The Wheel of Fire Special #1: Epilogue to the Beginning Written by Akihiro & Malon ( Series by Razorclaw X ( This series can be found at Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to their respective companies. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. Wheel of Fire situations are property of Razorclaw X and are used with permission. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Author's note: This story takes place after the final manga story. It follows immediately after the fic, "End of the Beginning." This is a side story to "The Wheel of Fire" meant to conclude certain events begun in the final section and to better connect it to WOF. Plot Points (from previous stories) ================================== 1. Ranma and Akane declared their love for each other and finally had a (barely) successful wedding. All relationships seem to have been resolved, with the exception of Shampoo. 2. Ryouga is looking for his parents to get permission to marry Akari. 3. Shampoo and Cologne have just kidnapped Ranma and Akane (with some help from Shampoo's father) after a failed attempt to stop the wedding. After a moments thought, Ukyou realized what happened. {...} Represents character thoughts. [...] Represents speaking in Chinese. ----------------------------------------------- Opening: Love Seeker * Can't Stop It Ukyou looked around for Kunou, and found him and his sister, talking. "Yes, beautiful one?" Kunou asked, pausing from a bite into cake. "You came in a car, right?" Ukyou asked. "Why yes, what...." Grabbing Kunou's arm, Ukyou said, "No time! We gotta go!" Ukyou and Kunou rushed outside the gates, Konatsu and Kodachi following. Konatsu bumped into Mousse. "Where're you going in a hurry?" "To stop Shampoo from hurting Ranma and Akane," Konatsu replied. "Count me in!" Mousse yelled. He still had a chance to see Shampoo again. Ukyou jumped into the driver seat with Kunou sitting beside her. It was a small Honda, with Mousse, Konatsu, and Kodachi squeezing in back. Kunou watched Ukyou put the keys in the ignition. "Are you sure you know how to handle this work of modern art, Miss Kuonji?" Ukyou shrugged as she started the car. "But I watched some movies...!" {Let's see, this one must be the drive setting....} Pushing the accelerator, the car jerked backward and into a street pole. The car's occupants looked at Ukyou nervously. "Well, that must've been reverse...." {So this one must be....} And the car sped off, as if there were no such thing as brakes. *** LinLin and RanRan watched as the small car sped after the limo. "It look like Elder Cologne have back-up plan," said RanRan. "Yes," returned LinLin. "Maybe we go help stop others from ruining plan?" RanRan nodded to her sister and both started off toward the loading dock at the Nekohanten, where Cologne had instructed them to wait for her in the event of a failure at the wedding. As the pair walked away, RanRan added one final thought. "It too bad Elder no tell about back-up plan, we could prepare better for it." *** The driver of the limousine pulled a gas mask from beneath the front passenger seat and placed it next to him. He then reached for the can of knock-out gas resting in the cup holder. As he started to lift the can he saw a small car approaching quickly in the rear view mirror. He placed the can back in the cup holder and pushed the accelerator to the floor. "Hey, buddy!!!" Ranma yelled from the back seat. "What the hell are you doing?! You almost sent Akane out the back window with that sudden jerk forward!!!" "Ranma," Akane interrupted, "we just passed our turn! What's going on?!" Ranma turned to his wife, "Don't worry, I'll straighten this out." He faced the driver again and started shouting. "Listen pal! You're starting to scare my wife! Slow down this car and go back to..." Ranma's words were abruptly halted as a can flew over the driver's shoulder and hit him in the face leaving him stunned. The can fell and came to rest in Ranma's lap. Akane looked at the driver as he put something on his head. "What is that?" she asked as she pointed at his mask. "And what did you throw at Ranma?!" The driver's words went unheard as the can erupted in fumes which quickly rendered both Akane and the still-stunned Ranma unconscious. Shampoo's father smiled under his gas mask. It would be a lot easier to lose his pursuers without two passengers questioning his every move. He looked again into the rear-view mirror and saw that the Honda was quickly gaining ground on him. He swerved around a corner as the ones chasing him side-swiped two parked cars and nearly killed a bicyclist. He quickly turned into an alley but the other car was still right behind him. *** "Kunou," Ukyou said. "Take the wheel. And don't let us fall behind!" "What are you doing, Ukyou-sama?" asked Konatsu. She pulled a handful of spatulas from her bandoleer and leaned out the window. Don't worry," she yelled to Konastu. "I know what I'm doing." {Don't I?} she added silently as she started throwing her spatulas trying to hit the limo's tires. Kunou grabbed the wheel in a panic and placed his foot on the gas pedal. *** The chase persisted for another five minutes through the streets and alleys of Nerima. As both cars turned on to a rather wide street, Shampoo's father decided the pursuit had lasted long enough and reached for the switch to activate the special booster he had installed that morning; it looked like his hobby in mechanics would pay off. As he flipped the switch to the 'on' position the car slowed down dramatically. The Honda sped past and he decided slowing down worked as well and turned a near corner. He turned a second corner and the car jerked forward reaching 90 miles per hour in less than two seconds. *** The group of pursuers backtracked to the street the limo had turned on to and piled out of the car trying to find out which way it had gone. Ukyou looked around the street. "Any of you see where they might have gone?" "Gomen, Ukyou-sama," said Konatsu. "I can't find any indication of the direction they went." Kunou spoke next. "Alas, I see nothing to display their route of escape either." "Nothing here," added Kodachi. Mousse growled. "I can't find anything!" he yelled to a trash can. "I refuse to just give up!" Ukyou yelled. "We _are_ going to find them! Ranma would do the same for one of us; we are _not_ going to give up on him!" "Ukyou-sama," Konatsu interjected. "Perhaps they returned to the Nekohanten to retrieve their belongings so they could leave for China or some other place." Ukyou considered that. "Okay, we'll check the Nekohanten. Kunou, you drive! And get us there as fast as you can!" The group piled back into the car as Kunou sighed in relief that his vehicle would suffer no further abuse. *** LinLin and RanRan stood on the loading dock of the Nekohanten. They had just finished loading all of their things into the truck Cologne had waiting there, and were now ready for a fight. As they looked down the street they saw the limousine rushing toward them at high speed. "What he think he doing?" asked LinLin. "Not know," replied RanRan. "What we do?" Both looked at the car speeding toward them and realized they didn't have time to move. With that realization, the two began screaming. Shampoo's father saw the Nekohanten and the two screaming girls and quickly pushed down the brake. The limo continued to slide forward, it's high-speed pace apparently unaffected. LinLin and RanRan held on to each other in panic as the still-speeding limousine got closer and closer. As the car continued to speed forward, Shampoo's father realized he hadn't shut off the booster yet. He reached forward and flipped the switch causing the car to slide to a halt about one inch away from the terrorized twins, almost sending him through the windshield in the process. He quickly turned off the car, climbed out, and ran to open the trunk. Cologne climbed out of the trunk and glared at Shampoo's father. "What were you thinking, you imbecile! I told you not to use that booster until it had been tested! That sudden stop of yours nearly killed Shampoo!!! What do you have to say for yourself?!" He opened his mouth to reply but was quickly cut off as Cologne began speaking again. "Never mind that! I'm sure they'll figure out where we are, so let's get them in the truck and get out of here! AND NO BOOSTERS!!!" Shampoo climbed out of the trunk and glared at her father, then helped him put Ranma and Akane in the back of the truck. After she was done with that she turned to her younger Amazon sisters. "LinLin, RanRan! Why you stand there and hold each other?! Help put stuff in truck so can go!" *** The small Honda pulled up in front of the Nekohanten. "No sign of them," Ukyou cursed. "Wait a second," Konatsu said. "Kunou-san, could you shut off the engine for a moment please?" Kunou complied and Konatsu listened closely. "Ukyou-sama, I hear something out back." Ukyou turned to the group. "Okay! Kunou, you drive around the block and cut off any rear driveway. Mousse, ride with him. Konatsu, you go down the right side of the restaurant. Kodachi, down the left. I'll go through the inside and we'll meet at the back." Kodachi looked crossly at Ukyou. "I am Kunou Kodachi, what makes you think I would take orders from you, commoner?" "Do you want Ranma to marry Shampoo?" Ukyou questioned. Kodachi was the first of the group to the assigned position. Ukyou was about to go through the front door when a voice interrupted her. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" "Ryouga!" Ukyou shouted. "How did you get here?!" "Ukyou?" he asked. "Well, I was at the wedding and I decided to start on my journey." "Well I'm glad you showed up here," said Ukyou. "Stick with me, we could use your help." "Why?" Ryouga asked. "What's going on here?" "No time to explain!" she replied. "Let's just say Akane needs you!" Both ran into the Nekohanten as Ryouga muttered, "This wouldn't have happened if Akane had married me." As they exited the rear of the restaurant, they saw Kunou park the car blocking the truck from leaving. Both Mousse and Kunou jumped out ready for battle. "No one shall kidnap the fair Tendou Akane whilst I, Kunou Tatewaki, still live!" Mousse looked on with a look of sympathy. "What happened to you, Shampoo?" he asked. "This isn't you, this is something _she_ would do!" Mousse indicated Cologne. "I remember you once said that you don't want to end up like her, but now you have all but become her!" Shampoo looked Mousse in the eye for a second then turned away and locked the loading door on the truck. [I am _not_ my great-grandmother, Mu Tsu. I am Xian Pu, strongest warrior of my village and future leader of my tribe. I will show my strength by marrying the strongest man, no matter what it takes.] Mousse retook his battle stance. "Very well, I will have to stop your plans for your own good." {I just hope that _I_ don't have to fight you,} he thought. At that moment, Kodachi came from the left, once again in her leotard with her ribbon twirling. "Hohohohohoho!!! Even though Ranma's heart belongs to another, I shall never allow harm to come to him!" she yelled. "Stand forth and face the Black Rose!!!" Konatsu moved into position on the right, slipped into a battle stance, and silently waited for the conflict to begin. The truck suddenly jerked forward causing Mousse and Kunou to jump away as it slammed into the small Honda. A loud thump was heard from inside the back of the truck upon the impact. Kunou looked on in horror as his car was utterly destroyed. "MY CAR!!!" A short scuffle was heard inside the vehicle as Cologne proceeded to knock Shampoo's father unconscious for his repeated idiocy. The old woman soon hopped from the passenger side of the truck's cab and faced Ukyou. "Kuonji Ukyou. I commend you on organizing such a rescue party on quick notice, but I'm afraid it was a waste of your time. The only way you could get them back is to defeat all of us, including myself. The only one who has any chance against me is Muko-dono, and the knock-out gas will last another hour and a half." Cologne smiled at her apparent victory. {Knock-out gas,} thought Kodachi. She started to creep toward Ryouga. "Stop them!" Cologne shouted. Shampoo, LinLin, and RanRan rushed their opponents. Shampoo attacked Ukyou, bonbori in hand. LinLin faced off against Mousse. RanRan went against Kunou. "Hibiki!" shouted Kodachi. "Can you still do your 'Breaking Things' technique?" Ryouga faced her. "That's 'Breaking _Point_', and yes I can. Why?" "Get me into that truck!" she returned. "I have an anti-toxin that should work on any kind of knock-out gas!" Cologne saw Ryouga and Kodachi run for the truck and figured out the plan. She moved to confront the pair but was blocked by Konatsu. "Elder of the Joketsuzoku," he began. "I do not know you and hold nothing prior against you, but you have attacked my friends and I can't allow that to go unchecked. Face me now." Cologne was surprised at the challenge from the boy before her, but had no chance to avoid the fight as Konatsu immediately went into an attack. The old Amazon deftly dodged the kunoichi's strikes and began to back into a spiral. Ryouga and Kodachi soon reached the truck. "You may want to stand back a little," said Ryouga. When Kodachi did as he asked, Ryouga faced the truck again. "BAKUSAI TENKETSU!!!" The side of the truck exploded into thousands of pieces of shrapnel and Kodachi jumped inside. She searched around in the minimal light until she found the unconscious couple. Ukyou blocked another bonbori strike to her head and looked for Konatsu. She saw him facing off with Cologne, then noticed how the old woman was maneuvering. "Konatsu, WAIT!!! Don't let her lure you into a spiral!!!" She turned and started to run to her friend but received a strike to her left leg from Shampoo's bonbori. Konatsu didn't hear Ukyou's warning and fought Cologne to the center of the spiral she was leading him into. He saw the old woman grin for a moment and realized something was wrong. "HIRYUU SHOUTEN HA!!!" Cologne called out as a whirlwind appeared and flung Konatsu away. She quickly headed toward the truck as the wind slowly died down, but was cut off by Ryouga. "What do you want, boy? I can make a deal with you. You're in love with Tendou Akane, let me take Ranma and I'll give her to you." "NO!" Ryouga yelled. "I don't make deals with kidnappers!" He grinned at the old woman in front of him. "Besides, you're forgetting something," he elaborated. "I'm gonna marry Akari! BAKUSAI TENKESTU!!!" He jabbed the ground between them with his index finger sending debris flying towards Cologne. The old woman spun her staff in front of her, effectively blocking every piece. "You know you can't defeat me, boy, don't waste your time." She went on the offensive using her staff to reach through his defenses and hit pressure points to tire him out. {Kodachi,} he thought, as he became more and more exhausted, {please hurry!} *** Inside the truck, Kodachi tried yet another anti-toxin. "I think I'll go back to making my own," she mumbled. "These drug-store specials aren't any good." Finally Ranma started to stir. The first sight he saw after opening his heavy eyelids caused him to jump. "Kodachi?" he asked in a groggy voice. "What's going on here? And where's Akane?" The gymnast had no chance to answer as Ranma surveyed his surroundings and noticed Akane in a crumpled heap against a large chest near the back of the truck. "AKANE!!!" he shouted in fear for his wife. He scrambled across the floor to her side and lifted her into his arms. He inspected her body, noticing a small trickle of blood coming from a gash on her forehead, apparently caused by a hard bump against the chest when the truck smashed Kunou's car. "BAKEMONO!" he shouted angrily. "I have to face her!" "You're too weak!" Kodachi said worriedly. Ranma didn't hear Kodachi's warning and slowly picked himself up from the floor of the truck. "She's gonna pay!" he said through gritted teeth. *** Mousse managed to get LinLin wrapped in a chain and worn down enough that she couldn't get out of it. He turned and saw Ryouga about to pass out from fatigue. Without thought he sent several chains flying at the old woman. Ryouga saw the chains flying toward Cologne and knew she would dodge. {What can I do?} he thought. {I'm about to collapse and she's going to get away with this.} "NO!" yelled the lost boy. "I won't let that happen! SHISHI HOUKOUDAN!!!" He released his depression-based ki into the only route of escape left by the numerous chains. Cologne, unable to do otherwise, moved right into the blast. The old woman faced Ryouga, anger obvious on her features. "Nice attack for one such as yourself," she said, her voice sounding somewhat raspy. "But we both know you can't stop me." Kunou sent another strike at RanRan who carefully blocked it. Though the fight appeared a stalemate, Kunou was slowly gaining the advantage. As he blocked RanRan's latest attack, he saw Ryouga standing before Cologne looking like he would fall at any second and considered lending a hand against the old woman. Those thoughts were put to rest as RanRan renewed her attack. "ENOUGH!!!" came a loud, but still somewhat weak voice. The fighting stopped and all eyes turned to the gaping hole in the side of the truck where Ranma stood. He looked tired, but very determined and _extremely_ angry. "BAKEMONO!!! I have tolerated your schemes and put up with your plans like the cat-tongue so far because they only effected me, but when you drag Akane into it like this, that is going too far!!!" Ranma almost fell out of the hole in the truck. "I challenge you!!!" All present watched as Ranma slowly approached Cologne. "If I win, you and all of your people go back to China without us." "Very well, Muko-dono," she replied calmly. "But _when_ I win, you will return with us." {No Ranma!} Ukyou thought. "Agreed," he replied. "But don't expect me to marry you or nothin'. And either way you set Akane free and never bother her again. Cologne nodded. "As you wish. As soon as Tendou Akane is free of the effects of the knock-out gas she shall be free to do as she chooses. But, should she bother us, we will defend ourselves." "Fine," Ranma said with a grin. "Then let's fight! MOUKO TAKABISHA!!!" He released the confidence ki he had been charging since Kodachi awoke him. It formed into a ball about ten feet across. Cologne tried to dodge but couldn't get completely away from the massive blast. She was instead caught a foot away from the edge. The blast sent her flying a short distance but she quickly recovered and charged toward Ranma. As she got in range she attacked with the Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken, which Ranma barely managed to keep pace with. He began to back up, the old woman leapt a good distance away from him. "If you think you're going to lure me into the attack _I_ taught you, then you really are thick headed," she called. "No," he said. "I just wanted you away from me." {Great!} he thought. {The bakemono's winning! And she knows all of my tricks, so I can't lure her into one of them. What can I do?!} Cologne started to approach Ranma again as he considered his options. {Okay,} Ranma thought in determination. {I'll try that. It may literally rip _me_ in two, but at least Akane will be safe.} With that thought, the teenage martial artist began charging his ki. As the old woman got closer, Ranma slowly positioned himself so she was in a direct line between him and the back wall of the Nekohanten. {Gotta wait for the last second! If I release it to soon she can dodge it!} Sweat started to bead on Ranma's brow as his face took on a masque of extreme pain. Cologne continued to approach the youth at an increasing pace. {I'll take him down with one more blow.} Studying Ranma carefully, she added, {Hmmm.. he's trying to charge his ki! The foolish child is suffering like that and he still thinks he can concentrate well enough to summon a ki attack that will defeat me? HA!} She was one step away from being within striking distance when she sensed the cause of Ranma's pain. "No!!! It can't be!!!" Before Cologne could change direction, Ranma gave his ki level one final push and threw his arms forward with a slight twisting motion. "Hiryuu Shouten Ha revised, KINRYUU GOROSHI!!!" Immediately wind started to pick up at a pace which increased exponentially. The winds formed into a horizontal tornado the color of pure gold and slammed into Cologne's chest sending her flying back into the building. The force of the whirlwind held her in place as it slowly crushed her body into the wall forcing the air from her lungs. All present gaped at the never before seen technique they had just witnessed. "What the hell is that?!" Ryouga whispered in awe. Ukyou looked on in shock. "How did he do that?!" None of the others were able to speak as they merely stared in amazement at the tornado of gold that had Cologne pinned to the side of the building. Five minutes passed. Then, just as Cologne was about to pass out from pain and lack of oxygen, the winds died down, allowing her to fall. The old woman hit the ground with a thump, then looked up at Ranma. "Muko-dono. No opponent has brought me to the ground in years," she said weakly as she tried to catch her breath. "And I've never faced a person who could simultaneously manipulate hot and cold ki." She tried to rise to her feet, but fell again because of disorientation. Ranma collapsed to the ground when he heard Cologne speak. It hadn't stopped her and he couldn't go on. Half of his shirt was incinerated and the other half hung loosely from his body. To Ranma, it felt like his skin was covered in a layer of acid because of the second degree burns that covered half of him and the extreme frostbite that covered the other half. Not a sound came from him, as he feared that should he open his mouth he would let out the same screams of agony that he was shouting in his mind: {AAAAAHHHH!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I'M BURNING!!! WHY DID I TRY SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!} Cologne, though still weak, slowly started pulling herself toward Ranma to finish him off. "Ranma," came Akane's weak voice. "Please get up! You have to be alright! What about me?!" she asked, then her voice dropped to a whisper. "What about our future together?" Ranma heard Akane's pleading voice and, though he couldn't make out her words, drew enough strength from it to slowly rise to his feet and walk to Cologne. He did his best to ignore the pain he was in as he flipped the old woman on to her back and sat on top of her pinning her arms to the ground with his knees. Cologne, still too weak from his last attack, was unable to resist as Ranma prepared for a palm strike that would shove the cartilage of her nose into her brain effectively ending her life. "Ranma, no!" Akane weakly protested. "I'm okay. You've won the fight." "That's right!" yelled Ukyou. "Ran-chan's won. Admit it and he won't kill you!" There was a moment of tension which seemed to last an eternity as Cologne examined Ranma and all of the others. Once she was satisfied that he would indeed kill her, she called out, "I surrender! He has won this match. This battle goes to Saotome Ranma." She continued her words unspoken. {But the war is far from over.} All began to cheer at her words. Ranma slowly rose from his position and dragged himself to Akane's side. Once there he collapsed again, his head coming to rest in her lap. Ukyou and Kodachi looked at each other. "Good idea waking up Ranma to face the old woman," commented Ukyou. "Arigatou, Kuonji-san," she replied. "I guess you did a good job of organizing us as well." Akane sat next to the truck with Ranma's head still resting in her lap. "You did good, Ranma," she whispered to him as she stroked his hair. "You did great." Ranma, still in too much pain to speak, gave a short smile in response as he realized just how thankful he was for his quick powers of recovery. It would still take at least a week to be back to a hundred percent though. Cologne slowly picked herself up from the ground and faced the celebrating group. Shampoo and RanRan freed LinLin from Mousse's chain and, along with Shampoo's father who had just stumbled out of the truck's cab, joined the old woman. The Elder announced, "As promised, we shall return to China. Within the week our things shall be properly gathered and we'll be gone." She turned to face Mousse. [Mu Tsu! I have warned you once before about this type of behavior,] she said. [But, once again you have gone against the wishes and actions of your elder and leader. For the crime of treason you are no longer a member of the Joketsuzoku. If you are seen around the village again you'll be treated as an outsider. And don't show your face around me again, Mousse, or you'll wish you were never born.] The Amazon Elder turned to her group and lead them away. Mousse watched the members of his former tribe walk away, then half-heartedly joined his friends in the celebration with the thought, {I doubt we've seen the last of them. That was too easy.} Closing: Hill of Rainbow and Sun ----------------------------------------------- End Notes: I developed the idea for this after reading "End of the Beginning." Not being especially fond of cliff-hangers or loose ends, I instantly set out to create a story to give it a little better sense of closure. When I asked Razorclaw X about it, he said he would allow us (my fiancee and I) to take a stab at writing it as a side story, this was the end result. The attack used by Ranma in the last battle against Cologne, the "Kinryuu Goroshi" or "Golden Dragon Massacre" (translation to Japanese by Eternal Lost Lurker), was originally created for our series "Ranma 1/2: Reisuihen" which has been indefinitely delayed. We hope you have enjoyed this story as much as we enjoyed writing it. We also wish to thank you for taking the time to read it. Thank you all. Special thanks to: Razorclaw X for allow us to write this side story to his series. And to Takahashi Rumiko for creating a universe that is so fun to write about. Sincerely, Akihiro & Malon