Souls of Fire #4: Electrical Burn Ranma 1/2 VS Sailor Moon Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi. Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. ---------------------------------------------------- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries Ayame tapped her foot in disappointment as she glanced at the console where Kanna was seated at. On the main viewscreen she saw the retrieval of Miranda in progress, who was the only one with enough luck to not encounter a Sailor Senshi at all. Shampoo had a run in with Venus, Shizuka with Mars, and Ranma with Jupiter, and the rest of the twenty-six droids sent out were completely wiped out. And none of them returned with a single heart crystal. "What do you have to say for yourself?" she asked her master tactician. "You wanted me to retrieve at least five heart crystals, but you never added the criteria that they must be brought back," Kanna replied smartly. "On the other hand, you'll find the true intent of my plan most pleasing." "You wasted my robots for retrieval," Ayame said. "You wasted my droids for nothing. Why did you spread them out so thinly?" "The droids are expendable," answered the Crystal Spider. "Your robots are expendable. The humans, however, are not. They are far more powerful than your machines can ever be, be they technological or magical in origin. They need a reason to fight, and the will to stick to their decision. I simply made it so with our biggest doubter." "Ranma Saotome," Ayame realized. "In the process I managed to wring back Ukyo Kuonji as well," she added proudly. "The droids were not positioned in haphazard locations; they were placed in areas where they could lead the Sailor Senshi on a trail to the specific targets." "You got them attacked on purpose." "You got it. Of course, there was much risk involved, and some unforeseen events, but more or less everything is going according to plan." "I hope the mage bomb at the Crystal Palace was part of your plan," Ayame hoped, realizing there was a good chance that Neo Queen Serenity was taken out. But Kanna shook her head. "That wasn't my idea, it was Pantyhose Taro's." "Pantyhose Taro? How...?" "Someone as sneaky as he would surely get suspicious of my plans, so I counted on him doing something. Did you ever notice that Ryoga Hibiki was missing from the compound? It was Taro, of course. The explosion was what Ryoga did." "So we lost another," the leader realized. "I sincerely doubt we've heard the last of Neo Queen Serenity," Kanna added. "Ryoga is lost to us, for sure, whichever way it went, and we can deal with Taro later; he still serves a useful asset. All we need to do is wait for one of my pawns to execute the next phase of my plan." "And that is...?" The tactician offered a knowing smile. "You'll see, and you'll be very pleased with the results." After all, it was no accident that the four ended up where they were. --- Inner Sanctum, Crystal Palace "Your Highness!" Venus exclaimed, the moment she appeared at what was left of the inner sanctum. She stared down at the five-meter deep crater in the center, where Neo Queen Serenity stood, unhurt, with an unconscious young man at her feet, his aura clear of impurity as far as the soldier of love could tell. "Sailor Venus," the queen said softly, "see to it that this young man, Ryoga Hibiki, is given proper care. I will be quite busy channeling energies to restore the city with the Silver Crystal." Venus nodded carefully. She knew using up so much energy to restore the city's damage would drain a lot out of the queen and the Silver Crystal, likely opening her up to more attacks. Yet, Queen Serenity knew what she was doing, and she had complete trust in her people. If only she could say the same thing about herself. --- 10th Street Subway Terminal, 10th Street District The drilling robot model called URANOS burst through the collapsed rubble, sending those people digging from the outside into a panic and running. The machine pulled itself out through its own hole, and rolled off to the side, allowing the light of the afternoon sun to reach those that were buried alive moments before. Ai was the first to be lifted out of the hole, in Sailor Mars's hands, and she pulled herself out the rest of the way. Soon her little brother Masa followed, and by the time Sailor Mars poked her head out she saw the two running to their parents, happy. She couldn't help but smile. "It's things like this that make this job worthwhile." Down in the hole, Shizuka shouted, "Damn, yeah." She cursed painfully. "Now I don't have to pretend I'm not hurt." "You can't get up anymore?" asked Mars. "You really should see a doctor or something." Mars frowned in disappointment that Shizuka was none the least surprised that she knew she was really hurt, what with shielding the kids from the collapse. She herself had numerous bruises, but nothing too serious, thanks to her training, but on Shizuka's own admission she was not physically fit for this type of damage. "What's going on?" Kanna asked through the URANOS, as Sailor Mars dropped back into the hole. The darkness of the tunnel consumed her once more. She looked toward where Shizuka was leaning against the wall, her head tilted back, eyes closed, and a strange grin on her face, as if she was thinking of something rather amusing. "I'm no doctor," Mars admitted, "so I'm not sure if it's such a good idea if I move you." "Well, that's swell," the priestess said, chuckling. "Prisoner of war, incapacitated. I really hope Thanatos gets fed while I'm gone." "Thanatos is your...?" "Pet boa constrictor. He ate something bad yesterday for dinner." The light of the sun blotted out as URANOS dropped back down into the hole. "Shizuka? What's wrong?" The priestess laughed softly. "I've fallen and I can't get up." Mars turned toward the death's head seriously. "She needs to see a doctor. Leave her with me, and I'll take care of her." "I don't think that's a viable option," Kanna replied. "We'd get in big trouble for that." "She's hurt!" the senshi insisted. "I don't know what you guys've got, but I promise that Shizuka will get the best treatment." "Kanna... my back hurts, and it's getting hard to move my legs," Shizuka added. "Go back and tell the others what happened. Tell them I'm okay, and that my prism's fractured. Tell them that we can't fight with these civilians around...." The death's head's red eyes glowed in compliance. "Okay, we'll let this go for now." Kanna directed her attention to Sailor Mars. "You can take her to your doctors, but for only as long as it take for Shizuka to recover. No funny business, okay?" Without waiting for an answer URANOS dropped back down into its original tunnel, and as soon as it was gone the hole collapsed on itself, stopping any chance they could figure out where the hidden Fenril Knight base was. On the other hand, Mars thought, Ami would likely get that information to us anyway. And here she was, the original initiator of the entire conflict, Shizuka Minazuki. While Mars did promise to get her the best of attention, it also occurred to her that they could learn more while holding this girl in captivity. --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries Ayame leaned over Kanna's seat like a hawk. "I hope you know what you're doing. It looks to me like you're making stuff up as you go along." From Shion's console the mercenary said, "At least she's okay." "I'll admit it wasn't part of the plan," Kanna said, turning away from the console as the URANOS went back to automatic. "I'm certain the Sailor Senshi know the possibilities of what they have in their hands. On the other hand, we've also got a foot in the door." "I don't understand," Ayame admitted. "Explain." "False sense of security. So long as they hold her they'll think they have a chance to stop us, either by putting her in front of themselves as a shield, or try to turn her. Shizuka's too good for that." The Crystal Spider folded her arms. "Beside that, I've got what I wanted. I got Shizuka, too, to clamor in favor of removing the civilian population." "THIS was part of your plan?" Shion yelled. "I wasn't looking forward to looking after the snake for a couple weeks, but now you're suggesting we remove all the people, too?" Ayame nodded, finally understanding where Kanna was going with all of this. Turning toward Shion she ordered, "Summon the Wiseman. We need to talk." --- Inner Sanctum, Crystal Palace There was little time as Neo Queen Serenity and Sailor Mars exchanged their stories, and soon Jupiter and Venus arrived to join them, each having taken care of their appointed tasks for the moment. All four of them stood in the partially-rebuilt crystal chamber, where progress was done only to seal the holes in the wall and ceiling, but the crater remained. A layer of crystal was layered over the crater, leaving the floor beneath the four hollow, but no less sturdy. The Silver Crystal rest on a new pedestal, similar to the one destroyed in Ryoga's superior Shishi Hokodan attack. "Ryoga is resting in one of the guest chambers," Venus reported. "He's probably going to end up sleeping it all off until tomorrow; he sure used up a lot of energy, but the doctors say he'll be fine." "Allow him to take his time," suggested Neo Queen Serenity. "When he wishes to return home, permit him so." "The city's a disaster," Jupiter said, taking her turn. "Everything within a thirty kilometer radius of the palace's been hit by the debris, but any injuries are minor. Only the buildings suffered major damage, and work crews are busy cleaning them up now." The queen nodded. "It appears we can no longer keep news of the threat from the people now. I will have to address them on the matter later." Sailor Mars took her turn. "The doctors are trying to examine the girl I brought in, Shizuka, but she doesn't want them touching her. She's holding on to that fire buster of hers like a doll, and won't part with it. Even though I didn't get a good look at it, it looks almost exactly like the Deathbuster weapon Eudial used." "So they really are using Deathbuster weapons," Venus said. "The question is, where did they get them from? I thought we destroyed them all." "So did I," agreed Mars. "Otherwise, I think we can hang on to Shizuka for a while; she doesn't look like she'll be moving around much. We're keeping her in the palace." Queen Serenity nodded. "In any case the reason is not as a human shield. It is for her protection as much as our own when the people discover she is one of the enemy responsible for the damage." "In any case I think we need to be a little tighter on security on the palace from now on," suggested Venus. "From what the guards say Ryoga just walked in with the tourists, and nobody could stop him. I suggest we limit the amount of visitors until we can put an end to all of this." "In the event of an emergency I have ordered the installment of backup generators," Neo Queen Serenity revealed. "If worse comes to worse, we can shield the palace by fueling the barrier with these generators instead of your own powers. Unfortunately, it is not enough to protect the entire city." "Not that shielding the whole city'd help," Jupiter pointed out. "The Fenril guys are based in the city, too, and all we'd be doing is closing ourselves in with them." "What about Ami?" asked Mars. "She has not communicated, and will not communicate until later tonight." "So what can we get off this Fenril Knight we captured?" asked Venus. Mars shook her head. "I don't think we can get a lot out of her; she's the type that talks to pass time, but I did get some information out of her." She turned toward the Silver Crystal. "For one thing, she was fixated on her summon beasts, which I think means they are after the Gate of Heaven and its dimensional weapons." "The Kami Plane?" both Jupiter and Venus said, surprised. Neo Queen Serenity only nodded, slowly. "Apparently, they don't know, and I'm not going to be the one to break the news to her," the soldier of fire finished. She shook her head. "I kinda feel sorry for them, really...." "Don't you think we should try to tell them?" Jupiter wondered. "I doubt they'd believe us," Venus answered. "If they hear it from us, they won't listen and go on. When they find out for themselves, they won't be happy. Either way, the result isn't going to be pretty; they're probably going to keep attacking no matter what we do." "In their desperation to force open the Gate of Heaven," Neo Queen Serenity said, a certain sadness in her voice, "many more may suffer. Even if there is little or no chance for success, we must inform them." She turned to Sailor Mars. "I leave it up to you." "Me?" "This Shizuka may be more partial and open to suggestion coming from you. If she cannot be convinced of the danger, then it may be up to Ami to deal with the situation. The fact is, we do not know how they plan to force the Gate open." "But we can't drop it on her, not this soon," Mars suggested. "She's still pretty closed-up, so it'll take some time." "Pray that it does not take too long," the queen hoped, "for when that time comes it may be too late." --- Rec Room, Mishima Heavy Industries "No, you're hitting the buttons too early," Ami instructed, watching Mousse try to execute her lesson in 'Fighting Games 101.' "Take it at a slower, more rhythmic pace." Mousse winced, the effects of his mistake reflecting off the lenses of his glasses. "Great, I'll never beat her at this rate!" "It takes time and practice," the disguised senshi told him. "You don't get good at these kind of games overnight. It is much like your physical martial art in that sense." "Right," he scoffed. "Perhaps if you look at it as a form of training, much like your art, maybe you can find the drive to learn." Before the weapons master could come up with a response the two were no longer alone in the rec room, as Miranda Kusao barged in, unannounced. "Hot damn, you're STILL playing that?" she shouted, her voice carrying across the room. "Where've you been?" Mousse asked, looking over his shoulder. "Everybody was gone when I woke up." "Early birds, man," Miranda said with a shrug. Ami took in the features of the newcomer as she turned to face her. She appeared about the same age as Mousse, and possessed hair just as long, but more frazzled at the edges compared to the weapons master's clean cut. She dressed in a plain, baggy, blue battle dress, tied off loosely at the waist with a simple belt. Miranda wore rubber gloves going up nearly to her elbows, and matching boots that extended over her kneecaps. The edges of her skirt were short enough that Ami noticed she was wearing a black body suit underneath, likely of much better material than rubber. Her most noticable feature, however, was her pair of red, demonic eyes. While the possibility existed that it was due to contact lenses, something in Ami knew that they were the real thing, and that alone set her apart from the others in that she could sense fear radiating from them. "Hitched up with a new girl?" Miranda teased, playing with her hair in a bored fashion. "Oh, this is Ami Mizuno," Mousse introduced. "Kanna says she's a substitute teacher." He turned toward Ami. "That's Miranda Kusao, Cinder's star-- and may I add, only-- pupil." "Heh, jet that, teach," the martial artist said, flicking a thumb backward. "This ain't kiddie stuff you're looking at, so how'd you get in?" "Pleased to meet you, all the same," Ami said, ignoring the girl's rudeness. "Mr. Furui invited me to come and go as I please." Mentally, she made a note to find out who this 'Cinder' was, if he or she was already taking on a student. "Gosh, and Ayame let you?" "So what's going on?" asked Mousse. Miranda shrugged. "I don't know, those commander- types are keeping to themselves, but I heard from Taro that Hibiki jumped ship on us. I don't care; I won't miss that spineless wuss. Oh, and Kuonji's back." "He left, huh?" Mousse said. He nodded to himself. "I guess it was bound to happen sometime." Looking back he asked, "Where's Shampoo?" "Probably in the gym, making a good punching bag out of a dummy droid mockup of Sailor Venus. At this rate, I won't be surprised when the next of us leaves, one way or another. It's getting crazy." Ami nodded in consideration. The Fenril Knights were not nearly as cohesive as she originally thought, and they were losing faith in themselves as more left their number. Perhaps this was another point in her favor; fifteen-- if you subtract the three heads, twelve-- was starting to generate better prospects for battle. But any ideas would have to wait, as she would have to relay what went on in the compound to the queen later. She felt a tug at the back of her mind, and Ami knew that something bad was happening, and it was happening within the compound. Turning toward Mousse, she suggested, "Keep practicing, I have something to do." Standing and turning toward Miranda, she added, "Again, it was nice to meet you." Quickly, she left the rec room, and her sense told her to turn right. Whatever was going on, it was important. --- Wiseman's Chamber, Mishima Heavy Industries Sometimes it seemed to Wiseman that he was back assuming his role he served to Prince Diamond on Nemesis-- that of an advisor. In a strange sense, he thoroughly enjoyed such a position, and the benefits were threefold. One, all attention was on someone else, and thus he had time to spend on his own machinizations. Two, the leader often relied on his advice, which made him or her very controllable. Three, it felt good to be needed. It was a good sign that, upon his initial arrival to the Mishima compound, Ayame instantly took up the reigns of leadership, giving life to the uprising all by herself. She possessed an energy Wiseman no longer had, not since before his transformation on Nemesis. She, too, possessed the drive necessary to push on to the end, even without Wiseman's help, when the eventuality finally passed. He levitated in the air, showing no signs of weakness, and neither did Ayame, who stood up straight and proud, with her back to the door. Unlike other times she was alone, and standing on her own feet, with her own will as support. She is indeed strong. "I need to ask you a favor," the leader said, getting directly to the point. "Indeed." Wiseman's ethereal hands waved around the crystal ball in his lap. "Understand that favors are at the costs of others in turn." "Yes, yes, I know," Ayame replied, nodding. "Kanna managed to engineer the idea that it would be better to remove the civilian population from Crystal Tokyo, so we may attack the Crystal Palace without fear of tripping over our toes." "I see." Wiseman chuckled to himself quietly. Prince Diamond's people also had a problem with this, feeling that the civilian population would only get in the way of the true goal. "What do you have in mind?" "We want the simplest thing possible," Ayame said. "We want you to move the entire civilian population of Crystal Tokyo to Nemesis's capital city, Darkhold. The palace should be exempt of this." The old wizard nodded. "Such power is only provided by the power of the Black Crystal. It will require an enormous amount of energy." "Forget that part, we've already got that covered," Ayame assured him. "We need to know it can be done. We'll have the energy ready to channel to your Black Crystal by tomorrow night; I've got the technicians busy working on an energy funnel already." "I see. The price is the service of two of your warriors, Cinder and Sypha." The leader blinked in surprise. "W-why?! They're our most powerful warriors!" "And such is the reason why I require their services on Nemesis," Wiseman continued, ready to throw the conversation in his favor. "Two more Sailor Senshi, Uranus and Neptune, are beyond the solar system at the moment, but they are poised to return in a matter of days. They are the Sailor Senshi's greatest warriors, each easily twice the match of the ones you have fought here on Earth." "So you're taking two of our finest," Ayame realized. "We will keep them busy from our staging ground on Nemesis," continued the old man. "I will prepare the Black Crystal for the energy funnel by tomorrow night; you will have your wish carried out, Ayame Mishima." For a moment Wiseman considered asking about Kanna's ulterior motive for this drastic measure, but decided against it. Time would tell if this gamble of a plan would work out. --- Ami watched as Ayame exited the unmarked room, taking a brisk walk as she went, as if in a hurry. She turned to look at the door, peering suspiciously. There was no doubt in her mind that was where the negative energy was coming from, and it was far greater than that of each of the Fenril Knights themselves. As soon as she was certain that Ayame was gone and not coming back Ami stepped in front of the door, and eyed the security key lock to the right. Taking out a duster she lightly dusted the panel, finding which buttons had been pressed recently. She remembered that, before Ayame went in, she pushed six buttons, but only five of the buttons had been pressed, which made one of them a repeat. Thinking back more, Ami tried to remember the hand movements, but drew up a blank. Deciding it was worth the risk Ami tapped the hidden switch behind her left ear, allowing her scanner to form over her eyes. Using its functions she analyzed the depression scheme, calculating the last time each button was pushed. Finding the sequence quickly Ami slipped on a clean glove, deactivated her scanner, and input the code. At least now she could get to where she wasn't supposed to be. The double doors slid open quietly, opening up the hall to the inky blackness within. Ami gasped in surprise at what she saw inside, as it was the last thing she thought she would find. Death Phantom's pin-point light eyes peered down at her, piercing her soul. "What do you want?" he asked, in the voice Ami could never forget. --- Ukyo's Quarters, Mishima Heavy Industries The okonomiyaki chef lay stretched out on the cot that served as a temporary bed, her arms folded behind her head, staring up at the ceiling. The nearly empty chamber once belonged to Ryoga, she knew, and he never had any possessions to leave behind. In a sense, it was almost as if the underground resistance was trading one martial artist for another. For a moment she wondered about Konatsu, and leaving him alone again so suddenly. The restaurant was a mess, that's for sure, and it was the only thing that was needed to get Ukyo to snap. It was one thing to live in a perfect utopian society, but it was another to lose one's livelihood due to the blatant totalitarian attitude of the world's enforcers. She could not forgive them for branding her friends and acquaintances as traitors of the state, not when they had not done wrong. Ranchan himself had done none of the despicable acts the evening news put so much attention on, but he was blamed by association. Even her own association with them bought her a brand of treachery without justification. A low chime indicated someone was at the door. Ukyo reached to the box next to the cot that served as a makeshift nightstand, and pushed the lock control on a remote control key. Double doors slid open to the sides, and Ranma Saotome entered her life once again. Sitting up on the cot, she forced a smile on her face. "Hiya, Ranchan! What brings you here?" "Well... I was just seeing how you were, that's all," he answered nervously. "I couldn't help but thinking, though...." "Did we do the right thing?" she guessed. "Of course we did!" Ranma raised a hand to object, but kept quiet. "It wasn't that, really. I was wondering if it was... okay for you to leave your restaurant and everything." "Ranchan, you gave up everything because you hate this world government, and I needed to do the same," Ukyo replied. "We all had to make personal sacrifices to get here." "Yeah, but Ryoga's gone, and I have a pretty good idea who's behind that," the martial artist said, clenching his fists. "Whenever I find that bastard Pantyhose Taro...." Another chime sounded, and Ukyo switched the door open again. "Well, if it isn't the spatula girl," Shampoo said in greeting. She turned toward Ranma. "What's taking so long?!" "Shampoo!" the chef exclaimed. "What're you doing here, giving me a welcoming party?" She turned to Ranma. "You're not throwing a party in my room, are you?" Ranma shook his head defensively. "Sitting back lazy on the job!" the Chinese Amazon accused. "It's YOUR turn to cook!" "Cook?" "Well... uh... Ucchan, it's like this," Ranma said with a nervous chuckle. "Y'see, nobody wants to eat Kodachi's food, everyone is pretty much a mediocre cook and cooks for themselves...." "And Shampoo is the one stuck serving everybody!" she finished. She grabbed Ukyo by the arm. "From now on you're on kitchen duty!" "Oh great," she muttered, getting dragged away by her old nemesis, "I came here to fight, and I get delegated kitchen duty." "Well... we all gotta do our parts," Ranma said, shrugging. --- Kodachi's Quarters, Mishima Heavy Industries The brotherless girl sat in the corner of the dark room, with all lights turned off. Not even that, however, could stop the illumination that bothered her eyes so much, not because of the light, but because it reminded her of the now-lost Tatewaki Kuno. The heart crystal belonging to the now-dead kendoist levitated in the air over the Deathbuster star now lying on top of the nightstand, easily removed from Kodachi's palm. She gazed at the light through dry eyes, for she had long since cried out all the tears. There was no longer a need to cry. Uncurling herself Kodachi stood up, and approached the heart crystal slowly, thoughts of her dead brother dredging up as she went. She remembered the first time she recognized his face, as a little girl. She remembered each and every fight she had with him, over the most insignificant of things, and each time they made up. She remembered his laugh, his smile, his flair, his skill.... And now, she would never forget those memories, and Tatewaki Kuno would live forever. Seizing the heart crystal from its suspension Kodachi felt nothing in her hands as she held it; the crystal was as light as a feather. Gazing into the light, she hesitated, but found new strength to go on as she finally remembered how Tatewaki died. A slow, dishonorable, treacherous death, in a duel won unfairly by the enemy. "On my dear brother's name," she vowed, "I will find that woman who stole her ill-gotten trophy of battle, the wooden sword of Tatewaki Kuno, and destroy her. When that sword is back in Kuno hands, only then can he rest easy!" Opening her mouth wide, Kodachi Kuno swallowed the heart crystal. --- Ami's Apartment, 10th Street District Ami collapsed on her bed, thankful that she got through the day at the Mishima compound relatively well for a spy. She knew her work was not done, however, as she slipped the communication mirror into her fingers and opened its magic to communicate with Neo Queen Serenity, who was waiting anxiously. "Ami, we have reason to believe that the Fenril Knights may be planning on forcing open the Gate of Heaven," the monarch said quickly. "There is little time to act. You must find the means by which they are going to force the Gate open, for I fear they have the means." Ami blinked, speechless. "They... they can't!" "We are attempting to work on a means to counter the threat, but we may not be able to stop them," the queen added. "Sailor Mars has brought in one of the Fenril Knights, Shizuka Minazuki, and we are attempting to reason with her." "You have Shizuka?" Ami said. "Does she know?" Queen Serenity shook her head. "We also have a reformed Fenril in the palace, recovering. However, their numbers may not dwindle fast enough. They may complete their plans soon." "Oh, there's something else," Ami voiced. "I trailed their leader, Ayame, to a sealed-off room. I managed to get inside, and Death Phantom was there." The monarch's eyes widened. "What happened?" Ami shook her head. "I have no idea. I opened up the door, and even though he didn't look surprised to see me, he also had no idea who I was. He asked what I wanted... and I asked him to show me the future." "Then?" Ami could see her friend's excitement. "He showed me Crystal Tokyo, demolished. After that, he told me to leave." She paused to catch her breath. "Do you realize what this means?" "Death Phantom is up to his old tricks again," Neo Queen Serenity concluded. "Thinking you are one of his pawns he is showing you exactly what you want to see." Ami shook her head. "No, it's much more significant than that. In the past Death Phantom could see through our magicks as easily as if it were a veil. Now, though, he can't tell the difference. There's something wrong with him." "He should not have survived in the first place," the queen pointed out. "We thought the Silver Crystals should have destroyed him, but his reappearance proved otherwise. It may be possible that he did not escape completely unscathed." She turned her attention back to Ami. "Please, Ami, refrain from taking such risks again. If you encounter Death Phantom a second time the results may not be the same." "I understand," Ami replied with a nod. "But now that I have the access code I may be able to find the way the Fenril Knights are planning on opening the Gate of Heaven. If I have to I'll expose myself to destroy it." --- R&D, Mishima Heavy Industries, The Next Day Early morning, Ami knew, was the best chance to get things done without anyone noticing. She made her way through the halls, to the area where a security code was required to enter the rest of the compound. The elevator would only go up or down a few floors with no access key, and it required a card key to access the other floors, therefore Ami had to rely on the stairs. She stopped her descent down the stairwell when she hit the first door with a security lock on it. She was tempted to type in the access code she had, but stopped, remembering that it was Ayame's own code, and it would definitely look suspicious if she herself was the one who entered. Ami switched on her scanner, and tried to find any sequences in the panel, but it appeared that no one had touched this door for over a thousand years. She produced her palm-top computer, extending a jack at its end into a terminal port at the bottom of the button pad. Utilizing her more advanced machinery Ami easily hacked through the Mishima central computer, and it spit out the access code of a former employee. Committing the code to memory Ami put her equipment away and typed in the code with her gloved fingers, sighing with relief when the lock accepted the code. Peering into the new hallway Ami was surprised to see there were no security cameras at all; it was quite a bit of overconfidence on the side of Mishima for this, as it made her job easier. Quickly she raced down the halls, looking for door markings that would indicate a special importance. In her mind, Ami rationalized that Mishima would make their most important developed merchandise in a less- obvious location-- namely, among the rest of the mundane equipment. However, the trend did not follow when Ami noticed the double doors at the end of the hall were wide open. She quietly made her way there, noting with puzzlement that someone left it open on purpose, sticking a wooden plank between the two doors on the floor. Peering inside she found the area devoid of people, and unoccupied due to the darkness. Not willing to risk turning on the lights, Ami stepped within. This development chamber was far larger than any of the other ones, and likely covered many of the lower floors. Ami stared over a catwalk railing, seeing that the bottom was well over a hundred meters down. She turned her eyes to what was being worked on that was so huge, and gasped. The monstrosity was a giant mechanical creature that vaguely resembled a suited knight. Standing over seventy meters tall it severely dwarfed Ami many times over. From the looks of it the giant machine was not yet completed, but Ami knew stories well enough to know it was a mecha, straight out of television anime. "What're you doing here?" Ami jumped in surprise, turning left toward the source of the voice. Ascending stairs up to her level of the catwalk was one of Ayame Mishima's right-hand men, Shion Kagami, holding a flashlight in Ami's direction. "Sh... Shion?" she blurted. "Geez, it's you, Ami," he recognized. "How'd you get in?" Quickly racing for a cover story, Ami answered, "I... well... just walked in because the doors were all open, and...." She hoped there were more open doors. Somehow, luck played on her side. Shion sighed. "I guess so... but please don't tell Ayame I've been doing it, okay? It's a major pain in the ass to keep opening all the doors like that...." Ami nodded. She gestured toward the mecha. "That... what is it?" "Isn't it impressive?" Shion said proudly. The mercenary folded his arms, and focused the flashlight on the mecha. "Ayame wasn't too happy that I was getting this built, but I couldn't resist. It's got no power plant yet, so when it's finished it'll just be a life-sized model." He chuckled. "For now." "You're a fan of mecha anime?" she asked, gaining confidence. He nodded. "This is my favorite one of all time, Neue Ziel. I mainly wanted to see how it would look like in person, and the eggheads never disappointed me a bit." Shion sighed. "I don't think it'll ever fly, realistically. It's way too heavy, and it was meant for space combat." "I see." Well, that was one reason to be fortunate, Ami thought. A monstrosity that huge would be a difficult opponent to destroy. "Well, while we're here," he continued, "I may as well show you the power plant the eggheads finished a little while ago. It'll never get used for the Neue Ziel, but you may as well know while you're here." Shion beckoned Ami to follow, and he lead her down the catwalk whence he came. They stopped at an elevator car, taking it all the way down to the bottom, allowing Ami to take in the scale of the nightmarish Neue Ziel. But her attention was quickly torn away when she saw the engine. It was not nearly as large as Neue Ziel, as it was a cube roughly nine meters in length. Cables and tubes ran to diagnostic equipment strewn around all over the place. Sitting on top of the cube was what appeared to be a perfect sphere, with lines of cracks running down in what Ami imagined would reveal a flower pattern once opened up. She knew it to be a flower pattern, because the spheroid device was a Mekani void-ripper. "What's wrong?" Shion asked, and Ami realized she gasped out-loud. "N-nothing!" she replied quickly, trying to recover from her shock, but failing miserably. "Scary, isn't it?" he continued. "I could go through so many descriptions how something so perfect in shape could be frightening. It's a monument of the regime of order, just like the spires of the Crystal Palace. No imperfections mar it, no randomness at all, and no chaos element." Shion waved his arms about grandly. "The penultimate evolution of the machine is perfect, rigid order. It's a wonderful thing, to work as efficient as possible, but it also loses the flair of being unique." "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that this engine mirrors Crystal Tokyo, and the Earth, for that matter." Shion removed his glasses, and held them out before his eyes. "It is where the individual thought and personality is obliterated in favor of harmony. It is where order takes precedence of chaos. It is where the sheer randomness is taken out of the equation, because all variables are controlled." "That's not true," Ami countered. "The people of Earth are free to express themselves, but not to the point where it interferes in the lives of others. Every day is a day full of new experiences; it's not a matter of repeating the same routine over and over again. And while order exists to keep the people harmonious, some randomness still occurs; just like the attack on the Crystal Palace yesterday." Shion snorted, apparently unsurprised that Ami knew of the incident. "Well, whatever. I can't argue for extended periods of time on an empty stomach. Care to join me for breakfast? We've got a new cook, Ukyo Kuonji." "I'd like that," she answered, thinking that leaving sooner would be best. After all, she was certain she was already suspicious enough to Shion. --- Infirmary, Crystal Palace Although it took much effort to remain awake during the entire period, Shizuka Minazuki was aware of what was going on around her. She clutched onto the fire buster more tightly, the last working device she had on her. Shizuka rolled to her side, glancing at the fractured black crystal prism lying on the desk across the room, away from her bed, and knew her only chance of easy escape was gone before she thought of it. Over the night the priestess of Genbu had a terrible time sleeping, and every once in a while picked up on the conversations that the Crystal Palace personal doctors were talking about outside, as they always left the door open, to Shizuka's annoyance. She had no idea how they found out, as she was resisting all examination quite fiercely, but the doctors mentioned that she was bleeding internally, and there was very little they could do to help. She wanted to curse her luck, and curse a few more times, but realized the futility of such things; Mizuki would berate her if she tried, wherever she was. The only way they could have examined her was if they did it while she was asleep... knocked out with drugs, or whatever.... "Your Majesty!" she heard one of the doctors exclaim. "What are you doing here?" "Is the patient awake?" she heard-- she guessed the queen herself-- ask, in a gentle tone. A moment later the doctor poked his head inside for a second. "I think it'll be okay, but keep it limited for now." Shizuka rolled back onto her back, and was thankful the mattress was very comfortable, as it helped relieve the pain in her back. She watched as Neo Queen Serenity, decked in blinding white robes, entered, followed by Sailor Mars. Shizuka already had a pretty good idea where this was going. "So you're Neo Queen Serenity," the priestess said. "Sorry, if I could kneel before you, I would, but the doctors say I'm not going to live long enough-- tough luck for you." "I'm glad you're in high spirits," Mars replied neutrally, and Shizuka was unsure if she was amused or pitying her. "How're you feeling?" "As well as anyone can be when they're dying a rather slow death, what else?" "Your name is Shizuka, of Genbu, correct?" Neo Queen Serenity asked. She nodded quietly. "Shizuka, your life is important," the monarch continued. "The doctors can no longer help you, but there is a way to save you." "Like you saved Kuno?" Shizuka shot back, visibly wounding Serenity. "He died a lot quicker, but you made no move to help him." "That was different," Mars countered. "Your friend had no inclination to try and save himself if he had one of those Black Crystal shards like you do." "Oh, that's the funny part," the priestess said. "He didn't have it on him when he died, but he had to have it when he went to duel your Sailor Venus. You have the body; you find it." Mars drew up a blank stare, realizing that Shizuka was right about the shard. "I am truly sorry about your friend," the queen offered, "but it cannot be helped anymore. We can help you." She held up the Silver Crystal in her hands. Shizuka peered at the shining crystal, unable to lean forward in bed to get a closer look. "Oh swell, I'm placing my life in the hands of a bauble." "With your permission, I would like to heal your injuries with the crystal." "But what's the catch?" "There is no catch. You will be free to do whatever you please." "So you're saying that I could be healed in seconds than weeks, if I wasn't going to die. Did your priorities change all of a sudden, and I became much more important?" "We wouldn't have offered you this unless we were certain your life was in danger," Sailor Mars assured her. "We had no idea that your wounds were that serious." "So now we're at a funny dilemma." Shizuka snorted, holding the fire buster up with nozzle toward the ceiling. "Since I'm bleeding internally, and there's nothing the docs can do to help, you can't keep me for weeks on end and crunch all the information out of me like you hoped. On the other hand, I rather value my life, and you want to use the bauble to fix my little problems. But then, that's probably the same bauble that took out everybody on Earth, so what's to stop you from changing me into one of your drones while you're at it?" "We promise not to do anything like that," Mars replied convincingly. To Shizuka's ears she sounded quite sincere. "If you don't want to change, that's up to you, but what's important right now is seeing that you don't die. We won't let you die." "No, of course not," Shizuka muttered, lowering the fire buster with the nozzle end facing toward Neo Queen Serenity and Sailor Mars. "If I die there's no way you can stop us from blowing your city to Hell. Yet... I'm sitting here, at an interesting position. I'll die anyway, and I can take both of you out with me. Wouldn't that be a treat?" "You would not do that," Neo Queen Serenity replied calmly. "Mizuki would be sad." For the first time Shizuka lost her perceived verbal advantage. She blinked in confusion as the queen's words settled in her mind, tossing it about like the dryer at the Laundromat. She tried to say something, but all that would come out was nothing, instead mouthing the words, "How did you know?" A sudden chill ran down her spine, and ran through the rest of her body, up her arms and through her legs, and Shizuka found that she could no longer keep her grip on the fire buster. It fell to the ground at the side of the bed, clattering against the crystal floor and rolling a little. Neo Queen Serenity's eyes appeared much sadder than they had before, and somehow Shizuka realized what she was trying to say. "Damn you," she hissed, fighting against tears that formed against her will. "Damn you and your Silver Crystal...." Sailor Mars was apparently surprised at the sudden turn of events, but Serenity only moved closer, offering a shoulder to lean on quietly. "Damn you, damn you, damn you," she repeated, each successive statement growing progressively weaker as she collapsed on her own feelings. --- Silently, the queen of Earth and Sailor Mars walked the empty halls of the palace, still being magically reconstructed by the crystal growth, and the supports designed to train the growth in certain directions. Neither spoke a word as they finished their business with Shizuka, who collapsed unexpectedly to news completely out of ears to Mars. Shizuka was in no mood to be healed completely, as she only agreed to be healed enough such as to stop her internal bleeding, and put her out of danger. The rest of the healing process was up to her, if she wanted to be helped at all. "You didn't tell her anything I didn't hear, did you?" Mars asked her friend carefully. "From what it looked like Shizuka figured everything out just from mentioning 'Mizuki.'" Neo Queen Serenity nodded. "That she did. This girl may know more than she lets on, and that makes her more formidable an opponent." "Which makes it all the more important that we make her an ally," Mars replied. "She has to know a lot of things we don't. What I wonder is if her Fenril pals know this, too." "I am under the impression that they are unaware of this apparent fountain of knowledge," Serenity said. "Had this been the case they would be unwise to allow her to roam free as she did." "Maybe. But what'll we do about her now?" "Continue visiting her, but not too often," the queen suggested. "It will take time before we can convince her to side with our cause. For now, allow her time to think through the recent events. She is no danger to us." --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries Shion barged into the chamber alone, where the only occupants were, as usual, Kanna and Ayame. "Well, you can lay your worries to rest, Ami can be trusted." "You've got to be kidding," Ayame replied. "I thought you said she snuck into the R&D." "She did." The mercenary held up a folder. "First of all, I left certain doors open on purpose to see if she'll come in. Not only did she come in, but she lied and actually hacked one of the security doors with an old access code. Rather sloppy to use that code, but I commend her for not using one of ours." "Typically I'd think that means you CAN'T trust her," Kanna pointed out. "She's a fellow hacker," Shion replied, as if that alone would answer any question. When both girls drew blank stares he explained, "She's got the guts to go into places where she's not supposed to be. She's got a curiosity edge, too. And when she got caught in the act, she backpedaled onto the obvious... the doors were all open." Ayame waved her arms in confusion. "Is this another of your 'honor among thieves' things?" "I'm not a thief," the mercenary corrected, "I'm a hirable professional. Anyway, I had a little chat with her over breakfast, and it turns out Ami knows a good deal about computers, electronics, and the rest of the whole shebang. Everything guys like me need to know. Best of all, she's smart." "The more the reason to be wary," Kanna said dryly. "She could easily pull the plug on us." "The fact is, she didn't." "Not yet." "Enough," Ayame decided. "Shion, do you trust her?" He nodded. "Kanna, do you trust her?" She shook her head. "That's good enough for me, then." Ayame turned to consider the split in her two closest advisors. "You see, that means one of you is right. Furthermore, it means I really do have to listen to both of you, and that each of you have differing thinking. Do you understand why I trust you both completely?" Both nodded. "As for our Ms. Mizuno, relax your watch on her, but keep an eye on her. I don't expect her to do anything drastic, but just in case wipe the old access codes, and re-encrypt our own codes." "Well, there's only a finite number of combinations in a keypad lock," Shion pointed out. "She's bound to get where she wants if she wanted to." "That's why I want you to implement new security measures," Ayame replied. "Ones that are not readily apparent, and that cannot be toggled with simply a key pass." "Where is Mizuno now?" asked Kanna. "She should be at work," answered Shion. "Why?" --- Ami's Apartment, 10th Street District The disguised soldier of water squelched her disappointment as she gazed into the mirror, finding that the queen was away from the Inner Sanctum. She tapped certain locations on the mirror, inputting a recorded message. Placing the mirror steady on the night stand Ami stared into it. "Your Majesty, I'm sorry that I was unable to communicate this in person, but I have discovered that the Fenril Knights are planning on powering a Mekani void-ripper. They do not appear to have the energy to run it, which is why they are after the heart crystals. It appears they will be unable to work it for quite some time, therefore I believe it is safe to wait and see for now." "However, I am attempting to find a means to destroy the void-ripper without compromising my cover. It seems that the triumvirate leaders are suspicious of me, so I may be unable to do anything for now. This may be the last report you hear for a while if this is the case; I don't want to risk drawing more attention to myself than I have to." "Please leave the door open for me, and wish me luck." --- Infirmary, Crystal Palace Ryoga Hibiki felt as if he woke from a terrible nightmare, for the second time this month. "I'm... I'm alive?" he stuttered, looking around the room occupied only by himself. He patted himself down, unsure what to think. "It's... it's NOT a dream! I'm alive!" "I remember now," he thought aloud. "The queen used her magic crystal on me...." He turned to the nearby sink and mirror, jumping out of bead and almost slipping on the polished crystal floor. Gently he turned on the faucet, allowing cold water to run. Cupping his hands Ryoga gathered the water, and splashed it on his face. Staring back into the mirror, he decided, "It's not a dream!" Quickly, he turned to the nearby showering hose, and flicked it on. Holding it over his head, Ryoga felt the cool stream of water soak him, and he did little to contain his excitement. "I'm free...!" he yelled. "I'm FREE OF THE PIG!!" Dropping the hose Ryoga danced and skipped about gleefully, throwing his arms out in victory. However, now that his feet were soaking wet he slipped on the floor, and was sent flying through the wall. Landing on his back, the pain of crashing into the next room did little to contain his excitement, and Ryoga resumed his victory dance. "Hey, shut up!" complained Shizuka, still lying in bed. Feeling his thunder stolen, Ryoga did a double take. "Sh... Shizuka?!" "They got you, too?" she snorted. "Doesn't it feel great?!" he cried, opening his greatest smile in years and pressing his face into the priestess's. "Egh, don't you ever brush your teeth after you eat?" Shizuka commented, pinching her nose and waving her other hand like a fan. "This Silver Crystal thing is wonderful!" he decided. "Akari was right, I DO feel better!" Pushing Ryoga's face away, Shizuka stared at the martial artist intently. "Eh? You actually switched sides?" "There's no side to switch!" he replied. "I don't feel depressed anymore; that's good. I don't have to deal with the pig anymore; that's good. And best of all, we can share all this with the others! Ranma can go back with Akane, and...." "Hold it, Skippy," she ordered. "I only let them stay long enough to fix my bleeding." At the news Ryoga stopped in his tracks. "I'm planning on healing the rest of it the old fashioned way, if I can," Shizuka continued. "And under no circumstances am I going to get myself 'purified' by the light. After I recover I'm going back to Ayame; I'll just have to let her know you're a traitor, and then she'll come after you and kill you." "Y... you're not serious...." "How well do you know Ayame? I know her better, and even then, I don't know her enough. So MAYBE you'll get away scot free, and maybe you won't." Suddenly the weight of reality anchored Ryoga down. He had forgotten about Ayame Mishima, and the weapons she had under her power. "I'll take my chances. I'm going back to Akari, and you let Ayame know that." Shizuka shrugged. "Suit yourself." She rolled over onto her side. "You still have your prism?" Ryoga nodded, reaching into his pocket to produce it. "Not sure what I can do with it." "Let me see." Without a word Ryoga handed the prism to the priestess. "So when are you leaving?" she asked, holding up the prism to the light. "Oh, I don't know... I was thinking about leaving sometime this afternoon. If I hurry I can make it to Akari's by tonight." "Provided you remember how to get there." "I think I know where it is." "Really." She handed the prism back to Ryoga. "So anything you want me to tell the others when I get back to them?" "Yeah," Ryoga replied, accepting the prism back. "I need you to tell Ranma that I've found my answers. If he wants his, he ought to get himself purified by the crystal. Akane's probably missed him too long." "I see." Ryoga eyed the hole he made in the wall. "Well, I'd better start getting ready to go. Who knows how long it'll take to get there." "Unless, of course, you don't have that poor direction sense anymore," Shizuka pointed out. A flash bulb went on in Ryoga's head. "Hey, you might be right!" He stumbled back into the room whence he came, leaving Shizuka alone to her devices. Ryoga noted that the crystal was already beginning to grow over the hole he made; strange, but efficient, and makes a whole lot of sense, he thought. --- Unknown to him, however, the crystal prism he carried was fractured. Shizuka held up Ryoga's perfect, intact crystal up to the light once more, satisfied that there were no imperfections on its surface. Good, she thought, this is one way to guarantee a quick escape, if necessary. There's no reason to summon the Dragonfly now. Now lets see if I can do some good work while I'm here. She tried to get up, but the pain shot up her spine once again. Shizuka only had herself to blame for declining to heal herself completely. "Then again, maybe not." --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries The eyes of all three members of the triumvirate turned toward the door in surprise as Kodachi Kuno entered, commanding attention by mere presence. She stood confidently, and maintained her proud stance as her boots clomped against the metal stairs. She dressed entirely different from her usual formal kimono attire, favoring a much more looser training suit for kendoists. At her left side was a sheathed sword, one which Ayame knew belonged to her deceased brother. "Kodachi," the head of the triumvirate said, "are you okay?" "Oh, never better, Aya," Kodachi replied, her voice carrying the same confidence as she held herself. "I never felt more certain in my life." "You know, Kodachi," Kanna voiced, "maybe you should rest a bit longer. After all, your brother...." "My brother's sword is in the hands of the Sailor Senshi," she snapped. "It is my duty to bring that weapon back, for his sake." "Revenge?" Shion wondered. "Kodachi, please," Ayame said, "you were once my mentor, even my superior. For that, you have my friendship, and my respect, but I'm your superior now. I could order you to stay... heck, I could force you to stay if I wanted to." She nodded toward Shion. "But I'm not talking to you as your superior, but as a friend." She placed her arms on Kodachi's shoulders, and she made no move to remove them. Staring into her eyes, Ayame tried to convey her concern efficiently. "You can't go out looking for revenge. Your brother was way stronger than you; he always was, and the Sailor Senshi bat him aside like he was nothing. If you go now I might lose you. I've lost my uncle to them already; I wasn't fond of your brother too much, but I lost him, too. I don't want to lose any more people I care about." Kodachi fixated her gaze back intently. "Aya, here is how it works. My soul has become one with my dear brother. With our combined power we can defeat the one who slayed him mercilessly, the one they call Sailor Venus, their leader." She brushed off Ayame's arms and drew her sword, forcing her to take several steps back. "With this sword my brother inherited, and I in turn, I will recover his honor!" To the others' surprise she spun the sword almost effortlessly in a vertical circle several times, much like a flag, then took several practice swings, each with the precision of an expert. Raising it up high Kodachi brought the blade down quickly, and Ayame felt the rush of wind blast pass her, created by a vacuum strike only a master swordsman could pull off. Ayame froze in place, speechless. "Ayame?!" Kanna shouted. "What's wrong?" "Damn, did you see that?" Shion gasped. "It's him," Ayame realized. Quickly sheathing the sword, Kodachi folded her arms intently. "Are you satisfied?" She nodded. "Kodachi... I'm sorry I doubted you.... Perhaps you can beat them, after all. But that's neither here nor there." Ayame placed an arm around her friend and motioned toward the main viewscreen. "You see, we've already got the next operation planned out, and maybe we could use your help after all." "I care not of your deeds and misdeeds," Kodachi said in clarification. "My only drive is to avenge my brother." "Well, the more you understand what's going on, the better," Ayame pointed out. "Most of all, we need to work as a team. You taught me that, and we're going to stick with it." "This is not a petty rhythmic gymnastics competition, little Aya." "I can't believe Ayame's letting her belittle her like that," Shion muttered, shaking his head. "It runs deep with friends, four-eyes," Kanna replied. "The event may be different, but the situation is the same," Ayame countered. "Each one of us must succeed at each target point. Everybody needs to complete the goal to ensure our chances of success. Failure is not an option, and it never was. We have a deadline to fill, so all the mission points must be completed by midnight." Unlatching herself from Kodachi Ayame turned toward Shion. "Is everybody accounted for?" The mercenary nodded. "Almost. Higure is still out doing his usual thing. Sypha and Cinder have already left for Nemesis, so we can't count on them for a while. Shizuka's still being held, and we don't know when she'll come back. We gained Ukyo, but lost Ryoga. I tried bringing him back via the switchboard earlier, but something's blocking the prism's signal." "Likely the emanation from the Crystal Palace," Kanna offered. "It's power is greatest there, so it's likely to blot out anything counter to its own energy. This won't matter to Shizuka much since her crystal is fractured." "Interesting," Ayame considered. "So if any of us gets into the palace we can't use the prisms to escape?" "It'll likely start working again if you leave the premises, or maybe it extends a little beyond the gates," the Crystal Spider conjectured. On the main viewscreen the chief engineer, Taydome, appeared. "Sir, we've completed adjustments on the energy funnel, and are waiting to finish our prelim tests. However, we can't guarantee the funnel will actually work...." Ayame nodded. "Then we're just going to have to go at it based on the simulations alone; there's no way to field test it, so we're going to have to trust that it'll work as advertised." Nodding, the image faded out. "Gather our people," Ayame instructed. "We need them ready by tonight, so the sooner we brief them, the sooner they get ready, and the sooner we finish the mission." --- Rec Room, Mishima Heavy Industries Upon her entrance into what seemed to be the most popular of the compound's rooms, Ami was disappointed to see that it was very empty. Considering it was after the dinner hour the room was usually full with those Fenril who needed to kill time; now, however, where seven or eight might occupy it at the same time there was only one. The old man, Higure Furui, sat alone at one of the tables, deeply into a game of Solitare. While Ami did see him on occasion at the school, the observer often set aside time for idle chat anymore, as he was constantly watching for people, much as he watched over her before inviting her to the compound. So far he had not approached anybody as far as Ami knew. "Mr. Furui," Ami greeted. Looking up from his game, the old man smiled. "Why hello, Ms. Mizuno." He waved toward the seat to his right. "Make yourself welcome." Nodding, she pulled aside the chair and seated herself quietly. "Is there something wrong? I don't see anyone here, and usually everybody's here." "They are planning a complex operation once more," Higure informed her. "The advisor, Kanna, has proven that her idle time was not for waste; her previous operation was a complete success." Ami nodded, unsure as to the reason yesterday's attacks-- most all ending in failure-- could be seen as a victory. "I haven't seen Kanna lately... I wanted to tell her that the flowers got delivered." "Flowers?" "She asked me to send flowers to her friends that got caught in an explosion a couple weeks ago," she explained. "I just wanted to let her know, that's all." "I see." Higure nodded. "Then earning her respect is one of your occupations. A wise choice indeed; the one known as the Crystal Spider would make a valuable ally." "What do you mean?" Ami asked, puzzled. He shook his head. "It is nothing. Some of our number are becoming restless, and some even question the leader, Ayame, and her competence. To them it appears that all she can do is direct, but it takes great skill to direct a production such as this." "So someone's trying to undermine her position?" A possible internal conflict could be advantageous. "The most vocal would be Pantyhose Taro, Shampoo, and Sypha, all of which are too proud to remain on such a short leash. The problem with Sypha has been dealt with for now; however, Pantyhose Taro and Shampoo cannot be dismissed as easily. It is a known fact that Pantyhose Taro could not gather support around himself, and his treachery is known. Shampoo, on the other hand, could raise support for her own position if she so chooses." Pantyhose Taro again, Ami thought. The one known as Sypha was unknown to her, but Shampoo, she knew, was one of the warriors Sailor Venus fought at the beginning of the conflict-- the one who appeared to complement Mousse's abilities. Since that was the case perhaps it would do well to bolster Shampoo's position in the ring. On the other hand, Ami had no idea what Kanna's standing was with Ayame or Shampoo. The Crystal Spider fancied herself a master tactician, that much she knew, and it was likely for good reason. If this plan would go through, it would be important to know where Kanna's loyalties lay. --- Northwest Hydroelectric Plant, Crystal Tokyo Ranma had to hand it to Kanna; when she wanted things done her way, she made it so. The hydroelectric plant was nothing more than a glorified dam, set up since Neo Queen Serenity rose to power, in order to save the planet's resources. As a bonus it provided a wonderful water recreational area for anyone who liked boating in calm waters. Water, he thought. Cold water. If only there was a nuclear plant, I would've taken that one gladly. Yet, there was no such thing as nuclear power plants anymore, as they were deemed too hazardous for the environment, and the planet as well. The northwest plant was but one of three primary power stations that fed electricity into Crystal Tokyo and its neighbors; much power was needed in order to compensate for the lack of nuclear power. The other two, the wind-powered northern plant and the new, experimental magic engine western plant, were in the capable hands of the others. Of all the people Ranma had to be partnered with, he wished it hadn't been Kodachi Kuno. She glanced over the catwalk railing, standing beside Ranma, and stared down into the deserted plant. Laughing quite loudly, Kodachi said, "The forced evacuation of the entire employee segment! If this were not the means by which to summon the guardians of Crystal Tokyo...." The martial artist shook his head. It certainly beat being partnered with Pantyhose Taro. He held up the object he had been carrying the entire trip, a cone-shaped steel object with no apparent orifices. According to Kanna they need only be set in the vicinity of the primary power engine; the energy funnel set up elsewhere would draw the power through it as a remote beacon. Ranma had no idea where the funnel was being set up, but it was not his problem. "Let's get this over with," he decided. --- North Wind Plant, Crystal Tokyo "Everything the wind fans collect in terms of power from this artificially-breezy area," Mousse explained to Shampoo, "is collected in a central generator, which in turn pumps the power to the city." He held up the cone beacon. "All we need to do is place this there and we're through." Shampoo nodded. Even though she knew all this information thanks to Kanna's briefing, she could not help but stare in wonderment at the rows of collector fans set on the high mountains. Thanks to the magic of climate control, in this localized area the wind was constantly blowing, providing constant power that rivaled that of the hydroelectric plant. Both Chinese martial artists dashed through the rows of fan towers toward the central structure which housed the plant's main generator. Against the force of wind most people could not bear to keep on their feet, but intense training paid off. --- Western Magic Plant, Crystal Tokyo The newest of the three plants supplying power to Crystal Tokyo the western plant housed the experimental magic engine, a structure the size of the mainframes of old and housed in a building no larger than a large warehouse. This new engine, a combination of magic and technology, draws upon the ethereal weave that permeated throughout the world, and was virtually unlimited in source. Miranda suspected the designers had little idea where they were drawing the power from, but paid it no mind as she tossed the cone beacon toward the engine, allowing its bottom surface to stick to the side without a hitch. She glanced to her partner, Pantyhose Taro. "Well, that's that. All we need to do now is wait." "I doubt it," the older martial artist replied. "I bet you ten to one that the Sailor Senshi are going to come the moment we start pumping energy to the funnel." Nodding silently, Miranda knew Taro's words to be true, even if she hardly liked the creep. When it came down to it Kanna wanted the six best available warriors to look after the plants, and Taro happened to be one of them. When nobody else wished to go with him it left Miranda to that honor when Mousse and Shampoo stuck together, and Ranma and Kodachi paired up, even though the martial artist knew that none of them liked each other enough to pick favorites like that. They just didn't want to get stuck with Taro, like she did. As for the funnel, Kanna told them that it was up to Ukyo and Hokuto to look after it; Ukyo was upset that she was considered weak, and Hokuto wondered why she should bother, believing her esper powers were no substitute for fighting ability. The Crystal Spider suspected that the Sailor Senshi would rather look toward the power plants, and therefore the funnel would not be smothered in any way. To be on the safe side, however, the funnel was set up away from the Mishima high-rise. However, since the funnel was more important than the beacons, the warehouse was also equipped with a sizable number of Mishima robots. Miranda wished Kanna hadn't wasted the initial batch of droids on the previous day, as she wished some were still around to help outnumber the Sailor Senshi when they came. Shrugging, she muttered to herself, "Sometimes you just can't get things to go your way." --- Control Center, Mishima Heavy Industries "Kanna, a moment of your time?" Ayame purred, walking to her seat. "What?" she asked. "About Taro... I hope you know what you're doing," the leader said, a hint of worry in her tone. Kanna smiled. "Oh, worried that he'll usurp your position. Don't worry, I think it's safer to have him actually doing something than doing nothing. It's when the cunning are quiet when you should worry." Ayame couldn't help but smile. "Always one step ahead of me, eh?" "Well, the trick is to be one step ahead of everybody else, particularly the ones you don't trust," the Crystal Spider corrected. "Right now we need to maintain the illusion that we don't know what he's been doing behind our backs." --- Inner Sanctum, Crystal Palace "I felt the negative energy again," Mars informed Queen Serenity. "They're much larger than the ones we detected yesterday. In fact, our computers aren't even picking them up." The queen nodded in understanding. "With each passing day it appears our enemies are becoming more ept in their attacks. Nevertheless, they will be expecting us this time. Where are they?" "There's three of them," the soldier of fire replied. "Each of them are coming from the three main power plants that pump electricity into the city. They may be trying to cut all power to the city." "Then I leave it up to you, Jupiter, and Venus to guard these facilities." Mars bowed, then exited quickly. Neo Queen Serenity shook her head sadly, knowing that, despite the stress and fatigue of watching over the city almost twenty- four hours a day, the Sailor Senshi would not let down their guard, not while the Fenril Knights were still at large. It was a fault in the city's protection, she knew, that the seventeen Fenril Knights could have easily overwhelmed the senshi by numbers alone. However, it is the reason they did not do so already was what interested Serenity even more. In fact that was the sole reason she allowed Sailor Mercury to proceed with her idea in the first place; the Fenril Knights did not appear to follow toward any certain goal. While now they had a good idea what they were after what was still unknown was the ends of their means. They were likely to be severely disappointed when they found out about the state of the Kami Plane, but Serenity knew it would not stop there, not by a long shot. She glanced into a nearby mirror. Only one more night before her 'meeting' with Death Phantom; she knew it would be a trap, but if there was any way to get to the bottom of things it was getting that information from the head himself. The queen thought back to her ultimate encounter with Chaos in the Cauldron. It was there she learned that the Children of Chaos were attracted to the light; in this case, the Silver Crystal, and the world it protected. They were born of darkness; the light was something they could never have, never touch, never experience. That same situation worked in reverse as well; Serenity could never feel the darkness, but was attracted to it nonetheless. Darkness and light were the two opposing forces that defined one another, and for a moment Queen Serenity wondered if her dream that was born from Earth's great utopia was simply that. "As long as the Silver Crystal shines," she said to herself, "so shall there be the darkness to oppose it." --- Nanjo Heavy Industries, Crystal Tokyo Perhaps it was a touch of irony on Kanna's part, but the fact remained that the energy funnel, a large machine that vaguely resembled an actual funnel on its back, was set up and ready to go on top of the high- rise office building belonging to one of Mishima Heavy Industries' former rivals. Placed across the industrial area of Crystal Tokyo the office building was no different than that of the Mishima office-- completely deserted. Since the three big heavy industries conspired to create the base which Ayame Mishima used to her will it was no surprise that this company, too, was without an apparent owner, and therefore the structures could not be auctioned off as easily. In fact, the former CEOs of the three rival companies had enough foresight to tie up their holdings in the banks for years to come. Ukyo sat with her back against the funnel, holding her combat spatula tucked in her folded arms, allowing the head to lean off to the side. She watched Hokuto Takemasa, the reclusive esper, stand and stare up at the stars above longingly, her traveling cloak blowing in the wind. "Do you really think they'll come?" the esper asked. "Feh, I doubt it," Ukyo snorted. "The trick is we're not going to be obvious until the funnel starts sending the juice to Nemesis." "I was just thinking..." Hokuto said. "I've not had much chance to see what Crystal Tokyo... and the rest of Earth... was like. I would have loved to travel to the places I visited before, but it's just not the same doing it with this prism than with the shadow stream." "You're that anxious to enter the shadow stream?" wondered the chef. "You sure you aren't addicted to that power of yours?" Ukyo knew well enough the answer, however. It was a no-brainer to know that Hokuto was not called a Shadow Weaver for nothing. Being an esper was only a part of her heritage; the other half was the manipulation of the shadow stream that existed in the void between planes. She remembered well enough what Hokuto could do with that shadow, and it made her extremely powerful indeed. Yet, while she retained her psychic powers Hokuto almost never used them by themselves while growing up, and therefore was severely hurt now that planar access was completely shut to Earth. Ukyo was still wary, however, keeping her mental guard up in case Hokuto got the idea to probe her mind. Not that it was the least of her dangerous esper powers. "It could be our fates that we fight this battle," Hokuto continued. "Perhaps we are destined to battle with those who fight in the light, and we are destined to stand in the shadow of that light. If death is what awaits us, then I accept." "Don't mind me, but I prefer to live while I can, if I were you," Ukyo said, shrugging. Money, greed, profit... they were considered undesirable traits in a merchant of Crystal Tokyo. It was against the okonomiyaki chef's nature to look at her business any other way; preparing the best food she could offer was only part of the joy she got out of running the restaurant. It was a surprise to her that money still existed in a utopian society, but it was good nonetheless. The problem was, however, profit was a non-issue; Ukyo was the odd-girl out in the business district for thinking in terms of money. It was too unnatural, but she thought she could be content with her own success. Contention, however, would not come. Starting with Akane's brief visits to her restaurant Ukyo felt an undercurrent of doubt that living the rest of her life as a restaurant chef was her path, especially when she knew many others who were putting themselves in the way of danger. Their reasoning was sound on a basic level, as the world changed too much overnight to bear. And yet, Crystal Tokyo was a nice place to live in. On the other hand, it was terribly boring. She thought back to the old days, when she first arrived in Tokyo, where Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, and the rest added a certain lively element to her life. Each one of them made her days special, and there was never a dull moment to complain of. It was the best time to be alive, she realized. She grew up with them to adulthood, never a dull moment... until the world changed overnight. Fundamentally, Ukyo, too, was dissatisfied with the state of the world. Kuno died fighting for what he believed in, and while Ukyo was never particularly fond of the swordsman for all his bumbling charm, she vowed to ensure that his sacrifice would not be in vain. Something will come out of the uprising against Neo Queen Serenity's rule, she knew, but that outcome would depend on the efforts of a small handful of people willing to sacrifice their lives for billions. No, Ukyo decided, this has nothing to do with what I want. --- Wiseman's Citadel, Nemesis "They are coming," Wiseman informed the two standing before him, the robed Cinder, and the sorcerer Sypha. "Intercept them, and dispose as you will. They must not be allowed to reach Earth." Both nodded in understanding, and in a bright flash of light they transformed into ethereal fireballs, and rocketed upward through the ceiling to meet their enemies, Uranus and Neptune, on their own terms. ---------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes Stay tuned for more. Action will be delivered in the next chapter for those of you wondering at the lack of action in this part; it is particularly due to the fact that much needs to happen before the battle actually began. --Razorclaw X (