#10: Treasure of the Musk Dynasty The Wheel of Fire, Part 4: The Dying of the Embers Written by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Fanart inspired by this story may be found at: http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranfa4.html Author's note: This series takes place after the final manga story, Vol. 38, after my previous fics, "Moments of Transition," "Team Ranma vs. the Orochi Assassins," "End of the Beginning," "Descending Spiral," "Specters," "The Law of Amazons," "Doco in the Battle of the Bands," "Doco in Hawaii," and "The Past is Prologue." Knowledge of the previous stories helps in understanding the minor details of the story (see "Plot Points"). Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane are married. Ryoga and Akari are married. Who's next? 2. Doco (Ranma, the Tendo sisters, the Kunos, Shampoo, Mousse, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, Ryoga, Akari, Ukyo, and Konatsu) goes semi-professional. 3. Nodoka insisted that Ukyo join her family to remove her past dishonor. While Ukyo accepted, she opted to retain her name for duty to her family. 4. Mousse has reached an understanding with both Shampoo and Cologne. After being kicked out of the tribe for a while, he's gain new insight and wisdom. 5. Kodachi and Tatewaki reached an understanding. Both hate their parents and Ranma. They know Ranma is the pig-tailed girl. Kuno believes the family was dishonored by Ranma's trickery, and seeks to fix this.... 6. Kodachi, Ukyo, Akane, and Shampoo have reached an understanding. They treat each other like old friends, as there's no reason to fight anymore. 7. Ling-ling, Lung-lung, and Shampoo's father work at the Nekohanten. 8. Kodachi and Pantyhose Taro admit an affection for each other. Part of Kodachi's reason is so she can win her bet against Asuka the White Lily, but Taro is actually flattered about it. 9. Ukyo discovers she can manipulate chi, but as of yet it manifests only in her okonomiyaki. With proper training she could become more powerful than Ranma, according to the minions of Orochi. 10. Kuno has devoted himself to mastering every technique of the Chinese Phoenix Sword to destroy Ranma with. With what he knows now he becomes a match for Ranma's abilities-- their last fight ended in a draw. 11. Mousse is learning to fight without his sight, relying on his hearing. 12. Ranma has been experiencing terrible nightmares recently: one where his friends and enemies torment him, a second where they die instead. Both have troubled him deeply, but he hasn't told anyone about them. ------------------------------------------------ Opening: Don't Cry Anymore (aka Ukyo's song) (With Ukyo and the Doco girls: Ranma, Akane, Kasumi, Nabiki, Shampoo) (Ukyo) On a street corner, shining down is The lonely silhouette which is me I just heard the word "good-bye" from you Without quite believing it My heart beats as though they're drums Against my chest Which brings forth tears, (+ Doco echo) A lullaby Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Once tomorrow's here, it'll all be different Cheer up, don't cry anymore. Set yourself against a new wind, and Smile again! * * * * * Ancient Treasure Chamber of the Musk Dynasty, China "Master, we have completed cataloguing each and every single piece of treasure," the head Musk surveyor, Sage, said, presenting his findings to the leader of the Musk Dynasty of martial artists, Herb. Herb, a tall, imposing man, accepted the page the surveyor handed him. With his slitted, draconic eyes, the man with dragon blood ran down the list, noting each item. With his free hand Herb reached into a pocket and withdrew a similar list. Putting both lists side-by-side, Herb mentally checklisted the items on the second list that appeared on the first. The dragon prince's eyes stopped, fixing on one artifact in particular. "Sage, your attention!" Herb called, commanding his minion to his side. The head surveyor bowed in respect to his master. Sage, one of the older Musk Dynasty martial artists, had within him the blood of an owl, making him quite wise indeed. That was one reason why he was head surveyor. "How may your humble servant serve you?" Herb turned the second list to face the surveyor, pointing a finger at the artifact of interest. "Where is this?" Sage scratched his head. "I don't know, sir. May I remind your lordship that there are still many Musk treasures lost to us?" "Yes," Herb replied, nodding. "It may take time before we have found them all, but this one, my friend, I must have now!" "Hmmm...." muttered the surveyor, scratching his chin, losing himself in deep thought. He snapped his fingers. "Ah, I remember!" "Tell me!" commanded the Musk leader. "Ah, well, I believe this artifact, the Musk Wishing Manekineko [a cat statue that serves as a good luck charm], was stolen long ago by thieves. After they had made their greedy wish (our Musk ancestors later found their leader with extra-large feet), the Manekineko separated into twelve pieces, scattering itself all around the world. It is said that the one who pieced the Manekineko together would be granted a single wish." "Yes, I heard of the legend," Herb said impatiently. "Why would your lordship go through that much trouble to make a single wish?" asked Sage. "The search may be time-consuming." "Ah, but remember, Sage," Herb began, leading the surveyor back to the treasure alcove, "that our ancestors had used the Manekineko before, and they managed because they possessed an artifact that could detect the fragments!" Herb bent over to retrieve an artifact. It resembled a disc or plate, and was made of an unremarkable iron, painted with designs of the dragon. The circular disc was partitioned into twelve pieces, each a piece of a pie. "This, my servant, is the Musk Radar," announced Herb. "It was specifically-designed to locate fragments of the Manekineko because, as you should know, each Musk artifact was made in pairs-- one to serve a function, and one to find that artifact. This Radar, however, can be partitioned into twelve parts, each as effective as the other. The end pointing to the center will point to the nearest Manekineko fragment to the bearer, resonating with increasing intensity depending on how close the bearer is to the fragment. Of course, once the bearer is in possession of a fragment, the Radar no longer functions for that piece. Also, the more Radar fragments that are together, the stronger it gets!" Herb stepped out of the treasure alcove, the surveyor following close behind. "I have no wish to send the rest of our tribe on a search for the Manekineko fragments, nor do I wish to undertake the journey myself. However, my servant, I have an idea." "What would that be, sir?" asked Sage, curious. The Musk Dynasty's leader's lips curved into a smile. "I would find those greedy enough to want a wish, and use them to gather the fragments for me!" Before the surveyor could say anything, Herb continued, "Of course, I will send out only eleven of the Radar fragments, with the twelfth for myself. I must find a Manekineko fragment of my own to use as leverage against whomever comes seeking it." "May I ask to whom would your lordship use in his plans?" Herb's grin twisted once more, this time more maliciously. Tokyo, Nerima ward, Japan, one week later The dust blew in the wind of the empty street. Just outside the walls of Furinkan high, students gathered at all sides to watch the spectacle of battle... a battle they've been waiting for quite some time. Leaning against the wall, Ranma held his arms behind his head, seemingly unconcerned at what was about to happen. He chewed on a blade of grass, thinking to himself quietly. Opposing him, standing stone-cold sentinel in the empty street, was Tatewaki Kuno, bokken gripped in both hands. The wind fluttered his Kendo outfit, rustling his loose dress lightly, as if warning of what was to come. The battle was between Tatewaki Kuno and Ranma Saotome, the battle all were waiting for since the day Ranma arrived last year. The rematch. "The challenge has been offered, Saotome, and you have accepted!" proclaimed Kuno ceremonially. "Upon these very grounds, long ago, you may have vanquished me, but today... today is the day I claim vengeance!" "You know," Ranma said, uncaring, "I'd expect someone with half as much brains as you to have quit already." "Ah, but who is the quitter, but the one who admits defeat before the battle has been joined?" taunted Kuno. "The victor is the one who made the attempt, not shied away from it!" "Yeah, whatever," Ranma replied, tensing himself up into a fighting stance. "I guess we'd better get it over with." "Hey, Ranma!" someone cried. The attentions of both Kuno and Ranma were distracted by Akane, running at top-speed, carrying a package under her arm. She rushed to Ranma's side, out of breath. "Akane, what's so important that you have to interrupt my 'fight?'" asked Ranma, curious. Akane fought to catch her breath. "You won't believe what we got in the mail today!" She held out the opened package for her husband. Ranma accepted the package, and inspected it carefully. "It's from China." He peered inside the package, finding a strange, iron pie piece, decorated with some strange pattern of which Ranma couldn't decipher. Folded neatly under the piece was what appeared to be a note. Ranma reached for the note, unfolding it carefully. Aloud, he read, "This letter brings you an extremely lucky chance! For over four thousand years the Musk Dynasty has held the most valuable of all treasures... and now this secret comes to you. The Musk Wishing Manekineko can make any wish reality if you find the twelve fragments and assemble it." Ranma scratched his head. "This piece that you received along with this notice will help you find the fragments." Ranma looked at his wife in surprise. "This is from Herb." "I know," Akane replied. "It goes on to explain how to use the Radar and all." Ignored by the couple, Kuno shouted, "Saotome! Fight me!" "I never thought Herb would repay his debts like this," Ranma concluded. "That's what it must be!" Already images of ridding himself of his girl form swam through the young Saotome's mind. "Well, Ranma, I guess this really is your lucky day," noted Akane, a bit downcast. Why did he receive the letter, and not me? Because he saved Herb's life, of course. Still, it would be nice to learn how to swim.... "Akane, why did you open my mail?" "Well, it WAS addressed to the Tendo household, and since...." The couple turned and walked toward home together, over the protests of Kuno, forgotten and ignored. "So, you're going on a journey, Ranma?" asked Soun. The Tendos and Saotomes sat around the dinner table, eating a meal of soba and diced vegetables. Each and every member of the household had heard of the good fortune Ranma had received. "Yup," Ranma confirmed, stuffing his face with more noodles. "I'm going, too," Akane added. For once, Ranma didn't object. "I suppose you won't mind if someone like me comes along?" Genma ventured. "No way, I know what you're thinking!" Ranma cried defiantly. "Ranma, behave yourself!" Nodoka told her son. To Genma she said, "Now, don't you think about turning Ranma's good fortune to your own advantage. Ranma earned this honor." Genma mere grumbled to himself in response. "So, Ranma, how do you plan on getting anywhere?" asked Nabiki, changing the subject. "What do you mean?" "Well, I'm willing to bet that not all of these statue fragments are in Japan," the middle Tendo sister pointed out. "What do you intend to do if you have to go to... say, Kiev?" "I hadn't thought of that," admitted Ranma. "Well," Kasumi offered, "you could ask your friend Kuno to borrow his airship." "Fat chance," replied the young Saotome. Genma made a louder grunt, sounding as if he were clearing his throat. Don't go there, Pop, Ranma warned mentally. You expect me to steal the airship? No way. "Ranma, why don't you take Ukyo along?" suggested Nodoka. All eyes turned to Ranma. He made no move to respond. "Ah... I shouldn't," Ranma forced himself to say. Akane peered at her husband suspiciously. What are you thinking, Ranma? "I'm sure that, if you ask, she can find time-off work," Ranma's mother insisted. Ukyo always worked; she should enjoy her youth. Ranma sighed. "Alright, Mom, if you insist." After finishing dinner, both Ranma and Akane walked through the streets of Nerima to Ukyo's restaurant. Since it was summer, the sun had yet to set that evening, providing plenty of light. It was about this time that Ukyo closed shop, as the dinner crowd usually left by then. However, the door was still open, the lights were still on, and the shop sign still hung over the entrance. The couple entered Ucchan's. Ukyo, standing behind the grill as usual, greeted them cheerily. "Hi, Ranchan! Akane!" "Hey, Ucchan," returned Ranma, seemingly nervous. "We wanted to talk to you," Akane said, getting to the point. "Funny, I was going to go see you guys after I closed-up," admitted Ukyo. "You won't believe what I got in the mail this afternoon." "You too?" Ranma cried in surprise, knowing what Ukyo spoke of. "How'd you know?" asked Ukyo, producing her own slice of iron pie. The Radar fragment appeared to be the same shape and size as Ranma's own, but the painted patterns were different. "I got one, too," replied Ranma, producing his own Radar fragment. "It's from Herb, a guy I met a while ago." "Hmm, then I suppose you can tell me all about this guy, because I certainly don't know him!" "Later," Akane said. "We're here to ask you to travel along with us." Ukyo stared at Akane nervously. "Are you sure about that? I mean, I've got my own wish in mind, you know...." "Considering the way things are, it's better that we work together," Akane pointed out. "We'll just have to decide about the wish later." "I hope so," Ranma said. Changing the subject, he said, "So, if you're coming with us, what will you do about Konatsu and your restaurant?" "Well, I can't leave Konatsu alone if I'm going to be gone long," Ukyo pointed out. "I suppose he'll have to come along as well. The shop will just have to be closed for a while. Again." "Look, Ucchan, I'm really sorry I had to ask you to leave your restaurant again," apologized Ranma. "It's just...." "I know," Ukyo said, cutting off her old friend. "Of course, what I can do is call my father or grandfather, and ask one of them to watch my store, too." "That's great!" Akane shouted excitedly. "Except for one thing I haven't figured out yet." Ukyo produced several travel magazines. "I don't know where to start looking, and I don't have money for transportation." "Well, actually, you're supposed to let the Radar do the pointing for you," Akane said. "As for transportation, well, we're stuck on that one, too." "Pop says we should borrow Kuno's airship," Ranma added. "He wouldn't be very happy with that arrangement, though." "You got any better ideas?" asked Akane. "Well, couldn't we just ASK Kuno?" Ukyo asked innocently. After closing down the restaurant for the night, Ranma, Akane, and Ukyo departed for the Kuno estate. Konatsu elected to stay behind and watch over the restaurant, as he usually did; Ukyo suspected that the kunoichi became very attached to his new home, and may be preparing to depart on the coming journey. As before, this involved the ninja saying his 'good-byes' to each and every room, a strange custom indeed. However, upon arriving at the Kuno estate, the three discovered that both the master and the mistress were out, and would not be back for quite some time. It was then Ranma became suspicious. "You know, I'm beginning to wonder just how many people received notes from Herb," Ranma said, scratching his head. "You think Kuno got one, too?" asked Ukyo. "I'm sure that's the kind of thing that would get him going in such a hurry," replied Ranma. "We'd better hurry, before he lifts-off his airship without us!" The three broke into a panicked sprint from the Kuno estate. The dockside Kuno warehouse was busy with activity, as it was the only building in the area in which the lights were still on. Back and forth the activity of Kuno servants caused such a ruckus that Ranma didn't bother to sneak into the building. The warehouse housed the airship of the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists, once used to transport the Nerima crew from China back home. Kuno retained ownership over the airship, and keeps it for occasions where he may travel on his own. He named it the Swift Justice. More recently the airship was used to transport the Nerimans to Shampoo's village in China to rescue Ranma from being forcibly-married to the Amazon. Tatewaki Kuno supervised the work on the deck, pacing back and forth. His sister, Kodachi, was nowhere to be seen. Ranma, from his hiding place behind a stack of crates, spied the painted wedge that dangled from Kuno's neck on a chain. "I thought so," Ranma said quietly. "Kuno got a letter too!" Akane crouched next to her husband and Ukyo. "So, what are we going to do?" Ukyo's lips curved into a smile. "Watch." Before either Ranma or Akane could stop her, Ukyo stood up from her hiding place and called, "Hey, Kuno!" To say the least, Ukyo's voice caught Kuno by surprise. His eyes darting about the warehouse, he shouted, "Is that the voice of lovely Ukyo Kuonji my ears hear?" Ukyo stepped out into the open, just below Kuno's position at the rail. She produced her own Radar fragment, and waved it in the air. "I see you got the same letter I did." "Ah, only those blessed, such as you and I, have received such things!" Kuno announced triumphantly. "May I ask if you would join me on my journey?" He bent over the rail to offer his hand. "Why, certainly!" answered Ukyo. With her own force the okonomiyaki chef leaped up to the rail, catching Kuno's hand. She allowed him to pull her up and over the railing for good measure. Well, it wouldn't hurt to inflate his ego a bit more, would it? "Brother, what's going on up there?" called Kodachi from below decks. Kuno couldn't let his hand release Ukyo's. He merely shouted, "We have a guest on our journey! I have invited Ukyo Kuonji to travel with us!" "Ukyo?" Kodachi asked, as she emerged on the deck. "Well, hello to you too, Kodachi," Ukyo greeted. The Kuno girl planted her arms at her hips. "Well, if it isn't the chef extraordinaire!" She pointed a finger at Ukyo's free hand. "I see you got one of those, too." In turn, Kodachi reached into one of her pockets, and produced a Radar fragment of her own. "Wait, you got one too?" asked Ukyo, surprised. Kodachi nodded. "Brother dearest believes he's the only one so blessed, but I know better!" She grabbed Ukyo's and Kuno's pieces, then, with her own fragment, Kodachi placed all three pieces together. "Don't you see? The painted pattern on the fragments make a picture! If my guess is correct, I would say there were twelve fragments that one would need to complete the picture." "Fascinating," admitted Ukyo. So, there were twelve pieces in all? Who knows who else got one. "I suspect that, when more pieces of the Radar are brought together, the more powerful it becomes!" postulated Kodachi, continuing her lecture. "Of course, that would mean we'd have to share the Manekineko amongst us, but, since it grants one, and only one, wish, only one of us may have it!" Kuno grabbed the three fragments from Kodachi's hands. "If you may, I shall keep these on my person." "You know, I can tell you where to find another piece," offered Ukyo. "Ranma has one." "Truly?" asked Kuno, surprised. "Let me have it!" Ukyo nodded, and called out, "Ranchan, Akane!" At that point Ranma and Akane emerged from their hiding place behind the crates. Both marched forward, up to the end of the airship. "Ranma Saotome, you coward!" cried Kuno. "Hand over your piece, and I will let you live, for the time being." "No, no, no!" Ukyo said, turning Kuno away from the railing. "Don't you see? With someone like Ranma on your side, you won't have to worry about any other martial artist that comes looking for the Manekineko!" "But my own ability...." Kuno started. "Means nothing!" finished Ukyo. "Think of this: is it better to fight your enemy, or for your enemy to serve you to further your own ends?" "There's wisdom in those words," noted Kodachi. "Hmmm, perhaps you are right," admitted Kuno. He sighed. "Very well then, Ukyo Kuonji, for your sake, I will tolerate Ranma Saotome's presence on this journey." Ukyo left Kuno's side and leaned over the railing. "Hey, you two! I did it." "Yeah, but what did you tell him?" asked Akane. "Hey, magician can't tell all her secrets," giggled Ukyo. Within a few minutes, the airship was ready. Kuno signaled the opening of the roof hatch, by which the airship would rise out of the warehouse under its own power. It didn't take long for Ukyo to realize that she left Konatsu behind, but it was too late to go back, as the airship was headed east across the ocean. A full night's travel and a good part of the morning was all it took for the airship to reach the islands of Hawaii, which, Kodachi believed, where they could find one of the Manekineko fragments. The group recalled fond memories of vacation in Hawaii as the airship descended just outside the city of Honolulu, on the island of Oahu. Disembarking from the Swift Justice were Kodachi, Ranma, Akane, and Ukyo. Kuno elected to remain behind with the airship, seeing as that the four could not get anywhere without the airship. Kodachi held the quarter-circle Radar in front of her, letting the inner triangle point direct her to the Manekineko fragment. The Radar vibrated ever so slightly. "That's strange," Kodachi said, breaking silence. "What?" asked Ranma. "The Radar's direction-pointer, it's moving!" exclaimed Kodachi. "And we haven't even moved ourselves!" "Great, does this mean someone beat us to the fragment already?" Akane wondered. "Well, if whoever who has it is still here," started Kodachi, "then we've still got a chance!" "Then what are we waiting for?" asked Ranma. "Let's go!" This must be my lucky day, thought the man who carried the fragment of the Musk Manekineko. To think, that the first piece of the wishing cat was right in my own back yard! The tall, white-haired man walked by the side of the enclosed beach, letting his bare-feet mingle with the hot sand as he studied the cat statue piece with interest. It was such interest and intensity of his study that he almost ran into another. "Johan," Ranma said, seemingly spitting-out the name. Johan looked up at Ranma, and gasped in surprise. "You!" "I should've known that you'd get the letter, too," Ranma said. "I should say the same to you!" he said in Japanese. Johan tucked the statue piece into his pants pocket, readying himself for his dancing martial arts attacks. "I never expected you to show up in town again, after what you pulled!" "You've got something I want," Ranma announced. "Now, just hand it over, so I can spare you the humiliation of a second beating." Johan gritted his teeth. But, before he thought about throwing a punch, he realized he was without his focus. He scanned the beach area, looking around for someone with a stereo, ANY music would do, for the music wouldn't come to his head. "What's the matter, lose your rhythm?" taunted Ranma. The American street fighter snarled. Then, reaching his hand back into his pockets, he produced the statue fragment, as well as his Radar fragment, and unceremonially dropped both onto the hot beach sand. "Take them," Johan said, turning his back to walk away. "I've got no time to hunt for treasures anyway." With five Radar pieces and one statue piece in hand, Ranma and the others returned triumphantly to the airship. Kuno kept the airship waiting, so as soon as the others returned the airship took off without delay, heading further eastward across the ocean. This time, however, their direction took them toward a southerly route. The second statue piece was located deep in the middle of the Brazilian rain forest. After several entanglements with unruly animals, Ranma found the piece of the Manekineko inside a hole in a tree. Needless to say, Ranma was glad to be out of such an exotic and bizarre place, especially since it was wet most of the time. The third statue piece, strangely enough, was hidden under a trophy in the trophy case of an American football stadium. Unfortunately, it was football season, being autumn, and Ranma had to work quickly to break open the trophy case, find the statue piece, and get out before the authorities could detain him. Kuno himself would have been more than happy to have left Ranma behind. The journey for the group's fourth statue piece landed them in New York for the evening. On the seaside, overlooking the Statue of Liberty, Ranma, Kodachi, and Akane walked on the empty sidewalk, the lights from across the bay shining down on the ocean waters, the Statue of Liberty holding her torch high into the night sky. Kodachi held the Radar before her, the five pieces vibrating almost violently, pointing further down the sidewalk. "You know, I almost expected the statue piece to be in the Statue of Liberty herself," Ranma confessed. "Well, I suppose the pieces have to be someplace that isn't so obvious, like all the other pieces we found," Akane replied. Kodachi came to a sudden stop, causing both Ranma and Akane to run into the Kuno girl. She fell face-first on the sidewalk, almost losing her grip on the Radar fragments. "What is it?" asked Ranma, offering Kodachi a hand. "That... man!" Kodachi said, ignoring Ranma's hand, and pointed to a lone figure sitting in a park bench. "I think he has it!" Ranma nodded slowly, expecting a fight with this man. He crept slowly toward the park bench, careful to keep himself as quiet as possible.... "You're making too much noise for that to work," called the man in Japanese. Ranma froze in his tracks, surprised. "I know that voice!" "Indeed you do, Ranma Saotome," the man confirmed, rising from his seated position. Wearing long, white robes and dark pants, the man threw back his long, black hair, and let his thick-lens glasses rest on his nose. "Mousse!" cried Ranma in surprise. "H... how'd you get here?!" "I'm a duck, you idiot; I can fly!" Mousse pointed out. Before Ranma could press him further, Mousse continued, "And I see you're on the search for the treasure as well." He sighed. "I've already had to beat up one other to get her Manekineko fragment. To think, someone can make an art by fighting with batons and pompoms! Well, I suppose I'll have to take care of you as well!" "Mousse!" Akane cried. "Why?" "Because I want to become Shampoo's groom!" Mousse replied. "With the power of the Manekineko, I... I...." "What's wrong with you?" asked Kodachi, having gathered herself from the sidewalk. "Damn!" Mousse shouted into the air, his voice echoing into the night. "Well?" Ranma said impatiently. Mousse's hands clutched his head, as if he were in pain. "How can I be so stupid as to think that I can make Shampoo love me like that?! It's not true love at all!" "I'll say," agreed Kodachi. Akane patted Mousse on the shoulder sympathetically. "Mousse, why don't you come with us?" "Hmmm?" Mousse stared back at Akane in surprise. "You'd be great help in our search," Akane pointed out. "You, all by yourself, found two Manekineko pieces yourself!" "Besides," Ranma added, "you probably don't want to fly all the way back to Japan all by yourself now, don't you?" Mousse turned his back to Ranma and Akane, lowering his head to think. He pushed his glasses back onto his head, considering Akane's offer. As Akane and Ranma were ready to give up and leave, Mousse said, "I won't try to steal the wish from you when we form the Manekineko. There's nothing to wish for." "Thanks, Mousse!" Akane said, throwing herself onto Mousse in a hug that surprised both the Chinese boy and Ranma at the same time. With Mousse joining the Nerima crew, the total Manekineko fragments totaled to five, and the Radar fragment count to six. Kuno directed the airship eastward once again, across the Atlantic ocean. It has been a total of four days since the start of the group's journey. The sixth statue fragment took the airship crew to Loch Ness, the place where the fabled Loch Ness monster was reputed to live. It was of no difficulty to find the Manekineko fragment there, as it was lying under the water, not far from the shore. Kodachi had offered to retrieve the item. From Scotland the airship traveled southeast, toward southern Asia. In three days time the airship made its way to the mountainous region of west China, where such locales as Nekonron, Jusenkyo, and the Musk Dynasty were. "You know," Ranma said as the airship neared the Musk tribal home, "I would've thought that we'd encounter more statue pieces by now." "You forget, Saotome," Kuno started, "that ones such as ourselves are the only ones in search of the Musk artifact." "So, what you're saying is that someone else may be gathering the pieces on this side of the world while we were on the other?" asked Mousse. "Precisely," replied Kuno. "Well, I would suppose that stopping by Musk wouldn't hurt," Ranma said. "Besides, I think it's about time I had a talk with Herb about this!" Herb knew Ranma Saotome had arrived when he stepped out of the largest structure of the Musk village. He stepped through the loose gravel road to greet his adversary. "Ah, Ranma Saotome," greeted Herb. "It looks like our paths have crossed again," returned Ranma. "I see," said Herb. Gesturing to those behind Ranma, he asked, "And who might your companions be? I only recognize Mousse among them." "Well, they're Akane, Kuno, Kodachi, and Ukyo," Ranma said bluntly, getting irritated that Herb was trying to avoid the subject. "I want to know why you sent out those letters in the first place!" Herb laughed. "Well, my friend, if you must know, I want the Manekineko to aid me in the rule of my people. No doubt, your own drive to find the statue would keep you on track on the search." The dragon-blooded man reached into his pocket and produced two objects: one, the Radar fragments, and the second, the Manekineko fragments. "I possess five of each of these two artifacts." "Well, I have six of both," Ranma said, displaying his own pieces. "Then that presents us with a problem," Herb said. "Four have already challenged me for my Manekineko fragments, and all have failed. In that case there's one missing piece of the statue, and one missing piece of the Radar." "Well, I think Shampoo has one," Mousse said, interrupting the two. Ranma flared in anger. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" "I didn't think we'd cross her path," Mousse replied innocently. "She never left Japan, as far as I know." "In any case, we need to reassemble the Radar in its entirety to find the last Manekineko statue piece," declared Herb. "The Radar is much more powerful in that way." Ranma held out a hand. "Well, then, hand over the Radar, and your statue pieces. I'm willing to bet you don't have the means to travel like we do." "I admit, my travel abilities are quite limited," Herb replied. "I will let you have the Radar, but I insist that I keep my Manekineko pieces." "Why, you...!" "If you think you can defeat me, then by all means, you can have my statue pieces," Herb decreed. "That's not likely. If you lose, I will have your pieces!" "Ranma, don't!" Akane cried, grabbing her husband's arm. "I know what I'm doing, Akane!" Ranma replied. "I beat him before, and I can beat him now!" "Oh, so confident?" Herb taunted. "I have grown in strength as well." "Ranchan, I think he means it," Ukyo warned her friend. "Let's just take the Radar and go!" "Not without the Manekineko pieces!" Ranma yelled at his old friend. Ukyo took an involuntary step back. "Ranchan... we don't need a fight." "He's not getting the wish, I am!" was the defiant reply. "Hmmm," Kuno said, "do I detect the darkness within Ranma Saotome coming to full bloom?" Kodachi stepped forward. "Look, just give us the Radar, so we can leave!" "Too late," Herb said. "The challenge has been made, and accepted!" Herb's body rose into the air, aided by his power over chi and his dragon blood. The others backed away from Ranma, fully knowing that Ranma was the Musk leader's primary target. "And now, we begin!" announced Herb. Ranma rolled to his left, dodging the chi bomb Herb threw where he once stood. A fountain of pink energy that matched Herb's hair color sprouted from that spot, spewing rocks all about. "Well, if that's all your new tricks, then I've nothing to worry about!" Ranma taunted, dodging another of Herb's chi bombs. "Wrong," Herb replied with a sneer. "I've only just begun!" Folding his arms, propelling himself with pink chi energies, he cried, "Ryu-sei Hisho!" Mousse, along with the others, ran for cover behind boulders. "Shit! He's using his dragon spirit flight move!" Herb raced across the sky, leaving a deadly trail of pink chi in his wake. Fireballs rained from the streaming trail, pummeling the ground hard. Ranma threw himself backward as Herb flew overhead, dodging the rain of fireballs that came his way. Ranma gathered himself. "Looks like he got better at it," he muttered to himself. "Time to go on the offensive!" With that, Ranma leaped high in the air, leg forward to greet Herb in mid-air. Herb, anticipating the attack, allowed himself to drop from his aerial position, landing on the ground on both feet, allowing Ranma to sail over his head. The young Saotome landed after his failed flying kick, and turned to face the Musk leader once more. "Will you quit that?!" "Ha-hah!" Herb laughed. He pulled his arm back, then threw it forward, forcing a blade of chi to appear. "Hito Ryu Zan Ha!" "Ah!" Mousse cried. "That's the dragon decapitation strike!" "Ranma, look out!" cried Akane. Once again Ranma rolled out of the way. His eyes followed the path of Herb's deadly chi shot, watching as it sliced cleanly through a stray boulder. "You know," Ranma spat, "I almost remember why I hated this fight last time we fought." "And you have good reason to tremble, Ranma!" Herb cried. He threw both his arms forward, sending two more chi blades at Ranma's direction. "Moko Takabisha!" Ranma yelled, throwing his arms forward to create his own chi bolt. He never flinched, as the bolt of pure pride energies canceled-out Herb's two decapitating blades. "Oh, is this a new trick?" Herb taunted. "Hardly what I would call a true chi bolt!" Whipping his left arm in the air, the dragon-blooded man willed to existence a snake-like lasso of pink chi. "Go, serpent!" he cried, throwing the new chi projectile at Ranma. Ranma dodged this projectile as well, but, unexpectantly, the chi snake failed to dissipate when it impacted the ground. True to its name, the serpent turned to lash at Ranma. "Yeow!" Ranma cried, trying his best to lose the chi-created serpent. He ran around boulders, but the serpent followed Ranma's trail precisely, unerring in its hunt. Herb merely stood his ground, moving his hand ever-so slightly as to guide the chi serpent along its way. As the others watched Ranma try to escape the chi serpent in vain, it was Ukyo who turned to study Herb. "Hey, that's dirty!" Herb's attentions, while focused on guiding the chi serpent, fixated on Ukyo. "Please, I'm quite busy." "You'll kill him with that!" Ukyo cried, throwing herself from her hiding place behind the boulder. She broke into a run to confront the Musk leader. "Ukyo, no!" Akane yelled after her friend. Ukyo unstrapped her combat spatula, ready to bat at Herb's arm, if necessary. "Stop toying with Ranma! I'm warning you!" "Well, if you insist," Herb decided, shrugging. He retracted his open hand, letting the chi serpent dissipate without a will to control it. Ukyo raised her spatula to attack, but, with a violent jerk, found that it sailed over her head and behind her, out of reach. She stared at Herb in surprise, who had merely threw a pushing chi bolt at the large weapon. Her hands free, she reached for her smaller spatula-darts, five per hand. "Well, I guess it's the old-fashioned way!" Ukyo spread the spatulas apart like fans, waving both arms about in the air. "Ho, this should be interesting!" Herb shouted. It was about then that Ranma returned from his chase from the chi serpent, which had suddenly disappeared on him. Rushing at top-speed toward Herb, he shouted, "Ucchan, get back!" He watched as his old friend waved her two spatula-fans in slicing motions at Herb, who dodged each and every blow with amusement. Herb dodged to the side, but that movement allowed Ukyo to slice off a lock of his long, pink hair. The battle seemed to cease at that moment, as the reality of what happened sunk into both Ukyo and Herb. "You... cut my hair!" Herb cried in anger. Ukyo merely stared in surprised. She never expected to actually hit the greater martial artist; this was plain luck. And perhaps her doom as well. Herb grabbed both of Ukyo's arms in anger. The roughness and firmness of the dragon-blooded man was so much that Ukyo released her grip on her spatula-fans in pain. "Even a novice such as you... to think, of all people, that you could hurt me?!" "Stop it...." Ukyo cried, feeling Herb's fingers dig into her skin as if they were razor-sharp dragon talons. "No one dares to hurt me and hope to live!" Herb shouted. "Ucchan!" Ranma cried, knowing that he wouldn't be able to help her in time. He was too far away! Dammit! "Stop...." continued the okonomiyaki chef, feeling as if her wrists were about to explode. The pain raced up her arms, and her desperate cries increased in intensity. "Stop it, stop it...." "To think," seethed Herb, "that I am the greatest...." "I SAID STOP IT!" Ukyo screamed at the top of her lungs. In the split-second the Japanese girl cried, Herb noticed that her hands began pulsating with raw energy. Too late, he realized that there was more to this one than meets the eye! "NOOOO!!!" Herb screamed. His hands released Ukyo in terror, as the force of a thousand floods pummeled his exposed chest, sending him flying backward in pain. Ukyo's desperate chi attack washed over Herb like water, with the same heaviness and power behind real water. The others, including Ranma, rushed to Ukyo's side, who had collapsed face-first on the ground in exhaustion. Kuno was the first to reach her. He turned her over, cradling her head in his arms. "Speak to me, my love!" "Get away from her!" Ranma commanded. Impatiently, he kicked Kuno in the face, causing the richman to release his hold on Ukyo's fallen body. "Ukyo..." Akane started, "are you alright?" The okonomiyaki chef's eyelids fluttered. "Mmmm... that hurt," she whispered. "She'll be fine," Kodachi announced, after checking her wrists. A shadow passed over the Nerimans. All turned to face the tall sentinel towering above them. "I... never suspected that your friend had so much power, Ranma," admitted Herb, holding his head with his right arm. "I must... commend him!" "Ukyo's a girl," Ranma pointed out. "No," Herb said in disbelief. "I'd show you her chest, but then she'd kill me," Ranma said. Herb bent down to Ukyo's level. "You... have real power. Power I have not seen since... well, myself!" "Hey, don't think about it," Ukyo said, whispering her reply. "It's just too much for me." "You know," Herb began, "it is a martial artist's duty to train potential in persons such as yourself. I believe I can help you." "You serious?" asked Ranma in surprise. "Only the finest could possibly be my students," Herb announced. "Your friend, Ukyo, this... girl, has potential that needs to be cultivated and expanded. Proper training could make her as strong as I!" "Really?" Ukyo asked, her voice lifting above a whisper. "If you so desire, I can allow you to study with me, here," offered Herb. "That's... generous, of you." "Real talent such as you possess doesn't come by every day." Ukyo stared up at Ranma's eyes. "What do you think?" "Hey, it's your choice, but I wouldn't trust Herb," Ranma advised. "And, we still need to get the last Manekineko fragment, too." Akane stood up, along with Herb. She faced the leader of the Musk Dynasty. "Okay, we'll take the Radar and get the last statue piece. We'll be back for the Manekineko, okay?" Herb nodded. "I will be waiting." The Seven Lucky Gods airship was now headed on its day-long journey back to Japan. Ukyo and Kuno volunteered to stay behind in the village; Ukyo because she wanted to learn what Herb had to teach her, and Kuno because he wanted to spend time with Ukyo, an idea to which Ukyo was reluctant to reject, considering how she'd be staying with complete strangers for quite a while. It was up to Kodachi to pilot the Swift Justice, as she was the only other member of the Nerima group who knew how to fly the ship. Ranma leaned on the rail near the bow of the airship, alone, deep in thought. Akane decided to join him as the evening set in. "Ranma," Akane started. "Hey, Akane." returned Ranma. "Something's bothering you," guessed Akane. "Well, yeah, I suppose so." He sighed. "It's about this whole trip, really." "How so?" "I've been so caught-up in getting the Manekineko, about getting my wish, and I think I've been losing reason," Ranma said. The other reason, Ranma thought, you shouldn't know. Last night I had that dream where everybody died again; it must have gotten worse than before. No, no use in burdening Akane with silly dreams. "Ranma, I'll admit, if I were in your position, I would be just as eager to get my wish," Akane said. Actually, I still want to know how to swim, but it's not overly important. "I've been thinking about just letting Herb have his statue," Ranma announced. "Why?" asked Akane, puzzled that Ranma would think that way. "Well, for one thing, I think he knows what he's going to do with it, and, being of Musk heritage and all, it'll probably work out for him. But me, I'm not Musk, so who knows what the wish could do to me?" "I never thought about that," Akane admitted. "But how can we be certain?" "We can't." Ranma beat his fists against his head. "We should let Herb try it first, then we can see about assembling the statue again. After all, we do have the radar." His hand balled-up into a fist. "I also can't stand the idea of Ucchan, back there in the Musk village, alone with both Herb and Kuno!" "She'll be fine," Akane assured her husband. "If she can defend herself as she did against Herb, then I'd say there won't be any problems." "I should warn you that the younger tribesmen have never seen a woman before in their lives, and thus may act a bit strange around you," Herb explained to Ukyo, leading her to his personal meditation chamber. "The young are raised to fight from birth, and only when they have come of age they are introduced to women." "Well, if people like you can mistake me for a guy, then I don't think that's a problem," Ukyo teased. "That was an honest mistake," Herb replied defensively. "It was a joke," explained Ukyo, noticing the serious look on her host's face. "It wasn't funny." "Well, I suppose it's a cultural thing, then." Herb nodded. Changing the subject, he asked, "Do you know of the cursed springs of Jusenkyo?" "Yeah," confirmed Ukyo, "but I've never been there. I just know that you better be careful there." "Well, like Ranma, I had fallen in the spring that transforms one into a female," explained Herb. "However, unlike your friend, I have exacted a sort of solution." "I suppose you don't care to divulge in it?" guessed Ukyo. "Not at this time." Herb shook his head. "I cannot share such information to an outsider, as it is a Musk secret. My wife is happy that I no longer change into a woman with cold water." He turned to Ukyo. "You must never reveal this information to the others, understand?" Ukyo nodded. "Well, wouldn't jumping into the Spring of Drowned Man help?" "No." That answer caught Ukyo by surprise. "But Ranma's been telling me all about it, how he'd find a cure if he'd jump into it! Of course, since the springs flooded months ago, he says that's no longer a solution, as the springs are messed-up." "On the contrary," replied Herb, "the springs have overflowed on several occasions in its history. While the waters may interact, the sources remain unchanged." "You mean...." "The springs have always survived disaster, short of full drought, but that has never happened. I hear the Phoenix Mountain people almost did it, though. However, for your friend to jump into the Spring of Drowned Man is inadvisable." "Why?" Herb stopped in his tracks, and stared at the ceiling. "There was a time when I threw a monkey into the Spring of Drowned Girl. Not long ago I returned to Jusenkyo with this monkey, and, experimenting, I threw her into the Spring of Drowned Monkey, to discern the effects of two curses on a cursed victim. In theory, the curses should have canceled-out. Suffice it to say, that the results were unpleasant." "What happened?" asked Ukyo, curious. "When splashed with cold water, we had a cursed monkey that transforms into a monkey woman. It was a freak of nature." Herb shuddered at the thought of the hybrid creature. "Ouch." "In conclusion, the springs will not counteract each other, but compound the effects of the curse. Who knows what would emerge if one entered the cursed waters during a flood?" Good thing Ranchan didn't do it, Ukyo thought. Who knows what would have come out of the spring? "So, what happened to the monkey?" Herb stared at Ukyo seriously. "She is no longer among us." As soon as the airship entered the sky above the Nekohanten, Ranma leaped over the railing on a rope, and descended to the street, in front of the entrance. He was greeted by the surprised looks of the twins, Ling-ling and Lung-lung, standing by the door. "So, Ranma-idiot is back," commented Lung-lung. "Stop that, you two," warned Ranma. "Where's Shampoo?" "Why would we tell you where Elder Sister is?" asked Ling-ling. "She has something I need!" Ranma explained. With his fingers, he traced the shape of a typical Radar fragment for the twins. "And it's got some strange paint marks on it, too." The twins looked at each other. Finally, Lung-lung answered, "Elder Sister on delivery. But object you seek in her room." "Thanks," Ranma said. "But don't tell your old ghoul or Shampoo I was here, okay?" "Get it and be gone!" both twins shouted in unison. "If you have dragon blood within you," asked Ukyo, "does that mean there's a Spring of Drowned Dragon somewhere in Jusenkyo?" Herb laughed. "Don't be silly! No dragon would dare reside in such unholy waters! My esteemed ancestors mated with a dragon." "Cool...." Ukyo whispered in awe. "It was back during the barbaric days, when my people used the Jusenkyo pools to give themselves animal traits," explained Herb. "It was those times in which dragons lived among humans, before the withdrawal to the celestial realms. Since dragons are the embodiment of chi, my blood allows me to control chi with great proficiency." Ukyo nodded. A few months ago her own bloodstream was invaded by the blood of the evil dragon, the Orochi. The divine serpent's blood served to enhance Ukyo's chi powers beyond channeling; she had created balls of force with the Orochi power within her. Of course, the evil blood was too dangerous, and, with the help of a stranger, managed to remove all traces of Orochi's blood. "Do all chi masters have dragon blood?" Ukyo asked honestly. The leader of the Musk Dynasty shrugged. "Who can say?" That, Ukyo decided, would be COOL! "Come now," Herb said, beckoning Ukyo to follow. "It's time for your lessons." "Okay, we got all of the pieces, right?" Ranma declared, peering at the circular disc with the dragon design on it. "So now all we got to do is find the last piece." "And just how would we find it?" asked Kodachi. "This thing doesn't have a pointed end on it anymore." "Well, look at it," Akane said, pointing her finger at the disc's surface. Sure enough, there was a blinking light appearing on the surface of the disc. "If this is a radar, we should be at the center." "I get it!" Kodachi exclaimed. "And the blinking dot must be the statue piece!" "That's great!" Ranma said. We should have gotten this piece first, had we known that there was one in Japan. Then again, none of us bothered to check. "But, why is it moving?" "Either someone has it, or its on a moving object," Mousse pointed out. "Well, we'd better get it before it gets away from us!" Ranma shouted. Tatewaki Kuno practiced his sword swings alone in the clearing, not far from the Musk village. His mind was pure and clear, as he surrendered himself to the bokken he swung. With each mighty swing, Kuno bent his knees as if to follow the stroke. "Hey, Kuno!" someone cried. Kuno lost his concentration. He was ready to strike the one who disturbed him, but stopped himself in time to recognize Ukyo Kuonji rushing to his position. "You've been doing that for a while, why don't you take a break?" Ukyo suggested. "I suspect you may be correct," Kuno agreed. He returned his bokken to its usual place at his waist, then sank to the ground, sitting on his knees. Ukyo produced a traveling box and presented it to Kuno. "I fixed you some lunch. I cooked for Herb and his wife, and you weren't around." "My apologies," Kuno replied, accepting the box. He flipped open the lid, to be greeted by the welcoming steam that simmered off the freshly-cooked okonomiyaki. One sniff was all it took. "Ah, you have prepared a worthy selection!" "Well, how can I forget one of my paying customer's choice dishes?" Ukyo said, amused with Kuno's reaction. Kuno reached for the pair of chopsticks that rested to the okonomiyaki's side. "Tell me, Ukyo Kuonji, do you find me attractive?" "Hmmm?" Ukyo wasn't expecting that kind of question. "It is a straightforward and frank question, is it not?" "Well.... Sort of." "I accept that. I find your beauty beyond compare, your skill, your kind demeanor...." As Kuno trailed off, he stuffed his mouth with food. as if he ran out of words to describe the girl sitting next to him. "Tell me," Kuno started, "is your concern for my well-being true, or a facade, as the pig-tailed girl... that perverted Ranma Saotome! displayed for me?" "Eat your lunch," Ukyo replied, not wishing to go to that subject. The scary part is, he might be right. Do I care about Kuno? Ryoga Hibiki was lost. He had no idea where he was, except for the fact that he was in the middle of nowhere. As far as the eye could see, there was empty wilderness, a sea of trees all around him. He'd been lost for days, trying to get back to the Unryu farm after Mousse asked him for a favor in town. Ryoga missed his wife, Akari, dearly. His bad direction-sense, a family trait, prevented Ryoga from getting to where he wanted to go. "Akari, I miss you," Ryoga told no one in particular. "Yo, P-chan," some said behind Ryoga. "Who's... Ranma!" Ryoga exclaimed in surprise. "You're carrying around something in that backpack I want," Ranma said, getting to the point. "Normally, I wouldn't let anyone take my things, but if you help me get back to Akari's house, I'll give whatever it is you want to you!" It was two days before Ranma and the others returned to Musk with the final piece of the Manekineko, meaning that Ukyo and Kuno had stayed in Musk for three days. Herb, Ukyo, and Kuno watched and waited as Kodachi descended with precision. Herb stepped forward to greet the new arrivals. "Welcome back! I assume your quest for the last piece was successful?" "Yeah," Ranma affirmed, holding the incomplete Manekineko in his hand. "Here, take it." "So glad you recognize my superior skill," Herb said, accepting the other part of the cat statue. "What all of you are about to witness is history!" A bright light blinded all as Herb snapped the two pieces of the cat statue together. The radiance of the Musk treasure forced everyone but Herb to shield their eyes. "Meow," the Manekineko said. "Manekineko of the Musk Dynasty," Herb whispered. "Meow," confirmed the cat statue, now glowing gold. "I will grant you one wish you may desire. What will it be, meow?" "I want you, after granting my wish, to never grant a wish again," Herb declared. "What?!" Kuno, Ranma, and Kodachi cried in unison. "Meow. Your wish is my command...." The brilliant light the Manekineko emitted faded away. What Herb held in his hands now was a gold manekineko, looking like any ordinary cat statue. "You...." Ranma said, seething. "You got us to find this stupid statue, just so you can make sure no one makes any more wishes?!" Herb shrugged. "Wishes are indeed very dangerous to play around with." "Argh!" Kuno cried in frustration. "To think, I have spent my time and energies for nothing!" "Not quite," Herb corrected. "You did a great service to the world by removing one of its dangerous artifacts." "Hmmm, I suppose I can live with that as well," admitted Kuno. "Bah, I can't!" complained Kodachi. Herb turned to face Ukyo. "Well, my student, I suppose you'll be leaving with your friends." "Yup," Ukyo said sadly. "If I had more free time, I'd stay longer." "Well, since this Musk artifact no longer functions," Herb began, "I want you to have it." "Really?" Ukyo said in surprise, accepting the gold manekineko with both hands. "Are you sure?" "Of course!" Herb assured his student. "I wouldn't be more prouder to help complete your training." He leaned closer to Ukyo, and whispered, "It's no wonder that a dragon-blood as myself would meet respectable power in one descended from one named Jade Dragon. True masters of chi are blessed by the dragons. I believe you've more than earned the name and title yourself." Standing back, Herb finished, "If you find time, you know where to come." The Musk leader turned to face Ranma. "It is a great service you have performed on my behalf, Ranma. I do hope we meet again someday." With those words, Herb turned on his heels, and walked off. Ranma stared at Akane, annoyed. "We went through all this for nothing?!" Ukyo walked over to Ranma's side, carrying the gold manekineko in her arms lovingly. "No, Ranchan, not for nothing. Because it needed to be done." It was then Ranma chose to scratch his head. "I don't get it. I mean, a couple days ago, I don't think you would've said anything like that." Ukyo smiled at her friend. "Herb taught me the responsibilities of all martial artists. It is our duty, as the greatest of people, to protect others; you should know that. I admit, I never did anything like that before in my life. By ridding the world of the Wishing Manekineko, Herb has helped prevent a potential disaster, should someone with ill-intentions be granted his wish." "Like Kuno?" wondered Ranma. "Ranma!" Akane shouted at her husband. "Oh, come on, Ranchan," Ukyo said, giving her old friend a hard look. "He's not really such a bad guy, once you get to know him." She thought for a moment. "Oh, never mind, he hates your guts." "No kidding," agreed Ranma. "I'm surprised he hadn't tried to kill me this past week." "Not only did I have talk and training with Herb, I got to know Kuno a little better," Ukyo said, changing the subject a bit. "He's just like you, Ranchan, only that you're probably a better fighter than he is." "Probably?" "Well, he HAS been training hard for the past months, devoting himself and the rest of his life to destroying the evil of this world and to restore his honor. It's great to know that I'm not the only honor-minded nutball in Nerima, eh?" "You mean like Mother." Ranma knew well-enough how much his mother cared about honor and that stuff; Ranma himself did care, but not with the same zealousness. Ukyo's look became serious. "Ranchan, he means to kill you." "That's no surprise." "He believes you've seriously-wronged him because you used his love in your girl form. I think he has the means to do it now, so you'd better be careful." "Aren't I always?" "Ranma, maybe you should listen to Ukyo," Akane said, cutting into the conversation. "If this is something she's concerned about, I should be, too, and so should you." "Kuno's never gotten even close to killing me," Ranma pointed out. "Our last battle was a stalemate; how much better could he get in the stretch of mere weeks?" After the Swift Justice was well on its way back to Japan, Kuno and Kodachi, both standing by the steering wheel, alone on the top deck, watched the open skies. "Soon, very soon, my sister, our honor will be restored!" Kuno announced. "How so?" asked Kodachi, peering at her brother curiously. "We've lost the Manekineko, and you've failed to get rid of him this past week." "True, very true," admitted Kuno. "Saotome's existence was extended merely so we could lay claim to the Manekineko. But, since that Chinese fool, who obviously recognizes me as his equal, if not his superior, had removed the wishing properties from the statue, the quickness of Saotome's demise was postponed." "But," continued Kuno, "in my bones, I can feel the winds of change! A monumental event is about to occur within the coming weeks, an event in which, in my prophetic visions, I believe honor can be ours!" He raised a fist into the air for emphasis. "There are beings at work in the shadows, Kocchi, beings whose nature are unknown to us, but beings who work against Ranma Saotome! When that time comes, I will exact my revenge! By the gate of Heaven I have sworn this vow, and I shall not rest until honor is restored to the name of Kuno!" The night was getting late when Ukyo approached Ranma and Akane, standing alone at the port bow, watching the stars together. She took care to leave behind her bandoleer back in her room, just for emphasis. "Hey, Ranchan, Akane," she greeted the couple. This caught the two by surprise, as they must have been used to the silence. "Ucchan!" Ranma exclaimed. "You aren't carrying your spatulas? I thought you said one should be prepared." "I know," answered Ukyo, somewhat nervously. "It's about my fighting I want to talk to you about." Ranma turned around, and leaned his back against the rail. "Shoot." The okonomiyaki chef took in a deep breath. Asking something like this was really a blow to pride. "Ranchan, I want you to teach me to fight unarmed." "Are you sure about that?" asked Ranma, unsure of what to make of Ukyo's request. "Herb said that I shouldn't rely too much on my weapons, and more on myself. If I can fight unarmed, I won't be nearly as helpless as before." "Hmmm... you're taking what Herb tells you very seriously," Ranma noted. "Well, I don't see why not," Akane said. "Look, Ucchan," Ranma started, "I'm going to have to make you unlearn your fighting style just to do this. It won't be easy, and it will take time." Ukyo nodded. "I understand." Ranma held out a hand to his old friend, which Ukyo accepted. "Then I'll see you at the dojo tomorrow, okay?" Kodachi knew the time was drawing near that her brother would take revenge against Ranma Saotome. There was nothing she could do to stop him. While she did hate what Ranma had done to her in the past year, she couldn't bring herself to harm him. He did save her life, after all. That was the only thing that mattered, honor be damned! Yet, there was nothing she could do. It's happening again, Ranma knew. The nightmare was back. From the darkness around him, Ranma could hear the sneering voice of his enemy, sounding as if from the depths of a deep chasm: "You are dead." "Shit, not again!" cried Ranma. Ranma watched as eight columns of clear crystal, once standing silent in the darkness, illuminate, the source of light coming from above. He knew what was encased within each of the eight, prism-like crystals. From left to right, there was Kuno, Kodachi, Shampoo, Mousse, Ryoga, Konatsu, Ukyo, and Akane. Each and every one of Ranma's acquaintances showed no signs of pain or suffering-- they looked quite serene. The ordering is different! Ranma noticed. This wasn't the way the dream was before! It meant only one thing... the dream can be controlled! A presence appeared next to Kuno's crystal prison, the shape and form of which Ranma couldn't distinguish. Again. "You will watch as, one after another, your closest friends and enemies die, one after another, harsh, cruel, cold. All of them are as much a part of your life as they are part of you. For, by removing them from your life, a part of you goes with them, as they are the ones who define who you are. Bit by bit, you will be destroyed." The being seemed to circle Kuno's crystal as it ranted on, devoid of any emotion. "Tatewaki Kuno, your longtime adversary, possessing the heart of a warrior and the spirit of a samurai. Unfortunately for him, those days are long gone-- the world no longer appreciates such qualities. No matter, for only his ancestors matter; soon he will meet them because his life is over." With a loud *CRACK!* the crystal which held Kuno shattered. No trace was left but the shattered fragments of the crystal. No body parts or signs of blood. It was as if Tatewaki Kuno simply ceased to exist. Ranma tried his hardest not to flinch this time. "Good riddance." "Ha-hah!" laughed the presence, proceeding on its way to Kodachi's prison. "Remember, each are part of you...." What was that supposed to mean?! Ranma wondered angrily. "Kodachi Kuno, whose sheltered life prevented her from experiencing the true meaning of living-- she is indeed an island unto her own. Had she been treated as a person, perhaps her life may have been a happy one. Her dear brother, the only one who truly cared for her, is gone; now her life is over." Shattered. "Shampoo, heir to her tribe's ways, the greatest of her village. How fortunate she was to have found true love that agreed with her tribal tradition. And now, her life is over." Shattered. "Mousse, an equal, if not greater, match for Shampoo. His love and blind devotion for her is his life. Without her, his life is over." Shattered. "Ryoga Hibiki, whose strength is surpassed only by the power of his heart. Your greatest rival, yet one of your closest friends, now happily married due to your efforts. And now, his life is over." Shattered. "Konatsu Kenzan, raised from childhood as a girl, trained in the kunoichi techniques. His life grew in meaning when you and Ukyo entered his life, yet, his world depended completely on Ukyo. And now, his life is over." Shattered. By this time Ranma's flinching became reaction. "Stop it! I've had enough of this nightmare!" "Ukyo Kuonji, okonomiyaki chef extraordinaire and your oldest friend, who loved her cooking as much as life itself. The trials of life have tempered her into the strong warrior she is today-- yet, there is so much more. Is this not strange, how she would willingly throw away everything for you? Oh, how rich: complete, unconditional love! And now, her life is over." Shattered. "Ucchan...." whispered Ranma. A deathly chill seemed to crawl up his spine; goosebumps sprouted on his exposed arms, even though it wasn't cold nor was there a breeze. Ukyo would do anything for me, but there's nothing I can do for her. For anybody. No, I can do something! I must! Beyond the darkness, someone... lots of someones, laughed maniacally. "You!" Ranma cried out to those beyond the darkness. "Why do you delight in Ukyo's demise?! Do you fear her?" No response. Those beyond the darkness, and the presence, ignored Ranma. Ranma wanted to lash out as the presence reached Akane. Suddenly, he reminded himself that it was those thoughts that got Akane killed, and restrained himself. "Akane, your wife! The tomboyish Tendo girl whom you've come to love since you two first met, arranged to marry against your wills, but that hardly mattered. Her heart was as big as the world. And now, her life is over!" The presence failed to shatter the crystal prison. Ranma tried his best to contain his screams; last time his own scream shattered Akane's prison. "No, not this time. I won't die by my hand!" "Reluctant to care?" the presence wondered. "Could it be that you are resisting?" "I've had enough of this nightmare!" Ranma cried defiantly. Without quite realizing it, Ranma leaped at the presence, tackling it, and pinned it to the ground. Or so he thought. The presence vaguely resembled a man, the features of which Ranma could not distinguish, as they were hidden in the darkness. "Amazing! You have never gotten this far before!" "Who are you?!" demanded Ranma. "You coward, show yourself!" He peered at the dark man, starting to recognize certain features... the face was revealing! *CRACK!* Ranma was pelted by marvelous crystal shards. He looked over his shoulder, to where Akane's prison once stood, now shattered. "No, no, no!" "Yes!" the dark man cried triumphantly. "By your hand, you die!" "Damn you!" Ranma cried, shaking the man with such force that his face became exposed to the light. He gasped. "I... know you!" Ranma sat up in his futon, still on board the Kuno airship. He realized he was sweating, and breathing hard. He looked over at Akane, sleeping soundly and snugly, undisturbed by what troubled her husband's thoughts. It's for the best you don't know, Ranma told her mentally. Closing: Lambada Ranma ----------------------------------------------- Author's Rant What else did Herb teach/tell Ukyo? How much did Ukyo get to know Kuno? What do Kuno's prophetic visions spell for our hero, Ranma? What about Ranma's disturbing nightmares? Whose face was it that Ranma recognized to be the dark man of torment? Soon, very soon, the one behind the shadows will emerge.... This story was based off the third Ranma 1/2 SNES fighting game, called 'Super Battle' by some, or literally, 'Super Wild Dance Chapter." The Musk Manekineko grants the character a wish, and, depending on the wish, they found happiness or disappointment. Of course, in Ukyo's ending she just stuck the Manekineko in her restaurant, like a normal manekineko. Her desire was for better business, after all. Shampoo didn't go on the trip simply because she didn't believe the letter she got. Not to mention I didn't want to overly complicate the story. I am NOT going to explain how Mousse got to New York. He wasn't serious about the duck comment, btw. The person Mousse fought was Mariko Konjo, but, since I don't know her all that well, I simply left her beaten when the group catches up with Duck- boy. Mariko was one of the original characters in the game to get Herb's letter, by the way. The characters who didn't get letters, but should have, were Akane, Genma, Ryoga, and Miss Hinako, all omitted for practical reasons. The replacements were Johan (who previously showed-up in the Hawaii vacation series, now much more humbled), and three unknowns who got beaten up by Herb, who got the fragments in Africa, Austrailia, and Asia. Sage, the owl Musk, has several meanings. First of all, sage is the same kind of thing as herb, lime, and mint. Second, sage can also be a wiseman. So in two meanings, plus the owl blood, makes him a wise Musk. I've always wanted to explain the Jusenkyo waters. The idea that the curses compound each other is not new; Pantyhose Taro, being cursed already, voluntarily jumped into the Spring of Drowned Octopus, which gave him tentacles and the ability to shoot ink from his fingers. Ranma and the others only ASSUMED that the Spring of Drowned Man would cure them. Razorclaw X http://www.crosswinds.net/anaheim/~slythe/ranma/ranff.html