#11: Enter the Shadows The Wheel of Fire, Part 4: The Dying of the Embers Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story, Vol.38, after my previous fics, "Moments of Transition," "Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins," "End of the Beginning," "Descending Spiral," "Specters," "The Law of Amazons," "Doco in the Battle of the Bands," "Doco in Hawaii," "The Past is Prologue," and "Treasure of the Musk Dynasty." Knowledge of the previous stories helps in understanding the minor details of the story (see "Plot Points"). This is the second story in the 'Dying of the Embers' part of the story, dealing with trouble that has been brewing for quite a while. Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Ryoga and Akari are married. 2. Doco (Ranma, the Tendo sisters, the Kunos, Shampoo, Mousse, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, Ryoga, Akari, Ukyo, and Konatsu) goes semi-professional. 3. Nodoka insisted that Ukyo join her family to remove her past dishonor. While Ukyo accepted, she opted to retain her name for duty to her family. 4. Mousse has reached an understanding with both Shampoo and Cologne. After being kicked out of the tribe for a while, he's gain new insight and wisdom, but he still blindly-follows Shampoo. 5. Kodachi and Tatewaki reached an understanding. Both hate their parents and Ranma. They know Ranma is the pig-tailed girl. Kuno believes the family was dishonored by Ranma's trickery. 6. Kodachi, Ukyo, Akane, and Shampoo have reached an understanding. They treat each other like old friends, as there's no reason to fight anymore. 7. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, and Shampoo's father work at the Nekohanten. 8. Kodachi and Pantyhose Taro admit an affection for each other. Part of Kodachi's reason is so she can win her bet against Asuka the White Lily, but Taro is actually flattered about it. 9. Ukyo discovers she can manipulate chi, but as of yet it manifests only in her okonomiyaki. With proper training she could become more powerful than Ranma, according to the minions of Orochi. She briefly studied under Herb. 10. Kuno has devoted himself to mastering every technique of the Chinese Phoenix Sword to destroy Ranma with. With what he knows now he becomes a match for Ranma's abilities. He waits for the day of the battle. The Phoenix Sword consumes the power of one's soul. 11. Ranma has been experiencing terrible nightmares recently: one where his friends and enemies torment him, a second where they die instead. Both have troubled him deeply, but he hasn't told anyone about them. Most recently, Ranma has exerted some control over his dreams, and he recognizes the face of that who tortures him-- but he won't reveal it. ------------------------------------------------ Opening: Don't Cry Any more (aka Ukyo's song) (With Ukyo and the Doco girls: Ranma, Akane, Kasumi, Nabiki, Shampoo) (Ukyo) On a street corner, shining down is The lonely silhouette which is me I just heard the line "good-bye" from you Without quite believing it My heart beats as though they're drums Against my chest Which brings forth tears, (+ Doco echo) A lullaby Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! (Ukyo) I had felt like I was totally cool. In the car that's driving away, I can see a lovely kiss scene. You and your girlfriend-- (+ Doco echo) It's no mistake! Cheer up, don't cry anymore Only bad things won't continue Cheer up, don't cry anymore. I look up and embrace the sky. Smile again! Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! * * * * * The underground lab of Dr. Philip Taydome, robotics engineer from the best engineering school in America, was dark and cramped. The English-descended man wiped the dust off his glasses, annoyed that whoever constructed the lab didn't bother to clean up all the dirt after finishing modeling. He flipped-on the master light switch, illuminating the dark lab with brilliant, fluorescent ceiling lamps. I've got to talk to someone about those, Taydome told himself, as he really hated fluorescent lights. Natural light was preferable, but underground, that was one commodity one couldn't have. It had been over a month since he demonstrated his pinnacle achievement in artificial intelligence. It was with the prototype of the GAIA-series robot armor Taydome had impressed his sponsors, who wished to remain anonymous. And no wonder, if one was going to fund a secret United States defense contract, one had to keep their identities secret. Of course, what Taydome did know about his sponsors was that they were members of the Department of Defense who resorted to less-choosy ventures than their publicly-visible cousins upstairs. It was this same branch of the Department of Defense that installed me in this stupid underground lab, Taydome reminded himself coldly. Ever since leaving his main lab in Oahu Taydome cursed his luck, as the new lab was installed in Japan, of all places! Of course, the decision had been out of Taydome's hands; his shadowy 'source' insisted he move there. The source had ordered Taydome to request that the Department to build the underground lab for them. It would be here the source would direct Taydome's activities. After all, the source was the true masters behind the program; they were the ones who supplied the good doctor with supplies. Particularly the 'part.' Ah, the 'part!' Taydome didn't know what it was for, but it seemed very advanced. Its complex circuit structure allowed Taydome to move in directions he never would have dreamed of on his own, allowing him to create the complex matrix that served as the GAIA robot's artificial intelligence and processing unit. It was what made the GAIA series so successful. Dr. Taydome reflected to the GAIA prototype's test run in Honolulu. There had been a group of Japanese martial artists there at the time, whom the source specifically told Taydome to use as fodder. He made sure the prototype could not be traced back to himself, or to the Department of Defense; a fortunate thing, because the shattered hulk of the GAIA was confiscated by the government for study. Of course, Taydome never expected the GAIA to lose. It was equipped with all manner of weaponry: two high-velocity spearhead projectors, two arm blades, two heat ray lasers, a rocket booster, heavy armor, superior strength, and heavy boots. None of that was enough for those martial artists that the source so desired dead. They were too good! One day, I will show those upstarts the true potential of the GAIA program! Taydome walked to the manufacturing center, where, one after another, GAIA-series robots were being assembled. He cringed at the sight of the death's head faces each GAIA possessed, each of whose mouths were twisted in a sadistic grin. It's supposed to inspire fear, the sources said. After all, they designed that ugly face. It worked, Taydome thought darkly. "Is this facility to your satisfaction, Doctor?" asked the distorted voice behind the American engineer. "Yes, yes, of course," Taydome replied. "What is the optimal GAIA output?" "At optimum levels," started the speaker, the 'source,' speaking through a voice distorter resting on the shoulder, "we can complete three GAIA units a day. The Department of Defense expects the first shipment of fifty GAIAs delivered to it as soon as possible. However, I have informed them that they will be unavailable for at least fifty days." "You told them we could only make one a day?" asked Taydome, surprised. This wasn't exactly what he was expecting, considering it took quite a while even to make contact with the Department. The source nodded. "We will, of course, set aside one of our three each day for the organization, but the extra two are to be at my disposal." "What do you intend to do?" "I have an old score to settle. You know the ones." Taydome nodded. "I... understand." "Look, Ucchan," Ranma lectured, holding his friend's arm, "you want to throw yourself into an elbow punch. And, if you're fast enough, you can add a backhand punch in the same attack." The day was dawning that Saturday morning. Ranma himself was not an early riser, but Ukyo was; she insisted on practicing early, just so she could get back to her restaurant in time to open. Ukyo gritted her teeth, and tried to ignore the sweat that dripped over her eyes. "I don't want to put all my weight in it, do I? That's kind of dangerous." Ranma shrugged. "I don't know what you mean." "Well, let go of me, and I'll demonstrate," suggested Ukyo. "Okay, I'll go easy..." Ranma said, throwing and elbow punch at Ukyo's gut. But, before the blow could connect, Ukyo grabbed Ranma's exposed arm, and, with a flick of her arm, managed to turn Ranma over in mid-air. The young Saotome landed flat on his back with a hard thud. The next thing Ranma saw that early Saturday morning was the ceiling of the Tendo dojo. Somewhere beyond his viewing range he could hear Akane and Nabiki laughing at him. Ukyo's concerned face appeared, blotting out Ranma's view of the ceiling. "Ranchan! Did that hurt much?" "Ooohhh," groaned Ranma, putting an arm under his head as a pillow. "I'm glad I didn't put ALL my weight into it...." "I told you that was a dangerous maneuver," Ukyo said, offering her hand to her fallen teacher and friend. Ranma accepted, and slowly rose to his feet, one arm rubbing his sore back. "Sometimes I wonder if I'd really learned how to fight just anybody. No one else ever does that to me." Ukyo shrugged, dabbing her forehead with a towel. "Well, the worst you can do is stop learning." Ranma peered at his old friend curiously. "You know, one of these days, you're going to run out of those words of wisdom." "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Ukyo laughed. "I doubt that." The sisters, Akane and Nabiki, watched, leaning against one of the dojo walls. It may have been early in the morning, but that never stopped either sister from watching such interesting spectacles as Ranma getting trashed by his student. "You know, from these past weeks, I can safely say that Ukyo's a defensive fighter," Nabiki concluded. "What makes you say that?" asked Akane. "Well, besides the fact she lacks in raw power, and she isn't as fast as Ranma," explained Nabiki, "she doesn't ever attack unless it's a counter hit. She's good at dodging, too; it must be a sixth sense, almost as if she can anticipate the direction of Ranma's attacks. I doubt Ranma's been holding-back on purpose, too." "Since when have you been studying styles?" wondered Akane. "I haven't," answered Nabiki. "I've been around you too long, that's all." She folded her arms and faced her younger sister. "Did you hear the latest at school?" "Yeah," confirmed Akane. "People are saying that Kuno and Ukyo are item." The younger sister shook her head. "I don't believe a word of it. Kuno's a real jerk; what could Ukyo see in him?" "Beats me," Nabiki replied, shrugging. "I'm surprised that anyone could get together with Kuno-chan." She sighed. "I suppose if it could be anyone, it'd be with her. She's too darn nice for her own good." Then again, if they did get married, and, since Ukyo is now legally a member of the family, I can gain access to Kuno-chan's money without conning him. Sometimes the puzzle pieces do fit, Nabiki thought smugly. "At least she's moved on," Nabiki said. "Shampoo doesn't look like she'll move on until next century." Right now Kodachi seems to have a thing for Pantyhose Taro, but, like Ukyo, who knows how far that could go. "You know," Akane started, changing the subject, "ever since the first wedding, Ukyo's been different." "How so?" asked Nabiki, unconcerned, but listening nevertheless. "She seems to be the same Ukyo to me." "Well, she's been through a lot of emotional hardship, ranging from losing her first love to accepting herself," explained Akane. "She may appear to be the same Ukyo, but tempered by terrible trials. She's certainly gotten a lot wiser, considering how she often makes those profound remarks. In a strange way, they make sense, even when she doesn't. I imagine something similar would have happened to me had Ranma chosen Ukyo instead of me." "You shouldn't dwell on what might have been," suggested Nabiki. "Pain is good for the soul." As Ukyo and Ranma walked out together, Ukyo tried her best to pretend not to hear that last comment Nabiki made. No, pain wasn't good for the soul, it was good for the body. The soul was too precious to risk destruction. Tatewaki Kuno stood alone in the dark hallway that stretched to infinity, deeper into the darkness. "The road one travels is of one's own choosing," began Kuno. "It is the choice of one's path on the journey that is life that determines what fate lies in the future. The traveler must not regret the road not taken; to walk through life in self-doubt is a terrible prospect indeed. Thus, I, Tatewaki Kuno, have taken the path of least regret, the road taken is the one chosen by my own free will. Ah, to accept the consequences of one's actions, to look forward to the future, but never to fear it." Kuno spoke thus to himself as he walked the dark path. Every once in a while there would be a road block, but each obstacle served only to increase the richman's resolve to make it to the end of the journey. "Sometimes one's path may take many detours before being put back on track," someone said, a strange, distorted voice echoing throughout the dark hallway Kuno traversed. "Who's there?!" Kuno shouted, coming to a pause. "It is that which you have known would come," replied the voice. "It is I, the voice of the future, the voice of truth, that speaks to you now." "Yes, indeed," Kuno said. This was indeed the one who had visited him many times before in prophetic visions. "I assume the time of my calling draws near?" "Yes, it has," assured the voice. "Your destiny lies upon the detour you are about to make in your life path." Without fanfare or warning, the hallway Kuno had been traveling convulsed, rearranging itself so that the long, straight pathway with the light at the end ceased to be. Instead, the road twisted and turned itself, as if it were a snake on the move. The infinite end of the hallway could no longer be seen. "My life is about to take many turns," concluded Kuno. "The symbolism is not lost upon me." "Indeed, it is not," the voice said. "Through trial and fire, you must take this road, no regrets." No regrets. Never! Kuno vowed silently. "Go forth, Champion!" encouraged the voice. "Go forth, and regain that which was wrongfully taken from you!" "Yes...." seethed Kuno, raising a fist into the air with his right hand, his left gripping the pommel of his sword. "Yes...." He unsheathed the sword, allowing the ancestral Kuno blade to shine in what light there was available in the dark hallway. "By my ancestors, by the will of Heaven...." He gripped the ancient Kuno katana in both hands, raising the blade far above his head. Kuno could feel the power of the phoenix behind him. Then, with all calmness, the richman made a wide-arcing slice at the hallway wall. The wall slid away, revealing a clean-cut hole that lead to further down the road. No obstacle stands in the way of destiny.... "The day has come," proclaimed Tatewaki Kuno, burning in his own chi-flames, "that I, Tatewaki Kuno, shall rend punishment on the foul one, Ranma Saotome!" It was with such thoughts that Tatewaki Kuno woke from his futon in his room in the Kuno estate, still early in the morning. Kuno shook his head, trying to reorient himself. He was indeed within his own bed chambers. Sparing a glance at the calendar that hung on a nearby wall, he realized that today was the day. The day when Ranma Saotome would meet proper justice. He had hardly made it out the door when Kodachi caught up to him. "Brother!" called Kuno's younger sister. "Wait!" Kuno turned around, seemingly unconcerned, to greet his sister. "A pleasant Saturday morning, is it not?" Kodachi was out of breath. She looked like she had just gotten up, as her clothes and hair were in disorder. "Where do you think you're going with the family sword?" she asked, pointing to the sheathed blade at Kuno's waist. "It is time," Kuno said simply, his lips curving into a knowing smile. Realization dawned upon Kodachi fast. She grabbed her brother's arm, as if trying to dissuade him from leaving. "You're going to kill him, aren't you?" Kuno nodded wordlessly. "Wait!" pleaded Kodachi. "Please, you must do me a favor!" "If you wish that I not kill him, I am sorry," Kuno replied, without emotion in his voice. "It is not my place to choose whether Ranma Saotome lives or dies this day; my only concern is to see our family honor restored. If Saotome must die for that to happen, so be it. If the fates decree that I must die, so be it. A samurai fears not death." "But you're not a samurai!" Kodachi protested, trying her best to dissuade her elder brother. "You don't need to kill him!" "Your ill-conceived concern for Ranma Saotome clouds your judgment." "And your silly notion of honor and glory clouds yours!" "Enough!" boomed Kuno. "I will do battle with Ranma Saotome. You are welcome to come along if you wish, but stay out of my way. This is my fight, and I request that you no more interfere in my fight as I would in your own." Bitterly, Kodachi nodded. Once Tacchi put his mind on something, there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Mousse had no idea where he was. He stood alone, in a large, bowl-shaped pit, the size of a baseball stadium, at least. The curves of the pit sloped gradually, until reaching its maximum degree angle, perpendicular to the ground where Mousse stood, right smack in the center of the bowl. "What am I doing here?" Mousse shouted. The only immediate response was the echo of his own voice. "You are being judged," someone said. Mousse didn't recognize the voice. He scanned the area, his ears picking up the voice from all around him, echoing back and forth on the walls of the bowl pit. It was right above him. "Very perceptive," the voice congratulated. "Your sense of hearing has improved greatly." "Who are you?!" shouted Mousse. "Show yourself!" "Mousse?" another voice called. "Shampoo?" Mousse called back. He thought he was dreaming, but there she was. Shampoo stood next to Mousse, looking just as confused as he felt. "Mousse, why you in Shampoo's dream?" asked Shampoo. "Dream?" Mousse asked, puzzled. "Stupid!" Shampoo cried back, slapping Mousse across the face. "Sorry," apologized Mousse. "How can we be sharing the same dream?" "It bad omen," Shampoo replied ominously. "Shampoo no wake up!" "The slap should've waken me up as well," noted Mousse. "How do we know this is REALLY a dream?" "Trust me, it is," responded the third, mysterious voice. "Why you do this?!" Shampoo shouted to the one overhead. "Because Mousse deserves to know the truth." Mousse peered at Shampoo suspiciously. "What's he talking about?" "Go ahead," continued the voice. "Go tell him, Shampoo, that you can never love him. That you've been leading him along these past weeks, simply because you lacked Ranma Saotome's attentions." "That not truth!" denied Shampoo hotly. "Mousse is friend!" "Perhaps so, but you shouldn't lead him around as you do." "Shampoo?" Mousse said, not wanting to believe the voice. The Chinese Amazon turned away. "Dream no lie...." "She's right, you know," added the voice. "Dreams never lie." "You... you've been using me?" Mousse asked Shampoo, not the least bit angry. Shampoo nodded. "You're not going to hurt Shampoo now, are you?" asked the voice curiously. "Was this problem not caused by Ranma Saotome?" At that moment both Shampoo and Mousse stiffened. Both Chinese teens stared straight upward, into the empty, dark sky. "Ranma...." both repeated. "You both know what to do...." Mousse woke from his deep sleep sweating. He looked around frantically, making sure he was back in the attic of the Nekohanten, as he was when he turned in last night. Quickly, Mousse dressed. Making sure he looked presentable, he climbed down from the attic, and marched directly to Shampoo's room. He knocked. "Go away!" Shampoo shouted from behind the door. "It's me, Mousse," the weapons master replied. "You didn't happen to have a dream where we were in a bowl-shaped pit, and you slapped me across the face because you were mad at me because I thought it wasn't a dream?" Silence was the only thing that answered Mousse's burning question. The door slid open quietly. Shampoo poked her head out of the crack, looking both ways down the hallway, and beckoned for Mousse to enter. "It's true, isn't it?" Mousse asked Shampoo. Shampoo nodded. "Everything." Mousse made his way to the window, and opened it. He stared out into the streets of Nerima, gazing at nothing, trying to figure out what to do. "Mousse remember what man say?" asked Shampoo. "Yes, I do," replied Mousse. "Then not much time. We have work to do." "It is time," announced the source, still with the distorted voice. Three other figures bowed low to the floor before the source, each hidden in as much shadow as their master. "Go to the restaurant called the Nekohanten," commanded the source. "There, you will meet an ally, one that shall give you the object of our quest. Once you have it, make sure the subject receives it." "We understand," replied the leader of the three. "It shall be done!" "Excellent," replied the source. "Remember, you fools, the future of our world depends on this!" "So, Ranchan, what do you think?" asked Ukyo, just finishing her breakfast. Kasumi would have fixed them the meal, had she been up as early as Ranma and Ukyo had been. It was Ukyo who made the meal, as Nabiki had other business to take care of, and Akane left for her morning jog. "About what?" Ranma said, getting up from his seated position. "Well, my progress, I guess." Ranma shrugged. "I don't know what to think. I mean, you're by no means a beginner, and you are showing-me-up quite a bit, but still...." He allowed the words to form in his mind before continuing. "You're not being aggressive enough." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Well, you never fight back until after you get attacked, for one thing," Ranma pointed out. "Seems to me you tend to wait until the time is right." "The way I figure it," answered Ukyo, "is that one has to make each and every hit count. If I make a mistake, I leave myself open. After all, the next hit could be the one that clocks me." "I suppose there's no arguing with that logic," agreed Ranma. "But still, you're too much on the defensive. You can't win your fights like that." "Maybe, maybe not," reasoned Ukyo. "The last time I talked with Taro, he said its best to let your opponent wear themselves out first, then you can make your move." "Humph, Pantyhose-boy," snorted Ranma. "What does he know?" "Well, you've gotta admit, you never beat him. There's reason behind his logic, you know." "The day I follow his advice is the day I die." Ukyo shrugged. "Suit yourself." She walked to the open porch, and stretched her arms out to welcome the rising sun. "Sometimes I wonder about you, Ranchan." "About what?" Ranma asked, walking to his friend's side. "Sure, you may be able to beat the likes of Mousse and Kuno, but you can't ever beat guys like Taro, who've devoted their lives to the art," explained the okonomiyaki chef. "You tend to rely on yourself, you never try to better yourself like the others do, and when you do its because you can't stand the idea of losing." "Shouldn't that show that I'm adaptable?" Ukyo turned to face her friend. "No, it means you only allow yourself to adapt when the winds of change catch up to you. In these past months I haven't seen you practice any new techniques." She's got a point, Ranma admitted. Not since that Ryu Kumon guy had I tried to learn something new. Not that Pop's little tricks were of any use, of course. "Oh well, that can only mean I'm the greatest...." "You don't listen!" Ukyo shouted in frustration. "You never listen! What is wrong with you?" She stepped closer to her old friend. "You need to understand, Ranchan, that the strength of one man is nothing after the strength of many. You can't go on relying just on yourself to get through your battles." "You're starting to sound like the stranger we met in Hawaii," noted Ranma accusingly. "She told me to have faith in others, not just in myself. I have no idea what she was talking about." "Then you've still got a lot to learn," concluded Ukyo. She turned on her heels, and marched back inside. Shampoo stood alone outside the Nekohanten. As the sun was only just rising, the restaurant was still closed; only she and Mousse were up at this time. Of course, soon old Cologne would be up as well, and there wasn't much time left. She peered at the small box she held in her hand. Shampoo didn't know why, but she knew that someone would come by very soon to take that box from her. It was her duty to hand over the box to that someone, then her troubles would be all over. "Are you the one with the 'object?'" someone whispered from the dark shadows of the alley to the side of the restaurant's entrance. The voice caught Shampoo by surprise. When she located the source of the voice, she crept silently over, making sure no one else was around to watch her. "You are the one," whispered the voice, belonging to a man. Shampoo nodded, and held the box before her in an outstretched hand. "This what you come look for?" The man accepted the box, opening the lid a tiny crack, just to make sure the contents were there. Shutting the lid once more, the man said, "Just as the boss said." Before the man could leave, Shampoo grasped hold of his shoulder. "Tell Shampoo why you need it," demanded Shampoo. She raised her fists, ready to fight, if necessary. "You no confuse Shampoo!" The man shook his head. "I see...." He waved for one of his hidden companions to come forth. "Okay, 'Bu, take her out." The second man nodded, producing a small bag from his pocket. Shampoo had only enough time to back away a step before the powder hit her. She crumpled to the ground, drifting off to sleep. "Pick her up," ordered the first man. "It looks like she needs more 'motivation' to serve our cause." The only sound that echoed in the neighborhood so early in the morning was the sound made from Tatewaki Kuno's sandals, with Kodachi following close behind. Not even the birds chirped as they passed through the avenue. "I walk these quiet streets," Kuno began, talking to nobody in particular, "I travel this lane, to greet my destiny with open arms! In the early morning of this day, comes the battle which may decide the future of the illustrious House of Kuno. Alone I do not walk the path, alone I am not! For even my dear sister stands beside me, though not for honor, but for concern, be it concern for myself, or for that vile Ranma Saotome." "Why do you like talking to yourself?" asked Kodachi critically. "To keep words as mere thoughts is to hoard them for one's own benefit, and not for any other. To share my insights with the world, for those who would listen, and those who would care not to listen; the world thrives not on the insights of one, but of many. To silence those who would share themselves with the world would be a great injustice indeed. If it is not for your benefit, then for that of Heaven." Kodachi shook her head disappointingly. Dear Brother was getting ready to die... again! Why does he concern himself with the ways of Heaven when the ways of Earth are far-more tangible and important? "Destiny has one great test in store for every one of us," Kuno ranted on. "When the deed has been done, there is no chance of changing it. But, deeds may yet be mitigated! As shall be done this very day, this battle, this time, Kodachi, my dear sister, I shall avenge our family's dishonor!" The two Kunos slowly approached the gates of the Tendo yard. Kuno stood before the shut gate, staring up expectantly, probably hoping Ranma Saotome would open the gate for him. Instead, Kodachi pushed the gate open. It creaked open without hesitation, being unbolted on the inside. "I hope you weren't thinking about climbing over the wall." Kuno passed through the gate wordlessly, ignoring his little sister. He marched to the front door to the Tendo home, and rapped his knuckles against the wood. No answer. "I think we came a bit too early," Kodachi commented. "No one in their right mind would be up this early!" Someone from inside called, "I'm coming!" Kuno stared at his sister, who shrugged. The one who answered the door was the one neither Kuno expected. "Kuno!" Ukyo greeted in surprise. "What are you doing here so early?" The richman pushed his way pass Ukyo with a gentle hand, and stepped inside. "I have come to challenge Ranma Saotome to single combat." Ukyo shot a look at Kodachi, who shrugged. "Well, I don't think this is the right place to duke it out, you know?" "It matters not the battleground," Kuno replied, "but what is being fought for. I fight for the honor of my family, of those who came before, and for those yet to come. Today is the day destiny has decided for me to make a stand." "I see...." Ukyo said, nodding in understanding. Today was the day Kuno and Ranma would battle for honor... perhaps to the death. No, not now! Ranma practiced alone in the back yard, always careful to make sure he didn't accidentally dunk himself into the pond. He thought over what Ukyo had said earlier: "In these past months I haven't seen you practice any new techniques." She was right, of course. But, then again, if you're as good as I am, you don't need new techniques. Why bother learning something you might not need to use? What's with people like Herb and Ryoga, ones who actively look for better techniques? No confidence in their own abilities? Humph, maybe that's one thing I share with Pantyhose Taro. He'd never admit that his style is pathetic; he spends all his life perfecting each and every single technique he has, and refuses to accept any other way. He refuses to use chi attacks or aerial attacks, but, then again, he probably doesn't need either of them. Well, his loss; I know how to use anything to my advantage-- why be so choosy about one's technique? "Ranma Saotome," someone called. Ranma looked over his shoulder, and spied Mousse, sitting cross- legged on the roof of the Tendo house. He merely sat there, not making any moves, with his thick-lens glasses resting on his head. "What do you want?" asked Ranma, annoyed. Mousse stood up, eyes closed. He leaped into the air, landing at the opposite end of the pond, back to Ranma. "I have been ignoring my enemies for far too long. Akane Tendo was never enough for you, was she? Not only must you have her heart, but that of Shampoo, and any other girl!" "If it's a fight you want...." Mousse's lips curved into a smile as he turned to face Ranma, his arms folded. "Of course!" Without warning, Mousse threw forth his right arm. A set of three chains lashed out from his sleeve, flying at high velocity toward Ranma. Ranma dodged the chains to the side, as he knew Mousse would try such a predictable attack. "I don't know why you're mad at me this time, but...." "The fact that you exist is enough!" Mousse shot back. Dropping the first three chains, the Chinese teen launched himself into the air once more. "Hearts of women everywhere will be liberated from your control!" The young Saotome's eyes followed Mousse's path into the sky. He rolled out of the way as Mousse bombarded Ranma with several spiked balls, each as large as an orange. Mousse landed once more, not far from Ranma's position, back turned. Ranma, wishing to finish the unprovoked fight quickly, threw himself into a flying kick. To his surprise, Mousse stepped out of the way, allowing Ranma to continue his flight path unhindered. At least, until his foot collided with the wall. It was then that Ukyo appeared at the porch, a panicked look glazed over her face. "Ranma!" she cried. Ranma stood up from the ground, looking at Ukyo's direction. "Can't you see I'm busy?" Ukyo jumped from the porch and ran to Ranma. "Kuno's here to kill you!" Shit. "I suppose you can't tell him I'm busy?" Ranma asked, pointing at the seemingly-unconcerned Mousse. For the first time since coming to the Tendo property, Mousse opened his eyes, letting his glasses rest on his nose. He peered at Ranma and Ukyo suspiciously, then snapped his fingers. "You!" he cried, pointing at Ukyo. "Come with me!" "Why?!" Ukyo cried back. "What are you doing?" Mousse smiled. "If dreams cannot lie, then your life must be under the grasp of the One! The future of our world depends on it!" He leaped into the air once more, but instead of dropping caltrops, Mousse threw several yo-yo's at Ukyo. Each and every one of the tethered projectiles wrapped themselves around Ukyo, binding her tightly. "Hey!" was all Ukyo could let out before she left the ground, pulled away by Mousse. "Ukyo!" Ranma cried. "Mousse, you come back here, you coward!" "Ranma Saotome!" someone else shouted. Ranma looked back at the porch, where Tatewaki Kuno, sword unsheathed, and Kodachi, stood. "Oh, swell." "At last, Ranma Saotome!" Kuno shouted, raising his katana. "Today is the day where you meet your end!" "Ah, excellent," the source said. "All the pieces are moving into place!" Dr. Taydome stood next to the source, and stared at the wall monitor viewscreen before them. "I've never seen this device before. What is it?" The source replied, "It is none of your business. It comes from the same place as the 'part,' and that is all you need to know." Taydome nodded. "That boy... he's one of the Japanese martial artists that destroyed the prototype GAIA, isn't he?" "Yes." "And those others, they're part of his party? Why are they attacking him?" "The mind works in subtle ways," the source replied cryptically. "I had to influence them. It was simple for those two: Kuno and Mousse. The others, however, are much harder to manipulate." "You mean, like the Chinese girl your men brought in?" asked Taydome curiously. He had been there when the source's three thugs brought her and the 'object' into the underground lab, but he had no idea what they intended to do with her. "Yes, indeed, Doctor. The one called Ranma Saotome must die, and that would be easily accomplished if Mousse brings the girl to me! She is the key to the future of our world!" The source turned away from the wall-monitor. "Now, my good engineer friend, it is time to release the first two GAIAs. I am sure three against one is more than enough for Ranma Saotome." "Considering how he had help just taking care of ONE," Taydome added. "Watch, sir, as my creations prove that the machine is far greater than man!" "I was wondering when you'd show up," Ranma said, unconcerned that Kuno wielded a real sword this time. "Ranma," Kodachi warned, "don't underestimate my brother." Kuno nodded. "She's right, you know." "I suppose this has to do with your honor," muttered Ranma. "Well, if there's nothing else to do, let's rumble!" "As you wish," Kuno sneered, his lips curving into a malicious smile. He thrust the katana high up into the air, raised by his right hand, as if summoning Heaven to his side. Whispering to himself, he said, "Phoenix flames, guide the hand that wields thee! Heaven, fight by my side this day! Let the battle be joined!" Ranma remembered the last fight he had with Kuno: he had been no pushover then. With the flames of the phoenix on his side, Kuno had more power than before. The young Saotome watched as chi-flames erupted along Kuno's blade, casting an unearthly hue on the morning light. So, Kuno, make your first move. As if Kuno read Ranma's mind, he swung his blade in circles high above his head. As the blade made its first full circle, Kuno cried, "Phoenix," the second, "tail," and, the third, "cyclone!" Unexpectedly, Kuno threw the flaming sword into the air, allowing it to spin in mid-air by itself. It curved in its arc, fixing itself onto Ranma's position. Before he realized it, Ranma threw himself aside, just as the spinning flame blade shot its way downward. "Go, cut him like the crude saw blade you mock!" cried Kuno, his right arm outstretched. "Ha-hah!" "Careful, Ranma!" cried Kodachi. Ranma looked up, watching as the flaming sword turned around for another pass. He dodged that one in turn, then broke into a sprint to make it to Kuno's position on the porch. "You're guiding it, aren't you?!" Ranma cried, as he threw a kick into Kuno's gut. As Kuno grunted to himself and fell, Ranma looked over his shoulder toward the flying flame blade. It lost its flame, then clattered uselessly to the ground. "That's it?!" Ranma taunted, standing over Kuno. "That was the worst battle I've ever seen!" "Not quite, Saotome," Kuno replied, gathering himself to his feet. "What's a warrior without his weapons?" Ranma asked, almost rhetorically. No way Kuno could continue the fight now; he's just about helpless without a sword. "A warrior still!" Raising his right arm into the air, Kuno cried, "Phoenix nether blade!" Both Kodachi and Ranma took steps back as Kuno's hand burst alight in chi-flames. To Ranma's amazement, the chi-flames formed what could vaguely pass for a sword. It was as if Kuno were holding fire itself, but not getting burned. Then again, it was his own chi. "Oh, swell," cursed Ranma. The battle has just begun. "Behold, Saotome!" Kuno cried, raising his chi-blade into the air. "The Chinese Phoenix Sword never leaves its wielder unarmed!" He sliced the air, flames trailing the arcing path of the blade. "Yaaaahhhh!!!" Ranma dodged left and right, avoiding each and every one of Kuno's speed-thrusts of the flame blade. Kuno's advantage may have been speed, but Ranma was much faster. Ranma saw an opening in the split-second it took between thrusts. He threw his arms outward, and, channeling his chi, cried, "Moko Takabisha!" Two chi bolts collided with Kuno's chest, sending him flying backward from Ranma's blast. The chi-flame-created sword ceased to exist as it left Kuno's hands. Kuno lay flat on his back on the ground. "I will not rest easy," muttered Kuno under his breath, "until the day is won!" He willed the flame blade back into existence, pouring his energies into increasing the flame's intensity. Kuno stood up, ready to face Ranma once more. "I don't believe this," Ranma whispered to himself. Kuno never could take much punishment before.... He leaped back as Kuno completed his slicing arc, just barely missing Ranma by centimeters. Dodging each and every swing Kuno made, Ranma tried his best to discern a weakness in the Chinese Phoenix Sword. Let's see... flames generate a lot of destructive power and heat... and heat is a form of hot chi.... I'll show him! Without waiting, Ranma threw his arm forth, shouting, "Hiryu shoten ha!" Kuno was caught unawares by the sudden appearance of the whirlwind. He screamed as the chi-created phenomenon carried him into the air. Not far away, Ranma could hear Kodachi's yell. "Brother!" Ranma scanned the skies, watching from the bottom of the whirlwind Kuno's spinning path. "I don't believe how many times this works on him." He almost expected Kuno to fly out of the whirlwind, but instead, something else happened. Crashing almost as thunder, from the center of the whirlwind, someone cried, "Phoenix... reborn!" Ranma threw himself back as the whirlwind became consumed in fire. The intense light of the spinning blaze forced the young Saotome to shield his eyes. The entire town of Nerima became enveloped in a sunburst, for all miles around one could see the flaming column that centered at the Tendo back yard. Kodachi was no longer alone at the Tendo porch. The other Tendos and Saotomes, now alerted to the battle in their yard, gathered behind her. "Oh my," was all Kasumi could say. "The spiral!" shouted Nabiki. "The fires...." "Look, Saotome!" Soun cried, pointing at the brilliant column of fire. "Could it be...?" "The phoenix?" Genma shouted back. "...cancel out all cold chi...." continued Nabiki. "Destruction by fire...." Soun started. "...with overwhelming heat!" Nabiki finished. The whirling flame column dispersed, as if being sucked-into the center, as if it were imploding. If one could see the center of the flames, one could make out the shape of a man within. Ranma's eyes returned to normal vision, only to be greeted by lots of smoke. Standing in the midst of the smoke was Tatewaki Kuno, his ancestral Kuno blade in hand, alight in flames once more. What caused Ranma to back away was the fact that Kuno was unharmed. "...and reborn!" finished Soun. Kuno brushed off his shoulder with his free left hand. "Really, Saotome, did you expect the phoenix to die so easily? In flames of its own creation? Ha! It is the flames, the fire, the heat, the destruction! that fuels the legendary Chinese fire bird!" He gripped the ancestral Kuno katana in both hands, and summoned the fires once more. Kuno cried, "Phoenix nether blades, I give birth to thee, as the myriad tails of the legendary bird!" As if on cue, six flaming blades came into existence around Kuno, each flying under their own power. The flame blades spun around Kuno protectively. "The will of the Bronze Phoenix, known as Tatewaki Kuno, Blue Thunder of Furinkan High to men, commands thee!" "Oh, give me a break!" complained Ranma, as he got up and ran from Kuno's mad charge. Doesn't this ever end?! For each blade Ranma dodged, the other six were there waiting for him. Kuno's own blade was under his own power, but the other six behaved as if there were six men wielding them alongside Kuno. Ranma began to feel the heat of all seven deadly blades, and he tired, for he could not keep track of them all. "Why prolong this battle?" taunted Kuno. "Face the inevitable, Ranma Saotome! Your death is at hand!" Behind Kuno, unaware of the noise, the wall of the Tendo back yard burst apart. "Any last words?" the richman taunted, raising sword high. But Ranma's attentions were elsewhere, as he heard the minute sound of something being fired. "No!" he cried. Without thinking, Ranma threw himself at Kuno, tackling him. The six flame blades, however, remained floating in the air. Several somethings whizzed-by overhead at high speeds. "Get off me, Saotome!" Kuno cried. "Or do you, in your perversions, wish to die in my arms?!" "You idiot," Ranma said, pointing to one of the walls, "I just saved your hide!" Sure enough, the wall Kuno was facing before he was knocked down was riddled with several tiny, spearhead-like bullets. The observing Tendos, Saotomes, and Kodachi, yelled in surprise at the two new arrivals that pounded down the back wall of the Tendo yard, arms raised, ready to fire at Kuno and Ranma. "Your deaths are at hand," announced the first of the death's head men. What stepped into the Tendo yard were two of Dr. Taydome's GAIA combat machines, ready and armed for the kill. "Wait, I don't understand," Taydome piped up, as he watched his creations attack the wrong target. "I thought they were supposed to kill that Saotome kid!" The source laughed a strange, distorted laugh. "It doesn't matter who they kill. All of them must die eventually. Even tools such as Mousse and Shampoo must be discarded, when their usefulness is at an end." Taydome grabbed one of the source's arms. What it was he felt was the sleeve of a soft kimono. His attentions were momentarily fixed on the source's soft, flawless skin, but Taydome shook his head, breaking the reverie. "But, what about the chef girl?" "As I said before," replied the source, "she is the key to our future! She cannot be discarded." "You keep referring to 'us' and 'our,'" noted Taydome. "Just what is so important about her? How would you know if she were really that important?" The source shook Taydome's grasp off. "It is proper for a scientist to ask questions, Doctor." One cold, unforgiving finger pointed at the engineer, forcing him to step back. "But remember, my dear engineer, ask the wrong questions, and your life is forfeit." Taydome nodded quickly. "It's... it's... that machine from Hawaii!" Ranma cried in recognition. "Two of them?!" "This does not bode well...." Kuno muttered to himself. The two hulking machines stepped into the Tendo yard, raising their arm cannons to bear at Kuno and Ranma. "Objective sighted," droned the first machine. "Terminate objective," said the second machine. "I believe it is time to make a hasty retreat from our present positions," suggested Kuno. Both Ranma and Kuno leaped up from the ground, running for their lives as the two GAIAs fired their deadly volley of bullets their way. Dirt kicked up on the ground on the heels of the two Neriman teens, scrambling for cover. "Brother!" Kodachi yelled. She leaped down from the porch, whipping out her ribbon, and rushed to get the attention of the GAIAs. Kuno stopped just as the two machines stopped firing at him. He looked over his shoulder, and saw his little sister making a reckless move. "Kodachi, no!" Kodachi wrapped the end of her ribbon around a small sack. She twirled the ribbon into the air, creating a fierce spiral in the air. Black rose petals flew forth from the sack. "Black rose storm!" "What is she doing?!" Ranma wondered. The attentions of the GAIAs was caught by now. "Acquiring new targets." "Targets incoming. Fire." Just as Kodachi expected, the two GAIAs started firing at the storm of black rose petals. As the bag ran out, Kodachi snapped her ribbon back down, and rolled out of the way. Both Kuno and Ranma made their way to Kodachi's side. They watched in wonder as the two machines shot down each and every one of the rose petals. "That won't confuse them for long," panted Kodachi. "I guessed correctly; the machines are designed to attack immediate threats as priorities. Apparently, my false attack drew their attention. Silly, really, that one need only shout a threatening yell. Hehehehehe...." "There's nowhere to find cover, not here, at least," noted Ranma. Kuno, with all six flaming swords still dancing around him, scoffed. "I find it without form to attack one when his back is turned! The only acceptable solution would be to take out our mechanical menaces." "How?" asked Kodachi. "Last time there was only one of them, and we had enough trouble with that!" "Watch," was all that the elder Kuno would reply. Without waiting, Kuno gathered the six flaming swords together. End to end, the flaming swords attached to each other, forming one long chain of swords, the source at Kuno's own blade. He swung the sword chain above him, shouting, "Phoenix tail strike!" Kuno lashed out with the chain of swords as if it were a whip. It caught one of the GAIAs square in the head, wrapping around the death's head face and bathing it in deadly flames. "Warning," droned the GAIA. "Heat sink overload...." *KABOOM!* The chain of swords ceased to exist, its power expended in the tremendous explosion on the first machine's head. Where the death's head face once rested was a smoking stump. The second machine, however, appeared unharmed. "Automatic shut-down initiated. Heat sink compensation activated," the second machine droned. It simply stood there, unmoving, just as its partner, giving the group time to think their strategy through. "So, how're we going to get rid of the second one?" asked Ranma. "I would not know," admitted Kuno. "The tail strike took much power, power I had gathered from the flame column." Kodachi said, "Well, whatever it is, we'd better do it quickly, because that thing looks like its ready to attack again!" "Auto-repair sequence initiated," the first machine cried. "Auxiliary visual scanners on-line." "WHAT?!" all three Neriman teens yelled in unison. "Swell, the blast didn't take out the other one!" complained Ranma. "Now what?!" Kodachi shrugged. "Don't look at me! I don't know any fancy tricks like you and Brother do!" "Saotome," Kuno started, getting Ranma's attention. "Am I correct in assuming that your dragon spiral was fueled by the heat of my flames?" "Yeah, so what?" Ranma replied. "Neither of those... of course!" "What?" Kodachi asked, apparently out of the circle. Ranma turned back to Kuno. "I need you to get both of those things really-hot. Can you do that?" "Of course," Kuno replied haughtily. "I...." "Kodachi, can you distract those two long enough for me to finish?" Ranma asked. "What do you intend to do?" asked Kodachi, still unsure of what was going to happen. "Keep cool," replied Ranma cryptically. Without another word, he threw himself into the pond. Still standing at the Tendo porch, Kasumi, Nabiki, Soun, Genma, and Nodoka watched as the three teens scattered about the yard. "What is Ranma doing?!" cried Nabiki. "This is no time for...." "Ranma!" someone called from the front door. Akane ran to the porch, and stood by with the others. She looked tired and out of breath. "What's going on?!" Nabiki turned to her younger sister. "The fight of the century!" Kodachi looked at her brother, confused. "I'm supposed to distract those?!" she shouted, pointing at the now-moving GAIAs. "Heat sink compensation complete," called the second machine. "Initiate power-up sequence. Initiate battle program upgrade." "Auto-repair sequence complete," called the first. "Initiate battle program upgrade. Acquiring targets." "Keep them busy!" Kuno shouted back. "I'm trying to gather the necessary heat!" Bit by bit, Kuno's form became enveloped by an increasingly-burning chi flame. Kodachi ran from her brother's side. She threw a couple of clubs at the two machines, trying to get their attention. "Over here!" she cried. Needless to say, both machines opened fire on the immediate threat. While the first resorted to arm cannons, the second attacked with twin heat rays, being far-more accurate than the arm cannons. Unnoticed by all, steam rose from the pond. Ranma, now in female form, removed all excess heat generated from the scuffle with Kuno's six dancing blades. She watched Kodachi dance about the bullet shots of the GAIAs, then turned her attention to Kuno, who seemed ready to explode. "Surrender is unacceptable," the first machine called at Kodachi. "Bah!" Kodachi spat. "I find it unacceptable as well!" "Kuno, now!" Ranma cried. "Haaaaaaaaahhhh...." rumbled Kuno, throwing all the energies he could muster into one final blow. He pointed the ancestral Kuno blade at the two distracted GAIAs, and shouted, "Phoenix fire stream!" All chi-flames seemed to drain from Kuno's person as a stream of fire shot forth from the end of the ancestral Kuno katana. The flame blast enveloped both GAIAs in a hellish glow. Both machines realized there was a new threat, and, turning their attentions from Kodachi, readied their aim on Kuno. "It's time! Brace yourselves, everyone!" warned Ranma. Throwing her fist forth, she leaped into the fray, and cried, "Hiryu shoten ha revised: Karyu shoten ha!" Kuno continued to pour his energies into the phoenix fire. The resulting violent mix of hot and cold chi erupted into the likes that haven't been seen since the battle with Saffron: the great whirlwind of extreme heat and cold chi ripped the two GAIAs from their positions, and high into the air. Had there been extreme cold chi available, the destruction would have been immense. Instead, the whirlwind, overcome by phoenix flames, burst into the flaming column as before. Ranma threw herself backward, careful to avoid the flame column's deadly effects. Unexpectedly, the column, starting from the bottom, began to dissipate into thin air. The two machines were nowhere to be seen; all traces left were a rain of ash. In truth, Kuno had absorbed the phoenix flames, as he did before, back into his own person. Observers could detect a reddish tint about his aura. Ranma jumped, as Kuno clamped down a hand on her shoulder. "Ranma Saotome," Kuno said plainly. "All debts and honors have been paid off this day, as Heaven decreed. Today we part ways; from now on all bets are off." Kuno turned and walked away, leaving a confused Ranma behind. She stopped Kodachi before she walked by. "Kodachi, I have to ask you something," Ranma said. "What?" Kodachi asked. "What did your brother mean?" Kodachi laughed. "He won't admit it, but by saving his life you have erased what insult you bestowed upon him." She turned and ran to catch up with her older brother. "I don't believe it!" cried Dr. Taydome in frustration. "How in the world did they take out TWO of my creations?!" The source chuckled. "They are martial artists with chi on their side, of course." Taydome stared at the source with excitement in his eyes. "And what do WE have?!" "Now, my engineer friend, we have one of our own," the source replied, amused. "The girl possesses far more power than those two, yet she lacks proper training." "Truly? Why didn't you tell me before?!" "Chi powers belong to the people who can use it, and cannot be wielded by machines, no matter how much you may desire it so," the source replied. "I know too well the results of such a disastrous union...." "Sir!" called one of the source's minions. "The re-education process in Shampoo has been completed." "Good," replied the source. "And Ukyo?" "The 'object' has been presented to her. The results were as you expected," replied the man obediently. "Excellent!" the source exclaimed in delight. "It is no matter that Kuno is lost to our cause; Ukyo, Shampoo, and Mousse combined are far more than a match for Ranma." "If you don't mind me asking, why is Ranma's death so important?" asked Taydome. The source peered at the engineer curiously. "I'll tell you this, my friend: his death is vital for the future of humanity. If he is allowed to live, then we are all doomed." Everyone was gathered at the table for breakfast as Kasumi served the meal. Both Kuno and Kodachi shared the meal at Nodoka's insistence. "I don't get it," started Akane, "I thought we'd seen the last of those machines when we left Hawaii." "So did I," Ranma said, who was back in male form. "Apparently, you, Ranma, are being hunted," Kodachi proclaimed. "What makes you say that?" asked Ranma. "Think about it: those two machines came straight to the Tendo property," Kodachi explained. "They couldn't have known that Brother and I were here, and if there's anyone that's dangerous around here, it would be you." "So nice to be appreciated," Ranma replied sarcastically. "Ranma, where's Ukyo?" Akane asked. "Ukyo!?" Ranma jumped, almost knocking over his dish. "Don't get all jumpy, Ranma," Nabiki suggested. "Just what happened?" "It was the strangest thing," started Ranma. "Mousse was there, challenging me to battle for no reason. As soon as he saw Ukyo, he muttered something about joining 'the One,' then he grabbed her and ran off. I would've followed if Kuno hadn't showed up." "My apologies," Kuno said. "If I knew that Ukyo Kuonji were in danger, then our battle may have been postponed." "Well, then our next course of action may be a trip down to the Nekohanten," concluded Ranma. "I think it's time to have a good long talk with Mousse." After finishing their breakfast Ranma, Kuno, Kodachi, and Akane had made their way to the Nekohanten. It was still early, so the restaurant was still closed, but Cologne was awake. Quickly, they explained the situation at hand to the old matriarch. To their disappointment, Mousse wasn't around, and neither was Shampoo, for that matter. "It is rather unusual for Mousse and Shampoo to leave without a word," Cologne said, sighing. "I do not know if they left together, or separately, but one thing is for sure, they were in a hurry." "Mousse has abducted my beloved, Ukyo Kuonji," explained Kuno. "His location and intent must be brought to light!" Cologne nodded. "I understand your concern for your friend. However, I cannot say what drives Mousse. Shampoo...." "What would be so important about Shampoo's activities?" wondered Kodachi impatiently. "I entered her room, and it appears she has taken something quite powerful with her." "And that would be...?" voiced Akane. "The reversal jewel, of course." "What would Shampoo want with the reversal jewel?" asked Ranma. The old Chinese matriarch shook her head. "I do not know. If the kidnapping of Ukyo by Mousse and Shampoo's departure with the jewel are connected, someone is working from the shadows, specifically to bring harm to you, Son-in-law. Dark times are upon us indeed." "Why is that?!" Kuno vented furiously. "Because if the reversal jewel is put on upside-down, the true feelings of the one who wears the magical brooch becomes reversed. In other words, feelings of love turn into hatred, and vice versa." She turned to Ranma. "If there is indeed one who wishes to kill you, Son-in-law, then I believe I know the result of Shampoo and Mousse's actions. You are in grave danger indeed." "Why is that?" asked Ranma, confused that the pair of Chinese could cause him any trouble at all. "If I guess correctly," explained Cologne, "then the reversal jewel is intended for your friend, Ukyo." "And since she is friendly by nature," continued Akane, "if the reversal jewel were to be placed upside-down on her...." "No!" Kuno couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Do you mean...." "Yes," finished Kodachi. "The kind demeanor, her cheerfully- optimistic attitude, and general outlook of friendliness on life, turn into cold, unfeeling hatred beyond reason." "Exactly," said the Chinese matriarch. "Everything that she holds dear, and then some, will become the object of her wrath." "I don't see how that's a problem," Ranma said. "I'm far and away better than Ukyo." "Think about it, Ranma," Akane explained, "we know that Ukyo has potential to wield as much chi-manipulating power as Herb, right? Mousse knows that as well; he was there, remember? If Herb taught Ukyo anything while she was staying with him, then...." "...she can use those powers on us," finished Ranma, groaning. To Kuno, he asked, "You were there with Herb and Ukyo; what did Herb teach her?" Kuno lowered his head. "Enough to use it." "Good," Akane said, nodding. "At least she won't be able to pull really bad things on us. That's one less thing to worry about." Kuno rested the tip of his katana on Ranma's shoulder. "Be warned, if you bring harm to Ukyo Kuonji, you will have to answer to me." "Who said I was going to hurt her?!" Ranma replied sharply. "That still leaves the matter of who could be behind this scheme," voiced Cologne, changing the subject. "I know of no one with enough power or ability to coerce even Shampoo and Mousse to serve him, whether willingly or not. It is given that Shampoo and Mousse are not acting alone, as the machines you described indicate. There is a larger power moving." "Could it be the Orochi?" asked Akane. The Chinese matriarch shook her head. "It is not the way of the kami, even one as evil as the Orochi, to resort to machinery. The one behind this is not a kami of any sort, but man." "Very few people would want to kill me," Ranma pointed out. "I mean, I can count them on one hand! There's Pantyhose...." "He wouldn't dare!" Kodachi cried, cutting Ranma off. "He's too much a gentleman to resort to cheap tricks as manipulation of others!" "She has a point," agreed Akane. "That's not Taro's style." "Besides," added Kodachi, "Taro got attacked by that Hawaiian machine, too." "Well, moving on," continued Ranma, "there's also Saffron, but he's long gone, and Ku... never mind." Kuno shot Ranma a hard look. Ranma shrugged. "I can't think of anyone!" "Then you have offended one who stands in shadows," Cologne concluded, the last word dripping with ice. Ukyo had no idea how long she'd lay on the cold, hard slab that served as a table. Actually, upon further inspection, it was in fact a very hard cot, typical of American military. She looked around, and absorbed her surroundings. It was a rather dark, yet plain, brown-colored square room, with a single door as the only outlet. The low-level florescent lights barely lit the room. The only thing that set this apart from an empty room was the cot. The okonomiyaki chef rubbed her arms and legs, still sore from Mousse's yo-yo's. The trip from rooftop to rooftop had ended abruptly when Ukyo recognized the building. Of course, she didn't expect to be taken underground, to a facility that the ones above probably had no idea existed. Immediately Mousse relinquished her to three men, who appeared a little shocked at their victim, then carried her to the cot room. She didn't know how long it took for one of them to come back, carrying a strange little box. He had produced a strange green brooch, then fastened it to Ukyo's okonomiyaki shirt, just below the neck. Ukyo had no idea what the jewel was for. She cursed her luck, as her bandoleer was still back at the Tendo dojo. Then again, that's what training with Ranm.... Ranma. That little bastard! He was to blame for all this! "That's right, concentrate your anger on Ranma," encouraged a strange voice. Ukyo turned around. The door was now open, and, standing there, was a stranger, shrouded in darkness, but plainly wearing a patternless kimono. She couldn't tell if the voice belonged to a man or a woman. "Who are you?" Ukyo asked cautiously. "I'm your benefactor," replied the source. The stranger stepped closer, into the light, removing the dark shadows. Ukyo gasped. "N...no.... Y..you! How can this be?!" "Listen to me," continued the source, "the future of humanity depends on the death of Ranma Saotome! You have the capability in your hands!" "I'll gladly rid you of Ranma, but you...." Ukyo started. "I have no time to explain," the source said quickly, cutting Ukyo off. "You will have help from others: Shampoo and Mousse have joined our side. There's also my three minions, whom you've met already. Unfortunately, Dr. Taydome's robots won't be complete in time for this skirmish, but we cannot wait that long! I should have waited, but impatience got the better of me. The sooner Ranma dies, the better." Ukyo nodded. "Very well, but you're going to have to explain yourself to me when this is all over...." "Seiryu," the source said gravely. "Call me Seiryu." The blue dragon, thought Ukyo. How fitting. The day was approaching noon, and Ranma and company had no idea where to look. All four teens remained at the Nekohanten, taking up space while Cologne opened for business. Ling-ling and Lung-lung didn't appreciate having to serve tables, as Mousse and Shampoo were not there to do the job themselves. The four decided the best course of action would be to wait for either one of the Chinese teens to return, as none of them had no idea where they might have gone. Their patience paid-off when the door opened to three shadows. All eyes were on the new arrivals. "Ranma Saotome," Ukyo said venemously. "I knew we'd find you here." Ranma was the first to stand up. He stopped, noticing the light of the room shine off the green brooch that rested at the bottom of the okonomiyaki chef's neck. "Ukyo...." Standing beside Ukyo, to the left and right respectively, were Mousse and Shampoo, both having arms folded. All three teens stepped inside the restaurant. Kuno stood up. "Ukyo Kuonji, I know not what those fiends may have done to you...." "Silence!" Ukyo cried. Throwing her arm forth, a tennis ball-sized bolt of energy leapt from Ukyo's palm, flying at such speed that Kuno had no time to dodge. Shampoo stood forward. "Our quarrel with Ranma, no one else! Ranma must die!" Akane shouted back, "Why?!" "The future of humanity depends on it!" replied Mousse, removing a chained claw from his sleeves. Cologne emerged from the kitchen. "If you don't mind, I would prefer you take the fight outside." "Certainly," Ukyo said. "I wouldn't want to ruin such a lovely restaurant." With that, the three turned heels and marched back outside. Ranma looked at Akane assuringly. "I'll be fine. Just wait here." Akane watched as Ranma left the restaurant, with Kuno and Kodachi following behind. What can I do to help Ranma? He'll need some help, that's for sure. Now, just who could I turn to for... yes! With that, Akane jumped from her seat, and exited the Nekohanten. "Seiryu, I don't understand," Taydome began. "Why are you attacking the boy now? If we wait until tomorrow, we can be sure that the next two GAIAs are ready as well!" "Fool," replied Seiryu's distorted voice. "Ranma must surely be weak from his earlier battle. If we tire him out, little by little, it will be a small matter for myself and my three minions to finish him off." "But, what if that may not be possible?" asked Taydome. Seiryu gave a glaring look at the engineer. Taydome cringed at the close proximity he was to the source's scar over the left eye. It terrified him immensely-- Seiryu's dead eye seemed to peer into Taydome's being. He almost thought it glowed. "Then, my friend, you'd better make sure that the next two GAIAs are operational by this evening. I don't care if you make shortcuts, because Ranma dies today or not at all!" Three against three, arrayed in the street the Nekohanten was on. On one side was Ukyo, Shampoo, and Mousse, each armed with fists, bonbori, and chains, respectively. The other side was Ranma, Kuno, and Kodachi, the latter being armed with katana and ribbon, respectively, as Ranma fought unarmed. No sooner had the six combatants left the restaurant a crowd was gathering. The customers of the Nekohanten left their seats to stand by the door and watch the confrontation that was waiting to happen. Even the twins and Cologne stood by to watch. "So, Ranma, our time for battle has come," announced Ukyo. "I suppose so," Ranma said, shrugging. "You don't understand how important you are to the future," Ukyo explained. "Seiryu, our leader, has seen it! It is the will of the One that you must die, lest humanity be doomed!" "Yeah, and why is that?" asked Ranma. That seemed to take all three opponents aback. Shampoo shook her head. "Shampoo... not know," the Chinese Amazon admitted. "It doesn't matter!" Mousse decided. "It is time to end this once and for all, for all time!" Ukyo threw a glance at both Shampoo and Mousse. "You can do what you will with the others, but Ranma is MINE!" The six combatants charged, each taking on one opponent each. Kuno danced around Shampoo, Kodachi tangled with Mousse's chained claw, and Ranma dodged the furious blows of Ukyo's wild punches and kicks. Kuno, whose sword was sharp enough to slice the thinnest hair, sliced both of the huge balls that formed the bulk of Shampoo's weapon in half. It was training in destroying watermelons that urged Kuno to attack the bonbori first, almost on instinct. Yawning, as if taunting Shampoo to think of better attacks, Kuno allowed his guard to drop. Shampoo saw this opening, then flew into a leaping kick. What the Chinese Amazon didn't know was that Kuno anticipated the attack, and side-stepped accordingly, allowing the girl to fly pass in the air. Kodachi pranced about Mousse playfully, dodging each and every attack from the chained claw with ease-- her agile body was used to such quick movements. She lashed out with her ribbon, which normally would have been no match for a chain, and snagged the claw-end of Mousse's chain. With a violent jerk, Kodachi disarmed Mousse, but that didn't stop the Master of Hidden Weapons at all. Reaching into his sleeves, the Chinese acrobat leaped back, throwing six chains, three from each arm, toward Kodachi. The Kuno girl merely danced around the ill-conceived attack. Ranma, however, was too reluctant to hit his old friend, as she continued to swing her punches in fury and in such speed that all Ranma could do was dodge. "Ukyo, it's me, Ranchan!" Ranma called desperately. "Fhaw!" spat Ukyo. "You're the cause of all my troubles, and now you're going to die!" The reversal jewel! Ranma thought. If I could only just get close enough to get it off her.... He dodged yet another wide swing, which prevented the young Saotome from getting close enough to Ukyo. "Did you want to play with fire?" taunted Ukyo. "Too bad, because all I play with is water!" Throwing her palms forward, a chi-bolt was given birth. "Eat this!" The energy bolt pounded Ranma square in the chest, washing over him like a glob of water, yet it truly wasn't water. As this was the force of water, the blow hurt immensely. Ukyo stood over Ranma. "Pathetic!" she announced. "I expected more of a fight out of you, Ranma. I am your worst enemy after all." "You're not my enemy," Ranma forced himself to say, over the pain in his stomach. "You're my friend...." "And that's what makes you weak!" Ukyo shouted. "How can you beat an enemy you can't bear to harm?!" She stretched her palms open, letting chi pulse within the cupped hands. "I may be inexperienced, but I know enough to finish you!" The unexpected blow that hit Ukyo came from behind caused her to lose her footing. Ranma flinched, almost certain that whoever attacked Ukyo would come for him next. "Akane-sama wished that I would help you," Konatsu said, offering a hand to the fallen Ranma. "Konatsu!" Ranma exclaimed, accepting the kunoichi's hand. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to save you from Ukyo-sama," explained Konatsu, his sword still sheathed on his back. He fought unarmed, as he wished no harm to come to his beloved Ukyo. "If you cannot harm Ukyo-sama for her own safety, then leave the battle to me." Ranma nodded, then stepped back. "Konatsu!" Ukyo spat, getting to her feet. "You little prick, I'll show you for interfering with the future!" "I don't know what you speak of Ukyo-sama," began Konatsu, "but I will do everything in my power to release you from your spell!" In the meantime, Kuno had Shampoo pinned to a wall at swordpoint. "I suggest this be a good time to yield to me," Kuno said. "Shampoo never surrender!" she cried, kicking Kuno between the legs. "Shampoo!" cried Akane. "Stop this!" The Chinese Amazon turned to Akane menacingly. "Shampoo no need fight richman, but fight you! Now you die!" Shampoo threw herself at Akane, feet first. "Wait, Shampoo!" Akane yelled, dodging the Amazon's attack. "There's no reason why you should be doing this! You love Ranma!" At the mention of Ranma, Shampoo's anger turned into confusion, flushing over her face noticeably. "My... love?" "Yes!" Akane encouraged her. "You wouldn't want to kill him because you love him!" "Love..." Shampoo repeated. Then, she shook her head violently. "No! Akane have Ranma's love! You WILL die!" "No wait!" the youngest Tendo girl shouted hastily, arms raised. "You can't kill me, or Ranma will never love you!" That seemed to stop Shampoo in her tracks. She clutched her head in both hands, shaking nervously. "No, no, no! Get out of Shampoo's head!" Shampoo screamed. The scream caused Mousse to halt his barrage of chains. Something snapped within him, causing him to forget about the battle. He cried, "Shampoo!" With that, ignoring Kodachi, he ran to his beloved's side, holding her gently. "Your beloved is here!" As soon as Mousse put his hands on Shampoo, all doubt was erased from the Chinese Amazon's mind. She turned around confidently, and decked him. "Get away, stupid!" Konatsu, in the meantime, dodged each and every water bolt Ukyo threw at him. The kunoichi studied his friend's frantic attacks, trying to discern a pattern in her attacks. Deciding there was none, he merely waited for an opening. Without hesitating, Konatsu leaped into the air. At the same time, he withdrew his sword, exposing the blade to the light of the sun. Ukyo stared upward in panic, knowing that she was no match against an armed man without weapons of her own. She merely stood there, jaw dropped, eyes open wide, waiting for the finishing blow. Instead, the kunoichi landed just before the shocked okonomiyaki chef. With the end of his blade, Konatsu flicked the reversal jewel off her shirt, sending the brooch flying. Ukyo merely stared at the kunoichi, dumbfounded. "Konatsu?" "Ukyo-sama, you're all right," Konatsu assured her. "I... was going to kill you... and... Ranchan!" she realized. "The cursed jewel is gone," the kunoichi said, holding his friend tightly. Ranma rushed to Konatsu and Ukyo's side. "Ukyo! Are you okay?" "I'm fine," replied Ukyo. "Just... a bit disoriented, I guess." "Then it's all over," Ranma announced. "No, it's not, Saotome," Mousse said, walking to the Saotome, one hand supporting his head steadily. "It is only just the beginning. Seiryu will undoubtedly be displeased with what has happened here today." "Who's Seiryu?" asked Ranma. "The one who visited our dreams," replied Mousse cryptically. "The one who used us against each other, just to get at you." "Me?" Ranma's gaze was a blank stare. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out why anyone would want to kill him, especially someone he doesn't know. "I can't believe it myself," Ukyo began. She grabbed Ranma's shoulders, and looked him straight in the eyes. "You see, Seiryu is me." "It will be a matter of time before they lead Ranma to me," Seiryu announced, back to the three minions. "When that time comes, it will be up to us to save the future." Dr. Taydome chose that moment to enter the private chamber. "I regret to inform you, Seiryu, that the one who has been tracking me for the past month is on his way!" Seiryu chuckled. "So, he's finally caught up to us? Are the GAIAs operational?" "Yes, but all the weapons aren't configured properly...." "Good enough!" Seiryu declared. "I suggest you lay low, Doctor, for this facility is about to rumble." "They're hiding under the bathhouse?!" Ranma exclaimed. Mousse nodded. "There's a secret entrance in the back room. Shampoo and I have been there quite a few times already, and there's no traps. It's the source of the GAIA machines." "We should be careful of Seiryu's three monster minions, too," cautioned Mousse. "What monsters?" asked Konatsu. "Beings of nightmare," explained Mousse. "They are men with the features of animals. They're extremely powerful in their own right." "Strange, I thought they were normal men," Ukyo said doubtfully. "Shampoo no remember monsters," added Shampoo. "I'm telling you, there are monsters there!" insisted Mousse. The party consisting of Ranma, Akane, Mousse, Shampoo, Ukyo, Konatsu, and both Kunos entered the bath house. There was no one around; only the empty hot baths and the lights were any indication that anyone was around. "I don't like it," Kuno said. "It seems too quiet." "Welcome, friends," a voice announced over an intercom system. "Seiryu!" Mousse shouted in recognition. The distorted voice of Seiryu chuckled. "I'd like you to meet my three bodyguards." One after another, entering the bath chamber from separate doorways, entered three shadows. Stepping into the light, the monstrous features they possessed became apparent to Ranma and company. "Byakko, Genbu, and Suzaku!" True to their names, the three monsters bore resemblance to the legendary creatures of the same name. Byakko, a white tiger-man, had the upper torso that resembled that of a man, but his lower portion resembled that of a tiger's body, giving him six limbs in all. Genbu resembled a snapping turtle, standing on his hind legs, with opposable thumbs on his forelegs. Suzaku, the red bird, stood on the hooked talons of a bird, his arms outstretched, throwing open his wings that were part of the arms. All three animal men peered at the teens with blood in their eyes. Finally, Seiryu emerged from the darkness. Wearing a plain kimono hued almost sky-blue, she had her hair tied-up in a bun. Other than the long, vertical scar that ripped over the left eye, and perhaps a bit of wrinkles, Seiryu's face was a startling resemblance to that of Ukyo. She discarded the voice distorter from her shoulder, letting it clatter into the hot bath, where it shorted-out. "She DOES look like Ukyo!" exclaimed Ranma in surprise. "It is time to end this, for the future!" Seiryu proclaimed. Pointing a finger at the Neriman teens, she cried, "Attack!" Genbu lumbered slowly toward Ukyo and Konatsu, snapping his beak anxiously. Suzaku took to the air, but Mousse and Shampoo were ready for him. Byakko charged toward the two Kuno siblings, ready to do battle. Ranma and Akane were left alone to fight Seiryu by themselves. Byakko wielded a double-sword: while holding the handle of the sword a blade jutted from each end of the handle. Kuno's katana clashed with each end of the double blades, one after another, as Kodachi contended with the tiger-centaur's raking front paws. Ukyo, still without her weapons, threw chi-bolts, one after another, at the exposed armored chest of Genbu, while Konatsu leaped to the turtle-man's other side, trying his best to pierce the hard shell. Ranma dodged Seiryu's energy bolts lazily. He noted that the woman was holding back. "You're the one who's been tormenting me in my dreams, right?" "Correct," admitted Seiryu, her dead left eye glowing malevolently. "I wished to break you from within, but your show of force in our last encounter proved that it could not be done. Therefore, I had to resort to the others. Dream manipulation is a delicate, but simple way of influencing others. After all, the strength of the one is no comparison to the strength of the many. But, you didn't listen. You never listened." Strange, that's something Ukyo had said before! Ranma thought. "Let this be an end to your days!" announced Seiryu, lifting her arms high into the air. Akane looked behind herself, and noticed that the water from the hot bath was beginning to leap over the side. "Ranma!" she cried in warning. While the Tendo girl had enough time to avoid the back attack, Ranma had no suck luck. Hot water drenched him; the force of the hit was such that the water wave attack knocked Ranma onto his stomach, off his feet. He craned his head up in time to watch Seiryu throw two more chi bolts his way. Ranma rolled out of the way, the two chi bolts throwing-up water upon impact. Seiryu smiled. She threw her left arm downward, letting it tremble, as if that were the only part of her body that shivered. A low rumbling sound was all that either Ranma or Akane could discern from their adversary's actions. Without warning, something burst from the ground below Seiryu. Now in her capable hands, Seiryu gripped a long, three-pronged trident in both hands, holding it up high. "I believe it's time to go fishing," Seiryu taunted. Suzaku tried his best to bombard Mousse and Shampoo with bombs, but the two Chinese warriors kept one step ahead of their avian adversary, staying above him at all times. The red bird squawked angrily as Shampoo landed on his back, frustrated at being unable to attack his prey. Mousse, taking advantage of Suzaku's distraction, threw several chains, each wrapping around the bird-man's body. He jerked the chains downward, throwing himself into the hot bath along with Suzaku and Shampoo. Soon both Shampoo and Mousse emerged at the surface of the bath, both catching their breaths. "Where's the bird?" asked Mousse. "In headlock!" Shampoo replied, bringing her opponent to the surface. What broke the surface of the bath water was not that of a bird creature, but of an ordinary man, gasping for air. "Nooooo!" the man cried. "My powers are gone!" "What?!" both Shampoo and Mousse exclaimed in surprise. "Could it be...?" Shampoo started. "Jusenkyo cursed?" finished Mousse. Ranma, sparing only a glance away from Seiryu to see Suzaku's true nature, cried, "Everyone! Get them into the baths!" He threw himself out of the way as Seiryu's trident barely caught his arm. Ukyo nodded in understanding. Konatsu jumped off Genbu's back, and swung his blade wildly, trying his best to get the turtle monster to the edge of the pool. The monster growled, unwilling to enter the pool when it reached the rim. Shrugging, Ukyo threw both palms forth, summoning the power of water to her side. Genbu roared in surprise, the chi-created water spashing against his hard body. However, surprise transformed into annoyance as the great turtle warrior stood his ground, struggling to push his way forward toward his enemy, against the flow of the force of water. "Dammit," cursed Ukyo, trying her best to hold back the turtle monster. Byakko, spinning his blade in the air, pounced at his opponents, sending Kodachi and her brother running for cover. Snarling in frustration, not knowing which opponent to go after, the great white tiger stood his ground, carefully scanning around his position for any surprises. "These... CREATURES," muttered Kodachi, "will not be taken down lightly!" Seiryu snorted. "So, you've discerned the weakness of my bodyguards!" She floated high in the air, just out of reach of Ranma's blows. The leader of the monsters folded her arms, trident resting on her right shoulder. "Doesn't matter; Suzaku was the weakest." "HEY!!!" shouted the man in Shampoo's hold. "Genbu and Byakko are more than a match for your pathetic attempts," finished Seiryu, annoyed that her minion interrupted her speech. "I'm willing to bet you're not cursed, are you?" Ranma guessed. "You are correct in assuming that they are Jusenkyo-cursed," Seiryu said. "It was Herb who said that the mixing of Jusenkyo curses would only compound the curses. Therefore, they willingly bathed in the Springs of Bengal tiger, red bird, and snapping turtle, then a trip to the Spring of Drowned Man!" "How can you know that?!" Ukyo cried, trying not to lose her concentration against Genbu. "Unless...." "Fools, don't you understand?" the kimono-clad woman cried. "I am from the future!" Ranma spared a glance at his old friend. "When were YOU going to tell me about the springs?!" "You're the future me?!" shouted the okonomiyaki chef, ignoring Ranma. "Precisely!" confirmed Seiryu. "However, my existence in this time is due to my chi energies alone; without an anchor in time, I and my companions would cease to exist!" "Why have you been doing this?!" cried Ranma. Seiryu floated higher into the air. "Because, Ranma, through your actions, the future is doomed! It is through your actions that I lost everything and more, least of all my eye! I brought myself, my three minions, and future technology, for the sole purpose of making sure you die!" It was then Dr. Taydome emerged into the bath house. "The future?! How fascinating! The 'part,' the weapons... all from the future!" "Impatience got the better of you," noted Ukyo, nodding sagely. "You... you've been here for a while, haven't you?" "Technology as you have been handling, my engineer friend, should not exist for another ten years!" Seiryu explained, ignoring Ukyo, her dead eye glowing brighter. "And if Ranma isn't killed before the day of judgment...." Her voice trailed off. She shook her head violently. "No! I won't let it happen again!" Raising her left arm, Seiryu cried, "Annihilate them!" Ranma turned his head around. Behind him and the others, were two more GAIAs, their arm cannons ready to fire. "Oldest trick in the book," muttered Mousse. "And we fell for it!" "Initiate firing sequence!" droned one of the GAIAs. "Not while I'm alive!" someone shouted. "Who's there?!" shouted Kuno, parrying a blow from Byakko's blade. The new arrival moved like a blur to everybody's eyes. The man ran about, allowing the GAIAs to consider him a threat. He came to a halt, standing right between the two machines. "Taro!" Kodachi cried in recognition. Pantyhose Taro smiled, and bolted. The two GAIAs, too slow to adjust their aim, unloaded their ammunition into each other. Dr. Taydome gasped in surprise. "You! Why don't you leave me alone?!" Taro came to a halt at Kodachi's side. "Miss me?" he asked. Kodachi laughed. "I knew you'd be back!" "I've been tracking Taydome since we last parted," explained Taro. "As you know, these machines he's building are too dangerous to exist, especially if they are from the future! They must be destroyed at all costs!" "You've got no argument from me!" agreed Ranma. "No!" protested Taydome. "No one touches my creations!" "Come, Doctor!" Seiryu shouted. "We must withdraw! I realize too late that the battle is lost! If we leave now, we may yet triumph later!" Seiryu turned around, back exposed to Ranma and company. Genbu and Byakko, standing their ground, edged ever so slightly closer to their leader, leaving Suzaku in Shampoo's headlock. Mousse cried, "The reversal jewel!" Sure enough, resting on the back collar of Seiryu's kimono was the reversal jewel, hanging upside-down for all to see. Seiryu turned in anger. "You won't let me leave, will you?!" She spun her trident in a full vertical circle. "Very well, then! Get back, Doctor, because if I fail, then we won't meet again!" Taydome nodded, and ran to hide. Both Genbu and Byakko, however, roared, then stomped back into the fray. "I should enjoy taking you all on by myself," taunted Seiryu. "If you take off the jewel now, I won't be able to maintain my time anchor the split-second it takes for my mind to leave the influences of the jewel." "And you won't exist...." Ukyo muttered to herself. "Well, if all you're going to do is wreak havoc for the rest of my life, I'd say that's a fair trade," Ranma shouted back. "I knew the dangers of time travel," Seiryu continued. "I've accepted the consequences of my actions, but now, Ranma, you're going to have to accept yours!" She pointed the triple-pronged trident at the Nerimans, channeling chi-energies into the head of the weapon. "Look out!" warned Taro, throwing himself and Kodachi for cover. As Taro suspected, three energy bolts fired from the trident head, each one firing after different targets. One bolt crashed where Kodachi used to stand before Taro knocked her down. Shampoo, still in the hot bath holding her now-human opponent, ducked her head below the surface of the pool as the second of the bolts seared the air. To her surprise, the bolt, though made of chi-created water, continued on its path, crashing at the bottom of the pool. The third chi bolt headed into Konatsu's direction. He tripped and fell on the slippery surface, unable to get away. Ukyo, recognizing the kunoichi's danger, threw a chi bolt of her own. By judging the speed of the incoming attack, and calculating the proper moment to throw the bolt, Ukyo's bolt deflected Seiryu's shot. At the same moment, Genbu nearly slashed the okonomiyaki chef with a sharp claw, the girl dodging at the last moment. Ranma leaped into the air, sailing up and over Seiryu's levitating body. His opponent's eye followed his arc in the air, distracting her from making another attack. And, just as he sailed behind her, Ranma reached out with his arm and snagged the jewel from Seiryu's back. "Oh my...!" whispered Suzaku. "What has he done?! We're gonna die!!" Genbu and Byakko, turning their attentions away from their opponents, snarled likewise in anger and panic. The look on Seiryu's face appeared as that of sudden liberation. The second that began, her form began to waver, seemingly ready to dissolve. Slowly, the source behind Dr. Taydome sank to the floor, unable to maintain her levitation powers. Ranma caught Seiryu in his arms. "It's over," he announced. "What's going to happen?" wondered Akane. Seiryu smiled, her dead eye seemingly glowing for one final burst. A fine beam of light jumped from the dead eye, colliding with Ranma's forehead, but having no apparent effects. Ranma shook his head in confusion at what his former opponent was showing him. What Ranma was seeing in his mind happened in a split second; images of the destruction bombarded the young Saotome's thoughts. He even recognized the smoldering ruins of the Tendo household and of the high school. Everything was on fire, burning, destroying. He saw, from Seiryu's perspective, the three volunteers she gathered jump into the Jusenkyo springs. He saw what he believed to be the time travel machine that sent the four back in time, barely recognizing who he believed to be Kodachi, dressed in a dirty white lab coat, hair in a mess. He saw, from behind rocky cover, Kuno, standing alone amidst the destruction, katana raised high, and charging to his final battle against an unseen opponent. Finally, Ranma saw a row of marble slabs in a dark room, each the final resting place of an unfortunate person. One after another, Seiryu passed the corpses, stopping at one in particular. She had said, "I was too late," just as Ranma recognized the face of the one on the slab: Akane. And, with the same suddenness, the images vanished. It only took a split-second, yet it seemed to stretch on forever. Ranma was shaking at the visions he saw. What... happened? Byakko snarled frantically, as if trying to say something. "Ranchan..." Seiryu whispered, "thank you.... I'm... free...." She seemed to be choking on her words, trying her best to finish her message before her existence ended. "Don't... let it... happen...." "What?" asked Ranma, desperate to know what caused the destruction. "Just remember... we are all.... One." Without warning, as if some force were sucking her into a hole in her stomach, Seiryu imploded, her form disappearing from existence. In turn, her three minions disappeared as well, in the same manner. Shampoo tumbled over in the bath with the sudden release of her hold. Akane leaned over to Ranma's side, and placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. Ranma shook his wife off. "No... I'm okay." Of course, Dr. Taydome was just fine. "No one, NO ONE, is going to touch my creations!" he cried defensively, blocking the way to the back room. Taro pushed Taydome aside. "Sorry, Doc, but from what the lady said, this technology shouldn't even exist! I'm putting you and your operation out, for good. From now on, the world will be safe from your weapons." Inwardly, he added, "And, no one shows me up and gets away with it!" Taro exited the bathhouse later that afternoon, joining the others that waited outside. He walked to Kodachi's side. The Kuno girl, happy to see her love, threw her arms around his neck lovingly. Dr. Taydome sat alone in front of the empty bath house, sulking, unsure of what the Department of Defense would do to him. "It's over," announced Taro. "All records and devices have been accounted for, and destroyed. We won't see another machine like that again." "At least, until that technology is invented in ten years," noted Akane dryly. "So, you've spent the past month tracking them down? I'm proud of you." "Thanks," Taro replied, trying hard not to blush to the woman that resembled his mother. He turned his attentions back to Kodachi, who was smiling knowingly. "Come on, let's go." "Heh-hee," chuckled Kodachi. "I think it's time I showed you the place I call 'home....'" "What I don't understand is," Ranma started, changing the subject, "why the future Ukyo, Seiryu, would want to come back in time, risking existence, just to kill me." "I don't know either," admitted Ukyo. "Whatever it is, she said the event would be happening soon. I, for one, wonder how she got the reversal jewel on her in the first place." "I suppose we'll never know the whole truth," Akane decided. "We'll just have to deal with Ranma's problem when it comes up." While the three friends talked on, both Shampoo and Mousse left together, returning home to the Nekohanten. Konatsu trailed behind Ukyo, as the three started the walk back to the Tendo household. Ukyo changed the subject. "Ranchan, do you suppose the future will turn out as bad as Seiryu painted for us?" "How should I know?" Ranma replied honestly. "Of course, she never said anything specific," Ukyo added. "I've got to remember to pay attention to detail the next time I time-travel." Certainly, losing an eye is nothing to look forward to. "Well, I think," started Akane, "that since you no longer have the reversal jewel, Seiryu will never exist; she was a creature born of hate created by the magic of the jewel." "Of course, what're we going to do with the jewels now?" wondered Ukyo. "We've got two of them." "I don't know," admitted Ranma, fumbling with both reversal jewels in his pocket with one hand. It was to his surprise that Seiryu's jewel didn't vanish along with her. "I guess we'll have to figure that one out later," concluded Akane. "Ukyo," Ranma started, "why didn't you tell me about the springs?" "The springs?" Ukyo asked. She snapped her fingers. "Oh yeah, about Jusenkyo. I'm so sorry, Ranma, but I couldn't think of a good time to bring it up." "You could've told me after Herb told you," Ranma replied. "It's not that simple," explained Ukyo. "You see, Herb says that the Jusenkyo springs survive every natural disaster thrown at it. The sources of the springs, what truly matters on the cursed training grounds, are unaffected, even if the waters are. The thing is, when a cursed person jumps into another spring, the effects of both curses are combined, as both take effect at the same time." "And that's why Taro, after jumping into the octopus spring, only has those tentacles," concluded Akane. "I can't believe I haven't thought of that myself." "Then I suppose it's a good thing you guys stopped me from getting the water from the Spring of Drowned Man," Ranma said. "I... I don't know what to say." "You don't have to say anything!" assured Ukyo. "Just remember to be careful what you wish for." "Can you imagine a man-woman?!" Ranma cried in exasperation. "It could've been me!" Akane grabbed Ranma's shirt. "If you go even one step farther in that thought, you're sleeping on the roof!" "Hey, hey!" Ranma replied defensively, holding his arms up. "It's not my idea!" Ignored by all, walking in the opposite direction of Ranma, Dr. Philip Taydome sighed inwardly, repressing a telling smile. The fools, they believed I was completely vanquished? Reaching into a hidden pocket on the inside of his lab coat, the robotics engineer produced a shiny band of metal. Appearing in some respects to an oversized watch, the band could fit easily over Taydome's arm. Prying open the top of the mechanism attached to the band, he peered inside, staring in wonderment at the circuitry. Sure, the circuits were damaged in places, and the device, according to Seiryu, won't ever work again, but just studying the design allowed Taydome to create a new generation of circuits for his terrible robots. The robots and the records may be gone, Taydome told himself, but the 'part,' and the dream, goes on! * * * * * Closing: Lambada Ranma [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Girl Ranma:] I turn female, with my messed-up life. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! Ranma: You are SO uncute! Akane: You've got to be kidding. That pervert, I refuse! Genma: Hmm, how shall I explain this? Ranma, I'll kill you! Shampoo Girl Ranma: Why'd you do this?! Kuno: I'm the Blue Thunder of Fuurinkan High! Soun: How do you explain yourself, Ranma? Oh-hohohohohohoho! Kodachi Mousse: So, you think my techniques mere tricks?! Cologne: You're quite skilled, Son-in-law. Happosai: Hahahaa, I've got Akane's panties! Bwii, bwii bwii! Ryoga [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Girl Ranma:] I turn female, with my messed-up life. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! ----------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Taro had been hunting Taydome ever since he parted company with the others at the end of the Hawaii story. His motivation: it's either because the machines were showing-him-up, or a development of duty to protect the weak, your choice. Taro's duty to protect others has only gone so far as to extend to women in danger in the manga, but I see this as an eventual growth of character, since being exposed to the respect of three others: Akane, Ukyo, and Kodachi. As you can see, the quest has made him a veritable expert on the GAIAs, seeing how he trashed them so easily. More ego points for him :) The three goons were created after I wrote Treasure of the Musk Dynasty, where Herb explained to Ukyo what happened when one acquired multiple curses from the Jusenkyo springs. I based all four villains after the four beings, Suzaku, Seiryu, Genbu, and Byakko, representing the compass points and elements together. Razorclaw X http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html