#2: Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins The Wheel of Fire, Part 1: The New Cycle Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) This can be found at http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. The Orochi assassins belong to me. Yamata no Orochi belongs to whoever wrote the Orochi legend. The idea of a following of Orochi springs from SNK's King of Fighters series, blatently plagiarized for your reading pleasure. Also note that this particular depiction of Orochi belongs to Rumiko Takahashi as well. Take a good look at the proper manga volume (forgot which) or watch the OAV, "An Akane to Remember" for a visual depiction of this Orochi. Proper licenses belong to respective companies. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Author's note: This story takes place after the final manga story, about a few weeks after the wedding fiasco. Takes place after my prequal fic, "Moments of Transition." This is the second story of Part 1: The New Cycle. Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane declared their love for each other in the wake of the wedding fiasco weeks earlier. Most of the cast, particularly Ukyo, have taken the news hard. Kuno decided to embrace death. ------------------------------------------ Opening: Love Seeker * Can't Stop It In legend it is said that the eight-headed evil dragon, Yamata no Orochi, demanded eight maidens to be sacrificed to him every moon, or he would destroy Japan. That is, until the day when Princess Kushinada became next in line to be sacrificed. The kami Susano-O, infatuated by Kushinada's beauty, rose to her aide and defeated the evil eight-headed dragon. Susano-O separated the Orochi's godlike essence from his earthly vessel by trapping it in the Mirror of Yata. It is said that the earthly form of Orochi lay in rest under the ground in Ryugenzawa, waiting for its godly essence to be reunited with it. From that time forth the Orochi sought to return to the mortal world to exact his revenge-- the complete annihilation of mankind. The sealing of the Mirror of Yata wasn't absolute, as every century the Orochi would stir from his prison to reclaim his earthly body. And every century heroes appeared to defeat the god of hatred and his vile minions. But, the followers of Orochi have slowly begun turning the wheels of their dire plans, plans that may assure victory to their dark master. For the time of the Reunion, the centennial ceremony when the dimensional fabric between the kami plane and Earth is weakest, when the Orochi will descend upon the Earth once more, draws near. Mankind has steered itself on the path of self-destruction. This time, there are no heroes in sight to stop him-- except one. Time: One week after Akane used the mongoose horn to defeat the Orochi Deep under the ground, a lone robed figure stood in the shadows. Only eight candles lit the dark hall as the figure faced the altar, the largest of the eight candles resting upon the altar itself. Hanging above the altar was a beautiful tapestry, depicting the dragon of ultimate evil, the Yamata no Orochi, superimposed over a map of Japan. Seven small heads sprung from the larger eighth head, reaching out from the center head to the rest of Japan. The figure raised both his arms in the air, muttering an incomprehensible mantra. Suddenly, a candle blew out. It was the large candle that rested on the altar. Alarmed, the figure broke his trance. There couldn't have been a breeze in here, he thought. Perhaps it is a sign from the great Orochi himself, as this was the Orochi's own candle that blew out. "You have a task, my follower." Startled at the broken silence, the robed man turned about himself, seeing no one in the dark altar chamber. "Master?" The words left the man's lips slowly. "Yes, we are the Speaker of Orochi," said the voice. "When we reanimated our earthly vessel, we were stopped, and driven back to slumber, by a human girl. My earthly vessel is no longer a suitable host for the Reunion." The man allowed himself only a moment of panic. His master's return was foretold. The Cult of Orochi waited every hundred years for their master to return to Earth, to lead a reign of terror, but there was always a force of good to oppose the evil divine dragon. Until now the cult was unaware that the great Orochi was on the move. Only to be silenced once more. So soon! Why wasn't he alerted to the master's movements? "What does this mean, Master?" the cultist asked the Speaker of Orochi. The Speaker replied, "This atrocity must not go unpunished. Summon the seven assassins, for the one who defeated us, Akane Tendo, will pay with her life. She shall serve as an example to those who dare oppose the will of Orochi! Find her, and exact our revenge." The man kowtowed as the voice continued, "Though our earthly vessel may be defeated, the time of the Reunion is upon us. Another vessel must be found to house our spiritual essence. The last of the descendants of Kushinada must be found and sacrificed. The last of our wayward children must be found and brought to our side! In the meantime, make sure our enemies are destroyed!" "It shall be done, master!" Saturday evening, Nerima, Tokyo: Present Day "Isn't it wonderful," said Kasumi, "all of Ranma's friends joining us for dinner tonight!" Yeah, wonderful, thought Akane. Sitting at the other end of the table was Ranma, and his little harem. On his left sat Shampoo, his right, Ukyo, and on his lap, Kodachi. Kodachi and Shampoo were fighting over Ranma, while Ukyo remained strangely quiet, staring at the table, as if studying something there. Of course, next to Akane sat Ryoga and Kuno, both fighting before her, trying to get her attention. Mousse sat alone, hugging a vase, thinking its Shampoo. And of course, his glasses were on the table too. It was merely weeks since the wedding fiasco that turned everybody's world upside-down. Kasumi thought it would be nice for Ranma's 'friends' to get together again, so here they were. In the shadows outside the Tendo dojo, a dark, robed man stood. Behind him were seven other figures, robed, but towering over the lead man. Well, except for one, who stood at half the leader's height, up to his waist. Then again, all seven of them were standing on the fence while the leader was standing on the ground. The leader turned to his seven minions. "She's in there. As the Master commands, Akane Tendo must die. It must be quick, otherwise the others might interfere. Do not fail me." "Hai!" the seven said in unison. Then, each jumped away. The leader turned his back toward the dojo, and reached for a jade medallion. The circular medallion was carved in the likeness of a giant dragon head, with seven smaller heads snaking around the center. "And so it begins...." the leader of the Cult of Orochi said. Akane dragged herself away from Kuno and Ryoga; both didn't notice her departure. She walked to the next room, where Konatsu waited. "How may I humbly serve you, Akane-sama?" asked Konatsu. "Hi Konatsu," greeted Akane. "I should be used to this, but after the failed wedding and all... I don't know." "Ukyo-sama is all right now. You don't need to worry about her." "No, its not that... its Ranma...." Suddenly, a hand burst from the floorboards, grabbing Akane's leg. She screamed as another hand reached up. "Akane-sama!" shouted Konatsu, drawing his blade in one smooth motion, slicing at the second hand. But his exposed back wasn't prepared for another threat, as another body burst through the ceiling and landed on the ninja. As his sword clattered on the floor, the last thing Konatsu heard was the frantic movement in the other room. "Akane!" shouted Ranma, the others trailing behind. A dark, gloved hand held Akane in place, while the second struggled to find the other leg. A small figure stood atop the unconscious Konatsu. "Stand back!" warned the second figure, drawing a sword. "One wrong move, and Tendo becomes so many slabs of meat!" Before Ranma could react, Kuno leaped at the figure, knocking Ranma down. "Unhand her, vile fiend! I, Tatewaki Kuno, will save you, Akane Tendo!" Ryoga shouted, "Akane! I'll save you!" Between Ryoga and Akane another figure burst through the floor, wielding a sword of his own, and dressed as a stereotypical black ninja. Another emerged from the new hole in the floor, and threw a chain at Kuno. The chain encircled Kuno's bokken three times, in which case the two struggled to maintain control. Finally, a third figure emerged, this one as tall as a desk, wearing robes obviously two sizes too large. The short man threw several wires from the folds of his robes, catching and entwining Ranma. The figure holding Akane promptly released her. But when Akane thought she was safe, the entire floor of the room came crashing down, along with the room's occupants. They all landed with a heavy thud, one atop the other. Standing above were three men, all shrouded in dark flowing robes. The one in the center, standing a head over his two companions, appeared to be the leader. The leader, clad in a dark robe, threatened, "Stand away, Saotome, or suffer the fate of your precious Akane." "Hey!" shouted Ranma from the bottom of the dog pile. "How do you know our names? Who are you?!" "That is not important," replied the robed man. "To know one's name is to have power over that individual. We are the Cult of Orochi, and know that Akane Tendo alone interfered with the return of the great Yamata no Orochi, the master of all evil. The sentence is death." "What?!" cried Akane. "How can it be? We've beaten the Orochi!" "You merely defeated his earthly form, you worm!" cried one of the other robed cultists. "Are you ready to die?" taunted another. Ranma raised his fists. "No one's laying a hand on my fiancee!" "It seems you and your friends may be more than a match for the seven Orochi Assassins," proclaimed the leader. "You see, I always study my enemies. Since my men... couldn't finish Akane quickly enough, and the fact that you are devoted to protecting her, I propose a challenge." "What kind of challenge?" asked Ryoga suspiciously. "Seven of you, Tokyo's finest martial artists, against my seven warriors. The challenge goes to you, Kuno, Ryoga, Ukyo, Shampoo, Mousse, and Kodachi." "Ranma, don't!" protested Akane. "He's doing this to divide us! He knows he can't take us all on at once." "But he challenged me!" protested Ranma. "It would be an honor to fight for Akane Tendo!" said Kuno. "I accept." "Me too!" said Ryoga. "I guess Akane's my friend too..." stuttered Ukyo. "I'll do it, too." "Shampoo not back down from challenge." said Shampoo. "And where Shampoo goes, I follow!" said Mousse. Ranma turned to Kodachi. "And you?" "Ranma-sama... I'll follow you anywhere!" replied Kodachi, excited. "Then its settled!" finished Ranma. "There isn't a challenge I couldn't beat!" "Excellent," replied the robed man. "The matches will start tomorrow afternoon, at a predetermined location. Each match will occur once a day, for a total of seven for seven days." The eight turned to leave the dojo, but the robed man turned once more, as if remembering something he forgot. "One more thing." "Yeah?" "In order for us to spare the life of Akane Tendo, none of you can lose." "Ranma, you idiot!" shouted Akane, "how could all seven of you win?! In single-combat, even!" Ranma, sparing a glance at Kuno, said, "I don't think I'll have a problem, but the others...." Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, but it WAS a formal challenge. Kuno walked to Akane. "Fear not, Akane Tendo, for I, Tatewaki Kuno, will not fail you! My swordsmanship is unequaled...." Ryoga interrupted him. "Don't worry Akane. I won't let you down! But I have to go and train now. I'll be back...." "No, stupid!" shouted Ranma, bashing Ryoga in the head. "You'll get lost!" Handing the unconscious form of Ryoga to Akane, Ranma said, "Take him to Akari's place, maybe he won't have the urge to leave her...." He then walked to Ukyo and Konatsu, sitting in the corner. "Ucchan?" "Mmmmm....?" Ukyo's thoughts were broken. "Oh, Ranchan." "You haven't been practicing lately. Are you sure you're okay?" "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Konatsu'll help me." "See you tomorrow then." With that, Ranma walked off. Konatsu and Ukyo walked out of the Tendo dojo, the others slowly trickling behind. "Ukyo-sama?" asked Konatsu, concerned. "Hmmmm?" "Are you sure you're all right?" "I'll be fine." Better time than any to make up with Akane, she thought. After all, what are friends for? Somehow, Ukyo couldn't convince herself. No, she was certain Akane was still mad at her for ruining her wedding. Ranchan didn't seem to mind, but were things really all right? Shampoo and Mousse walked back to the Nekohanten alone. "Shampoo?" "Yes, Mousse?" "You aren't going to purposefully lose, are you?" "Silly goose!" replied Shampoo, giggling. "Shampoo not back down from challenge. Shampoo strong girl." Mousse sighed in relief. Just the thought of Shampoo being beaten caused the Master of Hidden Weapons to wince. After all, so long as Akane and Ranma stayed together, he still had a chance with Shampoo.... Kodachi and Tatewaki sat in the sedan chair, their servants carrying them back to the Kuno mansion. "I do this for Akane Tendo, Sister. What reason other than my love could explain it? Even if she did refuse to return it, I cannot stay idle while her life is threatened." "Face it Brother," Kodachi said, "you're no match for anyone." "Dare you doubt my unimaginable skills?" beamed Kuno. "Of course not, dear Brother," Kodachi replied, humoring her brother. "Are you sure you mastered... 'that technique' well enough? I wouldn't want to see my only brother...." "Ah, the Kuno charm at work. Girls, not even my own sister, can resist.... To the point, yes, I believe I've mastered the Phoenix Sword." "But if you're wrong... who else could I beat up?" Kodachi said, trying to force a smile. "Why do you embrace death so?" "If it is life you wish me to embrace, then you are naive," Kuno replied. "A warrior must always be ready to accept death without regrets. I have lived, and I have no regrets, other than the fact that Akane Tendo refuses to date me. Let my death be that of a warrior-- I will die with honor!" Perhaps that's why we're so different, Kodachi thought. "It is easy to find something worth dying for, Brother. Do you have something worth living for?" Silence was the only answer Kodachi would get. Sunday Great, Ranma thought, of all the places. If there were any place that could hold a crowd, this was it. A note was received this morning from the cultists that the match was for Ranma, held at the school gym. Ranma stood at one end of the building. To the sides sat the audience, no doubt Nabiki's doing. "Hey," she'd said, "who'd want to miss a live prize fight?" Ranma looked to the area where the Tendos and his parents sat. Nabiki wasn't there; obviously taking care of admittance fees. Nearby were some of his 'friends,' if one could call them that, Ranma thought: Ryoga, Kuno, Kodachi, Ukyo, Konatsu.... At the bottom of the stands were food carts of all sorts, even a cart belonging to the Nekohanten, where Cologne and Shampoo watched. Occasionally they would serve a bowl of take-out ramen. Where was Mousse? At the other end of the building was the Orochi assassin. Of slight build and no appreciable stature, the assassin looked like an ordinary Japanese man, no features or special marking distinguished the plain-clothed cultist. Not even a weapon, he only waved a feather fan. The Cult Leader stood in the middle of the battle arena, holding a microphone. "Witness, viewers, the might of the Orochi Cult! Watch as your Ranma Saotome gets reduced to nothing by Shifter!" The audience threw their cups at the cultist. Reflexively, the Cult Leader created a purple chi shield, blocking the projectile attacks. When the great Orochi returned, he thought, these people would have to be among the first to die. Stepping out of the way, he signaled for the match to begin. Ranma and Shifter circled the arena, gauging each others strengths and weaknesses. Ranma held himself in a fighting stance, while Shifter just walked casually, as if he were oblivious to the imminent combat. Something's wrong, Ranma thought. Taking the initiative, Ranma launched a flying kick at the cultist assassin. Shifter merely sidestepped the attack. "Yawn." More punches and kicks followed, resulting in more hitting air. Shifter stifled another yawn, and waved his fan at Ranma. "Oh, I guess the match started! Time to show you my power!" Cologne watched the two from her vantage point on the food cart. "This one should put up quite a match for Son-in-law." The old one chuckled. Ranma couldn't dodge the feathers that flew from the fan. Not surprisingly, the feathers didn't hurt him one bit. "Hah, is that the best you can do?" "Of course not," replied Shifter. In a brilliant flash of light, Shifter's unassuming form changed, fan dropping to the floor, featherless. Ranma almost thought he was seeing a mirror. What stood before him was himself-- or rather, looked like himself. "Orochi power #1, mirror-matching," announced Shifter. He retained his own voice despite the change in form. "You can beat any other opponent, but can you defeat... yourself?" "Hmmm," Cologne started, "A lost technique! This one must be good. Son-in- law should have more on his hands than he expects." Entering a fighting stance, Shifter shouted, "Take that!" One after another, Ranma's double threw himself into a storm of one-two punches. In turn, Ranma also initiated his attack, blocking Shifter's own barrage, neither gaining an advantage. How could this guy know the chestnut technique? Now wasn't the time to push his luck. Ranma leaped back, then shouted, "Hiryu shoten ha!" The resulting tornado engulfed Shifter and shot through the ceiling. "Ranma did it!" shouted Shampoo happily. Cologne commented, "It's not quite over yet, child. Watch." Looking up, Ranma shouted, "How's that?" But soon the tornado dissipated, sooner than expected. Shifter landed on his feet, seemingly unhurt. "How could he know that one too?!" "Fool," sneered Shifter, "every technique you know, I know! All your powers are at my command!" Standing back, Shifter shouted, "Moko Takabisha!" Ranma escaped the chi bolt in time. Soon the two Ranmas let loose a stream of pure chi-energy, trying to counter each other's power. "Moko Takabisha!" In the audience stands, Akane said, "Ranma...." Nabiki took a seat next to her. "He'll be fine, Akane. He's been through worse." Taking a sip from her water bottle, she continued, "I care about him too, you know." "All you care about is how much money he makes for you," countered Akane. Down on the ground, Mousse returned to the cart after making delivery to members of the audience. "Did I miss anything?" "Only a close fight, Mousse," replied Cologne. "Son-in-law had better win this one, because I won't allow Shampoo to marry such a beast." "Marry Shampoo?!" Mousse exclaimed, rushing at the Orochi assassin in anger. Leaping into the air, Mousse threw six chained spears at Shifter. Losing his concentration, Shifter was hit by Ranma's blast, sending the assassin back. The spears cleanly missed. Shifter stood up and yelled, "Cretin! Don't disturb me! Moko Takabisha!" The burst sent Mousse flying out of the building into the stratosphere. Then, turning back to Ranma, said, "Shall we continue?" Ranma continued to throw punches and kicks. Something Shifter said continued to nag at his brain. What was it? "All your powers are at my command," he had said. He definitely had my own skills and strengths. What if.... That's it! Leaping away from Shifter, Ranma ran, looking for what he sought. He looked toward his friends, then he saw it. Quickly Ranma jumped at Nabiki, and snatched her water. "Hey!" Nabiki cried. "Sorry Nabiki, this one's on me!" returned Ranma. He unstopped the bottle and heaved it at Shifter, drenching him. "Gaaaaaahhhh!!!" shouted Shifter, unaware that his form changed into a girl body. "You think such a simple ploy will work on me?" "I'm counting on it!" Ranma yelled, leaping in the air toward the Orochi cultist. He threw several hard punches at high speed, concentrating all his force into a single barrage of blows. Shifter tried to block the punches with his hands, but his arms were shorter than he expected. In which case the blows he sought to block broke through. Ranma continued to pummel his opponent. "No! Stop!" shouted Shifter frantically. "I yield, I YIELD!!" The crowd cheered as Shifter fell to the floor, beaten and bloody. His form reverted to his normal man shape. Ranma just stood there, quietly. Robed men walked to Shifter's fallen form and dragged him off. One down, six to go. That evening, the gang gathered once again at the Tendo dojo. Kasumi had found a new note on the door when the Tendos returned home, and Akane wanted all of them to hear it. "To Akane Tendo, Ranma fought well. We know he is the strongest among you, so we're willing to give the others a sporting chance. We've decided on our champions based on your friends' skill levels. This list that follows documents the schedule for the rest of the week. Fight well, for the Orochi fights more so." "So, what's on the list?" asked Ranma. "Here it is," Akane answered. "According to this, Ryoga fights tomorrow, then Shampoo, then Mousse, then Kodachi, then Kuno, then Ukyo." "Do I detect a little hint in that order?" asked Ryoga, concerned. "Seems to me they want our best out first," Ranma said. "I mean, I am the best and all...." Before Ranma could finish, heavy objects rained upon him, ranging from clubs to a table. Both Kunos and Ukyo and Konatsu left the room, very annoyed. Mousse got up and said, "Not all of us are as 'great' as you are, Ranma!" With those biting words, he left as well. Those remaining stared at Ranma. "What'd I do?" In her room at the Kuno mansion Kodachi lay on her pillow, staring at the ceiling. She knew she wasn't very good, but that was beside the point. All there had to be done now was to find a way to make events turn her way. While his sister contemplated her course of action, Tatewaki Kuno stood in the courtyard, practicing swings. A nearby servant continuously chucked watermelons at his master, who sliced them with ease, even with the intensification of the barrage. Speed was the key. The entire time Kuno practiced his cyclone slash he mentally went over the steps of the Phoenix Sword attack. This was the dangerous technique Kuno gleaned off the Phoenix egg, and it was extremely deadly to the user and the target. He'd only get one shot at it, he knew. But it would be worth it to save Akane Tendo. How Kuno longed to use the Phoenix Sword upon Ranma Saotome! But, no! Akane Tendo's life, her honor! depended on the upcoming battle. A sign hung from the front of Ucchan's reading "Closed," for Ukyo tried to focus her attention on practicing her okonomiyaki martial arts style. She'd neglected her practice since the fiasco at Ranma and Akane's wedding weeks ago, sinking into guilt and depression. She never told anyone, not even Konatsu, the guilt she carried, attacking friends to achieve her own selfish ends. The wedding was the real thing. And Ranma loved Akane. Ukyo put her giant spatula down and sat at one of the seats. Konatsu watched nearby, hiding in the shadows. Ukyo buried her head in her arms on the table. "Ukyo-sama, are you all right?" asked Konatsu. "Ah... I'm fine. Better get some rest...." Ukyo muttered. She scooped up her giant spatula, then walked to her room. Konatsu followed, then stopped outside Ukyo's room. He could faintly hear crying. He moved to open the door, but stopped himself. I can't help her, Konatsu thought. Ukyo had very few friends, the closest being Akane, Ranma, and himself. While Konatsu didn't approve of the attack at the Tendo dojo, he forgave Ukyo, knowing exactly how she felt about the matter. He was sure Akane and Ranma forgave her too, but Ukyo didn't seem to recognize that; perhaps she was tripping over her pride as a chef and as a person. No, this was something she had to deal with on her own. She has to make the first move on her own time. Monday Ryoga, with the help of Akari, made it to the battle ground, a park just outside town. Akari insisted on coming, knowing how important the battle was to Ryoga, and she didn't want him getting lost on the way. "Akari," started Ryoga, "wish me luck." "Ryoga!" Akari said. "No matter what happens, I'll always love you." This time there wasn't a crowd, only Ranma and the others, and the lone Orochi champion-assassin. The man wore a loose robe, holding a staff in one hand. His head was bald, except for a single ponytail gathered on the back of his head. "I am Reaver," said the Orochi cultist, "and you must be Ryoga." "Get ready, cultist!" shouted Ryoga, dropping his backpack. "Then let it begin....!" Reaver charged, waving his staff overhead. He brought it down on Ryoga, pounding him with each twirl and stroke. But Ryoga didn't seem to mind, in fact, the staff strikes hardly affected him. Realizing his mistake, the Orochi swept the staff low, knocking Ryoga to the ground. "Well," started Ryoga, "that's more like it! Bakusai Tenketsu!" He jammed his finger into the ground, causing rocks to fly at Reaver. "Aaaaaahhhh!!" Reaver tried to block the rocks with his staff, with only a few getting through. "What is this power?!" Ryoga let out a battle cry, then let loose more rocks, causing Reaver to move more frantically. One large rock snapped the staff in two, knocking the cultist to the ground. "Was that all?" Ryoga taunted. "Noooooo.... Such power.... but I have my wits as well!" Reaver sprang up from the ground, and instead of Ryoga, he leaped at Akari. "Orochi desperation hostage technique!" He held the girl in a headlock. "Stand back, or I'll snap this girl's neck!" Ryoga yelled, "Akari!! Let her go!" "And lose my advantage? Never! Surrender now, or she dies!" "Ryoga," Akari said, tears welling in her eyes, "I'll always love you.... I understand...." She stood rigid, waiting for the killing blow. "Akari... no!" A sudden rush hit Ryoga. All backed away as blue flames surrounded the lost boy. "What the...?" said the puzzled Reaver. "Stop that!" Reaver let go of Akari in shock as Ryoga let loose all his depression. He threw his arms out, palms facing his opponent, shouting, "Shishi Hokodan!!" There was little left where the assassin once stood. From the shadows, the leader of the Cult of Orochi scowled. Tuesday Shampoo watched her opponent carefully as the two circled around in the middle of the street. The Orochi cultist wore heavy black robes, appearing many sizes too big for him. Standing only up to Shampoo's waist, this man called himself Strand. "Chinese Amazon," taunted Strand, "I'll show you the superiority of the Cult of Orochi's martial artists!" With fluidlike motion Shampoo bashed with her bonbori, one after another, but Strand behaved as if he hardly felt the blows. "Biofeedback," Strand explained, "allows me to cushion the blows!" Shampoo yelled, "You not fight! Fight me!" The Chinese Amazon placed one foot between Strand's legs, hard. "I'll show you," Strand said, recoiling, "the true power of my arts!" Throwing out one hand out of the folds of his robe, Strand let loose five wires at high velocity. Shampoo blocked the attack with one of her bonbori, but Strand pulled the weapon away, discarding it at his side. Raising his other hand, more wires flew out, disarming Shampoo further. The cultist chuckled. "Now to finish you!" Throwing both arms, Strand shouted, "Orochi ten finger constriction!" He threw ten wires at Shampoo, wrapping around her multiple times. She tried to flex her bonds, but they were too tight. "You fight dirty!" Shampoo yelled. "Coward like you fight disarmed warrior with cheap tricks! Full contact with Shampoo now!" "Come now," said Strand, "aren't you going to give me the satisfaction of a simple scream? One would suffice. There's no need to ruin a beauty such as yourself." But Shampoo refused to make a sound. In anger Strand tightened his grip, squeezing Shampoo until her skin bled. From his position, the Cult Leader slapped himself in the forehead in disgust. So this was the price of isolating the Cult assassins from the outside world, especially from beautiful women.... "Come now," Strand started, "feel the pain! I hunger for your fear! Such beauty... feel the terror!" The assassin's emotions seemed torn between lust and duty. "Let it consume you, and die! Let it all go! I can't bear to destroy such beauty as yours... scream, now!" "Shampoo!!" cried Mousse. In anger, he threw three darts at Strand's wires, cutting them in half. Strand looked at Mousse in anger. "Stay out of this! I'll deal with you...." He never finished, as Shampoo smashed the small man in. "Shampoo not lose to you. Even if Shampoo alone not strong enough, she still has friends to count on." Mousse smiled in relief while the others cheered. "Not for long!" shouted Strand in anger. Retracting his broken wires, the cultist launched them once more. But they weren't going for Shampoo. Instead, the wires lashed out at one from the crowd. Ranma couldn't dodge the wires in time as they curled themselves around his arms and legs. Strand retracted the wires and held Ranma high in the air. "Do you love this one so, Amazon?" taunted the assassin. "Ranma!" shouted Shampoo. "Watch, you little whore, as your boyfriend beats you to death!" Ranma's body descended to the ground as Strand raised himself into the air, the wires supporting him. With a few twitches of his fingers, Strand forced Ranma to throw a punch at Shampoo. Shampoo fell back, surprised that Ranma would actually hit her! "Hehehehehe, the marionette technique!" boasted Strand. "Shampoo..." Ranma started, "I'm sorry...." "Ranma!" shouted Mousse as he leaped into the fray, "how dare you harm my darling Shampoo?!" He threw three darts at Ranma's direction. Strand stared at Mousse annoyingly. "YOU AGAIN?!" In that moment of distraction Shampoo moved Ranma in such a fashion that the incoming darts slashed several of the assassin's control wires. Strand fell to the ground with a loud *THUMP!* Shampoo stood over Strand and threw him to his feet. "Fight me alone, or not at all!" Behind the Amazon Mousse pounded Ramna into the dirt. Strand spat, "That's it, you're dead!" Strand threw all ten wires at the Amazon. Shampoo dodged them all, ending with a tangle for Strand's wires. "Chinese finger trap technique! Now who better?" Shampoo taunted. "Not fair! You Amazon whor...." Shampoo punched his lights out with one well-placed fist. "Now you die!" Noticing a truck heading her way, Shampoo picked up the unconscious cultist, and threw him in the path of the truck. The moment she looked away the truck came and went. Wednesday Mousse stood on the roof of Furinkan High along with his Orochi opponent. He stood unconcerned in his flowing robes, then discarded them, revealing a highly muscled frame. This was the one who tried to hold Akane to the floor days ago, Mousse thought. "I be Tango," said the cultist. "And I be your worst nightmare!" "We'll see about that," Mousse countered. Lowering his glasses, he shouted, "I am the Master of Hidden Weapons and all things avian. I won't let you harm Shampoo or anyone else!" "We'll see about that, you little runt." Mousse launched himself into the air, throwing loose tethered knives at the muscled cultist. Tango held out one arm, allowing the projectiles to wrap around. Pulling his arm ever so slightly, Mousse was dragged forward. "Oooohhhh... methinks you're all talk." Letting go of the tethers, Mousse leaped into the air, spinning, then, with feet forward, shouted, "Raking hawk talons!" The spiked sandals raked at Tango's face, forcing Tango to block with an arm. Skin peeled away with each rake, but never penetrating the thick skin of the assassin. But with his other arm Tango swatted Mousse away. And all fell Mousse and glasses. "My glasses!" exclaimed Mousse. "Oh, let me get those for you.... oops!" Tango stepped on the thick lens glasses, then kicked them out of the way. "Orochi dirty tricks technique!" "Hey, that's dirty fighting!" shouted Ranma from his vantage point. "Mousse!" Shampoo exclaimed, with a slight hint of concern. Mousse got up quickly and let loose several chained spears. Unfortunately, they flew off in the wrong direction. Tango kicked Mousse to the ground, chains scattering on the roof. Blind without his glasses, Mousse took the brunt of many kicks from the Orochi assassin. "C'mon now, fight back!" Tango demanded. I can't see, I can't see, I can't see! Mousse's mind was too busy with the shock. How could he fight what he couldn't see? How could he stop this man from hurting Shampoo later on? Shampoo. Your problem is your sight, moron, he told himself. So what? He still had his other four senses. Taste? No, stupid. Touch? Nope, the guy won't let you get close enough to feel him. Smell? Yes, he certainly did smell, but Mousse couldn't rely on that too much. Hearing. Yes. Mousse got up, facing the wrong direction of Tango. Tango walked closer, taking his time, taunting. He's behind you, Mousse told himself. "C'mon, you cripple!" taunted Tango. "I expected a man's fight, but you ain't worth writing home about. Surrender!" Cripple? Why you...! "Fist of the white swan!" shouted Mousse. Although swinging wide, the porcelain swan moved too quickly to block, the blow hitting Tango square in the jaw. Suddenly, the sounds Tango made ceased, only to be replaced by a slight cracking sound. At that point Tango's glass jaw shattered, knocking him out for the count. Mousse, unaware that the fight was over, could hear nothing, and tripped over the fallen cultist's body. Lying stomach to the ground, he heard several sets of feet running toward him. More opponents, eh? Ranma let out a cry as Mousse leaped up and attacked him. "Mousse, you won," Shampoo said. "Shampoo?" Mousse said, stopping in mid-punch. Ranma couldn't get out of the way in time to avoid Mousse's tackling hug. To Mousse, the only thing he could think about was Shampoo. The Cult Leader shook his head in disgust. Blast that Achilles heel! That evening at the Tendo dojo, the friends gathered once more. Shampoo cheerily handed Mousse another set of glasses, one of many sets for just an occasion as that had passed. "I think this'll be the part where they get a little more desperate," said Akane. "It seems to me that each Orochi assassin uses increasingly more dirty tactics." "You mean cheating," Ranma corrected. "But nobody is better at it than Kodachi!" replied Kodachi. "I've spent the past few days fabricating my latest plan." "Well, whatever it is," started Ranma, "I hope you win." "Ranma-sama, do you really mean that?" asked Kodachi. "Ranma!" Akane protested. "Hey, gimme a break! Don't you want her to win too?" "Oh," Akane said, realizing what he meant. "Sorry." Thursday How fitting it was that this next battle took place at Kodachi's own school. The very same room where Girl-Ranma fought Kodachi so long ago. Ranma and gang sat near Kodachi's corner of the ring. Sitting next to Kuno was Miss Hinako, who, for some reason, was invited by Kodachi herself. A part of Kodachi's mind bothered her: did Brother care if she won or lost? Kodachi twirled her ribbon playfully as her opponent entered. An ugly, female cultist threw off her robe, clad beneath in her own leotard, decorated with the Orochi all around. She pulled a chain from her belt. "I'm Lash, the Temptress of the Shadows. Charmed, I'm sure." "I am Kodachi, the Black Rose!" She stuck out her tongue. "If you're the kind of women you cultists see, then what I'm about to do is a service!" "Then let it begin." Lash's chain met Kodachi's ribbon in the air, both snapping back quickly. Drawing closer, Kodachi initiated her attack of thousand clubs, pummeling Lash with the onslaught. After the first few blows, Lash began swiping the clubs away with her chain. When she ran out of clubs, Lash retaliated with a deep kick into Kodachi's chest, knocking the wind out of her. "Ready to give up yet, Black Rose?" Kodachi looked up, but was experiencing a double vision at that moment. Shaking her head, she drew a bouquet of black roses, and thrust them in Lash's face. Gas spewed forth from the bundle. "You'll pay for that!" Lash cried. Kodachi's ribbon wrapped itself around a nearby chair, which she promptly tossed at Lash. The assassin's chain could do little to block such a projectile. Following the chair were various other objects and then some, that weren't bolted to the floor. Tossing away the chain, Lash reached for a chain sickle. "Hey!" protested Kodachi. "Orochi weapon upgrade!" Swinging once, twice, three times, she nicked Kodachi's legs, causing her to fall. The pain shot through Kodachi, and now she was having trouble getting up. "Surrender." "Never!" shouted Kodachi. She reached for a whistle and blew. "Heh, was that supposed to help you?" taunted Lash. Someone cried, "Happo go-en satsu!" Suddenly, Lash felt her energy seeping from her body. Looking around, she found the source: Hinako held a 5 yen piece before her, sucking the chi out of Lash at an alarming rate. "Stop it!! Nooo....." Lash collapsed as Kuno helped his sister to her feet. "Now who's better?" mocked Kodachi. She laughed. "A match well played," congratulated Kuno. "One can only expect the best from a Kuno." The Cult Leader dragged the fallen Lash away from the battle ring. This was definitely not going well. The Cult Leader stood within the altar chamber once more, where eight candles once glowed brilliantly. Now, only two remained, barely illuminating the chamber as the leader of the Cult of Orochi walked to the side of the slab where Lash lay silently. "I see you are still breathing," noted the Cult Leader. The ugly Orochi assassin's eyes fixed on her leader. "Please, let me live, sir! I can finish the job!" The robed man shook his head. "You know I cannot allow that." He raised a fist, which now glowed with evil, purple chi energies. "Since you've failed to destroy yourself, I must do it personally. It will be slow and painful." The two remaining Orochi assassins, standing in the shadows of the altar chamber, backed out the double doors as the tortured screams of Lash began to echo throughout the room. Both knew failure was not an option. Tatewaki Kuno relaxed in meditation before the shrine he'd built to house the Phoenix Egg. The room was dark but for the eternal light that shone down on the Phoenix Egg, a good luck charm for martial artists. The man who sold Kuno the egg believed that Kuno could not possibly handle the power of the invincible Chinese Phoenix Sword, the ultimate technique of swordsmen. How he was so very wrong. The Phoenix flames that served as the heart of the legendary attack was fueled by the soul; one with a weak soul couldn't hope to survive a single use. Only the strong survived use of the Phoenix Sword, but at this point Kuno hardly cared if he lived or died after using it. Soul power could be replenished over time, but if it were all eaten at once by a sudden burst as the Phoenix Sword created, the results were fatal. The Phoenix Sword, quite literally, destroyed one's soul. Quietly, Kuno sat, a family ancestral sword lay exposed from its sheath before him, allowing the blade to bathe in the Phoenix Egg's eerie aura. With outside thoughts and other worldly matters purged from his mind Kuno mentally recited the steps to make the Phoenix Sword truly possible. How ironic, thought Kuno, that in order to master the invincible attack, one must surrender their life to death. Akane's love can never be mine; my life serves no more purpose in this regard. Dear sweet Kodachi could never master the technique; she embraced life too much. Death, however, was to be expected and embraced, by the warrior code. I fear not death, for the strength of my ancestors is with me. What would death feel like? he wondered. Kodachi stood alone in the dark chamber. The only light in the room shone down from the ceiling, illuminating a large pedestal. Resting on that pedestal was a finely-decorated urn, decorated with small gems of varying value. She winced as she stared at the urn, unwilling to look at the nameplate firmly attached to the pedestal. Without looking, Kodachi burst into tears, unheard by anyone, the sole mourner of the deceased. Not even her wretched father mourned the loss of Tatewaki Kuno. Later Kodachi went to feed Midorigame, her pet alligator. But the recent events that'd transpired broke the usual joy she'd usually have when visiting her favorite pet. She tried losing her thoughts in her gymnastic practices, but her emotions soon got the best of her. To others it seemed as if the proud Kuno girl lost her love of the sport. And it wasn't far from the truth. Who else did Kodachi continually flaunt her skills toward, and mock and tease on about comparable ability? On her way to a shower Kodachi was assaulted by lawyers and hanger-ons, seeking either her favor or matters of the estate. The whole trip she was overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the people, they all wanted a piece of her, after all, she was the sole inheritor of the Kuno estate. As it was, she'd received an invitation to Ranma and Akane's wedding. Why? She'd help ruin their last one, wouldn't Ranma think even less of Kodachi Kuno? Nevertheless, Kodachi went, and watched, a Western wedding that went on without a hitch. When it came to pass that people could object to the pairing, Kodachi found she couldn't speak. And in the closing party how strange it was that her dear brother be missing! Kodachi needed to vent her anger on someone. Then she remembered: he's dead. And in that moment all the people she cared for and who cared for her were gone. Kodachi was alone. Suddenly, Kodachi sat up, back in her room, sweating hard and out of breath. Was it a dream? Putting on her slippers and a night robe, Kodachi quietly walked down the hall to Tatewaki's room. Quietly opening the door, she peered inside, finding him fast asleep, a bokken in his arms. A dream, it was, but would it be? Could it be possible that Kodachi Kuno needed her brother? The thought of it! She didn't need him, Tatewaki only got in the way. Tomorrow held the answers. Friday Kodachi and Tatewaki walked together that morning, on the way to the next combat. Kodachi's skirts and stockings all but obliterated all races of the previous day's cuts and scrapes inflicted by the assassin woman. The doctors had assured her that they'd recovered quickly; for this Kodachi was happy. Tatewaki reasoned to himself that it was pure vanity. Walking gave the two time to think to themselves, no sedan chair this time. How refreshing to breathe the morning air! "Brother," Kodachi started. "Yes, dear sister?" Tatewaki asked. "Don't kill yourself, or I'll kill you," Kodachi threatened. "Rest assured," began Tatewaki, "that I, Tatewaki Kuno, would have the pleasure of trouncing you and your alligator to the depths of the Abyss... next week." The Kunos laughed. The beach was the scene for the next combat. Kuno stood near the gang, practicing his movements before the next Orochi cultist champion-assassin appeared. "Kuno." Kuno stopped and turned. Akane and Nabiki. "Ah, Akane Tendo." "Look, I know we haven't been the best of friends, but for what its worth, good luck," said Akane. "Ah, Akane Tendo... I would walk barefoot in Hell for you! Your beauty inspires me to do the impossible. I...." "Yeah, whatever," cut in Ranma, dragging Akane away. Nabiki watched the two walk off, then said, "You'd better watch yourself, Kuno-chan. You still owe me quite a sum of yen...." She walked off. "Oh, if only the pig-tailed girl were here, then my life would be complete; nothing could stop me!" Hearing those words, Ranma jumped into the ocean, then came back. "Kuno-sama!" she exclaimed, trying not to be sarcastic. Kuno hugged the dripping-wet girl. "Oh pig-tailed girl! How wonderful to see you care for Tatewaki Kuno so! Akane Tendo inspires me to do the impossible, but you, my dear, inspire me to do the impossible twice over! Where have you been, my love?" "All right already, let go!" Ranma shouted, breaking away from Kuno. She then ran off, searching for the nearest kettle of hot water, Kuno not far behind. The Cult Leader and the next assassin stood alone at the opposing end of the beach, talking in hushed tones. "The fates of your predecessors was ritual sacrifice," the Cult Leader explained. "Finish this one quick, and you may live longer." The assassin nodded. "In life we serve only the Orochi!" Standing opposite Kuno stood the Orochi assassin, bearing a sword and dressed in robes similar to Kuno. Kuno himself tossed away his bokken in favor of a steel blade. "My name is Clash," said the cultist. "Time to end this." "Agreed," answered Kuno. "You, my opponent, have the good fortune to be the one who witnesses my finest hour!" He bowed, then drew his blade. "I am a warrior; let the battle be joined!" "With pleasure," replied the assassin with a sneer. Both swords clashed as the two swordsmen charged through the loose sand. For each blow Clash made Kuno raised his sword to block, and likewise vice versa. From the stands it appeared to Ranma that neither held the upper hand. "Your skill is commendable," said Clash. "Yes, it is important for you to recognize superior ability," replied Kuno. "But it won't save you!" roared Clash. Leaping back away from Kuno, Clash thrust his sword into the ground. Reaching into the folds of his robe, the cultist produced several basketball-shaped objects with a fuse sticking out one end. "I think you'll get a blast outta these!" taunted Clash. "Orochi Daikarin!" He threw two of the bombs at Kuno, the fuses lit. "My... how unoriginal, and lacking in style." Kuno yawned, then raised his sword. In one smooth motion, Kuno executed the cyclone slash technique, cutting both bombs in half in mid-air. The fragmented explosives landed harmlessly to his sides. In fury Clash threw several more bombs, but each successive barrage was cut down in similar fashion by Kuno's cyclone slash. "Looks like the watermelons helped him out," Ranma commented. "You are a warrior lacking in skill," taunted Kuno, stiffling another yawn. "Funny, that I would count you amongst the world's true warriors? I think not." Tired of the game, Clash retrieved his sword. "Very good, you defeated my technique. Now lets see if you can defeat this one!" Leaping into the air, positioning his blade in a downward stab motion, Clash shouted, "Prepare to die!" Kuno looked up, unconcerned, then leaped into the air, his sword raised in a rising arc motion. "Blue Thunder final attack: Tenchi raimei kiri!" The two blades met, neither gaining a hit, but at the peak of Kuno's jump he brought down his blade with such speed that the air around him crashed in thunder. Blue lightning-- formed from Kuno's focused chi, illuminated the ancient Kuno sword. The blade bit through Clash's left arm, severing it at the shoulder, blood spraying all about from the fresh wound. The blue lightning leaped onto the assassin's body, wracking him with great pain as he fell back to the unfeeling earth below. "Now, my enemy, you have felt the wrath of Heaven and Earth!" taunted Kuno. He inspected his clothes, annoyed that he actually got blood on himself. "After this you'll have to pay for a new set of clothes, my good man...." Angrily staring at his severed left arm, dark blood dripping on the beach sand, Clash pointed his sword (which was held in his remaining arm) at Kuno and cursed. "You'll pay for that, maggot!" Spinning his own blade thrice, Clash buried it in the sand and yelled, "Orochi ground rippler!" The sand reacted according to a wave, as if the sand itself were water. The rippling wave reached Kuno and knocked him off balance, causing him to fall to the sand. Clash sent forth two more waves, knocking Kuno away from his blade. Drawing his blade from the sand, Clash walked steadily to the fallen form of Kuno. "Looks like its the end for you. Surrender, maggot." Kuno lay on his back, facing the afternoon sun above. Now wasn't the time to lie on your back, idiot! he told himself. Akane Tendo and the pig-tailed girl were counting on your success! The fires of the sun inspired Kuno, and he realized what he must do. Perhaps death wasn't a bad thing, Kuno thought. At least he wouldn't have to watch little Kodachi live alone with the family fortune and nobody to turn to.... "I have something worth dying for," Kuno muttered under his breath. "And I intend to take you with me...!" Before the killing blow came Kuno rolled out of the way, with Clash burying his blade in the sand where Kuno's heart would've been. He placed a foot into Clash's gut, knocking the assassin off-balance. Reaching for his sword, Kuno stood up, momentarily disoriented, then focused on his Orochi opponent. Standing with feet spread, sword gripped before him in both hands, Kuno began to feel the chi swelling inside him, burning from within. Now, to channel the energy into the sword.... The ancestral Kuno sword's blade burst into chi-flames. Onlookers gaped with awe as Kuno's form began to glow in eerie flames. Only Kodachi knew what this meant. "Brother, no!!!" "Behold!" cried Kuno. "The Kuno school ultimate attack: the invincible Chinese Phoenix Sword!" Flames danced around the blade of Kuno's sword. Clash tried to block the attack with his blade, but without the leverage of two arms the sword was beaten away. "You fool!" spat the Orochi assassin. "You're going to kill us both!" "I fear not death!" shouted Kuno. "That is why you are not a true warrior!" To himself, he muttered, "Phoenix flames, guide the hand that wields thee!" With all his fury, Kuno cried, "Hiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" Kuno launched into one massive strike, raising his sword overhead, flames trailing behind. One look into Kuno's eyes scared Clash as he realized his defeat. Tatewaki Kuno brought the blade down, throwing all his momentum into the final blow. To him and onlookers, it was as if a great fiery bird crashed to the earth. "Damn you...!" screamed Clash, as he realized he was burning alive. The area the two were standing burst into a huge column of flame. The light! Kuno thought. It's... beautiful. I'm sorry, Kocchi.... "Nooooo!!!" screamed Kodachi, tears flowing from her eyes. "Kuno!!" shouted Nabiki, standing from her seat, refusing to shed tears. Tatewaki Kuno stood alone in the column of light. He threw out his arms to welcome the light, allowing it to consume him, to elevate him to Heaven. So this was what dying was like, Kuno thought. Shall we proceed to Heaven? It's so beautiful. They should have sent a poet. No, I AM the poet. Suddenly, all of Kuno's senses were bombarded with memories, every single memory within Kuno's own mind. Life... flashes before my eyes, Kuno thought. Heaven must welcome me even now.... He saw memories he never knew he knew, especially his first years of life. He saw memories he wished he never knew, especially his own father shaving his head. He saw memories he cherished, the day he first lay eyes on the pig-tailed girl, the day Kodachi was born, becoming class president, winning the fencing championship in the name of his school during his first year in Furinkan High. He saw himself comforting Kocchi after their father departed... she felt useless and abandoned, now that both parents were gone. No, it was then Kuno found a new purpose in life-- he became the father. He saw memories of vanquished opponents, Ranma Saotome... and.... Everything stopped right there. He remembered watching as the pig-tailed girl melted under the effects of hot water, twisting her perfect, beautiful form, into that of the sorcerer, Ranma Saotome. "You're the key!" accused Kuno, jabbing a finger at the image. "Why do you torment me, even in the afterlife, knave?!" Over and over, the image replayed before Kuno. With each instance Kuno's anger intensified, until he could stand it no longer. Anger radiated about Kuno's body like a storm; the light around him became bathed in the hellish red battle aura. The insult was too much to bear; never shall I enter the gates of Heaven with such a stain upon my honor! Almost a whisper, Kuno thought he heard his sister say, "It is easy to find something worth dying for; do you have something worth living for?" "Kocchi, I have something worth dying for," Kuno shouted, "but I now have something worth LIVING for!!" The last two words Kuno voiced echoed across time and space, as the images shattered. Raising a fist into the air, he cried, "Keep the doors open to await my ascension to Heaven! My business down on Earth has yet to be finished... by my great ancestors, and those yet to come, I, Tatewaki Kuno, sacrifice my life to restore honor to the great Kuno name that has been wronged!" Kuno dove back down the column of light, against the flow to Heaven. With all his might and will, Tatewaki Kuno forced his way back to Earth. Wait for me, Kocchi, I'm not leaving you just yet! The others had yet to realize the full impact of the Phoenix Sword as the flame column subsided, with Clash falling from the air, and Kuno, kneeling on the ground, collapsed, both smoking. "Somebody get help!" cried Ranma. Akane spared a glance at Nabiki. Her face was stone-cold as she started counting a wad of yen produced from her pocket. "Nabiki!" Nabiki replied, "If he dies, I won't get my money." Kasumi put a hand on Akane's shoulder, who was ready to protest. "Akane, let it go." The two sisters turned away from Nabiki, watching others run to Kuno's unmoving form. "She cares, Akane... in her own way." Kodachi was the first to reach her brother. "Speak to me, Brother!" pleaded Kodachi, cradling her brother's head in her arms. "Don't leave me alone!" Kuno's eyes opened, and gave a weak smile. "Ah, the light! How beautiful it was...." "Ah, he'll be fine," Ranma said, feeling for Kuno's pulse. He put a hand on Kodachi's shoulder. "Besides, he should be able to handle any punishment after what I gave him for months." "...they should send another poet...." "That's it, he's out of it," concluded Ranma. Nearby Clash's charred body crashed, throwing up sand into the air from the impact. The smoke barely had enough time to escape the burned husk when the Cult Leader approached him. Clash's nearly-skeletal hand reached for his leader. "Help... me...." he whispered. The leader shook his head disappointingly. He raised a fist, burning with purple chi energies. "Failure is not acceptable, you know that. Your death shall be a slow one." Kuno lay in the hospital bed as the others circled around him. Kodachi never left his side the entire trip. It turned out that Kuno, unlike his opponent, suffered no major burns. The wounds were dressed immediately, and the doctors said Kuno could leave tomorrow. "Saotome," said Kuno. "Yeah?" asked Ranma. "I don't regret stopping your wedding, it was too soon... you never asked my permission." Kuno looked at Akane, then closed his eyes. "It is out of love I do this, for Akane Tendo. With my permission you may marry Akane Tendo. Make her happy, or I'll come after you." Ranma was at a loss for words. Kuno was giving up on Akane? "Uh, sure." Akane smiled, but Ranma didn't notice. "Dear Akane Tendo," said Kuno, "because I love you so much, I can't bear to see you unhappy." Akane didn't know what to say. "I have gazed upon the light," continued Kuno, "and in that instant everything became clear to me. And yet I still don't understand why my dear sister loves you so...." "That's great, Kuno-chan," Nabiki interrupted, speaking for the first time. "But you'd best not forget about how much you owe me." Soon all filed out the room, leaving Kuno and Kodachi alone. Enjoy life while you can, Saotome, for your day will come.... Kodachi picked that moment to hit Tatewaki with another pillow. "You idiot! How dare you try to die on me?!" She hit him until tears came to her eyes. Putting the pillow down and burying her head in it, Kodachi tried her best to hid any hint of joy. Tatewaki was perplexed at her behavior. Kuno said, "Many doors have been opened in an instant, and I know not the meaning or understanding of it all. By the light, I have achieved enlightenment, if only for a moment. And nothing could ever be the same again...." Closing his eyes, Tatewaki Kuno continued, "Ah, my Akane Tendo, tis better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. How I wish I could date her! And the pig-tailed girl...." He paused. "I know who the pig-tailed girl is-- the one who shares the name of Ranma Saotome. Let us discuss that matter, shall we, Sister?" The leader of the Orochi Cult stood within the altar chamber, where eight candles stood, only one lit. Not long ago the sixth candle blew out, leaving only one left. "Master," the cultist began, "we've yet to defeat Akane Tendo and her fellow martial artists, and we haven't found a suitable host for your earthly vessel. One of your children, the Orochi Family, has yet to be accounted for. The eighth descendent of Princess Kushinada has yet to be located. Perhaps it is not the time for your return." "Yes," the Speaker said, "perhaps in a few more centuries, the world will be ready for my reign of terror. But yet, there is one candle left. One last chance to finish off Akane Tendo. If not, then you are to destroy yourself, and allow another to take your place." The Cult Leader stiffened. "M..Master?!" "If you can't perform such a simple task, then you're not fit to be the leader of our followers. Exact our revenge by defeating the seventh opponent. Then, and only then, will your own life be spared." The cultist looked around the dark chamber. Under the unlit candles were the dead husks of the defeated Orochi assassins. The Orochi never accepts failure; the defeated were sacrificed in Orochi's name on the very stones they rested on. The dark, purple blood of Orochi flowed from their wounds. Only one assassin remained. There would be others, the Leader knew, but he really wanted to live to see Orochi return in the centuries to come. After all, he hadn't lived all these centuries just to die now. "Master, be assured it will be done!" From the shadows of the chamber one lone figure watched the Cult Leader finish his communion with the Orochi. He waited until the immortal man left the chamber before emerging. Dressed in a dark blue uniform, black cape flowing behind, the man kneeled before the altar. "Be assured, my master, we shall be triumphant when the Reunion comes! I, personally, have made sure to put the wheels into motion that would make everything go our way. Even now, one of our enemies is on the move." "Yes, Eldest of our children," replied the voice in agreement. "Yes indeed. But, I will not tolerate incompetence within my followers' ranks. Do not fail me." Later that afternoon Mousse walked into Ucchan's, head low, seemingly studying the floor. He took a seat at the counter and buried his head in his arms. Ukyo walked to him. "Hey, sugar," Ukyo greeted, smiling. It was among the first instances she'd greeted anybody like that in weeks. Mousse didn't respond. "What did you do to Shampoo this time?" she asked. After a long moment of silence, Mousse finally answered, "I dropped a hot bowl on Shampoo. It was really hot, so she got really mad and kicked me out." "And why did you drop the bowl?" "I was so happy... happy that she cared. I couldn't control myself." And how the endless cycle repeated itself in the restaurant every couple of weeks, Ukyo thought with a sigh. She couldn't help but put herself in the place of Shampoo and Ranma in the place of Mousse... a fantasy that was! Of course now Ukyo's Mousse turned up as Konatsu, but she was getting used to him being around, even if he was incompetent. If Shampoo were busy with Mousse, that'd be one less fiancee for Ranma! Ukyo thought. That reasoning for helping Mousse was always on the surface, but deep down inside she wished Ranma would want her. If only Ranma knew she existed... not as a friend, as a girl. "Well," Ukyo said finally, "flowers never hurt." As Mousse sat up, as if an idea hit him, Ukyo said, "Just don't do anything fancy like last time, okay sugar?" She could still remember the exploding flowers, and shuddered. "Thanks Ukyo!" Mousse exclaimed, then dashed out the door, frantically looking for a flower shop. Shampoo, I'm coming! Oh Ranma, she thought, if only it could be that easy for you to see my love for you. That evening Ukyo continued to practice her fighting style. Konatsu entered, having finished taking out the trash out back. "Look at what I found," said Konatsu, holding a small white cat in his arms. Ukyo stopped, then walked to Konatsu. "Oh, poor thing! Have you been digging through our trash? Don't worry, I'll fix up something nice for you!" Taking the cat, Ukyo told Konatsu, "I want you to fetch Ranchan for me. Don't be gone long. Tell him I need to talk to him." Konatsu nodded, understanding the request. Finally, she could face her shame! Konatsu exited the front, leaving the door slightly ajar. Outside, hiding in the shadows across the street, a lone figure polished his blade, then silently walked across the street. Ukyo laid down a bowl of water for the cat when she heard the door slide open. "Konatsu? Back already?" she asked, without looking. Something felt wrong.... "No." came the distorted voice of the Orochi assassin, clad in black ninja garb, holding his blade in readiness. Ukyo turned, startled, then frantically looked for her giant spatula. Oh come on, jackass! Where is it?! The assassin looked Ukyo over, and became captivated by her beauty. In another lifetime, the two might've been friends... or closer. The assassin shook the fantasy from his head, remembering his mission. The assassin charged, and Ukyo let loose a flying kick. "This had better be important, Konatsu," Ranma said, being hurrily dragged along by the male kunoichi. It was not long before the two reached Ucchan's, but something seemed wrong. "It's too quiet... Ucchan?!" In worry Ranma dashed ahead of Konatsu, running through the open door, and stopped in horror at the sight he saw. Konatsu caught up, then screamed. Ukyo lay in a pool of her own blood, a little white cat trying to rouse her. After Konatsu removed the cat, Ranma entered. The bleeding came from a chest wound, a single stab. Ranma's panic over his old friend blocked out the guilt in his mind in undoing a girl's shirt, but he had to get her bandaged. After finishing, he instructed Konatsu to get help. "Ucchan...." Ranma started, not knowing what to do. "Ranchan...?" Ukyo answered faintly. "Hang in there! Help is coming!" "I'm... sorry, Ranchan. About the wedding, about me, everything...." "Don't talk! Save your strength!" "I... I can't do it anymore, Ranchan! Everything I've lived for... I've failed... as a woman, as a person, as a martial artist.... I've never had any friends, except you, Akane, and even Konatsu. And I turned around and ruined your wedding... some friend I am!" "Look, it's okay, Ucchan...." No longer fighting back tears, Ukyo interrupted, "I was so afraid, Ranchan! Please don't leave me alone! Please...!" Ranma carried Ukyo to her room, and lay her in her futon, hoping to make her more comfortable. His friend cried herself to exhaustion, babbling about being left alone. For the life of him, Ranma couldn't figure out what Ukyo was talking about. Ranma left and walked to the refrigerator, hoping to find something to eat while waiting for help. He hoped Konatsu knew what he was doing. Opening the door, Ranma spied an okonomiyaki, wrapped in shrink wrap, in the corner. And it looked like it had Ranma's favorites on it. He took it out, and walked toward the microwave when he stopped. There was a message on the okonomiyaki; no big surprise, considering this was typical of Ukyo's style, but the message was what bothered Ranma. He read it over a second time, just to make sure he understood the message. It was a love letter. To... me. "Ucchan...." It was not long before the paramedics arrived and carted Ukyo off to the hospital, probably to join Kuno. Konatsu left with them, but later Akane arrived. Ranma spent most of the time in Ukyo's room, looking through her stuff. Akane walked in, seeing Ranma staring at a small television set, watching a video. "Ranma?" "Oh?" asked Ranma, surprised at the break in silence. "What're you watching?" "This?" pointing at the monitor. "Its a video from an amateur singing contest. I don't know, but it seemed out of place here... so I had to see it." "Trying to get your mind off Ukyo?" asked Akane, concerned. "Yeah, I'm trying," answered Ranma. "Kinda funny, really, I recognized Tsubasa on the video... the guy got booed off stage." "But I discovered why the tape was here." Ranma walked over to the VCR and rewound the tape. An image of Ukyo appeared, singing a song she wrote, "Okonomiyaki Love Letter." * * * * * Okonomiyaki ni kaita RABU RETAA (Okonomiyaki Love Letter) Song can be found on the Ranma Fighting Karuta CD as track 13 [#13 Kuonji Ukyou, I'll sing "Okonimiyaki ni kaita Love Letter"] I don't hold a grudge against you for dumping me, but that you're my childhood playmate stung my eyes. The crashing, raging sea, squid, prawns, scallops; the sauce is very fragrant. Feeling jealous, me! You, who I fell in love with, lied! Before my hot feeling cools off, on a okonomiyaki, on a okonomiyaki, I wrote a love letter. * sound of numerous chimes and clapping from audience * [Thank you! Ran-chan, I did it!] * * * * * When the song was completed, Ukyo was presented with a prize. Ranma turned off the VCR. "The song was about me. Why couldn't I see it?" "Ranma, what are you trying to say?" "We've been friends for over ten years. Now I find she wanted more from our friendship." He showed the frozen okonomiyaki love letter to Akane. "I couldn't think of her other than as a friend. Why couldn't I see it? Why couldn't she tell me?" I'm her only friend, if Akane was still mad at her. "I thought I had Ucchan all-figured-out." He tried to laugh. "When we met again last year, I thought I knew her then, and it turned out she was a girl. How much more don't I know?" Akane reached for Ranma's hands. "Ranma, even between friends, some things are hard to share." Yeah, he thought, especially about a certain black piglet.... "So, how long have you known?" Ranma asked suddenly. "Ever since she set me up on a date with Ryoga," answered Akane a bit surprised that Ranma was being perceptive. Ranma, why are you blaming yourself? Akane thought. In any case, there was only one way to settle it. With sharp determination, Akane announced, "Ranma, let's go." "Go? Go where?" "To see a friend. To talk. A lot." Later that night, Ranma and Akane arrived at Ukyo's room, which, coincidentally, was the same room as Kuno's. Doctors completed operations on her, and concluded that the wound wasn't fatal, but there was a major loss of blood. They said the rest of it was up to her. Kuno lay sound asleep with Kodachi resting by his side. Akane couldn't help but admire the ties between brother and sister. Perhaps there was something good in the Kunos after all. "Ranchan?" asked Ukyo weakly. She smiled as she recognized Konatsu, Akane, and Ranma standing over her. Still friends.... "Ukyo-sama," Konatsu said, "build up your strength, you'll be fine." "But... Akane?" she began to say, then tried to sit up. "I gotta go...." finished Ukyo, then pain shot through her body. She lay back down. "Ukyo-sama, don't strain yourself," pleaded a concerned Konatsu. Ukyo nodded. "Konatsu... could you leave us for a moment?" Bowing low to the floor, Konatsu left the room. Akane squeezed her friend's hand. "Don't worry about it, we'll think of something." "I'm sorry, Akane.... I let you down again." "Again?" asked Akane. Ukyo answered, "About the wedding, I shouldn't have helped ruin it... I was so certain Ranma didn't want to marry you Akane... what kind of a friend am I? How can I forgive myself if you can't forgive me?" Well... I guess the Jusenkyo water Mr. Tendo hid was an added incentive, Ranma thought. Akane thought back to the day after the wedding, when she'd confronted Ukyo. Ukyo believed the wedding was another sham, that Akane was forcing Ranma to marry her. Ukyo was mad that Akane would betray her trust, but all that changed when Ranma told Ukyo who he loved, and who he wanted to marry. So this was what was bothering Ukyo for weeks-- the role of betrayal had turned tables. "You did what you thought was right," Akane said finally, then added, "from the heart. Friends look after each other. You were just looking after Ranma...." "I let my desires get in the way of my duty!" Ukyo said. Duty to friends. "I was so... hurt. I'm so sorry... about everything. What I've done to you." Akane reached for Ukyo's hand. "You're forgiven, Ukyo. I'm sorry I was so insensitive to you, too." Ukyo turned to Ranma. "Please don't leave me Ranchan...." "Leave?" asked Ranma. "What makes you think I'm going anywhere?" "I was afraid... afraid that, after what I did, we would drift apart... don't leave me again, like you and your father did long ago...." She paused. "Remember when we were engaged long ago? Father didn't want me to be alone... I don't want to be alone...." Ranma grasped her hand. "Ucchan," Ranma started, "I'm your friend. You shouldn't ever worry about me leaving you, because I've never left, and I don't intend to do so." "Ranma, Ukyo..." Akane said, "we're all friends... friends stick together, no matter what. You can always talk to us. We're always here for you. Perhaps now, we can be better friends." There was a long pause. "Thank you Akane," Ukyo said finally. "Thank you, for being a friend, despite our past differences." She turned to Ranma. "Thank you for being there, Ranchan...." Ukyo closed her eyes, a genuine smile forming on her face for the first time in a long time. It was good to get the heavy guilt off her shoulders. Well, that matter was settled. "Umm... Ucchan?" Ranma started nervously, "I... uh... found your, uh... your okonomiyaki. The one in the refrigerator. I was hungry." Tears welling up in Ukyo's eyes. "I was too embarrassed to give it to you, not after I found out about the wedding. I couldn't say it; this was the only way I could express my feelings for you. I'm sorry, Ranchan...." "No, I'm sorry," Ranma interrupted. "I couldn't see past our friendship." "Insensitive jerk," Ukyo whispered in reply. "You never knew...." Shaking his head, he added, "I thought I had you figured out, Ucchan, but every time that happens you turn around and surprise me. I thought I had you figured out even after I found out you were a girl. You are cute, Ucchan, but I can't think of you the same way. Please understand, Ucchan, that I don't mean to hurt you, that's the way it is." "I... understand," replied Ukyo, turning her head toward Akane. Lucky girl, she thought. Talking this out really must help. Life wasn't fair. Face it, girl, you lost long before you started. "You know Ucchan," Ranma started, changing the subject, "you sing quite well." Ukyo's face flushed with embarrassment. "Ranchan, you didn't see that contest video, did you?" If her spatula was within reach, reflex would've taken over, with Ukyo hitting Ranma in the face for it. Fortunately for Ranma, the spatula was back at Ucchan's. "You can join us anytime," Akane said, thinking about herself, Nabiki, Kasumi, Shampoo, and Ranma, singing together.... Heck, the way things were going, why not ask Kodachi? Then again the group hasn't been together for a great deal of months now, not since the last Christmas party. A long pause of silence. Finally, Ukyo said, "I wish it could all be different... If only I'd not ruined the wedding...." "There's always the next one," commented Akane. Wait a minute.... "Akane?" asked the puzzled Ranma. Oh boy, let's not get into this.... There was another long pause. Ukyo broke the silence. "There's still the matter about the challenge tomorrow morning. Even in my weakened state, I still have to go...." "Don't worry about it Ucchan," Ranma assured her. "Just get some rest." Shortly thereafter, Ucchan fell fast to sleep. Exhausted, Ranma thought. Ranma walked toward the door when Akane reached for him. "Ranma... where are you going?" Ranma opened the door, motioning for Konatsu to come back in. As he passed by, Ranma told him, "Take care of Ucchan for me, okay? They might come back to finish the job." Konatsu nodded, and took position at a chair by Ukyo's side. Before leaving, Ranma turned to Akane. "To answer your question," then paused for a moment, "I'm going to be a good friend." Akane seated herself at a chair opposite the wall Ukyo's bed was against. Konatsu sat still, unmoving, a constant vigil over his master. "Akane-sama?" "Huh?" asked Akane, stifling a yawn. "Are you and Ukyo-sama truly friends?" asked Konatsu innocently. "I... guess so. We've been through a lot together. Mainly over Ranma." Akane couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. "We've been through a lot." "Could you tell me about it?" Akane smiled, realizing Konatsu was doing this to pass the time and ease worry. "Okay, where shall I start?" All night, Akane related from the day she first met Ukyo. Then how she set her up on a date with a reluctant Ryoga, the incident surrounding the hiryu shoten ha technique, the Tsubasa incident, the secret sauce, the Tunnel of Lost Love, the fight with Miss Hinako, the mystic umbrella, the cursed spatula, that weird tako-kid, all the way to meeting Konatsu for the first time. And perhaps a few more in-between. Konatsu was fast asleep, resting his head against Ukyo's pillow. Akane smiled. Saturday Ukyo woke the next morning finding Konatsu's head resting at the edge of her pillow. She smiled at the sleepy ninja. Looking around the room she spotted Kuno and Kodachi, still sleeping, and Akane, resting on a chair at the opposite end of the room. Where was Ranchan? "Akane?" Akane gave a loud yawn. "Ukyo?" "Where's Ranchan?" "Have you heard what happened last night?" asked Kasumi to Nabiki. "Yeah, heard there was an accident at Ucchan's." "I wonder where Akane could be?" The Tendo sisters sat next to their father and the Saotomes in the stands of a make-shift battle arena held in the park. The center of the arena was the location of a fountain, spewing cold water from the mouths to the pool below. Nearby were Shampoo, Mousse, and Cologne, with Cologne sitting between the two, probably to keep Mousse away from Shampoo. Next were Ryoga and Akari, talking about something neither Tendo sister could hear. Both Kunos were at the hospital, considering what happened yesterday. "For that matter," Nabiki said, "where's Ranma?" Indeed Ranma was nowhere to be found. Sitting at the opposing end of the fountain was the Orochi assassin, polishing his sword gently. The Cult Leader walked to and sat down next to him. After a long pause, he said, "I assume you finished it?" The Orochi ninja betrayed no emotion from his distorted voice. "Yes, so now we can avenge our Master on Akane Tendo?" "Not yet," said the Leader, "They have until the end of the day. I'm interested in whatever ploy they plan to use to continue this...." Suddenly, a voice from behind them shouted, "I'm here!" Both cultists looked in surprise as they saw Ukyo standing there, giant spatula in hand, bandoleer full of smaller spatulas. Dressed in her okonomiyaki shirt and dark tights, the sight of seeing a healthy Ukyo was a shock to the two men. "So, you decided to come after all," returned the Cult Leader, allowing his hand to glow in purple chi. "I can't wait to see your 'moves.'" Amusing, this was. Too bad the ninja-idiot didn't figure it out yet. Oh well. From the audience, Kasumi observed, "My, that doesn't look like Ukyo at all." "No kidding," agreed Nabiki. "Even a professional chef martial artist like her doesn't walk and talk like that." Ryoga looked startled. "Ukyo! What happened to your chest?" "Oh my!" Kasumi exclaimed. Nabiki said, "Even he wouldn't be that stupid...." Even though he couldn't here them, Ranma, wearing Ukyo's outfit and a wig, thought the same thing. What was I thinking? "That jackass!" Ukyo yelled. Supported by Konatsu, the two, followed by Akane, made their way back to Ucchan's, where Ukyo intended to retrieve her weapons. And now they were gone. Ukyo insisted on leaving the hospital, forcing herself to accept the pain. She walked out of her room in a spare okonomiyaki shirt. Konatsu couldn't help but notice the bandages bulging through. "How could he do this to me?!" she screeched. "Ukyo-sama," started Konatsu, "don't overexert yourself." Akane picked up a note on the table. "Ranma, I hope you know what you're doing...." Ukyo said, "Ranma doesn't know how to fight in my style. He'll get beaten." And there won't be second chances, either. Pain shot through her chest as she spat those words. Akane opened up a nearby cabinet. Withdrawing several small bags, she said, "There's not much time! I'll gather the bags, you two go on ahead!" As Ukyo was ready to turn, Konatsu stopped. "Ukyo-sama, wait here." She sat down at a nearby chair as Konatsu rushed to his room, returning a moment later with a small sheath. He handed it to Ukyo. Puzzled, Ukyo asked, "A kodachi?" "Ukyo-sama, please.... It's not safe to enter battle without a weapon." "Oh, okay." Fastening the sheath around her waist, Ukyo couldn't help but think about the Kuno girl. "Time to go, Ukyo-sama." Ranma threw two more spatula-darts at the Orochi ninja who called himself Nightshadow, but he dodged. The way things were going, Ranma would be out of spatula-darts in three more two-dart throws. Bringing both hands on the giant spatula, Ranma arced down at Nightshadow. The Orochi assassin deflected the blow with his own sword, then reached for his own throwing darts. One bit into Ranma's leg, causing him to fall. Standing over Ranma, Nightshadow declared, "You are beaten, Kuonji. I'll finish what I'd started last night." In a flare of rage, Ranma realized this man was the attacker. "Why you...! You did it to her!" "What the...?!" Realization struck just as Ranma burst to his feet, bashing Nightshadow's head in with the giant spatula. "You dirty rotten punk...!" The Cult Leader burst out in laughter. Nightshadow wasn't known for being particularly smart. "Ranma, stand back!" someone shouted. Akane? Looking over his shoulder, Ranma had just enough time to move out of the way as the bag of flour burst, blocking vision to all. He felt an arm over his shoulder. "Ranchan, it's my fight." Ranma turned and looked over his shoulder. There was Ukyo, standing in identical garb as he, sans bandoleer. Her other arm clutched the side of her stomach, as if cradling the pain. "Ucchan?" "Ranchan, I need to do this. For myself. Thank you, for being my friend." Without words Ranma handed over the giant spatula and bandoleer. As the flour bag's smokescreen subsided, Ukyo Kuonji stood over Nightshadow. "You missed me," she shouted defiantly. Nightshadow looked up. "You're the real Kuonji. Your double was no match for me...." "You should've finished me while you had the chance. Why?" Ukyo demanded. "I couldn't bear to destroy such a lovely one as you.... At least, not in such a dishonorable manner. It seems I have a soft spot in my heart for beautiful women. No matter, the Orochi will correct that oversight, one way or another." "Stop it!" Ukyo spat. "Fight me!" "As you wish!" Nightshadow reached for three darts, then leaped back into the air. He threw all three, with Ukyo reaching for three of her own. She threw them with such precision as to knock away the three incoming darts. As the ninja fell to the ground, Ukyo pegged him with her remaining three spatula-darts. Akane, Ranma, and Konatsu looked on, the only ones knowing fully what was going on. "Ukyo-sama," Konatsu pleaded, "take care of yourself." Ranma turned his head toward Akane. "What's the matter with you? Why'd you let her out? She'll kill herself!" "Ranma!" Akane yelled. "She wanted to come. She knew you couldn't fight the okonomiyaki-style." Finally, she said, "It was pride...." Pride, Ranma thought, could get Ucchan killed. "...and duty," Akane finished, "to her friends." Pulling the darts from his chest, Nightshadow yelled, "Behold, Kuonji ninja girl, the ultimate technique in the Orochi ninja arts!" Flying into the air, throwing his sword straight up, arms reaching into the folds of his ninja robe, Nightshadow shouted, "Nightstorm!" A barrage of hundreds of darts flew at Ukyo, who batted them away with her spatula. However, she couldn't block them all, and she fell as little by little the pain came back. Falling back just as the storm ended, she dropped her spatula, which clattered a few feet away. "Ucchan!" Ranma cried, both Konatsu and Akane restraining him. Landing, Nightshadow caught his sword on its descent, and walked to the fallen Ukyo. "Your skill is no match for the Orochi martial arts." Raising the blade for a downward plunge, "Unfortunate that such a pretty face must die for our master...!" Somewhere in the distance Ukyo could barely hear Konatsu and Akane, telling her to get up? No, it was something else.... "Good-bye," Nightshadow said mockingly. But the blade didn't fall all the way. Out of weapons, out of time, Ukyo remembered the kodachi tied to her back, and plunged it into the Orochi's exposed stomach. The look on his face was priceless. Dark blood dripped down the kodachi's blade as Nightshadow stared at his chest in horror, the life draining from his eyes. Ukyo watched as the ninja fell. She whispered to herself, "Ranchan, I did it...." Her mind drifted away as Ranma, Konatsu, and Akane ran to her. Her eyes fluttered for a moment, then closed, as the okonomiyaki chef realized it was too much work to keep them open. Ukyo almost thought she heard the others yelling at her to wake up. Can't they just let her sleep for once? "Ucchan!" she heard Ranma yell, more clearly. "Don't go! I'm here! You're not alone!" "Go away, Ranchan," Ukyo muttered. "Let me sleep...." "I'll summon help," Konatsu volunteered, and ran off. "Ucchan!" Ranma persisted. "You did it. Now hang in there...!" Akane pulled out the darts the Orochi stuck in her. She watched her friend's eyes flicker open once more. "Ukyo...." *SMACK!* "Ranchan, you jackass," Ukyo said weakly, "stop embarrassing me." The hard slap she threw across Ranma's face was more than enough to convince him that Ukyo was fine. The Cult Leader lay the last assassin body under the last lit candle. At that moment the last candle flickered away, throwing the chamber in complete darkness. The Altar of Orochi glowed with its own eerie light. "You have failed," a voice boomed. "Master... no!" the Cult Leader cried. "Spare me! I can finish the job myself!" "An example must be made of you," the Speaker of Orochi replied. "Proceed to eternal damnation! You will walk this Earth as a man no more!" The Cult Leader screamed as the pain shot through his body, as if a demon were clawing its way out of his own body. From outside the chamber, the Orochi acolytes could hear their leader scream for a long time, until suddenly it stopped. One brave acolyte dared to enter the chamber, now plunged in the dark of midnight. "Sir?" the acolyte asked. No response. Only a faint rattling. Another acolyte brought a candle with him, both now searching the room. After reaching the altar, all they could find was dark blood spurted around an untouched circle, where their leader used to be. The blood had yet to dry and the bones yet to cease clattering on the floor beyond. The depiction of Orochi above the altar seemed to smile maliciously. That evening the victorious shared dinner at the Tendo dojo. Around the same table. Kasumi walked in with the prepared meal, bright and cheery. How wonderful it was to have all their friends for dinner! From Father, Nabiki and Akane, Ranma, Mr. and Mrs. Saotome, Ukyo, with Konatsu by her side, Shampoo, Mousse, Cologne, Ryoga, Akari, the Kunos, Tatewaki leaning on his supportive sister. If ever there were a good time for Akane and Ranma to marry, things were looking better every day, Kasumi thought. "Everyone," Akane started, catching the attention of all at the table, "thank you. For fighting for me." "No task is too hard when the goal is the preservation of perfection such as yourself, Akane Tendo," replied Kuno. Akane blushed at the compliment. In one day Tatewaki Kuno's world was turned upside down, then back up again. From that brief instant of clarity Kuno came to understand a great deal about himself and others.... Saotome, your time will come. Kodachi, dear sister, I do have something worth living for! "Hmph," snorted Kodachi, "I did it for Ranma-sama." Mousse said, "If it means happiness between you and Ranma, Akane, then anything is worth it!" Especially if he got Shampoo. "Shampoo do it for self, not pervert girl," snapped Shampoo. Cologne peered at Shampoo curiously. Under that cold exterior, she knew Shampoo really cared. How strange it was, she thought, that these teenagers sitting at the same table were rivals and friends at once! Within this circle, removal of one removes them all. Ryoga said, "I'll always be there for you, Akane...." then spared another glance at Akari, who smiled back. "What are friends for?" Ukyo responded. How she wished Ranma was hers, but maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant to be. Ranma and Akane... her friends... silently Ukyo vowed never to hurt them again. And be the best friend she could possibly be. At least this time, when the day finally came, she wouldn't snap, not with her friends to help her. Ranma refused to comment. He couldn't risk saying something compromising! Especially in front of Akane... boy, she must think I'm a jerk, he thought. Nodoka Saotome smiled. "Its so nice to see Ranma and Akane getting along so well!" she whispered to Genma. Soun Tendo took that opportunity to speak. "Well, Saotome, we've been blessed all week long with no Happosai to bother us." "You said it, Tendo." replied Genma. "If only all our days were like today!" Of course, who would've burst through the ceiling but the old lecher himself...! "Never fear, Happy's here!" he shouted, bounding on the table with bag of panties in tow. Happosai turned to Ranma. "Where've you been, slacking on training to carry on my dojo?! Disrespect your master by not helping him in his tasks?!" "Put a lid on it, old man!" Ranma shouted, sending Happosai into orbit. Closing: Hill of Rainbow and Sun ----------------------------------------- Author's Rant: The tensions among the gang have yet to be resolved; each fought to further their own agendas. They will be explored in future chapters of this series. Ukyo in particular. Next time, the wedding, take two. C&C welcome. This is actually my first Ranma fic. This is only the second part of the first part of the Wheel of Fire series of stories. Be sure to catch other parts of the series at my web page: http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html