The Wheel of Fire, #17: Nemesis, part 2 Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author (to which the answer is probably "no"). Fanart inspired by this story can be found at: What has gone before: ===================== 1. The gang gathers in preparation for the battle with Nemesis. 2. Mousse and Kodachi tried unsuccessfully to kill Ranma. 3. The Kuno parents have been captured by the Cult of Orochi. ------------------------------------------------ Part 2: Nemesis Ascending-- The Death of Hope, the Death of Dreams "Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." -- Aristotle "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." -- President Woodrow Wilson "Honor and disgrace matter only to those without material desire." -- Chinese proverb "Brother," Kodachi said, serving Tatewaki a personally cooked breakfast, "there is a decision you have to make." Snapping his chopsticks eagerly in anticipation of Kodachi's food, Tatewaki replied, "Is that why you have served me a favorite dish?" His sister pretended to ignore his comment. "Seeing you back there... has made me think a bit. Of course, I still hate you for making me think such things, but...." The two Kuno siblings were seated in the dining room, Tatewaki taking his rightful place at the head of the table, Kodachi setting down a plate before him, and one for herself. Neither wished to include Taro in what was about to be discussed, as it was a matter of family now. "Anyway, I digress," Kodachi interrupted herself. "I have come to understand that you will no longer lay a hand on Ranma Saotome any longer for favors past done, right?" Tatewaki nodded, busy chewing on breakfast. "However, this very morning, it has become quite clear to me that you are in severe doubt to your obligations," she continued. "And you are making Taro-sama quite upset!" "It matters not to me what such a ruffian as he thinks of me," Tatewaki replied calmly. "That is not it," Kodachi said, seating herself at the table by her brother's side. "What I want you to do is this: make a decision, and stick with it. What I want you to make a decision on is this: if given the choice, what would you put first, family, or honor?" For once Tatewaki could not think of a response. Setting down his chopsticks carefully, the elder Kuno bowed his head, lost in thought. Kodachi broke the silence. "You do not have to make a decision about it now, Brother-dear, but you must realize that you cannot put off a decision for much longer." With that, the younger Kuno began to eat her breakfast. Damn you, Sister! Tatewaki cursed in his thoughts. He had not moved since Kodachi finished her speeches, consumed by thoughts in conflict, oblivious to his steadily-cooling breakfast. Why the difficult decisions? he wondered. Who would it be, then? Kodachi, or Ranma Saotome? "So this is where Nabiki works, hmm?" Ranma said casually, his hands in his pockets, displaying an air of indifference. Together Ranma, Akane, Ukyo, Ryoga, Konatsu, and Shampoo entered the newly-opened casino owned by the Gambling King. The casino was not unlike the one the gambler set up when he took over the Tendo dojo over a year ago-- an entire wall lined with slot machines, several card tables set up here and there, a large craps table, and a roulette table. Ranma had no doubts that the Gambling King won this off some poor sap who didn't know any better. "I don't see Nabiki," Akane said, scanning the room. "Hey, where's Ukyo?" wondered Ranma, noticing for the first time that his old friend was no longer with the group. "Over here, Ranma!" Ukyo called cheerily. Cradled in her arms was a tray full of poker chips. Behind her, Konatsu carried a second tray, itself filled with chips. "You aren't REALLY planning on doing that, are you?" asked Ranma. "Especially since we KNOW how the Gambling King wins!" added Akane. The okonomiyaki chef giggled. "Of COURSE I know! But I'm still a better card player than anyone!" Ryoga scratched his head. "I don't know, but...." "Hey, Akane!" someone yelled. All heads turned in the direction of Nabiki, who stood behind a poker table. She waved the five over to her. "Nabiki!" Akane exclaimed. "So there you are!" Straightening her tuxedo coat coolly, the elder Tendo girl replied, "Ah, I had to take care of some business first." "Great!" Ukyo said, setting her chips down on the table. "Then I'm SURE to get a good game in this one!" "Oh, really?" Nabiki purred slyly, reaching for a deck of cards. "I'm the best in the house," she boasted, "...are you sure?" "Hey, Ucchan can take you on any day!" Ranma said. Shampoo shot a glance at the young Saotome. "I no see how this help." "I think it's just to kill time," Ryoga suggested, shrugging. Reaching for his purse, he added, "I think I'd better get a set of chips for myself." Before the Eternally Lost Boy could walk off, Ranma grabbed his arm. "Don't think about getting some without me!" "Ranma, Ranma, Ranma," Akane whispered to herself, shaking her head. "Why do you have to do this?" "Stubborn male," Shampoo answered unexpectedly. Lady Kuno woke with heavy eyelids and a sore back. She found herself lying on her back, on something that appeared to be hard and cold. The ceiling was unimpressive; all she could see was dark stone and more stone. Something illuminated the dark room from beyond her field of vision. As the Lady attempted to raise her head, she found that she could not. Nor could she raise her arms. "I hope the restraints aren't too tight," someone said. Her eyes perked up, her brain raced to think of the speaker. It almost sounded like her stupid husband, but it wasn't quite his voice, either. The principal of Furinkan's head blocked Lady Kuno's field of vision. "I trust that you are unhurt," he said, speaking with his own voice, and a voice that wasn't his own. Lady Kuno tried to speak, but the words would not come to her lips. "I had to incapacitate you to prevent you from alerting anyone else of our task," the headmaster explained, his eyes glowing a dark violet. "You see, Strand has been having trouble controlling multiple bodies at once, so I had to intervene." The woman tried her best to remember what had happened to her but could recall little. She remembered her husband, who dropped her expensive luggage, trying to grab her. She remembered the man who stood behind her husband-- well, if you could call him a man-- a short, dwarf-like creature, the color drained from his face, his hair a mess, and his nose smashed in. The dwarf's eyes were blood- shot, though there was no blood to speak of, and he wore dark robes that matched the color emanating from the headmaster's eyes. But, the dwarf's most distinguishing features were not his grotesque face, nor his strange garb, but the thread-like wires that were attached to each of his ten fingers. "Ah, I see," muttered the principal. "You are trying to remember Strand, aren't you?" Lady Kuno stared at the man in surprise. "I can do far more than possess bodies, my dear," he explained. "I do have a certain degree of psionic talent, but not as much as I would have hoped for-- but that is another story, and you don't need to know." He craned his head up and yelled to another beyond the woman's view. "Prepare the ceremony, Shifter! And get your idiot brother back here; we may need to restrain her again!" Another man yelled back. "I don't take orders from anyone!" The dwarf, Lady Kuno thought. "Silence, toad!" spat the principal. "If it weren't for me, you would be still dying on that slab! If we are successful, all of us will be rewarded greatly!" The other man grumbled. "Very well, but NOT because ya said so!" What's going on? wondered Lady Kuno. And what do they want? And where is that stupid son of mine when I need him?! "Ah, Mousse," Cologne said in greetings as he and Ling-ling and Lung-lung entered the Nekohanten, defeated. "I trust Shampoo was quite successful?" Mousse said nothing, choosing to ignore the old hag. Silently, he headed toward his room, leaving the twins behind. The old matriarch's eyes followed Mousse until he disappeared up the stairs. Turning to the twins, she said, "I'll assume that everything is going according to my design. It is a terrible side effect that Mousse should lose face in this manner, but it is very necessary if we want to have a future." "Did you really believe Mousse would win?" wondered Ling-ling. "Is that why you send Shampoo?" asked Lung-lung. Cologne laughed, then shook her head. "Son-in-law is much too powerful for the likes of Mousse. No, it was more to make sure that our favorite martial artist and the others knew where we stood. It won't do to make them enemies, not now." Lung-lung turned her attention to Shampoo's father, who shrugged. "It no good to go home like this." "Perhaps," agreed Cologne, "but what has started today is far from over." "Ah, Kasumi Tendo, welcome!" greeted the priest. "Why, hello, Mister Nakamura," returned Kasumi, giving the man her respects. Kasumi and the priest stood in the priest's office at the Saint Hebereke Church, one of the few Christian churches in Tokyo. Where most churches built in a cross-shape, such as this particular church, had its head facing east, this building's head was facing west, for in the Far East, the Holy Land was westward. On a normal day Kasumi would not have dared to enter the priest's office, but this time, she was invited. Nakamura offered Kasumi a seat. "Please, sit, we've much to discuss." Kasumi gratefully took a seat, as did the priest. "What did you wish to see me for?" asked Kasumi. "Did I do something wrong?" The priest laughed. "Of course not, my dear!" Nakamura assured her. "I'm quite pleased, actually. It isn't you I'm here to talk about, but one of your friends." "Oh, Dr. Tofu?" guessed Kasumi. "Yes, that's the one," confirmed the priest. "Since the beginning of the year you've brought him to this establishment almost every time you've come. I hear he is a skilled martial artist as well as a masterful chiropractor." Taking a deep breath, Nakamura added, "Are you two together?" "Dr. Tofu?" the eldest Tendo sister repeated in surprise. "No, he and I are just friends." "Really," Nakamura replied, nodding slowly. "Despite that, I was thinking about expanding the flock. What would you say about trying to convert him?" "Is that what you asked me here for?" asked Kasumi. "Precisely," confirmed Nakamura. "He has come with you many times, and I feel it prudent to welcome him to our flock. Will you talk to him for me?" "Why, of course," Kasumi replied, nodding with a smile. "I'm sure he will be agreeable!" "Yes, I'm counting on that...." Nakamura muttered under his breath. As soon as Kasumi left, Nakamura rapped twice against the wall behind him with his bare knuckles. He had little time to wait as the secret door next to his desk slid open, revealing two new figures: a man dressed in a cold, black suit, and a woman in a flowing, white dress. "I imagine this 'Tofu' will be a most promising warrior for our cause," the black man said. "I fail to see why we need him," replied the priest. "I mean, the others are fine warriors themselves; in fact, we really only need Sakurai and Spencer...." "Those two's power combined are hardly a match for the number of martial artists that could potentially rise against us in this little burg," interrupted the black man. "Yes, about that," the white woman spoke up, raising a cup of tea gently to her lips. "Was there a reason you did not consider the one known as Ranma Saotome?" "Loose cannon," replied Nakamura. "Quite unpredictable, and no one way to control him. As long as we have Kasumi on our side, however, Tofu is under our thumb." "Is there a reason why you could not use her as leverage against that boy?" asked the white lady. "She is his sister-in-law." "True," considered the black man, "but that still doesn't give us reasonable control. If we had Akane, however...." He turned to the priest. "Find any others that are 'willing' to 'convert' to our cause. Quickly, because time is certainly what we don't have." Nakamura nodded, understanding the meaning under the words of the man dressed in black. "I've already found another likely candidate, within the grounds of our dominion, at that. Her name is Kodachi." The lady in white scoffed. "She will never join your cause." "You know that for a fact?" The black man raised an eyebrow. Setting down her teacup, the white lady smirked knowingly, adjusting the brilliant flower pinned over her left breast. "They call her 'the Black Rose' for a reason." Seemingly out of nowhere, the white lady produced an empty picture frame, holding it steady around her profile with her gloved hands. "They call me 'the White Lily' for the same reason," Asuka finished. "No, I have something MUCH worse in mind for her, which fits nicely into your plans." "Dear Mother," Mousse wrote on a clean sheet of paper, dictating his message aloud, "we will be seeing each other soon, but I am sending this message ahead, for there is something you should know before preparing my victorious return home." He adjusted his glasses, then continued. "Know that your son has shamed himself in battle. Know that your son no longer wishes to wed the warrior Shampoo. Know that your son has failed to avenge himself before his imminent return home. Know that your son has severely disappointed you. In most cases, it is the dreamer that dies, but this time... it is the dream." Once again, Mousse paused to rub his eyes. "Within a week of writing this letter, the restaurant will be closed down and sold, and good riddance to it; it brings no happy memories. The matriarch believes the man who wronged me is too important to die, therefore I can no longer exact revenge against him without incurring her wrath. I contemplated defying her order, but I fear that you and may suffer the consequences, and I cannot live with that thought in my mind, not with Father gone." "As I wrote you previously, I have made a good deal of allies during my stay. Most will be staying behind here in Japan, and the only ones to undertake this journey are the twins, Ling-ling and Lung-lung. I'm sure you remember them. Well, they have gotten better at fighting, although their young blood makes them too eager to enter battle. When I learned of the troubles you were suffering, I made sure to train the pair personally. I am sure you will be proud of my work." Pausing for a moment, the Master of Hidden Weapons produced a tissue from his sleeves, then blew his nose. Discarding the spent tissue, he resumed writing. "I also told you about the Japanese chef girl, Ukyo Kuonji. Today I decided that pursuing Shampoo was futile, as I can no longer see any way to win her heart; however, what I have done was spurn the heart of one who loved me. Well, Mother, you always said love was no easy matter, and you were right. Still, the time spent chasing after Shampoo was too much time wasted on nothing." "As of right now, I have only three regrets: being unable to kill the man who wronged me, Ranma Saotome. Chasing after Shampoo for fifteen years of my life. And turning my back against true love. Life is cruel, but I hope returning to battle will make me forget it all-- a warrior must live and die on the field of battle. Perhaps only then I can remove my shame." Pausing for a moment, he finished, "Dreams may die, but the dreamers live on." Pantyhose Taro stared at the rippling pond in the middle of the Kuno estate, watching the predator swimming lazily within, the giant alligator Midorigame, Kodachi's pet 'turtle.' Basic animal instinct ruled the creature, an instinct Taro knew only too well, as he had relied upon it in the past to survive. After all, only the strong survived. Predatorial instinct, however, failed the Chinese martial artist when it came to Kodachi herself. Why she was parlaying to her traitorous brother was beyond Taro. He never had siblings, nor parents, while growing up in the isolated village in China that served as his home. No, the shame brought upon him by Happosai prevented him from such pleasures-- well, then, what WAS pleasure, anyway? Pleasure was something he found only in the hunt, where everything was crystal-clear, black and white, the lines drawn perfectly. Still, beyond that, there was the gray area, the fuzzy view, the squiggles and incomplete lines. Kodachi and her brother belonged to the latter group. Had it been my way, Taro thought, I would have gotten rid of that pathetic swordsman long ago; he got in the way with his 'chivalry' bullshit, his haughty airs, his arrogance! And, unlike many other opponents, THIS one wasn't fazed by taunts and the questioning of his parentage; rather, he behaved as if he didn't hear, which is infuriating to no end. Damn poet; although he lacks the skill Femme- boy had, he is a far-greater adversary than the hermaphrodite ever was. Still, Femme-boy must be shown his place as well, for, unlike Kodachi's worthless brother, the girly-man liked to play the same games. Months ago, I was willing to save Akane from Femme-boy's little stint, citing family as reason-- yet, today, I am striking that down. Heh, so I lied to them and myself; perhaps family don't mean a rat's ass to me, after all. Still, Akane needed help, and I gave it to her-- too bad Femme-boy benefited as well. Today was a wash, but there's always tomorrow. The men Lady Kuno could not see labored and toiled about, doing whatever the bound woman could imagine and then some. Staring at the ceiling, resigned to the fate she expected, the street-raised Lady heard only the crashes of dropped artifacts, and the barks of the one using her husband's body (she'd figured as much). Every once in a while the disfigured dwarf would stare down at her, with his terrible, blood-shot eyes, licking his tongue as if ready to take the Lady as his own-- however, she... KNEW, that was not what he was thinking. Had these weird men wanted to do that to her, the Lady Kuno reasoned, they would have done so already. It was the ceremony the three (she could detect no other beings in the immediate area) men were preparing that scared her. What were they up to? Once more, the dwarf called Strand pressed his ugly mug into Lady Kuno's face. She tried to lurch back, shying away from the saliva that wasn't dropping from the little man's tongue. By all rights, he should have been dead. "Get back over here, you pervert!!" ordered the man called Shifter, whose face Lady Kuno had yet to see. He, at least, wasn't making a nuisance of himself. "The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can 'oogle and fondle' girls!" Strand fixed his eyes on the other. "But she won't be the same after the transfusion!" Transfusion? "There are plenty of other women!" reasoned Shifter. "You can have her daughter when this is all over!" Daughter? How do they know her?! "She looks just like the lady here!" continued the faceless man. "Sure, she IS a bit younger, but that also means less... never mind." Wrinkles... come on, say it! Strand spared one more glance at Lady Kuno, then jumped out of view. "Oh, very well! But only because we need the old bag for the transfusion!" Old bag?! The word! "Are you two idiots done YET?!" bellowed the headmaster, still using two voices at once. "We have a timetable! Shall I have to revive the others?" "Of course not, sir!" replied Shifter confidently. "You doubt my abilities? We will be finished shortly." Loud clomps against a stone floor echoed throughout the dark chamber, telling Lady Kuno that her possessed husband was leaving. A few heartbeats later, as the footsteps trailed off to nothingness, she heard the sound of a spitting tongue. "Bastard," spat Strand. Soon his soft footsteps echoed and died in Lady Kuno's hearing. Leaving just the third man. She heard his footsteps die as well, but he stopped. The footsteps drew closer, and Lady Kuno felt her head restraint being released. Raising her neck instinctively, the woman realized her arms and legs were still restrained. "Put your head back down," ordered the man behind her head. Without much option, Lady Kuno prepared to rest her head back against the cold stone, but what she found was something... LIGHTER. If the stone slab she were restrained to weren't so hard, Lady Kuno would have thought she was lying in bed. A pillow? Her eyes tried to fix on the face of the third man, but he was too far from her field of vision. She wanted to say something, but the words still failed to reach her lips. "Forgive me, Lady, but I must restore the restraints," Shifter apologized. "I will be back soon." With that, Shifter walked off, leaving Lady Kuno alone to contemplate the recent developments. "Fold!" Ranma and Nabiki cried out in unison. The frustration of holding a losing hand sank in once more. "Heh, heh, thanks for your generous donations!" Ukyo said with a snicker, raking in the pile of chips at the center of the poker table. "I don't believe this," complained Ryoga. "Out of seventeen hands, Ukyo has won thirteen of them!" "Yeah," agreed Ranma. "And the dealer got the rest." "Your fault for playing in a game you knew you'd lose, Ranma," Akane pointed out. Other players have come and gone to Nabiki's table, but it wasn't long before the table was deemed 'cursed' by the patrons, who sought better odds elsewhere. Shampoo had long since gone off to other games, not wishing to lose her money. Konatsu had left, choosing to find something to eat at the snack bar. Akane was the only one among the group who refused to play at all. "And she won with three kings!" Nabiki pointed out. "NOBODY should win with that kind of hand!" "It's in the cards, my friends!" the okonomiyaki chef insisted. "Fine, well, deal me in!" Ranma said, throwing chips into the pot. "Ranma, don't you think you lost enough money for one day?" Akane asked. "I'm not going anywhere until I win a hand!" her husband replied defiantly. "Well, I guess I'm in, too," Ryoga said, throwing in chips of his own. Ukyo did likewise. Nabiki dealt the initial hand to all three players and to herself. "Okay, who wants some?" asked the dealer. "I'll take three," Ryoga replied, throwing down three cards of his own onto the table. "One for me," Ukyo said. Unable to contain his excitement, Ranma declared, "No cards!" Both Ryoga and Nabiki stared at the young Saotome coldly, throwing down their cards angrily. "Fold!" they announced. "Oh no you don't, I'm not falling for that one!" Ukyo replied. Waving a finger at Ranma, she said, "I know you, Saotome, and you're the worst card player on the planet! My gut says you don't know what you have!" She threw several chips into the pot. "I raise fifty." "I'm on!" Ranma threw in chips of his own, then added, "I raise twenty!" Akane, Ryoga, and Nabiki watched the exchange between the two old friends, watching as Ukyo forcefully emptied Ranma's stack of chips to nothing before ending her bidding. "Well, Saotome," the okonomiyaki chef declared smugly, "let's see what you can do against this!" Throwing down her cards on the table, all eyes feasted on the faces of the five cards: the ace of spades, the ace of clubs, the ace of diamonds, the eight of clubs, and the eight of spades. With the appropriate silence past, Ukyo declared, "Full House, aces high." Then all eyes turned to Ranma, who stared at his cards sternly. Slowly, the martial artist's smugness cracked, and burst in one great explosion. "Dammit!" he cursed, throwing down his hand face-up. "All I had was a flush!" Ranma banged his head on the table, disturbing the pile of chips at Ukyo's side of the table. "Well, I'm glad you warned me first," Ryoga said, reaching for Ranma's cards. "I had single pairs." Then, as soon as he brought them to eye-level, the Eternally Lost Boy stopped. "What is it?" asked Nabiki, leaning in Ryoga's direction. "Ranma," Ryoga said, shuffling the cards around. He tapped the martial artist on the shoulder. "What?" asked Ranma. Ryoga showed Ranma the sorted hand. He stated simply, "Straight Flush." "Let me see!" demanded Ukyo, leaning over the table. The chef girl grabbed Ryoga's arm, forcing him to turn the cards her direction. In sequence, there was the nine, ten, jack, queen, and king, all of the heart suit. "Ranma, you won!" Akane declared, elated. "I... won?" her husband repeated in disbelief. Ukyo sunk back into her seat, surprised. "I WON!!!" Ranma yelled at the top of his lungs, jumping on the table top, scattering chips all about and forcing the others to flee his mad dance. "Do you suppose he was better off losing?!" wondered Ryoga, taking cover with Nabiki. "And this is the same Ranma my sister married," Nabiki commented, shaking her head sadly. "He IS a loser." Ukyo stood back, allowing the flying chips to hit her. Shocked, she whispered to herself, "Straight Flush...." Akane grabbed her friend's arm. "Ukyo! Get a grip on yourself!" "I can't believe I lost...." the okonomiyaki chef muttered. "Look, it was just a game, right?" assured Ranma's wife. "So what if Ranma's being a jerk about winning?" "Right," replied Ukyo, trying her best to force a smile. With her free hand she patted the hand Akane held her other arm with. "Thanks." Ukyo, it has been done! "Who said that?!" exclaimed Ukyo, frantically looking around for the source of the voice. "What?" asked Akane, staring at her friend in confusion. "Did you say something?" Don't you remember? It's me. It's you. "Never mind," replied the chef. Seiryu-- it must be! Nemesis arrives, announced Seiryu. Don't you feel it? No, answered Ukyo. The chef almost thought she heard a sigh. No matter. Inform the others, for Nemesis will emerge shortly. Where? It doesn't matter, as Nemesis will come to you. I suggest being in a better location before that happens. Right. Still.... While you hesitate, Nemesis will grow stronger with each passing moment. You know this already; it's what I've trained you for. Don't delay, for the clock is running now. Stop putting all this pressure on me. I'll get to it! You're not doing it fast enough. That's not fair. I'm still busy arguing with you! That doesn't matter. I have no wish to live through the disasters a second time. With that message finished, Ukyo found herself saying, "Nemesis is coming!" "What?" Akane said, her attentions previously fixed solely on the mad Ranma. "He's coming," repeated Ukyo. "And he's going to come to us, so I think we should go to someplace more remote than this." "Uh... okay," agreed Ranma's wife hesitantly. "Let's gather the others, and leave." Akane left Ukyo behind to retrieve the others. Had she turned to look back, she would have seen her friend's eyes glow an eerie sky-blue. Don't you do that again! snapped Ukyo. Or you'll do what? taunted Seiryu. You can't do anything to me. How the hell did I ever become you? THAT is what we're working to prevent, aren't we? Our continued cooperation is necessary if we want to survive. The Orochi assassin known as Shifter glided down the dimly lit hallways of the underground temple as if he were traveling on air instead of walking, his long, dark robes concealing his feet from view. In his hand the Japanese cultist held his feather fan, as always-- more of a weapon than an accessory. Although the heavy hood he wore covered most of his features, there was no mistake that this assassin was extraordinary. While he WAS an assassin, the Shifter wasn't always so; in the past, he was once a powerful Shinto wizard, but that was a bygone day and age. Now, the fallen wizard was needed to commence the transfusion ceremony. And may the kami forgive me for what I am about to do, he thought. Such abominations of nature should not be unleashed, not even on one's enemies. Those enemies, of course, included Ranma Saotome and his band of heroes, who previously foiled the great Orochi's designs by ruining his original host body for the upcoming Reunion. The Orochi, most powerful of the kami left in existence, was banished long ago to the Kami Plane by rival kami Susano-O, who separated the great serpent's essence from his earthly body. This earthly body was later put to long slumber through the work of the magical mongoose horn of the long-dead horned mongoose kami, an enemy of Orochi. And who blew the horn but Ranma Saotome's wife, Akane. That began a wheel of events, from subtly-interrogating the caretakers of Ryugenzawa to tracking down the girl Akane to her home in Nerima. The Warmage, arrogant and foolish as he was (and still is), blew the chance to destroy the offender, seeing as how the girl's martial artist friends were there to help her. Shifter truly believed the odds were still in their favor even then, for the assassin team had the element of surprise. But, in the end, the Warmage issued a call for challenge of combat, and Shifter ended up fighting Ranma himself. Certain elements turned the challenge into a media circus, for there was a crowd rooting for Ranma. Still, although Shifter himself possessed no martial arts abilities whatsoever, his magic more than compensated for that-- by using secret Shinto sorceries, true to his title, the Shifter transformed himself into an exact replica of the Saotome martial artist, down to everything but his memory. Still, in the end, Ranma Saotome managed to defeat himself because the assassin never realized that Ranma suffered from a curse activated by water. Badly beaten from that battle, Shifter was dragged from the battle back to the underground temple, where he was placed upon a cold stone slab not unlike the one Lady Kuno was restrained to. Since Orochi's blood flowed through the veins of each and every member of the Cult of Orochi, and since it was what kept each man alive for the many centuries they lived, the punishment was simple and cruel: draining of Orochi blood from the body. Shifter was only the first; he was followed by six other assassins, until it was down to only Warmage. Unfortunately for him, the leader of the Cult of Orochi suffered a more torturous fate-- having his very soul ripped from his body. Thus, the arrogant cultist was reduced to nothing but a ghost of his former self, forced to possess other bodies in order to interact with the world. Of course, it didn't take very long afterward for Shifter to remove himself from the stone slab; his Shinto sorceries allowed him to recover from the shock and trauma much sooner than the others. He had doubts that some of them would make it, but, surprisingly, the one with the least life left in him, Clash, survived. The now one- armed swordsman was severely-burnt by an incredible attack, and his pride was destroyed. Shifter almost felt pity for the former samurai, but times forced him to forget such things. His brother didn't survive the punishment. It wasn't easy to have normal, human blood flowing through one's body, not after having Orochi blood for the past few centuries. For the past year Shifter worked hard to get used to his old body once again, his HUMAN body, constantly forcing the thought of truly dying out of his mind. Working in shadows, the Shinto wizard researched for his leader, Warmage, on the precise means to bring Nemesis, the abomination! into Earth. After careful studying and deliberation with fellow cultist researchers, it was Shifter who formulated the ceremony necessary to summon the great champion. It was up to Warmage to find a suitable host body and the dark energy; all the rest was up to Shifter. Still, if legends proved correct, drawing Nemesis to Earth may have dire consequences indeed. The Lady Kuno hardly deserved to be a part of this-- if she ever survived, the psychological damages of what Nemesis would do would be... unbearable. But, if she can further the aims of the Dream, then perhaps it is worth the sacrifice. There are simply no other choices anymore. Silently, Shifter entered the ceremony chamber, and hoped for the best. Alone in silent meditation in the Phoenix Chamber, Tatewaki Kuno, eyes closed, sat pondering the dilemma foremost in his mind: will it be family, or honor? On one hand, honor is more than life to a samurai. Honor is what drives the samurai-- it is a way to live by. Ranma Saotome, though unworthy, has earned honorably the right of my support. On the other hand, I despise and hate Saotome. I have known Kodachi far longer than I have known Saotome; should there be any reason why I should help one I know little of? If I stay with dear Sister, then I would be obligated toward family. However, family is not exactly a likable choice; Father is a possessed man, driven to insanity by whatever muse in his mind, and Mother is the ruthless one whispering behind the lord's throne. Would I to give to remove myself of them both! Therefore the difficult choices are before me: put up with one man I despise, or two I despise and one I love? Suddenly, Kuno's eyes burst wide open. Something was wrong. Shaking off his reverie, jumping to his feet, the young lord of the house snatched up his trusty bokken lying by his side. With a sense of great urgency, Kuno exited the Phoenix Chamber in great haste. He burst into Kodachi's bedroom, startling the younger Kuno, who was reading a book on her bed. "Sister!" he huffed, "we must depart at once!" "What are you talking about?!" shouted Kodachi. "How DARE you enter my room unannounced?!" Kuno ignored his sister's words, instead choosing to grab Kodachi by the arm. "We are being called; I can feel it!" "Who is calling who?!" she cried as her brother dragged her out the door and through the hallways of the Kuno Estate. "I do not know why," explained Tatewaki, "but, when I thought of our mother, a sudden rush seized me!" With his free hand the swordsman opened the front door, then lead Kodachi out. "I do not know how, or why it has happened, but I know it is a message delivered in the care of the agents of Heaven!" "Well?!" shot Kodachi, impatient, her feet dragging behind her brother. "Our mother is in danger," answered Tatewaki solemnly. "I don't know what you've asked me here for, old bag," Taro shouted sourly to Cologne, "but whatever it is, it'd better be worth my time!" Forcing herself to resist the temptation of batting the young man across the cheeks with her staff, the old Chinese matriarch replied, "If it were not important, then I would not have summoned you." "Phaw!" spat Taro. "Nobody 'summons' me!" "Then it's quite pleasing that I am the first," Cologne shot back with amusement. The Chinese man said nothing; instead he folded his arms, as if to say, "Go on." Cologne turned on her heels and beckoned Taro to follow her. The two entered the back room of the Nekohanten, a room that usually stored supplies for the business, but with the impending closure it was laid bare. As soon as Taro entered the room the old woman, reaching out with her staff, gently slid the door shut. "Do you have any idea what is going on at home?" Cologne asked calmly. "Why should I care?" replied the man. "They're the ones who left me to fend for myself!" "Though you do display an air of distaste toward your people, somehow I feel that it is merely the outer shell." With her free hand Cologne reached into her pocket and produced a folded sheet of paper. "Not only do you wish to change your name for yourself, but for others as well. That is beside the point; this is." She handed the folded paper to Taro with an outstretched arm. Taro accepted the paper, then carefully unfolded it. Taking a few moments to glance it over, his eyes widened. "You can't be serious!" The old matriarch shook her head. "I have nothing to gain by lying to you, young man. The fact is, we are all threatened." Angrily, Taro crushed the paper in his fist. "Nothing I've done will matter if I don't do something!" "Then you understand what you must do?" ventured Cologne. The only response necessary was cracking knuckles. Just as Taro was about to turn to exit, the old woman added, "Before you decide to travel, I suggest you throw the water on yourself AFTER you get outside." "Well," started Ranma, "do you think this is far enough away?" Ranma, Akane, Konatsu, Shampoo, Ukyo, and Ryoga stood amidst an empty, green field, just outside the city limits, in hopes that when Nemesis arrived there would be nothing to bother the teens in battle. Once used as a park, the field fell into disuse when the locals preferred one in town; it was now ruled by the overgrown, knee-high wild grass, left to its own devices after abandonment. The wild grass was enclosed in a square fence made up of imported pine trees, whose needles were still fresh with the dawn of spring. Only the gentle wind gave life to the still picture. "I think so," Ukyo replied. "There's not much out here." "So, when's this Nemesis going to show up?" asked Ryoga. "I really don't want to have come here for nothing." "He'll come," assured the okonomiyaki chef. "I can feel it...." "Since when you trust feelings?" wondered Shampoo. Konatsu leaned over to the girl's ear. He whispered, "She's never done that before. Not before...." "Hey," interrupted Ranma, who stared out into the empty field, "do you feel that?" He raised a hand for silence in emphasis. Shampoo soaked in the atmosphere, taking a deep breath, and concentrated. Turning to Ranma, she said, "Strong aura." "I feel it too," added Akane. "Nemesis," whispered Ukyo. Akane turned to the chef in surprise. "How...?" "You never forget that aura," interrupted Ukyo. Seemingly staring off into oblivion, she recited, "It is the bitter taste you get in your mouth when you bite down on something... you never forget it." Ranma's wife shot a worried look at Konatsu, who shrugged. Ukyo continued, "It is like a disease... one that you cannot shake... no, more like a parasite, always there when you thought you've gotten rid of it. No, it is both a pestilence and a parasite; it would not be satisfied until you lay dead." Ryoga tapped Ukyo on the shoulder, startling her. "That's all nice, but where's this Nemesis?" "Right here, fool," intoned a strange voice. All six teens turned in alarm at the voice, but the owner was nowhere to be seen. "I am all around you," taunted the voice. One could distinguish a high-pitched, feminine speech from the alien voice, but at the same time one could also hear a deep, masculine speech. Both voices spoke at once, and with the same intent and meaning, yet should have belonged to two different persons. "Shit," cursed Ukyo. "He's masking his aura!" Just like one of my techniques, thought Ranma. Hmmm.... "Look at yourselves!" Nemesis roared, his voice sending shivers down the teens' spines. "What can you defeat that you cannot see?" "Hah," Ranma laughed. "Don't think I know your little trick!" The martial artist forced himself to concentrate, staring out at nothing. "What's he doing?" Ryoga whispered to Akane. "How should I know?" replied Akane, shrugging. Carefully scanning the area around him, Ranma concentrated on finding the hidden aura of Nemesis. Similar to one of his own Umisenken techniques, as Ranma guessed, there should be a faint outline around the body of the user. When he had used it during the fight with Ryu Kumon, Ranma's position was given away when Ryu made him angry; however, Ranma did not count on such luck against Nemesis. However, no matter how well one hid his aura, a trace would still be left-- as there was always exhaust from a car. Ranma's eyes came to a halt just passing Shampoo's position. Yes, there it was! Leaping past Shampoo, he shouted, "Got you!!" Startled, Nemesis became visible to the teens. He stepped aside, allowing Ranma's attempted flying tackle to pass unhindered. For the first time the teens got a look at their enemy. He appeared no taller than Ranma, dressed in a black kimono decorated with carnations-- a woman's kimono, no doubt, tied back with a blood-red sash. Gathered on the left side of his head was a pony tail, tied off with a red ribbon. Staring at Nemesis' face, Akane gasped. "Kodachi?!" "Kodachi?" repeated the others, just as surprised as Akane. Nemesis' ruby red lips curved into a frown. She roared, "Do not mock me! I could destroy you insects in an instant!" "No," said Ranma, getting up from the ground, staring at the face of the woman, "that's not Kodachi. She's... older." "Damn, not another one!" Ryoga shouted in frustration. "Why won't you time jockeys leave us alone?!" "No, you idiot!" Ukyo yelled, slapping Ryoga across the cheeks. "That's NOT Kodachi!" "Well, what else did you expect?" Nemesis said. "He is obviously too much of a fool to recognize an obvious fact!" "I not care!" Shampoo cried, unsheathing her twin flamberge. "Let's get it over with!" Both Konatsu and Ukyo unsheathed their own weapons, raising them up, ready to strike. "I don't fight girls," Ryoga said flatly, folding his arms. "Ryoga...." Akane said. "Now's not the time for that!" finished Ukyo, waving a fist angrily. "That's all right," replied Nemesis. "You do not have to fight-- I only need to kill you." All at once, Shampoo, Konatsu, and Ukyo charged, each raising weapons high, straight for Nemesis. Nemesis, with her lithe form, easily dodged Shampoo's wild slashes, dodging left for the right blade, and right for the left blade. She ducked under Ukyo's spatula swipe, then leaped over Konatsu's slash, carrying herself into the air as if she could fly. Without hesitation, Nemesis leveled her palms toward the ground at her three attackers, glowing balls of violet energy pulsating in each hand. The three teens threw themselves out of the way as Nemesis' energy barrage began-- one after another, as fast as a gattling cannon, destructive chi bolts scattered the earth. Without turning around, Nemesis' battle aura flared to life, destroying all chances of Ranma's behind-the-back flying attack from succeeding. The young martial artist yelped in pain, falling back to the ground in surprise. "How do you expect to defeat that which is unnatural to this plane?" taunted Nemesis, her voice crackling with energy. "Damn," cursed Ranma, rubbing his back. "She didn't even have to turn around!" "Nemesis knew exactly what you were going to do," noted Akane. She turned to Ryoga. "You've got to help them!" "Akane," Ryoga said, "when I started this out, I thought I was going to fight a man. Then it turns out that this 'man' is a woman. How can I fight a woman and stay true to myself?" "Ryoga!!" Akane pleaded, pounding a fist into the man's chest. He stood as still as a statue, as if the punch didn't hurt. The Eternally Lost Boy turned to face Akane, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Akane!" Turning away from the battle, Ryoga burst into a sprint. Resisting the urge to run after him, Akane shouted, "RYYYOOOGAAAA!!" "Shit, shit, shit!" Ukyo spat, turning her attention away from the battle for a brief moment. "I knew we couldn't count on that jackass!" However, the moment taken to speak those words left the okonomiyaki chef open to an energy bolt to the chest. She flew backward from the impact, the giant combat spatula flying wildly in the air. "Pay attention!" cried Nemesis. "How do you expect to win without your attention on the fight?!" "Take your own suggestions!" screamed Konatsu, leaping at the adversary with his sword high above his head. Nemesis raised her right arm in the air, as if that alone would deflect the slicing attack. Konatsu's blade arced downward, ready to sever the evil one's arm, but the sword bounced back, striking something around the exposed arm. Stepping back in surprise, he left himself open long enough for Nemesis to launch a bolt from her left hand into his gut. At the same moment, however, Nemesis felt her feet give way, as Ranma tripped her feet with a strong foot sweep. Lying on her back against the tall grass, Nemesis stared up at her opponents left standing: Ranma and Shampoo. Shampoo's swords were both pointed at her heart. "Blast," cursed Nemesis. "You aren't as tough as they say you are," taunted Ranma. "Not yet," corrected Nemesis. "But that was not the purpose of this battle." "What you up to?!" demanded Shampoo, as Ukyo, Konatsu, and Akane stepped into Nemesis' view. The adversary smiled, chuckling softly to herself. "Call it a test run, if you like, but while I am here gauging all of your powers, my minions are preparing to infuse my vessel with more energy. I could destroy you whenever I liked, but this time, I will learn to savor the pain of my prey!" In the moment it takes to blink, Nemesis vanished, the depressed grass where she lay returning to their upright position. Shampoo stabbed the grass in vain. "We had her!" she cried angrily. "More like she had us," corrected Ukyo. "We played right into her hands. She never did this the last time...." "Hell, now what?" Ranma asked nobody in particular. "Let's go back," suggested Akane. "There's nothing else we can do here." Silently, she added, "I hope Ryoga will be okay, wherever he is going." Only minutes after the gang left the tall grass, Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno entered the abandoned park. Stepping into the middle of the field, one could discern signs of battle, but no blood or remains were to be found. "Strange," noted Tatewaki, "it appears we have arrived late." Kodachi grabbed her brother's collar in anger. "You brought me all the way out here to look at GRASS?!" "I was certain that Mother was here," replied Tatewaki. "How?!" demanded Kodachi. "She was 'calling' me, not by modern devices, but by... feeling," he replied, trying his best to describe the sensation. "Think of it as a summons from Heaven, if you will." Kodachi's eyes narrowed. "Shut up. Let's go home." Ryoga ran at top speed away from the abandoned park, away from the conflict, away from disgrace. Yet, at the same time, he was running from Akane, who he wanted to protect, even though he could not have her. How can I face Akane now? wondered Ryoga, wiping away the tears in his eyes. How can I live with myself, knowing that I ran out on her? At least she doesn't know.... That thought stopped Ryoga in his tracks. Wait, she DOES know about my secret! Ryoga seized his head as if he were in pain. She KNOWS!!! How could I have forgotten?!! With all his pent-up energy, Ryoga screamed into the air at the top of his lungs. Waitaminute.... If she really DID know, then why hasn't she said anything about it yet? Maybe I'm dreaming; maybe she DOESN'T know!! That's it!! "YEESSSS!!!" Ryoga yelled in triumph, forgetting his depression. Now I've got to go back and apologize to Akane! he decided. If all I did was run out on her, then I can say I'm sorry and be done with it! She won't know I'm the pig!! At top speed, Ryoga ran away from the park, away from the city. Ranma walked alongside his wife as the group continued back toward town. Ahead of the pair was Shampoo, with Konatsu and Ukyo trailing behind. The afternoon had been drawn on for quite some time; soon, evening would come. "You know," started Ranma, breaking the silence, "when I woke up this morning, I was going to do something important, but now, I can't seem to remember what." Akane's eyes narrowed as they met her husband's. "You forgot?" she asked suspiciously. "Hey, a lot's been going on lately," Ranma replied with a shrug. "You wanted to talk to Ukyo," she reminded him. No one could miss the hint of anger in Akane's voice. "Now why... of course!" Ranma snapped his fingers. Turning to his wife, the martial artist stated, "It'll only take a moment." With that, Ranma slowed his walking pace, allowing Akane to march ahead-- alone. The change of pace had not missed Ukyo's attentions. "What's up?" the chef asked. Ranma turned to Konatsu. "Keep Akane company for me, will ya?" The kunoichi glanced at Ukyo, as if looking for approval. "Sure, go on ahead," encouraged Ukyo. Wordlessly, Konatsu nodded, then quickened his pace to catch up with Akane. "Okay," Ukyo said, "I'm all ears." Ranma cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts. "Where shall I begin?" he wondered aloud. "Well, this morning, I realized there was something missing in my life." The okonomiyaki chef peered at her old friend carefully. "Right." "Why'd you say that?" he asked. "Well, let's put it this way," she replied, holding out her fist. Extending her index finger, Ukyo said, "For one, you're married, and have a wonderful wife." She raised a second finger. "Two, everything has been settled by your mother...." "Well, not really," interrupted Ranma, who seemed to be ready to start sweating. "Mom's actually been 'suggesting' that grandchildren would be nice to have around and all." Ukyo shook her head. "She's crazy." "It could be worse." The chef girl continued, raising a third finger. "Thirdly, there's nothing left between us, so I don't see why anything I do matters to you at all." "That's the thing, really," the young Saotome said, almost ready to choke. "I don't know why... but... dammit, I... miss you?" Those words forced Ukyo to come to a grinding halt. "What?" Ranma paused. "Don't take it to mean the way it sounds...." "You're crazy." "No, no, no... let me explain...." "Ranma, you're MARRIED!" "I didn't mean it that way!" "Then what 'way' did you mean?!" "Well... I don't know!" Ukyo shook her head. In disgust, the okonomiyaki chef resumed her march. Raising a hand, as if it would stop her, Ranma followed. "W...wait!" Without turning around, the chef replied, "Don't start with me, Ranma." She tried her best to force back the tears welling in her eyes. "I've tried my best these past months to bury my dreams, so don't try to dig them up again." Ukyo raised her fist, shaking it in frustration. "Before, I would've done anything for you... anything that would make you happy. Then I realized that Akane makes you happy, and not... me." With her other hand she wiped the tears from her eyes. "After that, I've done everything I could to get you out of my life. The last thing I need right now is... this." "But, but... I...." Ranma stuttered. "Remember your wedding day?" asked Ukyo. "Yeah?" "Remember how I gave you my first kiss?" she reminded him. "And?" Ranma knew where this was going; the first kiss was always the one you remembered. "The only thing I could remember about it since then was... just how much I was trying to enjoy it," explained the okonomiyaki chef. "But, even then, I knew... you weren't kissing back." She forced a soft laugh, yet, her sniffling drowned it out. "Kissing is overrated." Ranma was at a loss for words, slowing his pace in order to avoid getting too close to his upset friend. Ukyo was right about one thing, at least: the kiss. "I can't imagine how the hell you came up with these 'feelings,'" continued Ukyo, barely maintaining control over her sobs. She glanced back at Ranma, with both menace and sadness in her teary eyes. "But, if you dare to say those words...." "Ukyo...." "I'll hate you for the rest of my life!" "Seriously," ranted Akane, "what is it that Ranma could only talk to Ukyo about that he couldn't talk to me?" Konatsu said nothing as he walked by the woman's side. Sometimes it was best only to listen. Akane balled her hands into fists, waving them angrily in the air. "That Ranma! Even when married he still chases after other girls!" Still the kunoichi refused to say a word. Although he knew Akane knew that was not the truth, sometimes it was better to let it go. "Konatsu," someone behind the two said, "let's go." Both Akane and Konatsu glanced over their shoulders at Ukyo, her head lowered enough so her hair hung over her eyes, concealing them from view. Not far behind Ranma was running to catch up. "Ukyo...." the kunoichi whispered. "I said, let's go!" the okonomiyaki chef repeated angrily. With lightning-quick motion, Ukyo grabbed Konatsu's arm. With a sudden burst, she sprinted off ahead of Akane, with the kunoichi struggling to keep up. "Ukyo?" Akane whispered, forgetting her anger in turn for surprise. She watched both Ukyo and Konatsu run off ahead of Shampoo, just as Ranma, heavily breathing, reached his wife's side. "I'm telling you," Ranma said, trying to catch his breath, "that stupid Ukyo's getting more and more stubborn." Akane folded her arms. "What did you say to her?" she demanded. "What do you want me to say?" Ranma asked honestly. "If she didn't want to hear it, what makes you think YOU want to hear it?" "Because I'm your WIFE, stupid!" "You certainly don't make things any easier!" "What's that supposed to mean?!" "You don't want to hear it!" "Yes I do!" "No you don't!" "Yes I do!" "You two through?!" Both Ranma and Akane ceased their argument and turned to face Shampoo. As if she were Mother, the Chinese Amazon stood, arms folded across her chest, tapping her foot against the ground. Her gaze suggested power, as man and wife shrunk to her imposing figure. "If you two not stop," she warned, "you die!" Walking up to Ranma, Shampoo slapped him across the face. "Treat wife as you do, you die! How you live with defiance?!" Ranma rubbed his sore cheeks as the Chinese Amazon turned to Akane. "Treat husband as you do, you die! How you live with no control?!" Bracing herself for an attack, Akane raised her arms in defense of the attack that never came. Instead, Shampoo spat at her feet. "Stupid Japanese!" she cursed. "None know how to treat spouse right!" "Yeah?!" both Ranma and Akane shouted. "What do YOU know about being married?!" Shampoo shook her head, throwing her arms up in frustration. "You two DESERVE each other!" Far from three bickering teenagers, far from the battle which they had come, but certainly not far from the trio's destination, one lone man stumbled through the dark room. He yelped in pain as he ran his foot against yet another heavy file cabinet. "Hell with it," muttered the man, turning on a small flashlight. The shadowy man shined the light against all the cabinets around him, searching for the right cabinet. Light shined over one labeled 'Doco.' Satisfied, the man produced a lock pick. Holding the handheld flashlight in his teeth, he inserted the pick into the keyhole, carefully listening for the tumblers to fall in place. After several tense minutes, the shadow man had the locked cabinet drawer open. Carefully, he thumbed his way through the folders, stopping when he found the one labeled 'Contracts.' Glancing over his shoulder, the man slowly removed the folder, glad to note that nobody was on to him yet. "Certainly, none of the Tokuyama execs would appreciate this intrusion," he mused. "I wouldn't, if this were my company." He removed the flashlight from his teeth, running his free hand's index finger down the pages which outlined the terms of the contract. Several crossed-out areas, and many more written in-- marred the otherwise clean contract, as if last-minute additions and corrections were made on the final contract sheet. None of that surprised the intruder. After all, both Nabiki Tendo, the general manager, and President Tokuyama, were hard sellers. "Damn," the man cursed silently, pausing at one particular side note. "This is it!" Replacing the flashlight in his teeth, the intruder produced a small, palm-sized camera. Carefully steadying the light, the shadow man took several snapshots of the contract, careful to make extra snaps in case the first did not develop correctly. Carefully replacing the folder, and shutting the drawer, the shadow man shut off the flashlight. "This coming evening will be most interesting indeed, Nabiki Ten...." The intruder yelped in pain as he ran into another file cabinet. "This place doesn't look like Tokyo..." Ryoga Hibiki told himself as he passed through the forested path. "Either way... I can't kid myself. How in the world am I going to go on if I can't face an opponent that's a woman?" Walking along the quiet path, the Eternally Lost Boy continued to recite his thoughts. "Nemesis... I don't even know what that's really all about. What is the big deal about this opponent that's so different from other guys, like Herb or Pantyhose Taro?" "Yet... in the future... can I stay true to myself? Can I never fight a woman?" You fought Ukyo, you idiot, he told himself mentally. "That's right... I forgot about her. Yet... it was alright... because I didn't know.... I mean, yeah...." "But, what if this Nemesis were to get close to someone I care about.... Akari. Akari... geez, I wish you could be here... you would probably make me forget about all this! I wish I could, but I can't... not as long as this mess goes on. If it came down to it, would I fight for Akari, and throw away myself?" "Would I do it?" Ryoga wondered, staring at his hands. There was only one way to find out, he decided, wandering the path before him. "It was a complete success," Nemesis announced as she stepped into the dark chamber whence she had come. In place of the stone slab where Lady Kuno had been bound was a fountain-like device, cascading water over the rim at the top of the device into a large, bathtub-sized pool below. Serving as a sort of fountain head was a small statue of a dragon with eight heads, spewing the liquid in eight directions. Standing around it was three men: the principal, the Shinto priest, and the short man. "Excellent," Warmage said, using the principal's voice. "The energy font is ready for your disposal." Nemesis undid her pony tail, allowing her dark hair to fall freely behind her back. "I welcome my next meal...." Strand snorted. "Can I stay and watch?! Pleazzzzeee!!" Shifter kicked the small man in the stomach. "Absolutely not!" Untying the sash of her kimono, Nemesis said, "I will certainly enjoy relishing the pain...." Warmage nodded, exiting the chamber as Shifter dragged Strand behind him, leaving Nemesis alone to disrobe. Speaking only to herself, Nemesis continued, "What better way to soak up extra energy than to bathe in it?" She gently slid a toe into the pool, allowing the warmness of the liquid to adjust to her body. "Twenty-four hours is all that is necessary; then I can find my own source of energy. Pain is a more rewarding energy than this method, but I will not complain." Sinking her naked body into the pool, Nemesis relaxed her muscles, her eyes fluttering to welcome sleep. "I think I will dream of the new world... of greenery... of my son...." "Are you sure this is wise?" Shifter asked Warmage as soon as the three Orochi cultists left Nemesis to her own devices. As an after- thought, the Shinto wizard kicked Strand a second time, who was feasting his eyes on the room he had left forcefully. "What are you talking about?!" demanded Warmage. "Keep in mind that this is the first time Nemesis has been on the planet for ages," started Shifter, "and that this is the first time the creature has actually been summoned. If we keep feeding Nemesis more power, he might not need us for much longer." "That doesn't concern me," the principal replied, unconcerned. "I don't care if you die, because I'm already dead. Your brother's already dead. The only one left to die is you." Thanks a lot. "Also, at this rate the host vessel will not last Nemesis for any longer than two weeks," calculated Shifter. "At that point Nemesis can fashion a body without needing a vessel; at that point we won't be able to banish him if necessary." "You STILL trying for the bitch?!" snorted Strand, taking his attention from the woman in the other room for the first time. "As far as I'm concerned, she's DEAD already!!" "Forget about human life," suggested Warmage. "For when Nemesis recreates the world, the Orochi will have won, and everything will be back to as it was!" He placed a hand on Shifter's shoulder. "When you die, you do it for the future!" Turning to the short man, the leader commanded, "Come! There's much work to be done." Both Warmage and Strand departed, leaving Shifter alone. Shifter sighed as he watched the short, ugly assassin trod after Warmage like a dog; he never used to be that way. The Shinto wizard turned to enter the room where Nemesis bathed in the strange liquid. The woman lay asleep in the pool, with only her head above the surface, in a calm, relaxed position. Almost serene. Only one glance at the woman's face made up Shifter's mind. With new determination the Orochi assassin marched toward the exit of the underground compound. Damn the Warmage, and damn Nemesis, Shifter thought. There must be another way! The assassin was lost in thought, that he almost ran into the man standing in front of the exit. "Where're you going so late?" the guard asked, reaching for the sword sheathed over his back. "There must be matters to be taken care of before tomorrow," Shifter answered honestly. "Inform the Warmage that I will not be back until tomorrow." "As you wish, then," replied the guard, releasing his grip on the sword. He folded his arms, the right arm against another arm that simply wasn't there. The assassin certainly knew the meaning of that. Shifter pushed open the gate that lead to the outside world. Taking one last glance at compound he was leaving, the Orochi assassin walked off into the growing darkness of the setting sun. "For a time, I considered sparing your wretched planet Cybertron. But now, you will witness... it's DISMEMBERMENT!" -- Unicron, Transformers * * * * * Let's be Platonic (Kodachi) (Kodachi) Nobody else at the seashore, together with you, we reveled at the time but we settled down. Your reticent eyes somehow scare me. The sky, the sea, and the waves all recede in the distance. Ah, even at the touch of your little finger, my thoughts race! Till love grows, wait a little while. Softly brushing away a grain of sand on your lip, I see myself in your eyes..... ahahahahahahahaha!!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! Ahahahahaahaaa!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you.....oooohoohooohooooo!! Suddenly rain falls, and in a hurry, we run for the car on the road. Ah, when you roughly pull me by the arm, it feels like it's broken. Be gentle. What my heart must decide, the answer may be known only by the endless waves? [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's still be Platonic for now....ohohohohohoho!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- as painful as that may be....hehehehehehehe! To tell the truth, when we almost kiss, I've felt like saying you're allowed. [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! Whaaahaaaahhaaaaa.... [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you.....ooohooohooohoooooo!!! * * * * * (continued in Part 3)