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Independence Day is the national holiday of
 The United States of America 
commemorating the signing of the 
Declaration of Independence 
by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776,
 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Declaration of Independence serves as one of America's most treasured documents because it identifies precisely the moment in history at which this nation was born. The eloquent language used  describes specifically the reasons for its birth.

A Committee of Five were charged in June, 1776 by the Second Continental Congress with drafting the the Declaration. Headed by Thomas Jefferson, these men were  John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston.

Although Thomas Jefferson was the youngest of the five at age 35, the responsibility of writing the first draft fell to him as he was the most eloquent writer. He drew inspiration from his previous writing of the Virginia Constitution.

The first draft contended that if a government was tyrannical, the people had a right to overthrow it. It included a long list of ways that the British king had oppressed the colonists. Finally, it concluded that because of the king's oppressive acts that the colonies had the right to declare themselves free and independent states. This draft  was presented to the Second Continental Congress on June 28, 1776.

King George

As with any political document, several changes were made to suit the various members of Congress. Late in the afternoon of  July 4, 1776, a vote was taken that carried as follows. Of the thirteen colonies, nine voted in favor of the Declaration, two - Pennsylvania and South Carolina voted NO and New York abstained. To make it official, JOHN HANCOCK, president of the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence "with a great flourish" so "King George can read THAT without his spectacles!."

Meet the rest who signed HERE as well as learn exactly WHO our FOUNDING FOREFATHERS were.

To learn more visit THE HISTORY CHANNEL.COM

Would you like to hear the Declaration read?

Happy Birthday

Thank you MJ for the beautiful "Pledge"!

Thank you Wendy for the "Reminder"!