The Wheel of Fire, #16: Nemesis Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author (to which the answer is probably "no"). Fanart inspired by this story can be found at: Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story. Plot Points =========== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Ryoga and Akari are married. 2. Nodoka insisted that Ukyo join her family to remove her past dishonor. While Ukyo accepted, she opted to retain her name for duty to her family as sole heir. 3. Kodachi and Tatewaki hate their parents and Ranma. They know Ranma is the pig-tailed girl, and are quite unforgiving about that. 4. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, and Shampoo's father work at the Nekohanten. 5. Kodachi and Pantyhose Taro admit affection for each other. 6. Ukyo discovers she can manipulate chi. With proper training she could become more powerful than Ranma. You can start reading now... heh. ------------------------------------------------ He watched the great fireball descend in the horizon, bathing the sky in a fiery orange glow. It, perhaps, would be the last he would ever see for a long while. Slowly, he forced himself to walk down the mountain trail, all the while resisting the urge to continue staring at the setting sun. Left foot. Right foot. And soon, he was making a steady pace as darkness enveloped him. "The time has come," he said in a grave tone, speaking to himself aloud. "The annihilation of Humanity is at hand; the Cleansing shall begin. The gods help us if we are wrong." Only the one with eight sets of eyes truly knew the answer. * * * * * Opening: Don't Cry Any more (Ukyo) (Ukyo) On a street corner, shining down is The lonely silhouette which is me I just heard the line "goodbye" from you Without quite believing it My heart beats as though they're drums Against my chest Which brings forth tears, A lullaby Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! I had felt like I was totally cool. In the car that's driving away, I can see a lovely kiss scene. You and your girlfriend-- It's no mistake! Cheer up, don't cry anymore Only bad things won't continue Cheer up, don't cry anymore. I look up and embrace the sky. Smile again! Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! * * * * * Part 1: Phoenix Rising-- When Black Roses Bloom "What is wedlock forced but a hell, an age of discord and continued strife? Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss?" -- Shakespeare, Henry VI "Humans have a phrase: 'What is past is prologue.' Minbari also have a phrase: 'What is past is also sometimes future.'" -- Delenn, Babylon 5 Everything you know about life is wrong. There was a time when Tatewaki Kuno cared for other women, but now he found he could not. Only one thought occupied his mind right now, standing alone that morning on the porch, staring at the rising sun, This thought prevented him from drifting to his beloved Ukyo Kuonji. Kodachi had died. Well, in a manner of speaking, of course. She hadn't physically- died, really. Actually, it was more of a mental death, if one could call it that. Nearly a month ago Ukyo had asked for Kuno's help to rid Ranma of an evil possessing spirit. The only reason he had gone was because Ukyo had asked, and that Akane was in danger. He would later find that he was not the only one to aid in the battle; Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo, and Kodachi were recruited as well, being part of the six that formed the circle around Ranma and Akane, whatever that meant. Joining minds, the six had traveled to Ranma's mindscape, where Akane was being held against her will. Ranma, under the so-called 'influences' of the evil phantom, had killed Mousse and Kodachi, and had almost done Ukyo and himself in as well before the others could stop him. As in a dream, when one dies, one wakes up, and that was the fate of Mousse and Kodachi. While Mousse suffered no lasting trauma, Kodachi hadn't recovered. Kuno had accepted the fact that Kodachi loved Ranma long ago. To be otherwise now was-- to say the least-- unsettling. He had always wished his twisted sister would give-up her affection for the foul sorcerer, but not in this way. Kodachi refused to come within sight of Ranma, being quite bitter about being one of those who he had targeted to kill. The richman and head of House Kuno had no idea what was going on through his sister's mind. In fact, he had no idea what that girl was doing right now. Humph, probably cuddling with that Taro person, or feeding that alligator or something, Kuno guessed. At least she was taking care of SOMETHING. Kuno had grudgingly-hired a gardener after Kodachi refused to touch the plants in the courtyard anymore, as if their presence made her sick. He had the idea that she wanted them to die, probably to experience what she had experienced: dying. Dying. Yes, he, too, had died once, during a duel against an assassin who wished to bring harm to Akane. It was the invincible Chinese Phoenix Sword that killed him, as it drained almost all of Kuno's soul power. Dying had opened his eyes, made new roads available to him, and it was there, in Heaven, that Kuno discovered that Ranma was the pig- tailed girl. That alone drove him back to Earth. Since then, Kuno steadily-increased his soul energies, so that he may never burn himself out again. Dying wasn't such a bad thing. Perhaps dying was a good thing for dear Kocchi, Kuno supposed. Of course, she cherished life and living over all else; perhaps she might not make it out of her problem alone. Perhaps it was time I did something besides stand around and wonder. He was on the verge of collapse when, in the mindscape, Ranma had thrown his deadly energy lance through Kodachi's stomach, creating a clean-cut hole right through the center. The memory of what Kodachi had done still haunted him: she merely stared down at the hole, as if it were always there, then back at Ranma, and laughed. Then, she fell forward, falling flat on her face, and died. She had laughed. Laughed, as if it were a joke. That was what scared Tatewaki Kuno most. After all, everything you know about life is wrong. Cold air rushed past the solitary martial artist by the name of Saotome, given name Ranma. Teal wisps of smoke danced all about, kicked up like sand in a high wind. He practiced his kicks against an imaginary opponent, keeping steady in each blow, simulating tae kwon do moves he had seen demonstrated to him once on television. None of it was particularly difficult, he thought. It was then the imaginary opponent was replaced by a person. Ranma ceased his practice, not surprised that the newcomer arrived. The newcomer wore a heavy, dark mantle, concealing the rest of the body. The sleeves of the mantle dangled loosely by the side; Ranma knew that this person had her arms folded in the drape-like cloth. "Do you know who I am?" she asked. "Of course I do," Ranma answered quickly, casually. She shook her head. "Do you KNOW who I am?" "What's THAT supposed to mean?" the martial artist asked. Quickly, the woman was replaced by another figure... that of a man, dressed in long, plain white pants, and a scale-patterned shirt, the likes of which Ranma knew and despised. "WHY are you here?!" Ranma yelled. The man chuckled to himself. "You're missing something." And, from behind Ranma, another voice said, "When the log falls, you will all die." The martial artist turned to look over his shoulder, but found no one there. Turning back to face the man, Ranma was surprised to find him replaced by the woman from before. One eye glowed a ruby red, in a diamond-like shape, as if it were made of artificial substances. "It's not too late," she said. "I'll always be there." "It is time," announced Kodachi. In the dark chamber that served as Kodachi Kuno's bedchambers she cackled madly, her only audience being Pantyhose Taro, her latest love of her life. The walls of the room that were once decorated with posters of Ranma were now bare; a single picture remained, posted at the center of a dart board, with three darts stuck through it. The room reeked of plant life, as Kodachi kept a vase of roses by her bedside, the buds emitting a powerful, yet pleasant, scent, only vaguely reminiscent of actual roses. She loved to chemically- enhance her plants whenever possible, and the roses represented one such specimen of many in the garden. "We will hit him hard, and hit him fast," explained Kodachi, pacing around Taro, tapping a club in her palm. "After all, it is three against one, and certain advantages available to us alone!" Taro nodded. The 'three' included himself, Kodachi, and Kodachi's idiotic brother, the Poet. The 'advantages' his love spoke of included several plans and contingencies, worked out by Taro and Kodachi together, each pointing-out each other's flaws and even more contingencies. The target, of course, was none other than Femme-boy, otherwise known as Ranma Saotome. Kodachi wished to harm Ranma to the point of overhumiliation, if not to death. All of that suited Taro just fine, so long as Ranma got what he deserved. Of course, given Kodachi's rather sadistic attitude toward battle, he might have to restrain her attack a bit as well, especially if his cousin, Akane, were endangered. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation. "Finally, time for some long-deserved payback!" Taro circled his arms around Kodachi lovingly. The couple stared into each other's eyes knowingly. "Whatever happens," the Chinese man said, "we do it together." "Yes, together," echoed Kodachi, whispering softly. Smiling gently, she pressed her lips onto Taro's, oblivious to the rest of the world, if only for a moment. Not far from the Kuno estate, in Tokyo proper, a woman, who appeared to be in her late thirties or early forties, emerged from the airplane that had carried her home from Abu Dhabi. She stepped out of the airplane's hatch and into the boarding ramp that lead to the terminal, careful not to let her carnation-adorned kimono brush against what she perceived as filthy walls. She clomped down the ramp, carrying an air of importance with her, with her chin up high, and a beautifully-patterned folding fan in hand, ever so slightly waving air toward the woman's delicate face. The woman stepped into the terminal, standing there for a moment, as if to take in the air around her. With her free hand, the lady threw her pony tail over her shoulder, letting it dangle almost invitingly on the left side. She wrinkled her nose, suddenly remembering why she hated the city so much: it reminded her too much of home. For the Lady Kuno, the mother of Tatewaki and Kodachi, was not born to wealth, but to poverty; however, marriage to the rich maniac Kuno had changed everything. Speaking of which.... "Service!" demanded the Lady, making herself heard over the noise of the occupants of the terminal. No sooner had she cried out had the nearest airport employee came to her side. He bowed to the Lady respectfully. "Get my package out of the baggage compartment, now!" she ordered. "My husband is no good to me dead!" Ukyo, don't you think it is time to get up? The okonomiyaki chef groaned, rolling to her side in her futon lazily. "Go 'way," murmured Ukyo. "It's my day off...." You know as well as I that I cannot do that. It was then that Ukyo realized that nobody had spoken to her. She rolled onto her back, and maneuvered her hands to cushion her head. The chef cursed silently, remembering where the voice came from. "I thought I told you I wanted to sleep in," she whispered to the air, running her fingers through her long, black hair. I can feel it in the air. Echoing through space is the resonance of energy, energy that has the same signature as that the Warmage gathered from Ranma a while ago. It can only mean that Warmage has finally found a suitable host for Nemesis. Sitting up, Ukyo said, "Now?" Gather the others. Their help will be needed. "Oh, all right," the chef said, shrugging. The voice Ukyo heard in her head belonged to that of Seiryu, her future self, who traveled back in time to prevent Nemesis from destroying mankind. When she failed in her mission, she managed to transfer some of her memories into Ranma's mind, and, after joining minds with Ranma recently, Seiryu's memories leaped into Ukyo's mind. The strangest part of it all was that Ukyo was, in effect, talking to herself. Seiryu's mental voice was the same as Ukyo's; no surprise, since they are the same person. Seiryu's voice carried the weight of experience, of a certain weariness, yet, holding determination and hope at the same time. The future Ukyo continued to point out to the chef that her own voice was still filled with some innocence, but of what Ukyo couldn't determine. It wasn't long before Ukyo realized that Seiryu's memories had the ability to teach her how to use her latent psychokinetic powers, powers in which Seiryu mastered in her time. By force of will Ukyo practiced creating chi daggers, a feat many martial artists couldn't hope to do. Yet, somehow, Ukyo knew that Seiryu was holding back on her lessons, as if there was something Ukyo wasn't supposed to use. Ranma possessed as much potential, if not more, as Ukyo did in chi mastery. However, Seiryu had explained that Ranma's mastery comes not from within as Ukyo's did, but from others. For a time, Ranma had used those ultimate powers, but they were drawn from negative, dark emotions, rooted in evil born in his person. Only the power of faith surpassed that energy, and it was the only energy that could properly-fuel Ranma's ultimate powers. Of course, the problem was, Ranma lacked faith. Careful study by Cologne revealed that Ranma must place faith in those closest to him, namely Akane, Ukyo, Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo, Kuno, and Kodachi, as all their lives were interconnected. All eight belong to a circle, old Cologne said, with Ranma and Akane in the center, and the other six around them in a circular pattern. Only together would they defeat the evil Warmage was attempting to bring into the world. And unless something was done, the circle would collapse, and all hope with it. So they said. "It's time to correct my mistakes," Ukyo announced to nobody in particular. "ALL of them...." "It's time to collect what's due to me," Mousse muttered to himself. Sitting cross-legged, arms folded across his chest, head bent low, the Chinese acrobat took in a deep breath, then relaxed, savoring the flow of air in his lungs before exhaling. The only light that illuminated the attic of the Nekohanten came from a single window, the light unobstructed by the heavy curtains pulled to the side. Mousse had arranged his seating such that the light of the rising sun, as it traveled across the sky, would bathe him in greater radiance, sitting with his back against the window all the while. The shadow he cast spanned to the door. This time of the morning was the perfect time. Mousse reached to his right and pulled a box in front of him, which appeared a bit larger than a box containing a basketball. He opened the package he had received nearly two weeks ago, and stared at the contents inside. Reaching into the box with both hands, the Chinese acrobat removed a pair of matching claw razors. Each razor appeared as the black, heavy gloves that one might find in a laboratory, fitting well over the wrists and halfway up to the elbows, but that was where the similarities ended; the 'fingers' of the gloves ended in four large, stainless steel edges, giving the appearance of a great claw from the most imposing of demons-- three fingers and a thumb, if one wished to look at the weapons in that manner. Mousse put both gloves on his hands, flexing the 'fingers' experimentally. Although he had been practicing with these new weapons for the past two weeks, the acrobat could still feel awe. Slipping off the gloves, Mousse stowed them away into their new resting place, up his sleeves. He reached back into the box and withdrew a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, the Chinese acrobat read the words he'd read so many times before: "To Mousse, I have fashioned these weapons for you since we last parted nearly a year ago. I have personally enchanted them with the most powerful Taoist sorceries available to me; think of me when you use them. May we meet again where no darkness falls, Mei-ling." Silently, he folded the letter back up, and slipped it into his sleeves. Leaping to his feet, Mousse turned to face the window. With graceful strides he made his way to the window, and, with his left hand, pushed it open, allowing the wind to rush into the attic. Peering out the window, staring down at the street below, he whispered, "All that is left to do is to get revenge against Ranma Saotome!" Only a pair of eyes bore witness to Mousse's flight from the open window, watching him race across the rooftops to his destination. Nodding to each other in understanding, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, polearms in hand, followed the Chinese acrobat. Little did any of the three deserters know that Shampoo, her father, and old Cologne were watching them depart from the dining room inside. "Follow them," the old woman ordered Shampoo. "Make sure they do not ruin my plans." Ranma's eyes flew open like a spring returning to its natural state. Damn, that was a weird dream.... For a moment, while staring at the ceiling, he wondered why Akane didn't wake him up earlier. Lying in his double futon on the floor, Ranma lay in bed, alone. Judging from the clock, it was almost ten in the morning. He could hear the faint chirping of the birds out in the Tendo yard through the open window, as well as smell whatever it was Kasumi had made for breakfast. Oh yeah, Ranma thought, I told Akane I wanted to sleep-in today. Well, in part that had much to do with Ukyo's decisions; every morning for the past few months she and Ranma practiced in the dojo at dawn, just before Ukyo opened her shop. However, since today was one day she designated as a 'day off,' she decided to sleep-in, and Ranma did the same. After all, getting up at dawn wasn't Ranma's idea of a morning. He almost expected to hear the voice of Ucchan in his mind, but there was only emptiness. Ukyo, where are you? Ranma wondered. No answer. Her familiar, comforting, soothing voice was missing, as it has been for almost a month, even though he's seen her every morning. It was the voice that assured Ranma that everything would turn out right in the end, the voice of reason, the one that guided his actions like a loving parent. It was she, in his mind, which would always be there, but she was gone. Ranma concluded that he missed her. "Geez, I don't get it," Ranma said to himself. "Why in the world would I be thinking about Ukyo right now? I've never thought about her all that much before, so why am I now?" Maybe it's time to pay her a visit, he decided. I've got to sort this thing out. Pulling himself out from under the covers of the bed, Ranma shook those thoughts from his mind, and began to change his clothes. "I knew I shouldn't have gone out by myself," Ryoga said, chastising himself for the umpteenth time. It should have been a simple matter to travel to town and go to the store to buy a gift for Akari, but, as usual, Ryoga got lost. More than ever Ryoga hated getting lost, especially the fact that the time he spent lost was time without Akari. Still, this had to be done, otherwise Akari wouldn't have been surprised with the gift. He had no idea what possessed him to get the gift; it was as if someone in the back of the Eternally Lost Boy's head told him it was necessary. That must have been yesterday, Ryoga decided. Hiking in a familiar-looking urban community, a small, wrapped box in hand, Ryoga trudged on, hoping that the Fates would put him back on the right path. Then again, the Fates usually put Ryoga in the right place at the right time, and that usually wasn't where he intended to go. "I shouldn't have gone without you, Akari," he whispered. "So, Nabiki, you've found a job?" Soun said. Gathered in the Tendo living room were Soun and his three daughters, sitting around the table as if they were sharing a meal, which they were not, as breakfast was finished for quite some time. Nodoka and Genma went out to the market together, while Ranma was left alone in bed, leaving all four Tendo family members alone in the house for the first time in a long time. Nabiki nodded in confirmation. "It's down at the new Casino King. I get to handle money." "'Casino King?'" piped Akane. "Isn't that the Gambling King's place?" The middle Tendo sister replied, "It sure is." "He was such an interesting fellow," commented Kasumi. Akane eyed Kasumi suspiciously. Why in the world was she behaving in such a manner toward a man who tried to take away the Tendo dojo? Under normal circumstances, the idea of Nabiki getting a job would have been ludicrous. But, since her failure to pass the infamous college entrance exams, she has had a better glimpse at what kind of future she would have if she didn't get a job. Kasumi filled the role of a housekeeper, and Akane had the dojo, but Nabiki had nothing but herself to rely on. And her only friend was money. It came to no surprise that Nabiki would choose a job that handled money, if indirectly. "I'm starting out today," continued Nabiki. She pointed an accusing finger at Soun. "And don't you think about stopping-by at the casino, okay? You have no idea how embarrassing that would be." "Nabiki, that wasn't very nice," Kasumi pointed out. "That's okay, I understand," Soun assured his daughters, nodding. "I suppose there's some worlds in which your father cannot tread." Nabiki shot a glance over at the clock. "Well, looks like I should be going. I don't want to be late for my first day, you know." Kasumi nodded. "Speaking of which, I'd better get down to church. The priest wants to have a word with me." "Just remember to get back in time before tonight's concert," reminded the younger sister, stepping out the door. Soun turned to Akane. "Well, Akane, it looks like just you and me." Akane shook her head. "Not quite, Dad; Ranma's still here," the youngest of the sisters pointed out. The sound of thumping against the hardwood floor above the living room resonated throughout the house. "Well, sounds like he won't be here for long," Nabiki corrected Akane dryly. Ranma had barely made it out the front door before Akane called for his attention. "Ranma!" Akane shouted, rushing to the front door, "where are you going?!" Her husband turned around and shrugged. "I've got the urge to go see Ukyo right now. We'll talk later." Before Ranma could make his break, Akane rushed to his side. "Why?" she asked. "You just got out of bed!" Ranma turned to face Akane seriously. "Akane, you shouldn't have to know what's eating at me right now. It's between me and Ukyo." "I'm your wife!" protested Akane. "What is it that you can tell Ukyo and not me?" Holding his hands up defensively, the young Saotome stepped back several careful steps. "Hey, take it easy!" replied Ranma hastily. "It's nothing like you're thinking!" "Oh, and what am I thinking?!" Akane demanded, shaking her fists in the air angrily. "You don't think I'm going to pound you into the ground, are you?" "Well... no," lied Ranma, visibly sweating. Had he any real sense, the conversation would have ended there, but Ranma couldn't resist adding, "Still, it's not like I'm playing around with other girls...." "RANMA!" his wife screamed, feeding Ranma a knuckle sandwich backed by terrible, jealous force before he could finish his sentence. Ranma's back scraped against the ground, kicking up dust into the air. He sat up, rubbing his sore cheeks. "One of these days," he told himself, "I'm going to have to learn to keep my mouth shut." Had Seiryu's reassuring voice been there, she might have said, "You're starting to listen," Ranma thought. "I see that the more things change, the more they stay the same," someone's voice echoed throughout the Tendo yard. Ranma and Akane's eyes met those of the speaker: Mousse. Standing atop the gate, arms folded, glasses resting on his head, the Chinese acrobat seemed to stare down at Ranma, although his eyes were closed. Only the rustling of the wind made the couple certain that they were not looking at a still-life portrait. "What do you want?!" cried Ranma, leaping to his feet. "It may come to your pleasure that the old one has decided to return home," Mousse called back. "Within a week the Nekohanten will close down for good, and I yearn to return home." "So, what?" replied Ranma. "I'm willing to bet you didn't come all this way to say 'good-bye.'" Mousse's lips twisted into a malicious smile. "Shampoo's heart may no longer be yours, but that is not why I am here." "Then, why are you here?" asked Akane. "All that is left is revenge!" the acrobat declared, leaping from his position on the gate and into the air, sailing over Ranma in the sky. Ranma threw himself away from the first chained spear, allowing the thrown weapon to bury itself into the ground. Rolling swiftly, he continued to leave a trail of spears behind him, escaping Mousse's initial attack completely. The Chinese acrobat landed in the midst of the chained spears, throwing away the ends of the chains that were up his sleeves, unconcerned. "You know," huffed the young Saotome, "I swear, if I had a yen for each time you've attacked me...." "Shut up!" Mousse shot back, reaching his hands back into his large sleeves. Grabbing what he was searching for, the Chinese acrobat produced Mei-ling's gifts-- the razor gloves. Ranma stepped back involuntarily. "Yow," he whistled, "never seen anything like THAT before!" Akane stepped back as well. "They look... beautiful!" she exclaimed. Mousse smiled. "These are the weapons forged by Chinese hands, tempered by the ancient sorceries of Taoism!" he proclaimed. Lifting the right glove, he said, "The Sleeping Dragon!" And, raising the left, proclaimed, "The Phoenix Fledgling! Right and left alike, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong served their master well. Now, as I am the master, they will aid me in this final battle, Ranma Saotome!" Quickly, Mousse slipped-on the gloves, allowing the sunlight to reflect off each razor 'finger.' Ranma shrugged. "I was wondering when you'd join the bandwagon." The Chinese acrobat snarled angrily. "You won't be laughing when I'm through with you!" Throwing his arms forward toward Ranma, Mousse's claws fired-off from the gloves, heavy chains trailing behind. Ranma ducked, allowing the chained projectiles to collide with the wall behind him. Getting up, he taunted, "Was THAT the best you could do?!" Unexpectedly, the chains tugged backward against the claws that were buried in the walls. Ripping cracks into the wall, Mousse retracted the weapons, pulling away a huge chunk of wall with them. The wall fragment ended its path where Ranma stood, allowing the claws to return to the Chinese acrobat's position. "EVERYTHING can be used as a weapon!" declared Mousse, returning Ranma's taunt. Ranma threw the wall fragment away from himself, then jumped back to his feet, facing Mousse. "I really don't get why you guys keep attacking me all the time!" Mousse snorted. "It was a wise man who advised never to leave loose ends untied," he paraphrased. "I bring no shame by returning home without defeating you, but it is my pride I fight for!" "Mousse, wait!" two voices shouted in unison. Ranma, Akane, and Mousse turned to face the new arrivals, standing atop the wall, holding their polearms steady. Ling-ling and Lung-lung, the twin warriors, labored for breath, struggling to keep their balance in their awkward position. "What are you two doing here?!" demanded Mousse. "Here... to... help!" answered Ling-ling, taking breaths between each word. "Fight... with... you!" Lung-lung added. Akane shook her head disappointingly. "Ranma, how in the world did you get into this much trouble?" The Chinese twins were a force to be reckoned with, but their fighting style left much to be desired. However, with Mousse on their side, backed by a 'magic' weapon, the odds were being stacked against Ranma, if he wasn't careful. "I want to do this myself!" protested Mousse, making his way to the wall, waving a razor 'finger' in the air. "Out of the way, Poet!" someone shouted from the other side of the wall. The voice boomed loud enough to catch the Chinese twins off-guard, and, in their jump of surprise, they fell forward, into the Tendo property lot, and toward an equally-surprised Mousse. The gates burst open, each door slamming against the wall, the hinges protesting loudly. Pantyhose Taro stood where the double doors once stood, his arms forward, having just forced open the gate. Behind him, stood Kodachi and Tatewaki Kuno, to the left and right respectively. Ranma wiped his hand down his face in disgust. "Here comes the Goon Squad." "I'd be more serious if I were you, Femme-boy!" snarled Taro. Kodachi stepped to Taro's side. "Was it not a wonderful gift you had bestowed upon me, Ranma?" she purred slyly, with a hint of malice in her voice. "To think, that Death was one to be feared by the living?! Ha-hah! Oh-hohohoho!" Kuno shook his head. "If only Death were truly the end," he muttered under his breath. "The end of existence, the end of our being, the fate in which all life is made equal!" continued Kodachi, circling Taro playfully. "Oh, Ranma, what a gift it was you had bestowed upon me! The gift of eternal sleep, the gift that gives the true meaning of life! To welcome Death, instead of fearing it! Ah-hah, to think, that I once cowered in the face of Death!" Both Ranma and Akane stepped back. "She's flipped," Akane noted. "More so than usual," added Ranma. The Kuno girl ceased her prancing, then glowered at Ranma, her tone of voice suddenly becoming serious. "It is this gift I wish to share with you, Ranma Saotome!" she cried, causing chill to run up her brother's spine. "'Death, be not proud,'" Kuno told himself, raising his bokken. "Truly, if death were the end of our being, then I would have no regrets this day, yet, if death is truly not the end...." "Shut up!" Taro snarled at him. "If the death of flesh is not enough, then it will be the death of his being!" Turning back to Ranma, he cried, "It is long passed the time I remedied my past humiliation at your hand!" "No, wait!" protested Mousse, dragging himself from under the prone bodies of Ling-ling and Lung-lung. "He's mine!" "He's MINE, Ducky!" Taro shot back. "You and what army?!" the Chinese acrobat replied. "Silence!" demanded Kodachi. The bickering between Mousse and Taro ceased at the chilling, commanding tone borne from the Kuno's voice. "It matters not WHO kills Ranma, but that he dies is what matters!" reasoned Kodachi. "We will fight together, or not at all!" Both Ling-ling and Lung-lung got up to their feet, and took positions to either of Mousse's sides. "She speak wisdom," noted Lung-lung. "One man alone surely cannot defeat the six of us," added Kuno. "All our skill combined is more than a match for such evilness as Ranma Saotome!" "What's the matter with all of you?!" Akane cried. All heads turned to Ranma's wife. "I thought you've all settled your differences a long time ago!" she continued. "There's no longer a reason why you all need to deal with Ranma anymore! Everything is over... OVER!" To Kodachi, Akane said, "You've lost in your race to win Ranma to your side; why do you continue to pester us?!" Kodachi feigned a look of innocence. "Oh, me?! I simply wish to share with him the gift of eternal sleep!" "You've never loved Death!" Akane pointed out. "Why now?!" "She speaks the truth, Sister!" insisted Kuno, reaching for her right arm. "In times before you never walked the path of death, but it was I who did! It was you who turned me from such a destructive path, Kocchi!" "Fool," Kodachi replied. "I simply said such to dissuade you from something I perceived to be an object to be feared! Oh, to meet Death face-to-face is to change one's outlook on life! It is the sweetness Death caresses one with that I wish to share!" "I don't care," Taro said. "Whatever end it takes to have your hand, I will follow!" "Blind love doth cloud your judgement!" Kuno replied. "Why do you not listen to your cousin and understand the truth?" Taro planted a foot in Kuno's face. "I've heard enough from you, Poet!" Mousse stepped closer to Taro. "Ever since I tasted the blood of my first kill, at the age of five, I feared not death, but welcomed it with open arms!" Turning to Ranma and Akane, he added, "The way of the warrior is to accept death as a part of life. Surely, you, Ranma, fear the final sleep!" Kuno nodded in agreement. "A samurai fears not death." Ranma's wife flared in anger. "Whose side are you on?!" she cried at Kuno. I don't want to die, Ranma admitted to himself. And this is certainly NOT the way I want to die. "You not ready to die?" asked Ling-ling and Lung-lung in unison, guessing Ranma's thoughts. Akane stepped forward defiantly. "That's enough!" she cried. "If anyone is going to kill my husband, he'll have to come through me first!" "You would dare to accept the gift in your husband's stead?!" Kodachi cried mockingly. "You aren't worthy of such an honor! Death is too easy a fate for you!" "Stand out of the way, Akane," warned Taro. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you force me!" "Taro," Akane replied, "you just can't do that!" "And why not?!" demanded Taro. "I've done it before, and I'll do it again! Nothing stands in the way of my goals, and that is to make my beloved happy!" "But when will you satisfy her lust for death?" Akane asked honestly. "Would killing Ranma really satisfy her thirst to kill?" The Chinese martial artist passed his look back to Kodachi, staring at her eyes. In the deep soul within, Taro could find only one thing, a look, though something he had never seen himself, was all-too familiar to him. Bloodlust. It was the same lust for killing that Taro felt when capturing livestock in the country, or stalking and hunting wild animals in China. It was the feeling that told him to kill or be killed, and Taro preferred to kill. It was a look that was never present in the eyes of the woman he loved. The innocence, the joy of life that so contrasted his own lifestyle seemed to have disappeared. "But," Taro said finally, "I know who did this to her!" "Way to go, Akane!" Ranma said, throwing up his arms in total frustration. "He STILL thinks it's my fault, whatever it is he's mad about!" "Ranma!" Akane yelled, turning to face her husband, back toward the six opponents. "I'm TRYING to help you!" "Some help you've been!" her husband replied, snorting. Anger burned within Akane's being. "Fine! Then maybe I SHOULD let them have you!" Mousse looked at Lung-lung in confusion. "How did we get to this point?" The Chinese girl merely shrugged. Suddenly, the air above was pierced by the high speed path of a single, large projectile. Kicking up dirt about, the object landed between Ranma and Akane and the other six in the Tendo yard. The object turned out to be a giant spatula. Ranma turned to where the projectile originated, on the Tendo roof. "Ukyo!" he exclaimed with joy. Smashing Ranma over the head with the giant spatula, Akane shouted, "THERE is your beloved Ukyo, Ranma!" "Hey, that's not fair!" protested Ranma. Ukyo Kuonji leaped from the roof and landed by Ranma and Akane. She accepted the spatula from Akane's hands, then turned to help her get Ranma back to his feet. "Well, Ranchan, looks like you're in a pot of hot water," the okonomiyaki chef noted dryly, watching Konatsu make his leap from the roof. "I hope Ranma-sama would recover," the kunoichi said encouragingly. Getting back to his feet, Ranma rubbed his sore head. "I'm trying to think of the number of times things like this happened to me in the past two years...." "It's only going to get worse," Ukyo added. "Swell," replied her friend. This place certainly DOES look familiar, noted Ryoga. Ah, yes, there was the park with the nice fountain in the middle of it. And there's the street vendors, as usual. There's the children, playing with a ball, rolling around in the grass. And there was Shampoo, riding her bicycle.... "Shampoo!" shouted the Eternally Lost Boy, picking up the pace to catch the bicycle that was traveling away from him. "Wait up!" Apparently, Shampoo had heard Ryoga's shouts, as she pulled to a complete stop at the mention of her voice. She looked behind herself, noticing the one who always got lost rushing toward her. "Shampoo very busy now," the Chinese Amazon said flatly. "Yeah, I know!" Ryoga said, coming to a stop from his mad dash at Shampoo's side. "I need your help to get to the Tendo household!" "You very lucky," Shampoo replied, "because that where Shampoo go." Carefully, Ryoga studied Shampoo's bicycle curiously. Pointing to the empty back where delivery boxes would have been, he asked, "Then, do you suppose I can have a ride?" Twisting about in place, Kodachi whipped out a long, flowing white ribbon in one hand, and a blood-red ball in the other. Raising both to the sky, she shouted, "See these, Ranma?!" "Big deal," replied Ranma, uninterested. "So what're ya going to do with those that I haven't seen before?" "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" laughed Kodachi. Raising the ribbon, she declared, "Behold, the godly gymnastics apparatus, the Ribbon of Tears, containing the tears of gymnastics girls who could not find true love!" Akane shook her head. "Oh, not THAT thing again!" she muttered, remembering the battle when a group of three male gymnastics martial artists sought to 'win back' gymnastics as a guy's sport with the three godly weapons. The Ribbon, as both Ranma and Kodachi can attest to, spat a sticky pink bubble gum-like liquid substance that bonded like super glue. "I would've figured she'd think twice before touching THAT again," commented Ranma. "Shut up, hermaphrodite!" snarled Taro. "Kodachi can use ANYTHING she wants in the name of revenge!" Raising the red ball, the Kuno gymnast continued, "Here, the Ball of Anger, containing the frustration and belligerence of gymnastics girls!" Without wasting another word, Kodachi threw the ball straight toward Ranma. Effortlessly, Ranma sidestepped, the ball flying past him. Before he could get out a crack, something hit him in the back of his head. "Ranma!" Akane yelled, too late to warn her husband of the ball's return flight. Picking himself up, rubbing his sore head, Ranma watched the red gymnastics ball return to Kodachi, hovering under its own power before her. "I don't remember that thing doing that...." Stretching her ribbon in her fingers, Kodachi smiled. "Oh, but Ranma-darling, that is only the beginning." Her smile transformed into a frown, the girl's eyes fixing on Ranma like a hunter to prey. Raising the ribbon high above, Kodachi snarled, "Oh, weep, Ribbon of Tears! Let thine feelings rush onto mine enemy!" Lashing the ribbon against the ground, the magical ribbon produced three shots of pink goo, aimed straight for Ranma. Pushing Akane aside, Ranma bolted, the sticky tears narrowly missing him by centimeters. He ducked and jumped over Kodachi's continued assault, careful not to touch the pink tears even when they had collided with the ground or a wall. Taro folded his arms in amusement, leaning his back against the outside wall. "Well, this is somewhat entertaining!" he said, chuckling. Kuno watched as well, but without the same amusement as his companion. His eyes darted from Kodachi to his sword, then to Ranma, as if unsure of what he was supposed to do. Mousse shrugged, then buried his magic claws into the ground once more. Ranma leaped away from another of Kodachi's attacks, but, as he made his descent toward the ground, a single, piercing blade stabbed through the earth. Screaming in panic, he aimed his feet toward the flat of Mousse's magical blade, using it as a spring board to escape from another of the Kuno girl's attacks. "That's not fair!" Ranma complained at the top of his lungs. Mousse smiled maliciously, his glasses glinting in the morning sunlight. "There's no way you can beat ALL of us, Ranma!" "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" laughed Kodachi. "Why do you not accept your fate, darling?" she cried mockingly. "It would make this much easier on the both of us!" "Sister, that's enough!" Kuno commanded, restraining Kodachi's arm to prevent her from creating more projectiles. Ranma came to a halt when he realized what was happening. "Kuno...?" "Sister," Kuno repeated, "you must cease!" Struggling in her brother's hold, Kodachi shouted, "Why should I?! Is it not enough that I am carrying-out the revenge you sought so?" Once again confusion washed over the elder Kuno's face. "I...." "Let her go, Poet." Without warning, Pantyhose Taro wrapped one arm around Kuno's waist, and his other around the neck, forcing Kuno to release Kodachi from his grasp. "Traitor!" he spat. "Only flakes like you would turn on family!" Just then, Taro tensed, feeling something cold against the back of his neck. "It over," Shampoo said flatly, leveling a flamberge sword at the base of Pantyhose Taro's neck. Behind her, Ryoga stood ready with his umbrella for the slightest movement his adversary could make. The others stood, dumbfounded, at what just happened in the past minute. Taro chuckled softly. "So, this is how it's going to be, eh?" "Shampoo!" Mousse cried, withdrawing his arms from the ground. "Help us get Ranma!" Behind him, Ling-ling and Lung-lung nodded in unison. Shampoo shook her head. "You know I can no do that." Raising his fists in anger, Mousse replied, "You...! Who's got you into this, anyhow? The old hag, or your wimpy boyfriend Saotome?!" "He's married!" the twins pointed out, ever so quick to point out Amazon law. "I do this not for Ranma, but for Shampoo alone!" replied the Chinese Amazon. "I do not care about marriage; it is with the wind. You not understand what is at stake here!" "Leave now, and we won't hold it against you," Ryoga added. "Shampoo, what the meaning of this?!" demanded Ling-ling. Unwilling to remove her eyes from Taro's exposed neck, Shampoo replied, "You know very well what I mean! It over for you, too!" "But...." "Do you defend tribe, or not?!" she shouted, cutting off protests. Lung-lung was the first to notice that Mousse was reaching for his claw weapons again, watching as his balled fists slowly retreated back into the dark folds of his robes. Fixing her eyes back on Shampoo, she cried, "Why you try to disgrace Mousse so?! Explain, Shampoo!" "I not need to explain ANYTHING to you!" snapped Shampoo, refusing to budge. "Mousse can die if it help; why you not see the larger picture?!" As if ready to whip out a copy of Amazon laws, the younger girl replied, "Defeat of warrior in formal challenge require death of challenger; Mousse gave formal challenge, you interfere!" Without a word, Mousse backed down, his shoulders resting in a slump, as if in defeat. Turning to the two Amazon twins at his sides, he said, "Forget it. We're finished here." "B...but...." stuttered the twins. "You heard me, it's over," Mousse repeated. "What's done is done." Nodding silently, the twins leaped over the outer Tendo wall, and Mousse followed soon thereafter. Akane and Ukyo watched the three Chinese leave. "What do you suppose this is all about?" asked Akane. Ukyo shrugged. "Beats me, but I'm willing to bet that it's got something to do with just them." "An internal struggle, perhaps?" suggested Konatsu. Kodachi stepped closer to Shampoo, but Ryoga barred her way with his umbrella, preventing the gymnast to get very close. "Even if you do have the upper hand, I can still finish what I've started!" "Let it go," Taro whispered. "What?" asked Kodachi, as if she didn't hear his words. "I said, let it go!" the Chinese man repeated, releasing his deadly hold on Kuno. Taro turned around to face Shampoo. "For now, that is," he added. "Don't think for a moment that this is over." Kodachi latched onto Taro's shoulder, and, with the magic ball trailing behind them, the couple walked out wordlessly, leaving Kuno and the others behind. Watching his sister and her boyfriend, Kuno said to himself, "I have chosen my path. Let it be not the wrong one." He felt a hand on his shoulder. "That was... brave of you." Folding his arms, refusing to turn around, Kuno replied, "The cost of honor and loyalty is very high indeed, Ukyo Kuonji. I find that Kodachi and I have returned to the state it once was but a year ago. How easy it is to destroy a building built upon weak foundations." "Keep an eye on her," the okonomiyaki chef suggested. "I think she needs you now more than ever." Nodding silently, Kuno walked off, following his sister home. Ranma stood next to Ukyo. "What was that all about?" "Don't you see?" Ukyo replied. "He's honor-bound to you, ever since you saved his life a while back." Turning to Shampoo, Ranma said, "Thanks... I think." "You may not realize it, Ranma, but you are more important than you think in grand scheme of things," Shampoo replied, sheathing her flamberge over her back. "Oh, why's that?" he asked. "Because, Ranma," answered Ryoga, "you're the beginning, and the end, of us all." Nabiki stepped out of the dressing room nervously, aware of what she was wearing, and how many people there were running around in the Gambling King's casino. She was unfamiliar in wearing particularly feminine clothing, especially the extremities as a bunny suit-- it was nothing more than a leotard mocked-up in the facsimile of a tuxedo. If anyone found out I landed serving as a job, I'd never hear the end of it, Nabiki thought to herself. Nobody had better recognize me.... "Hey, Nabiki Tendo!" someone cried. "Is that you?" Great. Putting on her best smile, turning gracefully, Nabiki's eyes set on the last person she expected to meet. "Tsubasa...." From the time she had known Tsubasa Kurenai, he usually dressed in girls' clothing, but the man she saw before her was dressed in a more masculine tuxedo, the men's uniform in the casino. His long, fair hair, which usually added to his girlish disguises, was tied back in a pony-tail. "Well, well, well!" Tsubasa said. "Looks like you're hitting the big top!" "Why are you here?!" Nabiki demanded. Blowing his fingernails, he replied, "You know, school is out for a bit, and I thought I'd see some of my favorite girls...." "In other words, you have free time again," concluded Nabiki. The tuxedo-clad man nodded. "I've gotten my hands on a ticket for tonight's concert, too!" He waved a coupon in the air in excitement. "It was hard, getting it, too!" "Especially since it is the LAST concert there will ever be," Nabiki pointed out. With Shampoo leaving to return home, the fivesome would become a foursome. However, after careful thought and discussion the five decided to disband completely. "And what would you be doing here, Big-shot?" asked Tsubasa. Without waiting for a response, he reached into his coat and produced a rolled-up poster. Unfurling it gently, he showed it to Nabiki. "I would've thought you'd be too good for this! You're HERE!" Nabiki needed only one glance to know it was a Doco poster. "What in the world are you doing walking around with this?!" But the middle Tendo sister already knew the answer to that one: Tsubasa was here to pick up pop singers. Hmmm... is THAT your game? she wondered. As soon as she finished her thought, Nabiki realized that Tsubasa was now holding a camera, ready to shoot. "Hey!" she protested, yanking the camera free of the man's hands. "What do you think you're doing?!" "Posterity shot," Tsubasa replied meekly. Is that so.... "Please be careful with that," he added, indicating the camera. "It's rented, and if you break it I won't be able to buy a ticket home!" Ignoring Tsubasa's plight, Nabiki hit upon an idea. "Sooooo," she purred, "you want a picture of me in this get-up," waving her free hand up and down her body, "but there's something I want from you as well." "A trading deal?" guessed the other. Nabiki nodded. "I'll let you take my picture, but first, you've got to give me your uniform." The color drained from Tsubasa's eager face quickly. "A...and then what am I supposed to wear?!" The middle Tendo girl tapped her chest lightly, which put Tsubasa into rage. "H... hey! I have my limits!" Feigning demureness, Nabiki begged, "But don't you want Nabiki-poo on your wall forever?" When she realized Tsubasa wouldn't change his position, another idea dawned on Nabiki. "How about this?" she said, grabbing Tsubasa's hand. In short time Nabiki lead the man to an empty poker table. "So, you want to make it a wager?" guessed Tsubasa. "Best three out of five." "And if I win, I get the picture." "If I win, I get your clothes." "Deal!" Tsubasa's lips curved into a devilish smile. Too bad for you, girl, but you're not dealing with just any ordinary dealer! Too bad for you, Nabiki thought, as I've got skill that can wipe you across the street. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Ranma said honestly. "Think of it this way," explained Ryoga. "The only reason why we're all bothering you right now is because you brought us together. And the only way we're going to go away is if you get rid of us." "Like you and Akari?" ventured the young Saotome. "That makes a great deal of sense to me," admitted Akane. "I mean, look at what's been happening this past year: sure, we're probably as close as we're ever going to get, but everybody is drifting apart." "Great-grandmother close restaurant for good," remarked Shampoo. "This time, we can no longer stay. There is trouble at home." "But that's not the reason why you're all here?" asked Ranma. Ukyo shook her head. "I'm not sure if any of you guys felt it, but I think something is about to happen." "I'll say," agreed Ranma, recalling his sleep. "What's that?" asked Konatsu. "Nearly a month ago," Ukyo explained, "we prevented the Warmage from bringing Nemesis into this world. I think it is only just now that he has found a substitute to serve as the dark champion's host body." "Who?" asked Ryoga. "It couldn't be one of us," Ranma said. "Warmage's presence is very noticeable, you know." "True," agreed Ukyo. "But the problem is, we don't know what kind of a host Warmage is looking for." "And therefore we won't know what to look for," concluded Akane. "In any case, if there's something we should all know," Ukyo continued, "is that Ranma attracts trouble like a magnet." Following the rising sun back home, Tatewaki Kuno trailed behind Kodachi and Taro, walking in their shadow, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world. Not once did either of the couple ahead of him bother to look back. Silently, wordlessly, the three returned to the Kuno Estate; Taro and Kodachi departed for the kitchen, while Tatewaki went in the other direction. Walking several doors down the hallway, he reached the room where his destiny changed forever. He pulled open the door, and stepped into the Phoenix Chamber. Throwing himself on the red carpet before the enshrined Phoenix Egg, discarding his sword toward the unlit corners of the room, Kuno tried in vain to clear his mind of turbulent thoughts. "Dammit," he cursed silently, throwing away all pretenses of control, "what have I done?" After all, everything you know about life is wrong. And, at the opposing end of the Kuno Estate, Kodachi Kuno set about wiping the blade of a cutting knife with a towel, staring down at the cool metal, lost in thought. She had not said a word to anyone since leaving the Tendo yard, especially not to her brother or her boyfriend. "He's a traitor," Taro had said on the way home. At that moment, Taro was out in the yard feeding Midorigame, the giant alligator, leaving Kodachi alone in the kitchen with her thoughts. Why did he stop me? she wondered. For all seventeen years of her life, Kodachi could not recall a single instance where Big Brother Tacchi laid a hand on her. Never. Kodachi had guessed that such behavior was considered 'below him,' but now, she had no idea what to think. Sure, he got in the way at times, but who didn't? Tatewaki Kuno was the sort who was completely respectful to women, hiding among his eccentricity of samurai fantasies. Not to mention that, he also served as a sort of father while their real father was gone in Hawaii for who-knows what reason (she didn't quite believe the reasons either Father or Brother gave her). So why did he have to change now? Replacing the kitchen knife in its drawer, Kodachi marched out of the kitchen, and proceeded down the hallway. The first open door she found was the one, she knew. Sure enough, lying on the floor in the Phoenix Chamber was Tatewaki Kuno, face down, as if dead and defeated. Dead? No, he wouldn't.... Would he? "Tacchi..." she whispered, stepping inside. No response. "Tacchi!!" she repeated, this time with more worry than before. Kodachi ran to where her brother lay, and bent down to her knees. Without bothering to wipe away the tears forming in her eyes, she shook Tatewaki's prone form. "TAAAACCCHIIII!!!" she screamed, almost wailed. At that instant Tatewaki's body sprung to life, startled. Sitting up, he looked into his sister's eyes, and snapped, "DON'T DO THAT!!" Kodachi simply stared at her brother through teary eyes, unsure whether to kill him for making her think he was dead, or.... "'Thou art a soul in bliss,'" Tatewaki recited. "'But I am bound upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears do scald like molten lead.' King Lear. Your tears are wasted upon me; shed them for your chosen man. Leave me to my oblivion." The younger Kuno blinked. "You will not leave me alone, and just the same, I will not leave you alone. I got it from you." She threw her arms around her brother, and buried her head on his shoulder. Kodachi truly cried for the very first time. Surprised at his sister's unexpected behavior, Tatewaki could do nothing but stroke his little sister's hair. Perhaps there is hope after all. "You have grown up a fine young woman," he whispered proudly. "Shut up," Kodachi replied half-heartedly, choking on a sob. Poking his head in the doorway, Sasuke, standing in the hallway, said, "Master?" "Shut the door, Sasuke," commanded Tatewaki. The diminutive man took one look at what his master and mistress were doing in the Phoenix Chamber, then understood completely. Silently, wordlessly, Sasuke slid the door shut. "I don't understand," Ling-ling said plainly in Chinese. "What are we going to do now?" Her sister, Lung-lung, shrugged. The twins fixed their eyes on the defeated Mousse, walking quickly ahead of them that sometimes they had to raise their walking speed to keep up with him. Ever since Shampoo mentioned home, the Master of Hidden Weapons seemed to lose the determination that won the two girls over to his side many months before. "It means my homecoming will be in defeat," Mousse answered over his shoulder. "It means I'm not the best, and Shampoo can never be mine." "But Shampoo can no longer marry Ranma!" Lung-lung pointed out. "That is beside the point!" snapped the elder tribesman. "Shampoo will always have a place for Ranma, no matter what! Just then, back at the Tendo place, I saw it plainly-- she sided with Ranma! She could care less about my code of honor. She'll never marry me." "I don't see how you drew that conclusion," replied Ling-ling. "Heh," chuckled Mousse mockingly. "I think I knew it for some time now; perhaps the very idea of sending Ranma to the grave was just the last string that needed to be cut. Illusions, bah! She doesn't care about what I feel; it's all about herself and Ranma!" "But...." "The last time I was home, I think I was a lot smarter! And you know what? Being the deluded fool that I was, I STILL loved Shampoo, even though she could've cared less! I passed over a beautiful young woman who was attracted to me for the dream!" He beat his fists against his head. "Dammit, dammit, dammit! Why am I so stupid?!" "You mean the chef girl?" wondered Lung-lung. Ignoring the girl's question, Mousse continued his rant. "What kind of a fool thinks he can win over the heart of someone who despises him?! How could a fool like me believe that Shampoo would side with us against Ranma? Dammit, WHY did it have to be HIM?!!" Throwing his arms into the air in frustration, Mousse continued. "How could I have been so stupid to think I could change her?! Not Shampoo, the cold, cruel heir to the tribe's leadership! She doesn't care about the tribe's welfare; she cares about her own desires, her own lusts, her own benefit! She could care less about anyone, much less me! It's always Shampoo first!" Beating his fists against his head once more, he growled, "Shampoo! The very THOUGHT of her is revolting! Damn Shampoo!" Upon speaking her name, Mousse spat on the pavement. Both Amazon girls stepped back in worry. "I'm no expert of love," began Lung-lung, "but while we're walking around listening to you feel sorry for yourself, the girl that likes you is sitting back there with Ranma." Those words made Mousse come to an abrupt stop, forcing the twins to run into his back. Turning around, waving his fists menacingly, he shouted, "Don't you get it?! I TOLD HER to stop loving me!!! It's too late!!" "That may be so," continued the Amazon, "and it may be true that her heart may yet still lust for Ranma, unattainable though he is, but why are you accepting defeat before you tried?" "True enough," agreed Ling-ling. "You shouldn't give up so easily." Straightening up, Mousse forced himself to calm down. "Where'd you two learn something like that?" Both girls looked at each other, then answered, "From you." Since it was still early in the morning, very few people were out and about in the streets. Only two, a couple, could be seen for blocks on end. The Lady Kuno, trailed by her husband, marched toward the Kuno estate on foot. The principal, however, was burdened by the luggage his wife purchased during their extended stay in Abu Dhabi. "I wonder what I should do with those children first?" Lady Kuno asked herself, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. "Well, perhaps first I should get that alligator turned into a handbag...." The principal ignored his wife's ranting, keeping his eyes focused forward, the large luggage bag over his back, sweating profusely. The lady had long since forced him to remove his Hawaiian attire, so now he dressed in a more conservative business suit. The tree in his head was even gone. Without warning, Kuno stopped in his tracks, a prick in the back of his neck prompting him so. As if he grew a backbone, he released his hold of the luggage bag, standing straight up. Lady Kuno came to a halt, feeling that her husband was not following. Turning angrily, she shouted, "What are you waiting for?!" Kuno did not reply in words, but in actions; with his great arms he grabbed his wife, holding her strongly. "What are you doing?!" demanded the lady. "He follows MY command now, not yers!" answered another voice. A low, grating voice, as if someone were speaking from the depths of the abyss. A hint of glee was not lost in the newcomer's tone. Craning her head over her husband's shoulder, Lady Kuno's eyes fixed on the man standing behind the principal. She screamed. "There is a storm coming... a storm of such magnitude, it is... BEYOND IMAGINATION!" -- Megatron, Beast Wars * * * * * It's Love (Don't You Know) (DUCK-- Mousse, Ranma, Ryoga, Kuno) Translated by Trish Ledoux (Viz Music) (Mousse) The men who always surround you In your presence, they're so nervous; in a word, you're like a Venus It's a miracle suddenly come true A jewel discovered in the midst of a desert I'll be there for you! whenever (you need me) Even if you give me the run-around, head to toe, I'm crazy for you (All) I wanna believe in that invisible connection Eye to eye Sometimes, you wanna know it's real Don't you know, know, know... It's love (Mousse) Your skin, the color of (sun-ripened) wheat The reckless temptation; the too-high tension On those nights we can't be together Beneath my eyes, a black enigma paints a shadow Without that familiarity, I just can't get it going Style, smile; from A to Z, I'm mad about you (All) Through the invisible connection, I wanna feel it Heart to Heart Sometimes, you gotta know it's real Don't you know, know, know... It's love (Mousse) Once you've given up the pretense and become "you" again Once you've shown your weakness, shown your tears just to me I won't let you go; I won't go away we'll stay like this forever Let the days pass as they may And then, someday, we'll come together (All) I wanna believe in that invisible connection Eye to eye Sometimes, you gotta know it's real Don't you know, know, know... Through the invisible connection, I wanna feel it Heart to heart Sometimes, you gotta know it's real Don't you know, know, know... It's love. * * * * * Part 2: Nemesis Ascending-- The Death of Hope, the Death of Dreams "Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." -- Aristotle "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." -- President Woodrow Wilson "Honor and disgrace matter only to those without material desire." -- Chinese proverb "Brother," Kodachi said, serving Tatewaki a personally cooked breakfast, "there is a decision you have to make." Snapping his chopsticks eagerly in anticipation of Kodachi's food, Tatewaki replied, "Is that why you have served me a favorite dish?" His sister pretended to ignore his comment. "Seeing you back there... has made me think a bit. Of course, I still hate you for making me think such things, but...." The two Kuno siblings were seated in the dining room, Tatewaki taking his rightful place at the head of the table, Kodachi setting down a plate before him, and one for herself. Neither wished to include Taro in what was about to be discussed, as it was a matter of family now. "Anyway, I digress," Kodachi interrupted herself. "I have come to understand that you will no longer lay a hand on Ranma Saotome any longer for favors past done, right?" Tatewaki nodded, busy chewing on breakfast. "However, this very morning, it has become quite clear to me that you are in severe doubt to your obligations," she continued. "And you are making Taro-sama quite upset!" "It matters not to me what such a ruffian as he thinks of me," Tatewaki replied calmly. "That is not it," Kodachi said, seating herself at the table by her brother's side. "What I want you to do is this: make a decision, and stick with it. What I want you to make a decision on is this: if given the choice, what would you put first, family, or honor?" For once Tatewaki could not think of a response. Setting down his chopsticks carefully, the elder Kuno bowed his head, lost in thought. Kodachi broke the silence. "You do not have to make a decision about it now, Brother-dear, but you must realize that you cannot put off a decision for much longer." With that, the younger Kuno began to eat her breakfast. Damn you, Sister! Tatewaki cursed in his thoughts. He had not moved since Kodachi finished her speeches, consumed by thoughts in conflict, oblivious to his steadily-cooling breakfast. Why the difficult decisions? he wondered. Who would it be, then? Kodachi, or Ranma Saotome? "So this is where Nabiki works, hmm?" Ranma said casually, his hands in his pockets, displaying an air of indifference. Together Ranma, Akane, Ukyo, Ryoga, Konatsu, and Shampoo entered the newly-opened casino owned by the Gambling King. The casino was not unlike the one the gambler set up when he took over the Tendo dojo over a year ago-- an entire wall lined with slot machines, several card tables set up here and there, a large craps table, and a roulette table. Ranma had no doubts that the Gambling King won this off some poor sap who didn't know any better. "I don't see Nabiki," Akane said, scanning the room. "Hey, where's Ukyo?" wondered Ranma, noticing for the first time that his old friend was no longer with the group. "Over here, Ranma!" Ukyo called cheerily. Cradled in her arms was a tray full of poker chips. Behind her, Konatsu carried a second tray, itself filled with chips. "You aren't REALLY planning on doing that, are you?" asked Ranma. "Especially since we KNOW how the Gambling King wins!" added Akane. The okonomiyaki chef giggled. "Of COURSE I know! But I'm still a better card player than anyone!" Ryoga scratched his head. "I don't know, but...." "Hey, Akane!" someone yelled. All heads turned in the direction of Nabiki, who stood behind a poker table. She waved the five over to her. "Nabiki!" Akane exclaimed. "So there you are!" Straightening her tuxedo coat coolly, the elder Tendo girl replied, "Ah, I had to take care of some business first." "Great!" Ukyo said, setting her chips down on the table. "Then I'm SURE to get a good game in this one!" "Oh, really?" Nabiki purred slyly, reaching for a deck of cards. "I'm the best in the house," she boasted, "...are you sure?" "Hey, Ucchan can take you on any day!" Ranma said. Shampoo shot a glance at the young Saotome. "I no see how this help." "I think it's just to kill time," Ryoga suggested, shrugging. Reaching for his purse, he added, "I think I'd better get a set of chips for myself." Before the Eternally Lost Boy could walk off, Ranma grabbed his arm. "Don't think about getting some without me!" "Ranma, Ranma, Ranma," Akane whispered to herself, shaking her head. "Why do you have to do this?" "Stubborn male," Shampoo answered unexpectedly. Lady Kuno woke with heavy eyelids and a sore back. She found herself lying on her back, on something that appeared to be hard and cold. The ceiling was unimpressive; all she could see was dark stone and more stone. Something illuminated the dark room from beyond her field of vision. As the Lady attempted to raise her head, she found that she could not. Nor could she raise her arms. "I hope the restraints aren't too tight," someone said. Her eyes perked up, her brain raced to think of the speaker. It almost sounded like her stupid husband, but it wasn't quite his voice, either. The principal of Furinkan's head blocked Lady Kuno's field of vision. "I trust that you are unhurt," he said, speaking with his own voice, and a voice that wasn't his own. Lady Kuno tried to speak, but the words would not come to her lips. "I had to incapacitate you to prevent you from alerting anyone else of our task," the headmaster explained, his eyes glowing a dark violet. "You see, Strand has been having trouble controlling multiple bodies at once, so I had to intervene." The woman tried her best to remember what had happened to her but could recall little. She remembered her husband, who dropped her expensive luggage, trying to grab her. She remembered the man who stood behind her husband-- well, if you could call him a man-- a short, dwarf-like creature, the color drained from his face, his hair a mess, and his nose smashed in. The dwarf's eyes were blood- shot, though there was no blood to speak of, and he wore dark robes that matched the color emanating from the headmaster's eyes. But, the dwarf's most distinguishing features were not his grotesque face, nor his strange garb, but the thread-like wires that were attached to each of his ten fingers. "Ah, I see," muttered the principal. "You are trying to remember Strand, aren't you?" Lady Kuno stared at the man in surprise. "I can do far more than possess bodies, my dear," he explained. "I do have a certain degree of psionic talent, but not as much as I would have hoped for-- but that is another story, and you don't need to know." He craned his head up and yelled to another beyond the woman's view. "Prepare the ceremony, Shifter! And get your idiot brother back here; we may need to restrain her again!" Another man yelled back. "I don't take orders from anyone!" The dwarf, Lady Kuno thought. "Silence, toad!" spat the principal. "If it weren't for me, you would be still dying on that slab! If we are successful, all of us will be rewarded greatly!" The other man grumbled. "Very well, but NOT because ya said so!" What's going on? wondered Lady Kuno. And what do they want? And where is that stupid son of mine when I need him?! "Ah, Mousse," Cologne said in greetings as he and Ling-ling and Lung-lung entered the Nekohanten, defeated. "I trust Shampoo was quite successful?" Mousse said nothing, choosing to ignore the old hag. Silently, he headed toward his room, leaving the twins behind. The old matriarch's eyes followed Mousse until he disappeared up the stairs. Turning to the twins, she said, "I'll assume that everything is going according to my design. It is a terrible side effect that Mousse should lose face in this manner, but it is very necessary if we want to have a future." "Did you really believe Mousse would win?" wondered Ling-ling. "Is that why you send Shampoo?" asked Lung-lung. Cologne laughed, then shook her head. "Son-in-law is much too powerful for the likes of Mousse. No, it was more to make sure that our favorite martial artist and the others knew where we stood. It won't do to make them enemies, not now." Lung-lung turned her attention to Shampoo's father, who shrugged. "It no good to go home like this." "Perhaps," agreed Cologne, "but what has started today is far from over." "Ah, Kasumi Tendo, welcome!" greeted the priest. "Why, hello, Mister Nakamura," returned Kasumi, giving the man her respects. Kasumi and the priest stood in the priest's office at the Saint Hebereke Church, one of the few Christian churches in Tokyo. Where most churches built in a cross-shape, such as this particular church, had its head facing east, this building's head was facing west, for in the Far East, the Holy Land was westward. On a normal day Kasumi would not have dared to enter the priest's office, but this time, she was invited. Nakamura offered Kasumi a seat. "Please, sit, we've much to discuss." Kasumi gratefully took a seat, as did the priest. "What did you wish to see me for?" asked Kasumi. "Did I do something wrong?" The priest laughed. "Of course not, my dear!" Nakamura assured her. "I'm quite pleased, actually. It isn't you I'm here to talk about, but one of your friends." "Oh, Dr. Tofu?" guessed Kasumi. "Yes, that's the one," confirmed the priest. "Since the beginning of the year you've brought him to this establishment almost every time you've come. I hear he is a skilled martial artist as well as a masterful chiropractor." Taking a deep breath, Nakamura added, "Are you two together?" "Dr. Tofu?" the eldest Tendo sister repeated in surprise. "No, he and I are just friends." "Really," Nakamura replied, nodding slowly. "Despite that, I was thinking about expanding the flock. What would you say about trying to convert him?" "Is that what you asked me here for?" asked Kasumi. "Precisely," confirmed Nakamura. "He has come with you many times, and I feel it prudent to welcome him to our flock. Will you talk to him for me?" "Why, of course," Kasumi replied, nodding with a smile. "I'm sure he will be agreeable!" "Yes, I'm counting on that...." Nakamura muttered under his breath. As soon as Kasumi left, Nakamura rapped twice against the wall behind him with his bare knuckles. He had little time to wait as the secret door next to his desk slid open, revealing two new figures: a man dressed in a cold, black suit, and a woman in a flowing, white dress. "I imagine this 'Tofu' will be a most promising warrior for our cause," the black man said. "I fail to see why we need him," replied the priest. "I mean, the others are fine warriors themselves; in fact, we really only need Sakurai and Spencer...." "Those two's power combined are hardly a match for the number of martial artists that could potentially rise against us in this little burg," interrupted the black man. "Yes, about that," the white woman spoke up, raising a cup of tea gently to her lips. "Was there a reason you did not consider the one known as Ranma Saotome?" "Loose cannon," replied Nakamura. "Quite unpredictable, and no one way to control him. As long as we have Kasumi on our side, however, Tofu is under our thumb." "Is there a reason why you could not use her as leverage against that boy?" asked the white lady. "She is his sister-in-law." "True," considered the black man, "but that still doesn't give us reasonable control. If we had Akane, however...." He turned to the priest. "Find any others that are 'willing' to 'convert' to our cause. Quickly, because time is certainly what we don't have." Nakamura nodded, understanding the meaning under the words of the man dressed in black. "I've already found another likely candidate, within the grounds of our dominion, at that. Her name is Kodachi." The lady in white scoffed. "She will never join your cause." "You know that for a fact?" The black man raised an eyebrow. Setting down her teacup, the white lady smirked knowingly, adjusting the brilliant flower pinned over her left breast. "They call her 'the Black Rose' for a reason." Seemingly out of nowhere, the white lady produced an empty picture frame, holding it steady around her profile with her gloved hands. "They call me 'the White Lily' for the same reason," Asuka finished. "No, I have something MUCH worse in mind for her, which fits nicely into your plans." "Dear Mother," Mousse wrote on a clean sheet of paper, dictating his message aloud, "we will be seeing each other soon, but I am sending this message ahead, for there is something you should know before preparing my victorious return home." He adjusted his glasses, then continued. "Know that your son has shamed himself in battle. Know that your son no longer wishes to wed the warrior Shampoo. Know that your son has failed to avenge himself before his imminent return home. Know that your son has severely disappointed you. In most cases, it is the dreamer that dies, but this time... it is the dream." Once again, Mousse paused to rub his eyes. "Within a week of writing this letter, the restaurant will be closed down and sold, and good riddance to it; it brings no happy memories. The matriarch believes the man who wronged me is too important to die, therefore I can no longer exact revenge against him without incurring her wrath. I contemplated defying her order, but I fear that you and may suffer the consequences, and I cannot live with that thought in my mind, not with Father gone." "As I wrote you previously, I have made a good deal of allies during my stay. Most will be staying behind here in Japan, and the only ones to undertake this journey are the twins, Ling-ling and Lung-lung. I'm sure you remember them. Well, they have gotten better at fighting, although their young blood makes them too eager to enter battle. When I learned of the troubles you were suffering, I made sure to train the pair personally. I am sure you will be proud of my work." Pausing for a moment, the Master of Hidden Weapons produced a tissue from his sleeves, then blew his nose. Discarding the spent tissue, he resumed writing. "I also told you about the Japanese chef girl, Ukyo Kuonji. Today I decided that pursuing Shampoo was futile, as I can no longer see any way to win her heart; however, what I have done was spurn the heart of one who loved me. Well, Mother, you always said love was no easy matter, and you were right. Still, the time spent chasing after Shampoo was too much time wasted on nothing." "As of right now, I have only three regrets: being unable to kill the man who wronged me, Ranma Saotome. Chasing after Shampoo for fifteen years of my life. And turning my back against true love. Life is cruel, but I hope returning to battle will make me forget it all-- a warrior must live and die on the field of battle. Perhaps only then I can remove my shame." Pausing for a moment, he finished, "Dreams may die, but the dreamers live on." Pantyhose Taro stared at the rippling pond in the middle of the Kuno estate, watching the predator swimming lazily within, the giant alligator Midorigame, Kodachi's pet 'turtle.' Basic animal instinct ruled the creature, an instinct Taro knew only too well, as he had relied upon it in the past to survive. After all, only the strong survived. Predatorial instinct, however, failed the Chinese martial artist when it came to Kodachi herself. Why she was parlaying to her traitorous brother was beyond Taro. He never had siblings, nor parents, while growing up in the isolated village in China that served as his home. No, the shame brought upon him by Happosai prevented him from such pleasures-- well, then, what WAS pleasure, anyway? Pleasure was something he found only in the hunt, where everything was crystal-clear, black and white, the lines drawn perfectly. Still, beyond that, there was the gray area, the fuzzy view, the squiggles and incomplete lines. Kodachi and her brother belonged to the latter group. Had it been my way, Taro thought, I would have gotten rid of that pathetic swordsman long ago; he got in the way with his 'chivalry' bullshit, his haughty airs, his arrogance! And, unlike many other opponents, THIS one wasn't fazed by taunts and the questioning of his parentage; rather, he behaved as if he didn't hear, which is infuriating to no end. Damn poet; although he lacks the skill Femme- boy had, he is a far-greater adversary than the hermaphrodite ever was. Still, Femme-boy must be shown his place as well, for, unlike Kodachi's worthless brother, the girly-man liked to play the same games. Months ago, I was willing to save Akane from Femme-boy's little stint, citing family as reason-- yet, today, I am striking that down. Heh, so I lied to them and myself; perhaps family don't mean a rat's ass to me, after all. Still, Akane needed help, and I gave it to her-- too bad Femme-boy benefited as well. Today was a wash, but there's always tomorrow. The men Lady Kuno could not see labored and toiled about, doing whatever the bound woman could imagine and then some. Staring at the ceiling, resigned to the fate she expected, the street-raised Lady heard only the crashes of dropped artifacts, and the barks of the one using her husband's body (she'd figured as much). Every once in a while the disfigured dwarf would stare down at her, with his terrible, blood-shot eyes, licking his tongue as if ready to take the Lady as his own-- however, she... KNEW, that was not what he was thinking. Had these weird men wanted to do that to her, the Lady Kuno reasoned, they would have done so already. It was the ceremony the three (she could detect no other beings in the immediate area) men were preparing that scared her. What were they up to? Once more, the dwarf called Strand pressed his ugly mug into Lady Kuno's face. She tried to lurch back, shying away from the saliva that wasn't dropping from the little man's tongue. By all rights, he should have been dead. "Get back over here, you pervert!!" ordered the man called Shifter, whose face Lady Kuno had yet to see. He, at least, wasn't making a nuisance of himself. "The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can 'oogle and fondle' girls!" Strand fixed his eyes on the other. "But she won't be the same after the transfusion!" Transfusion? "There are plenty of other women!" reasoned Shifter. "You can have her daughter when this is all over!" Daughter? How do they know her?! "She looks just like the lady here!" continued the faceless man. "Sure, she IS a bit younger, but that also means less... never mind." Wrinkles... come on, say it! Strand spared one more glance at Lady Kuno, then jumped out of view. "Oh, very well! But only because we need the old bag for the transfusion!" Old bag?! The word! "Are you two idiots done YET?!" bellowed the headmaster, still using two voices at once. "We have a timetable! Shall I have to revive the others?" "Of course not, sir!" replied Shifter confidently. "You doubt my abilities? We will be finished shortly." Loud clomps against a stone floor echoed throughout the dark chamber, telling Lady Kuno that her possessed husband was leaving. A few heartbeats later, as the footsteps trailed off to nothingness, she heard the sound of a spitting tongue. "Bastard," spat Strand. Soon his soft footsteps echoed and died in Lady Kuno's hearing. Leaving just the third man. She heard his footsteps die as well, but he stopped. The footsteps drew closer, and Lady Kuno felt her head restraint being released. Raising her neck instinctively, the woman realized her arms and legs were still restrained. "Put your head back down," ordered the man behind her head. Without much option, Lady Kuno prepared to rest her head back against the cold stone, but what she found was something... LIGHTER. If the stone slab she were restrained to weren't so hard, Lady Kuno would have thought she was lying in bed. A pillow? Her eyes tried to fix on the face of the third man, but he was too far from her field of vision. She wanted to say something, but the words still failed to reach her lips. "Forgive me, Lady, but I must restore the restraints," Shifter apologized. "I will be back soon." With that, Shifter walked off, leaving Lady Kuno alone to contemplate the recent developments. "Fold!" Ranma and Nabiki cried out in unison. The frustration of holding a losing hand sank in once more. "Heh, heh, thanks for your generous donations!" Ukyo said with a snicker, raking in the pile of chips at the center of the poker table. "I don't believe this," complained Ryoga. "Out of seventeen hands, Ukyo has won thirteen of them!" "Yeah," agreed Ranma. "And the dealer got the rest." "Your fault for playing in a game you knew you'd lose, Ranma," Akane pointed out. Other players have come and gone to Nabiki's table, but it wasn't long before the table was deemed 'cursed' by the patrons, who sought better odds elsewhere. Shampoo had long since gone off to other games, not wishing to lose her money. Konatsu had left, choosing to find something to eat at the snack bar. Akane was the only one among the group who refused to play at all. "And she won with three kings!" Nabiki pointed out. "NOBODY should win with that kind of hand!" "It's in the cards, my friends!" the okonomiyaki chef insisted. "Fine, well, deal me in!" Ranma said, throwing chips into the pot. "Ranma, don't you think you lost enough money for one day?" Akane asked. "I'm not going anywhere until I win a hand!" her husband replied defiantly. "Well, I guess I'm in, too," Ryoga said, throwing in chips of his own. Ukyo did likewise. Nabiki dealt the initial hand to all three players and to herself. "Okay, who wants some?" asked the dealer. "I'll take three," Ryoga replied, throwing down three cards of his own onto the table. "One for me," Ukyo said. Unable to contain his excitement, Ranma declared, "No cards!" Both Ryoga and Nabiki stared at the young Saotome coldly, throwing down their cards angrily. "Fold!" they announced. "Oh no you don't, I'm not falling for that one!" Ukyo replied. Waving a finger at Ranma, she said, "I know you, Saotome, and you're the worst card player on the planet! My gut says you don't know what you have!" She threw several chips into the pot. "I raise fifty." "I'm on!" Ranma threw in chips of his own, then added, "I raise twenty!" Akane, Ryoga, and Nabiki watched the exchange between the two old friends, watching as Ukyo forcefully emptied Ranma's stack of chips to nothing before ending her bidding. "Well, Saotome," the okonomiyaki chef declared smugly, "let's see what you can do against this!" Throwing down her cards on the table, all eyes feasted on the faces of the five cards: the ace of spades, the ace of clubs, the ace of diamonds, the eight of clubs, and the eight of spades. With the appropriate silence past, Ukyo declared, "Full House, aces high." Then all eyes turned to Ranma, who stared at his cards sternly. Slowly, the martial artist's smugness cracked, and burst in one great explosion. "Dammit!" he cursed, throwing down his hand face-up. "All I had was a flush!" Ranma banged his head on the table, disturbing the pile of chips at Ukyo's side of the table. "Well, I'm glad you warned me first," Ryoga said, reaching for Ranma's cards. "I had single pairs." Then, as soon as he brought them to eye-level, the Eternally Lost Boy stopped. "What is it?" asked Nabiki, leaning in Ryoga's direction. "Ranma," Ryoga said, shuffling the cards around. He tapped the martial artist on the shoulder. "What?" asked Ranma. Ryoga showed Ranma the sorted hand. He stated simply, "Straight Flush." "Let me see!" demanded Ukyo, leaning over the table. The chef girl grabbed Ryoga's arm, forcing him to turn the cards her direction. In sequence, there was the nine, ten, jack, queen, and king, all of the heart suit. "Ranma, you won!" Akane declared, elated. "I... won?" her husband repeated in disbelief. Ukyo sunk back into her seat, surprised. "I WON!!!" Ranma yelled at the top of his lungs, jumping on the table top, scattering chips all about and forcing the others to flee his mad dance. "Do you suppose he was better off losing?!" wondered Ryoga, taking cover with Nabiki. "And this is the same Ranma my sister married," Nabiki commented, shaking her head sadly. "He IS a loser." Ukyo stood back, allowing the flying chips to hit her. Shocked, she whispered to herself, "Straight Flush...." Akane grabbed her friend's arm. "Ukyo! Get a grip on yourself!" "I can't believe I lost...." the okonomiyaki chef muttered. "Look, it was just a game, right?" assured Ranma's wife. "So what if Ranma's being a jerk about winning?" "Right," replied Ukyo, trying her best to force a smile. With her free hand she patted the hand Akane held her other arm with. "Thanks." Ukyo, it has been done! "Who said that?!" exclaimed Ukyo, frantically looking around for the source of the voice. "What?" asked Akane, staring at her friend in confusion. "Did you say something?" Don't you remember? It's me. It's you. "Never mind," replied the chef. Seiryu-- it must be! Nemesis arrives, announced Seiryu. Don't you feel it? No, answered Ukyo. The chef almost thought she heard a sigh. No matter. Inform the others, for Nemesis will emerge shortly. Where? It doesn't matter, as Nemesis will come to you. I suggest being in a better location before that happens. Right. Still.... While you hesitate, Nemesis will grow stronger with each passing moment. You know this already; it's what I've trained you for. Don't delay, for the clock is running now. Stop putting all this pressure on me. I'll get to it! You're not doing it fast enough. That's not fair. I'm still busy arguing with you! That doesn't matter. I have no wish to live through the disasters a second time. With that message finished, Ukyo found herself saying, "Nemesis is coming!" "What?" Akane said, her attentions previously fixed solely on the mad Ranma. "He's coming," repeated Ukyo. "And he's going to come to us, so I think we should go to someplace more remote than this." "Uh... okay," agreed Ranma's wife hesitantly. "Let's gather the others, and leave." Akane left Ukyo behind to retrieve the others. Had she turned to look back, she would have seen her friend's eyes glow an eerie sky-blue. Don't you do that again! snapped Ukyo. Or you'll do what? taunted Seiryu. You can't do anything to me. How the hell did I ever become you? THAT is what we're working to prevent, aren't we? Our continued cooperation is necessary if we want to survive. The Orochi assassin known as Shifter glided down the dimly lit hallways of the underground temple as if he were traveling on air instead of walking, his long, dark robes concealing his feet from view. In his hand the Japanese cultist held his feather fan, as always-- more of a weapon than an accessory. Although the heavy hood he wore covered most of his features, there was no mistake that this assassin was extraordinary. While he WAS an assassin, the Shifter wasn't always so; in the past, he was once a powerful Shinto wizard, but that was a bygone day and age. Now, the fallen wizard was needed to commence the transfusion ceremony. And may the kami forgive me for what I am about to do, he thought. Such abominations of nature should not be unleashed, not even on one's enemies. Those enemies, of course, included Ranma Saotome and his band of heroes, who previously foiled the great Orochi's designs by ruining his original host body for the upcoming Reunion. The Orochi, most powerful of the kami left in existence, was banished long ago to the Kami Plane by rival kami Susano-O, who separated the great serpent's essence from his earthly body. This earthly body was later put to long slumber through the work of the magical mongoose horn of the long-dead horned mongoose kami, an enemy of Orochi. And who blew the horn but Ranma Saotome's wife, Akane. That began a wheel of events, from subtly-interrogating the caretakers of Ryugenzawa to tracking down the girl Akane to her home in Nerima. The Warmage, arrogant and foolish as he was (and still is), blew the chance to destroy the offender, seeing as how the girl's martial artist friends were there to help her. Shifter truly believed the odds were still in their favor even then, for the assassin team had the element of surprise. But, in the end, the Warmage issued a call for challenge of combat, and Shifter ended up fighting Ranma himself. Certain elements turned the challenge into a media circus, for there was a crowd rooting for Ranma. Still, although Shifter himself possessed no martial arts abilities whatsoever, his magic more than compensated for that-- by using secret Shinto sorceries, true to his title, the Shifter transformed himself into an exact replica of the Saotome martial artist, down to everything but his memory. Still, in the end, Ranma Saotome managed to defeat himself because the assassin never realized that Ranma suffered from a curse activated by water. Badly beaten from that battle, Shifter was dragged from the battle back to the underground temple, where he was placed upon a cold stone slab not unlike the one Lady Kuno was restrained to. Since Orochi's blood flowed through the veins of each and every member of the Cult of Orochi, and since it was what kept each man alive for the many centuries they lived, the punishment was simple and cruel: draining of Orochi blood from the body. Shifter was only the first; he was followed by six other assassins, until it was down to only Warmage. Unfortunately for him, the leader of the Cult of Orochi suffered a more torturous fate-- having his very soul ripped from his body. Thus, the arrogant cultist was reduced to nothing but a ghost of his former self, forced to possess other bodies in order to interact with the world. Of course, it didn't take very long afterward for Shifter to remove himself from the stone slab; his Shinto sorceries allowed him to recover from the shock and trauma much sooner than the others. He had doubts that some of them would make it, but, surprisingly, the one with the least life left in him, Clash, survived. The now one- armed swordsman was severely-burnt by an incredible attack, and his pride was destroyed. Shifter almost felt pity for the former samurai, but times forced him to forget such things. His brother didn't survive the punishment. It wasn't easy to have normal, human blood flowing through one's body, not after having Orochi blood for the past few centuries. For the past year Shifter worked hard to get used to his old body once again, his HUMAN body, constantly forcing the thought of truly dying out of his mind. Working in shadows, the Shinto wizard researched for his leader, Warmage, on the precise means to bring Nemesis, the abomination! into Earth. After careful studying and deliberation with fellow cultist researchers, it was Shifter who formulated the ceremony necessary to summon the great champion. It was up to Warmage to find a suitable host body and the dark energy; all the rest was up to Shifter. Still, if legends proved correct, drawing Nemesis to Earth may have dire consequences indeed. The Lady Kuno hardly deserved to be a part of this-- if she ever survived, the psychological damages of what Nemesis would do would be... unbearable. But, if she can further the aims of the Dream, then perhaps it is worth the sacrifice. There are simply no other choices anymore. Silently, Shifter entered the ceremony chamber, and hoped for the best. Alone in silent meditation in the Phoenix Chamber, Tatewaki Kuno, eyes closed, sat pondering the dilemma foremost in his mind: will it be family, or honor? On one hand, honor is more than life to a samurai. Honor is what drives the samurai-- it is a way to live by. Ranma Saotome, though unworthy, has earned honorably the right of my support. On the other hand, I despise and hate Saotome. I have known Kodachi far longer than I have known Saotome; should there be any reason why I should help one I know little of? If I stay with dear Sister, then I would be obligated toward family. However, family is not exactly a likable choice; Father is a possessed man, driven to insanity by whatever muse in his mind, and Mother is the ruthless one whispering behind the lord's throne. Would I to give to remove myself of them both! Therefore the difficult choices are before me: put up with one man I despise, or two I despise and one I love? Suddenly, Kuno's eyes burst wide open. Something was wrong. Shaking off his reverie, jumping to his feet, the young lord of the house snatched up his trusty bokken lying by his side. With a sense of great urgency, Kuno exited the Phoenix Chamber in great haste. He burst into Kodachi's bedroom, startling the younger Kuno, who was reading a book on her bed. "Sister!" he huffed, "we must depart at once!" "What are you talking about?!" shouted Kodachi. "How DARE you enter my room unannounced?!" Kuno ignored his sister's words, instead choosing to grab Kodachi by the arm. "We are being called; I can feel it!" "Who is calling who?!" she cried as her brother dragged her out the door and through the hallways of the Kuno Estate. "I do not know why," explained Tatewaki, "but, when I thought of our mother, a sudden rush seized me!" With his free hand the swordsman opened the front door, then lead Kodachi out. "I do not know how, or why it has happened, but I know it is a message delivered in the care of the agents of Heaven!" "Well?!" shot Kodachi, impatient, her feet dragging behind her brother. "Our mother is in danger," answered Tatewaki solemnly. "I don't know what you've asked me here for, old bag," Taro shouted sourly to Cologne, "but whatever it is, it'd better be worth my time!" Forcing herself to resist the temptation of batting the young man across the cheeks with her staff, the old Chinese matriarch replied, "If it were not important, then I would not have summoned you." "Phaw!" spat Taro. "Nobody 'summons' me!" "Then it's quite pleasing that I am the first," Cologne shot back with amusement. The Chinese man said nothing; instead he folded his arms, as if to say, "Go on." Cologne turned on her heels and beckoned Taro to follow her. The two entered the back room of the Nekohanten, a room that usually stored supplies for the business, but with the impending closure it was laid bare. As soon as Taro entered the room the old woman, reaching out with her staff, gently slid the door shut. "Do you have any idea what is going on at home?" Cologne asked calmly. "Why should I care?" replied the man. "They're the ones who left me to fend for myself!" "Though you do display an air of distaste toward your people, somehow I feel that it is merely the outer shell." With her free hand Cologne reached into her pocket and produced a folded sheet of paper. "Not only do you wish to change your name for yourself, but for others as well. That is beside the point; this is." She handed the folded paper to Taro with an outstretched arm. Taro accepted the paper, then carefully unfolded it. Taking a few moments to glance it over, his eyes widened. "You can't be serious!" The old matriarch shook her head. "I have nothing to gain by lying to you, young man. The fact is, we are all threatened." Angrily, Taro crushed the paper in his fist. "Nothing I've done will matter if I don't do something!" "Then you understand what you must do?" ventured Cologne. The only response necessary was cracking knuckles. Just as Taro was about to turn to exit, the old woman added, "Before you decide to travel, I suggest you throw the water on yourself AFTER you get outside." "Well," started Ranma, "do you think this is far enough away?" Ranma, Akane, Konatsu, Shampoo, Ukyo, and Ryoga stood amidst an empty, green field, just outside the city limits, in hopes that when Nemesis arrived there would be nothing to bother the teens in battle. Once used as a park, the field fell into disuse when the locals preferred one in town; it was now ruled by the overgrown, knee-high wild grass, left to its own devices after abandonment. The wild grass was enclosed in a square fence made up of imported pine trees, whose needles were still fresh with the dawn of spring. Only the gentle wind gave life to the still picture. "I think so," Ukyo replied. "There's not much out here." "So, when's this Nemesis going to show up?" asked Ryoga. "I really don't want to have come here for nothing." "He'll come," assured the okonomiyaki chef. "I can feel it...." "Since when you trust feelings?" wondered Shampoo. Konatsu leaned over to the girl's ear. He whispered, "She's never done that before. Not before...." "Hey," interrupted Ranma, who stared out into the empty field, "do you feel that?" He raised a hand for silence in emphasis. Shampoo soaked in the atmosphere, taking a deep breath, and concentrated. Turning to Ranma, she said, "Strong aura." "I feel it too," added Akane. "Nemesis," whispered Ukyo. Akane turned to the chef in surprise. "How...?" "You never forget that aura," interrupted Ukyo. Seemingly staring off into oblivion, she recited, "It is the bitter taste you get in your mouth when you bite down on something... you never forget it." Ranma's wife shot a worried look at Konatsu, who shrugged. Ukyo continued, "It is like a disease... one that you cannot shake... no, more like a parasite, always there when you thought you've gotten rid of it. No, it is both a pestilence and a parasite; it would not be satisfied until you lay dead." Ryoga tapped Ukyo on the shoulder, startling her. "That's all nice, but where's this Nemesis?" "Right here, fool," intoned a strange voice. All six teens turned in alarm at the voice, but the owner was nowhere to be seen. "I am all around you," taunted the voice. One could distinguish a high-pitched, feminine speech from the alien voice, but at the same time one could also hear a deep, masculine speech. Both voices spoke at once, and with the same intent and meaning, yet should have belonged to two different persons. "Shit," cursed Ukyo. "He's masking his aura!" Just like one of my techniques, thought Ranma. Hmmm.... "Look at yourselves!" Nemesis roared, his voice sending shivers down the teens' spines. "What can you defeat that you cannot see?" "Hah," Ranma laughed. "Don't think I know your little trick!" The martial artist forced himself to concentrate, staring out at nothing. "What's he doing?" Ryoga whispered to Akane. "How should I know?" replied Akane, shrugging. Carefully scanning the area around him, Ranma concentrated on finding the hidden aura of Nemesis. Similar to one of his own Umisenken techniques, as Ranma guessed, there should be a faint outline around the body of the user. When he had used it during the fight with Ryu Kumon, Ranma's position was given away when Ryu made him angry; however, Ranma did not count on such luck against Nemesis. However, no matter how well one hid his aura, a trace would still be left-- as there was always exhaust from a car. Ranma's eyes came to a halt just passing Shampoo's position. Yes, there it was! Leaping past Shampoo, he shouted, "Got you!!" Startled, Nemesis became visible to the teens. He stepped aside, allowing Ranma's attempted flying tackle to pass unhindered. For the first time the teens got a look at their enemy. He appeared no taller than Ranma, dressed in a black kimono decorated with carnations-- a woman's kimono, no doubt, tied back with a blood-red sash. Gathered on the left side of his head was a pony tail, tied off with a red ribbon. Staring at Nemesis' face, Akane gasped. "Kodachi?!" "Kodachi?" repeated the others, just as surprised as Akane. Nemesis' ruby red lips curved into a frown. She roared, "Do not mock me! I could destroy you insects in an instant!" "No," said Ranma, getting up from the ground, staring at the face of the woman, "that's not Kodachi. She's... older." "Damn, not another one!" Ryoga shouted in frustration. "Why won't you time jockeys leave us alone?!" "No, you idiot!" Ukyo yelled, slapping Ryoga across the cheeks. "That's NOT Kodachi!" "Well, what else did you expect?" Nemesis said. "He is obviously too much of a fool to recognize an obvious fact!" "I not care!" Shampoo cried, unsheathing her twin flamberge. "Let's get it over with!" Both Konatsu and Ukyo unsheathed their own weapons, raising them up, ready to strike. "I don't fight girls," Ryoga said flatly, folding his arms. "Ryoga...." Akane said. "Now's not the time for that!" finished Ukyo, waving a fist angrily. "That's all right," replied Nemesis. "You do not have to fight-- I only need to kill you." All at once, Shampoo, Konatsu, and Ukyo charged, each raising weapons high, straight for Nemesis. Nemesis, with her lithe form, easily dodged Shampoo's wild slashes, dodging left for the right blade, and right for the left blade. She ducked under Ukyo's spatula swipe, then leaped over Konatsu's slash, carrying herself into the air as if she could fly. Without hesitation, Nemesis leveled her palms toward the ground at her three attackers, glowing balls of violet energy pulsating in each hand. The three teens threw themselves out of the way as Nemesis' energy barrage began-- one after another, as fast as a gattling cannon, destructive chi bolts scattered the earth. Without turning around, Nemesis' battle aura flared to life, destroying all chances of Ranma's behind-the-back flying attack from succeeding. The young martial artist yelped in pain, falling back to the ground in surprise. "How do you expect to defeat that which is unnatural to this plane?" taunted Nemesis, her voice crackling with energy. "Damn," cursed Ranma, rubbing his back. "She didn't even have to turn around!" "Nemesis knew exactly what you were going to do," noted Akane. She turned to Ryoga. "You've got to help them!" "Akane," Ryoga said, "when I started this out, I thought I was going to fight a man. Then it turns out that this 'man' is a woman. How can I fight a woman and stay true to myself?" "Ryoga!!" Akane pleaded, pounding a fist into the man's chest. He stood as still as a statue, as if the punch didn't hurt. The Eternally Lost Boy turned to face Akane, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Akane!" Turning away from the battle, Ryoga burst into a sprint. Resisting the urge to run after him, Akane shouted, "RYYYOOOGAAAA!!" "Shit, shit, shit!" Ukyo spat, turning her attention away from the battle for a brief moment. "I knew we couldn't count on that jackass!" However, the moment taken to speak those words left the okonomiyaki chef open to an energy bolt to the chest. She flew backward from the impact, the giant combat spatula flying wildly in the air. "Pay attention!" cried Nemesis. "How do you expect to win without your attention on the fight?!" "Take your own suggestions!" screamed Konatsu, leaping at the adversary with his sword high above his head. Nemesis raised her right arm in the air, as if that alone would deflect the slicing attack. Konatsu's blade arced downward, ready to sever the evil one's arm, but the sword bounced back, striking something around the exposed arm. Stepping back in surprise, he left himself open long enough for Nemesis to launch a bolt from her left hand into his gut. At the same moment, however, Nemesis felt her feet give way, as Ranma tripped her feet with a strong foot sweep. Lying on her back against the tall grass, Nemesis stared up at her opponents left standing: Ranma and Shampoo. Shampoo's swords were both pointed at her heart. "Blast," cursed Nemesis. "You aren't as tough as they say you are," taunted Ranma. "Not yet," corrected Nemesis. "But that was not the purpose of this battle." "What you up to?!" demanded Shampoo, as Ukyo, Konatsu, and Akane stepped into Nemesis' view. The adversary smiled, chuckling softly to herself. "Call it a test run, if you like, but while I am here gauging all of your powers, my minions are preparing to infuse my vessel with more energy. I could destroy you whenever I liked, but this time, I will learn to savor the pain of my prey!" In the moment it takes to blink, Nemesis vanished, the depressed grass where she lay returning to their upright position. Shampoo stabbed the grass in vain. "We had her!" she cried angrily. "More like she had us," corrected Ukyo. "We played right into her hands. She never did this the last time...." "Hell, now what?" Ranma asked nobody in particular. "Let's go back," suggested Akane. "There's nothing else we can do here." Silently, she added, "I hope Ryoga will be okay, wherever he is going." Only minutes after the gang left the tall grass, Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno entered the abandoned park. Stepping into the middle of the field, one could discern signs of battle, but no blood or remains were to be found. "Strange," noted Tatewaki, "it appears we have arrived late." Kodachi grabbed her brother's collar in anger. "You brought me all the way out here to look at GRASS?!" "I was certain that Mother was here," replied Tatewaki. "How?!" demanded Kodachi. "She was 'calling' me, not by modern devices, but by... feeling," he replied, trying his best to describe the sensation. "Think of it as a summons from Heaven, if you will." Kodachi's eyes narrowed. "Shut up. Let's go home." Ryoga ran at top speed away from the abandoned park, away from the conflict, away from disgrace. Yet, at the same time, he was running from Akane, who he wanted to protect, even though he could not have her. How can I face Akane now? wondered Ryoga, wiping away the tears in his eyes. How can I live with myself, knowing that I ran out on her? At least she doesn't know.... That thought stopped Ryoga in his tracks. Wait, she DOES know about my secret! Ryoga seized his head as if he were in pain. She KNOWS!!! How could I have forgotten?!! With all his pent-up energy, Ryoga screamed into the air at the top of his lungs. Waitaminute.... If she really DID know, then why hasn't she said anything about it yet? Maybe I'm dreaming; maybe she DOESN'T know!! That's it!! "YEESSSS!!!" Ryoga yelled in triumph, forgetting his depression. Now I've got to go back and apologize to Akane! he decided. If all I did was run out on her, then I can say I'm sorry and be done with it! She won't know I'm the pig!! At top speed, Ryoga ran away from the park, away from the city. Ranma walked alongside his wife as the group continued back toward town. Ahead of the pair was Shampoo, with Konatsu and Ukyo trailing behind. The afternoon had been drawn on for quite some time; soon, evening would come. "You know," started Ranma, breaking the silence, "when I woke up this morning, I was going to do something important, but now, I can't seem to remember what." Akane's eyes narrowed as they met her husband's. "You forgot?" she asked suspiciously. "Hey, a lot's been going on lately," Ranma replied with a shrug. "You wanted to talk to Ukyo," she reminded him. No one could miss the hint of anger in Akane's voice. "Now why... of course!" Ranma snapped his fingers. Turning to his wife, the martial artist stated, "It'll only take a moment." With that, Ranma slowed his walking pace, allowing Akane to march ahead-- alone. The change of pace had not missed Ukyo's attentions. "What's up?" the chef asked. Ranma turned to Konatsu. "Keep Akane company for me, will ya?" The kunoichi glanced at Ukyo, as if looking for approval. "Sure, go on ahead," encouraged Ukyo. Wordlessly, Konatsu nodded, then quickened his pace to catch up with Akane. "Okay," Ukyo said, "I'm all ears." Ranma cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts. "Where shall I begin?" he wondered aloud. "Well, this morning, I realized there was something missing in my life." The okonomiyaki chef peered at her old friend carefully. "Right." "Why'd you say that?" he asked. "Well, let's put it this way," she replied, holding out her fist. Extending her index finger, Ukyo said, "For one, you're married, and have a wonderful wife." She raised a second finger. "Two, everything has been settled by your mother...." "Well, not really," interrupted Ranma, who seemed to be ready to start sweating. "Mom's actually been 'suggesting' that grandchildren would be nice to have around and all." Ukyo shook her head. "She's crazy." "It could be worse." The chef girl continued, raising a third finger. "Thirdly, there's nothing left between us, so I don't see why anything I do matters to you at all." "That's the thing, really," the young Saotome said, almost ready to choke. "I don't know why... but... dammit, I... miss you?" Those words forced Ukyo to come to a grinding halt. "What?" Ranma paused. "Don't take it to mean the way it sounds...." "You're crazy." "No, no, no... let me explain...." "Ranma, you're MARRIED!" "I didn't mean it that way!" "Then what 'way' did you mean?!" "Well... I don't know!" Ukyo shook her head. In disgust, the okonomiyaki chef resumed her march. Raising a hand, as if it would stop her, Ranma followed. "W...wait!" Without turning around, the chef replied, "Don't start with me, Ranma." She tried her best to force back the tears welling in her eyes. "I've tried my best these past months to bury my dreams, so don't try to dig them up again." Ukyo raised her fist, shaking it in frustration. "Before, I would've done anything for you... anything that would make you happy. Then I realized that Akane makes you happy, and not... me." With her other hand she wiped the tears from her eyes. "After that, I've done everything I could to get you out of my life. The last thing I need right now is... this." "But, but... I...." Ranma stuttered. "Remember your wedding day?" asked Ukyo. "Yeah?" "Remember how I gave you my first kiss?" she reminded him. "And?" Ranma knew where this was going; the first kiss was always the one you remembered. "The only thing I could remember about it since then was... just how much I was trying to enjoy it," explained the okonomiyaki chef. "But, even then, I knew... you weren't kissing back." She forced a soft laugh, yet, her sniffling drowned it out. "Kissing is overrated." Ranma was at a loss for words, slowing his pace in order to avoid getting too close to his upset friend. Ukyo was right about one thing, at least: the kiss. "I can't imagine how the hell you came up with these 'feelings,'" continued Ukyo, barely maintaining control over her sobs. She glanced back at Ranma, with both menace and sadness in her teary eyes. "But, if you dare to say those words...." "Ukyo...." "I'll hate you for the rest of my life!" "Seriously," ranted Akane, "what is it that Ranma could only talk to Ukyo about that he couldn't talk to me?" Konatsu said nothing as he walked by the woman's side. Sometimes it was best only to listen. Akane balled her hands into fists, waving them angrily in the air. "That Ranma! Even when married he still chases after other girls!" Still the kunoichi refused to say a word. Although he knew Akane knew that was not the truth, sometimes it was better to let it go. "Konatsu," someone behind the two said, "let's go." Both Akane and Konatsu glanced over their shoulders at Ukyo, her head lowered enough so her hair hung over her eyes, concealing them from view. Not far behind Ranma was running to catch up. "Ukyo...." the kunoichi whispered. "I said, let's go!" the okonomiyaki chef repeated angrily. With lightning-quick motion, Ukyo grabbed Konatsu's arm. With a sudden burst, she sprinted off ahead of Akane, with the kunoichi struggling to keep up. "Ukyo?" Akane whispered, forgetting her anger in turn for surprise. She watched both Ukyo and Konatsu run off ahead of Shampoo, just as Ranma, heavily breathing, reached his wife's side. "I'm telling you," Ranma said, trying to catch his breath, "that stupid Ukyo's getting more and more stubborn." Akane folded her arms. "What did you say to her?" she demanded. "What do you want me to say?" Ranma asked honestly. "If she didn't want to hear it, what makes you think YOU want to hear it?" "Because I'm your WIFE, stupid!" "You certainly don't make things any easier!" "What's that supposed to mean?!" "You don't want to hear it!" "Yes I do!" "No you don't!" "Yes I do!" "You two through?!" Both Ranma and Akane ceased their argument and turned to face Shampoo. As if she were Mother, the Chinese Amazon stood, arms folded across her chest, tapping her foot against the ground. Her gaze suggested power, as man and wife shrunk to her imposing figure. "If you two not stop," she warned, "you die!" Walking up to Ranma, Shampoo slapped him across the face. "Treat wife as you do, you die! How you live with defiance?!" Ranma rubbed his sore cheeks as the Chinese Amazon turned to Akane. "Treat husband as you do, you die! How you live with no control?!" Bracing herself for an attack, Akane raised her arms in defense of the attack that never came. Instead, Shampoo spat at her feet. "Stupid Japanese!" she cursed. "None know how to treat spouse right!" "Yeah?!" both Ranma and Akane shouted. "What do YOU know about being married?!" Shampoo shook her head, throwing her arms up in frustration. "You two DESERVE each other!" Far from three bickering teenagers, far from the battle which they had come, but certainly not far from the trio's destination, one lone man stumbled through the dark room. He yelped in pain as he ran his foot against yet another heavy file cabinet. "Hell with it," muttered the man, turning on a small flashlight. The shadowy man shined the light against all the cabinets around him, searching for the right cabinet. Light shined over one labeled 'Doco.' Satisfied, the man produced a lock pick. Holding the handheld flashlight in his teeth, he inserted the pick into the keyhole, carefully listening for the tumblers to fall in place. After several tense minutes, the shadow man had the locked cabinet drawer open. Carefully, he thumbed his way through the folders, stopping when he found the one labeled 'Contracts.' Glancing over his shoulder, the man slowly removed the folder, glad to note that nobody was on to him yet. "Certainly, none of the Tokuyama execs would appreciate this intrusion," he mused. "I wouldn't, if this were my company." He removed the flashlight from his teeth, running his free hand's index finger down the pages which outlined the terms of the contract. Several crossed-out areas, and many more written in-- marred the otherwise clean contract, as if last-minute additions and corrections were made on the final contract sheet. None of that surprised the intruder. After all, both Nabiki Tendo, the general manager, and President Tokuyama, were hard sellers. "Damn," the man cursed silently, pausing at one particular side note. "This is it!" Replacing the flashlight in his teeth, the intruder produced a small, palm-sized camera. Carefully steadying the light, the shadow man took several snapshots of the contract, careful to make extra snaps in case the first did not develop correctly. Carefully replacing the folder, and shutting the drawer, the shadow man shut off the flashlight. "This coming evening will be most interesting indeed, Nabiki Ten...." The intruder yelped in pain as he ran into another file cabinet. "This place doesn't look like Tokyo..." Ryoga Hibiki told himself as he passed through the forested path. "Either way... I can't kid myself. How in the world am I going to go on if I can't face an opponent that's a woman?" Walking along the quiet path, the Eternally Lost Boy continued to recite his thoughts. "Nemesis... I don't even know what that's really all about. What is the big deal about this opponent that's so different from other guys, like Herb or Pantyhose Taro?" "Yet... in the future... can I stay true to myself? Can I never fight a woman?" You fought Ukyo, you idiot, he told himself mentally. "That's right... I forgot about her. Yet... it was alright... because I didn't know.... I mean, yeah...." "But, what if this Nemesis were to get close to someone I care about.... Akari. Akari... geez, I wish you could be here... you would probably make me forget about all this! I wish I could, but I can't... not as long as this mess goes on. If it came down to it, would I fight for Akari, and throw away myself?" "Would I do it?" Ryoga wondered, staring at his hands. There was only one way to find out, he decided, wandering the path before him. "It was a complete success," Nemesis announced as she stepped into the dark chamber whence she had come. In place of the stone slab where Lady Kuno had been bound was a fountain-like device, cascading water over the rim at the top of the device into a large, bathtub-sized pool below. Serving as a sort of fountain head was a small statue of a dragon with eight heads, spewing the liquid in eight directions. Standing around it was three men: the principal, the Shinto priest, and the short man. "Excellent," Warmage said, using the principal's voice. "The energy font is ready for your disposal." Nemesis undid her pony tail, allowing her dark hair to fall freely behind her back. "I welcome my next meal...." Strand snorted. "Can I stay and watch?! Pleazzzzeee!!" Shifter kicked the small man in the stomach. "Absolutely not!" Untying the sash of her kimono, Nemesis said, "I will certainly enjoy relishing the pain...." Warmage nodded, exiting the chamber as Shifter dragged Strand behind him, leaving Nemesis alone to disrobe. Speaking only to herself, Nemesis continued, "What better way to soak up extra energy than to bathe in it?" She gently slid a toe into the pool, allowing the warmness of the liquid to adjust to her body. "Twenty-four hours is all that is necessary; then I can find my own source of energy. Pain is a more rewarding energy than this method, but I will not complain." Sinking her naked body into the pool, Nemesis relaxed her muscles, her eyes fluttering to welcome sleep. "I think I will dream of the new world... of greenery... of my son...." "Are you sure this is wise?" Shifter asked Warmage as soon as the three Orochi cultists left Nemesis to her own devices. As an after- thought, the Shinto wizard kicked Strand a second time, who was feasting his eyes on the room he had left forcefully. "What are you talking about?!" demanded Warmage. "Keep in mind that this is the first time Nemesis has been on the planet for ages," started Shifter, "and that this is the first time the creature has actually been summoned. If we keep feeding Nemesis more power, he might not need us for much longer." "That doesn't concern me," the principal replied, unconcerned. "I don't care if you die, because I'm already dead. Your brother's already dead. The only one left to die is you." Thanks a lot. "Also, at this rate the host vessel will not last Nemesis for any longer than two weeks," calculated Shifter. "At that point Nemesis can fashion a body without needing a vessel; at that point we won't be able to banish him if necessary." "You STILL trying for the bitch?!" snorted Strand, taking his attention from the woman in the other room for the first time. "As far as I'm concerned, she's DEAD already!!" "Forget about human life," suggested Warmage. "For when Nemesis recreates the world, the Orochi will have won, and everything will be back to as it was!" He placed a hand on Shifter's shoulder. "When you die, you do it for the future!" Turning to the short man, the leader commanded, "Come! There's much work to be done." Both Warmage and Strand departed, leaving Shifter alone. Shifter sighed as he watched the short, ugly assassin trod after Warmage like a dog; he never used to be that way. The Shinto wizard turned to enter the room where Nemesis bathed in the strange liquid. The woman lay asleep in the pool, with only her head above the surface, in a calm, relaxed position. Almost serene. Only one glance at the woman's face made up Shifter's mind. With new determination the Orochi assassin marched toward the exit of the underground compound. Damn the Warmage, and damn Nemesis, Shifter thought. There must be another way! The assassin was lost in thought, that he almost ran into the man standing in front of the exit. "Where're you going so late?" the guard asked, reaching for the sword sheathed over his back. "There must be matters to be taken care of before tomorrow," Shifter answered honestly. "Inform the Warmage that I will not be back until tomorrow." "As you wish, then," replied the guard, releasing his grip on the sword. He folded his arms, the right arm against another arm that simply wasn't there. The assassin certainly knew the meaning of that. Shifter pushed open the gate that lead to the outside world. Taking one last glance at compound he was leaving, the Orochi assassin walked off into the growing darkness of the setting sun. "For a time, I considered sparing your wretched planet Cybertron. But now, you will witness... it's DISMEMBERMENT!" -- Unicron, Transformers * * * * * Let's be Platonic (Kodachi) (Kodachi) Nobody else at the seashore, together with you, we reveled at the time but we settled down. Your reticent eyes somehow scare me. The sky, the sea, and the waves all recede in the distance. Ah, even at the touch of your little finger, my thoughts race! Till love grows, wait a little while. Softly brushing away a grain of sand on your lip, I see myself in your eyes..... ahahahahahahahaha!!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! Ahahahahaahaaa!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you.....oooohoohooohooooo!! Suddenly rain falls, and in a hurry, we run for the car on the road. Ah, when you roughly pull me by the arm, it feels like it's broken. Be gentle. What my heart must decide, the answer may be known only by the endless waves? [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's still be Platonic for now....ohohohohohoho!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- as painful as that may be....hehehehehehehe! To tell the truth, when we almost kiss, I've felt like saying you're allowed. [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! Whaaahaaaahhaaaaa.... [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you.....ooohooohooohoooooo!!! * * * * * Part 3: The Eighth Orochi Assassin-- The Legacy of Susano-O "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." -- Emerson, Journals "All of life can be broken down into moments of transition or moments of revelation. This had the feeling of both.... G'Quon wrote, 'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'" -- G'Kar, Babylon 5 The evening many in Tokyo have been waiting for, and dreading at the same time, was about to begin. For over two weeks the band known as Doco made it known that Shampoo, one of the five lead singers, was going to leave the group, and, in consequence, the group was to disband completely. The overcrowded seating in the amphitheater bolstered Nabiki's happiness, for more people meant more money. And less time to actually work at the nowhere job, she added tactfully. The middle Tendo sister checked her wrist watch. A little over a half an hour left before show time. She made her way to the dressing room, where Shampoo, Ranma (in girl form), Akane, and Kasumi were busy getting ready for the stage. Bursting in, Nabiki shouted, "Alright, where's everybody else?!" Putting on a leather jacket, Ranma answered, "How should I know? Ryoga's missing, Mousse and those Kunos won't answer messages, and Ukyo and Konatsu are probably still closing up their restaurant." Shampoo leaned toward a mirror as she put on her lipstick. "Mousse not coming. He still sulking." "Well, that's terrific," Nabiki said, waving her arms in the air. "How are we supposed to put on a show without a band? We can't give everybody their money back!" "That would be cheating the fans," Akane added. "Why don't the others understand?" "Because they're self-centered and stuck-up, that's why!" Ranma answered harshly. "Besides, I'm GLAD Kuno isn't going to show up!" "Fine, if that's the way it's going to be... I've got a back-up plan," Nabiki announced, producing a compact disc from a vest pocket. Kasumi exclaimed, "Oh my! Is that what I think it is?" "Yep!" confirmed Nabiki. "Karaoke CD." "With that, we not need silly band!" concluded Shampoo. Akane took the compact disc from her sister, and studied it carefully. "I don't know... it's certainly not the best idea, but I suppose it'll have to do." While all five girls bantered back and forth, none took notice of a single shadow, whose ear was pressed against the wall from the outside. With the important information at hand, the shadow silently crept away from the wall, leaving no trace of having been there. Nabiki arranged for the lighting to shine only upon the five singers at the front of the stage, and made sure that the stagehands kept their mouths shut (with a little incentive, of course). Any profit, to which the middle Tendo sister had no doubt of, would not go to the ones who stood-up the band. When it was time for the show to begin, Nabiki signaled for the crew to start playing the karaoke compact disc. * * * * * Equal Romance (Doco Farewell Concert) [(Akane) With just empty kindness, (All) my heart is in pain. Love is always loneliness into your arms, ah.] [Voices: SHIT!] (All) Darlin' Just For Me I'll be waiting. (Shampoo) I want to make your heart thrill. (All) Your fingertips lead to romance. Our destiny is surely Fallin' Love.... [Voices: There! Go! I've got it!] (Kasumi) Tonight, it's strange..... * * * * * Barely into the first verse, the lights flickered. At the same moment, the music to which the five singers sang to stopped abruptly, forcing a loud buzz through the amphitheater's speakers. All at once, the audience roared in pain and anger. Nabiki looked about in confusion. She shouted, "What's happening?!" As if on cue, from the lights above the stage, three figures leaped down from the great height. If they were any normal human being, they should have been hurt when they landed on their feet, but these were certainly not ordinary human beings: one wore a skin-tight leotard and twirled a ribbon over her head, one folded his arms in the folds of his sleeves, and the third had her hands on the weapon strapped to her back. "You!!!" cried Nabiki, as she recognized Kodachi, Mousse, and Ukyo. "How dumb do you take us?!" demanded Kodachi. "We were not ignorant of your intentions, Nabiki Tendo!" Mousse added. "How could you forget us?!" finished Ukyo. "I don't know what you're talking about!!" insisted the middle Tendo sister. "Nabiki," Akane started, "what is this all about?" "C'mon, Nabiki Tendo!" taunted Ukyo. "Tell your sister about the 'arrangement' you made for us! Tell them, that, in your greed, 'forgot' about us." Turning to Akane, the okonomiyaki chef explained, "What is it that makes up this band? You five?" She shook her head. "No! ALL of us make up this band!" Kodachi pointed an accusing finger at Nabiki. "In the spirit of 'teamwork' and 'friendship,' we were never to appear at all tonight! For that matter, we hardly exist!" "Nabiki, is this true?" asked Kasumi. "So what if none of you get credit for anything!" cried Nabiki defiantly. "I, for one, didn't include you clowns in this band deal for my health; it was for convenience alone! I merely lead you all along with thoughts of teamwork; besides, Doco IS US." "You never intended us to be in the band in the first place," Mousse said. "Back in the battle of the bands, you let us through because we wouldn't get in your way otherwise! But now... now that money is at stake, you took us out of the loop!" "It's not the money we care about," explained Ukyo, "but the fact that everything surrounding Doco is just five singers, nothing more!" "Let me get this straight," Ranma said. "Are you telling me that you guys've been working for free?" "Can the money, Saotome!" screeched Ukyo. Turning back to Nabiki, she cried, "YOUR only friend is money, pure and simple! To think, all I've put into this band went to nothing! Time spent making good 'ol Nabiki Tendo rich, when I could have been working at my restaurant! All I asked for was a little credit, but SOMEONE just had to take it all!" Mousse reached into his robes, and threw an object at Akane's direction. Akane stared down at the compact disc jewel case, a Doco CD. "What is this?" "Read the credits," suggested Mousse. Turning to Ranma, he snarled, "Another time, Saotome." Kodachi turned to her two comrades. "Let us depart! Our work here is finished." Over her shoulder, the gymnast added, "Adieu, Ranma. The next encounter will be our last!" "I'll say," Ranma muttered under her breath. Before turning to leave, Ukyo warned, "Nabiki Tendo, if I ever see you again, you'd best be prepared to get turned into dog shit!" Ignoring the departing trio, Akane flipped through the booklet inserted in the jewel case. Flipping to the back, bewilderment filled the youngest Tendo sister's eyes. "I don't see anything...." Shampoo took a peek over Akane's shoulder. "Just our names." Akane turned to Nabiki, confused. "I don't understand." Nabiki shrugged. "Place the band into the group, and we've more than ten people to deal with. Remove them, and there's only five. It takes what would go to them out of the loop and gives it to me. When I got the contracts from the Tokuyama Agency, I did a little negotiating myself. What's so hard to understand about that?" "Nabiki, you've lied and cheated them?" asked Kasumi. "That's not very nice." "Is that ALL?" muttered Ranma, slightly disgusted with Kasumi's lack of emotion. "Well, the Kunos didn't care; they've got money," Nabiki reasoned. "As for Ryoga, Mousse, and Ukyo... they never asked." She shook her head. "I was wondering how long it would take them to figure this one out. Not that we ever needed them, anyway. They're not MY friends." "How could you?!" yelled Akane in anger. "After all that's happened, all the time we've worked together, I thought you've changed!" "I change when it suits me," replied Nabiki smugly. "Some of them were MY friends!" continued her sister. "Oh, did you want me to play favorites with them?" taunted Nabiki. Placing a hand over her breast, she explained, "I, for one, don't play favorites; you should know that." "Still dirty," complained Shampoo. "Hell with that," Ranma yelled, gesturing toward the audience. "What are we going to do about THEM?" Damn, this is certainly not turning out as I expected. Running through the dark, empty streets of Nerima, one lone man, dressed in white, flowing robes similar to that of a Shinto priest cursed his rotten luck. Though he did not fear being recognized by anyone, Shifter pulled the hood of his robe over his head tightly, unwilling to take any chances. No, there was no time to take any unnecessary chances when Nemesis was concerned. The ancient assassin headed for the business district, having unsuccessfully entering the Tendo household. Shifter remembered the location after over a year since being there last, but that hardly did the wizard any good-- nobody was home. There were few other places the assassin could think of to find someone... relevant. If any of Warmage's spies saw me out here, they'd kill me, Shifter thought. They'll never understand why... that is why they cannot know. Shifter came to a halt in the middle of the street, catching his breath. His eyes focused on one of many places he knew he could try to find help-- the Nekohanten. Judging from the lack of lit lights, reasoned the assassin, the business must be closed. Still, it can't hurt to try. Forcing himself to relax, the Shinto wizard produced a feather fan from his sleeves. Waving the fan about over his head, muttering a series of arcane words, the man disappeared-- fan, robes, and all. Actually, Shifter, true to his name, merely changed his shape-- to that of a large, dark-furred rat. The rat skittered across the street toward the closed restaurant. With sharp claws, the tiny mammal began to scale the wall. "That Ranma," Mousse complained, "is too unbearable to be allowed to live!" The three party crashers walked together, side by side, by themselves in the dimly-lit streets of Nerima, completely devoid of all signs of life. "Oh, is that so?" returned Kodachi. "Pray tell, did you devise this theory this very moment, or an eternity?" "Knock it off, you two!" railed Ukyo, not bothering to hide her anger. "Haven't we done enough for one night?" Kodachi tapped her index finger against her ruby-red lips, as if thinking over the chef's words. "I do not think so." "There's subtlety when you see it," concluded Ukyo sarcastically, shaking her head. "If Nabiki Tendo and her buddies want to play the game with us," reasoned Mousse, "it's only fair we return the same! Especially since Ranma's in on it. And... SHAMPOO!!!" Mousse spat away from the two girls that were his companions as he mentioned the name. "Their day of reckoning has come at last!" "Don't take it TOO far," warned Ukyo, "or you might be next." Both Kodachi and Mousse stopped in their tracks, staring at Ukyo in puzzlement. Ukyo clamped her hands over her mouth, as if she said something she was not supposed to say. "Did mine ears hear correctly?" Kodachi asked rhetorically. "Bwaaa ha-ha-ha-ha-hah!" The gymnast leaned closer toward Ukyo's embarrassed face. "Something tells me that, somewhere inside of you, you still care!" If only I could get her to shut up, Ukyo mused silently. "It doesn't matter," concluded Mousse. "She couldn't do it anyway." "What?!" Ukyo exclaimed. "I could kill you if I meant it!" "You couldn't kill anyone if your life depended on it!" returned the Master of Hidden Weapons. "I killed that assassin, didn't I?!" the chef countered. "Oh." Kodachi put herself between the two bickering teens. "If we must fight, let us not do it amongst ourselves!" "Since when did you start acting like your brother?" Ukyo asked the other girl. That caught Kodachi by surprise. Stepping back defensively, she said, "I do not!" "Yes you do!" the okonomiyaki chef insisted. "He was obsessed with getting rid of Ranma, and now, so are you." She extended a finger, ready to list off her points. "You get into other peoples' business when one possible outcome suits you, and you think you're the best at what you do." Kodachi feigned surprise, raising her right palm to her lips. "Ah! I am not the best?!" The gymnast burst out laughing as she continued her walk. Both Ukyo and Mousse followed behind. "You forgot about the laugh," Mousse pointed out. Ukyo shook her head. "Naw. Kuno got it from her." "Speaking of which, where is that sword-totting maniac?" the Chinese man asked. The chef girl shrugged. "Last I heard, he's trying to figure out what to do with himself." "He's not the only one," Mousse muttered under his breath. "What?" "Nothing." Almost before the two could stop, Ukyo and Mousse almost ran into Kodachi, who stood still before them. "Hey!" exclaimed Ukyo. "You could've warned us!" "Silence!" Kodachi hissed. Turning to Mousse, the Kuno girl said, "I believe you told us your establishment was closed tonight?" Mousse nodded. Raising a pointing finger down the street, Kodachi said, "Then why are the lights on?" "What?" Mousse leaned forward, adjusting his glasses, as if it would give him telescopic sight. Sure enough, a few buildings down, was the Nekohanten. The store sign was down, the door was closed, yet, the lights in the dining room were on. "The old hag's got guests?!" guessed the Chinese martial artist. "Shit!" he spat, reaching for Mei-ling's gifts. Mousse pushed his way past Kodachi, sprinting down the street toward the restaurant that served as his home while in Japan. "You think something's wrong?" Ukyo asked Kodachi. "It is not just any guest," explained Kodachi. "Smell the delicate air, Kuonji. Do you not detect the stench of familiarity?" Suddenly, as if a jolt of electricity ran through her head, realization dawned on the gymnast. "HIM!!!" she cried. Kodachi burst into a sprint after Mousse. "Hey, wait up!" Ukyo shouted, dashing behind. "Damn," the male Ranma declared wearily, rubbing his sweating palms against his shirt. "I thought we'd never get outta there!" "I thought this was supposed to be FUN," complained Shampoo. Tired and exhausted from the final concert fiasco, Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, Kasumi, and Nabiki, trailed by Soun, Genma, and Nodoka, headed toward the Tendo home for a much-needed quiet period. Needless to say, the crowd was upset at the interruption made by former band members Kodachi, Ukyo, and Mousse; it took a great deal of coercing (and 'encouragement' on the part of the security teams) to prevent an all-out riot. Nabiki guessed that the bulk of the audience had no idea what was going on, but those close enough to the stage may have heard the angry exchanges, which was definitely not good for publicity, especially not for a farewell concert. "You know," Akane started, "I think I know how the others feel, but I don't think this was the way to... do it." "What did you expect?" Nabiki replied cynically. "Good-for- nothings like them can't do anything simple." "That's not very nice," Kasumi pointed out again. "Don't you ever say anything else?" asked the younger sister. Kasumi stared at Nabiki with a clueless expression. She turned away, bowing her head, as if in thought. Finally, the eldest Tendo girl said, "You should apologize to them." Nabiki shook her head in frustration. "I should be used to this by now." "Hey, YOU started it!" accused Ranma. The middle sister stepped back in mock surprise. "Me?" "Knock it off, you two!" Akane shouted, dragging her husband away from her sister. Behind the five youngsters, Nodoka made a conversation of her own with Genma and Soun. "They appear to be getting along fine now," Nodoka said with a smile. "Umm, yes," Soun replied, wishing his girls wouldn't fight amongst themselves. "Frankly, I, for one, am waiting for dinner!" Genma announced, rubbing his stomach in emphasis. "Do you suppose Ranma and Akane have spent their time together yet?" Nodoka asked suddenly. Both men stared at Nodoka in surprise. "Ahhh...." muttered Soun, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Without coming up with an answer, he burst out in tears. "Whaaaa-ha!" he cried. "Kids these days! They grow up too quickly!" "Really?!" Genma exclaimed, even more surprised. "That's nice to hear," Nodoka said, nodding sagely. Ranma's mother could barely contain her excitement herself. "Have they taken the names I suggested to heart?" Soun ignored the question, as if he could only hear himself. "That is the last to be done if Ranma should become a real man," Nodoka said to nobody in particular. "Marriage only makes half a man; a full man raises a family as well." "Uh-huh," Genma replied, nodding without thinking. He ran his tongue over his lips in anticipation. "It'll be wonderful to have grandchildren, wouldn't it?" she asked her husband. "Yes, dear," he answered, his thoughts still on the coming dinner. "I hope it's a boy!" "Yes, dear." "Ranma could raise him to be a man, too!" "Yes, dear." "Our ancestors would be proud!" "Yes, dear." "I'm proud!" Had the five youngsters not stopped when they did, the exchange would not have ended. "Mom?" Ranma said. "What is it?" Nodoka asked. "Why are you crying?" Ranma knew the answer, but he would rather hear it from his mother's mouth. "Oh, nothing," she lied, reaching for a handkerchief. "We're home," Ranma announced. Genma rushed past the boy, saliva drooling from the rim of his lips. "It's MINE!" he cried, rushing through the open gates to the Tendo property lot. Akane, Nabiki, and Shampoo, standing by the gate, watched Genma rush past them, as if there was a race that had to be won. "Why rush?" Shampoo asked nobody in particular. "Cook out here!" A few moments later, they heard someone scream. "Pop?!" Ranma exclaimed, recognizing the voice dripping with terror. Without thinking, the young martial artist dashed through the gates, heading straight for the wide-open front door to the Tendo house. Without warning, a large, heavy object collided with Ranma, forcing him to come to a stop forcefully. Akane and Shampoo rushed to Ranma's side, throwing the terrified Genma off him. "Ranma!" Akane said. "Are you okay?" "Man," Ranma said, rubbing his head, "Pop needs to lose some weight next time he gets thrown at me." "That was certainly not the intention, I assure you," someone said. All heads turned toward the tall figure standing at the entrance of the house. With only the moonlight to reveal his features, there was not much to discern the man from the darkness around him. However, one could make out the distinct dress-- the man wore long, flowing robes, a white blotch against a black house. "Who're you?!" demanded Ranma, getting to his feet. "Step inside, Son-in-Law," commanded another voice. "Great-grandmother!" Shampoo shouted in recognition. "What is the meaning of this?" wondered Soun. "There is much to discuss," explained Cologne, hopping on her walking staff toward Ranma. "Everything has been building to this moment, and it is time you understood the truth." "I can't believe you're still alive," Ranma muttered to the robed man, pausing to scoop up more rice from his bowl. "The feeling is mutual, I assure you," Shifter replied coldly. Soun sat at the head of the dining table, with Cologne and Shifter taking the guest positions. Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane, Shampoo, Genma, and Ranma sat all around, sharing the dinner Nodoka cooked up in a short amount of time. Ranma studied the robed man carefully. Shifter had grown facial hair since the last the two met; the assassin had the beginnings of a Fu-manchu moustache along with a short, neatly cut beard. He wore a soft, silk cap over his head, tied with a ribbon behind his ears and under his chin, in a fashion quite archaic to modern standards. "I am sure by now that you have encountered Nemesis," Shifter began, setting down his rice bowl. "Yeah," confirmed Ranma. "Why does she look like Kodachi, anyhow?" "Don't get ahead of me, young man," the Orochi assassin warned, leveling a finger at the young martial artist. "Just what is this all about?" asked Akane. Shifter cleared his throat. "My story is a long one, so you best prepare to listen." "This should be interesting," Soun said, leaning closer to Shifter. "In popularized legend," began the assassin, "the great eight-headed dragon, Yamata no Orochi, terrorized a small kingdom in a faraway land, demanding a maiden to be sacrificed to him on each night of the full moon. That is, until wayward maverick kami Susano-O arrived, wielding the Kusanagi sword. In promise for Princess Kushinada's hand in marriage, Susano-O challenged and defeated the great dragon with his wits alone. In decapitating all eight heads, Susano-O released the Yagatama orb from the mighty serpent's belly. Also, the final tear of the final head of Orochi formed the Mirror of Yata, which is reputed to contain the Orochi's eternal torment. This mirror was given to Princess Yata, Kushinada's sister, after the kami wed. In due time the Kusanagi sword, the Magatama orb, and the Mirror of Yata made their way here, in Japan, reputed to be hidden away deep within the Imperial Palace." "That's a common fairytale," Kasumi noted. "Ah, but a fairytale it is not," corrected Shifter. "You see, there is much that the legends do not tell. Yamata no Orochi was not always the cruel being he was depicted to be; as you can tell, he only visited the human kingdoms once a lunar month. He had a following behind him, just as most other kami had in those days." "Wait, so you're saying this Orochi is a kami?" asked Nabiki in disbelief. The Orochi assassin nodded. "As most people know, the Orochi was not native to Japan, but to the mainland. He was quite popular among the numerous 'primitive' tribes living around the human kingdoms-- seen as a guardian spirit of sorts. It was Orochi that kept these tribes from the brink of destruction by keeping 'civilization' in check. Upon the Orochi's death, however, the tribes knew they were doomed to destruction." At this time Nodoka entered with the last tray of dinner. She set the tray down on the table, then took her own position. Shifter respectfully paused, allowing Ranma's mother to make herself comfortable. "Death, it turned out, was not the end for Yamata no Orochi," Shifter continued. "Susano-O, we believe, knew he could not destroy the Orochi outright, instead opting to separate his spiritual essence from his destroyed body. The Mirror of Yata, in effect, is a seal that binds Orochi to the Kami Plane." "What's this 'Kami Plane?'" asked Soun. "Kami are not natural to this world," explained the Orochi assassin. "They are in fact birthed from another plane of existence, a world detached from our own, where kami rule supreme. The kami do not have a name for this land; we termed it ourselves. However, the kami were not content with their homeland-- many opted to become gods to the 'primitive' mankind in the next plane of existence." "Kami are, in fact, manifestations of nature; therefore, with this indestructible tie, the more nature suffers, the more the kami suffer. Likewise, the more nature flourishes, so do the kami." "So you're saying that the power of kami is related directly with our natural surroundings?" concluded Akane. "Precisely," confirmed Shifter. "Yamata no Orochi was among the most powerful of the kami, more so than Susano-O. When the tribes discovered this fact, revenge was within their grasp. With careful methods unknown to even myself, they transported Orochi's corpse, decapitated heads and all, to Japan." "Okay, that's a little hard to swallow," Ranma interrupted. "Do you know how far it is from the mainland to Japan?" "Do not ask, twit," snapped the assassin in anger. "It matters not how they did it, but the fact that they indeed succeeded. In fact, since the sealing of the Mirror of Yata was not entirely complete, Yamata no Orochi had a limited control over his earthly body, forcing the regeneration of his heads to the severed necks. However, this Orochi was but a shadow of his former self, so he retreated to the forest known now as Ryugenzawa to hide himself from his enemies. The tribesmen, all of which followed their protector to the foreign land of Japan, home of their sworn enemy Susano-O, united into one large clan. In addition, to seal their determination to destroy their enemy, all those people underwent the process of becoming one with their god-- by infusing themselves with the serpent's very blood, obliterating all traces of their own, human blood. Not only did this separate these people from the rest of humanity, but it also heightened their already-incredible fighting abilities. They became known as the Orochi Family." "That some pretty dedicated peoples," Shampoo noted. "Susano-O had followers of his own, it turned out," continued Shifter, as if he had not been interrupted. "He gave them the Magatama orb, from which they became more powerful. They 'discovered' the art of fire. However, that fire art was but a fraction of the Orochi arts-- these were the keepsakes of the Orochi Family. Representing one head each, there were eight different parts of the Orochi art: earth, wind, fire, lightning, ice, water, magma, and darkness, the most prominent and powerful being earth, wind, fire, and lightning. As there were eight arts, there were eight champions of Orochi-- one a master of each partition of the Orochi art, the leader being the Master User of Earth. Fate decreed that the users of fire and the Orochi Family would clash for many generations, a secret war continuing to this day." "The Orochi Family sought to remove the sealing of the Mirror of Yata, but Susano-O's followers, most prominently the Kusanagi Family, spurned these attempts. However, it was soon discovered that the sealing weakened every decade, which gave the Orochi Family time to slowly reopen the way to Orochi's essence. Not only this, but every century the seal would become weak enough that a direct transfusion of energy would break the seal-- such was the weakness of Susano-O." "Despite these advantages, the Kusanagi Family thwarted all of the Orochi Family's attempts. What the Orochi Family failed to realize was that their constant bickering brought about their own downfalls. Soon they decided that they alone could not accomplish their great task alone (their numbers dwindled due to infighting and losses to Susano-O's minions)-- they offered great power to humans outside the Family in return for service; these people became known as the Cult of Orochi." "The 'power' offered was in the form of transfusion with the blood of Orochi-- a magical substance which gave kami-like properties to human beings! Quick regeneration, extended life span... who could resist such temptations?" "But didn't they have kami of their own?" asked Akane. "Certainly, yes," Shifter answered. "However, unlike the Orochi Family, the Cult members were still quite human, and retained a measure of their humanity. I am a living example of that. However, the only reason we exist is to be the tools of the Orochi Family." "You LIKE being a tool?" wondered Ranma. "That sounds like a terrible trade off to me." "Humanity will never live up to Orochi standards," Shifter explained. "They may have Orochi blood flowing in their veins, but they were still humans. Half-breeds and cultists are looked down upon by the Orochi Family-- the pure ones, the ones closest to their master. The Family would never allow humans to become Orochi. In Orochi's eyes, they could never be equal to his children." "I don't get it," Ranma said. "How come these Orochi Family guys look human, then?" "As I explained earlier, the Orochi Family's numbers dwindled due to infighting and battles with the enemy. The Orochi knew this would lead to his downfall, and decided to-- shall I say-- divide his numbers across the globe. In effect, in each generation there will always be eight new children born, eight who will grow up to become the masters of a future generation. They are born to human parents, but make no mistake, they are Orochi through and through; the Orochi blood can and will mask itself, if necessary." "So why aren't there a bunch of them running around?" asked Akane. "Most usually die before reaching their twenties, few make it to their thirties, and some even have families of their own. Some never realize their Orochi heritage at all, and live out perfectly normal human lives. I am digressing." "The Cult's numbers were small," the assassin continued, "at least, until the rise of Japanese 'civilization.' As the secret war between the followers of Susano-O and Orochi continued, a government formed in Japan, unifying the people under one banner. Not only this, but technology disturbed the balance of nature. With the new industrialization of Japan, nature became exploited. And the kami began to die out." "It was quite a dilemma in those days-- become part of a great, sweeping change in the name of mankind, or remain true to 'archaic Shinto beliefs.' It may not have been wise to do so, but I chose to remain with my beliefs." "WHAT?!" the others shouted in unison. "I certainly do not look over a thousand years old, do I?" Shifter said with a chuckle. "The kami I served was destroyed by mankind, and my village was assimilated into the new Japanese empire. With very little alternative, and being a Shinto priest without a kami, my brother and I joined up with the Cult of Orochi. Our goals happened to coincide with theirs, now that the delicate balance between man and god was destroyed." The assassin extended a hand out to Ranma. "Higure Furui, a pleasure to meet you." "Right," Ranma said, folding his arms. "Wait, you said you have a brother?" Kasumi said. "Actually, let us say, HAD a brother," corrected Higure. "His name was Akutare Furui, and we served Orochi together as members of the elite and envied Eight Assassins. I was the first," the assassin proclaimed proudly. Then, taking a grimmer tone, added, "That is, until recently." "Because we got in your way," Akane finished. The Shinto wizard shook his head. "No, it was due to our leader's utter stupidity and impatience. Ashinzo Kusanagi, who assumed the name and identity of Warmage, was once one of our enemies, but by unusual circumstance and a twist of fate he agreed to join our side after his near-fatal, final battle against the Orochi Family's elite eight champions. I do not know why he chose to join the enemy, but if I were in his position I would have chosen death." "Yeah, we know a bit about this Ashinzo guy," Ranma said. "He was afraid of dying, I think." "I am sure you do," Higure replied. "In any case, Akutare is dead." "I'm sorry," Akane said, not knowing what else to say. "I will not hold that against you," assured the Shinto wizard. "That would defeat the purpose of this visit, after all," added Cologne, who, up until now, had remained silent. "Well, then, why ARE you here anyway?" asked Ranma. "The Orochi Family can achieve victory in a number of ways: among them, sacrificing eight of Kushinada's female descendants, gathering a massive amount of energy to bypass the Yata Seal, eliminate the last remaining Guardian of the Seal, retrieving the Heavenly Treasures, or getting 'outside help,'" explained the wizard. "All but the latter are set in motion simultaneously. However, our enemies, particularly the Guardian, prove too much. And now, one of our number resorted to utilizing the 'outside help:' Ashinzo puts us all in jeopardy by releasing Nemesis." Anticipating the next question, Higure continued, "There is a being existing in Nature whose name only few would dare whisper. There is a being existing in Nature that instills fear in even the kami. That being, is Nemesis." "Legend has it that Nemesis was the Hand of the Gods; that is, it was Nemesis who carried out vengeance on behalf of the gods. This being has no definite form, no definite sex, and no definite power, for all of that is in constant flux. That is why Nemesis is dangerous. The kami utilized this living weapon against their enemies, but, due to the unpredictable nature of the nature spirit, summoning Nemesis was never done lightly." "Nemesis is kami too?" Shampoo asked. "The power of Nemesis is related to the amount of energy it is offered by the summoner," explained the assassin. "I studied this myself, and determined that if enough energy is fed to the creature, then nothing could stop him." "And right now she's just testing the water?" guessed Ranma. "For the moment, yes," answered Higure. "However, even now Nemesis is being infused with more energy. We must act quickly, or tomorrow you will not be able to stop him. Not without a severe loss of life, at any rate." "Why are you helping us?" wondered Akane. "I will not lie to you by saying that I had an attack of conscience or somesuch rot," explained the assassin, "but it is the potential danger that scares me most. Although in legend Nemesis never betrayed the summoner, the summoner was always kami. We are but human." "Therefore Nemesis may not follow instruction?" guessed Shampoo. "It is the will of Orochi that mankind be eradicated for its crimes against Nature," continued the assassin, "and this is the reason Nemesis had been summoned-- to eliminate every last trace of mankind in order for Nature to be put back on the right path." "You're telling me this is all nothing more than a glorified environmentalist fight?!" Ranma shouted angrily. "I've been fighting a big group of fanatical tree-huggers?!" Shifter pounded Ranma over the head. "I refuse to be labeled a tree-hugger! You never know what kami lives in one!" "Ranma, behave yourself," Nodoka said, seemingly unaware of the short scuffle. "I don't understand why everything couldn't be worked out," Nabiki said, tapping her fingers against the table as if bored. "Restoring the balance between Man and Nature is impossible!" the wizard proclaimed. "Long ago, it was a delicate balance-- today, the kami are all but extinct. In the war between man and god, there can be no happy ending!" "If something is not done, everything I worked to save will be destroyed-- if not by man, then by Nemesis," Higure explained. "What I want is to return Man and Nature to their former balance of power. Ashinzo cares not for that, and neither does Orochi. It is a foolish cause, as industrialization has seen to that. The only way the kami have to survive is mankind's destruction. As the last of the great kami, all kami seek to aid Orochi in returning Nature to its rightful place." He turned to Ranma. "I will tell you where Nemesis is hiding out, but that is all. I have no wish to further involve myself in a battle which I cannot participate." "What're you saying?!" asked Ranma in surprise. "You're just as good as the rest of us!" "Do I look like a warrior to you?!" returned Higure. "I possess a great deal of magic, yes, but that is all. Not only that, but I refuse to openly defy the vows I took long ago." "So you're still with them, but you're helping us," reasoned Akane. "Yes," confirmed the Shinto wizard. "Eight is all you need to win." "Eight?" the young Saotome echoed in confusion. "Everything in life can be broken down, but it is all ruled by ten numbers," explained Higure, producing a feather fan from his sleeves. "Zero represents the Void and Nothingness; One represents Order, Two represents Chaos, and Three represents Balance." "Ho-boy, and all this time I thought two was company and three was a crowd," Ranma commented sarcastically. "Four denotes the elements," continued the wizard, ignoring Ranma's remarks. "Five represents union of the few, while Six governs direction. Seven is what many call 'luck,' and Eight represents the power of infinity." "Infinity, huh?" Akane repeated, nodding. "Eight heads, eight champions, eight assassins." "And eight of you," finished Higure. "The reason we were defeated was due to dissention amongst ourselves, and the reason why you won was due to your drive for a common cause, despite your differences." "Too bad that'll never work out," Ranma commented. "It's all over for us." "Oh, so it's MY fault?" Nabiki shouted defensively. "Hmm, unfortunate," the assassin said, scratching his chin. "Then for as many of you there are to challenge Nemesis, each one removed from eight will result in the deaths of you in equal numbers." "I'll have none of that nonsense in my household!" cried Soun in anger. "Who are you to say how many of us will live and die?!" "You are not going to die simply because you are not one of them," Higure replied calmly, waving his feather fan toward his face. "They know what I am speaking of-- you do not." "If I understand what you're saying," Akane started, "then the more of the others we get together the better chance we all have of surviving the coming battle?" "Yes, yes, of course," replied the assassin. "You understand." "Hold on a sec," Ranma said, staring at Higure intently. "What about Nine?" "Nine, my boy," explained Higure, "is existence itself. In Orochi scripture such number is of no consequence; the importance lies in eight. There is no zero or nine in their archaic number system; zero because Orochi defies nonexistence. Eight must be the final number." "So what happens if nine of us go?!" demanded the young Saotome. The Shinto wizard shook his head. "You will all die. Tempt your existance, and you will face disastrous results." "Goodness," Kasumi exclaimed, "that's scary." "Ever so blunt and tactful, eh?" Higure said, figuratively jabbing at the eldest Tendo girl's ribs. "I not understand why that is so," Shampoo said. "This guy's full of it," Ranma muttered, folding his arms. "Tell me, do you really want to tempt existence?" Higure replied, folding his arms. "That is not a smart course of action." "Yeah, well, my life ain't governed by any silly numbers," Ranma said, shrugging. "I'm going anyway." "As will I," agreed Shampoo. "You aren't counting me out," Akane voiced. "I don't think so, Akane," her husband replied, shaking his head. Anger fumed in Akane's head. "Why not?!" "Akane, Akane, Akane," Nabiki answered in Ranma's place. "I can't believe the enormous favor he just offered you!" "And what's that?!" Akane shot back. "I think it may be for the best as well," Nodoka voiced, throwing in her own opinion. "Akane," Soun explained, "we won't let you go with Ranma." "W...why?" the youngest Tendo girl asked in confusion. "If Ranma has to go, I should go, too!" "It's not that we doubt your devotion or skill," her father replied, "but that we're concerned for your future." "Listen to your old man," Ranma suggested, rising from his seated position. "You've gotta stay outta this." "Son-in-Law," Cologne piped up, "a word with you, if you please." The old lady rose up onto her walking staff, making her way to the porch exit, beckoning Ranma to follow her. "I wonder what she's got up this time," Ranma muttered under his breath. He looked toward Shampoo for help, but the Chinese Amazon merely shrugged. After the two left, Akane complained, "B...but you all heard what Higure said!" "Pff," the assassin snorted. "I should be glad any of you are taking me seriously." "Be good girl and stay home," advised Shampoo. "Akane, if I have to, I'll ground you," Soun threatened. Glancing toward the guest, he said, "You've outlasted your visit, I'm afraid. I want you to leave." Higure nodded in understanding. "Perhaps I have spoken too much." "So what is it that you wanted to say to me?" Ranma asked Cologne as soon as the two were out of hearing distance from the others. Cologne sat herself down on one of the rocks surrounding the koi pond. "I knew this day would come," she explained. "In spite of the dangers, I have remained in Japan until the time was right to teach you one final technique." "Another technique, eh?" Ranma echoed, raising an eyebrow. "Let's hear it." "If you ever hope to overcome the threat represented in Nemesis," continued the old Chinese matriarch, "you must be prepared to use extreme measures. By now, you have, no doubt, experienced the plastic nature of the Hiryu Shoten Ha, am I correct?" The young martial artist nodded. "Long ago, in my youth," explained Cologne, "I realized there exists a potential to make the technique much more powerful than it already was. For many years I studied the theory of such an attack, but alas, the conditions necessary and the opponent were the only factors preventing me from actually 'testing' the theory." "So what you're about to tell me has never been done before, right?" guessed Ranma. "That's the kind of stuff I like." The old woman chuckled. "That's my Son-in-Law." "Don't call me that, okay? That's starting to stick because of you." Ignoring Ranma's protest, Cologne continued, "As the ancient wizard explained, the number Six represents direction: North, South, East, West, Up, and Down. This final Hiryu Shoten Ha makes use of all six of those directions to create a deadly blow." "How can you get that from just one whirlwind?" asked Ranma. "It's not," answered the old matriarch. "The theory calls for not one whirlwind, but four." "FOUR?!" Ranma repeated in surprise. "I can hardly get two out at once!" "In your initial training I taught you the 'Soul of Ice' and the 'Body of Ice' were necessary in order to create the spiral effect," continued Cologne. "In order to break the limit, you must also have a 'Heart of Ice.'" "What?" "As the 'Soul of Ice' calls for focus in creating the spiral, and the 'Body of Ice' calls for the cold chi to mix with the opponent's hot chi, the 'Heart of Ice' requires that you kill your emotions," she explained. "It is possible to be without it in order to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha, but without it you are quite limited in the versatility of the technique. I myself could never achieve this state-- the level of focus is too great." "And you're asking ME to do it?!" Ranma complained. "Hah! That shouldn't be as bad as it sounds." "Wrong, Son-in-Law. It is much harder than it sounds." "Whatever." "Try discarding your feelings for Akane," the old woman suggested. Dammit, Ranma cursed mentally, that's not fair. Stupid old ghoul. "This third stage is what is required to create another whirlwind in succession with the first," Cologne said, continuing her lecture. "The 'Heart of Ice' serves two primary roles: to instill a sense of overconfidence in your enemy-- for if he even suspects your plan, you will fail-- and to eliminate any distractions in performing the technique. A slight break in concentration is all you need to guarantee failure. Speed is the key. This is the first condition." "So I have to do it all without thinking, too?" "The second condition is the same as before: your opponent must generate an aura of hot chi. Under most circumstances, this is quite simple, but at times you may wish to 'induce' a hot aura on your opponent." "Believe it or not, I actually had to get Kuno to help me when I did that. Machines don't give off auras." For that matter, the Moko Takabisha would not have worked, either-- for the soulless were immune to the effects of chi blasts. The Hiryu Shoten Ha, however, was a natural attack; born from chi or not, violent whirlwinds still cause damage. "You may still need his help yet," noted Cologne. "I would teach you the 'Suzaku Firestorm,' but that requires more time than is available at the moment. However, the third condition requires your opponent to anticipate each and every one of your attacks, and escape them." "Waitaminute," Ranma interrupted, "then how am I supposed to hit him?" "Do not get ahead of me yet," Cologne suggested. "Create the first whirlwind as normal-- your opponent should dodge out of the way. If he did not, then that single attack should be sufficient. Next, you must immediately create the spiral for a second whirlwind as the first continues its destructive path. The opponent should dodge that one as well." "And do the same for the third," Ranma said, taking in the theory proposed by the old woman. "All the while forcing the opponent in- between all the whirlwinds." "Precisely," Cologne confirmed. "The fourth and final whirlwind must trap the opponent within a square area enclosed by all four of the created whirlwinds-- failing that, the final attack will fail. However, if you manage to force the opponent into that position, you can create the ultimate whirlwind in the center area." "The four outer whirlwinds surrounding the opponent guarantees a success, I assume," the young martial artist concluded. "The fifth 'wind is actually a combination of the four outer 'winds acting against each other, converging at the center. That, in turn, rips the opponent into the air...." "And what comes up must come down," finished the old matriarch. "You do understand the theory behind it, but performing such an outlandish feat is another thing entirely. If everything turns out as predicted, the four winds should tear the opponent apart on the way up. At the end he should be at the brink of death or dead, depending on how powerful the opponent is. The results may vary slightly, as I really don't know WHAT will happen." "All theory, of course," added Ranma. "Not to mention I can't get caught in the fourth whirlwind, right? That'd throw me up as well." "And, despite your relative immunity to the destructive forces of the whirlwind, having four forces tearing at your body will still harm you, 'Body of Ice' or not," finished Cologne. "If you are not careful, you could end up in the same condition as your opponent." Stepping back up with her walking staff, she added, "That, Son-in- Law, is why it is called the Four Winds Final Attack." "Look," Ukyo said out loud, even though she was the only occupant of her bedroom, "I don't see why I need to know the physics lesson." Seiryu's mental voice replied, This way is much simpler than lifting your body into the air, and is much less taxing. Since parting with Mousse and Kodachi at the Nekohanten, Seiryu had insisted on stepping up important lessons-- techniques that can be potentially-useful in the coming battle. Only now the mental teacher was giving lessons on levitation and flight. Think of it this way, reasoned Seiryu, it is using Nature to your advantage. What Seiryu insisted that Ukyo do was concentrate on generating a reverse gravity pulse localized in her body. Of course, without the proper understanding, the okonomiyaki chef insisted on lifting her body in the air directly. Then again, there was really no way to win against someone who was in your own head, Ukyo decided. "Okay," the chef said, "what do I have to do?" You know what to do, replied Seiryu. You just have to remember to keep your gravity pulse localized-- if it gets any farther than that, anything that relied on magnetism to run would mess-up. "You mean watches and computers?" Precisely. Now, just concentrate. Ukyo cleared her mind of stray thoughts, as Seiryu had instructed so many times before. She focused her will, delicately manipulating gravity, trying carefully not to interfere with anything beyond her own body. Natural levitation was made possible by using a reverse gravity pulse against the normal field. Physicists could easily demonstrate the defiance of gravity this way, as it was based upon the basic laws of magnetism-- like repels like. This was also the basis for the science fiction repulsor vehicles, Ukyo thought. She barely completed that thought when she realized there was no ground beneath her feet. It took only that stray thought to send the chef falling to the ground as well. "Owwww," moaned Ukyo, rubbing her back. Well, you ALMOST did it, chastised Seiryu. What did you do?! "Hey, flying's NEW to me!" the okonomiyaki chef protested. "Just because YOU can do it doesn't mean I can!" Sure you can! You're ME, remember? "Aw, shut up," Ukyo hissed. She spared a glance at the nearby digital clock. "Don't you think it's getting kinda late, too?" Unlike you, I never sleep, Seiryu replied. "It's eleven, and I NEED sleep!" insisted the okonomiyaki chef. "You're the one who got me up so early in the first place, remember?" I don't sleep. "GO to sleep!" Ignoring Seiryu's protests, Ukyo rolled out her futon. Checking to make sure she was alone, the okonomiyaki chef walked behind the man-sized changing stand, grabbing her sleeping kimono along the way. As she stripped off her clothes, a sudden thought hit Ukyo. "When was the last time I went to the bath house?" she wondered. Two weeks ago, reminded the mental voice. "I don't feel THAT dirty." Excellent! exclaimed Seiryu. Remember how I told you that in time some abilities may become second nature to you? "So now I can repel dirt and grime from my body, big deal." Baths are a waste of time anyway. "They feel great! When was the last time YOU had a bath?" For a moment, Seiryu refused to answer. Ukyo chuckled at the thought of making her shut up. Finally, she answered, Not since Nemesis made good, clean water very unavailable to us. I didn't do it on purpose; it was necessity. We needed the water to DRINK, not play around in. "Boo-hoo for you. That's why we're fighting now, aren't we?" Everything is happening much faster this time around, admitted Seiryu. The assassin never came to us the last time. "That's because by then it was already too late," Ukyo pointed out, tying off the waist of her kimono. It's not too late now. Very well, sleep, but expect to rise quite early tomorrow. Nemesis gets stronger by the minute. Ukyo made her way back to her futon, throwing open the top blankets before climbing in. "Ah, shut up." Before Kodachi Kuno could make her way back to her bed chamber, she couldn't help but notice there was a light burning in the Phoenix Chamber. Taking a peek inside, the one she expected to be inside was there-- as usual. "You could have told me that Taro-sama left," Kodachi said quietly. Tatewaki Kuno sat Indian-style, head bowed low, as if lost in thought. His trusty bokken lay at his side, within arm's reach. "The coward ran in the face of danger." "How can you say that?!" yelled the younger Kuno. "You do not know that!" "And neither do you," Tatewaki pointed out. "I am free to resolve his absence in any manner that suits me." Seething with anger, Kodachi cried, "Men! What for are they?" "It is not that man for which I have concern, but for our own flesh and blood," explained the swordsman. "She continues to call to me... if I listen enough, perhaps I may yet be able to find her." "And people think I am crazy?" Kodachi said in frustration. "I shall inform you when I am certain," the older Kuno assured her. "For the moment, you should rest." "So should you!" replied the younger Kuno, trying her best not to sound concerned. With a huff, Kodachi resumed on her trip to her bed chamber. Dare I trust the word of a stranger? Mousse wondered, as he lay on his futon in the attic of the Nekohanten. Staring up at the ceiling, the Master of Hidden Weapons carefully considered the words the Orochi assassin imparted upon him. And, there was no doubt to where the conclusion lead. In order to survive, I must help Ranma Saotome win this battle. Damn, life can turn against you in a matter of minutes. What was the use, anyway? I would've gladly died for Shampoo, but she couldn't care. Well, too bad for her, that I don't care anymore. Too bad for her that I don't care if she challenges this Nemesis character and dies... and too bad if Ranma suffers the same fate. However... I should be the one who ultimately slays Saotome! What claim does Nemesis have on this right?! Sure, he can kill me if he wants, but certainly not before I have the pleasure of watching Ranma Saotome die first. Truly, I wonder what it is like to die.... Silently, Mousse produced the pair of razor claws-Mei-ling's gift. He studied the weapons, fascinated that someone as the Taoist sorcerer could fashion them. She cared, after all. Perhaps she's the only one that ever cared. But then, she's not here. Despite what I said earlier today, and considering what just happened recently, maybe Ukyo does care, too. Either that, or I'm going out of my mind. Perhaps I am just seeing things that aren't there. She certainly didn't treat me any different from before... but that's a GOOD thing. However, even if those silly twins were right, there is still one other obstacle left-- Shampoo. If there is any chance that I could create my own future, it would have to be through her. Perfect... it could be considered my final test. I live to die. But, first thing is first. With new determination and resolution, Mousse slipped his hands into the razor claws. Getting up to his feet, the Master of Hidden Weapons stepped toward the attic window. "When both Ranma and Shampoo are dead," he said aloud, pushing the window open, "I will be free!" Mousse extended his right arm outward, leveling the claw at the wall of the building across the street. Bracing himself for the recoil that would never come, the Chinese martial artist fired off the claw, a single steel chain trailing behind the blades and vanishing up his sleeves. He watched the claws bury themselves into the wall, testing their grip by tugging the chain. Satisfied with the weapon's grip, Mousse leaped out the open window. He came to a stop from his swing when his feet touched the cold street. Mousse willed the right claw to detract from the wall. Without waiting for the chain and claw to slink back into position, the Master of Hidden Weapons fixed himself in the direction of his prey. "No one will have the satisfaction of putting an end to Ranma Saotome but me," vowed Mousse. "With these weapons and the women behind them at my side, that upstart and any other foolish enough to get in my way will die." Long after the Tendo household became quiet, long after the one known as Shifter departed, two figures made their escape from the dark house. Two figures utilizing the best of their stealth as possible. "Why we leave so soon?" Shampoo asked Ranma. "If we didn't leave now, Akane'd come with us," he explained. "Besides, the sooner we finish this, the sooner we sleep, right?" "I prefer sleep first," the Chinese Amazon admitted, checking to make sure she had both of her flamberge with her. She leaped over the wall after Ranma, landing on her feet on the other side. "How we win if we go alone?" "Your old granny had something up her sleeves, of course," Ranma said in reassurance. "With that, we won't need anybody else, numbers or not." At that moment, Shampoo felt something prick the back of her neck. "Aaahh!" she exclaimed in surprise. "What?" asked Ranma. "You're not going to slow me down, are you?" "Something bit me, I think," answered the girl, rubbing the back of her neck. "You're imagining things; there's nothing out here that can do that," the young Saotome said, shrugging. "Keep up with me, because I'm not slowing down." "You not only one who man tell where enemy live," Shampoo said, remembering the directions the Orochi assassin gave her in secret before he departed. "One thing you ought to tell me, though," began Ranma, turning his head back to Shampoo as he ran. "Why are you helping me?" Shampoo shook her head. "Don't know. Heart says you're still my husband, yet head says you're not. It all confusing." "You know, I never noticed until now how much better you're getting at speaking?" "Been around you and others enough." Suddenly, a new thought formed in Shampoo's head. "Hey! When did I not speak well?!" Before the Chinese Amazon could continue her protest, she and Ranma came to a stop when one man leaped out of the shadows, high in the air. Lashing out with his loose, white sleeves, tumbling forward in the air, he cried, "Praying Mantis Strike!" A storm of sickle-like glowing blades, pulsating with energy, spun and arced from the attacker's sleeves, forcing Ranma and Shampoo to dodge. Where the two martial artists once stood the blades bit into the stone street as if it were merely paper. The new opponent landed on his feet, in the middle of the street, using his body as a road block. "Going somewhere?" Mousse announced himself. He folded his arms in his sleeves, bowing his head down low, glasses resting on his forehead. "We have unfinished business." "Not a bird attack?" commented Ranma in a bored tone. "Mousse?!" Shampoo exclaimed in surprise. "D'you mind?" Ranma shouted. "I'm in a bit of a hurry." "Are you, now?" replied the Master of Hidden Weapons, his lips curving into a twisted grin. "So you can run off and deny me the pleasure of tasting your blood?" "Ah, hell," Ranma cursed in disgust. "Did you really have to pick NOW to do this?" Mousse did not answer with words as he lowered his glasses to the rim of his nose. Instead, throwing out both his arms, the Chinese martial artist flung several darts at his enemy's direction. Ranma dodged, leaping into the air. He aimed an extended leg downward, heading straight for Mousse's head, and his glasses. Instead, he dodged out of the way as two clawed chains launched upward in retaliation. "Mousse, stop it!" demanded Shampoo. "Oh, I'll stop, all right," Mousse replied, "but only after I've destroyed this pest!" The Master of Hidden Weapons retracted the claws, scanning around him to locate where Ranma had gone. "Come on out, Saotome! Or shall I have to hunt you down, like the prey you are?!" "Who's prey?!" Ranma shouted in response, throwing a kick to the back of Mousse's head. With his opponent off-balance, Ranma grabbed the thick glasses off Mousse's face. "That was not very wise!" countered Mousse. Throwing his weight into his right leg, he threw back his left with the driving force of anger. Once again, Ranma dodged his enemy's attack, narrowly avoiding a set of spike-soled shoes. He watched Mousse turn around, facing him blindly. And, surprisingly enough, Mousse's attack were not quite as off the mark as Ranma had expected, for in his overconfidence the young Saotome barely missed a set of tethered spears. "Do your worst, Saotome!" Mousse cried out with laughter. "I don't have time for this!" Ranma muttered under his breath, watching as Mousse buried his large claw weapons into the ground. Damn, here we go again! A single, great blade burst from the ground where Ranma had previously stood. Several more blades followed Ranma in succession of the first, creating the illusion of a wave pattern to Shampoo. She watched Ranma dodge each and every one of Mousse's attacks. Her eyes turned toward Mousse, who had his back toward her. Ranma was right about one thing, Shampoo told herself, and it was that we had no time. Retracting his claws from the ground, Mousse ran straight for Ranma, the razor claws gleaming against the night sky, high above his head. "Stay still so you can die!" snarled the Chinese martial artist. "Make me!" shouted Ranma, throwing himself at the charging Mousse. Channeling all his energies into his outstretched leg, Ranma kicked him in the gut, sending Mousse flying backward against his own momentum. Straight back toward Shampoo, who stood behind Mousse. "Shampoo!" he shouted in warning. What the young Saotome had expected was the sound of two bodies in collision-- but it never came. Instead, it sounded more like a... squelch? Mousse felt the presence of Shampoo behind him as he stared down at his stomach, where something metal was sticking out. "Damn you," he whispered, as a fuzzy feeling began to overwhelm him. Shampoo released her grip on the flamberge, watching Mousse sink down onto his knees. A large stain of red outlined the puncture where the weapon's blade entered the man's back. Finding himself losing control over his body, the Master of Hidden Weapons fell to his side, allowing a pool of blood to form uncontrolled about him. "I... should be happy," he whispered. Ranma stood over the wrecked body. "You know, you're such a sorry sucker, aren't you?" "Wound should not be fatal," Shampoo offered. "But if not treated soon, he die of blood loss." Before Ranma thought about bending down to help, Mousse said, "I don't need your pity, or your help." "That's what I thought," Ranma said, shaking his head. "You ARE stupid." Mousse forced a malevolent smile, despite his pain. "Maybe I wasn't meant to kill you... maybe I should leave it to Nemesis after all." "How you know about that?" asked Shampoo, surprised. "The fossil said so," he answered. "You're not the only ones who know it's going to end here...." "It's NEVER going to end here!" Ranma shouted defiantly. "You may have given up on life, but I certainly haven't!" He turned to Shampoo. "C'mon, let's leave him. He'll never accept our help anyway." "He did this to himself," Shampoo said in agreement, turning to leave. "Either way," the weakened Mousse said, "I'll be free of you, Bitch Queen." The Chinese Amazon turned back in surprise. "What you say?!" "If there was anything that would be the death of me, I knew all along it would be you," he replied. "You've made your choices, and now you're going to live with them." "What you talking about?!" Shampoo demanded, ready to grab Mousse's throat. "You chose Ranma, of course," Mousse answered, his smile becoming crueler. "Oh no, of course you'd never choose your own people; you chose the womanizer." Shampoo planted a hand against the angry Ranma's chest. "Heh, heh, I never dreamed you'd ever leave that fantasy land of yours," continued the Master of Hidden Weapons. "While it was just you and Ranma, other things have been at work. You only know what your old granny told you... that there was a problem back home." He paused for a moment to cough out blood. "I know what happened, I know when it happened, and I know how it'll end, all because of you and your selfish desires." "What're you talking about?!" Ranma yelled, failing to understand anything Mousse was babbling about. "War," Shampoo answered, as if that single word could explain it all. "And that's your fault, too," Mousse pointed out. He began to laugh, losing all reason. "Eh-heh-heh, you're to blame for the power vacuum, the both of you! To blame for the fact that my mother is all alone, even! I bet the raiders appreciated gutting the old man's carcass." "I've heard enough of this," Ranma announced, grabbing Shampoo's arm. "We'd better go." Silently, Shampoo complied, following Ranma at a leisurely pace, leaving Mousse behind to die. She tried her best to keep her eyes forward, but it was too late-- Shampoo looked back. And wondered. "I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!!" Mousse cried out into the night sky, bursting into laughter. Stupid Mousse, Shampoo thought, why have you never said anything? Hot sweat ran down Mousse's face as he laughed, dripping down to the red pool forming by his chest. Hell, dying isn't half bad, noted Mousse. Death should be even sweeter... I wonder if this is what Father felt before the end.... Amidst laughter, Mousse recalled the words the Orochi assassin had told him earlier that evening: "If you are not careful, your journey may end before it ever begins. In that case, you have only yourself to blame." Oh, how true it was. Well, it sucks living between Purgatory and Hell, so I may as well go all the way.... Suddenly, the urge to laugh left the Master of Hidden Weapons, as he felt another presence. Someone standing behind him, staring down. "Ah hell," Mousse muttered, "let me die." The unknown figure did not reply. The shadow figure carefully slid two arms under Mousse's broken body, lifting the Chinese martial artist with difficulty, considering the sword stuck through him got in the way. However, that did not stop the figure from finishing the task. "You're not going to... save me, are you?" Mousse asked, suddenly feeling sleep coming. "That's... argh... crap." Again, the figure did not reply, but only stared down with pity. "Something told me... you'd be here, when it ended...." Silently, the figure, bearing Mousse, walked in the direction opposite the direction which Ranma and Shampoo took. Ranma came to a halt, extending his arm to stop Shampoo as well. "Why we stop?" asked the Chinese Amazon. "Don't you feel it?" he asked, pointing at the bridge before them. Spanning over the concrete river was the heavy bridge that Ranma had crossed so many times in Nerima, to and from school. The river was at a low point at that point, yet there was enough water to yield a reflection of the pale moon in the night sky. Carefully, Ranma inched his way to the end of the bridge. "There's a guy under the bridge," he explained. "What troll sit there?" Shampoo wondered. "Make this quick!" Without hesitating, Shampoo vaulted over the side of the bridge, and Ranma instinctively looked over the side where the girl had jumped. Under the bridge, he heard several muffled yells of protest, and one large blow being made against the concrete wall. Finally, Shampoo emerged, dragging behind her a beaten man, who was clutching a straw doll. "Gosunkugi," Ranma muttered, recognizing the baggy eyes of the antisocial student. Despite his pain, Gosunkugi's eyes lit up at the sight of Ranma above him. "Saotome!" he blurted. Shampoo released Gosunkugi, allowing him full company with the concrete river bed. She kicked around several straw dolls with disgust. "This your troll?" Gosunkugi looked back toward Shampoo. "I'm NOT a troll!" Ranma shook his head. "C'mon, Shampoo, he's not worth our time." As Shampoo got ready to join the martial artist, Gosunkugi sat up, clutching the air angrily. "W...what do you mean, I'm not worth it?!" He watched both martial artists walk across the bridge in silence. "Hey! I'm talking to you, Saotome!!!" "What do you mean, he's not here?" the man inside the Furinkan principal bellowed. "He said he was going out, and coming back in the morning," the one-armed man replied. "You know how he is... communing with nature and all that." Warmage shook his head as he threw open the gate the one-armed guard stood next to. The possessing spirit stared out into the dark night, illuminated only by the moon. "He's not coming back," the assassin muttered under his breath. "I should've known." He turned around suddenly, pointing an accusing finger at the guard. "You're without a doubt the most miserable excuse for a watchman I have ever met." The guard reached for the sword at his left side with his remaining right arm. "When Puerile was leader, he would never ridicule his own warriors!" "I don't care, because Puerile is DEAD!" Warmage shouted angrily, waving both fists in the air. "And we only have you to thank for it," the guard muttered. The angry assassin leader pushed his way past the one-armed man, but came to a pause. "If Shifter has deserted us, then that means only one thing: he has gone over to our enemies. When they arrive, I want you to bring me the one called Ranma Saotome. The others, you can do as you wish." Turning his head back, Warmage added, "Especially the one who took your arm." Clash nodded in understanding, staring down at his severed left arm, lost a year ago in the terrible battle against the self-styled samurai boy, Tatewaki Kuno. "His death shall be quite merciless, one that matches the pain that I've endured," the assassin promised. "I expected as much," noted the leader. "Note, however, that you will be alone. Strand is... indispensable, now that Shifter is gone. I'll send him to you when I no longer require his services." "I have no need for any of the others," boasted Clash. "I need not the entire cult if I had them at my disposal! Revenge will be mine, and mine alone." "This is it?" Ranma said, throwing his arms out in the air. Shampoo and Ranma stood near the edge of a cliff as they stared at the heavy iron door before them. As the waves crashed against the rocky shoals far below, the clear moonlight illuminated what should have been a concealed entrance to the underground compound that served as Nemesis' lair. A heavy, iron door, with only a large ring serving as a handle, stood against the earthen walls, an unnatural feature in an otherwise natural area. It had taken little time to arrive at the destination designated by the Shinto wizard, even though Mousse got in the way. Ranma glanced back over his shoulder, down the mountain toward the lights of the city-- a place he knew he had to return to, if only for Akane's sake. Dying was not an option, he thought. Shampoo bent down at the foot of the door, examining the dirt. "It has opened recently," she noted. "Maybe that why it is not concealed." "Probably a trap, I bet," Ranma guessed. "I wouldn't be surprised if they knew we were coming by now." "Ranma want to go back?" asked Shampoo, reaching for her remaining flamberge. The young Saotome martial artist shook his head. "Better get this over with." Nodding, Shampoo grabbed the ring, pulling it back with all her might. Protesting loudly, the great iron door eventually gave way to the Chinese Amazon's greater strength, revealing a dark passageway. Ranma stared down the passage, noting several light sources in the form of torches set against either wall, but a strange darkness stood in the way of much of the illumination. He could barely make out the outline.... "I have been waiting," voiced the shadowed man. "I know that voice!" Ranma muttered, stepping back in surprise. Stepping out into the moonlight, the one-armed assassin known as Clash, his blade ready in his remaining right arm, bowed respectfully. "Two, I see," he noted. "Where is the swordsman?" "You won't need one," Shampoo replied, raising her weapon in readiness. "Shampoo is right here!" "Well, heh-heh," chuckled Clash, raising his own sword, "heh, I would prefer the other one, but you should suffice...." Shampoo charged, raising the snake-like curved sword with both arms high above. She sliced downward, but the Orochi assassin raised his own blade to parry the attack. With his one arm Clash forced his own strength into the sword, throwing Shampoo back and away from him. "At least, until you keel over, that is!" taunted the swordsman. The Chinese Amazon steadied her position, carefully stepping back as she watched the enemy swordsman creep toward her. "You strong, for one with such handicap." "Your friend hardly made it easy," Clash replied, bitterness in his voice. "The leverage offered by two arms is now what is in one arm; do not make the mistake of underestimating me, as the others have done before. I prefer my opponents to last." Shampoo flinched as the Orochi swordsman raised his sword again, but instead of charging, Clash buried his blade into the ground. She felt the earth rumble beneath her feet, and struggled to keep her balance. Behind Clash, Ranma suddenly appeared. He stumbled and fell with a loud yelp as the tremors forced him to loose balance and concentration at once. "Do not try to insult me by staging a back attack, boy," Clash snarled, without bothering to turn around. "You may attempt to mask your presence as much as you like, but the Ground Rippler technique need not a target to function." Ranma shook his head as he got to his feet. "How the hell did he see through my technique?!" Shampoo shook her head as she rushed the assassin once more. "Believe it or not," Clash said, paying close attention to Shampoo's angry swings and responding with his own swings, "but the ground itself told me." "Shut up and fight!" demanded the Chinese Amazon, gritting her teeth in fury. Ranma stood motionless, studying the movements Clash made in his dance against Shampoo's wild attacks. Blade against blade, warrior against warrior, the match appeared quite even, but the young Saotome was certain there was more going on than meets the eye. He leaped out of the way just as three wires zoomed past the position where Ranma's head used to be. "You've gotten better since the last time!" Strand bellowed, his short stature hiding a deadly threat. His outstretched arm willed the three wires to return to his fingers as the assassin turned to face Ranma. "Before, you never knew what hit ya!" "I know what to look for now!" Ranma cried, shrinking his nose as the short man turned his way. "Pffff, yuck! When was the last time you've had a bath?" Against the moonlight, the young Saotome could barely make out the assassin's face-- his eyes seemed to stare out into oblivion, yet at the same time focused on Ranma. Blood marred the creature's face, trailing from his eyes and his smashed nose. Several sets of teeth were missing from his toothy grin. "Shouldn't you be dead?!" Ranma finally decided. "You're the biggest walking mess I've ever seen!" "Shut up!" shouted Strand. "The flesh does as it's told!" Throwing out both arms, the Orochi assassin sent forth ten wires, one from each finger, toward Ranma. * * * * * Liar (Doco-- Nabiki, Kasumi, Akane, Ranma, Shampoo) (All) Tears drying in the night wind Also in the street light, I could see a star "Sorry" in a murmuring voice Is painful to hear from the back * * * * * Ranma dodged three of the wires, leaping straight in the air. Unfortunately, this time, the assassin anticipated the move, as another set of three wires wrapped themselves around the young martial artist, entwining both legs and his left arm in the process. Strand's terrible grin transformed into a malicious smile, a smile one would find on a man lusting for the blood of his victim. He willed the rest of the free wires to entwine about his victim, raising his excitement with haunting laughter. "You're MINE!" he cried, allowing the wires to bind Ranma in mid air. * * * * * (Akane) Without apologizing, (Ranma) The things that caused me to cry (R * A) Have become the feelings That can't be excused * * * * * Shampoo abandoned all sense of strategy, her anger overcoming her reason as her swings became wilder and wilder. Clash, swordsman as he is, blocked each and every one of the wild attacks that came. The Orochi swordsman smiled as the last swing came. Instead of parrying the attack, Clash ducked under Shampoo's attack, running an outstretched leg through the Amazon's. She yelled out in surprise, the ground suddenly missing beneath her, sending the flamberge up into the air. "That was hardly a challenge; you fell right into my clutches, just as I expected," Clash gloated, standing over Shampoo with sword raised high. * * * * * (All) The girl is probably a liar (Nabiki) Suddenly, it has become that I don't like you (All) The boy is probably bewildered You were informed that I love you, having nodded (Shampoo) It's the truth (Kasumi) it was also some time ago * * * * * Deep within the dark recesses of the underground lair, Warmage watched over the sleeping Nemesis, lying peacefully within the pool created by the former assassin Shifter. Sparks of electricity seemed to race across Nemesis' delicate skin, giving the impression that the woman was a living electrode. "I have waited long," mused Warmage, bending down to Nemesis' level. "You, my dear, are the key to my salvation-- the salvation of us all. In about twelve hours, you will awaken, fully refreshed, and in full command of all the power you need to rid me of my enemies. From there, more energy... for the Cleansing, for the glory of the Orochi!" Towering above the pool, the statue of Orochi seemed to glow. Back in Nerima, in a restaurant called Ucchan's, the owner and chief chef of the store rolled in her futon. The drawn shades over her bedroom window blocked the moonlight from entering the room. Had she checked before she went to sleep, Ukyo would have noticed that the clock had stopped working since before she went to sleep. Unwavering in his deep meditations, Tatewaki Kuno refused to move, refused to welcome the sleep he desperately needed, in search of his answers to his burning questions. "Mother has long since ceased calling me openly," mused Kuno, "but she yet summons me, in a quieter tone. Perhaps now, it is the time to make my move." Gathering himself from the floor, grabbing his bokken, Tatewaki Kuno exited the Phoenix Chamber to look for his sister. * * * * * (Akane) I don't want to answer the reason You aren't anything bad (Ranma) Tomorrow hurts not to meet It was selfishness. I understand. * * * * * Under the wild tufts that served as Shampoo's hair, a tiny insect, no larger than a fruit fly, dug its way out from its hiding place under the Chinese Amazon's skin on the back of her neck. It was obvious to the fly creature that Shampoo was down, and not likely to rise anytime soon. Blood flowed freely from the slicing wound on her sword arm. So, this is how it will be, mused Shifter. Disaster began when this girl ran Mousse through. The numbers have become quite unforgiving to this band of martial artists. However, there was still a chance-- a chance to change it all. Even though two of them must die now, there is a chance for the others to live-- not just the other six martial artists, but the rest of humanity. Nemesis should revive within twelve hours, if I'm correct, and if she does so then, it would take an army of martial artists to stop the spirit of vengeance. The others will come, Shifter knew. There was one, however, that needed help-- the one who could make all the difference in the world. Carefully crawling away from Shampoo's body, Shifter the fly zoomed off unnoticed into the night sky, with only one man in mind. Without Ryoga Hibiki, Ranma and Shampoo had no chance to survive. Without them, there would be no future. * * * * * (Nabiki) A star streaming (Kasumi) my one wish (N * K) Is to be able to become docile * * * * * Cologne paced back and forth in the dining room of the Nekohanten, her gut telling her that something wrong was happening. Ever since leaving the company of the Tendos and Saotomes, and of the renegade assassin Shifter, the old matriarch tried to think of plans that would help her people against annihilation, but only the thoughts of Shampoo's well-being surfaced. And, she admitted to herself, Mousse's well-being, too. Despite the boy being an upstart, and deliberately ignoring authority, he did possess great talent, and bravery that extended well beyond concerns of dying. A knock at the door interrupted the old matriarch's thoughts. "Who is it?" she yelled. "We're closed!" No one answered. Shaking her head in disdain, Cologne hopped onto her walking staff, making her way to the closed entrance. She slid the door open wide, fuming with anger. Instead of a man standing there, as she had expected, there was no one. She raised a fist up in the air, yelling, "You crazy kids!" However, anger was soon replaced by surprise as the walking staff was caught against something, forcing the old matriarch to the ground. Cologne got to her feet, and looked back at the cause of her fall. Right before the front door, a crumpled body lay, curled into a ball, hair strewn about. The body was dressed in a flowing white robe, marred only by stains of red against the chest. "Mousse?!" exclaimed Cologne in surprise. Although he could not answer, Mousse was breathing, she knew. She crept closer, careful to note the location of the bloody, snake- like wavy-curved blade that rest beside Mousse. Cologne pressed her fingers against the bloody chest-- but jumped back in surprise. The sword obviously belonged to Shampoo, no doubt. The blow was one Shampoo would make-- a fatal one at that, one where the victim would bleed to death. A slow, painful death, as fitting for traitors of the tribe. Only thing is, someone bandaged the wound-- in a manner that was well beyond the knowledge of either Mousse or Shampoo. * * * * * (All) The girl is probably hurt (Shampoo) On purpose, you close the small box of love (All) The boy is probably sad Always gentle because of you (Ranma) My heart (Akane) hurts * * * * * Ranma struggled against Strand's terrible wire bonds, unable to break free through strength alone. He spied the fallen Shampoo from his high position, and though the constricting bonds tried to force his eyes shut, the young Saotome knew that the Chinese Amazon had lost her battle. The one-armed swordsman appeared ready to deal the final blow. For a moment, Ranma reflected, we had them. For a moment, I thought I was going to get through this alive. For a moment, I thought I would protect Akane-- she didn't need to get into this. For a moment, I believed I could do it myself. For a moment, I thought killing Mousse was the best thing that could ever happen. It was all a mistake. Now, in the hands of the enemy, with no allies to speak of, I'm going to die. Ryoga was who-knows-where, probably sulking about his code of honor. Shampoo was down, and probably for good. Ukyo was gone, turned off by my words, and further so by Nabiki... damn, when did it all start going wrong with me and her? Mousse is dead. Heck, even seeing Kuno or Kodachi would be a sight for sore eyes! Well, it's all too late now, because this guy's probably going to kill me. Akane would kill me if she found out. "Ready for your 'nap?!'" screeched Strand from below. "I can sense you are in pain... let me make it WORSE! Blaaa-hah-hah-hah!!" "Shove it up yers!" Ranma shouted defiantly through the pain. The Orochi assassin laughed maniacally as sparks leaped from the bases of all ten wires. Ranma watched in terrible realization, in slow motion, what was coming-- a shocking revelation indeed. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" * * * * * (All) The girl is probably a liar (Kasumi) Suddenly, you become my darling (All) The boy is probably bewildered You were informed that I love you, having ran away (Nabiki) It's the truth (Shampoo) It was also some time ago... (All) Which way also... * * * * * "RANMA!" Akane burst awake, sitting up in her bed, in a cold sweat. She was still in her room, she knew. It was still night, she knew. Ranma.... She patted the bed next to her, but felt nothing but the bed. "Ranma," Akane whispered, "how could you have gone without me?!" However, she knew why. And she knew why there was something in the back of her neck telling her that he was in trouble. Jumping out of the bed, throwing her sheets about, Akane made her way to the closet, picking out her best fighting dress, not bothering to silence her movements for those who continued to sleep. As soon as she tied off her belt, Akane exited her room, not expecting anyone to be standing there in the hallway. She leaped back in surprise. "I thought it was you," Nabiki Tendo said, her arms folded. "And I know exactly what you're planning on doing, and I simply won't let you go." Part 4: The Dragon and the Phoenix-- Fighting for a Better Tomorrow "A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." -- Emerson, Journals "We are fighting to save one another, and some of us must be sacrificed, if all of us are to be saved." -- Kosh, Babylon 5 Akane stepped into the hallway with her older sister, who was still dressed in her sleeping clothes. Obviously, this was a good sign, Akane knew, simply because Nabiki wasn't keeping an active watch. Groggy minds make mistakes, too. "Who paid you this time, hmm?" Akane asked cautiously, careful of her choice of words. Nabiki stepped back in surprise. "Whatever gave you THAT idea?!" she replied. Akane pressed her advantage. "You have no shame, do you? Cheating your friends out of what was due to them." "Friends? Phooey." "It didn't stop there, of course. No, you're stone-hearted Nabiki Tendo, who considers nothing about the consequences of her actions." "Never!" "Not that you didn't consider that alienating my friends did you alienate me." "That's not true! It's not how I planned it!" "As far as I'm concerned, your only friend and love is money. You just don't care enough about anything else. Now out of my way, because I've got REAL friends to save." Akane pushed herself past Nabiki, who, for the first time in a long time, could not think of anything to say. The older Tendo sister watched from the top of the stairway as Akane made her way to the front door, never turning back to look. She watched Akane, full of determination, exit the house. Perhaps for the last time. Nabiki Tendo knew enough about what the crazy Shinto said to know that Akane stood a good chance of dying. This shouldn't be the way to end it. "I... do care," Nabiki whispered, just as the door slid shut. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized that it was probably too late for Akane to know that. She stared down at her hands, genuinely saddened by the thought. "What have I done?" "Nabiki?" Nabiki failed to meet Kasumi's eyes. "She's gone, and I didn't tell her." "Oh," the elder sister whispered in response. "Go ahead," suggested the younger, "tell me 'I told you so.'" Kasumi shook her head. "Ever since Mother passed away, we've always looked after one another. Akane knows that." Nabiki shook her head. "She told me everything I wanted everyone else to think. She doesn't know." "She knows," insisted Kasumi. "That's why she told you those things, so you would know that." She placed a motherly arm around her sister. "You might not know it because you didn't want to know it, but Akane knows everything you've done for her that you've never told her about. She may be younger, but she is smart." "Why, because you told her?" Nabiki asked. The elder sister shook her head. "Sometimes, Nabiki, you've got to let go of the people you care about. They have to move on, and so do you." Wiping away her tears, Nabiki replied, "Right, and that's why you're still in withdrawal over Mother." "Goodness," was all Kasumi could say in her shock. "When you follow your own advice, maybe I'll listen to it," Nabiki said, releasing herself from Kasumi's arm. "UKYOOO!!!" Akane yelled as she threw open the front door of the restaurant. She only took one step into the dark dining room before she heard several yelps and poundings from upstairs. Faintly, Ranma's wife could make out the protesting yowls of a house cat. Before Akane got to the stairs, a body came tumbling down. She jumped back in surprise as Konatsu, still dressed in his sleeping clothes, rolled to the bottom of the stairs, coming to a halt at her feet. Konatsu leaped up to his feet with lightning speed, his arms raised in an attack position. "Where is the attacker?!" he yelled, panicked. Akane shook her head. "Konatsu! What're you doing?" His heightened alertness did not prevent the kunoichi from noticing Akane's presence. "Ah, forgive me Akane-sama!" Konatsu threw himself to the floor, bowing low, as if asking for forgiveness. "Never mind that," Akane told the kowtowing kunoichi, "where's Ukyo?" Raising his head to focus his attentions on the speaker, Konatsu answered, "I think she's still asleep." Asleep? "Ranma didn't come by at all last night?" The kunoichi shook his head. "Not that I know of. I think she's still mad at him." Rising to his feet, Konatsu asked, "Shall I wake her?" Akane grabbed Konatsu's arm. "Wait, before you do that, you've got to tell me something." When the kunoichi nodded, she continued, "It's about yesterday, and I don't think Ranma's going to tell me. But, did Ukyo tell you about what Ranma said to her?" "Yes," Konatsu answered, nodding. "Ukyo-sama has been sharing her problems with me since I listened to her back at Hawaii-- it seems to help ease the pain a bit." "And?" "She's upset that he noticed she existed only now." "What's that supposed to mean?" demanded Akane. "Ukyo-sama thinks Ranma wants her?" suggested Konatsu, unsure as to the real answer himself. Akane resisted the urge to pound Konatsu. "Then what's Ukyo got to be all upset about?! Isn't that what she wanted all along?" "You don't understand," pleaded the kunoichi, shrinking in Akane's presence. "She's been trying her best NOT to love him!" "A lot of good that is! Ever notice how much closer she and Ranma have gotten these past few months?" Konatsu could not answer, stricken with terror. "She's got to be crazy if she thinks she's going to get a married man!" Akane decided. At that moment, one floor above the angry Akane Tendo, Ukyo Kuonji's eyes burst open. "Whoa, that was a weird dream," the chef muttered, sitting up in her futon, sparing a glance at the clock. Eleven PM? I TOLD you to be careful. "Ah, shit," Ukyo cursed, remembering fully what Seiryu referred to. Now that the clock's screwed up, you're probably missing something important. For all you know, it's tomorrow afternoon. Getting up to her feet, Ukyo made her way to the closed window. Opening it a crack, she said, "Naw, it's still gotta be nighttime. It's a good think I woke up when I did, otherwise I might've missed all the excitement...." Akane is downstairs. "You're kidding." She's not very happy. However, she still needs to see you. Ukyo shook her head as she put on a set of deep purple hakama pants on over her kimono, wishing at least to look presentable. As an after thought, the chef reached into her closet, removing a dark, heavy mantle, throwing it over her shoulders. Instinctively, she pocketed a small jewelry box, large enough to contain two particular pieces. You aren't seriously bringing that, are you? asked Seiryu. "Why not?" replied Ukyo. "I can use all the luck I can get." I make my own luck. As she stepped toward the exit, without thinking, Ukyo grabbed a sai that hung on the wall, a weapon whose central blade was decorated in the pattern of a serpentine dragon. She stored the weapon in one of the mantle's interior holders, then headed for the storm that awaited her below. "...and I wouldn't be surprised if she were manipulating him or something," finished Akane, just as Ukyo descended to the bottom step unnoticed. "That's a really big assumption," the okonomiyaki chef declared, causing both Akane and Konatsu to jump. "U...Ukyo-sama!" the kunoichi yelled, startled. "How long were you there?" "Long enough," she replied cryptically, folding her arms within her mantle. Akane's eyes surveyed Ukyo's dress. "Going somewhere?" "I could say the same for you," Ukyo replied coldly. "Make it quick, because I don't intend to get left out of the fight." "I'm betting you know where Ranma went," the youngest Tendo sister said. Ukyo peered at Akane closely. "He WENT?" She shook her fist in the air angrily. "What kind of a moron keeps getting dumber? There's NO WAY he could win by himself!" She turned to Akane. "And what's YOUR problem?!" "What do you think you're doing to MY HUSBAND?!" Akane demanded. "Shove it, he's coming on to ME!" the chef replied angrily. "Take it up with him-- if he survives." "Don't play dumb! I know you're smarter than you let on." "So nice for the complement, but if I wanted him that badly, would I have...." "Stop it!" Konatsu screamed, covering his ears. "Just shut up!" Both girls stared at the kunoichi in surprise. Taking deep breaths, he said, "You both know Ranma is in danger, yet all you do is stand around and bicker with each other over something trivial!" Akane wanted to protest, but could not find the words. Turning to Akane, Konatsu said, "If you want him back safe and sound, you can't let your jealousy get in the way." Facing Ukyo in turn, "Please, Ukyo-sama, put aside this disagreement and help your old friend?" "Konatsu...." whispered Ukyo, awe overcoming anger. "Let me get ready, and we can all go together," Konatsu finished. Ukyo grabbed the kunoichi's arm. "Wait, you can't go." "What?" both Akane and Konatsu exclaimed. The okonomiyaki chef lead Konatsu behind the empty grill, putting a small distance away from Akane. She whispered, "I know you want to go help Ranma, but you've got to stay." "Why?" the kunoichi whispered back, protesting quietly. "Remember what I told you a few months back?" she asked. When Konatsu nodded, Ukyo explained, "I'm proud that you got the guts to say those words back there, and it's a step in the right direction for you. But, you made me a promise, and you've got to stick with it." Konatsu nodded slowly. "Now you've got to take responsibility-- now more than ever. If I'm back by this evening, everything will be fine. And, if not...." "I understand," the kunoichi said, cutting off the chef's words. "I know what I have to do." Catching Konatsu by surprise, Ukyo gave him a big hug. "Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me." "Actually," Konatsu replied, nearly flustered, "I think I do. As much as I like this position, I think you ought to go." Ukyo stepped back in surprise, as if she had no idea what she had just done. Straightening herself, she turned to Akane. "Konatsu's right, we need to go find Ranma." "You know the way, right?" Akane guessed. "I'm hoping that the old wizard told you about it." "That's right, right after... never mind," confirmed Ukyo, catching herself. Making her way to the front door, Akane following, she called over her shoulder, "Take care, Konatsu!" Konatsu sighed as he watched both girls exit the restaurant; hopefully, it would not be for the last time. He forced himself to walk up the stairs, resisting the urge to run after Ukyo and Akane. I made a promise, and I'm going to keep it, he vowed. Only when he made it to the top of the steps did the kunoichi realize one important fact: Ukyo was not taking her spatulas. "It's out here?" Akane asked as she stared over the side of the sheer cliff nervously. In the eastern sky daylight was rising, illuminating the cliffside that Ranma had passed by only hours before. Akane was not so much nervous about the sheer drop to the rocky sea below, but the fact that there WAS a rocky sea below. Not to mention the fact that the path which the two girls took was only as wide as a tire, with the end opposing the cliff shooting vertically with yet another rocky cliffside. "Mmm-hmm," confirmed Ukyo, nodding to herself, scanning the rocks. "The assassin said that the entrance of the compound shouldn't be much farther from here." "Hopefully, the path will be much wider by then," Akane hoped. "It should," assured the okonomiyaki chef. "It has to be at least large enough for a heavy iron door to swing and then some." She stared upward. "I wouldn't be surprised if the path ended up there somewhere." "Well, I'm not exactly a rock climber." "Neither am I, and that's why we're walking this way." Fly, suggested Seiryu, and ditch the girl. Why would I want to do that? Ukyo asked. She's not a fighter. Don't kid yourself into believing that she could actually help you. In fact, she got in the way far more than she was helped. I can attest to that. I can't do that! She's my friend. She was my friend, too, but that doesn't dismiss the facts. Well, unlike you, I'm not going to let her die. That wasn't my fault, protested the voice. Besides, what would Ranma say if I rescued him and ditched Akane? Is there a problem with that? Yes. I don't see how. At least then Akane would be guaranteed to live. What makes you think I can do this myself, then? You're not going to. Trust me. Instinctively, Ukyo came to a halt, grabbing Akane's arm in the meantime. "What?" asked Akane. "Don't move," warned Ukyo. "Someone's up there." "Ah, phooey!" someone shouted from above. "You're no fun!!" Both girls stared upward at the ugly-faced man at the top of the cliff. Strand shook his head. "Yer'all just too good for us, huh? Well, I've got a little surprise for you two!" As if on cue, two boulders were thrown over the side. Frantically, Ukyo broke into a sprint, dragging Akane behind her. "Run!" she shouted belatedly. Akane glanced over her shoulder as she ran, watching as the boulders crashed on the narrow path which they formerly stood. Suddenly, she ran into Ukyo's back, as the okonomiyaki chef came to a grinding halt. "Shit," Ukyo cursed, noting another boulder blocking the pathway. "It's always best to be prepared, after all," called another voice. The owner stared over the side as both girls stared upward. "Headmaster Kuno?!" Akane exclaimed in surprise, faintly recognizing the double voice. Warmage laughed. "Simply a convenient vessel for my person is all. Now, Kei, your little trip has come to a close. I do wish you would join our side." "Kei?!" Ukyo repeated in confusion. The leader of the assassins waved an arm to unseen minions. "Drop them all. They've nowhere to run!" "And it was all over before we started," moaned Akane, staring up at what should be the final blow. Ukyo looked around frantically. The path forward was blocked, the path backward was gone. There was no cave in the cliffside to duck into. There was no other place to go.... She turned Akane to face her. "Akane, tell me now, quickly! Do you trust me?" "I... I guess...." Akane stammered, paralyzed with fear. The okonomiyaki chef tightened her grip on the other girl's arm. "Let's go!" "Do... wait!!" she screamed, as realization of what was about to happen hit Akane. In face of the falling boulders, Ukyo and Akane jumped off the side of the cliff. Staring down from his vantage point, Warmage cried, "They're MAD!" "Geez," Strand said, "not like you gave them much choice!" A sudden thought struck the assassin leader. "What have I done?!" He grabbed at the principal's hair. "I've KILLED HER!!!" Strand slapped his leader across the face. "Don't do that now!" Coming to his senses, Warmage stared down at the short assassin. "Ah, yes! Jade Dragon Kei is much more capable than I give her credit for. She'll be back." "Her name's not Kei, ya moron," the short assassin corrected. The rocky shoals of the sea below rushed at Akane and Ukyo quickly. All Akane could do was scream-- both from surprise, and from terror. Ukyo, on the other hand, remained quiet; she closed her eyes, as if thought alone could avert death. Akane shut her eyes as certain death neared, expecting the last splash to be the final thing she would hear and feel. The splash never came. She opened one eye in confusion. What Akane was not prepared for was viewing the dark ocean in- between the jagged rocks that made up the shoals. "What the...." she whispered, trailing off. "We have to get out of the way," Ukyo said, "because the boulders are not far behind." Akane stared at her surroundings in confusion. If she knew what it felt like, the youngest Tendo sister would have described it as existing inside a bubble, existing in the air within, with only a thin film separating it from the water. Next to her Ukyo stood-- if one could call it that-- in the same position as she had while falling; if Akane didn't know any better, it would look to her as if her friend was still falling, frozen in a moment in time. She noticed the bubble encasing them was moving, albeit slowly, away from the shoals, toward the open sea. Moments later, large, heavy boulders crashed into the sea, large froths of foam trailing behind. Ukyo's eyes remained shut during the entire ordeal, maintaining a vision of calm and serenity. "I'm glad you trust me," she said. Akane peered at her friend in surprise. "I... how...?" "It would take too much time to explain it all," answered the chef girl. "Just know that I've been practicing." In wonderment, Akane ran a delicate finger across the inner surface of the bubble. As expected, the bubble did not burst-- it felt as soft as a feather pillow, she thought. This is neat! "You know," she started, "I've never been under water before-- at least, all the other times I was drowning. You know what I mean-- I haven't seen... well, THIS, before." Ukyo smiled, despite her need for concentration. "Believe it or not, I didn't know if this was going to work." She released her grip on Akane's arm. "I've never seen the undersea world, either." "You're never going to see it unless you open you eyes," suggested Akane. Changing the subject, she asked, "So now what do we do?" The okonomiyaki chef opened her eyes a crack, careful to contain her wonderment. "For now, I think we'd better get to the surface. Then, we'll probably have to find another way back up." "Someone else seems to be coming," the ugly, short assassin announced from his vantage point at the top of the mountainous cliff. "Two someones, to be precise." Warmage glanced at the direction of the newcomers. He had little need to identify the two, as he already knew the answers. "Tatewaki and Kodachi. Clash would love to see this." He turned to the short man. "Don't try to hinder their progress. I want to see what Clash has in store for Tatewaki Kuno." "Duel to the death, is all," Strand noted. "That's Clash for ya!" "I wonder," Warmage said to himself, "how the two would react if they realized their own parents were their enemies? This should be most interesting indeed." "Where'd'you suppose the other two are?" Strand asked. "What 'other two?'" "You know, Glasses and Bandanna-boy." Warmage laughed. "They're of no consequence. Both won't be around in time to stop us anyway." The prick Ryoga felt in the back of his neck forced the Eternally Lost Boy to come to a halt. Rubbing the back of his neck, he muttered, "Geez, whatever it is, it's starting to hurt really bad." For hours Ryoga wandered through the unclaimed lands outside of Tokyo, desperately trying to find his way back to civilization. Only now the sun was rising in the horizon-- that must be East, Ryoga thought-- and he had not slept all night. Only minutes before did the pain appeared-- every time to protest when Ryoga was ready to set off again. It was hurting... bad. And it definitely was not a mosquito. "Maybe this is Fate's way of telling me I'm not going in the right direction," he mused. Shrugging, Ryoga headed in what he believed to be South-- until the pain came back. "Well, East it is, I guess," the Eternally Lost Boy decided, having exhausted his other choices of direction. Taking one step, Ryoga sighed with relief as the pain did not return. "Looks like I was right," he congratulated himself. Whatever there was in the east, Ryoga hiked off. It was cold, Ranma knew. So very cold. And yet, he neither shivered nor chattered his teeth as he stood facing the one he loved. Her usual smile was replaced by a look of dread and seriousness, as if she was ready for the worst. "Ranma," she began. "I have a confession to make." "What is it, Ucchan?" he asked. Ukyo twiddled her fingers nervously, then blurted, "My breasts are fake!" Ranma's eyes shot open suddenly. Damn, what the hell was that?! It was then he realized that his arms were bound. He knew his legs were bound as well, attempting in vain to stretch them out. "Awakened, at last, I see," someone called from outside of the martial artist's visual range. Ranma shook his head, realizing that he was tied standing-up against a post. Taking in his surroundings, he realized that he must be in the underground compound-- rocky caverns were lit dimly by carefully- spaced candles along the walls. He spied Shampoo to his right, tied in the same fashion, yet her eyes were closed. She breathed slowly, as if asleep (for that matter, she probably was). Ranma could not help but note that under the bonds Shampoo's left arm was bandaged. "Wh... what happened?" he asked himself. "You passed out from the shock Shorty gave you," Clash answered, stepping into view. The one-armed swordsman stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Ah, you will recover." "What'd you do to Shampoo?" Ranma asked, unwilling to mask any sort of concern. "Phaw," the swordsman spat. "She was simply no match for me-- would it be honorable to destroy one who is not worthy to challenge me in the first place?" Clash patted the sword sheathed at his side. "No, I await only Tatewaki Kuno." "Gimmie a break, he's not good," replied the bound Ranma. Clash tapped the shoulder where his left arm used to be. "It is a matter of pride now. No matter how good you say he is, I must challenge him-- if it were only for my arm." "So what'dya want with us?" "I wish nothing of you two, but our leader believes that you will serve as adequate bait for the others to arrive." "A trap?" "No traps. Nemesis is more than enough to defeat all four... no, I mean, THREE, of them. Tatewaki is mine." Just three? Ranma thought in surprise. We're doomed. "Otherwise," continued the swordsman, "I see no real reason to keep you two alive." Man, I REALLY shouldn't have left Mousse to die, the young Saotome thought regretfully. Even if we never did see eye-to-eye, he wasn't that bad of a fighter-- heck, now that I remember it, he was the one that beat up the little snot guy for Shampoo in the first place. Well, afterthoughts are afterthoughts-- Mousse's gotta be dead by now, if he hasn't done so already. Still, Shampoo's was the hand that did it; it's on her conscience, if she even remembered that Mousse even existed. Who knows what she was thinking right now? How would I know if she were still ali... no, I can still sense her aura; she's definitely alive. And yet... three people? No, the guy really meant four; he wanted to take out Kuno himself. In either case, who are the other three? No... she couldn't have.... Akane watched in tense silence as Ukyo concentrated on lifting the bubble to the surface. She sat against the soft interior, certain that the bubble would not burst unless Ukyo lost her train of thought. "I'm not sure if I can do it," the okonomiyaki chef started, pulling her mantle closed with her right hand, "but I think I can get us both up to the top of the cliff, where the assassins were." "Look, you don't have to go that far," insisted Akane, understanding how much pressure was on her friend. "I mean, just dry land will be fine." "I don't do things half-way," Ukyo replied sternly. "It forces me to think about the 'half-full' or 'half-empty' question, which I REALLY hate to think about." Akane's interest perked up. "Just how DO you see something that's filled half-way, anyway?" The chef's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Half-empty." As soon as those words left her mouth, Ukyo shook her head. "Wait! I mean, half-full!" "Are you okay?" asked Akane, who could not miss the sudden change in her friend. "What makes you think there's something wrong?!" "Why'd you say 'half-empty' when you meant 'half-full?'" "S...slip of the tongue, that's all." Inwardly, Ukyo told herself, I don't have time for your games. So quit it! Ah-hah, Seiryu chuckled. Too much to do at once? YES, replied the okonomiyaki chef. Well! You'll just have to learn how to facet your mind the hard way. I DON'T want to 'facet' my mind, so shut up. Akane is beginning to suspect your existence. Why should I care? They'll all find out eventually. Ukyo groaned. "What now?" Akane asked, peering at Ukyo with concern. "It's nothing," assured Ukyo, just as the bubble slid to the surface of the ocean. "Try not to move so much, because it'll make it easier on me if we're not jiggling around in this bubble." Mentally, she added, In the meantime, try to cooperate. Seiryu was taken aback with mock innocence. Who, me? Don't forget who's in charge here, the chef girl warned. Right. I understand COMPLETELY. Then shut up. Tatewaki Kuno set down the warm pot of fresh coffee on the ground before helping his sister across the gap in the path created earlier that morning by the Orochi assassins' boulders, extending a hand politely. As soon as she was safely on the other side of the destroyed path, Kodachi wiped the dust from her black skirt, having brushed against the rocky cliffside, as if obsessed with keeping her appearance in a reasonable order. She watched her brother retrieve the pot of coffee, then sip down the warm liquid straight from the brim. "Sleep would have helped a lot more than coffee," she pointed out. Tatewaki drained the last of the coffee, staring into the empty pot unconcerned. "We are almost there; Mother's voice is getting stronger even as we speak!" "That is what is bothering me," Kodachi said. "Why do you hear her when I fail? I am, after all, much closer to her than you." The elder Kuno said nothing, instead choosing to move on. Kodachi followed slowly, careful to remain far enough from the cliffside so her skirt would not get filthy, and far enough from the rim of the path that dropped down toward the rocky ocean below. Although she advised her brother to get some sleep, Kodachi, in fact, had not gotten any sleep as well. Only two thoughts occupied her mind over the night: the words as spoken to her by the Orochi assassin known as Shifter, and the idea that dear Brother was obsessed with Mother's safety, for some reason or another. A concern which was quite unusual, as Tatewaki fully remembered the control monster's wrath from childhood. She would like nothing more than to get her hands on anything that could particularly benefit her, Kodachi knew, at least. Money, the grandest staple offered by the Kuno family, was the means. However, equally as disturbing was Shifter's words, words ingrained in Kodachi's mind since crashing the concert last night. The Orochi assassin had taken her aside, away from Mousse, Ukyo, and the old woman who owned the restaurant where they found him. He lead her to an empty storage room, devoid of any features and articles that befit a restaurant, closing though it may be. Kodachi knew that the assassin had spoken to the others similarly, but knew not what he spoke of to them specifically. "You possess two powerful weapons," Shifter had said, indicating the Ribbon of Tears and the Ball of Anger. "Mighty weapons though they may be, and fitting they are to your chosen art, they are nothing in the face of what you will face in the near future." "If weapons have no affect over whatever there is to come," Kodachi had said, "then what am I to do?" "The numbers are against you," the assassin replied. "The first ordeal requires that you help each other overcome the challenge." "Help each other?" she repeated, confused. "W...why?" "Failing that, you will never survive to meet the second ordeal. Even the most insignificant must be helped." "Why should I help those who are my enemy?" "Because you need them just as much as they need you." "Wait, what is this second ordeal?" "Ah. Your second ordeal is one which cannot be overcome by weapons or skill, but your heart, your determination, and your will. All you take for granted will be put to the test." "I do not understand...." "You will, in time." Kodachi shook the conversation from her thoughts as her brother came to a halt at the end of the path, blocking her way with the empty coffee pot. Both Kunos stood in a wide, clear area, enclosed by the cliffside and the drop to the ocean below. A large, iron door, rest against one wall, obviously used recently, as the footsteps leading to and from the door appeared fresh. "This is it," Tatewaki announced, reaching for the heavy wooden bokken at his side. He slid the coffee pot's handle through his belt, then gripped the weapon in both hands. "Prepare for battle, Sister, for I fear this will not be simple." Nodding, Kodachi produced the Ribbon of Tears, the ribbon wound up against its rod while attached to the gymnast's waist. With her other arm she produced the Ball of Anger, appearing almost out of thin air. The magical ball inflated itself, stretching its rubber surface to the size of a basketball. Kodachi willed the weapon to self-suspension-- the Ball of Anger hovered slowly over her left shoulder, almost as if it were a parrot that belonged on a pirate's shoulder. With a heavy grunt, Tatewaki pulled the heavy iron door open, revealing a dark tunnel. Dim torches lit the tunnel in even spaces on the side walls, illuminating the otherwise pitch-black cave. Carefully raising his bokken before him, Tatewaki lead the way. "Be ready for anything," he warned. With blinding speed, the swordsman spun his bokken out before him, as if testing his blade. When the spinning ceased, Kodachi gasped as she spied several darts stuck in the wooden weapon. "How...?" she whispered in awe. Tatewaki spun his blade as he continued in a slow pace through the tunnel. "Petty traps," he muttered. "As soon as we are through with this one, find the switch mechanism that disables the trap, in the event we need to escape in haste." Brushing off several darts from his bokken, he added, "Do be careful to stay close, Sister, for I know not when the trap rearms itself." "I have a better idea," Kodachi said, whipping out her ribbon. Carefully, she scanned the walls for the hidden openings where the darts were launched from. With a flick of the wrist, she threw several sticky projectiles into the holes, effectively plugging them. Tatewaki called over his shoulder, "What are you doing?" The younger Kuno smiled to herself. "Neutralizing traps, of course." The siblings continued in this manner slowly but surely, Tatewaki tripping the traps, and Kodachi destroying the traps. Several minutes passed until Tatewaki realized that there were no more dart traps in the cavernous tunnel. Lowering his bokken, yet still alert, he lead the way until reaching a larger cave room. This larger room could fit three elephants, Kodachi thought. Tatewaki held his arm before his sister. "There is another here." Sure enough, a single man stepped into the dim torchlight, revealing himself from his hiding place in the shadows. Dressed in a traditional fighting dress similar to Kuno's, the newcomer held a long, steel blade in his right hand. Of the left hand, there was none to speak of. "Tatewaki Kuno, we meet again, at last," Clash greeted. "I see you survived our previous encounter after all," Tatewaki noted glumly. "No matter, I am still the better." "That was what your friends thought before I defeated them," the Orochi swordsman replied. "They were no match for burning vengeance." "And what 'friends' do you speak of?" "You know, Shampoo and Ranma." "Hah! Friends of mine they are not, wretch!" Clash shrugged. "No matter." He pointed his blade at Tatewaki meaningfully. "I hereby challenge you to a duel to the death!" "Taaa...." Kodachi whispered, trying to find a good reason for her brother not to accept the challenge. "I accept!" Tatewaki bellowed almost immediately, raising his bokken in readiness. To Kodachi he ordered, "Stand back, this is a fight of my own!" The Orochi swordsman laughed. "You fight with wood against steel? Foolish, you are!" Seething with anger, Tatewaki charged with bokken high. "You will find that the blade of Kuno is neither wood nor steel, but VICTORY!!" Clash raised his sword, parrying Tatewaki's initial attack, and sending him back with surprising strength. "You will find that I only need one arm to present the same leverage as two." Recovering from the initial counter, the Kuno swordsman returned to conventional attacks, meeting his enemy's blade with his own, and vice versa, all the while pushing Clash farther from Kodachi's position. "Handicap or not," spat Tatewaki, "you shall die a warrior!" "I thank you for such praise," the opposing swordsman replied with elation. "You are no mere man to fight with an unbreakable wooden sword!" he cried, putting several more nicks into Kuno's bokken without sinking in. Kodachi, mesmerized by the sword display, failed to realize that there were two others behind her until they were upon her. Turning around, she shouted, "You!" "What are YOU doing here?" demanded Akane, folding her arms. "Probably not the same reason we're here," Ukyo decided. She glanced at the two swordsmen. "In any case, whether he knows it or not, Kuno's buying us some time to get to Ranma." "Oh, so you two are after RANMA," Kodachi concluded. "Our goals may very well coincide at the moment, but...." "Let's go," Ukyo said, cutting off Kodachi. She grabbed the gymnast's arm, leading her toward another tunnel nearby. "Wait," Akane protested, "what about Kuno?" Kodachi glanced back at her brother, locked in his death match. "He will survive. Or not." "He's your own brother!" Ranma's wife pointed out. "It doesn't matter if we stay and watch him or not," snapped Ukyo. "The more time we waste, the less chance we have of living." The three girls exited the chamber through the tunnel, leaving Kuno and Clash to their fight. Swiftly, the Orochi swordsman kicked several lit firebombs up toward Tatewaki. Almost on instinct, Tatewaki countered with several quick slices of his own, with such speed that Clash's eyes only saw a blur of motion. Gunpowder spilled all about as fragments of the firebombs clattered behind Tatewaki without exploding. "Quick as ever, I see," noted Clash. "Your technique was quick enough to destroy my firebombs, yet the fragments maintained the same speed they left my person!" "Try training at Watermelon Island sometime," Tatewaki replied, raising his bokken for the next attack. "You, however, fight no different than the previous encounter." "That is due to the fact that you are holding back," replied the Orochi swordsman. "I have watched you from afar, and I know you wield the Phoenix Sword. You are the first to give me a great fight since nearly two-hundred years ago, since I challenged the Hitokiri Battousai." "So you hold back as well," concluded Tatewaki, chuckling to himself. "May I propose we... shall I say, refrain from holding back our true abilities?" "Agreed, warrior," Clash replied, nodding. Planting his sword into the ground, the Orochi swordsman reached for something behind his back. He produced what appeared to be another sword, yet this was attached to a metal protrusion vaguely shaped like an arm. With all his force, Clash jammed the metal arm into his severed left arm socket. "I am Nagi Tachibana," announced Clash, "the 'Warrior of the Clashing Blades,' loyal retainer to the Tokugawa Family! You are responsible for my fall from grace in the Orochi hierarchy, and for the death of my wife, Shizame, known as the 'Swift, Lashing Anger' of the Orochi assassins." "I see," the Kuno swordsman said, unmoved. "You fight now with an artificial arm now. Very well, then." Tatewaki planted his left hand over his bokken, where the handle ended and the 'blade' began. With a sharp twist, the bokken snapped apart. "That was not very bright," Clash said, testing his artificial arm. However, Tatewaki Kuno knew what he was doing. As Clash guessed, the bokken's 'blade' became separated from its handle. Instead of holding an empty handle, however, Tatewaki slowly slid a cold, steel blade, out from its concealment beneath the wooden exterior. "No wonder your weapon would not break," the Orochi swordsman said with admiration. "Not only did you wield a wooden sword, but it was in fact the sheath of a true sword!" "Behold, the ancestral Kuno blade!" announced Tatewaki, holding the weapon high in his right hand. "Many villains fell to this very weapon in times long past; let it sing for more!" With his right hand Tatewaki Kuno gripped the ancestral weapon; in his left, the wooden sword sheath. "I have learned to fight with two blades as well!" "I am Tatewaki Kuno," he continued, "the 'Bronze Phoenix' of ancient Chinese legend, undefeated champion of the high school fencing world! You stand in the way of bringing my haggard mother to safety; for that, you shall die." Clash smiled in anticipation. "Let the real battle begin." Deep in the underground compound, alone with herself, lying in a pool of unknown substance, the eyes of Lady Kuno ripped open. He came after all, she thought, elated. Quickly, she slid out of the pool, scanning around for signs of others who may be nearby. Satisfied, Lady Kuno was surprised to notice that her skin was as clean and pure as if she had taken a bath-- without the wetness. Quietly, the elder Kuno dressed, thankful that the demon was yet still asleep within. She tossed back her head, her free hair cascading behind her back, and laughed. It was good to be free. No sooner had Lady Kuno tied off the sash of her kimono did another man enter. The short, ugly one. "Hey!" Strand yelled. "Yer not s'possed to be up NOW!" Lady Kuno cracked her knuckles meaningfully. "Out of my way, little man!" she commanded, taking confident strides toward the Orochi assassin. Ranma sighed, scratching the back of his head against the post he was bound to. Once again, he glanced over at Shampoo, who appeared quite serene in unconsciousness. For a moment, he wished he had that weird sword to cut himself free. As if on cue, the bonds around Shampoo suddenly fell away. "What the...?" was all the young Saotome could say before Shampoo clamped his mouth shut, the scent of anesthetics assailing his nostrils from the bandages on the girl's left arm. The Chinese Amazon, fully awake, held up a small folding knife in her unbandaged right hand. "Stupid they no search for all weapons," she whispered in disgust, as she removed her hand from Ranma's mouth. "You were faking it?" Ranma asked, as Shampoo started cutting away at his bonds. "What make you think Shampoo sleep with all the racket?" she asked. "What racket?" he asked. "I didn't hear a thing." Shampoo shook her head as the bonds fell away from Ranma. "Listen carefully, because two fights going on now. Barely hear it, but it is there." Ranma stretched his arms out, glad to be free from his ridiculous standing position for who-knows how long. "How's your... arm, anyway?" "He cut into sword arm," Shampoo explained, trying her best to hide her pain. "Actually, don't you use BOTH arms?" The Chinese Amazon smiled knowingly. "I prefer left. Right used to distract, left to attack. Maybe should not have left other sword." "We really could've used Mousse back there...." he started to say. "Time enough to mourn the dead later," she snapped. "But no time to mourn the living. We best hurry!" "Who's mourning?" Ranma replied, shrugging. Shampoo looked around the chamber, a disappointed look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" asked Ranma. "Sword not here," Shampoo replied. "Forget the sword," Ranma said, shaking his head. "Let's get out of here while we still can, and take out Nemesis." Warmage entered the ceremony chamber just in time for Strand's back to scrape against the floor. "You!" shouted a feminine voice. The leader of the Orochi assassins turned in surprise to see the woman whom Nemesis used for a host. "W...what are you doing up now?!" "Shut up, and stop saying the same things!" commanded Lady Kuno. "Your paltry tricks mean nothing to me, so hand over my husband, whoever you are, and be gone!" Warmage laughed. "Do you truly expect me to rid myself of a fresh human body as this?" He planted a hand over his chest. "I've been without a controllable human body for far too long, woman! This man, your husband, was the first I captured that became too scared to counter my influences." The Lady snorted. "Figures." "But, now that you have awakened prematurely," continued the assassin, "Nemesis is bound to discover this, and take back control over your body!" "I think not!" cried Lady Kuno. "Oh, but I DO!" she said, only this time with Nemesis' voice along with the woman's. Warmage chuckled to himself as Lady Kuno clutched the sides of her head in pain. "Do not think that you can defeat the gods!" "I... will not...." muttered Lady Kuno, struggling with herself. After several moments, the woman ceased, her eyes washing over with a dark glow. "You may have chosen too strong a host, assassin," Nemesis said. "She is much more powerful than anticipated." "Perhaps," agreed Warmage. "However, now that you're awake, there is another problem that needs to be taken care of. The woman's daughter is leading two others to this very passage in order to rescue their friends, and to destroy you." "Foolish," spat Nemesis. "All will be crushed by my mighty hand!" Strand pulled himself to his feet. "And if they prove to be even stronger...?" "You had better hope not," warned the spirit. "You will intervene on my behalf." Warmage nodded toward Strand. "We shall assist Nemesis in this battle. I do not expect Clash to finish the swordsman completely, either. And there is the slim chance that Ranma and Shampoo can break free...." "Wrong, we're already free!" In surprise, the three dark ones faced Ranma and Shampoo, standing at the entrance of the ceremony chamber. "THAT was fast," Strand snorted. Ranma raised his arms, ready for battle. "Nemesis, Warmage... I don't know why you picked the Kuno family, of all people, to use, but you're going to eat turd!" Warmage smiled, reaching for Shampoo's sword sheathed at his side. "I've been waiting a long time for this, boy." Shampoo shouted, "You give back sword! Get your own!" "Oh, how threatening!" the assassin cried out in mock terror. To Strand, he ordered, "Get rid of them." Cracking his knuckles, Strand threw out his arms. Suddenly, the short assassin felt something beneath his feet. "What the...?!" he cried, just as the floor sank beneath him. Where the assassin once stood, there was now a deep hole, which seemed to swallow the little man up. Only the assassin's surprised screams filled the air of the ceremony chamber as the others watched with tense silence. A head popped up out of the hole. "Where the hell am I NOW?!" "Ryoga?!" both Shampoo and Ranma exclaimed in surprise and relief. Ryoga Hibiki, covered with thick layers of dust, pulled himself out of the dark hole. "R...Ranma?" Nemesis shook her head. "This is ridiculous." Pointing a palm toward the newcomer, she screamed, "Take this!" Before either Ranma or Shampoo could warn Ryoga of the incoming attack, Ryoga instinctively threw himself away from the fireball, rolling closer to his friends and away from the hole. Ranma sidestepped as Warmage, using Shampoo's flamberge, made a wild swing, easily avoiding the attack. At the same time, Shampoo grabbed the sword arm, trying desperately to remove her weapon from the assassin's grip, but Warmage batted her away with his other arm. He slashed downward toward the fallen Shampoo, but something caught the blade still in the air. "What?!" Warmage squealed, his eyes focusing on the sai that caught the blade. Ranma and Ryoga's eyes focused on the new newcomer, Ukyo. Ukyo gripped the weapon with both hands, her strength acting against Warmage's own. "You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?" Behind her, Kodachi gaped in surprise. "Mother?! Father?!" Akane replied, "It'd take too long to explain, but right now, you have to know that they're not themselves!" The gymnast stared at Akane in surprise. "What, did you truly believe I would hold back against THEM?" Pointing her finger at her father, Kodachi sent the Ball of Anger forth with surprising speed. The ball collided with the man's stomach, sending him backward and forcing him to lose his grip on the sword. At the same time, the weapon exploded, throwing more pain in Warmage's direction. Shampoo scooped up her sword as she got to her feet, turning to Nemesis with menace. "Hmm, the odds hardly seem fair," Nemesis thought, feigning a lack of concern. "For you, that is." Warmage struggled to get to his feet, but found that the weapon used against him brought too much pain to his host body. "You silly fools, did you think me limited to the confines of this worthless body?" Slowly, the ever-present spirit of Warmage slid out of Kuno's body, a visible gas in the eerie atmosphere of the ceremony chamber. All but Nemesis watched as the substance slid its way into Lady Kuno's body instead, her features unmoving, uncaring. Utilizing three voices at once, Nemesis/Warmage/Lady Kuno declared, "Are you all ready to die?" Ranma spared a glance back at Akane. "Get the principal outta here!" "Why?!" demanded his wife. "I just got here, and I'm here to help!" "Look, we don't have time to argue this," he explained, "but if Nemesis decides to use him as a target...." Of course, what Ranma really thought was that Akane could be used as a hostage, a thought that did not sit well with the young Saotome. "Fine!" Akane said with a huff. "Why can't you say you don't want me here?!" "Because I already told you that!" Ranma shouted. Turning to Shampoo, he said, "Take Akane out of here, if you still have feelings for me." He cast a short glance at her bandaged arm. He wanted to add, "I don't think you can fight all-out like that," but Ranma knew that would only make the Chinese Amazon more adamant about staying. Shampoo snorted. "You get all undesirables out of way for your own good!" Grabbing Akane's arm, the Chinese Amazon said, "We go!" "What are you doing?!" Akane shouted, trying her best to break out of Shampoo's strong grip. "You his wife, you understand?" Shampoo said. "He care too much to let you stay! Weakness, to be sure, but to your advantage!" "I also promised to protect you," Ukyo added. "If you stay, you threaten to break that promise. Don't make me beg you to leave." Ranma raised an eyebrow at his old friend. "Ukyo, when did...?" "All right," decided Akane. "I'll go." She pointed an accusing finger at Ranma's nose. "But it's not because of you, blockhead!" Both girls ran to the side of the unconscious principal. Nemesis shook her head. "It doesn't matter how many of you remain to fight, I'll track down and kill you all, eventually. Go on, say your good-byes. I don't need to kill you right away, after all." Shampoo threw one arm over her shoulder, Akane doing the same with the other. Both girls tried their best to ignore Nemesis' cold stare, focusing only on the exit. Passing next to Ranma, Akane whispered, "Don't get yourself killed." Ranma flashed a reassuring smile. "Ah, you know me." "Yes," Shampoo said. "You too stupid to die, just like Mousse." Mousse... Ranma thought. And he's dead, too.... Ukyo glanced around, as if looking would reveal her answer. "I guess it's too late to ask where he is, huh?" Silently, Ranma nodded. "Not that we NEED him, anyway," Ryoga answered. Both Akane and Shampoo departed with the unconscious principal, leaving Ranma, Ryoga, Kodachi, and Ukyo left with Nemesis in the dark ceremony chamber. The possessed woman's arrogance permeated through the air, more overwhelming than any sense of fear the teens may have had before arriving. "Ranma, are you ready to die?" asked Ukyo, raising her sai in readiness, the etched dragon gleaming in the dark light of the chamber. Ranma shook his head, the dragon pattern stinking of an air of familiarity. "Never will be." "At last, I understand what Brother was so worried about," Kodachi muttered to herself. "Yet, perhaps it is too late for the both of us to truly understand." She ran the Ribbon of Tears through her fingers. "Sorrow is of the weak, yet as a tool, a weapon, a vicious enemy does it make!" Ryoga shook his head. "I don't really know what this's about, but I'd better finish this fight. This time." "What, no more running?" Nemesis mocked. "You would dare to strike a lady?" Raising his arms, the Eternally Lost Boy replied, "For Akari, I'd walk barefoot through Hell and back. I realized that you'd harm her if you had the chance." "So very true," agreed the woman. "Everything aside, you're just another opponent," Ryoga concluded. Nemesis' lips curved to a smile. "Give me your best shot." Tatewaki Kuno deflected the first swing with his sword, then the next with his wooden sheath, dancing about back in forth in the same manner for who knows how long. Clash, playing on the offensive, forced the swordsman back, only to be forced back in turn when Tatewaki initiated his own attack. "You are a match well worthy of Kuno," Tatewaki said in admiration. "Sporting this battle may be, I tire of it." "Of course," Clash agreed. "You, too, are a worthy match, both before and after our brief respite." "Perchance you suggest another?" asked Tatewaki, deflecting yet another attack. "If you are willing," replied the Orochi swordsman. Clash ceased in his furious attack, lowering his blades to the ground and stepping back. Kuno did likewise. "Even if we say we do not hold back," Clash started, "I feel that you yet still hold something more back." "As do you," Tatewaki noted in agreement. "We could battle on for ages, if need be, and we would still refuse to fight fully against such worthy opponents." "Unfortunately, we do not have that luxury," Clash pointed out. "I am bound to finish this, as are you. We stand in each other's way." "Yet we fail to gain an advantage over the other." "I am losing the will to fight," admitted the Orochi swordsman. "I wish it could be as in the old days; a challenge could go on for many suns and moons, a battle lasting from dawn to dusk each day. But I cannot afford such a luxury, not today." Tatewaki nodded. "We must finish this," concluded Clash. "No more holding back; it is either you or I that shall perish this day." Without further words, the silent swordsmen raised their blades once more. Tatewaki Kuno, master of the Phoenix Sword, willed both his blade and its sheath to flames. In turn, both burst to light in great, red chi flames, dancing about as if they were a real fire. Clash thrust his sword into the ground. With his supernatural force, a crack ran through the ground, running quickly between Kuno's legs. In an unnatural fashion, the ground split open, a chasm forming before Tatewaki's very eyes. Not about to be undone so quickly, the Kuno swordsman leaped to the right, facing the Orochi swordsman's free left arm blade, mindful to pay little attention to the increasingly-widening chasm. "If you are not careful," Clash warned, "I could create enough holes that there would be no more room to stand!" He pulled his sword out from the ground in time to meet Tatewaki's slashes. "Defiler of Nature!" spat Tatewaki. "We will finish this like men!" Clash winced with each swing of Tatewaki's flaming blades, a terrible reminder of his previous encounter with the technique. "Dare you insult a servant of Earth with such garbage?!" he railed. "Fire means little to the greatest of all elements!" Despite his brash, bold words, the Orochi swordsman was being forced back by Tatewaki's vigorous attacks. Clash found even less openings than before, being put on the defensive without being given a chance to strike back. Without thinking, Tatewaki hammered at his opponent, the Phoenix Sword's flaming energies coursing through him, threatening to explode in all its glory. Instinctively, he willed several flaming blades into existence, a total of twelve, circling around Tatewaki, throwing blows of their own by themselves, as if the Kuno swordsman had grown extra arms. "I will not hold back!" Clash shouted. "I will NOT lose!" Without ceremony, the one-armed swordsman stomped the ground, creating a shaking that nearly threw Tatewaki off balance in the process. "What manner of technique is this?!" demanded Tatewaki in surprise. "Mother Earth, open your arms!" Clash cried, stomping the ground twice. Sparing a momentary glance over his shoulder, Tatewaki realized that the chasm Clash created earlier was getting wider. And it was heading his way. Turning back to the Orochi swordsman, he cried, "Are you mad!? You intend to risk yourself for victory?!" "Sword alone cannot defeat you," Clash replied, panting. "The Earth welcomes me... a calling denied over three hundred years ago. It is fitting that my final battle shall be a glorious death... it shall also be fitting that you die as well. I avenge my wife, and my honor!" Anger coursing through his body, Tatewaki's phoenix blades merged into his person. Clash flinched, as the fires of the blades burst about the Kuno swordsman. "If death is what the fates have in store for me," Tatewaki decided, "then you shall not have the satisfaction of destroying me!" Snarling in anger, Clash threw himself into Tatewaki's midsection, just as the chasm mouth opened up behind him. In surprise, Tatewaki lost hold over his sword and sheath, being sent backward into the dark pit. Clash laughed in triumph as the two fell toward the darkness. "I will have victory in death!! You cannot rob me of anything, anymore!" Tatewaki's form glowed with greater intensity than before. "And you, my enemy, will never have that satisfaction!" Grabbing Clash tightly, he shouted, "Phoenix fire ultimate attack: Southern Cross!" Many times before Tatewaki Kuno felt the phoenix flames try to consume him; all those times Tatewaki Kuno defeated the growing conflagration waiting to happen. This time, however, he lost all care, all feeling, and let himself go. He would never let the taste of victory reach Clash's lips. Because, Tatewaki thought, in the end, Tatewaki Kuno always wins. As the two swordsmen, in their death lock, continued to fall into the darkness, flames erupted, washing over both men in devastating brilliance. Where there was darkness before, there was only the light. As soon as Shampoo and Akane entered that very chamber, with the unconscious Headmaster Kuno in tow, a great, flaming column burst from the fresh chasm. "What was that?" Shampoo shouted, confused. Just as sudden as the fire column appeared, it disappeared. Akane scanned the room. "Kuno's... gone," she whispered. Removing the principal's arm from around her, Akane ran to the rim of the chasm that was not there before. "What you doing?" asked Shampoo. Akane stared down at the dark pit. "This wasn't here before...." A glint caught her eye. With a steady hand, Akane picked up a sword, fallen uselessly to the ground in the shadows. She studied the blade carefully, as if it would give her some hint of what happened. Sparing one last glance at the chasm, Akane announced, "He's gone." "Fight with the one-armed man?" Shampoo asked. Akane nodded, thrusting the sword into the ground. "I guess this is what he really wanted.... Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on him all those times before." Shaking her head, she ran back to Shampoo. "But we can't think about the dead right now, we've still got a ways to go." The Chinese Amazon nodded in agreement, trying her best not to think of Mousse, who was surely dead by now. Together, the two girls resumed their trek with their burden. "There will be no heroics today," Nemesis stated simply, arms folded, as three of Kodachi's tear projectiles washed over a field of force surrounding her. "There will be no future for humans as you." She ducked under overhead kicks courtesy of Ryoga, stepped aside from wild swings from Ukyo's stabbing weapon, and stood perfectly still to catch Kodachi's ribbon lashes with her arm. Nemesis pulled the gymnast toward her with a mighty tug, but released her grip on the ribbon when Ranma edged a little too close. Turning around to greet the young Saotome, Nemesis threw her right arm out, throwing a bolt of force into his gut. "Four against one is hardly fair," she mock-whined in amusement. Almost as an afterthought, Nemesis threw several more chi bolts in Ranma's direction, amused that he had enough energy left in him to actually dodge them. At that moment, Ukyo thrust her sai, aiming for Nemesis' heart, but in the blink of an eye the enemy was no longer there. The chef girl yelled out in surprise as her target reappeared behind her suddenly, jabbing a punch in the back of her head. "When will humans ever learn?" the spirit wondered. "You humans were much more amusing yesterday. Where did you go?" Regrouping, the four martial artists, standing side-by-side, faced Nemesis, sweat threatening to blur their visions. "You know," Ranma huffed, "she's a LOT stronger than before." "She's only toying with us, is all," Ukyo pointed out. "She could easily get rid of us if she wanted to." "Then why is she holding back?" asked Kodachi. Could it be...? "I say we all attack at once," suggested Ryoga. "I don't know, she probably can beat that, too," Ranma replied. "Got any bags of tricks, anyone?" Ukyo asked the other three. "She'll never fall for the Hiryu Shoten Ha, that's for sure," Ranma said. "It doesn't get better than that." "I don't think I can use the Shishi Hokodan, either," added Ryoga. "I'm... well... not in the mood?" "You saw what she did to my attacks," Kodachi said in frustration. "Nothing will get through her unless she wants it to." "I figured as much," agreed the okonomiyaki chef. Not unlike what I just did before.... The concept, at least, was the same. "If we concentrate on one point of the barrier," Ukyo suggested, "we MAY be able to break through!" "Tell me, dear," the young Kuno said sarcastically, "have you been watching ancient videos of 'Super Dimensional For....'" "Better than nothin', I guess," Ranma said, interrupting Kodachi. Turning to Ryoga, he asked, "Ready?" Ryoga cracked his knuckles. "Let's do it!!" Both Ryoga and Ranma charged at Nemesis, who stood, arms folded, as a stone statue, apparently unconcerned, and perhaps, a bit bored. She watched with the same bored look as both martial artists pummeled the force barrier she had erected earlier in the battle. A foolish gesture, the spirit thought. Suddenly, Ukyo's sai plunged through the barrier, catching Nemesis by surprise. At the last minute, the woman managed to realign her barrier, catching the sai merely millimeters from her heart. However, that soon proved a terrible mistake, as Kodachi threw several volleys from the Ribbon of Tears, the pink projectiles passing where the barrier once was. "As I said," Kodachi remarked, casting a dirty look at Ranma. Nemesis shrieked in anger, the sticky tears binding her arms to her body. "Get her, NOW!" shouted Ranma, throwing a fist. "Do not be so vain as to believe you have me!!" warned Nemesis, teleporting at the last second to avoid Ranma's attack. The possessed Lady Kuno reappeared over the energy font, dunking herself in feet first. In mere seconds, as soon as the strange liquid reached her arms, the sticky tears dissolved into nothingness. "She's over there!" Ryoga shouted, pointing at the energy font. Raising his finger, he cried, "Bakusai Tenketsu!!" But the moment the font shattered under Ryoga's attack, Nemesis had once again vanished, allowing the strange liquid to spill into the ceremony chamber unhindered. "Where is she!?" cried Kodachi, her eyes darting around in panic. "I thought you humans merely children," the voice of Nemesis said with a snarl, the point of origin indeterminable. "I thought I would savor the moment... but you have all proved to be much more powerful than I gave you credit for." "Show yourself!" demanded Ukyo. "Not only will I destroy you all, I will destroy everything you hold dear," continued the disembodied voice. "I will do it all, starting with...." Ranma screamed in surprise as Nemesis reappeared before him. "YOU!!!!" Nemesis finished, raising her right arm, fingers outstretched, as if it were a claw. Time slowed to a crawl as the young Saotome's eyes followed the hand arc toward him. For a moment, he thought of Akane.... And, in the split second it took, the hand became a chi-created claw. The nature spirit cried, "Justice Death Claw!!" Ranma did not even have time to scream. Nemesis' death claw ripping open his chest in one swipe, a rain of blood and innards bursting outward. "Almost there," Shampoo announced, spotting the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Without warning, Akane, on the other side of the unconscious Kuno, tripped, stumbling to her knees. The sudden shift in weight brought Shampoo down as well, yelling out in surprise. "What wrong?" the Chinese Amazon asked. Akane shook her head, rubbing her temples, as if they were sore. "Something's... happened." "RANMA!!!" shouted three voices in unison. Ranma's torn form barely struck the hard surface that was the ground when Ryoga, Ukyo, and Kodachi ran to him. Nemesis, frozen as if a statue, stood towering, a mocking grin on her face, her right arm out, as if she were still in mid-slash. Blood leaked from the torn flesh in the martial artist's stomach, soaking with the torn rims of his torn shirt. Ranma stared up at the ceiling, struggling to grasp the sensation of an open chest. "Too slow," taunted Nemesis, "and far too arrogant, of you." She folded her arms, taking a step back, as if surveying her handiwork. "This is the fate of those who dare challenge me." Ukyo bent over Ranma's body, grabbing his left hand with both of her own. "Dummy," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice, "don't you die! Don't you give up now!!" Kodachi shook her head. "It's useless," she declared, eyeing the sai Ukyo held in her hand. "Damn it all!" Ryoga muttered. He shot a glance back at the opponent, whose arms were still folded, as if waiting. "I don't see how we'll beat her if she can do this to Ranma." "Just... do it, P-ch..." Ranma replied, struggling to speak over harsh, labored breaths. "Ranchan...." Ukyo whispered. "A...Akaa... Akane...." the dying Saotome babbled, his eyes rolling in delusional agony. Ryoga turned to the okonomiyaki chef with determination in his eyes. "Kodachi's right, there's nothing we can do for him but end it...." "No!" protested Ukyo, slapping the Eternally Lost Boy across the face with her free hand. Kodachi stared at her with worried eyes. "B...but he is in pain!" "What do you care?!" the chef girl snapped. "He's dying! Shouldn't YOU be HAPPY about that?! I, for one, will NOT give up on him!!" "Death is his only release!" Kodachi pointed out. "Do I relish in another's suffering? No. Do I care to watch someone in pain? No. My dear, the act of dying and death certainly are not the same! There is NO way to save him now. Why do you insist on prolonging his suffering?" "Kodachi..." Ryoga said, trying to find the right words. "If you are truly his friend," she added, "then you will release him from his pain!! Will you or will you not do it?" Staring back down at Ranma, then back at the sai she held in her hand, Ukyo made her decision. Putting the weapon back into the folds of her mantle, she declared, "I'm taking Ranma out of here. Don't try to stop me." "W...wait a minute!" Ryoga protested in panic. "What are WE supposed to do about HER?!" he cried, jabbing a thumb back at the frozen, statue-like Nemesis. He reached out to grab Ukyo's arm, but something bit him in the back of the neck, forcing him to cry out in pain. "Are you sure YOU are not in pain?" Kodachi asked Ryoga, eyeing the Eternally Lost Boy curiously. Rubbing the back of his neck, he replied, "It's nothing." Turning to the okonomiyaki chef, the Kuno girl said, "Do your work swiftly!" Ukyo slid her arms under Ranma, who had since ceased babbling and continued his labored breathing. Lifting with all her strength, the chef girl was careful to position her dying friend in what she thought was comfortable. "Don't worry," she assured Ryoga. "Just keep fighting.... I'll be back... one way or another." Quietly, the okonomiyaki chef exited the ceremony chamber with her burden, leaving Kodachi and Ryoga behind with Nemesis. "Why is it," wondered Nemesis, "that whenever one of you is disposed of, another soon follows?" "Good question," Kodachi said, twirling her magic ribbon over her head. "Let us hope it will be the last time!" Silently, she hoped the old wizard was wrong about the numbers. "Are you two ready to die?" Nemesis taunted, seemingly uncaring. "I can defeat you either together, or one at a time; your pick." Ryoga and Kodachi glanced at each other, wordlessly deciding. Actions spoke louder than words. Running her ribbon between her index and middle fingers, Kodachi summoned the courage she needed to fight. While it would not come, and her skin curled with goose bumps, she grit her teeth, focusing herself, preparing herself for the beyond. Cracking his knuckles, spreading his feet apart, Ryoga crossed his arms across his chest, lowering his head. He allowed his thoughts to sink, as they have done so many times before... but this time, at the same time, he was gathering those very emotions into a focus. It may not be enough, but.... NO! he thought. I can't think like that! It WON'T be enough! Throwing his arms outward, he cried, "Shishi... HOKODAN!!!" Together, the two martial artists, against all odds, attacked. "Just what is that girl planning on doing?" Warmage wondered, his attention swirling throughout Lady Kuno's head, watching Nemesis do what he... she... whatever, did best. "She has a plan, no doubt," answered Lady Kuno. "I am certain it has nothing to do with the suggestion my daughter put to her." "She'd better not do something drastic!" the Orochi assassin yelled out, worry betrayed in his voice. "Oh, so you DO have an interest in her?" "What is it to you, woman?!" "Nothing at all! I happen to notice that you always protest with the demon whenever it would strike her! Am I wrong, Ashinzo?" "Don't call me that!" Smirking, Lady Kuno laughed. We'll see who's in control. Gently, Ukyo set Ranma down onto the ground, satisfied that she was far enough away from the terrible battle. Without giving a second thought, the okonomiyaki chef threw off her mantle, taking care to remove her weapon, then folding it neatly. She then slid the makeshift pillow carefully under Ranma's head. Stepping back, Ukyo could not help but stare down sadly at her old friend, a dying man. "Akane," she whispered silently, remembering her other friend. "She'll never get over this. She'll probably go crazy and get herself killed as well." Considering Akane, yes, agreed Seiryu. It cannot happen. Ukyo sat on her knees, running her hand across Ranma's forehead gently, fingers sifting through hair, in a motherly fashion. "Asshole," she muttered, "why'd you have to get yourself killed? Why'd you have to do it, even after everything that's happened?" As expected, only Ranma's quiet, labored breathing answered. "You probably can't hear me," continued the chef girl. "Probably in too much pain, or in shock, to notice. Figures, that. You never did pay much attention to me." Ukyo forced a soft chuckle. "It's always been Akane." "I think I knew that since the day of our reunion, so long ago. I wanted to believe I had a chance... a chance to show you how much better a girl I was.... I wanted to earn your love. But no, I proved to be a much better guy; I was one of your friends, and that was it. A face among many, a specter of the past. Only your opinion made a difference in that, you know?" "Then you tried to get married." She blinked away the tears forming in her eyes. "I had to be a selfish girl; I thought only about my own happiness-- did I ever stop to consider yours? I'm surprised you and Akane forgave me; heck, I barely forgive myself now. But, thanks to you, I got a second chance, and it felt really good. I think then, I really understood how it felt to make you happy." "Sure, we've had our ups and downs since then. All of the good times, along with the bad, but none of it went on without sharing it with my dear friends, including you. I don't know where Mousse is, but I really hope he finds happiness someday. And Ryoga... he's found happiness. Kuno... he deserves someone... heck, any other girl'll probably be lucky. Kodachi and Taro look like they've found happiness, too. Shampoo... what do I know? She's still an enigma to me." Ukyo ran one hand down her body for Ranma in emphasis. "Yeah, look at me. I'm a real nobody. My happiness doesn't really count, does it? I know you've been trying to be happy for me, and I've tried to be content with you being happy, but it's just not working. I need to find what it is that would make me happy. Making you happy doesn't seem to work anymore, as you do have Akane now. You're certainly far beyond needing me to make you happy." "Shit," she whispered, despair overtaking her voice, "what's going to happen to Akane? She'll probably kill you, Ranchan, if she found out what happened." Ukyo shook her head. "Not only that, but only yesterday you started making some kind of advances toward me. I still can't think of any good reason why you'd do that, jackass. Why'd you have to do it, when I was beyond appreciating it?" She wiped the tears rolling down her cheek, failing miserably at hiding her feelings. "You can't be doing it because you're mad at me... but in any case, Akane's mad about it. I bet you know that, too." For a moment, she recalled the conversation she had with the Shinto wizard, Shifter, the previous night. He was right, after all. Yet, at the same time, he was also wrong. Today, I choose life. Staring down at her hands, then at Ranma, Ukyo decided, "Hell with it. You've got a lot to look forward to. It certainly won't make you happy, but for me...." Carefully, Ukyo slid down, her face hovering over Ranma's, confident that she knew what she wanted. Wiping away her tears, summoning up all her energies and courage, Ukyo pressed her lips against Ranma's own. "Where am I?" Ranma asked himself. Only darkness surrounded the young martial artist. Dark clouds swirled above and below. He stood on no appreciable ground, but simply floated... simply... existed. But one thing was for sure: it was dead cold. "That's right," Ranma said. "I'm probably dying. Probably on my last leg of my journey. Who knew there was a waiting list to the afterlife?" he remarked sarcastically. Yet there was nothing funny about it. Akane was beyond Ranma's grasp forever. Being dead sucks, he thought. Well, at least, when I get there, Mousse'll probably be there to welcome me. Probably not with open arms, but I think that'd be expecting too much. Ranma.... "Who's there?!" he cried. Ranma darted his eyes about in the eerie blackness, though he knew it was a futile gesture. Ranma.... "That voice...." Ranma, come home. Ranma rubbed his eyes as a face formed before his very eyes. A face he knew for a long time. A face he welcomed each and every day. And now, Akane, his wife, extended a hand. "Ranma, let's go home," she said. "Akane," Ranma whispered, confused, yet elated, at the sight of the woman he loved, stretching his arm out. Touching hands lead to touching arms, and Ranma found himself in Akane's arms. He stared into her eyes, losing himself in a sea of joy. "Akane," he whispered, losing himself in emotion. He pressed his lips against her own, caressing Akane in his embrace, running his fingers through her hair that cascaded over her shoulders. But then, reality yanked Ranma back to consciousness, as he realized that Akane simply did not have long hair, not anymore. Sensation flooded Ranma's body, telling him that he was lying flat on his back, yet his head rest against something as soft as a pillow. And, lying on top of him, was the one who he really kissed. "U...Ukyo?" he whispered in surprise. Sitting up, Ranma held his limp friend in his arms. Her eyes were closed, and, at the same time, relaxed, as if she were having a sweet dream. He shook her carefully, despite his panic. "Ukyo...." Slowly, the okonomiyaki chef's eyes fluttered open, a tiny spark of life shining in her pupils. No, it was tears. Somehow, she forced a smile on her face. "Ran... chan." "Hey," Ranma said, "I thought you didn't want to call me that anymore... Ucchan." "Heh," she replied, "I guess that's one promise I can't keep, right?" "You don't break promises, because that wasn't a promise, was it?" he pointed out. "Right, get smart on me." Ukyo closed her eyes a moment, gathering her thoughts into words, despite her exhaustion. "How you feel...?" For the first time, Ranma realized he was fine. He ran one hand over his chest, through the hole in his shirt, checking for the wounds that were simply not there-- not anymore. Shaking his head, he answered, "I... I don't understand. I mean, there should be some kind of pain...." "That's because I took it for ya, silly," Ukyo replied. "I gave you an extension on life...." "...At the expense of your own?" finished Ranma, shocked. "Why?" Taking a deep breath, the okonomiyaki chef explained, "It takes a lot of energy to heal wounds... yours were quite fatal... so a life for a life. There has to be a tomorrow, and you're the one who's going to make sure of that. You need to live, for Akane's sake." "Forget Akane," Ranma said, "all I care about is you!" "Don't," she cried fiercely, grabbing the collar of Ranma's shirt. "Ucchan, you're dying!" "Fuck it!" cursed the dying girl. "You've got Akane!!" "But, I love you!" he cried, emotions soaring. Ukyo shook her head, tugging Ranma's head down with unnatural force. "Listen to me, dammit," she said, seething with anger and determination, despite her drain. "You don't love me, you love Akane. You may LIKE me, but you certainly don't love me. I know better than that. Now." Ranma shook his head in confusion. "I... I can't help it!" In frustration, Ukyo shut her eyes, fighting the tears. "Ranchan...." she whispered painfully, genuinely sorry that... anything happened. "You don't understand! I don't know how, or why, but you're supplanting your feelings about Akane on me. I really, really hate that." "Wha...?" She sniffed. "I don't want to be Akane. I don't want to be Akane, not anymore. I thought being her would've been the best thing in the world... thought she was the person I needed to be to get your love." She lowered her head. "Well, shit, I was wrong. I can't be Akane, because I am Ukyo Kuonji. To anyone with real sense of values, like your mother, I am nothing-- a nobody. But, to you, I'm Ucchan, your old friend who makes the best okonomiyaki in the world. I didn't fully realize that until after Kagura and Orochi showed me." "Kagura and Orochi?" Ranma repeated. "Hawaii?" She nodded. "I'm my own person, I should be happy the way I am. I can't be Akane, and that's the reason why. I WON'T be Akane, not for you, or anyone else." "U... Ucchan...." "So stop treating me like Akane, Ranchan...." she said quietly. "I don't need to be rescued. I don't need to be loved. I don't need to have you in my life. I don't need to be saved. I made my choice, and you're going to have to respect, and live, with it." Releasing her grip on Ranma's collar, Ukyo whispered, "Yet.... Thank you, for kissing back." She forced a weak smile. Taken aback, Ranma's face flushed in embarrassment. "Y... you're welcome." Choking, she added, "And, please... you gotta live. You must finish it. Don't do it for me. Do it for Akane...." Ukyo sighed heavily, pressing something into Ranma's hand, her body going limp, growing faint. "Ucchan!" Ranma screamed, shaking his old friend violently, blinking back tears. "Don't die... DON'T DIE!!!" "Ranchan," she whispered, closing her eyes, "do it for yourself." Ranma could find no words to say, nothing to tell her. Nothing.... Nothing at all. Nothing, as Ukyo Kuonji breathed her last. "Ucchan...." he said silently, lowering his head over Ukyo's, the tears rolling down his cheeks onto her still form. Yet, she would not respond, one way or another. She was gone. He was alone. He knew nothing. And, for a moment, he was nothing. What have I been fighting for? Ranma wondered in torment. Why couldn't I save anyone this time? Why? WHY?!!! I should've died... I SHOULD'VE DIED!! Ucchan, why'd you have to rob me of that?! Why'd you have to die?! "Ranma, stop beating yourself up," he imagined Ukyo would say, "and be a man." More words echoed in his mind. "Time enough to mourn the dead, but no time to mourn the living." Ranma shook his head. What am I going to do? "Do it for Akane," echoed in his mind. Akane. My wife. She was safe. She was out of danger. But, not for long... not if I let Nemesis.... What a fool I've been! She's still alive. I CAN save her! He stared down at the hand that held her own, the hand that pressed something against his. Gently releasing her, Ranma raised a slender object, no larger than his palm, up in the air. He studied a single earring, cut of green jade, patterned as a serpentine, Chinese dragon, coiled around some sort of staff, its eyes inlaid with tiny rubies. In one four-toed claw was a spherical orb. The staff ended in a sharp, pointed edge, appearing as if it could be used to kill. "Ucchan...." Ranma repeated, studying the earring. The earring seemed to say, "Never forget what happened this day." With determination, he forced back the tears, wiping those existing on his cheeks. "I've been given a second chance," he said to himself. "I've got to finish this." Pocketing the jade earring, Ranma gently set Ukyo's head against the folded mantle that served as his pillow, getting up to his feet. "There will be time to mourn later." "I'll finish Nemesis," he decided. Staring down at Ukyo's body, Ranma noticed a glint of metal. Bending down, he picked up the sai, the one with the strange dragon pattern etched in the center prong. The same, strange weapon, Ranma thought. It looks so familiar, yet.... It would be poetic justice if I carried these last reminders into the heat of it. Rising to his feet, thrusting the sai at his beltside, Ranma said, "I'll finish this, Ucchan, I swear. I won't do it for you. I won't do it for myself. And I won't do it for Akane, either-- I'll do it for all of us: Ryoga, Shampoo, Mousse, even Kuno and Kodachi. It will all end here! There WILL be a tomorrow!" With renewed determination, Ranma Saotome, leaving his old friend behind, charged back toward the battle. "Let's see," Nemesis said, amused, staring down at the crumpled teens on the floor. "I believe I took out Ranma a bit too quick. How should I savor your deaths?" "Just do it," Kodachi whispered in defiance. "See if I care." "I shall remember that as your...." the spirit started. "Stop there!" Ranma Saotome stood defiantly at the entrance of the ceremony chamber. "W...why?!" Nemesis screamed in shock. "You should be DEAD!!!" "You're outta luck," the martial artist continued. "Unlike you, I have friends... friends willing to do it all!!" "If that is your wish, I WILL kill you a SECOND TIME!!!" Nemesis screamed in anger, rushing Ranma in full fury. "WHAT?!" Warmage yelled in surprise. "What happened?!" "Heh-heh-heh-he-he-he," laughed Lady Kuno. "I figured as much." "What, woman?!" demanded the Orochi assassin. "Tell me, Shoto Kuno!!!" "You saw the girl carry Ranma out of here," Lady Kuno explained. "You saw Ranma's ruined body. And yet, now you see just Ranma, his body in perfectly healthy shape! Draw your own conclusions." "N...noooo!!!" Warmage screamed in anguish. "Why did Kei have to do that?!" "Kei, is it?" A smirk formed across the woman's face. "She COULDN'T HAVE!!!!" "You DO have feelings for her!" "WHAT DID SHE DO???!!!" "Now, Ashinzo," Lady Kuno concluded, "you can live happy, now that you have destroyed the woman you loved!" "I did NO SUCH THING!!!" denied Warmage angrily. "Did you not?" taunted the woman. "DID YOU or did you not bring the demon Nemesis here?! Did you or did you not?!" "Of COURSE I did!" Jabbing a finger at the assassin, she added, "Then YOU are the one responsible for her DEATH!!" "NO, NO, NO!!!" "You ALLOWED Nemesis to destroy Ranma Saotome! You ALLOWED your Kei to take him out of here. You ALLOWED her to sacrifice herself so that Ranma may live. YOU ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN!!!" Ranma dodged each and every one of Nemesis' wild attacks, careful to note the spirit's terrible frustration and... anger. That's right, he thought, the angrier, the better! Nemesis was ready to throw another chi bolt, but she lowered her arm suddenly, as if hesitating. With her other arm Nemesis cradled her head. What's wrong with her? wondered Ranma. What's going on? "There is only ONE way to redeem yourself!" Lady Kuno declared. "You must GET RID OF NEMESIS!!" Warmage said nothing, standing on his own knees within Lady Kuno's mind. I can't believe it... I let her die! I let her REALLY die this time!! "YOU know what you must do!" insisted the woman. "What have I done?" the assassin whispered to himself, staring down at his hands. "I was supposed to look after her... she was still so green.... I protected her once, and I failed that now...." "There IS only one thing I can do," Warmage decided, standing to his feet. Lady Kuno smiled as Warmage's form vanished, most likely to confront Nemesis. She laughed, praising her own brilliance. "The fool," Shoto mused. "No one can resist the charms, the control, the POWER, I possess! Too bad that worthless son of mine, blind though he may be to devotion, never made it; ironic, that Kodachi made it instead. Perhaps she truly IS my daughter... hohohohoho!!" At that moment, Lady Kuno felt a sense of... release? Either way, it was exactly what she was waiting for. "No one," she declared, "can ever control ME!" Unfortunately, as soon as she finished that thought, Shoto's attentions were distracted by the forced feeding of a knuckle sandwich. The moment of hesitation was all that was necessary for Ranma to throw his fists, vengeance behind each and every blow, at the woman's face. "Damn you, and everything!!" he cried in fury. "It's YOUR GODDAMN FAULT!!!" And yet, Nemesis did not fight back. Ceasing his flurry of punches, Ranma stepped back, watching in surprise as the life seemed to drain from Nemesis' face. Without warning, without ceremony, she crumpled down to the floor limply. Both Ryoga and Kodachi forced themselves to their feet, staring at Ranma and Nemesis in surprise. "," whispered Ryoga. "What'd we miss?" "R...Ranma?!" Kodachi gasped in surprise. "Impossible!!" Ranma said nothing. He stared down at Nemesis, a defenseless Nemesis! Then, there's only one other thing to do: finish it. He reached for Ukyo's sai, grasping it in both hands. Carefully, as if in ceremony, Ranma flipped the blade downward, aiming carefully for the heart. Poetic Justice, Ucchan! "And now, we end this!" Ranma cried, thrusting the sai downward with all his heart and soul. "RAAAANMAAAAAA!!!" both Kodachi and Ryoga shouted. CLANK!!! Stunned in surprise, Ranma's eyes focused on the blade that caught the sai between two of its heads. "Merciless cur," spat the owner of the blade. "You would dare to strike a woman... a woman yet defenseless!" All eyes focused on the newcomer. Dressed in a kendo practice uniform, the man was drenched from head to foot. He held the long, metal blade in both hands, which remained relatively dry, except for the fact that the man's drenched arms soaked it. Hanging from his side, opposite that of the empty sheath, was a clear, plastic coffee pot, filled to the brim with water. Yet, despite the wet look, a brilliant, orange flame outlined the swordsman's form, a terrible illusion of one who walked from beyond Hell itself. If one could stare hard enough, one could almost make out the piercing, devilish eyes of the legendary phoenix. "There is MUCH to answer for, Saotome!" the swordsman decreed, spitting at the last word. "To the depths of Hell for you, to threaten my beloved flesh and blood." "T...Tacchi..." Kodachi whispered in shock. "You may have won the battle, but the war will go on!" --Hordak, He-Man * * * * * Positive (Ukyo) (Ukyo) What should I do? As it is, my love is amounts to nothing. I love you too much...... Just a feeling that we can't be together, An image of running after you as you meet someone else. I waste energy walking back and forth. Please, somebody tell me "You'll be all right" Because just having the ability to be happy is enough. The key that opens the future is just positive thoughts! Although my head understands, my heart is confused. Worn out by distress, I dozed off, and heard a gentle voice in my ear, Maybe it's my true self. For the first time, I met someone to love. It can't end this easily! I always tell myself "You'll be all right" No matter what he does, I'll maintain my own pace. The key that opens the future is happily here now. Someday everything I imagined will come true! * * * * * Part 5: Ranma and Ukyo-- The Wheel of Fire "You can't turn away from death simply because you're afraid of what might happen without you. That's not enough. You're not embracing life, you're fleeing death. So you're caught in between. Unable to go forward or backward. Your friends need what you can be when you are no longer afraid. When you know who you are, and why you are, and what you want.... When you are no longer looking for reasons to live... but can simply BE." -- Lorien, Babylon 5 "K... Kuno?!" Ranma exclaimed in surprise. "Indeed," Tatewaki Kuno snorted, his soaked body forming a puddle around him. Ranma edged his way farther from the fallen Lady Kuno, well aware that Kuno's wrath was directed at him in particular. "You just decided to show up NOW?!" The Kuno swordsman leveled the ancient, ancestral blade at Ranma steadily, flames dancing at the tip menacingly. Steam evacuated the damp blade, escaping the eternal heat of anger. "Surely, the waters under the earth should extinguish the fire, yet, the great Mother Earth refused me... again. I was left to fulfill my obligations-- I will protect my dear mother at all costs." "I thought you were honor-bound to protect me?" Ranma shouted out sarcastically, though he never believed it in the first place. "Mother has decreed it fit that you are the one to die, not she," Tatewaki replied, curving his lips into a knowing smile. "An invisible link, between Mother and Son, make them see eye-to-eye. Our hearts and minds are one. Trials by fire, trials forevermore, I will succeed! As an obedient son, I shall follow her instruction-- that is, to eliminate you." Ranma shrugged. "Whatever. Glad some things don't change." Sparing a glance over his shoulder, he shouted, "Kocchi!" Kodachi stepped up out of her shock. "Tacchi!" "Get Mother out of here," Tatewaki ordered. "Get her and yourself a far distance from this place. Take her home. I will deal with Ranma... myself!" Wordlessly, Kodachi nodded, realizing that this was one battle she could not participate in. Running to her mother's side, Kodachi gently ran her arms under her. With all her might, she lifted the fallen woman up in her arms. "Get out, NOW!" insisted the Kuno swordsman. Ryoga, all but forgotten to the others, shouted, "Hey, what about Nemesis?!" All three men watched Kodachi carry her unconscious mother toward the exit. "She could still wake!" "Follow her!" Ranma shouted. "Keep an eye on Kodachi! Stick with her!" Nodding, Ryoga rushed to catch up to Kodachi, leaving Ranma alone with Tatewaki Kuno. "No witnesses?" taunted Tatewaki. "Are you so proud that you would not allow Hibiki witness to your destruction?" "Can it, Kuno!" Ranma shouted back. "Let's finish this!" "'Cry Havoc!" recited the swordsman, "'and unleash the dogs of war!'" Tatewaki slashed downward, only to have his blade catch against another metal. Ranma, with his quick reflexes, drew the sai Ukyo had carried, catching Kuno's blade between two of the prongs, holding up the attack with his own strength. "You lower yourself," Tatewaki noted, "by using a weapon now!" "Look who's talking!" Ranma shot back. Drawing back his blade, the swordsman launched into a flurry of jabs, Ranma catching the blade with the sai with each attack, dodging only when possible in the small quarters of the ceremony chamber. Ranma grunted, realizing he was being forced backward by Kuno's furious attack. Worst of all, Kuno never ignited the Phoenix Sword. "Damn, shit!" he cried. There was only one way to finish this. "I am Tatewaki Kuno," he cried, refusing to let up on his terrible barrage. "I am Tatewaki Kuno no more, but Tatewaki Kuno reborn! I am here, now, to repay old promises. I am here, now, to release myself of your terrible spells, now and forever! I am bound upon a wheel of fire no more.... And you, Ranma Saotome, will not survive!" He's heating up! Ranma noted with elation. Just a little more, and it's to ORBIT with Kuno! Flames erupted around Tatewaki Kuno, around his sword and body. "Ah, Saotome! The sword, the mind, the heart, the body! They are all as one! I stab at thee!" Perfect! Raising his fist, focusing his cold chi, Ranma shouted, "Hiryu...." But a blast to the side knocked the martial artist from the spiral that would have carried Kuno to the ceiling above. A liquid force had slammed into him, a force that certainly could not have emerged from Kuno himself! "What...?" Tatewaki yelled in surprise, his eyes darting toward the attack's origin. "Tatewaki, leave," the newcomer commanded, in a flat, dark tone. Ranma shook his head, gathering the sai in his right hand. "Damn, that felt like...." Water? He stared down at himself, touching his chest meaningfully. No... breasts?! "Surprised, Ranma?" the newcomer said, guessing Ranma's thoughts. Turning attentions back to Tatewaki, "Leave, now. I will finish this." "This is MY battle!" protested the swordsman. Another energy bolt emerged from the newcomer, impacting before Tatewaki's feet in warning. "Don't force me to dispose of you as well! Take care of your mother; Hibiki is giving your sister trouble!" "What?!" Anger fueled the phoenix fires. Pointing his sword toward the fallen Ranma, Tatewaki shouted, "This is FAR from over between us, Ranma Saotome! I WILL be back!" Ranma's eyes followed Kuno's departure, then focused back on the newcomer who saved his life. "Th... thank--" "SILENCE!" boomed the newcomer. "Think, now, Saotome... how many do you know who wield the power of water so? The power of life and death! The Way-- which permeates everything, with no effort, no sense of doing!" It took little time for the answer to register in Ranma's mind. "U... Ukyo?!" Stepping closer, the newcomer, arms folded under her mantle, Ukyo Kuonji, bloodlust in her eyes, nodded. "Life is a series of twists and turns, Ranma. Unfortunately for you, your life is about to come to an abrupt end." Akane and Shampoo sat against the cliffside, staring down the dark passage that lead to the others. The Furinkan headmaster, still unconscious, lay flat on his back, staring up at the blue sky. Shampoo, however, kept her flamberge leveled at Akane. "Stop pointing that thing at me," demanded Akane. "I promise I won't go back down there." "Right," Shampoo snorted. "How stupid you think I am?" "What makes you say that?" asked Akane. "Love make people do strange things," the Chinese Amazon explained. "You go back moment I blink!" "Since when did you become Ranma's right-hand girl?" "Akane, you may not know, but Ranma too important for what I want." "Why?" "Time come when Great-grandmother need him." "It all goes back to that, doesn't it?" Together, in tense silence, both girls watched the dark tunnel. And waited. "It's all over," Ukyo muttered quietly. Her footsteps echoed loudly throughout the Orochi ceremonial chamber, a threatening gesture toward Ranma Saotome, who had his back against the wall. "Ukyo..." Ranma said, confused, "you're... you're alive!" "I AM alive, but Ukyo, I may not be, fool," replied Ukyo. She extended her right arm outward, palm open. Ranma felt his right hand being pulled at. He then realized that she was tugging at the sai, but by the time that thought was finished the tri-pronged weapon was already flying toward Ukyo's outstretched hand. "So, big deal," Ranma muttered. "What're you going to do with that, wave it in the air and chant 'Magic Fork Power, Make-up?!'" "What do you take this for, a magical girls show?" Ukyo replied, with the same level of sarcasm. The dragon pattern on the central prong seemed to glow. Ukyo held the sai horizontally. Ranma heard a loud CLICK! He watched in surprise and wonderment, as the handle of the sai extended, a black pole seemingly growing from within the weapon. The extending pole ended abruptly at about the length of a fighting staff. Then it dawned upon him. "S... Seiryu!" he cried. Seiryu laughed, spinning the sai-turned-trident before her like an oversized baton. "Figured it out, didja? I knew you were suspicious when I saw you recognized the dragon pattern. One does not live long without being prepared-- I designed this trident myself, you know." "H... how did you survive?!" stammered the young Saotome. "I thought all that was left of you was a programmed memory in my head." "And where is that now?" queried Seiryu, pointing the trident toward Ranma. She sighed. "I gave you too much credit. The girl always thought you were smarter, but I know better than that. When you defeated me months ago, not only did I store my memories in your puny head, I transferred my ENTIRE personality!" "You lied!" he accused her. "You lied to me!" "I simply didn't reveal the whole truth!" the woman insisted. "The Orochis gave me that valuable lesson. They taught me much." "When Ashinzo invaded your mind a few weeks ago, I was granted the unique opportunity to remove myself from your person. It served a dual purpose: one, to get myself away from you, and two, to give me the opportunity to make myself." "You jumped into Ukyo." "She never realized my true intentions, of course. That's simply due to the fact that this incarnation thinks the same way she does, and I act accordingly. I was not only grooming her to become myself, but I was also preparing her for this battle. I did not expect her to do what she did, however. It doesn't matter; she never would've gone along with the love plan anyway. I believe it worked quite well, don't you think?" "You must be the one...." "Yes. I'm the one who gave you those 'feelings' for Ukyo. It utilized yet another Orochi technique: using what already exists to your advantage. Ukyo was right; I merely supplanted your feelings for Akane and inserted Ukyo instead. The old switcher. It's MUCH more difficult to manufacture new thoughts." "W...why?! What do you have to gain from that?" "The worst form of torture," Seiryu answered simply. "Your heart may lie with Akane, but you also have a place for Ukyo. Not a high one, I know-- I sifted through your brain, too-- but high enough. You two could have had something, IF there were no Akane." "It's done, live with it," Ranma spat in contempt. It was only worse, the fact that Seiryu was using Ukyo's dead body to live again. "Oh, but I have. I've had well over forty years to 'get over it,' Ranma. Too bad for you, you've only had but a fraction of that to realize I'm a better actor than you thought." "I may SAY I do not wish to harm you. However, my goal has, and always will be, to destroy you. With these unique circumstances, I have been granted the life... the body! in order to complete my mission!" "Couldn't you have let Kuno do that?" "And allow my husband to die a second time? I think not!" "'Husband?!'" Ranma exclaimed in surprise. "Kuno was your husband?!" "I loved him," Seiryu mused. "I loved him, and he loved me, but never as much as he did his little sister! I knew it then, I know it now. My husband is dead; Ukyo is dead; however, Tatewaki Kuno still lives now. Kodachi must never suffer the loss of her brother!!" "How noble of you," Ranma remarked sarcastically. "I remember now, that you and Kodachi were such close-close buddies back then, right? She'll never know, you know." "Doesn't matter," replied Seiryu, shrugging. "Kodachi died, too. Everybody I knew and loved died: Akane, Tatewaki, Kodachi, Mousse, Ryoga, Konatsu, Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu... all of them, and more! leaving only me-- the survivor! Even in this timeline, I survived the death of Ukyo! With the previous loss of my own body, I have, in effect, been granted a new life! A new, young, wonderful life, one which Nemesis will NEVER touch!" "But Nemesis still lives in Kuno's mom!" "Nemesis is gone, fool! Ashinzo sacrificed his life to banish him; how else did you think you defeated him so easily?" "Why would Ashinzo do that?" Ranma asked, confused. "Because his beloved 'Kei' told him to, of course. He couldn't stand the thought that he really did kill Ukyo, if indirectly. He had help, of course, from the Lady-- she's quite strong-willed. Did you ever stop to think that this was why you won? I suppose not! Again, I give you too much credit!" Ranma shook his head. Getting up to his feet, he said, "That doesn't matter anymore-- what DOES, is why you're still going to kill me. You had to have the reversal jewel last time to do it!" "Very simple fact: long ago, when Nemesis invaded your body, your lucid moments were becoming far and few. You, as with the Lady, had an incredible will, but not one that could keep Nemesis at bay forever. In your last moments of existence, before Nemesis totally eradicated your personality, you made me promise one thing." "And you try to keep your promises...." Ranma had a fair idea where this was leading up to, silently cursing himself-- or rather, his OTHER self-- for being such an inconsiderate jerk. Crashing waves seemed to dance in Seiryu's eyes as she laughed jovially. "That's right. You made me promise to kill you, no matter what it takes. I have survived the test of time; I have survived trials no man-- no one-- should ever have to face!" "Without the girl's feelings getting in the way, I need not Chinese trinkets to finish the job," she added. "Quite pleasant to rid myself of her... twice. Nice of her to leave this shell behind for me this time." Twice? Ranma wondered. Her left eye glowed a soft, pale blue, a grim beacon amidst the sea of the dark woman. "I am the survivor. I am the future. I am Seiryu, and you, Ranma, along with all the others before you, will die." "So nice of you to be consistent," Ranma replied, shaking his head in disgust. "Are you done yet? I'm sick and tired of having to stand through all've these ridiculous speeches." I'll get you, Ranma vowed. I'll get you, for everything... for trying to ruin me and Akane, and for desecrating the dead.... With surprising strength and energy, Kodachi ran, at top speed, toward the exit, her mother in her arms, and Ryoga Hibiki following close behind. She recognized the pink tears blotting the dark trap holes, thankful for her own foresight in the matter. "Someone's coming," warned Ryoga, coming to a halt. Kodachi halted in her tracks. "Who, Ranma, or Brother-dear?" Sure enough, Tatewaki Kuno rushed Ryoga, sword held high. "ANIMAL!!!" he cried. "Brother!" Kodachi shouted. Ryoga, unflinching, watched Tatewaki halt in his tracks. "That was a quick reflex." Breathing heavily, Tatewaki muttered, "Sister, you had better give me one good reason why I should not destroy this cur for threatening our dear mother!" Kodachi shook her head, lifting up Lady Kuno in her arms. "Stupid," she muttered, "what are you doing here?" "Ranma couldn't have lost THAT fast," Ryoga pointed out. "No," Tatewaki explained, "I have been tricked!" He slapped himself on the forehead. "I denied myself of striking down Saotome to yield to a stranger?!" "Forget about it!" Kodachi insisted. "Now that you're here, we must take Mother to safety." "She's right," Ryoga agreed. "Take care of your mother. We'll all go out together." "And what of Saotome?" asked the swordsman, looking hurt. "He can handle himself," the Eternally Lost Boy assured Kuno. "If he wins, you may get a chance yet." A stream of energy ran down the length of Seiryu's arms, running through the black pole of the trident, and split into three-- one for each head of the trident. As more chi poured into the trident's head, glowing balls formed at the ends of each prong, ever so slightly growing larger. "You looked down on weapons once," she told Ranma, seemingly without care. "You did, because you looked upon them merely as tools... but wrong, you were! Whereas I... look upon them as an extension of my body!" Ranma started running, just as Seiryu launched her deadly attacks. Like a gattling cannon, small bursts of chi bolts flew from each prong of the trident, bursting a trail behind the martial artist. "I didn't take the time to fashion this weapon for NOTHING!!!" she cried. A wild expression washed over Seiryu's features, her mouth barring teeth in maniacal laughter. Not willing to be outdone, instead of allowing the head of the trident to trail behind Ranma's path, Seiryu jerked the weapon at the predicted point where the wily martial artist would run TO. Ranma stopped in his tracks, just in time to avoid the new attack. He spared a glance at his opponent, momentarily shocked at her sudden change in expression. She's not letting me have time to think! he realized. She KNOWS better than that! No sooner had Ranma completed that thought a chi bolt splashed over his left foot, forcing him to keep moving. Seiryu screamed out in laughter. "I can go on forever!" she cried. "If I HAVE to, I'll wear you down. After that...." Unexpectedly, Ranma leaped straight at Seiryu. Momentarily caught by surprise at the desperate act, the woman leveled the trident back at her target, unleashing one large bolt. Ranma countered the attack with a chi bolt of his own, effectively canceling out the attack entirely. Leveling a deep kick, the martial artist was disappointed to only find air, as Seiryu sidestepped out of the way. Taking advantage of his brief opening, Seiryu plunged the trident, but Ranma dodged at the last moment. "STAND STILL!!!" demanded Seiryu in anger. "What's the matter?" taunted Ranma. "After all this time, I'm STILL too good for ya?" "I'll SHOW YOU how much BETTER I AM!!!" the woman countered. Releasing her left hand's grip on the trident, throwing her arms out in the air. "Ryu Sui... SHO-KEN!!" Ranma yelped in surprise, a column of water bursting from the ground around Seiryu. Staring at the column in dumbstruck awe, he realized there was something moving in the column. Two dark, ruby-red eyes peered at him from the center of the column of water. Then two more. And two more. And two more. Then, there were too many for Ranma to count, as he realized that this was the form of the attack. Rushing from the column, a serpent of pure water, eyes burning, burst forth, screaming and snapping at the martial artist. Ranma threw himself out of the way, watching as the dragon splashed harmlessly at the ground behind him. But, there was little time for respite, as more of the water dragons burst from the column. He screamed in pain as one of the water dragons crashed against his leg... allowing yet another to stab at his arm. Caught in a loop of pain, Ranma could not avoid any more of the water dragons... the chi-created creatures, working in teamwork, slammed against the martial artist with the terrible pounding force of water. All over his body Ranma felt as if each part were thrown into a swimming pool out of the top a high-rise tower window. Splashed silly by the chi-created water dragons, Ranma barely noticed that Seiryu's water column had died down. The wielder of the trident smiled to herself in satisfaction. "I have, after all, had over forty years to learn techniques myself, Ranma," Seiryu said with a sneer. "Izzat the best you can do...?" Ranma whispered, forcing himself back to his feet, despite the immense pain he was in. Seiryu shrugged. "If YOU insist...!" Ranma tried his best to force the pain out of the fore of his mind, but to no avail. At that moment, a jet of water, forming from beneath Ranma's feet, shot upward, sending more pain in the martial artist's direction. Seiryu, standing calmly, held her free hand outward, pale blue chi dancing about the palm. The intense force of the water spout shot Ranma up into the air... until he came face to face with the high ceiling of the ceremony chamber. The water spout pressed harder, sandwiching Ranma between itself and the ceiling. Ignore the pain, Ranma demanded of himself. She's not letting you think! What's the use? he wondered. Seiryu knows EXACTLY how to beat me! "The 'Heart of Ice' requires that you kill your emotions," echoed the words of Shampoo's Great-grandmother. Yet, at the mere thought of that, the pain seemed to lessen for the young martial artist. Then he realized that the water spout had ceased to exist, and he was now falling. Good! Ranma thought. A few seconds to think this through.... She knows everything about me, so I've.... At that moment, Ranma's back impacted against the hard floor, breaking his train of thought. "I COULD kill you THAT way," Seiryu taunted in a bored tone, "but that would be... less sporting?" Ranma groaned in pain, his ears barely telling him that the woman with the trident was getting closer. "You're missing something," said the voice of Pantyhose Taro from Ranma's dreams. Then... what is it? Tap, tap. "Should I savor the moment?" she asked herself. How does she do it? Ranma wondered. Stone-cold... just like the dark ocean depths.... Tap, tap. "Or, should I end it quickly?" Cold... as ice? "You must learn to put faith in your friends," echoed the voice of Chizuru Kagura, "otherwise you will lose your battles in the future." There IS something... but what is it?! Tap, tap. "Perhaps, even, punishment as likened to what you did to me?" she wondered, tracing a finger over her left eye, and down the cheek. I can't win if she stays that way... gotta mess her up.... Tap, tap. "Say, I'll take your left eye?" Yet, still... kill my emotions? Must I be what she is? Tap. Seiryu bent over Ranma's battered body. "How about that, hmm?" At that moment, the words of Johan, the American street fighter, popped up in the young Saotome's head: "I can still 'hear' the music in my head!" Despite numerous distractions, the dance man still maintained his focus.... That's IT!! "You lost all care," Ranma said. "This ain't about revenge... nor about keeping promises... it's about blind obligation. You don't care anymore. Heck, ya probably don't remember WHY you're fighting!" "This incarnation thinks the same way she does," echoed the words of Seiryu in Ranma's thoughts. Which means.... He added, "You're not even Ukyo, past, present, or future! She died when I pulled the jewel off her!" Seiryu stopped herself. "Of course I AM!" she stammered. "Fine, so I... I mean... NO!!! What are you talking about!?" It was that moment of hesitation that Ranma needed. And then, Seiryu's own words entered Ranma's mind: "You can't allow your preoccupation to consume you... listen to the sound of my voice...." And that voice, Ranma remembered, was.... Without hesitating, and with sudden energy, Ranma threw both his arms around Seiryu's neck, forcing her head downward. Without thinking, without hesitating... without will, Ranma Saotome forced Seiryu's lips to his own. Seiryu dropped her trident in surprise, her eyes widening in horrified shock. And, for the second time that day, Ranma kissed Ukyo. Letting go, Ranma slid away from the confused woman, a sudden burst of energy allowing him to get to his feet. Wiping her lips, Seiryu slowly stood up with the same shocked expression. She opened her mouth to say something, but the words would not come out. Bits and pieces of the puzzle fell into place as Ranma Saotome, revitalized with determination and resolve, stood ready. "Tell me... did YOUR Ranma ever do that to you?" Raising a fist in anger, Seiryu's shock turned to hatred. "You... you would DARE!!!!" Her battle aura exploded. Now, Ranma thought, let's see what happens when I don't let YOU think! For a moment, he thought about Akane... her gentle smile, her cute expressions.... Then, he thought about Ryoga, his longtime rival, his... friend. Seiryu projected several chi blasts at Ranma, who easily dodged out of the way. He also thought about the others: Mousse, Kuno, Ukyo, Kodachi... even Pantyhose Taro... then, there was nothing. Ranma shoved all thoughts of them out of his mind. They don't exist. Fuming with anger and frustration, Seiryu continued her mad attack. Banish all of them from your thoughts, Ranma told himself, and focus! "Kiss ME?!" screamed the woman. Nothing but the focus! he repeated to himself. * * * * * Heart Secret (Akane) (Akane) Stupid. [Stupid] You're just pretending to be cool. I hate you. [I hate you] I can do just as well without you. That's a lie! [That's a lie!] But I won't show you what's in my hand. Too bad. Sorry! * * * * * "BASTARD!!!" Seiryu fumed, generating a larger chi bolt in her palms. Ranma easily avoided that attack in turn, continuing his movement around his enemy, lost of thought, lost of feeling. Only the focus mattered. * * * * * Whenever I treat you coldly, my heart aches but until you become more serious, my lips, too, are kept secretly waiting. * * * * * "Forty years," seethed the possessor of Ukyo's body. "Forty years of studying you... will not go to waste!!" And yet, Ranma still failed to acknowledge her existence. Only the focus mattered, and everything was going according to plan. However, the martial artist had no time to congratulate himself... because, after all, only the focus mattered. Everything else was extraneous matter. * * * * * Heart [Heart] secret [secret] I won't give you the key for just gentleness. Love [Love] secret [secret] Solving the riddle depends on you. * * * * * And then, there was nothing. No, CONTINUE the focus!! Ranma demanded himself. Yet, it was done. Raising his fist, having completed tracing the spiral of the most deadly attack in his arsenal, Ranma shouted, "HIRYU SHOTEN HA!!!" Hot chi swelling about Seiryu mixed with the swirling cold chi of Ranma, creating the illusion of a dragon spiraling toward Heaven... a massive whirlwind ripped into existence, slamming against the ceiling of the ceremony chamber. A shower of rocks rained down upon the two occupants of the room, the technique drilling a hole up to the sky, earth notwithstanding. Yet, Seiryu had, at the last moment, managed to escape the spiral, although Ranma had little time to ponder why. "Pha-hah-hah-hah!" she laughed. "Gullible fool, did you believe I would fall for THAT?!" And still, Ranma kept his mind on his focus. The road to the end had already begun. * * * * * I'll Always Be There (Ranma) When you're lonely, when you're hurting, Don't feel sad by yourself. I'll always be there next to you. Just feel it. * * * * * Quickly, Ranma completed the trace of a second spiral, all the while sticking to his focus, never wavering. "What ARE you up to?!" demanded Seiryu, avoiding the second spiral, raising a barrier to protect herself from the rain of stones and gravel from above. "Your efforts are for NAUGHT!" And then, the third spiral had begun. * * * * * Strength is important, But tears are necessary, too. You can't do anything, With a cold heart You can't feel anything at all. * * * * * "HIRYU SHOTEN HA!!" yelled Ranma, completing the third spiral, and initiating the fourth. Seiryu's eyes followed Ranma, staring as if she looked upon a madman. Death glowed in her eyes as she raised her palms in the air, watching for Ranma's next pass. "You merely delay the inevitable!" she screamed with rage, firing off several blasts which cleanly missed the martial artist. * * * * * Why do people always hide their true feelings? The things you can do, the things you want to do, Are best taken one step at a time. * * * * * And then, the fourth spiral was complete. Throwing his fist in the air, cold chi and hot chi mixed, for one final time. Ranma shouted, "HIRYU SHOTEN HA... FINAL ATTACK!!!" Just as suddenly as the previous three, the fourth, and final, whirlwind burst to life. It was then Seiryu realized what Ranma had done. And she was standing right in the middle of it. She stared out at Ranma in complete rage. "DAMN YOU!!!" she screamed, raising both her arms toward Ranma, as if beckoning him to come toward her. "If I'm going...!" It was then Ranma felt as if someone pushed him into the whirlwind storm. * * * * * You never followed an ordinary program, And that's the reason I love you. I'll follow you anywhere. I'll never, ever let you go! * * * * * It was then Ranma's focus slipped into nothingness. It was then Ranma realized he was being thrown up into the air, along with Seiryu, who struggled to maintain her personal air barrier. And, it was clear that she was losing. Ranma screamed in pain as the monstrous gale forces of the attack's whirlwinds ripped at his body. While his cold chi would normally have helped prevent Ranma from getting hurt, the forces of nature were now at work-- it was beyond mere aura. Old Cologne once said that the Hiryu Shoten Ha, at full strength, could potentially put the target at near death. If one whirlwind could do that, then two should be more than enough to kill. And three, then four... probably be vaporized.... Ukyo, I'm REALLY sorry I had to desecrate your body like this.... "At least it would save on cremation," Ranma thought Ukyo would say. "Welcome to Hell!!" Seiryu yelled, laughing in triumph. "We'll go down... or should I say... UP, together!" No, Ranma thought, don't try to force your way down! At that moment, shattering like glass, Seiryu's barrier collapsed, exposing the woman to the violent storm of nature. She screamed. The martial artist stared upward, realizing for the first time that the four whirlwinds had already burst through to the surface.... The rays of the sun beat downward against the dark contrast of the earth. That's it! he decided. The only way to get out is... UP!! Trying his best at straightening himself in mid-air, Ranma threw his arms at his sides, decreasing his bodily surface area-- and thus, air resistance. Quickly, the martial artist shot upward, faster than ever before, allowing the winds to catapult him all the way to the skies above, leaving Seiryu behind in her pain. Streams of pure energy ripped from her body, zooming past Ranma much quicker than his own ascent. He winced in pain as one stream ran through him, but Ranma ignored the pain. "Damn you, Saotome!" Seiryu screamed, howling in pain. "I WILL HAUNT YOU!!! I'LL HAUNT YOU UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE!!!!" And STAY dead, Ranma thought, leaving the enemy inside Ukyo's body behind to die. NOW who's the survivor? He traveled faster than a bullet, rocketing through the four whirlwinds, ignoring the pain each ripped into him. He thought about nothing... focusing on nothing, remembering nothing, becoming nothing. There was only the force of violent nature around him. And then, Ranma Saotome shot through beyond the heads of the four whirlwinds, and up into the stratosphere. All too soon, he peaked in his ascent. Ranma stared downward at the land below: a giant's version of a model country, he thought. He passed next to a swift-moving cloud, barely feeling the moisture of the floating cream-puff. Wow... this beats being in an airplane.... None of that mattered, because the young Saotome was now heading straight down. Great, he thought, now that I'm out, NOW WHAT?! Throwing his arms about wildly, trying his best to increase his air resistance, Ranma fervently ran through his mind, searching for a way to survive a fall at who-knows-how-high. The land was getting much too large in Ranma's eyes for his tastes at the moment. Why didn't the old bag tell me how to get down?! "What's that?!" Akane shouted, pointing at the four columns of whirlwinds bursting at the top of the cliffs. "Probably Ranma's doing," Ryoga said, folding his arms. The thing is, what the hell was that idiot doing?! he thought. Kodachi stared up in the sky, squinting her eyes. A small shape caught her attention. Turning to her brother, she asked, "Tell me, is it me, or is that Ranma?" Tatewaki walked to Kodachi's side, staring to where the girl was pointing to in the sky. "Hmph," he snorted. "It would be so proper if he were to suffer such a fate." "Looks like getting larger," Shampoo noted, catching the falling martial artist in her eyes. "Falling?!" Akane yelled. "From THAT height?!" Ranma did not know if it was better to impact with the ground, or with the ocean. Either way, most of his bones would probably break. There's GOT to be something I'm missing! he thought fervently. I did NOT come all this way to become a... pancake! For a moment, he thought he could make out the others, standing close toward the cliff's edge. They, too, were getting larger. And Akane would have the nightmare of watching me fall to my doom. Suddenly, several objects caught his eye. Several PINK objects, to be precise, and they were getting larger. Much larger, at a speed much quicker than the people and scenery. Then, the sticky tears of Kodachi's ribbon artifact impacted against Ranma's body, coating him in a chewing gum-like film. Losing sensation, for the sticky tears blocked his vision and ears, Ranma only felt more of the pink projectiles collide against his body, both wishing he knew what Kodachi was doing, and that no one was looking at him-- a sorry hope at best. And then, something stopped his fall. Ranma knew he had not hit the ground, but he knew he was being suspended in the air. Something was holding him in the air. With that thought complete, the martial artist felt his body being jerked upward. THEN the impact with the ground came, although it was not nearly as bad as Ranma thought it would be. "Ranma!" he heard Akane shout. "RANMA!!" Struggling to speak, Ranma wanted to say, "I'm all right," but, his lips bound shut by the sticky tears, compounded with the fact that he was facing downward, made his voice inaudible. Yet, the fact that he could hear was a GOOD thing. Slowly, Ranma felt the sticky tears dissolving into nothingness. He turned himself over and stared toward the sky. However, multiple heads blocked his view, shadows casting over him. "Is it... over?" Ranma asked rhetorically. "I hope you appreciate that I spared you a dunk of death," Kodachi said, stifling a chuckle. "Still, it was worth your expression...." "What happened?" asked Ryoga. "What'd you do?" asked Akane, pushing more emphasis into her words. Ranma shook his head. "D'you all mind? It's hurtin' ALL over...." Kodachi's eyes turned to the others. "You heard the man. The patient wants room...." "Why shan't I end his misery?" Kuno protested. "To what end shall we allow this murderer to live?" "Ranma not kill anyone," Shampoo pointed out. "Try, not do." "Either way," Ryoga said, "what'll we do about Nemesis?" Ranma wanted to say something, but another voice beat him to it. "It... is... over." All heads turned toward Lady Kuno, laying against the cliffside, forgotten with Ranma's arrival. She sported several bruises on her face, each of which were dressed and bandaged with Kodachi's careful hands. The elder Kuno's eyes struggled to open. "Mother," Tatewaki whispered, rushing to her side, "do not speak." "Shut up," Shoto Kuno said. "I... beat them." All but Ranma and Tatewaki stared at the woman in surprise. "Where is... Daichi?" the Lady asked. Tatewaki pointed a finger at the still-unconscious Headmaster Kuno. Lifting the coffee pot filled with cool water, he said, "Drink, and rest, Mother." "About time you got here... Son," she whispered. Ryoga watched the two Kunos in puzzlement. Turning back to the others, he said, "So, now that Nemesis is gone, what'll we do? Is that it?" Shampoo shook her head. "I think we miss something." "Yeah," agreed Akane. Staring down at Ranma, she asked, "Where's Ukyo?" Ranma groaned inwardly, suddenly remembering... that. "She's...." A startled squawk from Shampoo caught the others' attentions. The Chinese Amazon stared down at her left leg in surprise, finding it bound tight by several turns of wire. "No-no-no," a voice yelled. "You'vall got it ALLLLL wrong!" Eyes following the path of the wire, Ranma realized they lead straight back into the cavern. One lone figure stepped out into the light. He dressed in heavy, dark robes, covered in several layers of dust and dirt. Due to his short stature, the robes appeared twice as large on the newcomer. He smiled with a toothy grin, bloodshot eyes, and wild, unkempt hair. "Shit," Ranma cursed, "forgot about you." Several more wires lashed out at Shampoo, binding her arms together. "The flesh does as it's told!" sneered Strand, raising the Chinese Amazon in the air. "I will win, because you can't beat what is already DEAD!!!" Suddenly, Ryoga screamed in pain, clutching the back of his neck. Blood burst like a geyser, forcing those standing behind him back. He staggered to his knees, just as something shimmered next to him. In a bright flash of light, where there was no one before, there was another man, dressed in the flowing robes of a Shinto priest, waving a pair of feather fans in his hands. "You!!" Akane cried in shock. "Ah, Big Brother!!" Strand cried out with delight. "'Big Brother?!'" the others echoed in surprise, staring at Shifter. "That one is not for you, Akutare," Shifter said flatly. "She is ONLY FOR ME!!!" the Orochi assassin screamed in protest. "I WILL have my pleasures satisfied!!" "Somebody," ordered the wizard, "get him off the ground!!" Tatewaki's eyes raced from Shifter to the coffee pot he held in his hand, then to his sheathed sword. "Hmph," he muttered, "I have a much BETTER idea...." "Are you thinking of splashing him?!" Kodachi wondered. "What do you expect to do, melt him?" "That's IT!!!" Ranma cried, understanding exactly what the ancient man had in mind. Ranma got up to his feet in a flash, just as he noticed the short man's fingers with electrical power dancing about. "Shampoo!!!" he yelled. "FRY!!!" Strand cried. "FRY, FRY, FRY, FRY!!!!!" As Strand laughed maniacally, Shifter quickly snatched the coffee pot from Tatewaki's hand. Without hesitating, he threw the pot of cold water into the air. At the same moment, electricity shot through the wires in Strand's fingers. It was then that Ranma kicked the Orochi assassin into the air. It was then that the coffee pot's contents spilled on Shampoo, leaving the coiled wires with nothing but clothes to hold as a small cat fell through. It was then that Strand got the nastiest shock of his life. Electrical power ran through the length of the wire, turning about at the loops where Shampoo had once been, and came back. "VVVVAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" the assassin screamed. "What's happening?!" Akane asked. Ranma stared up at the sky at his handiwork. "The little creep is getting a taste of his own medicine." "A wire offers the path of least resistance," explained Tatewaki. "Normally, there would be a human body there... a repository of great resistance. The only such resistance now exists within himself." "Resistors absorb power," Akane remembered. "So he's absorbing his own power?" "The power may come from within himself," added Kodachi, "but by having his wires joined together like that, he is forming a complete circuit by himself. There is no other place for the current to go." "Since he's in such shock," Ranma continued, "he can't let go... or stop it, for that matter." "And thus," finished Shifter, "without his feet standing on the dirt to ground him, he fries himself." All gathered shielded their eyes as the electrical display ended in one final burst. As soon as their eyes recovered from the sudden burst, all that could be seen was a rain of dust and wires, still alive with electrical power, as if the circuit were still complete. "And so ends the unlife of Akutare Furui, User of Lightning," concluded Higure. "Why didn't you tell us HE was your brother?!" demanded Ranma, waving his fist at the Shinto wizard. "You said he was DEAD!!" "He WAS," Higure pointed out. "Ashinzo reanimated his corpse and bound his soul to his body. Undead, if you will. A freak of nature. Not even alive. I thank you for helping put his soul to rest." Ranma shook his head. "Right...." The former Orochi assassin turned toward Lady Kuno. "I trust you are well, My Lady?" Despite her weariness, she nodded. "Thank you." Higure then faced Ryoga. "Sorry about that." Ryoga eyed the wizard suspiciously, staring at the blood on his hands. "That REALLY hurt...." Then, turning to Ranma, Higure asked, "I, as the others, are curious as to what happened to the other girl, Ukyo." "Yes," agreed Kodachi, picking up the cat that was Shampoo. "Tell us." Ranma eyed the cat with worried eyes, taking several steps back. "RANMA," Akane said, "what happened to her?" Sighing, Ranma allowed himself to remember. "She's dead." "The Orochi Assassins have been demolished," a masculine voice said. "Ashinzo Kusanagi," spat another man, "was a fool. Higure Furui was a traitor. We need them not among our ranks." "Very true," agreed the first man. "It appears, however, that we must continue, despite Nemesis' failure. The Orochi has waited for nearly two-thousand years for this time to come, and we will succeed." "To that end," voiced a female, speaking for the first time, "we are going to place you in charge of the Cult of Orochi from this point onward." The second man was taken aback with surprise. "Me?" "You will serve in a better capacity than your predecessor, Monk Reaver, User of Magma," the first man decreed, "or suffer his fate." Reaver, Orochi assassin, smiled with glee. "There will be no petty revenge, nor strife, among our ranks. We will rebuild the Eight Assassins, and we will remember our true goal." "We shall never be stopped!" the assassin declared. "This all that left," Shampoo said, raising the trident up in the air for all to see. "Nothing else left down there." The gang stood gathered around Shampoo, Higure, and Tatewaki, the ones who volunteered to reenter the smashed underground compound to look for Ukyo's body. The etched dragon on the central prong sat there coldly, without the life of its own Ranma used to recognize before. "If it is as you said," Higure said to Ranma, "then there should be nothing TO find." "Yeah, figured that," Ranma replied, lowering his head. "A shame, really." "We didn't find anything out here, either. If she were still alive to know what I did to her body, she'd kill me." "Don't blame yourself, Ranma," Akane said. "She wanted you to live, remember? So do we. I don't think she'd mind." "Do you?" her husband said suddenly, staring at Akane incredulously. "What makes you think YOU know what she thinks?! I DIDN'T even know." Akane could not think of a reply, but Shampoo shouted, "You NOT talk stupid, Ranma! Spatula-girl dead, and stay dead!! You so weak you would mourn all eternity!" "Well, THAT was tactful," snorted Kodachi, folding her arms. "That's right..." Ranma muttered, "you're the one who does the KILLING!!" He jabbed a finger into Shampoo's chest. "YOU don't care that you killed Mousse!!" "Killed?" echoed Akane, Kodachi, Ryoga, and Tatewaki, in surprise. Higure shook his head. "Perhaps I had best leave." Silently, the Shinto wizard walked away, leaving the squabbling teens behind. Time... flows like a river. The pendulum swings back and forth. It rocks to one side... then swings to the other... always passing the middle. Over time the pendulum slows its pace as it swings back and forth, gently, slowly, steadily coming to a stop. Time flows like a river... and history repeats. In the minds of a mortal... such as humanity... time can stretch to infinity... boggling the mind. To humanity, time is eternal. To humanity, time is beyond their understanding. To humanity... time is a passing beyond reckoning. To humanity, love is eternal. To kami, time is a finite, transient value. To Orochi, who had nearly eighteen-thousand years to contemplate his existence, time was the annoyance that reminded him that he could not walk the earth. The pendulum reached its peak swing in the direction opposite the eight-headed serpent, but now it was coming back. This time, the swing was much quicker than before. And soon, the pendulum would be at his side again. There was every reason to be excited; the Kami Plane was a bleak, monotonous world. Earth was so... delicate, in motion... transient... and beautiful. That same transience, however, allowed humanity to threaten Earth's delicacy... that same transience will allow the kami to reclaim Earth's former splendor at the cost of human blood. Susano-O would never appreciate that... but Orochi hardly cared. Let the bastard support humanity in its dangerous wiles; he, along with the other human-loving spawn, will be swept aside by the aligned peoples. When humanity is destroyed, only the true shall survive. Time flows like a river, and history repeats... but beyond, there be a falls. He knew it would be his last, best chance. He knew that neither he nor his enemy would appreciate the falls. He knew, when the time came, he would be powerless to stop them. But, Earth must have a future. The pendulum swings lower as time passes. And yet, the end of time was near. Time flows like a river, and history repeats, but beyond, there be a falls... and only the strong survive. "Ah, Shampoo," Cologne said in greeting, "I'm glad to see you have returned." Shampoo said nothing as she entered the restaurant that served as her home for the past year, using Seiryu's trident as a walking staff, leaning against it wearily. "Child," the old matriarch asked, "where is the second of the pair of weapons I bestowed upon you?" Again, the Chinese Amazon said nothing, barely remembering that she left it stuck in Mousse's back. For a moment, she wondered if the police have the weapon... probably as some kind of evidence. Shampoo cursed herself silently, glad that she was going to leave the country at the end of the week. "Nothing to say?" Cologne persisted, as Shampoo plodded past her. "Well... that weapon was an heirloom. You will be punished." "I don't care," the younger woman answered in her native tongue. "I think you should," the old woman insisted, switching to Chinese. "Because...." Shampoo's eyes widened in surprise as Cologne produced the second of the pair of flamberge. "...there MUST be a reason why I have it!" Cologne finished. Shampoo's mind raced in panic, fervently wondering if the old matriarch figured out what happened. "G... Great-grandmother!" Cologne shook her head. "Not this time, Child." Realizing the meaning, the Chinese Amazon, discarding the trident, quickly dashed up the stairs. Stomping her way through the hallways, Shampoo stopped at the entrance to the attic-- Mousse's room-- and pushed her way in, through the door. Lying in the middle of the attic, in a seemingly-comfortable futon, was the Master of Hidden Weapons, his thick-lens glasses lying folded at his side, a heavy blanket thrown over him. He was obviously still breathing, but he was also asleep. And helpless. Burning with anger and shock, Shampoo unsheathed her remaining flamberge, intent on finishing her work. "That's enough!" commanded Cologne from behind Shampoo. Shampoo stood over Mousse, frozen as a statue, at her great- grandmother's command, sweat dripping down her face. He was helpless, down there, she knew. Totally at her mercy. And yet, years of Chinese Amazon conditioning forced her to stop. "I found him last night," the matriarch explained, "crumpled, and helpless, at the step of the door. It was obvious he was bleeding to death... WAS. For someone bound his wounds and left him to be found by me." Cologne raised her flamberge in emphasis. "THIS, was found next to him." That's not possible! Shampoo shouted in a mental scream. Who could have helped him?! "By the looks of it, the Traitor's Death Blow," Cologne said simply. "There are very few in Nerima who know such a strike: you, those twins, Mousse, and myself. And, I entrusted this weapon to you." Shampoo said nothing in her defense, lowering her flamberge in defeat. "When I gave you instruction to protect Ranma at all costs, none of it said you could dispose of Mousse. You know as well as I we need all the help we can get, and you destroyed one of them." Moving to Mousse's side, Cologne continued, "He will survive, but he is not fit to travel. Not only that, but the death blow damaged several nerves in his spine; Mousse has great difficulty moving, and, in the worst case, he'll never walk, write, or fight, again. At this point, he is WORSE than dead." "Finish him, then," Shampoo said contemptuously. Cologne shook her head. "Which brings us to YOUR punishment, Child. Once before, I took you to Jusenkyo as punishment for returning home without Ranma. This time, however... I will not be as lenient." As if Jusenkyo was lenient, the Chinese Amazon thought bitterly. "We will return home to China," continued the matriarch, "but you, Child, will remain behind." "What?!" Shampoo cried out in surprise. "You will remain in Japan with Mousse. You will take care of him, by waiting on him hand and foot, as his slave, until he recovers. IF he recovers, because, if I'm not mistaken, Mousse would prefer to end his misery, but you are not to give him that luxury. When and if he recovers, THEN you may return home to China. I therefore invoke the punishment of the Eternal Destiny Bond; if he dies, you will never see home again." Shampoo bit back her tears. "The Elders will not tolerate that!" she cried out defiantly. "You said so yourself, we needed all the help we can get! What about me?!" "Hmph," Cologne responded. "They will approve, because I SAID so. Despite what you think, you are still a child, and while you may be a warrior, you are in no position of power. As such, you cannot defy the wishes of your elders. Until then, if we ever see you anywhere near home, the tribe will have authorization to hunt you down. You will be dispatched the same way you attempted with Mousse. Do you understand?" For a moment, Shampoo wanted to kill Mousse. HE was the cause of the problems in the first place, he SHOULD die!! Yet, she did want to return home. The younger Chinese Amazon knew that to defy her great-grandmother now would spell her own disaster; the old one never did play favorites in matters of the tribe. And thus, her threat may very well be serious-- both of them. Nodding slowly, Shampoo said dejectedly, "Yes, Great-grandmother." The Next Day Tatewaki Kuno stopped long enough in the doorway to note that his sister was busying herself with scrubbing laundry. Curious, he stepped outside, into the yard, where Kodachi sat busy, back turned, next to a wooden tub of soapy water. "Pray tell, what are you doing?" he asked. Kodachi jumped in surprise, throwing a toothbrush in the air. Turning around angrily, she cried, "What does it LOOK like, you idiot?!" Tatewaki shook his head, pointing to the white smock his sister was holding. "Is there a specific reason why you must do this yourself?" Picking up her discarded toothbrush, Kodachi continued scrubbing the stain she was working on. "I need to keep busy. There is no time to think of Mother's recovery at this time!" "She is fine, thank you very much," her brother said. "Resting, if you will, in her former bed, in her former room." Tatewaki sighed heavily. "I cannot imagine living with her, after all these years." "I could care less how you feel!" Kodachi snarled, although both Kunos knew she did not mean it. Scrubbing hard, she added, "Beside that, why should you care if these stains refuse to depart?!" "If you insist on staying alone, then that is what you shall receive, then," Tatewaki decided, striding off. Kodachi shook her head. Damn blood stains. "Mistress Kodachi?" Once again, the toothbrush was sent into orbit. "SASUKE!!" she screamed. "What now?!" The diminutive man bent low. "Forgive me, Mistress!" he whimpered. "But there is a young lady who wishes to see you." "Kodachi?" Kodachi jumped, noticing for the first time that Sasuke had taken the liberty of letting this woman inside. Before venom reached her lips, the gymnast recognized this woman, and all thoughts of feeding Sasuke to the alligator were forgotten. "Chika," Kodachi said, forcing elation into her voice. The newcomer was attired in Western-style clothes, her long, dark hair thrown back, cascading down her back. Chika was a fellow student at St. Hebereke, who wished to study film production. Kodachi remembered first meeting her during cooking class-- she was a mediocre cook, but she was very good at what she did. In fact, the last time Kodachi retained her for service was to doctor a series of photographs depicting Tatewaki and his 'pig-tailed girl.' She did a fine job indeed. Which was probably why she was here today, Kodachi thought. She must have found out something important. Sasuke risked a glance at Kodachi's face. "She insisted!" "It would have to be important?" she guessed. Chika nodded, a worried expression on her face. "Remember how you said you wanted me to keep tabs on what the Board was doing?" Kodachi nodded impatiently. "I know that; do not waste words." "Sorry," the other girl replied. "Anyway, earlier this morning there was a secret meeting, called by Mr. Nakamura, I think. Well, they've finally done it." "Done WHAT?!" Kodachi screamed, anticipating the answer she dreaded to hear. "Starting this year," Chika recited from memory, "all girls attending St. Hebereke school must, by order of the Board of Advisors, and the founders of the St. Hebereke Church, convert to the faith, or face expulsion." Sasuke gasped, understanding fully the implications. Kodachi fumed with anger, tossing the stained smock in the wash tub. "You," she warned, "do NOT want to be in my presence when the news sinks all the way in...." "There's more," Chika cried, stepping back from her angry friend. "I not only got the audio of the meeting, but also the video! There's someone there, the instigator, who you should know about!" "WHO?!!" Kodachi demanded, her booming presence shaking the wash tub. Bursting out in tears from fright, Chika blurted, "ASUKA!!!" Chika flinched, expecting Kodachi to explode. But, all that passed was silence. Kodachi Kuno stood, feet spread, arms at her sides, staring at Chika, a glazed look over her eyes. Sasuke tugged at Kodachi's skirt, the young Kuno seemingly oblivious to the world around her. "Mistress Kodachi?" he whispered. "Asuka," Kodachi repeated to herself, in a barely audible tone. "Kodachi," Chika stammered, "I'm... sorry." "Asuka...." "For what it's worth, it affects me, too." "Asuka...!" "I mean, it'll affect ALL of us, somehow...." "ASSSSSSUUKKKKKAAAAA!!!" Kodachi screamed. "Kodachi...." Chika said, trying to find something of comfort to say. Unexpectedly, tears blinding her eyes, Kodachi ran toward the wall at the end of the yard, and vaulted over in one startling leap. Shampoo finished breakfast just as Ling-ling and Lung-lung, the twin Amazons, enter the closed restaurant. Behind them, the two dragged a large bell, almost as large as they were-- a bell Shampoo recognized, despite the numerous wards pasted on it. "What are you doing with that?" asked Shampoo in Chinese. Ling-ling looked up to her elder with contempt. "Cleaning up your messes." "We need to take back everything brought over here," added Lung- lung. "We spent all night trying to catch Bakeneko." The girl pointed toward the wards attached to the bell meaningfully. "If it weren't for the priests, he would've been too hard to catch and contain." Shampoo, seething with anger, grabbed Ling-ling by the throat. "Tell me the truth!!" she demanded. "DID YOU SAVE MOUSSE'S LIFE???" Ling-ling kicked Shampoo in the stomach, forcing the elder Amazon to release her hold. "Of course not!!" she answered. "What's wrong with YOU??!" The other girl whispered in her twin's ear. Ling-ling nodded, remembering what happened. "What, you think that because we stick around Mousse that WE did it?" "Who ELSE?!" demanded Shampoo in frustration. "There IS NO ONE ELSE!!!" "We're sorry about what happened," Lung-lung said. "But, you have no one to blame but yourself. In the meantime, we've still got to finish cleaning up." "YOUR messes," Ling-ling added with contempt. Screaming at the top of her lungs, Shampoo said, "THIS IS GOD'S FAULT!!" Despite being closed, Ranma entered Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, with the keys Ukyo had given him long before for emergencies. He almost expected Ukyo to be standing behind the grill, flipping several okonomiyaki on the grill. He almost expected the scent- stabbing smell of sizzling okonomiyaki to assail his nostrils. He almost expected the same smile. Almost. In a flash, Kenzan Konatsu appeared in the doorway leading to the back room, dressed in plain working clothes, a drastic change from his waitress uniform, Ranma noted. His hair hung loosely down his back, as if the kunoichi gave up tying his hair. "Ranma," greeted Konatsu, bowing despite himself. "How's it goin'?" Ranma replied noncommittally. Konatsu ran to the other side of the grill, offering Ranma a stool. "You don't look so well." Ranma accepted the seat, planting an elbow on the counter to prop his head up. He barely noticed the kunoichi taking his own seat. "Well," the young Saotome began, "I... I don't know what to do." "I told myself the same thing yesterday," Konatsu admitted, shaking his head. "But I remembered what Ukyo-sama told me long before, and I have to accept that and move on." "What'd she say?" Ranma asked, almost uncaring. "Death happens," the kunoichi answered dryly. "If not today, perhaps tomorrow... or the day after that.... But, when it does happen, you can't dwell on it, or let it consume you." Ranma shook his head, defeated. "Ain't gonna happen." "Ukyo-sama has kept me busy with her instructions," explained Konatsu. "Instructions she gave me in the event that she would not come back, one way or another." Quickly, the kunoichi produced a folded set of papers from within his shirt, and held them out for Ranma. "I admit, I wasn't supposed to look at these, but... I think you should see them, before I carry out Ukyo-sama's instructions." Taking the papers from Konatsu's hand, Ranma lazily scanned the headers of the pages. His eyes widened in surprise. The martial artist glanced at Konatsu, then back at the papers, before speaking. "These... these are Ukyo's adoption papers!" Ranma exclaimed. "How'd she get these?!" Konatsu nodded with a sigh. "She told me your mother gave them to her, telling her that she'd file them herself. Ukyo-sama gave them to me following Ryoga and Akari's wedding, and instructed me to guard them. Recently, as of about two weeks ago, Ukyo-sama gave me the rest of her instructions." Grabbing the papers from Ranma's hands, Konatsu finished, "I'm supposed to burn them." Ranma's jaw dropped in surprise, unsure what to think. "U... Ukyo did... what was she thinking?!" "She left her instructions in this note," the kunoichi volunteered, producing another paper for Ranma. The young Saotome accepted the paper, nodding to himself as he recognized Ukyo's handwriting. Ranma never noticed Konatsu lighting up a match as he read aloud: "Konatsu, you are to follow these instructions to the letter in the event that I can no longer return to you. I am truly sorry that I took advantage of you the day I took you in; however, I must ask you to do me this last favor before parting ways for good." Konatsu tossed the flaming adoption papers on the grill as Ranma continued. "Remember the papers I gave you back at the wedding? If, by the time you carry out these instructions, I have not come to a decision upon it, you are to assume that I have rejected Auntie Saotome's offer for adoption. I'm sure you've read them by now, even though you weren't supposed to... that's okay. In this event, you may wonder why I am doing this. Well, kid, I don't think circumventing an arranged marriage really works that way. Even though I know I can't marry Ranma, the arrangement still stands. My failure to marry him results in dishonor-- Auntie Saotome's suggestion was an attempt to rend the arrangement null in the first place. Yet... how CAN I ignore it? I simply can't live lying to myself; I'll always remember the arrangement, and I'll always remember what happened after Ranchan and his father ran out. It's something you just can't forget with any piece of paper. Therefore, you are to destroy the papers-- burn them, shred them, eat them... do whatever you like, but destroy them. I couldn't rest easy if Auntie Saotome figured out what I'd done and the papers still existed." "I'm proud Ukyo-sama trusted me so," Konatsu said proudly, the burning papers reduced to a pile of ashes. Ranma continued, "Secondly, you are to close down the restaurant." These words forced a shocked realization in Ranma's eyes. "If I'm not coming back, and I've left my restaurant open, then it has to be closed. There will be no Ucchan's Okonomiyaki without Ucchan. I want you to send my personal belongings to my father in Kyoto-- there should be more than enough money left in the safe... assuming someone didn't come and rob the place. After everything's been moved, you are to sell the restaurant, and use whatever money you get off it to make your own way in life... do whatever you want. I release you from servitude." "Thirdly, if they're still around, I want you to express my wishes to the following people." Ranma scratched his head, wondering already what Ukyo had in mind. Too impatient, he scanned down the list, running past many familiar names, until he came to the section he was looking for. "Akane-- I wrote down a couple recipes down in a book you'll find in the bottom drawer of my dresser... under the socks. Hopefully, if I wrote it right, an impatient cook like her can whip up a basic okonomiyaki... but I might be asking for too much. Anyway, in the best scenario Ranma will still enjoy my okonomiyaki." Ranma shook his head. Nobody can replace Ucchan's okonomiyaki. "Ranma-- if he doesn't take my abrupt leaving well, I want you to tell him this: 'Cherish those moments we had together, and run with them. I've learned, from facing my own disasters, that there's not enough time to dwell on the disaster, but more than enough time to move on from that. There is plenty of room to look at the bright side of things; those are the things to dwell on. There is a time and a place for the bad things... but you can't make that your main focus in life.... How else do you think I got along in the years before we met again? Anyway... I sure as hell don't deserve a guy like you... not with the childhood crush I've got! Take care of Akane, or the big bad spatula monster'll get ya!'" "I continually wonder why Ukyo-sama continues to belittle herself so," Konatsu said as soon as Ranma finished the passage. "She did love you." "Yeah, I know," Ranma said, handing the paper back to Konatsu. "How I know...." He buried his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes. "Was she right?" "What?" asked the kunoichi. "Was she right," explained the young Saotome, "about how I didn't really love her? Just before she died, Ucchan told me that I didn't really love her... that it was always friends for me. But now... now, I don't know anymore." "I believe it is as such when one mourns a loved one," Konatsu said, attempting to comfort Ranma. "When both my parents died I was quite young... and although I cried for both of them, I did not really know either of them. They were the attention at the time... as is Ukyo-sama is now." "I loved her," continued the kunoichi. "I loved her with all my heart; that I don't doubt. She didn't love me; that I don't doubt. If you truly love Ukyo-sama, you will know, because you can tell yourself so, with one bare foot resting on the table." "I don't think so," Ranma replied, sulking. "Not in the mood." Konatsu nodded. "Perhaps now is not the time, but I'm asking you to do a favor for me." Ranma silently listened. "Please go to Kyoto," the kunoichi posed, "and bring the news to Ukyo-sama's father. He doesn't know yet, and I believe it's proper that you, her closest friend, bring him the news. I am nothing but a lowly servant; it is not my place to be the bearer of such news." Again, Ranma said nothing. The old coot'll probably flog me, he thought, if he remembers who I am. "The train I got a ticket for won't leave for another day... enough time to make your decision. I'll be here." Before Konatsu turned to leave, Ranma raised his head, and called, "Hey, Konatsu...." "Yes?" the kunoichi replied. "Thanks," finished Ranma. Kodachi's feet crashed against the hard wood floor with each step, generating a great boom throughout the room. Staring intently at the one seated at the opposite end of the room, behind a desk, the gymnast girl raised her fists in anger, ignoring the outcries and shocked expressions of the other men and women in the chamber. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" demanded Kodachi, slamming her palms down on the headmaster's desk. The gathered members of the board stepped backward, as if a powerful field surrounded the angry girl. The headmaster of Saint Hebereke school, a man dressed in a black business suit, leaned back in his chair. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Miss Kuno." "You KNOW VERY WELL!" screamed Kodachi. "Where is Asuka?!" "She's not here at the moment," replied the headmaster. Sighing deeply, he added, "I see she was right, after all." "You'd BETTER repeal your decision!!" The headmaster shook his head. "I'm afraid you no longer hold any lasting power in this school anymore, Miss Kuno." He leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands. "Unless, of course, you'd like to convert...." "Why, you...!!" The female Kuno could no longer contain herself as she reached up her sleeve. "Tell me, Miss Kuno," continued the headmaster, "do you really believe that taking your anger out at me would help? Especially with Spencer and Sakurai in the room?" Kodachi's anger grew, but discretion overcame her as she remembered the headmaster's two pet bodyguards. She could not remember seeing the two men when she entered... then again, that could only mean they were standing in the shadows... as usual. "I've always wanted to put you in your place," admitted the seated man. "You always were the troublemaker... but your brother made sure you would exist comfortably. Well, your brother ain't here to save you now. This time, the school is in charge!" Curse you, Kodachi thought to herself, for everything! "The students here are the key to the future," continued the headmaster. "We intend to make our students the best in Japan, and we will do so by instilling a new sense of purpose and discipline! One which you, sadly, will not be a part of." I bet Asuka told you that, the gymnast thought bitterly. "A shame; you were one of our most promising students." Loosening herself, taking a deep breath, Kodachi said finally, "Well, HEADMASTER, it seems you win this round." The seated man raised an eyebrow, not expecting things to go so easily. Folding her arms, the Kuno girl added, "You were so easy to control before; perhaps your new concubine put some spine in you?" Before the headmaster could protest, she continued, "There was a time when I hated this place. There was a time, so long ago, I would gladly rid myself of you, and this school. Ironic, that today I struggle to maintain position in that which I despise." Turning to leave, Kodachi yelled over her shoulder, "Give this message to Asuka... when and if she decides to come out of hiding." "What'll that be?" asked the headmaster, genuinely curious. "Two things," answered Kodachi. "One: this is far from over. And two: I will be back!" Silently, Kodachi exited the room, defeated, yet determined. There exist more than one method by which I may exact my revenge, brooded the gymnast quietly. Asuka... darling, you will never see it coming. It was only then, when the storm had passed, that the occupants of the room realized they were holding their breaths. "Just as you predicted," Nakamura commented, watching Kodachi leave the school grounds through the upper story window. He stood with his back turned to Asuka and the black-coat man, sipping a slender glass of wine in his lips. Asuka poured herself more tea, then lifted her cup as if ready to drink. "Kodachi always did rely more on her brother more than she was willing to admit. Sever that link, and there be a sick puppy." "Yet, she has great potential... so sorry to see it go to waste," mused the priest. The black-coat man voiced, "It doesn't matter. Remember, she's far from the only martial artists in town. In Japan, even. There are many more much powerful than she." "I'm concerned about what this Kodachi girl may try next," admitted Nakamura. He turned to Asuka. "You know her. What'll she do?" Asuka chuckled, slowly taking a sip of tea. "It appears that she believes that the headmaster is my link to the school." She eyed the black-coat man conspiratorially. "She may try to... 'persuade' him to persuade the board to change their minds." "Foolish gesture," Nakamura noted. "Because we did it." "As long as she doesn't know that, we're fine," the black-coat man said. "Now, if that matter's settled, on to other business." "Yes," agreed the priest. Addressing Asuka, he said, "I'll ask you to leave us for a moment." "Certainly," Asuka replied, bowing. "Matters such as this concern me not!" As the White Lily exited quietly, the black-coat man lead Nakamura toward an empty wall. He reached over to his right, where a small statue rest on a pedestal, and turned it a quarter to the right. As expected the wall before the man slid open, revealing a dark flight of stairs. Flipping on the light switch near the top of the stairs, both men descended the steps. He whispered, "She is quite lovely. So is Kodachi." "Lucky you," agreed Nakamura, nodding. "A good bride for your preparation for the Judgement." "Indeed," the other man admitted. "Love is a transient thing... earthly love, that is." The two men reached the bottom of the stairs, where the man in black opened yet another door. The two stepped into a control chamber, decorated wall-to-wall with large, portrait-sized monitors hanging on each of the five walls other than the wall where the doorway existed. As soon as both Nakamura and his fellow stepped to the center of the hexagonal chamber, four monitors lit up, revealing men and women shrouded in darkness. Only the monitor opposite the door remained dark. "I trust everything went according to plan," the man in black said, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. "You saw it," one man said. "The Saint be praised!" voiced another, a woman. "Enough chatter," ordered Nakamura. "Though the school may be ours, and ours alone, there is still much work to be done. We need you to recruit more warriors for our cause. We need them by the end of the month." "We're not enough?" asked a man. "Shut up, Sakurai," chastised the first man. "But, Lord Amakusa," said a second woman, addressing the man in black. "Why are we acting so soon?" "The timetable is being moved up," Amakusa said. "If we are to succeed, I need you to find more warriors... and fast. What the saint demands, we shall deliver!" "So there you are," Nodoka Saotome exclaimed, standing in the frame of the kitchen door, watching Ranma walk by slowly. "Yo, Mom," Ranma said in a bored manner. "That's no way for my son to behave," she told him. "Where have you been all morning?" "Out," the son answered, hoping his mother would cease her prying. "Akane's been looking for you. I sent your father out to look for you, too." Ranma remained silent as he continued his slow march. "She's been waiting for you... and so have I." I'm sure you have, he thought bitterly. Grandchildren my ass! Somehow he made his way to the living room, where Akane and Nabiki sat on the floor, staring at the television with bored expressions. Ranma did not bother to announce himself, choosing instead to throw himself on the floor next to his wife. He lay there for several minutes, with only the sound of the television to fill the air. "So where've you been?" Akane asked finally. "Ucchan's," he answered. "Where else?" "Ranma," Nabiki said, "you know what your problem is?" Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "You're thinking too much. Go do something else." Ranma ran his fingers through his hair. "Don't you think I've tried?!" "Well, for five-hundred yen, I can take your mind off...." the middle Tendo sister offered. "Go 'way," demanded Ranma. "Your fault, too." "Ranma...." Akane voiced, but no words formed on her lips. "Hah!" mocked Nabiki, standing to her feet. "You're going to blame everyone else first, huh?!" "You MADE her do it!" countered Ranma. "Ranma, Ranma, Ranma," tsked Nabiki, waving a finger. "If it's anyone's fault, it's YOURS." "NABIKI!!!" cried Akane. A smirk on her face, turning to leave, Nabiki stopped herself. She produced an envelope from her pocket. "Oh, one more thing." "Whazzat?!" Ranma shot back. Nabiki tossed the envelope down at Ranma. "Kuno-baby sent it." Ranma grabbed the envelope, tearing it open as Nabiki exited the room. What does that damn fool want now? Akane stared once at Ranma, then at Nabiki. Getting to her feet, she chased after her older sister intently. Reading aloud, he said, "Saotome... not worth my time... I'm the best...." Crumpling the letter, Ranma sat up, shouting, "WHAT IS THIS?!" Across town, lounging against the soft leather cushions that made up his chair, setting down his copy of "The Tale of Genji" on the mantle beside him, Tatewaki Kuno burst in laughter. "NABIKI!!" bellowed Akane, storming into her sister's room unannounced. Nabiki sat at her desk, casting an unconcerned glance at Akane. In her left hand she fumbled with a portable tape recorder, holding it up as if it were sent from God. With her other hand the middle Tendo sister carefully penned something on the clean sheet of paper before her. "What're you doing?!" demanded the younger girl. "What do you mean?" Nabiki asked, feigning innocence. "You know what I mean!" Akane cried, fuming with anger. "Why're you doing that to Ranma?" Nabiki shrugged, then continued writing. "Should keep him sharp." Violently, Akane, with hidden strength, turned the chair Nabiki was seated on toward her, forcing her sister to stare into her burning eyes. "Really," the elder girl said in a bored tone. "How would you like it if someone told you that when one of YOUR friends died?" Akane said. "Oh, grow up," scoffed Nabiki. "Appealing to my humanity never works." I'm starting to wonder if you even HAVE any humanity, Akane thought angrily. "You didn't even cry when Mom died!" Though she would not show it, Nabiki admitted to herself that those words stung. "If I spent my time crying my eyes out and feeling sorry for myself, I wouldn't get much done now, would I? Hmmm?" "You don't CARE!" "You're taking all this death nonsense much too seriously." "How can you say that?! You...!" "Unlike you," interrupted Nabiki, "I am still in control." Akane threw her arms up in frustration. "I don't know you," she said coldly. Nabiki watched Akane long enough for her to leave the room, then pushed her chair back to the desk. You have no idea how wrong you are, Nabiki thought. You just have no idea what you're doing. Without direction... lost in a sea of emotion... drifting. SOMEONE has to do the tough work, and it certainly isn't you. Nor is it Kasumi, nor Daddy. I know better. Which leaves only me. "Well," she said to herself aloud, "now to plan for the future." Thumbing the switches on the tape recorder, Nabiki rewound the tape. After waiting several moments, she hit the play button, uncaring at what point the tape started. Kasumi's ultra-sweet voice issued from the tiny speaker. It wouldn't do for Ranma or Akane to find out I have another source of income, Nabiki thought. So glad Mr. Tokuyama was so agreeable to market Kasumi's voice. So glad Kasumi was so cooperative, if a bit unwitting about it. After all, money makes the world go 'round. Ranma sat all alone in the night, in the yard, when Akane found him. He stared up at the sky, gazing at the stars with his arms folded across his chest, bearing a lost expression usually reserved for Ryoga. "You okay?" asked Akane, seating herself at Ranma's side. Ranma sighed. "Sure... why not." "You haven't said anything," Akane said, "to me, or anyone else, and you've gone out for hours at a time without telling anyone. You're not the only one that's hurting." Ranma said nothing. "C'mon, Ranma," pleaded Akane, "you've got to say something!" "Something," he replied smartly. Trying her best to maintain her patience, she continued, "This isn't like you!" "How am I supposed to be," Ranma answered finally, "after I watched a friend die in my arms?" He turned to face Akane. "You don't get it, do ya? You just don't understand! Do you have ANY idea what it feels like?!" "Of course I do!" yelled Akane, towering over Ranma with her presence. "Ukyo was my friend, too!" "YOU didn't WATCH her die!!" Ranma screamed. "WHAT makes you think you know how it feels?!" Turning away, lowering his tone, he continued, "you can't imagine how HELPLESS I felt... how much I wanted to DO something! How much I wanted to be in her place instead! She DID it to save me." "I've never lost anyone in my life before... I had no intention of letting that happen... ever." Angrily, he turned back to Akane. "So don't you tell me how I should feel!" "Fine, then!" Akane shot back, folding her arms. "Wallow in your misery! See if I care!" "Leave me alone... all of you," demanded Ranma. "I don't need your sympathy." The Next Day "Oh, Shampoo!" Dr. Tofu exclaimed happily as he opened the front door of his office. "What a surprise!" Shampoo nodded in greeting. "I come to ask old job back." "Your old job?" repeated Tofu, scratching his chin. "Oh, that's right, you were an assistant. But, don't you already have a job?" "I need old job," insisted Shampoo. "Need place to stay when Great- grandmother go back to China." "Well, then," Tofu said, adjusting his glasses, "I think I can give you a hand, there. Come on in." The Chinese Amazon gestured a hand behind her. "I need also room for Mousse." Tofu glanced behind Shampoo, surprised, finding the white-robed martial artist lying in a litter. "Hey, what happened?" Shampoo avoided the question. "Need room for Mousse to recover. Alone, quiet place, and no way to kill himself." The acupuncturist studied Shampoo carefully, trying to discern if she was kidding or not. Giving up, he said, "Well, we'll see what we can do." Extending a hand out, he said, "Welcome back." Ranma had no idea if he was at the right place. Earlier that morning Konatsu delivered the round-trip train ticket to Ranma. The train left quite early, so, without telling anyone where he was going, the young Saotome slipped out of the Tendo household. A few hours later he arrived at his stop, then followed the directions Konatsu had provided, among other things. For a while Ranma wondered if he was traveling the same path Ukyo had taken long before. The walls of the ramshackle house appeared in obvious need of repair, as bits and pieces splintered outward threateningly. There were quite a few places where the work of termites was visible, forcing the marital artist to watch his step, lest he cave a wall on himself or something. The front door was no more than another wall, Ranma thought, only that there was a crudely-made hole at one end, probably for opening and closing. He knocked, gently rapping his knuckles against the door. Seconds seemed to stretch for minutes. Maybe I got the wrong house? he wondered. And then, someone from behind the door shouted, "Who's there?!" Ranma had no idea what to say to the gruff-sounding voice, as he had a good idea who it was, if memory served correctly. "Mr. Kuonji?" The man behind the door remained silent for a moment. "Yeah?" "I need to talk to you," Ranma forced himself to say, trying his best to suppress his fear. "It's about your daughter... Ukyo." And then, the door slid open, wood grinding against wood harshly, revealing the man Ranma remembered last seeing over ten years ago. Age had not treated Kuonji well, as he had gained some weight since Ranma last remembered him. The older man's hair was cropped short and neat, and a white headband ran around his head. His beard was so strange that it looked like a row of spikes, each a deadly weapon. And each pierced into Ranma's soul. "Spill it, kid," ordered Kuonji. "Like before, who're you?" Ranma swallowed. Rehearsing this conversation on the train hardly helped at all. "Ranma Saotome," he said finally. Kuonji scratched his chin meaningfully. "Name's fami... oh! You're that kid Ukyo used to play with." If Kuonji wanted to leave it at that, Ranma was all for it. "I... I was asked to tell you myself, being her closest friend and all... and I...." "Stop stuttering," suggested the older man, "and think before you say something." Ranma took a deep breath, following the advice. Slowly, the rehearsed words reformed in his mind. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your daughter, Ukyo, is dead." Blunt, and to the point, he added to himself. Probably not the best way to do it. Kuonji seemed to consider this for a moment, eyeing Ranma carefully with skepticism. "Why don't you tell me more, kid." He stepped aside, gesturing for Ranma to enter. Gulping, Ranma plunged forward into the Abyss. With a little help from the Chinese twins, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, Shampoo finished moving her belongings from the restaurant to the doctor's office in no time. Shampoo noticed that while the two girls tended to treat her with scorn, she knew that in their eyes they were sorry that she had to stay behind. Mousse lay in bed in the room next to Shampoo's, well away from any equipment that could be deemed life threatening, especially to the broken man, who would like nothing better than to end it. And yet, as much as Shampoo would like to do it for him, she knew that Mousse was her ticket home. Life plays many cruel ironies, she thought. Sitting on the mattress of her bed, Shampoo reached down under the bed, wrapping her fingers around a cylindrical pole object. Slowly she produced the metal trident that once belonged to Ukyo, the spatula girl, and gazed at her distorted reflection in the polished tri-pronged head. She had known many deaths in her youth... from the first warrior she defeated in battle, to the numerous tribal skirmishes in the Valley, to this recent one. And yet, only the latter seemed to hold any meaning for Shampoo, for, unlike so many others who fell before her, despite so many differences and conflicts, Ukyo was a name and a face. Shampoo had no idea how the spatula girl died, but one thing was for sure, there wasn't a body left to give a proper burial. A pity. Still, it was so nice to leave this fascinating weapon behind, she thought. I'm sure she'd give it to me, if she knew. She slid a finger down the central prong, wondering how the blood would spill down the terrible metal weapon. But, there seemed to be an imperfection when the finger reached the point where the two side prongs met with the center. A small, slight lump, undetectable to the naked eye... and yet, it was there. The imperfection, in a shape of a circle, seemed to glow an eerie purple. Shampoo's eyes locked on the glow, mesmerized by the power she glimpsed from it. "No," Shampoo whispered to herself, "not just a fine weapon. A powerful weapon!" Yet, where did the spatula girl get it? The glow seemed to call to Shampoo, and the Chinese Amazon responded, standing to her feet. "Yes," she said, "Everything's been started. Wheels in motion... time... power... ambition... in motion." Her eyes glowed with the same dark purple. "It has begun!" For a long moment, Kuonji sat in cold silence, his chin resting on his hands, sitting forward in his seat. Ranma shifted uncomfortably in the worn couch he sat in, feeling almost a trickle of sweat beading down the side of his head, waiting, perhaps fearing, what the older man would say. Ranma had told the story, starting from the day Ukyo attacked his father, to Konatsu's entrance into her life, to the weddings of friends, to the King of Fighters tournament, and finally, to Ukyo's noble sacrifice. And yet, Ranma had decorated as much as he could possibly think of to make the girl's death all the more pleasant- sounding. Kuonji, however, saw through the trick, and had insisted that Ranma recite it exactly as it happened. Only the brooding man's stare made Ranma sure he was still alive. Old Kuonji opened his mouth to say something, but stopped, nearly snapping nerves in Ranma's spine. "Kid," he said finally, "why do you think Ukyo would do something like that?" "What?" Ranma exclaimed in surprise. "I'm serious, kid," insisted Kuonji. "You probably know more about what she does than I do." He shook his head. "Kid, I've not had the time to watch Ukyo grow up; she did it all herself, because she was the only one she had. I am a working man, and work is my life. As far as I know, work is her life, too. So, why would she go ahead and do something like that?" Sighing deeply, the younger man gathered his thoughts. Considering carefully, Ranma answered, "Honestly, you're giving me too much credit; I really don't know." Kuonji raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" He leaned back, folding his arms. "From what you've told me, it sounds as if Ukyo got tired of living. Is that why you think she did it?" "Don't be ridiculous!" beamed Ranma, jumping to his feet. "She did it because... because...." "If you didn't really know, then you wouldn't have jumped to her defense like that," Kuonji pointed out. "So, why?" Damn, you're a tricky one, Ranma thought. No wonder where Ukyo got it from. His surge of anger subsiding, Ranma wanted to turn and walk out the door, but something inside him told him that Kuonji deserved an answer. And yet, despite that thought holding him, the martial artist could not think. "She died," he answered finally, "because I killed her!" "I don't know what to think about this spirit thing, but if what everything you told me was true, then you didn't kill her." "What difference does it make?!" Ranma cried, feeling the tears forming in his eyes. "There's no body because I destroyed it! She's not coming back, because of me! And all I did was make it worse!" "Why don't you go back to your loved ones?" suggested Kuonji, remaining calm despite his discomfort. "They can help you through this better than I can." "They don't understand," the younger man replied, "because they didn't have to kill their friends. We can't even give her a decent burial... there's not even ashes!" "Like I said," Kuonji said, "I don't know what to believe about these spirit things, so if you think she'll wander the Earth for an eternity, why don't you have a party?" Ranma lunged at Kuonji in anger and confusion, grabbing the older man's shirt. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" "I meant a remembrance!" added Kuonji, struggling to speak. "You should celebrate her life!! Now, let go!" Regaining his senses, Ranma released Ukyo's father. He turned his back, trying to hide the conflicting emotions washing over his face. "Celebrate her life?" he repeated slowly, to himself. "Kid," Kuonji said, "when my wife died, so long ago, I didn't know what to do. All I had left was Ukyo, and parents to take care of. All I had was that. Being so alone. Now, what you should be doing, is stop being alone." Ranma did not answer. "When she was growing up, Ukyo most feared being left alone. It was great enough that I had to take her everywhere I went. Well, she had the right idea; when we were together, we weren't alone. We both got what we wanted. We shared happy times. We suffered. But it was always together." Ranma shook his head, balling his fists. "Mr. Kuonji," he said, "the rest of Ukyo's belongings will be coming here shortly. Konatsu's taking care of it." He turned to face the man once more. "I'm sorry, again." Kuonji nodded, getting to his feet. Quietly, he lead Ranma back to the front door, sliding it open. The wood, again, protested against the floor, ruining the silence. "You take care of yourself," Kuonji said, as Ranma walked out the door. Ranma looked back over his shoulder as he continued. "Sure." But, before he could walk out the gates, the martial artist stopped in his tracks. He reached into his pocket, then turned around. "Hey!" he cried, raising the earring Ukyo had given him into the air. "I forgot to give you this!" Kuonji's eyes narrowed, focusing on the green dragon earring, remembering it since Ukyo had demonstrated she still had them in her possession. He called, "She gave you that?" The young Saotome nodded, starting his way back to the door. But the older man shook his head. "Hang on to it, kid," he insisted. "If my girl gave you that, then there's got to be a reason. It was hers to give away when I gave them to her." Ranma sighed. "Yeah, sure." He brought the dragon earring to eye level, turning it in the light of the sun, studying it, almost expecting it to give him the answers to everything. Yet, the dragon seemed to say, "Remember," and still it did not speak. It stunk of Ukyo's lingering presence. Ukyo, Ranma thought, you're really something. Pocketing the earring, Ranma turned to leave. He had no idea that Ranma had left Nerima altogether, but that hardly mattered in the long run for Tatewaki Kuno. Carefully, he penned his latest gloating letter, adjusting the wording in order to create the greatest effect. While this sort of revenge was slow in coming, and slow to result, Tatewaki learned a good deal of patience in recent events. And now, the greatest revenge of all would be the subtle of revenges. One letter written every day, and delivered to Ranma Saotome, was good enough a revenge as any to carry out on the craven coward, the swordsman thought. The Next Evening It felt like a party, what they were holding in the Tendo Dojo, Ranma thought, and yet, it wasn't. Informal as it was, the young Saotome stayed close to the food table, closest to the beverages, refilling the puny paper cup every time he drained it dry. He scanned the room... and all he could see were familiar faces-- all those who had come to the party had one thing in common. He watched Konatsu, holding Ukyo's giant combat spatula (the one she had left behind when she left with Akane that fateful day), talk with a group of Ucchan's longtime regulars, among them Hiroshi and Daisuke. He saw Kuno, along with his sister and the short ninja, at a corner, where Kuno was making some kind of scene-- Ranma didn't care what about. He saw Shampoo at another corner, talking with Akane about something. Ranma could not help but notice that she was holding the very trident that Seiryu had used... the weapon that was the only trace of Ukyo left after the titanic battle. Mousse was nowhere to be seen; that was no surprise, seeing as how he was barely alive. Tofu, Ranma knew, had promised to look after him for Shampoo while she was gone. After all, Tofu still had a business to run as well, even if it was late in the evening. And, through all of this, Ranma was surprised that anybody came at all. Ranma sighed, refilling his cup for the umpteenth time. He swished around the red punch, a red that reminded him of... no. It was nice of Mr. Tendo to agree to this... and Mom, too. Heck, Pop even had a good word in it, too, surprisingly enough. With his free hand the martial artist fingered the jade dragon earring in his pocket, as if it could grant him reassurance. Well, he thought, if these things are supposed to bring good luck, then it's not really working.... And his thoughts drifted to Ukyo once again. He almost expected her to be there, in the dojo, with everybody else. That's how it should have been, and yet, that's how it's not. "You must be Ranma Saotome," someone said. Ranma nearly jumped at the sound of the newcomer's voice. He turned to meet a face he didn't recognize. "Who're you?" "I'm Joseph Nakamura," the man said, extending a hand. "A priest at the Saint Hebereke Church. I hear it is your close friend that recently passed away." The young martial artist snorted. "Who invited you?" Nakamura spared a glance in Kasumi's direction. "She did." "Gotta talk to Kasumi about that later," Ranma muttered under his breath. What gave her the right to bring an evangelist? "Why the glum look?" asked the priest. "Your friend is in a better place." "Yeah, where?" Ranma asked sarcastically, then added, "She ain't one of you." "In atheist views there is no Heaven nor Hell," continued Nakamura. "If you would be so willing, would it please you if I posthumously baptized her? Would that ease your mind?" Anger boiled in Ranma's blood at the mere thought. Though he wanted to lash out at the priest, something told him that now was not the time, nor the place, for such action. "Get lost," he said finally. "Your stupid miracle water can't bring her back." "Of course not," the priest replied. "Perhaps she could join the saint in the afterlife." "Up yours! Nobody's makin' Ukyo a saint." "Well, then, perhaps...." "I've heard of your recruitment drive," Ranma spat, eyeing Nakamura with contempt. "You've already ruined the lives of others... and you're not going to do it to any of my friends." "Kodachi?" Nakamura exclaimed in surprise. "She ain't a friend of mine!" the martial artist insisted. "Go away, before I lose it!" Smirking, the priest nodded. "I see. Well, then, perhaps some of your associates will be more receptive to the Word." He waved his hand in a mock salute. "Be seeing you, Saotome." Ranma said nothing, refilling his cup as he watched the priest walk off into the crowd. Bastard, he thought, what gave him the right, or the idea, to even suggest such a thing?! Ukyo'd rather die before she'd let that happen.... Shit. Heck, how could I ever know? She's dead. One thing's for sure, though... that priest was bad news. Reality broke Ranma's reverie when he realized Nabiki was passing a microphone around. Konatsu was the first to receive the wired object, intended to allow all attending to hear his thoughts about Ukyo. The mike screeched for a moment as Konatsu gathered his thoughts. "Hello?" he said, tapping his finger on the mike. Those standing close to the speakers yelled out in pain, covering their ears. Konatsu winced. "Sorry about that," apologized Konatsu, blushing with embarrassment. In his arm he held the spatula, resting against his shoulder, and the mike in both hands. "I won't bore you all with the details, but thanks for coming. And thank Ranma for suggesting this in the first place." No one applauded or cheered, but that was to be expected. The kunoichi continued, "I think I speak for all of us when I say Ukyo-sama's made an impact on our lives. For what she was and what she did, we miss her." Without another word, Konatsu passed the mike to the waiting hand of Tatewaki Kuno. But, not only did Kuno grab the mike, but the spatula as well. Holding the spatula in one hand, the mike in the other, Kuno struck a dramatic pose. "Alas, poor Ukyo Kuonji," he said, "I knew her!" He raised the spatula high in the air, in emphasis. "THIS, he proclaimed, "was the spatula that struck so many an opponent!" With that, many attendees rubbed their heads, even Ranma. "To have it end like this," continued Kuno, his dramatic recital making its peak. And yet, even while on a roll, the swordsman seemed as if he could no longer carry on the speech, as he struggled to find the words. Tossing the spatula back to Konatsu, Kuno passed the mike to Kodachi. Kodachi took a deep breath, grasping the mike with both hands, close to her lips, eyes closed, as if in prayer (but those who knew her knew better than that). Summoning the words, she said, "Ukyo Kuonji... I hardly knew her, up until recent times. To say she was an excellent chef would be underestimating her skill." Murmurs and nods rushed through the dojo like a wave. Ranma couldn't have agreed more, taking another sip from his cup. "She may be of low birth," continued Kodachi, "but birth be no barrier to excellence...." Just then the wall behind Kodachi burst apart, sending Kodachi flying forward. Kuno raised his bokken in readiness, facing the newly-created hole in the dojo wall. "Where am I?!" shouted Ryoga, peeking his head into the dojo. "Ryoga!" exclaimed Akane. "Where've you been?" "Lost," Ranma muttered under his breath, "where else?" Looking around with the same lost expression, Ryoga Hibiki threw down his travel pack. "What is this, some kind of party?" he asked. Kuno helped his sister back to her feet. "Of course!" Taking advantage of the distraction, Shampoo grabbed the microphone from Kodachi. "Spatula girl strong despite being weak," she said quickly. "Too kind to fight." "And you, dear," Kodachi hissed, "are an impudent...!" Sasuke quickly clamped his hand on Kodachi's mouth. "Please, Mistress!" he pleaded, just before she bit him. With that, Shampoo tossed the mike toward Ranma. Dropping his cup, the young Saotome grabbed it, fumbling with the mike in his hand and barely escaping tangling himself in the wire. All eyes were on him. "W...what?" he asked nobody in particular. His eyes scanned the room, and met Akane's. "I guess it's your turn," she said, shrugging. Ranma stared down at the microphone, the dread filling him, almost overcoming him. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all. The weight of stares made it even worse. "Ukyo, why'd you have to die?" Too late, he realized he had said those words out-loud. "Ranma," Akane whispered. Trapped, Ranma thought. Damn, damn, damn. Silently, he reached for the earring, clutching it in his fingers tightly. Surprisingly, that seemed to give him a little confidence. "I guess you could say," he began, "that I'm the only one here that knows Uccha... Ukyo, best." He sighed. "I don't know if you could call that close or not, but...." Ranma shook his head. There were no insults, nor jeers, not even from Kuno. For several moments, the young Saotome blinked, covering his eyes with his fingers. Lowering his hand, he continued, "We were six, when we met the first time. Nearly twelve years ago. We were both of the type of family that didn't have too many friends, so I guess we were made to complement each other." "We got along great, Ukyo and I. We parted, and we met again, ten years later. I thought she was the same old Ucchan I knew as a kid, but she'd changed... a lot." "Ranma," Akane said, "maybe I should take it?" "And I never saw it!" Ranma said, seemingly ignoring the girl. This time, he didn't care about the tears freely flowing down his cheeks. "She died, I have no idea why, and that's because I didn't take the time to get to know her!!" Murmurs ran throughout the dojo amidst gasps of surprise. Akane ran to her husband's side, trying to think of something to say to him, something that could make it all better. But, there was no such luck. She pulled the microphone from Ranma's hand, who let go without resistance. "Ukyo," she began quickly, "was one of the most interesting people I've ever met." "Understatement," Ranma muttered, trying to walk away, but Akane held his arm fast. "I didn't know it when I first met her," continued Akane, wishing for Ranma to hear what she had to say, "but I soon learned a good deal about her. Ukyo was willing to give up everything for Ranma... just as I was-- she was the one willing to do whatever was asked of her for him. She was my greatest rival, and yet, she was also a friend." Shampoo nodded, folding her arms, the trident resting against one shoulder. "Quick to anger, quick to forgive, she reminded me of someone I know." Akane forced a weak smile. "And yet, even when she lost Ranma, she was still a good friend. It was me, Ranma, and Ukyo... and she never complained once after accepting us. She was the first to jump up to help us, and the last to give up, because inevitably, she loved us both. The king, the queen, and the loyal knight." "Brilliant," praised Kuno. Akane nodded. "I don't really understand what happened these past couple of days, but whatever it was, Ukyo helped guarantee our future. For that, I'm very grateful, and I wish I could thank her." "Even after all that's happened, I can say without a doubt in my mind that I'm proud to have known her." Despite the mood, someone started clapping. Moments later, the rest of the dojo's occupants did likewise, save Ranma and Akane. "Right," Ranma said. Akane released her grip on Ranma, allowing him to walk off to be by himself. Ryoga stood alone by the koi pond when Akane found him. "Ryoga," Akane said in greeting. The Eternally Lost Boy turned around and smiled. "Hello, Akane." The party had ended not long ago, with the people filtering out of the dojo slowly but surely, some wishing to leave quickly because of the priest's badgering. Ranma had disappeared, but Akane knew he had not gone far. "I need to ask you a favor," Akane said. "What is it?" asked Ryoga. "I need you to talk to Ranma," she explained. "Try to help him out of his depression." It's certainly much better an idea than Nakamura's own solution. She added, "You're his friend; you can do it." Ryoga seemed to consider that, then shook his head. "I'm sorry, Akane, but I can't do that." "Why not?" "I've learned in my travels that one has to find their own ways to deal with the pain," he replied. "What I have in mind is probably not what you, or Ranma, want." "I see," Akane said, nodding in understanding. "He's really taking this hard." Harder than when my mother died. "I can't stand to see him like this. Why can't he tell that I'm hurting, too?" Ryoga said nothing, not knowing what was expected of him. His eyes drifted to the koi pond, the original object of his stay in the Tendo yard. He closed his eyes, then lowered his head, taking a deep breath, readying himself for what he must do. "Akane, I need to tell you something," Ryoga said suddenly. "What is it?" "I've got to tell you my darkest secret... because I feel the need to tell you." "Don't," Akane replied, holding up a hand before her. "Whatever it is, it can't be as important as what is going on now." She raised her head, staring at the stars. "At a time such as this, the past should not be an anchor by which to hinder the movement toward the future. Ukyo told me as much... once." "I... I see," Ryoga stammered, forcing a nod. His expression turned into one of freedom, as if the imaginary shackles were thrown from his body. "Well, Akane, I guess I'll be heading back out again." "Going to find Akari's house again?" Akane guessed. Every time Ryoga tried to leave town he was aiming for Akari's, but he never got there in any reasonable amount of time. "That reminds me...." Producing a folded paper from a pocket, she handed it to Ryoga. She said, "This was something Ukyo wanted to give you... something she made a while ago. Konatsu gave it to me to give to you." Ryoga accepted the paper, unfolding it carefully. He stared at the contents, his jaw dropping in surprise. "It's... a map?" Akane nodded. "It's probably not perfect, but it's designed to help you get from here to there and back again, assuming you follow the directions." "Th... thanks, Akane." "No, you should thank Ukyo." Oh, that's right.... Ryoga nodded. "Well, I'll be seeing you," he said. "Tell Ranma I hope everything works out for him. And for you, too." "Me too," agreed Akane. Akane watched the Eternally Lost Boy, map open in his hands, make his way toward the gate. When he disappeared from her sight, she sighed deeply, glad that her sticky business was over. Over time, Akane learned to forgive Ryoga's deception as P-chan. If there was anyone Ukyo reminded Akane of, it was of Akane herself. Konatsu found Ranma sitting alone on the roof of the Tendo house, brooding. "Are you okay?" asked the kunoichi. "You don't look good." Ranma shook his head. "I'll be fine." Wordlessly, Konatsu disagreed, seating himself next to the martial artist, setting down Ukyo's spatula beside him. "Since I've sold the building so fast," he said, "I'll be leaving tomorrow." "No more Ucchan's," Ranma muttered. Konatsu nodded. "For the moment, I'll be staying with Ukyo-sama's family in Kyoto. Not only will this give me the chance to deliver the rest of Ukyo-sama's belongings, but I'll be able to meet her father and thank him personally." "For what?" asked Ranma, not for the sake of curiosity. "For raising Ukyo-sama, of course," replied the kunoichi. "I am quite anxious to meet him." He turned to face Ranma, extending a hand. "A pleasure to know you," Konatsu said. Ranma extended his own hand, giving a handshake. "Take care of yourself." "You too." Konatsu stood up, scooping up the giant spatula. Staring off into the stars, he took a deep breath, and walked off, leaving Ranma alone to contemplate. The Next Day Mousse did not bother to shift his position in the bed when the man entered the room. "You're Mousse, right?" the newcomer said, shutting the door quietly behind him. The wounded martial artist said nothing, refusing to look at the man. "I hear you are a warrior of no small water," continued the man. Right, Mousse thought. A warrior who should be dead. He wished for his weapons back, but wishing did no good, just like the other times. "I also hear that you suffered a near-fatal experience." "What's your point?" the Chinese martial artist asked, speaking with contempt in his voice. "By all rights, I should've died." "But you didn't," the man pointed out. "I've heard from our recent convert, Dr. Tofu, that you were saved by 'an angel of mercy.'" "'Angel of mercy' my ass." "Allow me to introduce myself: I am Joseph Nakamura, the local head of the Saint Hebereke Church. I'm sure you've heard of it?" Mousse refused to acknowledge the man. "Very well, you only need to listen," Nakamura decided. "I believe the only reason you survived your experience was due to the intervention of Saint Hebereke. He saw it fit to send an angel to help you in your time of need and deliver you from your suffering." Again, Mousse did not reply. "Dr. Tofu thinks you'll be lucky if you can recover and maintain your former mobility. After all, the blade edge did damage some nerves. So, what I propose is this: open yourself to Saint Hebereke." Mousse snorted in contempt. "Join my flock, Mousse," encouraged Nakamura. "Not only can Saint Hebereke offer you complete recovery, but direction! The time draws near toward Judgement, and mankind must be deemed worthy. Join us, and help us assure a brighter future for us all!" "Is that all you have to say?" Mousse replied. "Of course!" Nakamura answered. "You could be a great asset for Heaven's chosen champions, alongside Tofu, Mariko, Spencer, and Sakurai. You can have purpose in your life again! You can do anything at the saint's side!" For the first time, Mousse turned over in his bed, facing the priest. "Come here," he said. Complying, Nakamura bent down to Mousse's face. Only to be greeted by a wad of sticky saliva on his cheek. The priest stepped back in surprise. "Leave," ordered Mousse. "Don't ever come here with your God-crap and hope to bring me over. Don't believe that you can ever control Mousse, pride of Joketsuzoku, Master of Hidden Weapons." "Unlike you, I am free," explained the Master of Hidden Weapons. "I am free of Shampoo; my destiny is my own. I will not let that slip through my grasp-- never again. Especially not to you craven God-fearing cowards-- you are your own Hell, you bastards. You're so insecure in your faith that you have to run around town looking for converts, because everyone is against you." Nakamura stammered, "T...that's blasphemy!" "As I said," Mousse replied with a twisted smile. "There is no such thing as an 'angel of mercy;' take it from me. I was given no favors. I was shown no mercy. But what I HAVE been shown was that humanity can set its own course. You, in your cowardly way, are the reeds that blow with the wind; I am but a feather in the wind-- no, I AM the wind! I am free to change. You, the reeds, may swing with the change, but you are ever rooted in your values... values that cling to DIRT." "I think it best to leave now," Nakamura decided, standing up. "I think so as well," Mousse agreed. "But, one more thing." "What's that?" the priest asked, his hand on the door. "I will recover," the Chinese martial artist declared. "I will recover, and tear you down, until all there is will be you and the wind. I will make sure that no one else will ever succumb to your lies and prophecies-- false hopes to replace shattered dreams. I will make sure that each and every man, woman, and child you deceived will be given back control over their lives and destinies. I will succeed, because I am the winds. Change is inevitable; are YOU ready for it? You, my friend, have made an enemy this day-- you should never have tried to deny my freedom." "Because," Mousse concluded, "you can take away my life, but no one can take my freedom!" "Can't believe we've got to go back, after everything that's happened," Ranma said sourly, throwing himself into his seat. No one answered the complaint. He watched Akane, a few seats in front of him, settle down, pulling out a pencil in readiness. He watched Hiroshi converse with his other friends, standing in their own corner. He almost saw Ukyo cook okonomiyaki at the teacher's desk. But, the entrance of the teacher broke the spell holding Ranma's thoughts. "Good morning, class," the teacher said, throwing his books down on his desk. He watched in amusement as the students scrambled to their seats, trying their best to be silent. "Well, the headmaster wanted to hold an assembly this morning," the teacher continued, "but it seems that he'll be taking an extended leave for a few weeks." "'Least that's good news," Ranma muttered under his breath. "Therefore, I'll be making an announcement for him," finished the teacher. "I'll make this brief, but I would like to welcome a new student to Furinkan High." As if on cue, the classroom door burst open. Already, Ranma remembered the first time Ukyo walked through that door, but this student wore the girl's uniform. He shook his head in shock as he realized who this 'new' student was. A storm of black rose petals burst in the air as Kodachi Kuno made her grand entrance. "Shit," Ranma cursed under his breath. "Laaaah-hah-hah-hah!!" laughed Kodachi, making her grand entrance. "As you've all probably heard," explained the teacher, "since the new regulations at a certain OTHER school, all schools in the area will be taking in the mass influx." He sighed. "I am Kodachi... the Black Rose," Kodachi announced herself, bowing low, as if she were a performer. Many of the students groaned at the thought of Kuno's sister in their class. "Just when ya thought it was all over," rambled Hiroshi, "they throw us another one." "At least she's a babe...." whispered Daisuke. Feeling utterly defeated, Ranma slammed his head down on the desk. Not far from Furinkan High, in the carefully-constructed yard of the wealthy Kuno family, Tatewaki Kuno laughed. "Revenge is a dish best served cold," he said. "In the reign of Kuno, the form is swift and sure!" "Your torment is far from over, Saotome," he vowed. Ranma sat alone on the park bench, staring at the ground where birds ran amidst a sea of feed, originating from the bag at the martial artist's side. Sighing, he remembered the vision Seiryu had shown him long ago: of this very same park, destroyed by fire, where Nemesis had confronted the largest gathering of the world's finest warriors-- and subsequently destroyed them all. A time where Seiryu lost her eye, and with it, her sense of rationality, he thought. She probably went mad there. For a moment, he wondered when Seiryu came into being. That, she did not show him; after all, she wanted him to believe that she was still Ukyo. Something in the time between now and that critical event must have happened... but what, is a mystery. Still, now that Ukyo was gone, she'll never become Seiryu, and thus no one will ever know. Time travel hurts, he thought. He watched the pigeons peck at the feed, but one pigeon in particular, Ranma noticed, refrained from such action as taken by his fellows. It was that same pigeon that transformed before Ranma's eyes into the former Orochi assassin, Shifter. He dressed in a typical business suit, as if he were an executive out on a stroll. The relatively modern dress itself was an unusual sight for Higure, barring the fact that he appeared at all. "A penny for your thoughts," Higure Furui said in greeting, despite Ranma's shocked expression. "Well, of course there are no pennies around, but that is the expression." Recovering, Ranma said, "I should've guessed it was you." Higure smiled, sitting down next to the young Saotome, waving a feather fan in his face. "It is not like you to reflect for an extended period of time, is it?" "You could say that," replied Ranma, uncaringly staring at the pigeons. "Whaddaya want this time?" "Only to talk." "I'm not going anywhere. Besides, if I tried to ditch you, you'd find a way to catch up." That remark forced the Shinto wizard to laugh. "You are thinking of your friend, Ukyo," he guessed. When Ranma refused to answer, Higure continued, "Well, I must admit, although I taught her a bit in our brief time of acquaintance, she also managed to teach me a few things, too. Not common for a man of my age." "A thousand years of living must be hell," Ranma commented. "In a sense, yes," agreed the former assassin. "I am truly glad to be released from such a fate. Anyway, as I was saying, I told Ukyo the same thing I told you and the others: about the numbers guiding your destinies. I was right about some things, but that girl proved I was wrong about others." "'Bout what?" "She told me that there was no such thing as destiny, and that, in the end, it is the people that matter, not the numbers. 'When one person dies, we remember that person. When a million people die, we remember a statistic.'" The former assassin shrugged. "When one puts it that way, the numbers sound quite cold, but it is true." "Figures she'd say something like that." "She was right, because seven of you survived the final conflict. She was right, because if it were not for certain individuals, the casualty list would have been much longer." "You mean me and Mousse?" Higure nodded. "And Tatewaki Kuno should have died as well; his survival is quite surprising, considering what he did." "Probably the phoenix doo-hickey," Ranma guessed. "Of course," the wizard said, "you do realize that the Chinese phoenix is not quite the same as the popularized Western phoenix. Ah well, as it stands today, they may as well be the same thing. Either way, it may have been worse if I had not retrieved Ryoga Hibiki for the battle as well." "I still don't think he appreciated your prodding." "Perhaps not, but it was the simplest way, and sometimes simple is best." Ranma said nothing. Even after all he had been through, he still barely understood how the assassin's mind worked. For that matter, he never figured out what Ukyo really was. "You got Ryoga all by yourself," he pointed out, "what made you do that?" Higure shrugged. "Sometimes Fate needs a helping hand." The young Saotome groaned. "Anyway, in the brief time I have known your friend, Ukyo," the Shinto wizard concluded, "I believe she was one of the wisest I have ever met. That is quite rare for someone so young. I suppose growing up hard may have had something to do with it." "Yeah, I guess so," agreed Ranma. Reflecting, he decided, she must have had to grow up real fast. She probably really did have a harder time growing up than I did. And, after all this time, she never did tell me about it. "Of course, it had to end this way," Higure continued, "because she knew how much everything was riding on you. A great degree of foresight on her part, that. I find that was as tragic as when her ancestor had to leave Ashinzo behind. This time, at least, she did not leave." "I guess making up for past mistakes helps a bit," Ranma said. "Still... I really, REALLY, wish I'd gotten to know her better. After all this time, I still couldn't figure her out." "It does help to know your friends," agreed the wizard, "but sometimes, there are sides of them they really do not wish you to know, and that may be the case here. For instance, how would you react to her if you knew that she was a distant descendant of the Orochi Family?" "She's a WHAT?!" Ranma yelled out in surprise, staring at the Shinto wizard incredulously. "Did you ever wonder why she wielded so much chi power?" asked Higure. "It's not quite the same as what I use," the young martial artist knew. "Ashinzo said it was the ultimate psychokinetic force-- I figured, if anything, she was an esper." "Lady Kuno is an esper, but Ukyo is not," the former assassin corrected. "The Lady possesses teleportation ability-- I assume you witnessed that firsthand in your initial encounter with Nemesis-- as well as advanced telepathy, although I believe she did not know this until recently. Teleportation is a very common ability of espers, but it is not without its own risks; many develop heart disorders from repeated teleportations. But, did you ever observe Ukyo demonstrate those abilities?" "Now that I think about it... no." "Dragons are masters of chi," lectured Higure. "As such, those of the dragon's blood are as well. That is why the members of the Orochi Family are formidable. And, by extension, their children are, as well." "But I thought Ukyo didn't have any Orochi blood in her!" "That is true. As I stated before, she is a rather distant descendant of the Orochi Family. Although such persons are rare, it is not unheard of. Though their Orochi blood was worn thin by the inevitable domination of human blood, the imprint of the dragon was embedded in their genetic structure. They are, effectively, touched by the dragons. They may not possess the blood, but the ability is still there. Only those with the knowledge of the Orochi arts could distinguish it from any other martial arts ability." Makes sense, Ranma thought. If what Herb said of the Musk Dynasty is true, then their animal traits are part of their heritage now, even if they don't mate with cursed animals anymore.... For a moment, Ranma wondered if Kagura, the Guardian of the Seal, knew. "Ukyo, as well as her ancestor before her, possessed the Orochi Power of Water, a minor partition of the Orochi arts, and not too terribly powerful at that. However, the original Orochi Master of Water was quite clever himself; he refused to limit himself with just the water power, but instead used it to augment another power: psychokinetics, as you call it. It was, after all, a sort of natural extension of the Water Power-- water is, in nature, fluid, responsive, and a force in its own right. I would not be surprised if she was descended from one of the original members of the Orochi Family, or even the Master of Water himself." The Shinto wizard shrugged. "If you had not noticed when you battled against Goenitz, the Master of Wind, teleportation became the domain of the Users of Wind." "This just boggles," Ranma said, clutching his head with both hands, as if someone was smashing his head in. "I suppose the Orochi blood also confers a degree of psychic activity. That's the only way Seiryu could have done her stunts." "It does, yes. But never confuse that with espers; Orochis are far more powerful, and more versatile, than espers. They are a blend of chi masters and espers, if you wish to think of it in that manner." Ranma shook his head, trying his best to clear his thoughts. "If it helps any, I believe Ukyo did not know this herself," the wizard offered in consolation. "Many wielders of fantastic power live their lives without ever knowing their full potential." She could've beaten me to a pulp whenever she wanted to, the young Saotome thought. She could've overpowered me at any time! And yet... even with all that power... she didn't. Aware of it or not, willing to use it or not... Ukyo could only refrain from doing it if she really did care. "I suppose it appropriate that she was the User of Water," the former assassin mused. "In Musashi's 'Book of Five Rings,' the Book of Water was what Musashi used to describe himself, the Book of Wind to describe his opponents, and the Book of Fire to describe how to wage a battle. Appropriate, that it also describe you and Tatewaki Kuno, as well. You, as with the Book of Winds, know your opponents, and use that knowledge well. As with the Book of Fire and Tatewaki, he successfully defeated an opponent that was his equal, if not his better. And, as with the Book of Water and Ukyo, she knew herself-- thus remaining true to herself in the end. Interesting, how these things work out." At that point, Ranma was no longer interested in listening to the Shinto wizard's musings, consumed by his own thoughts. "I can't believe I strung her along with the rest of them," Ranma muttered. "I can't believe how much of a jerk I've been with her, after all she put aside for me. I mean, she gave up power, she gave up her last hope of returning to society with honor, to be my friend... if not my wife. Dammit, WHY are we THIS concerned about honor, to the point of supidity and death? And hell, she just gave up her life, too, just to be my friend!" Ranma banged his head with his fists. "And where was I during all of this?!" "If I were you," suggested Higure, "I would cease to think in that manner, and remember her for what she was, and what she was worth." "How come I never noticed?!" the martial artist cried, seemingly ignoring the Shinto wizard's words. "Instead of mourning, celebrate her life. Tell me, because you are her friend... would she appreciate what you are doing right now?" "Probably not," Ranma admitted, "but I don't care!!" "Ranma, you have a wife... someone to share your pain. She suffers as well. Suffer together; misery loves company." "I'll keep that in mind," Ranma replied noncommittally. He could almost hear Pantyhose Taro laughing at him, pointing out his moment of weakness. Well, right now, he didn't care. Nothing was harder than burying an old friend. Standing to his feet, Higure added, "When you can find it in your heart to forgive yourself, Ranma Saotome, you can do anything. When you remember why Ukyo gave up her life for you to live, you can do anything. When you remember the past, and learn from the mistakes of the past... you can look forward to the bright future ahead of you. When you remember to live without regrets, the past will never stop you. When you remember your friends, remember them for what they were, and what they have become, because they are still your friends, and, despite how they appear to you on the outside, they are there for you, on the inside. When you remember this all, I will be back." Silently, the Shinto wizard headed toward the exit of the park on foot, leaving Ranma alone with his thoughts. "After all," the former Orochi assassin, known as Shifter, told himself, "Ranma Saotome, the wheel turns forevermore, the flame burns brighter still; your journey has only just begun." "From time to time, you will make mistakes. They are inevitable. Sometimes, those mistakes will be huge. What matters is that you learn from them. There is nothing wrong with falling down, as long as you end up just two inches taller, when you pick yourself up off the fall." "At times, you may end up far away from home. You may not be sure of where you belong anymore. Home is always there, because home is not a place. It is wherever your passion takes you." "As you continue on your path, you will lose some friends and gain some new ones. The process is painful, but often necessary. They will change and you will change, because life is change. From time to time, they must find their own way and that way may not be yours. Enjoy them for what they are and remember them for what they were." "I believe that, sooner or later, no matter what happened, things do work out. Well, we have hard times. We suffer. We lose loved ones. The road is never easy. It was never meant to be easy, but in the long road, if you stay to what you believe, things do work out." "Always be willing to fight for what you believe in. It doesn't matter if a thousand people agree with you or one person agrees with you. It doesn't matter if you stand completely alone. Fight for what you believe. Which begins me to the first piece of advice my dad gave me, and now I am giving to you: 'Never start a fight, but always finish it.'" -- Sheridan, Babylon 5 * * * * * Closing: Lambada Ranma [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Girl Ranma:] I turn female, with my messed-up life. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! Ranma: You are SO uncute! Akane: I refuse to marry that pervert! Genma: Hmm, how should I explain this? Ranma! I'll kill you!! Shampoo Soun: How do you explain yourself, Ranma? Kasumi: Oh, there's so much activity here today. Nabiki: That doesn't make sense, Sister. My, how manly you've become! Nodoka Tofu: Kasumi?! Kasumi?! Where?! Cologne: You're quite skilled, Son-in-law. Ryoga: Where's Furinkan High?! You're the only man for me! Akari Kuno: You! How dare you speak to Akane in that manner?! Kodachi: Come here, my darling pet! Ohoooohooo! Sasuke: Master, are you sure that's wise? Bowl cuts for da sistas, buzz cuts for da bruddas! Daichi [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Girl Ranma:] I turn female, with my messed-up life. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! [Guide:] Honorable guest, here! Legendary training grounds, Jusenkyo. Honorable guest, you're crazy. It's so dangerous, no one uses these grounds! Ah, honorable guest, what are you doing?! If you fall in, something terrible will happen. Aiyaa, you fell in Nyannichuan. In Nyannichuan 1500 years ago, a young girl drowned, that is its tragic legend! Ever since, anyone who drowns there... that cursed spring transforms into a young girl! See, you turned into a girl. Asuka: Perfection is beauty, is it not? Taro: Ha-hah! I've got you now, Femme-boy! Happosai: Hahahaa, I've got Akane's panties! Soon you'll know how it feels to lose your true love! Mousse Shoto: What YOU need is some good old-fashioned discipline! Konatsu: Beautiful kimonos, excellent wage, wonderful boss! Ukyo: What you're tasting is the best okonomiyaki in the world! .... Shampoo's Dad (I HAVE a name, too! It's....) Tsubasa: You idiot! I'm a GUY! Gambling King: You LOSE! Hinako: Ooooh! Look at all that candy! Damn that fool Saotome!! OOOWWWWW!!! Gosunkugi Natsume: The Tendo dojo belongs to its greatest students! Kurumi: That looks DELICIOUS!! Ryu: Is THAT what you call technique?! Aiyah! Would you please catch that? Ling-ling, Lung-lung [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Girl Ranma:] I turn female, with my messed-up life. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! [Ranma:] "I didn't ask for this!" [chorus:] Akane's fiance! [Akane:] "Who ASKED you?!" [chorus:] Akane's fiance! ----------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Warmage was given a redeeming trait in his character because I felt he shouldn't be so irredeemable as I initially wrote him out to be. As an extremely powerful bad guy (TM), I gave him the chance to be human once again, and to return to the light (ala Darth Vader). The catalyst, of course, was Ukyo, who stirred-up long-forgotten memories of his beloved Kei. In addition, although it was not my original intention, I gave new life to three other assassins: Shifter, Strand, and Clash. I tried hard to keep the identity of Higure Furui's brother, Akutare, a secret-- not until the critical moment, when it is revealed that he is actually Strand, and he is quite dead indeed. This was an added incentive for Shifter's eventual defection, since this is against the laws of nature which he fervently serves. Also take note that Strand is nothing like his brother, preferring worldly pleasures as having fantasies of having his way with Kodachi's mom. Clash, on the other hand, is pretty much your stereotypical fallen samurai. His drive is honor-- which is what brought him to Orochi in the first place, and his eventual death, the only release from his oaths. Originally I was going to make Lash Clash's sister, but considering the parallels it draws with Kodachi and Tatewaki, I opted to make her his wife instead. Makes much more room for the vengeful heart. Daichi and Shoto. A pair of swords some call Daisho. Kuno tradition. Take a wild guess who saved Mousse from bleeding to death. In any case, now Mousse is worse than dead-- he has no future to look forward to, in addition to being rendered invalid though Shampoo's handiwork. As noted in her first appearance, Seiryu is missing a few buttons. The fact she was attempting to usurp control over Ukyo's body should have been a flag that something was wrong. Tatewaki was just filled with references, wasn't he? King Lear, Babylon 5, Lord of the Rings.... Yet, the Gandalf reference was simply a happy accident; I didn't plan it that way, only knew that it was going to happen somehow. It just happened like that. I called it 'Heart of Ice' for a REASON, you know ;) Did you catch any of the other, less-obvious references back there? Consider it a tribute. The Mousse/Nakamura scene was partially based on someone I know who really hates getting bugged by evangelists every day. Note, also, that the church building, instead of facing east, faces west. If east is up, then west is downward... you get the picture. I've always intended for Ranma and Ukyo to turn out the way they did, as this series was basically about them. Still, I thought Ranma should get a taste of what he's missing; I personally think Ranma DOES NOT DESERVE Ukyo. Ranma and Akane deserve each other (interpret that as you will). The Characters Kodachi has undergone a complete 360-degree turnaround in this series; at the start, it was she who told Tatewaki to embrace life rather than death (when, in reality, she was fleeing death). In the last story, she did a whole 180, after she had 'died,' then she embracing death. And, finally, another 180 as she realizes that to truly live is not to embrace just death, but life as well. You can't go through life by just embracing death, and you can't go through life by fearing death. I jumped on the chance to entangle Tatewaki Kuno in a new, more serious, corundum: instead of Akane or the pig-tailed girl, it's Kodachi or Ranma-- the great debate between obligation to family and honor. Well, I went with what I felt was most suited for Kuno, and, considering that he's quite willing to 'sidestep' honor, well, he's more inclined toward family when he can. This idea recurs as well in the final battle between Ranma and Nemesis-- Kuno refuses to allow Ranma to take out his mother, even though she is an evil person (if not by choice). Brash and abrasive as ever, Pantyhose Taro has gotten a taste of what it means to be part of a family-- having no such positive influences on his life while growing-up. While he continues to bash others as usual, Taro tries to understand the feeling of love-- why his heart beats so for Kodachi (well, who WOULDN'T-- she's a BABE!! ;). However, I had to write him out early in the story, as he was, at most, peripheral to the story. If I had kept him in for too long, he would've overshadowed some other characters. Sending him home was the best (and easiest) way to get rid of him; besides, it's not like he himself won't be busy.... Effectively, Ryoga has gotten a life, and therefore he's more inclined to stick with it rather than hang around Ranma all the time. He and Akari are doing fine.... Everything's great now that he's convinced himself that Akane doesn't know his secret. Mousse-- ah, what a long, twisted, hard road! It took a great deal of work to turn him against Shampoo-- he tried once before in the series when Shampoo was forcibly-removed from his life, but in the end he found he was still latched-on to her, even though she wasn't latched-on to him (she likes Mousse the warrior, but not Mousse the Person, mind you). And, when Shampoo helped shatter Mousse's hopes of finally killing Ranma before leaving Japan for good, he lost all respect for her (he can't return home a loser, 'cuz he's got the warrior pride and all), and begins to wonder why he ever chased her. The fact that Shampoo was staying behind was the final nail in the coffin-- dislike becomes scorn. Too bad for Mousse that he can't beat Ranma anymore-- not in his weakened condition. He's far worse than dead-- greater than the death of flesh is the death of dreams and the death of hope. And yet, even in death, there may yet be hope. Ling-ling and Lung-lung were always the rules-lawyers (as Dungeons and Dragons players term it); the entire time they've been justifying their actions based on the rules alone, as if it made everything right. They helped rescue Ranma before because Shampoo was acting against tribal rules (although Cologne ignored it as well-- more likely, the rule was forgotten). They helped Mousse to help fulfill his warrior pride, and to get a shot at Ranma again, who they've come to despise. As with Taro, I've written them out of most of the critical moments of the story, as they might detract from the real characters of the story. They just disappeared into life just like Shampoo's father always had.... Shampoo-- ah, what a terrible, terrible life! Not only had she lost the chance at marrying Ranma, but she also lost face in front of the rest of the tribe. Even though Cologne is still alive and well, she is, after all a hundred-years old, and she can't last forever, so Shampoo may eventually become leader. As such, more was expected from her than from others, especially Mousse, who saw fit to judge her himself. To Mousse, she comes off as terribly cold, calculating, and selfish, as he blames her for his shame as well as for neglecting her duties by staying behind in Japan. However, hidden under the cold exterior, Shampoo knows what is expected of her, and what needs to be done. Also, bearing the weapon of the fallen enemy will have its consequences.... Konatsu needed some growing to do, but everything surrounding the kunoichi was much more subtle-- as in the final scene, where he is revealed to have learned quite a bit from Ukyo about running a successful business. In fact, if it turns out he has nothing else better to do, the shop's pretty much his. Compared to the others, he was relatively quiet and inopinioned-- that's the way he's always been. Still, he did become quite important in the end, if only to help further the plot surrounding Ranma and Ukyo. Akane hasn't changed much. There's nothing much TO change. Nabiki got thrown into two distinct roles: that of a leader, and that of a human being-- when she took it upon herself to establish the band, and when she failed her college entrance exams. The invincible and masterful Nabiki Tendo was created and toppled at once, throwing her back down to a more earthly level. However, she is still as crafty as ever, and she's not willing to take defeat lying down. Kasumi-- and Tofu, for that matter-- may be in for a bumpy ride ahead, and it won't be because they're together. Exterior forces are on the move, and these two are caught in the middle! Nodoka is obsessed with family and honor (in a sort, the same as Kuno, but more to the point of insanity). With family affairs in reasonable order, the next logical extension is to-- get grandchildren as soon as possible! She's so worked up that she even managed to convince Soun and Genma that this is the way to go. Shifter, also known as Higure Furui, may have only appeared a grand total of four times in the entire series (#1 as an unnamed, 2, 15 as the robed man who appeared at the beginning, and 16), but his role changed drastically only now. To be in close contact with a human, after an extended period of time fighting, rekindled old feelings and individuality in the assassin. In the end, he was the one who made the final battle possible. Although he was wrong about some things, he proved invaluable for the side of humanity. Only time will tell what will become of him. Ranma-- the star of the series, although indirectly, was thrown into Hell without discrimination. Although his actions had little worth at the beginning, toward the end of the series his actions (and inactions) have lead to his downfall-- from selfishly refusing help from the others to allowing Seiryu to torture his mind on several occasions (whether she was with him or not). However, many previous experiences served to aid him in the final battle against mad Seiryu-- the battle against the danceman, Johan, the battle against Taydome's mechanical army, even Seiryu's 'mental conditioning' contributed to the ultimate victory. The 'other star' of the series, Ukyo, has gone through the most rigorous ordeals to become a better person. Although she cannot forget her love for Ranma, she cannot forget that he's beyond her grasp, either. Well, she's been nearly-fatally-stabbed by an Orochi assassin (who subsequently infected her with Orochi blood), been bludgeoned to death by Warmage's psychic attacks, been turned against herself by the ravaging Orochi blood, faced-off against Herb, resulting with the birth of her 'newfound power,' had fallen under the power of the Reversal Jewel to kill Ranma, and shared bodies with her future self, Seiryu. Also, she's been thrust into the role of her ancestor, Kei, as the Jade Dragon, as a key player in the battle against the Orochi's minions, earning her enemies she never wished for. Power comes with a price-- and Ukyo paid the ultimate price: her life. I am not afraid to kill off characters, so long as the characters die well (or not...). By her death Seiryu was reborn in a youthful body-- a being that very well may not be Ukyo at all. And yet, despite being a different person, Ranma was forced to destroy his old friend, ending the cycle of anger. I told you when I started that not everyone was coming home alive, and I kept my promise. Raise your hands if you expected me to kill off my favorite character. Raise your hands if you thought it was going to be either Mousse or Kuno. The entire Wheel of Fire series was heavily influenced by Babylon 5 and its philosophies. Now is a good a time as any to get started; watch the entire run on TNT if you're in the States. The title of the final part is a parodic reference to the final manga story, "Ranma and Akane." -- Razorclaw X, signing off The eyes of Ukyo's father watched Ranma depart from the weed- stricken yard. He never left his position by the entrance to the Kuonji home until the young man closed the gate behind him. Slowly, Kuonji retreated back inside the ramshackle house, quietly sliding the rotting door closed. "It's finally done," he whispered with a sigh. Mopping his forehead with the back of his hand, the tired man focused his eyes to the dark shadows of the hallway. "Are you sure this is how you want it?" "You know just as well as I this is how it must be," replied the one standing in the shadows. "Insult has been repaid with death; why drag it on any further?" "Still, this way leaves the Saotome kid a wreak," Kuonji pointed out. "Is that what you want?" That question caught the shadow by surprise. "This has nothing to do with what I want." Kuonji shrugged. "If you say so." "He'll get over it, in time," assured the shadowy figure. Changing the subject, the shadow added, "We'll wait at least three days before setting up shop; I don't intend to let Ranma know that you've been taken care of, which will lead to suspicions, then prying eyes, then exposure. That's something I really would like to avoid, you know, after all this work." "I understand," replied Ukyo's father, nodding carefully. "Still, are you sure about this?" Stepping out of the shadows, the figure held one arm outstretched, a soft thumb rubbing over a green, stone object. Kuonji had no doubt to what that object was; after all, it had been passed down through the generations of his family. Of course, currently there was only one Jade Dragon earring; the other was in the hands of Ranma, by the wishes of Ukyo. Ukyo Kuonji threw her arms around her father, embracing him tightly. "This is the only way, Father, that I can make up for everything-- for running out, for time lost, and to get my mind off Ranma, and his mind off me. He's got a wife, and he ought to get on with his life; he can't do that while I'm around, not after what I've done to him." Or, more like what my other self did. Shaking her head, the chef girl said, "He's strong; he can do it. That's why I'm doing this; if anything, this even can only make him STRONGER." She added, "Konatsu should be coming around with the rest of my stuff within a week or so as well. I'm glad he sold the shop so fast!" "I still don't understand why you trusted that kid and not your friend here," said Kuonji, confused. "I've placed a great deal of trust in Konatsu," Ukyo said. "He will never let me down; he'll never tell them the truth, not until I ask him to. Sure, they'll all probably find out about me eventually, but by then I hope everything'll have settled down." "Now it's just you, me, and Grandpa and Grandma; I'll make sure to work hard!" Raising her voice in determination, Ukyo added, "This will be the last generation of the Kuonji family that lives in poverty!" "Welcome home, Ukyo," Kuonji whispered, hugging his daughter with tears rolling down his cheeks. "There will come a time in your lives, a defining moment, that will change your lives forever. That may come sooner, or later; but you will know when it comes. In that moment, a new door is opened for you-- your thoughts travel in ways you have never dreamed before; new options are available at your disposal." "It seemed only yesterday I found mine. It took a friend... at the time, not a close one... to realize it. It took an even closer friend to come to terms with it. From that day forward, I knew what I wanted to do, knew what I had to do, knew what was right." "I leave you with these parting thoughts: follow your heart. You will know when something is right, not because someone told you it was right, or a set of rules or laws tells you it is right, but you FEEL it is right. Seize the moment, but do not confine yourself to the moment, as you must also look to the future, as well as the past, to move on. Never dwell in any one moment for long-- be it mourning of a loved one, your favorite birthday, or a beloved pet... but never forget them, either. (long pause) Finally, make the most of yourself; never settle for enough, but excel! You are the bright minds of our future; make the most of it, and, most of all, make us proud." "Thank you." -- Dr. Kodachi Kuno, M.D., on her speech to the graduating class of '78, U. Tokyo * * * * * ----------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Draw your own conclusions. In the end, the numbers don't matter; it is the people who matter. If you are reading this, you either got tired of the fic and skipped to the bottom, or you didn't believe me the first time when the EOF tag was put in place as I usually do after my ranting. "Decepticons FOREVER!"--Ravage, former Decepticon "If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die."--Kosh, Babylon 5 "NOW what?"--any Babylon 5 fan after watching the final episode "Now I enter these hallowed halls... a conqueror, yess. Autobots and Decepticons, still frozen in emergency stasis, awaiting the moment, four million years hence, when they will awaken to start the Great War. The Great War, where the Autobots defeated the Decepticons, and thus, their descendents, the Maximals, rule we Predacons. Archaic energon guzzlers, how dare they!" "Unwilling though I was to follow my namesake's instructions, it has all come down to this... the ultimate risk, for the ultimate prize! A Day of Reckoning, with those who made us SLAVES!" "So, we are now face-to-face, Optimus Prime. In one future you will awaken and become the great leader of the Autobots. But time shall take a different track now.... Computer! All available power to primary weapon!" "And now, Optimus Prime, in MEMORY of the Decepticons, for the GLORY of the Predacons, for the Cybertron that is rightfully OURS-- and MINE to rule... I unleash the storm of vengeance! Farewell...!" --Megatron, Beast Wars Razorclaw X (