Souls of Fire #2: Mercury Rising Ranma 1/2 VS Sailor Moon Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi. Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. This story follows the story set forth by "The Geometry of Shattered Souls" and "The Geometry of Vanished Souls," both available at my web site. ---------------------------------------------------- 10th Street District, Crystal Tokyo The moment Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus teleported to the explosion's source they were immediately confronted by the man who summoned them. Dressed in very loose, Chinese-style white robes, he possessed long, dark hair that fell all the way to his waist, and wore thick-lens glasses that concealed his eyes. He folded his arms, standing as if he was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently, but it soon transformed into mild amusement. "So," Mousse shouted, "you've finally arrived." Venus cast her eyes in the direction of the source of the explosion, a seemingly random location in the middle of the street in front of the martial artist. "You're the one who set off that pipe bomb?" she asked, although she already knew the answer. He shrugged. "How else was I supposed to get the attention of the so-called Sailor Senshi I've been hearing so much about?" Mousse took two confident steps forward, noticing his adversaries were tensing themselves up. Good; they won't be pushovers. "I merely wish to introduce myself to the law of the land before I... well... run amok?" "What do you want?" asked Jupiter. "Are you one of the Fenril Knights?" "'Fenril Knights?'" echoed Mousse, raising an eyebrow at the mention of the name. "Is that what you're calling us? If I remember the books it's no more than a mangling of a translation for the Fenris wolf." He turned his side toward them in consideration. "He's got that down pat," Venus whispered to her partner. A glint of light reflected off his glasses. "The wolf is said to be the traitor of its cause; no sooner have we returned home we are branded traitors!" He unfolded his arms, reaching for some weapons up his sleeves as he faced the Sailor Senshi. "If this is the welcome we're getting for coming home, then this is not my Earth at all!!" Both Jupiter and Venus dodged to opposite sides as Mousse threw his surprisingly fast chain onslaught, merely tethered weapons. Retracting his weapons quickly he caught motion from Jupiter, the tougher- looking of the two, ready to get into close quarter combat, something the weapons master wished to avoid. He leaped back just in time to avoid a fist into the gut, his tethered weapons trailing behind, but the soldier was quick enough to avoid their drag. Mousse tossed three knives in Venus's direction, but she was no longer there by the time they got to where she stood. Venus raised a hand in the air, ripping an energy chain into existence, lashing it out at the martial artist. Countering, Mousse threw out a leather whip of his own, snagging the energy chain but opening himself up to a deep kick from Jupiter. Doubling back, he released his hold on the whip, quickly slipping on wrist razors and slashing at Jupiter. "I won't lose to some girls!" Mousse hissed, swinging his wrist razors at Jupiter madly. He threw a vertical kick with his leg, catching her square in the jaw and sending her flying. Glad for the temporary breathing room the victory was cut short when his left arm got caught in Venus's chain. "For one guy," she shouted as the weapons master tugged against her chain, "you're a heck of a lot of trouble!" "Let go!" demanded Mousse. In desperation he threw out his wrist razor, now tethered to a chain of its own, toward Venus. In panic she let go of the chain, allowing it to wink out of existence, just in time to avoid the attack. Pressing his advantage Mousse grabbed several more chains, swinging them at his sides, trying to anticipate Venus's next move. But a sudden shocking jolt ran up his spine and through his arms, amplified off the metal hidden on his body. He cried out in pain as he suddenly remembered Jupiter, cursing that he turned his back toward her. He collapsed face first on the ground, feeling the moisture of his body evaporate in the air around him. Eyes to the crystal pavement, he could hear the echoes of the Senshi move closer toward him, albeit cautiously and carefully. "Is it over?" wondered Venus. "I guess so," answered Jupiter. "That was a lot easier than I thought it would be." Silently, Mousse cursed himself again. Is this the way the great Mousse was going to go down? he wondered. Beaten by not just one girl, but TWO girls? "Leave Mousse alone!" He heard both girls gasp at once at the sound of the newcomer's voice. Although his head was still down, and he ached all over his body, Mousse knew exactly who the voice belonged to. "If this is the way you Senshi fight," Shampoo challenged, waving a sword their direction, "then Shampoo will gladly accept the challenge!" "'Shampoo?'" muttered Jupiter. "Great, there's another one." "Careful, Jupiter!" warned Venus. "She's had plenty of time to watch us by now!" "Shampoo..." Mousse moaned, planting his fists against the earth. "He's getting up?!" he heard Jupiter say, surprised. "This guy IS tough!" Struggling despite himself, Mousse slowly pulled himself to his feet, head hung low. He took in several deep breaths, slowly backing away from the two Senshi and toward Shampoo, surprised they allowed him to even get that far. Only then, when he felt Shampoo at his side, did he look up. "Stupid Mousse," hissed Shampoo quietly. "Why did you try to fight them alone?! Great-grandmother said they were reputed to be stronger than we are!" "And now we know for sure!" he pointed out. He pointed a finger toward Jupiter with one hand, while quietly slipping a heavy glove in his other. "That one is mine!" "If that's what you want," she replied with a shrug, switching hands with her sword as she stared down Venus. "They're planning something," Venus knew, whispering to Jupiter. "Stay on your toes; that guy she called Mousse looks like he wants you, and that worries me." "Normally I'd think guys like him would be afraid," Jupiter agreed. "With all those metal weapons on him my lightning attacks are doubly effective. I can't figure out what could be so different this time!" "We'll find out soon enough!" --- Throne Room, Crystal Palace "They appear to be still fighting," Mercury said aloud, as she, Mars, and Queen Serenity watched the battle on a holographic projection screen in the middle of the throne room. "The Fenril's reinforcement seemed to invigorate him somehow, but I detected no magic." "Then they're superior martial artists," Mars realized. "Fighting as a pair, they likely complement each other in the way they fight. Their feelings for each other could be strong enough to be the spontaneous boost the guy showed just now." "Death Phantom apparently is not resorting to magical warriors or droids this time around," Neo Queen Serenity thought aloud. "If the three Fenril Knights we have seen so far are any indication of what the others might be...." "There's no use speculating unless we determine what it is they're after," Mercury interrupted. "All of our previous enemies have been after specific targets, but so far these Fenril don't appear to be after anything." "So why don't we capture one of them?" asked Mars. "If I can catch the other girl...." "What makes you think she'll be back?" asked Mercury. "She knows what I am, but not who," answered the other Senshi. "I'm a rival priestess, and that's all the reason in the world she has to come after me. I don't know what faction she belongs to, but whatever it is it's enough to get her riled up about the fire spirits." "Wait, I have an idea." "What is it, Mercury?" asked the queen. "Mars said the Fenril didn't know who she was," she explained. "It either means Death Phantom didn't tell them, or it never came up. Maybe he's not concerned at all about it. Whatever the case, so long as they are unaware of our alternate identities, we can use it to our advantage." "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?" asked Mars. Mercury nodded. Turning toward the queen, she said, "I would like permission to infiltrate the Fenril Knights' ranks." Serenity nodded. "I will assume you have a plan, but how do you know if they will be looking for people?" "If the pattern follows," she explained, "then Death Phantom is recruiting people from normal walks of life with amazing talent. In other words, it's likely they will be looking for more people to take up their cause from the world's populace. If I can successfully do this then we will have a better idea of what we're up against." "But Death Phantom isn't a normal person," Mars said, concerned. "If he sees through your disguise then you're through." "On the other hand," Neo Queen Serenity interrupted, "our enemy has not made his presence known; perhaps it is likely that his attention is elsewhere. If Mercury is willing to take the chance, I see no reason to hold her back." Mercury bowed respectfully. "Thank you." --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries "Well, it's sure taking them long enough," Shion commented, stuffing his face with a bag of chips as he sat at his chair, staring at the monitor before him. Ayame leaned over the back of his seat. She squinted at the monitor, barely making out Shampoo, Mousse, and their adversaries. "Egh, how can you see anything on this thing?" "I've got good money on Mousse," the mercenary hacker declared. "Ditto for Shampoo." "Why Mousse?" she asked. "He lost the first round." "Don't worry," he replied, stuffing his face some more. "He ront rose urist time." "Don't talk with your mouth full!" Ayame demanded, slapping Shion in the back and forcing him to spit out his chips. "How am I supposed to tell what you're saying?!" As Shion coughed up the rest of his snacks the double doors hissed behind the two techies, allowing Shizuka, with her boa constrictor wrapped around her body, to enter. "Tatewaki's found the eggheads," she reported. "Their cryo-revival is beginning as we speak." "That was fast," admitted Shion. "What'd you expect," replied the priestess of Genbu. "They're only a couple floors down." "There's MORE floors down?" Ayame gasped. "How many did Uncle put into this?!" "I'll let you know once I look at the blueprints," Shion offered, turning his attention back to the action. But his entertainment was interrupted yet again as Ayame grabbed his shirt and dragged him to his feet. "I've been on the job for no more than a week and I still don't know everything about Uncle's storehouse, much less the bathroom! So you're going to conjure up those blueprints, and you're going to show me them NOW." Shizuka took an involuntary step back, raising her hands. "Hey, hey! No one's contesting you're the leader...." Ayame's eyes were torn from Shion to Shizuka. "Well, since I AM your leader... I want to know what the others are up to. We're going to put this operation into one big functional clockwork, you see? I don't want any more of our people goofing off," she nodded her head toward the monitor, "like they are!" Throwing Shion back into his seat, she ordered, "Issue the recall order." --- 10th Street District, Crystal Tokyo Mousse laughed to himself as he pulled Jupiter in with his chains, watching as the Senshi futily tried to shock him again. Thanks to his gloves the insulation spared him the trouble. He glanced in Shampoo's direction, watching briefly as her sword met with Venus's own energy blade, and while it appeared neither held an advantage Mousse knew Shampoo would win. "It's over for you!" he shouted toward Jupiter. "There's one thing you didn't think of, surfer-boy!" she shouted back. Mousse's eyes widened when the unthinkable happened; the taut chains slackened as Jupiter ran toward him, a fist raised. He swung his head to the side as the fist zoomed by, then ducked under the second one. Mousse rammed his head into Jupiter's chest, pushing her back a bit but giving himself a good headache in return. Stumbling back, he heard someone say, "Mousse, Shampoo, get back here at once!" He shook his head, tightening his hold on his chains. "Who the...?!" "Who said that!" shouted Shampoo, parrying another blow from Venus. "Withdraw from the fight at once," both warriors heard. "It is time to regroup." "But we're winning!" complained the weapons master. Without warning Mousse's chains disappeared from around Jupiter, along with the martial artist himself, his form slipping into blackness that vanished into thin air. Shampoo saw this, cursing under her breath. Leaping away from Venus and clear from Jupiter, Shampoo pointed her sword at her opponents. "This isn't over yet!" she shouted, just before vanishing herself. Venus lowered her guard when the second of the Fenril vanished. "They've escaped!" "They were getting the upper hand on us, too," admitted Jupiter. "Why'd they leave all of a sudden?" Frustrated, Venus raised an angry fist. "It was a spurt of power that appeared suddenly... something we never fought before! How did they get so strong in such a short amount of time?" --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries "Why'd you bring us back?!" demanded Mousse as he stepped down into the central control center, dragging his chains behind him. "Just what did you think you were doing?" asked Ayame, her back turned toward him, facing the main monitor. A large, stylized 'M' shaped resembling a bat, could be clearly seen on the back of her lab coat. "No one gave you authorization to attack." "Who died and made you leader?!" Shampoo replied, still holding out her sword. "We could've finished them!" added Mousse. "And that's the reason you're not leader, and I am!" the niece of Mishima thundered angrily. She turned around, fury in her eyes, just as an amplification of said face duplicated itself behind her on the main monitor. "Have you ever thought about the consequences of your actions while you were fighting them? No, you didn't; you wanted to prove how large your schtick was." Immediately Shampoo was at Ayame's throat, holding her blade steady under the girl's chin. "We respect no one like you who are too weak to fight!" "And where you have brawn I make up in brains," countered Ayame. "Or, rather, my associates do." She glanced in Shion's direction, along with Kanna, who was standing next to his chair. "Leaders aren't the ones who can fight the best; leaders are the ones who can control them." "You can't control us!" Mousse countered. "I've never seen you pull your weight around here!" "Look around you, Mousse," she suggested. "Look at this splendid facility that'll be your new home. It's mine, and mine alone; I hold the key to its survival and its destruction. Eliminate me from the equation, and you can kiss future encounters with the Sailor Senshi good-bye, because even warriors need a home to go back to." "I inherited the industrial empire of Japan's three largest manufacturing and development firms," Ayame continued. "I, and I alone, have that which will serve as the vehicle of our deliverance from this living Hell, and you know it. If you think you can beat the Senshi on your own, feel free to walk out that door and never come back. I assure you, in isolation you will be destroyed." "Not to mention we now control the prism switchboard system," she added proudly. "Thanks to work around the clock we no longer require the old man's help in using the prisms; we concocted a control mechanism in this very room that taps into the undercurrent that controls the prisms' power. Just as your forced trip, Mousse, we can dictate where you go and when you're coming back. Any advantage you believed you had will be regulated at a touch of a button." "So, now, my friends, will you join the rest of us, or die miserably alone?" Shampoo snarled angrily, whipping her sword back away from Ayame's throat. "You win for now!" she hissed. Mousse, having finished retracting his chains, raised an angry fist. "We'll go your way for now, but next time you'd better not get in our way." "At least that's settled," Kanna declared. "Now we can finish business, shall we?" Ayame turned toward the tactician's direction. "Yes. I want to know how many of us there's left to collect." "Nearly all of us are accounted for," Shion said. "However, some of our number are at varying degrees of health; Ryoga doesn't look like he's doing so well, so he's resting in the med ward for now." "Regrettable," Ayame said with a nod. "If that's all...?" "So far only Ukyo is unaccounted for; the rest have checked in at least once," continued Shion. "Of course, not everybody's in the compound at the moment, and are probably just wandering around town or something. Shizuka is still under lockdown, and remains within the premises." "Acceptable for now," Ayame replied. "We'll have to assume Kuonji deserted; right now we've got to focus on getting this place cleaned up and organized." Turning toward the two Chinese warriors she added, "And you two'd better stay out of trouble. Better yet, stay out of sight and lay low. The Senshi will surely be looking out for you now, thanks to your thoughtless fight. Consider yourselves under lockdown; you are not to leave this building, nor make yourselves known; is that understood?" She turned away as the two warriors grumbled under their breaths, barely out of her hearing range. That's the second one, she counted mentally. Thanks to those two and Shizuka, any chance of surprise we might've had is gone. Anything we do now will have to be done carefully, with machine-like precision, but it will be difficult amidst the chaos of all these people with big egos. And that's the trouble with being the leader, she decided. I've got to keep all their egos in check, including my own. I have to detach myself, make myself as efficient as the machines Uncle created, if we're to succeed. --- Wiseman's Chamber, Mishima Heavy Industries, Five Days Later Throughout the rest of the exploration of the underground Mishima complex more rooms turned up, among them the hidden weapons promised by Ayame's uncle in his initial note. Many others were discovered as well, even a section devoted to living quarters, and a spoiled food supply, which had to be replaced rather discretely through numerous, spaced shopping trips. Some rooms were set aside for specific purposes, but one in particular, spaced well away from any of the other living quarters and supply bays was an isolated room, likely originally an indoor shrine for the superstitious. This room was set aside for the comings and goings with the reclusive Wiseman, who rarely made his presence known, much less remained within the Mishima compound. Few speculated where the old man went, but popular theory held he was hiding out back at his citadel on Nemesis. However, when he did come to the compound the so-called Fenril were always ready to hear him out. This time Ayame entered the chamber, flanked by Pantyhose Taro to her right, and the equally reclusive Cinder on the left. When the door slid itself shut behind them Wiseman raised his head from his pondering of the crystal ball in his lap. "What have you to report on the progress of our work here?" asked Wiseman. "Our people are getting restless," Ayame reported. "I think we're set up as well as we should be. The men we woke from the cryo-stasis are the top scientists and engineers of this company, and they are busy working around the clock to devise new weapons. However, that will take time, and, as I said, our people are getting quite restless." "I can only tolerate sitting around for so long, old man!" complained Taro. "What makes you think you can keep us cloistered here, our hands tied from battle?!" "I have been pondering the situation," Wiseman replied, "and there is merit to your words. The time to act is now." He waved a hand over the crystal ball, allowing its misty contents to stir and morph into the shape of a demonic face. "The secret of Black Moon droid manufacture is now being imparted upon you. These living soldiers have the strength and will to fight on their own, and will serve you well." "What makes you think our own GAIA-class machines aren't enough?!" demanded Ayame hotly. "We're manufacturing more of them as we speak!" "Do you intend to wipe out the city with them?" "No, but...." "That is the sole purpose of your machinery. They differentiate nothing between targets because they cannot think for themselves. Furthermore, you have no goal from which to divert their attention to." Ayame was at a loss for words, but Cinder spoke up for her. "That may be so, but we have determined a means to open dimensional rifts." "Explain," ordered Wiseman. "The weave we draw upon magic from in this world is limited," the fire master explained. "As evidenced earlier apparently Neo Queen Serenity also controls the coveted Gate of Heaven, thus cutting off extradimensional sources of power. We need this power to refuel our own powers to fight back." "I draw upon a different weave, and so do the Senshi of Crystal Tokyo," Wiseman said. "So do your own. I see no point in bringing in extradimensional forces." "We have allies and comrades on the other side of the Gate," added Cinder. "Also, with the Gate, we can access the shadow stream, an immense source of power from which Hokuto can draw upon. All we need to do is force open a rift." "How can this be done?" "Tearing a hole in the dimensional fabric is beyond human technology at the moment," admitted Cinder, "but technology alone... no, we will combine magic with technology. Driving a device by two complementary means, so to speak; energy is energy, no matter how you look at it. Already we are drawing up designs to build this new techno-magical engine, borrowing aspects from sorcery, human technology, and kami imagination. But, we are striving to seek a source power; nothing we know of is enough to power such an engine for extended periods of time." "If it is an energy source you seek, there is but one that will suffice for your needs," declared Wiseman. He waved his hand over the crystal ball again, this time revealing a red, crystalline jewel, a radiating point glowing at its symmetrical center. "Wow," Ayame said, "that's beautiful!" "It is a pure heart crystal," explained the old man. "They are mystical, physical representations of the purity in a human's heart, and it is a drive as well as a gift. Due to its purity the intensity of its power is unparalleled." "So how much energy output does one heart yield?" asked Ayame. "That'll matter because the engine is an energy hog." "Depending on the crystal you will have to determine that on your own," Wiseman replied. "Your engine may require many tens of crystals of similar purity depending on your make." "Hang on," interrupted Taro. "You said these are human hearts? What makes you think I'm getting my hands dirty enough for that?" "You're not going to rip them out," snapped Wiseman. "I will provide you with special instrumentation that will allow you to extract the heart crystals without penetrating the body. This leaves the body perfectly intact, but the heart crystal fully functional. Any problem you have with this is moot." "Right, so where'd we find people with a pure enough heart?" asked Ayame. "That is up to you." "What?!" cried the tech. "You're going all this way and then stopping short?" "I have business to attend to." "Never mind that," Cinder interrupted. "This is our engine, and we are going to complete it ourselves." --- Training Hall, Mishima Heavy Industries Ranma sank his knuckles into the punching bag, venting all his frustrations into the final blow. Not surprisingly, the martial artist's fist went straight through the suspended bag, sending stuffing flying in all directions. "That's the seventeenth one you busted," noted Mousse dryly, standing against the wall on the same side as the single exit, his arms folded. He withdrew his fist slowly. "I can't stand this!" Ranma declared. "What in the world am I supposed to do, anyway?" "If all you can do is train and break punching bags, consider it your new hobby," Mousse snorted. "I'm waiting to be let out of this rat hole. At least you can get up and leave the building." "And go where?!" he screamed. "Back to Akane? Back to my family? How can I, when they're not the people I remembered?" Ranma threw a spin kick, thoroughly dislodging the suspended punching bag from the ceiling and vaulting it a few meters away. "Nothing's the same anymore, and we can't go back to the way things were! It's like waking up to a nightmare." "Everybody else is gearing up to fight," the Master of Hidden Weapons pointed out. "Excepting you and a couple others, of course." "What good'll that do?" asked Ranma. "What're we supposed to do, overthrow a world power? Sure, you guys can do all your terrorist bulb all you like, but it's not gonna matter. Why are we doing it, anyway?" "Because we're going to put things back the way they were," Mousse replied. "Because it's the only thing we can do to cling to our values and ways. Because... if we didn't have anything else better to do, we'd be sulking like you and Ryoga are." Ranma lowered his fists. "Get out." Mousse snorted, but the sliding doors of the training hall slid open nonetheless, followed by his silent footsteps. "I need to fight," he decided, certain that no one was listening in. "Mousse is right; I can't be like Ryoga, not now. The others might've found their direction, but I need to know... somehow... that the path I chose is the right one." --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries The chief engineer, Philip Taydome, appeared on the monitor in front of Shion, looking no older than when the mercenary last remembered. Being a part of the team that was frozen in stasis under the compound the robotics engineer was responsible for the creation of Mishima Heavy Industries' most successful war machines, particularly the GAIA combat robot that could fight on its own. "Well, kid," the American-born engineer said, "it's a tall order you've given us. I don't know if we can actually build it." "Trust me, with all this techno-magical stuff we're digging up, anything's possible," Shion replied. "We're going to try and build the engine first," Taydome said. "After we see the power output I think we can start building your machine." "Build something other than the Mekani engine, okay?" suggested the mercenary. "Ayame said we need some heart crystal whatevers to power it, and that's something we don't have at the moment." "Alternate power sources, eh?" Shion shrugged. "'Energy is energy.' You figure it out." "Did Ms. Mishima approve of this project?" "Not yet. I expect you to keep it under wraps until you can produce a result. Consider it a surprise." --- 10th Street Market, 10th Street District Her name was Ami while not taking up her role as a Sailor Senshi, and it was the role she was taking now that she reintegrated herself into society. Although she felt reasonably comfortable in walking in the streets as the girl she once was, Neo Queen Serenity insisted that Ami take more careful measures to guard her identity from the Fenril Knights. Ami, however, pointed out that the enemy may be able to detect the more thorough illusions easily, considering they have one such as Death Phantom backing them. As a compromise they settled on using the Disguise Pen in a light manner, using just enough of its power to mask Ami's identity just enough that it would take conscious effort to see through the disguise, but not enough that the magic field would be screaming in the face of anyone looking for one. Other people paid her no mind as Ami squeezed into a role as a substitute teacher at her old school. By most outward appearances she was no more spectacular than any other teacher, and that was the way she wanted it. Although Mars doubted that any of the Fenril would think to cross the school grounds, Ami was sure she would at least draw enough attention that they would come. She wanted to believe that a genius instructor would get at least one of the Fenril interested, at least. Her patience was rewarded quickly, however, as on the fourth day of her tenure someone appeared, an observer of the school. The man appeared much older than she was, possessing a modest white beard and cold, calculating eyes. The old man dressed in a rather conservative business suit, which appeared rather odd on him to Ami, and he constantly waved a white feather fan in his hand, even though the weather regulation system produced no such heat to require fanning. For the first two days the observer, Higure, poked his heads into the classrooms from time to time, always quickly and quietly. On the third day, however, Ami noted that the observer was keeping a watchful eye on her, but he still did not say a word. It was then she was certain that the old man was a Fenril Knight. As she walked from the school grounds at the end of the school day Ami couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, even though she couldn't see the old man anywhere. It was likely paranoia, she decided, or a thrilling rush of excitement, something that was lacking these days. The thought of getting caught, or perhaps the idea that she could succeed, filled her mind, bringing back memories of the old days. Her thoughts were torn away, however, by the unexpected, as the observing old man stood in her way. "Excuse me," Ami said quietly. "Pardon my intrusion, Ms. Mizuno," Higure said, bowing unexpectedly. "I could not help but notice you during my stay." "I'm sorry," she replied, purposefully attempting to throw him off, "but I'm not interested in older men." The old man smiled. "No, not in that manner." He gripped his fan tighter. "I speak of your teaching methods, and the mind which you back them up with. The students pay attention to your every word, and it seems to genuinely interest them." "Thank you. Now, if you'll please excuse me...." She had no intention of making it easy. Apparently, neither did the old man. "Why of course. Perhaps we can speak further at a later time?" Ami nodded silently, and the old man stepped out of the way. She counted several heartbeats before looking back, but the Fenril was nowhere to be found, as if he vanished into thin air. The disguised soldier sighed to herself, realizing that the observing presence was no longer hanging over her. She headed back for the apartment she rented out during her undercover period, finding no reason to stop until she was within the safety of home. Locking and securing all exits and windows Ami walked into the bedroom and produced a flat silver mirror from her book bag, setting it up on the dresser. The image of the queen flickered on the surface of the mirror. "I made contact," Ami started. "The Fenril recruiter is an old man, and he is apparently strong. I sense a powerful force behind him, but it is nowhere near the same as the dark energy-- rather, attuned to an elemental force like ours." "Could it be Death Phantom?" asked the monarch. "Possibly," she considered, "although that would not fit his pattern. In any case, the encounter we had seemed positive enough; he wants to see me again tomorrow. From there hopefully he will bring me into their numbers. I am unsure as to when this could happen." "Be very careful," warned Serenity. "This is a very dangerous game you are playing, dear friend. Once you are within their Inner Circle there is nothing we can do to help you." Ami nodded. "I understand." --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries, Three Days Later Shion wanted to kiss whoever Eudial was when the program finished running. "Found it!" He drummed his index fingers on the edge of the console in victory. Ayame was instantly standing over the mercenary's seat as the Deathbuster search program coughed up a list of names on the screen, scrolling a database of a good number of people living in Tokyo that could possibly possess a pure heart crystal. "That's not a big list." "Well, also keep in mind that this data is a bit on the old side," added Shion. "This program was written and compiled long before Crystal Tokyo, so we have to update the program a bit. But that shouldn't be too much a problem." He pointed toward the screen. "This list is what the programmer used to find pure heart crystals; the names given have a check mark by them because they were confirmed to have a pure heart. I'm not sure why we couldn't pick any one of them, really." "So what's the point?" asked Ayame. "Well, all of these people still have their heart crystals, so why don't we get them from these people, if they're still around?" The leader paused to consider this. Among the material Wiseman provided her to find and secure the heart crystals was equipment left over by a group of humans known as the Deathbusters. Fascination struck the techs as these were constructed of techno-magical devices, and some of the equipment still worked. Among the equipment Shion discovered an intact server, from which he brought up the program he was so happy with. "Okay, but how about those names that weren't checked off?" she asked, running her finger down the list. "I don't know...." "I think it has to do with purity grade and time," explained the mercenary. "Maybe the 'more pure--' and I'm not sure how you can tell just by looking at this list-- offer a bigger energy yield. If what the old man said was correct, the Deathbusters completed their mission." "And we inherited their weapons," Ayame finished. "This all seems rather silly to me," Shion admitted. "I'd think it'd be easier to build a fusion reactor than to convert heart crystals into energy sources." He looked over his shoulder to eye the niece of Mishima. "What'll you have us do?" Ayame slowly turned back toward the center of the room. "We send someone out to get one, of course. I want to see if this Deathbuster stuff really does what it's advertised, and I also want to know how we can get energy from a silly crystal." --- "So what's this supposed to do?" Pantyhose Taro asked as he stared at the tiny, black Deathbuster star in his fingers. "Supposedly," Ayame explained, "you're supposed to 'will it' to draw out the heart crystal." She shrugged. "It's supposed to be a point-and-shoot kind of thing, I guess." "That's one too many 'supposeds,'" noted the martial artist dryly. "A lot can go wrong with 'supposed.'" "Well, how am I supposed to know?" Taro slapped the star onto his right palm, and it stuck on tightly like a slap pad. "Feels kinda stupid, but I think nobody'll see it if I smash their faces in!" He turned to leave, but Ayame's voice stopped him. "Aren't you forgetting something?" "Feh," he snorted, "I don't need any help! I'll get a crystal without using either your dippy droids or your outlandish war machines!" "Let him go," suggested Shion over his shoulder. "Let's see if he can carry out those boasts of his." Taro took one step toward the mercenary. "Alright, you little pansy, you want to say that in front of me?" "Oh, sorry, I'll have to take a rain check on that one," he replied, flipping a switch on the console before him. Before the martial artist could carry out his threat prematurely Taro shimmered out of existence from the control center. "That's one way to end a conversation," Ayame noted. --- Inner Sanctum, Crystal Palace Neo Queen Serenity had little time to wait as she stood alone in the palace's inner sanctum, where the Silver Crystal was hidden from threats abroad. Behind the pedestal where the artifact rest, against the wall opposite the monarch, a viewscreen flickered to life, revealing the face she wished to spend eternity seeing, from the past to the future and beyond. "Greetings, my love," began King Endymion. "Forgive me; I have not been able to call lately...." "I understand," Serenity replied. Endymion was busy on his pet project in Geneva, ironing out his World Parliament, in order for the Earth to help govern itself. While this move threatened to remove a bit of power from the Earth's rulers it also meant more free time when the Small Lady returned from her training in the past. It was certainly something worth looking forward to, Serenity thought. "I wish I could say this was merely a social call, my dear, but a new problem has arisen in the past week." Endymion nodded. "The Bringer of Silence has returned," he replied. "The goals of Chaos are unknown at this point in time," explained the queen. "It began with a disturbance in one of the rural prefectures, putting a couple in the hospital in critical condition. Almost at the same time Mars was attacked by an unknown assailant. In a half-hour's span two more appeared and confronted Venus and Jupiter, purposefully drawing them out to a fight." "It sounds unlike his work," considered the king. "From what you describe it almost sounds like an uprising... but that is impossible." Serenity nodded. In order to prevent any further war or savage conflict it was necessary to change the hearts of men everywhere, a problem that should have been taken care of. "Ever since that trouble a week ago these new enemies Mercury terms the Fenril Knights have been keeping quiet. She believes they are following a pattern set along ancient Nemesian texts, and while there is no evidence to refute that observation at the moment I cannot help but think that we are being unfair somehow." "It automatically places human beings we are supposed to protect in a negative light before we understand their motives," agreed Endymion. "To that end I agreed to allow Mercury to carry out a subterfuge plan; she wishes to infiltrate their ranks and find out what they are up to. We have been in communication recently, and it appears she has been approached by one of the Fenril. It will be only a matter of time before we learn more." "If it gets any worse, you can count on me to come and help. We can summon Uranus and Neptune as well." She shook her head. "All of your work is too important to simply drop. I assure you, if it is help we require you will be the first to know. It is unnecessary to draw Uranus and Neptune back home, not with their extended journey beyond the stars." Her husband nodded in understanding. "In any case keep me informed of what happens. If this uprising is indeed part of Death Phantom's black hand, the matter may require our full attention. Remember, this is the craftiest of our enemies; we were fortunate to defeat him the first time, but this time may be far different." Before Serenity could offer a reply, another screen flickered to life, presenting the face of Venus. "Your highness!" "Go ahead," replied the queen, recognizing the urgency in the soldier's voice. "Someone's emitting dark energies at the Tokyo Tower," she explained. Mars and Jupiter already went to check it out, but the computer's picking up a weird signal. It's saying that we've seen this kind of energy before." "Nemesian sorcery?" asked Endymion. "No," Venus replied, shaking her head. "Deathbuster techno-magic." --- Tokyo Tower, Crystal Tokyo Taro balanced the levitating heart crystal in his open right palm, the black Deathbuster star suspending it with black lightning. Nearby lay a prone girl, and several others who got a little too close. Many other visitors of the Tower's overlook fled for their lives, jamming themselves in the elevators as if fleeing a plague. A plague named Pantyhose Taro, no less. "That was a little too easy," he muttered to himself in disappointment. "Still, I don't see why you were so special. It's not like you're the only pure heart crystal in the world." "Drop it, you!" Turning his head slightly, in place of all the retreating tourists Taro saw two of the Sailor Senshi. He leaned back against the rail casually. "Well, well, well! I was wondering how long it'd take for you to show up." "Give the heart crystal back!" warned Jupiter, lightning crackling between her fingertips. "Oh, let's see!" Taro said. "Two on one, and me with a single-hand handicap. Sounds unfair... for you." "Don't underestimate us like the others did!" Mars shouted. "We beat your friends before." "Ah... heh, heh, heh!" he laughed, spreading his legs apart in readiness. "They were just kids; you're dealing with a master of kung fu now!" Raising his left fist, Taro charged into battle. --- 10th Street Market, 10th Street District The past three days proved quite informative for Ami. Ever since the first contact the observer Furui met with her during lunch hours, often making casual conversation about her teaching methods. To others, it would appear to be small talk, but to Ami, and, as she suspected, to the old man, it was a delicate dance on words. It was a careful play, but it seemed to have paid off, as the observer invited her to join him for an early dinner. The restaurant the old man chose was quite devoid of customers, as the dinner hour had not been reached yet, giving the two relative privacy at a table hidden away at a corner of the dining room. Not long after their orders were taken Higure came down to business. "Ms. Mizuno." "Yes?" She felt anticipation beating in her chest. "I am curious," he said, "about your opinion of the current state of the world?" "What kind of a question is that?" she asked, realizing it was her heart racing. In her mind Ami felt her caution flagging several danger signs. Higure smiled, shaking his head. "No, you are correct, it is a silly question." "Well, to answer your question, I think the world is quite peaceful," Ami answered honestly. "Every man and woman has the opportunity to contribute to society in the best way possible. There are no wars, no crime, and no disease. People do not suffer illness or hunger because they are have-nots; everybody can seize their dreams." "Yet, oftentimes one person's goal may conflict against another," the old man pointed out. Ami nodded. "That is true, but disputes are no longer solved with violence or retribution, but with talk, compromise, and a common interest to get along in the best manner possible. So to answer your question, Mr. Furui, I believe the world could not be a better place." There, she thought, breathing a mental sigh. It was a calculated risk, openly vocalizing an idea Ami believed was counter to the Fenril thinking, but she also knew it was possible that the old man could tell when she was lying. On the one hand, the Fenril could hear what he wanted to hear, but likely it would be too good to be true. On the other hand, if she told the Fenril the truth in her heart, he might be impressed, and yet it gave her even less possibility to enter into the Inner Circle. Higure stroked his beard thoughtfully, his cold eyes studying Ami carefully. She resisted staring into them, knowing that to do so may put her in even greater danger than she was already in. It seemed that minutes passed, but in reality only a few seconds passed since Ami last spoke. Her heart thundered with anticipation, and she fervently hoped her facial expression didn't betray her inner thought. Finally, the old man spoke. "I have acquaintances that would disagree with what you said." "Really?" She tried to sound surprised, and to her ears Ami thought it was a little too forced. "I've never met anyone who didn't think highly of the Earth in it's present state." "They would say your view is ridiculous," he continued. "So far I have not met one person who could counter their views properly, until I met you." "Are you asking me to talk to them?" she asked. This was not going quite the way Ami thought, but if it still got her into the Inner Circle it would have to do. "If it is not too much of an inconvenience, of course," Higure added. "Would you like to meet them?" Steady, Ami, she thought. This could easily be part of a trap. Death Phantom surely knows our identities, and there's no reason why he shouldn't have passed that information on to his minions. Yet, even though the queen is certain that Death Phantom returned, his presence had yet to be felt. And then, this old man, Higure Furui, appeared to have no idea who I am, Ami reminded herself. Perhaps it was the Disguise Pen that was doing it, or maybe it was as given: he suspected nothing. Why would Death Phantom resort to a relatively naive person as this? "I would like to," she found herself saying, despite caution. Anything you get yourself into from here on is up to you. --- Tokyo Tower, Crystal Tokyo "Sparkling Wide Pressure!" Jupiter shouted, sending crackling bolts of lightning against Taro's incoming attack. With blinding speed Taro avoided the attack, but his fist came no slower when it contacted against Jupiter, sending the senshi sprawling backward. He barely felt the singe of a flame bolt soar over his head as he ducked, careful to balance the heart crystal upright. "Nyah, nyah!" Taro taunted. "You're going to have to do better than that!" Mars kept her index fingers pressed together, throwing off another fire bolt at the martial artist. "Too fast for the Fire Soul!" she hissed. Jupiter quickly got back to her feet, clenching a fist. "Don't worry, this kind of thing is my specialty!" She threw several punches, advancing forward and forcing Taro backward in a one-two flurry. Taro maintained the smirk on his face, dodging each blow with little effort on his part. "Oh, please!" he complained. "Even Femme-boy was way faster than you! But then, I handicapped myself for you." He stopped in his tracks, and held up the heart crystal in the path of the next projected fist. Her green gloved fist came to a halt right in front of the heart crystal, and Jupiter realized that her opponent truly wasn't handicapping himself at all. Taro planted his left fist into her gut, driven by a mad power and knocking the wind out of her. Yet it was more than enough time for Mars to set up her end of the double attack. Taro tore his eyes away from Jupiter just as Mars shouted, "Burning Mandala!" "Dammit!" he cursed, leaping straight into the air and narrowly avoiding the flaming spheres. "I'm getting careless!" "Almost got him that time!" Mars muttered. "'Almost' is not nearly good enough!" the martial artist countered, landing in front of the soldier of fire. But before he could make a move he felt someone clutch onto his left leg. "Two on one, remember?" Jupiter reminded him snidely, yanking the leg back with all her force. Mars stepped out of the way as Taro fell to the ground face first, mindful to hold the heart crystal up and away from the ground. Jupiter stood up from the ground over the downed enemy, ready to attack at the slightest movement. "Ready to say 'uncle?'" she asked. "What I want to know is why you're after the heart crystals," Mars added. "I can't be beaten like this!" Taro hissed angrily. "Someone as great as I doesn't get beaten by girls like you!" --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries "Well, you think we should help him?" Shion asked, turning toward Ayame at the center of the room and jabbing his thumb back at his monitor. Ayame folded her arms, assuming airs. "Humph, why should we? He didn't want help, remember?" "But he did get a heart crystal." "Do you see one here?" "Well, no." "Don't count your eggs until they're back in the nest," suggested the leader. "Unless he can come up with something fancy, he's lost." "And if we lose him, then what?!" demanded Shion, ready to take control over the teleport switch. "Then he's only got himself to blame!" Ayame shot back cruelly. "I thought he was a cunning ally, but such a hot head will spell disaster to us if he can't control even that. That easily-bruised ego of his could be our ruin. He either learns to become a team player, or dies alone." The mercenary nodded. "I see your point," he said, remembering Taro's threat against him. "So if he gets out of this, he gets out of this... no words?" Ayame nodded. --- Tokyo Tower, Crystal Tokyo Taro weighed his options carefully in fractions of seconds, eyeing the heart crystal he desperately sought to keep intact. While he had no idea what would happen if he dropped it, the green skirt girl was obviously worried enough when he used it as a shield. There would be more heart crystals, he decided; more than enough to complete the engine. "Sorry, girls, but I've got a party to attend!" he shouted, hurling the crystal toward the elevator. A startled gasp and the red skirt diving after the crystal was more than enough a cue for Taro to make his comeback. Without chancing a look he scissored his legs together, sandwiching both of Jupiter's legs, and twisted his body around, bringing the girl crashing to the ground. He released his clutch hold immediately, springing to his feet, constantly keeping watch on the heart crystal landing in Mars' desperate hands as she dove. "It's been real, girls!" he taunted, casting his eyes toward the glass window at the rail. "The information I got out of this battle will prove quite useful later on!" Before either of the senshi could make a move Taro was already breaking a sprint toward the window. With momentum behind him the martial artist shattered the window with his body, throwing glass shards everywhere around the impact point. He allowed himself a couple heartbeats of freefall, hopefully instilling the image that he was committing suicide by leaping over the edge. Clutching the prism tied securely to his pantyhose sash, Taro whisked himself from his death plunge. --- Inner Sanctum, Crystal Palace "He plunged through the window and off the edge of the tower," Sailor Mars reported to the queen. "Since there's no body down there we have to assume he's got some means to fly or teleport." "That guy's not terribly hard to find," added Jupiter, her face appearing next to Mars's on the screen. "Some kind of scaled hide shirt and a pantyhose around his waist." She shrugged. "Strange guys these people pick up." Serenity nodded. Although the two senshi succeeded in keeping one heart crystal from Death Phantom's minions, she knew there was more than enough to go around. "I am pleased at your report. Return to the palace as soon as possible." Both Mars and Jupiter nodded, their faces winking out of existence, finally leaving the sovereign alone with her husband. "Crisis averted?" asked Endymion. "Yes, for the moment. However, this is rather disturbing news, from what they describe." "They made it sound as if this new enemy was purposefully holding back," the king agreed. "Even if it was only due to the stolen heart crystal, he was cunning enough to use it to his own advantage as well. That is what concerns me." "Given this example the Fenril are more than willing to put the heart crystals in jeopardy," Serenity said. "While we do not know why they need the crystals it is more than enough proof that they could seize heart crystals on a whim, with disregard for life." "In other words, no one is safe," concluded Endymion. --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries Pantyhose Taro materialized on his stomach at Ayame Mishima's feet, his body finally understanding that it was no longer in freefall. "You failed," the leader said simply. Taro said nothing, planting his palms to the cold floor and began lifting himself up, but he was held fast by the weight of Ayame's high-heeled shoe, placing a sharp pain in his spine. "No, you'd better stay on that belly of yours, and grovel a bit," she suggested coldly. "The first test operation of the Deathbuster technology was a complete success, but you failed to bring back the heart crystal." "It's those stupid girls," Taro hissed angrily, but Ayame cut him sharply. "But I never expected you to bring it back; your objective was far different. In fact, you failed the moment you walked out the door." She drove her heel in harder. "For some reason you're a prima donna, thinking you can do everything by yourself without help." "Just you wait..." he warned. "And your shitty attitude, too," Ayame added. "Whether you like it or not you're living under my roof, and since I'm the owner I'm also your landlord. I make the rules around here, and if you don't like them, we'll cut you loose and let the Sailor Senshi get you. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" "But here's why you won't do that. Because, no matter how powerful or strong you are, they'll get you eventually. You have no safe haven which to hide out in, and no way to outrun the Sailor Senshi on your own merits. You won't leave, because you want the power on the Kami Plane just as much as we do." "And now that you know that, here's what you're going to do. You're going to join your friends under lockdown... oh, wait. Did I forget to mention I lifted it over the other three? So I suppose you'll be staying around like a caged animal all by yourself; you couldn't do grocery shopping if you wanted to, much less get heart crystals. And here's what you're going to do while under lockdown: you're going to learn how to work with the rest of us, and fix your attitude, or you're never going to see the light of the sun for the rest of your stay here. Do I make myself clear?" Slowly, painfully, Taro nodded to the floor. Ayame relaxed her foot slightly, then pressed in for another painful spike. "Oh, I know you're already thinking of a way to get back at me, but there are a good fourteen other of us that can take you out, plus the robot bodyguards you think are worthless toys. Never forget who we are." --- Rec Room, Mishima Heavy Industries For all the business that was the organization known to Crystal Tokyo's rulers as the Fenril Knights, they knew enough that it was good to have free time. Sized as a modest ball room, one corner was furnished with a large couch and two comfy chairs to each side of it, with a wooden coffee table in the middle. Immediately opposite the couch was a large- screen television set, and the couch's occupant, Kanna Rajura, was watching the local news intently. In the center of the room was a single pool table, set up in the traditional style with low handing lamps, and a game was underway between Mousse and Tatewaki, with the kendoist having the apparent point advantage. Nearby, at the center of one wall was a small bar, and while there was no one tending it the seats were occupied nonetheless, of Kodachi, Shampoo, and Miranda observing the two men play out their game. Closest to the double door entrance was a number of unoccupied tables and seats, only one set used up by the robed Cinder, holding up a book to read in his metallic, claw-like hand. Anyone observing him could see only his left, mechanical eye move slighly up and down under his dark hood. When Ranma walked in, everyone game him their attention. "Ah, Saotome," greeted Tatewaki. "What graces have you for your superiors?" "Can it, Kuno," the martial artist shot back, and the others resumed their own activities. He spied Mousse getting ready to make his shot. "You don't want to hit that." "Why not?" asked the weapons master, raising his eye level slightly toward Ranma. "That hit'd set up Kuno's next shot, and he'd win," Ranma pointed out. "Hah!" scoffed Mousse. "As if you know how to play pool!" "I'm putting good money on you, Mousse," Miranda called. "You'd BETTER listen to him!" Tuning out the conversation, he eyed Kanna at the corner. "What's she watching?" "She wishes to catch up on local events," Kodachi explained. "For some unfathomable reason that girl believes our best chance for victory is to study the situation from all angles before acting." She assumed airs. "On the other hand, one talented such as I should have no problem...." Ranma hardly waited for the laugh to kick in and walked past the pool table and Mousse's impending doom. He leaned with his elbows against the top of the couch, but Crystal Spider Rajura hardly seemed to notice. "What'chu watching?" "The evening news," Kanna replied tactfully. "Isn't it strange how they mention the Tokyo Tower incident, but not the attacker?" "Really?" Ranma blinked, as he was certain that anyone with half a mind would notice Pantyhose Taro in an instant. "There's no official comment from the government, and the peacekeepers are baffled," she explained. "In fact, judging from what I've been watching the Crystal Tokyo government doesn't want anyone to know about us yet." "They're scared of us," Ranma guessed. Kanna shook her head. "They don't know what we are yet, so they're erring on the side of caution. A wise move, but one that could backfire if we hold out long enough. Seemingly random attacks could help undermine the government. We could turn the population base against them, but it'd take years." "We don't have years," the martial artist replied. "The sooner everyone gets back to their senses, the better." "And I agree," she conceded. "But we don't have any of that mind-altering stuff Queen Serenity has, so we can't beat her in that department. They have to have a weakness somewhere; it's all a matter of finding it and exploiting it." "Is that how the old geezers do it?" "They're ancient Chinese scholars," Kanna corrected. "And yes, observing and understanding made them legends in their time. I, too, can become a legend; we as a collective could be as celebrated as much as the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period." "I didn't set out to become a hero," Ranma said, "I'm doing what's right." "Only history will judge that," warned the Crystal Spider. "Whoever is the victor will get to write out that history." --- 10th Street Market, 10th Street District "So, when would you like to meet them?" Higure asked, as he and Ami exited the restaurant, having finished their early dinner just as the dinner crowd began to filter in. "As soon as possible," she answered, quickly adding, "it's good to find people of differing opinions that can argue well; it exercises the mind." The old man nodded. "True. I find that the mind becomes dull when there is nothing to stimulate it. And I...." His words were cut short when an armful of paper bags collided with Ami, throwing both her and the shopper back and scattering several bags of junk food and a loaf of bread to the crystal-layered sidewalk. "Watch where you're going," complained the shopper, quickly tossing her groceries back in the bag. "Allow me," Higure said, offering Ami his hand. The disguised senshi accepted it quickly, with only the thought of the irony of it all tugging at her mind. For a moment Ami wondered how such a nice old man could fall in with someone like Death Phantom. Or, if he even was working for him. But that doubt soon disappeared when the shopper and the old man recognized each other. "Master Higure!" "I see you are no longer grounded," Higure said, nodding to the girl. Ami gasped, and relief washed over her when neither of the two paid her any attention over it. True, she had but a description from Sailor Mars to go by, but something in her head told her that this was the one. The priestess was dressed in odd colorations of a pink top and a dark green hakama, with the sleeves decorated with an odd, eight-petaled cherry blossom. She looked no threatening to Ami as she quickly grabbed her scattered groceries, appearing almost comical and not the least bit threatening. On the back of the priestess's kimono was the double kanji symbol for 'Genbu,' and Ami filed that away in her mind for later reference. "Well, you know how Ayame is," the girl replied, reaching for her loaf of bread. "She got pissed at what's-his-face so she let us out and locked him in. So I decided to go on a snack run; there's only one kind of pretzel I'd buy and nobody else brought back enough the last few times!" She stood up, wiping off her pants although they were free from dirt and dust from all the scrounging. "Ah, forgive my manners," Higure said, turning back toward Ami. "Shizuka, this is Ami Mizuno, a substitute teacher. Ami, this is Shizuka Minazuki, professional demon hunter." Ami offered her hand, and Shizuka shook it enthusiastically. "Pleased to meet you," she said. "You're one of Mr. Furui's friends?" Shizuka nodded. "I've heard quite a few good things about you. I've never gone to a formal school before, so I wouldn't know those kind of things. Pi is three- point-one-four-one-five-nine...." "Actually, that's correct," Ami replied. The priestess lifted her grocery bags in her arms, until Higure snatched one from her. "Thanks, Master." She turned back toward Ami. "So... what've you two been doing?" "We just ate," the old man answered. "In fact I was on my way back to the house." "Well, geez," she scoffed. "You could've at least waited for me, but then I couldn't go shopping. Well, if you're on the way back, I'm headed that way, too." "But you were going in the other direction," Ami pointed out. "Was I?" Shizuka raised an eyebrow, a confused look washing over her features. She raised a finger, looking around for the setting sun. "Oh... well... I guess so." She laughed. "I couldn't see with these bags in the way!" "Of course," Higure said, nodding. How can this girl be so much trouble for Mars? Ami wondered. She forced an amused laugh. "It happens to the best of us." The other girl didn't seem to find any humor in it. Turning to Higure she said, "You sure you want to bring your date to the others? She's kinda young for you, eh?" She jabbed him in the ribs with her free elbow. "That is not funny," the old man replied. "You weren't setting up Tatewaki on a date, were you?" "No." "Mousse?" "No." "Um, excuse me?" interrupted Ami. "Isn't there a place we have to be?" When both of the Fenril remembered, she breathed a heavy sigh. If these two were any indication of the Death Phantom's Fenril Knights how in the world could we have trouble with them? --- Wiseman's Citadel, Nemesis He was alone, as it was meant to be. Levitating a half meter off the polished floor the man known as Wiseman sat with his crystal ball in his lap, conjuring images within. Gray swirls of clouds transformed clear crystal into a scene of busy bodies working in a large pit. He spied on the un-cryo-frozen Mishima engineers, busy building a structure per Ayame Mishima's order. From what he could tell Wiseman judged it would take several more weeks before the new construct is completed. The scene then shifted to that of Pantyhose Taro's living quarters. He watched as the martial artist paced around the room, having no more possessions to knock over in anger and frustration. He burned with desire to get even with Ayame for locking him down, but Wiseman knew Taro hated the Sailor Senshi even more. The room changed slightly, opening up the living quarters of Ryoga Hibiki. He lay in a catatonic state on the cot that served as his bed, shaking involuntarily and babbling random sentences. Wiseman's sight allowed him to see the pent-up ki energies surrounding the martial artist-- his depression given form-- it was a time bomb waiting to explode. The reclusive Hokuto Takemasa appeared, in the Mishima archives that served as a makeshift library. While the underground compound had no actual library it kept much information stored on computer. Stripped of much of her power the esper girl was deep in her work, oblivious to the world and to her comrades. And yet, across Japan, in the abandoned Shrine of the Four Gods, the Chinese sorcerer Sypha Blade was busy herself in the private stacks left behind by the priests. Wiseman had no doubt she was studying for a magic that could counter Neo Queen Serenity's hold over the Gate of Heaven-- the portal that joined this plane with the Kami Plane. She was obsessed with returning home, almost as much as Wiseman was. 'Almost' being the key operating word. Half of Wiseman's charges were bent on forcing their way to the Kami Plane, seeking innumerable allies and power to counter that of Neo Queen Serenity's own immeasurable power. However, of all seventeen only Hokuto and Shizuka's fighting abilities were severely crippled by the seal-- Hokuto because she could no longer access the shadow stream, and Shizuka because she could no longer summon beasts. Cinder and Sypha, on the other hand, were motivated purely on a method of getting home, being kami themselves. After them only Ayame, Taro, and Higure seemed to care; the others were too busy trying to understand their new surroundings to do much of anything. That would all change soon enough, Wiseman knew. In no long time something will come along to change everything. A society with no will to fight would surely fall to a threat beyond their control. --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries The elevator continued to descend with Ami sandwiched between Higure on the right and Shizuka on the left, all three standing against the wall opposite the double sliding door. For a brief moment she compared her situation with that of prisoner, but immediately shook that from her mind. There was no reason to think such things while an ally of the Fenril. Being careful as they were Shizuka and Higure hardly lead her around with eyes open; in fact, they made it a point to get to their destination in the most indirect manner possible: a parked van. They waved to the unseen driver, and opened up the back and piled in. Ami noted that the back of the van did not have any windows whatsoever, giving a perfect cover as a means to prevent guests from figuring out where they went. She never saw the driver at all, as the front was completely blocked off. It was not unlike sitting in a police wagon. She tried to map the city with her mind, but the van took more turns than she could keep up with, obviously indicating that they were traveling in an area that was not well-traveled. Ami kept up her small talk with the others such as to not arouse their suspicions, and when they finally stopped the van doors opened up to an underground garage. There were many parked vehicles in the garage, and Ami wanted to see who the driver was, but the two Fenril lead her to a waiting elevator car before she could get close enough. Guessing how many floors they were going down was not very enlightening to Ami; she settled with the fact that either the elevator was very slow or they were really going very deep underground. When the car stopped and the doors slid open, the three were not greeted by anybody. The main entrance of the compound appeared similar to a hotel lobby, causing Ami to do a double take as she took in her surroundings. Running over the polished tile floor was a red carpet, running its length all the way across the hall to a set of large, metal double doors. Stairs and doors off to the sides lead elsewhere, but her curiosity would have to wait. For all the grandness of the doors it lead only to a clean, white hall, running straight where the carpet left off, branching to the sides here and there at completely right angles. The total whiteness reminded Ami of the hospital, but with even less color, as there were no plants or decorations anywhere. She noted shiny patches on the walls where Crystal Tokyo's crystal still existed, obviously chiseled away when the Fenril moved in. They came to a T-intersection, standing by a set of opaque sliding doors. Higure punched in a code at the keypad to the right, and the security door slid open easily. Ami tried her best to keep her awe in check as she took in the control center's environs. Each and every panel and equipment was shaped of metal, in varying degrees of polished steel. The room was expansive, and the door was located at the top of a bowl-like pit. Each side of the circular pit had a computer console, save for the area immediately before the door, which had a set of stairs downward. Dominating the wall opposite the door was a rather large viewscreen, or perhaps a series of screens, and Ami saw the same on the walls to the sides as well, although both were turned off. The front screen currently bore a current map of Crystal Tokyo from an aerial view, clearly marking such key locations as the Crystal Palace and the Tokyo Tower, as well as markers Ami guessed were the areas that were attacked previously by the Fenril. The control center would have been completely devoid of life save for the two occupants. One, seemingly a technician, was seated at a console off at the two o'clock position from where Ami stood, and the other stood in the exact center, her back to the disguised soldier. She dressed in a white lab coat, and wore her modest-length hair up in a pony-tail. The back of her coat was decorated with a stylized 'M,' which nearly resembled a bat. That symbol, Ami realized, belonged to the disbanded Mishima Heavy Industries, a critical member of the original Earth Rebellion since the rise of Crystal Tokyo. The girl turned around, coldness in her expression, her arms folded. She dressed in a red turtleneck sweater, going along with a black miniskirt and matching stockings. She took two deliberate steps forward, her black high-heel shoes clacking and echoing against the rims of the bowl. "Shizuka," she said, "I hadn't let you out for more than three hours and you already bring back a friend?" "I apologize," Higure interceded. "It was I who brought this friend to you." "Oh really?" The leader raised an eyebrow, and the tech turned in his seat, his interest grabbed. The other, Ami noted, appeared to be a cardboard cutout shirt-and-jeans guy, a style obviously American that marked you rich in Japan. He wore a dark jacket, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. The shoes he wore looked like more imported clothes. His glasses had lenses which were coated with a reflective compound, giving the tech an obvious advantage if one wished to read his expression-- the eyes were often the most telling. Considering all four Fenril present in the room, Ami wondered how any of them could be related. "I brought her here in order to discuss our conflicting philosophies," explained Higure. "I believe it would benefit us all if we learned more from what an intelligent citizen can offer us, rather than rely only on our own, close-minded views." That was one point in our direction, Ami noted. "This is Ami Mizuno," he introduced. Gesturing toward the lab coat girl, Higure said, "Ami, this is Ayame Mishima, niece of the late CEO of Mishima Heavy Industries." "Pleased to meet you," Ami said politely, bowing. Ayame unfolded her arms, amusement in her eyes. "I see.... Well... Ms. Mizuno...?" "Ami," she insisted. "Very well." She nodded. "Ami, if Higure trusts you so much, then there isn't much I can say to object, is there? Feel free to look around, but don't leave the premises for the time being." Ayame glared at Higure intently. "Can I have a word with you?" "Of course," answered the old man. "I could show you around," offered Shizuka. "Besides that, I need to get the groceries in the pantry." "Thank you," Ami replied. She silently took the bag Higure had carried in her arms, and without another word followed the priestess back out the doors. The two took a right down the hall as the doors slid shut. As Shizuka rambled on about her groceries and their importance to her, Ami's thoughts wandered away. She imagined Higure was getting a dressing-down by Ayame for bringing in an unexpected guest. On the other hand, she entered the heart of the enemy and their Inner Circle, and nobody bothered to even blink. Things were going well, that's for sure, but it all seemed a little too convenient to Ami. However, the mystery of Mishima's missing niece has been solved, in a completely unexpected manner. It was obvious that Ayame Mishima, taking the reigns of her uncle's company, was gearing up for a new Earth Rebellion, and that she was the leader of the Fenril Knights. Although her hospitality seemed genuine, Ami felt the coldness from before biting at the edge of her mind; she was potentially as ruthless as Mishima's mechanical army. What was more disturbing, however, was that Death Phantom's dark hand was nowhere to be seen. The dark soldier of Death and Chaos appeared to have little or no influence, if there was any, on these individuals. The possibility existed that Death Phantom was not involved at all, but Ami knew that was wishful thinking at best; Death Phantom's presence was detected positively. The trick was, nobody saw him yet. --- "How much of a good idea do you think it was to bring an outsider into this place?" Ayame asked coldly, switching back to her machine clarity the moment the doors sealed shut. "If she turns out to compromise our integrity, then I will assume full blame," Higure promised. "That's not what you should be concerned about," Shion interrupted. "I'm sure she's as great a person as you say, but you know the possibility exists that she may be a spy." "The possibility crossed my mind," admitted the old man. "If such were the case, then we should have felt it by now. The energy signatures we feel from the Sailor Senshi are too difficult to hide from our own magicks." "I hope you're right," Ayame replied, "because if you aren't, then this operation could be over way sooner than planned." "So should we watch her?" asked the mercenary. "No more than we watch ourselves," she answered. "In fact, I want you to manufacture a new prism crystal for her. We will give it to her and instruct her how to use it, under the pretense that she can come and go as she wishes. At the same time, if she does use this contrary to our needs, it will alert us. If she is indeed on the level, then there's no further need to worry." She turned toward Higure. "Is that satisfactory?" The old man nodded. "Look, Higure," Ayame said softly, "I want to believe that you're right, and under different circumstances I'd believe you without question. But I'm the leader of what may very well be a terrorist group; I need a good dose of paranoia to keep me on my toes. You don't bear the shackles of leadership, and thus don't have to worry about such things as much. It's my responsibility to look after all of us, understand? I'm not questioning your judgement." "I understand." "So you want to test her loyalty?" asked Shion. Ayame nodded. "That'll be up to you to determine. It's terrible, but we can't trust anyone unless they've proven themselves to us. We need to know how far she's willing to go for us, and, more importantly, if we should trust her to roam free." --- Wiseman's Citadel, Nemesis The crystal ball that bound the bones of Wiseman's body together glowed like a beacon, but the old man's attentions was elsewhere. Seemingly forgotten, the orb levitated by itself, as the rusty blue cloak and the bones that supported it were on the floor. If he had the organs to do it, he would try to cough up the ache in his chest. "Why now?" he wondered aloud. "Why?" He reached up with his shimmering, ethereal hands to his skull, and pulled them back, dragging off bits and flakes from its bleached surface. This time, he realized, there was no sorcery that could save him from his impending fate. ---------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes The Fenril are a pseudo cross between the Black Moon Family and the Deathbusters, the most interesting villain groups in Sailor Moon IMO. In a respect they are more like the Deathbusters, being that they are normal people who are battling super heroes. --Razorclaw X (