The Wheel of Fire, #24: The Month of Silent Rain By Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: ------------------------------------------------ Senryu Amakusa raised his head as soon as his head priest, Joseph Nakamura, entered the windowless, spartan room. He soon regretted it as his head swam for the umpteenth time attempting to move around. The founder of Saint Hebereke lay upon a heavy stone slab, using it as a bed. He rest his head back down on the cold stone, concentrating on breathing as the priest approached him slowly. "You asked for me?" Nakamura began. Amakusa coughed. "Yes." The priest looked up and down Amakusa's body as he approached his right side. "I take it you're rather ill." "P... (cough) poison, they say," the founder said. "I see." "Not lethal, they say!" Amakusa added, coughing and wheezing madly. "So I assume you will be unable to oversee anything while you're out," guessed the priest. Amakusa grabbed Nakamura's collar with surprising strength. "From now on, (cough, cough) you're in charge!" Nakamura gasped in surprise as a wispy, glowing gas emerged from the founder's mouth and nostrils. Stepping back in shock, the gas quickly shot up the length of Amakusa's arm, and before he knew it the priest realized he hit the wall behind him. But, the entity was gone, and so was the confusion. He stepped back over Amakusa, who seemed to be slipping into unconsciousness. "Then everything is in my hands now." The priest turned to leave, coming to a halt at the heavy iron door. He raised his fist to knock on the door, but stopped for a moment, turning his head around to Amakusa. "All we need now is a sacrifice made of a pure heart. Rest assured, Lord Amakusa, that everything will go according to plan." Nakamura knocked on the door, signaling the guards outside to open. Silently, the priest departed, the heavy door shutting behind him. His footfalls echoing in the narrow, underground hall, Nakamura whispered to himself, "All we need is a sacrifice of a pure heart...." "Ranma? Akane?" Kasumi said, standing at the entrance to the dining room. "Your friend is here." No sooner had the eldest Tendo girl finished the quiet girl, Shizuka, appeared behind Kasumi. Both Ranma and Akane turned to look at the schizophrenic girl from their places at the table, while Soun and Nodoka were all smiles. Genma and Nabiki maintained bored and passive looks when the newcomer revealed herself. "Sorry I'm late," Shizuka said in apology. "That's all right," Nodoka said. "We've been waiting for you. Have a seat." The girl nodded, and took her place at an open section of the table meant for her. The night's meal was already being passed to Shizuka, and she smiled in thanks. From the head of the table, Soun said, "So, I see you've calmed down since the last time." "Huh?" she said in confusion. "Have we met?" "Daddy," Nabiki said in her bored tone, tapping her head with her index finger. "Oh, yes," he replied, suddenly remembering. To Shizuka he said, "My apologies." Swallowing her first bite, Shizuka's eyes brightened. "Wow! This is some good stuff!" "Kasumi made it," Akane said. Shoveling a few more bites with her chopsticks, she added, "I don't get anything THIS good from home." "I try my best," Kasumi said, smiling. "I'm staying with my cousin, Kyoko," Shizuka explained, "and she's a lousy cook, and that's why she's living with her parents even though she's old enough to live on her own." "Kinda like Akane," Ranma blurted. "What do you mean by that?!" Akane asked, temperatures rising in her head. "You and her cousin could compare notes!" he continued. "Oh, it's not that bad," Shizuka interrupted. "It's the effort she puts into it that I appreciate more." "Maybe you could learn something from her," Nabiki told Ranma. "I'll say," agreed Akane. "Of course, Kyoko'd rather drink than cook," Shizuka said, sighing. "Drinks like a pro, and still manages to keep her job." "What would that be?" asked Soun. "She's a doctor." Genma chuckled. "I'm sure she's a FINE doctor!" "Genma, that wasn't appropriate," Nodoka said. "Nah, she gets it all the time," Shizuka replied, brushing off the remarks. "I guess weird runs in the family." "Like running around in priest getup with a shotgun?" Nabiki said. "Nabiki!" Akane yelled. "That IS why you asked her to join us, isn't it?" she persisted. "Actually, I wanted to meet her," Nodoka said. To Shizuka, she said, "You seem like a nice girl. I'm sure you can find yourself a good husband." Shizuka set down her chopsticks, placing a hand over her chest with a surprised look. "You think so?" "Gosh, she seems genuinely pleased," Ranma commented. Instantly, the girl was already across the table at Nodoka's side, grabbing the older woman's hands while on her knees. "You really, REALLY think so?!" Nodoka smiled. "You're quite enthusiastic, aren't you?" But then Shizuka turned around and slammed her head on the floor. "But nobody REALLY likes me!! It's just a bunch of boys who think I LOOK good!" "What's she trying to do?" wondered Nabiki. "Earn Brownie points?" Genma peered at Ranma. "Why couldn't YOU have been this enthusiastic?" "Shut up, old man," Ranma replied. "Ranma!" Nodoka exclaimed. "Apologize to your father!" Turning to Shizuka, she said, "Maybe I can find you a suitable husband." Shizuka's hopes skyrocketed once more, turning around again with pleading eyes. "Pretty please?!" "But, have you had proper training?" "Training?" Shizuka blinked. "Dance, flower arranging, and tea ceremony?" Nodoka said. Again, the girl's excitement sunk as her shoulders slumped. "Phooey." Nodoka could almost hear the sound of trumpets in the air, as she grabbed Shizuka's hands. "Starting today, I'll take it upon myself to train you to be a bride!!" Nabiki turned off the tape player, hiding it back under the table. "Gimme a break." "Great," Ranma pouted, "now we're going to have to put up with her even more than on a daily basis." "THIS is what your mom had in mind?" Akane said to Ranma, eyes narrowed. He folded his arms. "Who knows? Maybe marriage would tame her." * * * * * To: From: Subject: A new job Fine. I can handle your rejection. But, I've come up with something better. I need some information on one Shizuka Minazuki. She's a nut, as far as I can tell, but there's something about her that scares me. Run a background check on her, because when I tried there were some blocks, and even missing pertinent data. We'll discuss the price terms later, but I thought such a job would intrigue you. P.S.: Ever thought of going to #nukers? - Black Widow -------------------------------------------------- "Harro! You have leached Intelnationar House of Sushi! We deribel in 30 minutes or you get NO sushi!" * * * * * To: From: Subject: Re: A new job Well, then. A girl that has no apparent past? Sounds like a job for Superman. Just kidding. Anyway, the job does intrigue me, so I think I'll do a little peeking around myself for a while. We'll discuss the terms later, depending on how nice I'm feeling after I find what I'm looking for. That is, IF there's something to find. There isn't a place I can't get into, but if this Shizuka person doesn't really exist then you're out of luck. Oh, and btw, I'm the one who created #nukers. It's just that you can't see me there unless I want to be seen. All those other guys there are children that couldn't hack their way out of a paper bag. Have a nice day. - Warlock +-------------------------------------+ | There is no knowledge that is | | not power. | | Serving Tokyo for over three years | +-------------------------------------+ * * * * * The Next Day Kodachi, followed by her lieutenants, Aya and Chika, ran through the gates of the Kuno estate the moment it opened for them. All three girls threw their bags aside as they entered the building, making their way to the guest quarters where the heavily-robed girl, Tatewaki, and the recovering priestess were. Kodachi herself bore an expression of worry and uneasiness. When the trio entered the guestroom, Shizuka was already sitting up in her futon, Tatewaki and the robed apprentice standing on either side of her. The priestess wore one of Kodachi's old kimonos, a borrowed commodity while her priestly vestments were being cleaned. Without the red cord to tie up her pony-tail, Shizuka's hair reached down to about her waist; Kodachi could not tell for certain until the girl stood up. Unlike the girl that was attending school, whose eyes were filled with a certain innocence and youthfulness, this girl's eyes were only filled with bitterness, coldness, and appeared tired of life in general. But there was no mistake that Shizuka Minazuki was quite living. "Home early, I see," Tatewaki noted. "Is it not still lunch period at the school?" Appearing ready to have a nervous breakdown, Kodachi ignored her brother, directing her attention at Shizuka. "That... that... OTHER you...." "Go figure," Shizuka snorted, shaking her head. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself," Chika admitted. "That other girl is definitely you, but with the wrong personality." "For all intents and purposes, that IS her," the apprentice said, keeping her voice even. "I don't get it," Aya blurted. "How can there be two of her here at the same time?" "Doubtless the work of sorcery," Tatewaki replied. "And you'd be right," Shizu added. "Care to explain?!" demanded Kodachi. The priestess ran a hand over her face, taking a deep breath. "Well...." "You don't have to tell them anything," the apprentice said. "No, they ought to know," Shizu replied. "And you should, too." The hooded girl nodded in understanding. "I hope you've all got lots of time," Shizu said, directing the comment to the others. Kodachi folded her arms. "In detail, if you will." "Well, then...." The priestess sighed. "This whole mess started about a month ago, I think. Maybe even long before that... or yet to happen, whatever the case may be." "Somehow I believe I know where the story is being directed," Tatewaki commented. "Well, shut up and let her tell the story!" Aya snapped. "I didn't hear anything!" "Neither did we," admitted Shizu, "at least, not until about a month ago." She shook her head. "I certainly don't remember being on this THAT long...." "Anyway," she continued, "our attentions were directed in this direction upon the destruction of Seiryu. This, of course, puzzled us greatly, because no one had yet emerged to challenge for the privilege of becoming the dragon's voice." "This all goes back to Seiryu," Kodachi said, nodding. "We certainly defeated her." "She perished in the battle against Saotome," her brother added. "Or so the sorcerer believed, along with the host." "Well, for one thing, Seiryu can't be truly destroyed, being a god and all," Shizu corrected. "And, upon further investigation, we determined exactly what had transpired in the battle you and your pals had. We did learn that the spirit guardians had survived." "And we learned that they were from the future," added the apprentice. "They were?" Shizu asked honestly. "You forgot?" The priestess scratched her head. "If I forgot, I must've forgotten forgetting, and...." The apprentice shook her head. "We're getting ahead of ourselves. But back on track, we knew that the seven spirits shouldn't have survived the destruction of their host, as they would've been yanked back to their time period. So we determined it wasn't the host that was anchoring them in this time period-- it's something else." "What's so important about getting these future spirits back to the future?" Chika asked. "They don't belong in our time," the apprentice replied. "Also, the longer they stay here with their past forms the greater danger of both forms becoming insane, or both obliterating completely from the space-time continuum." "Protecting your gods, hmm?" Tatewaki concluded. "You could say that." "To believe the battle was won, only to discover it renewed," Kodachi muttered. "Our elders decided that the future spirits must be terminated at all costs, before something bad happens," continued the apprentice. "So we sent Shizu out here to Tokyo to find and eradicate the spirits, and find and destroy the anchor, if possible." She turned to Shizuka. "It's obvious something happened to you on your way here, as we haven't gotten any good results out of you yet." "How should I know?!" the priestess yelled. "I don't even remember anything about getting here!" "The first we saw her was when she attacked Ranma," Chika said. "She wasn't very good at doing it, either." "And we didn't know she was going to our school, either," Aya added. "Until now we never thought that they weren't the same person." "If there's two of me, it explains much..." Shizu muttered under her breath. "Well, be that the case," Kodachi decided, "then there is the other task at hand." "And that would be...?" wondered the apprentice. "Your anchor, of course," the gymnast replied. "By obvious deduction it is Seiryu's weapon, the last scrap remaining of her after the battle." "Brilliant deduction!" praised Aya. "It'd figure," the apprentice said. "But where's the weapon now?" "It lies in the hands of Shampoo," Tatewaki answered. "She carries it upon her person at all times." "Ten guesses what she's going to do with it." "What?" Shizu asked. "Probably trying to become Seiryu herself," the hooded girl replied. "She wants power." "I find that hardly an admirable ambition," the kendoist remarked. "And all this time I believed they truly were seeking a method of reviving Ukyo Kuonji," Kodachi said, shrugging. "What?!" the apprentice exclaimed. "The host was Ukyo Kuonji," she explained. "Ranma and Shampoo appear to obsess over reviving her with the combined help of the Seiryu spirits." "That's ridiculous." "Yes, it is," Chika agreed. "The spirits are far more clever than they think," the apprentice explained. "They're not going to simply grant wishes; they're not wish-granting dragons. They just want to survive." "So where's that put us?!" Aya asked impatiently. "You four," the hooded girl said, "need to help Shizu finish the battle. In her present condition, no matter how it happened, she can't possibly beat ones as strong as Ranma and Shampoo alone." "I'm not a fighter," Chika voiced. "Your talents make up for that deficiency," Kodachi replied. "It's not a talent, it's a skill," she corrected. "You and that phony modesty!" Aya accused. "It's not!" insisted Chika. "Anybody could do it!" "But," Kodachi said, directing her attention to the apprentice, "if we aid Shizuka Minazuki in her task, what benefit might be granted upon us? We, too, have important work." "The connection isn't readily apparent, but soon, Kodachi Kuno, you, too, will see," the apprentice replied cryptically. "The way things work in this place, all fates seem to be drawn together." "Saotome, no doubt," Tatewaki guessed. "Hey, how do you know so much about things going on here?" asked Chika. The apprentice looked away. "Study the situation, and it's readily apparent." "Right." "Anyway," the apprentice said, turning back to Shizuka, "this time Thanatos will back you up." "Thanatos... here?!" Shizu exclaimed in surprise. "He's missed you, and he's waiting." The hooded girl offered a hand. "I'll take you to him now." Accepting the hand, Shizuka got up to her feet. She straightened her kimono in a dignified fashion, tossing her loose, long hair behind her. Aya's eyes passed to Chika. "'Thanatos?'" "It's Greek for 'death,'" Chika replied. "What kind of a name is that?" "Beats me." "Geez, figures 'death' and 'silence' would go together," the gymnastics lieutenant said, shrugging. "I wonder if he's cute...?" Miranda Kusao stifled a yawn, propping up her feet on the bench in front of her. She cursed Nakamura's choice of meeting places-- the altar room of the church. Over to her left, Nagi, the odd swordsman with a sword in place of his left arm, sat at the other end of the bench, seemingly calm and relaxed. In the old days Miranda wouldn't have set foot inside the church, even while attending Saint Hebereke school, and it was quite apparent that her appearance and attitude hardly fit the atmosphere. She wore her hair long, like so many other girls, with two long ends rolling down before her ears that were nearly as long as the back. She wore black rubber gloves, and knee-length rubber boots to match, as well as a loose-fitting tunic concealing her slight frame beneath folds of fabric, tied off at the waist with a loose belt. Nagi dressed archaically in his own unusual garb, wearing a blue coat trimmed with white at the sleeves and at the bottom. He otherwise appeared like a man straight out of samurai movies. Miranda was hardly unobservant to realize that he dressed quite similarly to the Shinsengumi of old, and Nagi quite regularly behaved in such a manner that he was one of them. Well, we can all have our fantasies, I suppose, she thought. The odd pair was linked for only one reason: to confront one person, who happened to be brother and sister. Miranda wanted her chance at Kodachi, while Nagi, she knew, had business with Tatewaki. Nakamura entered the chamber from the main entrance, making his way to the altar, followed by Spencer, one of the two paladins. While the priest continued to the altar the black-suited paladin took a seat in the row behind Miranda and Nagi. The priest turned to look at the three fighters, eyes narrowing in disgust at the two non-believers. "Well, I'm in charge," the priest began, "for the duration of the period it requires Lord Amakusa to recover." "That's great," Miranda replied sarcastically. "But, that doesn't mean our work stops with him; I'm in charge, after all." "Whatever floats your boat," the girl said. "You'd do well to listen to me!" Nakamura yelled. "Oh, forget about it," Nagi said. "What do you want?" "We're going to move up the timetable," the priest explained. "To that end, we're going to need the pure heart NOW." "Yeah, sure, we're going to go down to the market and buy one, right?" Miranda said. "I hope you get raped, you slut," Nakamura said coldly, anger adding to the disgust with the martial artist. "Oooh, I'm so scared. Empty threats is all you can do! If you're REALLY going to do it, then by all means. I guarantee it'll hurt." She flexed her right glove into a fist as if in emphasis. "Then who do you have in mind?" asked the swordsman. "I thought it'd be obvious," Spencer said. "We're going after Kasumi Tendo." "Sacrificing one of your believers?" Miranda said. "You guys really are crazy." "She'll understand," Nakamura assured her. "It's all for the good of the people. We all must make our sacrifices." "Indeed," Nagi muttered. "Geez, Joe, why don't you sacrifice yourself?" the martial artist girl snorted. Nakamura snarled in anger, balling a fist. "Not so pure of heart, are you?" "Shut up!" "Or even your... eh, 'Lord' Amakusa?" "GET OUT!! GET OUT!!" Miranda shrugged, standing to her feet. "Suit yourself." Ranma held a hand up in the air, exposing his palm to the elements. He looked up at the afternoon sky, at the dark clouds looming overhead. "Doesn't look like it's drizzlin' or anything." Beside him, Akane nodded. "It hasn't rained here for a while. I wonder why." "Probably because God's giving me a break," he replied sarcastically, putting his hand back in his pocket. The couple passed through the empty streets on their way home from school, both surprised that Shizuka failed to confront Ranma for a second day in a row. Ranma hoped that it meant that the schizophrenic girl was calming down, but something told him that it was only wishful thinking. "What do you think Mom's going to do with her?" he said aloud. "I really hope it's just what it is-- training to become an eligible bride," Akane answered. "I don't see how flower arranging is such a desirable skill these days." "Yeah," agreed Ranma. "That kind of stuff might've been good in her time, but not now...." "Actually, it's quite traditional," another voice interrupted, carried by a sudden rush of wind. "Dammit," cursed Ranma. "I knew it was too good to be true!" Akane's eyes darted around. "Shizuka! Why?!" Said girl appeared on top of a wall to the left of the couple, dressed in her usual priestess garb. Her eyes betrayed confidence, although Shizuka held no visible weapons. "It took a lot of willpower just to get out here," the priestess said, "but your fellow demon-worshippers weren't good enough for my own allies!" "Eh?! What are you talking about?" Ranma said, perplexed. Thunder crashed in the distance. Shizuka produced a set of paper wards in her right hand, fanning them out as if they were playing cards. "You won't believe the trouble I had to go through just to find more of these!" "Makes sense," Ranma thought. "If I know things right, and I'm sure I do, then you throw those post- it notes the same way you throw your steel cards." He pointed an accusing finger at the priestess. "The cards were only a training device, and not an actual weapon, were they?" Shizuka shrugged. "They do pretty well as a weapon, too... but yes, both act similarly as a projectile." "Then you should know that I'm too fast for those!" he said confidently. "Akane, stand back." "Wait, Shizuka!" Akane shouted. "We shouldn't have to do this!" "I thought about that each time I go on a hunt," the priestess replied flatly. "But, when it comes down to it, demons don't belong in this world." "MOVE IT!" Ranma yelled, shoving Akane out of the path of three steel cards. The steel cards flew past Ranma, narrowly nicking his shoulder, and embedded themselves in the wall opposite Shizuka. "I don't have time for you," she told Akane. "Get out of the way, and let us finish this, once and for all!" "You can't!" Akane pleaded. "Don't you remember yesterday?" "Oh, I remember yesterday all right!" Shizuka yelled angrily. "I spent all of yesterday lying in a borrowed futon, that's what!" "Akane," Ranma said, "I'm going to end this." "Ranma...." "Oh, spare me." "Look, don't ya think I can take care of this myself?" Akane sighed. "Okay. But be careful." Ranma nodded as she ran to a safe distance away from Shizuka. He raised his hands, and began studying the priestess, trying to guess what the unpredictable girl was going to do. Shizuka leaped into the air, with her right arm trailing behind her, and her left arm forward, palm open. She's going to throw! guessed Ranma. "Thanatos, strike!" Shizuka commanded. Surprise washed over Ranma's face as a heavy, coiled object launched out of Shizuka's left sleeve and encircled him. The martial artist found he could no longer move his arms, and began to feel a crushing force. When the priestess landed in front of him, Ranma yelped in surprise as he stared down at a fist-sized snake head. "Ranma!" Akane yelled. "How do you like my pet snake?" Shizuka asked maliciously. "Thanatos was given to me by the High Master himself as my partner. Definitely more useful than a tortoise, if a bit small for a boa constrictor." "I'm... happy... for you," Ranma shot back sarcastically, trying to catch a breath of air. The large constrictor snake squeezed harder as it slithered around Ranma's body, attempting to wrap around the neck. The priestess flashed a single ward between her middle and index fingers. "And now, demon... BEGONE!" She thrust the ward on Ranma's forehead. Lightning flashed in the air behind Ranma, illuminating the sky and momentarily blinding both Shizuka and Akane. A great boom of thunder deafened the three humans, while the boa constrictor appeared ready to slip into unconsciousness. Shaking her head, ignoring the tree that caught fire, Shizuka cursed, "Shit, shit, shit!!" Ranma shook his head, clearing his mind of the ringing in his ears. He relaxed a bit as the boa constrictor loosened his grip. Nothing happened. "I don't believe this," the priestess continued in her rant. "The others said this was the correct ward, too!" "NOW do you believe I'm not a demon?" Ranma said, trying to shake the snake from around his body. "I don't know where you get such ideas, but...." "Ranma!" Akane shouted in warning. Sure enough, it started to rain. Shizuka stared up at the sky. "Mighty Genbu, if this is your idea of a joke, you'd better tell Seiryu to send a lightning bolt MY way...." "Uh-oh," Ranma muttered, feeling the drops dance on his head. "...I need a LONG vacation," finished Shizuka. As soon as the priestess lowered her head, she did a double-take when she looked at Ranma. Shizuka pointed a finger. "AH-HAH!!! You ARE A demon!!!" she yelled in excitement. "Well, that's great," the now-girl Ranma said in disgust. She snapped her eyes shut as Shizuka slapped several more wards onto Ranma's forehead, and by the time she opened her eyes the result was the same-- darkness. "This blows," cursed the priestess. "I can't believe I wasted all that paper on you, and none of them work!" "Maybe you shouldn't use recycled paper?" Ranma suggested. "Shouldn't that be more than enough proof that I'm NOT a demon?" "But, there's...." "Shizuka, stop it!" Akane shouted, grabbing both of the priestess's arms from behind. "Well, hell," the priestess said, lowering her head in defeat. "I can't believe I wasted my trip here for nothing." "Ranma's not a demon," Akane pointed out. "Your wards didn't fail, because there wasn't a demon to exorcise." "That's not possible!" Shizuka screamed. "He HAS to be the demon!!" "Who says?" Ranma asked, loosening his arms from the coil of the unconscious boa constrictor. "There's no way you could have such an aura you have and not be a demon," Shizuka replied. "I think we covered that before," the martial artist said, ripping the wards from her forehead. "Then call it gut instinct." "Well, then, your gut instinct is wrong." "It never was before." "It is NOW." "It keeps telling me that you're the reason I'm out here," the priestess said, staring at her pet snake. "I've finally won, and for the entire month I've been wrong...." "Maybe now you can start acting normal for a change," Ranma said. "That's right," encouraged Akane. "You can still come back with us and let our mother train you...." "What are you talking about?" the priestess asked, remaining calm despite her confusion. "That's right, you never remember," Ranma said. Akane released her hold on Shizuka. "Come on home with us. We can help you." The priestess bent to the ground, carefully scooping up the unconscious boa constrictor. "Very well." Kodachi put down her binoculars as she stood under the wooden umbrella held by her brother's hand. She passed the binoculars to Aya, who stood on the opposite side of Tatewaki under the umbrella. "She lost," Kodachi announced. "No surprise there." "Shizuka alone must be the one to discover and experience Saotome's black magic," Tatewaki said. "It is to her benefit; perhaps it shall also draw the false Shizuka into the open." "Then where's she going with them?" Aya asked, peeking through the binoculars. "We should definitely follow them," Kodachi decided. "Kodachi?" the gymnast leader heard in her right ear. Kodachi cupped her right ear. "Yes?" Chika's voice echoed through the earpiece. "I just checked... and it looks like the paladin is on the move. Want me to track him?" "Just him?" asked Kodachi. "Nope, he's got two others with him. Looks like the sword guy and Miranda." "Perfect. We should go after them." "But, what of Shizuka?" asked Tatewaki, sounding concerned. "We'll do what the boss says, right?" Aya insisted. "Very well, I shall concede to my sister for the moment," he decided. "How shall we go about this new task, I wonder?" Kodachi pointed a finger in a direction to the right of where Ranma, Akane, and Shizuka were standing. "Intercept their party in that direction according to projected probable path." The apprentice folded her robes more tightly to herself as she spied the second Shizuka walk through the streets. This girl, unlike the one the apprentice knew, seemed to sparkle in the rain. She carried an umbrella over her head in one hand, and a book bag in her other. As she was still dressed in Furinkan High's school uniform the apprentice guessed that the girl was coming directly from school. The hooded girl had already guessed where the second Shizuka was headed for, and produced a paper ward from her sleeves. A sudden jolt behind her back sent the apprentice to the soaked sidewalk. She rolled to the side in time to avoid a boot stomp meant for her back, and turned to face her attacker. Shampoo stood above the apprentice, dressed in heavy rain gear despite holding an umbrella over her head. The Chinese Amazon withdrew her booted foot, and raised Seiryu's weapon with her free hand. "You," the apprentice spat. "Now you get in my way?!" Shampoo yelled. "Why is goal so hard to follow?" The weapon glowed in her hand. "Perhaps you're good diversion," she decided. "I don't have time for this," spat the apprentice, slipping through her sleeve for more wards. The first thing Kasumi said when Ranma, Akane, and Shizuka entered the house was, "My, is it raining outside?" Walking past the eldest Tendo girl, Ranma muttered, "Good call. I'm hittin' the tub." She shook her head, wondering why Kasumi appeared unconcerned about the boa constrictor hanging limply around the priestess's neck. As soon as Ranma was out of sight, Nodoka appeared at the top of the stairs. "Goodness!" she gasped. Both Akane and Shizuka looked up at the woman as she descended the steps quickly. "You all got caught in the rain!" "How'd you figure that?" Shizuka said sarcastically. Nodoka jumped. "Is... that a snake?" "What does it look like?" "My, where are your manners?" "Um... Mom?" Akane voiced. "You'd better get changed before you catch a cold," Nodoka told her. "Shizuka's not... feeling well." "You won't either if you catch a cold!" Akane sighed, heading for the stairs. Nodoka turned to Kasumi. "I'll take care of this." Kasumi nodded and smiled. "I'm going to prepare for dinner now." As soon as Kasumi was out of sight Ranma's mother walked a circle around the dripping Shizuka, careful to keep her distance from the unconscious snake's head. "Yesterday, I was hopeful about you," Nodoka said sternly. "Today, however... I find you playing in the rain wearing dress reserved for priests, and being completely rude." "Oh, brother," muttered the priestess. "You won't find a decent husband if you keep acting like an irresponsible boy," lectured the mother. She grabbed Shizuka's arm. "Come with me; I'll give you something decent to change into." "Lady, I don't know wh...." "Not another word!" she commanded harshly, leading her up the stairs. "And leave that animal outside!" Shizuka's eyes narrowed, throwing off Nodoka's grip. Before the older woman could reprimand her, the priestess gently lifted Thanatos from around her neck. With great care she lay the great snake down on the wooden floor. Whispering silently to the snake, she straightened herself up. "He stays here, and I'll go with you." Nodding carefully, Nodoka lead the priestess up the stairs and straight for the room shared by herself, her son, and her husband. Both men were nowhere to be seen, so she lead Shizuka inside, and shut the door gently behind her. The Saotome woman reached for a towel lying on top of the dresser, and handed it to Shizuka. "Dry yourself off with this." "Wh...." "I'll clean up the drip spots later," Nodoka interrupted. Turning back to the dresser, she opened the top drawer. "Now, what could be suitable for a young lady like you?" Shizuka hardly answered, staring down at the towel. For a moment, she wondered if she could get away with a minor incantation.... But that moment was gone in an instant as Nodoka snapped away her attentions with a modest kimono. "I think this should fit." The priestess rolled her eyes at the patternless, green kimono-- a commoner's wardrobe. Stern mothering dominated Nodoka's eyes. "Take off those wet clothes and dry yourself off!" "I'm not undressin' for you," Shizuka snapped. "Well, then, if you're going to be uncooperative, it looks like a mother's touch is needed!" the older woman decided, setting down the kimono on top of the dresser. Shizuka tried to resist Nodoka's grasps, but she found herself too weak for the peasant woman, surprised that Nodoka was much stronger than she looked. But, as soon as she removed the priestess's blouse, several objects dropped to the floor with loud crashes. "What are these?" Nodoka said in shock, releasing her grip. "Tools of the trade, of course!" replied Shizuka, replacing her blouse. Among the mess around Shizuka was a set of steel cards, paper streamers, a shotgun with five bullets strapped to its side, and several miscellaneous talismans and loose bullets. Nodoka bent down to pick up the shotgun, holding it away from herself as if it were a filthy rag. "Young lady," Nodoka yelled, "what are you doing with this?!" A bright glow surrounded the priestess, momentarily blinding Nodoka, but the flash lasted only an instant. She blinked, as Shizuka stood before her, perfectly dry. "Don't mess with me, lesbian pervert!" warned Shizuka, grabbing the shotgun from the shocked Nodoka. "Your son... daughter... whatever it is! Where did it get its power?" "Ranma?" Nodoka said. "You know?" "OF COURSE I KNOW!!!" the priestess yelled. "Tell me how it got its power!!" "Well... it was when he went on a training trip to China with his father, and...." Both heard a girl scream downstairs. "Get to the point!" "After that, cold water turns him into a girl, and hot water changes him back...." "AH-HAH!" Shizuka quickly gathered all her equipment into her sleeves. "So, THAT'S the key!!" Ignoring the woman, Shizuka bolted for the door. She leaped down the flight of stairs, only to regret it in mid-flight. Kasumi was at the bottom of the steps, standing by the open door, and Thanatos was nowhere to be seen. But, worse of all, Shizuka had no idea how in the world she was going to land. "OUT OF THE WAY!!!" she yelled. "What's going on?!" Ranma yelled, back in his male body as he appeared at the entrance, Soun, Genma, and Nabiki behind him. Akane and Nodoka stared down at the scene from the top of the stairs. All gave a collective gasp of surprise. Lying face-first on the floor near the shocked Kasumi was Shizuka, shaking her head as she tried to get up. But, standing just outside the front door was Shizuka, frozen in fright as Thanatos, now revived, slithered his way toward her. "Two?!" Ranma managed to say. The priestess Shizuka got up to her feet, and looked over the schoolgirl Shizuka with distaste. "You're the problem, aren't you?" The schoolgirl's eyes raised from the snake to her double, who was leveling a shotgun at her. "Y... you!" "Oh, so we DID meet before!" the priestess said with a laugh. The schoolgirl turned to Ranma. "Ranma, please!" "What do you want ME to do?!" he demanded. "I don't get this!" "Go rescue her!" encouraged Nabiki. "Pick whichever one you like!" "She's an impostor!" the schoolgirl shouted, pointing a finger at the priestess. "She's a demon that tried to take over my body!" "Oh, good story!" the priestess Shizuka spat. "Pretty lame, considering that I'M the demon hunter!" "Ranma...!" "Dammit!" cursed Ranma, rushing into attack. He slammed himself against the priestess, sending the shotgun flying. Thanatos turned his attention away from the scared schoolgirl, and with lightning speed striked at the one who attacked his master. "Ranma!" Shizuka screamed. Too busy to acknowledge the schoolgirl's warning, Ranma wrestled the priestess down, keeping her arms pinned with his superior strength. "Who are you?!" He yelled in surprise as the boa constrictor wrapped himself around the martial artist, squeezing tightly and forcing Ranma to loosen his hold over the priestess. Getting up to her feet, the priestess Shizuka brushed off her blouse, and stared unconcerned at the schoolgirl Shizuka, who was now leveling the shotgun at her. "So, shoot!" the priestess taunted. "Prove which of us is the real Shizuka Minazuki!!" Gathering a surge of confidence, the schoolgirl planted her index finger on the trigger. "Shizuka, no!!" Akane yelled, running down the stairs. The schoolgirl squeezed the trigger. The apprentice heard the gunshot echo in the dark sky. Ignoring the sore in her leg, she broke into a sprint, hoping desperately that she wasn't too late. Miranda held her hand out, forcing Nagi behind her to come to a halt. "Did you hear that?" she asked. "Shotgun," the swordsman replied. "I don't like this," admitted Miranda. "Hey!" Spencer shouted, well ahead of the two fighters. "What are you waiting for?!" "Damn fool," Miranda spat, resuming her run. "That fool'll run barefoot in Hell...." "Gunshot!" Tatewaki cried as the sound echoed in the air. "Coming from ahead of us, no doubt!" Kodachi deduced. "There is not a moment to lose!" Kodachi broke off ahead, away from the shelter of her brother's umbrella. Both Tatewaki and Aya gave chase, trying their best to keep up with the girl. Ranma's eyes bulged in shock; however, it was more from the constriction Thanatos was giving him rather than the result of the schoolgirl's attack. Confetti and ticker tape rained from the air as everybody but the priestess stood in stupefied surprise. Shizuka the priestess laughed, her arms folded. "You know," she said, "it's times like this I'm GLAD I forget to load my shotgun with live ammunition." She whipped out a steel card in her right hand as the schoolgirl tried frantically to reload the shotgun's chamber, apparently unskilled with the weapon. "Now, it's my turn!" "Hold it!" Akane ordered, grabbing the priestess's arms. "I don't know what's going on, but you're the problem!" "Let go of me!" yelled the priestess, losing her grip on the card. Looking over to schoolgirl Shizuka, Akane asked, "You mind explaining this?" "Hey!" Ranma yelled, struggling to catch his breath. "Someone get this thing off me!" "A demon attacked me," the schoolgirl explained. "I don't know why, but it happened just before I transferred to your school. I don't know how, but for some reason after the attack I found myself, and this second me. So I ran." "You fools!" the priestess cried. "SHE'S the demon!" "Now, whoever you are," Akane said, addressing the girl in her grip, "your game's up." "AKANE!!!" Ranma screamed. "Tell your snake to let Ranma go!" Akane demanded. The priestess stared at Akane, appearing ready to burst into laughter. "Heh, heh... you fool." "Now what?" wondered Nabiki. "It's a stand-off!" Soun announced. "And the boy's the clock that's ticking," Genma added. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he yelled, "You keep it up, boy!" "GGGAAAAA!!!" Ranma screamed, feeling the boa constrictor wrapping around his neck. "Akane," Shizuka said, "we have to kill the demon." "With what?" she asked. "We don't have anything...." Only the sound of rainfall against the ground outside and the roof above made any noise as Akane's voice trailed off, blotting out Ranma's dying, struggling yelps. The schoolgirl stared down at the shotgun, and opened the chamber. "Hold it!" Akane and Shizuka stared out at the front yard, where a heavily-robed person stood in the rain. Jumping into the air, the apprentice threw several paper wards in the girls' direction. "Demon BEGONE!!" Akane rolled to the side, releasing her grip on the priestess, while Shizuka dodged in the opposite direction, tossing the unloaded shotgun into the rain. The priestess herself, however, burst into laughter. Getting up, Akane heard a scream. Turning around, she thought it was the priestess. But the priestess was still standing, without even flinching, and without any wards stuck on her forehead. Shizuka, however, was not so lucky, as the robed attacker proved to be insightful as to the path of her actual target. The schoolgirl Shizuka crackled with blue lightning as she writhed in pain. Wasting no time, the priestess ran past Akane and the schoolgirl into the rain, retrieving the discarded shotgun. Quickly, she loaded a bullet into its chamber, and leveled it at the schoolgirl. "See you in Hell!" the priestess yelled. She fired. Shampoo cursed the robed girl for the seventh time since her defeat at her hands, carrying the weapon in her right hand, and barely holding up her umbrella with her left. The girl was obviously knowledgeable of the Chinese Amazon's curse, and, using it as a suitable distraction, managed to force Shampoo to waste precious time getting back into her human form. Standing in the streets, in plain view of the Tendo wall, the Chinese Amazon raised the weapon to eye level. "We're here." Something is wrong, the weapon told her in her head, as the weapon itself glowed a pale blue. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard, followed by a bright light within the Tendo walls. AAAGGGGGHHHH!!!! screamed Miboshi. "What?!" Shampoo asked frantically. "What's wrong?!" They... they'll PAY for this!!! the Seiryu spirit vowed. Shampoo's eyes flashed the same pale blue as the weapon. Both glows died at once, and the Chinese Amazon ran quickly toward the Tendo property. Shizuka the priestess was lying face-first on the ground, the robed apprentice at her side. Thanatos, upon the destruction of the schoolgirl, sensed the shockwaves of pain from his master, loosening his grip around Ranma and slithering toward Shizuka. Ranma and Akane stood under the roof of the front porch, the others gathered at the door inside. Ranma rubbed his neck, gasping for breaths, and looked down to where the schoolgirl once lay struggling in pain. There was no trace left of the second Shizuka. "We were helping the wrong one," Akane whispered, as the boa constrictor slithered himself on Shizuka's back. "We helped the wrong one...." "Who would've thought?" Ranma agreed. "We should've listened to the snake...." "That would figure," Nabiki commented. "Yes," agreed Soun. "The snake appears to know its master well, even if presented with another with a similar appearance." Thanatos wound himself around until he faced his master's right cheek. He flicked his forked tongue out, tickling the girl in the manner he knew she was accustomed to. The apprentice stroked Thanatos's wet, scaly back. "It's no use," she told the snake. "The shock must've been too much." "Who are you?" yelled Ranma. Looking up to the people gathered at the Tendo door, she yelled in reply, "An apprentice under the same organization that Shizu works for. She's a full priestess; I'm not. And probably won't be." "Uuuuu...." murmured Shizuka. "Shizu... it's okay," the apprentice told her. Thanatos tickled the priestess's cheek once more. "Stop that...." she ordered, but the boa constrictor refused to comply. Shizuka's eyes opened, and turned her head to look at the reptilian head of Thanatos. "You stinker...." The apprentice helped the priestess sit up, careful not to squash any part of the boa constrictor's long body. Shizuka giggled like a child, scratching behind Thanatos's head. "I'm... I'm back," she whispered to the snake. "Shizuka!" Akane yelled. Turning to face Akane, the priestess smiled. "Akane!" "Are you okay?" "I'll tell you later, once I figure out how it feels to live two lives...." "So, that's what happened," the apprentice said. "You were split in two. All the stuff that was good about Shizu was passed to the spirit, leaving everything else to Shizu herself. A bad deal, if you ask me." "Interesting," noted Soun. "It's a wonder that both Shizukas didn't run into each other until now," Nabiki said. "What do you suppose Kyoko thought about it?" wondered Kasumi. "How can that be?" asked Ranma. "A month ago I was on my way here to hunt the Seiryu spirits," Shizuka explained. "How'd you know about that?" he asked, shocked. "I'll explain later," assured the priestess. "But, on the way, the spirits must've caught wind of who I was, because one of them attacked before I got to Tokyo. It tried to possess me, so I did the only thing I could do before I lost." "Which is?" "Well... I slapped a ward on my head. It knocked me and the spirit out, I guess, because when I came to it was gone. I thought I'd destroyed it." "How dreadful," Nodoka commented. "What guts!" praised Genma. "But instead you somehow made a duplicate of yourself?" Akane said. "I don't see how that's possible," the apprentice admitted. "So now the spirit's destroyed?" asked Nabiki. "I think so," Shizuka replied, getting up to her feet. She patted her own body. "I THINK I'm all here...." "Sadly, you won't be here much longer." All eyes turned to Shampoo, who stood on top of the Tendo wall, staring down at Shizuka and the apprentice. The Seiryu weapon's shaft was extended, forming a trident characteristic of water power. The Chinese Amazon's eyes glowed a soft, pale blue. "Shampoo!" Ranma and Akane cried. "So, you're the one who's hunting us," Shampoo said, ignoring Ranma and Akane. "You appear quite good in your task if you destroyed Soi by yourself. It does ruin my plans quite a bit, but it won't matter much." "Who're you?" Shizuka asked. "You're not the girl." Shampoo's eyes glowed with greater intensity. "You're right; I'm Miboshi." "Hey!" Ranma yelled. "You're the one that's supposed to be in the weapon!" "Oh, Tomo's host," Miboshi acknowledged. "You weren't very helpful." "No way Ranma could be Tomo," Nabiki insisted. "What're you up to?!" the martial artist demanded, ignoring Nabiki's strange comment. "You were so gullible. Did you truly believe that we would resurrect Ukyo for you? Like you, Shampoo was also easily fooled by what she wanted to hear; she wanted the power of Seiryu Ukyo had. She can't have it; Ukyo was ideal, and powerful, because of her inherited water power that amplified Seiryu's lightning abilities." "Water conducts electricity," the apprentice realized. "It's only natural that her power was stronger than others." "So what is this about?!" wondered Akane. Miboshi grinned. "I wanted to reassemble the sprits of Seiryu, but not for the greater glory of the whole. You see, after each spirit was located I absorbed their powers, increasing my own. I now have more than sufficient power to dominate this body, even if it was already willing from the start." She pointed down at Shizuka. "She destroyed Soi before I could assimilate her power. She would dare try to destroy me!" "So that's why Tomo resisted you," Ranma guessed. "All of this is some kind of 'survival of the fittest' contest." "You're an unnatural phenomenon!" the priestess yelled. "And you're trying to deny my right for existence!" countered Miboshi. "You know very well that if I go back to the future I won't be there as I am, because time's already been altered. The only solution is to carve my own destiny." "Self-preservation," snorted the apprentice. "Is that all you can think about? What about your gods?!" "I AM a god!" the possessed girl declared. "You idiot," Ranma said. "You're not so smart." With blinding speed Ranma dashed out into the rain, transforming into a girl in an instant. She leaped into the air, up to the level of the wall, and threw several quick kicks. But Miboshi was even faster, anticipating the rush attack. She appeared several meters to the right of where she originally stood, umbrella still held over her. "Don't you think I figured that problem out already?" Miboshi yelled. "I won't be beaten that easily!" "But you're still bound by that body!" Ranma shot back. Below the two, the apprentice handed Shizuka several paper wards, pressing them into the priestess's palm. "You have to help him," she insisted. Shizuka stared at the wards, then at the robed girl. "Typical." She watched as Ranma and Miboshi dueled in the air, Ranma attempting to knock out the umbrella from the possessed girl's hand while dodging the trident strikes. Miboshi appeared to anticipate each attack Ranma threw at her, and it was only a matter of time before Shizuka knew when to strike. "Ranma!" she yelled. She threw the wards upward into the sky, just as if they were her steel cards. After a brief flash, a cat fell to the earth, followed by a rain coat and umbrella. But Ranma continued in her mid-air duel, as the trident, behaving as if wielded by an invisible man, continued its relentless attacks. Landing on the ground near Shampoo, Ranma tried to catch her breath as she watched the trident descend slowly, glowing a brighter blue than ever. "You just don't quit," she snorted. I will not be beaten! Miboshi declared, projecting his voice into Ranma's mind alone. "The trident is the anchor," the apprentice noted. "So what do you want ME to do?" Shizuka asked. "I don't have anything that could get that thing to stop long enough to destroy it!" The hooded girl handed the priestess more wards. "What happened to your set?" "How should I know?" she asked in reply. "I ran out earlier today!" "Hey, whatever it is," Ranma yelled, "you'd better do it quick!" She dodged to the side as the trident thrust again. Shizuka threw the wards at the trident, but the weapon was far too small a target, and far too quick, dodging all the projectiles easily. The priestess cursed, rushing closer with Thanatos still wrapped around her body. "She moves pretty fast for someone with a snake wrapped around her," Nabiki commented. "What teamwork!" Soun yelled. "You mean Ranma, or the snake?" the middle Tendo girl replied sharply. Ranma hardly had time to warn the priestess away when Miboshi launched a flurry attack at her, jabbing with the trident's head with such speed that it appeared as a blur of motion. Shizuka held out the wards before her, keeping the piercing head from coming anywhere near from puncturing her body. "Not even a flinch!" boasted the priestess. "Now, you pathetic excuse of a 'god...!'" She threw several wards, one for each blurred trident head she could see, but only one of them hit its mark. The trident froze in mid-air, crackling with violent blue lightning. "It's not going to burst the anchor!" the hooded apprentice yelled. "You have to break it!" "Do I look like a strongman to you?!" Shizuka shouted back. "Leave it to me!" Ranma said, grabbing the trident with her hands. The glow of the weapon increased in intensity, as well as the lightning, but the girl hardly felt the energies. She raised the trident high, and brought it crashing down on her knee. "AAAAGGGHHH!!!" Ranma screamed in pain, jumping up and down in place. "Oh, that's just perfect," Shizuka muttered. "My dear Ranma!" Nodoka yelled. "That boy...." muttered Genma. "Maybe he should've used his head," Nabiki thought. "It's NOT wood, you know," the apprentice pointed out. "And the ward can't keep Miboshi under for long!" warned the priestess. "Damn it!" Ranma screamed, throwing the trident up into the air. She raised her palm up to the sky, and gritted her teeth. "This time, NOBODY'S going to haunt me like that again!!" Throwing up both palms to the sky, she shouted, "MOKO TAKABISHA!!" Soun yelled, "A bolt of pure confidence!" "That it, boy!" encouraged Genma. A blast of solid air fired up into the sky after the trident with great speed. The blue lightning produced from the ward began to fade, but it was too late for Miboshi to act, as he found that he could not escape in time. Seiryu's weapon was overcome by the blast, and sent rocketing into the air. "It's not working!" Akane yelled. "Yes it will!" Ranma shouted back, pouring more energy into the blast. "Isn't he full of hot air?" commented Nabiki. Suddenly, from out of nowhere a flaming, blade-like projectile sliced through the air, despite the rainfall. The fireball sliced through the peak of Ranma's blast, where Miboshi was, and a blinding flash erupted. Shielding her eyes, Ranma released her energy bolt, but knew that the job was done. When the flash subsided, Miboshi was no more. "'Twas an object of beauty, so it saddens my heart that such a weapon was destroyed by my hand." Ranma turned to look at the speaker of the voice. "Kuno." Kodachi held an umbrella over her brother, who in turn held out his bokken, lightly illuminated by Phoenix fires. Behind Tatewaki was Aya, wide-eyed with the display in the sky. Shizuka and the apprentice regarded the kendoist. "Good timing," the priestess complimented. "Why are you three here?" demanded Ranma. "We are not here for you, Ranma-darling," Kodachi replied, adding an acidic touch to the last word. "I'm predicting that we're the reason," another voice said. All eyes turned to the newcomers, who stood atop the Tendo wall where Shampoo stood only moments before. Three figures, two men and a woman, stood silhouetted against the revealed sky as the clouds passed overhead. "Miranda," Aya said. "I'm Paladin Spencer," the dark-suited man introduced himself. "I'm sure you've heard of me." "Who hasn't?" Akane said. "You're one of the guys who belong to the Church of Saint Hebereke." "A Church that falsely exists," Tatewaki corrected. "'Saint' Hebereke is a demon," Shizuka said plainly. "WHAT?!" came the collective replies of those standing in the Tendo doorway. Kasumi blinked. "Oh my, I left dinner on the stove!" "What a surprise," Ranma muttered under her breath. "Blasphemer!" accused Spencer. "You serve pagan gods!" "Since when did saints become gods themselves?" the apprentice asked. "Oh, don't worry," Miranda said. "I couldn't give a rat's ass about that stuff. All I want is Kodachi." "Is that so?" Kodachi replied, chuckling to herself. "Could it be that you wish to prove yourself?" "I'll show you who's the better fighter!" snarled the other girl. Nagi looked down at Tatewaki. "It is good to see you this last time." "I fail to see why that is so," replied the kendoist. Both Miranda and Nagi leaped down from the wall as Tatewaki and Kodachi stepped forward, ready to do battle. Ranma joined the two Kunos herself, followed by Aya, Shizuka, Akane, then the apprentice. Leaping down from the wall, Spencer produced a pistol from the side of his belt. Removing the safety on the weapon, he said, "The odds are hardly in our favor, but we shall prove the victor! The saint is on our side this day!" The clouds in the sky above cleared, revealing the now- night sky. Ranma looked to Kodachi, then to Tatewaki. "You're mine, 'paladin!'" Miranda raised her gloved fists as she faced Kodachi, who withdrew her ribbon, and discarding the umbrella. The Kuno girl threw off her dress, revealing a dark leotard underneath, ready to do battle. Nagi unsheathed his sword with his right hand and crossed it with the blade attached to his metallic left arm. Tatewaki held his Phoenix-flamed bokken before him, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Shizuka picked up her shotgun, loading it carefully, wondering which of the three opponents she should shoot first. Beside her, the apprentice stood, arms folded, appearing as if she would not participate in the fight at all. Aya stood behind Kodachi, ready to help her boss at a moment's notice. Ranma hardly bothered to glance at Akane. She said, "Go get some hot water." Akane nodded in understanding. "Be careful, Ranma." As she heard Akane's footsteps squelched against the wet earth die away, Ranma raised her fists in readiness. "I don't know what you guys are after, but whatever it is, your craziness stops now." Spencer smirked. "Oh no, friend. Everything that's happened until now was only the beginning. We shall sacrifice your carcass to the saint, so that he may grow strong!" "I'm not with him," Miranda pointed out. "Nor am I," Nagi added. "But, we fight nonetheless." "Then none of us fight for one cause," Shizuka declared. "Our goals, our purposes differ, yet fate has conspired to pit us against each other." She raised her shotgun and leveled it at Spencer. "I have a promise to keep." Spencer raised his pistol. "So be it!" The unified gunshot signified the beginning, as both sides charged into battle. * * * * * Nabiki (VO): "A peek into Ranma's head? Boy, what people would pay for that one! Hey, if you've got the money, I'll deliver the goods; no problem. I'll throw in all these other weirdoes while I'm at it." "Next time: Reflections. That'll be 500 yen." ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes 'Paladin Spencer,' for those of you who haven't been watching anime back in the Stone Age (heh) was the name of one of the characters in Starvengers, an early dubbed giant mecha series (Getta Robo G in Japan, and the character was originally named Hayato). Yeah, I'm ancient, and I still love the series; I've seen the first part of Shin Getta Robo OAV fansubbed and I wish I knew where to get more (from the credits the film was made in '97, so it's quite recent, and very nostalgic). Razorclaw X (