The Wheel of Fire, #22: The Mercenaries Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: ------------------------------------------------ The waiting was what bothered Kodachi the most. Overlooking the valley below from her vantage point, the only landmark for all her eyes could see was the railroad tracks that snaked below, one end leading to a mountain tunnel, the other winding off into the distance, obscured by more mountains. Even without the binoculars that hung around her neck Kodachi could tell that there were no trains using that track at the moment. She planted her elbows on the railing of the lookout point, resting her head in her open palms. The gymnast tried her best to relax, telling herself that everything was going according to plan, and everything was on schedule. Then again, that's what Aya always said, and though she was usually right about these things, she also got some things wrong, too. When Kodachi ordered Chika, the media specialist, to bug the private offices at Saint Hebereke school, it hardly took long before the lieutenant brought back interesting tidbits. The sole purpose Kodachi and her group were even in such a remote area of Japan was based upon the intelligence Chika gathered, and this was a critical job. Miles below, near the train tracks, Kodachi knew Aya and her team were busy with their appointed task. They had to be finished before the train came this way, or all efforts will be for naught. On that train, according to Chika, was a set of 'military surplus,' probably acquired through illegal channels. Kodachi hardly believed her former headmasters would actually resort to using such devices, but she also knew they were desperate to find an edge over Tokyo's resident martial artists, when the time came for battle. Either way, the church was getting geared-up for war. A war which Kodachi knew she would be a key player. The Furinkan school clock rang once again, signaling the departure of its students. Side by side, Akane and Ranma, walked out of the school grounds, heading for home. Folding his arms behind his head, Ranma remarked off-handedly, "Kodachi's sure been gone for a while." "Mmmhmmm," agreed Akane. "Not that I care what she's doing, mind you," he added. "I mean, she's only been skipping class all week." Akane said nothing as the couple continued walking. "And all her goons are gone, too." She remained silent as the two passed over a bridge. They both came to a stop on that bridge. They turned slowly to face each other. "Akane...." "Ranma...." The couple laughed nervously, having spoken at the same time. "You go first," suggested Akane. "Nah, you," insisted Ranma. "Alright, then," Akane said, taking a deep breath. "It's... you." "What about me?" "You've been preoccupied lately." "Of course I have! I can't stand waiting." "Waiting for what? For Shampoo to come back to town?" "Well... yeah." "Well... I think...." Akane paused, trying to find the right words. "I think you might be setting yourself up for disappointment." "What?" "Ever since... since you told me about the spirit guardians of Seiryu... I've been thinking. When hasn't Seiryu lied to you?" Ranma blinked. "They've got more to lose than I do!" "M...maybe," Akane said. "But I don't see how this'll bring Ukyo back. I think you should let her go." He shook his head. "If there's a chance, I've got to take it." Akane sighed deeply. "Then what did you have to tell me?" Ranma shrugged. "I just thought that... well, you don't have the same enthusiasm about this as I do." "What do you mean?" "Shampoo said the same thing," he continued. "She said you don't seem to care if I can get Ukyo back or not." "And since when did Shampoo care what happened to her?" Akane pointed out. "That's not the point; we're talking about you." "Don't be ridiculous! You're my husband now!" "So why'd you have to get all jealous about it?" "I'm not jealous!" Ranma folded his arms haughtily. "Heh. Figures an uncute girl like you would deny...." He never finished his sentence as Akane sent Ranma into orbit. Shampoo loved stalking her prey. With Seiryu's weapon in hand, she eyed the entrance to the shrine from her perch in the tree, waiting for her prey to come out. The weapon, appearing similar in appearance to a sai, was actually a trident with its long pole retracted, and it housed three of the spirit guardians of Seiryu: Miboshi, Tomo, and Nakago, leaving four to go. Miboshi, the first spirit Shampoo came into contact with after taking possession of the weapon, wished to gather his fellows in order to merge into Seiryu once more. The Chinese Amazon, following the spirit's direction, then found Tomo tormenting Ranma, and then Nakago, who happened to have found a host in a stray dog. This trip out of Tokyo was the direction Miboshi chose next. Lying in the mountains north of Tokyo was the traditional Japanese shrine, complete with a long, winding stairway from the ground all the way up to the mountain top, where the shrine was. Shampoo always hated traveling to mountain shrines because of those stairs. After remaining in the area for nearly a day, Miboshi, speaking through Seiryu's weapon, deduced that the next spirit guardian, Amiboshi, was probably inhabiting the head priest, since his aura radiated the spirit's traces. However, for some reason, the priest refused to leave the shrine, and, since Shampoo hardly wished to fight a priest in the confined space of the shrine, she waited. She brought the weapon to eye level. "You sure it's priest?" How should I know? Miboshi answered in her head. Why don't you go in? "We went over this already," Shampoo complained. You're being overly cautious. "You don't know what powerful priests do." This one can't possibly be that powerful. The Orochi priest was much more dangerous than this pitiful creature. "There is an art to hunting you don't understand." Oh? "You can't just run in there and expect everything to be okay. Sometimes the prey may surprise the hunter." I see. "He will come out," Shampoo said. "We have time." Ranma mentally cursed Akane for the umpteenth time as the Tendo gates came into view. "Stupid tomboy, she didn't have to hit me THAT hard...." After all, SHE was the one that was jealous.... Jealous of a DEAD person. Something pinched in the back of his neck. Reflexively, Ranma rolled to his left, narrowly avoiding a set of darts thrown his direction. Coming to a stop, the martial artist's eyes glanced over to where he stood only moments before, only to find the darts used against him were truly not darts at all. Jutting neatly out against the concrete were three card- shaped objects, each as thin as paper and possessing edges that looked as if they could split hairs easily. "That's something new," Ranma noted to himself. Already images of a martial arts card player entered his mind. "Wonder who I pissed-off this time?" "You're as good as they say," someone said, in a low tone. Instantly at his feet, Ranma looked around. "Come on out!" His eyes focused on the shadows near a corner street, as, seemingly materializing out of shadow, a lone figure appeared. The newcomer, Ranma realized, was a girl. Decked in a formal priestess outfit, the girl's eyes pierced through Ranma, as if she could look at his soul. Behind those eyes he found no warmth, an unyielding ice. Her dark hair was tied up in a pony tail, tied with a red cord in a fashion similar to the way one would tie their shoelaces, with an incredibly large bow. Her bangs seemed long enough to cover her eyes, but not nearly enough. Unlike most girls Ranma had seen, this girl was nearly as tall as he was, if not taller. She folded her arms contemptuously. "I believe that is the customary greeting you're offered all the time?" "Heh, you got that right," Ranma said, raising his arms, tensing himself for the next attack. "Is that ALL you say about your 'annoying new opponents?'" she asked, seemingly disappointed. "Then I guess you know the routine," he taunted. "You attack, I beat you. Why don't we call it the day?" "I thought you didn't fight girls?" She laughed coldly. "Ain't that Ranma no more!" Ranma shot back. "Met too many girls who could beat me." "One too many, then. Of course, there was really only ONE, wasn't there?" "Shut up and let's get this over with." For the first time, the girl smiled. "Come get me." Ranma launched himself into battle, catapulting himself fists- first toward the new enemy. In rapid succession, he threw punches, one after the other, in his flight path. And yet the girl remained standing there, with a wicked, knowing smile. The reason behind her smug confidence became apparent to Ranma as his flurry of fists bounced off her harmlessly. No... bouncing off a little BEFORE coming in contact with her, he realized. He stepped back, abandoning his initial attack. "Some kind of shield?" he guessed. "Ha-ha-hah!" she laughed. "I'm not nearly the fighter that you are... but I do come prepared." She reached into the folds of her right sleeve, producing a paper ward. "In compensation for my... lack of strength... I have this!" In her hand the paper spontaneously burst into flame. Throwing the flaming paper as if it were a rock, she shouted, "Summon Beast Tengu!" Ranma took a large involuntary step back as the paper transformed into a small, black rift, the size of a baseball. He could see nothing in the rift, but it grew larger as two, predatorial eyes stared coldly through from the other side. The rift was now the size of a man, and a bird-like head peeked through. Its eyes darted about, searching for its prey. "Well, whatever," Ranma said, readying himself. He threw a flying kick at the bird-beast's head, sending it tumbling back through the dark rift. Squawking in surprise, the tengu fell backward, and the rift began to collapse on itself. The priestess shook her head in disgust. Landing back on his feet, watching the rift wink out of existence, the martial artist said, "You need to learn how to fight." Raising her fists in anger, the girl shouted, "Damn you! That was even quicker than I expected!" "That's what you get, depending on somebody else to do your work," Ranma shot back. "Now I think this is the part where you go back home in defeat." "I'm NOT through with you yet!" she yelled, producing yet a pair of marble-sized metal balls. "The next time we meet, you won't see the fight coming! Ah-ha-ha-ha-hah!" She threw the balls down, and they burst into a cloud of smoke. Ranma coughed as the smoke spread quickly into his air space, but held his ground. As the smoke dissipated, the girl was still standing there, looking down. "Well, shit," she cursed to herself, "forgot I was supposed to run...." As soon as Ranma entered the Tendo house he heard Kasumi's warm welcome. "Hello, Ranma!" she said cheerfully. "Akane's been waiting for you. I think she's upstairs." "Great," Ranma muttered under his breath. Without enthusiasm the martial artist plodded his way up the stairs, and turned to face the door of her... THEIR, room. Already images of the angry, uncute tomboy entered Ranma's thoughts, and he was not in the mood to put up with all of that again, not after the mock battle. Instead, upon opening the door, there was a look of worry on Akane's face. "Ranma!" she exclaimed. "You're okay!" He shrugged. "What gave you...?" "I just felt... felt that there was something bad going to happen," she blurted out. "It's usually dealing with you." Immediately Ranma's spirits raised. "Nah, it was nothing." "Something DID happen!" "Yep. Another half-crazed girl coming for revenge or somethin' like that. No problems; she should be on the next train outta here by now." "That's... great." Akane hardly knew what else to say. Ranma pointed a finger at his wife. "You were worried about me?" "Well... yeah." "Heh, figures marriage would make you...." Nabiki flipped through the channels on the television just as Ranma landed in the pond out in the yard. With a bored expression, she cast a glance out at the now-female Ranma, shaking her head. "Well," she muttered, "time to get everything set, I guess. Those two can't possibly wait it out forever." No, she thought, for within a few days, those two's arguments will be the least of their problems. That Evening Nabiki hardly needed to find excuses to get herself away from the other members of her household, but for times like this she needed to be away from them. All of them. Taking the time to go to the nearest pay phone, three blocks away from the Tendo household, Nabiki punched in the numbers on the keypad that would give her what she wanted. She dialed in a toll-free number and waited. "Welcome to the Pacific Hell Tele...." Nabiki punched the star key, followed by the seven key. She counted to herself for three seconds, then quickly punched the pound key, followed by three, seven, and three. A series of three, low beeps, then a dial tone, was the middle Tendo sister's reward. She waited. At the other end, someone picked up the receiver. "Yes?" answered a scrambled voice. Good, Nabiki thought. Time to get to business. "It's Black Widow," Nabiki answered, using the pseudonym she had used many times before. "I've got another job for you." A slight pause. "What now?" "Remember how I told you last time I may need you to bug a house for me?" she asked. "Well, I hope you've got the stuff ready, because I'm calling you up on that. And I don't need the entire house done, lucky for you." "Go on." "You see, I only need two rooms done. Two critical rooms. After that, I want you to continuously monitor both of those, and give me the tapes when a certain event happens in either one of those rooms." "What... kind of event?" Nabiki smacked her lips twice rapidly. "I see." "Alright... I hear that hesitation." She sighed. "Look, if you do this for me, not only will I forget about the locker room incident, but I'll pay you a little extra than your usual price." Another pause. "Do I have your guarantee on that?" "Of course." "You didn't give your word. Promise, or deal is off." Nabiki sighed, wishing she didn't have to put up with such nonsense. "Okay... I promise." "You promise WHAT?" insisted the voice. "I promise I'll let you go over the locker room incident." "AND...?" "And I'll pay you a twenty-percent bonus if you do this job." She heard a slight click in the transmission. A recording. "That's better." "You're getting better at this," complimented Nabiki. "I only make a mistake once." "Make sure that's very true." "How soon do you need this done?" "I need it done by tomorrow night." "That's not a lot of time... but it is just two rooms." "You got that right. Also, I...." "Hang on a sec. I've got to switch frequencies." Nabiki shook her head as a low static replaced the voice on the phone. Glancing quickly at her watch, she realized that it was five minutes since the start of the conversation. Yup, she thought, as usual. A moment later the static was replaced by the voice. "Almost forgot that time." "Yes." "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to stall me." "Oh, come on... I gave you my word I wouldn't...." "You only said you wouldn't hold the incident against me." "True enough." "Well, here's your fair warning: I can disappear a lot faster than you can find me." "But that would be counterproductive for both of us." "Of course." "Anyway, I gave you the address last time, so you should know where I want you to go." "And which rooms did you want me to wire?" "One of them would be the bathroom." She heard the sound of retching on the other end. "I'm not going to watch THAT carefully, then." "The other is a bedroom." "That shouldn't be too hard to handle." "I need you keeping tabs on these for at least a week. If everything goes according to plan, then you won't have to wait even that long. And, if worse comes to worse, I'll pay you another week and bonus pay." "Until you hear from me, it's in my hands." "Ah, almost forgot. One other thing you could do for me." The voice sighed. "What else?" "See if you can locate Kodachi Kuno for me. If you do there'll be another bonus for you." There was a slight pause. "I'll see what I can do." "Good. Black Widow out." The shadow priestess hoped she wasn't making too much noise as she slid the window open. There they were-- two slumbering people, a male and female, each at the opposite ends of the room in their own beds. The intruder was hardly interested in the girl; it was Ranma she wanted. Quietly, the intruder slipped inside, making careful, deliberate steps toward the sleeping Ranma. She reached into the folds of her robe, producing a single steel card, feeling it was more than sufficient for the job. Standing over Ranma, the shadow intruder raised her arm high. And then, aiming for the neck, she slashed downward.... ...only to slice through the pillow as Ranma rolled away. There was a blur of motion, and suddenly, the intruder found her arm being clamped to a strong hand. "You don't like to give up, do ya?" Ranma hissed, breaking out of his false slumber. "You...!" yelled the intruder. Instantly, she realized the other girl was behind her. "Who are you?" demanded Akane. "And what do you want?!" "What?" replied the intruder. "You aren't going to ask, 'why are you here?'" "We already know the answer to that!" Ranma shouted back. The priestess chuckled to herself. "Not really, but I suppose you get the general idea." Quickly, quietly, she slipped her free hand back into her sleeve. "Answer the questions!" Ranma demanded harshly. "Another time, I think!" With her free hand the priestess threw three pellets against the ground. Upon impact, all three pellets exploded into a cloud of smoke and flashes, forcing Ranma and Akane to shield their eyes and mouths. "Dammit!" cursed the martial artist, making his way to the window. "Can't believe she did it again!" There was a startled scream, then something landing on the ground below. "Shit!" Ranma heard the priestess say from the ground. "Forgot that was the second floor!" The Next Morning "Hey, Ranma!" Hiroshi shouted as he ran by Ranma and Akane, "did you see the new girl?!" Ranma's eyes narrowed suspiciously at the news. He turned to Akane and said, "Why do I get the feeling we already know who this is?" However, much to Ranma's surprise, he had gone to class and never encountered the 'new student.' He almost expected her to be in his class-- with his luck, that's where they usually ended up. And, for a brief time, his innate suspicion seemed to be for naught. It wasn't until gym that his suspicions were confirmed. While playing basketball Ranma couldn't help but note that the same girl who had attacked him twice before was simply sitting there at the benches, watching him play. She sat alone, though she was hardly without company, as guys who were not currently involved in the game were trying to talk to her. During his divided times paying attention to the game and paying attention to the new girl, Ranma concluded that she wasn't interested in them. And yet.... When it was Ranma's turn to be rotated out of the game, and unable to locate Akane within the gym, he headed straight for the girl, against his better judgement. Other guys parted as Ranma stood in front of her, but the girl didn't bother to look up at him. She stared blankly straight ahead, her elbows resting on her knees, as if lost in thought. "Hey," greeted Ranma, offering a hand. Breaking out of her reverie, the girl looked up at Ranma and smiled, taking the hand and shook it. "You're new here, right?" he asked, even though the answer was a given in his mind. "Everybody here seems friendly," the girl replied, ignoring the question. "You trying to ask me out?" "Nah," he replied casually. "Already covered there." "That's good to hear." The girl sighed. "I've never met so many guys that wanted to go out with me before." "That's no surprise." "I'm Shizuka," she offered. "Shizuka Minazuki." "Ranma Saotome," Ranma said in turn. "It's read as 'quiet month of rain,'" Shizuka added. "Of course, I'd hardly think that possible...." "Ah, some of us have strange names. So, where'd you come from?" "Osaka," she answered. "It's a nice place, but I've been sent here to live with my cousin Kyoko for a while." Ranma had no idea what to say next. The conversation had hardly gone the way he'd expected. For a ruthless killing machine, this Shizuka was an awfully nice girl. And the thought of that confused Ranma even more. He waved. "Nice talking to ya, Shizuka. I gotta get goin'." "Bye!" she said, obviously happy. "That girl is even stranger than the rest of 'em," concluded Ranma, as he walked beside Akane on the way home. After gym class was over Akane, too, got the chance to confront Shizuka herself, during lunch. She, too, met the same merry girl that Ranma had met earlier, and this puzzled her much. "It's almost as if she's an entirely different person," Akane agreed. "What do you suppose it is?" "Beats me," Ranma said, shrugging. "Maybe she has an evil twin or somethin'." "I don't know what to think," admitted Akane. "I dunno either... but I don't think it's safe to say that she won't try to atta...." As if on cue, three steel cards flew toward Ranma. He leaped back in surprise. "I've got to think of better entrances than that," a voice said. Shizuka revealed herself from around the corner ahead of Ranma and Akane, dressed in her priestess costume. Gone was the happiness of only hours before, replaced by the cold gaze of yesterday. "Shizuka!" both Ranma and Akane shouted. The priestess slapped herself on the cheek. "Dammit! How'd you figure that out so fast?!" "Wha...?" stuttered Ranma, confused. "You just told...." "Shut up!" commanded Shizuka angrily. She pointed a cold finger at the martial artist. "This time, demon, I've got something that'll destroy you for sure!" Quickly, the priestess whipped out her new weapon from up her sleeves. Ranma's eyes narrowed with contempt. "A SHOTGUN?" Shizuka leveled the barrel to Ranma's head, a twisted smile forming on her face. "Send my regards to the beyond!" She pulled the trigger. Ranma felt stupid about dodging as a banner shot out from the barrel of the shotgun. Unfurling itself in the air, bits of confetti rained down upon the concrete walkway. Akane stood, stupefied by what she had just seen. She read aloud, "'Happy Birthday Kobayashi?!'" Shizuka lowered the shotgun, staring up at the banner that fluttered in the air. "Damn. That's the last time I work at birthday parties before I go hunting!" Tossing the shotgun aside, the priestess reached into her sleeves again. "But THIS...!" But Ranma was already in front of her, holding her arms fast before the priestess could find what she was looking for. "I don't know what's going on with you," Ranma started, "but you're going to tell us." Akane stood next to her husband. "Why are you doing this?" Shizuka snarled in anger, realizing she was really beaten this time. "Damn, fuck, shit!" "Hey, save that for AFTER we finish!" Ranma insisted. Ranma paced slowly around the bound Shizuka in the Tendo dojo, hands behind his back. The priestess' arms were tied with a thick rope, with her hands tied in turn in front of her, in case she tried to escape. Akane stood nearby, along with the other members of the Tendo household. "Alright," Ranma began, "what's going on here?" "You wanna be more specific than that, demon?" Shizuka shot back. "Do your worst!" "Who are you, and what is it you want?" Proudly, she answered, "Shizuka Minazuki, the 'Silencer' of evil spirits, demons, and their ilk. I'm here to get rid of demons like you, of course." "Ranma's not a demon!" Akane protested. "Of COURSE he is!" Shizuka insisted. "I can feel it in his aura. Demons leave a nice signature in them." All eyes turned to Ranma. "Last time I checked," Ranma answered defensively, "I don't have anything in me!" "Don't be stupid!" the priestess yelled. "You're a Grade A host! Demons and spirits LOVE you!!" "He's telling the truth!" Akane said. "Shampoo's got it now." Shizuka turned to face Akane. "You mean the girl with the demon weapon?!" "What's all this talk about 'demons,' anyway?" Ranma asked. "You just label EVERYTHING a demon!" "If you're not a demon, you're consorting with one!" the priestess insisted. "They're very clever, these spirits!" "You think she's talkin' about the Seiryu spirits?" Ranma asked Akane. "That's the only thing this could be about." "Yeah," agreed his wife. "Dammit, you fools!" Shizuka cried. "If they were TRULY the Seiryu spirits, then why are the star jewels of Seiryu still in their proper orders?" "You know about that stuff?" Ranma exclaimed in surprise. "Of COURSE I do! As a priestess of Genbu, it's my duty to look after the affairs of the Four Gods!" "'Priestess of Genbu,' eh?" Soun repeated, scratching his chin. "I had no idea people still worshipped them." "It's the black turtle of legend," added Nabiki. "Supposed to be the ruler of the North, or something like that." "Big deal," Ranma said. "What does this have to do with me?" "You're in collusion with malevolent spirits that claim to be the spirits of Seiryu, that's what!" Shizuka said. "I'm the only one available to deal with them, and I need to destroy each and every one of them!" "And you haven't succeeded yet, have you?" guessed Akane. Shizuka shook her head. "So far those seven malevolences have been very sneaky. They're just as tricky as the real seven spirits." "You know, I'd like to explain the reason for that and all, but I don't think you'd buy it," Ranma remarked. "That doesn't explain why you're trying to kill Ranma," Akane pointed out. "You should know that Tomo isn't in him anymore." "It doesn't matter if the false Tomo is in him or not!" screamed the priestess. "He's been marked! They WILL come back for him, and when they do...." "That's getting a little premature, don't you think?" Ranma said. "After all, you're not even good enough to scratch me, so why don't you just go home?" "Shut up, you prick!" the priestess shot back angrily. "You're in their web, whether you like it or not! Enjoy your last fleeting moments of freedom while you can, for when they return for you...!" With a sudden rush of adrenaline, the thick bonds holding Shizuka burst apart. The priestess was at her feet in an instant. She turned to face Ranma with bloodlust in her eyes. "THEY WON'T HAVE A BODY TO COLLECT!!!" she screamed, lunging at the martial artist with a concealed knife. Ranma broke and ran from the crazed priestess, bursting out of the dojo quickly, leaving the others behind. He glanced over his shoulder, surprised to see that Shizuka was keeping up with him. He leaped over the wall, landing in the streets behind the Tendo property, and looked around in puzzlement. Decorating every wall on the block was a set of ofuda paper wards, meant to contain evil spirits. "She's got to be kidding," Ranma muttered under his breath, as said girl vaulted over the wall. "Nowhere to go, demon!" Shizuka snarled, holding the knife with a steady hand. Stepping back, Ranma said, "You don't really expect all these stupid post-it notes are really going to keep me here, do ya?" "Just long enough for me to kill you!" "Ranma!" Akane shouted from the other side of the wall. "Akane, stay back!" Ranma shouted, frantically looking around the street for something that could help him against the crazed priestess. And then he saw it. Ranma scrambled toward the closest manhole cover, running through the matrix of wards as if they were never there. Small arcs of lightning slammed through the martial artist's body as he made his mad dash. "Come back, you coward!" Shizuka yelled, close behind. Quickly, Ranma lifted the heavy manhole cover, holding it up in front of him like a shield. A heartbeat later, something heavy crashed against the cover, and the knife meant for his throat was stopped short. He watched as Shizuka, almost comically, fell into the open sewer. Suddenly realizing he was breathing hard, Ranma dropped the manhole cover back over the hole, glad to be rid of the priestess of Genbu. Feeling heavy, the martial artist collapsed on the pavement, just as the shouts from Akane grew louder. Shampoo knew the best time to attack was now. Silently descending from her perch in the tree, the Chinese Amazon, having watched the head priest of the shrine for over a day, quickly formulated her prey's mannerisms. She knew, at around this time each afternoon, the priest would leave the confines of his shrine and feed the birds. From the previous day Shampoo determined that the priest was most relaxed, and thus, most vulnerable, during this time. Not that he'd expect an attack in the first place. She made her way to the side of the shrine, her back against the wall. Edging to the corner, she poked her head around, just as the priest exited the building. Miboshi warned, Something's not right. "What?!" Shampoo hissed silently. I hardly detect Amiboshi's trace anymore. "Don't be stupid!" the Chinese Amazon shot back. "When you figure out it wasn't priest?" What? "Aura not same as when Tomo in Ranma," Shampoo pointed out. "Instead of presence, only traces. So he only have some contact with Amiboshi." So Amiboshi isn't here. "No, that means Amiboshi is inside." With the priest's back turned, Shampoo quietly slipped into the shrine, and began to count to herself mentally, counting down from six-hundred seconds. Not surprisingly, the shrine was empty, for Shampoo had not seen any other at the shrine other than the priest. Her predatorial eyes darted left to right, scanning for the alien aura while slowly moving through the building. Her eyes stopped at the far left corner, where a suit of samurai armor hung. Five-seventy-two. The Chinese Amazon, throwing away caution, ran to the armor, drawing Seiryu's weapon with her right hand. Smiling to herself, she thrust the weapon into the armor. Only to be stopped by the armor's glove. Looking up in shock, Shampoo finally noticed two glowing coals of eyes under the empty helmet, and cursed. Forgetting her stealth, and losing count, the Chinese Amazon planted her right foot into the armor's chest plate, and kicked back. The desperate move forced the armor's glove to release her. "Amiboshi," Shampoo hissed. "I'm not going back," the armor said, a disembodied voice from a bodiless suit of armor. A nearly invisible energy lifted the armor from the corner. Shampoo could detect the faint outline of a man under the armor, as it clashed against the now-glowing samurai armor. "You have no weapon," the Chinese Amazon pointed out. "Don't resist, and I'll make this easy for you!" Without reply, Amiboshi attacked with his gloved fists. Shampoo easily dodged the untrained attacks, but found she could not find an opening while the ghost armor attacked. All I need to do is puncture it, Shampoo thought. He probably knows that, too. She leaped back as another of Amiboshi's wild attacks punched a hole in the floor, forcing wood splinters into the air. Planting her feet against the wall behind her, Shampoo catapulted herself forward, ready to thrust with Seiryu's weapon, backed by momentum. But Amiboshi anticipated the move, and stepped aside, allowing the Chinese Amazon to continue her path into the opposite wall. Realizing her mistake, Shampoo forcefully turned herself around in mid-air, angling her feet first to the wall. She sprung from the wall in turn, now with greater speed, and tackled Amiboshi in the side. The samurai armor against the ground, Shampoo turned the weapon downward, and thrust. Piercing the armor through the chest plate, the glow faded, being sucked like a vacuum cleaner into Seiryu's weapon. Breathing heavily, Shampoo brushed her forehead, just as the shadow of the priest, standing in the doorway, cast over her. "Who're you?!" demanded the priest. To tired to answer, Shampoo realized now was the time to leave. Standing to her feet, sheathing the weapon into her belt, the Chinese Amazon feigned a fighting stance. Taking the bait, the priest whipped out an ofuda. Shampoo charged. And ran past the priest. With great speed Shampoo jumped down the long stairway to the valley below, satisfied her work was done. For now. That Evening "What a rush," Ranma described the flight, sitting up on his bed. He winced as Akane dabbed a swab over a bruise. "Hey, careful with that." "Sorry," apologized his wife. "I was worried about you." "Second time this week," he pointed out. "I know." The couples' eyes met each others'. "You know," Akane started, "Shizuka said something about 'moments of freedom' and stuff...." "Yeah...." Ranma nodded. "And... well... maybe we have all the time in the world...." "Maybe... or maybe not...." "And...." But words were nothing compared to action as Akane jumped into Ranma's waiting arms. Sitting in a dimly-lit office, far from the Tendo household, yet so very near, Chikatomo Hisho's face wrinkled as she watched Ranma and Akane passionately kiss each other on the surveillance camera. She checked the tape deck, making sure that it was indeed recording, just as Black Widow asked, and cursed, for she realized she dropped her cigarette somewhere. Knowing human behavior, one thing leads to another. "That's disgusting," Chika said aloud, turning her face away from the monitors. Why the Yakuza would want to see this was beyond me, Chika thought. Ignoring that particular monitor, the girl turned her attention back to the more important tasks at hand. Patience rewarded Kodachi with the exact event she wanted. From her vantage point she could make out the freight train coming around the tracks toward the tunnel. The gymnast reached down to her belt, and picked up her walkie-talkie. "Aya... it's coming." After a brief moment, a girl on the other end replied, "I think we're ready." Setting down the walkie-talkie, and snatching up her binoculars, Kodachi's eyes followed the path of the freight train as it quickly made its way toward the tunnel. In her head she counted down the seconds, the seconds it would take for the train to make it to the tunnel. And then she reached the point when it was long past the point of no return. It's not going to work, she thought bitterly. But, just as the train was about to enter the tunnel, an explosion from the tracks below it caused the freight train to topple. Kodachi stared at the inferno with relief, glad that the bombs she had to import were good, after all. A message from the walkie-talkie interrupted Kodachi's moment of celebration. "Train's not going anywhere. I think we got most of the weapons, too." "Good," replied Kodachi. "Make sure you don't leave any evidence of our being here, and let's go home." The Next Morning Cold silence was the only sound that issued between the couple Ranma and Akane as they passed through the Furinkan High gates. Although there was nothing different to see from any other school morning, to Ranma, he almost thought the voices aournd him were aimed squarely at him. No, he had nothing to be ashamed of-- Ranma felt quite good, actually. No, the other students probably were talking about him-- but about the fight, and not.... "D'you suppose," Ranma began, directing his voice at Akane, "that Shizuka'd still be here? I mean, after yesterday?" Akane quickly scanned the students around the yard. "I don't see her." She turned her eyes to Ranma. "Do you think she's gone?" He shrugged. "Maybe...." The couple had no sooner reached the front entrance of the school when their expectations were shattered. "Hi Ranma, Akane!" shouted the voice of Shizuka. Both heads turned to look over their shoulders as the girl, dressed in the girl's uniform, ran up to them, smiling. "Shizuka...." Akane stuttered, surprised. The girl raised a large paper bag for the couple to see. "I thought I'd give you two a present." "What for?" asked Ranma, becoming more puzzled by the moment. "I'd thought this'd be a nice 'thank you' for being so friendly," Shizuka explained. "Not unlike most guys who want to go out with me, or girls that want to talk about guys." "Well... who woulda thought?" he answered. The girl held the bag out for Ranma, who accepted. "I've got to get to class. See you at lunch?" "Ah... sure," Akane agreed. Both Ranma and Akane watched Shizuka take off ahead of them, and, as soon as she was out of sight both turned their eyes on the paper bag. "You don't suppose it's explosive?" wondered Ranma. Without waiting, Akane opened the bag, and reached her arm down into it. Quickly grabbing an object, she pulled it out. In her hand was a small stuffed Keroppi doll. Ranma scratched his head. "She's definitely the weirdest we've met." Tofu hardly acknowledged Shampoo's return as she slipped into the office, going through some papers on his desk. Glad she hardly had to fake pleasantries with the acupuncturist, the Chinese Amazon made her way to her room down the hallway. Glad to be back in her room after the trip, Shampoo pulled Seiryu's weapon from her belt, throwing it on the desk. What was that for?! demanded Miboshi. "You're stupid." Well, nobody's perfect. Besides, why are we here? "I need a break. I can't run around all the time." Just because of your human frailties, doesn't mean you can slack off. We can track Soi, Suboshi, or Ashitare next, whichever you prefer.... "Not now!" the Chinese Amazon shot back. "I need break." The sooner, the better. One day at most. "One day not enough!" We are growing impatient. Ukyo finished in six hours. "She no had to search for you!" Shampoo pointed out. Excuses. Her anger flaring, Shampoo grabbed the weapon with both hands. "Be silent or be destroyed!" You wouldn't. "Yes, I would!" she threatened. "One trip to smelter, and no more you!" No, no! Alright... I concede. "Never forget who control your destiny!" Of course... of course not. Satisfied, Shampoo threw the weapon back onto the desk, then threw herself into bed. That Evening Nabiki waited patiently at the pay phone, one farther away from home than she would have liked. This pay phone was not the same one she had used before, but it was the one used when the results of a job were in. Earlier in the day Nabiki received a strange message in her anonymous mail box, one she used to conduct delicate business. Although Nabiki had a good idea what the message was for, the message itself was quite cryptic: "Cookies done. Get them while they're hot at usual place, one at night." There was no return address or any indication from who it could have come from, but Nabiki suspected that it was a message from Tomo. As soon as the phone ringed, the middle Tendo sister picked up the receiver. "Black Widow here." The scrambled voice of Tomo answered in response. "It happened a lot sooner than you predicted, but I got it." "That's good." "Stick the money in the slot." Nabiki opened her wallet, producing the requisite amount of payment. She stooped to her knees, and found the hidden bill slot under the pay phone. As soon as the bills disappeared, a hidden compartment in the floor opened, revealing a small stack of two VCR tapes. "That WAS fast," admitted Nabiki. "If you hadn't paid me extra, I would've turned you down quick. That was the most... revolting thing I've ever seen." "I thought it would." "What you're going to do with those tapes, I don't care, but leave me out of it." "Don't worry, nobody'll suspect a thing." "Next time you ask me to... surveillance THAT, the rate is tripled." "I'm sure I won't have to ask you again. Oh, by the way... did you find Kodachi Kuno?" There was a slight pause. "Slip in more money." Nabiki groaned as she fed more bills into the hidden slot. "Good," answered Tomo. "Kodachi's at home." "That's not good information!" "Well, she wasn't there yesterday, but she's there now." "That's cheap!" "You PAID for it. 'You get what you pay for.'" "Fair enough." "Nice doing business with you." The other end of the line hung up, leaving Nabiki with her tapes. She hung up the phone, shrugging. Gathering the tapes in her arms, Nabiki headed back home. "I think I can do interesting things with you two," she muttered under her breath. With a grunt Shizuka Minazuki pulled herself out of the river dump of the sewer. Tossing herself into the concrete riverbed, sucking in the clean air as if it were scarce, glad she was out of the disgusting sewer, the priestess never felt so unclean in her entire life. She gazed up at the stars, momentarily wondering what Kyoko would say when she got home. Throughout the entire day she had been wandering the sewer maze, Shizuka had a lot of time to think about her time in Tokyo. She had come to the conclusion that she had made several very bad mistakes, enough mistakes to jeopardize the mission. Ranma Saotome was obviously a bit too much to handle. Worst of all, Shizuka had no idea how they figured out who she was. Weary, the priestess crawled to the river, and stared at her own reflection. Dirty blemishes smeared her face here and there, from bumping into black walls to bad falls. She cupped her hands, ignoring the slash she made on her left arm during the first fall, dipping it slowly into the river, and slowly lifted it back out. A few small drops broke the cupped water's surface, and for the first time the priestess realized she was crying. How in the world did I end up so bad? she wondered. Why am I crying? "Those spirits are indeed very clever. Perhaps it is time to take a different approach to all this mess." Staring in the reflection of the water Shizuka saw the familiar image talking to her. "I... I don't know what to do." "It will come to you in time. For now, rest, Daughter. You are in no shape to continue at this time." Shizuka nodded slowly. "But... but... during all that... the Chinese girl will gather them...." "You are not fit to confront her either. It was a mistake to send you alone in the first place." "I can beat them!" the priestess replied. "Rest now, fight later." Defeated, Shizuka sighed. "Oh... all right...." Too tired to move, the priestess collapsed to her side, her eyes closing slowly. For a moment, she wished Thanatos was with her, but sleep overcame her. "Shizuka failed," a deep, male voice announced. The source of the voice, as with the rest of the chamber, was shrouded in darkness. A single light source, mounted perfectly at the center of the room on the ceiling, shone down, proving the only illumination. No one stood in the light, but many stood around it, as if afraid to step within. "We were wrong to send her alone, even if she was better trained than the others," continued the male voice. "Then what would you have us do?" asked a wizened, female voice. "The others are too busy with their tasks to assist the girl now, and we need her to finish up soon." "There is another option," growled a third voice, a male. "We can send the apprentice," a fourth voice said, a young female. "The apprentice, though training is not complete, can supplement Shizuka's skills, and thus increase the success rate." "Is that wise?" asked the wizened female. "Summon the apprentice, then we may decide," the deep voice decided. In a brief moment, the apprentice now stood in the light. Dressed in a flowing black robe which hid all features, the apprentice stood tall and dignified. "You have been chosen," the deep voice said, "to aid Shizuka of Genbu in her hunt. You will depart immediately." "But...." protested the apprentice. "Your training may not be complete, but you are competent enough," the wizened female interrupted. "It is time for you to return to the land of the living." "I suppose," agreed the apprentice reluctantly. Almost as an afterthought, she added, "Say 'hi' to Shizu for me." The apprentice nodded carefully. "I will. It'll be good to see her again." "Then, go," the deep voice commanded, "and good luck." As soon as the second tape was done, Nabiki rewound it. Flipping on the television, setting a low volume level, she instantly pushed the record button, utterly disgusted by what she saw. The first tape, as expected, was the one for the bathroom, which Nabiki instantly destroyed by taping over it. She knew that was the dummy tape, and was far more eager to view the contents of the second tape-- the one of Ranma and Akane's bedroom. Disappointed, and angry at herself for wasting such good money, Nabiki realized her blackmail plans were for naught; the contents on the tape was worthless. Nothing happened. In her private office, alone in the night save for the wall of monitors, Chika sat back in her chair, holding the master tape in her hand, an almost-spent cigarette between her lips. She flipped the tape back and forth, debating to herself on its final fate. 'Black Widow,' as the wretch called herself, was just a two- bit ronin, Chika realized, recognizing her from the locker room tapes. Nabiki Tendo was an incredibly sloppy character if she thought she could hide from 'Tomo' for very long. It was merely a simple matter to compare the voice from the video with that of her recorded voice of the promise, then a quick check in the archives. Very, very sloppy indeed. For a time, the media specialist even considered cutting off Nabiki's access to 'Tomo.' However, for Chika, revenge was a subtle process. The one she had feared since the locker room tape incident deserved it where it hurt her hard-- in the piggy bank. Denying Nabiki of her objective was a great bonus as well; if she ever wanted to try this stunt again, the profits would be immense. But, that still left the matters of the tape. Chika sat up in her seat, seriously considering the consequences of holding such footage, snuffing out her cigarette in her ash tray. She, too, probably could use it, just as Nabiki had hoped to; she, too, could blackmail Ranma and Akane. Even better, she could blackmail Nabiki Tendo into doing what she wanted. Without a second thought, the media specialist ripped the tape out, then ran them through the shredder under her desk. ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes The second part, herein we introduce Shizuka to the Ranma gang. I've realized by now that I've effectively gotten rid of most of the male characters in this story, so now there's only Ranma left... for now. I'm not sure if that's a particularly good thing, that I'm writing a bunch of girls. Unlike fire, ice does not burn itself out, but melt.... Another look at the Nabiki Mercenary angle-- being outwitted by someone even better at being a mercenary. For a complete wuss (in the last story), Chika is the better, because she has the right stuff. 'Black Widow' is the Japanese name for Beast Wars' Blackarachnia, the femme-fatale. On the Shizuka part: this was an attempt by the author in order to carefully simulate the action in the manga. While the medium is limited, hopefully there's enough for the reader to draw points to one another. It wasn't particularly easy, but I think it's passable. Feel free to comment/rail about the tape's contents. Careful readers should know what's on it. Razorclaw X (