words she'd been dreading to hear for over a year. Nothing mattered, so long as Ranma loved me.... "I love Akane," Ranma had said. The words echoed in Ukyo's head over and over again, tormenting her, killing her over and over. Ukyo lost count on how many times she'd died. I would've given everything for you.... She could almost hear Akane's mocking laughter. She won.... How could this have happened? Ranma never.... ...he never said he loved me. What a fool I'd been! She could hear both Ranma and Akane laughing at her now. I devoted my whole life for you.... She could hear her fellow students, hurling insults and gossip. I.... Damn it all! The perfect end for a miserable life, Ukyo thought. First you attack your friends at their own wedding for selfish reasons, a wedding you believed to be another sham (as things like this happened before). Then they tell you that the wedding was the real thing; the difference mattered. The stone's been carved, the seal set, it was over. Not a snowball's chance in Hell could Ranma love her. He loved Akane. He chose her. It made all the difference in the world. So what was worth living for? Ranma's gone, he left you behind as he did ten years ago. She couldn't take it any more. Her only friends in the world were no longer, how could they forgive her for what she'd done? How could they forgive her after ruining their chance for true happiness? How could she have known that this wedding was for real? Ranma must've been upset despite the words he said. Friendships came to an end faster than they developed. There was no way she could be forgiven. Most of all, Ukyo couldn't forgive herself. She reflected on the morning that everything changed, the morning Ukyo set about cooking a love letter for Ranchan. It was only a week after Ranma and the others returned from China. It was the morning when Ukyo summoned all her courage to make Ranchan's okonomiyaki love letter, intending to deliver it that morning and express her love long last. It was then the invitation arrived, in the care of Nabiki Tendo. It was then she'd opened the envelope that contained the seal of her destiny. Everything changed in a second, the okonomiyaki love letter forgotten, quickly wrapped up and placed in a forgotten corner of the refrigerator. The love letter wouldn't have mattered had Ukyo not acted on the invitation. There was no time to plan, no time to think it through, it all came in instinct, fueled by hate. The others, Shampoo, Kuno, and Kodachi, added more fuel to the flames when they approached her. At least Mousse had the sense not to get involved. Unfortunately, the choices you made were wrong, Ukyo told herself. And now you have to live with the consequences. Your only friends are gone. Ranma finally admitted his love, and it wasn't you. And now you're truly alone. Ironic, that which you sought to avoid occurred through your actions. What a life you've got to live with, girl. Subconsciously, Ukyo's hand gripped something. She raised it to her eyes, to find she was peering at one of her spatula-darts. She turned it around carefully, as if studying its flawless, stainless steel surface. She ran a finger across one sharp edge, as if ready to accept what she was going to do. With that thought, Ukyo tossed the dart away, embedding it into the wall with only a flick of her wrist. No, dammit! I'm not a coward! Yes, that's it, live with your choices. Nothing gets accomplished if you end it all now. It's the only thing you can do now. You do have something to live for: become the best okonomiyaki chef in the world. It was time to resume your responsibilities. Hate never got you anywhere but straight toward trouble. Never again, Ukyo vowed to herself, would she let her anger and hate hurt others. The couple walked alone on the sidewalk when Mousse descended from one of the walls. "I've caught up with you, Saotome," Mousse began. "All right, Mousse, what do you want THIS time?" Ranma said in disgust. Who wasn't going to get mad at him today? "I challenge you for Shampoo's heart!" Mousse threatened, slipping wrist razors to his arms. "Mousse, what do you think you're doing?" Akane asked. "Ranma didn't try to marry Shampoo, you know." "No, no, no, it's not that," Mousse corrected, "I mean, it's great that you two agreed to marry and all, but still, Ranma has Shampoo's love, and I want it!" "Hey, if you want it, you can have it," Ranma replied. If only it were something I could give you. "That won't get Shampoo to love me!" Mousse shouted. "Ranma Saotome, prepare to die...!" Akane stepped in Mousse's way. "Look Mousse, do you want me to marry Ranma or not?" "Well, yeah...." "So if you kill Ranma, how can I marry him?" "Ummmm...." "Exactly! Now let us go and promise to leave us alone, okay? Go bother Shampoo instead. Take her on a date. Make her happy! You have to EARN her love, right? So what are you doing here?" "Uhhh...." "Ranma, let's go." Mousse was still fighting his thoughts as Ranma and Akane walked off. Ranma turned to Akane in wonder. "I didn't think you had it in you. You know I could've taken him on." "Hey, if you've been around guys as long as I have, you pick up a few tricks," Akane replied. Flustering them was one of them. Worked every time. "Besides, no way am I going to let anyone touch MY fiancee." When Ranma and Akane reached the gates of the Tendo property lot, the watched as Soun kicked Kodachi out of the gates angrily. To Akane's anger Ranma dashed to Kodachi's side and helped her to her feet. "Kodachi, what are you doing here?" asked Ranma. "Ranma-sama!" returned Kodachi, trying to hug Ranma, but he swiftly moved away. "You're all right!" "You came because you were worried about me?" "Of course! Who knows what those hussies did to you? Your would-be Father-in-law is most disrespectful toward those of higher station...." "Look, Kodachi," Ranma said, in a very serious tone. "I'm grateful, but you have to understand, I can't love you. Can you please leave me alone?" "I know that, silly," replied Kodachi. She reached for her ribbon. "But one day, Ranma-sama, I will steal your heart!" She laughed, as the ribbon lashed at a nearby tree. The Kuno girl swung away, black rose petals trailing behind. "Why were you being so nice to Kodachi?" asked Akane. "Well, at least she's still in high spirits," Ranma said to no one in particular, ignoring Akane. "Are you still thinking about Ukyo?" Akane asked, guessing. Ranma turned to face Akane. "Yeah, I guess so. She's my oldest friend and all." Suddenly, a terrible thought entered his mind. "Oh no, do you think I encouraged that crazy girl?!" Kodachi sat by the pool that was home to Midorigame, her pet alligator. Bit by bit she tossed meat into the pool, watching as the alligator gobbled them up greedily. "At least you're someone that needs me," Kodachi whispered to the pool's occupant. Of course the alligator couldn't answer, but he swam to Kodachi's side all the same, crooning for attention. Kodachi reached down and scratched her pet's nose lovingly. On her way home Kodachi ran into Konatsu, the servant of the common chef girl. When she inquired for the state of health of her master, Konatsu replied, "She's upset because Ranma confessed his love for Akane." Of course those words upset Kodachi as well. How can Ranma-sama love a girl like Akane Tendo?! Kodachi passed word to her brother, but Tatewaki Kuno shrugged it off. Somehow she suspected her elder brother didn't take the news lightly, and was hiding his true feelings. Why was it so easy for him to do that? Such an insensitive jerk! From the day she met Ranma Kodachi's greatest desire was to serve him as his wife. Now it had the same chance as a snowball in Hell. Perhaps that was her chances all along. No, stop thinking that way! Kodachi told herself. Ranma-sama can still be yours if you work hard enough! After all, nothing you ever wanted ever came to you on a silver platter. Especially dear Midorigame, she reflected with a chuckle. Father thought you were a little beast, but I knew better! You just needed to be loved.... If only others could see the person within me.... Silently, Kodachi resolved to sway Ranma's heart. This time, perhaps a more subtle approach. Straight from the heart. The next day in school Ukyo was there, but she kept her distance from Ranma and Akane. Ukyo never spoke unless spoken to, and then in as few words as possible, in a low, monotonic voice. At lunch she sat alone, neither speaking nor caring, only eating, then quickly departing. Many tried to cheer her up, even Miss Hinako, but failed. Rumors spread that Ranma confessed his love to Akane. Kuno certainly didn't take the rumors lightly, as his own sister had said the very same words. He marched into the room where Ranma and Akane sat, and confronted the pair. It was during lunch break, as the two sat at the same table, talking with their friends. Kuno set a foot on the bench, vibrating it suddenly. He leaned on his bokken, propping it to the floor as if it were a walking stick. "A rather malicious rumor blows through the winds concerning the Akane Tendo, and the vile black sorcerer Ranma Saotome." "Yeah, and what would that be?" asked Ranma, speaking with food in his mouth, almost uncaring. "It has come to my attention that you declared your love and devotion for Akane Tendo," answered Kuno. He turned to Akane. "What say you, Akane Tendo, in response to slanderous words such as this? I cannot allow these evil words to circulate any longer if they speak not that which is the truth. Enlighten my peers as to where your heart truly lies." Kuno raised his head high smugly. "Kuno," Akane started, "it's the truth. Ranma loves me, and I love him." Those within earshot silenced in an instant as soon as the words left Akane's lips. For his part, Kuno tried his best to maintain his airs, as he was visibly trying to retain his composure, and noticeably shaking. He stared deep into Akane's eyes for several long moments, trying to discern any outside influence that may lie within, but could find none. Turning to Ranma in disbelief, Kuno shouted, "What black magic have you used to ensorcel Akane Tendo, knave?! Answer me, or the great Tatewaki Kuno will smite you!" He raised his bokken in the air, ready to attack. All eyes were on Kuno and Ranma. Neither flinched or spoke. Seconds dragged to minutes. Minutes dragged to hours. Neither teen moved. But, the confrontation lasted only the space of a few seconds. Finally, Kuno relaxed his grip, then, shaking his fist in anger, stalked away quietly. The sound you didn't hear was Tatewaki Kuno's heart shattering into pieces. The moment Kuno passed Nabiki, she couldn't help but say, "You've lost your touch, Kuno-chan." Those words bit harder into Kuno than Nabiki could imagine. Minutes later, in his office, the Principal was about to make an announcement, but as his mouth opened Kuno burst into the office. He cried, "GGGRAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD!" That, and the following battle, was broadcast throughout the entire school for the enjoyment of the student body. After school that day Ranma and Akane encountered Shampoo. Riding her bicycle at top speed, they heard the unmistakable greeting, "Nihao!" "Go away, Shampoo," Ranma told her. "Shampoo glad Ranma okay, so bring you snack!" Shampoo produced a bowl of take-out ramen and presented it to Ranma. "Eat in good health!" she said, handing over the bowl before taking off. "Well, she seems fine to me," observed Akane as Ranma consumed the ramen. "So if everyone else is taking things in stride, why isn't Ukyo? She got what she wanted. She's just like the rest of them." Ranma slurped the soup water. "Are you sure about that, Akane?" He set the bowl down and held Akane's hand. "There's more going on than what appears on the surface, Akane. For as long as I've known Ucchan, I can tell. You have to let it go." Akane sighed. "How can I, Ranma? She helped ruin our wedding." Ranma hugged Akane, holding her in a steady embrace. "Tell me, Akane, if I were secretly getting married to Shampoo, no matter how unlikely, and you found out at the last minute, not knowing the full details behind the wedding, would you have done the same?" Akane nodded. "I guess so...." Was this what Ukyo meant when she said Akane betrayed her? Betrayal of trust? "Maybe Ukyo did what she did for the right reasons, but that still didn't excuse her actions." "You should apologize to Ukyo, not me, Akane," replied Ranma. "She needs all the help she can get for whatever it is that's eating her. Worst of all, she won't tell me what's wrong; how can I help her?" Who said I'm apologizing? "But we can't do anything for Ukyo," concluded Akane. "I think we'd only add more fuel into the fire. She needs time to sort things out by herself." Especially after Ranma confessed his love in front of Ukyo. That must've been the killing blow, Akane thought. Poor Ukyo, the cheery and optimistic girl of yesterday was a torn wreck. She didn't deserve that. Ranma doesn't know that Ukyo loves him, and Ukyo's too shy to admit it. Friendships had their ups and downs, their hills and mountains, but this one was a sheer vertical cliff. Kuno walked silently through the double-doors of the dark, enclosed room of the mansion. The only source of illumination was at the other end of the room, where, enshrined, the legendary Phoenix Egg rested. Icons, symbols, and decorations depicting the phoenix adorned the shrine. The Blue Thunder of Furinkan High threw down his bokken in anger before the shrine. He sat before the shrine, and let himself drift into meditation. The Phoenix Egg was reputed to be a good luck charm for martial artists, but there was an even greater purpose behind it. Through proper meditation and study, the owner of the egg may learn the invincible, legendary Chinese Phoenix Sword attack, the most powerful technique available to swordsmen. Only the greatest of men could hope to master the technique; the storekeeper who had sold the Egg to Kuno claimed that Kuno was too weak. The merchant had been right in all but one fact, Kuno thought. Anyone with sufficient proficiency in the sword may learn the Phoenix Sword, but it took one of great strength and will to survive the attack. Not long after bringing the Phoenix Egg home for the first time Kuno spent much of his time trying to learn the technique. That is, until one day, when he realized that the cost of using such a technique might be his own life-- the Phoenix flames that formed the heart of the attack derived chi power directly from the user's own soul. Since the flames usually consumed more soul power than was available, that was why only the strongest of men could hope to use the Phoenix Sword. At the time Kuno was unwilling to part from the mortal world, uncertain of the strength of his soul, but now.... It doesn't matter. Akane Tendo, even if it were through sorcery on Saotome's part, did not love Kuno; he had seen as much in her eyes. In that one, single moment, everything within Kuno's heart shattered in a million pieces; it was made worse by the fact that the pig-tailed girl seems to have disappeared, unwilling to come forth despite the news. The spark of life in Kuno's heart that was love... was gone. I gave my love to the world, but the world didn't return it, Kuno told himself. Akane Tendo never return her love. Mother... never returned her love. Worst of all, little Kodachi, ungrateful as she is... her love was unconditionally the property of Ranma Saotome and that stupid alligator now, with no room left for me.... What kind of a life was worth living without love? Kuno knew that good deeds often went unrewarded, but this was too much. Where are you, pig-tailed girl? With nothing to hold him back any longer, Kuno surrendered himself to his fate. Silently, he vowed, I shall finish what I have started. When the day finally comes, when I, Tatewaki Kuno, arrive to meet the final battle with the evil Ranma Saotome, victory will be mine. The world may be cruel and unforgiving, but I gladly and willingly sacrifice my life to rid the world of such evil. To this resolve, Kuno vowed to master the Chinese Phoenix Sword. A couple weeks went by, business as usual. Sort of. Word that Ranma and Akane confessed their love for each other spread through town like wildfire. After that, nothing was the same. Both Ranma and Akane noticed glaring changes in the behavior of the others, most visibly in Kuno, Kodachi, and Ukyo. Whereas Kuno would antagonize Ranma before, he notably kept his distance. It was strange, really, that Kuno continually failed to express his love to Akane, or toward the pig-tailed girl. Nabiki was upset after her sales of pictures to Kuno dropped to nothing. What happened that made him change? And still, the pig-tailed girl was nowhere to be seen. The strangest behavior exhibited by Kuno happened one day after school. As the students exited the building, the air was filled with the sound of a lone flute. A quick search of the area revealed Kuno, seated atop the clock tower, playing alone, oblivious to the rest of the world. Ranma and Akane had no idea what he was doing, but some speculated he was in mourning. No one dared to ask. After that day the flute solo came almost every day. Kodachi rarely visited any more. Whenever she did come to the Tendo home it was only for a short while, inquiring to the health of Ranma. Before long she'd convinced others that it was genuine concern, but Ranma and Akane hardly bought it. At least it was better than chemical warfare from yesterday. Ranma couldn't help but note a hint of sadness in her eyes whenever she visited. While she continued to laugh in her usual spirits, Kodachi didn't seem to be as perky as before. Kuno servants would note that their mistress spent much more time with her pet alligator, Midorigame, than usual. Sometimes they could hear her crying in the middle of the night for no particular reason. After several more near-attacks Akane managed to convince Mousse that killing Ranma wouldn't help win Shampoo's love. "Shampoo has to like you for who you are," Akane argued. To this end Mousse redoubled his efforts to win Shampoo's love, not by defeating opponents, but by swaying her heart. Sometimes he'd ask Akane, sometimes he'd ask Ukyo (whenever she was in the mood, that is) for advice. Akane told him to make Shampoo laugh; Ukyo told him to give her flowers. It was either really bad jokes or wilted flowers that got Mousse pounded every other day. Shampoo seemed to deny the fact that Ranma and Akane loved each other, and made the least change in her lifestyle. The Chinese Amazon treated her 'husband' as she did before. And Ukyo... the one who's made the biggest change of all. Whereas Ukyo once greeted others with cheery optimism, now she barely acknowledged their existence at all. Her eyes bore a strange, haunted look now, as if she knew her time on this world was numbered. She devoted most of her spare time running her restaurant, not bothering with pleasurable pursuits. Even Ranma noticed that Ukyo threw out all of her magazines she was so fond of looking through. Whenever Ranma dropped by Ucchan's Ukyo merely served okonomiyaki quietly, failing to draw pictures or messages with the sauce as she used to do. She never said a word to her old friend at all. Konatsu believed Ukyo could work things out by herself; after all, what could he do to help? The kunoichi refused to divulge in Ukyo's problems. Ranma was going nuts dwelling on the fact that he didn't know what to do to help Ukyo, especially since she wouldn't tell him what was wrong. Of course Akane knew what the problem was, but had no good way to help solve it herself. She decided it would be better if Ukyo told Ranma about it herself, when the time was right. Ukyo had to make the first move. * * * * * It was Saturday. Kasumi couldn't help but think about the old days. Nobody came by for a visit anymore, especially Ranma's friends. Even Kodachi, the lively girl who made frequent visits to the Tendo household, stopped altogether. That was what was missing from an otherwise routine life; Ranma's friends provided the difference in routine every now and then. Just what happened to them all? That morning, after Nabiki, Ranma, and Akane left for school, Ryoga appeared at the front door. "Why, hello, Ryoga!" Ryoga returned Kasumi's greeting, and presented a couple bags to her. "I'm back from a long journey. One's for Akane, and one's for Akari. I don't think I can find my way to the Unryu farm from here." Kasumi peered into the bags, then looked at Ryoga in surprise. "Oh, what are these?" Ryoga replied, "Manekineko." [translates to 'beckoning cat,' a small cat statue which brings good luck/health/money, depending on the type.] He shrugged. "If you believe in those kind of things, that is." At least this time his gift for Akari won't expire. "Why don't you come on in?" Kasumi invited. Kasumi lead Ryoga to the dining room. Out on the porch Soun and Genma played go, oblivious to the world around them. Nodoka was in the kitchen, washing dishes. Ryoga set his backpack down and relaxed as he sat down. "So, what have I missed since we last parted?" "Oh, not much," Kasumi replied. "Things have been awfully quiet since the wedding day. None of Ranma's friends come to visit any more." "Why's that a problem?" "It's quiet these days, that's what. You can count upon them to break daily routine. It's good to see activity. To be honest, I've gotten used to you all being here." Kasumi smiled at Ryoga. "I'm glad you're around." "Thanks." I think. "You know, I have an idea. Maybe we can invite the others over for dinner this evening?" "That might not be such a bad idea," Ryoga replied. "But, are you sure it's a good idea to have all of them over at the same time?" "Don't be silly," Kasumi said, "as guests, they'll behave." Kasumi walked over to the phone. She looked over her shoulder to Ryoga. "Do you want me to invite Akari as well?" "Sure!" Ranma and Akane returned home later that day, watching as Kasumi prepared dinner earlier than usual. "What's up, Sis?" Akane asked Kasumi. "Hi Akane!" greeted Kasumi. "We're having guests over for dinner tonight." "Yeah, who?" asked Ranma. "Why, your friends, who else?" Kasumi replied. Stone shock was the one thing that described both Ranma and Akane at that moment. Both knew exactly what Kasumi meant by 'friends.' Ryoga entered the kitchen. "I'm not the only one you know." "Ryoga?" Akane said. "When did you get back?" "Only this morning," replied Ryoga. "Kasumi insisted on inviting the two Kunos, Shampoo and Mousse, and Ukyo and Konatsu. Akari can't make it...." "Kasumi, why?" asked Akane, trying to conceal her rage. "I thought it would be nice to have them over," answered Kasumi. Silently, Kasumi thought, now would be a good a time as any for any of them to make up for past differences. The first to arrive were the two Kunos, in a sedan chair carried by Kuno family servants. Then Mousse and Shampoo arrived on bicycles, and Konatsu and Ukyo on foot. And dinner was almost ready. Ukyo was reluctant to go at first, but Konatsu insisted, telling her that it was time to let wounds heal. As she entered Ukyo couldn't meet the eyes of either Ranma or Akane, continually staring at the floor as she moved. Quietly, the guests took their seats at the table: Kuno, Mousse, and Ryoga at one side, and Shampoo, Kodachi, and Ukyo at the other. Ranma and Akane took their seats as well as Kasumi finished up her work. Mousse removed his glasses and set them on the table, waiting with eyes closed. He started talking to a vase, thinking of Shampoo. Ryoga sat unmoving in his position. Kuno rested his trusty bokken on his shoulder, the weapon that never left his side. When he started flirting with Akane, Ryoga responded in heat, unwilling to let Kuno sway Akane to him. Shampoo took the opportunity to scoot closer to Ranma. Kodachi went one step further and jumped into Ranma's lap. Ukyo hadn't moved since sitting down. Her head was still lowered to the floor, as if studying something. Konatsu, seated next to Ukyo, stood up and left, entering the next room for quiet time alone. Akane couldn't help but fume in anger at Ranma. There he goes again, flirting with other girls.... The others, Nabiki, Soun, Genma, and Nodoka, sat at a separate table, minding their own business. In the shadows outside the Tendo dojo, a dark, robed man stood. Behind him were seven other figures, robed, but towering over the lead man. Well, except for one, who stood at half the leader's height, up to his waist. Then again, all seven of them were standing on the fence while the leader was standing on the ground. The leader turned to his seven minions. "She's in there. As the Master commands, Akane Tendo must die. It must be quick, otherwise the others might interfere. Do not fail me." "Hai!" the seven said in unison. Then, each jumped away. The leader turned his back toward the dojo, and reached for a jade medallion. The circular medallion was carved in the likeness of a giant dragon head, with seven smaller heads snaking around the center. "And so it begins...." the leader of the Cult of Orochi said. To be continued in "Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins" http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff1.txt * * * * * Closing: Hill of Rainbow and Sun Though we're close enough to gaze at one another, gentleness and smiles pass us by. You pretend not to notice, hurrying aimlessly. And yet, up on that shining hill, all we do is act out an intermittent story, wrapped up in a rainbow that grants our single wish. There's a sunny smell even in your dreams and in your shirt. Filled with desire, your eyes become all a-gleam. So never give up your precious dream. Keep the ability and courage to fly to the heavens. ----------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Latest revision: Beefed-up the scenes involving Kuno, including a new scene where Kuno resolves to complete training for the ultimate technique, the Chinese Phoenix Sword. If you were wondering, I don't consider putting the Phoenix Egg on one's head to be the legendary attack; hell, that wasn't supposed to happen, and just about ANYBODY could be affected as Kuno had. Thus, his mistaken conclusion in the manga. Cleaned-up a bit in the scenes involving Ukyo. Added lyrics to songs. Changed Ryoga's gifts to Akane and Akari to something less-exoctic. Maybe, just maybe, Kuno's jealous of the alligator. "It is easy to find something worth dying for. Do you have something worth living for?"--Lorien, Babylon 5 I felt this was something that needed to be said. None of the six teens would be overly disappointed after crashing the wedding, as some pointed out. But what really would hurt them is the knowledge that Ranma and Akane truly love each other. Mousse and Shampoo would be the least affected; Mousse because he wants Shampoo for himself, and Shampoo because she's too stubborn. Finally, it's been shown that Ranma has confessed his feelings in sudden bursts of emotion before, so why not now? It has been established that Ukyo doesn't react all-too-well about those who betray her trust. Thus, her reaction toward Akane; Ukyo didn't want to go there, but Akane forced the point. If one feels that I have done a great disservice to Ukyo or Akane, e-mail me and complain. This fic spawned off Seravi's Ranma Public Opinion polls on rec.arts.anime.fandom, especially Blade's responses to them. Thought I'd TRY to throw myself off the fanboy wagon for a while, if you know what I'm talking about :) In the end, this is just a beginning. Ukyo and Kuno have been turned into paste, Ryoga and Mousse continue to seek love, Shampoo's fine, and Kodachi believes she can win Ranma over with her own heart. And what would happen to Akane, marked for death by mysterious men? Razorclaw X http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html