#7: Doco in the Battle of the Bands (a.k.a. Ranma 1/2 the Musical) The Wheel of Fire, Part 3: Doco-- Turning Point Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") As of yet, this is the Ranma fic I'm most proud of writing. It only got this long because of that. :) Fanart inspired by this story can be found at: http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranfa1.html Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story, Vol.38, following after my previous fics, "Moments of Transition," "Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins," "End of the Beginning," "Descending Spiral," "Specters," and "The Law of Amazons." Knowledge of the previous stories helps in understanding the minor details of the story (see "Plot Points" below). This is the first story of Part 3: Turning Point, where the gang takes a turn for the better. I recommend listening to Ranma CDs while you read this, particularly when certain songs come up in the story. Especially the Fighting Song Karuta. I neither recommend nor endorse Son May (bootleg) CDs. Personal bias says that this story has almost nothing to do with Ranma or Akane, but instead the people around them. Story basis mainly follows the manga, with anime details on the side. Ling-ling and Lung- lung exist solely because the author likes the characters :) Simple but important facts you have to know: If you were wondering why Kodachi and Ukyo don't sing, well, here's the answer in short: Ukyo wasn't around when the group formed, and Kodachi (at the time) was considered a minor character. (Of course some people interpret as this: the seiyu for Kodachi wasn't 'good' enough for the group; I hope my own interpretation is right, otherwise this was a glaring insult.) Both are actually quite good singers. BTW: onna-Ranma = Girl-type Ranma (I'm being lazy) Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Only Shampoo contests this now. 2. Ryoga is looking for his mother to get permission to marry Akari. Akari already found Mr. Hibiki for him, and it's okay with him. 3. Mousse and Ukyo have been dating, but recently broke up when Shampoo returned from China. Mousse still wants Shampoo, but this leaves Ukyo in the dust. Both feel guilty over a sham relationship (it was based on desperation/need for attachment), but Ukyo's punishing herself too much, convinced that she knew she shouldn't have gotten started in the first place. 4. The 'Kiss of Death' law has been forcibly-repealed by Cologne. 5. Mousse is now an outsider of his tribe (banished by Cologne). He's now living at and works at Ucchan's, since Cologne's still mad at him for defying tradition and authority. 6. After being possessed by a malevolent spirit, Ukyo discovers she has 'untapped potential' to manipulate chi to heights greater than Ranma. As of yet she's reluctant to use it as she's afraid she might hurt someone (she also doesn't know how to 'summon' it, either). 7. Ling-ling and Lung-lung work as draw girls at Nekohanten. That is, they stand just outside the door to attract men inside :) They're now disillusioned with their tribe's ways, but keep it to themselves. 8. Kodachi and Tatewaki have reached an understanding. Both know that Ranma is the pig-tailed girl (but not that he's cursed). As a result, Kuno's hatred of Ranma was intensified, since he believes Ranma toyed with his fragile heart. Kodachi sees the curse as an 'added incentive' to give up on Ranma and look for 'more perfect' guys. 10. Kuno is currently honing his techniques with zeal, intending to use his new library of attacks against Ranma. This includes, but is not limited to, the Chinese Phoenix Sword, the ultimate swordsman technique. He's even realized a practical use for the Watermelon Cyclone Slash in battle-- quick destruction of large objects. ------------------------------------------------ Opening: Don't Cry Anymore (a.k.a. Ukyo's song; read lyrics to find why) On a street corner, shining down is The lonely silhouette which is me I just heard the line "good-bye" from you Without quite believing it My heart beats as though they're drums Against my chest Which brings forth tears, A lullaby Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! I had felt like I was totally cool. In the car that's driving away, I can see a lovely kiss scene. You and your girlfriend-- It's no mistake! Cheer up, don't cry anymore Only bad things won't continue Cheer up, don't cry anymore. I look up and embrace the sky. Smile again! Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! * * * * * If it has the words 'martial arts' in it, Ranma could do it easily. And wipe the floor with the opponent at it, too. Well, most of the time, if you counted combat with Pantyhose Taro, Cologne, Happosai, and sometimes Ryoga got lucky.... But when it really mattered, Ranma came out on top. Of course, that didn't apply to activities that didn't involve physical activity of some form. Playing musical instruments was one of them. And playing card games, Ranma reminded himself dryly, strumming his guitar without care. The microphone screeched as Mousse sang off-key, with Ranma, Ryoga, and Kuno trying to play instruments in which they had no skill in using. Well, actually, Kuno looked like he knew what he was doing, Ranma thought. DUCK, as Mousse liked to call his 'band,' never left the walls of the Tendo dojo. "...don't you knoooow-oh it's luuuuu-uhhhve...." sang Mousse pathetically. Ranma threw down the electric guitar. "I've had it, Mousse! Not only can't we play these things, you can't sing either!" Kuno waved his drumsticks menacingly at Mousse. Fortunately for Mousse, the drumsticks were nowhere near as long as a bokken. "Had you recruited better talent than what I see before me, we wouldn't sound so terrible!" Ryoga set his guitar down as well. "If you're done wasting my time, I still have some traveling to do." All four men bickered while Akane and Nabiki entered the room. "What's it about this time?" asked Akane, planting her arms at her sides. "Looks like they're discovering music," muttered Nabiki. Ranma pointed at Mousse accusingly. "It's HIS idea." "Enough of your prattle, Saotome!" shouted Kuno, the last word seemingly dripping with venom. "Our last battle has yet to reach a conclusion-- I will destroy you!" He raised his bokken overhead, ready to strike. "Get lost!" Ranma spat back, planting a fist into Kuno's face. "Umm, Mousse?" Akane started, staring at the equipment in the room, "What are you doing?" Mousse produced a flyer from his sleeves, handing it to Akane. "It's a battle of the bands. Sponsored by the Tokuyama Agency, who are looking for talented bands. Grand prize is an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii for two weeks and a possible recording contract." Akane read the flyer over. "Hawaii, huh." All-expenses paid wringed in Nabiki. "Mousse, Mousse, Mousse... I can help you get to Hawaii, if for some small favors." "Name them!" replied Mousse, excited. "One: don't sing. Two: when you win, I'm going along. Say 'hello' to your new manager." "Nabiki," Akane said, "the flyer says the entire band gets to go." Nabiki smiled slyly, then wrapped her arm around Akane's waist. "Now let's talk business, Akane. How would you like to go to Hawaii for summer vacation?" "Well, yeah, it would be nice." "I've got an idea." The two sisters walked out of the training room and to the kitchen, where Kasumi was washing dishes. "Hey, Kasumi," greeted Nabiki. "Hi Nabiki!" answered Kasumi cheerily, as usual. "Tell me, when was the last time you went on vacation?" "Oh my, I don't know. I've been working so hard that I've never thought about it. Why?" "How would you like to take a vacation to Hawaii?" "If this involves hurting someone, then the answer is 'no.'" "Nothing of the sort, dear Sister," Nabiki replied coolly. "Do you truly always think the worst of me?" "Oh, I'm sorry," apologized Kasumi. "I didn't mean it that way." Akane handed the flyer over to Nabiki, who in turn showed it to Kasumi. "It's a battle of the bands," explained Nabiki, "grand prize winners get an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii. Interested?" Kasumi nodded, understanding the meaning. "Wonderful! It'll be like old times again...." "No way, I'm not going to do it!" Ranma said fiercely. Ranma stood defiantly in the middle of the Tendo dojo, his back to Akane and Nabiki. Try as they might, the Tendo sisters couldn't convince Ranma to cooperate with them. Yet. "Oh come on, Ranma," Nabiki persisted, "even Shampoo agreed. Why don't you? We can't do this without you." "Singing is not a guy thing," returned Ranma. Especially considering how well Mousse was doing only hours before.... "I can fix that!" shouted Akane, throwing a bucket of water on Ranma. "Hey!" yelled onna-Ranma. "Problem solved," concluded Nabiki. "Really, Ranma, you don't have a choice anymore. We want to go to Hawaii." "Well, thanks a lot," replied onna-Ranma sarcastically. My dignity for Hawaii. What else could go wrong? All at once, several figures broke their way through to the Tendo training hall: Mousse, Kuno, Kodachi, Ukyo, and Ryoga. Of course, how Ryoga found his way there was a mystery.... "Hey!" they shouted in unison, "We want to go to Hawaii too!" Ranma sank to the floor in frustration. NOW what? Kuno waved his bokken menacingly. "To think that the vile scourge, Nabiki Tendo would conspire with the cretinous sorcerer, Ranma Saotome, in order to spirit off to Hawaii with the flower of rare beauty that is Akane Tendo, without my approval or chaperone...." "Oh, shut up," Kodachi snapped at her brother. "The commoner Nabiki Tendo fails to understand her proper station in respect to us Kunos." Whipping out a ribbon, she cried to Nabiki, "And soon you'll learn your place! I'll make you wish you studied your father's martial arts!" "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have known about the contest in the first place!" complained Mousse, digging through his robes for blades. Any would do. "Yeah!" agreed Ryoga, waving his umbrella. "Mousse was generous enough to let me hook up with his band, but you...." "Not fair playing favorites," argued Ukyo. "Mark my words, Tendo: this will be the last time I'll be looked over by your little 'gentleman's club' you call a singing group you've got running here." She unstrapped her combat spatula, twirling it in the air and catching it. "I'll make sure that you're 'full of memories,' full of memories of me hurting you! Any last words before you die?" Ranma looked at Nabiki nervously. "Nabiki... I can't take all FIVE of them at once...." Well, Kuno wasn't too much of a problem, but then there was both Ryoga and Mousse, unless you got rid of Mousse's glasses... then there was Kodachi and Ukyo... wait a minute, could I hurt my old friend? "Oh, come now," Nabiki started, addressing the five aggressive teens, "don't you think I have everything planned out already?" All five shouted at Nabiki angrily. All at once, trying to yell over the others to make themselves heard. Nabiki calmly ignored them, as if her life wasn't in jeopardy. "Well, if you guys would settle down and listen, you'd know that the entire band gets to go." They stopped. All attention was on Nabiki. Kodachi narrowed her eyes in suspicion, barely restraining herself. "We're listening," Ukyo hissed, gripping her spatula harder. "I've taken into account what we have here," she said. "Without a shadow of a doubt, Akane, Kasumi, Ranma, Shampoo, and I will sing, after all, people like us. We've enough singers, but nobody to play instruments. So what do you say?" Ranma slapped herself in the face. What in the world was Nabiki doing? "The Kuno tradition dictates a proficiency in all manner of instruments," commented Kuno. "Particularly those of the reeds and winds, as they yield the most pleasant tunes. Of course, a set of bongos I wouldn't mind at all." "Well," Ukyo started, "I learned how to play a piano when I was younger. Sort of." Then, strapping her spatula, she added, "I can sing too, you know." "Well, I have something to say to you about that: no," answered Nabiki coldly. She glared at Kodachi, who looked just about ready to protest herself. "I don't know how well any of you can sing, but I'm not willing to put Hawaii on the line to find out." Nabiki kept her other reason in the back of her mind; it wouldn't do any good to make them mad again. "Just give me something," Kodachi said. "All I want is Hawaii." "I'll help if Akari can come along," Ryoga said. "And what am I supposed to do?" Mousse said. "I mean it, I WANT to do something important this time. If I have to do lights again, which is NOT important, I swear someone is going to...." "You'll all see," Nabiki answered. All questions were answered, and a few more were raised when Nabiki gathered all band members to the rented auditorium: onna-Ranma, Akane, Kasumi, Shampoo, and Nabiki were singers. In percussion were Kuno, Ryoga, and Kodachi; Kuno having a set of drums, Kodachi an xylophone set, and Ryoga got cymbals and a gong, along with the rest of the percussion instruments (as not every song had each instrument included within the scores, so, Nabiki reasoned, better to keep the boy busy). Ukyo was given a set of keyboards, and a spare flute for good measure. Wind instruments were given to Ling-ling and Lung-lung (they would've gotten mad otherwise if Shampoo were in and they weren't, but Nabiki wouldn't let them sing either). Konatsu (who wanted to stay with Ukyo) got a guitar, Akari (who joined at Ryoga's insistence) got a violin, and Mousse got a bass. Well, fourteen people wasn't so bad, the more the merrier, Nabiki thought. Now if only she could get them to work together. Soun, Genma, Nodoka, and Cologne sat in the midst of empty seating in the auditorium, watching the teens practice. Soun couldn't help but cry, spouting words about his daughters growing up, words to which Genma paid no attention. Nodoka smiled warmly at Cologne. "So you're Shampoo's great- grandmother? She's such a sweet girl!" Cologne nodded. "Most men covet her beauty," she said, careful not to bring up anything related to Son-in-law. After all, this was his mother. Some things you just can't talk about with certain people; a hundred years of hard lessons reinforced this suggestion. Mousse and Ryoga were among the first to complain, but Nabiki gave them a stern look, and reminded them of Hawaii. Kuno wanted to turn Ranma into paste, despite the fact that he was in female form at the moment-- that is, until Nabiki intervened on Ranma's behalf. She sighed, realizing that the trip was the only thing keeping all the variables (as she referred the 'new recruits' to the band as) in check. It wouldn't look pretty if the group they called 'Doco' didn't win first place. In times before Doco was primarily a singing group, grown to popularity beyond what any of its members imagined. A back-up band was hired to play the background music, very professional they were. After a few concerts the five singers thought it best to disband, much to the disappointment to the fans. The biggest reason was exhaustion, among other things. The last time the five sang together was at the last Christmas party. From what Nabiki could remember, that was the last time any of them worked on the same side. Referring to the generally uncooperative Kuno, Mousse, Ryoga, Kodachi, Ukyo, and Shampoo, that is. And now today, the beginning of summer, nearing summer vacation, the group was back together, with others along for the ride. Vacation in Hawaii never sounded so good in Nabiki's life. All-expenses paid trip hit the spot. The preliminaries wouldn't be for another three weeks, not a lot of time for the band to shape up, admittantly, but not impossible. At least they knew the basics of music, now all they had to do was play it together. Then again, Konatsu looked like he'd never seen an instrument in his life. Evening had barely started that day after school. The afternoon was spent just gathering everybody together for the trip to the auditorium. Not one of them had dinner yet. "Okay, everybody, listen up," Nabiki said, raising her voice as to catch everybody's attention. "We've only three weeks to practice. Revel in the fact that the other bands only have that long as well. But we're going to work at this, both day and night, school time permitting, for the next three weeks, until we get our routine down perfectly. Your trip to Hawaii depends on it. Understand?" The others nodded. "Okay, you all read over the notes, so lets get started." About five seconds later the band played to their own hearts' content, which bothered Nabiki. The racket they made was unbearable to the audiences' ears, as one-by-one the adults ran for the doors. Nabiki shook her head. This was going to take a while. It was late in the evening when the group agreed to quit for the day (good thing, as Nabiki had reached the limit of her patience. It was fact that Konatsu had NEVER seen a musical instrument in his life). Weary, the Nerima gang filed into a nearby sushi restaurant, as they were too tired and exhausted to cook their own dinners. Even Kasumi, with her usual optimistic, energetic, cheery attitude, was exhausted. Being out of practice didn't help any of them one bit. Not to mention some of them never read music in their life. "I wonder how the other bands are doing," wondered Akane. "Probably not as bad as we're doing," replied onna-Ranma sourly. "I still plan on going to Hawaii," announced Mousse, with a slightly-renewed determination. Strangely enough, Shampoo and Ukyo sat at the same table, Ranma noticed. And not a word passed between them, as if neither existed. Unable to help himself, Ranma got up and sat at their table. "Heya, Ranchan," Ukyo greeted. "Nihao, Ranma," Shampoo greeted. "I couldn't help but notice you two stopped fighting," Ranma began. "I mean, thinking back over the past year, I can't think of one instance where the two of you weren't at each other's throats." Both girls giggled. "Things have changed, Ranchan," Ukyo said. "We decide on truce," explained Shampoo. "There no reason to fight one another." Not to mention Spatula-girl no challenge for Shampoo, she thought. "Only pervert girl in Shampoo's way to marry Ranma now." "Fat chance," Ranma replied. "Shampoo," Ukyo began, "why don't you get together with Mousse?" "Shampoo no like Mousse!" Shampoo replied, a bit too quickly. "Uh-huh," Ukyo said. She thought about Mousse-- what a guy he was. Ukyo found it in her heart to love such a man, but his heart was still set on Shampoo, no matter what. It was a shame, her lot in life, really. Mousse did care about Ukyo, but not the same way as Shampoo, whom he truly loved. Nope, no denying it Ukyo, Mousse can't be yours. Then there was Konatsu. Ukyo couldn't bring herself to think of the male kunoichi the same way she saw a man like in Ranma. Only time would tell. Ukyo produced a pocket calendar, and flipped through several pages, and sighed. "If this is how the next three weeks are going to be, my business will suffer. I can only keep the shop open at very limited hours now." "Great-grandmother's restaurant have no such problem," Shampoo said. Nabiki threw a wad of yen on the table before her. Until then nobody at the table noticed the middle Tendo sister's approach. "Should be enough to cover rent and profit loss for a month." Ukyo counted the money, then looked up at Nabiki suspiciously. "Just where did you get this from?" No way could she have this much money. "Oh, I have my sources," Nabiki replied coolly, sparing a glance at Kuno. Ranma couldn't imagine how Nabiki conned Kuno out of his money this time, especially since he stopped buying photos of the 'pig-tailed girl.' Oh, how those lost days were yearned for, as Kuno redoubled his efforts to hurt Ranma after 'discovering' that his 'pig-tailed girl' was in fact Ranma. In their last battle Kuno had left Ranma with quite a few sores and bruises; there was nothing Ranma could do to distract him from the fight then, not even Akane's presence seemed to work. No doubt a broken heart fueled his anger and augmented his fighting focus. Ukyo got up. "Nabiki, may I have a word with you?" Shrugging, Nabiki followed Ukyo to the opposite end of the dining room. "What's on your mind?" "Why are you helping me?" asked Ukyo. "You don't help anyone for free." "Because I know you'll pay me back," answered Nabiki, then added, "with an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii." Somehow Ukyo could tell that wasn't the real answer. "I know you don't need me, and I know you know you don't need me, so why are you helping me?" Ukyo persisted. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Nabiki replied. The okonomiyaki chef stared back with a 'try me' look. "Okay, it goes like this," explained Nabiki, feeling that her show was over. "If you weren't going to Hawaii, what would you do?" Ukyo thought for a moment. "Tag along?" "That, or try to stop us from going," Nabiki finished. "I'd rather keep everyone in one place where I can see them. I mean to go to Hawaii for my summer vacation, after all." Especially before the dreaded Exam Hell, the exams that determined a student's course in life. Nabiki intended to have some real fun in her life before college. Ukyo wasn't satisfied. "There's something else, but you won't tell me." "Nope. Not even your money can unzip these lips." The next day at the Nekohanten Ling-ling and Lung-lung were hard at work. Doing nothing. They were bored. It was morning. For the Chinese restaurant there was no such thing as the 'morning rush.' It was the twins' job to attract young men inside for a bite to eat; they were beautiful young girls, after all. This morning was unusually quiet; then again, it was summer. Most of the business was either attending classes or working. Ling-ling grabbed some empty bowls from a nearby table, tossing some to her sister. * * * * * Ouen-teki SHANPUU-anego (Helpful older sister Shampoo) (Fighting Song Karuta, track 40) (Ling) Ling-ling, (Lung) Lung-lung (Both) The rescuing Nekohanten (Ling) Ling-ling, (Lung) Lung-lung (Both) Helpful older sister Shampoo! (Ling) Superb cooking, (Lung) Speedy delivery, (Ling) Low prices, (Lung) Beautiful draw girls! (Note: btw, they mean themselves) (Ling) Satiated Ranma, (Lung) Annoying Mousse, (Ling) Comforting o-baba (Cologne), (Lung) Delightful older sister Shampoo! [Yaa!] (Both) We two sisters working together as one, Splendidly spinning porcelain bowls in the air! [Aiyaa!] *CRASH!* [(Ling) Customer, catch it, please!] [(Lung) Please!] * * * * * Cologne and Shampoo stepped into the dining room, wondering at all the commotion. Ling-ling and Lung-lung cowered, trying for a cute look. The two elder Amazons surveyed the shattered porcelain bowls across the floor. "This is why you don't play when you work," Cologne said. Her cold gaze was enough to get the Chinese twins rushing off for brooms. Shampoo merely smiled, standing behind Cologne where the old matriarch couldn't see her. Those girls had potential, now if only they could do two things at once. Their style and personality relied on a focus to get by, and that was why they were such excellent fighters, if a bit unorthodox. Take away the focus, or disturb it, and they fell apart. Which was one reason why they weren't singing. Two days later at the auditorium, while the others were setting-up the instruments on-stage, Nabiki thumbed through a plastic file-box, which was merely a plastic container that could serve as a portable file cabinet drawer. She thumbed through the folders until she hit the one she was looking for: lyrics to the song the Doco girls would sing: 'Complex Two Thoughts.' This one was a hit, Nabiki thought to herself. Perhaps one of the best songs the group had written. The middle Tendo sister jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder. "Uh, Nabiki," she heard Ryoga say, "I need to talk to you." Regaining her composure, Nabiki turned to face Ryoga. Standing beside him was Akari. The Tendo girl couldn't help but notice that Ryoga was wearing his heavy backpack-- why? "Speak fast, because I've got places to go," Nabiki said. "As do I," nodded Ryoga. "I need to go on a journey to find my mother." Nabiki stared at the Eternally Lost Boy in surprise. "You can't leave, not now!" Ryoga glanced at Akari, his mind seemingly set. "I must ask her permission before I can marry Akari. This desire, I realize, is far more greater than a chance to go to Hawaii." "We've had a talk," Akari added. "We're both leaving." Nabiki's head started to swim. Carefully-laid plans started to crumble before her eyes. Not for long, she vowed. "So, you two are both thinking about leaving the group, hmmm? What if either one of you change your minds? You're no good to us unless you're with us, NOW. Later doesn't cut it; we'd have to change all our plans just to accommodate you two again." "Well, we didn't think it through that far...." admitted Akari. Ryoga dug his toes into the floor. "I thought being together in Hawaii would've been nice, but I really want to marry Akari, too." "You have to decide one over the other; you can't do both," Nabiki pointed out. "You can't go to Hawaii unless you're part of this band, after all, and you can't remain part of this band if you search for your mother. Besides, the band needs you!" Not to mention it helped to keep the variables all in one basket, Nabiki reminded herself. The faces of Ryoga and Akari showed plain guilt. Obligation kicked in. "Look," Nabiki argued, "you'd get just as lost as your mother, so how much better a chance do you have of finding her if you're both lost?" Both Akari and Ryoga nodded thoughtfully. "Ryoga, do you still want to go to Hawaii?" asked Akari. "Only if you come along," answered Ryoga as he grasped Akari's hands. "We can always find your mother another time, but Hawaii is a one-time chance," Akari pointed out. "I do want to go there." "Then it's settled," concluded Nabiki. Wrapping her arms around both Ryoga and Akari, she lead them back to the stage, saying, "Now, my friends, we have some work cut out for us." The next day, during school, Tatewaki Kuno walked through the quiet halls of Furinkan High, alone, his bokken resting on his right shoulder. While the bokken was held in Kuno's right hand, his left hand was occupied by a thin book-- a travel brochure for Hawaii, in fact. "Well, greetings, Tacchi," someone called, breaking Kuno's concentration. Father. Kuno closed the brochure and tucked it into his shirt pocket. "It definitely is not a pleasure, as always, FATHER," Kuno said, almost spitting out the last word. Of course, such actions were beneath Tatewaki Kuno, especially in a facility of learning such as this. His fingers wrapped around the handle of his bokken. "I thought I told you to stay away from me." "What was that you were reading?" asked Principal Kuno, ignoring his son. "Why do you take a sudden interest in my reading material?" asked Kuno defensively. The grip on his bokken tightened. "And when have you ever read anything besides thick textural literature, son?" the principal pointed out. "By now I would've thought you'd be sweating, studying for the college entrance examinations!" And I'm not going to make it any easier. "Go away," replied Kuno, ready to walk past his father. With surprising speed, before Tatewaki could react, the elder Kuno reached into his son's pocket and produced the brochure. "Well, what's this?" Kuno grabbed the brochure out of his father's hands violently. "That is my business, not yours." Waving his index finger, the principal said, "I see... my son's following my footsteps! That's my boy!" Laying one unwanted hand on Kuno's left shoulder, he continued, "Now if only I can drill it into your thick skull that making others' lives miserable is the greatest joy life has to offer! Next I'll show you how to get students to bow at your own statue...." "I need not the forcefully-coerced praising of a cold and unfeeling statue to satisfy my everyday needs!" Kuno placed a hard kick into the principal's gut, sending him reeling to the floor. "Stay away from me, and my sister, DAD, and I mean it this time. You're unfit to be head of the House of Kuno; as I am effectively the head of household, you are no longer welcome to our ancestral home. Be aware that our next encounter shall be our last. I don't want to see you again." The principal watched his son stalk away. He called, "Mark my words, Tacchi! If you go to Hawaii, you'll never come back the same! Ahahahahaha!" That evening's session, before practice, Nabiki was approached by Tatewaki Kuno himself. No grand entrances, no speeches; direct, and to the point. How unusual. "Nabiki Tendo," greeted Kuno, seemingly detached. "Kuno-chan," returned Nabiki, with the usual coolness. "After much consideration," started Kuno, "I have decided that traveling to Hawaii may not be the best course of action at this time." "And why not?" asked Nabiki, groaning to herself. "This morning I've had a run-in with my... father," explained Kuno. "Since he had spent three years of his life in Hawaii, and, reflecting upon the results, I have no desire to become as he." Nabiki laughed, the tension within released. "You're kidding!" Kuno peered at the middle Tendo sister sternly. "I assure you, I am not." Nabiki put one hand on Kuno's shoulder, almost in the same manner as the principal hours before. "You know what your problem is, Kuno-chan? You think, since your daddy came back from Hawaii a wreck, that you might come back a wreck as well. Don't be silly!" Putting on a serious tone, she added, "I'll bet you're 'brilliant' and 'wise' enough to resist the temptation of falling to Hawaiimania, Kuno-chan." Kuno resumed a haughty air, failing to catch the trace of sarcasm in Nabiki's voice. "That I am." "Don't you think you deserve a break before the exams?" "Perhaps, but time spent with this band and in Hawaii would take away from study time." "A risk that's well worth it," assured Nabiki. "I'm in the same boat, remember? And, thirdly, don't you think you should do your little sister a favor by helping her get to Hawaii?" For a moment, Kuno remained silent, tapping his bokken instinctively. Finally, he said, "I have considered your truthful words, Nabiki Tendo, and I have decided to remain with your band. To this end, effective immediately, each and every member of our band will have available to them a personal crash tutor in their particular instrument." He smiled widely at Nabiki. Raising a fist into the air, Kuno announced, "Nothing shall stop us now!" I'm the glue that keeps this group together and in focus, Nabiki thought to herself smugly. Especially with the all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii as an incentive. That Saturday night Nabiki lay in her futon, staring at the ceiling of her room. She thought over the past week, over the band's progress, over her own behavior toward the band members, and one particular confrontation with a suspicious Akane. It was earlier that evening when Akane confronted Nabiki. The younger Tendo had asked, "Why are you helping everybody?" To which Nabiki replied, "You know me, Akane. Hawaii is all I want." Akane couldn't help but push the matter further. "Nabiki, you could just as easily have hired a backup band instead. It would be just us, Kasumi, Ranma, and Shampoo." Then realization dawned upon her. "You've got a soft spot under that cold exterior." Nabiki turned to her sister in shock. "Perish the thought! It wouldn't do if it were known that Nabiki Tendo helped others for free. Everybody knows that whatever Nabiki Tendo wants, she gets. I want Hawaii." At that point the discussion was dropped. Nabiki sighed as she lay under her covers in her room. Summer often gave the middle Tendo sister a lot of time to think. Am I getting soft? she wondered. Or was I always this way? Nabiki Tendo was known for her cold, mercenary attitude about matters, especially when it came to money, which was most prominently displayed in the wedding fiasco. She didn't mean for it to turn out the way it did; after all, Nabiki wanted to see her sister happily married. And getting some extra cash on the side wouldn't have hurt, Nabiki reasoned, so she sent out extra invitations, hoping to turn an easy profit. Unfortunately, the extra invitations attracted some unwanted attention, and an unwanted result in the end. Of course that didn't stop Nabiki from taking the guests' yen. Nabiki was glad that everyone was okay, especially Ranma, who'd been pounded, nearly sliced in half, and blown-up during the wedding. Why did she care about Ranma? Of course, he did turn quite a profit for her, but Nabiki knew there was the other reason too: she really did care what happened to him. Not in the same way as Akane, but as a person, someone you know, someone who you don't want to see harm to. Ranma always bought her cold exterior feelings, what a dense man he was! Of course Kasumi never bought it; she always insisted that Nabiki were kinder and humane than she let on. Kasumi was very perceptive, if a bit 'out of it' sometimes. Or was that a clever facade as well? And Akane, heh, she didn't catch on until... just a few hours ago? Or did Akane know all along? Well, Nabiki never could keep anything from her sisters for long. Bah! she thought, better to remain cold and ruthless than display such weakness as kindness and emotion. Better to keep your distance in case they left for good... like Mother. Reflecting, Nabiki thought, perhaps that's why I turned out the way I did. What would Mother say? Unlike her father, Soun, Nabiki kept her emotions in check. Privately she still mourned her mother, lost so suddenly. Oh, how that day affected them all! Strong emotional attachment was excess baggage. At least Kasumi and Akane could deal with it. Well, MAYBE Kasumi can deal with it, considering her attitude nowadays compared to years before. Yuck, the thought of it! How can she stand being so bright and cheery all the time?! Yet.... I hate summer, Nabiki thought. Definitely too much time to think. It was the start of the second week since the band formed, a Sunday. The 'crash tutors' Kuno hired were in fact the best in all Japan; those band members unfamiliar with their instruments began to understand the basics. Of course, to Nabiki's amusement, some, like Akari and Konatsu, barely played well-enough, as they were the ones with the least musical experience. The evening after the day's practice, Nabiki was stopped from her trip to her file box by Kodachi Kuno. Kodachi bowed. "A fair evening, Nabiki Tendo." "That it is," returned Nabiki, seemingly uncaring. "What do you want?" "Ahahahahahaha," laughed Kodachi. "Does this mean, that whenever someone approaches you, they must desire something?" "Yes." "Hohohohoho, you got me there," admitted Kodachi. "Very well, direct and to the point. If I can't sing in this group, I want out." How did I know this was coming? Nabiki asked herself, shaking her head in mild disgust. For that matter, it was a wonder that Ukyo didn't profess the same desire. "Why would you, as cultured as you are, want to back-out like a whining baby?" Kodachi's face reddened. "Why you...." "Do you have to be so selfish, when you should be thinking about your brother's well-being?" Nabiki continued. "Especially since he's spending much of his time cramming for the exams?" For a moment, Kodachi looked as if she were thinking to herself. "The so- called 'Exam Hell' certainly is affecting poor Brother Dearest," admitted Kodachi reflectively, thinking to Kuno's preparations during his final year at Furinkan. Dear Brother feared becoming a 'ronin,' a student who takes multiple years to pass the exams. "He has been rather... tense, lately. Perhaps there's wisdom in your words, Nabiki Tendo, it's time I got my brother back!" Good thing she forgot about the singing, Nabiki thought smugly. Not a snowball's chance in hell; Doco's singers were a fivesome, and a fivesome it would continue to be. Not to mention that Nabiki Tendo NEVER gives in to demands. It was well-after midnight that same evening before Kodachi remembered that Nabiki hadn't given in to her demand to sing. Curse you, Tendo! Two days later, after practice had finished for the evening, Ukyo was stopped on the way to the exit by Nodoka. "Hi, Mrs. Saotome," greeted Ukyo. "Hello, Ukyo," greeted Nodoka. "May I have a word with you?" "Sure," answered the okonomiyaki chef. What could she possibly want? Nodoka lead Ukyo to a set of seats near the back of the amphitheater seating, away from the others. She offered a seat to Ukyo, and, after the girl seated herself, Nodoka did the same, sitting next to her. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" asked Ukyo. "I have been watching you for the past few weeks, ever since my son married Akane," started Nodoka. "You in particular; unlike Ranma's two other friends, you have been betrothed to my son. You do not seem to be taking the situation very lightly, as I have noticed a startling change in your behavior. Is there something you want to tell me about?" Ukyo stuttered, "W...what do you mean?" "Do you not care that your betrothed was taken away from you?" "That doesn't matter, so long as Ranchan's happy," Ukyo replied hastily. Perhaps a bit too quickly. Nodoka nodded. "I see. What about your honor?" "My... honor?" "Your father and my husband made an arrangement that you and my son were honor-bound to follow, but since my son had been betrothed to Akane first, your arrangement was overlooked by precedence." Nodoka straightened herself. "Your behavior suggests that you do not wish to correct your dishonor." "That arrangement was made in error!" argued Ukyo hotly, almost raising a fist in anger. "It was all a mistake; no honor lost." Nodoka nodded. "Think it over, Ukyo. Are you saying this because you wish to protect my son's honor? Or your own?" Ukyo couldn't think of a response. At that point the female Saotome stood from her seat. "As I have said before, I have been watching you, Ukyo. Before, you would not hesitate to fulfill your obligations-- commendable in itself. Your current behavior suggests that you are trying to avoid issues of honor entirely, especially the betrothal. I believe you do not behave as you do by design, but I still want you to think about it. Honor is important." "Sure," answered Ukyo, unsettled by Nodoka's words. Am I running? Why is she mothering me? For that matter, how do I know what mothering is? Nodoka placed a sympathetic hand on Ukyo's shoulder. As if she were reading Ukyo's thoughts, she said, "Believe me when I say that I care about your well-being, Ukyo. My husband made you my responsibility; therefore, it is my duty to look after you until this matter is resolved." She turned away. But, before she made her first step, she turned around once more to face Ukyo. Nodoka asked, "Do you still love my son?" "Huh?" Ukyo said in surprise. "I believe it was a simple enough question," pressed Nodoka. Ukyo thought for a moment. Finally, she answered, "More than the world." "And you would do anything for him?" continued Nodoka. "Yes!" answered Ukyo, without hesitation. Nodoka nodded once more. She added, "Think about my words, Ukyo." Then, without another word, the female Saotome left Ukyo alone, marching off to rejoin her husband. The very next evening Nabiki called together the band members for a group meeting. The middle Tendo sister ran her finger down a sheet of paper as the others found seats in the auditorium seating. To Nabiki, it appeared as if the band separated in their own little groups-- Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, and Kasumi sat together, Ukyo, Konatsu, and Mousse sat together, Ryoga and Akari sat together, the Kunos sat together, the twins sat together. United we stand, divided we fall, Nabiki thought darkly. I hope not. "Okay, everybody," announced Nabiki, "thanks for coming." "As if we had a choice," someone snorted. Nabiki chose to ignore Ranma's comment. "Okay, with a week and a half left to go, I must say the music's coming along just fine. However, that's not what I wanted to talk about." "Get to the point, so we can practice," shouted Mousse. "I admire that enthusiasm, Mousse, but if you want me to finish, stop interrupting me," replied Nabiki coldly. "Well, any of you know that each and every band has a logo of some kind, right? I was thinking that we could use a new one." "What?" voiced Akane. "What's wrong with our old one?" "It's too plain and simple," Nabiki pointed out. "It looks like someone took a stencil set and traced letters." "So you want something a bit more... fancier?" asked Ukyo. "Exactly." "Hey, Ukyo can draw it!" Ranma shouted. "Ranchan! Don't do that to me!" cried Ukyo, semi-embarrassed, her hands reaching for her combat spatula. "Actually, I think Ranma's got the right idea," voiced Akane. "I didn't think you were too bad, either. Besides, I don't know anyone else that can draw as well as you can." She thought back to one festival, where the owner of a booth needed someone to draw a horse to lift a curse. Ukyo showed-off her artistic talent then, but refused to admit it. "But that was just a stupid animal!" protested the okonomiyaki chef, throwing up her arms. "Anyone can draw animals! We're talking about something much more important, and...." Nabiki scanned the others. "If there's no other suggestions either way, then I guess Ukyo's our man." Ukyo stared at Nabiki, surprised. "I.. I can't do it!" "Sure you can," winked Nabiki. "Really, I don't understand why you artists are so self-conscientious about their work." "B..but...." "I'm sure you'll come up with something." It was three days before the preliminary rounds of the contest, a Friday, on the third week since the band formed under Nabiki's direction. It was then the band became intimately familiar with their instruments, some going so far as to sleep night and day with them, in Konatsu's case. To Nabiki's surprise, they could actually play TOGETHER! Heck, it was a wonder that any of the band members were still in one piece, considering the violent chemistry amongst its members. Kuno (and perhaps Kodachi as well, Nabiki suspected) wished to... damage Ranma in numerous instances, but Nabiki's brother-in-law managed to keep in shape. Sometimes Shampoo would deck Mousse for being a jerk, but there was no permanent damage. Yet. Of course, there have been noticeable changes for the better as well. Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi seem to have calmed-down around each other lately-- Nabiki remembered all-too-well how they used to react when together, and when Ranma was foremost in their minds. Nabiki also noted that Shampoo seemed to spend less time with Ranma as well, almost as if she accepted his marriage to Akane (of course, if one pressed the point, Shampoo would deny it). Ukyo seems to be 'getting- over' Mousse just fine; at least, she stopped verbally-abusing herself about getting involved in a relationship she knew that wouldn't work. Such was the price for emotional attachment, Nabiki reminded herself coldly. It was only now that Ukyo finished designing a new logo for the band, as it now decorated the largest of Kuno's drums. In large, stylized lettering, were the letters of 'Doco,' with stars serving as the inner circle for the 'o's.' Not bad, for someone who obviously doesn't value her artistic talent. Of course, her only pride was her okonomiyaki. Nabiki thought back to the previous weeks and days; they'd all pulled through many days and nights to get the notes down right. The five singers practiced away from the band, but this time they would sing and play together. Well, no time like now to get it down. "Okay, everybody," shouted Nabiki, catching the attention of all in the auditorium. In that moment chatter ceased immediately. Wow, it felt so good to be in control. "I think it's time we get our routine down flat. You all know the notes. Just remember, we got to knock the socks off the judges during the preliminaries, or we won't get a shot at the finals." All nodded. Kuno tapped his drumsticks together in beats. "One, two, three, go!" * * * * * FUKUZATSUna Ryouomoi (Complex Two Thoughts) (Shampoo, +All) Carrying one side of romance is a burden, isn't it? (Shampoo, +All) Isn't there even a special connection to God? (Shampoo) On purpose, you had unkind behavior, but In my chest's heart, gentleness was being reached. (Akane, +All) Also repelling your pushy way of doing things, (Akane, +All) I must reflect that it is not good even if it's not you. (Akane) Also after that quarrel that I was not disgusted with, Wasn't it a gloomy street at night, I regret relying upon you? (Kasumi) Entwined by a red thread, We are connected here and there, aren't we? (Nabiki) Drawing strongly together with each other (Kasumi & Nabiki) Like a puppet that is being held. (All) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. (All) Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. (Ranma, +All) For example, take me even if I'm a boy. (Ranma, +All) For example, take you even if you're a girl. (Ranma) In this way, it's not personalities that are similar. And still, we can't associate with each other, right? (Nabiki) I'll try to find a good bed. I'll find one for you for about 100. (Kasumi) Your show of courage is love inside-out (Nabiki & Kasumi) The truth was let out long ago. (All) Simple love is good. Digital formula two thoughts (Shampoo) I want to make love and hate clear to you. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree. I want to become that sort of adult. (Akane) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree I can say "sorry." I want to possess gentleness. Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. * * * * * The audience, consisting of Cologne, Soun, Genma, and Nodoka, clapped in unison. The band bowed. "My daughters are all grown up!" Soun proclaimed as he cried in joy. "Their mother would be so proud!!" Nodoka couldn't help but smile an infectious grin, and patted Soun on the back. Ukyo stepped down from her keyboard. "Um, I hope some of you don't mind, but...." "Well?" the others said, beaming at the okonomiyaki chef. "Well, I...." Ukyo stuttered. "Well, it didn't sound right to me. Can we do this again?" In unison, all groaned. Nabiki said, "Well, I guess we should practice more. After a ten minute break." The band separated their own ways, some seeking refreshment, or relaxation after practice. Nabiki's eyes followed Ukyo in particular as the okonomiyaki chef descended from the stage, and walked up the auditorium isle to the exit. What was her problem? It was then Nabiki noticed a flash coming from a dark corner of the seating. Without hesitating Nabiki leaped from the stage to the place where she last saw the flash. As she approached she noticed a dark figure trying to creep away. Near the exit Nabiki leaped into the air and tackled the dark-clad man. She peered at the man in disgust. "Hikaru Gosunkugi, we meet again." Gosunkugi dressed in dark clothes, was unmistakable, as he had black bags hanging under his eyes. He failed to conceal a camera in his hands. "Uh, hi." Nabiki reached for the camera, and studied it closely. "You wouldn't happen to be taking pictures of Akane now, hmmm?" She got up, leaving Gosunkugi on the floor. Nabiki opened the camera and ripped out the film. Tossing the camera back to Gosunkugi, Nabiki warned, "Don't let me catch you invading my sister's privacy again, little man, or you'll wish you've never heard of Nabiki Tendo. Understand?" Gosunkugi nodded quickly, wanting to escape the middle Tendo sister's disturbing glare. As he scrambled away, Gosunkugi reminded himself not to get caught next time. Nabiki's eyes followed Gosunkugi as he exited the auditorium. Akane would thank me if she knew about this, Nabiki thought. Only if I told her, that is. No, it may be best to keep up the cold exterior; what would people think if it were known that Nabiki Tendo stuck up for her younger sister? Rain seemed a bit unusual in the summer season, yet it rained over Nerima. This little burg was known for strange weather patterns. Ukyo stood alone near the door, sheltered from the rain by a concrete overhang, playing a pleasant tune with her flute. "Hey." Ukyo glanced over her shoulder, interrupting her reverie, watching Nabiki exit the building. The two stood together, watching the rain. "You really do know how to use that, don't you?" Nabiki said, pointing to the flute. "Sometimes I get lost in the music," explained Ukyo. "It helps me think." Thinking back to when Kuno-chan would play the flute to himself every once in a while (especially after the wedding fiasco, when sales of pictures of the pig-tailed girl dropped significantly-- that is, to nothing at all), Nabiki shuddered. Kuno-chan... thinking?! Rather cruel, girl. For a moment, Nabiki wondered what Kuno could possibly think about that absorbed him so. "It's been a strange three weeks, hasn't it?" Ukyo said. "Sure has," Nabiki agreed. "I don't think I've ever worked so hard for anything in my life." It must be the stress of working with this group of people.... "You've changed," observed Ukyo. "How so?" "Well, for one thing, I haven't lost my money to you." Jackass! Did you REALLY say that Ukyo?! "I've noticed it too," Nabiki replied. Geez, Nabiki, are you becoming THAT obvious? This simply won't do! Ukyo said nothing, still dwelling on what she'd said. Lately, she noticed that she'd been more loose-lipped, and thus spoke her mind needlessly. Was Ranchan rubbing off on me? Gotta be more careful. Nabiki looked over at Ukyo, studying her movements (or lack thereof). The girl possessed rare beauty, Nabiki thought, too bad she hides it in guy's clothing. I'll bet she could get any guy she wanted. Well, almost, considering how the guy she wanted was Ranma. Rather poetic, really, that Ukyo offered complete and unconditional love; tragic, that Ranma couldn't return that love (was he even aware of it?). For a moment Nabiki wished guys would try to pick her up. But the thought left her mind as soon as it entered. Not THIS Nabiki Tendo. "I hear Hawaii is a nice place," Ukyo said finally. "Well, if you get pass the tourist trap part of it, yeah," agreed Nabiki. "It's one big money pit if you're not careful." Money, Nabiki, did it always have to come back to money? "So," Ukyo started, changing the subject, "ever meet any cute guys? Is there someone in the world that finds Nabiki Tendo attractive?" "Not a chance," Nabiki chuckled, although, deep in her heart, she wished there was someone. "The only guy that's remotely attracted to me is 'ol Kuno-chan, and he's attracted to any girl. He's a real jerk, you know? What foolish girl would...." "Well, you never know...." interrupted Ukyo. "Are you trying to suggest something?" Nabiki said, beaming. "No!" the okonomiyaki chef returned hastily. "And how about things between you and Mousse, hmmm? What do you know about guys, anyway?" Ukyo looked around nervously, twiddling her fingers. "Um, I think I'll go get some water...." She retreated back inside quickly, obviously embarrassed, leaving Nabiki alone. Well, at least she didn't hit me, Nabiki thought. Probably couldn't say the same thing for Ranma, though.... Kuno-chan, of all people! Indeed! The group practiced hard that weekend, consisting of all Saturday and Sunday morning, being days off school. Now it was Sunday evening, the night before the preliminaries. It was also the day before summer vacation for the students of Furinkan High officially began; in light of the extra free time, Nabiki announced that practices would be held in the morning as well as the evening, provided they passed the preliminaries, a result in which Nabiki had no doubts of occurring. At the Tendo dojo, the entire band lounged around as Nabiki looked over the documents concerning their entry. Although she'd looked over them when they arrived a week earlier, Nabiki wanted to make no mistakes during the preliminary rounds. This was when the 'amateurs' were weeded out from the 'professionals', so to speak, even though no real 'professional' bands entered (as they were forbidden by contest rules, for the contest was strictly for up-and-coming bands). The contestants were to play in downtown Tokyo (well, the amphitheater wasn't quite in downtown), the nearest contest location to the dojo. Of course there were other locations around Japan where the preliminaries were held, by region. Only the top three contestants from each region would be allowed to compete in the next stage. Nabiki intended to be number one. "Okay, a brief reminder of the rules," Nabiki said, catching the attention of the others. "During the entire contest you will not use illegal substances or drink alcoholic substances. So say the sponsor. Second, no foul play, and that goes for you especially, Kodachi." Kodachi stared in mock surprise. "Me?" "None of you will throw fits of violent acts while performing, or against other contestants or the audience." Nabiki glared at Ranma accusingly. "What'd I do?!" complained Ranma. "You will not attempt to curry favor from the judges or the audience except through your music...." The list went on, Nabiki taking deep breaths in between each warning. "And finally, the judges reserve the right to withhold judgment or prizes on a whim without explanation." All gathered groaned. Ryoga stood up and declared, "If we win and are denied our rightful prize, I'll...." "Calm down, Ryoga," Akari said, reaching for Ryoga's arm. "I'm sure they won't resort to such extreme measures...." They'd better not. "Okay," Nabiki started, "in conclusion, I want all of you to get a good night's rest, and get up early in the morning." She spared a glance at Ukyo, whom would have no trouble at that, for she woke up at five in the morning each day. "We'll meet back here tomorrow morning for breakfast, then travel to the amphitheater." Kuno volunteered, "With the vast resources of the Kuno estate, I, Tatewaki Kuno, shall provide ourselves with worthy transportation, for our persons and our equipment, as is proper, since the amphitheater is such a strenuous distance from our burg of Nerima." Nabiki nodded. "Just make sure you don't skimp on that transportation, Kuno-chan." Ranma, Mousse, Shampoo, and Ryoga couldn't help but think about the tiny rowboat Kuno provided when the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists kidnapped Akane. In their minds each harbored a hidden threat toward Kuno. "Mousse, I think its time to get the ball rolling," Ukyo said. Ukyo volunteered to help cook dinner, along with Shampoo. As the grill warmed up in the kitchen, Ukyo joined Mousse at the couch in the next room. "How?" asked Mousse. "Give a girl flowers," Ukyo suggested. "That won't get Shampoo to like me," Mousse pointed out. "That's not the point! Don't you know? She already LIKES you!" Mousse's face shifted to surprise. "Shampoo?!" "Sure she does," Ukyo assured him. "She's too shy to admit it. Trust me, I know the signs." Mousse became elated. "Shampoo! I'm coming my darling!" he shouted, leaping from the couch to the kitchen. Ukyo sighed. It only made her feel somewhat better that Mousse was happy again. Of course, her own happiness didn't quite fit into the equation. Well, as in Ranma's case, the best thing you can do is be a very supportive friend. It still hurts to think about the love that never was, Ukyo thought, as it's thrown at you every day since the wedding. Perhaps love wasn't destined for me. It hurt to be alone, but Ukyo wasn't truly alone. Ukyo thought back to Ranma and Akane's second wedding. It was that day that decided the fate of Mousse: he'd stepped in the way of Shampoo and Cologne's plot to ruin the wedding. For that, Mousse was kicked out of his tribe, and left behind in Japan when the rest of the China gang returned home. At the time Ukyo couldn't help but pity Mousse, and let him stay at her restaurant as a waiter and part-time chef. But, after a few weeks passed she'd let her guard down; she'd let herself believe that Mousse could love another woman. In the wake of losing Ranma forever, Ukyo succumbed to the temptation of a relationship with Mousse. It worked out just fine until the China gang returned to Japan, when Mousse's heart ran over to Shampoo's side, leaving Ukyo behind. Dammit, I knew it was a sham all along, Ukyo thought to herself, and yet, I still allowed myself to fall into it! Same thing about Ranchan; I knew he and Akane would marry, but I didn't allow myself to accept it. Damn love, who needs it? All it ever got me was more torment and trouble. Just look at Nabiki Tendo-- she's perfectly fine without love in her life. Soon Ukyo could hear the sounds of a duck quacking. Later that evening Ukyo, Mousse, and Konatsu traveled the empty, dark but lit streets of Nerima back to Ucchan's for the night. It was when Ukyo was unlocking the front door disaster struck. "Ukyo-sama!" cried a nearby mailbox. All three looked around in surprise. Ukyo watched as the mailbox bounded her way. "Tsubasa!" she yelled in fury. Tsubasa's head popped out of the mail slot. "Ukyo-sama! I've missed you so!" The mailbox bounced cheerily before Ukyo. Ukyo kicked the mailbox in fury. "I thought you gave up on me!" "Hehehehehehehe...." chuckled the guy in the mailbox. "You're easier to hang around with!" "What kind of an answer is that?!" spat Ukyo. "Get away from me, you little creep!" Unnoticed by Tsubasa, Konatsu unsheathed his blade. "I suggest you leave Ukyo-sama alone, vile fiend, or taste my blade." Tsubasa turned to Konatsu in surprise. "And who the hell are you?" he shouted, reverting from his cutesy-voice to his haggard, repulsive masculine voice. "I am but a humble servant for the mistress," Konatsu said, bowing low to the floor, but maintaining his gaze on the mailbox-clad boy. "Stay away from Ukyo," Mousse warned Tsubasa, "or I'll have to come after you." "Oooohh, Ukyo-sama has bodyguards!" taunted Tsubasa. "I've been away too long! It was only for summer break I've been able to steal myself away to Nerima, but look at the greetings I get!" Tsubasa leaped out of the mailbox, throwing the skirts of his pink dress about, momentarily confusing Mousse and Konatsu. "Heh, wasn't expecting that?" cried Tsubasa. "You win for now, losers, but in time Ukyo-sama will be mine!" With that, Tsubasa bounded down the street and vanished into the night. "Who was that?" asked Mousse. "That THING is Tsubasa Kuranei," replied Ukyo, opening the front door. The three stepped inside as Ukyo continued, "He followed me to Nerima not long after I transferred to Furinkan. Ranma got rid of him for me, and he's been back home ever since." She sighed. "I guess now that the summer season is upon us Tsubasa has some free time." Too much free time, if he's after me again. Bah, I'm EASIER to be around?! "And it seems time doesn't destroy old habits; I wish he'd stop dressing as a girl. Its so embarrassing when he does that to me!" "A stalker," concluded Konatsu. "Do not worry, Ukyo-sama, I will protect you wherever we go, so long as that abomination roams your surroundings." "Thanks, Konatsu," Ukyo said in relief. Perhaps having bodyguards wasn't such a bad idea after all. Although Konatsu preferred to dress as a girl, Ukyo hardly felt embarrassed by his actions anymore. Especially hugging. "Ukyo," Mousse said, "we should get some rest." "Sure, sugar," agreed Ukyo, "but after we all secure the doors and windows, no telling what Tsubasa's going to do." As Ukyo walked across the dining room, she felt a terrible pain in her stomach. Without warning, the spasm passed. "Ukyo," Mousse asked, "is something wrong?" "No, nothing," she said, waving him away. Quietly Ukyo made her way to her room and laid out her futon. The spasm came from her old knife wound, she decided, the one given to her the night before a challenge weeks ago. Surely it was nothing. Ukyo stepped to her mirror, checking her stomach. No, the wound hadn't surfaced again, in fact it was long healed, as if such a purchase was never made in her body. Just had to make sure. Doco was to be one of the last of the entrants to perform that day. Nabiki stayed calm, unlike some OTHER band members who twitched nervously at the thought of performing on stage in front of the greater part of the teenage population in Tokyo. At that thought, Nabiki couldn't help but feel a pang in her stomach, then dismissed it, thinking back to her breakfast of 'morning okonomiyaki--' what was called a 'pancake' in America, served. She hoped that was it.... The bands before them played pitifully, Nabiki thought. No way this group would fail, not with a half-years semi-professional work behind it. Well, for some of them, at least. Ah well, at least none of the five girls lost their voices during the past weeks. Soon the preceding band was booed off stage by the audience, throwing plastic drinking cups in anger. Ten minutes was allowed between each performance, not a lot of time considering, but there was a schedule to keep, as the judges said. Ten minutes to shuffle the instruments on stage and get into position. Nabiki was glad that morning when Kuno arrived with a couple of vans, driven by Kuno servants, to transport the band and the instruments. So far everything was going smoothly. She peeked out of the dressing room door and watched the band carry their equipment on stage. Nabiki turned to the four girls, onna-Ranma, Akane, Kasumi, and Shampoo. "Well, its almost time." Onna-Ranma shuffled uncomfortably in her outfit. "Well, the sooner this is all over, the better." Nabiki couldn't help but note that Shampoo kept her distance from Ranma. After all, Shampoo only loved Ranma's boy form, and it wouldn't do for a girl to marry another girl. She wanted the guy, and strangely treated Ranma's two forms as separate people. The five girls left the dressing room and watched the others set up their instruments. To the audience the band was all but invisible, and it didn't help that the lights were to be on the girls instead of them. Still, Nabiki couldn't help but smile at the thought. Well, sometimes there has to be the unsung heroes. At the end of the stage stood Soun, Genma, Nodoka, and Cologne. All four were granted the privileges of back-stage passes. Soun was already crying with joy, even though the song hadn't started yet. Genma held a sign reading 'Tear them apart!' Nodoka merely smiled, as usual. Cologne's face remained expressionless. And before long, the curtains were drawn. * * * * * FUKUZATSUna Ryouomoi (Live Version) [Complex Two Thoughts] (Note: It helps to see the actual music video of this song) (Shampoo, +All) Carrying one side of romance is a burden, isn't it? (Shampoo, +All) Isn't there even a special connection to God? (Shampoo) On purpose, you had unkind behavior, but In my chest's heart, gentleness was being reached. (Akane, +All) Also repelling your pushy way of doing things, (Akane, +All) I must reflect that it is not good even if it's not you. (Akane) Also after that quarrel that I was not disgusted with, Wasn't it a gloomy street at night, I regret relying upon you? (Kasumi) Entwined by a red thread, We are connected here and there, aren't we? (Nabiki) Drawing strongly together with each other (Kasumi & Nabiki) Like a puppet that is being held. (All) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. (All) Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. (Ranma, +All) For example, take me even if I'm a boy. (Ranma, +All) For example, take you even if you're a girl. (Ranma) In this way, it's not personalities that are similar. And still, we can't associate with each other, right? (Nabiki) I'll try to find a good bed. I'll find one for you for about 100. (Kasumi) Your show of courage is love inside-out (Nabiki & Kasumi) The truth was let out long ago. (All) Simple love is good. Digital formula two thoughts (Shampoo) I want to make love and hate clear to you. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree. I want to become that sort of adult. (Akane) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree I can say "sorry." I want to possess gentleness. Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. * * * * * It was not long after the song was over the crowd shouted for an encore. To which the judges unanimously awarded Doco a place in the next level of competition, also to be held in Tokyo in another week. It was then the judges asked for a stage call. To which Tatewaki Kuno told the band, "This is the chance for all the world to see the great Tatewaki Kuno in all his glory, displaying his musical talents in full view of the rest of the city! Someone must properly introduce me." To which Nabiki answered with this as she stepped on stage: * * * * * Kunou-chan ga Yatte-kuru [Kuno-chan is coming around] (Fighting Song Karuta, track 7?) (Nabiki) Everyone in the neighborhood, Kuno-chan is coming around Spreading his perversion, Kuno-chan is coming around Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, you there! You mustn't cross this line. He won't bite you! It's all right. If you wanted a good seat, you should've come earlier. Kuno-chan, Kuno-chan, I don't hate you! Ah-ha! (Kuno yells): Nabiki Tendo, I won't come on stage like that! * * * * * Each member of the band congratulated each other for a fine night's work at the Tendo dojo later that evening, placing first among the Tokyo district entrants. Soun cried a knee-deep puddle of tears where he stood when the judges announced the band, and the trickle continued all the way home, and on. He was so happy! "I was thinking," Nabiki shouted, catching everybody's attention, "that we should mix up our entry a bit." "How so?" asked Kasumi. "The contest allows for multiple songs. I think we should do something different this next time around." "That's not a bad idea," voiced Akane. Nabiki raised her voice again. "Okay, people, we have one week to get a second song down. I expect to see you again tomorrow morning at the auditorium." The others couldn't help but groan simultaneously. A couple days later Nabiki found herself alone with Tatewaki Kuno. Why? She just had to know the answer to a burning question. "Kuno-chan," Nabiki started, "I've never seen you be so selfless before. Why?" Kuno smiled, then said, "For several reasons, my dear Nabiki Tendo. One, if it makes my dear sister happy, then I'll do anything for her. Two, if it makes Akane Tendo happy, then that is an added bonus. Three, I'm sure I'll find a good chance to destroy that vile Ranma Saotome when he's out of his grounds." "You're kidding," Nabiki hoped. "No, I am not. It is the will of Heaven." That's all I wanted to know, Nabiki thought. But she couldn't resist asking, "Kuno-chan, is there any girl out there you truly want?" Kuno pondered for a moment. "The pig-tailed goddess was a simulacrum created by Ranma Saotome to toy with my affections and my loving heart. As I cannot have either the pig-tailed girl or Akane Tendo, I find I am very much alone. I find that there isn't a woman waiting to jump into these caring arms, to make myself complete! One day, Nabiki Tendo, the pig-tailed girl of my dreams, in whatever shape or form, will jump into these arms. I've only to find that special person." "Sorry I asked," Nabiki said. Nabiki thought, there's nobody in the world for Kuno. Pity, just as there wasn't a person for Nabiki Tendo as well. Stop that thought right there, Nabiki! Where did that one come from? "Are you trying to suggest we go out on a date?" Kuno asked. "Oh come now, Kuno-chan," Nabiki countered, "why would a girl like me ask a guy like you out on a date?" "Point taken," Kuno said. "Humph, to think, one such as I, Tatewaki Kuno, on a date with you, Nabiki Tendo? Preposterous!" "Same here," agreed Nabiki. We're strictly-business, that's all. For quite some time neither Nabiki nor Kuno spoke. Finally, Kuno said, "I assume the first leg of our summer vacation will be spent perfecting our performance, so that we may spend our second leg in Hawaii?" "You got it," Nabiki replied. Then, throwing a new question into the fray, she asked, "What do you suppose the principal's going to do over summer vacation?" Kuno growled to himself. "I care not what he does; his school is his life. Without it, who can say? Whatever his activities, he'd remain in best health if he were to remain far away from me and my sister." "You've sure been protective of your sister lately," noted Nabiki. "Why?" The elder Kuno sibling waved the middle Tendo sister away. "That is none of your business. You have sisters of your own, therefore you should understand our relationship well enough." He's got a point, Nabiki thought. How scary; Kuno was making sense for a change! Thursday evening after practice Ukyo and Shampoo were playing darts at Ucchan's. The dartboard hung on the dining room wall. The restaurant was empty, as it was well after the dinner rush. As Shampoo threw her first dart, Ukyo asked, "So how are things going between you and Mousse?" The first dart missed its mark. "Shampoo no like Mousse!" "Don't lie to me, I saw the look in your eyes," Ukyo persisted. The second dart missed as well. "Shampoo belong to Ranma!" "But you know he can't love you, just as he can't love me or Kodachi. And just the same he can't be your husband. Akane has him." The third and final dart missed. Shampoo turned to Ukyo, saying, "So what if Shampoo like Mousse? What is it to Spatula-girl?" Ukyo picked up three darts of her own. "Mousse is a sweet guy. I can't stand to see him down all the time. Being with you makes him happy." "Then why you not marry Mousse?" asked Shampoo. "Don't you see?" started Ukyo, raising the first dart, "for some reason beyond our comprehension, he loves YOU." Letting the dart go, Ukyo added, "Even when we were dating, he couldn't stop thinking about you." The first dart hit bull's-eye. "Shampoo never marry Mousse." "Then why did you miss all three of your throws?" Ukyo countered. "Your problem is," throwing another bull's-eye, "you don't want to admit it, to yourself or to anyone. That old tradition of yours was just a convenient excuse to stay away from him. Well, I have one thing to point out to you: the law's been repealed, and there's nothing to hide behind anymore." "Perhaps," admitted Shampoo. "Sometimes Mousse shower Shampoo with too much attention, so Mousse become annoying. Silly goose not a bad person." "So why not ask him out? Or let him take you out?" "Shampoo must marry Ranma. Shampoo belong to Ranma alone." "He's already married, and there's nothing you or I can do about it." Ukyo threw her last dart, another bull's-eye. Turning to Shampoo she said, "Take it from someone who knows, it's no fun being alone. If not Mousse, then who? It's a fate I can't wish on my worst enemy." "Shampoo still hate you, Spatula-girl." "Same to you, Chinese bimbo." It was then Kodachi joined the two girls, having finished her meal. "Oh, a simple game of darts. One in which I, the Black Rose, have proficiency in." Reaching for her ribbon, Kodachi snatched Ukyo's darts from the dartboard in one swing. Her back to the dartboard, Kodachi produced a mirror. "So here we are," she began, "three boyfriend-less brides. Funny, we chase after the same man, one only one can have, and yet none of us got him." Ukyo sighed. "You too, huh? At least Shampoo here has another one." "Shampoo no like Mousse!" Shampoo protested again, with even more heat. "I thought so," Kodachi said, throwing her first dart. It barely missed the bull's-eye. "You DO have another boyfriend. Probably lucky, too, since there isn't another man in Kodachi's life." "Same here," Ukyo said. "Don't you have that sissy-man, your 'waitress?'" Kodachi asked, throwing her second dart. Bull's-eye. "Konatsu doesn't count," Ukyo replied. "I don't love him, he loves me." "Are you sure about that, darling?" Kodachi taunted, throwing her third dart. Barely missed bull's-eye. "I want a man, jackass," Ukyo countered. "Getting with Konatsu is like-- getting with another girl. Bleach!" "Shampoo no see problem for tomboy Spatula-girl," Shampoo giggled. "Stop it," warned Ukyo, hand reaching for a pair of spatula-darts. "All right, that's enough, girls," Kodachi said, stepping between the two girls. "If I didn't know any better you two behave like sisters." All three girls shuddered at the thought, then sat at a nearby table. Ukyo picked up a glass of water, and the other two girls did the same. "So, here we are, dumped by the same man at the same time." She raised her glass. "Well, to us boyfriend-less girls." Kodachi raised her own glass. Shampoo hesitated for a moment. "Shampoo have boyfriend!" "Ah yes, Mousse...." Kodachi commented. Shampoo glared at her. "To us, then." "To us," they agreed, then drank their glasses. Silence followed for a few minutes, as each girl felt the cool water travel down their throats. Soon all three glasses were set on the table, the three lying back in relaxation. "Well," started Kodachi, breaking the silence, "so what's with that Tendo girl's ire against us, Ukyo?" "About what?" asked Ukyo. "Singing. That peasant doesn't appreciate my melodious voice!" Shampoo said, "Perhaps voice not be problem." "What do you mean?" asked Kodachi defensively. "Is she not jealous?" "Perhaps it be you!" Shampoo accused, jabbing a finger in Kodachi's direction. "Hey!" Ukyo complained. "How can I be just as hated as Kodachi? What about YOU?!" "She's right," agreed Kodachi. "What makes you think she likes you any more than us?!" To Ukyo, she cried, "What do you mean, I'm more hated?!" "Shampoo can sing!" the Amazon proclaimed. It was then when Kodachi and Ukyo jumped Shampoo. Konatsu watched from the next room, holding his little white cat, Snowball, in his arms, stroking her head. And it was looking so good for them, too. Elsewhere that same night, a lone figure walked the dark streets of Nerima. It had been a long time since he'd been back to this little burg, he thought. Much too long, for what he was going to do. He wore a blue shirt, designed in a scale pattern (if they weren't truly scales at all), with arm-braces to match. His pants were plain baggy, white Chinese pants. He was here on business. For several long, silent moments, the man walked, orchestrating his latest plan in his mind over and over again. He remembered the last time he encountered Ranma Saotome, his hated enemy; that hermaphrodite-boy showed him Ashura's 'source of power,' and, having secured it, tried to use it to his own ends. Once he discovered the nature and purpose of the 'source of power,' however, he'd met humiliation, as the 'source of power' was of no use to him. Now it was time for payback against Ranma Saotome. Of course, this plan called for such subtleness that the hermaphrodite won't know he'd been humiliated until it was too late. The man laughed to himself at the thought. Revenge truly was a dish best served cold. All of the man's attention was on his plans until something caught his eye. Something moved in the shadows. "Come on out!" the man cried. When no one answered, he continued, "I am specialized in several forms of certain death, so why don't we make this easier on YOU?" "You're an enemy of Ranma Saotome?" asked the one in the shadows. The tone suggested a bit of surprise. "Perhaps," the man replied diplomatically. "What are you getting at?" "I know who you are," the shadows claimed. "Big deal." Of course, knowledge did confer power over others, especially names, but the man wasn't willing to throw in his hand yet. "If you don't cooperate, I'll have to inform the rest of the city who you are," continued the shadows. "A rather unfortunate result, don't you think?" "How'd you find out?!" demanded the man. Rage burned within his heart. "No one should know!" "I have my sources," replied the shadows coolly. "You're but the first I've approached for this project. There are others who'd be interested in getting back at the Saotome kid." The man ran into the shadows, and grabbed the man hiding therein. He raised the shadow man out of the darkness and into the light. The second man wore a heavy trenchcoat and dark glasses, hiding his features. "I don't know you, or your motives, but you have something against that whining hermaphrodite, right?" "Yes," answered the trenchcoat man. "Would you be interested in taking part in his humiliation?" And soon another week had gone by, and the band learned to play yet another song, this one, Nabiki believed, was far better than the previous. Other qualified bands gathered at the Tokyo amphitheater that day, from all over Japan. Largely the bands kept to themselves, however, a few became rather friendly. And such was the case for Doco and fellow bands. Nabiki, Ukyo, and Kodachi couldn't help but meet one band in particular from Osaka, called 'Psycho Soldier.' A small-time off-and- on band made up of three members, Athena Asamiya (the psycho soldier), Sie Kensou (pronounced "Ken-su," he's known to eat nikuman in one gulp), and Chin Gentsai (no relation to that friend of Happosai's, Chingensai), their martial-arts master, known throughout Japan despite mediocre recognition from the global music world. All three girls wanted to meet the 18-year-old lead singer, Athena Asamiya, for whom the band was named for. A teenage girl dressed in a simple sailor-suit school uniform, Athena was remarkably beautiful (as was her Greek goddess namesake), and idolized by her fans. She greeted the three from Doco warmly. "Even among my competitors I have fans!" exclaimed Athena. "Nice to meet you all! You probably know I'm Athena Asamiya, may I have your names?" "I'm Nabiki Tendo," Nabiki said. Pointing to Kodachi, she said, "This one is Kodachi Kuno, rhythmic gymnast, and this," pointing to Ukyo, "is Ukyo Kuonji, the world's greatest okonomiyaki chef." Ukyo elbowed Nabiki. "Why'd you say that?!" "Kuonji...." Athena peered at Ukyo, as if trying to remember a face. She said, "You're that kid they called 'Okonomiyaki Ukyo,' right? I remember you! You and your father had that okonomiyaki food cart. I loved your father's okonomiyaki; the best I've ever tasted." "Hey, it's nice to be memorable," Ukyo replied. Ukyo barely remembered that time, almost twelve years ago, when she and her father served to a strange young girl. Athena was her name, very memorable, as other children often claimed she had special powers. To think this was the same girl! "I can cook just as well, if not better." "Modesty!" Kodachi accused Ukyo. "Hey," Nabiki started, "I wanted to attend your concert when it was in Tokyo for your '94 performance, but my brother-in-law burned my ticket." Of course, Nabiki thought, I did get revenge.... "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Athena said sympathetically. "Well, at least you'll be able to watch my last performance of the year, because after this I'm taking a break." "Why?" asked Nabiki. "After a lot of thought, I've decided I want to pursue my studies, not just school, but my Wu Shu martial arts training as well. Really, it's time-budgeting. Anyway, next year I'm thinking of another tour, this time a world tour, but only if we can get enough money to go. To this end I'm thinking about entering the King of Fighters '96, which will be televised and sponsored by commercial companies. Publicity helps." "Hey, we study martial arts as well," Ukyo said. "And we're just fine. In our school work and music, that is." Maybe. Kodachi asked, "What's this King of Fighters?" Athena explained, "It's a world-wide fighting tournament that's only just getting recognition. It involves teams of three fighting against each other to win the prize money. At first I entered because I wanted to destroy the evil I felt in then-chairman, Rugal, but now it looks like an opportunity of a lifetime. Next year's tournament, I mean." "Wonder if Ranma would be interested," Nabiki commented. "I have noticed two of you possess martial prowess," indicating Ukyo and Kodachi, "but you in particular are of interest to me," Athena said in amazement, pointing at Ukyo. "Me?" asked Ukyo in amazement. "My art is based off 'psycho power,'" Athena explained, "the power of the mind, whose applications involve the manipulation of raw chi. I detect a similar power within you." "Yeah, I know about it," Ukyo said, briefly thinking back to past events. The thought of wielding psychokinetic abilities frightened Ukyo, as an evil possessing spirit tried to use her skills to kill Ranma. The evil spirit said she had vast untapped potential, enough to rival even Ranma. To Ukyo power came with responsibility, and vowed never to use chi-manipulating powers, if she could ever figure out how to use it in the first place. "It's a new thing for me, really." "Perhaps if there's time, I can introduce you to my master, and he can show you how to tap your power," Athena offered. "I'd like that." Ukyo extended a hand. Athena took the hand graciously, but upon contact with the hand Athena's face visibly drained of blood for a moment. Then, shaking her head, she shook Ukyo's hand. "No, you have used your power before, all your life." "How so?" asked Ukyo. "I can tell from these hands that you've used your talents many times before, but never realized it until recently," explained Athena. "You've channeled your chi into a single focus, a dominant part of your heritage, I think." "That would have to be my cooking, I suppose," guessed Ukyo. "That's not at all uncommon," explained Athena. "My master channels his chi through his sake jug. His entire fighting style is based off this." Athena laughed, images of her drunken master in battle racing through her mind. More than once did this catch opponents off guard. "Still, my offer stands." Ukyo stared at her hands in wonder-- was the love she put in making okonomiyaki more than a chef's touch? Perhaps this was one reason why the Kuonji okonomiyaki chefs were renowned. Ukyo remembered the old monk that visited her on a training trip, just after a crepe chef defeated her in battle. He'd said her fighting spirit manifested itself in her okonomiyaki; perhaps he was right after all. Kodachi produced a small book and a pen, then held them before Athena. "If you wouldn't mind... an autograph, please?" Athena took the pen and book, and as she opened to a blank page, she asked Kodachi, "So, Kodachi, what do you do in your spare time?" "I'm practicing to become the next rising star in rhythmic gymnastics," Kodachi replied proudly. "My peers call me 'the Black Rose.' Those who are wise fear and respect my name!" "I see," Athena said, finishing her autograph. "Well, I'd better get back to my group, or Kensou will get worried and call security. He thinks I'm his girlfriend." With that Athena pointed a finger in her mouth, signaling the 'gagging' signal. Athena left, leaving the girls behind. Kodachi read the words Athena had written in the book, yet remained silent. "What'd she write?" asked Ukyo, interested. "It doesn't matter," decided Kodachi, putting the book and pen away. "All that matters is what I do from now on." She laughed. Kodachi threw a storm of black rose petals and rushed off. Nabiki watched in confusion as Kodachi pranced off, laughing all the way. "Whatever it was, it sure made her happy." After the performance of the Psycho Soldier band, it was Doco's turn on stage. As usual, everything was in place and ready to go. * * * * * Omoide ga Ippai [Full of Memories] (Doco music CD; Note: Viz translation) (All) Dreading the school bell, we can't help but worry Classmates behind me, we can't help but hurry They'll catch their breath, and then, they'll say: (Akane) "Good * mor * ning!" (All) Sweet summer grass that grows wild by the roadside Starting each day with a smile that I can't hide It's what I know, but may not always be so (Ranma) Casual moments like these mean the most to me (Shampoo) Treasured times that don't need a key In the album of my heart I keep, old times stay like new (Kasumi) I won't forget [how this sky is blue] (R S N) I won't forget [how this dream came true] (Akane) They're the gentle times we'll share forever Long past all those times are thru (Nabiki) Even when I'm sad [days I just don't know], (R A S K) Even when I'm glad [days the tears just flow], (All) Memories of days I'll never, ever let go (All) In a covered passage under the sun, I confided my thoughts in a friend Such a wonderful person, but: "It's a secret..." (All) Lamenting the hair I cut too short, there were nights I couldn't sleep. I wonder if I can ever laugh about it. (Nabiki) As if washed away by crashing ocean waves, Love disappeared quickly. (Kasumi) Even if the pain becomes past tense, (Ranma) I won't forget [that rainbow in the sky] (A S N) I won't forget [that love gone by] (Kasumi) Even after I have grown up I don't want to lose them. (Shampoo) Even when I'm high-spirited [days at any time] (R A N K) Even when I'm distressed [days like now] (All) The dazzling brightness never ends. (Akane) I won't forget [how this sky is blue] (R N K) I won't forget [how this dream came true] (Shampoo) They're the gentle times we'll share forever Long past all those times are thru (Kasumi) Even when I'm sad [days I just don't know], (R A S N) Even when I'm glad [days the tears just flow], (All) Memories of days I'll never, ever let go * * * * * At the end of the day the winners of this round were announced, Doco among them. Nabiki couldn't help but note that the Psycho Soldier band was also among the finalists; not bad for a three-person group. Of all the bands, only twelve remain to contest for the grand prize; the other ten being Samurai Blood (who played a type of soft, flute- filled, wordless music characteristic of old samurai movies, Nabiki thought), West Wind, Ivory-Jade Studs, Old Cabbage, Cold Steel, Seventh Stone, the Yawning Dragon, Will of Heaven, the Fuji Group, and Red Pepper. In one week the finest of the bands would emerge. Backstage the band members packed their instruments into the Kuno van. As Ukyo reached for her bag, a nearby vending machine bounded her direction. "Tsubasa...." muttered Ukyo, wishing she had her combat spatula on her. "Ukyo-sama!" cried Tsubasa from his hiding place in the vending machine. The door opened, spilling out foodstuffs and the transvestite at once on the floor before Ukyo. Tsubasa grabbed Ukyo's leg and squeezed hard. "I missed you!" Blood boiling, Ukyo snarled, "Too bad, I won't miss you." Lifting her bag, Ukyo swung it in a wide arc, smashing it into Tsubasa. The strange little man flew threw the walls. Wow, I didn't know I had THAT much in me, Ukyo thought, shrugging it off as due to momentum of the bag. Around the corner in the shadows, a single lone figure watched Ukyo and Tsubasa's exchange with interest. This may possibly be useful for my plans. It was well after dark, and Tsubasa walked alone in the empty streets. One of these days, I will make Ukyo mine! It was over a year since Ukyo answered Tsubasa's first love letter, sending a picture of that kid that turned into a boy and girl, Ranma. For a while Tsubasa had his sights on Ranma, thinking he was a girl, but when the truth was sorted out (and in which case Ranma figured out I was a guy), well... yuck. Real men is where I draw the line! Well, it's perfectly understandable that Ukyo-sama sent me the picture of Ranma as a girl, as she thought I thought she was a guy, and that I was a girl. And Ukyo-sama loves Ranma, who's really a guy. It did make sense, after a while, and in the end I decided I couldn't compete with someone as powerful as Ranma. So I returned home, defeated. Of course, the year passed by, without meeting any more nice girls. It was then that Tsubasa remembered Ukyo-sama, and yearned to be with her.... That Akane girl was Ranma's bride, after all, leaving Ukyo-sama by herself. Therefore, as soon as summer vacation began, Tsubasa hopped aboard the first train to Nerima to see Ukyo-sama. And for the first time since they last parted, Tsubasa brought his skirts. After all, I only cross-dress for Ukyo-sama's sake. She dresses as a guy, she acts like a guy, so why not dress and act like a girl? I thought it made things easier.... Lost in thought, Tsubasa bumped into another man, knocking himself down. He looked up, starting from black polished boots, to the bottom of a dark trenchcoat, up to the face. Opaque, dark glasses covered the man's face, concealing his identity. "You're Tsubasa Kuranei?" the man asked. "Yeah?" confirmed Tsubasa. "Who wants to know?" The other man waved the question away. "How would you like to have the girl of your dreams, all for your own?" the man said, getting directly to the point. "I can get you what you want." "I'm listening," Tsubasa replied slyly. "You know of the Battle of the Bands?" "How can I not!" "Good. I have a desire to... 'bump off' certain bands from the final rounds." "Ooohhh, rigging the finale, eh? Sounds like fun. Still, I don't see how doing that gets me what I want." Another man stepped out of the shadows, surprising Tsubasa. This one was covered in shadow, but he could tell this one wore baggy pants. "Are you sure we can trust this crossdressing weasel? He's just as bad as the hermaphrodite!" Ranma Saotome? Tsubasa wondered. This is beginning to sound more interesting.... "Of course. He'll cooperate so long as he gets what he wants, just as you get what you want. Now, here's what I want you to do...." Later that night the band felt like celebrating, and congregated at a nearby karaoke bar. To which Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno were so happy that they couldn't resist the temptation, and stepped up to the mike for a folk song.... * * * * * Mori no Kuma-san [Mr. Bear of the Forest] (Fighting Song Karuta, track 30) (Kodachi) Hahaha, hahahahaha, (Both) ah-hahahahahahahaha! [(Kuno) Hello everybody, Tacchi and Kocchi!!!] (Kodachi +Kuno echo) One day, in the woods, I met Mr. Bear. On a forest road with blooming flowers, I met Mr. Bear. (Kodachi +Kuno echo) The things that Mr. Bear said, Little girl, run away! (Both) SUTAKORA SASSASSA NO SA SUTAKORA SASSASSA NO SA (sound for running away) (Kodachi +Kuno echo) However, Mr. Bear follows behind! (Both) DOKODOKO DOKKOKO NO KO DOKODOKO DOKKOKO NO KO (sound for bear following) * * * * * Immediately afterward, the others couldn't help but wonder if the Kuno siblings were drunk. The Kuno siblings bowed, narrowly dodging the wads of paper that flew where their heads used to be. The next day Nabiki received a note from the contest chairmen at the Tokuyama Agency, sending word to all the finalists that one of the bands, Cold Steel, has been dropped from the competition, no explanation given. The first thing that came to her mind was an increased chance to win the grand prize. Little thought was given to the note, and the band practiced that day as usual. Before lunch break Nabiki approached Kuno with another word. "I must say how much your help has been the past weeks," Nabiki said. "Just about everything-- money, transportation, instruments... where do I start? I would've run out long ago if it wasn't for you." Admittantly, getting Kuno to spend his money out of his own free-will was a lot easier than coercing. "A grand investment such as this, Nabiki Tendo, is worth sharing among those who would reap its rewards," Kuno replied, seemingly unconcerned in his chivalrous air. "It is I who should be thanking you, Nabiki Tendo." "How so, Kuno-chan?" "Not since becoming captain of the Kendo Team have I felt such camaraderie among people. It is as a band of warriors, ready and willing to march into the sun together, if necessary, for a common cause, a common goal. Truly, it is exciting to be a part of events that shape the future, such as this. Perhaps it is the mark of a new beginning for us all. Even for that thief of the heart, Saotome; perhaps there is a future for the cretin yet." But certainly not enough for him to atone for his past misdeeds, Kuno reminded himself darkly. "Nah, that new beginning started a while ago," Nabiki corrected. "Back at Ranma and Akane's wedding, that is. Ever since then, things around here became little different." "Perhaps. Perhaps that is the only good will I can grant toward Ranma Saotome, beyond saving my dear sister's life." Suddenly, the airs about Kuno seemed to disappear, replaced by one of sheer joy. "This feeling I have now... it feels good." He raised his arms in the air in emphasis, letting his bokken fall from his grip. "Perhaps a date, Nabiki Tendo?" Wait a minute, what are you saying? You, and THAT mercenary?! Shut up, you! This feeling was too good to dismiss lightly! Truly, this feeling was... joy. It felt... wonderful. "I don't think so, Kuno-chan." What in the world was he thinking? What was it that was nagging in his mind and her own that kept coming back to this subject? Am I subconsciously-wishing that even someone as dense as Kuno-chan would take me out on a date? "May I ask a favor?" Kuno said, regaining his usual arrogant composure. He eased one foot under his bokken. With a quick motion, the bokken was thrown into the air, then descended into Kuno's waiting hand. "What this time?" asked Nabiki. Back to business, eh? "My dear sister has a desire to sing as part of the group," Kuno answered. "Her vocal talents are to be commended, praised by all but the finest in the field. I am willing to pay whatever price it may be to make my dear sister happy." Nabiki shook her head. "Tell her this: 'Nabiki Tendo never gives in to demands.' Doco was formed from five girls, and that it shall stay. Do you understand?" Kuno nodded. "I see. Then I must delegate the unenviable task of informing little Kocchi to someone willing to put up with her tantrums." Names of servants currently out of his favor ran through Kuno's head. You do that, Nabiki thought defiantly as the title for the final song of the contest popped up in her head. The next evening Shampoo, Kodachi, and Ukyo met again at Ucchan's for dinner. All three sat at the same table, savoring cold glasses of water and empty plates which used to contain okonomiyaki, and something Kodachi whipped-up on the fly (surprisingly, it tasted good). Konatsu was busy in the back, cleaning utensils. Mousse was out for the evening on a walk, very unwilling to face Shampoo in this manner, at least, for now. The dartboard was filled with three sets of darts, where only one set had all three in the bull's-eye. Obviously Ukyo's work; sometimes the ten years training in okonomiyaki-style martial arts paid off. "So here we are again," observed Ukyo. "It's kinda strange, really, sitting here in my restaurant, sharing a meal. Playing darts. Talking our troubles away. Especially considering what happened last time...." "Loneliness does attract company, after all," Kodachi said. "Shampoo not lonely!" Shampoo protested. "Yeah, so when are you going to ask him out?" asked Kodachi. "Shampoo not ask Mousse out!" "I didn't mean Mousse, half-wit, but thanks the same for admitting it!" Kodachi laughed. "Oh, I just love digging for information!" Shampoo flared in anger, but Ukyo grabbed her shoulder, and calmed her down. "You should drop the charade and swallow your pride," Ukyo said, taking a sip from her glass with her other arm, "we both know you like him." Snowball chose that moment to jump into Ukyo's lap. The white cat purred in contentment. "Shampoo belong to Ranma," Shampoo said. "Let's not get into that again," Ukyo complained, stroking the cat. The new house rule was 'no Ranma' discussions amongst the three. "We won't stop pestering you until you date him," Kodachi said. "We don't have boyfriends of our own to make fun of." Or was it gossip about? "And no wonder if crazy girl insane," taunted Shampoo. "I'm not crazy, I'm eccentric!" Kodachi corrected. "It is such airs I put that assures me that I find a man who can truly love me for what I am!" Too bad Ranma, the one man who'd made it far enough into Kodachi's heart, didn't share feelings with her. "Who started that rumor, anyway?" "I think you did," observed Ukyo. "Your behavior says it all." "Does not!" Kodachi replied hotly, slamming her fist on the table. "I simply have a flair for the dramatic, a larger scope of living, than most people. Do you see anyone else appreciate living so? Don't you know it's best to seize the day, as it won't come tomorrow?" "Sounds like fine words to live by," commented Ukyo. "But that's hardly the way I'd assert it." "Commoners!" snorted Kodachi. "Only those of the upper classes understand the true meaning of living. People like you grope and complain about your lots in life when you've got everything that can make you happy staring at you in the face!" Perhaps, Ukyo thought. Then again, Kodachi did come from a wealthy family. Money sure did help things along. "Shampoo hate it when crazy girl make sense." "And I thought I was the rational one," teased Ukyo. "Stop that! Didn't you learn anything from what I've said? Be happy with what you have, and if you aren't then DO something about it! It's a shame I can't have darling Ranma anymore... I tried so hard to win over his heart." "Again, let's not get into that," Ukyo warned, putting the cat down. "So why do crazy girl and Spatula-girl want Ranma?" Shampoo asked. She knew the other two girls knew why she pursued Ranma, but what of themselves? Kodachi answered, "Put simply, he saved my life. Now I feel I owe him a debt which cannot be repaid. Serving him for the rest of his life as his wife would've helped a lot." Not to mention it would help carry on the great Kuno name; you kill two birds with one stone. "He's the only man I've met that could truly become my future husband." Ukyo said, "Ranchan and I were childhood friends, and at that time I wanted to marry him." "Hah, childhood romances. How rich!" Kodachi laughed. "When I was that young I just wanted a boyfriend!" Shampoo giggled, but thought about Mousse, then stopped. "Yeah, well, Father asked Mr. Saotome to marry me to him. He didn't want to see me alone, I suppose. Haven't seen him for a long time." "Well, take it from me, darling, and stay away from your father, they're more trouble than they're worth," Kodachi suggested. She couldn't stand watching dear Brother and Father fight so much. It got so bad one day that Kodachi was forced to choose between her brother and father-- 'it was me or him,' Tatewaki had said. Torn between the father she barely knew, and the brother she 'hated' so, who took care of her for many years like a father himself, Kodachi chose Tatewaki. Of course the choice did nothing to hurt Father; he simply didn't care about her enough. It was weeks before Kodachi could get over it. "Speaking of fathers, what about mothers?" asked Ukyo, taking another sip from her glass. "I've heard nothing about either of yours." "Well," Kodachi started, raising her own glass, "Mother left after a fight with Father many years ago." Or so 'ol Tacchi said, as Father never spoke of her, and Kodachi barely remembered her at all. "There wasn't a divorce-- simply a separation, I guess. She never visits or calls. Who knows what she's doing?" "Shampoo's mother have responsibilities in home village," Shampoo said. "How about Spatula-girl?" Ukyo cleared her throat. "Where should I begin? Well, for one, I've never really met my mother, as she died when I was very young." Thoughts of fault entered Ukyo's mind. It can't be your fault. "Please, let's just leave it at that?" The three remained silent, the only noises being Konatsu in the back room. Snowball trotted to the noise, leaving the dining room behind. "You should ask Mousse out," Ukyo insisted Shampoo, getting back on-topic. Conversation did tend to take side-trips during its course. "You won't find a better man, trust me," Kodachi said encouragingly. "Why you two try to help Shampoo?" asked Shampoo, confused. "Speaking for both of us, it isn't right to be alone," answered Kodachi. "I intend to raise a family, a family to carry on the proud name of Kuno. Don't you want to raise a family, for the glory of your name and family?" Shampoo nodded. She was of blood to the matriarch, after all. "Strange, isn't it," observed Ukyo, "how in the past we were bitter enemies, and now we're here, sharing a meal, as if we were old friends." "I wouldn't go that far, girl," Kodachi warned, eyes turning into slits. "I must admit, though, your cooking is excellent." "Yeah, well, you're not so bad yourself, when I can figure out what it is you cook," Ukyo said. "That last one was French, wasn't it?" Kodachi nodded. "My high-classed upbringing has exposed me to many other cultures across the world. It's crepe. Perhaps I can teach the 'world's greatest chef of okonomiyaki' a few recipes?" "I'd like that," answered Ukyo, although the mention of 'crepe' brought back sour memories of the crepe chef, Joe, who tried to take away Ucchan's customers last year. "Shampoo want to learn too. Only ramen dishes Shampoo's specialty." And it shows, both Kodachi and Ukyo thought. Instant ramen, just add water.... "As much as I hate to admit it," Kodachi started, "we might share more things in common than we realize. Cooking may be just one of them." "Yeah, and Ranchan another," Ukyo said, laughing. "Either we owe Ranma for introducing us, or we should kill him," Kodachi replied jokingly. Both Shampoo and Ukyo stared at her. "All right, we won't go into that again." Shampoo sipped from her glass. "Shampoo have idea. Perhaps song contest?" Kodachi peered at Shampoo suspiciously. "I thought you said you didn't want to hear us sing?" "Lay off, sugar," Ukyo said. "I'm game. How's this going to work?" "All sing one song. We judge each other impartially. Losers walk barefoot home; winner keep shoes." "I hardly call that a decent wager," Kodachi said. "Why not the losers eat Akane's cooking?" "Sounds good to me," agreed Ukyo, if the losing wager was a bit harsh. She called over her shoulder, "Konatsu! We want you here." Konatsu entered the dining room and bowed. "What service shall your humble servant perform, Ukyo-sama?" "Judge our singing," Kodachi said. "Tell us which sounds the best!" "Shampoo want to start first," offered Shampoo. * * * * * Ja Ja Uma ni Sasenaide (Don't Make Me Wild Like You) (Short TV broadcast version. Fighting song Karuta CD, track 36. Viz's translation, btw, makes a lot more sense than the internet copy) (Shampoo) Yappa pa, yappa pa / Don't know what to do My heart is not a game It's mah-hongg to you Yappa pa, yappa pa / Feel like such a shrew Who needs boys? Don't you dare Make me wild like you Before you, boys got on their knees Ranma, Ranma, you Make me feel dizzy Since the day I ran into you Ranma, Ranma you... ...stole my heart, and you... ...don't you dare go and... Make me wild like you Somebody tell me why it's so hard To say those three words: "I love you?" If I let myself give in to you I'll become just as wil as you! Before you come in like a breeze Won't you stop and ring the bell, please? Before you make my heart your home Why not let me love you on my own...? I'd be better off without you... But just tonight, it's all right Until tomorrow, all right Every time your eyes turn to me Ranma, Ranma, you Make me feel dizzy Someday we may be more than 'friends...' Ranma, Ranma, you've Gone and done it true Can't you see that you've Made me wild like you * * * * * Shampoo finished her song, Kodachi, Ukyo, and Konatsu clapping in respect. "So, how that?" Shampoo asked Konatsu. "I don't know, my lady, I have yet to listen to the others," Konatsu replied diplomatically. "I could've guessed that Shampoo would sing a Ranma song," Ukyo whispered to Kodachi. How typical. "Stupid sisters play song practicing one of their stupid techniques!" explained Shampoo hotly, remembering the utter ridiculousness the purpose of the song served in the 'ultimate fire dragon technique'-- the victim was forced to dance to the music, allowing the Chinese twins to attack with a mechanical dragon costume without fear of retaliation. A really stupid trick. "Song stuck in Shampoo's head; this Sisters' fault!" Kodachi shrugged, and stood up. She announced, "I'm next!" With images of Ranma firmly in her mind, a bag of black rose petals in hand, Kodachi began.... * * * * * PURATONIKKU tsuranuite (Let's be Platonic) (Fighting Song Karuta, track 8) (Kodachi) Nobody else at the seashore, together with you, we reveled at the time but we settled down. Your reticent eyes somehow scare me. The sky, the sea, and the waves all recede in the distance. Ah, even at the touch of your little finger, my thoughts race! Till love grows, wait a little while. Softly brushing away a grain of sand on your lip, I see myself in your eyes..... ahahahahahahahaha!!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! Ahahahahaahaaa!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you.....oooohoohooohooooo!! Suddenly rain falls, and in a hurry, we run for the car on the road. Ah, when you roughly pull me by the arm, it feels like it's broken. Be gentle. What my heart must decide, the answer may be known only by the endless waves? [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's still be Platonic for now....ohohohohohoho!! [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- as painful as that may be....hehehehehehehe! To tell the truth, when we almost kiss, I've felt like saying you're allowed. [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's be Platonic-- it's a promise! Whaaahaaaahhaaaaa.... [Follow Me] [Me & You] Let's stay Platonic-- I love you.....ooohooohooohoooooo!!! * * * * * Kodachi bowed after completing her song, the others clapping. Black rose petals adorned the floor of the restaurant. The energy the song bestowed within her was one of the main reasons why Kodachi loved to sing this one. For the seconds that followed the end of the song, the Kuno girl felt like exploding; damn, it felt good! "I take it you added the laughing yourself?" commented Ukyo, eyeing Kodachi with a strange look. Shampoo observed, "If Shampoo not mistaken that song dedicated to Ranma. You still fantasize Ranma. Why?" "Well, you did it too," Kodachi replied, almost yelling. A girl can dream, after all. "Well, I guess it's my turn," Ukyo said. Taking a deep breath, Ukyo stood up. "I'm not all that good, really." A rather modest comment, since she did win a prize at an amateur singing contest a while ago. Ukyo was glad none present saw the complementary video she bought afterward; she was embarrassed already because Ranma and Akane saw it. "Don't worry, I won't mind if you skip out on our wager," Kodachi taunted. "No way!" Ukyo replied. This one's for you, Ranchan. * * * * * Mou Nakanaide (Don't Cry Anymore) (Ranma 1/2 Opening Theme Song Collection, track 6) (Ukyo) On a street corner, shining down is The lonely silhouette which is me I just heard the line "good-bye" from you Without quite believing it My heart beats as though they're drums Against my chest Which brings forth tears, A lullaby Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! I had felt like I was totally cool. In the car that's driving away, I can see a lovely kiss scene. You and your girlfriend-- It's no mistake! Cheer up, don't cry anymore Only bad things won't continue Cheer up, don't cry anymore. I look up and embrace the sky. Smile again! Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! * * * * * Ukyo bowed, then said, "How's that?" It was one of Ukyo's favorites. Part of it may be the relevance the lyrics have to her own life. "Obviously not as dramatic as it could've been," observed Kodachi, glancing at the carpet of black rose petals she made earlier. All eyes turned to Konatsu. Konatsu sat unmoving, seemingly moved by Ukyo's song. "I loved Ukyo-sama's the most." "That's not fair!" protested Kodachi. "He's biased toward your song!" "Well, he was the only one around, sugar," Ukyo pointed out. Shampoo pondered for a moment, then said, "Perhaps this not good idea. Shampoo like all songs, to be truthful." "Same here," agreed Ukyo and Kodachi. "Then it's settled," Konatsu said. "It's a draw." With that, Konatsu lumbered out of the dining room to resume his cleaning. "Nabiki Tendo doesn't know what she missed," laughed Kodachi. Images of shoving it up her rear passed through the Kuno girl's thoughts, and she laughed even harder. Later that evening, after Shampoo and Kodachi left, Mousse returned from a long walk. And the first thing that left his lips were, "So how was Shampoo?" Ukyo tried to bury her feelings. Somehow it still hurt to hear Mousse ask about Shampoo instead of her... love's such a complicated matter! Slowly, Ukyo answered, "We tried to coax her to ask you out on a date. Who knows what's going through her head now." Mousse nodded. "I'm sorry I had to put you through this mess, really. You have to understand, I realize now I don't love you." "Hey, you've said your apologies already," Ukyo replied. "I don't love you either. We're just friends." Well, Ukyo, if you knew that before you allowed yourself to believe you were in love with Mousse, then you wouldn't be in this predicament! Forget it, I did know that before; my heart blinded my eyes. The heart truly was useless. "What I truly want," Mousse explained, "is for Shampoo to admit that she likes me. That is what I think is most important, laws be damned. Nothing should get in the way of true love." How true. Ukyo was almost ready to break down as she replied, "Mousse... you should stop worrying about me. I mean, if being with Shampoo makes you happy, then I'm all for it. I mean, I...." She stopped herself, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes. Wailing softly, Ukyo ran to her room, leaving a confounded Mousse behind, alone in the dining room. Konatsu chose that moment to enter. "I'm worried about Ukyo-sama. She displays a mirror that does not reflect her true feelings. She may say she's happy, but she is not. I suspect there is something terrible fermenting within her, and I can't do a thing to help her." Mousse replied, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have dragged her into this mess. She was there for emotional support when I needed it, and I took advantage of it. Things are just too complicated now. Why is it when I profess my love I hurt my friends?" "Love is no simple matter," Konatsu said. "I've expressed my love to Ukyo-sama, but she cannot return that love. But I will remain happy so long as I can take care of her." "Maybe," thought Mousse. "Ukyo and I are alike, you know?" "How so?" "Ukyo loves Ranma, but knows she can't have him. I love Shampoo, but the difference here is that I have a chance. I still want Shampoo, but I can't help but feel responsible for Ukyo. I can't shake the feeling that I've used her." Wrong, Mousse, you HAVE used her, Mousse's conscience chided, just as she used you, only Ukyo got the bad end of the stick. She was just getting over Ranma when you came along and sucked her love dry like a vampire would do to blood. Mousse wondered if Ukyo knew it was a sham relationship from the beginning. Konatsu nodded. In a way, he too shared some things in common with Mousse. Oh, Ukyo-sama.... Misery attracts company, I suppose. Mousse sighed. "If only Shampoo would admit her love...." Shampoo secured the door to her room in the Nekohanten, then threw herself on her pillow. What was it that was bothering her? She knew she loved Ranma, that's for sure, but Mousse? Were those two girls, once her enemies, right? Shampoo sat up, and picked up a framed picture she'd brought from home. It was a picture of the whole gang, taken quite a while ago. There was Ranma, and Akane, and Ukyo, Kodachi, Kuno, Happosai, Great-grandmother, herself... and Mousse, among others, standing right behind her, face covered by Shampoo's own fist. Vividly, Shampoo remembered how the photo shoot didn't turn out the way it was planned, because, as soon as the flash went off, half the gang was already at each others' throats. Ah, Mousse, how long have you endured my presence? Shampoo wondered. Since they were both three years old, Mousse continued to harass Shampoo, professing his love and desire to marry her. At first Shampoo was angry, especially when Mousse proposed to an animal instead of Shampoo, but as time went on it became sort of a game between the two. Fondly Shampoo recalled one of Mousse's ill-fated schemes to make Shampoo jealous by having another girl pretend to love him. Of course Shampoo saw through it right away. She hated the obsessive, love-blinded Mousse. She'd thought it was a joke when Mousse decided, one day, that he'd train himself in martial arts to defend himself, his village, and Shampoo. It wasn't a man's place to fight in a village of strong warrior women, according to tradition, so it was a complete surprise to Shampoo and the others when they discovered he was serious. Something happened to him, but he wouldn't say what, not even to Shampoo. They were about five years old then. Mousse's training paid off in the long run, to Shampoo's amazement and comfort. How many times had the village's warriors been challenged, and how many times had it been Mousse who stood foremost among the challengers. How many times had Mousse defended Shampoo from harm, even when she didn't ask, most notably from the strange birdman on Prince Toma's island. It was those times Shampoo admired Mousse the most. Perhaps it should be a wonder that Mousse remained faithful to Shampoo after all she'd had done to him. Every attack she threw at him, Mousse wouldn't defend, purposefully leaving his guard down, and refuse to retaliate. For the longest time Shampoo thought this was a weakness, but now, she thought, it's the same Mousse that swore to protect her from harm. Was this why she still cared about him? Why wasn't she happy with Mousse? Was it because Ranma beat her in battle, or simply pride? How, after all these years, could Shampoo yield compassion toward Mousse, after what she'd done to him? Shampoo threw herself back on her pillow, burying her head in it to hide her tears. It was hard to tell which way was up, and which way was down. Early Wednesday, the next morning, in the auditorium, Shampoo approached Nabiki. Obviously business about the final competition, Nabiki thought. "Ah, Shampoo," greeted Nabiki. "Nihao," greeted Shampoo. "I have word with you about final song." Nabiki found herself a seat and sat down, reclining. "Okay, shoot." Shampoo thought for a moment, letting the words form in her mind. "Last night Shampoo think about song and singing at Spatula-girl's restaurant." Among other things, that is. "Shampoo hold singing contest to see who sing better, Shampoo, Spatula-girl, or crazy-girl." "And...?" Nabiki asked, leaning forward in her seat, obviously interested. "Shampoo conclude that they not bad in song," Shampoo answered. "Shampoo not know why she do it, but now Shampoo ask Nabiki for favor." "Let me guess," Nabiki started, "you're asking me to allow them to sing the final song?" "Yes!" Shampoo confirmed, visibly smiling. Nabiki pondered for a moment. "If I let Kodachi and Ukyo sing, then what will the others say?" She stood up from her seat. "Let's go." The two singing girls made their way down to the dressing room, where Akane, Ranma, and Kasumi were waiting. "So there you are!" exclaimed Akane. "What took you two so long?" "Shampoo thinks we should let Kodachi and Ukyo sing," Nabiki announced, shutting the door behind her. "You know, I had that same thought," Akane said, "for quite some time, actually." She thought back to when she and Ranma found a video in Ukyo's room, from an amateur singing contest. Both agreed that Ukyo wasn't bad. In fact, Akane offered to let her sing with the group then, if they'd ever gotten together again. Of course, knowing Nabiki, Akane knew it wouldn't happen. Nabiki believed that Doco was a fivesome, and it should stay one. The group was her brainchild, after all. "Hey, I can vouch for Ukyo," Ranma said, beating Akane to the punch. She shrugged. "I can't say anything about Kodachi, though." "Crazy-girl not bad herself," added Shampoo. "What about the others?" asked Kasumi. "What would they say?" "We can't play favorites," Nabiki pointed out. "And we can't let every single band member who wants to sing have their way, you know. It's better the way it is. No problems, no headaches in the morning." Shampoo offered, "Younger sisters, though can't do two things at once, need not play all the time during song. Especially this song," she said, producing a copy of the song lyrics for emphasis, "which not require their instrumental talent. So when time comes they either play or sing, no problem. Pig-girl have no problem, but Shampoo don't know how well she sing." "I think she's okay, considering the song and dance she makes around Ryoga," vouched Ranma. Vividly Ranma remembered what Akari did after Ryoga returned her love for the first time; she was definitely happy, practically bouncing off the walls. Yup, no doubt about that. "For song not allow men to sing," suggested Shampoo. "Voices too deep for song," she added, waving her copy of the lyrics. "As if that part mattered," Nabiki said. "None of them voiced a desire to sing anyway. Hmmm...." "I think it'll work out," Akane said. "It would be nice," agreed Kasumi. "Perhaps you're right," Nabiki said, giving in to the votes of her four fellows. Stone-cold Nabiki Tendo, giving-in to demands? Not if I can help it, Nabiki thought. This wasn't giving-in, it was conceding to valuable suggestions! "I guess there's no time like now to make a change in plans." To Shampoo, she said, "You go tell the others, and pass them the lyrics, okay?" Shampoo grabbed more copies of the song lyrics, then bounded out of the dressing room. Kodachi and Ukyo finished setting up the instruments, a task in which they received after drawing lots (which was done ceremonially at the beginning and end of each day). The others were in another room away from the stage, finishing breakfast, when Shampoo entered, seemingly almost out of breath. "Good morning, sugar!" Ukyo greeted cheerily. "Nihao!" greeted Shampoo with greater enthusiasm. "So how has a good night's sleep worked wonders for the Chinese delivery girl?" Kodachi asked, noticing Shampoo's heightened mood. "Shampoo talk to Nabiki. Ask for favor. She let you sing in next song." She let the words sink in, waiting for a reaction from her new-old friends. Perhaps 'former rivals' was a better description? To say that Kodachi and Ukyo were ecstatic was an understatement. Both yelled in triumph, the auditorium echoing their voices. So happy they were that they hugged Shampoo in joy. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!" Ukyo babbled off. Kodachi just laughed, happier than ever. Black rose petals descended from the sky, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. "Shampoo happy for you," she started, "but Shampoo no like being hugged by other girls...." Right after Shampoo left Nabiki received yet another note from the judging committee. What she read disturbed her a great deal. Now, in the course of two days since the first band was dropped, four more bands were dropped from the finals, and that was when Nabiki became suspicious. It was still early morning when Nabiki stole herself away from the auditorium and from practice to travel to the contest headquarters in downtown Tokyo. A few good words put Nabiki before the chairmen in no time. The doorman admitted Nabiki into a large conference room, where several men and women occupied seats around a rectangular table. At the opposite end of the table from Nabiki sat the Chairman himself. "Mr. Tokuyama," greeted Nabiki, "Nabiki Tendo." "Yes, yes, I've heard of you," Tokuyama said. "Reputation precedes you, even in downtown Tokyo. You're not only the manager of the local group, Doco, but you are also a shrewd entrepreneur. Not just anybody can receive my audience, but be quick about it, as I've an important meeting in a half an hour." Nabiki produced the notices received earlier in the week. "Five finalists have been dropped from the contest in the past two days, why?" "Ah, six now," corrected Tokuyama. "We've investigated each and every band, and those six don't meet my expectations and guidelines I provided in the rules. They're there to prevent legal complications, you understand?" "May I ask what?" "The first band was dropped after being found in possession of illegal drugs. The government intervened on that one, unfortunately. The second and third got in a fight, incapacitating several band members. The fourth withdrew voluntarily, no explanations given, none asked. The fifth was arrested for disturbing the peace, and the sixth, well, one of their band members has been found with several jugs of alcohol." Tokuyama leaned forward in his seat. "You do understand, Ms. Tendo, that these rules are in place to ensure that the prize winners don't encounter certain legal issues when we ask for recording contracts." "Of course," Nabiki said cautiously. Not to mention to distance yourself from legal complications; perfectly-understandable, but cruel. It was the way of business, actually. "So, may I ask how the investigations are progressing?" "By all means," invited Tokuyama. "The investigations themselves are completed, leaving six qualified for the final rounds. Only the top three will be awarded prizes, number one getting grand prize." "Yes, I know. Thanks anyway." Tokuyama said, "On the way out, Mr. Kozaya will give you two free vouchers to be used in the next concert I sponsor." "Yeah, thanks," Nabiki replied. When Nabiki returned to the auditorium, she stepped inside and discovered some commotion among the band. Quickly Nabiki dashed down to the stage, and discovered Athena Asamiya in the midst of the group. She was crying. "What happened?" Nabiki asked no one in particular. Ukyo answered, "Athena's band got dropped from the contest." "Why?" asked Nabiki in surprise. "They're the next best thing to a professional band!" "Her master, Chin, was found with several jugs of sake," explained Ukyo. "Of all the idiotic...." Especially since Chin always drank; in fact his martial arts style depended on his sake jug! "It shouldn't have mattered! He's well-beyond the legal drinking age." Kodachi cut her off, saying, "Even such talent as Athena possesses in her music, this shouldn't have happened." Kodachi produced several folders stuffed with paper. "I've checked through the events surrounding the drops of bands, and I've come to the conclusion that it's all a set up." Leave it to a rat to ferret a rat, Nabiki thought, taking the folders. "Someone is obviously trying to rig the outcome of the contest." "But who?" asked Akane. "Who could be desperate enough to eliminate the competition like that? One of the other bands?" "Perhaps," Kodachi said. "Or someone who stands to lose if certain bands win. Or both." "In any case," started Nabiki, "we should be prepared for anything. I've got a feeling whoever is doing this isn't done yet. We may be next." "Well, whatever they're going to do, it's obviously something that could get us into legal or public trouble," voiced Ukyo. "Therefore, we should be very careful about what we do for the rest of the week." "I don't think that'll be possible," Akane pointed out. "Especially with people like us, who tend to attract trouble like a magnet." "Wait," Ranma said, "I have an idea." Nabiki groaned. "Oh, and what would that be?" "We should let the trouble come to us," explained Ranma. It was then Nabiki caught on. "Ahhh... I see." Scary, that Ranma, of all people, thought of it first! Taking charge, she explained, "We'll just have to be prepared for our 'trouble,' but this time, the circumstances will be of our own design...." Later that evening word got to the group that yet another band was kicked out of competition, leaving it down to five bands: Doco, Red Pepper, the Yawning Dragon, Old Cabbage, and Samurai Blood. The shadow figure dressed all in black, waiting, concealed in the bushes just within the walls of the Tendo dojo. He watched, waiting, listening carefully, watching as Ranma and Shampoo entered one of the second-story rooms together, and shut the lights off. Perfect. It was then the figure bounded up to the dojo, climbing to the second floor where the lights were on in the window only moments before. The 'Sir,' who wished for his name to remain anonymous, suggested this idea; the leader insisted that I, not the 'Sir,' perform this task, the shadow man thought to himself proudly. It felt good being needed; it was better than being subject to the 'Sir's' wrath, who insisted on performing this task himself, as he knew what to do, it was his plan, and he wanted it done right. The only way the 'Sir' was kept in line was the threat by the leader to publicly announce his name to the populace. He gently pushed the window open, and slid inside. Walking stealthily, the shadow man produced an object from his pocket, ready to attack.... *CLICK!* The shadow man dropped his camera in alarm as the lights to the room went on. A female Ranma lay in bed with Shampoo, both very much awake. At the door the others piled into the room. "I'll wager you wanted to take a scandalous picture?" guessed Nabiki as she reached for the man's hood. "There are very few people in the world who would've been dumb enough to fall for this little trick. Now let's see which idiot you must be, hmmm?" The man tried to get away, but others blocked the open window. With a sudden, violent jerk, Nabiki ripped off the hood. All stared in surprise. In unison all shouted, "GOSUNKUGI!!" There was no mistaking the pathetic man's face, dark bags hanging under his eyes, the stare of a maniac in his eyes. Onna-Ranma grabbed Gosunkugi by the neck and held him in the air. "Why?" Choking somewhat, Gosunkugi answered, "Akane should be mine!" "You!" Akane spat. "I'm married, you little twit!" "There's no way you could've acted alone," Nabiki concluded. "You're right, I wasn't alone!" Gosunkugi proclaimed without shame. "Who else?!" demanded onna-Ranma. "All those who stood to lose," Gosunkugi answered. "The other bands were sold out by their 'friends' and acquaintances, you know, for they were quite angry that they themselves stood no chance of traveling to Hawaii." Kodachi threw up her arms. "Well! I'm glad I'm not on your side. Loose lips and all." "I made sure that wouldn't be a problem!" Nabiki shouted, visibly losing her temper. Who could I have missed? "Nabiki...." Kasumi tried to calm Nabiki down, but moved away. She knocked onna-Ranma away, who dropped Gosunkugi. Gosunkugi sighed in relief until Nabiki grabbed his shirt, lifting him back into the air. "I want a straight answer, little man, and I want it now. And what I want now are names. Nobody, NOBODY, crosses Nabiki Tendo and gets away with it!!" Gosunkugi became more terrified, as he'd never seen Nabiki lose her temper before. "Aaaahhh, aaaahhh, I'll talk! There was Tsubasa...." "Tsubasa!" spat Ukyo in anger. That little wretch.... "...myself, the Gambling King, the 'Sir,' whose name I don't know, Mikado Sanzenin, and some others I don't know. And the man who organized us, the leader." Nabiki threw Gosunkugi at the wall. "You spineless bastard, who is he?!" "I... I don't know!! He'll have my head if I tell you!" Nabiki grabbed Gosunkugi's shoulders and shook him violently. "Wrong choice of words! Spill before something inside you does!" "Okay, okay! It was the principal! Principal Kuno!" "What?!" shouted Kodachi and Tatewaki in unison. Both Kunos knew their father was a terrible person, but to sink so low.... Nabiki shook him again, hard. "Then tell me this: who WEREN'T you supposed to ruin?!" On the verge of fainting, Gosunkugi said, "Old Cabbage!! That's all I know!! Spare me!!" Nabiki let the pathetic man go, then walked to the door. To Kuno she said, "Bring the van around." To Shampoo she said, "Bring along Gosunkugi, he's our proof." Nabiki stalked out of the room, the eyes of Kasumi and Akane following her. Both looked at each other in surprise. "I've never seen Nabiki so angry before...." commented Kasumi. "Well, maybe it runs in the family," Akane said. It certainly ran in herself and Father, so why not Nabiki. Or Kasumi, Akane thought with a shudder. It was then when they heard a scream coming from downstairs. All gathered ran down the stairs, finding Nabiki staring out the front door. Eyes looked beyond the doorway to what lay beyond: a giant hulk, with two large horns jutting from the sides of its head, bird-like wings spread, and multiple tentacles springing from its back. "Pantyhose!" onna-Ranma shouted in recognition. Gosunkugi, in Shampoo's grasp, let out a weak laugh. "You're all going to get it now...." Pantyhose Taro, in cursed form, snorted loudly, almost beckoning for a challenge. The creature towered over the teens, appearing as a great bull-giant, like a minotaur, with wings and octopus tentacles springing from his back. His eel-tail lashed behind him menacingly. Had Taro the voice box in his cursed form for which to reply to Ranma, his response would've been "Stop calling me that!" Instead, it was "Gwaaaa, ha, ha." Standing behind Taro were three more figures: Principal Kuno, the Gambling King, and Mikado Sanzenin of the Golden Pair. Ranma dashed to the kitchen and retrieved a kettle of hot water, then poured it on herself. Ranma turned to Shampoo. "Don't let that creep out of your sight!" With that, he lead the charge. Following were Kuno, Kodachi, Ukyo, Konatsu, Mousse, Ryoga, and Ling-ling and Lung-lung. All attacked Taro at once. Fortunately for Taro, he had enough limbs to deal with multiple attackers, and the strength to back it up. Tentacles swatted at the combatants dwarfed by his size. Taro snorted in amusement, discharging ink at every other target, blinding them. "Bwwwwaaaaaaahhhh!" cried Taro, concentrating his attacks on the hated Femme-boy, Ranma Saotome. The others could wait; this was the one he wanted. The Principal of Furinkan produced gardening shears, snapping it open and closed in anticipation. "The Saotome kid's mine! I've waited a long time to get that pig-tail of his!" Mikado protested, "No way, I'll make him pay for my past humiliation!" "Time to make that kid lose!" voiced the Gambling King. "I've a score to settle with him." No fair cheating the king of cheating. "How about this," the principal offered, "I'll cut his hair, and you get the rest of him?" "Sounds good for me!" they agreed, Mikado producing shearing blades on his rollerblades, and the Gambling King reaching for steel cards in his coat. Love isn't the only thing that's going to vanish tonight. But as they entered the fray, both Kunos, Ukyo, and Ryoga broke off from Taro and engaged them. Ryoga confronted Mikado, itching to defeat the male half of the Golden Pair. The principal confronted his son and daughter. "Stand away, children! You can't get in the way of my business! I'll deal with Saotome!" "Has your life become so dependent on your students that you can't bear to live another day without tormenting them?!" Kuno brandished his bokken menacingly. "Now its time to repay you for my past humiliations! Let's see if you can cut the Kuno's mighty blade!" Kodachi laughed. "Abandoning us while you enjoy life alone! You were never there for me!" Silently, she added, you left me with only my stupid brother to take care of me. "Now it's payback time!" Ukyo waved her combat spatula at the Gambling King menacingly. "Your tricks end here, King of Cheating! I've been waiting a long time to get back at you for what you pulled on me ten years ago!" "Ahahahahaha," laughed the Gambling King, "So the little one has grown up? Cards aren't the only game I play...!" With that, the King threw three steel cards at Ukyo. In return Ukyo threw three of her own spatula-darts, deflecting the trajectory of the steel cards. "What the...?!" shouted the Gambling King in surprise. "Perhaps you should stick to real card-playing, for all the good you are at it!" Ukyo said. "I've still an ace up my sleeve!" Snarling in anger, the Gambling King threw several poker chips about the ground, using them as caltrops with their sharp edges. Ukyo leaped away, then produced a flour-bomb, and heaved it. The resulting cloud of flour obscured the King's vision, causing him to miss his target. Seizing initiative, Ukyo brought her combat spatula down upon the Gambling King's head, running him to the ground. Ukyo stood over the fallen King. "Now who loses?" she taunted. Back inside the dojo, Shampoo still held Gosunkugi in a harsh grip. Akane stared the man in the face and said, "If they hurt Ranma, I'll hurt you!" "Akane...." Kasumi said, concerned for her sister. Perhaps this anger streak was inherited. Ling-ling and Lung-lung fought as one, hitting away tentacles that went after the other, bashing with their polearms. Then, both planted their weapons into the ground, and stood on top of the other end. In unison they shouted, "Dual technique: falling star!" With that, they somersaulted in the air, uprooting their polearms from the ground, and in a wide vertical arc, brought them down on Taro's shoulders. Taro merely flinched, then swatted the two girls away. Shampoo couldn't stand it anymore. Shoving Gosunkugi into Kasumi's arms, she said, "You can't hurt sisters like that!" The Amazon leaped into the fray, flying forth with a deep kick into Taro's exposed gut. Taro snorted in amusement. He grabbed Shampoo by the hair, and tossed her into the air. The arc of Shampoo's descent landed her right in the middle of the pond on the opposite side of the Tendo house. The Kuno siblings danced around their father, taunting him. The principal held his shears tightly, not knowing which one of his offspring he should deal with first. "Come now, Father!" Kuno taunted, spitting out the last word in anger. "You're so arrogant in your own turf, but now that you're here your power is meaningless!" "What kind of a son are you?!" the principal bellowed. How ironic, that Tacchi would spit out now. The son he knew seemed almost nonexistent. "What kind of a FATHER are you?!" Kodachi shouted, throwing two clubs at the principal. Both stung him in the legs, causing the principal to fall to his knees. "How could you leave us behind like you did?!" "Now, cretin, you will taste the wrath of the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, for I have waited long for the moment in which I would smite you!" Kuno raised his bokken, and charged. "Kokuzan!!" In swift motion Kuno thrust his bokken in an upward arc, creating a powerful force of wind that slammed into the principal, throwing him back. "I'm not beaten yet!" cried the principal, throwing a couple of pineapples at his son. Kuno watched the pineapples arc in his direction-- surely they must be explosive! Bokken held out in one arm, Kuno spun around in a quick circle as the pineapples approached ground zero. The quick attack on the pineapples split them cleanly in two, spilling gunpowder about. "You've improved," noted Principal Kuno. "Never before had my son bested my techniques!" "Now, behold!" yelled Kuno, "The vengeance of Heaven and Earth crashes down upon the enemies of the name Kuno! Passed from generation to generation of the Kuno swordsmen alone was a secret technique of such fury and power that only one possessing such virtue as I, Tatewaki Kuno, could ever hope to master it! From the forgotten tomes of honorable Great-grandfather Kuno Heaven and Earth meet in one terrible blow! You are wise to tremble in fear as you feel the awesome might of the Blue Thunder final attack!" His bokken raised overhead steadily. "Spare me the speeches," spat the principal, unsure of what to expect. Kuno rushed his father, leaping in the air and bringing his bokken down in a harsh downward arc. For a brief moment the bokken seemed to crackle with lightning as Kuno cried, "Tenchi raimei kiri! Feel the fury of Heaven and Earth!" Chi-created blue lightning seemed to follow the descending arc of the bokken as it made its way to impact with the principal's person. Upon impact the blue lightning bathed Principal Kuno in its eerie light. Blue chi-lightning raced about the principal as he screamed into the night, the pain washing over him. Kuno backed away from his handiwork to Kodachi's side. Both brother and sister watched their father fall to his knees, clutching his head in pain. Soon, the principal was out like a log, the blue energy dissipating. Ukyo watched as one of Taro's tentacles pulled her combat spatula from her grip. Now disarmed, Ukyo didn't know what to do. "Ukyo!" shouted Mousse. "Catch!" He threw a halberd at her feet. Ukyo picked up the halberd nervously. "I don't know how to use this!" And just how did he get a polearm like this in his sleeves?! Flying through the air, in one smooth motion, Mousse produced an impossibly-large number of darts, waving them as they were fans. And in one swing, all of them were thrown, biting into Taro's hide before Mousse touched down. Mousse threw several chained spears at Taro, but Taro caught them in one hand. Swinging them around, Taro sent Mousse into orbit. Konatsu jumped in Mousse's place, tossing several darts from the folds of his costume. The darts hardly seemed to faze Taro, so Konatsu drew his blade, and descended for a debilitating strike on Taro's arm. Ukyo watched as Taro swatted Konatsu away. He fell against the ground, hard, and lay unmoving. "Konatsu!" Ukyo shouted, feeling the concern and anger within her. That monster will pay if he's hurt.... "Monster, whoever you are! I'll make you pay for harming MY friends!!" Raising halberd high, eyes glowing a brilliant red flame, Ukyo hacked at Taro, letting anger consume her. Taro snorted, feeling the blow as another would feel a scratch. Ukyo could almost hear the monster laughing, taunting her, as if telling her, 'What a worthless gesture,' and that made her hack at him with more fury. Hacking continuously, she cried, "Why... don't... you... die!!!!???" Taro peered at the halberd-girl curiously. She barely made scratches to his own tough hide, but continued to. In the meantime, Ranma leaped on Taro's back, pummeling him on the back of the head. Taro's eel-tail snapped at Ranma wildly, trying to get rid of the annoying pest. Shampoo, having just returned from a hot water bath, picked up Konatsu's sword and joined Ukyo in hacking at Taro's tough hide. Ling-ling and Lung-lung gathered their wits about them, raising their polearms. With Taro distracted, the two made their way to his flanks, one on each side. Raising their weapons, they shouted, "Dual technique: twin dragon nails!" With that, the twins ran their weapons into Taro's hide, biting deep. Taro howled in pain. From far up in the sky, Mousse descended, feet-first, shouting "Raking hawk talons!" The nails attached to Mousse's sandals purchased into Taro's skin, and ripped several long scars as Mousse completed his descent. Taro snorted in anger, then, throwing off Ranma, ascended into the air, and disappeared into the night. I've had quite enough of this gang-banging, he thought. Had the battle consisted of less, Taro would've wiped the floor with him, but to have six opponents at once, and being wounded in multiple areas.... Had the foolish principal listened to him, Femme-boy and his cronies would've come to him instead-- it wasn't strategically sound to take the battle to unprepared grounds. Even the plans Taro made earlier were of no use anymore, as they'd already been implemented in this little incident. Oh well, good riddance to that little group of rabble, especially that crossdressing weasel that reminded Taro of Femme-boy too much. This battle wasn't over yet, hermaphrodite-boy. I'll be back for you later. Ukyo raised her halberd high into the air, and shouted, "Come back here so I can kill you!!!" "Ukyo...." Ranma said, concerned. Placing a hand on her shoulder, control seemed to return to her. The fires in her eyes dimmed. She looked around, a bit confused. "Ranchan?" "He's gone, it's over," Ranma answered. He held Ukyo by the shoulders firmly. "Are you okay?" "I... I don't know what got into me," explained Ukyo. Ranma released his friend, then walked back to the entrance. There were only two other times Ranma remembered when Ukyo did this: when she first came to Nerima, and when she appeared at the first wedding. Then there was the possessing spirit, but that wasn't really Ukyo, or was it? Did he really know his best friend that well, or was there something inside her just waiting for blood? Quite frankly, the bloodthirsty, merciless killer in Ukyo scared him. "Ranma!" Akane called from the doorsteps. She ran out to her husband, and the two embraced, to Ranma's surprise. Rather, it was Akane who hugged Ranma. She looked into Ranma's eyes. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" "No, it's not me," assured Ranma. He looked over his shoulder, checking to make sure nobody was listening. "Akane, something's wrong with Ukyo." "Ranma, it all comes down to one thing," Akane said. "Do you really know Ukyo as well as you think you do?" "What kind of a question is that?" asked Ranma. "Everybody has something to hide." Akane looked over Ranma's shoulder to Ukyo, who'd collapsed to the ground in exhaustion near Konatsu. Whatever it was, she hoped it wasn't something terrible. Ryoga finished with Mikado, destroying his shoes with the 'breaking point' technique. Principal Kuno lay bound in Kodachi's ribbon, shears just out of reach. Nabiki walked amidst the battle scene. "Now, if we're all through here, we've got somewhere to go." "This is highly unusual, Ms. Tendo," Mr. Tokuyama said. "But I am willing to listen to whatever you have to say." Silently, Tokuyama reclined in his large padded chair, crossing his legs, waiting for a response. Thursday was dawning in the office of Tokuyama, with Nabiki and the rest crowded inside, Shampoo still holding Gosunkugi. "I'd like to present to you one of the conspirators," Nabiki announced, "one who's made a full confession and implicated foul play on part of the band Old Cabbage." "Rubbish!" someone shouted, bursting into the office unannounced. It was the leader of Old Cabbage. "We've done nothing wrong, and I've never seen him in my life!" Gosunkugi looked elated. "Did you come to save me?" The Cabbage leader returned a dirty look. "I see you accepted my invitation," Nabiki commented to the Cabbage. To Gosunkugi she said, "Spill it." "I won't talk," Gosunkugi said defiantly. "Oh too bad," Nabiki said, "I guess I'll have to go for plan 'B.'" From a pocket Nabiki produced a tape recorder, the meaning of which Gosunkugi knew. "Be prepared, I say." After listening to the tape, Tokuyama concluded, "Perhaps my desire to find true talent has lead some on the road of corruption." To the Cabbage he said, "You're out." "I'll get you for this!" vowed the Cabbage as he left. "In any case," continued Tokuyama, "I'll allow the previously- dropped bands to return. So if you don't mind spread the word. The game's still on." It was not long, later that morning, before the authorities found and detained the rest of the conspirators, except for Pantyhose Taro and Tsubasa, who somehow eluded capture. To the Doco band it was no surprise. The entire Cabbage band, Mikado Sanzenin, Gosunkugi, the Gambling King, and Principal Kuno were being escorted to a waiting van just outside the Tokuyama building. The band stood by as Mikado was carted by. When asked why, this was his reply: "I've vowed vengeance against Ranma; what more do I need?" The Gambling King complained, "I've not played my cards right! Someone deal me another hand or I'll fold!" To his escort he said, "So, how about five card stud, nothing wild, hmmm? Winner goes free...." Ukyo smashed his head in with her combat spatula. The principal said, "None of my students should enjoy their summer vacation! I WILL make it a living hell for you all, especially for you, Saotome! Ahahahahahahaha!" Kuno stuffed a wad of yen into the van driver's hands. "Make sure THAT one is taken far, far away. I hear Abu Dhabi is good this time of year, my good man." Then Kodachi added, "The cargo plane need not land." The van driver nodded, accepting the money. Nabiki stood backstage in her costume, waiting as the band set up their instruments on stage for the final competition. It was Saturday afternoon. The past two days were spent in frantic practice as adjustments were made in the song arrangements, despite being exhausted on Thursday. It was all for the better, Nabiki thought. She was glad Shampoo convinced her the other morning. "Nabiki Tendo?" Nabiki turned, and saw Athena Asamiya. "Heya, pal." "I wanted to thank you, for helping me out," Athena said. "Don't mention it," Nabiki said, "Just don't tell the others I do favors for free. I did it for myself." "You're a strange one," Athena concluded. "Why do you like to hide your real self?" "Nabiki Tendo is a businesswoman," Nabiki said. "It wouldn't help any of my work if I had such a reputation. Everybody in Nerima knows, if you want something done, and done right, you come to Nabiki Tendo. With plenty of cash, of course." The sound of yen, lots and lots of yen, might have something to do with it.... Athena checked her watch, and said, "You'd better get on stage. Best band wins." "Thanks," Nabiki said as she stepped on stage. She surveyed the band in the back, looking from one person to another, and back to when it all started a month ago. Kuno, in center, sat behind his drum set, beating drumsticks together in anticipation. Kodachi, with xylophones, and Ryoga, with gong, cymbals, and shakers, stood to Kuno's left, with Ling-ling and Lung-lung to his right. The twins were given some of the remaining percussion instruments, since this song didn't have wind instruments at all. Funny, after a whole month of practice, those Chinese twins still couldn't do two things at once. Ah well, such is the nature of the beast, Nabiki thought. It'll have to do. Ukyo stood to the far right, alone with her keyboard, dressed in plain clothes, her flute resting across the top of the keyboard. She wore her good-luck pair of jade dragon earrings, passed through generations of the Kuonji family. One couldn't help but notice her bandoleer and combat spatula on her, which then drew attention to her face, and then the hearts of men melted... everything about her was so perfect, she could get any guy she wanted.... Dammit, Nabiki, stop thinking like that! You'll get jealous this way! Then there was Mousse, Akari, and Konatsu, down one tier below the others, with their respective string instruments, the bass, violin, and guitar. All three of them had come far, considering how Akari and Konatsu never touched string instruments before, and Mousse in that he learned to play something different. Beside Nabiki, on the left and right, were onna-Ranma, Akane, Kasumi, and Shampoo, all dressed and ready to go. Kasumi took a sip of water from a paper cup, then set it down on a nearby stool. All gathered were ready. Nabiki looked over off-stage, where her father, her in-laws, and Cologne waited and watched, proudly. "Okay everybody," Nabiki started, "no matter what happens, just remember that you've all come very far in the past month. From a barely-stable band to a tightly-knit group, I must say watching the transformation and being a part of it was fun. And it's a pleasure to save the best for last." Kuno voiced, "I must admit, since day one I've had my doubts of your ability to pull such a feat off, Nabiki Tendo. Remind me, when we make it to Hawaii, to thank you properly." And it won't be a date, he reminded himself. "I just want to say how we've all changed," Ukyo called from her position on the stage. "For the better, I suppose." She stole a glance at Nabiki, who raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Hah, there's potential in some of you commoners yet!" Kodachi exclaimed, followed by her trademark, wicked laugh. "If any of you still have any doubts," Nabiki said in conclusion, "just remember one thing: no matter what, we're number one!" "We're number one!" all shouted in unison. The curtains were drawn. The crowd went wild with anticipation as the song began.... * * * * * Equal ROMANSU (Equal Romance) (Fighting Song Karuta, track 19; Note: think X-mas OAV) [(Akane) With just empty kindness, (All) my heart is in pain. Love is always loneliness into your arms, ah.....] (All) Darlin' Just For Me I'll be waiting. (Shampoo) I want to make your heart thrill. (glance at Ranma, Mousse) (All) Your fingertips lead to romance. Our destiny is surely Fallin' Love (Kasumi) Tonight, it's strange in a stopped car at the coast, (Nabiki) the two of us, even being this close, (Akane) why do unseen barriers get in the way? (glance at Ranma) (All) Tears are about to overflow. [Fallin' Love] Darlin' Just For You I won't stray. (Ranma) Please make my heart throb strongly. (All) From your eyes, romance begins. More than anyone, I love you. Catch my love (Ling-ling and Lung-lung) Tonight, look at the lipstick I put on for the first time, (Ukyo) but you, your love quietly turns away. (glance at Ranma) (Kodachi) Now if you care for me, [eh-hee...] (fall black rose petals) (All) I want you to hold me. [Catch My Love] Darlin' Just For Me I'll be waiting. I want to make your heart thrill. Your fingertips lead to romance. Our destiny is surely Fallin' Love (Mousse and Konatsu kick in for about 20 seconds) (Akari) With just empty kindness, my heart is in pain. (All) Love is always loneliness into your arms, ah. Darlin' Just For Me I'll be waiting. I want to make your heart thrill. Your fingertips lead to romance. Our destiny is surely Fallin' Love (Mousse throws confetti and firecrackers into the air. Crowd cheers) * * * * * After moving their instruments off-stage, the band gathered in the back room. "Everybody," Nabiki started, "you all did great." Mousse said, "After the other bands finish we'll finally know the truth." "And Hawaii will be ours!" proclaimed onna-Ranma. "Don't count your eggs before they hatch, Ranchan," warned Ukyo. "Take it from me, it's never over until its over." "Ever the pessimist," Kodachi noted dryly. "Hey, I'm NOT a pessimist!" protested Ukyo. Shampoo walked to Mousse, then dragged him away from the others. "Shampoo need to talk to Mousse... alone." For a brief instant, Mousse's glasses fogged up with steam. "Yes, my darling Shampoo?" "Shampoo had long talk with crazy-girl and Spatula-girl other night," she began. "They try to tell me I refuse to admit I like you. They were right." "Shampoo...." Mousse said, waiting in anticipation for the answer. "Shampoo know she can't have Ranma. But Shampoo's heart is still with Ranma. Perhaps small part of Shampoo like Mousse, but not in same way as for Ranma." Mousse's heart sank. "Don't you love me?" "As friend, that I grant you," Shampoo said. "You always there for Shampoo and others, even though you were male. You always defend Shampoo even when she don't need to be defended. Selfless, brave, and silly. That is Mousse I love, not Mousse that shower Shampoo with attention." "If it's your space you want, then... I'll give it to you," Mousse said, starting to walk away. Shampoo grabbed his arm. "Don't go, Mousse. Shampoo miss Mousse if he leave again. Stay with Shampoo for now, won't you?" Mousse turned around, and met Shampoo's eyes. "I'd like that." Well, it's a start, he thought. He wished he could repay the favor back to Ukyo, but knew it wouldn't be possible. Love is a complicated thing. Mr. Tokuyama appeared on stage fifteen minutes after all the bands had finished their songs. "The judges have convened and have selected three finalists for your voting pleasure. In no particular order is: Samurai Blood, Psycho Soldier, and Doco." The members of the respective bands shouted with joy. Tokuyama continued, "Now, audience, please submit your votes for the winner in the Battle of the Bands." Backstage Ukyo congratulated Athena. "Ukyo... my offer still stands," Athena said. "Well," Ukyo started, "I guess that all depends on which one of us gets what prize, you know. But afterward, maybe. I need to continue my own martial arts training too, you know. I am the master of my own art." "I see," Athena said. "Still, I'm interested in the way which you use your chi, it must be evident in your fighting style. May I ask for a demonstration?" Without waiting for an answer, Athena spread her arms apart, then threw them together, yelling "Psycho ball!" The projectile slammed into a nearby vending machine, causing it to spill its contents. Tsubasa was among them. "Tsubasa!" Ukyo cried. Producing an okonomiyaki out of nowhere, Ukyo threw it at Tsubasa. The Japanese dish landed with a loud *PLOP* on the downed Tsubasa. Athena turned to Ukyo. "That's hardly what I'd call an art...." "You haven't seen anything yet," assured Ukyo, unstrapping her combat spatula. Ominously, slowly, Ukyo walked to and stood over Tsubasa. "Ukyo-sama!" cried Tsubasa, trying to reach for a leg, but the sauce on the okonomiyaki prevented him from moving. "What is this?!" "A family secret," explained Ukyo, "to eliminate the enemies of the Kuonji family!" She brought her spatula down on Tsubasa's head, hard. "It's called 'super glue!'" she cried, punting the little man like a golf ball, sending him flying through the wall. Athena walked beside Ukyo, who was breathing heavily. Faintly, Athena could detect a hint of darkness in Ukyo's battle aura, something she'd never encountered before in her for the short time they've known each other. A thin layer of purple crept from the skin. She shook her head. Perhaps I'm imagining things, reasoned Athena. Ukyo turned back to Athena. "That was only half of it. Just wait until you sample my specialty okonomiyaki...." "Now the results of the votes from our glorious audience," announced Mr. Tokuyama. "Third place goes to Samurai Blood!" "And finally, for the grand prize winner is... Doco." Each and every one of the fourteen band members shouted in triumph, some jumping into each others' arms, some patting each other on the back. Black rose petals rained on the audience from above, courtesy of Kodachi's work. Mr. Tokuyama approached Nabiki, applauding, a file folder held under his left arm. "Congratulations, Ms. Tendo! I knew you'd be the one since I first met you." "Is that so?" Nabiki replied. Perhaps her reputation was well-known to the man after all. She pointed to the file folder. "May I assume that's for me?" "Why, yes," Tokuyama confirmed. He opened the folder in his hands, and sifted through the contents, stopping at one in particular. With his free hand, Tokuyama handed it to Nabiki. "I'm proud to offer you a recording contract for three years." Nabiki accepted the contract. Carefully, she scanned the lines of text on the form, weighing the benefits and problems that could spring from signing such a deal. Hmm... definitely a high profit margin, but do I have the time for this, considering the examinations? And college? "Wow, this is rather generous," admitted Nabiki, finishing her examination of the contract. "But then, I'd still like to go to school, and I'll bet the others would want to as well." Tokuyama took the contract back from Nabiki as he produced a pen from his coat pocket. Leaning the contract against a nearby wall, Nabiki watched the head of the Agency scribble out several lines on the contract, then pen in new words in their place. Handing the edited contract back to Nabiki, he said, smiling, "I think you'll find these terms agreeable." Nabiki's eyes bulged, her jaw dropped. Those words Tokuyama hastily scribbled-in basically gave the band free-reign over their time. "I... don't know what to say. I mean, this is rather unexpected!" "Your people are too good to let go," explained Tokuyama. "I love you guys too much!" "Well, then, on behalf of the others, and as manager, I accept," Nabiki said, holding out her free hand. Tokuyama clasped it readily, shaking the Tendo girl violently in the process. Obviously, this guy was very happy, Nabiki thought. Tokuyama released Nabiki's hand. "If you don't mind, then, perhaps another number? Your songs are wonderful." "Sure, why not?" answered Nabiki. The band retreated back to their positions with their instruments as the others retreated from the stage. The twins had to help Kuno carry the drum set again before the heavy load of the entire set he carried toppled. In a quick five minutes, everything was ready. Nabiki waved the adults on-stage as well. And this time, there was no practice, no set of lyrics to go by; just a sheet of notes to play, but each and every member of Doco knew what to do. Kuno tapped his drumsticks together in rhythm. "One, two, three, go!" * * * * * Lambada Ranma (NEW '97 stage-call--lyrics modified by me) (Fighting Song Karuta, track 45, etc.) [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Ranma-chan:] I turn female, with my idiotic constitution. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! Ranma: Hello, everybody! Akane: Hey! Wait for me! Shampoo: I wish to marry you, my love. Shampoo, why won't you go out with me? Mousse O-baba: You're quite talented, future Son-in-law. Nabiki: Send your commends and suggestions to Nabiki Tendo.... Kasumi: Oh my. Are we out of time? Hi. Konatsu Genma: Hmmm... how should I explain this? Kuno: I am called Blue Thunder of Furinkan High. Soun: Care to explain yourself, boy? Oooooh-hohohohohohohoho! Kodachi Ukyo: I'm Ranma's cute fiancee. Ryoga: Ranma, how dare you hurt Akane like that! Akari: I love pigs! Ehehehe... oops! Ling-ling, Lung-lung [Akane:] In our Tendo dojo, [chorus:] our tenant [Akane:] Ranma had harsh training at, [chorus:] Jusenkyo. [Genma:] Quite a tragedy! [Ranma:] When I pour water on myself, [Ranma-chan:] I turn female, with my idiotic constitution. [chorus:] Akane's fiancee! * * * * * "Flight 2332, now boarding. Nonstop flight to Hawaii." "Well, that's our flight," Akane said. She hugged her father, along with Kasumi and Nabiki. "Take care my daughters," Soun said, on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry you can't come Father," Kasumi said. "If Mrs. Saotome wasn't around, I wouldn't dare leave you alone." "Nonsense!" Nabiki said. She grabbed her older sister's arm. "Now lets get going, before something goes wrong." Kasumi handed her father a tissue. "We'll be back in two weeks." "Take care, my little girls!" Soun cried, unable to contain his tears any longer. It took a good deal of coercing and force for the Tendo sisters to leave his arms. Ranma hugged his mother, both saying their good-byes. As Ranma passed Genma, all he could say was, "Catch you later, Pop." Akane asked her husband, "So, Ranma, when we get to Hawaii, what first?" Ranma looked over his shoulder, checking to make sure nobody else was listening in. "Hopefully we can spend time by ourselves. Especially away from Shampoo." After Ranma came the Kunos. Tatewaki said, "Perhaps it was about time to spend a long vacation." Kodachi said, "Just so long as you don't come back like Father. I don't wish to deal with two of him, you know! Hahahahahahaha...." He shuddered at the thought. I'll never be like HIM, Kuno vowed. I'm a far-greater father than he'll ever be. Both boarded the plane, Kodachi laughing the entire way. Next came Ukyo, Mousse, and Konatsu. The crowd parted before all three members of the band, for each one of them carried a weapon visible on their persons. Unlike Kuno, whose wooden bokken hardly raised eyebrows, a giant spatula, a sword, and sleeves-full of darts caused the cautious to step-away. Security, likewise, had failed to relieve the three of their weapons, harboring the same fears as the crowd. "You know, I really hope my business survives all the time I've spent away from it," Ukyo said. "Don't worry, Nabiki has it covered," Mousse assured her. "She says its in gratitude for winning the contest." "Ukyo-sama need not worry about a thing," agreed Konatsu. For a moment his thoughts wandered to his little white cat, Snowball, left in care of the Tendos and Saotomes for the duration of the trip. Right now the little rascal must be lonely, being at the Tendo home all alone. "Yeah, I suppose," Ukyo agreed. "She does know about business, after all." To Mousse she asked, "So what was it that Shampoo talked to you about?" Mousse sighed. "A beginning. Something which, I hope, will grow over time." Oh, how I'm sorry I brought you into this, Ukyo.... Ukyo nodded. So this was how it was going to be, eh? Dammit, Ukyo, what was with you? You'd be better off without such crutches as emotion! Look at where it got you! You devoted yourself to Mousse, and he rejects you. You devoted yourself to Ranma, twice, to boot! and both times he rejected you. You try to be cheery and friendly, even helpful to your old enemies! and look at where it got you: nowhere. Silently, kept all to herself, Ukyo fermented the anger within herself. So far she'd kept her dark feelings in check, at least to the best of her abilities, considering how she blew up at that big monster and Tsubasa. It wasn't fair, her lot in life. Ukyo debated to herself the choices that lay ahead... should she go on as if nothing happen, or go back to the old days before she became reacquainted with Ranma. Stop thinking like that! Ukyo thought. How can you bear to hurt Ranchan, and by extension, Akane, your friends? Were they REALLY her friends? She shot a glance at Nodoka, who merely smiled. In her mind Ukyo could almost hear her say, "Think about what I have said." Shaking her head, Ukyo boarded the plane. Next Akari lead Ryoga through the crowd to the loading ramp. If it were any other way Ryoga wouldn't even have made it to the airport in time. "Ryoga, hurry!" Akari said. "Just so long as you know which way to go...." Ryoga replied as the couple boarded. Ling-ling and Lung-lung rushed ahead of Shampoo, who walked slowly with her great-grandmother. "Take care, Child," Cologne said. "Yes Great-grandmother!" Shampoo started to turn, but stopped, and faced her matriarch again. "Great-grandmother...." "Yes, Child?" "Shampoo don't know about Mousse. Don't know about Ranma." Cologne nodded. "Since the law of marriage was broken, use your best judgment, Child. I'm sure you'll make the right choice." For the tribe, that is. Cologne watched Shampoo leave. Soon all the teens boarded the plane. It wasn't long before the sound of engines could be heard. A woman passed in front of the Saotomes, Mr. Tendo, and Cologne, running frantically. She stopped before the now-blocked boarding door, out of breath, and shouting, "Ryoga!" Soun got her attention, "Take it easy! He's on the plane leaving for Hawaii with his fiancee and friends for summer vacation." "That's my son!" the woman cried. "I recognize him anywhere!" She fumbled through her pockets, and produced a faded picture. The boy in the photo appeared rather young, but it was definitely Ryoga Hibiki. Who could mistake the bandanna and rather confused-looking face? (not to mention the fangs) Soun and Genma looked at each other, worried looks on their faces. Swell. Nodoka said, "You can stay with us until he gets back in two weeks." "That'll be nice!" Mrs. Hibiki said. Especially since her own home was empty a good deal of the time (not to mention she didn't know where it was). She only wished she didn't get lost in the terminal, otherwise she wouldn't have missed her son-- again. Suddenly, previously-spoken words finally caught up with Hibiki. "FIANCEE?!" Mrs. Hibiki fainted, Genma catching her in his arms. The airplane flew high above the clouds that evening toward the rising sun in the east. After a short fight over who got window seat and who got isle seat, the fourteen were set in. Nabiki and Kasumi sat in the same row, Kasumi in the window seat. From what they could tell, Ranma and Akane, in the seats before them, were asleep. Behind them Akari and Ryoga kept quiet; neither sister bothered to look in on the couple. Immediately across the isle were the two Kunos, listening to whatever they were listening to in their headphones. In front of the Kunos were Konatsu and Ukyo, playing cards and making idle conversation. Behind the Kunos were Mousse and Shampoo, neither speaking to one another. Behind them were the twin sisters, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, fast asleep from exhaustion. Certainly wasn't quite first-class, but the next best thing, considering how many of them there were. Nabiki couldn't help but listen in on Ukyo and Konatsu; after all, they were the only ones in the cabin making any sort of noise. From what she could tell Ukyo won just about every hand. "Nabiki?" Kasumi said, breaking all silence. "Hmmm?" Nabiki said, broken from her half-sleep state. "It was very nice of you to organize our friends into the band. I don't know how to thank you, it's one of the most selfless things I've seen you do in years." "Yeah, well, don't get used to it," countered Nabiki coldly. Kasumi smiled. "I knew it, you really do care." "I really wish people would stop bugging me about it." "Come on, Nabiki, you know that's the side people like in you." "If I did act that way, then people would wish for the cold-hearted old Nabiki back." "I understand. Perhaps it would be the same if I were to behave other than the way I do now." Nabiki leaned over to her elder sister. "And I wouldn't have it any other way, Kasumi. Neither would you. Let's just leave it at that, okay?" For a long while neither sister spoke. Then Nabiki said, "I still miss Mother." "So do I," agreed Kasumi. "Father's right, she would be proud of us, wouldn't she?" "Hey, if you are, then I'd say 'yes.'" "Nabiki, I'm not Mother." "No, but the next best thing. I mean it." "Thank you." Kasumi smiled again. Nabiki couldn't help but smile, too. For the first time in a long while, it was as if the two sisters came to know each other again. True understanding is a rare thing indeed. In another set of seats, Ukyo and Konatsu continued playing cards. And for the umpteenth time, Ukyo won. "Ukyo-sama is very skilled in many areas," praised Konatsu. "Naw, it's just you don't have the face for cards, sweetie," Ukyo said. "I'm glad you're okay. Back in the fight against the monster, I was so worried. I went so far as to swear revenge if something happened to you." "Thank you for thinking of your humble servant," Konatsu bowed, but was stopped fast by the seat's tray table. "Perhaps there is hope for my forbidden love after all." "Don't push it, kiddo," Ukyo said. Well, what was the world coming to? Here I am, no hope for love, and here's Konatsu, hoping for love. Well, tough luck, kid, it's not going to happen. Konatsu, you're such a sweet guy, but I can't stop seeing your girl-side. Ukyo spared a glance at Ranma and Akane. That same nagging thought held her thoughts: were they REALLY your friends? Did friends leave you hanging on a thread of a relationship for months before throwing the book at you, as Ranma did? You should've said it out straight, Ukyo thought, and spared me the trouble and humiliation.... If you had, maybe things would've been different. Ukyo couldn't admit it to herself it was over before it started, but had Ranma said something before it might've been a lot easier.... She shook the thoughts from her head. Who cares, you're a member of the band; that should make up for everything. Silently, as Ukyo shuffled the cards, she hummed, "On a street corner...." Had someone peered out the window, a distance behind the plane a massive shape followed the plane in the shadow of the night, crane wings flapping with hard labor to keep up. Had there been daylight the monster would've been visible in the open sky. But there was no daylight, there was no window that would allow one to view the flying monster that was Pantyhose Taro, octopus tentacles and eel tail trailing behind in the night wind. No, Femme-boy, this wasn't over, not by a long shot. * * * * * Closing: Equal Romance (Doco) [(Akane) With just empty kindness, (All) my heart is in pain. Love is always loneliness into your arms, ah.] (All) Darlin' Just For Me I'll be waiting. (Shampoo) I want to make your heart thrill. (All) Your fingertips lead to romance. Our destiny is surely Fallin' Love (Kasumi) Tonight, it's strange in a stopped car at the coast, (Nabiki) the two of us, even being this close, (Akane) why do unseen barriers get in the way? (All) Tears are about to overflow. [Fallin' Love] Darlin' Just For You I won't stray. (Ranma) Please make my heart throb strongly. (All) From your eyes, romance begins. More than anyone, I love you. Catch my love --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Version notes: Latest rewrite adds new scenes during the initial practice phase, and more on the decision to allow Kodachi and Ukyo to sing with the group. A major reworking of who got what instrument, after finding a picture with the Ranma gang with instruments (you'd know the picture when you see it, it's a manga scan from the memorial book), although this had no impact on the story whatsoever (cosmetic change). Added more scenes with the 'bad guys' working in the background, and motives for Taro and Tsubasa's presence in Nerima. General expansion of certain non-key, character-building scenes. Major change: the song Ukyo sings in the singing contest was changed accordingly to 'Don't Cry Anymore.' Don't ask, it was on a whim. I happen to like this song more than 'Full of Memories.' I don't think I'll ever figure out what those string instruments are :( Implementation of Taro's original plan: humiliating Ranma in any means possible. If you think about it, it's even worse than killing Ranma. Taking pictures was just part of the idea, considering the hermaphrodite's lifestyle.... I think summer vacation is a month and a half? A month, at least. Oh well. Yes, I think the translated lyrics suck too. Purists would rather go for the Japanese lyrics, but then, I'd be alienating my audience. Best results if you have samples of the songs or the CDs themselves (I neither recommend nor endorse Son May CDs (illegal bootlegs)-- go out and find the REAL copies, it's not that hard). Story notes: I couldn't help but write something about... this. Man, you HAVE to go and buy the Doco CDs. :) To the various guys and gals who translated the lyrics, a big and hearty thank-you, otherwise I'd have no idea what I'd been listening to ;) The Karuta CD is pretty good for a few laughs too, go get that! (I'm feelin' like an advertisement right now....) Quite a bit of this was written listening to the Ranma songs, particularly 'Mo Nakanaide' on piano (from the Sega Game Music CD). This song in particular was what made me put Ukyo on a keyboard, as I've come to associate the vocal song with Ukyo (if you've read the lyrics, that's another reason why). Heh, Ranma and Akane are already married, yet I don't know how to handle the name thing.... Kuno in any case would continue to call Akane 'Tendo' no matter what, however, so that's the only case when I'll deal with it. I believe Akane would take Ranma's name, however, but I hesitate to call her 'Akane Saotome.' It just doesn't sound right, despite using traditional marriage conventions. Well, this story turned out WAY longer than I expected; I just couldn't resist telling the tales of the band members throughout the story. Of course some tales might be better off untold, but what the hey.... I wanted to write about the three rejected fiancees, for one thing, as well as the lingering darkness in Ukyo (must've been at least three rewrites of those instances, just to get it right). As for what she'll do, we'll just have to see. The seeds have been planted in more than one place... see if you can find them all. This in no way means I think Ukyo's a demoness; this is an exterior problem. As a side note, Ukyo STILL has yet to MEET Pantyhose Taro. :) To those of you concerned about Nabiki's portrayal in the story: no, she doesn't have the money or the power to do whatever she wants, but she certainly is persuasive enough to get her way (such as getting money from Kuno; use your imagination). After all, it is an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii.... Final lesson: don't make Nabiki Tendo angry. She's Soun Tendo's daughter, remember? >:) Secondly, was Nabiki too nice than from the manga? Only so far as to include the others in the band; she recognized the fact that the others would... 'take interest,' in the band's well-being.... THAT is the primary reason why she let them join at all. Go back to her first conversation with Ukyo and look. I, personally, don't believe in the Kuno-Nabiki relationship. However, if you think as I do, and notice a general similarity in the 'get something you want yourself' attitude in Kodachi and Nabiki, and how Kuno treats either of them, there IS something, but not much. Depends whether or not you think Kuno likes his sister; I think their relationship is rather typical of brother-sister: neither would like to admit liking each other consciously to one another, but would be willing to defend each other/stick together. I also don't believe in the Shampoo-Mousse couple, either. Shampoo could care less if Mousse died. Sure, some part of her might like him, but that isn't enough to get a foot in the door. The only way I think Shampoo could remotely like him was as a fighter, and even then Mousse doesn't present himself to Shampoo like that. The most what happen is that Ukyo and Kodachi got Shampoo confused. Continuity notes: I've decided to place the time in 1995, so all the characters should be about one year older now (Kuno and Nabiki 18, Kasumi 20, the others are pretty much 17). I base this off 1994-5 as the series as a whole, then extend time to accommodate for the wedding fiasco at the end of Ranma and Akane's first year in high school. And I thought it would've been silly if Ranma were 16 in 1989 (when the series started) and put them in the early 1990's; I don't feel like going back that far. Same goes for basis in 1998; no smelting way. 'Unfreezing' time bites. Therefore, Nabiki and Kuno are in their final year in high school, thus the tidbits of 'Exam Hell,' the examinations that determine the rest of a student's life. Yes, they do exist, and that's what cram (juku) school is for. Remember, high school is only three years, begins in April, ends in March, with a summer break in July. Btw, it IS year-round. I hope you noted the cameo appearance of Athena Asamiya (Psycho Soldier, King of Fighters). Chronologically this appearance would be after the defeat of Omega Rugal in KOF'95, for continuity buffs. Stuff that didn't make the cut: I had an idea where, during the first Psycho Soldier performance, Kyo and Iori would meet each other in the audience, and start a brawl. Thought about it. Threw it out as unpractical and useless to the story. Besides, I don't have lyrics to the song. As a bonus: the lyrics to the songs appearing in this story, gathered. I loved Equal Romance so much I wanted to include it here (it's sung by Coco, btw, the name in which Doco was derived from; how appropriate. Not to mention they did sing that song in the X-mas OAV, too. The vocal track is also available on the Karuta CD). A copy of the translated lyrics to 'Psycho Soldier' would be much appreciated. If available, please send it to me! (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) Razorclaw X http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html ________________________________________________________ ** Fanfic Opening Theme ** Mou nakanaide (Don't cry any more) "Ranma 1/2 Nettouhen" opening theme (1991) machikado ga utsushi-dasu The street [lit. corner] casts samishige na SHIRUETTO watashi yo a lonely silhouette, that's me. sayonara no SERIFU ima The good-bye speech-- now, shinjirarezu ni kiita I can't believe what I heard. [lit. I listened incredulously.] KURAKUSHON sae DORAMU no you ni My heart beats like a drum, kono mune tataki even a klaxon. namida wo sasoi hajimeru no RARABAI Starting to invite tears, a lullaby. * genki wo dashite mou nakanaide Cheer up, don't cry any more. ashita ni nareba When tomorrow comes, subete kawaru wa everything will change. genki wo dashite mou nakanaide Cheer up, don't cry any more. atarashi kaze mukatte Face the new wind and Smile again! smile again! sokonashi ni Cool sa to I had felt like I sono ki ni natte ita wa was totally [lit. bottomlessly] cool. hashiri-satteku kuruma no naka no In the car that's driving away, suteki na Kiss SHIIN a lovely kiss scene. anata to kanojo You and your girlfriend-- machigai ja nai yo it's no mistake! genki wo dashite mou nakanaide Cheer up, don't cry any more warui koto dake because nothing but bad things tsuzukanai kara won't continue. genki wo dashite mou nakanaide Cheer up, don't cry any more. miageta sora ni dakarete The sky I look up at embraces me. Smile again! Smile again! * genki wo dashite mou nakanaide Cheer up, don't cry any more. ashita ni nareba When tomorrow comes, subete kawaru wa everything will change. genki wo dashite mou nakanaide Cheer up, don't cry any more. atarashi kaze mukatte Face the new wind and Smile again! smile again! Singer: Senou Azusa Lyricist: Miura Noriko Composer: Hada Ichirou Arranger: Satou Hitoshi Translation: Theresa Martin ________________________________________ ** Fanfic Ending Theme ** Equal ROMANSU (Equal Romance) "Ranma 1/2" ending theme (1989) [Please catch my love] * Darlin' Darlin' Just For Me matteru wa Just For Me I'll be waiting. kokoro ni ZOKU-ZOKU agetai I want to make your heart thrill. anata no yubisaki ga izanau ROMANSU Your fingertips lead to romance. unmei goto kitto Fallin' Love Our destiny is surely Fallin' Love Tonight fushigi ne Tonight, it's strange umizoi ni tometa kuruma in a stopped car at the coast, sou futari wa konna chikaku ni ite mo the two of us, even being this close, mienai BARIA jamashite iru no wa naze why do unseen barriers get in the way? namida afuresou Tears are about to overflow. [Fallin' Love] [Fallin' Love] Darlin' Darlin' Just For You mayowanai Just For You I won't stray. tobikiri DOKI-DOKI kudasai Please make my heart throb strongly. anata no hitomi kara hajimaru ROMANSU From your eyes, romance begins. dare ijou ni suki yo More than anyone, I love you. Catch My Love Catch my love Tonight mitsumete Tonight, look at hajimete tsuketa kuchibeni lipstick I put on for the first time, demo anata wa but you, sotto koi o sorasu no your love quietly turns away. ima taisetsu ni omotte kureru no nara Now if you care for me, daki-shimete hoshii I want you to hold me. [Catch My Love] [Catch My Love] * Repeat tegakari no nai yasashisa dake ja With just empty kindness, setsunai My Heart my heart is in pain. ai wa itsumo Loneliness Love is always loneliness ude no naka e Ah into your arms, ah. * Repeat Singer: CoCo Lyricist: Oikawa Nemuko Composer: Yamaguchi Mioko Arranger: Nakamura Satoru Translation: Theresa Martin ________________________________________ [Ranma 1/2] DoCo * FIRST image song (1992) Omoide ga Ippai [Full of Memories] (zenin) shigyou BERU kinishinagara kakete kuru KURASUMEITO koe kakeru no nee "(Akane) Ohayou!" natsukusa ga kaoru hodou hohoemide hajimaru asa itsumo to onnaji da kedo (All) Worrying about the starting bell, a classmate comes running up calling "(Akane) Good morning!" The sidewalk is fragrant with summer grasses. The morning begins with a smile. It's the same as always, but... (Ranma) sarigenai shunkan sae watashi no takaramono (SHANPUU) kokoro no ARUBAMU ni hatte aru (Ranma) Even a casual moment is a treasure to me, (Shampoo) pasted in the album of my heart. (Kasumi) wasurenai [kono sora o] (R S N) wasurenai [kono yume o] (Akane) anata to ima wakeau yasashii kisetsu (Nabiki) kanashikute [yureta hi mo] (R A S K) ureshikute [naita hi mo] (zenin) taisetsu-na omoide na no (Kasumi) I won't forget [this sky] (R S N) I won't forget [this dream] (Akane) the gentle seasons I now share with you. (Nabiki) In sadness [the days I shook and], (R A S K) In joy [the days I cried], (All) these are important memories. (zenin) hi ga ataru watarirouka tomodachi ni uchiaketa ne suteki-na hito demo "naisho..." kiri-sugita kami wo kuyami nemurenai yoru mo atta itsuka wa waraeru kashira (All) In a covered passage in the sun, I confided in a friend: a wonderful person, but "it's a secret..." Lamenting the hair I cut too short, there were nights I couldn't sleep. I wonder if I can ever laugh about it. (Nabiki) sazanami ga sarau you ni hakanaku kieta koi (Kasumi) itami ga kakokei ni kawatte mo (Nabiki) As if washed away by rippling waves, love was fleetingly worn away. (Kasumi) Even if the pain becomes past tense, (Ranma) wasurenai [ano niji wo] (A S N) wasurenai [ano ai wo] (Kasumi) sou OTONA ni natte mo nakushitakunai (SHANPUU) hashaideta [itsu datte] (R A N K) nayandeta [ima datte] (zenin) mabushisa wa owaranai no (Ranma) I won't forget [that rainbow] (A S N) I won't forget [that love] (Kasumi) Even if I become an adult, I don't want to lose them. (Shampoo) I was high-spirited [at any time] (R A N K) I was distressed [even now] (All) the dazzling brightness doesn't end. (Akane) wasurenai [kono sora o] (R N K) wasurenai [kono yume o] (SHANPUU) anata to ima wakeau yasashii kisetsu (Kasumi) kanashikute [yureta hi mo] (R A S N) ureshikute [naita hi mo] (zenin) taisetsu-na omoide na no (Akane) I won't forget [this sky] (R N K) I won't forget [this dream] (Shampoo) the gentle seasons I now share with you. (Kasumi) In sadness [the days I shook and], (R A S N) In joy [the days I cried], (All) these are important memories. Translation by Theresa Martin Lyricist: Oikawa Nemuko Composer: Iwata Masayuki Arranger: Kawai Kenji _________________________________________ [Ranma 1/2] DoCo Second image song (1994) FUKUZATSUna Ryouomoi (Live Version) [Complex Two Thoughts] (Shampoo, +All) Carrying one side of romance is a burden, isn't it? (Shampoo, +All) Isn't there even a special connection to God? (Shampoo) On purpose, you had unkind behavior, but In my chest's heart, gentleness was being reached. (Akane, +All) Also repelling your pushy way of doing things, (Akane, +All) I must reflect that it is not good even if it's not you. (Akane) Also after that quarrel that I was not disgusted with, Wasn't it a gloomy street at night, I regret relying upon you? (Kasumi) Entwined by a red thread, We are connected here and there, aren't we? (Nabiki) Drawing strongly together with each other (Kasumi & Nabiki) Like a puppet that is being held. (All) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. (All) Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. (Ranma, +All) For example, take me even if I'm a boy. (Ranma, +All) For example, take you even if you're a girl. (Ranma) In this way, it's not personalities that are similar. And still, we can't associate with each other, right? (Nabiki) I'll try to find a good bed. I'll find one for you for about 100. (Kasumi) Your show of courage is love inside-out (Nabiki & Kasumi) The truth was let out long ago. (All) Simple love is good. Digital formula two thoughts (Shampoo) I want to make love and hate clear to you. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree. I want to become that sort of adult. (Akane) Complex two thoughts not docile, both of us (Ranma) The letters "sorry" are vanishing from the dictionary. (All) Simple love is good. I want to meet your kiss to a degree I can say "sorry." I want to possess gentleness. Complex two thoughts one plus one equals one half Worrying about wanting to cry in the dark. Translation by Jui-Hua (Ray) Huang Revised September 5, 1995 _________________________________________ PURATONIKKU tsuranuite (Let's be Platonic) "Ranma 1/2" ending theme (1989) dare mo inai umibe ni anata to hutari hashagi-sugita toki ga shizumaru Nobody else at the seashore, together with you, we revelled at the time but we settled down. mukuchi ni natta hitomi ga naze ka kowai wa sora mo umi mo nami mo toonoku no Your reticent eyes somehow scare me. The sky, the sea, and the waves all recede in the distance. Ah koyubi ga hurete mo SHOOTO shisou yo ai ga sodatsu made sukoshi matte Ah, even at the touch of your little finger, my thoughts short-circuit! Till love grows, wait a little while. kuchibiru no suna tsubu sotto haratte anata no me no naka no watashi o miru Softly brushing away a grain of sand on your lip, I see myself in your eyes. * [Follow Me] PURATONIKKU o [Me & You] tsuranuite ne Let's be Platonic-- yakusoku yo it's a promise! [Follow Me] PURATONIKKU de [Me & You] tsuranuite ne Let's stay Platonic-- anata ga suki I love you. hui ni huri-dashita ame awatete hutari michi no kuruma megake hashiru no Suddenly rain falls, and in a hurry, we run for the car on the road. Ah sonna ranbou ni ude wo hiitara orete shimaisou yasashiku shite Ah, when you roughly pull me by the arm, it feels like it's broken. Be gentle. kokoro ga kimeru koto sono kotae wa mugen no nami dake ga shitteru no ka mo What my heart must decide, the answer may be known only by the endless waves? [Follow Me] PURATONIKKU o [Me & You] tsuranuite ne Let's still be Platonic ima wa mada for now. [Follow Me] PURATONIKKU de [Me & You] tsuranuite ne Let's stay Platonic-- itai kurai as painful as that may be. honto no koto ieba KISU gurai nara yurushite mo ii-tte kanjite ita To tell the truth, when we almost kiss, I've felt like saying you're allowed. * Repeat Singer: Sakagami Kaori Lyricist: Matsumoto Takashi Composer/Arranger: Gotou Tsugutoshi Translation: Theresa Martin (revised January 15, 1994) ____________________________________________ Jajauma ni sasenaide (Don't make me a shrew+) "Ranma 1/2" opening theme (1989) | * YAPPAPPAA YAPPAPPAA II-SHAN-TEN | hashagu koi wa ike no koi. | YAPPAPPAA YAPPAPPAA II-SHAN-TEN | mune no tai wa dakareTAI Yap-pap-paa yap-pap-paa 1 shanten [Mahjong: 2 tiles from "ron"] Romping love [`koi'] is a carp [`koi'] in a pond. Yap-pap-paa yap-pap-paa 1 shanten The sea bream [`tai'] of my heart wants [`-tai'] to be embraced. |** wake mo wakarazu ni | Ranma Ranma de hi ga kureru | kimi to atte kara | Ranma Ranma de | NANDAKANDA to suttamonda no seikimatsu Without understanding even the reason, Ranma, Ranma, it's getting dark. Since I got together with you, Ranma, Ranma, quarreling about something or other, it's the fin de si\`ecle. | naze motto shizuka ni "suki da yo" to ienai no? | hariau to watashi mo jajauma ni natchau! Why can't you say "I love you" more quietly? Whenever we rival each other, I too become a shrew! | BERU mo narasazu ni soyokaze no you ni | mune no WANRUUMU sumitsuita kimi na no | meiwaku yo dakedo | ...kon'ya dake ii wa (...ashita made ii wa) Without even ringing a bell, like a gentle breeze, you just settled into the one-room [apartment] of my heart. It's an inconvenience, but... ...just for tonight, it's OK (...until tomorrow, it's OK) YAPPAPPAA YAPPAPPAA RYAN-SHAN-TEN odoru kisu wa umi no kisu. YAPPAPPAA YAPPAPPAA RYAN-SHAN-TEN koi no aji wa kakushi aji Yap-pap-paa yap-pap-paa 2 shanten [Mahjong: 3 tiles from "ron"] A dancing kiss [`kisu'] is a Sillago japonica [`kisu'] in the sea. Yap-pap-paa yap-pap-paa 2 shanten The horse mackerel [`aji'] of love is the secret ingredient [`aji']. | mitsumerareru tabi | Ranma Ranma de, me ga mawaru | koi ni narisou de | Ranma Ranma de | TANMA TANMA de sonna mon ne to o-tomodachi Every time you stare at me, Ranma, Ranma, I get dizzy. It looks like it's becoming love, Ranma, Ranma, Time out, time out, let's be friends. hakuryoku de kudokare hoshi no machi nige deshita yumemiteta DEETO ga MARASON ni natchau! Wooed with such force, I fled the city of stars The date I've been dreaming of will become a marathon! kayui MERUHEN mo o-tome ni wa biyaku kimi no yasashisa ni tsutsumarete mitai no joudan yo dakedo ...HAATO wa sukechau (...itsuka wa sukechau) An itchy maerchen [German: fairy tale] is an aphrodesiac to a maiden. I want to be wrapped up in your tenderness. I'm joking, but... ...my heart has become transparent (...sooner or later it'll become transparent). * Repeat mitsumerareru tabi Ranma Ranma de, me ga mawaru koi ni narisou de Ranma Ranma de, o-tomodachi When you stare at me, Ranma, Ranma, I get dizzy, It looks like it's becoming love, Ranma, Ranma, my friend. ** Repeat Singer: Nishio Etsuko Lyricist: Mori Yukinosuke Composer: Muramatsu Kunio Arranger: Shiina Kazuo Translation: Theresa Martin + "jajauma" (`shrew') literally means "wild horse", and is probably a clever refence to the kanji in Ranma's name, which also means "wild horse". ________________________________________ Ouen-teki SHANPUU-anego (Helpful older sister Shampoo) "Ranma 1/2 Kakutou Uta Karuta" image song (1991) * RINRIN ne RANRAN ne Linlin, Ranran kyuuen-teki Neko Hanten ne The rescuing Neko Hanten RINRIN ne RANRAN ne Linlin, Ranran ouen-teki SHANPUU-anego Helpful older sister* Shampoo! saikou-teki ryouri jinsoku-teki demae anshin-teki nedan bijin-teki kanban musume Supreme cooking, speedy delivery, relaxing price, beautiful draw girls* manpuku-teki Ranma yakkai-teki MUUSU anraku-teki o-baba [kanji: KORON] kanki-teki SHANPUU-anego [aiyaa!] Satiated Ranma, annoying Mousse, comforting Cologne, delightful older sister Shampoo watashira futari no gattai-teki katsuyaku de donburi karei ni chuumau yo We two acting as one, splendidly spinning porcelain bowls in the air! [aiyaa!] [o-kyaku-san, chan-to ukeru yoroshii!] [yoroshii!] [Aiyaa!] [Customer, catch it well, please!] [Please!] * Repeat Singer: Linlin & Ranran Composition: Ranma-teki kagekidan bungeibu Composer/Arranger: Kawai Kenji Translation: Theresa Martin * They are not necessarily literal sisters, but Shampoo is like one to them. ** A "kanban musume" is a girl who works in a shop who attracts customers with her beauty. -------------------------------------------- [Ranma 1/2] Kakutou Uta Karuta image song (1991) Kunou-chan ga Yatte-kuru [Kunou-chan is coming around] Singer: Tendou Nabiki * Takayama Minami Lyricist: Ranma-teki Kagekidan Bungeibu Composer: Kawai Kenji * go-chounai no mina-sama Kunou-chan ga yatte-kuru hentai o furimaki Kunou-chan ga yatte-kuru * Everyone in the neighborhood, Kunou-chan is coming around Scattering his perversion, Kunou-chan is coming around HAI HAI HAI HAI HAI soko no KIMI kono sen kara haitcha dame Hey hey hey hey hey, you there, you mustn't cross this line. kami-tsukanai yo daijoubu yoi seki naraba o-hayame ni Kunou-chan Kunou-chan kirai ja nai wa AHAN He won't bite you! It's all right. If you want a good seat, come earlier. Kunou-chan, Kunou-chan, I don't hate you, a-ha! [Tendou Nabiki, boku wa konna toujou no shikata wa shinai] [Tendou Nabiki, I won't come on stage like that.] * ~ kurikaeshi * ~ Repeat Translation by Theresa Martin _______________________________________________ [Ranma 1/2] Kakutou Uta Karuta image song (1991) Mori no Kuma-san [Mr. Bear of the Forest] Singer: TACCHII & KOCCHII Lyricist: ??? Composer: America Minyou [Folk Song] hohohohohohohoho~! hohohohohohohoho~! [Hello everybody, TACCHII and KOCCHII desu.] aru hi mori no naka kuma-san ni de atta hanasuku mori no michi kumasan ni de atta One day, in the woods, I met Mr. Bear. A forest road with blooming flowers, I met Mr. Bear. kuma-san no iu koto nya ojousan onigenasai * SUTAKORA SASSASSA NO SA SUTAKORA SASSASSA NO SA The things that Mr. Bear said, Little Miss, run away! shuffle, shuffle tokoro ga kuma-san ga ato kara tsuite kuru ** DOKODOKO DOKKOKO NO KO DOKODOKO DOKKOKO NO KO However, Mr. Bear follows from behind. thunk, thunk * "SUTAKORA SASSASSA NO SA" is an onomatopoeia for footsteps running away. In this case, it's the little girl's footsteps. ** "DOKODOKO DOKKOKO NO KO" is the onomatopoeia for the footsteps of the bear following after her. Translation by Ray Huang Revised December 30, 1996 __________________________________________