The Wheel of Fire, #27: Burning Eyes Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: ------------------------------------------------ "Good news for you, Ranma," Nabiki said as she entered the Tendo dining room with a poster in her hand. The entirety of the Tendo household sat around the table sharing breakfast that morning. Ranma, who sat with his back turned to Nabiki, glanced over his shoulder quickly. "Yeah?" "It's another contest," the middle Tendo sister said. "And there's a free trip to China attached to it." Ranma's eyes narrowed in disgust. "Right." The martial artist sighed. Ever since the showdown at the Saint Hebereke Church everything seemed to change: Kuno, Mousse, and Shampoo disappeared that same night. Senryu Nishimura, formerly under the assumed name Amakusa, left on some sort of spiritual journey, but not before leaving Ranma both jade dragon earrings. Shizuka and Hokuto disappeared, too, but not for long; the priestess and the apprentice showed up the next day at the Tendo residence, and to Ranma's annoyance they explained everything to the others. Which was why Nabiki was offering her 'help.' "It's a talent show," she explained. "It's run by the Tokuyama Agency, who're looking for talented people, as usual. You don't even have to be a girl for this!" "Sounds too good to be true," Ranma replied, directing his attentions back to his meal. "But it's not something you can just ignore," Akane argued. "Winning a talent show should be simple for a guy like you." Soun and Genma nodded in agreement. "The heir to the Tendo dojo should be very talented indeed," Soun encouraged. "It'll be a nice gesture," Nodoka added, appealing to Hokuto's slow death. "Uggh," Ranma groaned, "I'll give it a shot." "Good for you!" Nabiki exclaimed, splashing a bucket of water on the martial artist. Shaking off the water on her head, Ranma was up on her feet, turned toward Nabiki. "What'd you do that for?!" Nabiki smirked. "As your personal manager and arranger, I only said you didn't HAVE to be a girl. I'm saying you have to for what I've got in mind." "And what would that be?!" demanded soaked Ranma. Kodachi stared at the odd, bird-like statue sitting in the corner of the dark antique shop. Its eyes were far too large to belong to any sort of bird, yet the squat statue looked vaguely familiar nonetheless. "Ah, Kuno..." the old shopkeeper muttered, scratching his chin. Adjusting the glasses resting on his nose, he said, "Yep, came in here couple nights ago. What of it?" "I am his sister," Kodachi replied, bowing respectfully to the shopkeeper. "I understand this is the very shop he purchased a Phoenix Egg from?" "Mmmhmm," affirmed the shopkeeper. "Not that I believe in such things, mind you... but that's the kind of stuff he wanted." "What exactly did he purchase the previous visit?" she asked. When Tatewaki left for America a couple days ago the younger Kuno noticed that he was taking an old- looking tome along with him. It was hardly a bother to figure out where he got it from, and Kodachi was happy to know that her guess was correct. The merchant shrugged. "He bought some dusty-old book about the Phoenix Sword, not that I believe in that nonsense. It's supposed to be some kind of manual left by previous owners of the Phoenix Egg." "Oh really?" Kodachi raised an eyebrow. "What were the precise contents?" Waving a finger in her direction, the merchant said, "You're a clever one! I've got an abridged version, too." Kodachi blinked in surprise as the merchant produced a thin, paperback book from under a table. He raised it up into the light, the title clearly displaying: "How to Use a Phoenix Sword, Abridged, 127th Edition." The merchant flipped through a couple pages. "He wanted to know how many times he could use it before burning out." "Give me that!" Kodachi yelled, reaching for the manual. But the merchant was too quick, pulling the abridged manual out of reach. "I'm sorry, lady, but this is the last copy I have. I wouldn't part with it even if you slapped a wad of bills across my face." Instead, Kodachi swung a mallet across the merchant's face, sending the manual up into the air. "Sold!" he declared. Catching the abridged manual in her hands, Kodachi laughed. "Well now, free is definitely a good price!" Rubbing his sore cheeks, the merchant muttered, "Good thing I've got the 128th Edition lined up...." * * * * * To: From: Subject: Current Job He took the bait, just as we hoped. The dealings on my end are working smoothly, and I sincerely appreciate the exchange of tasks-- this is much more serviceable than actual flimsy cash. In any case I find the last bit of information you sent to be rather... disturbing. If you don't mind keep a lid on this bit; I think I can find a way to use it to my advantage. If the girl reacts in the manner I think she will, then perhaps we CAN get rid of her. BTW, you want to get a cup of coffee? - Black Widow -------------------------------------------------- "Go! Super Robot Life Form Transformers!" -- Lame Title of the Week * * * * * To: From: Subject: Re: Current Job Do whatever you wish with the information. I prefer this method of payment much more than actual physical cash because it helps build customer relationships. Surely you understand the advantages of this-- one favor deserves another. It also keeps money in our respective accounts, barring usual expenses, of course. Feel free to join in on the action if you wish. I have assurances from my clients that it will not affect their own plans. If the subject indeed does appear as you say, then you should have no problems for yourself. P.S. I don't drink coffee. Have a nice day. - Warlock +-------------------------------------+ | Welcome to Suzie Quan's Taco Palace | | Would you like fries with that? | +-------------------------------------+ * * * * * Shion sent off the reply just as his sister-in-law barged into his room, slamming the door open with enthusiastic force, and causing the hacker to jump in his seat. Fuming with startled anger, Shion failed to decipher whatever it was Chika was saying. "KNOCK NEXT TIME!!" Cowering for a moment, his anger was hardly enough to contain Chika's excitement. "There's going to be a talent contest!" The older mercenary grimaced, his anger cooling down to normal. "So?" "I'm thinking about entering it," she replied. "I think you should, too." "And do what?" Shion asked, folding his arms. "Show them how to fake IDs?" "No, I...." She caught herself. "Oh, never mind." He shook his head, wishing for the millionth time that the girl knew how to think before getting all emotional about the most trivial things. Good thing it wasn't a spider. "So what are you going to do?" Shion asked finally. "Huh?" "What are you going to show off as your 'talent?'" "Oh, that!" Chika's eyes brightened; if they got any brighter they could replace a desk lamp. "Well, since everybody already knows how I can make cool movies, I was thinking of showing off one of my videos." "I thought you were better known for the photos," he pointed out. "Well, that too." "And what's so 'talented' about that?" "Not a whole lot of people can do it like I can!" "And you think you can beat wanna-be idol singers?" "You grouch!" Chika accused, giggling like a school girl-- not that she wasn't in the first place. "It's not about the winning I want." "Ah," Shion said, realizing what the little mercenary wanted. He sat down against his seat, folding his arms behind his head. "So you really think some big media firm might see that, eh?" "Mmm-hmm!" she confirmed, nodding excitedly. "This could be my big break!" "Heh, heh," chuckled Shion. "You really think some big studio would want a little girl like you? One that isn't even out of high school yet, to boot!" He knew it was entirely possible, but for some unexplainable reason the older mercenary felt it good to jab ribs. And yet Shion played it well enough that Chika hardly seemed to notice in her fantasies. It was either playing it well, or obviousness on the part of the girl. Perhaps it was a good thing that the contest would be held the next Sunday-- it would be interesting to watch the kid pour her soul into her best work for a week. The essence of being a priestess takes great concentration and a center of balance, Shizuka told herself mentally. Then again, it was still all a bunch of drivel and garbage, too. Every priestess or priestess in training at the Shrine of the Four Gods undergoes rigorous training and disciplining in order to determine which among them would be granted the right to challenge the seven spirit warriors of one of the Four Gods. Even then, whoever became the miko, or Speaker of the Gods, had to put up with a back seat driver for the rest of their natural existence. Her head was hanging a few centimeters below the ceiling as she suspended herself in the air in a meditative trance. The room she called home, something no larger than a closet for such a small apartment, was bare, save for a neat pile rolled in one corner, which consisted of her bed roll, a couple changes of clothes, and a few hidden weapons. All her other belongings were on her person, hidden in the folds of her robes. Shizuka clamped her eyes more tightly shut, feeling the pounding in her head growing in intensity. Silently she cursed, for the umpteenth time, her mentors back at the Shrine of the Four Gods. A sound issued from the doorway, opening wide. And breaking Shizuka's concentration. She crashed head first to the floor as Hokuto barged into that bedroom of the Minazuki house, the single rope suspending her from the ceiling snapping free from its hook. Hokuto looked around in the empty bedroom, wondering why anyone would try to shove everything into the closet and the hallway just to meditate. The boa constrictor, Thanatos, was also running loose somewhere in the house, too. She shook her head. "Don't tell me you're STILL doing it upside-down?" she asked. The priestess of Genbu slowly gathered herself, the blood rushing out of her head even quicker. "All a matter of discipline," she explained. "Stupidity is more like it," Hokuto said with a sigh. "If mankind was meant to hang upside-down from ceilings God would've made us bats." "Shut up," the priestess snarled, untying her feet from the suspending rope. There was no reason to make the apprentice look smart, even if Shizuka did agree with her words. "What do you want?" Hokuto sat down on her knees, and produced a poster from behind her. "It's a talent show that's going to be held next Sunday," she said. "I shouldn't care about it except for the fact that the grand prize is a trip for two to China." "And why do I care?" Shizuka asked sarcastically. "It's too convenient, but if I get Ranma to China, and then to Jusenkyo, I can get rid of the curse." Shizuka shook her head. "You're right, it's TOO convenient. And I've got better things to do with my time." "But I'm going to do it anyway," Hokuto decided. "I think you should, too, just to increase our chances of...." "No," the priestess said adamantly. "Why not?" "I only do those tricks for kids." "C'mon, I'm your friend!" she pouted. "You're also not thinking rationally," Shizuka pointed out. "That bloody fate-link thing's got you doing it." "No it hasn't!" Hokuto yelled angrily. "I'll never give in to that stupid curse!" "You're giving in now." "NO I'M NOT!!" "Kid," the priestess said, despite being Hokuto's junior, "I've got no idea what it's like being you, or being Ukyo, or whoever... but it's not you wanting to do this. Ranma is getting you to do it." "I've still got my own choice, and I'm CHOOSING to do this!" Shizuka sighed. Although she knew Hokuto for a collected time of only a couple weeks, the changes were becoming rapidly apparent to the priestess of Genbu. While she did prefer Hokuto's food over Kyoko's, it just didn't sit well, knowing that another girl, Ukyo, was quite the same in this regard. And yet, Hokuto was still her friend.... "Fine, Kid," she said, caving-in. "Let's see what we can come up with." He played a sorrowful tune on the recorder, his fingers playing over the wind instrument's holes with delicate mastery. Sitting on the cliff toward the setting sun he lost himself in his music, musing on his next course of action. The pawns were being drawn to the edge, where the queen and her rooks wait to spring the trap, the king as bait. Pawns are killed easily in a delicate chess match such as this, and the musician was but one of the knights, traveling in odd directions, yet the right direction nonetheless. And now movement has put him back into distance of the bait, the king. Not quite checkmate... not yet, but close. While avoiding the trickery of the queen and her traps it is entirely possible to eliminate the king with the pawns. Yet, it was extremely difficult to do so with but one knight to aid them. No, one pawn was ready to reach the edge now-- ready to promote to the next piece. This pawn, he knew, would make a suitable queen if aided properly, a rook otherwise. Yet the queen was so much better, and the role has yet to be filled, ever since the previous queen was eliminated from play. There were way too many pawns. Another one.... The knight continued in his notes as he realized there was a rook left in play. Very straight-forward in mannerisms, the rook was ready and willing to go to great lengths to get to where he was needed. Yes, he, too, could be instrumental in the flourish of the queen, if only the knight could drag him away from the pawns. Both bishops were gone, only recently removed from the board. The bishop was willing to move at great distances, like the rook, but was unwilling to step into certain areas. Although the pieces have changed much over time now the king's only protection was but a single knight, rook, and a whole mess of pawns. Others may believe him mad for thinking of the situation in terms of a chess match, yet the analogy may well be a good one. The catch was the identity of the opposing king, to which the knight had no clue as to the identity. Yet, he felt it was close at hand, and when that time came the game would end. He concluded his recital, bowing respectfully to the setting sun, his sole audience of the evening. Looking eastward, toward the darkness of night, the knight made his move. Toward Tokyo. "The plan unfolds to expectations," a voice said, scrambled by machine. The receiver of the words in turn stood cloaked in shadow of the alley, away from the lights of the streets of Tokyo. While stray thugs may well get the jump on the two occupants of the alley both were well prepared. "Good," said the other, using a light scrambler of her own. "Did you make sure to include... him?" Though hidden by shadows, the hidden man nodded. "A simple matter to make the pieces fall in place. The Tokuyama Agency is still hungry and hurting after the loss of their biggest money-maker a few months ago. While they still garner a modest amount of cash from other ventures, they can't resist finding a big break again. Especially not with such a big pool of untapped talent. Wanna-be idol singers always win." "Are you certain he truly wishes to travel to China?" asked the woman. "He will," confirmed the informer. "Of course, by all accounts I hardly believe he'll actually win the competition. More is expected of men than women. And by all accounts he doesn't sing; karaoke is likely to be the winner of the day for both sides." "Doesn't matter," the other assured him. "I just want him there." She produced a stack of yen and handed it to the informer. "Ah, right on time," the informer said, slapping the bills against his open palm. "You'd better come through for me," warned the woman. "Or I'll deal with you along with... him." "Heh, don't sweat it; it's all up to you now. Happy trails." Nodding wordlessly to each other the buyer and the informer exited at opposite ends of the alley, both vanishing into the night. Next Sunday Nabiki folded her arms in satisfaction as she stood supervising Ranma's training in the Tendo dojo. For less than a week's time Nabiki spent her time 'training' Ranma for the talent show, in what she termed 'Anything-Goes Stage Performance' in order to get the poor boy motivated. It helped somewhat if Ranma thought about something in terms of 'training' in martial arts, and for this case she reasoned that it would help steady his concentration and bolster his already-huge confidence. Ego was more like it, though. Beside that, he was training as a girl. Nabiki couldn't believe she was having as much luck with this plan than the previous schemes she cooked up in the past weeks. Ever since systematically dissolving their singing group for personal reasons none of her schemes seemed to work out, from forcing Ranma and Akane to fully accept, embrace, and otherwise express their feelings to one another and for others to see to simply getting more money. If Ranma and Akane ever did remove their barriers life would be much more interesting-- they hardly kissed as they are. But today, with the help of Warlock, things were finally going her way. Nabiki believed it pure luck that the man of the dubious identity wished to create such a production, and with her help and connections was able to set up this talent show in no time flat. Nabiki quickly renewed her relations with the Tokuyama Agency and was offered a good pay for her help in the program. Best of all, she got to decide the grand prize. With all the training Nabiki was giving him... her, Ranma would have no problem winning the contest and the trip to China. Maybe then the freaky girl, Hokuto, would leave town, and take the snake/turtle/shotgun girl with her, too. Not that there wasn't the other piece of information that could do the same job just as well, if used properly. She lifted up her wrist to check the time, then clapped loudly to grab Ranma's attention. "Okay, that's enough!" Ranma stopped in her routine. "Izzit time to go already?" Nabiki nodded. "You go on ahead; your things should already be there-- trailer six." She tossed a set of keys to her. "You SURE I'm going to win?" she asked, catching the keys easily with one hand. "What makes you think you can lose?" Nabiki replied coolly. "I'd say you've got your training down pat." "Yeah, and then someone else's going to come in and beat me." "That's why you're not going as a guy-- guys are usually too good for the kind of thing you're going to do." "Yeah right," scoffed Ranma, heading for the door. The middle Tendo girl watched her leave wordlessly, a smirk forming on her lips. As soon as she was alone she muttered, "Well, Warlock, whatever you wanted Ranma for, you're definitely not going to get him in the form you wanted." A premonition shocked the spine of Shion Kagami as he sat in front of his computer. His work forgotten, Shion turned in his seat, clutching the back of his head in wracking pain, his glasses dropping down to the floor. "What have I done?" he asked himself, suddenly sweating. Shion fell forward out of his seat, nearly crushing his glasses as he came down, and realized for the first time what it truly felt to have a conscience attack. Two days prior he caught Chika in his room, sitting at HIS computer, likely looking for more hard drive space for her home movie editing. And when he caught her she was looking at his confidential files. Lesson one: never leave confidential information in a place where anybody can find it, especially not on the desktop. Lesson two: never label it as confidential information. Lesson three: put a password on your computer to keep prying sisters out of it. Needless to say, Chika, being the curious type, did look through the information currently logged in the folder, consisting of information of the Black Widow job. While Shion was pleased that his dealings in the talent show hardly called for computer searches, and the fact that most of the deal went through with physical hands, he was angry nonetheless that such information changed hands again. Chika demanded to know the price of the information he sold to Black Widow Nabiki, but Shion brushed it off. Yet, somewhere, a sense of morality welled from the girl, and she became quite angry. She wished he never distributed that information in the first place, while Shion argued that it was being paid for in true mercenary fashion. "I'm a mercenary!" Shion pointed out. "So are you! It means you never take one side in an argument. It means you work for whoever pays you the most money, and even then working both sides is good! And most definitely it means you don't second-guess yourself!" "Then I don't want to be a mercenary!" Chika countered. "If what it means to be one is what YOU are then I don't want anything to do with it! You may have made me, but I'm UNMAKING me." "How can you live with yourself?" she continued. "How can you, Shion? Have you no conscience? Is money really worth all the pain and suffering you put others in, even ones you LOVE?!" "I... I don't know what you're talking about!" he stuttered. "Don't try hiding it. I saw you, you... monster!" After exiling Chika from his room Shion put into effect his new safety measures, and continued business as usual... until now. "Why now?" he whispered. "Why now?!" Maybe it wasn't too late! he realized. Nabiki Tendo... she's the one with the key. All I have to do is bolt the door tighter, and maybe.... Shaking his head, Shion sat up, grabbing his glasses from the floor. There has to be something I can use to stop her with... and on such short notice! Shizuka crashed down to the floor head first after Hokuto slashed the rope suspending her from the ceiling with a Viper sword. "Hey!" the priestess cried. "What'd you do that for?!" Sheathing the sword, Hokuto looked down at Shizuka. "It's time to go. What in the world were you doing this for?" "I'll let you know when my head explodes from the built-up pressure," she assured the other girl, "provided I don't blow up on YOU first!" Hokuto snorted, folding her arms. "Dumb ass. Lighten up for once!" The priestess got up to her feet, her eye level raised slightly higher than the apprentice's eyes. "It was your idea, so let's get it over with." The other girl nodded, wrapping her traveling cloak around herself tightly. Shizuka's eyes narrowed, following Hokuto out the door before grabbing her shotgun and Viper swords. Nabiki surveyed the turnout for the talent show from the V.I.P. booth near the edge of the stage. Many teenagers from all around Tokyo came to the Tokuyama- sponsored event, and the president himself, seated next to her, was all smiles. The two sat next to the panel of five judges, selected out of the chair of the show committee. While Nabiki and Tokuyama could not cast their own votes, Tokuyama was on hand in order to break ties. Nabiki was there as a courtesy alone, and as an extra nudge to old, out-of-touch company presidents when the decision time did come. Committee pay was also due. A list of sixty-four contestants, each given five minutes of stage time, consisted of the course of the day. Give or take all the setup time, Nabiki estimated that the show would take up all day. Ranma was saved for the end of the list-- not last, but certainly near the last. After all, it was the last that lingered in the impressions of the judges. It was a calculated risk, as those going first will become the measuring stick, but Nabiki believed it worth the risk. Even then, there was always Akane, near the middle of the list. Two aces should prove workable. And that was only the girls' contest; the boys' contest took place simultaneously, but elsewhere, as Nabiki knew more attention would be paid to girls. Not to mention the boys' contest would be boring-- all guys sounded the same to her. The biggest competition Nabiki believed was Chika Hisho, who was entering a home-made movie, and showed- off dead last in the listing. While the idea alone hardly dented what she had in mind Nabiki knew that this girl was extremely talented and resourceful. As one of the few non-karaoke entries, it definitely would stand out in the show. Yet, things have been taken care of in that respect, too. Ah, the number of guys in the crowd... this should be a piece of cake, Nabiki thought. Everything has gone according to plan, and not even the demon priest can do anything about it. Shion focused the sight scope between Nabiki Tendo's eyes, and suddenly realized how futile it was. From his hiding position raised above the open-air amphitheater the hacker-turned-assassin lowered his piece-made crossbow, took off his glasses and brushed his forehead. He set down the crossbow, the same weapon he used to fire a poison dart at Amakusa before, down on the ground. There was nothing left to do but wait, and even then it was too late to do anything about it; the damage has been done. The only thing left to do is make sure that she left Chika alone, otherwise there would be problems for Black Widow Nabiki down the line. Inferiority was a feeling totally alien to her. She ran through the dark alleys of the morning city light, running not from any one person or threat, but for.... The tears welling in her eyes blinded her, causing her to trip on an unseen obstacle in the middle of the road, throwing up grime after the impact with the ground. She wanted to keep running, but found there was no strength left to get up. There was only enough energy left in her to mentally abuse herself. Above the sobbing she heard someone approach her from behind. Her back exposed to the sky, she could not see who the newcomer was, but it was clear that his intentions were hardly honorable. "Well, well," he said in a gruff, throaty voice. "Looks like I picked myself up a new one." "Careful," warned another man, the girl realizing she couldn't feel his presence. "You saw her runnin'. Could be really feisty." "No prob." Cracking knuckles. "She looks pooped from all that runnin'." She felt his big arms around her, and she remained limp, hardly resisting the touch. "C'mon, we're taking her back to my place." The second man made a step back. "Damn, man, this early in the mornin'?" "You want me to come back later?" replied the first jokingly. "Nah, cute birds like this don't come my way this many times." "Well, get the bitch to stop cryin' and I'll feel better. We'd draw too much attention, given her garb." "Don't worry, we ain't takin' the surface streets." Lost in herself, the girl felt her surroundings succumb into blackness. It was several heartbeats later and many plodding feet in wet ground before she realized they were in a building, and climbing stairs at that. The two men stopped at the third floor, an apartment complex, and they entered. She was tossed unceremonially onto a soft bed, then both men exited the bedroom. Though the door was not wide open it was open enough that she could tell that the two men were arguing about who would get their turn first. And then the first man entered, closing off all light sources to the bedroom. He shut the door behind him, locking it carefully with a key and throwing it on a nearby dresser. "Well, gorgeous," the thug said, peeling off his shirt, "how do you want to start?" The girl sniffed once, wiping the tears from her face. Then she laughed. "What's so funny?" demanded the thug. "Don'cha know you're gonna get laid by the sexiest stud this side of town?" However, the girl couldn't stop laughing, sitting up in the bed. The thug stepped cautiously closer to the bed, doubt entering his mind for the first time. "You foolish little man," she said at last. "Don't you have any idea of what you're dealing with?" She wiped her face with her arm, her eyes containing fiery irony all around. "No, of course not. How ironic, that the one girl you happen to kidnap off the streets of Tokyo is completely the wrong kind." The thug blinked in confusion. "W... what are you sayin'?" He edged back toward the dresser, and to the key that remained his only obstacle to freedom from the possessed girl. Her aura burst into crimson flames. Standing on the bed he laid so many girls on, the girl dressed in the dirty priestess vestments slid a pair of swords down her sleeves into her waiting hands. Shizuka Minazuki, looking as if possessed by a demon, exploded into anger. "Because, ASSHOLE, you picked the one and only INFERTILE GIRL ON THE STINKING PLANET!!" Nabiki stirred the cup of coffee bored as Yuka and Sayuri exited the stage together, after putting on their singing number. While they were by no means bad, they weren't really terrific, either. The stage was quickly reset for the next contestant, their friend, Akane. She stepped on stage with much anticipation from the audience, dressed in an idol costume. Nabiki already knew how things would turn out for her, and therefore everything should be a piece of cake for victory. Akane gave a bow, and picked up the microphone set up on stage for her. * * * * * Akane's Lullaby Since you're always stretching (aren't you?) surely you're tired out (aren't you?). When I watch your sleepy face, I get that feeling. So, Good night, good night, good night, I'll sing for you Akane's lullaby. If I should appear in your dreams (you know), I want very much to be gentle to you (you know). It's probably unreasonable, I know, but... It's all right, Good night, good night, good night, I'll sing for you Akane's lullaby. Tonight, Good night, good night, good night, I'll sing for you Good night, good night, good night, I'll sing for you... * * * * * The hunter weaved through the crowds with persistent yearning, frantically wondering what to do. Ranma Saotome was not on the list of guys that was competing for the talent show, as she hoped, but there WAS someone that bore the same name in the girl's show. Could something have gone wrong? She, the buyer, who arranged for the show to occur herself, silently cursed Fate. Ranma Saotome was a guy, not a girl! What are the odds of a girl bearing the same name living in the same town, even! Yet her contact made guarantees that he would be there. He HAD to be around the amphitheater SOMEWHERE. But, what if the girl was related to the guy? A hostage? That was a risky gamble, she knew, but it was worth looking into. When the door came down the second thug thought it was already his turn, but when the half-naked friend of his was sprawled on the floor with multiple slash marks on him, he began to fear for himself. Shizuka trampled over the beaten man, and feast her bloodlusting eyes on the second thug, her aura flaring with greater intensity. "YOU'RE NEXT, CHIMP!!" Thug Number Two squeaked in terror, scrambling for the apartment exit, but Shizuka was there, a blur of motion too quick for the eye to see. She raised her Viper swords in a cross bar, grinning evilly. "Come now," she snarled, "don't you want YOUR fix as well?" He stepped back, holding his arms before him. "N... now wait a minute! Can't we talk about this?" At this point doing a virgin priestess seemed like a REALLY bad idea. "You should've listened to yourself earlier, chimp," Shizuka said. "Otherwise, you'd never feel the operation I'm about to hand to you!" Number Two threw a quick glance over at Number One, and immediately felt his friend's pain. "N... no!!" "We can have two IMPOTENT BASTARDS!!" cried the mad priestess. "Shall we do this the EASY way?" She smirked. "Or the HARD way?" And then Number Two thought he was soiling himself now. "Stop!" The attentions of both Shizuka and Two turned toward the source of the voice. Where no one stood before there stood a third man, dressed in dark colors, yet they were priestly vestments similar to Shizuka's. His hair was aged white, with Fu-manchu style beard and mustache. In his right hand he waved a feather fan casually, holding his left hand outstretched. "WAIT YOUR TURN!!" screamed the priestess. "Is this what they teach you at the Shrine of the Four Gods?" he asked Shizuka. "If it is I am quite disappointed." "Shut up!" "Taking out your anger and aggression on these men will do little to alleviate your anger," the old man pointed out. "But, if you do choose to move against him... I must point out that I have had many more years of practice than you have, child." And then, the mad priestess rocketed toward the old man. Startled, the priest nevertheless carried out his threat, throwing a white focused energy beam at the priestess of Genbu. Shizuka struggled against the oncoming attack, but felt her strength being drained as she tried futily to force herself forward. She collapsed face-first on the floor, dropping her Viper swords to each side of her. For the first time Shizuka realized she was up against a force barrier, a common technique used to make the opponent expend all their energy. The old priest turned to face Thug Number Two. "I suggest you do not move, lest you rouse my own anger!" The warning issued, he retreated back to the bedroom, careful to avoid the fallen thug, and retrieved the sheathes of Shizuka's swords. When he returned to the living room the second thug stood exactly where he was before. The priest sheathed both swords, and tied them to his waist. He bent down and scooped up the drained girl in his arms, then silently turned to leave. Shizuka looked up at her captor with weary eyes. She eyed the pattern of the priest's robes with recognition in her eyes. "Who are you?" The old man smiled. "Higure Furui. And I am pleased that you know that I am an Orochi priest." Hokuto forced herself to walk on stage. Far too late to turn back, the apprentice priestess tried to shove all external thoughts from her person, but none of it would go away. With the sudden disappearance of Shizu on the way to the show Hokuto wondered if the sometime-performer somehow got stage fright. That's ridiculous. Shizu's been putting on performances for years. Backstage, during Shizu's noticeable absence, Hokuto had extra time to spare to set up, but it was hardly necessary. Instead, she spent time chatting with the stagehands, veterans of Tokuyama events such as this. "Stage fright," one said. "Maybe had some kind of emergency?" was another. "Realized how stupid this was?" also came up. Only the last two seemed to fit Shizu's thoughts, but the third option was hardly characteristic in this late a stage. When she finished that thought Hokuto was at the center of the stage, right where the microphone was mounted. Hundreds of eyes, belonging to boys and girls alike, were directed toward the cloaked girl, waiting to see what would come up. And Hokuto truly knew what stage fright was. "H... hello," she began, nervously stuttering. Murmurs ran like a wave throughout the audience. "Hey!" someone shouted. "That's a GUY!" Hokuto forced herself to ignore the moron's comment. It wouldn't be the first time, and she hardly understood why it happened. Shizu... she thought, if this were you doing this, you wouldn't be so... dippy. The microphone screeched loudly, followed by a series of yells in pain from the offending noise. No, don't say sorry, she reminded herself. Just get on with it. Just think of what Shizu would do. She waited for the music to start. It seemed like an eternity as Hokuto imagined the stagehands working to play something as simple as a compact disc. When it started, she threw off her cloak and revealed a red kimono. * * * * * Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) It blooms in the spring, the cherry blossom of hope. Flowers and storms cause it to bloom. With a flutter, it expands dreams. Let's join together, you and I. It blooms in the summer, the radiant cherry blossom. Love and courage cause it to bloom. With sparkles, it brightens dreams. Let's cross the rainbow of tomorrow. Strong, violent, gentle sakura. Blooming and displaying itself, sakura, sakura, the color of the cherry blossom. It blooms in the autumn, the crimson cherry blossom. It's made to bloom in the red sunset. Torn and smashed and even if the dream is crushed, Let's wipe the tears and sing. It blooms in the winter, the snow-cut cherry blossom. By a pure heart, it is made to bloom. High or steep, even if the dream is far away, If you're here, I will climb it. Strong, violent, gentle sakura. Blooming and displaying itself, sakura, sakura, the color of the cherry blossom. Strong, violent, gentle sakura. Blooming and displaying itself, sakura, sakura, the color of the cherry blossom. * * * * * Ranma looked uncomfortable, Nabiki could tell. She stood on stage dressed in an idol costume, the microphone in her hand, waiting for her cue as the music began. "I'll have to admit," she said aloud to Tokuyama, "I never thought he'd have the balls to do it again." "Who? Ranma?" Tokuyama asked, glancing over at Nabiki. She nodded. "Well, if things are looking good, judging from Akane, Ranma'd have no problem, with all the special training I gave him." "I see," the president said, nodding to himself. "It's too bad, though, that we had to skip out on one of the contestants. I was actually looking forward to magic tricks-- it would've at least been different than all these karaoke entries." Nabiki offered a silent nod as Ranma began. But a stream of emptiness running through the crowd caught her attention more. Waves of people parted as someone forced their way through the crowd from the back toward the stage, and whoever got in the way was thrown in the air. Ranma apparently caught wind of the approaching danger as well, as she ceased her song and focused her eyes on the oncomer. Nabiki got Tokuyama's attentions. "Cut the music! Something's happening!" The president smiled. "Part of your trick?" "No!" she insisted. "Stop it, now!" Just as Tokuyama gave the signal, a single person leaped out of the crowd, ending the stream of emptiness. Landing on stage was a woman, whose long hair fell well over her hips to her legs. Her hands were covered by matching black, arm-length rubber gloves, and she wore knee-length boots to match. She dressed in an unassuming, loose combat dress, tied off loosely at the waist. Blood-like crimson eyes pierced at Ranma's soul, and Kolkhoz High's Miranda "Burning Eyes" Kusao was back. "Miranda!" Ranma shouted in recognition. The red-eyed martial artist was at the same time Kodachi's rival and a thug previously for Saint Hebereke. A real pushover, really; she couldn't lay a hand on Ranma in their previous fight. "Oh, my reputation precedes me?" Miranda said in mock surprise. "I certainly don't remember knowing you, but I must make enemies fast." She pointed a gloved finger at her. "Or you really ARE Ranma Saotome's relation." Ranma rolled her eyes. "Well, duh." Miranda steadied herself into a fighting stance, one which Ranma noted that weight was shifted to the right foot in the back. "Prepare yourself!" Instead of the anticipated cutting hands, Miranda somersaulted in the air forward with one leg extended, falling in the same cutting motion that was typical of her art. Ranma dodged to the side, knowing full well the disadvantage of deflecting the momentum attack. Half moon kick, she labelled. The crimson-eyed martial artist landed on both feet and threw circular saw kicks one after another, alternating legs with each cut. Ranma caught one leg in mid-swing, and was ready to throw Miranda until she hopped forward with her free foot extended. The booted leg smashed into Ranma's exposed neck, forcing her to release her grip. In the same quick motion Miranda used her now-free leg to attack: spinning in a horizontal axis with her body another blow tacked the other end of Ranma's neck. Ranma grabbed both legs clamped to her neck, gritting her teeth. How the hell did she get so strong?! Bending back Miranda planted her hands onto the stage ground and flipped over, carrying Ranma with her. Ranma managed to get her head oriented away from a direct collision, but ended up with her back to the stage. The crowd shared Ranma's pain as the oohs and ahhs passed through in waves. Miranda got up to her feet, and watched as Ranma did the same, albeit slowly. "You're nothing like the real Ranma," Miranda said in disappointment. "He was far tougher than you are!" "Feh, yeah sure," Ranma spat, trying to catch her breath. "But I am curious of one thing," the attacker admitted. "Why is it that your brother...." "Not my brother," interrupted Ranma. "Whoever!" she yelled. "It doesn't matter your relation, but I want to see Ranma Saotome right here and right now, or you'll pay in his place!" Damn, Ranma thought, I've got to get out of here. There's no way Miranda's gonna get what she wants while I'm still here, and wearing this stupid outfit at that. Now, if only.... She jumped into the air. Miranda jumped upward in pursuit, flipping backward with one leg extended in a reverse cutting motion. Ranma was thrown back down to the ground by the anti-air attack, crashing on her back once more. Full moon kick. "RANMA!" she heard, just before a kettle of warm water clocked her. A large blanket followed soon thereafter, allowing for a quick change of clothes. Miranda smirked as the audience applauded when Ranma threw off the blanket to reveal himself, back in his street clothes and ready to fight. "I don't know how you did that," she said, "but that was a neat trick." "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" Ranma promised. The crowd chanted and cheered. The combatants charged. Ranma and Miranda threw jabs and cuts with their fists and legs, neither gaining an advantage as they deflected each others' attacks. Neither martial artist showed signs of tiring. I've got to get this girl outta here, Ranma reminded himself. Breaking off combat, he shouted, "Saotome School Final Attack!" Leaping back, he turned and ran. Heedless, Miranda pursued Ranma's retreat toward the end of the stage. "Stand and fight, coward!" Damn, it's not working! The audience in the amphitheater continued to chant Miranda's name with great enthusiasm. "Dammit!" Shion cursed, as he lost sight of Ranma in his crossbow's sight scope. All other issues forgotten, the would-be assassin headed for the exit of the rooftop vantage point, knowing full well what could go wrong when the two martial artists were backstage. Stagehands ran for cover, abandoning the equipment being readied for the next performance as Ranma and Miranda continued their fight backstage. Chika stood by her equipment in terrified shock, and as the two passed by her she finally got the sense to make herself scarce. The equipment consisted of a carefully-prepared video program that would be projected onto a monitor mounted on the stage, and it contained everything Chika poured her heart into. So when Ranma kicked Miranda into it, the parts and pieces flying off it hardly made her happy. Miranda staggered with her back against the electronics, and jumped straight up to avoid Ranma's next punch. It went straight through the machine and made a lot of sparks. Surprisingly, Ranma withdrew his hand quickly before the shock hit him, but Miranda grabbed the sparking cables on her descent, protected by her rubber gloves. She yanked the cables out and held them before her with mercilessness in her eyes, leaving Chika only to scream. "Time to fry, guy!" Miranda laughed, spinning the sparking wires in a circle before her. Ranma stepped back, then rushed suddenly with a turnaround kick, forcing the girl to lose her grip on the cables. Miranda flipped back for another full moon kick, but this time Ranma was ready and dodged easily. "There's no way you could've gotten this strong so fast!" Ranma complained. "Such is the nature of my art!" Miranda replied, her evil grin widening in anticipation. "Sensei is truly a genius of fighting!" "I was afraid of that," he muttered, raising his arms high to block an overhead kick. Speed was on the side of Miranda as her first leg was caught high in the block she flipped backward with a full moon kick, then flipped back forward with a half moon kick, sending Ranma quickly to the ground. Full moon kick, Ranma mused as he got up, requires a full backflip with a cutting leg turned in a full vertical circle, leaving her off the ground and unable to act for a few seconds. Problem is, it could only be taken advantage of if Miranda was careless; she only used it against aerial attacks, where the advantage was lost to me. Yet, a half moon kick is a short forward somersault utilizing the same kind of cutting leg, but leaves an even smaller window of opportunity because she's off the ground for a shorter period of time. An ideal overhead attack since it can't be blocked easily, but she's dangerous throughout the entire attack. Can't do anything about it without trading blows.... Circular saw kick is a horizontal circle slash, leaving only the upper body exposed for the duration of the spin, and is the only window of opportunity. Likely she knows that as I do, so there's probably a defense. And of course, she still stood with her weight on her right foot.... "Hiyah!" Ranma cried, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks. Miranda blocked the attacks easily, trying to get in some good hits of her own in, but succeeding just as well as her opponent. She spun in place in another circular saw kick. Standing on her right foot. Ranma saw the window of opportunity, and ducked for a low sweep attack. Miranda fell surprised, landing on her side and her left leg extended outward. When she failed to get up, he shook his head. "One lousy sweep and you're out? That's sad." He turned to walk away, but as soon as his back was turned to his downed opponent Ranma felt Miranda's legs clamp onto his neck again. "Never turn your back on your enemy!" she chastised, throwing Ranma over her. Thrown a surprising distance, Ranma landed face-first on stage. The audience cheered as Miranda reappeared for them triumphant. "Miranda! Miranda!" the crowd chanted. And for the first time she realized they were cheering for her. Ranma forced himself back onto his feet. "I'm... I'm not done yet!" Miranda detected the latest attack, and made broad sweeping gestures with her arms, likely for show of the audience. "Prepare yourself," she hissed, "for the secret technique: the moon slasher dance!" Well, they were about to be disappointed, he decided, charging. "Just like your OTHER 'secret technique!'" Her arm gestures ended with her right arm high and left arm at waist level. Ranma attacked. "Ougi," Miranda shouted, "TSUKIZAN RENBU!!" "Wha...?!" Ranma yelped, caught in the secret technique. The female martial artist slashed him with an upward full moon kick, followed by another in succession in mid-air, then a third, sending Ranma flying upward. Landing first on the ground, Miranda jumped straight up to her target, spinning on a vertical axis with an aerial circular saw kick, cutting through Ranma with great speed. The crimson-eyed warrior landed on her feet, while the pig-tailed warrior landed on his back. The crowd roared in delight. "Miranda! Miranda! Miranda!" Smiling, she bowed to the gathered people, truly happy at last. The surroundings changed from a pervert's apartment to a quiet shrine in the middle of town. Appearing stylistically out of place in the middle of an industry capitol such as Tokyo, the fire shrine was still a well-visited location. Higure said nothing to the keepers of the shrine, but they left him and Shizuka alone in private separate quarters nonetheless. They undoubtedly recognized his Orochi trappings, but made no move to bar his movements. Shizuka rubbed her thumb on the sheathed Viper swords in her arms, feeling a sense of longing unfelt before-- and the inferiority threatened to creep back. "So you found out the truth?" Higure said. "From the wrong source, no less," admitted the priestess of Genbu. "Well, then, would you like to tell me about it?" asked the Orochi priest, genuinely curious. Shizuka shrugged. "May as well. Earlier today I was supposed to go to some stupid talent show as a favor for a friend. Grand prize is a trip for two to China." "I see." "On the way there a girl, Nabiki Tendo, confronted me and told me something about myself." She shook her head. "I... I've completely wondered the answer to the question myself, and Fate deals me a blow in the form of her!" "What would that be?" Shizuka sighed. "I've always wanted to know why my parents gave me up to the Shrine of the Four Gods." "Ah." "It's something that's been burning in my mind for twelve years," she continued, "and Nabiki-- I don't know how she figured it out-- told me that the reason was that I was born infertile." Higure said nothing. "I don't even know how they knew that," admitted Shizuka, "but there's got to be at least some kind of record of it somewhere, if Nabiki found it. I now understand why my mentors never revealed this to me, or the location of my parents. They were right to protect them from me." She offered an awkward laugh. "To be abandoned by the love of mother and father over something as culturally important as bearing children," mused Higure, scratching his beard. "People believe such things are dying out in this modern age, but it still occurs nonetheless." "Yeah," agreed the priestess. "I can't bear children of my own, so to them I'm completely worthless. I can't even be married off if I wanted to." She lowered her head and raised her hand to hide her tears. "When I was with the Saotome and Tendo families one night a part of me was absolutely giddy with the prospect of getting married... and now I think I understand why." Wiping the tears, she leaned over to Higure and whispered, "I just like kids." "How ironic," the Orochi priest noted. "The one thing you truly love most is denied to be of your own." "Yeah, that's what I thought," Shizuka replied, pulling out her shotgun. She leaned against the single barrel as if it would comfort her. "I trained hard at the Shrine of the Four Gods with the promise that I'd know the truth, but now that I know the truth already what should I do?" "Hmm," mused Higure. "That is a dilemma." "On the one hand," he explained, "you can continue your discipline and training, in the hopes that one day you can become the Guardian of the Seal of Genbu. Becoming the Guardian is no small task, and requires strict discipline and faith on your part, and may even destroy you, if you are not ready." "On the other hand, you could quit your training, and try to seek out your own life. Not only do you free yourself from your discipline, but your faith and beliefs as well. You effectively abandon everything you grew up to learn and appreciate." "Now," he finished, "it is not my place to make the decision for you, as I am but an advisor to your plight. My role has been delegated to that of an observer at this point in time, nothing more, nothing less. The decision to move on is up to you." "Master Higure," Shizuka said, "Thank you for your consideration." "I am not making the decision for you, nor forcing you to choose," the priest insisted. "Do not make a decision now, but take your time if necessary." "Master, there is but one course I CAN choose," she replied with resolve. Standing to her feet, Shizuka lowered the shotgun to the ground and stood straight and tall. "The only course is the one I'm already walking." "I see," he said, nodding. "Then, from a master to an apprentice, I bid you well in your journey renewed. I, too, walk the journey of rediscovery, so never feel yourself alone in that respect. I cannot help you directly, but I will be there if need be." Higure stood up in turn. "I understand." He offered his hand, to which Shizuka shook firmly. "Good luck to you, then. Until our paths cross again." He turned to leave, but stopped. Glancing over his shoulder, Higure added, "Oh, and please refrain from mentioning my presence here to Ranma Saotome, if you will." "I'd hardly question you, but... why?" Shizuka asked curiously. "He and I have shared many conflicts between one another," Higure explained. "When we last parted he was recovering from the loss of his friend." "Ukyo," she guessed. "It all fits." "Yes," the priest confirmed. "At this point in the game I would only interfere in his journey, but someday our paths will cross again. When that time comes, perhaps then I will be ready, and maybe he, too, will be ready to move on." Shion surveyed the damage created by the battle between Ranma and Miranda backstage, his hands in his trenchcoat pockets. The equipment Chika was readying was ruined, and an opportunity lost. Ranma Saotome, he mused. Well, then, perhaps there is something I can do about this after all, before retirement.... He produced a cellular phone from his left pocket, and initiated an autodial sequence. Shion waited patiently, listening to the dialtone until someone picked up the receiver. "Hello?" "Ayame, it's me, Chika's brother," he said. There was a momentary pause. "Yeah?" "I need to ask a favor of you." "It's about Chika, then? That sucked royally." "Of course. And a certain pig-tailed martial artist." "Ah. In that case...." "That's right. Time to pull in the stocks." "I see. I'll meet you at the warehouse at you-know- where. Be there at midnight." "Thank you." Shion cut the connection, then punched in a series of numbers and waited. Accessing his secret line, he punched in another series of numbers. He hardly had to wait long before someone picked up the other end. "Hello?" came a skittish voice. "Ah, my friend," Shion said, satisfied the rerouted voice of his was being scrambled properly in the receiver. "It's time I call on that favor you owe me." There was silence at the other end of the line. "W... Warlock?!" "You're going to meet two of my other clients down at the dock warehouse A-722B at midnight tonight. I assure you, however, that you WILL appreciate this favor I ask in return." Make a few concessions, cut a few deals, and presto! Shion "Warlock" Kagami's machine of vengeance was on a roll. * * * * * To: From: Subject: Re: Current Job Everything went precisely as planned at the talent show except for a few problems. Big problems, actually. It turns out that the real Ranma Saotome never showed up until after a girl came to challenge him, instead attacking an impostor girl. They sure made a mess of the place, on-stage and backstage. And yet, the crowd and the judges unanimously agreed that the grand prize should go to Burning Eyes. Weird, huh? She wasn't even part of the show, but everyone, including the president, thought it was all an act. One thing's for sure, Ranma got a sore thrashing; hope your client appreciates that much, as that's about the only thing that went right. - Black Widow -------------------------------------------------- "Do You Remember Love?" -- Lame Title of the Week * * * * * Days of hours of silent meditation and soul searching finally paid off for Kodachi Kuno. She sat in a meditative position in the Spartan room of the Kuno estate reserved for Tatewaki's phoenix egg, a priceless relic purchased from the same store as the abridged manual. The manual alone was useless, she realized, unless she herself understood the inner workings of the Phoenix Sword. It took a good week to finally reach an understanding with the egg, silly as it sounds, but finally Kodachi understood. For a moment, she wondered how her stupid brother managed to figure it out a long time ago without the manual. When she completed her meditation Kodachi flipped through the manual, carefully searching for the part she believed pertinent to the situation. Ah, of course. Written in the abridged section of the manual, she finally understood the reason her brother fled the country so quickly. It is understood that constant use of the Phoenix Sword eventually kills the wielder by slowly eating his soul until it was all consumed. The Sword technique could build up a tolerance over time if used sparingly, but there has not been a documented case whereby the wielder survived more than four uses. Tatewaki has already reached that point. In order to save himself from disaster he willingly fled Japan to avoid another battle with Ranma Saotome. "At last," Kodachi said aloud, "Brother-dear, life become so dear to you, yet perhaps too late. The death of honored foe twist your soul so that you would give up that which you cherish most." Fighting. * * * * * Hokuto (VO): "We thought it was the beginning of the end, but the beginning of a new journey. How right is it for Ranma to know what I'm thinking of telling him-- my darkest secret?" "Next time: Shadow Weaver. I'll explain it later." ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes Hokuto's song is from Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars), and, not surprisingly, put out in 1996, which is about when this story takes place. I am such a sneaky jerk, but I definitely didn't want something from later for consistency's sake. Miranda's art was based off King of Fighters characters (mainly Leona, Kim, and Jhun). Razorclaw X (