The Wheel of Fire, #28: Shadow Weaver Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: ------------------------------------------------ Shion Kagami and Ayame Mishima stood together in the nearly empty warehouse. The man's watch beeped for a moment, signaling the passing of midnight, as well as the lateness of the third member of their conspiracy. The hacker known as "Warlock" to the outside world dressed in a tan trench coat with a matching hat and gloves, appearing straight out of corny detective movies. In an effort to further conceal his identity Shion wore a gas mask-like apparatus over his face, which was in reality a voice synthesizer as well as a substitute for his glasses. While Ayame knew of his identity the one who had yet to come did not. Ayame dressed similarly to her co-conspirator, going further by throwing on a wig as well. She flipped a remote control in her right hand bored, and tapped her left foot impatiently. "He's late," she noted, her voice distorted beyond recognition. "Little bastard's selling us out." "No," corrected Shion, "he's actually hiding. Likely suspects a trap." "Loser." The disguised hacker nodded in reply. Both conspirators shared very little in common: a brilliant and distinguished mercenary hacker, and an unquestioningly-loyal, yet thick-headed rhythmic gymnastics martial artist. The two often were at odds with each other over the most trivial matters, ranging from video games to whoever gets to buy lunch. And yet, they were very closely connected as well by but a single thing in common: Chika Hisho, Ayame's friend and Shion's sister-in-law that may as well be his biological sister, if he had one. Fierce loyalty and sibling protectiveness brought the two squabblers together for but a single purpose: revenge. Chika is regarded as a very talented and creative girl by many, and she takes great pride in her work. So when some of her work was destroyed through the acts of one Ranma Saotome, there was but one course of action: teach him a lesson. The two turned toward the open chain gate at the entrance of the warehouse to the third of their conspiracy. "About time!" Ayame yelled, pushing a button on the remote control. As soon as the newcomer stepped within the confines of the warehouse the chain gate slammed shut. He jumped startled, just as another gate crashed down from above, sealing out the air of the docks outside. "Hey!" complained the skittish man. "That could've killed me!" "And if you came any later you WOULD be dead!" threatened Shion, waving an angry fist in emphasis. The third conspirator dressed plainly in an all-black outfit, and hardly bothered to conceal his identity. He dressed in what appeared to be a school uniform, but that alone hardly distinguished him, as there were black bags hanging under his eyes, matching a blank stare. "You said this'd be good for me!" Hikaru Gosunkugi said, waving his arms about. "What is it?!" Ayame smiled under her mask, pointing the remote control to the floor. "Watch." Gosunkugi's jaw dropped in surprise as the floor separated beneath his feet. He jumped on one half of the splitting floor as the two others remained on the other half. A great pit deep into the ground opened up for all to see, but it was what was kept inside that awed Gosunkugi the most. Raising on its own platform from the hidden floor chamber was a metal monster. Easily twice Gosunkugi's height and width, it appeared as a cockpit of some sort resting on two bird-like legs. Two spindly arms jutted from the sides of the cockpit, ending in what appeared to be razor-sharp cutting claws. A single gattling cannon was mounted just under the cockpit, likely its main weapon. "It's... it's a battle armor!" he managed to squawk, speechless. "We present," Ayame introduced grandly, waving her hand at the machine, "Mishima Heavy Industries' latest prototype combat armor suit model AS-00P, or just 'ASP' for short. The eggheads like to call it 'Petunia.'" The battle armor's legs folded on itself, lowering the cockpit for Gosunkugi to see. Ayame moved to point out its features. "It comes equipped with jumping booster capabilities, allowing for a maximum vertical distance of forty meters, and variable horizontal distance depending on a running start. Two proboscis claws for quick snatching and cutting, even for smaller spaces. One forward-mounted Vulcan cannon with ammunition cartridges stored below the seat, and automatically loaded from there." She leaned over to the control console. Dark panels and tiny monitors dotted the 45 degree-angled dash, with a couple of levers on the right side, and a communication phone on the left. The steering mechanism was mounted on the sides of the dash in a fashion similar to a motorcycle, giving Gosunkugi the impression that he'd be leaning over most of the time. "Radar, sonar, search lights, point-to-point laser pulse transmitter, speed adjustment with cruise control, wide-band broadcast jammer, ejection seat...." "Ejection seat?" Gosunkugi repeated, confused. "In case you don't think to JUMP off," Shion said with amusement. Ayame continued, "And here we have a panic button." She turned to Gosunkugi. "Don't ever push it." "Then why's it there?" he wondered. "Because it's included in EVERY piece of hardware Mishima Heavy Industries makes!" Shion yelled. "And it NEVER works!" "Not in the way you want it," corrected Ayame, reaching under the pilot's seat. She produced a tin box with the mark of a red cross clearly emblazoned on the lid. "And this is a first aid kit, for any and all injuries you suffer while on the job." "Gee, thanks," Gosunkugi said sarcastically. "But how is all this going to stop Ranma Saotome? He's a martial artist, and could easily run circles around this thing! He beat the war suit without problems and it wasn't even THIS big!" "BUT," Ayame replied, "it does take that into account! The prototype model is equipped with an untested full-envelope shield matrix, which should give you enough time to pound him." "Sadly, point-to-point hasn't been developed yet," added Shion. "Untested?" Gosunkugi repeated nervously. "Theoretically, the generator should develop a solid-air barrier around the mecha," the hacker explained. "Solid-air is ki energy attacks on a fundamental level. Utilizing this Ranma shouldn't be able to lay a hand on you." "And if he does?" "Then you're going to explain to the eggheads at Mishima Heavy Industries why their latest weapon got busted," Ayame answered evenly. "We haven't much time, so you'd better get rid of Ranma quick, or we will let them get you." "Them? Who?" "Oh, you really don't want to know," Shion warned. Miranda couldn't help but laugh as she sat at the open-air restaurant, a fresh cup of coffee in her hand. "C'mon, I REALLY need that ticket!" Ranma protested, leaning over the table and drawing stares from the other guests. Morning was still young when Miranda decided to go out for a cup of coffee, only to be intercepted by Ranma Saotome on the way, who pestered her the entire trip. She propped her right leg over her left, taking in her first sip of the warm brew, allowing her beaten opponent to hang in suspension for a while longer. She still had plenty of time, she guessed, checking her watch. Putting down her cup Miranda straightened the jacket of her school uniform, which indicated she belonged to Kolkhoz High, one of Furinkan High's town rivals. For a moment she missed attending Saint Hebereke, but only for a moment; her purpose there was finished, and it brought nothing more than memories of a beaten enemy. After all, at Kolkhoz, after easily defeating the resident martial arts champions, Miranda reigned supreme. "What're you going to do with the extra ticket, anyway?" persisted the male martial artist, who Miranda finally noted as wearing that same Chinese outfit rather than a proper school uniform. "C'mon!" Finally, the humor seemed to drain away from Burning Eyes. "Can't you take a hint?" she asked forwardly. "You lost." She leaned back, scooping up her cup of coffee for another sip. Ranma slammed a fist down on the table. "It's NOT about who won or who lost!" he insisted. "I NEED to get to China!" "And denying you of such a prize is amusing to me," Miranda replied, although she found the charade hardly humorous. "Why don't you ask your ex-girlfriend...." "She's NOT my ex-girlfriend," he corrected. "Whatever," Miranda said, shrugging. "Then why don't you ask Kodachi Kuno for money? I assume that's why, if you haven't left already, you're pestering me." Without warning Miranda brought her propped leg down hard, rebounding off the head of a short old man, knocking him out cold. She looked down at the old man distastefully. "I was wondering when you'd show up." Ranma looked under the table, but got a shoe in the face. "What was that for?" "Aren't you the perverted type?" Miranda teased, unpropping her leg and picking up the old lecher in her free hand for all to see. Happosai shook himself awake from his stupor. "Aww...!" he complained. "Can't I even have a LITTLE peek?" "How's it hangin', old geezer?" Ranma said, edgy. "Ranma my boy!" he cried in recognition. "I see your taste has grown ever so!" "I'm NOT here to look at her," the younger martial artist corrected. Miranda leaned forward to him. "Oh? Then why did you want to look under the table?" The old man looked at Ranma longingly. "Now, boy, why'd you have to do it to poor sweet Akane so soon?" "Do what?!" he asked impatiently. Happosai ran his fingers in circles in the air, then made several smooching sounds. Ranma groaned. "Look, just give me a ticket!" he said to Miranda. "I'll do ANYTHING!!" "Anything, huh?" the crimson-eyed girl echoed, squeezing Happosai tighter in her grip. A smile formed on her lips, an evil grin. "Can I make a suggestion?!" Happosai said, suddenly elated and full of life. He pulled out a bunny suit from nowhere, and showed it to Ranma, to both the martial artists' disgust. "Don't bother, you sick old man!" Miranda yelled, setting down her cup and getting up out of her seat. "Hold on, let me join you," Ranma said, getting up in turn, winding up his arm. "Is Ranma around?" Hokuto asked Kasumi, standing at the Tendo home's front door. She drew her cloak tighter around herself as a breeze passed through the yard. "I'm sorry," Kasumi offered, "but he left early this morning. He even skipped training." Hokuto sighed. "Then is Akane still here?" The eldest Tendo girl brightened with a smile. "Why, yes! She'll be right down in a moment. Won't you come in?" Accepting her offer, the cloaked girl slipped out of her shoes, and waited at the foot of the stairs as Kasumi went up to fetch Akane. For a moment, she wondered if she really should go through with what she planned, but before counterarguments entered her mind Akane was already on her way down. "Hokuto!" she greeted. "What a surprise." "It's about Ranma," Hokuto said, going straight to the point. "I have to speak with him." Akane blinked. "He's not here." The apprentice waved her arms around with a 'duh' expression. "Do you have any idea where he could have gone?" "Beats me," admitted Akane. "He never usually leaves this early for school. And skipping training, too." Akane took a step forward as Hokuto turned away. "What is it? Can I help?" She shook her head. "What I have to say can't be for too many ears to hear. He likely suspects what I'm going to tell him because of our link, but I have to tell him directly to get no wrong feelings going around." "Wrong feelings?" Akane repeated, suddenly suspicious of the girl. Any girl that said that in relation to Ranma.... "Don't be jealous," Hokuto insisted, turning her head to meet Akane's eyes. Not surprisingly, Ranma's wife jumped in surprise. "He knows, as I know, about the girls that want him. And despite appearances, you are the one he loves most of all." Akane appeared to blush. Hokuto shook her head. "Perhaps I said too much. I'm sorry, you shouldn't have heard that." "N... no, that's okay," Akane replied, "I knew that already...." "But, while we stand here and waste time over these issues, the fact remains that I must speak with him," Hokuto said, changing the subject. "Come with me." "Ah... are you sure?" "I'm wrong," the apprentice said, "wrong about a lot of things. Maybe your ears need to hear what I have to say as well." Just before Chika could make it out the door for school Shion stopped her, blocking the door with his larger body. "What do you want?" she asked bitterly, drained from the previous day. "Look," he said, "I don't know what happens in the future, nor do I pretend to know, but one thing's for sure, you're part of it." "Can the silly speeches!" Chika whined. "I'll be late for class if you keep up with it!" Shion adjusted the rim of his glasses nervously, then produced an envelope from his jacket pocket. "Yeah, sure, but when you get the time, you might want to take a look at this." She took the envelope from her brother-in-law's hand. "And?" "Uh, happy birthday?" "Stupid, it's not my birthday." "Then consider it an EARLY one! I don't think I'm going to be around for the REAL one!" Chika blinked. "What're you talking about?" "I've gone through all the records last night," he explained. "Double, triple, quadruple checked. And I altered all the records in your name." Once again the girl blinked. "You're kidding...." "That's right," Shion confirmed, "your name is officially shorter, Chika Hisho." Wordlessly, Chika dropped her book bag, a smile slowly forming on her face. Without warning, she clamped herself onto Shion in a tight embrace of happiness. She laughed quietly. "That's not all," he said. "I've also recovered a copy of your video that got destroyed, and I sent it the way of every major studio in Japan." "Th... that's great!" Chika cried, squeezing Shion harder. But her happiness faded when she saw that he did not share the joy. "What's the matter?" "Heh," he coughed nervously. "I took your words to heart, that's what. I'm going to see her." "W... wait a minute," she stuttered, "you don't mean you're going to tell HER?! She'll eat you alive!" Shion nodded. "If I don't I don't think I'll be able to live with myself, either. This is something I just have to do." "Hey, I'll come with you," she offered. "No, you'd better go to school," he insisted. "You'll be late." Chika lifted up her wrist to glance at her watch. Panic seized her. "AAAGGHHH!!" Quickly grabbing her book bag, pushing her way past Shion, the media specialist was off to school. Heading in the opposite direction from Furinkan High Miranda walked, with Ranma alongside her, carrying her book bag in his arms. The two drew no stares from any passer-bys, as anyone who looked saw only a happy couple on their way to school. If only they knew the truth of the matter. "I've already hit my peak," Miranda explained to him, becoming starry-eyed. "Our last fight in the amphitheater was the recognition I deserved, after so many years!" "Yeah, yeah," Ranma muttered. "But what's stoppin' ya from going higher still?" "All I asked for from my training was to achieve a level of recognition that would prove me better than those around me, and I've done it by defeating you!" Miranda replied. "Kodachi was a small fish, and you were the bigger fish. I caught them both." "So what's it gonna take to get me that ticket?" he said, driving straight to the point. "I haven't decided yet," she answered honestly, "not after that... ick, that old pervert!" Her crimson eyes flashed toward Ranma for a moment. "What the hell is wrong with him? You're a guy!" "Don't ask me," Ranma said with a shrug. "The old lech's the founder of my style's school." "You're kidding." "Nah, really. He's dirty and all, but at least something good came outta him." "My sensei at least has better class." "Speaking of which, who IS he, anyway?" Miranda waved a finger at him. "Now, now! Don't you even think of going to him for training!" "Who's thinkin' nothin'!" A loud rumble punctuated the confused words. "What was that?" Burning Eyes wondered, her head darting around. Ranma looked up toward the sky. "Get down!" he yelled, throwing the book bag aside. He tackled Miranda and the two martial artists were sent sprawling on the street just before a heavy metal foot smashed them. "Damn you, Saotome!" cursed a familiar voice. Ranma helped Miranda to her feet, and looked up at the source of the voice. "Gosunkugi?!" Gosunkugi maneuvered the chicken-legged combat armor in Ranma's direction, the gattling cannon coming to bear. "It's been a long time in the making, Saotome!" he cried. "But now, at last, I'll avenge myself on you for stealing Akane Tendo away from me!" "You're also a year too late," Ranma pointed out. "What kept ya?" "Never mind that!" screamed the skittish man. "For defiling Akane in her own home, I'll crush you!" The martial artist shook his head. "Not you too?!" "Now I've got a new and improved war suit to deal with you!" Gosunkugi continued, ignoring Ranma. "That LAST one blew up on you." "Never mind that!" "I hate to break up this MEANINGFUL little conversation you guys are having," Miranda interrupted, "but I'm going to be late for class." "See!" Gosunkugi shouted, pointing at the crimson- eyed girl. "You cheat on sweet Akane even now!" "Hey!" Miranda yelled, waving an angry fist in the air. "He's NOT my boyfriend!" "That's MY line!" Ranma muttered, nudging Miranda with his elbow. "No, you're a guy, and that makes...." she started to correct, just as Gosunkugi lost his patience. Several rounds of shots burst through the concrete street, forcing Ranma and Miranda to run for cover. Pedestrians and drivers alike ran away from the monstrous combat armor attacking seemingly at random. The trail of bullets pursued Ranma, who jumped behind a parked car. Gosunkugi snarled in frustration, the shots passing over Ranma's head and beyond the barrier of the car. "Geez," the martial artist shouted, "Doncha think you're overdoing it?! "You've defiled Akane!" Gosunkugi cried at the top of his lungs. "You'll pay DEARLY for that!" "Eh?!" "You, buster!" Miranda shouted, standing in the middle of the street. "You freakin' coward! Come on down here and I'll show you some REAL moves!" "Stay out of this!" Voodoo Spike yelled. "Nobody shoots at me!" the crimson-eyed martial artist replied. "Not without being DEAD!" She threw off her school uniform, much to the armor pilot's shock, and little surprise on Ranma's part, revealing she was wearing her combat dress underneath. In a flash she stepped into her rubber boots and fingered her gloves on, flexing her fingers into and out of a fist. "The more I hang around here," Ranma said dryly, "the more it becomes a magical girls' show." A claw arm from Gosunkugi's battle armor seized Miranda's left fist, stopping it just before it could do any damage. The steel-edged claws threatened to dig into her arm, but the martial artist slashed at the metal arm with her free hand. Gosunkugi's armor stepped back a couple steps as the girl easily severed the claw arm off. Ranma jumped out of his hiding place, grabbing onto the remaining claw arm. Pulling back with all his might he too disarmed the machine. Tossing the severed claw aside, he looked up to Gosunkugi. "Between the two of us, your war machine is toast!" "No way!" Gosunkugi cried in disbelief. "I couldn't have lost THIS soon!" Pulling levers at random, the two severed arms detached from the cockpit, clattering on the ground below the battle armor. Emerging in their place were two smaller cannons, mounted on a direction ball. Energy spikes formed at the end of the barrels, one pointed to each martial artist. "Incoming!" Ranma shouted, running from the energy burst. Landing face-first on the pavement, he risked a glance in Miranda's direction, but she was no longer there. Hoping she got away from the smoldering crater in the road, Ranma jumped out of the way of a second blast. "Next thing you know it's going to be a Wave Cannon!" he heard Miranda shout over the explosions. He jumped, as Ranma realized she was right next to him. "C'mon, what do you think this is, Dragon Ball?" Ranma shot back, just as another energy burst fired. He and Miranda dodged in opposite directions. "What does Dragon Ball have to do with Wave Cannons?!" "Nothin'!" Ranma shouted. "Only that thing's pulling stuff out of its shiny butt!" "Hey, I LIKE Dragon Ball!" complained the girl. "It shows!" he persisted, ducking under a high blast. "Shut up!" Both threw glances at the battle armor slowly clamoring their direction, the forward gattling cannon spinning in readiness. The pilot of the armor spat a bug out of his mouth, suddenly wondering why there was no wind shield on the machine. "You wanna argue about this later?!" Ranma suggested as the trail of bullets burst to life behind the two martial artists. Flipping out of the path of the bullets, Miranda spat, "Dammit, I'm tired of running!" She pounced at Gosunkugi, but mere centimeters from reaching the cockpit Miranda smashed into an invisible wall. "It works!" exclaimed Gosunkugi. "It really DOES work!" "AAAGGGHHH!!!" screamed Miranda, slashing at the invisible bubble around the cockpit. "What the hell is this?!" Ranma jumped up and threw his own punches at the cockpit, meeting with the same level of success as his fellow. "It's some kind of shield!" he deduced. "You're kidding!" the crimson-eyed girl shouted back. "They only got this stuff in Anime!" "Until now!" the pilot corrected with glee. Ranma jumped on top of the bubble. Gosunkugi stared upward in shock. "Yeah, so how're you supposed to get me up here, huh?" Pulling a lever in the control panel Gosunkugi maneuvered the battle armor backward, orienting its head, and Ranma, to smash into the nearest wall. "He sure showed you," Miranda commented. The battle armor backed away from the wall, leaving Ranma depressed into the wall. Gosunkugi leveled the forward gattling cannon on the martial artist, his finger on the trigger. "Wait a minute," Ranma said, shaking his head. "If there's a barrier around him why would the bullets...?" Springing off the wall, he rammed his fist in the midst of the barrels of the cannon, ripping it apart. "Uh, that's not good," muttered Gosunkugi. Ranma moved to knock out the ball cannons, but his fists bounced off. "Don't tell me they're REALLY ki cannons...!" Miranda looked up at Gosunkugi, then at Ranma. "This is some piece of hardware," she praised, "but it's far from perfect." She wheeled her leg around and slashed off the armor's right leg. Spinning around quickly, Miranda slashed the remaining leg with her other leg, then bolted from beneath Gosunkugi's machine. Ranma jumped off the cockpit just as the feet collapsed beneath Gosunkugi. Tearing the supports on the cockpit it bounced around, the invisible barrier still protecting it. Gosunkugi looked to his left and right, where Ranma and Miranda took cautious positions, just out of the attack radius of the ki cannons. "Oh no," he muttered, staring down at the panic button in desperation. "I'm surprised the shield's still up," Miranda noted, cracking her gloved knuckles. "I doubt it'll be for long," Ranma added. "Again, that damn fool Saotome," Gosunkugi muttered to himself, "has made a fool of me! Well, I'll show him...!" He slammed his fist down on the panic button. Both martial artists stopped in their tracks. "What is he doing?!" shouted Ranma. "Ha-hah!" laughed the beaten pilot. "Now, Saotome, feel the wrath of Hikaru Gosunkugi!" Miranda pointed a finger at the bottom of the cockpit, annoyed. "You idiot. Can't you see you're sitting on a bomb?" "So nice of you to contain it in your barrier for us," Ranma added, faking a smile. "We won't have to clean up the mess you make." Realization dawned on Gosunkugi, and he looked under the seat in terror. Wait a minute! The ejection button! His eyes darted about the dash, looking for the one useless button on the entire machine that became the most useful. Elated that he found the button just as the engine under his seat began to whine, Voodoo Spike pushed it. And slammed his head against the top of the barrier. Walking away from the doomed cockpit, Ranma and Miranda walked back to the girl's book bag, which lay untouched since the start of the battle. A muffled explosion soon followed, dampened by the ki barrier, and sending a smoked Gosunkugi flying into the air. Ranma scooped up the book bag with his foot. "I believe this is yours?" Miranda accepted the bag, grabbing her discarded uniform with her free hand. "You aren't half bad," she complimented. "Thinking on your feet-- I like that." "You aren't bad yourself," he replied. "Looks like I'm not the only one that's quick on his feet." Throwing on the uniform over her battle dress, she smiled. "Then perhaps we share more in common than we originally believed. Care to discuss it over lunch?" "Lunch? It's only barely past breakfast!" "You know what I mean! After school! I know this place that serves really good takoyaki...." "Shizu," a woman called from outside the priestess's room, "there's a young man here to see you." Snorting in annoyance, Shizuka unwrapped the boa constrictor, Thanatos, from around her neck and lay him on the floor. "Come in!" Shion poked his head in, pausing to thank Kyoko for letting him in. He adjusted his glasses nervously when he saw the boa constrictor slithering on the floor of the bedroom, but stepped inside nonetheless, closing the door behind him. "You're one of Kuno's friends," Shizuka noted. "You were there when he brought me to his house." "Well, yes and no," the hacker answered evasively. "I'm the brother-in-law of a friend, actually." "I see," she said, nodding. "What do you want?" Shion twiddled his fingers. "That's a very dangerous question, but enough of that. You know one Nabiki Tendo, correct?" Shizuka's eyes burned, her full attention on Glasses. "What about her?" "Well, she got her hands on something concerning you...." "I heard it already. Get to the point." Shion winced, not because the priestess raised her voice, but for the lack of it. Her voice was even, possibly lacking in emotion. Taking a deep breath, he continued, "You see, it's all true, and the records exist." "I figured as much," she replied, in the same cold, even tone. No hint of what was yet to come. Shion felt the cold reptile twist around his leg. "It's all true because I found them and sold it to her." He waited for a reaction from the priestess, several scenarios running through his mind. She could let the snake kill him, albeit slowly. She could pull out her shotgun and pump one in his heart. Or.... The snake reached waist level, and the priestess was rolling her tongue in her mouth. She took a couple steps closer, her gaze focused entirely on the eyes hidden behind Shion's glasses. Stopping in front of him, the priestess just stared at him. Spreading her arms out, Shizuka hugged him, burying her head on his shoulder. The snake twisted around his master, flicking a forked tongue. Nervously, Shion's mind raced, not knowing what in the world to do. The girl was crying. "Thank you," she whispered. He felt the tight squeeze of the boa constrictor leave his leg, and realized it was wrapping itself around the priestess. "I... uh... I don't know what to say." "If it wasn't for you," she continued, ignoring the hacker's confusion, "I wouldn't have known." Although the snake left him, Shion remained frozen in shock. She lifted her head from Shion's shoulder, and looked at the boa constrictor, smiling despite tears. "Thanatos likes you." "T... that's good to hear," he stuttered. "He knows you're a good man," she continued, "and that you mean well and try to do what it is you think right. And that's why you came here despite your fears." "The snake told you that?" Shion asked, puzzled. Shizuka leaned her head to whisper in his ear: "Not the part about doing what's right; he thinks you're an idiot." She pulled her head back, and saw that the hacker was smiling, albeit nervously. "No kidding!" The priestess released him from her embrace, and half-turned somewhat nervously. "I never caught your name." "It's Shion," he answered, "Shion Kagami." Shizuka offered a crooked smile. "There isn't anyone named Kagami that's a friend of Kuno's...." "Of course not!" Shion said, nervousness dying off. "My sister-in-law's Chika Hisho; we didn't change our names." "Ah, her. Good kid." "I like to think so." Shizuka laughed. "Well, I'm Shizuka Minazuki, but I guess you knew that already. You can call me Shizu." "Shizu it is, then," agreed Shion. Turning serious, the priestess changed the subject. "And yet, you seem a very resourceful type, if you could find something I couldn't." "Well, yeah, I guess," the hacker answered, turning on his defense modes. "Then perhaps you CAN help us," she said quietly. "I'm no believer in Fate, but something brought you here... brought US together, in these strange times." "What do you mean?" She waved him closer. "Let's start with the Four Gods...." "Yes sir," the blonde man said into the telephone receiver. He sat back in his seat at his desk, propping his feet on top despite the news he was giving. "It appears that the prototype ASP was taken from the warehouse and found destroyed this morning." A pause. "No, sir, the perpetrators haven't been found yet. We don't know how the thief got past security, nor who destroyed the ASP. We're looking into it right now, and we have someone in custody." "Yes, sir, it appears to be the pilot of the craft, from what we gather. We found him near the wreckage of the ASP, and he's currently being treated for burns. No, sir, the serum we gave him could not produce any solid names; it is impossible to track down the people responsible. I highly doubt it was the pilot." "However, we do have a lead. The pilot kept babbling two names: Ranma Saotome, and Akane. Yes, we have had dealings with them before. What would you like me to do about them?" He waited several moments as he listened to the receiver. "Yes, they did destroy one of our facilities a year ago. How many units shall I deploy? Three? Yes, sir, I assure you that the latest models will be more than a match for them, given our latest advances in artificial intelligence systems." "Thank you, sir." Hanging up the telephone, thanking Section Command again to himself, Dr. Philip Taydome sat up in his chair, and wheeled to the computer terminal at his side. Punching in several keys, he brought up the schematics to his three latest battle machine models. Selecting one of each model, Taydome keyed in his authorization codes, and waited. "Well now," he said to himself, "it looks like my children will avenge their predecessors, Ranma Saotome." The first moment Akane could drag Ranma aside during school was in the lunch period. She dragged him down the halls by the arm, leading him quickly to one of the hidden rooms used by the school observer. "Look, Akane, why's this so important?" he asked, stomach growling. "I've gotta eat!" "You can eat while we're doing this," Akane replied, opening one of the myriad janitorial closets. She pushed aside the badly-stacked brooms and worked her way to the locker tucked in the back. She reached behind the locker and flipped a switch, unlocking a hidden door in the floor. "This way." Ranma jumped in first, surprised that there was light in the hidden room. He jumped in surprise when he saw Hokuto there, silhouetted by the light behind her. "What's she doing here?!" Ranma yelled as Akane dropped down. "She's got something to say," Akane explained. "It sounded important." Hokuto nodded. "Are you certain we will remain hidden here?" "Sure," Akane assured her. "The only other people that know about these are the observer and Kuno." "Yeah, to hide out in," Ranma muttered. "Then it's time I told you the rest of the story," the apprentice priestess announced, sitting down on her knees. She shut off the lamp behind her, casting the hidden room in complete darkness save for a glow stick produced from under her cloak. Both Ranma and Akane gathered around the glow stick in a three-person circle, seating themselves comfortably and waiting for Hokuto to gather her thoughts. "As you know," she began, "the fate-link I share with Ranma is due to an intermix between the cursed Jusenkyo spring and an inherited power of my blood line. By now I'm certain you're curious as to the nature of that power." "Me and everybody else," Ranma replied. "There's a good rea...." "Look, cut the long-winded stuff!" suggested the martial artist. "Do you just LIKE explaining things?" "Ex... plain?" Hokuto echoed, a blank look on her face. "Ranma!" Akane yelled. "Don't fluster her like that, or we'll be here longer!" The apprentice produced a scholar's cap from the folds of her cloak, and put it on her head. "As I was saying, the reason why I couldn't tell anyone else the nature of the power-- not even Shizu-- is because of the potential danger it puts everyone in. But, if I tell it to Ranma I may as well tell it to you too, Akane, as you are as much a part of Ranma as he is a part of you... and as he is a part of me...." "We get THAT part!" Ranma said impatiently. Hokuto smacked him across the face with a rolled-up college diploma. "As I was saying," she continued, tucking the diploma back into her cloak, "the power my family possesses is a secret passed successfully throughout each generation. However, it is unknown why it manifests only in female members of my family; no male member of my family ever exerted the same powers." She took a deep breath, looking as she was debating whether or not to go through with this. "The female wielders of this power were called many things through the years: Night Walkers, Dream Weavers, Dream Eaters, Shadow Sorcerers.... But only one name describes what I am: Shadow Weaver." "The name implies," Akane thought aloud, "that you create, control... weave shadows. The other names sound like you manipulate something, too." "She controls Fate," Ranma said plainly. "Then you do know," Hokuto replied, nodding. "That's where all the arrows point," he added. "But, how's that possible?!" Akane wondered. "Every time she's been around," the martial artist explained, "she's always disappeared when all the real stuff happens. She's never there when an extra hand is needed, and she's never around when you need her." "All true," Hokuto conceded. "That is why I am the Shadow Weaver." "The power to control the Fates is no small power," the apprentice continued, "so extra care must be taken such as to minimize the damage we do unto others. Many loved ones have been shattered by this power, the Shadow Fact, through irresponsible usage. Shadow Fact is named as such because it is usually through the unconscious design that thoughts become reality." "Had our abilities been known to the general populace-- even to a select few outside our family-- the consequences would have been dire. The chance of circumstance, of events momentous enough to change the world, could have been altered by our power. Japan could have remained under Tokugawa rule today, or even have become the victor of World War II. Atomic technology could remain in its infancy today." "It's a terrible curse to live with, the Shadow Fact. Our family has tried to live without want, for our wants could spell disaster to those around us. Relationships are fragile because we cannot truly know if love is for real or in our thoughts. Trust is just as difficult." "But it is livable," Hokuto added quickly. "Hundreds of years of our family has survived without the temptation of ruination; the single fear is our very destruction known to be out of our hands." "The Jusenkyo curse," Ranma guessed. "To the greater of the combined curses there is no escape save the termination of the curse," the apprentice explained. "Upon the termination of one curse the other, too, ceases. Though it is out of our control being plagued by a fate-link is the only avenue of escape from the Shadow Fact, but it is also often deadly." "If we cure Ranma, then the Shadow Fact will disappear from you?" Akane asked. Hokuto nodded. "Well, then, if your girls can control Fate," Ranma said, "why can't your other family help get rid of it for ya?" "Because it invites temptation," she answered. "We cannot control the fate-link once connected, either; the combined curses are too powerful." "Our family will not risk twisting Fate for our own purposes," she concluded flatly. "Now it's up to you." Ranma raised his hand. "Wait a minute. You're tellin' me that all this time you could just wave a hand and make something happen? And you want to give it up? AND you want me to do it?" The apprentice nodded. "It's a great burden to bear, trust me on this. Once started, it cannot be stopped." "Alright, then," he decided, "I'll bite. But first I've got to get to China and see Herb; gotta find out how he cured his curse." "But how're you going to get there?" Hokuto asked. "I was going to get tickets from Miranda," he replied. "She wants to talk after school." "Wait, Ranma," Akane said, "there may be another way." Two pairs of eyes stared at her. "When I was at the Kunos' I found the Wishbringer. It asked me to put it back." "So?" her husband said, bored. "I think if we put it back to where Kuno got it the three wishes could be restored," she explained. Ranma seemed to consider this. "Maybe." "Wishes must be worded carefully," warned Hokuto. "I don't see why I gotta rely on that, though," the martial artist said. "I mean, Kuno had to be the millionth guy to pull the sword, you know." "We'll figure it out later," interrupted the apprentice. "I believe your lunch period is drawing to a close." Akane held her watch to the light of the glow stick. "Ranma, we'd better get moving." "Yeah, guess so," he agreed. Turning to Hokuto he said, "Come meet us when we see Miranda at the takoyaki shop, 'kay? We'll decide what to do then." So the girl is a Shadow Weaver, the dark one thought to himself. Then it is more than possible for all our dreams to come true. Yes, but she is a slippery one. As soon as her two comrades left the confines of the 'hidden' room she disappeared as well, characteristic to her nature, as the boy put it. A Shadow Weaver indeed; where there was absence of light there was no shadow, but the light of the glow stick, no matter how dim, gave enough to cast a shadow. The illusion of truth... a powerful weapon. In part or in whole, the truth nonetheless is very powerful. All based on information, knowledge-- the true power. Shadow Weaver knows how to use it well. If she remains true to her word, and she has thus far, then an appearance at the shop should be her next stop. When she finally appears her power will be mine. "That's generally how it works," finished Shizuka. Shion had nothing left to say as he sat, back against the wall, a cup of warm cola in his hand, glasses low. If knowledge was power, then perhaps it was also a drug; too much at once could kill a berk. He lost track of the boa constrictor, aptly named Thanatos, throughout the entire explanation the priestess of Genbu gave him, but he was certain it had better things to do. Catching himself, Shion wondered when he started to think of the snake as a person with an opinion. "And now that you're in the Inner Circle, you can't back out of it," she added seriously. "I did it to myself by getting involved with you," Shion replied, sipping the warm cola. "Now I'm not so sure it was a good thing." "We need your help," Shizuka persisted. "Just what is it that you want me to do?" he asked. They heard a knock on the door. "What is it?" Shizuka yelled. "It's your friend, Hokuto," she heard Kyoko's mom say. "Tell her I'm busy!" the priestess ordered. But the door opened nonetheless. Hokuto barged into the bedroom, surprised that Shion was there as well. Shutting the door behind herself, she said, "Why'd you bring him into this?" "I did it myself," Shion answered, before Shizuka could say anything. "I got in, and I'm not leaving." "He has information resources that may prove useful to us," Shizuka added. "I was just going to ask him when you barged in." "That can wait," Hokuto insisted. "Ranma, Akane, and Miranda are going to meet at Hayato's takoyaki shop, and we need to be there, too." "What I'm doing is important, too!" Shizuka countered angrily. "You're not going to make me drop everything to satisfy your own personal whims; not this time, Kid!" "Don't call me 'Kid!'" demanded the apprentice. "I'm your senior!" "Look, you," Shion said, getting to his feet. "Leave Shizu alone." "Oh, so it's 'Shizu' now?!" Hokuto yelled. "Aren't you quick? Going on to step five?" "Shut up!" both Shion and Shizuka shouted. "He's not my type!" Shizuka added, not noticing the shattered expression on Shion's face. "HEY!" all three heard downstairs. "KNOCK IT OFF UP THERE!!" Shizuka stared down Hokuto hard. "Get out of my house." "It's not your house," the apprentice pointed out smartly. "Same difference!" the priestess replied. "Your little tricks won't work on me anymore. If you want to run off with Ranma, be my guest. Is it what YOU want, or what HE wants?" "Fine, I will!" Hokuto decided. Turning to leave, she added, "When you stop second-guessing yourself, and stop calling me 'Kid,' maybe then you can reap the rewards." Hokuto slammed the door after herself, leaving Shion blankly staring at the door and Shizuka shaking her head with a sigh. "Now I'm convinced," the priestess of Genbu said decisively. "She's the one." Turning to Shion, she said, "Now, here's what I want you to do...." Hayato's Takoyaki restaurant stood in the exact spot where his formal rival, Ukyo Kuonji, held shop, to which some believed as a perverted revenge. No one asked Hayato directly, as those who entered the restaurant were few and far between, many shying away because of this rumored relationship. Ranma, Akane, and Miranda sat at a table close to the right wall, Ranma sitting facing the door and the other two with their backs to it. He watched Miranda gobble up a dish in front of him merrily, his hands folded behind his head, bored. His eyes drifted to the decorations mounted on the walls, but any rumor of his supposed revenge would have been quelled had anyone bothered to look. Beside a replica of the mask Hayato was forced to wear was a small memorial to his former rival: a petrified challenge letter from long past. Ranma hardly pretended to know what went on between the rival chefs, but it was good to see there was no hard feelings after all this time. "Hokuto sure is late," Akane noted, tapping her fingers on the table. "Something's got to be wrong," Ranma thought. "Well, no sweat, we've got all the details down pat already," Miranda offered, swallowing takoyaki. "It's no good unless she's here," the young Saotome replied. "I expect her popping out of the shadows over in the corner." "She'd better not," Akane hoped. They heard a girl scream outside. "That's Hokuto!" Ranma shouted, jumping out of his seat. "Ranma, wait!" his wife said, turning her head and watching him exit in a flash. Miranda got up from her seat, throwing on her gloves. "Watch my plate, will you?" The crimson-eyed martial artist soon joined Ranma at the entrance outside, and glanced to where he was looking. Hokuto stood held fast by another man, cloaked in robes as dark as midnight, yet stood out completely in the light of day. Mechanical claw-like hands grasped the apprentice priestess where normal arms should have been. The face was concealed under the darkness of a heavy hood, but one could easily make out one large, circular, red left eye, and what appeared to be a face plate. "Sensei!" Miranda shouted in recognition, now fully in her battle dress. "Sensei?!" Ranma echoed, looking at Burning Eyes in shock. "Miranda!" Sensei yelled back in a metallic, scrambled voice. "Why do you stand by him?" "Let Hokuto go!" Ranma demanded. "Heh, heh," the hooded man laughed. "The Shadow Weavers are dangerous allies, boy. Why do you consort with one now?" "None of your business!" he answered. "Let her go, or I'll pound you to a bloody pulp!" "Feisty, aren't you?" Sensei muttered. He tossed Hokuto aside, then motioned to Miranda. "Watch her, my student. Your sensei is about to teach this boy a lesson!" Miranda nodded to her teacher, rushing to Hokuto's side. "Careful, Sensei!" she warned. "He's good!" "So I've seen," acknowledged the hooded warrior. "Bring it on!" beckoned Ranma. Both warriors charged, Ranma balling a fist, Sensei flashing metal talon-like nails. Sensei dodged each of his opponent's punches easily, but Ranma eluded all of the slash attacks with the same effort. "You're a quick learner," realized the hooded man, "just like Miranda. But Miranda learns much quicker." "Yeah?" Ranma said. "You've got the same moves as she does, so you're no better than she is. Minus the kick attacks, that is." Sensei flashed a row of talons, reflecting the light of the sun into Ranma's eyes, momentarily blinding him. Taking advantage of the new opening, he ran his hands into the concrete street and ripped out a large slab. Sensei hurled it at Ranma. Just as the slab was about to hit him Ranma dodged out of the way, allowing the slab to shatter behind him. Blinking the brightness out of his eyes he continued his aggressive strikes, quickly trying to gauge his opponent. He was nowhere to be seen. "Perhaps I misjudged you, pupil," Sensei said, his voice seemingly coming from everywhere. "Oh, so now it's 'pupil' and not 'boy,' eh?" Ranma shouted sarcastically. "There are very many things you don't understand," the vanished warrior continued. "You place too much trust in those you don't truly know, and little trust in those you do know." "Miranda," he ordered, "take the girl and run!" "Sensei, why?" the crimson-eyed girl asked. "For what purpose does this useless girl serve?" Hokuto eyed Miranda, annoyed. And then Ranma threw a punch at nothing. Sensei fell backward, his faceplate shattered by the impact of Ranma's fist. "Don't think you're the only one that knows how to turn invisible," Ranma chastised. "Besides, once I figured where your voice was coming from...." "Very brilliant of you," the hooded warrior praised, reaching into his hood and peeling off the remains of his faceplate. The voice, however, remained digitally scrambled. He got up to his feet and faced Ranma. "Then perhaps you CAN live long enough to resist the Shadow Weaver." "What're you talking about?!" demanded Ranma, but the hooded warrior was already vanishing again. "I'll be watching," warned Sensei, his voice slowly disappearing as well. "He's splitting," Ranma realized, glancing at both Miranda and Hokuto. Akane and Hayato stood at the entrance of the restaurant, apparently the only other witnesses to the spectacle of battle. Miranda bent down and scooped up one of the larger fragments of the faceplate. "Sensei...." "What'd he want, anyway?" demanded Ranma. "He's definitely an expert, given how he wields those claws of his." "Those claws ARE his arms!" Burning Eyes corrected. She held up the faceplate for the martial artist to see. "Thanks to you, he's going to die!" "I don't see how that could tell you," Hokuto noted. "Sensei never told me the whole story," admitted Miranda, "but he told me enough. He suffered a nearly- fatal accident in the past, and the way you see him now is the result. He can't breathe as well as we can, and needed this mask to help regulate his breathing." "So I got him in his weak spot, huh?" Ranma realized. "Ranma, are you okay?" Akane shouted, rushing to his side. "Nah, I'm fine," he brushed off, looking at the shattered remains of the faceplate. "Although I think somebody's going to be having it rough for a while." Smashing the faceplate shard on the street, Miranda kept her eyes lowered to the ground. "Ranma, you're going to go to China without me." "Huh?" came the collective voices of Ranma, Akane, and Hokuto, surprised. She produced two plane tickets from under her belt, and handed them to Ranma. "They only go as far as Shanghai, so you're going to have to make the rest of the trip from there. Take Hokuto with you." "W... why me?" she asked. "To keep you away from her sensei," Akane realized, turning to Ranma. "There's only two tickets?" He nodded. "This is the only way to make sure her sensei doesn't attack again. He's far more powerful than I am, that's for sure. I don't think I want to deal with that until I find Herb." "Then what're you going to do?" Hokuto asked Akane. "I'm going to get the Wishbringer from the Kuno place," she answered. "If there's a chance we can use that to help Ranma, then we have to take it." She turned to face Miranda. "I can use your help, too." "Perhaps," Burning Eyes considered. Lifting her eyes to meet Akane's, she said, "But I'll do it under one condition: when we make our wishes we must use one to help Sensei, or no deal." "Sensei is likely to be after the sword, too, if he figures that part out," Ranma pointed out. "I owe him that much!" Miranda countered. "Hey, what's that?" Hokuto asked, pointing past the three. All eyes looked down the street, where a large cloud was forming, and getting larger. A single, dark shape could be discerned from the blown smoke, and it was moving at an accelerated rate. Toward them. "Who'd I piss-off this time?!" Ranma wondered. The juggernaut stopped ten meters from the martial artist's position. Running on treaded wheels, it appeared to be made completely of metal, vaguely shaped as a humanoid. Where its arms ended were large tank-like cannons, and its head resembled a death's head. Two red eyes flashed in the light of the sun. "GAIA," whispered Akane in shock. "Oh, that's great!" scoffed Ranma. "How'd I get on Taydome's hit list AGAIN?!" A mounted rocket launcher wheeled over GAIA's right shoulder, coming to bear on Ranma. Four readied rockets aimed at the martial artist threateningly. "Hello, Ranma Saotome!" the machine bellowed. "Taydome!" he shouted in recognition. "What're you after THIS time?!" "I've got a message from Hikaru Gosunkugi!" Four missiles rocketed toward the grouped people. "Target sighted!" Taydome exclaimed, switching off manual control of GAIA. Broadcasting the command override frequency to the other two units, he cried, "CRONOS! URANOS! Converge at these coordinates and prepare to attack!" The explosions deafened the ears of Ranma as he alone fled the onslaught of the war machine, being the obvious target. Not surprisingly, due to its single- minded nature GAIA completely ignored Hokuto, Akane, and Miranda, opting to highlight Ranma alone. This one moves much faster with those tank treads, Ranma thought, a definite improvement. If this thing uses the same sort of technology as Gosunkugi's armor then those big cannons are likely ki cannons as well. Who knows? Maybe it also has a ki barrier, too. He risked a pause, and threw a piece of concrete at GAIA. It bounced off its head without problems. Okay, so it DOESN'T have one. Not that ki attacks would do any good against something soulless, but at least my punches can get it. He dodged ki bursts charging up to GAIA, attacking with a flying kick in the machine's face. The metal hardly cracked, however, and Ranma found that the two eyes were protected by hard glass shells. "Clever, you," he muttered under his breath. The shoulder-mounted rocket launcher finished reloading, and aimed at Ranma. The martial artist threw another kick, this time at the launcher, giving a satisfactory CRACK! Aiming upward into the sky the four missiles fired harmlessly into the air, bursting in shards and light high above. Jumping on the other side of its head Ranma clamped his hands over GAIA's eyes while tearing off the rocket launcher with another solid kick. Denied its optical sensors GAIA began thrashing about, trying to locate its target by flailing its cannon arms about in the air. "Hey, whoa!" Ranma commanded futily. "Take it easy!" But the machine finally showed a spark of genius. Ranma jumped off GAIA in surprise as it fell on its back, creating a shallow crater in the street. Just when he thought the machine was turtled, GAIA wheeled itself back upright under its own power, its leg mechanisms much stronger than they appeared. "That's just great," Ranma muttered. "You don't think you're going to finish this alone, do you?" Miranda said, suddenly at Ranma's side. "This guy's a lot tougher than before," he admitted, "and there was a whole bunch of us last time." Not that Pantyhose Taro had too much trouble with these by himself. "Where's Akane and Hokuto?" "Where it's safe," Burning Eyes assured him, just as GAIA turned around. They felt rumbling under their feet, and GAIA failed to act. "W... what's that?!" Ranma wondered. Jumping out of the way, Miranda and Ranma narrowly avoided a drill bit coming straight up from the street below. The drill retracted below, and another huge war machine emerged, rocketing from underground. This new machine appeared similar to GAIA, but instead of cannons for arms were drill bits, and a single, larger drill mounted on its back. The name plate painted across its left chest place read: "URANOS." Above, both martial artists saw a third machine. Landing spectacularly, the third machine, "CRONOS," lacked legs, but had one large rocket booster in its place. Large metal wings folded on itself on its back. Two shoulder cannons were mounted as weapons, where the arms ended in capture claws. "Great, there's a whole bunch of them," Ranma complained. "If you've got any good ideas, I'm all ears," Miranda said sarcastically. They bolt and ran, a hail of bullets and ki bursts chasing after them. Ducking into an alley, Miranda huffed, "They're after you, right? Then why am I running?!" "You got a point," Ranma conceded. If they are after me... wait a minute! "Stay here!" he ordered the crimson-eyed girl, running back out in the open. "Hey, where're you going?!" she demanded. "Take care of Akane while I'm gone!" he shouted back. "I'm going to lead them out of here, then hop on that plane to China." "You dumbass!" Miranda shouted. "Don't throw away your life like that!!" Who said I was throwing my life away, even now? Ranma thought, waving the attention of the three Taydome machines his direction. Satisfied that the three amigos saw him, Ranma continued running, this time toward the docks. Bullets rained down behind him, as the martial artist was much too quick to get hit by the shots. His eyes darted here and there, but he could find no source of help. Finally reaching the docks, satisfied the three machines were still giving chase, Ranma jumped into the cold ocean below. "Damn it!" Taydome cursed from his office, his eyes on the three monitors for each machine respectively. Nowhere could the machines pick up a trace of Ranma Saotome at all. He flipped on the manual override on GAIA, and shouted, "You won't get away for long, boy!" Ranma wrung out his shirt sleeve as she stood soaked against a dock warehouse, watching as the three machines split up in different directions to begin their search for one boy, Ranma Saotome. Too bad Dr. Taydome never knew he was cursed to turn into a girl. As soon as he was satisfied the machines were gone, she made tracks in the direction of the airport, careful not to tear the wet plane tickets in her hands. She made it to the terminal without incident, and high and dry from all the running. Before she could make it to the ticket counter, however, Ranma saw that Hokuto was there waiting for him, as well as Akane. "This is the safe place?!" Ranma muttered, shaking her head. "There isn't much time," Hokuto said. "The next plane leaves in ten minutes, and we need to be on it. So say your good-byes and let's go. You have the tickets, right?" Ranma waved the tickets for her to see, and the apprentice accepted them. "Get our seats." Hokuto nodded, leaving her alone with Akane. Akane handed Ranma a pot of warm water. "This one's for the road." Ranma accepted, pouring the water on herself. In an instant she was back to a he. "I'm not for long good-byes, Akane, but... take care of yourself. Those things are still out there." "I've got Miranda on my side," she assured him, "and maybe Kodachi or Shizuka could help, too. Just go, and come back safe, okay?" They gave each other a hurried hug, one each of them knew would be their last for a while. The couple looked in each other's eyes, and leaned closer. "Ranma, we've got to go!" they heard Hokuto yell. "Gotta go," he said awkwardly, breaking out of Akane's embrace. "I love you!" she shouted. "So do I!" he shouted back. Akane watched her husband, empty kettle of water in hand, rush to Hokuto, and soon the two disappeared to catch their plane. Wiping a tear from her eyes, she whispered, "Finally, Ranma's going to get a cure for his curse...." * * * * * Tatewaki (VO): "Fleeing like the coward you are, Saotome? Dare you leave Akane without protection in the wake of a new enemy?!" "Next time: Crystal Spider. I smote him well!" ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes I'm just having way too much fun with this one. Razorclaw X (