The Wheel of Fire, #30: Flame of the Red Lotus Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart located: ------------------------------------------------ "In order to succeed we must first believe that we can." -- Michael Korda He ran from the creature of darkness at top speed, feeling as though he would never be a sufficient distance away despite his speed. As he sprinted through the inky blackness somehow he made out the tiny shapes of lizards as black as their surroundings, each possessing one large, glowing green eye where their heads should have been. Each lizard gazed at him as he passed by, and continued to follow. When they disappeared into the distance behind they meshed together with the sickly-green cloud of pestilence that chased him. The cloud grew larger, and to his dismay it wasn't because it was growing in size-- it was getting closer. It was then that he decided to stop running, and turned to face the cloud-creature defiantly. "The nightmares ended a long time ago," Ranma shouted at the top of his lungs, despite realizing he was in a dream-- it was all he could do to try and wake up. But, as before, the nightmare would never release him until it got its message across first. The cloud threatened to envelop the martial artist in its green wisps, but the creature stopped short of doing so. Ranma could barely make out a shape within the cloud, one that resembled human. "Caught you are in the strings spun by the Fates," the entity said in a whispering tone. "Destiny has many plans for you." "Destiny," the martial artist repeated to himself. "It's always destiny it's all comin' back to!" "Actions of the past dictate what you must do in the near future," the cloud-creature insisted with a certain urgency. The sickly-green glow softened in Ranma's eyes, transforming before his eyes into a darker, forest- green. The shape within became nearly invisible until the forest-green turned into a turquoise, then sea- blue. When the cloud transformed into a sky-blue, the shape emerged from creature. He was hardly surprised when he saw who came out. The clouds dissipated into nothingness, leaving only Ukyo Kuonji, dressed in the same manner as when he last saw her in the underground Orochi compound. She bore a haunting visage to that of Seiryu, minus the telltale crimson scar that fell vertically over the left eye, yet Ukyo's left eye faintly glowed of a pale ki energy. Whether it was a mark of destiny, or a warning of what to come, Ranma didn't know, but what he did know for certain was that his actions did prevent his old friend from becoming the monstrous Seiryu. "Destiny is forged by our own wills," Ukyo said in a calm manner. "Fate doesn't determine what will or will not happen. We're all responsible for our own actions." Ranma nodded slowly. "I'll try to keep that in mind." For the rest of the night he dreamed of nothing. Day 4 Ranma wandered the deck of the cargo ship as it continued up the river, eyes wandering for any sight of the elusive Shadow Weaver, Hokuto. When he woke up that morning she was nowhere to be seen. She was also absent from the morning meal she negotiated with the captain when she got passage on the ship earlier in the week. The ship was by no means small, but since it was a river boat it wasn't very large, either. The martial artist's thoughts wandered to disaster when he spotted Hokuto standing at the port bow rail, staring out to the land across the river. She had thrown her concealing cloak's folds over her shoulders, allowing them to flow with the wind. She wore the baggy pants that seemed common in China, tied off at the waist with a towel. An expensive-looking vest was worn over her shirt, partially concealing the bandoleer of spatulas Hokuto seemed ashamed of using, but used nonetheless. Her eyes seemed lost in the wind that brushed her. For the first time Ranma realized he was looking at the girl as a girl, as Hokuto somewhat reminded him of Akane. He felt something within himself that seemed to long for her companionship. Fortunately, the feeling was suppressed by the Shadow Weaver herself. She seemed to notice Ranma's presence, immediately startling him. "I see you've woken up," Hokuto said, without turning away from the rail. "Where've you been?" the martial artist asked. "I've been lookin' all over for you." "That won't be a first," Hokuto noted cryptically. "There's something I need to ask of you, and I think only you can help out," he continued. "I need you to tell me what Fate has in store for me." That seemed to catch the Shadow Weaver's attention. "Really? You want me to give you a reading?" "If that gets me an answer, sure," Ranma answered quickly. Nodding slowly, Hokuto walked past the martial artist and gestured for him to follow. She lead him down below the decks to the cargo hold, a dark chamber of numerous spires made up of wooden crates stacked here and there. The illuminating light was little as the crates cast many a shadow, seemingly adding a haunting air, Ranma thought. She lead him to a small corner of the hold, where the crates were pushed aside allowing for a small room of sorts, which Ranma believed was specifically reserved for Hokuto's meager purposes, whatever they were. Hokuto sat down against the corner, and gestured for Ranma to sit as well. "Are you familiar with tarot readings?" she asked, producing two uneven stacks of cards from the folds of her cloak. "Yeah, kinda," the martial artist replied. "It's some kind of fortune-telling I heard that some guys at school were into." "Well, that is the nature of your reading," Hokuto said evenly, shuffling the two decks together. "The first order of business is the question you have to ask the cards." "You're kidding." "Without a purpose there is no reason to continue the reading." Ranma sighed, feeling somewhat silly. "All I want to know is what's gonna happen when I get to Jusenkyo." The Shadow Weaver nodded slowly. "Very well, then, let's begin." In the clear space between her and Ranma, Hokuto drew a card and placed it in the middle. The face of the card indicated it was the Eight of Wands. "This is your primary influence," she said, beginning the story unfolded by the cards. "The Eight of Wands signifies quick action; you're going to have to make some quick decisions, or perhaps you're going to see an end of something." "Please let it be the curse!" interrupted Ranma. "We won't know until the cards show us," Hokuto said, glaring at the martial artist. She drew another card, and placed it at a ninety-degree angle on top of the first card. "This is the secondary influence, The Fool. It's a faith card-- probably telling you that you should follow your heart or something." "Now let's see the root cause," she said, drawing the Eight of Swords and placing it below the first two cards. "Well, interestingly enough, this card signifies powerlessness. Likely you're feeling powerless in your situation, but let's see how it'll change, huh?" Placing the fourth card to the left of the first two cards, Hokuto read the Five of Cups. "The past influence is regret." "Yeah, like I should've done this sooner," Ranma said bitterly. Hokuto nodded. "That may very well be the case. If I may, shall I see what it is you regret?" "Knock yourself out," the martial artist replied. She produced a fifth card and placed it at a ninety- degree angle on top of the fourth card-- the Chariot card. "The Chariot...." "What's that mean?" "The Chariot usually describes a person," Hokuto explained. "It's someone strong of will, who achieves victory on his or her own terms. I'm not sure what it means." For a moment Ranma's thoughts drifted to Ukyo, but kept it to himself. Did I regret not marrying her? No, that can't be it.... Placing the sixth card above the first two cards, she read, "This is the Six of Wands, signifying that you are seeking success in the present." The Shadow Weaver continued to draw the seventh card, placing it to the right of the first set of cards, and stopped cold. "What's wrong?" asked Ranma. "The Three of Swords," she explained, her face appearing as if it would go white in shock, "means that betrayal lies in your future." Seeming hesitant to continue, Hokuto nonetheless asked, "Shall I see what kind of betrayal?" Nodding vigorously, Ranma refused to hide his curiosity. "Let's hear it!" Taking a deep breath, the Shadow Weaver forced herself to continue, slowly drawing the next card from the deck. Placing it across the betrayal card, Hokuto's face went completely white, and she appeared ready to faint. "The High Priestess?" Ranma read, looking confused. He leaned over the cards and shook Hokuto back to consciousness. "Hey, don't leave! What's this mean?" Regaining herself, Hokuto shook her head, as if shaking the ghosts out of her mind. "The High Priestess is a card of mystery... and possibly inaction. It's usually qualified to a person, as the name suggests, and is a very powerful card." "So whoever's gonna betray me is whoever's represented by the High Priestess card?" Ranma repeated to himself, a name already forming in his mind. "Well, I'd better see if I can finish this," Hokuto said, slowly drawing another card. She placed it away from the first set of cards, near herself. She read, "You see yourself as the King of Swords-- that is, a bold leader. Perhaps you believe everyone should follow your lead?" Producing the next card above the first, the Shadow Weaver revealed the Knight of Pentacles. "However, as others see you you're obsessed." The Wheel of Fortune card was drawn next, and placed above the Knight of Pentacles. "And this is your fear of Fate and Destiny. It's what you're trying to avoid, and may hurt you in the end." "Why am I not surprised?" Drawing the last card and placing it above the other three, Hokuto read, "The Three of Pentacles represents teamwork. Teamwork is in your future; you're likely going to get this as your likely outcome of going to Jusenkyo." "What, there aren't any more success cards?" Ranma asked, agitated. "Not really. But," she pointed out, "you have two success cards here in your reading-- the Chariot and the Six of Wands, which certainly means you've got some measure of success in your future. Also, from all the cards there are two cards from each suit except for the suit of Cups. This likely suggests that there's a lack of love in your life." "Hey, leave my love life outta this!" Ranma cried defensively. "There are also four Major Arcana cards, probably meaning that strong forces are at work. Fate certainly could be a major contributor to your future, after all." Ranma said nothing, trying to sort out his mind. As the moment stood, he could think of no reason why someone like Shizuka Minazuki would betray him when she wasn't even in China. The weird priestess certainly did have some rattling in her head, but the martial artist could not think of anything that she'd gain in betraying him. Then again, what could she do that would be considered betrayal? And then there was Ukyo... why was she an influence on him? "Hey," Ranma said, "can you talk to spirits?" "You want an ouja reading?" Hokuto asked. "Yeah, I guess that's what it is," he replied. "Well, I could...." "I just wanna see if I can talk to an old friend of mine." Hokuto seemed ready to reach for something in her cloak, but stopped herself. "Sorry, I can't do that." "Why not?" The Shadow Weaver ignored him as she collected the tarot cards on the floor. "I'm not properly attuned to the spirit realm, so I can't help you." Quickly, she stuffed the cards into the folds of her cloak and stood up. "Now, if you'll excuse me...." Without another word Ranma watched Hokuto leave in a hurry, suddenly suspicious. "Well, what was that all about?" he wondered aloud. "You don't even know who I wanted to talk to." But, if she DID know, why wouldn't she do a reading for me? Akane scanned the skies above through the canvas of trees, and waited for the rocketing warrior above to disappear into the distance. When she was satisfied that CRONOS, Taydome's flying machine, was gone, Akane jumped down from the trees to the ground where Miranda and Kodachi, lying in a makeshift stretcher, were waiting below. Suffering multiple bruises and blows from Kanna's merciless attack the previous day Kodachi felt completely sore all over her body, and it was Miranda that recognized that the gymnast had been hit in very specific locations. Although she had little knowledge of the subject, Akane knew enough to realize they were pressure points from which to incapacitate the target, and neither she nor Miranda knew how to reverse them. "It's gone," Akane announced. "I think we can keep going now." "That... good to... hear," muttered Kodachi, struggling to speak. "It'll be back," scoffed Miranda. "Between CRONOS and GAIA, Kanna, and Sensei, we don't have much of a chance to get anywhere before one of them finds us." She raised her eyes to meet Akane's. "Just WHERE are we going, anyway?" "Back to Tokyo," she answered, "unless you've got any better ideas. The only one I know who has knowledge of pressure points is Dr. Tofu." "Only if you disclude Crystal Spider Rajura, that is," the martial artist pointed out, "provided she's willing to do it for us. Why don't we just ask?" "We don't even know what she's after, that's true," Akane considered. "Back there she obviously wanted the Wishbringer to make a wish of some sort, but why is she still chasing us now?" "You aren't suggesting we wait for her to come, do you?" Miranda guessed. She shrugged. "I guess it beats running away all the time." "And it'll certainly beat meeting Cinder again," Akane added, although she knew Miranda always thought of it on her own. At that moment the three heard a rumbling in the ground, along with the sound of something being crushed under mammoth power. Akane and Miranda looked down at Kodachi, then toward each other with worried expressions. "GAIA's back," Akane realized. "TARGET ACQUIRED!" the mechanical voice droned from the depths of the woods. Grabbing the stretcher Akane and Miranda broke off into a sprint, leaving just in time to miss getting run-over by GAIA's treads. The two came to a halt as fire rained from above, where the rocket-mounted CRONOS descended from the sky in front of them. The machine was already deploying a mancatcher weapon from its chest compartment. "It went away, did it?!" Miranda snarled. "How was I supposed to know what it was going to do?" complained Akane. "Well!" Taydome's voice said, emerging from the GAIA behind them. "You're trapped now. Not a whole lot you can do to stop me now." Miranda cursed. "You weenie! Hiding behind these big toys!" "As they say in your discipline," the engineer replied, "one should focus on their strengths." "You know NOTHING of my discipline!" cried the crimson-eyed girl, setting down her end of the stretcher on the ground. She rolled up her sleeves, grinding her teeth in anticipation. Wheeling around her leg in a slashing arc, Miranda tried to attack, but GAIA jabbed the martial artist with its gun arm, pushing her back to the ground. Taking advantage of Akane's distraction, CRONOS's mancatcher seized her with its catching claw, forcing her to release her grip on the stretcher. "Let go of me!" Akane shouted, pounding her fists down on the catcher claw. From out of the woods something slashed at the catcher claw, severing the weapon from its base and dropping Akane to the ground. In an instant she saw the robed fire master, Cinder, dig his claws into CRONOS in a similar manner as he did to URANOS the previous day. "Cinder!" Taydome cried as CRONOS rocketed upward into the sky, taking the fire master with it. Miranda risked glancing back at her master and CRONOS, then narrowly avoided a wild swing from GAIA. She latched her legs onto the arm, and raised her arms up to slash at them, but the machine began to swing the compromised appendage about, trying to shake the martial artist off. "Akane, get out of here!" she cried, trying her best to hold on. "I'm through with running!" declared the other girl. "There's clearly no road for escape so long as this thing, and everybody else, is coming!" She jumped as someone put their hand on her shoulder. "In that you may be right, but let me handle it." Akane looked back at Kanna Rajura, her scythe- naginata in hand. "Kanna?" "We'll discuss this later," the Crystal Spider assured her, transforming the staff into a naginata. Miranda, stuck in her own little world, dug her hands into the steel of GAIA's arm. Hands glowing with surreal energies, she cried, "Shishi Senko!" The resulting blast within the gun arm blast it clean off, sending the martial artist flying into the woods and smashing against a tree. Kanna, taking this as her cue to attack, spun her naginata in one hand. "Rajura Style: Diamond Saw Cutter!" Now using both hands to spin her weapon, Kanna advanced, attacking GAIA's remaining arm. Sparks flew in all directions as shrapnel soon followed, forcing Akane to shield herself and Kodachi from the danger. When the girl finished GAIA's remaining arm was reduced to nothing up to the elbow joint, leaving it without its primary weapons. The red eyes set in the machine's death's head glowed with great intensity. "Impossible!" Taydome screeched. "Disarmed!" The war machine ran in reverse, plowing back into the woods whence it came. "It's getting away!" Miranda shouted, gathering herself from the ground. "Let it," Kanna ordered. "If he wants to leave us be for the time being, then let's take it." "I'll be back!" warned Taydome, his voice drowning in the distance and the rumbling of GAIA's retreat. His attentions now diverted away from the second battle, Taydome focused on his endangered CRONOS, flying high in the sky with Cinder's steel claws buried into the machine's armor. "This battle'll be different!" Taydome said into the speaker tuned into CRONOS's circuitry. "It's too bad that you can't fly." Cinder snarled, looking down below and likely realizing he was being lead away from the other battle. "You're only delaying the inevitable, Section!" "Perhaps," Taydome conceded, "but so long as you stay out of my way, the extraction can be completed without problems!" He punched in the commands to force CRONOS into a spin. On the monitor Taydome saw that Cinder was losing his grip on the war machine, the holes he dug into the armor becoming scratch marks as the fire master slipped away. Watching Taydome from the monitoring station the shadow was disappointed with Taydome's work. GAIA would have to be repaired-- when it could be sent out again was not a concern, but that the effectiveness of extracting Akane was growing smaller, what with her growing number of allies. The focus should have been on finding Ranma, but since none of the spies or agents managed to locate him that was out of the question. The shadow said aloud, "I may have to intervene." Kodachi felt like strangling Kanna after she was through releasing the pressure point-induced paralysis, but the sores and aches in her body prevented her from doing so. The Crystal Spider stood up, leaning on her death scythe, weary. She rejoined Akane and Miranda, who sat by the fire pit they dug for the night. "She'll be fine in a few hours," Kanna assured Akane. "Your friend has quite a temper." Akane shrugged. "Kodachi's like that." "You seem to attract that kind of company," Miranda pointed out. "Lots of people want a piece of you." "Yeah," she agreed. Turning to Kanna, she asked, "And why are you out here?" "Eh?" "Yesterday you're trapping us, and today you're helping us," Akane clarified impatiently. "Why?" Grinding the pole of the death scythe into the dirt lazily, Kanna sat down on a rock near the fire pit. "That's a crazy thing, you know? I wasn't supposed to go after the Wishbringer, but I couldn't resist." "Just like everybody else," Miranda said. "What did you want to wish for?" Akane asked. "That's none of your business!" snapped the Crystal Spider. "It's enough to know that my dreams were shattered when the truth came out about the sword, to say the least. Dwelling on it certainly couldn't help." "Then your mission...?" "I'm supposed to find and contain Cinder," Kanna interrupted. Before she could be interrupted in turn she continued, "I got called in for a favor by an old friend of mine; he said he needed to do this favor for someone else and he wanted me to carry it out for him as a repayment for a favor he did me before." "Anyone we know?" Miranda asked suspiciously. "Not unless you know who Shion Kagami is," Kanna replied proudly. "I see," the crimson-eyed martial artist said, nodding slowly. "I don't know him," Akane admitted. "You're from Tokyo, right?" the Crystal Spider asked. "He's living there with his sister-in-law, who he never seems to shut-up about. Anyway, we knew each other since we were kids, so how could I refuse?" "Then you wanted to wish him to be your husband?" Miranda asked teasingly. "NO!" denied Kanna hotly. "He's got nothing to do with it. What I really wanted was to get back at a snot-nosed little brat that beat me ten years ago!" "You sure know how to carry grudges," Miranda commented. Carrying-on in her own thoughts, Kanna continued, "My father and the kid's father thought it would be a good idea if the brat got to know how to use weapons, so I had to fight him. The little prick thought girls were weak and shouldn't fight, so how can't I hate him? And I lost to someone younger than me!" She turned to Akane. "I was eleven back then; could you imagine the kind of shame of being beaten by an eight-year-old?" "You shouldn't let that bother you," Akane suggested. "I mean, that was many years ago; you shouldn't let that kind of thing get to you." "And what do you know about personal pride?" "Believe me, I've known a person just like you, and you just have to let it go and move on." "On the other hand," Miranda voiced, "if you CAN beat that snot-nosed brat, then more power to you!" "I heard that!" they heard Kodachi shout from the darkness. "I don't know," Kanna said with a sigh. "That kid could be long-gone by now; who knows if I'll ever get the chance to show him up." "The way things work, you might," Akane replied neutrally. On a shipping boat moving upstream in Southern China Ranma was dreaming of Akane being attacked by a giant spider. When he awoke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat with that thought foremost in his mind the martial artist glanced to where Hokuto was sleeping, and wondered. However, she was not hanging in the hammock that was her designated sleeping area, so Ranma got up despite feeling a need to sleep. Checking all the corners of the room he found no trace of her; a thorough check of the entire ship turned up with the same results. Tired, the martial artist returned to his room and resumed his sleep, unaware that the Shadow Weaver had been watching him from the shadows the entire time. Day 5 Miranda marched first in line as the four girls trekked through the wilderness, Akane bringing up the rear. Kodachi insisted that she be behind Kanna in case the Crystal Spider proved treacherous, making her third in line. As they planned the night before the four would head for Kodachi's backup, waiting at a waypoint not far from their present location. They roused up early that morning, and it was nearing afternoon now. "So," Miranda said, breaking the monotony of silence that hung over the group, "Kanna, why is it that your pal Shion got you to try and catch such a big fish as my sensei?" "He's your sensei, eh?" Kanna considered. "It's a wonder you could keep up with such a powerful beast." "I've done greater feats than you've seen yet," the crimson-eyed girl snapped. "Well, then," the other girl said, laughing to herself. "I don't know all the details myself, but it seems that he's of some importance to someone." "Someone other than Taydome, perhaps," Akane noted. "If you truly know Shion," Kodachi said, "then what is the name of his sister-in-law?" "Chika," Kanna replied quickly. "She's gifted with an amazing artist's talent and is currently focusing on the film industry. Shall I go on?" Kodachi found herself speechless. "Well, I conceed that you know about them, but know them is a completely different matter altogether!" "And you're Kodachi Kuno, Chika's friend, brother of Shion's acquaintance, Tatewaki," Kanna continued, showing-off her knowledge. "Speaking of which, when can I meet that brother of yours?" "Hey, this big coincidence is great and all," Akane interrupted, "but how much longer until we get to the waypoint?" "Not far now," insisted Kodachi. "You said that an hour ago," Miranda pointed out. "Then keep your tongue to yourself!" the gymnast flared. Akane shook her head, wondering how in all the luck in the world she got stuck in a party where Kodachi hated everybody else. "Hold it!" demanded Kanna, the only thing keeping Miranda and Kodachi from coming to blows. "Do you hear that?" Silence enveloped the girls when Kodachi and Miranda ceased squabbling. Akane strained her ears, trying to hear something that she was supposed to hear. At least, according to Kanna. "I don't hear a thing," she said. "Neither do I," added Kodachi. "CRONOS is coming back," Kanna warned, pulling her death scythe from over her shoulder. She pointed the blade toward the south sky. "It's over there, and coming in fast!" "I don't believe it," Miranda whispered. "Sensei got beaten?!" Kodachi took off into the lead. She stopped when she realized the others were still standing in place. "Why dally here?!" she shouted. "We must summon assistance!" "And how to expect to get help IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE?!" the crimson-eyed girl shouted back. Akane grabbed Miranda's arm. "Look, she's got a point. Anything's better than standing out here and waiting for it to come get us." "Either way," Kanna said, "I've still got a few tricks up my sleeves. Let's just see what Kodachi has in mind." The four girls made their way through the woods down the mountain slopes, the threatening boom of CRONOS looming behind them in the sky. Kodachi lead the others despite her distrust in both Kanna and Miranda, her sense of danger obviously focused on that of CRONOS. Miranda strained her ears, and shouted, "Sounds like there's a battle up ahead!" "And we're running to it?!" Akane cried back in disbelief. What was Kodachi up to? When the young Kuno came to a halt, the other three girls gathered around her, and stared into a clearing. The sounds of battle came from the swings and slashes of two warriors already locked in combat, one being the familiar robed shape of Cinder, his claws aflame with power. The other, however, wielded a steel sword, of which appeared to have a fantastic ornamental hilt of some kind. The wielder was dressed in a traditional kendo training outfit with the colors of the Kuno School. The sword, like Cinder's claws, was lit in flames. "I see Brother is no worse for himself," snorted Kodachi. "Geez, he shows up now?" Miranda said in disbelief, watching the flaming arcs from each slash. "I thought he disappeared!" "Apparently not," Kodachi corrected. "You see, Brother has an annoying habit of remembering where his priorities lie ten minutes after committing himself to an opposing task. Originally he was planning to flee the country, but that lasted no longer, and instead he trained in secret to control the Phoenix Flame." "That's the Earth Dragon Sword!" the crimson-eyed girl shouted in recognition. "But... why?!" "It turned out that the Earth Dragon Sword was indeed a final gift from the fallen enemy," the younger Kuno explained. "Using the inlaid earth elemental forces of the sword Brother-dear has learned to regulate his fire in a moderating manner." "Makes sense," Kanna said, nodding. Raising her death scythe ready in naginata mode, she charged into the battle. "Here I come!" "Hey, wait!" Akane shouted. "What about...?!" But Kanna was already caught in the spirit of battle, disregarding the danger at fighting two fire-wielding combatants. Tatewaki noticed her joining the fray, and seemed to welcome it silently as the two took turns taking swipes at Cinder. "So now you have allies," the fire master noted, forcing his attentions to divide between two opponents. "Now it should be even." "Arrogance shall be your downfall, foe!" Tatewaki yelled, taking another swing that Cinder easily deflected. Akane watched in dazzlement as the three fought with great skill, that she almost didn't notice CRONOS's descent into the clearing. Miranda shouted something, but she couldn't hear over the deafening roar of the war machine. "MULTIPLE TARGETS ASSESSED," droned the machine as its death's head rotated and scanned about, coming to a stop facing directly at Akane. "Well," Kodachi said, "it appears it wants you." "Crap, here we go again," Miranda cursed. Leveling its arm cannons, CRONOS fired in Akane's direction, forcing the three girls to dodge out of the way. Already Kodachi was whipping out her ribbon, lashing it out to wrap around one of the arm cannons. Gathering herself quickly, Akane spared only a moment to wonder why Taydome was firing at her now. Miranda ran into the clearing, throwing a discus- like ki bolt toward CRONOS. The bolt buried itself into CRONOS's free arm, but did little to stop its effectiveness. Angered that her attack failed to work as planned, she swung her arm back to throw another ki bolt. "This isn't going well!" the crimson-eyed martial artist shouted. Kodachi, attacking from the other end, had her ribbon torn loose from her hands when CRONOS jerked its arm away from her. Finding herself disarmed, she went for gymnastics clubs, one for each hand. Despite being busied by two different targets, the machine's attention was fully on Akane. The death's head seemed to grin at her, despite lacking any devices that would give it such abilities. Fuming with anger, Akane's aura exploded. Grabbing the closest baseball-sized rock at her feet, she wound up her arm and threw it. Despite her aim for the death's head's glowing eyes was off, she nevertheless hit the flying war machine, hitting it in the chest with such force that the rock was buried in the armor. "That hurt, you know," Taydome said calmly. CRONOS fired quick shots in Kodachi and Miranda's directions with each arm, then rocketed toward Akane. For her part, despite the warnings from both Miranda and Kodachi, Akane stood her ground defiantly. Her defiance paid off, as just before CRONOS could deploy its mancatcher on Akane it stopped in its tracks. Despite rocketing at full speed the war machine could not advance any further, and when Taydome realized this CRONOS ceased its charge. Despite being slightly singed, Ryoga Hibiki held CRONOS fast with his bare hands from the underside of the machine. Standing in a freshly-dug hole of his own creation Ryoga fell backward with CRONOS when the engine shut off. "Ryoga Hibiki?!" Kodachi shouted in disbelief. "But how?" "You're not the only one who planned ahead," Akane shouted. To Ryoga she said, "Nice timing. I'm glad the reversed directions I put in the letter helped out." Standing himself upright, Ryoga laughed uneasily. "It took me a while, but I made it!" The eyes of CRONOS flared brightly. "Oh no...." moaned Taydome. Cracking his knuckles, Ryoga stared the CRONOS in the face. "Now it's payback for attacking Akane!" Kodachi and Miranda joined in the fray as Ryoga systematically ripped the limbs off the war machine, disarming it utterly and literally. Before CRONOS could take off to escape Miranda wheeled her legs about in a circular slash, severing the machine at its waist with sparks flying. The threat of CRONOS removed, the four turned their attentions back to the death match between Tatewaki and Kanna with Cinder. Putting much force into a big attack Tatewaki slashed downward, forcing Cinder to block the attack with both claws, leaving Kanna an opening. She thrust her naginata into Cinder's side. No one, not even Cinder himself, had time to flinch or yell out in terror as the oxygen tanks slung over the fire master's back exploded at once. Taydome had no idea what was going on, as CRONOS's eyes were staring up into the sky, as the unit was flat on its back. The confusion rose to greater levels when flame and debris washed over it for a moment. "AAGGGHH!!" screamed the engineer. "That's the second one I've lost! They'll surely pay for this!" He heard the door to his office hiss open, and jumped in surprise. "I'm sorry, doctor, but things have changed," a woman's voice said. Taydome turned slowly, a smile forming on his lips. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the Ferret!" Ayame Mishima stepped into the dimly-lit closet of an office, her hands in the pockets of her clean white lab coat. She wore a badge on her dress shirt, just like all the other Mishima engineers, but Ayame was definitely not an engineer-- she was worse. She was the niece of Mishima Heavy Industry's CEO. "This private war of yours is over," Ayame said. "While my uncle is pleased that the field tests have proven the usefulness of the GAIA, CRONOS, and URANOS series, there is no need to lose more hardware to these capable people." "On who's authority?!" demanded the engineer. "I've been sanctioned by the higher-ups to do this, and no snot-nosed girl is going to dictate my orders!" Ayame laughed, folding her arms together. "Well, Dr. Taydome, I'm sorry to inform you that this 'snot-nosed girl' IS a higher-up." She unfolded her hand, showing the engineer a small golden ring, its head inlaid with the mark of a red zero on a blue field. In the midst of the eye lay a single, all-seeing eye, and suddenly Taydome recognized the meaning. "It can't be!" he gasped. "YOU'RE Section Zero?!" "You still don't get it, do you?!" the young Mishima shouted. "Whether you like it or not, Mishima Heavy Industries directly reports to Section Zero, and, by extension, all of the Mishima family are under its protection and influence. Our development facilities are an important part of the technological research process, which is why you're here. While you're here you don't answer to Section 14, you answer to me." Realization dawned on the American engineer. "You're the one who allowed Gosunkugi to steal the ASP, just so you can give me a reason to field-test the new models. You didn't really want me to get Ranma Saotome, or Akane, or Cinder, at all." "Suffice it to say that they passed, and we will need your services after all," Ayame said. "Now, as for Akane and the others, here's what I want you to do...." The sudden blast had thrown both Tatewaki and Kanna out of the clearing completely, now covered in flame. Ryoga, Akane, Kodachi, and Miranda fared much better, having partial protection by the trees, but suffered no less. CRONOS ceased flailing about on the ground, seemingly dead and out of power. A huge, smoldering crater was present where Cinder was once standing, still smoking and flaming. Akane could make out the flaming tatters of the fire master's robe dancing about in the sky, blown by the winds. In any even the conflagration consumed all the nearby vegetation in fire. "Eww," she said, pinching her nose. "What a way to go...." Tatewaki sat straight up next to her, startling Akane. Appearing unscathed by the fire blast, he faced her with happiness in his eyes. "Ah, dear Akane! You are unharmed!" He opened his arms outward. Planting her foot in his face, Akane replied, "Who do you think you are?!" On her other side Kanna poked her head out from behind a tree, seeming dazed. "Well, that really hurt." Gathering himself, Tatewaki stood up and faced Kanna with dignity. Extending a hand outward, he said, "I am Tatewaki Kuno, called Eternal Flame by my peers!" Smiling, Kanna stepped from behind the tree with her own arm extended, walking toward the Kuno swordsman. "I'm Kanna Rajura. People call me Crystal Spider." Just as they were about to shake hands, both fighters withdrew their hands quickly, then embraced one another to Akane's surprise. Kodachi popped her head from a tree above, a surprised look on her face. "You two KNOW each other?!" Releasing each other from the embrace, Kanna turned to the younger Kuno. "Yeah. Met him in college. He's a good fighter." "Your wit matches your skill as well!" Tatewaki praised. "I trust the others are well?" She nodded. "Yeah. You should come back, you know? Things've been too quiet on campus." "Now that the formalities are out of the way," Ryoga said, emerging from the hole in the ground he made earlier, "what'll we do now?" Akane's eyes turned toward the crater, where Miranda stood alone. Stepping over debris and burning wood, she carefully made her way to the martial artist's side, and shielded her eyes from the heat in the hole. "Miranda," she said. "He'll be back," Miranda said simply. "He's too tough to go out like this." Akane shook her head slowly. "Come on, there's nothing you can do for him now." "I guess you're right," she conceded softly. "Yeah, you might just be right...." "Um, excuse me?" came a voice from CRONOS's severed body. "Hello? Hello? Anybody still alive there?" Akane turned her back to the crater, and stared at CRONOS for a moment. "So you're still working, huh?" "Oh, is that Akane I hear?" Taydome said. "Umm... we have some matter to discuss." "No kidding," Ryoga said scornfully. "You've got a lot to answer for. Before Akane could step any closer to CRONOS, Miranda held her back. "Careful, it could still move." "If all he wants is to talk," Akane reasoned, "then there's nothing to worry about." "I second Akane's words!" Tatewaki said in support. "Well, if you know what you're doing," Ryoga said carefully. "We'll be able to take care of things if it gets out of hand." "Alright, then," Akane said to CRONOS, "what do you want?" "To make a sincere apology on behalf of my organization," Taydome said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "Our Oversight department has determined that it was a mistake to chase after you and your husband in the manner we have been pursuing these past few days." "And?" "In order to make amends we are offering an alliance, if you will." "That's silly," Miranda snorted. "We trash three of your guys and now you want to cut a deal?" "It IS to your advantage," Taydome pointed out. "Ally with us, and you will no longer have to live with the threat of our machines again, I assure you." "Why should we trust you?" demanded Kodachi. "Trust begins when two sides make a leap of faith," Akane said. "Look, I'm willing to give your word a try, but what guarantees do you have?" Taydome left the gang in a moment of silence. When he came back he said, "There is a control mechanism buried within the robot. That alone should protect you from my organization's threats." "And how do we go about getting it out?" asked Miranda. "It could be a trap!" "Shouldn't be too hard, really," Kanna said, bending down on one knee to look at where Akane's rock punctured the war machine's armor. "What's it look like?" "It's a little black box with a big zero on it," Taydome explained. "Open up the chest compartment and follow the sound of my voice." Having gone ahead in the instructions, Kanna was already looking at the black box. "Okay, so is there any special way to get it out?" "You have to disconnect the green wires first," the engineer instructed. "Then the white wires. If you don't the box's internal power source will not kick in. Finally, disconnect the big black wire... okay, that's it." Kanna raised the black box for all to see. No larger than a baseball, the box was, as labeled, an opaque black, with one side serving as a speaker of some sort, with a large zero over it. She handed it to Akane slowly. Taydome's voice issued out of it. "Good, good. I'm glad you're agreeable." "Wait a minute," Akane said, "why are you doing this?" Another moment of silence passed. "My superiors feel that our working together will be advantageous in the future...." "Anything coming out of the mouth of Section can be expected to have a hidden truth!" came a voice outside the group. "It's coming from the crater!" Ryoga realized. All eyes turned to the smoldering crater, where a black, bulky shape emerged. Although the smoke served to conceal most of the creature's features, the unmarred steel claws that made up the arms and legs strongly indicated that it was Cinder. Dragging behind him was a blackened tail, barbed with four steel talons of their own. His steel jaw grinded with the upper lip of what appeared to be a pronounced snout. His skin, while charcoal-black, seemed to pulse here and there with veins of fire, almost appearing as if Cinder were a living magma-like lizard creature. His mechanical eye clashed with his reptilian good eye as he scanned the assembled group before him. "Never seen a salamander before?!" Raising his claws, Cinder jetted a fan of flames before him, aiming for the gang. Dodging out of the way, Akane fell near Miranda, and shouted, "Why didn't you tell us your sensei was a big lizard?!" "You wouldn't have believed me!" Miranda shouted back. Ducking from more flames, she added, "Salamanders need lots of oxygen to survive, so it's no wonder he had those tanks on him!" "That's just great!" Akane snorted, knowing that the fanned flames was keeping everybody pinned to the ground. She hardly felt like waiting for Cinder to use up all the remaining oxygen in the atmosphere, but he probably knew time wasn't on his side, either. "Bathe in the eternal flame of vengeance!" cried the salamander, his skin lighting up in flames. "Miranda! I WANT the Shadow Weaver!" But from behind Cinder Akane saw there was another cloaked figure, raising hands-- human hands-- to attack. Not knowing what to expect, steam was all that Akane could see as Cinder screamed in agony. The heat of the steam overwhelming her, Akane risked getting up and ran from the clearing, away from the danger presented by Cinder and her unknown savior. Stopping a few meters away, she waited, hearing the tortured screams of Cinder's metallic voice amidst the growing cloud of steam. When she thought it was over she rejoined the others back at the clearing. The steam still issued from the crater, and all the fires had been put out, but there was no sign of Cinder or the mysterious savior. "What was that?" Akane asked, although she didn't expect an answer. "It appears that we have many allies," Tatewaki guessed. "Known or unknown, they are allies still!" "Not too much a surprise," Kodachi added. "Where did Master Cinder go?" wondered Miranda. "Whatever happened," Kanna replied, looking around, "he couldn't have met his end here. There's some pretty heavy tracks here leading off into the woods." "That's for the best for now, I think," Ryoga said. "We need some time to catch our breath from all this fighting." Miranda said nothing, seeming lost in thought. She walked toward the crater by herself, obviously wanting to be alone. Akane looked down at the black box in her hands, then toward the others. None of them suffered any lasting injuries, and everyone was in good health. "Cinder will be back," she said. "I think we should all go back to town and get ready for when he does come back, because I don't think he's going to be very lenient to us the next time around." That night Ranma again dreamed of the giant spider and Akane, but this time, the spider was protecting Akane from a large lizard creature as black as night. He was suddenly reminded of the watcher lizards from the previous dream, and just as the martial artist realized this the black lizard transformed into the green cloud entity. The cloud advanced to consume him, but, as before, it dissipated by the will of Ukyo, still attired in her Seiryu outfit. She said, "Beware the High Priestess." When he awoke in the middle of the night Ranma did not jump up in a cold sweat as before, but with the same inner calm as he had when sleeping. No, this time, it wasn't a nightmare, he thought. Glancing toward Hokuto's hammock, he wasn't surprised to see that she wasn't there; the Shadow Weaver hadn't been seen in his eyes since yesterday. For a moment he wondered why the girl avoided him like the plague and not anybody else on the ship. Sighing, Ranma focused on getting back to sleep. Materializing from the shadows, Hokuto watched him slowly fall into deep sleep once more. She took one bold step in the direction of his hammock, but stopped suddenly, taking a few steps back instead. Shaking her head Hokuto melted back into the shadows whence she came. Day 6 Ranma stared up the river for what he hoped was the last time. The shipping vessel would soon make it to its destination, leaving Ranma and Hokuto to hike the rest of the way to the highlands where Jusenkyo lay hidden. He felt a surge of excitement as he realized that the object of his quest was almost in reach. Briefly, he thought of Akane, and wondered what she would have thought if she were there with him. "We'll be landing soon," he heard Hokuto say behind him. "After that we'll immediately begin hiking up into the mountains, and we should be able to get there in a day and a half or so." "That's comin' from you," Ranma snorted. "I'll be glad to get off this boat, in any case." The Shadow Weaver joined him by the bow's rail. "Ranma, you miss me, don't you?" "Eh?!" He jumped in surprise. "Look, I know we've been apart for so long," Hokuto continued, "but we've got to hang on. There's no reason why we shouldn't enjoy our company now." "What're you talking about?!" Ranma demanded, edging himself closer to the rail. "Don't you say anythin' funny on me now!" She placed a hand over his heart. "Don't you feel the excitement? We're almost there! It certainly is a joy, but why don't we experience some real joy?" Ranma swallowed, feeling himself leaning his back over the rail. "Hokuto... snap out of it!" "But isn't it what you want?" she asked innocently. Turning away, she continued, "Am I not good enough for you?" "N... no, I didn't say that...." Without warning Hokuto punched herself on the side of the head. She slapped herself across the face a couple times, then turned around with her eyes low. "I... I'm sorry about that." Relaxing his tension a bit, Ranma answered, "Uh... that's okay...." "I've been trying to avoid you since the reading," she explained. "I... I've had foreign thoughts enter my mind lately, and I haven't realized it...." Could it be? Ranma thought. How could one stray thought of mind turn into this? I mean, I only thought she was a cute girl.... "But we can't let ourselves get distracted over this," Hokuto declared, seemingly taking on Akane-like determination. "I'll try to be careful." "Look," Ranma said, "you can't ignore feelings like that for long; it only gets worse!" "I know," she replied somberly. The two looked toward the port where the boat would eventually dock, and nodded to each other wordlessly. "Looks like this's our stop," Ranma muttered quietly. The nightmares never seemed to end for Ranma Saotome. The last thing he remembered was bedding down in the highlands near the fire pit he made for Hokuto, who was freezing despite her traveling cloak. The martial artist had no idea he was so dirt tired. "This one's vivid," he said. Observing from a distance he saw Akane running from a pack of watchers. Despite how harmless they appeared his wife ran nonetheless, and Ranma felt the need to intervene, running after Akane and the black lizards. But as soon as he made his approach the watcher gang morphed and congealed into a larger black lizard, this one with two cold, reptilian eyes. The charcoal-black creature burst into flames, transforming into a dragon of fire, and stared at Ranma evilly. "What the...?!" squawked the martial artist. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?" bellowed the fire dragon in a deep, cavernous voice. In an instant a mechanical eye materialized over the creature's left eye. It rotated and focused slightly, on Ranma. In an instant the creature's flames were smothered by a heavy cloak of shadow that surrounded it, but Ranma knew that the creature was still alive. Raising a metallic claw, holding a trumpet-like funnel, he blew flames at him. Ranma shielded himself from the flames, but it and the fire dragon disappeared, replaced by a black cloud of similar darkness to that of the fire dragon before its transformation. The martial artist felt himself transform into a girl despite himself as rain hailed from the cloud. She jumped up and over the cloud, and despite the laws of physics, landed on top of it as if it were solid ground. Standing with her on the cloud was another girl, resting against a staff with bells hanging off the head. She wore a flashy-orange European-style dress, with a knee-length skirt that spread out to nearly her arm's length, and wore a matching colored hat. Her legs were covered by a sort of white frilly stockings that Ranma thought only little girls in storybooks wore, adding to the silly appearance of the girl overall. She stared at the girl for a moment, and realized that it was Shizuka she was looking at. Swiftly Shizuka ran her staff around Ranma's back and pulled her toward her in a hold. Despite her comical appearance there was no doubt there was seriousness in her eyes. "Do you know why you're here?" she asked. "I hope it isn't because I'm fantasizing about you," Ranma bit back. Instead of answering, the priestess broke the staff against the martial artist's back, and kicked her with one foot. Ranma fell backward, close to the edge of the cloud, looking up in time to see Shizuka throwing a kettle of hot water at her. The water spilled, transforming her back into a guy in a split-second, but Shizuka was gone, and so was the cloud. Ranma looked up, and saw Tatewaki Kuno, dressed in his usual kendo training outfit, sitting on a jewel-encrusted throne, a fancy sword resting on his shoulder. "Was there any doubt, Saotome?" he asked. Before Ranma could answer he felt the floor disappear beneath him, and found himself falling into an abyss. When he finally hit solid ground the martial artist realized he hit pavement. Standing up, he realized he was behind a wall of people-- a crowd, staring into the streets for a parade. A myriad of servants carried treasures of untold value on their backs, one after another. Ranma forced his way through to the front of the crowd on his side of the street, and saw that the next procession was a set of servants carrying a chariot of some sort, protected by Roman-style guards. Pushing his way into the street, Ranma ignored the guards, punching and kicking them away, and forced his way to the curtained chariot. Pulling it aside, he found Ukyo Kuonji, sitting as if in a meditative trance, dressed as Seiryu. Her trance seemed to have ended, and Ukyo stared at him in the eyes. "I hope you know what you want, because if you don't, it'll only get much worse later on." "Wait!" Ranma shouted, just as the parade and everything around it was about to disappear in a swirl of energy. The moment of the world seemed to slow down for his benefit. "Where are you?! How can I help?" Ukyo smiled slightly. "I've always been here, but it is I that can help you." As she disappeared in the swirl of energy Ranma realized, again for the first time, that she was saying exactly what he thought. Reaching into his pockets he held out the twin dragon earrings that once belonged to his old friend, their ruby-inlaid eyes twinkling in the light of darkness. But the jade earrings seemed to take a life of their own as an unseen force yanked them from Ranma's hand. Growing in size, each earring uprighted itself, standing as if sentinel pillars to each side of Ranma. Between the pillars, barely illuminated by the light given off by the dragon pillars' ruby eyes, a cloaked figure approached. She threw off her hood, revealing Hokuto for Ranma to see, the worried expression gone from her eyes, instead replaced by determination. "You can't deny what Fate has in store for you," the Shadow Weaver said. "Choice is but an illusion given to us by human naivete; an illusion Destiny uses to cruelly smite us." The dragon pillars fired an energy bolt at Ranma, racking him with painless light. Hokuto disappeared, her smile imprinted on the martial artist's mind. He looked at himself, and found himself naked, and glad that Hokuto was gone. The dragon pillars melded together, transforming into a great monster of clear crystal, forming a shape resembling that of a silk spinning spider. Clutched in its claws Ranma saw Akane, similarly naked, but concealed in the right places by silk threads. "Ranma!" she called. "Come back!" "Akane!" he cried, wanting to save her. When he woke up the sun was rising in the eastern sky. Ranma glanced to where Hokuto was sleeping the night before, and found that, unlike previous nights, she was still there, sound asleep. Without all the worry in her expression, she looked peaceful in her slumber. Cute, even. Sitting up, Ranma shook his head. "C'mon, this isn't the time for this kind of stuff," he reminded himself. Looking around, the martial artist decided it was pointless to get back to sleep, so he decided to get started on breakfast. Day 7 "Well, there it is," Ranma said, standing atop the cliff overlooking the green valley below. He dropped his shoulder pack and looked back, to where Hokuto was struggling with her own pack up the hill. He was glad to be on dry land again, but apparently the Shadow Weaver liked it better when the traveling was done for her. It took much sooner than expected to reach what the local tribes considered the Cistern Valley, a vast expanse of land hidden within the Tibetan highlands of Western China. Hidden among the twelve nooks in the mountains that made up the valley were the thirteen tribes, plus the forbidden territory Jusenkyo. Of the thirteen tribes the Musk and Phoenix tribes usually kept to themselves, isolated as they were in their little valleys, but among the remaining eleven Joketsuzoku, the Amazons, was the most powerful. At least, the last time he was here. The star-shaped Cistern Valley, once lush and green, was torn here and there, as if fire rained from the Heavens above. Though the bodies were removed, Ranma knew enough to realize that many battles have been fought here, and from the looks of it, even though fatalities seemed rather low, casualties were high. Hokuto collapsed on the ground, throwing up a cloud of dirt around herself as she struggled to breathe. "Like I said, we're here," Ranma repeated for her benefit. "That's... good," the Shadow Weaver huffed. Ranma cast a glance in the direction of Jusenkyo. "Looks like the old stompin' grounds haven't been touched at all." "We aren't going there now, are we?" hoped Hokuto. The martial artist shook his head. "It looks too easy. There has to be a catch to it somewhere." Turning to Hokuto he said, "I'm gonna see if I can hook up with the Amazons and see what's up. Maybe Shampoo or Mousse can help." "Only if they aren't dead or incapacitated," Hokuto pointed out. "Nah," disagreed Ranma. "They're tough. Especially Mousse, even if he's no problem for me." "But you must respect him," she pointed out, "if you regard him so highly." Ranma grimaced. "Riiiiiggghhhttt...." Turning back toward the Cistern Valley, he thought aloud, "Wonder if Pantyhose Taro is still doin' his thing...." "Just as expected, they've arrived at the outskirts of the valley," a woman proclaimed, spying on Ranma via a crystal orb clutched in her hand. Tipped off from the initial watcher at Shanghai, the woman and her lord watched Ranma and Hokuto gather themselves at the top of the cliff. While the watcher could not pick up sound waves, as the construct lacked ears, the lord and the sorcerer knew enough about lip reading to know what they were saying. Although they were concealed in the darkness of their tent, the woman's voice was barely a whisper. "They could cause a problem." "With Femme-boy," Pantyhose Taro replied, "you'd better count on it." He suppressed a laugh, and pointed to the seer. "Okay, Sypha, now's the time we're going to wipe out the ants. If he joins up with Joketsuzoku, the tide could be turned against us. If that happens, the tribe is finished." Sypha nodded in understanding to her lord. "They are still no match for you even without their leaders. You, my lord, are infinitely superior in their ability and skill." "That may be so," Taro conceded, "but our enemies should never be underestimated. I know the current leader of Joketsuzoku personally; they will welcome the advantage the hermaphrodite gives them. Fortunately, we know his weakness. Continue the plan exactly." Bowing respectfully, Sypha replied, "At once!" When the black sorcerer left the tent, leaving the leader of the Tunnel Tiger tribe alone, Pantyhose Taro chuckled to himself. "Now the games have become a little more interesting." * * * * * Shampoo (VO): "Times are bad now for a war that drags for months. Ranma, this's your fault! Formidable rivals stand in our way... and who is the girl next to Pantyhose, and what does she have to do with anything?" "Next time: Dream Stalkers. I'll kill you!" ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes Things get a little more interesting from here on. Razorclaw X (