#12: Rising Star The Wheel of Fire, Part 5: Full Circle Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story, Vol.38, after my previous fics, "Moments of Transition," "Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins," "End of the Beginning," "Descending Spiral," "Specters," "The Law of Amazons," "Doco in the Battle of the Bands," "Doco in Hawaii," "The Past is Prologue," "Treasure of the Musk Dynasty," "Enter the Shadows," and "Face of the Enemy." Knowledge of the previous stories helps in understanding the minor details of the story (see "Plot Points"). This story takes place at the start of winter, during the Christmas season. Yes, it IS a Christmas story, but only in the loosest sense. Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Ryoga and Akari are married. 2. Doco (Ranma, the Tendo sisters, the Kunos, Shampoo, Mousse, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, Ryoga, Akari, Ukyo, and Konatsu) goes semi-professional. 3. Nodoka insisted that Ukyo join her family to remove her past dishonor. While Ukyo accepted, she opted to retain her name for duty to her family. 4. Mousse has reached an understanding with both Shampoo and Cologne. After being kicked out of the tribe for a while, he's gain new insight and wisdom, but he still blindly-follows Shampoo. 5. Kodachi and Tatewaki reached an understanding. Both hate their parents and Ranma. They know Ranma is the pig-tailed girl. Family honor has been restored since Ranma recently saved Kuno's life. 6. Kodachi, Ukyo, Akane, and Shampoo have reached an understanding. They treat each other like old friends, as there's no reason to fight anymore. 7. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, and Shampoo's father work at the Nekohanten. 8. Kodachi and Pantyhose Taro admit an affection for each other. Part of Kodachi's reason is so she can win her bet against Asuka the White Lily, but Taro is actually flattered about it. 9. Ukyo discovers she can manipulate chi, but as of yet it manifests only in her okonomiyaki. With proper training she could become more powerful than Ranma, according to the minions of Orochi. She briefly studied under Herb. 10. Kuno has devoted himself to mastering every technique of the Chinese Phoenix Sword. With what he knows now he becomes a match for Ranma. The Phoenix Sword consumes the power of one's soul. 11. Mousse is learning to fight without his sight, relying on his hearing. 12. Ukyo is training in unarmed combat under Ranma. 13. Taro has returned to Nerima, having completed his quest. He now stays at the Kuno estate with the Kunos. 14. Seiryu, the future self of Ukyo, warns the Nerimans that Ranma must die in order to save the future. It was she who was behind the dreams of Kuno and Ranma. The nature of Ranma's problem is unclear. Now that Ranma's deciphered the story from Seiryu's memories, he's become very unsure of himself lately, questioning his judgment, as he is the one who ruins the future. Only Akane knows about this. ------------------------------------------------ Opening: A Pure and Honest Christmas (Doco) [Setting: Tendo property, heavy snow. Kasumi walks home from market] (All) The eve that you spend with children that believe in Santa Without noticing the love of father and mother also Presents that are delightful (Kasumi) Asked friends over there is father's prank (Ranma) Dreams vanish once you become an adult (All) A sighful Christmas (Akane) Hey, tonight, what kind of lovely dream (Shampoo) Will a rosy future be invited? (R * N * K) Like snow (A * S) docile (R * N * K) Nothing impure (A * S) I (R * N * K) Want to become seen (All) before you (Nabiki) Doubtful things (A * S) I don't know (Nabiki) Childish days (A * S) of mine (Nabiki) Like turning back (All) because of this person (All) I believe you (Shampoo) Visited your house while pushing a bicycle (Akane) Father's and mother's secret eve night (A * S) Has started (Ranma) A hand knitted muffler was taken out from a bag (Nabiki) In the room, wrapped around the neck A return gift of a smiling face (R * N * K) Because of gentleness (A * S) I love you (R * N * K) Always near you (A * S) it hurts to be (Kasumi) I want to become the pajamas that you wear (R * N * K) The outside window (A * S) flour snow (R * N * K) Standing, arm across each other (A * S) if you see (R * N * K) Things of mine (All) surely you can think of (All) That would make me happy [All: "Merry Christmas!"] (R * N * K) Like snow (A * S) docile [(Mousse * Kuno * Ryoga) The eve that you spend with] (R * N * K) Nothing impure (A * S) I [(Mousse * Kuno * Ryoga) Children that believe in Santa] (R * N * K) Want to become seen (All) before you [(Mousse * Kuno * Ryoga) Without noticing the love of father and mother also Presents that are delightful] (R * N * K) Doubtful things (A * S) I don't know [(Ukyo * Kodachi) Asked friends] (R * N * K) Childish days (A * S) of mine [(Ukyo * Kodachi) Over there is father's prank] (R * N * K) Like turning back (All) because of this person [(Ukyo * Kodachi) Dreams vanish once you become an adult] (All) I believe you * * * * * Why am I here? That single question plagued Ranma's thoughts as he ran through the dark recesses of his mind, running from the phantoms that continued to taunt him each night. He came to a halt, stopping before a cold, stone slab that wasn't there before. Ranma stepped back from the waist-high block, unwilling to gaze upon the one he knew lay in her final rest. "Akane...." whispered Ranma, choking on tears. The young Saotome failed to notice the figure that emerged behind him. Turning around suddenly, Ranma faced a man, standing at his own height, wearing drab brown, heavy robes, revealing only the taloned hands that looked vaguely human. Ranma stepped back, pressing his body against the cold stone slab, trying to retreat from the dark one before him. "Your Angel of Death has come," murmered the cowled man, his voice echoing as if it originated from the depths of Hell. "No, no!" Ranma screamed. "Get AWAY from me!!" "How can you escape yourself?" asked the dark one. Wasting no movements, the taloned hands reached up and, with a sudden jerk, threw back the robe's cowl. Ranma stared in horror at his own face, as if repulsed by his reflection in a mirror. The only thing, of course, was that the face he saw was twisted into a malicious, wicked grin, with dark hints of hellish taint running the sides of his head. "I am the future," boasted the dark Ranma, "and you, Ranma Saotome, are MINE!!" "Noooo, noooooo!!!" Ranma screamed, suddenly finding the will to run. "I'm not you! I'm NOT you!" He ran with all the energy he could, trying to elude that which would become his dark destiny. He ran from the fate that awaited him, running from what he had hoped to avoid. He ran from himself. "Ranma, it's going to be okay," whispered a soothing, feminine voice. "Wha...?" wondered Ranma, coming to a halt. He looked over his shoulder, discovering that he had eluded his dark self for the moment. Looking around and about, he could see no one. "You're tired," continued the voice. "Don't let yourself run into exhaustion. You need to sleep." That voice.... "Are you having trouble sleeping?" asked the voice. Ranma nodded slowly, trying his best to remember the face to whom the voice belonged to, a face that was barely at the edge of his consciousness. "I'll sing for you, just as I have done every night since that day," finished the voice. Yes.... * * * * * Voices ("Macross Plus") The first word was "dream," it came to me as I slept. Gently bringing out the darkness deep inside my heart. The second word was "wind," show me the way.... I beat my wings and fly into the arms of God. As if counting out the sorrows that have melted all away, as the golden apples fall. Falling one at a time... to a place with nothing to see a place where I must return. A place I have only one goal in life to struggle to get back to. An old book of magic spells... The curtain of the silent moonlight night holds, the promise of our being together again. Only that... We can fly. We have wings. We can touch floating dreams. Call me from so far... Through the wind in the light. The third word that came was hmmm... If I can just listen closely.... These trembling arms of yours that I hold, I can gently set free. * * * * * Stretching his arms into the air, taking in oxygen with a great yawn, Ranma Saotome sat up in the double futon he shared with his wife, Akane. Sparing a glance, he found Akane still fast asleep, and, judging from the light that danced through the window, it was just passed dawn. Scratching his head, the young Saotome tried his best to remember the last time he'd had such restful sleep; he concluded that it was the last time he had that dream. For several moments Ranma wondered how he would ever get through the nights if it weren't for the singing that soothed his thoughts each time the dream resurfaced. The song... the voice! Ranma had never told anyone about what troubled his thoughts, except Akane, and he never told anyone how he got through his terrible nightmares, especially not Akane. She wouldn't understand, probably take the idea the wrong way, considering how relationships stood these days. It certainly wasn't a good idea to tell your own wife that you've been having dreams about another woman, even if that woman's intervention was not the focus of the dream. Even if the dreams were partly her fault. I don't know how I'd make it through the night without you, Ukyo, Ranma thought. Ryu Kumon stood just before the gates to the Tendo property lot. He stood alone amidst the snow, alone in the falling snowflakes. Taking a deep breath, holding the duffel bag that contained all his belongings over his shoulder, the heir to the Kumon school pressed against the gate. It wouldn't budge. Well, duh, Ryu told himself. There's snow on the other side of the gate, too. He shrugged, then threw his duffel back up and over the fence. He heard it land in a loud *PLOP!* on the other side. Now it was Ryu's turn. He bent his knees low, then sprang into the air. He sailed high above the gate, up and over, then landed on his feet, next to where the duffel bag lay. Gathering the duffel bag in his arms, and brushing the snow off it, Ryu Kumon marched to the front door of the Tendo household. He shook the snow from his hair and shoulders, wiping it away as if it were a powder. Ryu kicked his boots against a post, knocking off the snow that stuck in the treads. After straightening himself, he knocked. The last time he'd been to Nerima Ryu was honoring the promise he made to his dying father: to learn the other half of Genma Saotome's secret techniques, the Umisenken. He himself mastered the first half of the techniques, the Yamasenken. All of this lead to a confrontation with Genma Saotome's son, Ranma, who eventually had mastered the Umisenken. In the end, it turned out that the techniques were devised for simple burglary; the Yamasenken was the way of the noisy thief, and the Umisenken the way of the quiet thief. All three agreed that the techniques were too dangerous to use, and sealed the techniques for all time. Of course, that didn't stop Ryu from using the techniques. After all, he had trained himself in the Yamasenken all his life; how was one to unlearn it? Not to mention the Kumon dojo lacked a proper style of its own. While Ryu was lost in his thoughts, the front door opened. The one who answered the door wasn't who Ryu expected. "You!" "We meet again, Ranma Saotome," Ryu greeted. Ranma scratched his head nervously. "Why in the world would you come here, at this time of the year, even?" Ryu spread his arms apart. "Do you see what's out there?" The young Saotome poked his head out the door. "I see snow." "Exactly!" Ryu shouted impatiently. "I don't have a house, remember?" "Ranma, who is it?" a feminine voice called from within. She poked her head in the doorway to see. "Oh, we have a visitor!" "Kasumi...." Ranma tried to say, but he couldn't form the words. "Why don't you come on in?" invited Kasumi. "It must be awfully cold outside." "Thank you," Ryu replied, bowing in respect to the Tendo girl. He threw his duffel bag into Ranma's gut. "Don't drop that, okay?" Evening fell that same day Ryu Kumon came to the Tendo household. Elsewhere in Nerima, others were turning the wheels of events that shared the same goal. In two days it would be Christmas Day. In her tiny apartment, Hinako Ninomiya, the childlike English teacher, frantically decorated her small tree, unable to contain the thought of a snowball fight with the other neighborhood kids. They would understand the punishment for taking out the snowman she made earlier that morning, that's for sure! At Ucchan's Ukyo closed her shop for the evening. Konatsu played with his snow-white cat, Snowball, over in the corner, teasing her with ornaments that used to hung on the wall. The cat, as usual, would bat at anything that moved with her paws. Ukyo couldn't help but laugh at the sight. More than once this stray cat knocked over the small Christmas tree that sat on the counter. Far removed from the other homes was the Kuno estate, where Kodachi sat by the pool where Midorigame swam playfully. Taro stood nearby, gazing in wonder at the pet alligator's take on life. Kuno sat inside by the fireside, his nose buried in a heavy book, one which he had read many times before, about Genji. Sasuke, with logs stacked in his arms, clumsily teetered into the room, seemingly ready to drop the load, whether willingly or not. Dr. Tofu closed his chiropractic office that moment, locking the door securely. He walked back to his desk, passed Betty-chan, his skeleton dummy, and sometime dance partner. Only weeks before he and Kasumi had started dating; it felt like a dream to Tofu, but any pain he experience assured him it was not. The chiropractor was beginning to think Kasumi liked him. And, tomorrow, Christmas Eve, he would spend with Kasumi. Ah, Kasumi.... The Nekohanten had closed early that evening. While the Chinese Amazons recognized Christmas, they didn't have all the decorations and other typical Christmas junk everyone else had, not even a tree. Ling-ling and Lung-lung were building a snow fort just outside the door, while Mousse busied himself sculpting a snow replica of his beloved Shampoo, chiseling her features delicately with several long-bladed knives and fine-point nails. Shampoo, in the meantime, was out shopping with her father. Old Cologne remained alone inside, watching the store as usual. Not far away from the Chinese restaurant, Happosai, carrying a bag over his shoulder, slipped his way through the neighborhood, intent on retrieving more prizes for his collection. Far away from Tokyo, on the Unryu farm, Ryoga and Akari sat by the fireside, along with Akari's grandfather and some of her pigs. They sat there, doing nothing but listening to Christmas songs on the radio. The tree they had was a large one, and decorated mainly with pig ornaments. Even farther still, in Abu Dhabi, Kuno's parents were stranded, without money to buy plane tickets back to Japan. The Lady Kuno, who bore Kodachi's features, ordered her husband, the principal of Furinkan High, all about, scrounging money from every place she could think of, as, being a former member of the poor class, the Lady knew what it took to survive in the city streets. And, it was so much the better, since she now had a husband to do the dirty work for her. And, of course, in the Tendo household, the largest of the group gathered: Soun, Genma, Nodoka, Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane, Ranma, and now, Ryu Kumon, their latest visitor. Genma properly introduced Ryu to the others. Nodoka, to her credit, remembered Ryu from the time he posed as Ranma. Ryu's story was explained to all present, and none were very surprised at it, either. Weird things happen to them all the time. When Ranma separated himself from the others, only Akane noticed, as the others were busy in conversation with Ryu, discussing his plans to stay at the dojo for a few days, if only for temporary shelter. Akane finally caught up to Ranma, finding him sitting in solitude on the roof just above their room, caring not for the cold air that chilled his bones. "Ranma, what are you doing up there?" asked Akane, climbing out the window to the roof. She sat on the tiles by her husband's side. "I don't know, Akane," admitted Ranma. "I mean, a lot of strange things have been happening to me lately." He focused his gaze on Akane's eyes. "Do you remember that woman we met in Hawaii?" "Yeah," replied Ranma's wife. The strange Japanese woman, who appeared as old as Kasumi, had helped Akane rescue Ukyo from the clutches of Orochi's minions. "She seemed to know a lot." "A lot more than I realized," Ranma said. "One of the things she said to me was: 'have faith in others.' I told her I had faith only in myself, and now.... Now, I don't know anymore." "That's strange," noted Akane, "Ukyo's been saying the same kind of things, only in different words. Stuff like, 'the strength of one is nothing compared to the strength of many.'" "Seiryu said that stuff, too," Ranma agreed. Then again, Seiryu WAS Ukyo, although a future self of Ukyo. "And the thing is, she's right. You know what Ukyo said about me?" When Akane returned a blank stare, he said flatly, "'You don't listen. You never listen.'" "The fact that you listened to that means you DO listen," Akane replied encouragingly. "You may have lost faith in yourself, but there's something else, much more important." "What's that?" asked Akane's husband, genuinely curious. "You have my love," Akane answered knowingly. Ranma sighed. "I wish that were enough...." Akane nodded in understanding. Ranma at his worst was at a loss of confidence, and that was a Ranma she didn't like to see. The Ranma she knew and loved was determined, and never gave up. This Ranma she shared a roof with, was broken. Broken by visions of the future, given to him through the memories of Seiryu, who had come from the future to kill Ranma. Broken because the one who would ruin the world of the future, Nemesis, was none other than Ranma himself. She didn't pretend to understand what her husband was going through right now; after all, according to Ranma, she died much later by his own hand. That in itself shocked Akane, but didn't faze her all that much, as she was confident that Ranma wouldn't dare bring harm to her. The problem is, Ranma needed to come to terms that his actions might direct the course of the future, for good or for ill. It was a great and heavy responsibility indeed; a small part of Akane wanted to blame Ukyo for the mess, but she realized that it would do no good, as Ukyo hadn't done anything to him yet. In fact, Ukyo... Seiryu, couldn't bring herself to complete her mission without the magic of the Chinese Amazon's magical artifact, the reversal jewel. That much at least told Akane how much Ukyo cared about Ranma, even when he did become Nemesis. How hard the decision must have been for Seiryu, to give up her future, her very existence, even! to kill her beloved Ranma, to throw away all to save the world! The time she'd spent with Herb must have had a great impact on her outlook on life as a martial artist, Akane thought. "With power comes responsibility," Ukyo had said on the trip back from China. And she was right. And, in Seiryu's history, Ranma didn't listen.... "You never listen," echoed Ukyo's words. Though they were spoken from Ranma's lips, Akane could hear the words coming from her friend's mouth. Was it that statement that made all the difference? "Ranma?" Akane said, trying to get his attention. Ranma continued to stare out at nothing, his lips moving, but no words left them. "I know I can't help you," Akane started, "I've tried my best to get you going again. I mean, last time you were like this, Happosai took away your strength. I tried my best to help you. Heck, if it weren't for Shampoo's great-grandmother, you'd still be down. I mean, for those three days you struggled to learn your flying dragon technique, you were your old self again. I can't stand to see you like this, not now...." Ranma turned to Akane, as if he were just listening. "Akane...." "It was a team effort that got you out of that mess," continued Akane. "I mean, Ryoga, Ukyo, the old lady, your dad.... Even when the odds were against you, we all stood by your side." Finally, an idea struck in Akane's head. "I've got it!" She grabbed Ranma's arms excitedly. "I can't help you because I'm doing it ALONE!" Akane shook her husband as if in emphasis. "Now, let's get back inside. Tomorrow's going to be a new day." For the first time Akane felt the cold from the outside as she slammed the window shut. She reflexively reached for some blankets to throw around herself, but noticed that Ranma, who was chilly himself, didn't bother. Kasumi happened to pass by the door at that moment. She peeked her head into the couple's room with her usual cheery smile. "I see, you two want to spend time alone?" "Ranma's a bit down to entertain our guest," explained Akane. "Just where is he going to crash?" Ranma wondered. "Oh, he's insisted on sleeping in the living room," Kasumi began, "but since Master Happosai had left on a training journey, I suggested he stay in his room." "Of course, what would that old lech do when he finds someone else in his bed?" Akane wondered. "Oh, I'm sure he won't mind," Kasumi assured her sister. "Ryu seems like a nice young man." As nice as a killer can get, Ranma thought bitterly. A lot nicer than I turned out.... Why do I deserve to live? Shouldn't I finish what Seiryu started? Fortunately, such thoughts in Ranma's mind vanished after a long night's sleep. While his mind was lost in a sea of torment and despair, the voice emerged once again. "Ranma," whispered the voice. Ranma, huddled in the middle of a vast, dark plane, shouted into the air, "Leave me alone!" The presence in which the voice belonged to seemed to shake her head. "You can't let yourself succumb to those kind of thoughts. Destroying yourself only guarantees Akane's misery." The young Saotome refused to answer. "In all your troubles, you forgot about Akane?" suggested the voice. "Were you so caught up in the future that you forgot about others?" Still, Ranma refused to answer. "Your mind is in turbulence," continued the voice. "You can't allow your preoccupation to consume you. Do you want me to help you sleep?" Silently, Ranma nodded. "All right, then listen to the sound of my voice...." * * * * * "Mamotte Ageru" Your'e there. Inside of the wind. With your waving hair. I want to protect this world. By my love. Tought time, or worry time. Please think about me. I don't want to see your sad face. Please do not look away. Spreading the dream, whispering pure love. With your sparkling eyes. Smile together, hold together, Let's go together. Happy endings are always better. You'll be okay if you keep a strong mind. Happy endings are my favorite. I'll protect you with my wings. * * * * * Seemingly unnoticed throughout the serenade, Ranma's huddled form relaxed; he allowed himself to stretch out and rest, without fear of the shadows that lurked beyond the vision of his mind's eye. Only then did the owner of the voice emerge from the darkness. She unfolded a light blanket from beneath her arms, throwing it over Ranma's sleeping form. Then, producing a soft, fluffy pillow from the folds of her sky-blue robes, she gently lifted Ranma's head, then slid the pillow underneath. Satisfied that Ranma would sleep well for the night, the woman in the blue kimono turned to face the darkness from whence she came, watching for the one who lurked in the shadows. Silently, she vowed that he would not come near Ranma, not while she stood over him. If there is any task I simply cannot fail at, it is this task alone, she thought. This time, there is far too much to atone for, and there is no room for mistakes. Not anymore. Why is it that whenever I try to fix things, a hundred more problems present themselves? By helping Ranma this time, am I doing the right thing? No, don't go there. This IS the right thing to do. "Sleep well, my friend," whispered the voice, trying her best to stifle the sadness in her voice. The next morning, all in the Tendo household were in attendance, sitting around the table, eating breakfast. Ryu sat there as well, guest of the Tendos. "So, Kasumi," Nabiki started, "you arranging a party tonight?" Kasumi nodded and smiled. "Actually, I've been planning since last week. Some friends from church helped out. I mailed out invitations the other day." "A Christmas party?" Nodoka said. "That sounds like a nice idea." "Yeah, sure," mumbled Nabiki. "Only next time, Sis, you oughta tell someone else about it, too." "She told me last night," Akane voiced. "This time, everyone in town won't be invited, just our... closer friends, so to speak." All this time Ranma hadn't said a word. Akane turned to her husband. "Ranma, don't you think it'll be great to spend Christmas with our friends?" "Mmm... whatever," mumbled Ranma, lacking any care. "Ranma, you should be more polite to Akane," Nodoka told her son. Soun slapped Ranma on the back, hard. "What's the matter, boy? Not in the Christmas spirit?" "Excuse me, but I want to be alone," announced Ranma. He stood up from the floor, leaving his breakfast behind unfinished, and walked out quietly. All around the table the Tendos and Saotomes blinked. "Now what do you suppose is wrong with Ranma?" asked Nodoka, to nobody in particular. "Beats me," Nabiki shrugged. "He's been like this for weeks, and he won't talk to anybody." Not to mention his politeness streak. She peered at Akane curiously. "Unless, of course...." "What?!" Akane cried, beaming at her sister. "I don't know what any of you are so upset about," Ryu said, speaking for the first time. "I don't think this is any of my business, but it seems to me he's lost his fighting spirit." "What makes you say that?" asked Kasumi. "You can see it in his eyes, if you looked close enough," explained the guest. "Or, if you're like me, you can see that his aura has diminished to surprisingly-low levels, as if it wasn't there." Akane nodded. Why didn't I notice something like that? "Oh my," Kasumi said. "What do you suppose is wrong?" Ryu shrugged. "As I said, it's none of my business." Genma shrugged as well, dumping the contents of Ranma's plate onto his own. "Well, the boy will get over it." I hope so, Akane said silently. The snow melted under the morning light. Ukyo trudged through the thick layer of snow that blanketed the sidewalk, kicking up snow with her snow boots as she went along. Konatsu trailed behind, making sure to step in the prints Ukyo made. Of course, following the kunoichi in turn was the white cat, Snowball, bounding in the footsteps as well, following her master. Then again, the long-haired cat had little choice, as she was tied in a harness attached to a leash held in Konatsu's hand. "Well, here we are," announced Ukyo, stopping in front of the Tendo gates. She chuckled softly. "Last time I came to one of these Nabiki auctioned off time to spend with Ranchan." Konatsu picked up Snowball and held her in his arms. "Are you sure it's okay to bring the cat, Ukyo-sama? I thought he was afraid of cats." "Oh, don't worry about Ranchan," assured the okonomiyaki chef. "Besides, did you want to leave the cat at home?" The kunoichi shook his head. Ukyo took a look into the shopping bag she was carrying with her. Well, it took her a good part of two weeks to come up with good enough gifts for Ranma and Akane... and Konatsu, and the others.... Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right? "Ukyo?" some called from down the street. The okonomiyaki chef turned to the speaker. She cried back, "Hey Ryoga! Akari!" She waved cheerily. Akari lead Ryoga through the snow, her hand dragging Ryoga's along. She seemed very ecstatic, while her husband seemed quite flustered. "You're here for the party?" Akari asked Ukyo. Ukyo nodded. "Yep. This would be my second time." "Oh, this'll be a first for me," admitted the pig farmer. "I've never been to a city party before. What Grandpa and I usually do is go down to see the other farmers and...." "I'm sure that's all very pleasant," Ukyo interrupted, "but I don't feel like standing out here while you explain this to me." "She's got a point," Ryoga agreed. "Well, then what are we standing out here for?" asked Akari. She pushed against the gate, but it refused to budge. Konatsu stroked Snowball lovingly. "Hmmm, perhaps there is a block on the other side of the gate?" "Don't you mean 'snow?'" Ukyo said, peering at the kunoichi with a little irritation. Geez, how do those Tendos expect anyone to come on in, much less get out? "Mousse, you got package," Shampoo announced upon entering the attic of the Nekohanten, which also served as the Chinese acrobat's bedroom. Mousse sat alone before the open window, his back toward the door, sitting cross-legged as if he were in meditation. But the sound of Shampoo's unexpected voice roused him to consciousness. His head turned in a wide, happy, almost silly, grin. His eyes hiding behind the opaque lenses of his glasses, Shampoo failed to see the glow in Mousse's eyes. "For me?!" Jumping to his feet in excitement, arms spread, he began his mad dash toward the door and to his beloved. "I knew you'd see it my way!" Shampoo's anger flared. "This not from Shampoo!" she cried, tossing the radio-sized box to Mousse. Not waiting around to see if he would catch the package, she turned on her heels and walked out. With little effort on his part, Mousse caught the box with one outstretched hand, carefully balancing it on his five fingers. He ignored Shampoo's departure, and turned his attentions to the address label on the top. From outside the attic, he barely heard Shampoo shout, "Stupid package from your girlfriend!" Mousse smiled knowingly as he read the name of the sender aloud: "Mei-ling." Girlfriend, indeed! She, and her sister, were... no, ARE, my masters! This heart will never waver for you, Shampoo! Carefully, the Chinese acrobat slid a dagger through the box's seal, then reached his hands inside. Laying neatly on top of the Styrofoam box stuffing was a folded note. Sitting back, Mousse unfolded the note, and read it over carefully to himself. After finishing, he stared back at the contents of the box, and reached a hand within. Satisfied that the contents were there, Mousse leaped back up to his feet in a burst of joy. "Ranma Saotome," he vowed, "your days are numbered!" Tatewaki Kuno, along with Kodachi and Taro, sat in the Rick Shaw pulled by Sasuke, running along in the cleared streets from the Kuno estate to the Tendo household. While Sasuke was used to such menial labor, the load he usually carried had tripled; only Master Kuno would use such transportation. Not to mention the excess baggage that was made up of gifts. "Ah, were I to remain behind at home," Kuno began, reciting a speech to himself, "the evening would not be complete as to spend it alone! To be welcomed into the Tendo home as a guest is indeed an honor...." "Somebody shut him up or kick him out," Taro complained, covering his ears as if in emphasis. He disliked the stick-boy just as much as going to a party. Parties were for wusses, especially Christmas parties, and yet, he was going. Fortunately for Kuno, Kodachi was in the way, so Taro couldn't easily carry out his threat. "Oh, please, darling! This is not the time for either of you to fight." "Well, tell Mr. Poet to stop talking to himself, and I'll consider it," Taro replied coldly. "One such as you should recognize my superiority," Kuno bit back. "If you were defining superiority, I'm glad I'm not part of it!" Taro said sarcastically. "Why, thank you," Kuno replied, surprising Taro immensely. The Chinese martial artist leaned over to whisper into Kodachi's ear. "Your brother didn't get it, did he?" Kodachi shook her head. "It's better this way, trust me." Hinako wiped the frosty bedroom window clean with the sleeve of her sweater, and gazed out with childlike wonderment. "SNOW!!" she cried in joy. The childlike English teacher of Furinkan High dashed through the rooms of her apartment, straight for the door, where her snow boots lay. Quickly jumping into both boots, Hinako unbolted the front door in excitement. Pulling back the door with all her might, the first thing that greeted Hinako Ninomiya on the morning before Christmas was a thick blanket of snow, far surpassing her small height, which had blocked the door overnight. Ranma stared out the window overlooking the back yard. Snow, and lots of it, covered the scenery as far as the eye could see. Well, at least, until city workers came and removed the snow from the surface streets. Just moments ago he heard the first of the guests pile into the house. About time someone got around to clearing away the snow at the gate, Ranma thought. Of course, who in their right mind would want to have their holiday shattered by me? The others respectfully kept their distance from Ranma's room, as Akane had told them that her husband wanted to spend some time alone, by himself. All of them would die, all because of me. Most of them would survive the initial destruction of the population when two-thirds of the six-billion people of the world would die, simply because they were 'weak.' Ranma shivered at the thought of committing such an evil deed, especially at the thought of what Ryoga had done after Akari had died; the destruction he caused alone was immense, before he finally burned himself out, having expelled all of his chi energies into several enormous Shishi Hokodans. The others would unite under one banner to confront me, only to die together. Only Akane, Kodachi, and Ukyo would live to see the consequences, with Ukyo minus one eye. And I had done it, and I probably will still do it, too. Seiryu was right when she said I died the day Nemesis was born. When I become Nemesis, whenever that would be, Ranma Saotome would cease to exist, just as Seiryu had done. Oh, what a terribly-depressing future. Destiny sucks. "Ranma?" The young Saotome turned to look over his shoulder. He said no words to Kodachi, who stood in the frame of the doorway, alone. "You're not feeling like yourself," Kodachi said, stating the obvious. "I can see it in your eyes; that which made you so alive is missing." Ranma said nothing. He didn't want to hear this. "You helped me when I was in danger, and, perhaps it is time I do the same," announced the Kuno girl, referring to their first meeting, so long ago. She stepped closer to Ranma, yet keeping her distance, as if an invisible shield kept her apart from the man who saved her life. "Funny, the Ranma I knew had something worth dying for. Now, I just see a Ranma that wants to just die." "Don't you get it?" muttered Ranma. "If you stay near me, you, and everyone else, will die!" "What kind of nonsense is this?!" Kodachi cried back. "How can any of us know what the future holds for each of us?" He turned to face Kodachi. "I know!" Ranma said. "Seiryu said it would happen if I didn't die before... before...." "Before what?" asked Kodachi. Ranma shook his head. "I... don't know when!" "Then what are you afraid of?!" Kodachi shouted. "If everyone spent their time contemplating on what might happen instead of what WILL happen, then mankind would've been extinct long ago!" "It WILL happen!" Ranma cried. "Only because you let it, Femme-boy!" someone cried from out in the hallway. Pantyhose Taro stomped his way into Ranma's room, Kodachi's eyes wide with surprise. He pointed an accusing finger at Ranma. "You damn hermaphrodite, you dare to think that moping around helps you or your wife any?!" "Get lost," Ranma snorted. "The hell I will!" Taro announced, throwing his arms up in the air. "You and your whiny 'why me' attitude; you damn coward, afraid of the future!" He kicked Ranma in the left shin, causing him to keel over in pain. "If this is how you're going to spend the rest of your days, you don't DESERVE to be married to Akane!" Ranma rubbed his leg, his head popping up, staring at Pantyhose Taro calculatingly. "Since when did you start caring about Akane, Pantyhose?!" "Stop calling me that!" Taro roared, seething in anger. The Chinese man grabbed Ranma by the collar, and pushed open the window. With all his force, he chucked Ranma out the second story. The young Saotome ate snow as Taro leaped from the window behind him. He gathered himself to his feet, yet unwilling to fight. If Taro wants to kill me, then he'll have succeeded in Seiryu's job. Kodachi leaned out the window and cried, "Don't hurt him!" Taro laughed. "Don't worry, I won't hurt him... much." He cracked his knuckles as in emphasis. He reared his arm back, and threw his first punch. Ranma failed to dodge each and every punch Taro threw at him. "Go on," he said, "finish it." "Damn you, Femme-boy!" shouted Taro angrily. "Fight back or die!" "I don't care anymore," Ranma declared. "You can have Akane, I suppose, after I'm gone...." "Who said I wanted Akane!? She's only under my protection. But, if you're going to stay the scared little wimp you are, I'll put you out of your misery, Femme-boy! She doesn't need such whining, weak, useless, excess baggage as you around!" Weak. Useless. Baggage. Oh, how true they were.... "Dammit, if you truly cared about Akane, you wouldn't beat yourself up, you'd go on and do something!" cried the Chinese man. "Fight, Femme-boy, or Akane is no longer yours! Maybe we could give her over to the Poet, or Baggy-eyes, or maybe your transvestite weasel pal.... Or even Pineapple-boy!" He's beginning to sound like Kodachi, Ranma thought. Images of Kuno, triumphant, carrying Akane in his arms, passed through his mind. Images of Gosunkugi, pathetic though he may be... of Tsubasa, of Shinnosuke, of Taro even, and all those who stood in line for Akane's hand.... Wait a minute... who would dare try to take Akane from me?! No one, not while I'm alive! Kodachi's words echoed in Ranma's mind: "The Ranma I knew had something worth dying for." Only one thing stood at the fore of Ranma's mind right now. Standing stone sentinel in the midst of the snowed-over Tendo yard, Ranma crossed his arms across his chest, tipping his head down low, eyes closed, teeth clenched. Pantyhose Taro took a step back, the snow around him illuminated by Ranma's battle aura. Shielding his eyes, he cried, "Yes, yes! Come on, you coward! Show me what you're made of!!" Energy coursed through Ranma's body, causing each and every atom of his being to ripple, creating a great, warm feeling within. He hardly knew that Pantyhose Taro had stepped away, sneering and smiling, as if he'd won the war. "No one," rumbled Ranma ominously, "but no one, dares to touch Akane!" No one, not Kuno, not Gosunkugi, not Tsubasa, not anybody! "So long as I live, Akane is under MY protection!" He knew what to do. He knew what could be done now, to protect Akane from the likes of Pantyhose Taro! He thrust his arms into the air, deadly chi energies dancing about his palms. "Shishi Hokodan!" Not far from the Tendo dojo, Mousse and the Chinese twins stood outside the Nekohanten, building a snowman in the morning sunlight. Suddenly, the rays of the sun, so familiar to all, was blotted-out by something much greater. The snow was cast unto a greenish hue. Mousse quickly reached for his glasses, but he didn't need them to recognize the column of heavy chi energies in the skyline. "Aw crap, is that Ryoga...?!" Shampoo's father peered outside through the door frame. He was about to yell something, until Mousse cut him off. "Don't you say that!" he cried, clamping his hand over the older man's mouth. "Especially NOT in front of the kids!" Shoveling the snow away from the front door of her apartment, Hinako Ninomiya lifted another snowful when the blue sky was suddenly blotted-out by the column of chi centered in the Tendo back yard. Jerking her head around, Hinako gasped. "Wow! What pretty lights!" Throwing up her arms in the air, the childlike English teacher jumped up and down, as if the extra boost would allow her to see more. Without warning, the snow shovel, which flew loose into the air through Hinako's frantic actions, dumped its heavy load on top of her. Sitting alone at his desk in his office, the chiropractor Tofu Ono ceased writing when the shadows of Ranma's chi blast ascended into the sky, casting shadow over the light of even the sun itself. Pushing his wheeled chair away from the desk to get a better look out the office window, Tofu sighed. "Hmmm, must be Ranma letting go of himself. Maybe meditation is working out after all." With a shrug, Dr. Tofu wheeled back to the desk, and resumed his work. And, farther still from the Tendo dojo, in Abu Dhabi, the two Kuno parents didn't see a thing-- the Lady slept soundly in the king-sized feather bed, alone, while her husband, the principal of Furinkan High, curled up next to the bed, on the floor. "Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Ranma screamed, throwing all his emotions up into the stratosphere. Taro clenched his fists, his smile almost malicious. He continued to back away from Ranma, almost expecting what was going to come next. "Fwah-ha-ha-ha-hah!" laughed Taro. "Gullible fool!" Ranma's sudden burst of energy called those in the Tendo household to rush to windows and doors alike. Each and every one stared into the hellish chi column in surprise. Particularly Ryoga. "Was that...?!" "Shishi Hokodan?!" "Everyone, take cover!" Taro stood his ground with utter confidence. He raised his arms into the air in triumph, and he laughed maniacally. And that was all Ranma could hear: Taro's taunting laugh. He never noticed the snow flying from the ground, disrupted by the downward blast of Ranma's chi energies. He just kept pouring all his energies into the blast, not caring whether he burned out or not, or if he survived the next day. Only rage consumed him. No one, NO ONE, would dare take Akane from me! Ranma vowed, gritting his teeth harder. Depression swelled into anger. The chi blast wavered. Ryoga pushed himself in front of the others gathered at the Tendo porch. "For a brief moment, I thought that was the perfect Shishi Hokodan.... but he couldn't do it." Akane turned to Ryoga, confused. "Isn't that a GOOD thing?" "Perhaps," said Ryoga. "But, even if it was for a moment, it was there...." Ranma was nothing like Ryoga, and thus only Ryoga could pull off a perfect Shishi Hokodan and hope to annihilate a target with it. If such a thing were possible, Ryoga believed that Ranma could pull off a similar effect in the Shishi Hokodan's weaker cousin, the Moko Takabisha. Of course, that would require an absurd amount of confidence, too. What Ranma didn't know was that in creating the Shishi Hokodan chi column he was playing straight into Taro's plans. The technique was best-suited for one in severe depression; however, Ranma's personality could not allow him to sink to such a level, and, instead of becoming more depressed, he became inflamed at Taro's biting words, thus lifting him from his depressive state to that of great aggression, all in the span of moments. The young Saotome, his eyes squeezed shut, failed to realize that his chi energy beam faded to nothingness. And he continued to scream. Something tapped Ranma on the back of the head. "Well, that's quite an impressive show, my student, but most people would learn how to control themselves before doing something as reckless as that." Ranma ceased to scream, and turned to look over his shoulder. "Old man!" Happosai sat on his bag of stolen goods, waving a pipe around playfully. "Now, did you want to stay in that position all day, or should I have to put on your dress like that? It would be much easier if you cooperated." Ranma looked back at his outstretched arms, and realized that he had stopped throwing energy into the column of chi. Snarling angrily, with one good kick, he sent the old lecher into orbit. "Leave me alone, you old geezer!" Ranma shouted after Happosai. The young Saotome, heir to the Tendo dojo, marched to where Taro stood. The Chinese man leaned against a post nonchalantly, arms folded, chewing on a blade of grass that shouldn't have been there. He grabbed Taro by the collar. "You're never going to touch Akane, you hear me?!" "And why would I?" Taro laughed, pushing Ranma away with a single shove. "It's not proper, or in my nature, to bed family." "What are you talking about?!" Ranma snarled, fuming. Taro smirked. "You really don't know, do you? Ha-hah! I suppose I shouldn't have expected so much out of you, Femme-boy." "Ranma!" Akane cried, rushing to her husband's side. "What did you do?!" "This jerk," Ranma began, indicating Taro, "said he could take you away from me. Now he says he wouldn't, because you two are related?! Does someone want to explain this to me?!" "Taro?" Akane gasped in surprise. The Chinese martial artist nodded, and he smiled smugly. "I knew it wasn't a coincidence that you bore a resemblance to my mother. I traced my family ancestry back at my village, after we parted company for the first time. My mother was born not only of Chinese descent, but of Japanese as well. My grandfather was Japanese. He bore the name of Tendo, remaining in our village for a short time before disappearing forever." "A Tendo went to China?" Akane whispered to herself. "A very interesting story!" Soun said, popping up between Taro and Akane. "I do recall an uncle that visited China for a while, though he never spoke of his journey. Was his name Saishu, by any chance?" Taro nodded. "And that would make us," he concluded, putting a hand on Akane's shoulder, "cousins." "If somewhat distant," Ranma muttered under his breath. "I don't see a resemblance." A fist greeted Ranma in the face. "And that would make us, it seems, cousins-in-law," Taro snarled. "I'm only obligated to look after my kin, which means Akane, but not you, Femme-boy!" Great, related to Pantyhose Taro, Ranma thought to himself sourly. Akane turned to meet Ranma's eyes. "Ranma... you look... better." Ranma sighed. "I... don't know what got into me." "It was your devotion to Akane that did it," Taro said, cutting in on the conversation. "If there's something I've learned about you in all this time, it's that you'd gladly throw yourself away for Akane's sake. THAT is what you fight for, and not yourself." "How profound... Pantyhose...." Ranma muttered. Another fist greeted Ranma's nose. "Stop calling me that!" The morning soon slipped into noon, and, after lunch was served, noon slipped into afternoon. Ranma had never felt better in his entire life: he found purpose, if it was only to protect Akane. He stood alone in the Tendo yard, bare of snow since that little stint he pulled earlier that day. The grass was moist, yet, felt alive. "There you are, Ranchan!" Ranma turned to greet his old friend. "Hey, Ucchan." "Absorbing the afternoon air, I see," Ukyo teased. "You mind telling me what was with the fireworks this morning?" "Huh? Oh, that." He took a deep breath, then sighed. "Remember Seiryu? She told me I had to die or the future would be ruined, because I would be the one who destroyed it." "That's silly," Ukyo said. She caught herself, then added, "Well, then again, this WAS me that said it, right?" And to think, part of me wanted to blame you for my troubles. "Anyway, Pantyhose Taro tricked me into releasing all my emotion into one enormous chi burst, like what Ryoga used to do." "Pretty clever," Ukyo said in praise. "After that, I can't feel so depressed anymore," finished Ranma. "Of course, I'm still going to have to beat the crap out of him, too." "Hey, it's great that you're not depressed anymore," Ukyo said, "but that doesn't mean you're ready to face what's coming." "I think it's going to take a while before I can fight again," replied Ranma bitterly. "Look, that's okay," the okonomiyaki chef assured him. "It's good that you're going to take your time at rebuilding your confidence. It's never good to rush things along, and it's no good to second- guess yourself. You're going to have to realize that the future is what you make of it, not something predetermined by destiny." "I'll have to remember that." "I mean, I've come to understand that myself. Since Seiryu ceased to exist when you defeated her, I realized that one makes their own destiny. By coming back in time at all she's proved that the future can be changed; the possibilities are limitless! I'm just hoping that I won't have to deal with that kind of situation again." "I second that one," Ranma replied with a chuckle. It's good that you're here, Ucchan, in more ways than one. Both friends laughed. "Ahem." Ukyo and Ranma turned to face the new arrival. "Ukyo, this is Ryu Kumon," Ranma said, introducing the arrival. "Ryu, this is Ukyo Kuonji." Ryu nodded. "Hello." "Hi," Ukyo replied. "What do you want?" Ranma asked warily. His sometime opponent wasn't exactly a decent person to be around. "As you know," Ryu began, pacing in a circle around Ranma, "I have sworn to my father to carry on the Kumon dojo. However, the only techniques I have to offer is the Yamasenken, and we've agreed to seal them. That leaves me with nothing." "Go on," said the Saotome martial artist. What's he getting at? "I'm asking to become your student," Ryu finished flatly. To say that Ranma was surprised was an understatement. "Ranchan, that's great!" Ukyo cried. To Ryu, she said, "Ranma's a great teacher; you won't regret it!" "Wait a minute," Ranma said. "Why me, and not my pop?" "Because," Ryu explained, halting in his circle, "your father doesn't possess the proper aptitude to be a teacher. You do." "I guess I should be flattered," muttered Ranma. Pop was the master of the Saotome school, yet Ryu passes him up and comes to me? Well, then again, that might be understandable, since Ryu's dad got killed by following Pop's suggestions. "Say yes, jackass!" Ukyo insisted. "What've you got to lose?" You have no idea, Ucchan. He sighed. "I think I might regret it in the morning, but...." Ranma extended a hand to Ryu. "What the heck, welcome aboard." Ryu clasped his own hand with Ranma's shaking firmly. "Thank you for your generosity." "What the youthful consider an amusing sport," Kodachi explained to Taro, "is a snowball fight." Standing just outside the front gate of the Tendo property lot, Kodachi, Taro, and Sasuke arrayed themselves opposing several local neighborhood children. Sasuke held an open umbrella between himself and the occasional snowball the children would throw his way, shielding Kodachi, while Taro merely sidestepped out of the way. He held a snowball of his own, but his attention was fixed on Kodachi. "Sasuke!" the gymnast ordered, holding out her arm expectantly. The diminutive ninja handed his master a long, tube-shaped gun- like contraption, complete with a rack of pre-made snowballs set up as bullets. "Your Projector-3000 is set and ready to go, Mistress." Taro peered at the snowball projector, puzzled. "Isn't this a bit overkill, for what you can do with your arm?" The girl ignored him. Taking aim with the sight scope resting on top of the long barrel, Kodachi playfully tapped her index finger against the trigger underneath. "This is how you REALLY fight a snowball war! Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" Laughing maniacally, Kodachi returned fire toward the neighborhood children, sending them packing with high-velocity snowballs. Shampoo and the rest of the China gang arrived at the Tendo dojo late that afternoon, as they kept the Nekohanten open for a good deal of the day. Following behind them were others: Hinako, Dr. Tofu, and several school friends of Ranma and Akane. Kasumi expected the rest of the guests to arrive later, in the evening. Nabiki appreciated the extra manpower provided by the guests as she oversaw the completion of the makeshift stage in the dojo. They used some of the equipment they had used to build the stage last year, however, some of the boards were cannibalized to repair the dojo over the course of the year. The middle Tendo sister let her mind drift a bit, just as Sasuke and Ryu were wheeling-in one of the industrial-sized speakers she rented. In the kitchen Kasumi, along with Ukyo, Shampoo, Kodachi, Nodoka, and Akane, helped prepare some dishes for the guests. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, Hinako, and Konatsu were busy out in the yard with the fluffy white cat, Snowball, keeping the cat occupied and away from Ranma at all times. And so, with everybody working together, time passed quickly, and evening was upon them before they knew it. Now that all the guests have piled into the Tendo dojo, and everything was set. Before the curtains of the makeshift stage, the band brought their instruments to the 'pit' area that was just at the edge of the stage, below the curtains. It was rather fortunate for Kuno that Sasuke was there under him to catch the large drum he dropped. The makeshift stage dominated the back end of the dojo, with an elevated platform serving as a stage, and curtains drawn across them. A large speaker was set up at each end of the stage, one on the left and one on the right. Above the stage, behind the curtains, was the special lighting equipment that Hinako and Shampoo's father would be operating, for a lack of a better thing to do. Two rented TV-VCRs were set up on the right and left ends of the stage, on top of the speakers, displaying the real-time camera feed from three video recorders in the room, operated by Sasuke, Taro, and Dr. Tofu. The Christmas tree stood next to the right speaker, basking in the light of the dojo. The 'pit' crew consisted of the instrumental members of the band, Kuno, Konatsu, Kodachi, the Chinese twins, Mousse, Ukyo, Ryoga, and Akari. Each warmed-up on their instruments, waiting for the cue to begin. Ryu set up a gong at the left end of the stage, and waited patiently for the singers to get ready. Back behind the curtains, the three Tendo sisters, Ranma, and Shampoo waited, microphones in their hands, for the beginning. "Look at this mob!" Kuno shouted to the other members of the pit crew. "And to think, one as they would fail to appreciate my efforts that I put into my music?!" "Oh, give it a rest," insisted Ryoga. "At least they aren't crazed fans, as some other bands have gotten over the years." "Like who?" asked Akari, genuinely curious. "The Beatles, for one," Kuno replied. "An English group, who had girls chasing after them at every corner." "The only girl I insist on chasing me is right next to me!" Ryoga said. Konatsu took a peek out of the pit, over the wall that separated the band from the crowd. "I... wasn't prepared for this." Ukyo looked around. "Hey, Konatsu, where's that cat of yours?" "Oh, she's back at the house," replied the kunoichi. "She didn't like the noise all these strangers are making." Kodachi leaned over and whispered into Ukyo's ear. "Well, darling, what do you say about singing tonight?" "You mean how we're NOT?!" Ukyo shouted back, barely able to hear herself. "Well, that, of course!" Kodachi replied. "Who cares?" Ukyo asked honestly. She pointed to the keyboard in front of her. "I'm busy with this!" Kodachi nodded solemnly. "Yes... when black roses bloom, then everything will matter." Nabiki peeked her eyes through the parting in the curtains, and for a moment wondered why Doco was throwing a free concert. Then again, only the invited guests would have the privilege of this performance. She decided that the best thing to do was let it slide. She gave the signal to begin. Ryu struck the gong. Silence immediately settled in the pit area, each band member grabbing their instruments in readiness. The lights dimmed, the curtains were drawn. At the same time, Hinako playfully fiddled with the strobe lights. * * * * * FUKUZATSUna Ryouomoi (Complex Two Thoughts-- LIVE version) (Note: It helps to see the actual music video of this song) [Shampoo: Thank you everyone! Akane: Indeed, thank you! Ranma: haha- Kasumi: Indeed, thank you very much! Nabiki: Thank you! Shampoo: Everyone, we love you a lot! Akane: Thank you! Ranma: yoo- hoo- Kasumi: Thank you very much! (Ranma laughs) Ranma: Let's be excited until the end. Let's go everyone! Akane: Everyone, best regards! (Kasumi laughs) Ranma: It's about love! Kasumi: Everyone also sing with us! Ranma: Go Shampoo!] (Shampoo) Carrying one side of romance [Akane: Yes, everyone, together!] (+All) is a burden, isn't it? (Shampoo) A special connection to God [Akane: Next time here!] (+All) isn't there one? (Shampoo) On purpose, you had unkind behavior, but In my chest's heart, gentleness was being reached. [Shampoo: Yeah!] (Akane) Your pushy way of doing things, [Ranma: More! More!] (+All) even repelling them, (Akane) I must reflect [Crowd: Akane!!] (+All) that it is not good even if it's not you. (Akane) Also after that quarrel that I was not disgusted with, Wasn't it a gloomy street at night, I regret relying upon you? (Kasumi) Entwined by a red thread, [Kasumi: Thank you!] We are connected here and there, aren't we? (Nabiki) Drawing strongly together with each other (Kasumi & Nabiki) Like a puppet that is being held. [Akane: 1, 2, 3, 3] (All) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. [Akane: Together!] (All) Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. [Akane: Hey! Shampoo: All right! Ranma: A second time? Shampoo: Everyone, be cheerful! Ranma: Come on, let's skip it!] (Ranma) For example, take me [Akane: Feel good!] (+All) even if I'm a boy. (Ranma) For example, take you (+All) even if you're a girl. (Ranma) In this way, it's not personalities that are similar. And still, we can't associate with each other, right? [Nabiki: Clap your hands!] (Nabiki) I'll try to find a good bed. I'll find one for you for about 100. (Kasumi) Your show of courage is love inside-out (Nabiki & Kasumi) The truth was let out long ago. [Shampoo: Yeah!] (All) Simple love is good. Digital formula two thoughts (Shampoo) I want to make love and hate clear to you. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree. I want to become that sort of adult. [Nabiki: Ha- Shampoo: I love you! Kasumi: Thank you! Ranma: Thank you very much! Nabiki: Everyone, clap your hands in rhythm! Akane: Feel good! Kasumi: Ah, thank you very much! Shampoo: One more? Akane: Last one, feel well!] (Akane) Complex two thoughts [Shampoo: OK] not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. [Akane & Nabiki: Hey!] (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree I can say "sorry." I want to possess gentleness. [Kasumi: Ha!] Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. [Ranma: Thank you! Akane: Thank you very much! Shampoo: I'm very delighted! Nabiki: Thank you! Kasumi: Thank you very much! Ryoga: Is it over yet?! Kuno: Ah, I have smitten thee well! (Kodachi laughs) Nabiki: Thank you! Shampoo: Thank you! Ranma: Thank you, thank you! Shampoo: Later! Kasumi: Good-bye! Akane: Today was the best! Shampoo: Thank you very much! Mousse: Wait... it's OVER?! Ukyo: Was that a rush, or what? Kasumi: Good-bye! Shampoo: Everyone, I love you! Akane: Later! Ranma: We will absolutely meet again! Kasumi: Feel well! Akane: Bye-bye] * * * * * The crowd cheered, and the five singers bowed. Ryu chose that moment to strike the gong once more. Amongst the mingling of the crowd, there was also scheduled entertainment. Mousse was on first, serving up typical magic tricks, even inviting members of the audience to participate in a card trick. After that, Ryoga amazed the audience by breaking objects; not just any objects, mind you, but objects of increasing hardness, starting with a board of wood, a block of cement, a lead pipe, a boulder, and even a manhole cover, all with his fingers. That softened-up the audience enough for Ling-ling and Lung-lung to walk on stage to tell their terrible jokes, followed quickly by a fan dance by Ukyo, a sword demonstration by Kuno, and a rhythmic gymnastics routine by Kodachi. And all things had to come to an end when the time was approaching eleven at night. Nabiki stood by the exit of the dojo, soliciting money from the guests to purchase a complementary video of the party. Surprisingly enough, she turned up quite a demand. So it was that the dojo had to be set up for the party, so did it had to be cleaned-up. But, being that this was Christmas Eve, none of them were in the mood for it, only leaving their gifts under the tree. The others retreated back to the house, gathering in the living room. "Ah, that felt great," Akane announced to those left in the Tendo home: the China gang, the Kunos, Taro, Ryu, Ukyo, Ryoga, Konatsu, Akari, Hinako, and Dr. Tofu. "It's going to be midnight soon," noted Kasumi. "But I can't help but feel there's something missing this night." "Gifts don't get exchanged until tomorrow, at least, traditionally," Nabiki pointed out helpfully. "I believe I know what's missing," Nodoka said, passing out a folder to each and every one present. Ukyo opened the folder and peered at it, then at Nodoka. "Wow." "Pfff," snorted Taro. "This kind of stuff isn't for me." "Don't you know anything about togetherness?" Akane asked critically. "Well, no," Taro answered honestly. Shampoo's father was about to say something, but Ranma cut him off. "Well, no time like now to start, I guess." Nodoka ran over to the tape player, and inserted a cassette. * * * * * Closing: [December] Characters * Christmas (1991 Song Calendar) [Genma: Ah, this is indeed a wonderful day, Tendo. Soun: You said it, Saotome. Konatsu: Ukyo-sama, is it not wonderful, being here tonight? Ukyo: Yes, it is. What are you doing?! Konatsu: Ah, to hug you warmly, lovingly.... Ukyo: Oh, all right. But don't make it a habit, okay? Shampoo: Mousse, why you try to get close to Shampoo? Mousse: Uh... if you want, I'll give you space.... Shampoo: Move there! Cologne: Shampoo! Ukyo: Hey, where did that cat go? There you are! Ranma: Cat?! Ukyo: Oh, don't worry so much, Ranchan! She won't bite! Ranma: Keep it away from me! Happosai: Hi-ho! Did anybody miss me? Cologne: You're late, Happy. Happosai: Well, if it weren't for that ingrate student of mine.... Ling-ling: To think, we travel to Japan, experience Western culture! Lung-lung: Maybe. You know we not be doing this.... Ling-ling: ...had we stayed home; yes, I know. Lung-lung: Truly, there is more beyond our village! Taro: YOU! Happosai: I'll never change your name, not now, not ever! Taro: See this? Cold water. You old geezer, you can't win.... Happosai: Still, do you want to ruin this moment for revenge? Taro: .... Hinako: Ooooh, that kitty's adorable! Konatsu: Her name is Snowball. Hinako: Can I pet her? Pretty pleeeeeze?! Konatsu: I don't see why not.... Ryoga: Ah, to spend Christmas Eve with the ones I love. Akari: Ahhh.... That's sweet! Kuno: (Ahem) To share this evening with two people I care.... Sasuke: Master, Ukyo is over there. Kuno: I can see that! Ah, to even be this far apart.... NO! Sasuke: Master?! Kodachi: Please, Taro-sama! Come sing along, why don't you? Taro: Hmmm... if you insist.] ... (Ryoga) On Christmas Eve, an important person is invited. (Shampoo) Immediately, I close my eyes. (Kasumi) Isn't it warm in my dream? (Kuno) I softly wipe away the powdery snow. (Ling-ling) Merry Christmas to you. (Lung-lung) I'm carrying a present under my arm. (Ranma) We've all gathered here. (Nodoka) Merry Christmas to you. (Nabiki) I won't even lose to Santa's (Ryu) dazzling smile. (Mousse) A dreaming night delivered. (Ukyo) Once a year, a busy dream... (Akari) I'll see it until I become an adult. (Genma) Poured water on my head! (Cologne) You're a reindeer. (Soun) Racing with a panda sleigh. (Taro) Merry Christmas to you. (Hinako) If you light the candle, (Kodachi) a dream will be added. (Sasuke) Merry Christmas to you. (Konatsu) Inside the stockings is (Happosai) overflowing love. (Tofu) A Holy Night delivered. (Akane) Comparing our height with the fir tree, Let's measure them instead by the falling stars.... (All) Merry Christmas to you. I'm carrying a present under my arm. We've all gathered here. Merry Christmas to you. I won't even lose to Santa's dazzling smile. A dreaming night delivered. Merry Christmas to you. If you light the candle, a dream will be added. Merry Christmas to you. Inside the stockings is overflowing love. A Holy Night delivered. (Ranma) Merry Christmas to You. ... [Soun: Merry Christmas, Saotome. Genma: Merry Christmas, Tendo. Nodoka: Merry Christmas, dear. Konatsu: Merry Christmas, Ukyo-sama. Ukyo: Merry Christmas, yah. Mousse: Merry Christmas Shampoo. Shampoo: Merry Christmas. Cologne: Merry Christmas. Happosai: Merry Christmas. Ling-ling: Merry Christmas. Lung-lung: Merry Christmas. Ryu: Merry Christmas. Kasumi: Merry Christmas sister! Nabiki: Merry Christmas to you, too. Tofu: Merry Christmas. Hinako: Merry Christmas! Ya-hah! Kuno: (Ahem) Merry Christmas. Kodachi: Merry-y Christmas... ha-hah! Taro: Merry Christmas. Fe-heh-heh! Sasuke: Merry Christmas, Masters. Ryoga: Merry Christmas. Akari: Merry Christmas. Akane: Merry Christmas. Ranma: Merry Christmas. ] ... Far from the Tendo household, far from Nerima, far from Tokyo, in the faraway place called Abu Dhabi, two figures stood outside a hotel, not long off for its own Christmas festivities. One of the two, a tanned man dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, bowed deeply to the floor before the other, a woman dressed in what appeared to be an expensive, elegant kimono, decorated in various patterns of flowers. The woman, her back to the man on the ground, announced, "I assume you have made a reasonable sum today?" The principal of Furinkan High nodded. Meekly, he answered, "Yes, dear!" He held out a bundle of cash as if it were an offering. It was only then that the kimono-clad woman turned around. With a quick swing, she snatched the cash from the principal's hands, then counted the sum to herself, smiling the entire time. The woman appeared in her late thirties, with a few wrinkles here and there masked by expensive make-up. Her black mane, devoid of any silver streaks (for she plucked them out whenever they appeared), was tied together in a pony-tail, set off toward the left side of her head. If one could make the comparison, he would say that the woman appeared much like an older version of Kodachi Kuno. "Excellent!" the Lady Kuno exclaimed. "This should almost cover the price of a one-way, first-class ticket back to Japan!" "Yes, dear," agreed the principal. Raising his head up enough for his eyes to meet that of his wife, he ventured to say, "But, we could have had this amount a while ago if only you hadn't gone out and spent it on your cosmetics...." "Silence!" screamed the Lady, using the back of her hand to slap her husband across the face. "NEVER question my living expenses! And use proper speech!" "Yes, dear," replied Kuno, rubbing his sore cheeks. "When we raise enough money, and return to Japan," explained the Lady Kuno, "our unforgivable bastard children will pay dearly!" Kuno kept his mouth shut; correcting her now would only make the coming weeks worse. After all, HE was the one getting the money, not her. "After that," continued his wife, "you are going to resume sending me money, and make sure to keep it that way!" Seething with anger now, the Lady added, "Those ingrates of children! I will show them REAL punishment, when I ship Tatewaki off to America to attend law school, and Kodachi off to military school! If the only way to enforce discipline is to destroy the foundations, then so be it! No more 'noble son,' no more 'virgin daughter!' They will grow up my way, or not at all!" "Sweetcakes, if we're going to buy only one one-way ticket, what about the other?" Too late, Kuno realized he had voiced the question, and tensed himself, waiting for the next attack. But, to his surprise, the attack never came. Instead, Lady Kuno chuckled to herself in amusement. "You still need to learn proper speech, but I think you should know this: *I* am going to be on that plane, but I am not so cruel as to leave you behind. There is an alternate method of transporting YOU, however. I learned this from the kids...." With that for an answer, the principal wished he hadn't asked. ----------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Ranma's feeling a lot better now about his future, coming out of his depression hole. This is very similar to the Hiryu Shoten Ha story, the depression I mean. He just lost faith in himself for a while. It will take time, however, before he can regain his confidence. The hinted lingering presence of Ukyo will come to play very quickly. Taro: The idea that Taro and Akane may be cousins was Blade's idea, not mine (and it's quite feasible, since Akane resembles Taro's mother). He didn't help Ranma for his sake, it was for Akane's. Taro DOES respect Akane, at least, and if her husband's going to bring her down with him, well... no way! Almost taking example of Kuno (who he doesn't really like) Taro's looking after his own. Ryu Kumon: Since the Yamasenken is a 'forbidden art' now, and he still wishes to fulfill his father's dying wish to rebuild the Kumon dojo, I thought this was feasible, although he could've gone to another sensei. Of course, since Ranma was the one who beat him, and Ryu has a sort of respect for him, I did this. Kodachi: It is my opinion that she has the best understanding of living than anyone else, thus she is the one who asks the life questions. It is easier to find something worth dying for than to find something worth living for. Ranma would live and die for Akane, thus there is relevance; he almost lost sight of that in his depressive state. To think, that it took Kodachi, Akane, and Taro to bring Ranma out of his depressive state! Hah, bet you thought I would call Ukyo into it, but part of the reason why this wouldn't work is because Ukyo is partly responsible (ludicrous idea, as it wasn't her fault, yet it was) that he was that way in the first place. Taro did it for Akane's sake; only he would come up with a plan like that...! The return of several recurring characters that have been lacking in this series of stories: Ryu Kumon, Hinako, Happosai, Sasuke, Tofu, Nodoka, Cologne, Soun, and Genma. This, btw, is Ryu's first actual appearance, unlike the other guys. Well, it's a Christmas/gathering kind of story, so why not? Most of these guys won't ever appear again in the series, particularly Sasuke, Hinako, Happosai, Tofu, and maybe Cologne. The Christmas party was pretty much a rehash of the OAV, no big deal, not to mention it isn't very important in the story. The main focus is on Ranma, Akane, Taro, and Ryu, of course. Ranma comes to terms with his 'destiny,' Taro learns a bit more about togetherness, and family, from this experience. Trivia(l) Bits The last scene was inspired from one piece of art in the Memorial Book, the one where it has the Ranma guys and girls singing Christmas carols, or something like that. It has female Ranma in a Santa outfit leaning on a wreath, you can't miss it. The thing about Shampoo's father is a gag; he's the character who never gets a chance to say anything :) And just what was it that was in Mousse's package? Did you catch Kasumi's little comment? If not, go back and find it, as it may be important later on.... Both of Ukyo's serenaides for Ranma were soft and extremely pleasant; "Voices" is from Macross Plus, while "Whispering Misty Night" is an image song from Kimagure Orange Road, sung by Madoka, who happens to have the same seiyu as Ukyo (I'm the writer; I can do any darn evil thing I want :P). For some odd reason, she sings a lot less than any of the other characters do, and I happen to like her voice a lot more than female Ranma's seiyu's singing (who only seems to sound good in the Saber Marionette J songs for some odd reason, to this ear, at least). If you remember the Battle of the Bands story, you knew this was coming. Ah, how convenient it is, but wonderful nonetheless. WAFFy it may be. I promise, there won't be another one like this. I found a copy of the Live version to FUKUZATSU-na Ryouomoi, with the live comments made by the singers. Then I added some of my own.... Next time, hinted since the Battle of the Bands, Team Ranma goes up against the world's finest fighters, meet friends and enemies old and new alike, in: the King of Fighters '96! Razorclaw X http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html ______________________________________________________ Source Credits: ---------------------------------- [Ranma 1/2] DoCo Second image song (1994) FUKUZATSU-na Ryouomoi (Live Version) [Complex Two Thoughts] Singer: Ranma 1/2 DoCo Ranma * Hayashibara Megumi Akane * Hidaka Noriko Shampoo * Sakuma Rei Nabiki * Takayama Minami Kasumi * Inoue Kikuko Lyricist: Ranma-teki kagekidan bungeibu Composer/Arranger: Yamamoto Harukichi [SHANPUU: minna arigatou Akane: doumo arigatou Ranma: huhu- Kasumi: doumo arigatou gozaimasu Nabiki: arigatou SHANPUU: minna daisuki ne Akane: arigatou Ranma: yu- hu- Kasumi: doumo arigatou gozaimasu Ranma laughs Ranma: saigo made moriagatte iku zo minna Akane: minna yoroshiku Kasumi laughs Ranma: tsuite koi yo Kasumi: minna mo issho ni utatte ne Ranma: ike SHANPUU] [Shampoo: Thank you everyone! Akane: Indeed, thank you! Ranma: huhu- Kasumi: Indeed, thank you very much! Nabiki: Thank you! Shampoo: Everyone, we love you a lot! Akane: Thank you! Ranma: yu- hu- Kasumi: Thank you very much! Ranma laughs Ranma: Let's be excited until the end. Let's go everyone! Akane: Everyone, best regards! Kasumi laughs Ranma: It's about love! Kasumi: Everyone also sing with us! Ranma: Go Shampoo!] (SHANPUU) ROMANSU no katabou o [Akane: hai minna isshoni] (+All) katsuide iru ne (SHANPUU) kamisama ni tokubetsu no [Akane: kondo wa kocchi] (+All) KONE de mo aru no? (SHANPUU) wazato ijiwaruna soburi demo mune no oku ni wa todoite iru yasashisa [SHANPUU: ya-] (Shampoo) Carrying one side of romance [Akane: Yes, everyone, together!] (+All) is a burden, isn't it? (Shampoo) A special connection to God [Akane: Next time here!] (+All) isn't there one? (Shampoo) On purpose, you had unkind behavior, but In my chest's heart, gentleness was being reached. [Shampoo: Yeah!] (Akane) kouinna yarikata ni [Ranma: motto motto] (+All) hanhatsu shite mo (Akane) anata janakya DAME da to [crowd: Akane] (+All) hansei shichau (Akane) korinai KENKA no sono ato mo kurai yomichi ja tayotte shimau (Akane) Your pushy way of doing things, [Ranma: More! More!] (+All) even repelling them, (Akane) I must reflect [crowd: Akane] (+All) that it is not good even if it's not you. (Akane) Also after that quarrel that I was not disgusted with, Wasn't it a gloomy street at night, I regret relying upon you? (Kasumi) akai ito karamatte iru [Kasumi: arigatou] achikochi de tsunagatteru ne (Nabiki) otagai ga tsuyoku hippatte (Kasumi & Nabiki) motsureru ayatsuri ningyou (Kasumi) Entwined by a red thread, [Kasumi: Thank you!] We are connected here and there, aren't we? (Nabiki) Drawing strongly together with each other (Kasumi & Nabiki) Like a puppet that is being held. [Akane: 1, 2, 3, 3] (All) FUKUZATSU-na ryouomoi sunao ja nai watashi-tachi (Ranma) "Gomen" no monji ga jisho kara kieteru [Akane: Isshoni] (All) FUKUZATSU-na ryouomoi ichi TASU ichi nibunnoichi nakitai kurai ni nayanderu (All) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. [Akane: Together!] (All) Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. [Akane: hey SHANPUU: All right Ranma: 2 kai seki mieteru ka Akane: ?? genki yotte SHANPUU: minna genki dashite Akane: ?? tsukarete nai Ranma: sa tobasu ze Kasumi: wa] [Akane: hey Shampoo: All right! Ranma: A second time? Akane: ?? Shampoo: Everyone, be cheerful! Akane: ?? Ranma: Come on, let's skip it! Kasumi: wa] (Ranma) tatoeba kono watashi ga [Akane: genki yo] (+All) otoko no ko de mo (Ranma) tatoeba sou anata ga (+All) onna no ko de mo (Ranma) konna ni jiteiru seikaku ja yahari FUTSUU ni tsukiaenai ne (Ranma) For example, take me [Akane: Feel good!] (+All) even if I'm a boy. (Ranma) For example, take you (+All) even if you're a girl. (Ranma) In this way, it's not personalities that are similar. And still, we can't associate with each other, right? [Nabiki: Clap your hands!] (Nabiki) ii toko o sagashite miyou hyaku kurai mitsukete ageru (Kasumi) tsuyogari wa SUKI no uragaeshi (Nabiki & Kasumi) HONTO wa tokku ni BARE teru (Nabiki) I'll try to find a good bed. I'll find one for you for about 100. (Kasumi) Your show of courage is love inside-out (Nabiki & Kasumi) The truth was let out long ago. [SHANPUU: Yay Akane: ??] [Shampoo: Yeah! Akane: ??] (All) TANJUN-na ai ga ii DEJITARU shiki ryouomoi (SHANPUU) SUKI to KIRAI o hakkiri sasetai (All) TANJUN-na ai ga ii au tabi KISU shite hoshii sou iu ooto ni naritai na (All) Simple love is good. Digital formula two thoughts (Shampoo) I want to make love and hate clear to you. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree. I want to become that sort of adult. [Nabiki: hu- SHANPUU: woo ai nii Ranma: tachimi mo makenna yo Kasumi: arigatou SHANPUU: doumo arigatou Akane: minna motte tebyoushi Akane: genki yo Kasumi: ?? Kasumi laughs Kasumi: aa doumo arigatou SHANPUU: ?? [ikyou] Akane: saigo genki yoku] [Nabiki: hu- Shampoo: I love you! Ranma: ?? Kasumi: Thank you! Shampoo: Thank you very much! Akane: Everyone, clap your hands in rhythm! Akane: Feel good! Kasumi: ?? Kasumi laughs Kasumi: Ah, thank you very much! Shampoo: ?? Akane: Last one, feel well!] (Akane) FUKUZATSU-na ryouomoi [SHANPUU: OK] sunao ja nai watashi tachi [Kasumi laughs] (Ranma) "Gomen" no monji ga jisho kara kieteru [Akane & Shampoo: Hey!] (All) TANJUN-na ai ga ii au tabi KISU shite hoshii "Gomen" to ieru yasashisa mochitai [Ranma: Ha!] FUKUZATSU-na ryou omoi ichi TASU ichi nibunnoichi nakitai kurai ni nayanderu (Akane) Complex two thoughts [Shampoo: OK] not docile, both of us [Kasumi laughs] (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. [Akane & Shampoo: Hey!] (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree I can say "sorry." I want to possess gentleness. [Ranma: Ha!] Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. [Ranma: arigatou Akane: doumo arigatou SHANPUU: dai kanki Nabiki: arigatou Kasumi: arigatou gozaimashita SHANPUU: ?? Ranma: ?? Akane: ?? Nabiki: arigatou SHANPUU: arigatou Ranma: Thank you, thank you SHANPUU: mata ne Kasumi: sayonara Akane: kyou wa saikou datta yo SHANPUU: doumo arigatou Nabiki: ?? ne Akane & Ranma: Kasumi: sayonara SHANPUU: minna ai shiteru ne Akane: ja ne Ranma: matta zettai au na Kasumi: ogenki de ne Akane: Bye bye] [Ranma: Thank you! Akane: Thank you very much! Shampoo: I'm very delighted! Nabiki: Thank you! Kasumi: Thank you very much! Shampoo: ?? Ranma: ?? Akane: ?? Nabiki: Thank you! Shampoo: Thank you! Ranma: Thank you, thank you! Shampoo: Later! Kasumi: Good-bye! Akane: Today was the best! Shampoo: Thank you very much! Nabiki: ?? Akane & Ranma: Kasumi: Good-bye! Shampoo: Everyone, I love you! Akane: Later! Ranma: We will absolutely meet again! Kasumi: Feel well! Akane: Bye bye] Non-lyrics provided by Hitoshi Doi, Regius Gunawan Translation Ray Huang Revised December 31, 1995 ________________________________________________ [Ranma 1/2] Uta Koyomi image song (1990) [12 gatsu] KYARAKUTAAZU * KURISUMASU {[December] Characters * Chrismas} Singer: Ranma-teki Kagekidan Ichigyouyuu Lyricist: Ranma-teki Kagekidan Bungeibu Composer/Arranger: Kawai Kenji (P-chan) IVU ni maneita taisetsuna hito (SHANPUU) mou sugu mabuta tojiru yo (Kasumi) yume no nakatte atatakai ne to (Kunou) kona yuki sotto haratte (P-chan) On the eve of Christmas, an important person is invited. (Shampoo) Immediately, I close my eyes. (Kasumi) "Isn't it warm in my dream?" (Kunou) I softly wipe away the powdery snow. (Ranma-chan) * kimi ni Merry Christmas PUREZENTO kakaete (Ranma-kun) atsumateru boku-tachi (Nabiki) kimi ni Merry Christmas SANTA ni mo makenai (MUUSU) mabushii egao todoke Dreamin' Night... (Ranma-chan) * Merry Christmas to you. I'm carrying a present under my arm. (Ranma-kun) We've all gathered. (Nabiki) Merry Christmas to you. won't even lose to Santa's (Mousse) a dazzling smile A dreaming night delivered (Ukyou) nen ni ichodo no nigiyaka-na yume (Azusa) otona ni naru made mireru yo (PANDA) mizu o kabutta kimi wa TONAKAI (obaba) (Souun) PANDA no SORI to kyousou (Ukyou) once a year, a busy dream (Azusa) I'll see it until I become an adult. (Panda) Poured water on my head. You're a reindeer. (obaba) (Souun) Racing with a panda sleigh (Sanzenin) ** kimi ni Merry Christmas KYANDORU o tomoseba (Kodachi) yume ga hitotsu fueru yo (Sasuke) kimi ni Merry Christmas (Tsubasa) kutsushita no nakami wa (Happousai) afureru ai sa (Toufu) todoke Holy Night... (Sanzenin) ** Merry Christmas to you. If you light the candle, (Kodachi) a dream will be added. (Sasuke) Merry Christmas to you. (Tsubasa) Inside the socks is (Happousai) overflowing love. (Toufu) A Holy Night delivered. (Akane & Jusenkyou Five) momi no ki to sei kurabe ryuusei no MEJAA de hakarou (Akane & Jusenkyou Five) comparing height with the fir tree, let's measure them by falling star measurements (All) *~kurikaeshi **~kurikaeshi (All) *~Repeat **~Repeat (Ranma-kun) Merry Christmas for You Translated by Ray Huang Special thanks to Yutaka Sasagawa for assistance and corrections Revised January 27, 1996 _________________________________________ [Ranma 1/2] DoCo * Second image song (1994) Kiyoku Tadashii KURISUMASU [A Pure and Honest Christmas] Singer: Ranma 1/2 DoCo Ranma * Hayashibara Megumi Akane * Hidaka Noriko Shampoo * Sakuma Rei Nabiki * Takayama Minama Kasumi * Inoue Kikuko Lyricist: Ranma-teki Kagekidan Bungeibu Composer/Arranger: Ada/Yasuta/Yasuda? Atsushi (zenin) SANTA o shinjite ita kodomo de sugosu IBU wa PAPA to MAMA no ai ni mo kizukanaide hashaida PURESENTO (All) the eve that you spend with children that believe in Santa without noticing the love of father and mother also presents that are delightful (Kasumi) tomodachi ni kikasareta are wa PAPA no itazura (Ranma) yume ga hitotsu kiete wa otona ni naru (zenin) tameiki KURISUMASU (Kasumi) Asked friends over there is father's prank (Ranma) dreams vanish once you become an adult (All) A sighful Christmas (Akane) nee konya anata wa donna sutekina yume de (SHANPUU) barairo no mirai ni sasotte kureru no? (Akane) Hey, tonight, what kind of lovely dream (Shampoo) will a rosy future be invited? * (R * N * K) yuki no you ni (A * S) sunaona (R * N * K) kegare no nai (A * S) watashi o (Ranma * Nabiki * Kasumi) misetaku naru (zenin) anata no mae de wa * (R * N * K) like snow (A * S) docile (R * N * K) nothing impure (A * S) I (R * N * K) want to become seen (All) before you (Nabiki) utagau koto (A * S) shiranai (Nabiki) osanai hi no (A * S) watashi ni (Nabiki) modoresouna (zenin) sonna hito dakara (zenin) I believe you (Nabiki) doubtful things (A * S) I don't know (Nabiki) childish days (A * S) of mine (Nabiki) like turning back (All) because of this person (All) I believe you (SHANPUU) jitensha o oshinagara anata no ie tazuneta (Akane) PAPA to MAMA ni naisho no IBU no yoru wa (A * S) hajimete na no (Shampoo) visited your house while pushing a bicycle (Akane) father's and mother's secret eve night (A * S) has started (Ranma) tegami no MAFURAA o fukuro kara tori dashite (Nabiki) o-heya de kubi ni maki egao no okaeshi (Ranma) a hand knitted muffler was taken out from a bag (Nabiki) in the room, wrapped around the neck a return gift of a smiling face (R * N * K) yasashii kara (A * S) sukina no (R * N * K) itsumo soba ni (A * S) itai no (Kasumi) anata no kiru PAJAMA ni naritai (R * N * K) because of gentleness (A * S) I love you (R * N * K) always near you (A * S) it hurts to be (Kasumi) I want to become the pajamas that you wear (R * N * K) mado no soto wa (A * S) kona yuki (R * N * K) katayoseai (A * S) mitetara (R * N * K) jibun no koto (zenin) tadashiku omoete (zenin) ureshii (R * N * K) the outside window (A * S) flour snow (R * N * K) standing, arm across each other (A * S) if you see (R * N * K) things of mine (All) surely you can think of (All) that would make me happy * kurikaeshi * repeat Translation by Jui-Hua (Ray) Huang Revised October 18, 1995 ----------------------------------------- Whispering Misty Night "Kimagure Orange Road" image song suashi no mama de sasou BARUKONII wake ari kao de kakehiki suru wa JIKIRU to HAIDO ga kousa-shite watashi anata no ai ni sunao ni narenai Kiss kurai nara kamawanai nante suzushii kao shite odorokashita no yotteru engi wa o-tokui no watashi kuyashii keredo koi ni ochite-iru * Whispering Misty Night chuuburarin mo sore nari ni suteki-na yoru ne Whispering Misty Night tsuki no hikari ni terasareta futari wa In the mood terasareta futari wa In the mood amaenaide to sono te furi-hodoki okotta kao shite komarasetai no SHIRUKU no kuchibiru furuwasete watashi tsurenai furi de ai ni obieteru Whispering Misty Night dotchi tsukazu mo sore nari ni tanoshii yoru ne Whispering Misty Night JAZU no RIZUMU de SAKISOFON kikoeru In my heart * Repeat terasareta futari wa In the mood terasareta futari wa In the mood Singer: Tsuru Hiromi Lyricist: Sawachi Ryuu Composer/Arranger: Sagisu Shirou ----------------------------------------- Voices Lyrics: Wakako Kaku Music/Arrangement: Yoko Kanno Performed by: Akino Arai by Jason Smiley Chan -----------------------------------------