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A dose of reality from RED

Think you're great? Think you're always right? Think your way of life is the best for every one? THINK AGAIN!!!!
Welcome to Reality World, folks. We hate to break it to you, but everything you believe is a LIE! Society has poured delusions into your minds and no one seems to be making a strive to clean it out. Let me give you an example. Here is a list of things that society deems to be good.

1. Murder
2. Rape Jokes
3. Violence
4. Prejudice
5. War
6. Making the nation a human rights free society
7. Child Pornography
8. Adultry
9. Child abuse
10. Ignorance

If one more person tells me that there is a diffrence between 'Murder' and 'Killing', I'm going to crack. What do you mean there's a diffrence???? You take a life, someone's dead. You have not only murdered them, you have also killed them! Where's the huge line every one seems to see???
"Blah! If you kill someone during a war, it is NOT murder. It is your civic duty!" Our civic duty is to kill people? Maybe I'm wrong here, but I just don't think that we as humans, have the right to say who can live and who dies. Moving on...

Since when is rape funny?!?!? Come on, Leno. I'd love to know what makes forcing sex on someone so damn hystaricl. In Reality World, rape is the most hidious, brutal, inhumane, and destructive crime there is. Who got the idea that it's a source of humor? Let's see how many of you "comedians" out there are still laughing when it happens to someone you love.

Hurray war! Hurray killing someone because they were born diffrent! Hurray brain washing people who don't conform to our standards! I'm sorry, I just don't see the thrill. Bye the way, Rev. It was nice of you to change your view on the fate of gays. It's nice to know that instead of wanting them dead, you want them brain washed and conformed. That's so much better. In reality, it's the SAME THING! In either situation, you're killing a free thinkging mind. One way is just eaiser to get away with than the other. Here's something I don't get: Why is it that zelots go on and on about gays wanting to be accepted. In Reality World, most gays couldn't care less of what people think about them. And please don't try to sell me some BS about how America is so tolerant now. And that diversity is thriving without complication, and we're all one big happy family. Welcome to Reality World people. This nation is still plagued by hate and violence. Open a paper, pointdexter.

"Blah! Burning the flag is bad!" I'm sorry, did I just step into communisum? I thought we had freedom of expression. Let's try to wrap our minds around this. In some contries, they don't have all the rights that we do here in America. If they burn their flag, they get shot. In the US, we have many rights that lots of us take for granted. Maybe burning the flag is a paitriotic deed. Maybe those who do it, are proud that they live in a country that gives them that right. Maybe they are sending a message to other nations. A message to remove the shackels they have placed on their people, and let them live free as well. Oooh, deep.

Child Pornography: Buy it in a store, booth, magazine and it's illiegal. Take picutres of your neighbors kids while your baby sitting them and you're a criminal. Take a picture of your kids in the tub or on the toilet and it's cute! What the heck! Aparently, spending money on pictures of naked children is sick, but letting babies run starkers across the televsion screen durring a comercial is A-OK! Did we miss something here? Let's review: Paying for child pornography-bad. Getting child pornography for free on TV-good. Uh huh....

Ohh it's ok Clinton, we still suport you even after your affair. We love people who cheat on thier spouses! Forget his position, forget the politics. He cheated on his wife. He broke a vow. He betrayed a trust. He lied. Not only to his wife, but to the entire nation! I'm sorry, where's the up side to all this?

"We raise our kids up right! If they's bad, we spanks 'em!" Yeah, and you also teach them that when someone does something you don't approve of, you hit them. You're also frustrating the child. They aren't being told why what they did was wrong. They're just getting beat. Next time, try telling them what they did and why it was wrong and why you don't want them to do that. If they do it again, find a less violent punishment. (Washing dishes, cleaning the basement, watching E-True Holly Wood Story, etc) And if I see one more "Send my wild teen to boot camp!" episode on the Sally Show, I'm going to personaly sit Mz Sally down and explaine to her how screaming and tourture is not going to help these kids, it's going to make them angeryer. Then gently point out the number of times she has had repeate guests on her show that are just as bad as they were before, if not worse. I'd also collect a tape that would end up to be about 750 hours long of clips of all the parents who came on that show and said "I can't stop them Sally, they do it when I'm not home!" Where the hell are you? Hello? If there are drug sales and prostitution rings running in your house as often as you say there are, you'd have to be there eventualy! Most people only work 8 or 9 hours a day. Where are you the other 15 hours? Here's a quarter, buy a clue!

People love to sit you down and spend hours on end telling you about their way of live and how great it is. They also like to tell you how wrong you are and how you'll suffer for eternity. But when you attempt to explain your beleives and morals, they can't get out the door fast enough. How can you say someone's way of thinking is wrong, when you don't know what it is? Of course even though they don't listen to any information on the subject, they're the absolute athority on it! If you want to know all there is to know about Witchcraft, ask a Baptist. If you want to know about gays, ask a bigot. If you want to know about men, ask a woman. If you want to know about women, ask a man. And if you want to know why you're constantly having bad head aches, go to your mechanic. Wise up folks, you don't know as much as you thought you did. Why? Because you won't LISTEN!

And yet over here in Reality World, we face the harsh and bitter truths.
Fighting is bad, no matter what.
Killing is murder, murder is killing.
Rape is NOT a joke.
This country was founded on the idea that all are equal, and that we deserve to live free.
Get your naked kids off the TV!
War is bad.
Ignorance is bad.
Prejudic is bad.
And you are NOT the Gods's gift to the earth!

Have a nice day!