#12: Face of the Enemy The Wheel of Fire, Part 4: The Dying of the Embers Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Fanart inspired by this story may be found at: http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranfa3.html Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story, Vol.38, after my previous fics, "Moments of Transition," "Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins," "End of the Beginning," "Descending Spiral," "Specters," "The Law of Amazons," "Doco in the Battle of the Bands," "Doco in Hawaii," "The Past is Prologue," "Treasure of the Musk Dynasty," and "Enter the Shadows." Knowledge of the previous stories helps in understanding the minor details of the story (see "Plot Points"). This is the final story in the 'Dying of the Embers' part of the story, dealing with trouble that has been brewing for quite a while. It takes place during Autumn, near the end of October and the beginning of November. The story focuses on Ranma and Akane, and has a bit about Tofu and Kasumi. Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Ryoga and Akari are married. 2. Doco (Ranma, the Tendo sisters, the Kunos, Shampoo, Mousse, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, Ryoga, Akari, Ukyo, and Konatsu) goes semi-professional. 3. Nodoka insisted that Ukyo join her family to remove her past dishonor. While Ukyo accepted, she opted to retain her name for duty to her family. 4. Mousse has reached an understanding with both Shampoo and Cologne. After being kicked out of the tribe for a while, he's gain new insight and wisdom, but he still blindly-follows Shampoo. 5. Kodachi and Tatewaki reached an understanding. Both hate their parents and Ranma. They know Ranma is the pig-tailed girl. Family honor has been restored since Ranma recently saved Kuno's life. 6. Kodachi, Ukyo, Akane, and Shampoo have reached an understanding. They treat each other like old friends, as there's no reason to fight anymore. 7. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, and Shampoo's father work at the Nekohanten. 8. Kodachi and Pantyhose Taro admit an affection for each other. Part of Kodachi's reason is so she can win her bet against Asuka the White Lily, but Taro is actually flattered about it. 9. Ukyo discovers she can manipulate chi, but as of yet it manifests only in her okonomiyaki. With proper training she could become more powerful than Ranma, according to the minions of Orochi. She briefly studied under Herb. 10. Kuno has devoted himself to mastering every technique of the Chinese Phoenix Sword. With what he knows now he becomes a match for Ranma. The Phoenix Sword consumes the power of one's soul. 11. Mousse is learning to fight without his sight, relying on his hearing. 12. Ukyo is training in unarmed combat under Ranma. 13. Taro has returned to Nerima, having completed his quest. He now stays at the Kuno estate at Kodachi's insistence. 14. Seiryu, the future self of Ukyo, warns the Nerimans that Ranma must die in order to save the future. It was she who was behind the dreams of Kuno and Ranma. The nature of Ranma's problem is unclear. Before her cessation of existence, Seiryu gave Ranma her memories of the future. ------------------------------------------------ Opening: [October] Ready... Go! (Shampoo, Ukyo, Kodachi, Akane) (Ranma 1/2 1991 Song Calendar) (Shampoo) In a foot race, I wouldn't lose Even if I get off my bicycle. I love you. When I win, it'll be good to have a date. (Ukyo) I can't do it while baking a cuttlefish gem, My fiancee that was taken away from me. The match! I will go easy in this battle. (Kodachi) The perfectly clear Autumn sky, A stack of bentos in my arms; I will make you eat them. Oh! Ranma-sama! (Shampoo) It's good seeing you, isn't it? Great-grandmother, as strongest in the art of catering Only I will arrive at the goal, right? (Ukyo) Also during the match, if it's business and Okonomiyaki, then it's "Ucchan" with takoyaki and yakisoba on the side. (Kodachi) The flags of the nations fluttering in the wind, Kuno's house of ad balloons Please climb up to give me a hug at the commendation stand. (Akane) You're not becoming a popular rascal. It's not jealousy, but My pride. I didn't approve of it! (All) We will show mercy to Ranma and burn him with fire, Terrible daughters, the four of us. (Shampoo) I also want to become your fiancee. Always running away cunningly, huh? It's good to hug you closely, gently. (Ukyo) If I decided with love, My life will be complete. The okonomiyaki love letter I wrote; I will deliver it immediately! (Kodachi) Red wins and white loses, The Black Rose dances near the goal! Everyone, I appreciate your efforts, But I'll have the final victory!! [Ah-ha-hah!] (Akane) You're not a scoundrel, Anything Goes Martial Arts It's stubborn willpower, the sign! I'll bet that's it! (All) We will show mercy to Ranma and burn him with fire. Ah, the fight has become exhausting. Ah, happiness, Saotome Ranma [Kodachi: -sama!] * * * * * Ranma saw everything as if he were merely a spectator. He stood in a cramped, dark chamber, the walls made of plain concrete blocks. The ceiling and floor were made of cement. The young Saotome was under the impression that the room was under the ground. A single light illuminated the room, hanging from the ceiling above, shining upon the single metallic object of great bulk that occupied the otherwise-empty room. The object appeared almost box-shaped, large enough for a person to stand in inside, Ranma guessed. A single hatch marked the only entrance into the object. He was there, and not there, at the same time. A door, hidden by the darkness of the shadows, opened. Ranma watched as Kodachi, marked with age by several wrinkles and streams of silver through her hair, entered. The Kuno girl dressed in a plain, clean white lab coat; in her arms she carried a clipboard with several scribbled notes on it. Kodachi walked next to the machine, taking position at one end. He didn't know how he knew, but Ranma knew that she was about fifty-eight years old. Not bad for her age. Of course, if I know Kodachi she'd try her best to put her skills into retaining her relatively-youthful appearance. That placed this time in.... 2036? Forty years! Following behind was Ukyo, also marked with age. She dressed in a sky-blue kimono, her hair tied up in a bun, having no traces of silver as Kodachi did. The feature that set Ranma's old friend apart from her usual appearance was a large, vertical slicing wound that ran down Ukyo's forehead, over her left eye, and further down her cheek. The left eye was dead, staring off into nothingness, but Ranma knew that was the eye that saw what eyes couldn't see, whatever that means. Ukyo's dead eye glowed with a bluish tint. As Ranma was merely a spectator of events which have yet to pass, the two girls in the room failed to notice his presence. They shouldn't have, at least, since Ranma wasn't there when the event happened. Kodachi called from her position. "You do understand that physics, much less temporal mechanics, isn't my area of expertise, you know." Something in Ranma told him that Kodachi was a medical biologist. "It doesn't matter," Ukyo replied. "We just need you to make sure this machine works." Seiryu, Ranma thought. That's what Ukyo called herself in the future... at least, in her future. The future that ended in disaster. Kodachi approached Seiryu, holding four large, cumbersome-looking armbands, each appearing as oversized wrist watches. "Each one of you needs to wear one of these around your arms." "What's this supposed to do?" asked Seiryu. "It's a time/space anchor," explained Kodachi. "Since time travel technology is still in its infancy, the transversal process has yet to be perfected. These will keep you in place in time, as if you've always existed in that time." Seiryu nodded, accepting one of the anchors, fastening it to her arm carefully. She reached into the folds of her sleeves for another object, and held it up to the light for Kodachi to see. "The reversal jewel," Kodachi whispered. "Yes, it is," replied Seiryu. Ranma swallowed. The reversal jewel is an Amazon artifact that magically reversed the wearer's true feelings if worn upside-down, and amplified them, if worn right side up. In the last battle against Seiryu, Ranma had removed the jewel from the back of her neck. "I've taken everything into account," explained Seiryu, "and, when I come face-to-face with Ranma, I myself don't think I can finish him off. But, with this brooch, I won't be overcome with such difficulties." She turned to Kodachi and handed her the jewel. "You have to put it on the back of my neck, upside-down. I don't want Ranma to see it when I confront him, and I don't want to be able to take it off accidentally." Kodachi nodded. This must be the time travel machine, Ranma thought, studying the metallic machine. Seiryu and her pals had the time/space anchors when they started out on their journey, so either something went wrong with them in the trip, or they got damaged somehow. Either way, Seiryu ended up keeping herself and her three companions anchored in time by the will of her chi alone. That must've been why she couldn't finish me when she had the chance; Seiryu was too busy trying to stay in place in time. But, that still doesn't explain why I have to be killed. The transformation in Seiryu went unceremonially. The blue aura around her dead eye tinged to red. Ukyo sacrificed her life and love to complete her mission, Ranma told himself. She knew what the reversal jewel would do, she knew what she had to do, and she understood the consequences. In the end, when Ranma removed the brooch from Seiryu, Ukyo had given him these visions, these memories of the future, so that when the time of judgment comes, Ranma would make the right decisions. It was then her existence had ended. The problem was, Ranma had no idea what even caused the destruction of the future, the annihilation of the world, of the people, of everything Ranma held dear. "Ranma?" The young Saotome opened his eyes, greeted by Akane. He sat alone, cross-legged, in the Tendo dojo, as if meditating. Well, he WAS meditating, after a fashion. "Ranma, what are you doing?" asked Ranma's wife. "Oh, nothing," assured Ranma, standing up. "Just contemplating the visions Seiryu gave me just before she died, that's all." "The visions?" asked Akane. "You mean, the ones about the future?" Ranma nodded. "Yeah. There's so many of them! It's as if Seiryu gave me all her memories, and I've yet to sort them all out. Just now I've focused on one particular memory, hoping to piece together what happens in the future." "You want to talk about it?" asked Akane. Ranma shook his head. "I don't quite understand everything yet. All I can do now is try to focus on each memory, and piece together the whole story." He produced a palm-sized notepad from his pants pocket. "I think I'd better write it down before I forget." Akane nodded. "Well, you know where I'll be." Ranma resumed his seated position, watching his wife exit the dojo. He sighed. Seiryu was from forty years in the future, yet, she chose this time period, of all time periods, to drop in! She did say the time of judgment was drawing near... but how soon? Just what happened in forty years that destroyed everything? The day was dawning that Autumn Saturday. As there was no school that day, Ranma spent the entire morning contemplating the memory of Seiryu's he'd seen. It would only be the first, he knew, in a series of long and painful memories. The work would be worth it if I can figure out a way to avert whatever disaster befalls the future without killing myself, Ranma told himself grimly. He walked silently for several beats, letting his feet do the work, as Ranma's mind was preoccupied with his thoughts. Almost automatically, the young Saotome steered himself clear away from the Nekohanten; one of the last things he wanted to do was to chat with Shampoo. For that matter, Ranma didn't want to talk to anybody. He found himself in a quiet park, occupied only by the birds and the occasional passer-by. He sat at the fountain that stood sentinel in the center, gushing water from the head into the cool, clear pool below. Ranma gazed into the pool for a moment, as if studying his distorted reflection. He realized that his mind wouldn't be at ease until he'd finished sorting through Seiryu's memories. Taking a deep breath, Ranma turned away from the pool, and tried to relax, surrendering his consciousness to his mind. The young Saotome martial artist walked passed the first memory, going on to the next, as if he were in a museum, staring at the individual works of art as he passed them. This one, however, took place in the last place Ranma expected. Seiryu stood apart from the three men, dressed in her usual blue kimono. The three men appeared rather young, perhaps in their teens or early twenties, Ranma guessed. They waited by the rim of a pure pool, where a single bamboo reed jutted from the center. Jusenkyo. Seiryu glided over the surface of the pool, just above the calm water surface. "This is it, the cursed training grounds!" The first man asked, "So, which pools should we jump in?" Seiryu chuckled. "I never dreamed that ANYONE would want to curse themselves!" She pointed to the pool below her. "This is the Spring of Drowned Man. I'll take each of you to your own pools, but this is the one that makes the difference. Come." She beckoned the three men to follow. Seiryu had lead the trio to yet another pool. "This, my friends, is the pool of the red bird." One of the men stayed behind as Seiryu continued her tour. As she approached the next pool, the future Ukyo announced, "This is the pool of the snapping turtle." The second man stayed behind. "This," Seiryu said, pointing to a third pool, "is the Spring of Drowned Bengal." All three of Seiryu's followers stood by the rims of their respective pools, staring into the cool waters. "After you jump into the pool, you'll experience a transformation," explained Seiryu. "Once you get out of the pool, I want each of you to jump into the Spring of Drowned Man, understand?" The three men nodded. Without hesitating, all three jumped, feet first, into their respective pools. Ranma couldn't believe what he was seeing. Why would anyone want to throw themselves into the pools like that?! Of course, as soon as the three cursed men jumped into the Drowned Man Spring, Ranma gasped, recognizing the outcome of the combined curses. The first man, known as Byakko, emerged as a tiger-man, having the torso of a man, but the four legs of a normal Bengal tiger. The second man, known as Genbu, was a giant turtle, standing upright, possessing opposable thumbs on his forelegs. The bulk of the turtle's shell made him look fat, but that concealed Genbu's surprising speed. The third man, a large red bird with hands on his wings, was Suzaku. This one stood upright on two birdlike talons, his eyes possessing human intelligence. "You three have made your sacrifices," announced Seiryu. "Time may not appreciate what you three are about to accomplish on my behalf, but Heaven shall remember!" The young Saotome shook his head. As the others said, Seiryu's three minions were Jusenkyo-cursed. Had he not seen the transformations before his eyes, Ranma might not have believed it. It was the transformation that destroyed these three's anchors! They can't keep their clothes on themselves; that must be it! But, what about Seiryu's? Just what was it that drove three perfectly-fine young men to throw their lives away like that? Ranma wondered. Ranma snapped awake once more, still sitting at the edge of the park fountain. Well now, that didn't help all that much, Ranma decided. Maybe I need some help with this meditation thing. With one person in mind, the young Saotome stood up, and exited the park. "Ranma! It's been a while." "Yo, Doc," greeted Ranma. He stepped into Dr. Tofu's office. Ranma hadn't been to the chiropractor's office for quite some time now, since his injuries were either nothing to worry about, or too severe for Dr. Tofu to handle (in which case Ranma would end up in the hospital instead). Genma had a part-time job working with the chiropractor, although where the money went was anyone's guess. Dr. Tofu didn't look like he'd changed much. Ranma guessed he still had the hots for Kasumi, but he didn't want to find out by getting Kasumi to call or anything. Whenever Dr. Tofu even THOUGHT about Kasumi, his patients were in loads of trouble. Well, that was the old days, at least; lately the good Doctor hadn't done that kind of stuff. Then again, Ranma had no idea how much contact he'd had with Kasumi, either. "So, what can I do for you?" asked Dr. Tofu. "I think you can help me with something that's been bothering me for a while," Ranma began. Tofu nodded. "Mmmm... it's not a good idea to keep problems like that to yourself. What is it?" Ranma scratched his head, taking a seat at one empty chair. "Well, it's not a physical thing, really. It's more of a mental thing." Before the doctor could say anything, Ranma continued, "No, don't you go there. Actually, it's quite a story." "I'm listening," replied Tofu, taking a seat of his own. "Well, it all started with these strange dreams I've been having," Ranma began. "When did they start?" asked the chiropractor. "I don't know exactly," the young Saotome answered honestly. "The first one I remember was when the Amazons kidnapped me and took me to their village to marry Shampoo. It was really weird." "Tell me about it." "I was running; I don't know why. I got attacked, one after another, by Shampoo, Ukyo, Kodachi, Ryoga, Mousse, and Kuno. Of course, I woke up before it got any worse. The second dream was even stranger; I saw those six, plus Konatsu and Akane, trapped within crystal prisons. One after another, someone hidden in the shadows destroyed them all, claiming that without them, I die. Anyway, that dream kept popping up, until one day I managed to take control of my dream; I attacked the shadow person, and who I saw was Ukyo." "That's strange," noted Tofu. "Wasn't she one of the eight that was killed in the prisons?" "Yeah, she was," confirmed Ranma. "But, this wasn't the same Ukyo. This Ukyo was much older, and she had a scar over her left eye. I later found out this was the future Ukyo, who called herself Seiryu." "A visitor from the future?" "Yeah, well, she came back in time to kill me, because I caused some disaster in the future. When I defeated her, she gave me her memories, just before time threw her back into the future, into nonexistence, she said, something about no longer existing there. It was these memories Seiryu gave me that I'm here to see you about." "Go on," Tofu said, taking a sip of coffee he left on his desk. "Anyway, this morning, I tried meditation," Ranma explained. "I managed to focus on one particular memory, and it replayed for me, like a video, in my mind." He shrugged. "I'm no good at this meditation/relaxation thing, and I think you're the only one that can help me now." The chiropractor nodded thoughtfully. "Well, I have studied relaxation techniques for my work. I've done it myself quite a few times." He chuckled. "Especially over Kasumi." Ranma was about ready to throw himself from the chair, as he expected Tofu to run to Betty-chan's side and dance with the skeleton dummy. But, unexpectedly, Tofu remained calm. "Hey, I guess that relaxation stuff really does work!" Ranma exclaimed. "I've been practicing for the past few months," explained Tofu. "Now all I've got to do is work up the courage to tell Kasumi my deepest feelings...." He sighed dreamily. "Umm, Doc?" Ranma said, waving a hand in front of Tofu's eyes. "Remember MY problem?" Tofu shook his head. "Oh, yeah! Right. Sorry about that." "Anyway, if I'm going to sort out all these memories," explained Ranma, "you're going to have to help me. I don't think I can make it to the deeper, more disturbing memories, without help." The chiropractor rubbed his palms together. "O-kay...." He stood from his seat, only to sit on the floor, cross-legged. He beckoned the young Saotome to do the same. Ranma sat in turn. "Now, close your eyes, and take a deep breath," began Tofu. Ranma did as he was told. This part's easy.... "I want you to relax, to listen to the sound of my voice," continued Dr. Tofu, in a soothing voice. "Let the world go. Let all your stray thoughts wander. Don't try to control them, let them flow, like a river." He tried to do as the chiropractor told him. "Let your mind be clear of all other thoughts. Concentrate on the day Seiryu gifted you with her memories. Concentrate... find it! Now, pick one memory, any memory, and follow it...." The only illumination offered by the crypt was the light from the slit-like windows. Cold stone slabs partitioned the dark room into several rows, each the final resting place of the deceased. Ranma knew this place; this was the place where Akane was laid to rest. It was one of the brief flashes of memories he saw when Seiryu was transmitting her memories to him. This was the memory he'd been dreading to see most. He approached Seiryu silently. The future Ukyo appeared a bit younger than in the other memories as she stood by the slab that Akane rested on; perhaps this memory takes place much earlier. Yet, she still possessed the facial scar. Who knows when? "Akane, my friend," Seiryu began, "we were too late." She choked on a sob. "I was too late...." She grasped the free hand of her dead friend. "I should've been there by your side, but I wasn't. I should've let Kodachi handle the mission by herself, but I knew the mission was too important for me to stay behind. I guess you should be happy to hear that the time machine device has been taken." Seiryu wiped away a tear. "The machine may be only a prototype, but our physicists think they can finish the government's work. I'm just glad we got there before Nemesis could destroy it. It's our only hope to defeat him, and for the future." She sighed. "It might take years before we can get the machine working properly; I'm told that it might take at least a decade more of research and testing before we should use it." A decade before.... Ranma thought. It took ten years to get the time machine to work properly? The government (which government?) was researching time travel? Who's this Nemesis person, and what happened to Akane that Ukyo would blame herself for her death? "If I'd only been there... I could've healed you...." continued the future Ukyo. She stared at her hands, which seemed to glow a faint blue. "Damn it, I was too late!" Seiryu sank to her knees, and rested her chin on the slab, next to Akane's ear. She whispered, "I promised Ranchan that I would look after you... and I've failed. I shouldn't have gone. The only thing I can do now is finish what we've started...." Come on, Ukyo, Ranma called silently, even though he knew she couldn't hear him. Tell me what happened to Akane! "Rest peacefully," finished Seiryu. She stood up, wiping away her tears, and raised a clenched fist in determination. "Nemesis, you've dared to take away everything I've held dear: my friends, my family, everything! From now on, you're on borrowed time....." Ranma snapped awake once more, sweating heavily. "Ranma?" called Dr. Tofu. The young Saotome looked around. He was still in Dr. Tofu's office, sitting cross-legged on the floor. Dr. Tofu sat at his desk, apparently writing down some notes. "That was DEEP," proclaimed Ranma, shaking his head. Tofu offered Ranma a cup of water. "Here, take this." Ranma accepted the cup graciously, and drowned it down. "I think I learned something I didn't want to know. And some more questions than answers." "Would it help to talk about it?" asked Tofu. Ranma shrugged. "I don't know.... From what I can tell, all the problems are caused by this person named Nemesis. He killed Akane." "Oh," Tofu said, now at a loss for words. Pausing to think for a few moments, he asked, "Well, do you feel like doing it again? I mean, the experiences might...." "Naw, I can handle it, Doc," assured Ranma. He took another deep breath, and closed his eyes. He was back in the room that contained the time machine. Rocks, chunks of the ceiling, pelted the ground as the room shook. Kodachi was at the time machine controls, her lab coat covered in dirt, even blood (hers, or another?), her hair a mess. She looked like she'd just waded through a fight. And how right that conclusion was, as Ukyo and her three minions entered the chamber, slamming the door behind them quickly. Each one of the four wore time/space anchors on their left arms, as if it were a badge of honor. None of the three men looked like they were ready for what they were about to do. "Is it ready yet?!" Seiryu yelled at Kodachi. "It'd better be!" cried back Kodachi, frantically flipping switches on the device she obviously had no idea how to operate. "Look, I don't care if we get there at the precise time," Seiryu shouted, "but you'd better make sure we get there BEFORE the time of judgment!" "Hurry!" warned Genbu. "Nemesis's forces are breaking through the outer defenses!" Suzaku grabbed Kodachi's sleeve. "We either go now, or never!" Kodachi nodded frantically, powering-up the time travel machine. She gestured to the inner chamber. "In you go!" One after another, Ukyo's three minions entered, and, one after another, each disappeared in a bright flash of light. Seiryu spared one final glance at Kodachi. "Make sure Nemesis cannot follow!" With those words, Seiryu jumped into the machine. The last Ranma saw of Kodachi, she was activating a sort of timer strapped to her body, hidden under her lab coat.... Kodachi.... Oh, shit! No!! Ranma had expected the memory to end there, but it continued nonetheless. His senses were bombarded by a kaleidoscope of colors, tumbling in a spiral pattern, all around him. He traveled just behind Seiryu, becoming disoriented with the temporal travel. And, without fanfare, the time tunnel ended, dumping Seiryu to the empty alley below. She landed on her side, something below her breaking her fall significantly. Seiryu leaned against a nearby wall, brushing herself off. Suddenly, she realized what broke her fall. She peered at the time anchor that rest on her left arm, the arm she landed on.... Ranma found himself, flat on his back, staring at the ceiling of the chiropractor's office. Dr. Tofu's face got in the way, a look of concern betraying his features. "Ranma... I think you should rest," suggested Tofu. Ranma shook his head. Everything, the world, seemed to stop spinning. "I don't think I want to try that soon." Not to mention I didn't learn anything new. Tofu helped his patient to his feet. "How do you feel?" "Like I got trapped in a spin-dry," replied Ranma. "Well, why don't you come back tomorrow?" suggested Tofu. "I don't think any further delving into those memories would be good for you right now." "You've got no argument from me," agreed Ranma. The next morning Akane found herself standing alone by the front door, watching her husband leave the Tendo gates. Sighing, she made her way to the kitchen, where Kasumi was washing the dishes from breakfast. "Kasumi," began Akane, "can I talk to you?" "Why, of course!" answered Akane's older sister. She continued to wash. "What would you like to talk about?" "Well, I think there's something wrong with Ranma," Akane decided. "Ever since he met Seiryu he's been preoccupied with some disaster that's going to happen in the near future, and he thinks it's his fault." "And what is he doing about it?" asked Kasumi. "He's gone off to see Dr. Tofu...." Akane started, but Kasumi cut her off. "Oh! I haven't heard from Dr. Tofu in quite some time," interrupted Kasumi. "Oh, I'm sorry, Akane! Please continue." "Anyway, he's trying to meditate to figure out the story behind Seiryu's memories, memories of the future she gave him. The problem is, Ranma won't let me help him. For that matter, he won't even talk to me about it!" "I'm sure Ranma has a good reason," assured Kasumi. "It must be difficult for him to carry such a burden, isn't it? Perhaps he does not wish to burden you with the same." "I never thought of it that way," admitted the younger sister. "Ranma's a lot more considerate than most people believe," added Kasumi. "He tries too hard to protect others that he often hurts them instead." She sighed. "I suppose that's his lot in life." "Sometimes, however, protection isn't something one needs," Akane pointed out. "It's a lot more dangerous to not know than to know, isn't it?" "Perhaps," Kasumi replied thoughtfully. "But remember, Akane, sometimes knowing isn't in one's best interests." "Ranma, can you do me a favor?" asked Dr. Tofu. Ranma Saotome sat cross-legged once more in the middle of Dr. Tofu's office, about ready to submerge his consciousness to find more of Seiryu's memories. At least, until Tofu interrupted him. "What?" "Do you think it would be possible for you to help set me up on a date with Kasumi?" Ranma shrugged. "I don't know. Wouldn't it be better if you went down there this afternoon and asked?" Tofu shook his head. "No! I'll make a complete fool out of myself! And, in front of Kasumi! How can I?" "You're the one with the relaxation techniques," Ranma pointed out, "so why don't you put them to good use?" "I don't think I can do it!" admitted Tofu, shaking. "Hey, I've been in love with Akane for far less time than you've been with Kasumi," Ranma said, "so why prolong your distant relationship like this? You have to make the first move!" Resolve seemed to settle in Tofu's eyes. "That's it! I'll march over there right now and ask...!" When the door to Tofu's office slammed shut, leaving Ranma alone with the skeleton, Betty-chan, he smiled, then set about to continue his journey. Unlike Seiryu's other memories, this one was shrouded in complete blackness. Ranma stood alone, unable to see his own hands before him; such was the power of the darkness. There was nothing there, nothing at all. Just... black. "Hello?" Ranma cried out, his voice echoing in the darkness. Echoes. That means there IS an end to this place! "Hello, Ranma," someone called back. Ukyo Kuonji materialized in front of Ranma, bathed by the glow of a single white light, hanging from above. Draped over her shoulders loosly hung a long mantle of deep sea blue, the sleeves dangling at the sides freely. Underneath, she dressed in traditional Shinto robes, her shirt tinged a slight pink, her loose navy pants seemingly a size too large, as they hid her feet from view. Her hair was tied up in a pony-tail, letting it hang loosely down her back. Unlike the other images in her memories, this Ukyo lacked the eye scar. The only other indication that this was not Ranma's Ukyo were the light wrinkles marring her hands; her face was as youthful as always. Slung over her shoulder, on her back, where a bandoleer and giant spatula would usually be, was a strap holding a long, bamboo-poled trident, its tri-pronged head apparently crafted of stainless steel, Ranma guessed. It was this very same trident that Seiryu had used in her previous battle against the Nerima group. He didn't know how he knew, but Ranma realized there was an artful pattern barely visible in each of the trident's pronged heads: the smaller side heads were decorated with a tiger and a phoenix on each, while the central head was decorated with a serpentine dragon, coiled in what appeared to be a delta shape-- quite odd, as the coil appeared very unnatural. "You've finally come," the woman said. "Ukyo!" exclaimed Ranma in surprise. "W...what is this?!" Ukyo spread her arms wide. "All of this, Ranma, is a stored memory, programmed long ago by myself, just in case I did end up sharing memories with you. It was my contingency plan, after all, so I thought I'd help you along by creating this programmed memory." "Good old Ucchan," Ranma praised. "This truly isn't random memories after all." "Correct," Ukyo replied. "Up to the point I arrived at your time period, I'd been updating this program. Since then I felt I could do better by killing you entirely, so I left it alone. I've selected only certain memories to be available to you, and in a proper sequence. Not in chronological order, I'm afraid, because I think it better I build up the event which would truly shock you. I know it shocked me, and it still does; developing an eidetic memory sucks that way." "I understand," Ranma said, stepping closer to the light. "Do you?" questioned the okonomiyaki chef. What kind of a question is that? Ranma wondered. "Do you understand what I've seen, what you've seen, what I've let you see?" pressed Ukyo. "Do you understand how it feels to recall all those events, traumatizing as they were, or not, to the precise, exacting detail, and live with it for the rest of your life? Do you understand how it feels to make a mistake, remember it, and live with it for the rest of your life, because it's a terrible mistake and you can't help but remember it? Do you understand what it feels like to have all your friends and family die around you, with you yourself being the only one left alive, and carrying the guilt with you for the rest of your life, because you're in part responsible for their deaths?" "Well, I guess not, if you put it that way," answered Ranma, scratching his head. Geez, aren't you angry. You're obviously not the same old Ukyo I know; then again, forty-plus years of torment must do something to people. Still, it's good to see that even some of the old Ukyo is still there. She's just bitter. "You must do me another favor," Ukyo added, closing her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "What's that?" asked Ranma. "You must promise to listen," replied his old friend. "If you don't promise me this, then all that I've done and will do will have or will be in vain." "Why would you ask me that? Of course I'll listen!" "No, you don't understand! You don't listen. You never listen." Geez, not only are you bitter, but you're cryptic as well. Actually, rather creepy, since my Ukyo's becoming quite cryptic in her speech as well.... Without warning, both Ranma and Ukyo found themselves away from the darkness, into another memory-- if one could see it in the blackness, one would say that the scene of blackness dissolved into that of the one forming now. But the effect appeared only as a materialization from nothing to something to Ranma's mind's eye. "What I won't let you do," continued Ukyo, seemingly ready to lash- out at Ranma, "is compound on my mistakes!" What Ranma saw shocked him; he stood in the same park he sat in the day before, only now everything was in ruin. Fires burnt the trees and other plants to ashes, the fountain was cracked down the middle, and without water. A red haze hung in the overcast sky, illuminated by the fires beyond the park in the horizon. Taking a deep breath, Ukyo explained, "The battle where some of the world's greatest warriors lost their lives. Nemesis was too powerful." Carefully, she wiped her face of the tear that rolled down her right cheek. "Are you okay?" asked Ranma. Nodding slowly, she answered, "Yeah. Let's continue." Arrayed at one end of the park were the gathered few who dared to defy Nemesis's power. Tatewaki Kuno stood, feet spread, his family katana gripped in both hands. Next to him stood Shampoo, carrying her pair of bonbori, as usual, then Mousse, fanning-out throwing darts like feathers of a bird. Ukyo was next, armed with nothing but her chi powers. Konatsu held his sword high. Pantyhose Taro, dressed in his usual attire, stood ready in a fighting stance. Ryu Kumon, dressed in military-style clothes, did likewise. Even old Cologne and Happosai were amongst the arrayed champions, as well as Herb, the leader of the Musk Dynasty, and Kiima, the Captain of the Guard of the bird-like Phoenix Mountain people, surprisingly enough. There were other faces Ranma knew and didn't know, but a quick scan revealed that Kodachi and Akane were nowhere to be seen. One thing's for sure, those two survived a lot longer than most of these guys, Ranma thought. "Where's Ryoga?" he asked suddenly, realizing that the Eternally Lost Boy was not among the others. Ukyo shook her head sadly. "After Akari died, he snapped," she explained. "He challenged Nemesis alone, and tried to destroy him with all his power, but he ended up burning himself out. Nemesis didn't even have to lift a finger to kill him." "Bastard," cursed Ranma. "The fiery red sky was blotted-out by an even greater light-- the energy of sadness, of lost hope, of the will to die... to say the least, Ryoga went up in a terrifying blaze of glory. If it weren't for his sacrifice, I don't think the others would have banded together. He made us realize how much we needed to work together, for even if we were strong individually, it meant nothing to the one who was yet stronger. Uniting as One, the many became stronger than the few." Ryoga did this? Ranma wondered, looking back at the crowd of gathered warriors. Still, being a martyr isn't exactly a long-term career gig, either. "But, we were too little too late, as the battle proved," she finished, pointing away from the gathered warriors. Ranma's eyes followed Ukyo's arm, slowly turning away from sometime friends and allies, and enemies. Clear at the other end of the park stood a single, lone figure, the height of a man, his features concealed beneath layers of dark brown robes. A clawed hand, as if from a demon, was all that was exposed of the man, each claw as sharp as Kuno's katana. "That," Ukyo said, pointing to the robed man, "is Nemesis." "I don't believe it," Ranma said, "all of the guys lost to one man?!" "Nemesis is no mere man," Ukyo told her old friend. "We were all but wiped out that day, the day where we stood our best chance to destroy his evil power. Nemesis grew in strength daily; by some estimations, compounded continuously, but Kodachi later figured out his power grew exponentially with time. In effect, the sooner we defeated Nemesis, the better. But, as I said, we were too late for that." "Where am I?" wondered the young Saotome. I could've turned this battle around! Ukyo's features became grim. "You're dead." "Shit," was the only word that left Ranma's lips. So why is it that they remember Ryoga and not me? Both watched as Kuno raised his katana high into the air, shouting, "Nemesis! Your foul deeds will not go unpunished! If it is the will of Heaven that we emerge triumphant this day, so be it! If we are to die, then so be it!" Nemesis chuckled. His voice sounded as if it came from the depths of the Abyss itself, a hard, low tone. "I am amused. The world's greatest warriors, gathered here in Japan, today! To challenge the power of Nemesis, the greatest of all beings to exist, and master of the world?! Humanity in its present state is too dangerous to exist. You dare to stand in the way of Nemesis, harbinger of a new age, cleanser of humanity, in the name of the future and those yet to come?" He spread his arms wide, revealing both his clawed hands, allowing lightning to crackle from his demonic fingertips. "I wield the greatest power of chi that man have ever seen, enough to rival the dragons themselves. Maybe surpass them, if those cowards would show themselves! I am greater than man, greater than kami, greater than God! Humanity's very existance fuels my power!" "The dark powers you possess have corrupted you!" Cologne shouted. "Your grand destiny for the world is not worth the setback of mankind back to the stone ages." "Mankind is dangerous," Nemesis countered. "They dare to destroy one another and the world around them; I have saved the world by taking their power! If mankind cannot learn to coexist with one another, and with nature, then what future would be worth living? If the weak are allowed to live along with the strong, the world will be doomed. Mankind must be kept in check for its own good." "Mankind needs not a shepherd!" cried Taro. "Your self-delusions have blinded you to the point of insanity!" "Nothing is created from death...." added Kuno, allowing his voice to trail off. "It is an end, not the means to an end." "Enough!" shouted Nemesis. "Let us end this, once and for all!" Abruptly, the scenery dissolved back into the blackness. Ranma stared at Ukyo, who turned her back to her old friend, as if trying to hide. He placed a sympathetic hand on her left shoulder. "That was a bit much for you, wasn't it." The okonomiyaki chef cursed under her breath, trying her best to suppress the tears streaming from her eyes. "I don't know if this'll be more painful to me or for you." "Hey, it can't be as bad as that," assured Ranma. Ukyo eyes lifted, then turned to fix them on Ranma. "You haven't lived through it." "Look, I don't pretend to understand what you're feeling, but isn't this what the others were waiting for-- to fight the good fight, as martial artists love to do? I'm quite impressed that all of them worked together." "Yeah, I suppose so. It was no small feat that got them all together, you know." "So, what happened? The battle, I mean." Ukyo nodded solemly. "Fine. In the end, the harbinger of a new age destroyed us, opposition to his power. Other warriors would come to challenge him, but they would fail, as we did. Nemesis became too powerful after absorbing the vast potential energy born within the deaths of millions of humans, as well as nuclear power. He believed he was going to save mankind, and the world, but the corruption of power twisted him to evil, to insanity. Not even the kami could stop him; all they could do was to protect what pocket of humans they could. All the kami together could destroy Nemesis, but centuries of bitter rivalry prevented them from acting. Had we the means, we could have united with the nature spirits, but they would not listen to our pleas." "In fact," continued the memory, "the power of kami in general had declined greatly since the dawn of mankind. Two-thousand years ago no one would dare to even sneeze in the presence of a kami, but today, with mankind growing to stand on its own feet, without the help or need of the nature spirits, the power of the kami waned to the point of nothingness. Today, very few kami possess actual raw power; among them, are the ancient dragons, a handful of kami, and the surviving Elders, one of them being Yamata no Orochi." "Orochi?" repeated the young Saotome. Ukyo nodded. "In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the Orochi is the most powerful, and most active, among the old kami; he was powerful since the day of his emergence. That is why Susano-O could not kill him outright; the great serpent was much too powerful to simply die. The next best thing was to prevent him from leaving the Kami Plane. In any case, the Orochi's dream of destruction paled in comparison to what Nemesis did." The okonomiyaki chef sighed. "Just before they died, many people begged for their gods to save them, whatever the name, shape, or form. Unfortunately for them, they found out just how powerful their savior was-- nothing." She chuckled softly to herself. "The fools, placing all their hopes and fates in one basket...." "Who survived the battle?" interrupted Ranma, changing the subject. He had no intention to listen to the future Ukyo's pointless ranting. "I did, for one," answered Ukyo, breaking out of her trance-like rant. "The price, however, was high. Konatsu died in my place, but that was not the only demanded price." With one finger, the okonomiyaki chef traced a line from her forehead, down over her left eye, and further down her cheek. "It would serve as a reminder of what happened that day." "The day I lost my eye was the day I opened my eyes," explained the suddenly tired-eyed woman. "Everything started to make sense: my miserable life, my past, why everything turned out the way they did! Everything that went wrong happened because of terrible mistakes; mistakes I saw and set out to correct, which lead me to meet you here this day." "Who else?" pressed Ranma. Ukyo bowed her head low. "The only other survivor was Kuno, but he was mortally-wounded, beyond recovery." I don't care about that; I just want you to tell me about Akane! Ranma shouted wordlessly in his head, hiding the thought from Ukyo. Right now, the way the conversation was going, Ukyo wasn't ever going to mention Ranma's wife. "Even I couldn't save him," continued the okonomiyaki chef. "He was to die a happy man, having been a part of his finest battle ever. Kodachi wept for her husband's death, but her brother caused her to break down completely. She wouldn't come out of the supply room for days." Ukyo sighed. "I granted Kuno his dying wish; though he would never experience being a father, I would become a mother." "You?!" Ranma exclaimed in surprise. "You... and him...." "Shiji would grow up and die defending Akane from Nemesis," Ukyo continued. "He looked after Akane when I failed myself. He was so young yet, too, and so brave, like his father...." She took a deep breath. "I miss Shiji so much. Damn mistakes, something you just keep making." Ranma nodded in understanding. "Did... Akane...?" Ukyo shook her head. "You died on the day of judgment, so there was no time. Even if you did marry her, I was kinda hoping you two would raise a family-- it was something the rest of us were quite interested in seeing. But judgment changed all that." "The day of judgment...." Ranma echoed. "Please, you have to tell me about it!" "In good time, Ranma," Ukyo assured her old friend. "But first, there's something else I must show you." The scene of the ruined park shifted once again, this time to yet another one of Seiryu's memories. Ranma found himself, along with his guide, Ukyo, in what appeared to be the Tokyo Tower. Ranma looked over the side of the rail, staring at the streets below, as he would any other time he climbed up the tower. He turned back to Ukyo in confusion. "When's this?" Ukyo lowered her head sadly. "The day the world would be cleansed of weak humans." Suddenly, the landscape was bathed in a hellish, red glow. Ranma could hear the immediate screams of the people below in the city, crying out in unison. a "What's happening?!" asked Ranma, frantically. "It is the light of judgment," explained Ukyo. "Nemesis created this from space, pouring his energies into a fine beam that would annihilate all 'weak' humans. Those without extraordinary ability were to die that day, which consisted of a good deal of the six billion people of the world. Almost two-thirds, in fact." "My...." Ranma muttered, unable to complete his curse. "Only the greatest, among them, martial artists and geniuses, would be allowed to live," continued Ukyo. "This is how arrogant Nemesis was in his quest to 'protect' humanity. He absorbed their death energies-- the energy released upon the death of an individual living being-- into himself. All of this was made possible by a dark deal he made, long ago." "Don't you mean it has yet to happen?" corrected Ranma. "My mistake," Ukyo replied. One of many, she added quietly. "But the time the world will be judged is drawing nearer, and the fate of the future is in your hands." "Wait a minute!" Ranma cried. "Why is the decision of the future all decided with me?! Me, of all people!" "That is the way the future unfolded." "But, couldn't you just tell me what the question was, so I would know not to answer wrongly?" "How could I do that, if I were not there when the question was asked? Even then, it could have been a particular course of action instead of answering a question; I don't know." "Then what does my decision have to do with Nemesis? Tell me!" Ukyo sighed. "Very well, I will take you to see the birth of... Nemesis...." The scene shifted once more, back into the realm of total darkness. Ranma looked around in surprise. "Why here?!" "I was not there when you made your decision," explained Ukyo, her voice betraying the sense of fear for the first time since the memory began. "I was only aware of the results-- I got to meet him face-to-face the time before he slashed out my eye. I only wish that I hadn't." A hellish light beamed down from above, illuminating the familiar, brown-robed figure Ranma recognized as Nemesis. He appeared the same as before, save for one thing: his hands lacked the demonic claws. "Nemesis is an ordinary man?!" Ranma exclaimed. "He's not a demon spirit?" "Yes and no," Ukyo replied cryptically, lowering her head. "Look into the folds of his robes, and tell me who you see." Ranma nodded. He left Ukyo's side, sprinting to Nemesis's position. He grabbed his enemy by the shoulders, but Nemesis made no move to escape or struggle. "I hope I'm not making a terrible mistake," muttered Ukyo, but Ranma seemed to ignore her, focusing all of his attentions on the dark form of Nemesis. "You!" Ranma accused. "You're the one who's going to ruin the future of the Earth! You're the one who killed Akane, my friends, even those I never considered my friends! You did this, all because I made one lousy decision. So who are you, and what did I do to deserve this?!" Nemesis failed to respond. "You even had the nerve to kill me!" Ranma cried. "And you have nothing to say?!" The young Saotome, in his fury and anger, grabbed the sides of Nemesis's hood, and threw it back. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Ranma screamed at the top of his lungs. Sweating, Ranma panted, as if he were out of breath. He was still in Dr. Tofu's office, and only a few minutes had passed. Gathering himself to his feet, Ranma found a glass of water, and drank it. He felt the cool liquid spill down his parched throat. For the first time, the young Saotome realized he was dehydrated. He took several more cups, helping himself to the dispenser next to Tofu's desk. Ranma pondered on his next move, what he was going to do! Without thinking, Ranma threw on his shoes, and jetted out of the chiropractor's office. He ran. Akane caught a glimpse of Ranma charging up the stairs. Back so soon? Well, no wonder, if Dr. Tofu had left his office; right now he was in the living room, having a chat with Kasumi. For the first time Akane saw Tofu behaving like a rational man in front of her older sister! She marched up the stairs to follow her husband, wanting to know what he was up to. Akane turned the corner to find that the door to their room was closed. Quietly, Akane made her way to the door, and knocked gently. "Ranma, are you okay?" Akane asked, concerned for her husband. "Leave me alone!" he cried back. Akane slid the door open. "It's my room too, you know!" Ranma was sitting cross-legged, back to the door, bent over, writing something on a piece of paper. Sweating hard, he looked over his shoulder and shouted, "You've got to stay away from me, for your own good!" "Ranma, that doesn't make sense," Akane said, sitting down next to her excited husband. "What happened?" Tears seemed to spill from the Saotome's eyes. He fought to keep control over himself. "Everything that went wrong in the future, everyone dying, is truly MY fault!" "Don't beat yourself up like that," Akane said sympathetically, patting her husband's back. "Now, explain to me everything." "Dammit, Akane, I found out the whole story from Seiryu's memories!" Ranma explained. "She was right in that I had to die, I must die, if the future is to be saved from Nemesis!" "Nemesis?! Who's Nemesis?" "The one who'll annihilate civilization, two-thirds of the world population, kill you and my friends, everybody!" Ranma cried out, losing himself to his emotions. "I got a good look at the face of my enemy, and... and...." "Who is he?" persisted Akane. Ranma threw everything into one great burst: "I'M NEMESIS!" * * * * * Closing: Let's be Platonic (with Kodachi) (Kodachi) Nobody else at the seashore, together with you, we reveled at the time but we settled down. Your reticent eyes somehow scare me. The sky, the sea, and the waves all recede in the distance. Ah, even at the touch of your little finger, my thoughts race! Till love grows, wait a little while. Softly brushing away a grain of sand on your lip, I see myself in your eyes. [Ahahahahahahahaha!!!] [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! [Ahahahahaahaaa!!] [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you. [Oooohoohooohooooo!!] Suddenly rain falls, and in a hurry, we run for the car on the road. Ah, when you roughly pull me by the arm, it feels like it's broken. Be gentle. What my heart must decide, the answer may be known only by the endless waves? [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's still be Platonic for now. [O-hohohohohoho!!] [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- as painful as that may be. [hehehehehehehe!] To tell the truth, when we almost kiss, I've felt like saying you're allowed. [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! [Whaaahaaaahhaaaaa....] [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you. [Ooohooohooohoooooo!!!] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Seiryu's visions have come to play in Ranma's life, as a warning, or as a threat? Either way, Ranma's life has become even more complicated. But, what is the decision that Ranma made that changed the course of his life, and the lives of everyone on the planet? Truthfully, this story would've been hard to write unless I had Ukyo in it somehow. She seems to make me write more and better ^^;;; I knew I had to include Dr. Tofu in the story sometime. I won't bother to explain why he disappeared in the manga, only that he never does his stupid things during the time he's gone. There's no reason to believe that any characters' disappearance means they're on a trip or anything. Since the manga covers extraordinary events, I assume Tofu just wasn't a part of them. Why did I have to put in Tofu? Because he's going to have a part in the next story, too. Razorclaw X http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html _______________________________________________________ [Ranma 1/2] Uta Koyomi image song (1990) [10 Gatsu] Yooi * Don! {[October] Ready * Go!} Singer: Shampoo * Ukyou * Kodachi * Akane Lyricist: Ranma-teki Kagekidan Bungeibu Composer/Arranger: Kawai Kenji (SHANPUU) kakekko dare ni mo makenai ne jitensha orite mo WOO AI NII kattara DEETO suru yoroshi (Shampoo) In a foot race, who also won't lose, right? Even if I get off my bicycle, I love you. When I win, it'll be good to have a date (Ukyou) IKA tama yaiteru toki yanai ubai kaeshitaru iinazuke shoubu ya! tekagen wa sendo (Ukyou) I can't do it when baking a cuttlefish gem, my fiance that was taken away. The match! I will go easy in this battle. (Kodachi) sumiwataru aki no sora juubako no obentou tabesasete sashiagemasu wa oho! Ranma-sama (Kodachi) the perfectly clear autumn sky, a nest of boxed lunches I will make you eat them. Oh! Ranma (SHANPUU) miteiru yoroshi ne hiibaa-chan demae de kiete kono waza GOORU ni tsuku watashi dake ne (Shampoo) It's good seeing you, isn't it? great-grandmother, the strongest in this art of catering Only I will arrive at the goal, right? (Ukyou) shoubu no aima mo shoubai ya okonomiyaki nara "Ucchan" TAKO yaki yaki soba mo aru de (Ukyou) Also during the match, if it's business and okonomiyaki, then it's "Ucchan" with baked octopus and also fried soba. (Kodachi) kaze nabiku bankokki Kunou ie no ADO * BARUUN dakiage nobotte kudasai hyoushoudai made (Kodachi) the flags of the nations fluttering in the wind, Kunou's house of ad balloons Please climb up to give me a hug at the commendation stand. (Akane) ukete yarou ja nai YAKIMOCHI ja nai kedo watashi no PURAIDO yurusanai no yo! (Akane) You're not becoming a popular rascal. It's not jealousy, but my pride. I didn't approve of it! (All) Ranma o megutte hi to moeru ana osorosiya musume yon-nin (All) We will show mercy to Ranma and burn him with fire, terrible daughters, the four of us. (SHANPUU) watashi mo naritai iinazuke nigete iru bakari zurui ne yasashiku dakishimeru yoroshi (Shampoo) I also want to become your fiance. Always running away cunningly, huh? It's good to hug you closely, gently. (Ukyou) suki to kimetara inochi ga keya okonomiyaki ni kaita LABURETAA o suguni todoketaru (Ukyou) If I decided with love, my life ??? The love letter I wrote on okonomiyaki, I will deliver it immediately. (Kodachi) aka kate shiro makeru na GOORU ni mau kuro bara mina-sama gokurousama desu watakushi yushou! (Kodachi) Red wins and white loses, the Black Rose that dances near the goal Everyone, I appreciate your efforts, [but] I have the overall victory!! (Akane) yatte yarou ja nai masabetsu-kakutou-ryuu kounarya iji da wa kanban kakeru (Akane) You're not a scoundrel, Anything Goes Martial Arts It's ??? willpower, the sign, I'll bet that's it. (All) Ranma o megutte hi to moeru aa tatakai wa hateru tomonaku aa shiawase na Saotome Ranma (All) We will show mercy to Ranma and burn him with fire. Ah, the fight has become exhausting. Ah, happiness, Saotome Ranma Translated by Ray Huang Revised January 4, 1995 ______________________________________