The Wheel of Fire, #31: Dream Stalkers Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: ------------------------------------------------ "We always admire the other fellow more after we have tried to do his job." -- William Feather "Sir Mousse!" When he heard the sound of his name the Master of Hidden Weapons emerged from his stone-walled house, his hands folded together under the concealment of his long-sleeved robes. Wrinkling his nose slightly to make sure his glasses were on Mousse looked around, finding the source of the shout coming from a perimeter sentry. The sentry was a girl of no more than fourteen years of age, but she was an Amazon-- a member of a tribe whose women were phenomenally strong. Despite her youth and looks the sentry girl was a skilled fighter, and that alone more than qualified her for her duties, limited though they were. "Okay, Paste," he began, remembering the girl's name on the spot, "give me a good reason why I shouldn't punish you for abandoning your post?" Unfazed by the threat of punishment, Paste bowed respectfully to Mousse. Although she was catching her breath, the weapons master admired her for maintaining her demeanor. "We've caught spies!" "Spies?" Mousse echoed. "Why was I not informed sooner?!" "They should be coming in about now!" the sentry added quickly, pointing back the way she came. Mousse adjusted his glasses, trying to focus in the direction where Paste was pointing. Sure enough, a small band of warriors-- kids, really-- were bringing in someone... or someones. As they approached he could make out the two prisoners, secured in a somewhat sloppy manner in the center of a circle of warriors. He mentally reminded himself to reprimand the youths for their poor sense of judgement later; the prisoners had his full attention now. The Master of Hidden Weapons did little to hide his amusement as one of the prisoners, Ranma Saotome, yelled at his captors in vain-- in a language they did not understand. Very few of the tribesmen learned multiple languages, but it proved to be a great advantage when dealing with outsiders; Mousse himself was fluent in Japanese. The second prisoner Mousse recognized, having met her on the night before he started home for China. Although she still wore the same traveling cloak as before, Hokuto Takemasa's dress changed to a Chinese-style of loose clothing, doing little for her modest figure. It was probably for the best; sometimes the girls, in their incomprehensible manner, became jealous of such attributes in other girls. He did not have to wait long before Ranma recognized him. "Mousse!" the captured martial artist yelled. "Am I glad to see you!" "Where'd you find them?" Mousse asked Paste. "They were heading this way," the sentry explained. "The loud one," she continued, pointing at Ranma, "kept saying your name, for whatever reason. Is he a friend of yours?" The Master of Hidden Weapons smirked slightly, suddenly finding great amusement in the situation. "Excuse me, Mr. Mousse," Hokuto said, surprising all the warriors save Mousse, "but aren't you going to help us out?" Nodding to himself, he replied, "Your Chinese is pretty good." To the warriors he ordered, "Stand down, and resume your posts! They're guests of mine!" Paste stared at Mousse for a moment, disappointment in her eyes. He knew what the young warrior was thinking, and it was likely the same thing the others were thinking, but he couldn't allow them to do anything drastic-- yet. Silently, the warriors disbanded and retreated from the area, leaving Mousse alone with Ranma and Hokuto. Switching to Japanese, Mousse greeted, "I see the time's treated you well, Ranma Saotome!" Ranma shrugged, pretending to be unconcerned with the pleasantries. "Eh, same 'ol, same 'ol. That kind of stuff." "Thank you for your hospitality," Hokuto said, bowing respectfully. Mousse waved a hand. "There's no need for that! It's just too early for that, really. The first thing I want to know is why you're here. THEN maybe you can thank me." "Oh, that's right," the girl said, a slight tone of apology in her voice. "You're all at war." "Yeah," agreed Ranma. Looking around from side to side, he asked, "Where's Shampoo and the ghoul?" It was then that the amusement died from Mousse's attitude. He turned to walk away, muttering over his shoulder quietly, "This way." He lead the two guests through the tribal village- turned-military camp. Ignoring the wonderment and puzzlement in their gestures and words Mousse lead them past several burnt-out fire pits and poorly-erected canvas tents. He came to a stop at the entrance of the largest of the tents, and gently pulled the flap aside. "Whatever you do," Mousse warned quietly, "don't make too much noise." Hokuto nodded quickly, but Ranma simply shrugged. The weapons master dreaded entering the tent, but it was the quickest way to get his message across. Rows upon rows of cots lined the inside of the tent, all spaced in such a manner to maximize cot space and minimize walk space. Several injured warriors, casualties of battle in various states of pain, rest in most of the cots, with an attendant here or there to see to their needs. Mousse knew the tent was understaffed, but the majority of the villagers were warriors, not medics; that task was left to the elderly and the very young. He gave a silent nod in the direction of Lung-lung, who saw him enter. She lay on a cot not far away, recovering from a nearly-fatal wound from a battle two weeks prior. The slashing wound in her side did little to shatter her pride-- rather, it elevated it. Having tasted her first true battle scar Lung-lung was eager for more; Mousse understood the feeling perfectly, the battle lust. Her twin sister, Ling-ling, however, was disappointed in herself that she had not shed her own blood, but the weapons master assured her that it really wasn't something to look forward to. "Geez," Ranma muttered. "This's bad." "This way," Mousse ordered, walking through the rows of cots. Both guests followed slowly, looking upon the faces here and there. Somehow he hoped they were understanding completely. The trio came to a halt before one cot, singled-out from all other cots by virtue of the space surrounding it. The cot, occupied by a once-proud warrior, shook along with the visible quaking emanating from within the girl. Beside the cot was a small table, a half-full cup of coffee and a thermos resting within arm's reach of the cot's occupant. "Shampoo." The cat-like warrior simply stared up at the ceiling of the tent, seeming to barely acknowledging the presence of visitors. "Ugh, Shampoo...." Ranma whispered. "What happened?" "Looks like too much coffee to me," Hokuto pointed out, her finger jabbed toward the table. Mousse nodded in confirmation. "She's been like this all week." "So don't give her coffee," suggested the Japanese martial artist. "No, the coffee's not the problem," the weapons master corrected, shaking his head. "She needs the coffee to stay awake. Shampoo hasn't slept all week." "Why not?" asked the Shadow Weaver. Looking back and forth, Mousse checked to make sure he wasn't being watched. Although it seemed silly, he felt there was someone watching him, even though no one in the tent was paying any attention to him. Despite the feeling, he explained, "Ever since she took over the leadership of the tribe, Shampoo's gotten some really bad nightmares." "Oh, really?" Ranma said, genuinely curious. "Look around, Saotome!" he continued, gesturing around the tent with his arms. "Do you see any real leaders around here?" Scratching his head, he replied, "Come to think of it, where is the old ghoul?" Mousse shook his head. "I've got no clue! But, ever since she disappeared a week ago, anyone who's taken up the role of leader in this tribe succumbed to vicious nightmares. In effect, they were being made less- effective because something was ripping them apart from the inside." He gestured toward Shampoo. "A few days ago Shampoo realized this, and declared herself the new leader after everyone became aware of this." "But she hasn't slept," Hokuto realized, "so she hasn't succumbed to the nightmares." "Precisely," replied Mousse. "The others who tried to take over are in comas. Shampoo knows that more will suffer if she fails, so she's not going to allow herself to succumb." "But you're the one callin' the shots now," Ranma pointed out. "How come you're not affected?" The Master of Hidden Weapons, reminded of the threat of prying eyes, looked around before breathing a word. "Keep it down! Nobody knows that outside the tribe!" "I get it," the Shadow Weaver said, picking up on what Mousse had in mind. "So long as whoever's sending the nightmares doesn't know the leadership's changed, you won't get hit." "At least, that's what he hopes," Ranma muttered. "We're just buying time here," Mousse added. "Shampoo can't stay awake forever, and we don't know which of our enemies is sending the nightmares over here." "Speaking of which," interrupted Hokuto, "what is the state of the Valley?" For a moment Mousse was amused that the outsider girl was thinking of the bigger picture. He adjusted the rim of his glasses slightly. "You should at least know that thirteen tribes make up the Valley," he began. "It began back when the balance of power was broken." Mousse looked toward Ranma regretfully. "We did that, you know." The martial artist nodded. "Yeah, I remember... that last time we came here." "Our THOUGHTLESS actions," he continued, thinking to put more emphasis on the stupidity of his previous actions, "created a power vacuum. While it wasn't so readily-apparent when we saw Herb last time it was there, and certain individuals were taking advantage of it." "In the past three tribes made up much of the control spectrum of Cistern Valley: the Phoenix Mountain tribe, the Musk Dynasty, and this tribe. But, the other two tribes mostly kept to themselves, yet the threat of attack from them was always present. Our tribe was the only one in constant view of the other ten tribes, and it took but a single moment of weakness for them to capitalize on it. Underneath the tables alliances were being formed, for what the other tribes lacked in total power they attempted to make up in numbers." "Just when Nemesis was unleashed the war broke out at home, and we were summoned to assist, as were all tribesmen traveling abroad. Needless to say, I couldn't go back at the time, but in the span of time until my arrival it seemed that the Musk and Phoenix tribes took active interest in the affairs of the tribes once again. Alliances were redrawn, causing great confusion; nobody knew who the real enemy was, or who started the conflict in the first place. Today... it degenerated into something much simpler: someone has to win." "It's unlikely that the war can stop now, it seems," Hokuto realized. "A cruel fate your peoples must suffer." "So what is it, a thirteen-way war?" Ranma wondered. Mousse shook his head. "More like an eight-way stalemate. Last week a mediator from the Tunnel Tiger tribe went around to all the other tribes, requesting a peace summit to somehow dissolve the pointless fight. Since the prides and egos of each of the tribes were at stake, and nobody truly wished to war, the suggestion was readily accepted." "It didn't work out," Ranma guessed. "The old ghoul went to the summit," the weapons master continued, nodding slightly toward Ranma. "Each tribe sent a representative-- one who displayed a great deal of strength and power. They left for a location secret to all but those leaders, and it was for that reason nobody knows why they didn't come back." "Someone took out all the leaders," Hokuto added. "If you take out the head, the body dies along with it." "Only for some of them," Mousse corrected. "Some of the lesser tribes panicked themselves into alliances with the stronger tribes to stay afloat. But to the others it was an opportunity-- a time to seize the leadership. We've gotten reports that one of the tribes actually fractured itself into two parties, further weakening it. And the chain of command here wasn't ever an issue, until the nightmares started attacking. Since then many on the chain passed to their lessers to save their own skins." "So who do you think did it?" asked Ranma. "Don't you think it's these Tunnel Tigers?" "It may very well be them, but Pantyhose Taro didn't seem to be the type to bid for leadership." "Pantyhose Taro? He's workin' with them?" "They're his tribe," Mousse explained. "He went back to them after he found out about the war, and despite his reservations it seems he was accepted readily. No surprise, considering how good he is-- he's the only other one keeping them from being destroyed outright. When their tribal leader was taken from them at the summit Taro was made the leader quickly. They're dangerous enemies, that's for sure." "But that still doesn't rule out the fact that it may be them," Hokuto pointed out quickly. "This Pantyhose Taro may not be the one responsible, but one of them must have done it." "Oh, you wouldn't happen to know if he's sufferin' nightmares, would ya?" asked Ranma. The Master of Hidden Weapons shook his head. "We haven't actually gotten any reports from our scouts and spies concerning the states of that tribe. They're pretty good at bottling-up for such a weak tribe." "They're weak, yet they're a big threat because of their mysterious ways," the Shadow Weaver interpreted. "Since you can't tell what they're doing it makes them more dangerous than the Musk or Phoenix Mountain tribes." "Speakin' of which," Ranma voiced, interrupting Hokuto's train of thought, "Herb's gone, too, ain't he?" "Yes," answered Mousse. "The Musk's current leadership falls under Sage, the chief advisor." Disappointed, the martial artist seemed ready to sulk, but stopped himself. Mousse raised an eyebrow, trying to discern a reason that Ranma Saotome could want to see the prince of the Musk Dynasty for. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a warning horn, reverberating between the mountain crags surrounding the Valley. Both Hokuto and Ranma looked back and forth, confused, until they stared at Mousse expectantly. "It's a skirmish!" he realized. Looking toward Ranma, he ordered, "You're up, Ranma Saotome!" "Uh, right," he stuttered in reply. Shrugging, the martial artist glanced in Hokuto's direction. "I think you should stay here with Shampoo, where it's safe, 'kay?" Hokuto nodded slowly. "I understand. Do take care of yourself." "Let's go, Ranma Saotome!" Mousse said, heading for the tent's exit with an accelerated pace. "They're coming," Sypha warned, holding up her scrying crystal ball for Pantyhose Taro to see. "Just as you wanted." "That's good to hear," Taro replied, folding his arms. "I don't expect the warriors to beat Femme-boy or the duck-man." "Then why, my lord?" asked the sorcerer. "The best way to undermine your opponent is to keep them away from the real goal," the leader of the Tunnel Tiger tribe explained. "How convenient, that two of the Amazons' best fighters left the real target alone to chase a red herring." He turned to leave, but Sypha stopped him with a mere question. "I assume you're going to take care of it yourself?" "That's right," Taro answered coolly, without turning around to see Sypha's reaction. "If we're going to win I'm going to have to put some effort in it, too, you see. I hope you'll keep this village in one piece until I get back?" The sorcerer bowed respectfully, careful not to drop her crystal ball. "As always, Lord Taro." Although she was hardly the only occupant of the hospital-tent Hokuto felt relatively alone with Shampoo now that Ranma and Mousse left her behind. The medical aides were of no consequence to her, as they were too engrossed in their myriad tasks to notice one outsider paying her respects to the current leader of the tribe. Shampoo changed much since she last saw her, the Shadow Weaver noted. Hokuto herself felt she was no different than before, but she couldn't shake the feeling that the Amazon recognized her from before, when her weary eyes looked in her direction. "Y... you...." she managed to mumble, amidst the caffeine high. "You're stronger than I gave you credit for," Hokuto said neutrally. "The sum of your ambitions lies right in your hands-- yet you find that you're very powerless now, don't you?" She did not wait for Shampoo to acknowledge this remark. "Fate has a way of dealing cruel destinies to those who are wanting." She bent down on her knees to Shampoo's eye level. Whispering, she added, "But I can help you...." Something in the Amazon's eyes lit up, and Hokuto knew what the answer was. "I can get rid of the threat represented in the nightmares, yes... but there is one catch: you have to fall asleep." In a flash defiance rose in Shampoo's expression. "N... no...t g...g...going...." "If you don't," interrupted Hokuto, "the nightmares will keep coming. Mousse will be next. After him... then what? There isn't anyone else brave enough to take the risk after him, and you know it; that's why you're holding out like this. For that you've earned everyone's respect, including Mousse. But, since you're so proud you won't admit that; on the other hand, since he, too, is proud, he won't admit his newfound respect for you, either." She waited for her words to sink in. "So here's where you stand: you can continue like this and eventually fall asleep, or you can sleep now and help me get rid of the threat. This is the only way I'll be able to find out who's sending the nightmares. If you fall asleep later it might be too late to help your tribe survive this stupid war." Before Hokuto could make a move she felt Shampoo's lashing hand grab her cloak, and the Shadow Weaver suddenly felt the tremor dominating the leader's body, as if the coffee somehow worked its way into Hokuto through touch. She clamped both her hands down on Shampoo's arm, trying to force it steady, but failing. The world seemed to shake itself apart in the girl's eyes, through the vibration that came from Shampoo's arm alone. No words passed between the two girls, but Hokuto knew that Shampoo was drifting off rapidly, and time was running out. Hokuto slid her hands down Shampoo's arm and held her hand firmly, and focused inwardly, shutting her eyes to the world. Had her eyes been open the Shadow Weaver would have noticed the cup of her hands were giving off a faint, green glow. And her world became nothing as Shampoo became reality. Her senses dulled around her, and Hokuto immediately felt the defense mechanisms in Shampoo's mind break away voluntarily. She stood within what resembled a padded isolation room, having no discernable exit, and Hokuto realized that this was what Shampoo was using as her mental barrier construct. The nightmare, she guessed, was likely just outside the walls, kept at bay only by the force of the Amazon's iron will. But now that the walls of will slowly diminished the raking talons of the nightmare became visible, prying their way through the cracks in the corners with great effort. Hokuto took an involuntary step back, even though she knew it was a pointless gesture in the mindscape. She reminded herself that the nightmare was not after her, but that did not leave out the fact that it could; in her trance state Hokuto was just as vulnerable as the sleeping Shampoo, if not more, since she was in the dream by proxy. Taking this into mind the Shadow Weaver thought up of a mental barrier of her own, willing herself invisible-- nonexistent to the dream-- hoping the nightmare would not notice her right away. The ploy seemed to have worked as the nightmare finally tore its way into the room. The creature was created of a dark, shadowy substance, resembling a living, breathing silhouette-- of what Hokuto did not know. Only outline features could be made out of the nightmare creature, leaving her only the telltale claws discernable, along with two head-tails hanging to each side and two long whiskers floating about unnaturally in the air, emerging from where the head would be. Hokuto would have guessed this was some kind of demon, but the movements and general shape suggested otherwise. The nightmare was human. Silently the invader of Shampoo's mind made its way to the center of the chamber-- the center of the Amazon leader's psyche. Hokuto kept a fair distance from the nightmare, trying to remain unnoticed until she was certain she could act and produce results. She felt a slight mental tug from Shampoo as the nightmare called up the memory sphere. A globe-like object emerged from the ground at the nightmare's feet, rising up to just below its head. Standing on a steel rod the memory sphere operated in a similar manner as a television set-- at least, that was how Shampoo perceived it. The nightmare called up several memories buried within Shampoo's consciousness and began its search for a good selection to pervert. Hokuto resisted the urgings to act, realizing she was being prodded by Shampoo's inner trust. She felt the urgency of the Amazon through the intensity of the mental prod, yet resisted, trying to justify herself by explaining that it was not yet time to act. But reason was one thing Shampoo could not understand now, having become dominated by her emotions. Mentally the Shadow Weaver sent a psychic backlash back through the prod, hopefully giving her enough jolt to stay away. The nightmare ripped a memory out of the globe with its four talons, holding it up in the air for Hokuto to see. She watched in tense silence while the shadow being pinched the photo-like memory image between two talons, manipulating it carefully as if it were fusing a circuit board-- a few modifications here, a few there, and a terrible memory was born. Hokuto knew enough to understand that the modifications were only temporary, as the mind resisted the changes adamantly, but it would last long enough for the nightmare's purposes. It only needed to last long enough to throw Shampoo into a mental shutdown. Already the Amazon showed signs of struggling when the memory globe began to withdraw itself, but the nightmare was quick to hold it in place with its free talons. Likely realizing that it had little time to do its work the nightmare started ripping into the globe at random, tearing out random memories and allowing them to float freely in the mindscape, cluttering any reason left available to Shampoo. To Hokuto it was no worse than ripping out pages from a phone book. She instantly regretted that thought as Shampoo's defense mechanisms prodded her again. This time it took the form of the Amazon leader herself, appearing quite healthy-- yet fear was in her eyes. It was no surprise what the intent of the girl was. "What are you doing?!" demanded Shampoo, raising her fingers that looked ready to tear at flesh. "Gah!" Hokuto yelped in surprise. "Stay back! You're ruining everything!" "All you do is stand and watch!" the leader pointed out harshly. "Stop it!" Before Hokuto could act she realized that, no matter what she did, it was too late. She barely had time to realize that the nightmare slashed at her psychic defenses when she hit the floor of the mindscape. By reflex she summoned a mental construct-- a desperate point-to-point barrier around herself-- to protect herself from the mental attacks. "You did well," praised the nightmare, which Hokuto noted was female. "Until now I've never met anyone with enough power to elude my detection!" The Shadow Weaver had no idea what was going on in the chaos of Shampoo's mind. Paying the Amazon no heed she stood to her feet, remaining wary with her mental barrier in case a stray thought blasted her. Facing the nightmare Hokuto realized she could see her. The woman appeared somewhere in her mid-to-late twenties, her face masked and accented under a good layer of skin-toned makeup, along with ruby-red lips and purple-accented eye shadow. Her hair existed in volumes, the Shadow Weaver realized, confirming her suspicion that the entire lengths of her hair was bunched into two nearly body-length pony-tails, each swept to one side of the head. As if part of her hair escaped the fate of the rest two long strands, one on each side over the ear, hung loosely at the sides, but danced about in the air as if they had a life of their own-- somewhat a visage of the pictures Hokuto remembered of dragons. Taking on more similarities to the draconic visage the woman appeared thin of frame-- snake-like, even. The nightmare wore a flowing, phoenix-red Chinese Imperial Court dress, something that appeared to date back to maybe the Early Han Dynasty or earlier, with Imperial purple accents and bands. Her sleeves, keeping with the style, stretched far beyond arm's length, almost all the way to the floor. Utilizing this fact quite well, the nightmare woman's talons-- actually razor-sharp steel claws-- appeared almost real enough to be the hands themselves, even though Hokuto knew it was an illusion. "Who are you?" she asked finally. Carrying herself in a regal, almost arrogant manner, the middle-aged woman started a slow pace in a circle around the Shadow Weaver. "Names confer power," she baited. "I'm known by many names, little girl, but my true name you shall not have!" She gently slid one talon under Hokuto's unmoving chin, and the Shadow Weaver found she was too scared to move. For a moment she imagined that the nightmare was going to kill her then and there, but the smile... the eyes... suggested otherwise. "However," the nightmare continued, "you do interest me a great deal... Shadow Weaver Takemasa." Hokuto gasped in surprise, but remembered that this woman was also in Shampoo's mind, which all three presently shared. Consequently, their minds were open if they allowed it, but in this case, the nightmare broke through Hokuto's defenses without effort. "You made the watchers," she said boldly. "You knew we were coming since we got to China." "That is correct," confirmed the nightmare. "We've been watching you ever since then. They think you and your friend will be the ones to turn the tide in the war, but I know better; your purpose is much different than what they want. I know what you want." "And what's that?" The nightmare chuckled to herself softly. "Forgive me, but I have other business to attend to. But I do assure you, we will meet again." Slowly sliding her claw from under Hokuto's chin the woman turned to leave, looking over her shoulder in a sly manner at the frozen Shadow Weaver. The nightmare disappeared into nothingness in an instant, and it was only then that Hokuto allowed herself to budge from her place, relaxing her tension. Looking around the mindscape, she spotted Shampoo's consciousness lying near the memory globe, which was spinning erratically. Hokuto bent down on her knees, realizing that the Amazon was still clinging to the waking world. "Sorry," the Shadow Weaver said, "but I can't have you going about messing things up, now that you know those things." Shampoo's eyes widened, shocked when she realized what Hokuto was about to do. The Shadow Weaver saw this, and while she took no pleasure in what she had to do... it had to be done. Her palms pulsating with sickening green energy, lightning bolts lanced out and struck Shampoo violently, forcing the Amazon into pain. Perhaps it was fortunate for Shampoo, and maybe fortunate for Hokuto, that the process lasted no longer than a second, if even that long. Standing straight up, the Shadow Weaver began to let go of her hold in Shampoo's mind. "Yes, we will meet again... Zhou Tian-long." "What in the world are you doing?!" Sypha jumped from her seated position, hiding her crystal ball behind her back while turning to face the one who barged into her tent. "L... Lord Taro!!" Pantyhose Taro tapped his foot ominously on the ground, his arms folded, expression grim. "Is there something you're doing that you should be telling me?" Quickly regaining her composure, the sorcerer slowly brought her crystal ball into Taro's view, balancing it carefully on the steel talons of her claw arm. "I've done a bit of divining, Lord," she explained. "It appears that the Amazons are going to attack sometime in the near future." "Attack?!" Taro echoed, surprised. "When?!" Sypha shook her head. "I am unsure as to when, but it WILL be soon!" she insisted. She pursed her ruby lips and took in a deep breath. "Perhaps even tonight, if they can muster their forces quickly. The foreigner girl... she must be dealt with! She is a very powerful esper...." "I don't care about the girl," the lord of the tribe interrupted. "Femme-boy is a joke; he was unable to prevent our raid, nor could he beat them. If they're stupid enough to want to fight me THIS soon, then let them come! They don't have a prayer, without anyone with half a brain in their camp!" "As you wish, my lord," Sypha replied, bowing. She kept her head low, waiting. Taro snorted, and the sorcerer heard her master turn and leave the tent. When she was certain he was gone Sypha raised her head, staring out the tent flap. "I look forward to meeting you face-to-face," she whispered to herself. "Hokuto Takemasa, we have much to discuss... yes...." "I can't believe it," Mousse lamented, dragging his feet behind him as he and Ranma headed back for the hospital tent. "Those Tigers... and I didn't even see it!" "At least leadership didn't make Pantyhose Taro any stupider," Ranma added. The scouts had reported an attack just outside the village, and naturally, many of the warriors left their posts to deal with the threat. However, as they all realized too late, the attack at the front was merely a distraction for the real attack at the rear-- it was reported by the guards of the supply stockade that Taro himself lead the attack that sent the building up in smoke. The moment the smoke plume lifted from the supply house Mousse knew he had been tricked, and the diversionary attackers soon fled the scene. "At the rate we're going now," continued the Master of Hidden Weapons solemnly, "we're not going to last another week, unless we raid someone else's supply depot." "Well, it beats...." Ranma started, but Mousse signaled him to silence. From the direction of the hospital tent three of the young hands were running toward their leader as fast as their feet could carry them, yelling out Mousse's name in a worried tone. Already Mousse felt the world was caving in over him, putting together the single situation in his mind that could make the day even worse. His thoughts were not far from the truth. "Master Mousse!" cried the leader of the three youths, a girl no older than seven named Pin. Her proficiency in the Japanese language was readily- apparent to Ranma, as he understood as well. "Master Shampoo has slipped into a coma!" "What?!" Ranma exclaimed in surprise. "How...?!" Mousse lowered his head, folding his arms beneath his sleeves. "I should have known... the Tigers are the ones doing it!" Quickly the three youths lead their two elders into the tent. Many of the other hands were standing around, looks of sadness for expressions, in Shampoo's direction. Mousse pushed the outside away from his thoughts, focusing on Shampoo alone. She lay on the cot, just as he left her, save the shaking in her body ceased, and her eyes were closed. Sitting on her knees next to the cot, her head hung low, Hokuto Takemasa appeared quite shamed-- for what reason the martial artist wished to find out. For a moment, staring down at Shampoo's body, Mousse was glad he was wearing the glasses he often forgot to wear, for they hid emotion from the others in view, particularly Ranma. He resisted the urge to wipe his eyes with his sleeve, realizing that he needed to be strong in front of the others. Shifting his eyes to Hokuto, he resisted the urge to reach down and grab her by the scruff of her shirt. "Tell me how this happened... EXACTLY," he commanded in a harsh, low tone. The Master of Hidden Weapons was in no mood to play games with the outsider, and he wanted to make that point doubly clear to the girl. He could not tell if the girl was crying, but if she was she was being awfully quiet. When Hokuto did not say anything-- or move-- immediately, Mousse swung his foot back threateningly. He could almost feel Ranma's interference, but the Japanese martial artist was still keeping his distance. Counting three heartbeats, and with Hokuto showing no moves to comply with his order, Mousse gave her a swift blow in the chest. "Mousse!" Ranma yelled. "Don't hit her!" Refusing to meet his eyes, Mousse looked down upon the cowering Hokuto. "The time for decency has passed, Saotome!" he replied harshly. "I am the master of this tribe, and so long as you and your friend are my guests, you will do EXACTLY what I say!" "Then I'll challenge you!" Mousse found no amusement in Ranma's words. "Your challenge is DENIED." He looked down, and realized that the girl was shielding her face from him. "Now, you little whore, ANSWER ME!!" He heard Pin whisper a warning to the Japanese man: "Don't stop Master Mousse...." The advice seemed to have struck a chord of reason in Ranma. "Hokuto," he said slowly, "tell us what happened to Shampoo...." If Hokuto had not been crying before, Mousse knew she was whimpering now-- her voice betrayed her emotions. "It... it was terrible!" she whispered, her voice uneven. "You'd better believe it," Mousse warned. "My patience these days is rather thin; I suggest you do it faster." "Hey, quit being so harsh on her!" Ranma protested. "We noticed nothing out of the ordinary," Pin voiced. "We didn't know anything was wrong until this girl screamed." Anger flushed through the weapons master's head. "Well?" "Give me a sec," replied the girl, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Hokuto took her time, dabbling herself with the edge of her cloak, but when Mousse felt his impatience overflowing she began, "I thought the nightmare would come back no matter what happened, so I convinced Shampoo to go to sleep now instead of later." "You stupid whore!" Mousse yelled angrily, feeling the others restraining him from all-out throttling Hokuto. "What the hell did you do that for?!" "It was the only way!" Hokuto yelled back defiantly, standing up literally on her feet to Mousse. Her eyes met his own, and he saw that the girl was serious. "I needed to figure out where the nightmare was coming from while I was still here, NOT while nobody was around to do anything about it." "I hope you at least got SOME result!" the Master of Hidden Weapons replied, refusing to concede any credit to the outsider's ingenuity. "When Shampoo fell asleep I waited for the nightmare to arrive... I can feel it," continued Hokuto, ignoring Mousse's comment. "The creature attacked savagely! I could almost feel Shampoo's terror as it ripped her apart from the inside. Had I not been careful the nightmare would've gotten me as well." "And then you woke up," Ranma interrupted. "So what? You've put Shampoo in a coma for nothing." "But the nightmare was leaking stray thoughts!" Hokuto added quickly, before Mousse could think of another angry rant. "The creature... no, person... was thinking a name under its surface thoughts... one that I can't mistake. It kept repeating 'Taro.'" "There's only one 'Taro' in the Valley," Mousse said, "and he's a Tiger." "Looks like you were right," Ranma conceded, cracking his knuckles. "That guy needs to be taught a lesson or two!" "But Pantyhose Taro doesn't resort to sorcery," the weapons master pointed out. "We should know; it's not in his style." "So maybe it's someone under him," guessed the outsider. "It must be," agreed Mousse. Turning his attention back to Hokuto, he asked in a calmer tone, "Did you learn anything else." The girl shook her head. "That was it. But I don't think you should wait too long to attack them; the nightmare will likely go after you now." "I see," he said, irritated that the girl reminded him of that little perk of leadership. "Then I guess we WILL have to act, after all." "'After all?'" echoed Hokuto, puzzled. "Something else happened?" "Pantyhose Taro burned the supply house," Ranma answered. "We're going to get him back for it by taking HIS food." "It's not going to be THAT simple anymore!" assured Mousse. "We're going to get him and his people-- or Shampoo's sacrifice will be in vain!" Once, in times long passed, one could walk through the grassy plain of the enclosed Cistern Valley on a summer night with their bare feet and the barest of protective wear, walking amongst nature in serenity. Anyone could see the stars above with great clarity, as the sky was not contaminated with the pollutants that plagued industrialized areas. Even the rough, pale features dotting the moon could be made out on a clear night, if one looked hard enough. But those times vanished, along with any hope for peace amongst the thirteen tribes that lived in the Valley. The lush green grass was missing patches here and there, whether from the detonation of explosives or the mighty blasts of master martial artists. One could not walk through the land without having to be careful where they stepped, as discarded weapons of various origins littered the battlegrounds, threatening to pierce the skin of those foolish to step on them. At times one could hear a low moan, carried by the wind from far away-- the dying cries of a warrior fallen and forgotten by his comrades. If a traveler were merciful he would give that person a swift death, but often that was not the case, as most travelers would avoid a potentially dangerous man, even if he was mortally wounded. It was here, the center of the star-shaped Cistern Valley, that Mousse and Pantyhose Taro agreed would be their battleground. Very rarely in the war of the tribes did the leaders of two tribes battle personally in a trial of combat-- a traditional rule that allowed two tribes to settle their differences without resorting to all-out war. In most cases the leaders were either too old, too weak, or unwilling to fight, resulting in war. The battle traditionally took place at the centerpoint of the Cistern Valley, the nexus of the thirteen tribes, as ordained by the ones who came before. As given by tradition the tribal leaders came with an honor guard made up of four people each, creating a grand total of five warriors for each side of the dispute; more people were allowed to come as well, but served only as spectators of the event. In this case it was a five-on-five, the two sides facing each other in the moonlit sky. Mousse stood confidently ahead of his honor guard, made up of two Amazon warriors and the two outsiders, with Ranma and Hokuto on his left, and Ling-ling and Paste on the right. Although the Master of Hidden Weapons had reservations on bringing the outsider girl along, Ranma personally persuaded him otherwise, citing that she herself did not need to battle. He had to agree; although it was required for the leaders to duke it out the honor guard battle was at the discretion of the warriors involved. Pantyhose Taro stood with equal confidence on his side of the battleground, with his honor guard made up of three warriors-- each carrying a large, heavy- looking backpack-- none which Mousse did not recognize off-hand, as the Tigers were not known for their great fighters. The fourth, who stood immediately to the right and behind Pantyhose Taro, he knew to be Sypha, the Chinese woman Mousse knew to be Taro's advisor, but that was it. It was she who engineered the original peace summit, but apparently Sypha herself did not attend-- which put her motives in suspect. "Well, well, well!" Taro yelled from across the field. "If it isn't the duck-boy!" Mousse did not allow the words to bother him, folding his arms in his sleeves. "Subterfuge... is that what you've been reduced to, Pantyhose Taro?" "Don't call me that!" the other leader cried angrily. "And you! You're trickier than I first believed; using the cat-girl as a decoy as you did. I almost respected you for a moment... until I remembered you turned into a sissy duck!" "And Femme-boy...!" "Shut up, Pantyhose...!" "ZIP IT!! I expected more out of you, than siding with wimps like your duck friend." "Lord Taro," Sypha interrupted, stepping to his side. "Do not underestimate the outsiders," she said, raising a steel talon in Hokuto's direction, "particularly THAT one." "Heh," scoffed Taro, "that girl doesn't look so tough. Hardly worth my time, or yours, even." "If she is not dealt with quickly, she could ruin us in short order!" warned the sorcerer. "If you're so eager to fight... then by all means!" ordered the leader. Yelling back in Mousse's direction, he demanded, "Hey, Duckie! How about we switch battle partners? Femme-boy is mine; you're not worth my time!" Mousse held an arm out to stop Ranma's protest. "I see... but who will take your place as my opponent?" Taro gestured to the side with Sypha on it. "She's ALL yours!" "My lord!" she gasped. "If you know what's good for you, you'll pay attention when you fight him," her leader continued. "Please do give him a good enough fight, will you?" "I believe this should do for the trial?" Mousse yelled, adjusting the rim of his glasses. "Surely we are the only ones worthy of fighting before you!" "Heh-heh-heh... I'm starting to like you, Duck," replied Taro, folding his arms. "It's agreed then!" Mousse looked toward both Ling-ling and Paste, nodding, with nods for reply. Casting his eyes in Hokuto's direction he said, "Stay out of this, no matter how useful you think you'll be... if you know what's good for you!" Ranma caught the Amazon leader's attention. "Well, let's get this over with," he said, cracking his knuckles together. "After this, you and I have to talk a bit." "That's for sure," agreed Mousse, reaching up his sleeves for weapons. He produced his own pair of razor claws, a magical weapon received as a gift. Snapping the arm brace on his forearm the leader of the Amazons ran his fingers into the glove-like interior of the claws, which gave him enough manipulation of the metal talons to operate as his own hand. Both he and Ranma walked forward into the battle area as Taro and Sypha did the same, breaking off to face their respective opponents. Mousse came to a halt at the same time Sypha did-- putting the two of them at a short distance of three meters, which was close- range considering the unpredictable range of the razor claws. Since Sypha appeared to have a set of her own, the distance was definitely too close for his tastes. Silently he surveyed the woman for the first time. Appearing in either her late twenties or early thirties, Sypha dressed, instead of a looser combat outfit, in archaic Imperial Chinese court dress dating back to ancient times, along with the numerous tassels and ornaments hanging here and there. While her regal dress was hardly appropriate for combat, Mousse sensed something amiss with the woman, as if she were hiding her true self under the gaudy getup. "So you're the student of devils I've heard so much about," Sypha said finally, tapping herself on the cheek with the flat of one talon. "Perhaps I was wrong to side with the Tigers?" "If you're backing out now...." "Oh, why would I dream of it?!" the woman interrupted quickly. "You're much more stone-walled." "What's that supposed to mean?!" demanded Mousse, raising his claws in readiness. Sypha tapped the edges of her talons together in anticipation, smirking. "It only means I'm going to have to rend you into ribbons!" The leader of the Amazons parried Sypha's first lunge, surprised at her unexpected reach when she charged. He grit his teeth as steel meshed against steel. "Then taste the wrath of my cuisenart!" He broke out of the melee, flipping up and backward in the air. Halting his spin in mid-air Mousse threw three stilettos from the folds of his robes at Sypha, but the regal sorcerer quickly dodged. She raised her right claw upward, and the weapons master gasped in surprise as the weapon launched itself in his direction. Throwing a bowling ball upward Mousse forced himself in the opposing direction of the force-- downward, and away from the launched claw. Landing on his feet he watched the launched claw sail back to Sypha's position, sliding back under her sleeve as if it never left. "Nice trick," he muttered under his breath, "but an exploitable weakness...." Squatting low he dug both his claws into the earth quickly, focusing his mental target on Sypha's position. Had he bothered to look with his eyes at his enemy rather than the earth Mousse would have seen the giant sword rip through the dirt with great swiftness in the place where the Tiger sorcerer used to be. Quickly retracting his claws he raised them to catch an aerial slash from the descending Sypha, but the force of her momentum knocked him to his back. Instead of pinning him Sypha leaped over his downed body and landed a few meters away. Rolling to the side to avoid another launched claw Mousse quickly got to his feet, lobbing three more stilettos at Sypha while her claw was still in the return cycle. Instead of deflecting she leaped upward, and, to Mousse's surprise, the returning claw followed a path to match perfectly with the docking into her sleeve. Instinctively he dug his claws into the earth, forcing several swords to rip up from the ground in a circle around him, just as Sypha initiated her dive attack. Just at the last moment, however, she managed to escape the sword shield, pushing herself back and away by launching both her claws toward the swords. Mousse retracted the sword barrier just as Sypha recovered her claws, resisting the urge to mop his brow. "She doesn't look it," he said to himself, "but Sypha's definitely no stranger to fighting." Sypha held out her arm, beckoning the Amazon leader with one talon. "Come now; I haven't broken a sweat yet!" she taunted, her voice carried by the wind to Mousse. "Is this the best your tribe can put up?" "I'm only getting started!" he replied quickly. Before he could attack Mousse stopped himself, suddenly realizing that Sypha's full attention was no longer on the battle, as her eyes wandered. His own eyes followed; gasping, the Master of Hidden Weapons realized what the Tiger sorcerer was about to do. Dashing quickly, he yelled, "Hokuto!! Get down!!" Too late to stop her, Sypha bolted from her position and rocketed toward where Hokuto was standing, all but forgotten in the skirmish. The outsider girl bore no expression of surprise on her face, nor of concern, even with certain death imminent. And she had all rights to do so, as Sypha came to a full stop when Pantyhose Taro stepped between her and Hokuto, arms folded. The leader of the Tunnel Tigers looked no more weary than when he started the battle, nor less in his resolve. Mousse's eyes searched for Ranma, but he was not far, and far from hurt in any capacity. "What did I say?" Pantyhose Taro said sternly, obviously angry. "I told you NOT to touch her." "She is an outsider!" Sypha replied angrily. "More than that...!" "Tell him," Hokuto interrupted, extending an invitation of truth. "Tell your master why you've been scheming behind his back." "What're you talking about?" Taro asked, keeping his eyes fully on the sorcerer. "Tell him about the nightmares you've been sending," continued the Shadow Weaver in her challenge. "Tell him all about how you betrayed the former leader of his tribe, and all the other leaders, so the war could continue." The eyes of all present fell upon the sorcerer, but Sypha, instead of refuting Hokuto's words, chuckled softly. "True to your name... Shadow Weaver! I'm not surprised you skirted my surface thoughts, but do you really know what I want? Do you?" "You...." rumbled Taro, raising an angry fist. "Your idea of a fight involves being physical," Sypha told him. "Never the one for the supernatural, you scoffed at the aid I offered you. But you, too, are but a tool." She produced a crystal ball in her right claw, balancing it carefully in the talons. "And frankly, your usefulness has long since expired." Without warning the sorcerer raised her free arm in the direction of the three Tigers, lifting their heavy packs with a force of will. Launching all three in the direction of the warriors, Mousse gasped in surprise, realizing the contents of the packs was plain, cold water; the containers launched a wide stream of water. In the blink of an eye he saw Ranma transform into a girl, to the Amazon girls' surprise; he saw Taro transform into the monster that gave him strength; he saw Sypha disappear, as well. In the moment immediately thereafter, the Master of Hidden Weapons understood what Sypha was after. He cast a glance in Hokuto's direction, wondering how much more the outsider knew about the sorcerer who turned on her master, and why she was fixiated on killing her. Although he felt no different than before, the eyes of both the female Ranma and the Taro monster were fixed on him, surprise betrayed in their expressions. "What're you looking at?" Mousse asked, waving around his arms to shake the wetness from his robe. "Mousse," Ranma said slowly, "we're going to have one long talk in the morning." * * * * * Ranma had no idea why he was dreaming of Shizuka Minazuki again. She stood silently in the middle of inky blackness, dressed in clean, formal priestess dress, staring outward at nothing. A single light illuminated her, shining from high above, casting the priestess's shadow in multiple directions. Ranma noticed that she had her two swords sheathed, both tied on the left end of her rope-like belt. From his position behind the girl he could make out a large double kanji symbol on her back, which read "Genbu." He could barely see himself in the blackness, only able to see a silouhette of his hand when he raised it to block his view of Shizuka. For a moment the martial artist wondered why he was no longer the subject of the dream, but it was soon replaced with relief; it was a good break in the monotony. Shizuka reached up her sleeve, producing a strip of paper that served as a talisman-- a device Ranma knew that priesthoods used to serve as wards against demons and the like, and sometimes weapons, depending on what was written upon it. Even from the distance he stood away from the priestess of Genbu Ranma could make out what the talisman read: "Summon," followed by a blank space, which was clearly reserved for another kanji character or two. From seemingly out of thin air the priestess produced an ofuda rod-- a thin wooden wand with numerous paper streamers hanging from the top end. Bending down on her knees Shizuka began tracing a circle around herself, adding several patterns and characters that made no sense to Ranma. Before he knew it she completed the circle-- obviously a summoning circle-- and stepped out of it. She quickly threw several talismen around the outside of the circle-- likely protective wards-- and waved the rod around in a seemingly-useless manner. Shizuka muttered a few words to herself, which Ranma could not make out. He slowly worked his way toward the girl as she spoke her mantra, but stopped himself, realizing that the priestess would not be happy if he somehow ruined... whatever it was she was doing. If she even knew he was there. It did not take long before Shizuka finished her mantra, and she threw the summon talisman into the circle. The talisman burnt in an instant as soon as it came within the radius of the circle, and hellish red light glowed from the trace of the circle. Ranma shielded his eyes as the intensity of the light grew, but Shizuka was making no such action, as if she was used to this type of thing. He gasped in surprise when a ghostly, boney, white claw reached out from the bottom of the circle, seemingly coming from nowhere. The circle, Ranma realized, was likely a rift to another world, just as Shizuka tried when she summoned a tengu on him months before. He watched as the skeletal claw emerged, with what it was attached soon following. Although the being was noncoporeal, Ranma could not help but sense instinctive fear when the monster fully-emerged. Shizuka had not flinched at the sight of the skeletal, lizard-like creature. The monster did not appear as anything living, Ranma knew, but seemed very similar to the dinosaur bones reconstructed at the natural history museums. It resembled some sort of abhorrent cross between a two-legged dinosaur's body with the long neck and tail of a four-legged dinosaur. In addition, the creature gave way to its full wing- span, spreading its skeletal wings out majestically, inspiring more fear in the martial artist. Worst of all, the creature was way too big for the summoning circle. Still, the priestess of Genbu hardly seemed impressed by the display of power. The skeletal-ghost-dinosaur creature spoke in its native tongue, of which Ranma could not decipher off- hand, but Shizuka seemed to understand. The voice inflections gave hints that the creature was not pleased with being summoned, making the wards doubly useful. "Name your terms," Shizuka said plainly, tapping the rod in her hand. Again the monster spoke, to which the priestess nodded in acceptance. Without warning, the wards seemed to fizzle and die, leaving Shizuka-- and Ranma-- exposed bare to the wrath of the ethereal monster. Shizuka doubled back in pain as a concentrated ethereal energy shot out from the monster's empty rib cage, bathing the priestess in the same ghostly light as the dragon creature. Ranma wanted to shout out her name, wanted to save her... but found that he could do neither. "What the hell?!" he exclaimed, mildly surprised that this dream allowed him to speak at all. "What's going on here?!" "You can't help her," a voice answered. Ranma realized he knew that voice, but his attention was too fixed on what was happening between Shizuka and the ghost dragon to pin-point it. Shizuka's feet dragged against the ground as her body was drawn to the rib cage, her expression betraying resistance and defiance from her fate. But the next moment proved surprising for the martial artist as, when he thought she was going to resist further, Shizuka let go of herself, a smile on her face. A bright flash of light blinded Ranma, preventing him from seeing the outcome of the battle. He ran, fighting against whatever force that was keeping him away from the summoning circle, adrenaline pumping. Without warning the force that kept him back released its hold, and Ranma plunged toward the circle off- balanced. He collapsed just outside the circle, close enough to make out the fine details of the ghost dragon's skeletal body. The martial artist realized the monster was looking his direction, staring down with monstrous, pitch-black holes for eyes. It was not the monster that caught Ranma's eyes as he raised his head to look upon the ghost dragon's rib cage. In the midst of bleach-white bones he saw the priestess of Genbu, curled in a ball in an upright position, floating in the middle of the cage. Had she not struggled before Ranma would have guessed she was in a serene-like trance, judging from her calm, sleeping expression. Her body was surrounded by the same eerie glow as the ghost, but with greater intensity, serving as a sort of full-body shield. "SHIIIIZUUUKAAAA!!!" he screamed, finding his voice. But the response did not come from the ghost dragon itself, but from the girl within. Her lips never parted, nor did they source from the rib cage, yet Ranma heard her... as if she were everywhere. "People forge their own destinies...." Without warning the ghost dragon's claw raked down on the martial artist. He did not have time to scream. Hokuto jerked herself out of her trance the moment Ranma woke up in a cold sweat, sitting up in his cot. Although she could not see the martial artist, as the Shadow Weaver was sitting well outside the village, she knew what he was doing at the moment-- trying to sort his thoughts out. Hopefully he wouldn't notice she was gone from the tent. She was just glad he hadn't noticed her intrusion into the dream. Yet. She shook her head, feeling a headache coming on. Ranma seemed a simple-minded fool on the surface, but he possessed sophisticated mental faculties within; the dreams were proof enough of that. She had not expected such a dream, much less one of such magnitude, out of him. "But why'd he dream of Shizuka?" she wondered aloud. "And where in the world could these dreams be coming from? They're obviously not Sypha's doing; Ranma's too used to them for that." Whatever the answer, it was worth looking into, she thought, in whatever little time she had left to complete her plans. "It's almost time," she said, looking up into the sky for the north star. "Soon, I'll be free of this terrible curse...." She melted back into the shadows-- true to her name as a Shadow Weaver-- disappearing without trace in the night. * * * * * Miranda (VO): "All of Cistern Valley's old farts in one place... for what reason? Just what is Sypha up to, anyway? Whatever it is, it isn't a good thing! All her dreams could come true... but wait! Someone's going to stop her? No way... because Sypha is...." "Next time: Endless Tears. Don't blink! Heh-heh!" ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes More to come soon. Incidentally, 'Sypha' is the actual name of Strider Hiryu's weapon, not 'Cipher;' it's mistranslated, but it stuck (just as 'Kelbeross' is a mistranslated 'Cerberus'). Razorclaw X (