The Wheel of Fire, #16: Nemesis, part 1 Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author (to which the answer is probably "no"). Fanart inspired by this story can be found at: Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story. Plot Points =========== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Ryoga and Akari are married. 2. Nodoka insisted that Ukyo join her family to remove her past dishonor. While Ukyo accepted, she opted to retain her name for duty to her family as sole heir. 3. Kodachi and Tatewaki hate their parents and Ranma. They know Ranma is the pig-tailed girl, and are quite unforgiving about that. 4. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, and Shampoo's father work at the Nekohanten. 5. Kodachi and Pantyhose Taro admit affection for each other. 6. Ukyo discovers she can manipulate chi. With proper training she could become more powerful than Ranma. What has gone before: ===================== 1. The gang prepares for the battle they know will come soon. ------------------------------------------------ He watched the great fireball descend in the horizon, bathing the sky in a fiery orange glow. It, perhaps, would be the last he would ever see for a long while. Slowly, he forced himself to walk down the mountain trail, all the while resisting the urge to continue staring at the setting sun. Left foot. Right foot. And soon, he was making a steady pace as darkness enveloped him. "The time has come," he said in a grave tone, speaking to himself aloud. "The annihilation of Humanity is at hand; the Cleansing shall begin. The gods help us if we are wrong." Only the one with eight sets of eyes truly knew the answer. * * * * * Opening: Don't Cry Any more (Ukyo) (Ukyo) On a street corner, shining down is The lonely silhouette which is me I just heard the line "goodbye" from you Without quite believing it My heart beats as though they're drums Against my chest Which brings forth tears, A lullaby Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! I had felt like I was totally cool. In the car that's driving away, I can see a lovely kiss scene. You and your girlfriend-- It's no mistake! Cheer up, don't cry anymore Only bad things won't continue Cheer up, don't cry anymore. I look up and embrace the sky. Smile again! Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! * * * * * Part 1: Phoenix Rising-- When Black Roses Bloom "What is wedlock forced but a hell, an age of discord and continued strife? Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss?" -- Shakespeare, Henry VI "Humans have a phrase: 'What is past is prologue.' Minbari also have a phrase: 'What is past is also sometimes future.'" -- Delenn, Babylon 5 Everything you know about life is wrong. There was a time when Tatewaki Kuno cared for other women, but now he found he could not. Only one thought occupied his mind right now, standing alone that morning on the porch, staring at the rising sun, This thought prevented him from drifting to his beloved Ukyo Kuonji. Kodachi had died. Well, in a manner of speaking, of course. She hadn't physically- died, really. Actually, it was more of a mental death, if one could call it that. Nearly a month ago Ukyo had asked for Kuno's help to rid Ranma of an evil possessing spirit. The only reason he had gone was because Ukyo had asked, and that Akane was in danger. He would later find that he was not the only one to aid in the battle; Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo, and Kodachi were recruited as well, being part of the six that formed the circle around Ranma and Akane, whatever that meant. Joining minds, the six had traveled to Ranma's mindscape, where Akane was being held against her will. Ranma, under the so-called 'influences' of the evil phantom, had killed Mousse and Kodachi, and had almost done Ukyo and himself in as well before the others could stop him. As in a dream, when one dies, one wakes up, and that was the fate of Mousse and Kodachi. While Mousse suffered no lasting trauma, Kodachi hadn't recovered. Kuno had accepted the fact that Kodachi loved Ranma long ago. To be otherwise now was-- to say the least-- unsettling. He had always wished his twisted sister would give-up her affection for the foul sorcerer, but not in this way. Kodachi refused to come within sight of Ranma, being quite bitter about being one of those who he had targeted to kill. The richman and head of House Kuno had no idea what was going on through his sister's mind. In fact, he had no idea what that girl was doing right now. Humph, probably cuddling with that Taro person, or feeding that alligator or something, Kuno guessed. At least she was taking care of SOMETHING. Kuno had grudgingly-hired a gardener after Kodachi refused to touch the plants in the courtyard anymore, as if their presence made her sick. He had the idea that she wanted them to die, probably to experience what she had experienced: dying. Dying. Yes, he, too, had died once, during a duel against an assassin who wished to bring harm to Akane. It was the invincible Chinese Phoenix Sword that killed him, as it drained almost all of Kuno's soul power. Dying had opened his eyes, made new roads available to him, and it was there, in Heaven, that Kuno discovered that Ranma was the pig- tailed girl. That alone drove him back to Earth. Since then, Kuno steadily-increased his soul energies, so that he may never burn himself out again. Dying wasn't such a bad thing. Perhaps dying was a good thing for dear Kocchi, Kuno supposed. Of course, she cherished life and living over all else; perhaps she might not make it out of her problem alone. Perhaps it was time I did something besides stand around and wonder. He was on the verge of collapse when, in the mindscape, Ranma had thrown his deadly energy lance through Kodachi's stomach, creating a clean-cut hole right through the center. The memory of what Kodachi had done still haunted him: she merely stared down at the hole, as if it were always there, then back at Ranma, and laughed. Then, she fell forward, falling flat on her face, and died. She had laughed. Laughed, as if it were a joke. That was what scared Tatewaki Kuno most. After all, everything you know about life is wrong. Cold air rushed past the solitary martial artist by the name of Saotome, given name Ranma. Teal wisps of smoke danced all about, kicked up like sand in a high wind. He practiced his kicks against an imaginary opponent, keeping steady in each blow, simulating tae kwon do moves he had seen demonstrated to him once on television. None of it was particularly difficult, he thought. It was then the imaginary opponent was replaced by a person. Ranma ceased his practice, not surprised that the newcomer arrived. The newcomer wore a heavy, dark mantle, concealing the rest of the body. The sleeves of the mantle dangled loosely by the side; Ranma knew that this person had her arms folded in the drape-like cloth. "Do you know who I am?" she asked. "Of course I do," Ranma answered quickly, casually. She shook her head. "Do you KNOW who I am?" "What's THAT supposed to mean?" the martial artist asked. Quickly, the woman was replaced by another figure... that of a man, dressed in long, plain white pants, and a scale-patterned shirt, the likes of which Ranma knew and despised. "WHY are you here?!" Ranma yelled. The man chuckled to himself. "You're missing something." And, from behind Ranma, another voice said, "When the log falls, you will all die." The martial artist turned to look over his shoulder, but found no one there. Turning back to face the man, Ranma was surprised to find him replaced by the woman from before. One eye glowed a ruby red, in a diamond-like shape, as if it were made of artificial substances. "It's not too late," she said. "I'll always be there." "It is time," announced Kodachi. In the dark chamber that served as Kodachi Kuno's bedchambers she cackled madly, her only audience being Pantyhose Taro, her latest love of her life. The walls of the room that were once decorated with posters of Ranma were now bare; a single picture remained, posted at the center of a dart board, with three darts stuck through it. The room reeked of plant life, as Kodachi kept a vase of roses by her bedside, the buds emitting a powerful, yet pleasant, scent, only vaguely reminiscent of actual roses. She loved to chemically- enhance her plants whenever possible, and the roses represented one such specimen of many in the garden. "We will hit him hard, and hit him fast," explained Kodachi, pacing around Taro, tapping a club in her palm. "After all, it is three against one, and certain advantages available to us alone!" Taro nodded. The 'three' included himself, Kodachi, and Kodachi's idiotic brother, the Poet. The 'advantages' his love spoke of included several plans and contingencies, worked out by Taro and Kodachi together, each pointing-out each other's flaws and even more contingencies. The target, of course, was none other than Femme-boy, otherwise known as Ranma Saotome. Kodachi wished to harm Ranma to the point of overhumiliation, if not to death. All of that suited Taro just fine, so long as Ranma got what he deserved. Of course, given Kodachi's rather sadistic attitude toward battle, he might have to restrain her attack a bit as well, especially if his cousin, Akane, were endangered. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation. "Finally, time for some long-deserved payback!" Taro circled his arms around Kodachi lovingly. The couple stared into each other's eyes knowingly. "Whatever happens," the Chinese man said, "we do it together." "Yes, together," echoed Kodachi, whispering softly. Smiling gently, she pressed her lips onto Taro's, oblivious to the rest of the world, if only for a moment. Not far from the Kuno estate, in Tokyo proper, a woman, who appeared to be in her late thirties or early forties, emerged from the airplane that had carried her home from Abu Dhabi. She stepped out of the airplane's hatch and into the boarding ramp that lead to the terminal, careful not to let her carnation-adorned kimono brush against what she perceived as filthy walls. She clomped down the ramp, carrying an air of importance with her, with her chin up high, and a beautifully-patterned folding fan in hand, ever so slightly waving air toward the woman's delicate face. The woman stepped into the terminal, standing there for a moment, as if to take in the air around her. With her free hand, the lady threw her pony tail over her shoulder, letting it dangle almost invitingly on the left side. She wrinkled her nose, suddenly remembering why she hated the city so much: it reminded her too much of home. For the Lady Kuno, the mother of Tatewaki and Kodachi, was not born to wealth, but to poverty; however, marriage to the rich maniac Kuno had changed everything. Speaking of which.... "Service!" demanded the Lady, making herself heard over the noise of the occupants of the terminal. No sooner had she cried out had the nearest airport employee came to her side. He bowed to the Lady respectfully. "Get my package out of the baggage compartment, now!" she ordered. "My husband is no good to me dead!" Ukyo, don't you think it is time to get up? The okonomiyaki chef groaned, rolling to her side in her futon lazily. "Go 'way," murmured Ukyo. "It's my day off...." You know as well as I that I cannot do that. It was then that Ukyo realized that nobody had spoken to her. She rolled onto her back, and maneuvered her hands to cushion her head. The chef cursed silently, remembering where the voice came from. "I thought I told you I wanted to sleep in," she whispered to the air, running her fingers through her long, black hair. I can feel it in the air. Echoing through space is the resonance of energy, energy that has the same signature as that the Warmage gathered from Ranma a while ago. It can only mean that Warmage has finally found a suitable host for Nemesis. Sitting up, Ukyo said, "Now?" Gather the others. Their help will be needed. "Oh, all right," the chef said, shrugging. The voice Ukyo heard in her head belonged to that of Seiryu, her future self, who traveled back in time to prevent Nemesis from destroying mankind. When she failed in her mission, she managed to transfer some of her memories into Ranma's mind, and, after joining minds with Ranma recently, Seiryu's memories leaped into Ukyo's mind. The strangest part of it all was that Ukyo was, in effect, talking to herself. Seiryu's mental voice was the same as Ukyo's; no surprise, since they are the same person. Seiryu's voice carried the weight of experience, of a certain weariness, yet, holding determination and hope at the same time. The future Ukyo continued to point out to the chef that her own voice was still filled with some innocence, but of what Ukyo couldn't determine. It wasn't long before Ukyo realized that Seiryu's memories had the ability to teach her how to use her latent psychokinetic powers, powers in which Seiryu mastered in her time. By force of will Ukyo practiced creating chi daggers, a feat many martial artists couldn't hope to do. Yet, somehow, Ukyo knew that Seiryu was holding back on her lessons, as if there was something Ukyo wasn't supposed to use. Ranma possessed as much potential, if not more, as Ukyo did in chi mastery. However, Seiryu had explained that Ranma's mastery comes not from within as Ukyo's did, but from others. For a time, Ranma had used those ultimate powers, but they were drawn from negative, dark emotions, rooted in evil born in his person. Only the power of faith surpassed that energy, and it was the only energy that could properly-fuel Ranma's ultimate powers. Of course, the problem was, Ranma lacked faith. Careful study by Cologne revealed that Ranma must place faith in those closest to him, namely Akane, Ukyo, Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo, Kuno, and Kodachi, as all their lives were interconnected. All eight belong to a circle, old Cologne said, with Ranma and Akane in the center, and the other six around them in a circular pattern. Only together would they defeat the evil Warmage was attempting to bring into the world. And unless something was done, the circle would collapse, and all hope with it. So they said. "It's time to correct my mistakes," Ukyo announced to nobody in particular. "ALL of them...." "It's time to collect what's due to me," Mousse muttered to himself. Sitting cross-legged, arms folded across his chest, head bent low, the Chinese acrobat took in a deep breath, then relaxed, savoring the flow of air in his lungs before exhaling. The only light that illuminated the attic of the Nekohanten came from a single window, the light unobstructed by the heavy curtains pulled to the side. Mousse had arranged his seating such that the light of the rising sun, as it traveled across the sky, would bathe him in greater radiance, sitting with his back against the window all the while. The shadow he cast spanned to the door. This time of the morning was the perfect time. Mousse reached to his right and pulled a box in front of him, which appeared a bit larger than a box containing a basketball. He opened the package he had received nearly two weeks ago, and stared at the contents inside. Reaching into the box with both hands, the Chinese acrobat removed a pair of matching claw razors. Each razor appeared as the black, heavy gloves that one might find in a laboratory, fitting well over the wrists and halfway up to the elbows, but that was where the similarities ended; the 'fingers' of the gloves ended in four large, stainless steel edges, giving the appearance of a great claw from the most imposing of demons-- three fingers and a thumb, if one wished to look at the weapons in that manner. Mousse put both gloves on his hands, flexing the 'fingers' experimentally. Although he had been practicing with these new weapons for the past two weeks, the acrobat could still feel awe. Slipping off the gloves, Mousse stowed them away into their new resting place, up his sleeves. He reached back into the box and withdrew a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, the Chinese acrobat read the words he'd read so many times before: "To Mousse, I have fashioned these weapons for you since we last parted nearly a year ago. I have personally enchanted them with the most powerful Taoist sorceries available to me; think of me when you use them. May we meet again where no darkness falls, Mei-ling." Silently, he folded the letter back up, and slipped it into his sleeves. Leaping to his feet, Mousse turned to face the window. With graceful strides he made his way to the window, and, with his left hand, pushed it open, allowing the wind to rush into the attic. Peering out the window, staring down at the street below, he whispered, "All that is left to do is to get revenge against Ranma Saotome!" Only a pair of eyes bore witness to Mousse's flight from the open window, watching him race across the rooftops to his destination. Nodding to each other in understanding, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, polearms in hand, followed the Chinese acrobat. Little did any of the three deserters know that Shampoo, her father, and old Cologne were watching them depart from the dining room inside. "Follow them," the old woman ordered Shampoo. "Make sure they do not ruin my plans." Ranma's eyes flew open like a spring returning to its natural state. Damn, that was a weird dream.... For a moment, while staring at the ceiling, he wondered why Akane didn't wake him up earlier. Lying in his double futon on the floor, Ranma lay in bed, alone. Judging from the clock, it was almost ten in the morning. He could hear the faint chirping of the birds out in the Tendo yard through the open window, as well as smell whatever it was Kasumi had made for breakfast. Oh yeah, Ranma thought, I told Akane I wanted to sleep-in today. Well, in part that had much to do with Ukyo's decisions; every morning for the past few months she and Ranma practiced in the dojo at dawn, just before Ukyo opened her shop. However, since today was one day she designated as a 'day off,' she decided to sleep-in, and Ranma did the same. After all, getting up at dawn wasn't Ranma's idea of a morning. He almost expected to hear the voice of Ucchan in his mind, but there was only emptiness. Ukyo, where are you? Ranma wondered. No answer. Her familiar, comforting, soothing voice was missing, as it has been for almost a month, even though he's seen her every morning. It was the voice that assured Ranma that everything would turn out right in the end, the voice of reason, the one that guided his actions like a loving parent. It was she, in his mind, which would always be there, but she was gone. Ranma concluded that he missed her. "Geez, I don't get it," Ranma said to himself. "Why in the world would I be thinking about Ukyo right now? I've never thought about her all that much before, so why am I now?" Maybe it's time to pay her a visit, he decided. I've got to sort this thing out. Pulling himself out from under the covers of the bed, Ranma shook those thoughts from his mind, and began to change his clothes. "I knew I shouldn't have gone out by myself," Ryoga said, chastising himself for the umpteenth time. It should have been a simple matter to travel to town and go to the store to buy a gift for Akari, but, as usual, Ryoga got lost. More than ever Ryoga hated getting lost, especially the fact that the time he spent lost was time without Akari. Still, this had to be done, otherwise Akari wouldn't have been surprised with the gift. He had no idea what possessed him to get the gift; it was as if someone in the back of the Eternally Lost Boy's head told him it was necessary. That must have been yesterday, Ryoga decided. Hiking in a familiar-looking urban community, a small, wrapped box in hand, Ryoga trudged on, hoping that the Fates would put him back on the right path. Then again, the Fates usually put Ryoga in the right place at the right time, and that usually wasn't where he intended to go. "I shouldn't have gone without you, Akari," he whispered. "So, Nabiki, you've found a job?" Soun said. Gathered in the Tendo living room were Soun and his three daughters, sitting around the table as if they were sharing a meal, which they were not, as breakfast was finished for quite some time. Nodoka and Genma went out to the market together, while Ranma was left alone in bed, leaving all four Tendo family members alone in the house for the first time in a long time. Nabiki nodded in confirmation. "It's down at the new Casino King. I get to handle money." "'Casino King?'" piped Akane. "Isn't that the Gambling King's place?" The middle Tendo sister replied, "It sure is." "He was such an interesting fellow," commented Kasumi. Akane eyed Kasumi suspiciously. Why in the world was she behaving in such a manner toward a man who tried to take away the Tendo dojo? Under normal circumstances, the idea of Nabiki getting a job would have been ludicrous. But, since her failure to pass the infamous college entrance exams, she has had a better glimpse at what kind of future she would have if she didn't get a job. Kasumi filled the role of a housekeeper, and Akane had the dojo, but Nabiki had nothing but herself to rely on. And her only friend was money. It came to no surprise that Nabiki would choose a job that handled money, if indirectly. "I'm starting out today," continued Nabiki. She pointed an accusing finger at Soun. "And don't you think about stopping-by at the casino, okay? You have no idea how embarrassing that would be." "Nabiki, that wasn't very nice," Kasumi pointed out. "That's okay, I understand," Soun assured his daughters, nodding. "I suppose there's some worlds in which your father cannot tread." Nabiki shot a glance over at the clock. "Well, looks like I should be going. I don't want to be late for my first day, you know." Kasumi nodded. "Speaking of which, I'd better get down to church. The priest wants to have a word with me." "Just remember to get back in time before tonight's concert," reminded the younger sister, stepping out the door. Soun turned to Akane. "Well, Akane, it looks like just you and me." Akane shook her head. "Not quite, Dad; Ranma's still here," the youngest of the sisters pointed out. The sound of thumping against the hardwood floor above the living room resonated throughout the house. "Well, sounds like he won't be here for long," Nabiki corrected Akane dryly. Ranma had barely made it out the front door before Akane called for his attention. "Ranma!" Akane shouted, rushing to the front door, "where are you going?!" Her husband turned around and shrugged. "I've got the urge to go see Ukyo right now. We'll talk later." Before Ranma could make his break, Akane rushed to his side. "Why?" she asked. "You just got out of bed!" Ranma turned to face Akane seriously. "Akane, you shouldn't have to know what's eating at me right now. It's between me and Ukyo." "I'm your wife!" protested Akane. "What is it that you can tell Ukyo and not me?" Holding his hands up defensively, the young Saotome stepped back several careful steps. "Hey, take it easy!" replied Ranma hastily. "It's nothing like you're thinking!" "Oh, and what am I thinking?!" Akane demanded, shaking her fists in the air angrily. "You don't think I'm going to pound you into the ground, are you?" "Well... no," lied Ranma, visibly sweating. Had he any real sense, the conversation would have ended there, but Ranma couldn't resist adding, "Still, it's not like I'm playing around with other girls...." "RANMA!" his wife screamed, feeding Ranma a knuckle sandwich backed by terrible, jealous force before he could finish his sentence. Ranma's back scraped against the ground, kicking up dust into the air. He sat up, rubbing his sore cheeks. "One of these days," he told himself, "I'm going to have to learn to keep my mouth shut." Had Seiryu's reassuring voice been there, she might have said, "You're starting to listen," Ranma thought. "I see that the more things change, the more they stay the same," someone's voice echoed throughout the Tendo yard. Ranma and Akane's eyes met those of the speaker: Mousse. Standing atop the gate, arms folded, glasses resting on his head, the Chinese acrobat seemed to stare down at Ranma, although his eyes were closed. Only the rustling of the wind made the couple certain that they were not looking at a still-life portrait. "What do you want?!" cried Ranma, leaping to his feet. "It may come to your pleasure that the old one has decided to return home," Mousse called back. "Within a week the Nekohanten will close down for good, and I yearn to return home." "So, what?" replied Ranma. "I'm willing to bet you didn't come all this way to say 'good-bye.'" Mousse's lips twisted into a malicious smile. "Shampoo's heart may no longer be yours, but that is not why I am here." "Then, why are you here?" asked Akane. "All that is left is revenge!" the acrobat declared, leaping from his position on the gate and into the air, sailing over Ranma in the sky. Ranma threw himself away from the first chained spear, allowing the thrown weapon to bury itself into the ground. Rolling swiftly, he continued to leave a trail of spears behind him, escaping Mousse's initial attack completely. The Chinese acrobat landed in the midst of the chained spears, throwing away the ends of the chains that were up his sleeves, unconcerned. "You know," huffed the young Saotome, "I swear, if I had a yen for each time you've attacked me...." "Shut up!" Mousse shot back, reaching his hands back into his large sleeves. Grabbing what he was searching for, the Chinese acrobat produced Mei-ling's gifts-- the razor gloves. Ranma stepped back involuntarily. "Yow," he whistled, "never seen anything like THAT before!" Akane stepped back as well. "They look... beautiful!" she exclaimed. Mousse smiled. "These are the weapons forged by Chinese hands, tempered by the ancient sorceries of Taoism!" he proclaimed. Lifting the right glove, he said, "The Sleeping Dragon!" And, raising the left, proclaimed, "The Phoenix Fledgling! Right and left alike, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong served their master well. Now, as I am the master, they will aid me in this final battle, Ranma Saotome!" Quickly, Mousse slipped-on the gloves, allowing the sunlight to reflect off each razor 'finger.' Ranma shrugged. "I was wondering when you'd join the bandwagon." The Chinese acrobat snarled angrily. "You won't be laughing when I'm through with you!" Throwing his arms forward toward Ranma, Mousse's claws fired-off from the gloves, heavy chains trailing behind. Ranma ducked, allowing the chained projectiles to collide with the wall behind him. Getting up, he taunted, "Was THAT the best you could do?!" Unexpectedly, the chains tugged backward against the claws that were buried in the walls. Ripping cracks into the wall, Mousse retracted the weapons, pulling away a huge chunk of wall with them. The wall fragment ended its path where Ranma stood, allowing the claws to return to the Chinese acrobat's position. "EVERYTHING can be used as a weapon!" declared Mousse, returning Ranma's taunt. Ranma threw the wall fragment away from himself, then jumped back to his feet, facing Mousse. "I really don't get why you guys keep attacking me all the time!" Mousse snorted. "It was a wise man who advised never to leave loose ends untied," he paraphrased. "I bring no shame by returning home without defeating you, but it is my pride I fight for!" "Mousse, wait!" two voices shouted in unison. Ranma, Akane, and Mousse turned to face the new arrivals, standing atop the wall, holding their polearms steady. Ling-ling and Lung-lung, the twin warriors, labored for breath, struggling to keep their balance in their awkward position. "What are you two doing here?!" demanded Mousse. "Here... to... help!" answered Ling-ling, taking breaths between each word. "Fight... with... you!" Lung-lung added. Akane shook her head disappointingly. "Ranma, how in the world did you get into this much trouble?" The Chinese twins were a force to be reckoned with, but their fighting style left much to be desired. However, with Mousse on their side, backed by a 'magic' weapon, the odds were being stacked against Ranma, if he wasn't careful. "I want to do this myself!" protested Mousse, making his way to the wall, waving a razor 'finger' in the air. "Out of the way, Poet!" someone shouted from the other side of the wall. The voice boomed loud enough to catch the Chinese twins off-guard, and, in their jump of surprise, they fell forward, into the Tendo property lot, and toward an equally-surprised Mousse. The gates burst open, each door slamming against the wall, the hinges protesting loudly. Pantyhose Taro stood where the double doors once stood, his arms forward, having just forced open the gate. Behind him, stood Kodachi and Tatewaki Kuno, to the left and right respectively. Ranma wiped his hand down his face in disgust. "Here comes the Goon Squad." "I'd be more serious if I were you, Femme-boy!" snarled Taro. Kodachi stepped to Taro's side. "Was it not a wonderful gift you had bestowed upon me, Ranma?" she purred slyly, with a hint of malice in her voice. "To think, that Death was one to be feared by the living?! Ha-hah! Oh-hohohoho!" Kuno shook his head. "If only Death were truly the end," he muttered under his breath. "The end of existence, the end of our being, the fate in which all life is made equal!" continued Kodachi, circling Taro playfully. "Oh, Ranma, what a gift it was you had bestowed upon me! The gift of eternal sleep, the gift that gives the true meaning of life! To welcome Death, instead of fearing it! Ah-hah, to think, that I once cowered in the face of Death!" Both Ranma and Akane stepped back. "She's flipped," Akane noted. "More so than usual," added Ranma. The Kuno girl ceased her prancing, then glowered at Ranma, her tone of voice suddenly becoming serious. "It is this gift I wish to share with you, Ranma Saotome!" she cried, causing chill to run up her brother's spine. "'Death, be not proud,'" Kuno told himself, raising his bokken. "Truly, if death were the end of our being, then I would have no regrets this day, yet, if death is truly not the end...." "Shut up!" Taro snarled at him. "If the death of flesh is not enough, then it will be the death of his being!" Turning back to Ranma, he cried, "It is long passed the time I remedied my past humiliation at your hand!" "No, wait!" protested Mousse, dragging himself from under the prone bodies of Ling-ling and Lung-lung. "He's mine!" "He's MINE, Ducky!" Taro shot back. "You and what army?!" the Chinese acrobat replied. "Silence!" demanded Kodachi. The bickering between Mousse and Taro ceased at the chilling, commanding tone borne from the Kuno's voice. "It matters not WHO kills Ranma, but that he dies is what matters!" reasoned Kodachi. "We will fight together, or not at all!" Both Ling-ling and Lung-lung got up to their feet, and took positions to either of Mousse's sides. "She speak wisdom," noted Lung-lung. "One man alone surely cannot defeat the six of us," added Kuno. "All our skill combined is more than a match for such evilness as Ranma Saotome!" "What's the matter with all of you?!" Akane cried. All heads turned to Ranma's wife. "I thought you've all settled your differences a long time ago!" she continued. "There's no longer a reason why you all need to deal with Ranma anymore! Everything is over... OVER!" To Kodachi, Akane said, "You've lost in your race to win Ranma to your side; why do you continue to pester us?!" Kodachi feigned a look of innocence. "Oh, me?! I simply wish to share with him the gift of eternal sleep!" "You've never loved Death!" Akane pointed out. "Why now?!" "She speaks the truth, Sister!" insisted Kuno, reaching for her right arm. "In times before you never walked the path of death, but it was I who did! It was you who turned me from such a destructive path, Kocchi!" "Fool," Kodachi replied. "I simply said such to dissuade you from something I perceived to be an object to be feared! Oh, to meet Death face-to-face is to change one's outlook on life! It is the sweetness Death caresses one with that I wish to share!" "I don't care," Taro said. "Whatever end it takes to have your hand, I will follow!" "Blind love doth cloud your judgement!" Kuno replied. "Why do you not listen to your cousin and understand the truth?" Taro planted a foot in Kuno's face. "I've heard enough from you, Poet!" Mousse stepped closer to Taro. "Ever since I tasted the blood of my first kill, at the age of five, I feared not death, but welcomed it with open arms!" Turning to Ranma and Akane, he added, "The way of the warrior is to accept death as a part of life. Surely, you, Ranma, fear the final sleep!" Kuno nodded in agreement. "A samurai fears not death." Ranma's wife flared in anger. "Whose side are you on?!" she cried at Kuno. I don't want to die, Ranma admitted to himself. And this is certainly NOT the way I want to die. "You not ready to die?" asked Ling-ling and Lung-lung in unison, guessing Ranma's thoughts. Akane stepped forward defiantly. "That's enough!" she cried. "If anyone is going to kill my husband, he'll have to come through me first!" "You would dare to accept the gift in your husband's stead?!" Kodachi cried mockingly. "You aren't worthy of such an honor! Death is too easy a fate for you!" "Stand out of the way, Akane," warned Taro. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you force me!" "Taro," Akane replied, "you just can't do that!" "And why not?!" demanded Taro. "I've done it before, and I'll do it again! Nothing stands in the way of my goals, and that is to make my beloved happy!" "But when will you satisfy her lust for death?" Akane asked honestly. "Would killing Ranma really satisfy her thirst to kill?" The Chinese martial artist passed his look back to Kodachi, staring at her eyes. In the deep soul within, Taro could find only one thing, a look, though something he had never seen himself, was all-too familiar to him. Bloodlust. It was the same lust for killing that Taro felt when capturing livestock in the country, or stalking and hunting wild animals in China. It was the feeling that told him to kill or be killed, and Taro preferred to kill. It was a look that was never present in the eyes of the woman he loved. The innocence, the joy of life that so contrasted his own lifestyle seemed to have disappeared. "But," Taro said finally, "I know who did this to her!" "Way to go, Akane!" Ranma said, throwing up his arms in total frustration. "He STILL thinks it's my fault, whatever it is he's mad about!" "Ranma!" Akane yelled, turning to face her husband, back toward the six opponents. "I'm TRYING to help you!" "Some help you've been!" her husband replied, snorting. Anger burned within Akane's being. "Fine! Then maybe I SHOULD let them have you!" Mousse looked at Lung-lung in confusion. "How did we get to this point?" The Chinese girl merely shrugged. Suddenly, the air above was pierced by the high speed path of a single, large projectile. Kicking up dirt about, the object landed between Ranma and Akane and the other six in the Tendo yard. The object turned out to be a giant spatula. Ranma turned to where the projectile originated, on the Tendo roof. "Ukyo!" he exclaimed with joy. Smashing Ranma over the head with the giant spatula, Akane shouted, "THERE is your beloved Ukyo, Ranma!" "Hey, that's not fair!" protested Ranma. Ukyo Kuonji leaped from the roof and landed by Ranma and Akane. She accepted the spatula from Akane's hands, then turned to help her get Ranma back to his feet. "Well, Ranchan, looks like you're in a pot of hot water," the okonomiyaki chef noted dryly, watching Konatsu make his leap from the roof. "I hope Ranma-sama would recover," the kunoichi said encouragingly. Getting back to his feet, Ranma rubbed his sore head. "I'm trying to think of the number of times things like this happened to me in the past two years...." "It's only going to get worse," Ukyo added. "Swell," replied her friend. This place certainly DOES look familiar, noted Ryoga. Ah, yes, there was the park with the nice fountain in the middle of it. And there's the street vendors, as usual. There's the children, playing with a ball, rolling around in the grass. And there was Shampoo, riding her bicycle.... "Shampoo!" shouted the Eternally Lost Boy, picking up the pace to catch the bicycle that was traveling away from him. "Wait up!" Apparently, Shampoo had heard Ryoga's shouts, as she pulled to a complete stop at the mention of her voice. She looked behind herself, noticing the one who always got lost rushing toward her. "Shampoo very busy now," the Chinese Amazon said flatly. "Yeah, I know!" Ryoga said, coming to a stop from his mad dash at Shampoo's side. "I need your help to get to the Tendo household!" "You very lucky," Shampoo replied, "because that where Shampoo go." Carefully, Ryoga studied Shampoo's bicycle curiously. Pointing to the empty back where delivery boxes would have been, he asked, "Then, do you suppose I can have a ride?" Twisting about in place, Kodachi whipped out a long, flowing white ribbon in one hand, and a blood-red ball in the other. Raising both to the sky, she shouted, "See these, Ranma?!" "Big deal," replied Ranma, uninterested. "So what're ya going to do with those that I haven't seen before?" "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" laughed Kodachi. Raising the ribbon, she declared, "Behold, the godly gymnastics apparatus, the Ribbon of Tears, containing the tears of gymnastics girls who could not find true love!" Akane shook her head. "Oh, not THAT thing again!" she muttered, remembering the battle when a group of three male gymnastics martial artists sought to 'win back' gymnastics as a guy's sport with the three godly weapons. The Ribbon, as both Ranma and Kodachi can attest to, spat a sticky pink bubble gum-like liquid substance that bonded like super glue. "I would've figured she'd think twice before touching THAT again," commented Ranma. "Shut up, hermaphrodite!" snarled Taro. "Kodachi can use ANYTHING she wants in the name of revenge!" Raising the red ball, the Kuno gymnast continued, "Here, the Ball of Anger, containing the frustration and belligerence of gymnastics girls!" Without wasting another word, Kodachi threw the ball straight toward Ranma. Effortlessly, Ranma sidestepped, the ball flying past him. Before he could get out a crack, something hit him in the back of his head. "Ranma!" Akane yelled, too late to warn her husband of the ball's return flight. Picking himself up, rubbing his sore head, Ranma watched the red gymnastics ball return to Kodachi, hovering under its own power before her. "I don't remember that thing doing that...." Stretching her ribbon in her fingers, Kodachi smiled. "Oh, but Ranma-darling, that is only the beginning." Her smile transformed into a frown, the girl's eyes fixing on Ranma like a hunter to prey. Raising the ribbon high above, Kodachi snarled, "Oh, weep, Ribbon of Tears! Let thine feelings rush onto mine enemy!" Lashing the ribbon against the ground, the magical ribbon produced three shots of pink goo, aimed straight for Ranma. Pushing Akane aside, Ranma bolted, the sticky tears narrowly missing him by centimeters. He ducked and jumped over Kodachi's continued assault, careful not to touch the pink tears even when they had collided with the ground or a wall. Taro folded his arms in amusement, leaning his back against the outside wall. "Well, this is somewhat entertaining!" he said, chuckling. Kuno watched as well, but without the same amusement as his companion. His eyes darted from Kodachi to his sword, then to Ranma, as if unsure of what he was supposed to do. Mousse shrugged, then buried his magic claws into the ground once more. Ranma leaped away from another of Kodachi's attacks, but, as he made his descent toward the ground, a single, piercing blade stabbed through the earth. Screaming in panic, he aimed his feet toward the flat of Mousse's magical blade, using it as a spring board to escape from another of the Kuno girl's attacks. "That's not fair!" Ranma complained at the top of his lungs. Mousse smiled maliciously, his glasses glinting in the morning sunlight. "There's no way you can beat ALL of us, Ranma!" "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" laughed Kodachi. "Why do you not accept your fate, darling?" she cried mockingly. "It would make this much easier on the both of us!" "Sister, that's enough!" Kuno commanded, restraining Kodachi's arm to prevent her from creating more projectiles. Ranma came to a halt when he realized what was happening. "Kuno...?" "Sister," Kuno repeated, "you must cease!" Struggling in her brother's hold, Kodachi shouted, "Why should I?! Is it not enough that I am carrying-out the revenge you sought so?" Once again confusion washed over the elder Kuno's face. "I...." "Let her go, Poet." Without warning, Pantyhose Taro wrapped one arm around Kuno's waist, and his other around the neck, forcing Kuno to release Kodachi from his grasp. "Traitor!" he spat. "Only flakes like you would turn on family!" Just then, Taro tensed, feeling something cold against the back of his neck. "It over," Shampoo said flatly, leveling a flamberge sword at the base of Pantyhose Taro's neck. Behind her, Ryoga stood ready with his umbrella for the slightest movement his adversary could make. The others stood, dumbfounded, at what just happened in the past minute. Taro chuckled softly. "So, this is how it's going to be, eh?" "Shampoo!" Mousse cried, withdrawing his arms from the ground. "Help us get Ranma!" Behind him, Ling-ling and Lung-lung nodded in unison. Shampoo shook her head. "You know I can no do that." Raising his fists in anger, Mousse replied, "You...! Who's got you into this, anyhow? The old hag, or your wimpy boyfriend Saotome?!" "He's married!" the twins pointed out, ever so quick to point out Amazon law. "I do this not for Ranma, but for Shampoo alone!" replied the Chinese Amazon. "I do not care about marriage; it is with the wind. You not understand what is at stake here!" "Leave now, and we won't hold it against you," Ryoga added. "Shampoo, what the meaning of this?!" demanded Ling-ling. Unwilling to remove her eyes from Taro's exposed neck, Shampoo replied, "You know very well what I mean! It over for you, too!" "But...." "Do you defend tribe, or not?!" she shouted, cutting off protests. Lung-lung was the first to notice that Mousse was reaching for his claw weapons again, watching as his balled fists slowly retreated back into the dark folds of his robes. Fixing her eyes back on Shampoo, she cried, "Why you try to disgrace Mousse so?! Explain, Shampoo!" "I not need to explain ANYTHING to you!" snapped Shampoo, refusing to budge. "Mousse can die if it help; why you not see the larger picture?!" As if ready to whip out a copy of Amazon laws, the younger girl replied, "Defeat of warrior in formal challenge require death of challenger; Mousse gave formal challenge, you interfere!" Without a word, Mousse backed down, his shoulders resting in a slump, as if in defeat. Turning to the two Amazon twins at his sides, he said, "Forget it. We're finished here." "B...but...." stuttered the twins. "You heard me, it's over," Mousse repeated. "What's done is done." Nodding silently, the twins leaped over the outer Tendo wall, and Mousse followed soon thereafter. Akane and Ukyo watched the three Chinese leave. "What do you suppose this is all about?" asked Akane. Ukyo shrugged. "Beats me, but I'm willing to bet that it's got something to do with just them." "An internal struggle, perhaps?" suggested Konatsu. Kodachi stepped closer to Shampoo, but Ryoga barred her way with his umbrella, preventing the gymnast to get very close. "Even if you do have the upper hand, I can still finish what I've started!" "Let it go," Taro whispered. "What?" asked Kodachi, as if she didn't hear his words. "I said, let it go!" the Chinese man repeated, releasing his deadly hold on Kuno. Taro turned around to face Shampoo. "For now, that is," he added. "Don't think for a moment that this is over." Kodachi latched onto Taro's shoulder, and, with the magic ball trailing behind them, the couple walked out wordlessly, leaving Kuno and the others behind. Watching his sister and her boyfriend, Kuno said to himself, "I have chosen my path. Let it be not the wrong one." He felt a hand on his shoulder. "That was... brave of you." Folding his arms, refusing to turn around, Kuno replied, "The cost of honor and loyalty is very high indeed, Ukyo Kuonji. I find that Kodachi and I have returned to the state it once was but a year ago. How easy it is to destroy a building built upon weak foundations." "Keep an eye on her," the okonomiyaki chef suggested. "I think she needs you now more than ever." Nodding silently, Kuno walked off, following his sister home. Ranma stood next to Ukyo. "What was that all about?" "Don't you see?" Ukyo replied. "He's honor-bound to you, ever since you saved his life a while back." Turning to Shampoo, Ranma said, "Thanks... I think." "You may not realize it, Ranma, but you are more important than you think in grand scheme of things," Shampoo replied, sheathing her flamberge over her back. "Oh, why's that?" he asked. "Because, Ranma," answered Ryoga, "you're the beginning, and the end, of us all." Nabiki stepped out of the dressing room nervously, aware of what she was wearing, and how many people there were running around in the Gambling King's casino. She was unfamiliar in wearing particularly feminine clothing, especially the extremities as a bunny suit-- it was nothing more than a leotard mocked-up in the facsimile of a tuxedo. If anyone found out I landed serving as a job, I'd never hear the end of it, Nabiki thought to herself. Nobody had better recognize me.... "Hey, Nabiki Tendo!" someone cried. "Is that you?" Great. Putting on her best smile, turning gracefully, Nabiki's eyes set on the last person she expected to meet. "Tsubasa...." From the time she had known Tsubasa Kurenai, he usually dressed in girls' clothing, but the man she saw before her was dressed in a more masculine tuxedo, the men's uniform in the casino. His long, fair hair, which usually added to his girlish disguises, was tied back in a pony-tail. "Well, well, well!" Tsubasa said. "Looks like you're hitting the big top!" "Why are you here?!" Nabiki demanded. Blowing his fingernails, he replied, "You know, school is out for a bit, and I thought I'd see some of my favorite girls...." "In other words, you have free time again," concluded Nabiki. The tuxedo-clad man nodded. "I've gotten my hands on a ticket for tonight's concert, too!" He waved a coupon in the air in excitement. "It was hard, getting it, too!" "Especially since it is the LAST concert there will ever be," Nabiki pointed out. With Shampoo leaving to return home, the fivesome would become a foursome. However, after careful thought and discussion the five decided to disband completely. "And what would you be doing here, Big-shot?" asked Tsubasa. Without waiting for a response, he reached into his coat and produced a rolled-up poster. Unfurling it gently, he showed it to Nabiki. "I would've thought you'd be too good for this! You're HERE!" Nabiki needed only one glance to know it was a Doco poster. "What in the world are you doing walking around with this?!" But the middle Tendo sister already knew the answer to that one: Tsubasa was here to pick up pop singers. Hmmm... is THAT your game? she wondered. As soon as she finished her thought, Nabiki realized that Tsubasa was now holding a camera, ready to shoot. "Hey!" she protested, yanking the camera free of the man's hands. "What do you think you're doing?!" "Posterity shot," Tsubasa replied meekly. Is that so.... "Please be careful with that," he added, indicating the camera. "It's rented, and if you break it I won't be able to buy a ticket home!" Ignoring Tsubasa's plight, Nabiki hit upon an idea. "Sooooo," she purred, "you want a picture of me in this get-up," waving her free hand up and down her body, "but there's something I want from you as well." "A trading deal?" guessed the other. Nabiki nodded. "I'll let you take my picture, but first, you've got to give me your uniform." The color drained from Tsubasa's eager face quickly. "A...and then what am I supposed to wear?!" The middle Tendo girl tapped her chest lightly, which put Tsubasa into rage. "H... hey! I have my limits!" Feigning demureness, Nabiki begged, "But don't you want Nabiki-poo on your wall forever?" When she realized Tsubasa wouldn't change his position, another idea dawned on Nabiki. "How about this?" she said, grabbing Tsubasa's hand. In short time Nabiki lead the man to an empty poker table. "So, you want to make it a wager?" guessed Tsubasa. "Best three out of five." "And if I win, I get the picture." "If I win, I get your clothes." "Deal!" Tsubasa's lips curved into a devilish smile. Too bad for you, girl, but you're not dealing with just any ordinary dealer! Too bad for you, Nabiki thought, as I've got skill that can wipe you across the street. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Ranma said honestly. "Think of it this way," explained Ryoga. "The only reason why we're all bothering you right now is because you brought us together. And the only way we're going to go away is if you get rid of us." "Like you and Akari?" ventured the young Saotome. "That makes a great deal of sense to me," admitted Akane. "I mean, look at what's been happening this past year: sure, we're probably as close as we're ever going to get, but everybody is drifting apart." "Great-grandmother close restaurant for good," remarked Shampoo. "This time, we can no longer stay. There is trouble at home." "But that's not the reason why you're all here?" asked Ranma. Ukyo shook her head. "I'm not sure if any of you guys felt it, but I think something is about to happen." "I'll say," agreed Ranma, recalling his sleep. "What's that?" asked Konatsu. "Nearly a month ago," Ukyo explained, "we prevented the Warmage from bringing Nemesis into this world. I think it is only just now that he has found a substitute to serve as the dark champion's host body." "Who?" asked Ryoga. "It couldn't be one of us," Ranma said. "Warmage's presence is very noticeable, you know." "True," agreed Ukyo. "But the problem is, we don't know what kind of a host Warmage is looking for." "And therefore we won't know what to look for," concluded Akane. "In any case, if there's something we should all know," Ukyo continued, "is that Ranma attracts trouble like a magnet." Following the rising sun back home, Tatewaki Kuno trailed behind Kodachi and Taro, walking in their shadow, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world. Not once did either of the couple ahead of him bother to look back. Silently, wordlessly, the three returned to the Kuno Estate; Taro and Kodachi departed for the kitchen, while Tatewaki went in the other direction. Walking several doors down the hallway, he reached the room where his destiny changed forever. He pulled open the door, and stepped into the Phoenix Chamber. Throwing himself on the red carpet before the enshrined Phoenix Egg, discarding his sword toward the unlit corners of the room, Kuno tried in vain to clear his mind of turbulent thoughts. "Dammit," he cursed silently, throwing away all pretenses of control, "what have I done?" After all, everything you know about life is wrong. And, at the opposing end of the Kuno Estate, Kodachi Kuno set about wiping the blade of a cutting knife with a towel, staring down at the cool metal, lost in thought. She had not said a word to anyone since leaving the Tendo yard, especially not to her brother or her boyfriend. "He's a traitor," Taro had said on the way home. At that moment, Taro was out in the yard feeding Midorigame, the giant alligator, leaving Kodachi alone in the kitchen with her thoughts. Why did he stop me? she wondered. For all seventeen years of her life, Kodachi could not recall a single instance where Big Brother Tacchi laid a hand on her. Never. Kodachi had guessed that such behavior was considered 'below him,' but now, she had no idea what to think. Sure, he got in the way at times, but who didn't? Tatewaki Kuno was the sort who was completely respectful to women, hiding among his eccentricity of samurai fantasies. Not to mention that, he also served as a sort of father while their real father was gone in Hawaii for who-knows what reason (she didn't quite believe the reasons either Father or Brother gave her). So why did he have to change now? Replacing the kitchen knife in its drawer, Kodachi marched out of the kitchen, and proceeded down the hallway. The first open door she found was the one, she knew. Sure enough, lying on the floor in the Phoenix Chamber was Tatewaki Kuno, face down, as if dead and defeated. Dead? No, he wouldn't.... Would he? "Tacchi..." she whispered, stepping inside. No response. "Tacchi!!" she repeated, this time with more worry than before. Kodachi ran to where her brother lay, and bent down to her knees. Without bothering to wipe away the tears forming in her eyes, she shook Tatewaki's prone form. "TAAAACCCHIIII!!!" she screamed, almost wailed. At that instant Tatewaki's body sprung to life, startled. Sitting up, he looked into his sister's eyes, and snapped, "DON'T DO THAT!!" Kodachi simply stared at her brother through teary eyes, unsure whether to kill him for making her think he was dead, or.... "'Thou art a soul in bliss,'" Tatewaki recited. "'But I am bound upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears do scald like molten lead.' King Lear. Your tears are wasted upon me; shed them for your chosen man. Leave me to my oblivion." The younger Kuno blinked. "You will not leave me alone, and just the same, I will not leave you alone. I got it from you." She threw her arms around her brother, and buried her head on his shoulder. Kodachi truly cried for the very first time. Surprised at his sister's unexpected behavior, Tatewaki could do nothing but stroke his little sister's hair. Perhaps there is hope after all. "You have grown up a fine young woman," he whispered proudly. "Shut up," Kodachi replied half-heartedly, choking on a sob. Poking his head in the doorway, Sasuke, standing in the hallway, said, "Master?" "Shut the door, Sasuke," commanded Tatewaki. The diminutive man took one look at what his master and mistress were doing in the Phoenix Chamber, then understood completely. Silently, wordlessly, Sasuke slid the door shut. "I don't understand," Ling-ling said plainly in Chinese. "What are we going to do now?" Her sister, Lung-lung, shrugged. The twins fixed their eyes on the defeated Mousse, walking quickly ahead of them that sometimes they had to raise their walking speed to keep up with him. Ever since Shampoo mentioned home, the Master of Hidden Weapons seemed to lose the determination that won the two girls over to his side many months before. "It means my homecoming will be in defeat," Mousse answered over his shoulder. "It means I'm not the best, and Shampoo can never be mine." "But Shampoo can no longer marry Ranma!" Lung-lung pointed out. "That is beside the point!" snapped the elder tribesman. "Shampoo will always have a place for Ranma, no matter what! Just then, back at the Tendo place, I saw it plainly-- she sided with Ranma! She could care less about my code of honor. She'll never marry me." "I don't see how you drew that conclusion," replied Ling-ling. "Heh," chuckled Mousse mockingly. "I think I knew it for some time now; perhaps the very idea of sending Ranma to the grave was just the last string that needed to be cut. Illusions, bah! She doesn't care about what I feel; it's all about herself and Ranma!" "But...." "The last time I was home, I think I was a lot smarter! And you know what? Being the deluded fool that I was, I STILL loved Shampoo, even though she could've cared less! I passed over a beautiful young woman who was attracted to me for the dream!" He beat his fists against his head. "Dammit, dammit, dammit! Why am I so stupid?!" "You mean the chef girl?" wondered Lung-lung. Ignoring the girl's question, Mousse continued his rant. "What kind of a fool thinks he can win over the heart of someone who despises him?! How could a fool like me believe that Shampoo would side with us against Ranma? Dammit, WHY did it have to be HIM?!!" Throwing his arms into the air in frustration, Mousse continued. "How could I have been so stupid to think I could change her?! Not Shampoo, the cold, cruel heir to the tribe's leadership! She doesn't care about the tribe's welfare; she cares about her own desires, her own lusts, her own benefit! She could care less about anyone, much less me! It's always Shampoo first!" Beating his fists against his head once more, he growled, "Shampoo! The very THOUGHT of her is revolting! Damn Shampoo!" Upon speaking her name, Mousse spat on the pavement. Both Amazon girls stepped back in worry. "I'm no expert of love," began Lung-lung, "but while we're walking around listening to you feel sorry for yourself, the girl that likes you is sitting back there with Ranma." Those words made Mousse come to an abrupt stop, forcing the twins to run into his back. Turning around, waving his fists menacingly, he shouted, "Don't you get it?! I TOLD HER to stop loving me!!! It's too late!!" "That may be so," continued the Amazon, "and it may be true that her heart may yet still lust for Ranma, unattainable though he is, but why are you accepting defeat before you tried?" "True enough," agreed Ling-ling. "You shouldn't give up so easily." Straightening up, Mousse forced himself to calm down. "Where'd you two learn something like that?" Both girls looked at each other, then answered, "From you." Since it was still early in the morning, very few people were out and about in the streets. Only two, a couple, could be seen for blocks on end. The Lady Kuno, trailed by her husband, marched toward the Kuno estate on foot. The principal, however, was burdened by the luggage his wife purchased during their extended stay in Abu Dhabi. "I wonder what I should do with those children first?" Lady Kuno asked herself, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. "Well, perhaps first I should get that alligator turned into a handbag...." The principal ignored his wife's ranting, keeping his eyes focused forward, the large luggage bag over his back, sweating profusely. The lady had long since forced him to remove his Hawaiian attire, so now he dressed in a more conservative business suit. The tree in his head was even gone. Without warning, Kuno stopped in his tracks, a prick in the back of his neck prompting him so. As if he grew a backbone, he released his hold of the luggage bag, standing straight up. Lady Kuno came to a halt, feeling that her husband was not following. Turning angrily, she shouted, "What are you waiting for?!" Kuno did not reply in words, but in actions; with his great arms he grabbed his wife, holding her strongly. "What are you doing?!" demanded the lady. "He follows MY command now, not yers!" answered another voice. A low, grating voice, as if someone were speaking from the depths of the abyss. A hint of glee was not lost in the newcomer's tone. Craning her head over her husband's shoulder, Lady Kuno's eyes fixed on the man standing behind the principal. She screamed. "There is a storm coming... a storm of such magnitude, it is... BEYOND IMAGINATION!" -- Megatron, Beast Wars * * * * * It's Love (Don't You Know) (DUCK-- Mousse, Ranma, Ryoga, Kuno) Translated by Trish Ledoux (Viz Music) (Mousse) The men who always surround you In your presence, they're so nervous; in a word, you're like a Venus It's a miracle suddenly come true A jewel discovered in the midst of a desert I'll be there for you! whenever (you need me) Even if you give me the run-around, head to toe, I'm crazy for you (All) I wanna believe in that invisible connection Eye to eye Sometimes, you wanna know it's real Don't you know, know, know... It's love (Mousse) Your skin, the color of (sun-ripened) wheat The reckless temptation; the too-high tension On those nights we can't be together Beneath my eyes, a black enigma paints a shadow Without that familiarity, I just can't get it going Style, smile; from A to Z, I'm mad about you (All) Through the invisible connection, I wanna feel it Heart to Heart Sometimes, you gotta know it's real Don't you know, know, know... It's love (Mousse) Once you've given up the pretense and become "you" again Once you've shown your weakness, shown your tears just to me I won't let you go; I won't go away we'll stay like this forever Let the days pass as they may And then, someday, we'll come together (All) I wanna believe in that invisible connection Eye to eye Sometimes, you gotta know it's real Don't you know, know, know... Through the invisible connection, I wanna feel it Heart to heart Sometimes, you gotta know it's real Don't you know, know, know... It's love. * * * * * (continued in Part 2)